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Environmental Planning and Management

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Environmental Planninj and Manaej ment
Christian N Madu
Pace University, New York

Imperial College Press

Published by
Imperial College Press
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ISBN-13 978-1-86094-671-4
ISBN-I0 1-86094-671-2

Editor: Tjan Kwang Wei

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The focus of this book is on environmental planning and
management. We view planning as a critical component of pollution
prevention and also a necessary component of resource optimization.
Management of natural resources requires the evaluation of alternative
options and the optimal selection of sustainable choices.
As corporations today compete for customers and market share,
they are rapidly introducing new products, consuming limited natural
resources, creating more waste and pollution. It is important to introduce
corporations and their top management to sustainable practices. They
become environmentally conscious when they understand the risks
associated with poor environmental records. Such risks could be assessed
and quantified as costs to the corporation. This book uses the four types
of costs: internal, prevention, appraisal and external that are prominent in
quality management literature to expose top management to the risks of
poor environmental quality. More especially, the external failure cost
which includes loss of customer goodwill is usually underestimated but
has the greatest potential of affecting the survival of the firm.
Top management must be proactive and take a cradle-to-grave
approach for its products. This requires proper life cycle assessment that
would document all the inventories associated with the product as well as
the products’ interactions with the different environmental media: land,
air and water.
Competing in today’s marketplace requires a holistic view of both
products and processes. It requires that companies pay attention to their
stakeholders in addition to their customers. Environmental planning
lays the foundation to adapt to the needs of the changing world and avoid
the hazards, risks and high costs associated with poor environmental
This book identifies good environmental practices, lays down
effective strategies and practical models. It focuses on designing for the
environment. This is based on the notion that by adopting preventive
methods, external failure costs can be minimized. Contrary to the popular
belief that the costs of implementing environmental practices are high,
we have presented cases of companies that have increased profitability

vi Preface

because of their environmental programs. We have presented such

practices in Environmental Action Boxes that appear at the end of some
chapters. We have also referred to companies that have suffered huge
costs and loss of customer goodwill due to their poor environmental
practices. This book focuses mostly on using sustainable practices to
achieve competitiveness. It refers to companies that have achieved such
feat to encourage others to adopt proactive environmental policies. It also
points to worldwide focus on international standards especially as
outlined in IS0 14000 Environmental Management Systems.
A few of the chapters in this book were revised from my earlier
research on environmental management. However, several new chapters
on Designing for the Environment, Risk Assessment and IS0 14000,
have been included.
This book is intended as an introduction to corporate environmental
management and is suitable for basic courses in the subject. Practitioners
would also find it helpful as it explains some of the basic concepts and
environmental strategies that are in practice today.
Finally, I thank my graduate assistants Kaushal Pate1 and Nishant
Sheth who worked very hard to organize the final manuscript.

Christian N. Madu
Lubin School of Business
Pace University, New York
Preface V

Chapter 1 Introduction to Environmental Planning and 1


Chapter 2 Sustainable Manufacturing 14

Chapter 3 Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 42

Chapter 4 The IS0 14000 Model 62

Chapter 5 Environmental Planning 90

Chapter 6 Life Cycle Assessment 113

Chapter 7 Design for the Environment - Part I 146

Chapter 8 Design for the Environment - Part I1 163

Chapter 9 Manufacturing Strategies: Agile, Lean and 190

Flow Manufacturing

Chapter 10 Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 209

Chapter 11 Competing on Environmental Management 228

Index 24 1

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Chapter 1

Introduction to Environmental Planning

and Management
Environmental planning and management are strategic challenges
confronting businesses in the 2 1st century. As customers and
stakeholders demand that global companies lead by showing corporate
citizenship, the health, safety and security of both the people and the
natural environment have become a litmus test for good citizenry.
Successful companies today are not only measured by how much
profitable their products are but also how well they respond to the call to
protect the natural environment. Global companies are increasingly
recognizing that green products do not necessarily cost more but provide
market niche that could help the company thrive. For example, the
success stories of Kodak single-use camera and Xerox re-manufacturing
programs have made businesses rethink their strategies and pay attention
to environmental management.
The issues concerning the environment are not purely scientific but
rely also on planning and management. They are part of corporate vision,
mission, and strategy which need to be effectively planned to remain
competitive. Corporate leaders are recognizing the increasing role of
stakeholders and are accepting that their corporate strategies must focus
not only on their customers but also on their stakeholders. Stakeholders
are those whose actions or reactions have the potential to affect the
firm’s business operation and survival. Environmental burden is an issue
that affects world citizens and they have the right to demand that
corporate responsibility be properly defined to take into consideration
these concerns. Today, companies are adapting their strategies in
response to these concerns. World communities have reacted by adopting
international and national laws to ensure compliance to environmental
standards. It is also clear that green products may in fact, provide
competitive advantage. Recently, there has been significant growth in the
development of such products since the 1990s.
Paint companies are now producing zero-VOC (Volatile Organic
Compounds) products. Glidden introduced zero-VOC paint in the US in

2 Environmental Planning and Management

the mid 1990s and was followed by other major paint manufacturers
such as Benjamin Moore and Sherman-Williams: Homeowners have
responded very well to this development’. Today, all major paint
manufacturers market zero-VOC paint and offer lower-VOC coatings for
a variety of substrates. Some manufacturers such as Rodda Paint of
Portland, OR; have gained Green Seal on their paint products and that
has given it a competitive edge. It joins the likes of big players like
Benjamin Moore.
The energy industry has also reacted to green power which has been
defined by the National Association of Attorney Generals [NAAG] as the
use of replenishable or sustainable fuel sources in the generation and
transmission of electricity and the disposal of spent fuels. These releases
into the environment would not create harmful substances and would
pose no significant concern to the ecosystem and to land use. The focus
is on renewable energy supply. Studies have shown that homeowners are
willing to pay more to use green power’. This program is similar to the
waste recycling program in many communities that are paid for by
The trend toward green is on the rise in every sector of the economy.
According to a study by Yanklovich Clancy Schulman, 78% of people
are “influenced greatly” to buy products that make environmental
claims. The Organic Trading Association notes that products with the
word “organic” have 34% sell-through rate compared to conventional
products. Furthermore, the rate of growth of natural or organic food has
been steady at 18-25% while conventional foods remain flat at 3-4%3.
The demand for organic products has also affected the clothing industry
where the current trend calls for the use of organic cotton.

Esposito, C.C., “The evolution of low- and zero-VOC paint,”
PriceWaterHouseCoopers, “The Pitfalls and Potential of Marketing Green
Power,” Fall 1999 edition of Public Utility Topics,
Fassa, L., “The Trend Toward Green,”
Introduction to Environmental Planning and Management 3

The growth of “conspicuous consemution” is also on the rise as the

demand for hybrid vehicles skyrocket4. Companies like Toyota and
Honda that were among the first to manufacture hybrid cars that combine
gas engines with battery-powered electric motors have witnessed surge
in demand. These products are not only environmentally friendly but are
also economical. Aside from the fact that these hybrid cars cut emissions,
owners in the US can write off a one-time deduction of $2,000 of the
purchase price for these vehicles since the Internal Revenue Services
( R S ) has recognized them as eligible for the clean-burning fuel tax
deduction5. This law also applies to other vehicles that operate on natural
gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, or any
other fuel that is at least 85% alcohol. Owners of completely electric
vehicles would even get tax credit of up to $4,000. Customers who
patronize these products want to be seen as saving energy and believe
that their consumption behavior reflect who they are. The trend towards
environmental conservation is further reflected in the emergence of
energy saving products such as energy star appliances, compact
fluorescent lights, photovoltaic solar cells, “high performance” homes
and others.
The green trend is on the rise and green products offer a new market
niche to global companies. According to The LOHAS journal, about
63 million consumers or about 30% of US adults purchase goods and
services that are classified as healthy, environmentally friendly, socially
conscious and sustainable6. The LOHAS index constitutes of five major
areas that comprise sustainable economy, healthy living, alternative
health care, personal development and ecological life style. While there
are more to this index, however, environmental issues are prominent.

Stafford, E.R., “Conspicuous Conservation - Believing that “you are what
you own,” an emerging trend exalts virtue over tawdry materialism,”
Bell, K., “Cut emissions and your tax bill,” .htmI, March 9,2005.
4 Environmental Planning and Management

The discussions above highlight the growing importance of

environmental management systems and the need to effectively plan and
manage in order to harness the values that would accrue to companies
that adopt environmental strategies. We shall next look at how to assess
the cost of environmental quality. It is very important that managers
understand the cost side of environmental quality. Knowledge of the
costs would obviously, hit home the need to be proactive and prevent
environmental errors from occurring.

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

The focus of this book is on Environmental Management and

Planning. Naturally, Environmental Management System (EMS) forms
the core of any environmental management and planning program. EMS
has become increasingly popular in the past few years mainly due to
I S 0 14000 series which is labeled EMS. EMS is a well structured
and documented approach to respond to environmental challenges by
focusing on environmental regulations and standards, and customer
requirements. It is based on the need to respond proactively to the
management of natural environment by conducting lifecycle assessment
to lessen environmental burden and optimize the use of limited natural
resources. Firms that adopt the EMS approach focus on effective ways to
use such limited resources to produce environmentally conscious
products and services. One of the popular approaches to achieve this is to
adopt a plan-do-check (study) - act (PDCA) which was popularized by
the father of Total Quality Management (TQM) Dr. Edward Deming.
Using PDCA requires that the firm focuses on how to develop
environmental policies by recognizing corporate, industry, local,
national and international environmental policies and standards. The
consideration of these policies and standards constitutes a major factor in
designing a product or service for the environment.
Planning is important to any successful EMS program. A chapter in
this book is devoted to the importance of planning. Effective planning
leads to successful consideration of factors that may support or hamper
Introduction to Environmental Planning and Management 5

EMS efforts. Planning offers a way to optimization of resources and

stops the firm from ‘yghting fires.” Planning leads to preventive
measures and anticipation of future environmental changes. It positions
the firm to take competitive advantage rather than responding only to
challenges as they occur.
Effective planning also smoothens out implementation and
mininlizes environmental burden since many of the sources of
environmental burden would be anticipated and addressed. It also
helps address “what if” or sensitivity analysis questions. Thus, different
scenarios and alternatives will be anticipated, investigated, and
prototypes looked at to identify at least a satisficing solution that may
not necessarily be optimal but give a very good resolution to the
environmental problem. When products and services are designed for the
environment, they are properly planned and fully tested before
introduction into the marketplace. However, pushing these products and
services to the market does not end the responsibility of the firm.
Environmental scanning is an ongoing process that would lead to
continuous review of the products and services to achieve continuous
Our approach in this book is to focus on management issues as key
to the success of environmental planning program. The traditional focus
of environmental systems has been on the natural sciences. While natural
sciences continue to play a major role in understanding the natural
environment, the problem of environmental burden or optimization of
natural resources would not be achieved without a focus on how such
burden or resources can be effectively managed.
This book therefore focuses on the strategic context of environmental
management. It focuses on corporate strategies to develop a new vision
of environmental management systems. Some of the areas that are
looked into are:

Top management commitment - Since the era of TQM, it has

become apparent that most problems organizations face can
be blamed on top management. Top management wields a lot
of power and authority. It provides the mission and vision of
the organization. It lays down organizational strategies and it
6 Environmental Planning and Management

provides the resources to achieve organizational goals. If top

management is not committed to a cause, it would not devote the
needed resources to it. Top management must take EMS to heart
for it to be successfully implemented. Employees respond to the
call from their leaders. Corporate leaders have the responsibility
to educate their employees and make them buy into the
corporate mission. When top management views environmental
management as strategic, integrate it in corporate mission and
devote resources and commit time to it, others will follow. These
resources would enable to provide proper training, education,
and technology to address environmental burden.
Cross-functional team - There is a need to develop cross-
functional teams that would work concurrently to address
environmental issues. The use of cross-functional teams is vogue
in managing successful organization. It is important that
members of the teams have a single view of the organization.
Functional units within organizations are interdependent and
should not be treated as independent silos. Members of the
manufacturing unit should be able to work together with
marketing and express and share views at the same time. The
concurrency at the design stage helps to reduce the cycle time to
introduce new products and makes the organization more
competitive. The different backgrounds of team members also
expose different worldviews that could be captured and used to
develop an acceptable plan to all the departments.
0 Stakeholder Teams - In conjunction with the cross-functional
teams that may comprise mostly of organizational employees, it
is important to also work with stakeholder teams. Stakeholders
constitute those whose actions and reactions affect or are
affected by organizational actions. As cited in the book, many
organizations are today working with various interest groups to
develop environmental strategies. The involvement of different
stakeholder teams also helps win acceptance of final decisions
that are reached.
0 Responsibility for the environment: - Who is responsible for
environmental management in the organization? Our response
Introduction to Environmental Planning and Management 7

to this question is that everyone is responsible. The approach

adopted in this book is known as Total Environmental Quality
Management (TEQM). Environmental management is not
relegated to a particular department or to particular individuals in
the organization. Instead, every member of the organization
takes full responsibility for his or her own action and works hard
to make sure that EMS is fully implemented. Each member of
the organization seeks out ways to contribute, and identifies
ways to limit pollution and minimize waste in whatever function
or activity he or she is involved in.
0 The bottom line - Businesses operate to maximize stockholders
wealth and must pay attention to the bottom line. If an activity is
not value-adding, then there is no need to continue with such an
activity. In the past, many corporate leaders complained about
the high cost of environmental management to justify inaction
or disinterest. Today, things have changed. Businesses are
observing that the external cost for environmental quality has
been underestimated and that such costs significantly affect the
survival of the business. In addition, they are acknowledging that
being environmentally conscious is being competitive. In this
book, we illustrate several case studies of companies who
regained market shares because they developed successful
environmental management programs. The recognition of the
importance of environmental management as a competitive
weapon could also explain the growing interest of companies to
get environmental certifications such as IS0 14000 and the other
environmental seals. Companies flout such recognition in
advertisement campaigns because they understand that social
consciousness influences purchasing decisions. Therefore, it
pays to be green.

The Road to EMS

While there is a need to develop EMS, this road is not always

smooth sailing. Companies are often bewildered by the avalanche of
8 Environmental Planning and Management

materials and guidelines on environmental laws. There is a need for

universal standards that would overcome some of the national laws.
These standards need to be simplified and designed with implementation
in mind. IS0 focuses on such issues. However, its guidelines still need to
be trimmed to make it easier to implement.
Unfortunately many countries such as the United States are too
litigious. This poses a risk to companies who would actually want
to identify and rectify problems with their products and processes. There
is need to protect such corporate activities as environmental auditing.
With the free access to information coupled with “cradle-to-grave’’
responsibilities for organizational products and services, environmental
auditing that detects serious environmental flaws may actually present
serious problems to a firm. The government may need to wade in to
encourage and protect firms that do environmental auditing to improve
environmental quality.
Environmental management should be required for all businesses
irrespective of size. Small and medium-sized firms may have more
problems due to limited resources and may also lack the knowledge
to effectively manage the environment. Government initiatives and
incentives may be necessary to encourage such businesses.
Adoption of EMS does not replace sound business strategies.
While it would complement the efforts, however, sound business
strategies that focus on the organization’s core competencies would
still be needed to survive in today’s highly competitive environment.
Thus, the goal should be to include environmental management system
as part of the strategic framework. Such consideration would help to
ensure that

0 Products and services are designed for the environment. In other

words, such products and services will create minimal
environmental burdens, optimize limited natural resources, and
satisfy the growing needs of stakeholders for sustainable or
environmentally conscious products and services.
0 The firm is competitive and able to survive in its market
environment. As mentioned above, auto manufacturers that
produced hybrid vehicles have reaped tremendous profits while
Introduction to Environmental Planning and Management 9

producing green products; Kodak repositioned itself with the

single-use camera; and Xerox regained market share with its re-
manufacturing program.
External cost which also affects customer goodwill is
diminished. Companies today have to take a “cradle-to-grave”
approach of their products. Their actions today may haunt them
in later years. In addition to punitive damages, top management
may still be held personally liable. It is important to be socially
responsible and adopt the correct course of action now, rather
than fight fires later. Furthermore, these costs could be further
diminished by working well with stakeholder teams. This would
allow several options or alternatives to be considered in the
product design and development stages, reduce cost, and quicken
introduction into the market. Designing for the environment
becomes a competitive weapon the firm can enjoy.
The strategic importance of EMS decisions is very high. When
poor environmental decisions are made, they are irreversible
and the consequences are very high. The Union Carbide plant
explosion in Bhopal, India in 1984 is still a glimpse reminder of
the problems of poor environmental judgment. Apart from the so
many deaths, irreversible blindness, long-lasting pollution, the
ensuing public condemnation and labeling of the company has
for long, dented its image and made it very difficult for the firm
to operate. Poor environmental decisions lead to high production
costs, poor public perception, poor quality, and would ultimately
starve the firm of needed cash to conduct research and
development or finance new projects.

Environmental Action Box

Hybrid Cars

The history of hybrid vehicles dates back to 1665. Flemish

astronomer and Jesuit priest Ferdinand Verbiest developed plans for a
miniature four-wheel unmanned steam “car” for Chinese Emperor
10 Environmental Planning and Management

Khang Hsi. Since then, there have been several efforts to develop
efficient hybrid cars. The most successful commercial effort to this
effect could be traced to 1992 when Toyota Motor Corporation
outlined in its document titled “Earth Charter,” plans to develop and
market vehicles that will yield the lowest emission possible. By 1997,
Toyota began marketing Pirus in Japan and sold nearly 18,000 cars in
its first year. By 1997-1999, other big auto manufacturers including
Honda, GM and Ford introduced all-electric cars and those cars were
sold mostly in California where environmental protection laws are
stricter due to its poor quality air. Honda released its two-door Insight
in 1999 and it is considered the first hybrid car to be offered to mass
market in the United States. Insight was very successful winning
several awards and was rated by EPA to receive 61 miles per gallon
(mpg) in city driving and 70 mpg on highway. Toyota followed suit
by releasing Toyota Pirus in the year 2000. Unlike the 2-door Insight,
Pirus was the first 4-dOOr sedan sold to mass market in the United
States. By 2002, Honda introduced Honda Civic Hybrid and in 2004,
Toyota Pirus I1 won Car of the Year Awards from Motor Trend
Magazine and North American Auto Show. The demand for Pirus has
skyrocketed in the US with Toyota’s production of this vehicle rising
from 36,000 to 47,000 in the US market. There was also a six month
wait to purchase the vehicle in 2004. These hybrid cars are gradually
making it into the mainstream market and other car makers have
joined Honda and Toyota. The US auto manufacturer Ford introduced
Escape Hybrid in September 2004 as both the first American hybrid
and the first SUV hybrid.
The use of hybrid cars has enormous potential to minimize the
burden on the environment. We shall summarize some of the
implications on the environment that could be minimized through
this effort. There has been a drastic increase in the demand for
motor vehicles since the 1970s. It is estimated that there are over
700 million vehicles worldwide and if the present trend continues, this
number could exceed 1 billion by 2025. There are more cars than
adults in the US alone, vehicles are driven more than two trillion
miles annually.
Introduction to Environmental Planning and Management 11

Motor vehicles contribute to all Mnds of environmental and health

hazards. While they are necessity for transportation purposes,
however, the demand and use of vehicles need to be tamed to improve
environmental quality. There are alternatives that could be pursued to
limit the environmental impacts of vehicles.
Global Warming - About 5.5 million tons of carbon is released
annually by the burning of gas, coal, and oil. The consequence is
that heat is trapped in the atmosphere and causes the warming of
the planet, thus producing greenhouse effect. Burning of gasoline
contributes to greenhouse effect. When a gallon of gasoline weighing
about 6 pounds is burned, it combines with oxygen to produce about
20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2). With the increasing demand for
motor vehicles, it is estimated that over 300 metric tons of carbon are
produced by cars and light trucks every year in the US. The carbon
dioxide emission from transportation constitutes more than a third of
all other sources of emission. It is therefore prudent that efforts be
spent on developing fuel efficient vehicles that would burn less fossil
fuel or use alternative technologies to limit environmental burdens.
The focus on hybrid vehicles could help achieve reduction in the
volume of carbon that is generated.
The ensuing temperature fluctuations caused by Global warming
could affect wildlife survival and the entire ecosystem.
In addition, carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas and
minimizing its production could help to build a cleaner environment.
The burning of fossil fuels by motor vehicles lead to the generation of
several gases and pollutants which are environmentally unfriendly and
unsafe to human health. We shall adapt and present some of the
statistical information from to show the significant
gain of hybrid cars over conventional gas-powered vehicles. This
information is presented in Table 1 below7:

The comparisons in Table 1 are based on 14,000 miles per year/EPA ratings.
12 Environmental Planning and Managemenl

Table1: Comparison of Conventional and Hybrid Cars

Introduction to Environmental Planning and Management 13

In addition to gases and pollutants associated with motor vehicles,

there are also the production of sulphur oxides and lead. Sulphur
oxides contribute in the formation of acid rain and are potentially
dangerous to children and elderly people. The production of lead is
also of concern although some countries have banned the use of
leaded gasoline. Lead poisoning is known to damage organs and other
tissues in the body.
This table did show that a shift to hybrid vehicles could help
to minimize environmental burden by improving fuel efficiency and
thereby reducing the amount of pollutants that are produced. As we
mentioned earlier in this chapter, some countries now give tax
incentives to encourage the shift to hybrid vehicles. Even with this
shift, motor vehicles in general pose major environmental hazard.
There are still the issues of water pollution from runoff oil or fluids or
chemicals that manage to sip into the waterways; with the increasing
number of vehicles on the road, noise pollution is still a major
concern; and there is concern about solid waste disposal. All these
problems continue to affect both ecological and health risks. Motor
vehicles need to be designed more efficiently, made lighter, and resort
to alternative energy sources to reduce environmental burden. Hybrid
vehicles are contributing in improving environmental quality but
human conscious effort to use mass transit systems and change
driving habits could even help further. Countries like the United
States also offer tax incentives to commuters who use mass transit
systems to commute to work.
Chapter 2

Sustainable Manufacturing
Earth’s resources are limited. With the explosion in world population
and the increasing rate of consumption, it will be increasingly difficult to
sustain the quality of life on earth if serious efforts are not made now to
conserve and effectively use the earth’s limited resources. It is projected
that the current world population of 5.6 billion people would rise to
8.3 billion people by the year 2025 [Furukawa 19961. This is an increase
of 48.21% from the current level. Yet, earth’s resources such as fossil
fuels, landfills, quality air and water are increasingly being depleted or
polluted. So, while there is a population growth, there is a decline in the
necessary resources to sustain the increasing population. Since the mid-
1980s, we have witnessed a rapid proliferation of new products with
shorter life cycles. This has created tremendous wastes that have become
problematic as more and more of the landfills are usurped. Increasingly,
more and more environmental activist groups are forming and with
consumer supports, are putting pressures on corporations to improve
their environmental performance. These efforts are also being supported
by the increase in the number of new legislatures to protect the natural
environment. Thus, responsible manufacturing is needed to achieve
sustainable economic development. Strikingly, studies have linked
economic growth to environmental pollution [Madu 19991. Thus, there
is a vicious cycle between improved economic development and
environmental pollution. This traditional belief in a link between
environment pollution and economic growth often is a hindrance to
efforts to achieve sustainable development. Sustainable manufacturing is
therefore, a responsible manufacturing strategy that is cognizant of the
need to protect the environment from environmental pollution and
degradation by conserving the earth’s limited resources and effectively
planning for the optimal use of resources and safe disposal of wastes. In
the past, manufacturers have been lukewarm about any strategy to
develop sustainable manufacturing. They viewed such strategies
as expensive and not economically viable. However, this mood is
gradually changing as more and more big companies are developing

Sustainable Manufacturing 15

environmentally conscious manufacturing strategies through their entire

supply chain. Many have also seen that environmentally conscious
manufacturing can become an effective competitive strategy. Thus,
sustainable manufacturing makes wise business sense and can lead to
improved bottom-line. We shall in this chapter, trace the origins of
sustainable development, which gave rise to sustainable manufacturing.
Further, we shall identify different strategies to sustainable
manufacturing and then present cases of successful implementation of
sustainable manufacturing by multinational corporations such as Kodak
and Xerox.

Sustainable Development

The origins of sustainable development can be traced to the United

Nations publication in 1987 titled the Brundtland Report. This report is
named after Mrs. Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway who chaired the
UN World Commission on Environment and Development. The report
focused on the problems of environmental degradation and states that
“the challenge faced by all is to achieve sustainable world economy
where the needs of the entire world’s people are met without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” This
report received an international acclaim as more and more people are
concerned with the theme of the report on environmental degradation.
Since its publication, the world community has convened several
conferences on how to achieve sustainable development. In 1992, the UN
organized the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with a focus on
how to get the world community to cut down on the use of nonrenewable
resources in other to achieve sustainable development. This conference
highlighted the disparate views between the industrialized and the
developing countries on how sustainable development could be achieved
with those from the Southern Hemisphere seeing dependence on the use
of natural resources as a prerequisite to their economic growth. Several
publications have emerged on sustainable development since the
16 Environmental Planning and Management

Duncan [ 19921 defined sustainable development as an “economic

policy which teaches that society can make the appropriate allocation
of resources between environmental maintenance, consumption, and
investment.” However, such balance is difficult to achieve when a nation
becomes completely dependent on the exploitation of natural resources
to satisfy its social and economic needs [Madu 19961. Furthermore, with
the absence of a developed private sector, countries faced with harsh
economic realities such as poverty and over population, are more likely
to focus on exploitation of natural resources and deployment of
inappropriate technologies for manufacturing. Such attempts may hinder
the global efforts to achieve sustainable development. Following this
debate, Singer [1992] argues that sustainable development is akin to a
“New Economic Order” that may not encourage reasonable and realistic
development from the Southern Hemisphere. Rather, it could be seen as
an attempt to make the South financially dependent on the North. This he
refers to as a Robin Hood effect which may result in the transfer of funds
from the poor in the rich countries to the rich in the poor countries.
Clearly, achieving sustainable development is a goal for the entire
world otherwise; marginal efforts by each country will be ineffective.
Fukukawa [ 19921 pointed out that “current global environmental
problems may bring about a crisis that could never have been anticipated
by our predecessors. Since the very inception of history, humankind has
been pursuing technological development to protect itself from the
threats and constraints of nature. However, economic activities triggered
by these technological developments have grown large enough to destroy
our vital ecosystem.” This view is shared by many around the world and
has been a motivating force in seeking for responsible manufacturing
through sustainable manufacturing. While many companies in the
industrialized countries have embarked on the road to sustainable
development, it is important to achieve environmental conformance
throughout the world. After all, noncompliance may affect the supply
chain especially since some of the raw materials may be generated from
the poorer nations. Getting these countries to participate in sustainable
development will requires understanding their perspectives on economic
and social development and how they could be assisted by the more
affluent nations. The problems in developing countries are better
Sustainable Manufacturing 17

explained by Kamal Nath, India’s then Minister of the Environment,

when he noted in the Rio de Janeiro conference that “Developed
countries are mainly responsible for global environmental degradation
and they must take the necessary corrective steps by modifying
consumption patterns and lifestyles; developing countries can participate
in global action, but not at the cost of their development efforts ... On
climate change and greenhouse gases, India’s stand is that global
warming is not caused by emissions of the gases per se but by excessive
emissions. The responsibility for cutting back on emissions rests on
countries whose per capita consumption is high. India’s stand is that
emission in developed countries be reduced to tally with the per capita
emission levels of developing countries.” This view obviously, is
controversial in industrialized countries. However, what it points out is
the link or the perception of a link between environmental pollution and
economic growth. In fact, as Figure 2.1 shows, the emission levels of
carbon tend to support such a link. This figure, suggests a direct
relationship between carbon emission and economic growth when
the cases for OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and
Development) are compared to the cases for non-OECD nations.
In 1997, the UN conference on Climate Change was held in Kyoto,
Japan. This conference further raised some doubts and disagreements

r n L

l O E C D
0 N 0 N -0 E C D
I Year

Figure 2.1: Million Metric Tons (2.204 lbs.) of Carbon Emissions per Year
18 Environmental Planning and Management

between member nations, non-governmental organizations, labor unions,

and environmental activists. A preamble placed on the Internet states as
follows, “The threat of global warming has brought more than 140
governments together in intensive negotiations to try to limit the
emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that trap heat in
the atmosphere. But history, geography, economics and politics are
driving them apart. Island states fear the rising oceans that warming may
cause. Oil producers fear what lessening the world’s dependence on
fossil fuels would mean to them. Big industrial nations worry that
emission limits might slow their economies. Poor nations say they should
not have to bear the same burden as the rich.” Obviously, sustainable
development is intertwined with politics and economics and these may
impede the effort to achieve sustainable development. Strategies to
achieve this goal must therefore, take into consideration these concerns.
Clearly, sustainable development cannot be achieved without sustainable
manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing is one of the processes or
strategies to achieve the goal of sustainable development.
Sustainable manufacturing as a strategy will require the re-
engineering of the organization to change design, process, work attitudes
and perceptions. It requires the entire organization to be environmentally
conscious and will require the support and participation of top
management. More importantly, it will require investment in the future
and retraining of the work force. Sustainable manufacturing is a capital
venture that a company must undertake and this is a risk that some may
not yet be ready for especially from the developing economies. Yet, from
all indications, those corporations that have embarked on this bold step
are reporting dramatic successes as we shall outline later.
The Brundtland Report was instrumental in getting the world focus
on sustainable development. However, the formation of the Business
Charter for Sustainable Development (BCSD) by a group of 50 business
executives provided the momentum for much of businesses involvement
in sustainable manufacturing. BCSD was formed in 1990 in preparation
of Business activities at UNCED. This group was headed by Stefan
Schmidheiny and published a book titled “Changing Course.” This book
detailed with case studies, challenges facing business in a sustainable
environment. In January 1995, BCSD merged with another influential
Sustainable Manufacturing 19

group with strong business ties known as the World Industry Council for
the Environment (WICE). WICE is an initiative of the International
Chamber of Commerce (ICC) based in Paris while BCSD was based
in Geneva. These two groups shared common goals and attracted
executives from similar organizations although BCSD was an executive-
based group. The result of this merge is the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD). WBCSD is presently, a coalition of
125 international companies that share a commitment to environmental
protection and to the principles of economic growth through sustainable
development. Its membership is drawn from 30 countries and more than
20 major industrial sectors. The aims of WBCSD as listed in its web
page are stated below as follows (http://www.wbcsd.chwhatis.htm):

Business leadership-To be the leading business advocate on

issues connected with the environment and sustainable
Policy development-To participate in policy development in
order to create a framework that allows business to contribute
effectively to sustainable development;
Best practice-To demonstrate progress in environmental and
resource management in business and to share leading-edge
practices among our members;
Global outreach-To contribute through our global network
to a sustainable future for developing nations and nations in

The participation and support of many executives and major

industrial sectors in sustainable development issues gave the momentum
to corporate focus on sustainable manufacturing or environmentally
conscious manufacturing.
Schmidheiny in his 1992 article discusses the term ecoefficiency. He
defines it as “companies which add the most value with the least use
of resources and the least pollution.” This definition clearly linked
industrial production to achieving sustainable development and shows
that ecoefficiency or sustainable development can be achieved only when
limited natural resources are optimized and environmental waste and
20 Environmental Planning and Management

pollution are minimized. Thus, corporate responsibility for sustainable

development is obvious and corporations and their executives by
participating in WBCSD are leading the way to achieving sustainable
manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing is therefore, synonymous to
ecoefficiency. We shall therefore, define sustainable manufacturing as a
means for manufacturers to add the most value to their products and
services by making the most efficient use of earth’s limited resources,
generating the least pollution to the environment, and targeting for
environmental clean production systems. Although we emphasize
sustainable manufacturing, it should be apparent that the goal of
environmental clean production cannot be achieved if the service
component of the manufacturing system is not environmentally
conscious. The service sector must contribute by ensuring that its
services are environmentally efficient. For example, can the purchasing
and receiving department conserve its use of paper for placing orders?
Obviously, such a simple case can be achieved by using recycled papers
and packaging, and by placing most orders through interconnected
computers or the Internet in a paper-less environment. Thus, our focus is
on both the manufacturing and service sector working in harmony to
achieve the goal of environmentally conscious manufacturing.

Strategies for Sustainable Manufacturing

Several strategies. have been developed to achieve sustainable

manufacturing. We shall briefly discuss the different strategies. The aim
of each of these strategies is to find a better way to make more efficient
use of the earth’s limited resources, minimize pollution and waste. Some
of these strategies may appear in more details in subsequent chapters.

Inverse Manufacturing-This strategy is based on prolonging the

life of a product and its constituent components. Umeda [1995]
refers to this as a closed-loop product life cycle. Simply stated,
the life of any product can be extended by disassembling the
original product at the end of its original life into components
that could be reused, recycled, maintained or up-graded. Focus is
Sustainable Manufacturing 21

on limiting the amount of components that are disposed or

discarded as wastes. When this is done, environmental costs are
minimized [Yoshikama 19961. Inverse manufacturing gets its
name from the reverse approach to recovery of the components
that make up a product. Due attention is given at the conception
of the product to the ease of disassembly. This will make it
possible to reclaim component parts for future use thereby
prolonging the life of the product. There are many examples
of inverse manufacturing. For example, older computers are
frequently upgraded to give them more capabilities. By retaining
much of the computer unit and adding only the needed features,
its life is further extended. Also, important precious metals
present in some older computer units such as silver, platinum
and gold can be extracted and reused in building newer models
when it is no longer economical or feasible to upgrade the unit.
These activities reduce waste through recovery, recycling and
reuse of materials. In the paper industry also, the use of recycled
paper rather than virgin pulp in new paper production prolongs
the life of the original virgin pulp. Inverse manufacturing
has obvious advantages in extending the life of the product,
minimizing waste of materials and conserving the landfills. The
goal however, should be to keep waste to a bare minimum.
Recycling-Recycling is one of the better-known strategies for
sustainable manufacturing. In most communities, it is mandatory
to participate in recycling programs. Many people identify with
recycling of newspapers, packages, soda cans, bottles, and in
fact, are required to separate them from other garbage for
recycling purposes. Although there are arguments about the
weaknesses of the current day recycling policies, however, the
aim of recycling is to focus our attention on the finite resources
available to mankind. The earth is composed of about 30% land
and the rest is water. Our landfills are gradually filling up. If we
continue to discard and dump wastes, the landfills will be filled
up. We depend on the limited earth’s resources for economic
growth and if we are not able to thoroughly recycle and extend
the lives of these resources, the future will be blink. Thus, a
22 Environmental Planning and Management

recycling policy that is efficient is needed. Such policy should be

efficient and encourage more people and industries to participate
in the program.
Re-manufacturing-is the process of rebuilding a unit or
machinery to restore its condition to “as good as new.” This may
involve reuse of existing components after overhaul, replacement
of some component parts, and quality control to ensure that
the remanufactured product will meet new product’s tolerances
and capabilities. The remanufactured product will normally
come with a new product warranty. To make remanufacturing
effective, the following steps are normally taken:

1. Collection of used items-This could be achieved through a

recycling program where used or expired original products
are collected from the customer and reshipped to the
manufacturer. Some examples of these are drum and toner
cartridges for computer printers and photocopying machines,
auto parts, etc.
2. These items on receipt are inspected based on their material
condition and a determination can be made on the economic
feasibility of remanufacturing them.
3. Subsequently, the items are disassembled. If the full unit
cannot be remanufactured, some components may be
recovered for use in other components. Otherwise, the
original item can be restored to a condition as good as new
through repair and servicing. The recovery process must be
efficient and focus on strategies that are conducive to the

It is important that new products are designed for ease of

disassemble and recovery of parts. This will make it more economical to
conduct remanufacturing activities since it will be easier to determine
which parts need repair or replacement. This will also help in effective
planning of the master production scheduling by minimizing the
production planning time and parts inventory levels.
Sustainable Manufacturing 23

Reverse logistics-requires that manufacturers take a “cradle-to-

grave” approach of their products. This management of a product
through its life cycle does not end with the transfer of ownership
to the consumer and the expiration of warranty. Rather, the
manufacturer is forever, responsible for the product. This is often
referred to as “product stewardship.” [Dillion and Baram 19911.
Roy and Whelan [ 19921 noted that this is a “systematic company
efforts to reduce risks to health and the environment over all
the significant segments of a product life cycle.” Product
stewardship is driven by public outcry about the degradation of
the environment. This has led to new legislatures making
manufacturers responsible for the residual effects of their
product on the environment with no time limit. As a result,
more and more companies are responding by developing
environmentally responsible strategies. Some are also seeing that
such strategies are good for business and may lead to
competitive advantages. The concept of product stewardship as
outlined by Roy and Whelan [1992] requires a focus on the

1. Recycling
2. Evaluation of equipment design and material selection
3. Environmental impact assessment of all manufacturing
4. Logistics analysis for the collection of products at the end of
their lives
5. Safe disposal of hazardous wastes and unusable components
6. Communication with external organizations-consumer
groups legislature, and the industry at large.

This focus is embodied in the reverse logistic strategy. It is a new

way for manufacturers to view their products and develop a business
model that could enable them to profit from developing a product
stewardship approach. Obviously, by using remanufacturing strategy, the
manufacturer can save significantly from the cost of labor and materials.
Giuntini [1997]. Note that about 10 to 15% of the gross domestic product
24 Environmental Planning and Management

could be affected, by adopting reverse logistic as a business strategy.

Furthermore, about 50 to 70 percent of the original value of an impaired
material can be recovered from customers. In addition, the cost of sales
(direct labor, direct material, and overhead) which currently, averages 65
percent to 75 percent of the total cost structure of a manufacturer can be
reduced by as much as 30 percent to 50 percent through reverse logistics.
He identified the by-products of reverse logistics as follows:

Industrial waste throughout the manufacturing supply chain,

would be reduced by as much as 30 percent
Industrial energy consumption would be noticeably reduced
Traditionally under-funded environmental and product
liability costs would be better controlled and understood.

He suggested the following 10 steps for a manufacturer to implement

a reverse logistics business strategy:

Products must be designed for ease of renewal, high

reliability, and high residual value.
Financial functions must be restructured to cope with
different cash-flow requirements and significant changes in
managerial accounting cues.
Marketing must reconfigure its pricing and distribution
Product support services and physical asset condition
monitoring management systems must be implemented to
manage manufacturer-owned products at customer sites.
Customer order management systems must be implemented
to recognize the need for the return of an impaired asset from
a customer site.
Physical recovery management systems must be
implemented to manage the return of impaired physical
Material requirements planning management systems must
be implemented to optimize the steps required to be taken
upon the receipt of recovered impaired assets.
Sustainable Manufacturing 25

Renewal operational processes must be established to add

value to impaired assets.
Re-entry operational processes must be established to utilize
renewed assets.
Removal processes must be established to manage
nonrenewed assets.

Eco-labeling-The aim of eco-labeling is to make consumers

aware of the health and environmental impacts of products they
use. It is expected that consumers will make the right decision
and choose products that will have less environmental and health
risks. By appropriately labeling the product and providing
adequate product information for consumers to make the choice
between alternative products, it is hoped that manufacturers will
move towards developing environmentally conscious production
systems. Eco-labeling as a strategy is therefore, intended to
identify the green products in each product category. It could be
perceived as a marketing strategy that is partly driven by
legislatures and partly driven by consumers concern for the
degradation of the environment. Many of the eco-labeling
schemes are based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of a
product and take the “cradle-to-grave’’ approach by evaluating
the environmental impacts of the product from the extraction of
the raw material to the end of the product’s useful life. However,
some of the popular eco-labeling schemes do not take this
approach. The German “Blue Angel” mark which is one of the
best known eco-labeling schemes focuses on the environmental
impacts of the product at disposal and the Japanese EcoMark
focus on the contributions of the product to recycling Using Eco-
labeling, (http://www

Eco-labeling is increasingly being used in many industries and

consumers are paying attention as opinion polls tend to suggest [Using
eco labeling, 19991. However, for eco-labeling to be effective, the public
needs to be well informed and the labeling scheme must be credible. As
has been suggested, it is important that all the major stakeholders (i.e.,
26 Environmental Planning and Management

consumers, environmental interest groups, and producers) participate in

developing the eco-labeling schemes. Also, information presented on the
content of the product has to be valuable and understandable to
consumers. There is a need for a standardized scheme in each product
category to make it easier for comparative judgments. One of the major
problems facing eco-labeling schemes is that it is voluntary and often,
administered by third parties. Bach [1998] argued that mandatory eco-
labeling schemes would be illegal within the context of the World Trade
Organization and act as a barrier against international trade. He is of
the opinion that regulatory measures will not reduce environmental
degradation and further note that different countries have different
environmental policies and standards as well as different economic
policies and standards.
However, market forces and not government laws and legislatures
drive eco-labeling. We operate in a global environment and without a
standardized eco-labeling scheme; the entire supply chain will be
affected. It is clear that many producers in industrialized countries source
their raw materials and parts from different countries. If a standardized
eco-labeling scheme is not developed, the entire supply chain will be
affected and it will be difficult to implement an eco-labeling scheme that
is based on a cradle-to-grave approach. Furthermore, the changes we
have observed in the market economy since the 1980s as a result of the
total quality movement (TQM) and the subsequent development of the
IS0 9000 series of product standards suggest that international standards
on eco-labeling are not far from implementation. In fact, with the success
of I S 0 9000, the International Organization for Standards (ISO) has
developed the I S 0 14000 series of standards with a focus on guidelines
and principles of environmental management systems. The technical
committee (TC 207) charged with developing standards for global
environmental management systems and tools, has environmental
labeling as part of its focus. IS0 14020 deals with the general principles
for all environmental labels and declarations [Madu 19981. As expected,
these standards will be widely adopted and when that happens,
businesses will be expected to follow accordingly in order to compete in
global markets. IS0 already has classifications for eco-labeling schemes
Sustainable Manufacturing 21

and the Type I eco-labels have the greatest impact on international

trades. A third party to products that meet specified eco-labeling criteria
grants certification. The issue is not to have each country develop its own
plan for eco-labeling but, for world bodies such as I S 0 to institute a
standardized scheme that will be cognizant of the limitations poorer
nations may face. Indeed, IS0 has four standards dealing with eco-
labeling. These are I S 0 14020, I S 0 14021, and I S 0 14024 and I S 0
14025. Although IS0 standards are voluntary, with the worldwide
acceptance of ISO, it is expected that many companies and countries will
work within the guidelines of these standards. Environmental protection
should be a worldwide effort and without such an effort, the whole idea
will be marginalized. Finally, some have argued that eco-labels do not
boost sales [Christensen 19981 but it is too early to verify this claim since
the public has to be sufficiently aware. Also, sales should not be the
single criterion for environmental protection. Due concern should be
given to the consumer’s need to be aware of the content of the product
and having the ability to make a purchasing decision based on that

IS0 14000-is a series of international standards on

environmental management. These standards are being put up by
the International Organization for Standards (ISO) with the
objective to meet the needs of business, industry, governments,
non-governmental organizations and consumers in the field of
the environment. These standards are voluntary; however, they
continue to receive the great support of I S 0 member countries
and corporations that do business in those countries. We shall
not go into the details of these standards since IS0 14000 is a
chapter in this book. We shall however, present a table that lists
the IS0 14000 standards and other working documents at the
time of writing. This is to help draw your attention to the work
done by IS0 on environmental management. However, the work
of the IS0 technical committee working on I S 0 14000 family of
standards is to address the following areas:
28 Environmental Planning and Management

Environmental management systems.

Environmental auditing and other related environmental
Environmental performance evaluations.
Environmental labeling.
Life cycle assessment.
Environmental aspects in product standards.
Terms and definitions.

Table 2.1 shows the listing of approved standards and drafts at their
different stages of development as of 1999. Later on in Chapter 4, we
shall present an updated version of these standards which was last
revised on November, 2004.

Table 2.1: I S 0 14000 Family of Standards and Ongoing Work

Designation Publication Title

IS0 14001 1996 Environmental management system-
Specification with guidance for use
IS0 14004 1996 Environmental management system-General
guidelines on principles, systems and supporting

IS0 14010 1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing-General
IS0 14011 Guidelines for environmental auditing-Audit
procedures-Auditing of environmental
management systems
Guidelines for environmental auditing-
Qualification criteria for environmental auditors
I ISO/WD 14015 I To be
I Environmental assessment of sites and entities

Environmental labels and declarations-General

Environmental labels and declarations-Self
declared environmental claims
ISOFDIS 14024 1998 Environmental labels and declarations-Type I
environmental labeling-Principles and
Sustainable Manufacturing 29

Table 2.1: (Continued)

Designation Publication Title

ISOMrDihTR To be Environmental labels and declarations-Type 111
14025 determined environmental declarations-Guiding principles
and procedures
ISODIS 14031 1 1999 I Environmental management-Environmental
performance evaluation-Guidelines
ISO/TR 14032 Environmental management-Environmental
performance evaluation-Case studies
illustrating the use of IS0 14031

1s014040 I 1997 I Environmental management-Life cycle

assessment-Principles and framework
IS0 14041

ISO/CD 14042 I
II Environmental management-Life cycle
assessment-Goal and scope definition and
inventory analysis
Environmental management-Life cycle

1 I
assessment-Life cycle impact assessment
ISODIS 14043 1999 Environmental management-Life cycle
assessment-Life cycle interpretation
ISO/TR 14048 Environmental management-Life cycle
assessment-Life cycle assessment data
documentation format
ISO/TR 14049 Environmental management-Life cycle
assessment-Examples for the application of
I S 0 14041
I S 0 14050 1998 Environmental management-Vocabulary
ISO/TR 14061 1998 Information to assist forestry organizations in the
use of the Environmental Management Systems
standards IS0 14001 and IS0 14004
IS0 Guide 64 1997 Guide for the inclusion of environmental aspects
in product standards

CD = Committee Draft;
TR = Technical Report;
DIS = Draft International Standard;
FDIS = Final Draft International Standard;
Source: Adopted from “ I S 0 1400GMeet the whole family!” retrieved 3/11/1999 from
30 Environmental Planning and Management

Life cycle assessment-we shall adopt the definition provided

by I S 0 for life cycle assessment (LCA). It is defined as “a
technique for assessing the environmental aspects and potential
impacts associated (with products and services). .. LCA can
assist in identifying opportunities to improve the environmental
aspects of (products and services) at various points in their
life cycles.” This concept is often referred to as the “cradle-to-
grave” approach. It requires that emphasis be placed on the
environmental impacts of production or service activities from
the product conception stage (i.e., raw material generation) to the
end of the product’s life (i.e., recovery, retirement or disposal of
the product). Thus, the manufacturer is responsible for the
environmental impacts of the product through different stages in
its life cycle. Life cycle assessment often involve three major
activities [Affisco 19981:

1 . Inventory analysis-this deals with the identification and

quantification of energy and resource use as well as
environmental discharges to air, water and land.
2. Impact analysis-is a technical assessment of environmental
risks and degradation.
3. Improvement analysis-identifies opportunities for
environmental performance improvement.

Notice also that several of the IS0 standards listed in Table 1

deal with Life Cycle Assessment. Already, I S 0 14040 on
principles and framework and I S 0 14041 on goal and scope
definition and inventory analysis have been adopted as

0 Design for the environment-consequent to the growing

demand for improvement in environmental performance is the
growing need to change the traditional approach to designing.
This strategy calls for an efficient designing of products for
environmental management. Products are to be designed with
Sustainable Manufacturing 31

ease of disassembly and recovery of valuable parts. Such design

strategies will conserve energy and resources while minimizing
waste. In designing for the environment, tradeoffs are made
between the different environmental improvements over the
product life cycle. Three main design strategies are design
for recyclability; design for remanufacture; and design for

1. Design for recyclability-This involves the ease with which

a product can be disassembled and component parts
recovered for future use. For example, with computer units,
precious metals can be easily recovered for use in new
computers. For chemical compounds, the focus is on
separability of materials to avoid contamination and waste of
energy in recovering these materials.
2. Design for Remanufacture-This recognizes the different
stages of equipment or product wears. For example, certain
parts of machinery (i.e., auto parts) could be recovered,
remanufactured and restored to a state as good as new.
Reusing them in newer products could further extend the
lives of such parts. The challenge is how to design the
original product for ease of recovery of those parts. We
notice for example that newer computer systems are
designed with the ease of upgrading them. Thus, new
capabilities could be added to the system without having to
dispose of the old unit.
3. Design for disposability-This recognizes the fact that many
of the earth’s landfills are filling up at an alarming rate.
Further, many of the deposits are hazardous and unsafe. It is
important to design the product with the ease of recycling
and disposal. The final waste generated from the product
should also be disposed safely.
32 Environmental Planning and Management

Environmental Action Box ;

The case studies presented here are some of the popular success
stories from leading manufacturers to;show that responsible design;
production and packaging that are environmentally sensitive are
profitable. Many of these companies have witnessed growth in sales
and revenue and attribute these successes to their environmental
management programs.

Kodak Single-Use Camera;

The Kodak single-use camera (SUC) is perhaps, one of the most
remarkable successes stories. Kodak first introduced this product in
the U.S. in 1987 and it|is now, the company's fastest growing product
category. This product is now the company's centerpiece in its efforts
in recycling, re-use, and product stewardship. Interestingly, the single-
use camera was introduced as an inexpensive camera and not as an
environmental product. It became known widely as a disposable
camera and was even dubbed an environmental "ugly duckling."
However, through innovation, commitment, and hard work, Kodak
has transformed this product into an environmental success story.
How did Kodak achieve this feat?
The product was designed for the environment and it is dubbed by
some as the best example of closed-loop recycling. The recycling of
Kodak single-use camera is a three-prong process that involves the
active participation of photofinishers and a strategic partnership with
other SUC manufacturers. In fact, Kodak credits photofinishers with
most of the success achieved in recycling and reusing Kodak's SUCs.
The new SUCs use 20 percent fewer parts from the design features to
the actual film processing stage. Photofinishers return the camera after
processing to Kodak and are reimbursed for each camera returned plus
shipping cost. In the U.S., a 63 percent return rate has been achieved
for recycling. This is equivalent to fifty million SUCs or enough
SUCs to fill up 549 tractor-trailer loads.
The three-prong recycling process as detailed by Kodak in its
website i
Sustainable Manufacturing 33
/suc.shtml, retrieved 3/2/99) is as follows:

1. Photofimsfaers ship the SUCs to three collection facilities around

the world and Kodak maintains a recycling program in more than
20 countries. Through the strategic partnership with other SUC
manufacturers such as Fuji, Konica, and others, they jointly
accept each other's products even though Kodak cameras are in
the majority. The products are sorted according to manufacturer
and camera model. These cameras arrive at these facilities in
recyclable cardboard.
2. Kodak cameras are shipped to a subcontractor facility for
processing. The packaging is removed and any batteries in the
camera are recovered. The camera is cleaned up and undergoes
visual inspection. The process of remanufacturing the SUC has
begun and the old viewfinders and lenses are replaced. New
batteries are also inserted. Those parts that could be reused are
retained after rigorous quality control checks.
3. The SUCs are now shipped to one of Kodak's three SUC
manufacturing plants, This is the final assembly where new
packaging made from recycled materials (with 35% post-
consumer content) is added. The camera is now ready for use.

There are some lessons that could be learned from the Kodak

1. Kodak notes that by weight, 77 to 86 percent of Kodak SUCs can

be recycled or re-used. Yet, these products maintain high quality,
attract huge demand and are profitable. This suggests that
responsible environmental programs can be competitive and help
the firm to achieve its profit motives. Recycling programs such as
this can help the manufacturer to save significantly by cutting
down the cost of material, labor, and to achieve faster response to
the market. It is estimated that it takes about 30 days from the
time of collection of an SUC to reclamation and re-introduction to
the market.
34 Environmental Planning and Management

2. Strategic partnership and working with vendors may be

instrumental in effective recycling programs, Photofinishers have
an incentive to participate and the cost of recycling can be shared
through industry partnership as demonstrated in the case of
Kodak's SUC.
3. Design for the environment is essential. Products for recycling,
reuse, and remanufacturing must be designed for ease of
disassemble and recycle. For example, with the SUC, it is easy to
reclaim the packaging and recover component parts. Such design
cuts down on cost and therefore, makes designing for the
environment attractive.
4. Conservation of resources is achieved through effective recycling
programs. For example, the equivalent of 549 tractor-trailer loads
of SUCs has been recycled. This is said to be equivalent to 3,333
miles of cameras laid end-to-end. Imagine the enormous pollution
this will create if these cameras are "disposables." How much
landfill space will be needed to contain them? Since the recycling
and reuse program began in 1990, more than 200 million cameras
have been recycled. Since 1990, there has been an exponential
growth in the number of cameras recycled with the number
increasing from 42.1 million in 1996 to 51.9 million in 1997. This
is shown in the figure below from the data presented by Kodak.

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

Figure 2.2: Millions of Kodak Single Use Cameras Recycled. Adopted from,
Sustainable Manufacturing 35

5. The Kodak SUC is an example of a eradle-to-grave approach

of a product. The manufacturer designs the product so that
it has control over the life of the product This is achieved
by ensuring that the consumer ultimately, will return the
camera to a photofinisher for processing and the photofinisher
is given an incentive to participate in the environmental
management program. The manufacturer takes the responsibility
of disassemble and reuse and disposal of the product. This process
ensures an effective environmental program that makes the
manufacturer responsible for the life of the product.

The Kodak SUC is a success story that has helped reduce

environmental degradation and has achieved tremendous economic
success. Next we look at the environmental program at Xerox.

Xerox has a long history of developing sustainable products that
dates back to 1967. Its strategy involves design for environment and
life cycle product valuation. In 1967, the company embarked on a
metal recovery program from photoreceptor drums and continues
today to reclaim metals for reuse or remanufacturing purposes. Its
design strategy today is known as "Waste-Free" design. How does
this program work? Machines are recovered from customers through
trade-ins and lease options. Many of the components of the
xerographic machines that can still perform at their original
specifications are recovered for reuse and remanufacturing. In 1997
alone, more than 30,000 tons of returned machines were used to
remanufacture new equipment. Within the past five years, Xerox has
more than doubled the number of machines it remanufactures. The
remanufactured machines still meet Xerox's strict quality guidelines
and are offered with the same Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee.
These machines are designed for ease of disassemble, and Xerox takes
the responsibility of the product's life cycle. As a result of the
company's environmental efforts, natural resources are conserved and
new machines are designed with fewer replacement parts.
36 Environmental Planning and Management

Xerox works with its customers to carry out the recycling program.
Customers of copy cartridges are provided with prepaid return labels
that enable them to reuse the packaging from the new cartridge to
ship the used cartridges to Xerox. The reused cartridges are then
remanufactured. In 1997, Xerox achieved a return rate of 65% for
print and copy cartridges. This is now the industry benchmark. Xerox
also maintains a Waste Toner Return Program. This program allows
customers to return waste toners for reroanufactaring, reuse and
recycle. This program is credited with the recovery of millions of
pounds of toner which would have otherwise, been sent to landfill.
Xerox adopts a company-wide environmental program that tracks
its product's life cycle and ensures environmental protection. Its
recycling program works well because of the extensive network
of people who participate in the delivery process to monitor the
environmental and other potential impacts of the product on Xerox. A
framework of its successful recycling program is shown below:

Figure 2.3: Xerox Recycling Program. Adapted from "Sustainable product

development—The first 30 years,", page
8, retrieved 3/2/99.
Sustainable Manufacturing 37

Notice that similar to the case of Kodak Single Use Camera, the
Xerox recycling program adopts a closed-loop approach. This ensures
that no waste is incurred as the material is continuously recycled, reused
and remanufactured. In the end, the goal of achieving zero disposals
to the landfill can be achieved. However, this can only be feasible if
the product is designed for the environment. In other words, recycling
will become a profitable and an economical alternative to waste.
The approaches that Kodak and Xerox are taking are innovative
in that both manufacturers develop effective collection systems for
their expired products. Many of the existing recycling programs
depend on the garbage industry and municipalities rather than on
vendors and suppliers who have stakes in the recycling process. The
lack of a well-designed recycling program has created displeasure and
dissatisfaction that often times denigrate the value of recycling
Some of the achievements of the Xerox program are outlined below 2:

1 There has been a dramatic reduction in the amount of hazardous

waste generated and 1997 saw a reduction of about 20% from the
1996 level.
2 There is a reduction in the amount of solvents sent off-site for
recycle by about 13% in 1997.
3 Non-hazardous solid wastes designated for the landfills dropped
by 20% in 1997.
4 Recycling rate of non-hazardous waste increased to 85%.
5 There is an increase in monetary savings from waste-free initiatives.
6 SARA (Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Acts) air
emission levels remain unchanged.

To add to Xerox environmental program, many of its processes are

ISO 14001 certified. Xerox noted its ISO 14001 results as

• Lowered energy consumption.

• Increased recycling of various materials, including metals, plastics
and cardboard.
38 Environmental Planning and Management

Reduced waste to landfill.

Improved procedures for managing hazardous waste.
Development of an electronic document management application
for customers implementing their own environmental management


In this chapter, we have traced the origins of sustainable

development to the United Nations publication in 1987 titled the
Brundtland Report. This report provided further impetus for the world
community to focus on environmental protection. Since this report was
presented, several conferences have been organized by several world
agencies such as the United Nations to focus the world attention to the
need of pollution prevention and resource conservation. However, it was
the formation of the Business Charter for Sustainable Development
(BCSD) by a group of 50 business executives that provided the
momentum for much of businesses involvement in sustainable
manufacturing. As we mentioned earlier, the publication of a book
“Changing Course” by BCSD, outlined the challenges facing business in
a sustainable environment. The merging of BCSD with the World
Industry Council for the Environment (WICE) further expanded the
industry interests in sustainable manufacturing. These two groups
shared common goals and attracted several executives and industries
from around the world. The new group now known as the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is presently, a
coalition of 125 international companies that share a commitment to
environmental protection and to the principles of economic growth
through sustainable development. Its membership is drawn from more
than 30 countries and from more than 20 major industrial sectors.
The interest of businesses and the world community at large has
spurned a lot of interests on environmental protection since the 1990s.
Subsequently, several strategies have been developed to deal with
environmental protection issues. We have outlined some of these
strategies in this chapter. Environmental protection is increasingly seen
Sustainable Manufacturing 39

as a competitive tool. Companies now pride themselves for their

continuous efforts to protect the environment and provide consumers
with environmentally clean products. We continue to see this effort
expanded to include not only the content of the product but also its
tertiary value such as packaging and preparation of the order. Also, the
entire supply chain is now involved with environmental protection
efforts. Sustainable manufacturing is in vogue now and every progressive
company should have a strategy to achieve its environmental protection
goals. It is important to know that with many nations adopting I S 0
14001, companies that fail to follow the lead may lack access into such
markets and even when granted access, may not be able to compete in an
environmentally conscious market.
We end our discussion in this chapter by presenting two classic case
studies from two of the world’s leading companies in sustainable
manufacturing namely Kodak and Xerox. There are a host of other
companies that have very good environmental strategies but the success
stories of Kodak and Xerox may provide a motivation for more
companies to reevaluate their environmental programs and perhaps,
benchmark the leaders.


Giuntini, R., “Redesign it + Produce it + Rent it + Support it + Renew it

+ Reuse it = Reverse Logistics Reinventing the Manufacturer’s
Business Model” APICS-The Educational Society for Resource
Management, 1997
“Kodak Recycles Its 50 Millionth FUN SAVER’
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Furukawa, Y., “‘Throwaway’ mentality should be junked,” The Daily
Yorniuri, October 1, 1996, pp. 10.
Fukukawa, S., “Japan’s policy of sustainable development,” Columbia
Journal of World Business, 27 (3 & 4), 96-105.
40 Environmental Planning and Management

Umeda, Y ., “Research topics of the Inverse Manufacturing Laboratory,”, 1995.
Madu, C.N., “A decision support framework for environmental planning
in developing countries,” Journal of Environmental Planning and
Management, Vol. 43 (3), 287-313,1999.
Madu, C.N., Managing Green Technologies for Global Competitiveness,
Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1996.
Madu, C.N., “Introduction to IS0 and IS0 quality standards,” in
Handbook of Total Quality Management (ed., C.N. Madu), Boston,
MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999,pp. 365-387.
Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, Geneva, Switzerland:
Report of UN World Commission on Environment and Development,”
April, 1987,p. 43.
Yoshikama, H., “Sustainable development in the 21st century,”, 1996.
Singer, S.F., “Sustainable development vs. global environment -
Resolving the conflict,” Columbia Journal of World Business, 27
(3& 4), 155-162.
Schmidheiny, S., “The business logic of sustainable development,”
Columbia Journal of World Business, 27 (3 & 4),18-24.
Roy, R.,and Whelan, R.C., “Successful recycling through value-chain
collaboration,” Long Range Planning, 25 (4),62-71, 1992.
Dillion, P., and Baram, M.S., “Forces shaping the development and use
of product stewardship in the private sector,” Conference on the
Greening of Industry, The Netherlands, 1991.
Duncan, N.E., “The energy dimension of sustainable development,”
Columbia Journal of World Business, 27 (3& 4),164-173.
“UsingEco-labelling,”, retrieved
Henriksen, A., and Bach, C.F., “Voluntary environmental labeling and
the World Trade Organization,” International Trade, Environment
and Development, Institute of Economics, Copenhagen University,
November 9,1998.
Christensen, J.S., “Aspects of eco-labeling on less developed countries,”
International Trade, Environment and Development, Institute of
Economics, Copenhagen University, December 7, 1998.
Sustainable Manufacturing 41

Affisco, J.F., “TQEM-methods for continuous environmental

improvement,” in Handbook of Total Quality Management (ed., C.N.
Madu), Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 388-
“Sustainable product development-The First 30 years,”, page 8
“What is the WBCSD,”, retrieved
“Green business networks,” .14.html, retrieved 3/9/99.
Robinson, A., “Inverse manufacturing,” March 10, 1998, htm
Chapter 3

Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing

In Chapter 2, we introduced the concept of sustainable development
and sustainable manufacturing. It is apparent that the goals of sustainable
growth cannot be attained if we do not change our consumption pattern.
Manufacturing plays a critical role in introducing new products to the
market and also in shaping our tastes and consumption. Sustainable
development cannot be achieved if adequate emphasis is not paid to
sustainable manufacturing.
Environmentally conscious manufacturing (ECM) is often referred to
as “ecofactory.” The goal of ecofactory is to achieve optimal utilization
of natural resources without harming the environment and without
compromising the quality of the products. This goal can be achieved if
effective utilization of natural resources is made, waste is minimized,
and cradle-to-grave approach of the product is taken. In other words, the
goal of ecofactory is not limited to the production process but spans
through distribution, consumption and recovery and effective disposal of
potential wastes. Thus, the manufacturer tracks and manages the whole
product life cycle. Environmentally conscious manufacturing (ECM) as a
strategy adopts a systemic approach to product development and
distribution. This approach starts from the design stage of the product
where every effort is made to ensure that the product is environmentally
friendly to an environmentally responsible disposal of the product or its
waste at the end of the product life cycle. Watkins and Granoff (1992),
define environmentally conscious manufacturing as “those processes that
reduce the harmful environmental impacts of manufacturing, including
minimization of hazardous waste, reduction of energy consumption,
improvement of materials utilization efficiency, and enhancement of
operational safety.” Through ECM, the aim is to achieve “zero waste”
through total system integration of the entire production and distribution
processes. A preventive approach to environmental protection that
focuses on reducing waste at the source rather than at the end-of-the-pipe
treatment is commonly adopted. Manufacturers develop products for
ease of disassemble, recycling, and use non-hazardous and non-toxic

Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 43

materials. Some of the strategies for environmentally conscious

manufacturing such as inverse manufacturing, recycling, reverse
logistics, re-manufacturing, and others, were briefly introduced in
chapter two. In this chapter, we explore in greater depth some of the
most commonly used strategies.
Reverse Logistics-also known, as reverse supply chain
management has increasingly become popular among manufacturers.
Have you ever wondered what manufacturers do with products that are
returned by retailers? Well, this is the case of reverse logistics. Reverse
logistics deals with the processing of goods that are returned from the
customer’s customer. The normal process for supply chain management
involve the flow of goods and services to the consumer with little or no
focus on the flow of waste back to the manufacturer. This is changing
hence the term reverse supply chain management. The increasing cost of
landfills, environmental laws and regulation and the economic viability
of environmental strategies are pushing manufacturers to now consider
reverse supply chain management. For example, localities are
establishing new landfill regulations that often require separation
and grouping of materials of the same type for ease of recycling.
Recyclable items are no longer grouped together with all types of waste
and garbage. Also communities are developing designated drop sites and
manufacturers develop disposition processes. Some have also developed
recycling programs for containers and cans with designated sites for ease
of management of the recycled items. Here, the customer through a
reverse chain returns goods to the manufacturer for effective disposal.
For reverse logistics to work effectively, information management is
critical. Manufacturers embarking on reverse logistics must be able to
sort out salvageable items and separate repairable and non-repairable
salvageable inventories. Effective management planning system that
focuses on transportation planning, location analysis, and inventory
control and management, and coordination of customer and vendor
activities will be needed. Thus, it is important that in reverse logistics,
not only does the product flow back to the manufacturer but also,
information about the good that is being returned should flow back to the
manufacturer. Manufacturers may be able to improve their bottom line if
reverse logistics strategy is successfully implemented. However, before
44 Environmental Planning and Management

we continue, an important question in the context of environmental

planning and management is why is reverse logistics an acceptable
alternative to environmental protection?
Marien[ 19991, notes that manufacturers are developing source-
reduction strategies as promising alternative to minimizing wastes and
environmental pollution. This strategy is based principally on:

Reducing the weight and size of the product. This optimizes the
logistics costs in both the supply chain and the reverse supply
chain. Further, the cost of warehouse space is reduced as the size
is reduced. Also, labor and material handling costs are
significantly reduced when the item is trimmed in size and
weight. Many organizations are embarking on this strategy. For
example, the packaging industry is increasingly, achieving
reduction in their packaging program. Sears for example, has
reported a packaging reduction program that has saved 1.5
million tops in the supply chain which is a savings of about $5
million annually in procurement and disposal costs [Marien,
19991. Likewise, computer companies are increasingly building
faster and more effective computers that are smaller in size and
weigh less.
0 Minimization of production and distribution operations. There
are many ways this could be achieved. First, minimizing
production operation can be achieved by designing and building
the right products that are highly dependable for the consumers.
The high quality built into the product means that there will be
less rejects, reworks, or returns. Thus, limited resources are
optimally utilized and energy consumption is reduced. Further,
by doing things right the first time, labor cost is reduced. With
the high quality of the product, it becomes competitive and the
organization gains. Distribution operation is also optimized when
quality is built into the product. Clearly, the high return rate of
products will be avoided thus reducing the high cost of
distribution through the supply chain. Also, there will be less
need for inventory of replacement parts and returned goods and
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 45

more efficient use of the distribution channel. The end result is

that resources are optimally utilized and waste is minimized.
0 Reuse of materials and resources. The Eastman Kodak single-
use-camera is the best example of this concept. However, there
are many more examples. Computer components are easily
recycled and many of the paper products used today are
recycled. It is possible to reuse some of these materials as in the
case of Kodak and Xerox because they are designed for ease of
disassembly. Thus, when a product is returned, it is easy to
disassemble it, recover usable parts and integrate them in the
production process. The concept of re-manufacturing is getting
popular today because it is easier to recover useable materials
from used equipment.
Another strategy is the substitution of materials that are
environmentally friendly. This strategy is mostly utilized when a
hazardous or toxic material is replaced with a more
environmentally friendly substance. It could also be applied in
conserving resources that are very limited in supply. One
example is the replacement of the use of DDT (dichloro-
diphenyl-trichloro-ethane) as a pesticide. DDT is a chlorinated
hydrocarbon and it is not easily biodegradable. When used, it can
be found in the tissues of living organisms that are exposed to it.
It also has a disastrous influence on marine life as it reduces the
rate of photosynthesis in marine phytoplankton, which is the
base for most marine food chains. Since humans are at the end of
this food chain, they can suffer irreparable health conditions
from deposits of DDT in their tissues. Another example is the
worldwide ban of the use of CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, and
methyl chloroform. The U.S. Clean Air Act of 1990, outlawed
these chemicals in the year 2002. CFCs are normally used as
coolants and were once common in home refrigerators but are
also ozone depleting. Manufacturers such as DuPont have
already replaced CFCs with hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) called
HFC-134a. This new product is nonflammable, non-toxic, and
non-ozone depleting, and has the same energy efficiency as
46 Environrnental Planning and Management

Why Reverse Logistics?

There is limited landfill space available for dumping of wastes. Also,

landfill is becoming increasingly more expensive to manage. Many
organizations are realizing that reverse logistics offers the opportunity to
recycle and reuse product components while cutting down the cost and
the amount of waste that will normally be incurred. In Chapter 2, we
presented a case of Kodak single use camera, which follows a reverse
logistic strategy. We noted that in the U.S., a 63 percent return rate has
been achieved for recycling. This is equivalent to fifty million SUCs or
enough SUCs to fill up 549 tractor-trailer loads. Imagine the landfill
requirement for disposing of waste of such an enormous quantity. Not
only was waste avoided, Eastman Kodak improved its bottom-line by
recycling and reusing components from returned SUCs and also, reduced
the cycle time for re-introducing the product into the market. While
the strategy is environmentally responsible, it is also economically
profitable. Eastman Kodak is not alone. Many other organizations are
adopting reverse logistics. Hewlett-Packard for example refill returned
printer toner cartridges and Xerox recovers used machines from
customers and use them to remanufacture new ones. These actions have
reduced the demand for landfill, reduced the need for excavation of new
raw materials, and have reduced energy consumption from the
processing and manufacturing of virgin products.
New environmental laws and regulations are clear in assigning
responsibilities to manufacturers. Manufacturers must now take full
responsibility of their products through the product’s life cycle, or they
may be subject to legal action. For example, new laws regarding the
disposal of motor or engine oil, vehicle batteries and tires assign disposal
responsibility to the manufacturer once these products have passed their
useful life. Thus, as Marien [1999] notes, to avoid the related supply
chain complexity, it is important for manufacturers to build reusability
into their products. Thus, manufacturers act by developing infrastructure
to handle post-distribution and consumption activities. Hence, reverse
logistics is increasingly seen as a competitive strategy that is not only
designed to meet the social responsibility function of the firm but also
designed to make the organization more profitable. Marien [ 19991 points
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 47

out that the savings accruing to organizations that adopt reverse logistics
are in the form of savings from “raw material and packaging
procurement, manufacturing, waste disposal, and current and future
regulatory compliance.”
Businesses look at their bottom-line. Ultimately, the goal of
environmental protection cannot succeed without the participation of
business organizations. For their cooperation and participation in
environmental programs to be assured, there must be potential benefits to
them. In the past, businesses use to view environmental protection efforts
as wasteful expenditure but not any more. They are now seeing that
environmental programs offer competitive advantage. More consumers
pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the products they
purchase. Also, organizations are beginning to realize that environmental
strategies such as reverse logistics can cut down drastically on
production and operations cost thus improving their profit margins. Some
of the costs incurred from reverse logistics include the costs of refuse,
reworks, recyclables, rejects, reprocessed overruns, reuse, remake, redo,
residues, reorder, resale, returnable shipping containers and pallets.
However, some of these costs are controllable. For example, the cost of
rejects, reworks, and reprocessing can be avoided if the organization
adopts a quality imperative. Thus, reverse logistics operates efficiently
when the organization adopts other comparative strategies such as
developing an effective quality program. Also, the benefits of
reproducing a product from recyclable items may far exceed the costs
associated with reverse logistics. Some of these costs such as the cost of
disassembles could be seen as production costs since they replace the
traditional costs of production. However, the organization can become
more effective by designing its products for ease of assemble and also,
by developing an efficient reverse supply chain network.
There are several logistical problems involved with reverse supply
chain network. For example, what is the cost of transporting the goods
back to the manufacturer? How often can the goods be returned? Is it
better to use decentralized or centralized reverse logistics strategy? What
is the cost of inventory? And what is the cost of processing the returns?
To address some of these issues, Bunn [1999] presents factors for
consideration in developing centralized logistics strategy. These factors
48 Environmental Planning and Management

focused mainly on costs relating to store labor processing, transportation,

inventory, opportunity costs, credit terms, and operating cost of a
centralized facility. These factors may come into play in negotiating
better terms with vendors. By using the right logistics strategy, costs can
be significantly reduced. However, each operation is different and it is
important to take its uniqueness into perspective in determining the
correct reverse logistics strategy.

Environmental Action Box

We shall present a success story on the use of reverse logistics. Our

example here is the giant name-brand cosmetics manufacturer Estee
Lauder Companies Inc.

Estee Lauder Companies Inc.:

Estee Lauder Companies Inc. was founded in New York City in
1946 and is one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers
of cosmetics. Among its popular brands are Estee Lauder, Qinique,
Prescriptives, Aramis, Tommy Hilfiger, Origins, and Jane. The
company estimates that about $60 million worth of returned products
from retailers were being dumped in landfills each year [Caldwell,
1999]. This amounts to about a third of returned goods from retailers.
To cut down on this tremendous waste, the company decided to
embark on developing processes and information technology. Reverse
logistics became a viable alternative to consider. To develop the
reverse logistics system, Estee Lauder Companies Inc. invested $1.3
million on scanners, business-intelligence tools and an Oracle data
warehouse. Estee Lauder also customized the software to process
returned goods. The results were encouraging. Some of the benefits
derived by the company through the application of reverse logistics
are outlined below [Caldwell, 1999]:

• The company was able to evaluate 24% more returned products,

redistribute 150% more of its returns, and saved $475,000
annually in labor costs.
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 49

• The number of returned products destroyed because they

exceeded their shelf life dropped from 37% to 27% in 1998. It is
expected that this number will eventually drop to 15%.
• The processing time for returned products was significantly
reduced and the time to introduce returned goods to the market
became faster.
• Production and inventory levels reduced.
• Better product management information system existed as data on
the reasons for returns were collected.
• Information system in place helped in developing better
marketing, packaging, and production strategies.

Reverse logistics is an effective environmental management

strategy. Its role in environmental protections can be outlined as

• It helps to better manage and conserve landfills as returned goods

are disassembled, reused and reintroduced into the market place.
• Information collected through the process can help guide the
production process, quality control programs, and marketing
strategies. This will help ensure more efficient use of resources.
• Energy consumption is reduced, as waste management becomes
more effective.
• It complements the efforts of other environmental programs such
as recycling by ensuring that valuable materials and resources are
reused in the production process.
• Reverse logistics is a win-win strategy where the organization
stands to gain by making wastes profitable and the society in
general stands to gain as waste disposal is minimized.


Recycling is a process of converting materials that could have been

treated as wastes into valuable resources. There are many examples
of recycling such as aluminum cans, bimetal cans, glass bottles,
50 Environmental Planning and Management

newspapers, paper products, and composting. Recycling is one of the

better-known strategies for environmentally conscious manufacturing. In
fact, the concept of recycling is vogue today as many communities have
adopted recycling programs. In these areas, recyclable materials are
carefully separated from ordinary garbage or waste and the garbage
collectors make a distinction between recyclable materials and garbage
when they schedule pickups. Recycling is considered an environmental
success story of the 20" century. As the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) reports, recycling including composting has
contributed to a significant reduction in the amount of material being
turned over to landfills and incinerators for disposal [downloaded
11/8/99, pp. 1-41. Based on this account, in 1996, 57 million tons of
material that would have been sent to landfills and incinerators as
garbage were recycled. This amounts to a 67% increase from the 34
million tons that were recycled in 1990. Likewise, the number of
curbside collection programs in the United States has increased
dramatically. There are reasons for the success of recycling:

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the depletion of earth's

limited resources and are also worried about the degradation of
earth's environment through landfills, excavations, destruction of
forestry, and pollution of air, water and land. They are therefore,
willing to participate in protecting the environment. It is their
cooperation that has attributed to the great successes of recycling
programs. Consumers are now buying recycled products and
investing in companies that market recyclable products.
Recycling is profitable. Many organizations are now realizing that
they can cut down on cost of material, reduce the cycle time for
introducing new products, reduce processing time, and even become
more efficient in their planning process if they recycle and reuse
their products. They have better control of their recycled products
and may avoid complex supply chain networks associated with
dealing with vendors for virgin products who are outside their
Environmental laws and regulations that require that certain types
of products be recycled have also contributed since the penalty for
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 51

non-compliance may at times be severe. Apart from the legal

ramifications of non-compliance, environmental activist groups can
also damage the reputation of non-complying companies thus
contributing to high customer dissatisfaction with the company and
its products and services.
Apart from the profitability of recycling programs to organizations,
consumers benefit directly. For example, another form of recycling is
composting. Composting is the recycling of organic wastes. Many of
the organic wastes can be easily recycled such as food and yard
wastes and can be fed back to soils or applied in landscapes. Such
applications help reduce plant diseases and provide nutrients to soil.
Further, some of the beneficial soil organism such as worms and
centipedes feed on such wastes.

Palmer [2000] gave a detailed discussion and definition of recycling

and also identified the conflicts in current recycling programs. Noting
that we live in a world endowed with finite resources, it is important to
articulate and develop resource policy that can help achieve sustainable
development while protecting the environment. Although this is often
difficult to achieve due to several pressures on national economic
programs that for some countries, often demand exploitation of these
limited natural resources to generate needed capital however, it is
imperative that national p€anning issues focus also on the needs of the
future generation. Such focus will help to seek for example better
alternatives to the use of landfills and encourage recycling policies that
are environmentally friendly. For example, prior to recycling, all
“wastes” were grouped as the same and are dumped in designated
dumping sites for wastes. When a landfill has been used up, a new one is
created and this process goes on and on. Little did the general public
know that apart from the unsightly image of the landfill and the
unbearable odor gasping out from it, it could also become a health
hazard. Forty percent of the Superfund sites are municipal garbage
dumps [Palmer, 20001, since all sites were for management of toxic
wastes, disposal of chemicals and other hazardous wastes. For example,
approximately one-third of GM ’s toxic release inventory to landfill from
foundry waste used to contain zinc. A new plan by GM will eliminate
52 Environmental Planning and Management

these land releases from GM foundries by the year 2002 [Annual report,
19971. In 1997, GM recycled 61 percent of all these wastes. Furthermore,
the separation of wastes into “recyclables” and “non-recyclables” has
contributed immensely to sustainability. First, there is lesser need for
landfills since the amount of wastes designated for dumpsites have
declined. Second, recyclable items have extended lives and are re-used in
the manufacturing and production processes. This use decreases the need
for new or virgin products similar to the recycled item. Third, there is
less need for energy consumption. As treated equally then, toxic
compounds and chemicals were equally mixed with other wastes. This
has been attributed to many of the environmental degradation,
destruction of wildlife, and health problems. Thus, it became clear that
these “wastes” needed to be separated especially from their sources.
Although recycling can help conserve resources and save energy, not
all materials are easily recycled. For example, cadmium and beryllium
are not easy to recycle. Cadmium is widely known to the general public
for its use in batteries. Its application in nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd)
batteries is one of the easiest forms to recycle. Many other applications
of cadmium are in low concentrations and are difficult to recycle since
much of the cadmium is dissipated. However, the growing application of
cadmium in batteries and the concern about potential environmental
pollution has led to regulations limiting the dissipation of cadmium into
the ground [1997]. Moreover, Beryllium is also difficult to recycle and it
is widely dispersed in products when it is used in manufacturing. It also
dissipates and is very difficult to recycle.

Recycling Statistics

Recycling is a worldwide phenomenon. People all over the world are

paying attention to recycling. Available statistics in the industrialized
countries tend to support the growth in recycling programs. U.S.
Geological Survey [ 19971 presents recycling statistics for selected
metals. Generally, the survey tends to support the growth in recycling
efforts. Aluminum scrap is one of the popularly recycled materials since
aluminum is widely used in the manufacture of beverage cans. Thus,
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 53

used beverage can (UBC) is one of the major sources of aluminum scrap.
Data obtained for the survey from the Aluminum Association Inc., the
Can Manufacturers Institute, and the Institute for Scrap Recycling
Industries suggests that 66.8 billion of aluminum were recycled in the
United States in 1997. A 66.5% recycling rate that is based on the
number of cans shipped during the year was obtained. This is an increase
from the 63.5% recycling rate obtained in 1996. Further, domestically
produced aluminum beverage cans in 1997 had an average 54.7%
postconsumer recycled content. According to the Aluminum Association
Inc., [1998], this is the highest recycled content percentage of all
packaging materials. Statistics on other metals that were recycled
between 1993 and 1997 are also presented in this survey [1997].
Aluminum cans are widely used as soft drink containers, and are
perhaps, one of the oldest forms of recycling. The National Soft Drink
Association presents some startling statistics on the recycling of soft
drink containers from 1990-1997. They present the following data [1999]:

0 Soft drink container recycling has risen from 48.7% to about

60% since 1989.
In 1997, a total of 51.9 billion soft drink containers were
0 Soft drink containers comprise of less than 1 percent of solid
waste disposed in the U.S.
0 Beverage containers account for less than 20 percent of the
materials collected through curbside recycling programs but
generate about 70 percent of total scrap revenue.
0 Through packaging innovation, the weight of soft drink
containers has been reduced by about 30 percent since 1972.
0 22 percent of soft drinks are dispensed from fountains while the
balance is packaged.

These data show remarkable improvement in the recycling of soft

drink cans partly through cooperative recycling programs and product
packaging innovations. We have also analyzed graphically, the statistics
provided by the National Soft Drink Association (NSDA). This data is
presented below as Figure 3.1.
54 Environmental Planning and Management

d 70
0) 60
5 50
a- 40
-a- Glass
30 PET Bottles
W Total
d- 10
n o
94 95 96 97 98 99 00

Figure 3.1: Post-Consumer Recycling Rate (%)

1991-2000 Soft Drink Container Recycling Figures

Prepared by NSDA Environmental Affairs Department

Total Units Shipped (billion units)

I ContainerType I '94 I '95 I '96 I '97 I '98 I '99 I '00 I
I AluminumCans' I 61.2 I 64.6 I 64.3 I 66.1 I 69.6 I 68.9 I 67.8 I
I Glass Bottles' 1 3.6 I 2.2 I 1.0 I 1.0 I 0.8 I 0.8 I 0.8 I
PET Bottles3 12.8 16.0 18.7 21.3 23.7 25.2 25.6
TOTAL 77.6 82.8 84.0 88.4 94.1 94.9 94.2

Total Units Recycled (billion units)

Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 55

Post-Consumer Recycling Rate (%)

Container Type '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00
Aluminum Cans 65.4 62.2 63.5 66.5 62.8 62.5 62.1
Glass Bottles 35.0 35.0 36.0 33.0 32.8 32.8 32.8
PET Bottles 44.9 41.0 38.6 35.8 35.6 35.7 35.0
TOTAL 60.6 57.4 57.6 58.7 55.6 55.2 54.6

Sources: (1) aluminum data - Can Manufacturers Institute, Aluminum Association,

Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Steel Recycling Institute; (2) glass
data - Glass Packaging Institute, U.S. Department of Commerce, Current
Industrial Reports; (3) PET data - American Plastics Council, Container
Consulting, Inc. (Reprinted with permission from NSDA Environmental
Affairs Department.)

As Figure 3.1 shows, even though there seems to be some gains in

post-consumer recycling rate from 1996 to 1997, however, this rate is
unstable over the time period considered. For example, there was a slight
drop between 1994 and 1995 and then a dramatic increase to 1997 and a
drop again in 1998. This up and downward swing appears to be
prominent with aluminum cans. Post-consumer recycling rate for glass
bottles seems to be relatively more stable. While generally, there are
some gains made in improving post-consumer recycling rate, however,
continuous improvement is needed to avoid the type of instability noted
in the data. In addition, new studies need to identify the causes of such

Environmental Action Box

Paper recycling is one of the most popular forms of recycling. In
the Environmental Action Box, we use the giant paper manufacturer -
International Paper as an example.

International Paper (IP)

International Paper is a leading manufacturer of paper. It is actively
engaged in paper recycling programs with nearly $700 million
invested. Further, the quality of its recycled paper is so high that it is
56 Environmental Planning and Management

indistinguishable from non-recycled paper. However, the major

challenge facing 1p and other paper manufacturers is that the quality
of post-consumer recycled paper gradually deteriorates to the point
that the recycled fibers become useless. This will eventually require
virgin fibers to generate new paper products. Thus, if alternative to the
use of wood pulp for paper manufacturing is not developed,
sustainability cannot be achieved in the long run. International Paper
has opened up the discussion and suggestion on alternatives to this
problem to the general public. One alternative that is frequently
alluded to is the use of annual fibers to make good paper. Although
this sounds plausible, it has limitations and serious constraints that
need to be considered. Some of the problems are:

It could lead to more environmental degradation. For example,

farmers that currently manage forests because of high timber
values may be tempted to mow down the timbers and harvest
annual fibers if demand and price for timber drop down
significantly. Thus, any alternative offered as substitute to the
use of timber should recognize the economic hardship forest
managers may face and a plan must be in place to accommodate
Annual fibers need to be grown in large quantities to meet the current
demand for paper. This will require land and perhaps,
displacement of other harvested items or wildlife, which again can
potentially affect the ecobalance.
Decisions to substitute annual fiber to timber have economic
ramifications. The paper industry is one of the most capital
intensive. Such decisions will require reinvestment in new
technologies, equipment and material handling processes that may
be different from what the industry is currently used to.

We shall now discuss some of the other environmentally conscious

sustainable manufacturing practices.
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 57

Inverse Manufacturing

Inverse manufacturing has its roots from Japan where it began as a

reuse and recycle project. The concept of inverse manufacturing is an
extension of the recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing concept. It
focuses on the pre-manufacturing process especially at the product
design stage. The aim is to prolong the useful life of the product through
design by designing reuse and recycling features into the product. The
other feature is to design the product so that it is easy to disassemble.
One way this is accomplished is by building modules into a product. For
example, computers and refrigerators are made up of modules. These
modules can be upgraded or replaced without replacing the entire
product. For example, the functions of a personal computer can be
upgraded by replacing modules such as the central processing unit (CPU)
[ 19961. In addition to these attributes, inverse manufacturing focuses a
lot on maintenance. It envisages leaner manufacturing where companies
will have to do away with the concept of mass production by creating
quality products that will last longer. This vision will require
transformation of many of the manufacturing outfits into life cycle
companies with a focus on providing maintenance services on their
products. The construction industry is actually an industry that
survives well by providing mostly maintenance services on existing
infrastructures. Through inverse manufacturing, product manufacturers
can in fact, transform themselves to life cycle companies by providing
maintenance operations and services to their products, thereby
prolonging the useful life of the product. Why this concept may seem
radical, it may be a desired option given the increasing problem with
landfills and the limited natural resources. This closed-loop product life
cycle approach leads to minimal disposal and environmental costs.
According to the Inverse Manufacturing Forum Secretariat, inverse
manufacturing takes a reverse process approach by focusing on the
recovery of the product to disassembling to reutilization and production.
This gives a complete loop of the product life cycle.
The concept of inverse manufacturing also requires a cultural
transformation. The general society must be educated on the need to
maintain products rather than discarding or dumping them in landfills.
58 Environmental Planning and Management

Further, manufacturers should also educate their customers and support

the initiative to prolong the lives of these products. One factor that
worries some about inverse manufacturing is that the decline in mass
production may lead to loss of job as production capacity is decreased.
However, the transformation to life cycle industry may absolve the
excess capacity that may result from the decline in production.
In sum, inverse manufacturing involves the following:
1. Integration of reuse and recycling plans at the early stages of
product design,
2. Emphasis on product maintenance and reduction in production
volume through transformation to life cycle industry, and
3. Modular design strategies to make it possible to expand and
upgrade product functions. Hata [1997] presents a good
framework on inverse manufacturing. An adapted version is
presented below:

Material Manufacturing


Resources Processing for

- Maintenance
- Up-Grade Disposal
- Reuse
Inverse - Recycle

Natural Recycle

Figure 3.2: Product Life Cycle based on Inverse Manufacturing


Remanufacturing is the process of rebuilding a product from

ground up utilizing new parts to return it to a condition “as good as
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 59

new.” This involves disassembly of each component in a product,

inspection and testing of parts, evaluation of components for quality and
reliability standards, replacement and upgrade of parts. Remanufactured
parts possess some important attributes such as

0 The appearance of the product is refurbished and enhanced

Quality and reliability standards are satisfied
Performance is guaranteed
They are economical and environmentally friendly.

Remanufacturing is different from refurbishing where many of the

changes are cosmetic involving rehabilitation of an older product to
provide services, retrofits and upgrades. Refurbishing does not undergo
the extensive process of remanufacturing a product to ensure that it is
returned to a condition that is “as good as new.”

Design for Environment

The strategies discussed above consequently lead to the design for

the environment. A combination of strategies must be followed in order
to achieve an improvement in environmental performance. These
strategies include raw material acquisition, product design, product usage
and disposal. At each stage of the product life cycle, attention must be
paid on how to conserve and effectively use resources. Pollution
prevention and waste minimization become the driving force of
strategies for designing for the environment. The product design stage
pays tremendous attention on how limited resources are used, explores
the use of replenishable materials and the use of substitute products
to prevent pollution problems, and considers the energy demands of
the product. The product design stage is critical in environmental
management since problems uncovered at this stage can spread through
the product life cycle and create more environmental hazards. It is at the
product design stage that the decision to design for recyclability is made.
If the product is not effectively designed to be easily disassemble and for
component recovery or for material separability to avoid contamination,
it will be difficult to treat this problem later on. Thus, a strategy at this
60 Environmental Planning and Management

stage to design for recyclability can help in minimizing both material and
energy wastes and ensuring the conservation of limited resources. This
strategy of designing for recyclability is also closely linked to the design
for remanufacture. When components can be easily recovered from a
malfunctioning unit, they could also be equally remanufactured, restored
and reused. The extension of a component’s life cycle also implies that
there will be less demand for landfills for disposal of old units and there
will also be less need for virgin products. These strategies therefore
supplement each other. When a product is effectively designed for
recyclability, it will meet the remanufacturing needs and its disposal


This chapter discussed some of the strategies that are currently

being adopted to achieve environmentally conscious manufacturing. It
discusses how companies are designing for environment by using
environmentally sound principles such as recycling, remanufacturing,
inverse manufacturing and reverse logistics. It shows that these strategies
are not only environmentally sound but also increasingly profitable
to corporations. Recycling statistics from the National Soft Drink
Association also showed that recycling is increasingly a worldwide
phenomenon as more and more corporations are adopting a cradle-to-
grave approach to their products. This chapter also presents
environmental action boxes featuring environmental activities at Estee
Lauder Companies Inc. and International Paper.


Watkins, R.D., and Granoff, B., “Introduction to environmentally

conscious manufacturing,” International Journal of Environmentally
Conscious Manufacturing, 1 (I), 5-1 1, 1992.
Bunn, J., “Centralizing reverse logistics: How to understand if it will
work for you,” downloaded 11/9/99,
articles/revlogis.htm, pp. 1-3.
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 61

Marien, E., “Reverse logistics as competitive strategy,” downloaded

11/9/99., pp. 1-10.
Caldwell, B., “Reverse Logistics Untapped opportunities exist in
returned products, a side of logistics few businesses have thought
about--until now,” Information Week Online,, pp. 1-4,4/12/1999.
“Produce less waste by practicing the 3Rs,”,
downloaded 11/8/99, pp. 1-4.
Palmer, P., “Recycling as universal resource policy” in Madu, C.N.,
Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Boston,
MA: Kluwer-Academic Publishers, pp. 205-228, 2000.
GM Annual Report, 1997
U.S. Geological Survey -- Minerals Information -- 1997, “Recycling -
Metals,” pp. 1-13.
Aluminum Association Inc., “Aluminum can recycling rate reaches 66.5
percent: Washington, DC, Aluminum Association News,h March 6,
1998, pp. 1-4.
National Soft Drink Association,
“Recycling,”, 1999, p. 1.
Yoshikama, H., “Sustainable manufacturing in the 2 lstcentury” From
ZERI (Zero Emissions Research Initiatives) Symposium, May 1996,
Hata,Tomoyuki, Kimura, Fumihiko, and Hiromasa Suzulu (1997)
“Product Life Cycle Design based on Deterioration Simulation,” March
2, 1999.
Chapter 4

The I S 0 14000 Model

In this chapter, we shall discuss some of the most important
standards for environmental management systems. Such standards are
embodied in what is now known as I S 0 14000 family of standards.
These are set of standards and guidelines that could help businesses to
develop more environmentally friendly products and services. I S 0
standards have received worldwide attention primarily because of the
reputation of I S 0 (International Organization for Standardization) itself.
The origins of I S 0 dates back to 1947 when it was formed as an NGO
(non-governmental organization) with the purpose of promoting the
development of standards to facilitate the international exchange of
goods and services. I S 0 seeks international cooperation in scientific,
technological and economic activities. Its membership has grown to over
100 countries that are represented by their national standards
organization. The term I S 0 is derived from the Greek word ‘isos’ which
means ‘equal.’ This can explain the goal of I S 0 to develop “equal”
standards to guide the international exchange of goods and services.
International standardization of goods and services protects the consumer
and may also facilitate the transfer of technology and trade. Some of the
benefits are in (Introduction to I S 0 from IS0 Online):
- Enhanced product quality and reliability at reasonable price;
- Improved health, safety and environmental protection and reduction
of waste;
- Greater compatibility and interoperability of goods and services;
- Simplification for improved usability;
- Reduction in the number of models and thus reduction in costs;
- Increased distribution efficiency and ease of maintenance.

In today’s global economy, there is a need for standardization both in

product quality and environmental content. With uniformity in standards
among similar industries and technologies, companies can compete on a
level playing field by removing some of the technical barriers to trade.
However, achieving some of the standards may in the short-run become

The I S 0 14000 Model 63

very costly and may make it difficult for some poorer nations to
participate effectively in global markets.
The IS0 successfully developed the international standards on
quality assurance techniques and practices in the 1980s. These standards
known, as IS0 9000 series of standards for product quality got
worldwide acclaim and has fueled the development of a new set of
standards for environmental management systems.

I S 0 14000 Series

The IS0 14000 series of standards represent new sets of standards on

environmental quality issues. They deal with guidelines and principles of
environmental management systems to make businesses to focus on the
growing need of environmental protection. The concept of IS0 14000
was introduced by a team of 50 business executives interested in
sustainable development and known as the Business Charter for
Sustainable Development (BCSD). By 1992, the world was increasingly
concerned about the increasing pollution of the natural environment. The
Earth Summit conference on Environment and Development was
organized by the United Nations and held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in
response to these concerns. IS0 then formed the Strategic Advisory
Group on the Environment (SAGE) and charged it with the evaluation of
the international standards on environmental management systems.
SAGE’S recommendations in 1993 led to IS0 14000. Technical
committee (TC) 207 was then formed to replace SAGE. This committee
has the responsibility to develop standards for global environmental
management systems and tool. The committee was to focus on the
following areas of environmental management systems:
Environmental management systems (EMS);
Environmental auditing;
Environmental labeling;
Environmental performance evaluation (EPE);
Life cycle assessment;
Terms and definitions;
Environmental aspects in product standards (EAPS).
64 Environmental Planning and Management

By the third quarter of 1996, the committee completed its work and
published a series of standards to help firms manage and evaluate the
environmental aspects of their operations. In Tables 4.1, we present the
IS0 14000 family of standards and their applications. This table is
adopted from the I S 0 web site (
Table 4.1: I S 0 14000 Series Standards

Standard number Title

IS0 14000 Environmental management systems - general guidelines
on principles, systems and supporting techniques
IS0 14001 Environmental management systems - specifications with
guidance for use
IS0 14004 Environmental management systems - general guidelines
on principles, systems and supporting techniques
IS0 14010 Guidelines for environmental auditing - general principles
of environmental auditing
IS0 14011 Guidelines for environmental auditing - audit procedures
- part 1: auditing of environmental management systems

IS0 14012 Guidelines for environmental auditing - qualification

criteria for environmental auditors
IS0 14020 General principles for all environmental labels and
IS0 14021 Environmental labels and declarations - self-declaration
environmental claims - terms and definitions
IS0 14022 Environmental labels and declarations - self-declaration
environmental claims - symbols
IS0 14023 Environmental labels and declarations - self-declaration
environmental claims - testing and verification
IS0 14024 Environmental labels and declarations - self-declaration
environmental claims - type I guiding principles and
IS0 14031 Environmental management - environmental performance
evaluation guideline
IS0 14040 Life cycle assessment -principles and framework
IS0 14041 Life cycle assessment - inventory analysis
IS0 14042 Life cycle assessment - impact assessment
IS0 14043 Life cycle assessment - interpretation
I S 0 14050 Terms and definitions
IS0 14060 Guide for the inclusion of environmental aspects in product
The I S 0 14000 Model 65

There have been significant changes in the I S 0 14000 series of

standards since 1996. Updated lists at different stages of development are
presented in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 below.
The process for adopting a standard is briefly discussed so that the
reader can see from the prefixes attached in the tables below, the status
of a particular working document.
Before a committee’s draft is accepted as a standard, it must be
approved following a consensus process. Briefly, the following steps are

A working draft (WD) is developed by a work group (WG) and WG

members may share the WD within their own countries.
Comments received from participating WG members are used to
revise the WD which can again be shared within each WG member’s
country This procedure is followed until a consensus is reached by
the WG members on the WD.
The WD is then presented to the subcommittee (SC) to be accepted
as a committee draft (CD). Subcommittees are responsible for
developing the standards within a defined area.
The CD is distributed to all SC members as a CD for ballot on four
options as follows: Approve as is as a draft international standard
(DIS); approve as a DIS with comments; disapprove the CD as a
DIS; and abstain.
If two-thirds of the returned ballots approve the CD as a DIS as is
and/or with comments, it is elevated to a DIS.
The DIS is forwarded to technical committee members after
necessary revisions have been made and the members may approve
or disapprove it as an IS0 standard.
If approved, all necessary editorial changes are done and a final
ballot is taken on the revised DIS now refereed to as final or FDIS.
Passage of this final ballot results in an IS0 standard.

In Table 4.2, we present the EMS standards as of today based on the

revisions of 2004. We also attach the most recent dates associated with
each standard.
66 Environmental Planning and Management

Table 4.2: I S 0 14000 Series of Standards

Standard Status
I S 0 14001,2004 International Standards
1 150 14004,2004
~~ ~ ~

International Standards
1 IS0 14010* International Standards I
I S 0 14011* International Standards
IS0 14012* International Standards
I IS0 14021, 1999 International Standards I
I S 0 14020,2000 International Standards
I S 0 14024. 1999 International Standards
________~_____ ~

[ I S 0 14041, 1998 International Standards

1 I S 0 14031.1999 International Standards I
I S 0 14042,2000 International Standards
I S 0 14043,2000 International Standards
I S 0 19011,2002 International Standards

*IS0 19011 on environmental management systems auditing replaces I S 0 14010, IS0

14011, and I S 0 14012 on guidelines for quality and/or environmental management
system auditing.

Table 4.3 contains other proposed EMS standards at different stages of

development. It is presented below:

Table 4.3: Working Documents on EMS Standards (Table is adapted from


Standard Description
ISOiTR 14025,2000 Environmental labels and declarations. Type 111environmental

I ISomIs 14025
ISOiTR 14032, 1999
Environmental labels and declarations. Type I11 environmental
declarations. Principles and procedures.
Environmental management - Examples of environmental
performance (EPE)
The I S 0 14000 Model 67

Table 4.3: (Continued)

ISOlDIS 14040
Principles and framework.
ISOlDIS 14044 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment -
Requirements and guidelines.
ISOfl’R 14047,2003 Environmental management - Life cycle impact assessment -

1 ISO/TS 14048,2002
documentation format.

I lso’AwI 14048
ISO/TR 14049,2000
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Data
documentation format (Revision of ISO/TS 14048:2002).
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment -
Example of application of I S 0 14041 to goal and scope
definition and inventory analysis.

ISO/NP 14050 Environmental management - Vocabulary.

ISO/TR 14061,1998 Information to assist forestry organizations in the use of EMS
standards (IS0 14001 and IS0 14004).
ISO/TR 14062,2002 Environmental management - Integrating environmental
aspects into product design and development.
ISOlDIS 14064-1 Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specification with guidance at the
organizational level for quantification and reporting of
greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
ISOlDIS 14064-2 Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification with guidance at the
project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of
greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements.
ISO/DIS 14064-3 Greenhouse gases - Part 3: Specification with guidance for
validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions.
ISOlWD 14065 Greenhouse gases - Requirements for greenhouse gas
validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or
other forms of recognition.

Definitions: DIS - Draft International Standard; TR - Technical Report; TS - Technical

Specification; AWI - Approved Work Item; WD - Working Draft; and NP - New work
item Proposal.
68 Environmental Planning and Management

I S 0 14001 is considered the core standard because it is the only

standard with specified requirements that firms must meet in order to
achieve certification. A firm can therefore be audited on IS0 14001
standards. All the other standards listed in Table 4.2 are guidelines to
help implement IS0 14001. These standards are not required for
certification and a firm may not be audited on their basis. We shall
briefly discuss the core areas covered by the IS0 14000 standards.

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

The core elements of an environmental management system (EMS)

are presented in IS0 14001. The core consists of requirements that a firm
can be audited on for certification. It deals only with environmental
management standards and does not consider performance issues. To
help implement EMS, IS0 14004 offers general guidelines on principles,
systems and supporting techniques.
The involvement of top management is necessary when developing
an environmental policy. The environmental policy must consider the
environmental impacts of the activities, products or services of the firm.
Management must be committed to continuous improvement efforts, and
develop and implement plans for pollution prevention. It is important for
management to ensure compliance to environmental legislation and
regulations, and also to other regulations that the firm may already be
committed to. This may involve establishing communication links with
various interest groups. There must be an established framework to
review environmental objectives and targets and the environmental goals
of the firm must be documented and effectively communicated to all
employees. The public should also be made aware of the environmental
policy of the firm. Thus, top management has the responsibility of
making the public aware of its environmental policy.


A firm must develop a plan to help it achieve its environmental

policy. Components of the plan are environmental aspects; legal and
The I S 0 14000 Model 69

other requirements; environmental objectives and targets; and

environmental management programs. Environmental aspects deal with
procedures that the firm maintains to identify the environmental aspects
of its activities, products or services. The firm makes an assessment of
these impacts and determines its control over them and their expected
impacts on the natural environment. The significant impacts must be
considered in setting up environmental objectives. This information
should be updated over time. It is a dynamic process that requires the
firm to continuously monitor its environmental influence and impacts on
the natural environment and update the available information as needed.
With regards to legal obligation and other requirements, it is the
responsibility of the firm to be aware of the legal requirements it must
comply with. It should maintain procedures to enable it to access such
obligations that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its
activities, products or services.
The firm must have environmental objectives and targets. These
should be consistent with the environmental policy and commitment to
pollution prevention. It is important that documentation is maintained at
each relevant function and level within the organization. The objectives
and targets should be cognizant of the legal and other requirements that
the firm subscribes to, its significant environmental aspect, its
technological options, financial, operational and business requirements
as well as the views of other environmental interest groups. The targets
should be measurable and specific and may be used to achieve the
environmental objectives within a specified time-frame. Environmental
management programs are the operational procedures to achieve
environmental objectives and targets. They involve a breakdown of
responsibilities for achieving objectives and targets; actions to be taken;
resource allocation; and time-frame.

Implementation and Operation

To effectively implement the environmental management program,

the firm must develop the necessary capabilities and support
mechanisms. This involves a well-structured organizational process
I0 Environmental Planning and Management

where job responsibilities and authorities are well defined, documented

and communicated. Resources needed to implement the program must be
provided and management must be involved to ensure system viability
and assess the performance of the program. A major aspect of
implementation and operation of the environmental program is training
awareness and competence. Competence may be developed through
education and training.
It is important that trainees are aware of the requirements of the
system and potential consequences of departure. Thus, appropriate
training should be available. Communication is also an important aspect
of implementation. The firm should have procedures for responding to
relevant communications from external interest groups; and procedures
for both internal and external communications. Like in many of the I S 0
standards, documentation is very important and could be either in paper
or in an electronic form. However, there must be full document control
procedures. Implementation must also deal with operational control of
activities that are done under specified conditions. Suppliers and
contractors should also be made aware of the procedures of the firm. The
firm should have procedures to respond to emergency situations. This
involves plan to respond to emergencies and procedures for accident
prevention. These plans should be revised when an incident occurs and
should be periodically tested.

Checking and Corrective Actions

This step requires the firm to be able to measure, monitor and

evaluate its environmental activities. This requires the firm to be able to
monitor and measure key measures of performance, track operational
performance, operational controls and objectives and targets. The
monitoring process is only effective if the program complies with laws
and regulations. Corrective and preventive actions may also be necessary
when there is non-conformance. Auditing is conducted to assess
conformance and proper implementation of procedures. A report is made
available to management for review.
The I S 0 14000 Model 71

Management Review

This requires the firm to review and continually improve its environ-
mental management system in order to improve the overall environ-
mental performance. Periodic review by management will ensure
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness; address the need for policy
changes or any other changes of the environmental management system;
and documentation of the review.
We shall now focus on the other aspects of the I S 0 14000 series.

Environmental Auditing

This provides the standards that may be used for environmental

auditing of the firm. I S 0 19011 offers the general principles for
environmental auditing. This standard deals mainly with the objectives
and scope of the auditing, professionalism of the auditor, procedures,
criteria, reliability and reporting.
It is the firm that commissions the auditing and states the scope and
objectives of the auditing. Auditors however, are expected to be fair and
avoid conflict of interest. They must also have the required professional
skills and experience to enable them to fulfill these important
responsibilities. Information obtained from auditing and the resulting
report should be kept confidential unless the firm approves disclosure.
Auditors must also follow documented and well-defined methodologies
to carry out their auditing of a firm’s environmental program. There must
be consistency of auditing reports. In other words, other competent
environmental auditors should be able to independently, reach the same
conclusions. Auditors should also recognize that they are working with
sample information and must therefore include some levels of
uncertainty in their audits. All auditing findings should be communicated
in writing to the firm.
72 Environmental Planning and Management

Environmental Labeling

The aim of environmental labeling is to reduce the environmental

impact that may be associated with the consumption of goods and
services. This serves several purposes:

Labels are used to provide information on the environmental impact

of a product or service and the consumer is made aware of that.
The information content of the label may affect the purchasing be-
havior of the consumer.
When purchasing behavior is influenced by the information content
of the label, market shares may subsequently be affected.
This will affect the attitude of manufacturers or firms who will
respond to consumers’ needs if they intend to remain competitive
and increase their market share.
There will be fewer burdens associated with the product or service.

Environmental Performance Evaluation

This deals with a measure of performance. The I S 0 Sub Committee

(5C4) defines it as a process to measure, analyze, assess, report, and
communicate an organization’s environmental performance. It is
intended as a tool that assists company management in understanding
environmental performance; determining necessary actions to achieve
environmental policies, objectives, and targets; and communicating with
interested parties.’ (Block, 1997, p. 17). EPE focuses on three major
areas: management systems, operational system and the environment.
The management systems aspect deals with peoples’ management.
People within the organization take actions that may have an impact on
the environment. There is a need for procedures and practice guidelines
that relate to the management of the organization’s environmental aspect.
Operational system deals with process management. Here, the emphasis
is on the transformation process to produce goods and services. Attention
is given to the process itself in terms of equipment and physical
structures and the materials and energy that are used to produce goods
The I S 0 14000Model 73

and services. The environmental emphasis is to focus organizational

attention on its potential impact on all aspects of the natural environment.
The organization is to assess the influence of its management and
operational system performance on the environment.

Life Cycle Assessment

The emphasis here is to evaluate manufacturing efficiency. Inventory

analysis is employed to compile relevant inputs and outputs of a produc-
tion system.

Terms and Definitions

The aim is to co-ordinate the terms and definitions used by the

various sub-committees and their work groups.

Competing through Environmental Management Systems

Clearly, businesses are paying attention to I S 0 14000 series of

standards. Adherence to these standards can help an organization to be
more competitive and increase its market share in a market environment
that is increasingly focusing on ‘green’ products. The Standards Council
of Canada (1997) in its publication provides a list of reasons why many
companies are interested in adopting an internal environmental manage-
ment system. These reasons are:

0 Reduction of liabilityhsk;
0 Improvements of a company’s image in the area of
environmental performance and compliance with regulatory
0 Pollution prevention and energyhesource savings;
0 Insurance companies’ unwillingness to issue coverage for
pollution incidents unless the firm requesting coverage has a
proven environmental system in place;
74 Environmental Planrzing and Management

Better resale value of a company’s property assets;

0 Desire to profit in the market for ‘green’ products;
0 Improved internal management methods; and
0 Interest in attracting a high-quality work force.

These factors serve as a motivating force for companies to adopt the

standards. We must also add that increased consumer awareness and the
activity of environmental interest groups have greatly influenced atten-
tion on the environment. Consumers are now concerned about the
environmental quality of the product and purchase decisions are influ-
enced by environmental issues. It is a business and marketing strategy for
organizations to achieve certification in environmental management
system to show their responsiveness to environmental management.

Revisions of I S 0 14001

IS0 14001 which is the core of EMS was originally adopted in

1996 but was revised and adopted in 2004. The revision was intended to
make IS0 14001 more user friendly by clarifying some of the statements
in the 1996 document. It was also aimed to align IS0 14001 to the
popular quality standards I S 0 9001 and to establish clear association
between the different segments of EMS, performance measurement, and
the role of top management. This greater focus on alignment with IS0
9001 highlights the importance of quality imperative by emphasizing on
Deming Plan-Do-Check-Act and continual improvement efforts. The
revision also removed some of the vagueness in the original wordings of
IS0 14001 by being specific on how some organizational environmental
goals may be achieved. Munro and Harral 120061 classified these
revisions into five “interpretativeparadigm differences” as follows:
- Communication - This deals with getting everyone on
board to achieve the organizational environmental goals.
They note that the greatest challenge is the increased detail
that must be communicated to top management. The
inclusion of “internal” communication in addition to external
communication is emphasized.
The I S 0 14000 Model 75

- Documentation - There are changes in definitions, scope,

and documentation requirements. Some of the definitions
were borrowed from IS0 9001:2000. For example,
organizations need to show that their auditors are competent.
This concept of competence of auditors is derived from IS0
9001: 2000. Also, more succinct definitions of continual
improvement and EMS audit are presented. Documentations
have also been prepared to be easy to understand and also
to demonstrate the significance of environmental aspects.
There should also be documentation of results of periodic
evaluations and monitoring of compliance.
- Competence - The definition of competence is still a gray
area. Competence may vary from situations and challenges
but organizations need to demonstrate by defining measures
of competence. This could play major role not only in
environmental auditing but may have labor and legal
implications since competence extends to anyone that
performs a task for the organization or rather, the entire
value chain of the organization. The need for independent
auditors is also emphasized.
- Performance focus and evidencing - The emphasis here is
on measurement of objectives and targets and the need to see
continual improvement as a “recurring” process and not a
one-time thing. Resources must be readily available to
support environmental goals.
- Legal and other requirements - There is need for a new
level of awareness and this would require additional
resources. There should be added emphasis on policy,
objectives, or targets with resources devoted to them.

Implementing I S 0 14001

As we mentioned above, IS0 14001 is the core standard and it is the

only standard that a firm can be audited on for certification. We also
76 Environmental Planning and Management

listed and briefly discussed the four core elements of IS0 14001 as
environmental policy, implementation and operation, checking and
corrective action and management review. In order to implement IS0
14001, an organization must go through these elements in a step-by-step
procedure. These core elements are actually motivated by the Shewhart
Cycle popularized by Dr W. Edwards Deming and now widely known as
the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle. The PDCA cycle is commonly
used in implementing quality management programs. We shall use
this cycle to show how these core elements of IS0 14001 can be
Plan - the planning stage requires the organization to develop an
environmental policy. The environmental policy is akin to developing a
mission statement that will detail the organization’s roles, objectives,
goals, and vision with regards to environmental performance. The objec-
tives and targets specified in this statement must be realistic and achiev-
able with the resources dedicated to attaining the environmental policy.
Environmental policy is the motivating force of the organization’s
environmental management system. The organization however can only
plan when it has relevant information. It needs to know its history, the
nature of its business, and the mode of its interaction with the natural
environment through its organizational activities. Thus, there is a need to
have information and knowledge on ‘environmental aspects.’ The envi-
ronmental impact of the organization’s activities on the natural
environment should be estimated, considered and used in setting
environmental objectives and goals. The business or organization
must also know the legal and regulatory requirements that guide its
operations and how it is expected to comply with them. With this
knowledge base and top management commitment, achievable objectives
and targets can be developed and appropriate resources devoted to their
Do - this involves implementation and operation. Once the
environmental policy is known, it is broken down into actions to be taken
and responsibilities duly assigned to members of the organization.
Necessary training is offered to sensitize and make members of the
organization aware of the environmental policy, and to develop the
The I S 0 14000 Model 77

needed competence on environmental management issues. They are also

trained and made aware of the need to document their procedures.
Emphasis is also placed on operational control and emergency prepared-
ness and response.
Check-Act - the check stage involves monitoring the entire
procedure and obtaining feedback. In the EMS document, it is referred to
as checking and corrective action. The essence of this step is to evaluate
outcomes of key performance measures and see if they meet expected
standards or targets. The monitoring is done on a regular basis so that
deviations from expected targets can be detected early. The targets or
standards may be based on compliance required by existing legal and
regulatory requirements. When the system is detected as not meeting
these standards, corrective actions can be taken promptly. The com-
pliance requirements are part of the environmental policy so there is a
target to aim for. The act stage is included in this step because actions are
taken as the situation may warrant solving impending problems such as
system’s deviation from expected norm.
The fourth core element of I S 0 14001 is management review. This
requires top management to be involved as an active participant of
environmental management system. This is necessary, because certain
actions or decisions can be taken at the top management level. Top
management is required to review the EMS to ensure its continuing
suitability and effectiveness. This review may lead to changes in
environmental policy. For example, the original policy may not be
adequate given some organizational transformation or process changes
that may have taken place or it may not have been effective.
Management will then require a revision of the environmental policy or
development of new environmental policy that will align with corporate
objectives and goals. The environmental policy drives the EMS and the
organization’s overall environmental performance so it is important that
top management takes charge of this step. Once this step is completed,
the process continues.
The implementation process offered here is generic and does not
relate to any specific industry. It is a stepwise procedure that has to be
taken irrespective of the industry.
78 Environmental Planning and Management

Description of
Prioritizing The I S 0 14040 Series
eovironmental Life cyclc assessment
of pmducts

I S 0 14001 &
14004 I S 0 14062 Improvement
Environmental integration Of
Management eovimnmentd envimnmentd
System performance
aspects in
Design far enwonmen1 Of products
design and


t-\ Check

I S 0 14063
in environmental

I 1
envimnrnental -I TheISO 14030series
Description of
performance of
performance performance evaluation

Monitoring Information

performance Environmental
management system
auditing environmental

Figure 4.1: I S 0 14000 Model in an Integrated Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle

The I S 0 14000Model 79

Figure 4.1 (adopted from shows the I S 0 14000

Model in an integrated Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The PDCA
cycle was made popular by Edward Deming in quality management
literature and has since been applied to several areas of study. Important
information to derive from this is that the I S 0 14000 model relies on
effective planning, performance measurement, and monitoring. It is an
ongoing process that seeks continuous improvement to achieve
environmental quality. The effective implementation of these guidelines
is essential to achieving maximum benefits and this would require
effective planning. You would also notice that environmental
management systems auditing is now represented as I S 0 19011. This
new standard replaces the previous I S 0 14010, 14011, and 14012 and
deals with guidelines for quality and/or environmental management
systems auditing and not just guidelines for environmental auditing as in
the previous standards. Thus guidelines for quality and environmental
management systems auditing are unified.

The Consumer and IS0 14000

The issue of standardization is of interest to consumers worldwide.

Standardization ensures best practices and consistency in the delivery of
products and services. It eases conformance to established guidelines and
helps the regulation of products and processes. Consumers are protected
from inefficient products and processes that are unsustainable. The
quality of the environment and earth’s limited resources are efficiently
Sustainability is not just of importance to consumers but to all
stakeholders such as suppliers, manufacturers and vendors. We shall
itemize some of the benefits of sustainable practices:

Safer, healthier and environmentally friendly products are needed to

improve the quality of life and productivity. Productivity as a
measure of the economic wellbeing of a nation is enhanced when
employees are safe and healthy. Environmentally sound products
help to achieve the goal of increased productivity. One of the
problems facing industrialized nations today is the increasing cost of
80 Environmental Planning and Management

healthcare and health insurance. Some of the health-related problems

are induced by environmental pollution. Briggs estimates that 8-9%
of total disease burden may be associated to environmental pollution
and this figure is even higher for developing nations’. Yet, this
percentage of total disease burden may be underestimated because of
long latency times, difficulty in linking a pollutant to a single disease
and multiple exposures to different pollutants. Major sources of
environmental pollution include unsafe water, poor sanitation, poor
hygiene and indoor air pollution. Why some of these may require
basic hygiene practices however, industrial pollution contributes
significantly in creating unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation, and
poor air quality. For example, in many developing countries, there
are few guidelines on factory locations and waste management. In
such places, dumping of wastes and pollutants by manufacturers in
streams and rivers and the lack of control on the emission of
pollutants to the air pollute both the sources of drinking water and
air. Standardization plays a role by specifying guidelines for best
practices, sharing best practices worldwide, and educating regulators
on standards to check for. The worldwide focus on best practices
also compels manufacturers to carefully review and adopt
ecologically friendly practices.
In a global economy, it is important to have a level playing field.
Consumers demand higher quality and quality extends to the role of
the product on the environment. Consumers worldwide expect to get
the same consistency of products and understand the need for safe
and clean environment. They also participate in the green movement
and would prefer manufacturers that are environmentally conscious.
When a global company leaves its home base to compete in a new
environment, it expects to meet exactly the same standards. By
standardizing worldwide operations, the cost of operation and
production is significantly reduced and high quality products that
meet environmental needs can be delivered to customers at
competitive prices. IS0 standards facilitate international trade. By

Briggs, D., “Environmental pollution and the global burden of disease,”
Br Med Bull., 68: 1-24,2003.
The I S 0 14000 Model 81

developing consistent standards, global companies can compete

effectively by understanding the rules of the game. It would not
matter if the company is based in Tokyo, Japan, or New Delhi, India,
these companies do understand that there is a single world market
that has to be catered for. Their products and services are evaluated
using the same standards and their ability to compete effectively is
dependent on their ability to satisfy these established standards and
practices. So a sound business management practice would require
knowledge of the guiding environmental management practices. The
quest to meet and exceed these standards has made companies to
become more innovative and find ways to turn environmental
practices into profits. The cases of Kodak single use camera and
Xerox remanufacturing practice show how corporations can be
environmentally responsible and yet achieve high profitability.
With the global economy, manufacturers are now dealing with global
supply chain. Many manufacturers outsource part of their
productions to other countries where cost of production is cheap, yet
core competencies are available in such countries. Therefore, a
manufacturer of aircrafts like Boeing may outsource the manufacture
of wing flaps to Italy and expect to meet the same high quality and
attain the same environmental standards. The attainment of these
standards give consumers confidence that no laws are circumvented.
In the past, multinational corporations relocated operations to
countries where environmental laws were relaxed but today, they
are joining in the effort to help such countries develop their
environmental standards. Furthermore, with many of these countries
as member nations of ISO, it becomes easier to develop consistent
environmental standards worldwide. Using IS0 14000 standards and
guidelines requires an evaluation of the value chain in order to
support environmental protection and resource conservation efforts.
This process helps in improving efficiencies and productivity. To
effectively evaluate the value chain, the supply chain network
becomes a critical component of this entire process. Many
manufacturers have realigned their strategies with that of their supply
chain to benefit from the global efficiencies these practices may lead
to. So the issue is no longer being able to supply the cheapest cost
82 Environmental Planning and Management

but also being able to satisfy the standards and the reputation that the
manufacturer wants. Thus the manufacturer and his team of suppliers
work as team and share information on how to improve both product
and environmental quality. Innovation is therefore critical in
achieving both environmental performance and economic growth.
Consumers in poorer countries stand to benefit from regulations
since they could gain from the knowledge that exists in industrial
nations. Poorer countries can benefit from this knowledge base
without necessarily investing their resources on research and
development to establish their own set of environmental laws.
Green products create choices for consumers. Today’s consumers are
educated and have access to a wider range of information and
database. They are able to make decisions that are rooted in their
social and value systems. Consumers’ perceptions of quality may be
broader than the general definition of product quality and may focus
on issues of social responsibility, integrity and trust [Madu and Kuei
19951. Such focus on social and value systems are often associated
to green issues. Consumers tend to perceive conformance to
environmental standards as an aspect of organizational social
responsibility function. Consumers today have a wide range of
products and services to choose from and environmental issues are
increasingly factored in making such decisions. Adhering to
internationally accepted standards as outlined in I S 0 guidelines
attest to an organizational conformity to established standards and
elevates the organization above its competitors that may not
demonstrate this mark of achievement. Companies that embark on
environmental quality improvement efforts meet the needs of their
stakeholders. They appropriately respond to the environmental
challenges and develop a reputation of being stakeholder-focused.
This will help create a business image and reputation that may
transcend into increased market share and thereby higher profit
0 The use of IS0 14000 encourages environmentally sensible and
conscious practices. This would also help to minimize ecological
debts. According to Claude Martin, chairman World Wildlife Fund
(WWF), “We are running up an ecological debt which we won’t be
The ISO 14000 Model 83

able to pay off unless governments restore the balance between our
consumption of natural resources and the Earth's ability to renew
them,"9 It is clear that a major problem is to be able to balance
consumption of natural resources and the ability to renew the
resources. While it is not always feasible to renew all resources,
however, the use of ISO 14000 could help in responsible practices
and in identifying sustainable practices that can extend the useful life
of nonrenewable resources.
> In the past, different countries maintained different environmental
standards. These standards were not universally accepted and
were often contradictory. Such independent standards complicate
international trade, regulation and monitoring, and do not protect
global consumers. Today, the universal standards as achieved
through ISO simplifies worldwide regulation, present the same
view of environmental standards to all stakeholders, and assure
consistency in achieving the standards. They facilitate international
trade and ease entrance into new markets by foreign corporations.
Consumers stand to benefit from competition, increased employment
opportunities, and the quest by competing companies to be the best
and produce world-class products and services.

Environmental Action Box

A case study on Polaroid Corporation

Polaroid Corporation is a good example of a company that adopts

best practice environmental management program. Polaroid, which
produces dozens of products, has adapted its product development
process known as Product Delivery Process (PDP) to integrate
aspects of design for environment (DFE). This integration ensures
that environmental burdens are carefully evaluated and a life cycle
assessment is conducted to ensure that the production process
complies with the company's environmental goals. Polaroid enshrines

Fowler, J., "Group warns on consumption of resources,"
tmpl=story&cid=624&u=/ap/20041022/ap_on_sc/plundered..., October 22, 2004.
84 Environmental Planning and Management

its environmental goals in its corporate mission thereby making this a

major part of its operation. Even in the mist of restructuring, its CEO J
Michael Pocock states in the 2002 sustainability report as follows
“At Polaroid, we understand that preserving the environrnent
is not only a corpomte social responsibility, but also an
economic imperative. We safeguard the health and safety of
our employees to show our commitment to responsible
employment practices and to preserve the integrity of our
business. But we also operate our plants to ensure thut we
protect the environment for our customers.”
This statement identifies some key challenges facing corporations
today. They are concerned with the issues of social responsibility,
integrity, competitiveness, and the role of their stakeholders.
Companies today compete by listening to the “voice of the
stakeholder.” Employees and customers make up a segment of the
stakeholder group and businesses cannot survive in an adverse
environment. Polaroid however, has a long history of paying attention
to the preservation of environment and views the environment not
only from the social perspective but also as beneficial and key part of
its business strategy. Its long history of environmental stewardship
has led to some remarkable achievements such as the reduction in
carbon dioxide emission, reduction in toxic releases, reduction in solid
non-hazardous waste generation, and reduction in total energy usage.
These reductions have made its products more environmentally
friendly and competitive. Polaroid’s sustainability program is not
mere goals to achieve. They are also measurable. Polaroid uses a list
of performance measures such as annual environmental compliance
scorecard, third party audits and SARA Toxics Release Inventory.
The key performance indicators involve looking at energy, water,
toxic release inventory, waste generation, greenhouse gases, air
emissions and compliance. The practice objectives of Polaroid focus
on the following environmental management practices“:

l o “2002 Sustainability Report,”, downloaded on

October 25, 2004.
The ISO 14000 Model 85

Environmental Practice : Yes

Reduced consumption of virgin materials X :

through product or process redesign :

Procurement of goods with recycled cbnteoit X . v .

Recycling of solid waste : X
Recycling of hazardous waste and toxic X
Water conservation X :
Energy conservation X
Source reduction or risk reduction of toxic X

These practices are achievable and can be monitored.

One of the greatest challenges facing corporations today is the issue
of outsourcing. Companies tend to focus on areas where they have
core competence. By outsourcing, there is possibility that some of
the guidelines maintained by a company may not be adhered to by
vendors that supply to it. Outsourcing is an important part of many
manufacturing and marketing operations. Taking a product stewardship
requires that corporations must be responsible for their product and
their supply chain network. Polaroid outsources the production of some
of its major products such as digital cameras and instant cameras to
companies across the globe notably Scotland and China. It is important
that a systemic and global view of environmental management is taken
in the production process. Polaroid has adopted stringent evaluation
process of vendor pre-qualification to ensure that its environmental
standards are maintained. Among the issues considered by Polaroid are
those included in its Supplier criteria as presented below11:

Table is adopted from the 2002 Sustainability Report.

86 Environmental Planning and Management
The ISO 14000 Model 87

Polaroid's lead In environmental management is remarkable. It was

among the ten US companies that developed a set of. guidelines
between 1992 and 1993 to guide companies on how to publish
corporate environmental reports. The group published its guidelines in
1994 as Public Environmental Reporting Initiative. The aim of the
guideline is to serve as a tool for organizations to voluntarily produce
a balanced reporting of their environmental policies, practices and
performances. Polaroid endorsed the guidelines of the Coalition for
Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) in 1994 and has
been at the forefront of encouraging other companies to adhere to
environmentally responsible practices worldwide. The principles of
CERES are adopted in Polaroid's annual reports.

A Case Study on the Dutch Airline KLM12

KLM is dubbed the first airline to achieve ISO 14001 certification.

KLM adopted a pro-active environmental policy to respond to its
changing business and political climate. The major thrust of its
environmental policy was to achieve noise reduction and the safe
disposal of hazardous waste. Major environmental issues of concern
to airline operations include fuel and energy saving, noise reduction,
emissions and wastewater, and waste separation. KLM's approach
focused on planning and prioritization, employees' roles and
responsibilities, providing resources and monitoring environmental
management system (EMS) implementation. Influencing the attitudes
of line management was instrumental in gaining their commitment
and achieving environmental care. KLM achieved success by
winning the support of its employees. Employees' involvement and
commitment were instrumental in developing a system for continuous
improvement through measurement and evaluation. Employees were
supported with training on environment-related functions, and

This case is adapted from Huiskamp, U., "KLM's ISO 14001-certified
environmental programme takes off," ISO Management Systems, October 2001,
88 Environmental Planning and Management

environment orientation courses for strategic management. Employees

were motivated to participate in the goal and communication of
the environmental policies to stakeholders and listening to the
stakeholders’ voices were important in achieving sustainable policies.
Today, KLM achieves environmental efficiency by

Recycling newspapers
Elimination of low-turnover goods in its duty-free selection on
board to reduce weight and increase fuel efficiency
Substitute fabric that does not require dry cleaning is now used in
making flight-crew uniforms. This helps to reduce the amount of
toxic dry cleaning chemicals emitted into the air.
Optimal water requirement for a flight is maintained to reduce the
weight on board and maximize fuel efficiency. KLM reports a
savings of 1.6 million kilograms of fuel in 2000. Its fuel
efficiency was 20% higher than the average European airline.


In this chapter, we have discussed the IS0 as an organization and its

quality standards. We focused mainly on IS0 14000 series which are
now emerging as the environmental management system standards for
organizations. IS0 9000 and IS0 14000 series formats are similar in that
they both require the development of frameworks to either manage
product quality or the environment; they focus on continuous improve-
ment and documentation procedures; and they rely on training and top
management involvement. They, however, differ in content. IS0 9000
series focus much on customers and their needs but IS0 14000 series
focus on ‘environmental stakeholders’ rather than customers. The organ-
ization must pay attention to the needs of this larger group that may not
necessarily be its customers but have a stake in the natural environment.
The need to attain sustainable development and protect our natural
environment from degradation and pollution is a universal problem that
is now transcending beyond business operations. So corporations of the
future must pay attention to the need for sustainable development. We
The I S 0 14000 Model 89

also looked into the revision of I S 0 14001 in 2004 and noted that the
major changes from the 1996 version focused on five areas:
communications, documentation, competence, performance focus and
evidencing, and legal and other requirements.
The increased number of environmental disasters such as the ex-
plosion of the Union Carbide’s pesticide production plant in Bhopal,
India, in 1984 and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound,
Alaska, has brought much focus on corporate responsibility. Madu
[1996] points to the emergence of new environmental laws meant to
regulate the operations of businesses and protect the natural habitat. With
the avalanche of local, regional and national laws that corporations are
expected to comply with, the cost of doing business in an environmental-
sensitive society is increasingly high. It is important and cost effective to
have international standards on the environment that can guide
businesses and help them meet their corporate and social responsibility
functions to the society at reasonable costs. IS0 14000 series of
standards can achieve such a goal if they are widely accepted and
adopted by member nations. Certification of corporations as meeting
such standards can help reduce tensions and suspicions that often exist
between communities and corporations. This will effectively enhance the
image of corporations. Two case studies on Polaroid and KLM were


Briggs, D., “Environmental pollution and the global burden of disease,”

Br Med Bull., 68: 1-24, 2003.
Munro, R.A., and Harral, W.M., “The I S 0 14001:2004 Revision,”
Quality Digest, February 13,2006.
Madu, C.N., and Kuei, C-H., Strategic Total Quality Management,
Quorum Books, New York, New York, 1995.
Madu, C.N., Managing Green Technologies for Global Competitiveness,
Quorum Books, Westport, CT, 1996.
Chapter 5

Environmental Planning
A key issue in achieving sustainable development is the ability
to manage human impact on the natural environment. Clearly, the
scale of environmental pollution and degradation that are of major
concern is that generated by industrial wastes through the creation of
products and services. If such industrial wastes are not curtailed,
sustainable development will not be achieved. Strategic planning as
discussed in this chapter will examine the key facts both from managerial
and technical perspectives on how sustainable development can be
achieved through efficient environmental management. Specifically,
we explore organizational strategic planning, competitiveness and the
concepts of industrial ecology to understand how they influence
While many of us are beginning to accept the need for sustainability,
we must also not lose sight of the primary objective of a business or
an industrial organization. Businesses have as their core objective to
maximize shareholders’ wealth. This objective may often be perceived
by management to be in conflict with the goal of environmental
protection. The bottom-line is what top management understands very
well. Thus, to attract and sustain management’s interest in environmental
protection strategies, they must also be exposed to the potential benefits
of such strategies. It is through thorough strategic planning of
environmental issues that management would come to understand the
value of environmental protection. To some companies, this is now a
mute issue since they have already started to reap the benefits of
sustainable development. However, more improvements can be achieved
and it is necessary to continue to reinforce the value to organizations of
sustainable development.
Environmental management is a corporate-level issue and demands
the attention of top management. Many of the strategies required
to achieve sustainable development may involve organizational

Environmental Planning 91

restructuring, adaptation to new organizational culture, capital

investment, and long-term planning. These aspects of planning are
beyond the horizon of middle management and will need corporate-level
involvement to be successful. Furthermore, being environmentally
sensitive is a responsive strategy to both the needs of the customers and
to the actions of competitors. Thus, it pays to be environmentally
responsible. Also, the emergence of new laws and regulations in
several countries is making it much harder for polluters to operate
unnoticed. Corporations that have the vision to respond proactively to
environmental demands will become competitive and have early entrance
into new socially responsive markets. The cost of environmental
pollution is high. Companies that pollute do not only suffer the high
environmental penalty costs imposed by regulators but are also
responsible for clean up costs and may in addition, suffer loss of market
share from incensed public reacting to the company’s environmental
record. Typical examples include Exxon Corporation during the 1990 oil
spill at Prince William Sound, Alaska. Customers as a result of this
accident repudiated its credit cards. Union Carbide also suffered public
humiliation and discontent when its chemical plant exploded in Bhopal,
India in 1984.

Strategic Environmental Management

Environmental management is a core company value and not simply

a public relations ploy [Grant and Campbell 19941. Corporations realize
the business potentials that can accrue from responsible environmental
management. Consumers are gradually shifting their priorities and
supporting products and services that are environmentally friendly. Grant
and Campbell [ 19941 note that the environment can be integrated into the
corporate culture in several ways such as:

0 Expanded innovation and productivity,

Better environmental performance.
Improved bottom line.
92 Environmental Planning and Managemeni

0 Better handling of volatile environmental controversies.

0 Enhanced credibility and trust.
0 More employee involvement in community relations.

These approaches on how to incorporate environmental management

in to the corporate culture also offer guidance on what is needed in
the environmental front to achieve competitiveness in the growing
environmental market. Clearly, the end result for profit making
organizations will be to improve the bottom line. However, to achieve
such goal, the corporation needs to develop more efficient and
innovative system or processes to enable it achieve the demanding
societal environmental goals. By meeting the demands on the
environment, the organization builds credibility and trust and is able to
deal with volatile environmental controversies. In return, market shares
may be gained, cost may be reduced and the bottom line may be
improved. Employees also develop a sense of pride and joy in their
organization and become integral members of their communities.
Responsible environmental management is a win-win strategy that
benefits the business enterprise, consumers, employees, and the society
as a whole.
When the company is environmentally sensitive, it enjoys the
support and goodwill of its community. The company becomes more
efficient and cost conscious. The cost of poor environmental quality is
controlled thus enabling it to invest in innovation and Research and
Development. This may lead to the generation of new and improved
products and services that will have less demand on material and energy
consumption. The company is also able to position itself as a leader in its
industry as it continues to gain market shares.
Strategic planning requires adopting a vision for the future. The
world community has a stake in the survival of the natural environment
and with new laws and regulations passed by the different nations and
the world communities, businesses must heed to the need to protect the
natural environment. Manufacturers are recognizing that in order to
continue to be competitive, they must be environmentally conscious.
Thus, the traditional manufacturing strategy and philosophy must change
Environmental Planning 93

to respond to our changing environmental needs. There is greater desire

now than ever to produce environmentally friendly products. These
products must make efficient use of limited natural resources, create less
waste, and have less demand on material and energy. The focus is to
increase or maintain value why reducing input requirements for a
product. The reduction in input results in elimination of wastes, less
dependence on nonrenewable resources, less dependence on energy and
material, and more efficient use of technologies. To achieve this, the
entire production system must conform to the new environmental
standards. The goal here shifts away from the end-of-pipe management
approach where the aim is to treat waste at the end of the entire process
but rather, to prevent the waste from being incurred in the first place. A
cradle-to-grave approach is therefore taken starting from the idea
conception stage through product design, production, and usage and
disposal stages. Environmental management and protection is an
ongoing process that spans through the life of the product. It is
supportive of business ventures and it should not be seen as a costly
venture but as a means of improving the long-term profitability and
survivability of the firm. Businesses must see themselves as partners in
this because if the source of their input is polluted or depleted, then the
future of the business will also be affected. Imagine the impact that
shortage of pulp would cause the paper industry. However, through
effective planning, the availability of the resources could be protected
through effective usage and recycling efforts, replanting of the forestry,
and conservation.

Environmental Planning Framework

Planning for environmental protection will take the same traditional

approach as any strategic planning framework. Madu [ 19961 presented
an environmental planning framework referred to as the strategic cycle or
system transformation process. This figure is adapted and presented
94 Environmental Planning and Management

Deming Cycle: Plan Strategy Do Strategy Check Evaluation Act Strategy

Suategic Cycle: Formulation Implementation and Control Implemenlalion
on a Small Scale On a Full Scale

Action. implementation
preplaming using
SWOT analysis and
benchmarking v
Introduce product to
Produce the *ternin small
quantity using TAGUCHI corrective
experimental design v
Collect market or field

L Evaluate the output by

comparing to performance
specifications and customer
needs using 7 basic QC
took and daily source of the
management techniques problem

Define customer needs in design and Implement needed
term? of designs and changes
specifications using QFD

Routinely evaluate
Ye sensitivity, analyze and
Specify organizational assess customer needs
goals, targets, and using market survey and
objectives using OFD, information system
Delphi, dialectical,
hoshin. AHP, and
Auditing and reappraisal,
Routinely test for product evaluate the entire
specifications and planning process.
conformance using 7 basic Conduct “what if‘
QC tools analysis
Policy makmg or
preplaming using
SWOT analysis and
benchmarking *
Action, implementation

Do the Things Right

Gain Competitive Do the Right Get the Best Performance
Advantage Thines with Fewer Resources

Figure 5.1: System Transfornation Process

Environmental Planning 95

We shall discuss each of the key steps or phases in this planning

process below. It is shown in this figure, that environmental planning
process is a never-ending cycle that is akin to the popular Deming cycle
in quality management. Dr. Edward W. Deming popularized the use of
the Plan-Do-Check-Act in quality management and it is shown here that
the strategic cycle for environmental management follows basically the
same steps. Therefore, environmental planning can be broken down
along these four major phases as we describe them below:

Plan (Strategy formulation)

Plan can be referred as the strategic formulation phase. It is a critical

element of any organization’s strategic formulation. The organization’s
vision on how to deal with its customers and its extended and external
environment is made at this point. Let us take for example, the case of
new product development. The company decides through its research and
development that a new product to satisfy a particular need has to be
developed. This new product is not without its consequences to the
natural environment. Developing the product will require the use of
natural resources, materials and energy and its usage may create other
environmental burden such as emissions to the atmosphere or disposal to
landfills. At this stage, it is important to adequately plan on how to deal
with these environmental burdens. There are several things that an
organization can do to minimize the environmental burden of the
product. One of the approaches to be followed may include forming an
environmental quality group or a team that will comprise of all major
stakeholders. These stakeholders will conduct a critical assessment of the
product from a design, production, and disposal point of views and
contrast each of the needed elements with substitutes to identify which
options may have the less environmental burden. The formation of a
stakeholder team brings in people with diverse worldviews and
experiences and may lead to proliferation of new ideas on how to best
satisfy customer needs. This approach also allows for a more thorough
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis where the
manufacturer does not view SWOT only internally but also externally. In
96 Environmental Planning and Management

other words, environmental burden and concerns of the general public

about the product could be factored into the designing of the product.
When the manufacturer is able to integrate the views, concerns and
values of the general public in product design, it becomes more capable
of seeking alternative production systems and product substitutes that
may have less environmental impacts. It also becomes more capable of
working with its supply chain to make sure that the entire supply chain
network is adequately involved in achieving its overall goal of
environmental quality. With manufacturers increasingly outsourcing
different stages of their product development to different suppliers and
vendors, it is important that the entire supply chain network work
towards a common goal. Irrespective of who the vendor or supplier may
be, the manufacturer must take a cradle-to-grave approach of its product.
The concept of SWOT analysis is deeper than just the manufacturer
identifying its internal strengths and weaknesses or opportunities and
threats from a competitive point of view. A major strength that a
manufacturer can enjoy is its stakeholder’s goodwill. The general
perception by the stakeholder that the manufacturer is environmentally
conscious by itself is a competitive weapon that could translate
into increased market share. Threats could also be seen from the point
that competitors have more environmentally friendly products and
opportunities might rise from the fact that existing products do not
meet the environmental needs of consumers. SWOT analysis could
in fact, help an environmentally conscious manufacturer to identify
environmental market niche that are not being satisfied by competitors.
Environmental management planning would benefit from the use of
existing management tools. One of the issues involved in using
stakeholder teams in planning product design and management is that an
avalanche of issues may be raised regarding the interaction of the
product with its natural environment. Also, several substitutes for the
different components required for the product may be suggested and
would need to be evaluated in terms of effectiveness, quality, cost, and
environmental burden. A company could conduct a comparative
assessment by using existing management tools to determine how best to
satisfy customer needs through design. One of the strategies that have
been effectively used in the quality management literature is to apply the
Environmental Planning 97

quality function deployment popularly known as QFD. QFD is effective

in matching customer needs to design needs. QFD drives the company by
pushing the design team to identify “hidden” customer requirements and
offering ways to satisfy such requirements. Its use also helps to identify
those factors that are important to customers so that the design phase
does not miss out on the critical feature that a product should have.
Furthermore, it could help the company to conduct a competitive and
technical evaluation of itself relative to its competitors and to how well it
is achieving specified target values [Madu 2000, 20061. The point is that
QFD helps facilitate the planning and production of products and
services that meet customer expectations and will therefore help ensure
that manufacturers adequately integrate customer concerns about
environmental burden in product design and production.
Developing a product to satisfy the environmental needs of the
consumers is not all that easy. It requires a clear and objective
assessment of the impact all stages of product development will have on
the natural environment, thereby demanding that a thorough life cycle
assessment should be conducted. Life cycle assessment is often difficult
to conduct since it is difficult at times to prioritize different
environmental impacts. For example, in comparing cotton and softwood
pulp, it is difficult to determine which of these two creates less
environmental burden. Further application of management tools would
require the ranking of the environmental burdens that may be identified
by the stakeholder team in terms of relative importance. This may also
consider situational and structural differences that may affect alternative
choices. The use of the analytic hierarchy process to achieve this is
discussed in Chapter 6.
Once the planning phase is done, the next phase is to execute the
plan. The execution phase is the “Do” stage.

Do (Strategy implementation on a small scale)

This phase involves the evaluation of the plan. It may involve pilot
studies, developing and testing small-scale models, and computer
simulations. The objective here is to mimic the real life product through
98 Environmental Planning and Management

modeling so to be able to address “what i f ’ scenarios that may arise. This

phase involves testing different substitutes or alternative designs and
collecting samples for further analysis as regards to their environmental
burden or impacts. This stage provides critical information that could be
used to narrow down the potential number of substitute components for a
product or the number of alternative designs that are being compared. In
the end, only those components and alternative designs that meet the
specified threshold are kept and further evaluated on other factors such
as resource availability, cost, quality, and compatibility with other
products or services provided by the manufacturer.

Check (Strategy evaluation and control)

Test marketing on a sample group could be conducted to obtain

further information on how to enhance the product and its environmental
quality. This is often difficult to implement since some of the
environmental impacts may not be readily available and may take few
years to realize. However, a full-blown implementation could be risky if
proper product testing is not conducted. The testing phase is meant to see
if the established environmental goals and standards are being satisfied.
If not, the sources of the problem should be identified and rectified
before a full implementation should be considered. Also, even when the
established standards are being satisfied, it is important to match the
prototype product to competitors’ products. This will help to determine
market acceptability and product strengths that could be used in devising
marketing strategies for competitive advantage. This testing procedure is
therefore, an effective means of acquiring new information on the
product through comparative assessment of its environmental features
against the products of competitors.

Act (Strategy implementation on a full scale)

The product after undergoing all the necessary corrective measures

should then be introduced into the market on a large scale. The
Environmental Planning 99

stakeholder team would be supportive of the fact that adequate measures

have been taken to ensure that environmental burden created by the
product has been limited through effective planning. However, even with
all good intent, there is no certainty that the product will not create any
unwanted environmental burden. A monitoring program needs to be
implemented to track the product through its life to detect manageable
environmental burdens. Also, with improvements in new technology and
the availability of new information, it may be possible to continuously
improve on the product or replace it or some of its components with
more environmentally friendly substitutes. The concept of product
stewardship requires the manufacturer to take responsibility for its
products through their life cycle and to continuously seek methods to
improve the environmental quality of the products. When significant
environmental changes are needed, continuous improvement may no
longer be effective and a complete overhaul and perhaps redesign of the
product may be required. In this case, reengineering of the entire process
from design through production and usage may be required. The key
however is that the planning process is a never ending process that
constantly updates itself using new information and feedback obtained
from the natural environment. It is an open system that seeks to find the
best way to design and produce environmentally friendly products and
services. Continuous improvement while helpful with small changes that
may affect the product may become inefficient when there are significant
environmental changes. When such occurs, reengineering of the entire
product and production process may be required.

Understanding Environmental Problems

The environmental strategic planning framework presented here

would be incomplete if it has no means of identifying an environmental
problem or burden that may exist with a particular product. To facilitate
the identification of these problems, we propose the use of a popular tool
in quality management known as the fishbone diagram or the Ishikawa
diagram or the 4m. Basically, this fishbone looking diagram is based on
the idea that every problem can be deciphered into four parts namely
100 Environmental Planning and Management

man, machine, methods and material. We believe this to be also true in

managing environmental problems. We use the fishbone diagram to
analyze environmental problems associated with paper production.

Man-the role of the labor force in creating waste and environmental

pollution is rather obvious. Human error often results in the misuse
of limited natural resources such as raw materials and energy in
producing needed goods and services. Also, some of the major
environmental accidents have been attributed to errors in human
judgment, poor supervision and training, and often lack of sensitivity
to environmental needs. Errors in carefully evaluating and deciding
on alternative substitutes or production processes to limit
environmental burden can also be attributed to management
problems which are human in nature.
0 Material-environmental burden can be created when less efficient
material is used. For example, in the paper industry, the use of virgin
pulp against the use of post consumption paper would lead to
unnecessary exploitation of forestry thereby diminishing the limited
forestry resources. Likewise, the decision to use composted wastes in
farms against synthetic fertilizers will not only enrich the soil but
prevent the erosion of top soil and the excess buildup of nitrogen in
the soil. Recycling and reuse of materials have also helped greatly in
limiting environmental burden attributed to material usage. As we
have illustrated in the case of Kodak single-use camera, material
conservation can be achieved by remanufacturing and reuse. The use
of fossil fuels can also be limited by finding renewable energy
resources. Efficient manufacturing and production strategies also
reduce both material and energy inputs.
0 Machine-environmental burden may be created when equipment
or machinery malfunction or fail to produce within specified
tolerance limits. As a result, more scraps or rejects are incurred thus
placing more demand on the need for both material and energy
resources. Furthermore, emission to land, air and sea could be
affected if the machine is improperly serviced or fails to meet
emission standards.
Environmental Planning 101





Quality of recycled paper Strength of coating METHODS

Optical brightening agent

Strength of the
post-consumption fiber
- De-inking process

/ w

Poor quality Paper

Figure 5.2: A Fishbone Diagram for a Spec@ Example i e . , Paper Production

102 Environmental Planning and Management

Methods-the design strategy detects the technique or method of

production and could significantly influence the output of wastes and
energy consumption. Different design strategies such as design for
environment, design for manufacturability, and design for
recyclability are widely used to limit environmental burden. A
diagram is presented below to illustrate the use of the 4m in
analyzing environmental impacts.

From this discussion, it is apparent that an efficient planning process

must include consideration of man, materials, machine, and methods and
how they could potentially influence environmental burden. The
environmental impact of each product or service should be evaluated on
the basis of these 4ms to better project its environmental burdens. This
diagram should also be used to evaluate alternative or substitute products
in parallel. It gives a clear view of all products and improves
understanding of both the strengths and weaknesses of each design
strategies. It could be used as a basis not only for selecting the product
with less environmental impact but also for improving production
systems by benchmarking a process that appears to be more efficient and
environmentally friendly.

Organizational Culture and Environmental Planning

Planning cannot be effective without a change in organizational

culture. Everyone has to do things differently. This will require a total
system overhaul with top management taking active part and showing
support for environmental management initiatives. A total new culture
has to be built and this culture will require attitude and value changes
from employees. Top management must commit not only time but
resources in terms of factory modernization by adopting new and more
environmentally friendly processes, education and training of employees
to teach them the importance of environmental-quality standards and
their role in meeting the environmental goals of the company, and better
relationship with suppliers and vendors to ensure that they follow
corporate environmental guidelines and policies. The training should
Environmental Planning 103

emphasize the importance of self-regulation, governmental standards and

legislation, and the influence of environmental interest groups and how
to work with the different parties to achieve sustainable manufacturing
practices. Employees should be acquainted on both the short- and
long-term environmental forces and the role of their companies to
mediate and abate some environmental causes.
When senior management is aware of the importance of
environmental quality planning, it begins to analyze the buying patterns
of consumers as they relate to the environment. By understanding
that the buying patterns of consumers are significantly shifting from
an emphasis on direct product quality to also include environmental
quality, senior management realizes the necessity to develop a new
organizational mission and vision for the company based on
environmental goals. This is followed by the development of specific
strategies and programs to meet customers’ needs and to achieve the goal
of company wide total environmental quality. The increase in the
demand for organic food products is a case in point. In 2003, the US and
EU accounted for 95 percent of worldwide retail sales of organic food
products in the tune of $25 billion13.While the European organic markets
are more mature, the US is steadily catching up. In the 1990s, the
average growth rate of organic retail sales in the U.S. was 20 percent per
year and this pace is expected to continue to 2005 and then slow down to
the range of 9-16 percent per year through 2010. This trend is also
expected to overflow to other industrial sectors.
Senior management needs to encourage process and organizational
transformation and redesign. These actions involve not only process
transformation but also cultural transformation.
As shown in Figure 5.3, customers’ needs are holistic and there must
be a balance between environmental protection and product satisfaction.
Ideally, the consumer will prefer a high-value product that is also
environmentally friendly. These emerging needs of the consumer present
new challenges, opportunities and threats to the company. The company

l 3 Dimitri, C., and Oberholtzer, L., “EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong
Demand Under Different Policies,” Amber Waves, February 2006.
104 Environmental Planning and Management

Optimization opportunity


I Environmental
tpzy={ d r h Transformation
I + I I + I

P Cultural

Continuous Improvement

Figure 5.3: Transformation to A Green Organization

would need to undergo a process of change in order to adapt to the new

environment. However, these challenges pose new opportunities that
could be exploited to gain new market share. If it is however ignored, it
becomes a significant threat to the survival of the firm.
There are three main areas that are impacted by the process of
change. The first is the system transformation process, which deals with
the process of transforming inputs into outputs. Here, adequate control
standards must be in place to ensure compliance with stringent
environmental laws. The problem is not just producing products or
services that meet environmental standards but also ensuring that the
transformation process itself meets the same stringent conditions. Thus,
Environmental Planning 105

the product or service, as well as its transformation process during every

stage of production, should meet the same environmental constraints to
be in full compliance.
Companies today have a large network of suppliers, distributors and
vendors they work with. The concept of product stewardship requires
that the manufacturer take a cradle-to-grave approach of its products
through its life cycle. This requires establishing modalities to effectively
work with partners or affiliates within the supply network to ensure that
consistency is maintained in environmental standards and that the
product is effectively monitored throughout its life.
Criteria should be established to measure the level of effectiveness
of the supplier in meeting environmental standards. Inevitably, the
manufacturer’s environmental quality and cost of products will be
affected adversely if the materials provided by the suppliers do not
conform to environmental standards.

Listening to the Voice of the Stakeholder

In developing our planning framework, we emphasized the

importance of the stakeholder team. This team would be made up of
active participants with multidisciplinary background and different
worldviews. The team provides valuable information to the organization
on its wants and needs. A customer-focused organization can only be
effective when it listens to its customers and designs and develops
products and services that meet their needs. We have mentioned the
importance of using the quality function deployment (QFD) tool in
designing products and services that meet customer needs. It is
imperative that such needs are identified by talking and working with the
customer. We have purposely referred to members of such customer
group as stakeholders since the group is made up of not only those who
purchase the products or services but all those that have a stake at the
outcome of such products and services. For example, the emission of
carbon and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere affects all. It is not
an issue that is left alone to the consumers of the product. Likewise, the
filling of landfills with solid wastes that are not biodegradable affects the
106 Environmental Planning and Management

quality of our natural environment and therefore, concerns everyone. It is

therefore more pertinent that a stakeholder rather than a customer group
be used in assessing the impact of corporate activities on the
It is noteworthy that many corporations are already joining the
trend of involving environmental interest groups as stakeholders in
their strategic plans. This partnership is helping in developing more
sustainable services that will enjoy wider support from the general
public. Some of the examples include the collaboration between the fast
food chain McDonald’s and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in
switching from polystyrene containers to paper wrap for its food
products. Similarly, the utility company Pacific Gas and Electric
Company often collaborates with the Natural Resources Defense
Council. The Conservation Law Foundation also worked with New
England Electric System to develop a twenty-year strategic plan that will
focus on improving the use of renewable resources for power generation.
This trend is continuing and shows increasingly that manufacturers are
responding to the needs and wants of the general public by developing
strategies to achieve sustainability.
Increasingly, visionary corporate leaders are adjusting their
mission statements to include an ethical value system as part of
their organization’s social responsibility. To effectively achieve such
corporate missions, organizational changes may be required and made
part of the corporate environmental strategies. We shall look at some of
these below:

0 Top management commitment-Top management commitment

is the most important factor in ensuring that corporate
environmental strategies are successful. Top management shows
the lead, which other employees must follow. Top management
involvement highlights the importance of sustainability and good
environmental practice. Furthermore, it is top management that
has to allocate and commit resources to ensure that the goal of
minimizing environmental burden is effectively carried out.
Sound environmental practices often would require the re-
engineering of the entire organization. For example, decisions
Environmental Planning 107

would have to be made to modernize factories and replace

mundane processes, training of workers would be initiated,
suppliers may have to be retrained or replaced to meet
environmental goals, vendors and distributors may need to be
coached along, and management style may need to be changed
to create more openness, sharing of ideas, and involvement
of important stakeholders in environmental decision making.
All these may lead to changes in the organization’s culture
and such changes need to be managed. Decisions involving
such drastic changes rest with top management. Thus decisions
on environmental sensitivity are strategic and can only be
effectively considered at the top management layer. Any other
level of management would lack the required authority to make
decisions of this magnitude let alone implement them. It is also
the responsibility of top management to ensure that good
environmental practices are companywide efforts that do not
stop with the production of goods or services but also become
part of the organization’s life.
Organizational vision and mission-The organization needs a
vision that would serve as the guiding philosophy to help it to
accurately plan and predict its future. This of course is based
on understanding its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats (SWOT). SWOT analyses help the organization to better
handle its future and understand its competitive environment.
The vision articulates where the organization is and where it
intends to be. Good visions require good imagination from
top management and a deep understanding of its working
environment. Good vision will separate better-managed
organizations from their competitors as they identify new trends
and market niches for the future. Vision helps the organization to
plan ahead of its rivalry and position itself in its environment and
prepare itself to respond to changes that might arise. It helps to
restructure and redesign an organization so that it can cope with
changes that may affect it. Finally, vision is based on good
articulation of customer needs and wants, challenges in the
marketplace, and understanding of competitors reactions and
108 Environmental Planning and Management

responses to the dynamic market environment. Being

environmentally sensitive and responsive is a challenge that
organizations face and must respond to in order to remain
Change management-Clearly, introduction of cleaner, leaner
and more environmentally friendly culture in an organization
would require re-engineering of the organizational structure and
of course, organizational cultural changes. The value system of
employees as well as their perceptions of nature would have to
change to align with the new vision and missions of the
organization. Adherence to the new philosophy of environmental
quality improvement should be obvious in their new role as the
guardians of the environment and should be prevalent in all their
activities within the organization and in the organization’s
extended environment. Employees therefore, need to be trained
and sensitized to be able to identify potential sources of waste
and pollution and to be able to control pollution or waste from
their sources. Management of change is not easily accomplished.
It would require changing life-long habits and adopting
new culture that is supportive of sustainable development.
Furthermore, it requires that management empowers employees
so they can have more leverage in making decisions and taking
actions regarding their work and their role in the workplace. Top
management is the key in making this transition from traditional
practice to the new environmental practice culture smooth. It
needs to lead by example and listen to the voices of both the
customer and the employee and grant them participation in
workplace decision making.
0 Designing for the new environment-Effective management of
the environment depends a great deal on designing. Products and
services have to be designed to achieve high levels of efficiency.
We have noticed increasingly the use of recycled materials or
products in paper, electronic, automobile, computer industries
and others. Recycling strategy helps to prolong the life of
materials and substances that are used, reduce the energy
demand required in excavating new materials, and yet assuring
Environmental Planning 109

the efficiency and the effectiveness of the new product.

Achieving sustainable design that meets the needs of the
customer requires that design engineers work with the customer
to understand and design products and services that meet its
needs. This approach challenges the traditional practice of
engineers designing products as they see fit for use and then
shoving them down to the customer to be consumed. The
customer today is an educated consumer who is often aware of
his or her needs and shows sensitivity to the natural environment
that ultimately is involved in the systemic production process.
Designing products or services to meet the challenges of today
and tomorrow require that a thorough environmental impact
assessment of all the components of the product or service be
conducted by tracking the entire production process and the
product life cycle to ensure that the final product creates the
minimum environmental burden. For example, decisions on
which alternative material or component to use in a product
should be based on estimating each material’s lifetime impacts
on the natural environment and not simply on one or few direct
impacts that are quite obvious. A design team that is made up
of important stakeholders with multidisciplinary backgrounds
should therefore be used to effectively analyze all pertinent
Competitive benchmarking-A competitive benchmarking
approach needs to be adopted. In other words, the organization
has to transform itself as a learning organization and be able to
learn and adjust its strategies from world-class organizations.
In other words, companies can learn from other organizations
that have best-in-class sustainable manufacturing programs
irrespective of their industry. For example, Kodak is a leader in
product recycling as evident from its single-usage camera, Xerox
is a leader in remanufacturing, and LL Bean is a leader in
packaging which helps to trim waste significantly. Learning
from these world-class organizations can help transform existing
practices and make them more efficient. Knowledge of the
110 Environmental Planning and Management

corporate practices of these leading companies could help to

establish achievable environmental goals and targets.
Environmental cost-A more comprehensive cost assessment
methodology should be developed. One of the problems
facing environmental management is that environmental costs
are often undermined or underestimated. Top management
should be made aware of environmental costs especially since
manufacturers now must take a cradle-to-grave approach of their
products. Product stewardship could create an enormous
economic impact on the company since liability extends through
the entire life of the product. All the facets of cost such
as internal, external, appraisal, and prevention costs must be
evaluated. When top management is away of the array of
costs involved and their impact on the competitiveness of
the organization, it becomes more willing to support efforts
toward sustainability. One cannot overlook the importance of
profitability to corporate enterprises and the need to often
quantify practices to top management in terms of cost-benefit
analysis. It is therefore of utmost importance that any
environmental assessment program should have a major
component on environmental cost analysis.
0 Corporate image and social responsibility-Organizations have a
stake in ensuring environmental quality. They operate to serve
the general public whose perceptions of the performance of
the company in their extended environment can influence
their purchasing decisions and reactions to the organization.
Customers have publicly demonstrated against utility and gas
companies they perceive as polluting the environment and have
even gone as far as boycotting their products. Corporate image
can significantly be hampered if the company is perceived in
a bad light and this perception could limit its ability to provide
its intended social responsibility function to the society. Apart
from their role in providing jobs, companies also have the
responsibility to protect and improve the quality of the natural
environment. Companies that fail to deliver these important
Environmental Planning 111

services to their communities are often entangled in litigations

and poor public relations with their communities.
0 Strategic information management system-sharing of
information is necessary in the effective management of the
environment. Corporations today deal with a supply chain
network of vendors, distributors, suppliers, and customers. Every
group in this network participates to effectively deliver high
quality goods and services to the customer. They all need to meet
the established goals and standards of the organization and this
can only be possible by sharing information with them and
providing support to each group so the same target is achieved.
The different members of the supply chain network can also
obtain independent information that can be shared with any
member of the network. The ultimate goal should be to improve
the current level of performance using accurate and timely
information. Strategic alliances should also be formed with
major stakeholders with the openness and flexibility to
communicate information to all groups with the intention of
achieving the organizational goals.


In this chapter, we looked at the planning issues involved in

environmental management. We note the importance of top management
involvement and commitment in ensuring effective environmental
planning. Issues evolving around environmental planning may often
involve organizational restructuring or reengineering and such drastic
changes can only be made by top management involvement and
commitment of resources to that effect. Therefore, environmental
planning is a strategic responsibility that rests with top management. We
have also discussed the need of using a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle as a
means to effect a new organizational change to achieve sustainability.
This systematic approach to planning will diffuse the influence of
sporadic changes without adequate planning. It is also important to note
that in planning for environmental management, the root causes of
112 Environmental Planning and Management

environmental pollution, material waste and consumption should be

identified as well as their potential effects. We noted that this could be
done by classifying all causes into what we refer to as “4ms” notably
man, machine, methods, and material. Understanding these 4ms will help
to isolate all the problems in any particular system. Finally, the need to
listen to the customer and understand organizational cultural changes is
underscored. We have identified several areas that top management must
focus on to achieve its corporate environmental missions.


Grant, A.J., and G.G. Campbell, 1994 “The Meaning of Environmental

Values for Managers,” Total Quality Environmental Management,
3(4): 507-512.
Madu, C.N., Managing Green Technologies for Global Competitiveness,
Westport, CT.: Quorum Books, 1996.
Madu, C.N., House of Quality (QFD) in a Minute, Fairfield, CT.: Chi
Publishers, 2000.
Madu, C.N., House of Quality (QFD) in a Minute, Fairfield, CT.: Chi
Publishers, 2”dedition, 2006.
Chapter 6

Life Cycle Assessment


LeVan [1995] traced the history of life cycle assessment to 1969 and
noted that the first life cycle analysis was conducted on beverage
containers. The aim of this analysis was to determine the type of
container that had the least impact on natural resources and the
environment. This led to the documentation of the energy and material
flows although the environmental impact was not determined. Since this
initial work, LCA has been broadened to focus on inventorying of energy
supply and demand for fossil and renewable alternative fuels. Thus, the
focus of LCA is no longer inward with a concentration on the direct
influence of the product but also outward to consider the energy and
natural resources input. Also, the increasing concern about limited
landfill spaces and the health risks associated with pollution have
generated the need for a more holistic view of environmental impact


There are two major definitions of life cycle assessment. These

definitions are provided by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry (SETAC) and the International Organization for Standards
(ISO). Both groups have been active in developing guidelines for LCA.
SETAC defines life cycle assessment as:
“An objective process to evaluate the environmental burdens
associated with a product, process or activity by identifying and
quantifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the
environment, to assess the impact of those energy and materials uses
and releases on the environment, and to evaluate and implement
opportunities to affect environmental improvements. The assessment

114 Environmental Planning and Management

includes the entire life-cycle of the product, process or activity,

encompassing extracting and processing raw materials; manufacturing,
transportation, and distribution; use/reuse/maintenance; recycling; and
final disposal.”
ISO’s definition appears in the IS0 14040.2 Draft: Life Cycle
Assessment - Principles and Guidelines and is defined as:
“A systematic set of procedures for compiling and examining the
inputs and outputs of materials and energy and the associated
environmental impacts directly attributable to the functioning of a
product or service throughout its life cycle.” This goal is accomplished
by the following steps:

Compiling an inventory of relevant inputs and outputs of a

Evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated with
those inputs and outputs;
Interpreting the results of the inventory and impact phases in
relation to the objectives of the study.

There are three major components of life cycle assessment. These

are: inventory analysis, impact assessment and improvement assessment.
LCA is a way of making the manufacturer to take responsibility for its
products. It induces a design discipline that aims at achieving more value
for less where the definition of value is expanded to include the potential
impacts of the product or service on the environment. The designer
focuses on design option that is environmentally sensitive by evaluating
the product’s demand for limited resources, energy, and disposal
requirements at every stage of the product’s life. Emphasis is on potential
environmental burdens, energy consumption, and environmental
releases. The manufacturer also takes a product stewardship approach in
evaluating the product, process, or activity. Environmental impacts
include the expedition and use of limited natural resources, the pollution
of the atmosphere, land, water or air, ecological quality (i.e., noise),
ecological health, and human health and safety issues at each stage of the
product’s life cycle. We shall now, discuss the three stages of LCA.
Life Cycle Assessment 115

Three Components of Life Cycle Assessment

As we mentioned above, there are three major parts to life cycle

assessment. These three parts are discussed below:

Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

The aim of life cycle inventory analysis is to quantify energy and

raw material requirements, atmospheric emissions to land, water and
air (environmental burdens), generation of solid wastes, and other
environmental releases that may result throughout the life cycle of
the product, process or activity within the system boundary. These
environmental problems affect the quality of the environment and in
many ways; the public pays the cost of environmental burdens. The costs
of these environmental burdens are often difficult to estimate since they
are not all direct costs. Some of the costs may not even be detected until
several years after the damage has been done. There are both economic
and social costs that are involved. In order to conduct life cycle inventory
analysis, we must associate the environmental burdens with functional
units. In other words, it should be measurable. For example, we need to
use a standardized measurement to quantify waste or raw material and
energy consumption. We can for example, measure the carbon emission
to the atmosphere in metric tons or the per unit weight of solid waste
from a particular geographical location. The functional unit should
provide information on the composition of waste both in terms of
material type and relative weight [Kirkpatrick, 19991.
Inventory analysis is the thrust of LCA. The normal production
process involves actually three main steps: inputs, transformation, and
outputs. Each of these steps is a major source of environmental burden
and environmental releases. By looking at each of these steps, the
process of data collection for inventory analysis can be enhanced:
Input - The input stage involves the acquisition of raw materials and
energy resources. Inputs can also come in the form of transfers from
other processes. For example, a recycled product can be a source of raw
material for producing new product or semi-finished product from a
different production source.
116 Environmental Planning and Management

Transformation - The transformation process normally deals with the

process to convert the input into a desired output. The transformation
process also involves energy consumption as well as information flow.
Further, wastes could be created through the process as a result of
systemic problems with the process itself.
Output - Output may be in the form of finished product, which is
shipped out to the consumer, or semi-finished product that becomes input
in another process. Also, at the output stage, two types of outcomes can
be expected: products that meet the quality guidelines and those that fail
the quality requirements. There is therefore, the potential that waste may
be generated at this stage both in terms of raw material consumption and
energy that is used to generate such wastes.
It is therefore important that these three stages of the production
process be evaluated in order to generate an inventory of raw material
usage and energy consumption as well as environmental releases.
In the quest for environmentally conscious manufacturing, one of the
popular strategies today is to seek for better environmental alternatives.
For example, polyethylene and glass, which one is more environmentally
friendly? Or, should cloth diapers replace disposable diapers? Important
information that is generated in life cycle inventory analysis is known as
the table of impacts. This is a table that presents the impacts from the
possible production of two materials. For example, we can look at the
emissions and solid wastes generated in the production of lkg of
polyethylene and compare it to that for the production of lkg of glass.
However, such evaluation cannot really suggest to us which alternative is
better without taking a systemic view of the entire production process.
For example, in a study by Johnson [1994], he noted that cloth diapers
will require more chemical releases and water usage for cotton while
softwood pulp for disposable diapers will require more energy
requirements. These two options: cloth diapers and disposable diapers
create environmental burdens and it is difficult to compare the
environmental burdens. So, how does one make a trade-off between
these two fibers? There are therefore, a number of problems that make it
difficult to conduct life cycle assessment. Some of these problems as
they relate to inventory analysis were identified by Product Ecology
Consultants [ 19991 and are discussed below:
Life Cycle Assessment 117

Problems with Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

0 Boundary conditions - It is difficult to define the system’s boundary.

For example, how far should one go in identifying inputs and outputs
that relate to a particular product or process? Based on SETAC
guidelines, components that comprise less than 5 percent of the
inputs should be excluded. This is however, problematic since it is
based on the assumption that the 5 percent component in a product
will not have a significant environmental burden. If we go by
the ABC rule, there is the potential that a very small fraction of
the components may indeed, contribute to the majority of the
environmental burden observed. LeVan [ 19951 presented a good
example by noting that the electricity used for particular activity may
be a small part of the input. However, if such electricity is generated
from a high sulfur coal plant, its environmental burden could be
System boundary condition - There is also the possibility that the
links to certain products may be traced infinitum. Kirkpatrick [ 19991
notes for example, that the production of polyethylene involves the
extraction of crude oil which is transported in a tanker. The tanker is
made of steel, and the raw material required for steel is extracted. If
we continue, we can see a long product chain that grows larger and
larger and becomes more complex to analyze. Thus, a line must be
drawn on what constitutes the system’s boundary. This will generally
not include capital goods.
Multi-product processes - Some processes are designed to generate
multiple products. In such cases, it is not easy to allocate and assign
environmental burdens and releases to the different products.
Avoided impacts - When materials are incinerated, energy is
normally generated. Such energy is considered an impact but also,
saves impacts, as it will no longer be necessary to produce the energy
or the material. These avoided impacts are similar to the impacts that
would have occurred in the production of material or energy. They
are also, deducted from the impacts caused by other processes.
Geographical variations - This recognizes the fact that environmental
needs may be geographically dependent. We shall present two
118 Environmental Planning and Management

examples one from LeVan and the other from Product Ecology
Consultants. LeVan [1995] notes that in the time of draught in the
U.S. Southwest, single-use disposable diapers would be preferred to
home-laundered diapers. While these two create environmental
burdens however, the need at the time is a prevailing reason for the
choice of single-use disposable diaper. Product Ecology Consultants
[1999] on the other hand note that an electrolysis plant in Sweden
will create less environmental burden than in Holland because
hydroelectric power is in abundance in Sweden.
Data quality - Environmental impact data are often incomplete or
inaccurate. The data can also become obsolete and the use of such
data may lead to distortion. There is also a problem that some of the
environmental burdens may not be known and there may in fact,
exist no data on the environmental impacts.
Choice of technology - Clearly waste, energy consumption, and
material releases to the atmosphere can be linked to the type of
technology as well as the maintenance of the technology. Poorly
maintained vehicles emit more carbon to the atmosphere and so are
poorly maintained manufacturing processes. Also, the precision
of such processes may be questionable leading to more creation
of wastes. Further, modern technologies may meet the new
environmental laws and are able to control emissions and some
environmental wastes and pollution.

Life Cycle Impact Assessment

Life cycle impact assessment is a way of interpreting and aggregating the

inventory data so they could be useful for managerial decision making.
We mentioned above that one of the important information generated
through life cycle assessment is the table of impacts. The table of
impacts is however, difficult to interpret without further evaluation of the
environmental impacts. It is important to evaluate the impacts by
assessing their relative contributions to different environmental concerns.
Kirkpatrick [1999] lists some of the impact categories that are often
considered in environmental impact assessments. These are:
Life Cycle Assessment 119

0 Resource depletion
0 Greenhouse effect (direct and indirect)
0 Ozone layer depletion
0 Acidification
0 Nutrificatiodeutrophication
0 Photochemical oxidant formation.
0 Other areas that are less well defined were also identified as
0 Landfill volume
0 Landscape demolition
0 Human toxicity
0 Ecotoxicity
0 Noise
0 Occupational health
0 Biotic resources
0 Congestion

All these areas pose environmental hazards and need to be

considered in assessing environmental impacts. There are however
problems with assessing environmental impacts. For example, the fact
that data is often non-existent and even when data may be available, it
may be difficult to accurately determine the extent of the damage to the
environment. Another reason is that there is no standardized method of
estimating or measuring environmental damages.
The aim of life cycle assessment is pollution prevention rather than
pollution control. By identifying the major sources of pollution and their
effects on the environment, efforts could be made through product design
or product development to prevent waste and reduce the risks to the

Measuring Environmental Impacts

It is difficult to measure environmental impacts. One of the

beginning steps is to first identify a complete chain of cause and effect.
But as we noted in the system boundary condition, this could become
very cumbersome making it difficult to effectively analyze the problem.
120 Environmental Planning and Management

We recommend here, the use of Fishbone diagram to graphically identify

the potential causes and effects. However, we must point out that
there will be series of such diagrams since some of the causes or effects
will need to be further analyzed. The use of Fishbone diagram offers
great opportunity in breaking down the potential causes in to 4 parts or
what is known as 4ms: man, machine, material, and method as we
discussed in Chapter 5. A sample of the fishbone diagram is presented as
Figure 6.1.

Method Material

’ Environmental

Figure 6.I : Fishbone Diagram for Environmental Impact Assessment

A similar method to the Fishbone diagram is used in Sweden to

check cause and effect [Product Ecology Consultants 19991. This is
known as the EPS (Environmental Priority Strategy). The Swiss
government on the other hand, uses the Ecopoint method, which
measures the distance between the current impact and the target level.
This is used to determine the level of seriousness of the impact to the
SETAC presents the procedure for environmental impact assessment
that involves three steps:
Life Cycle Assessment 121

0 Classification and characterization

0 Normalization
0 Evaluation.

However, only the classification and characterization stage has

actually been implemented in practice. We shall discuss them with
insight on how they may be improved.

Classification and Characterization

The fishbone diagram provides a good method of identifying causes

and effects. This stage calls for classification of all impacts based on
their effects on the environment. Impacts could be grouped based on
their contributions to the different environmental burdens such as
Resource depletion, Greenhouse effect (direct and indirect), Ozone layer
depletion, Acidification, Nutrificatiodeutrophication, and photochemical
oxidant formation. Also, an impact can be classified in more than one
area. Thus, an effect table may be generated that will be of the form
shown below:

Table 6.1: Effect Tablefor Impact Assessment

Emission Quantity

122 Environmental Planning and Management

The contribution of each emission to each environmental burden is

assessed and its effect score computed. As the intensity of effects may
vary among the different chemical compounds, it is important to use a
weighting factor. We suggest the use of a systematic weighting scheme
such as the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A pairwise comparison
of these chemicals could be conducted to determine their relative
contributions to each of the environmental burdens. For example, carbon
dioxide and sulfur dioxide, which has the most effect on greenhouse
effect? Such weighted factors or priority indices obtained through the
AHP could be used to obtain the effect scores. Thus, each quantity will
be multiplied by the priority indexes generated through AHP and added
up to obtain an environmental burden effect score. Clearly, there are
many effect scores that must be generated. Emission for example is one
area of environmental burden. Others are resource depletion, landfill
usage, etc. The effects could all be compared as well as the relative
importance of the different environmental burdens in a particular
geographical area. This may form the basis for an informed decision on
an environmental policy.
SETAC Workgroups have developed frameworks for life cycle
impact assessment (LCIA). They identified the elements for conducting
LCIA (Life cycle impact assessment) as classification, characterization,
normalization, and valuation. Since SETAC is championing the effort in
developing the methodology for LCIA, we shall briefly discuss the work
of its two workgroups from North America and Europe. The group
proposed four major elements for life cycle impact assessment
framework. These are classification, characterization, normalization, and
The classification phase involves creating different categories for
inventory results. This will help distinguish and group impacts for
planning purposes.
The characterization phase involves the conversion of inventory
results in a category into a category indicator. Equivalent categories are
aggregated into a category indicator. The category specific models are
constructed using a cause-effect diagram.
The normalization phase involves normalizing the category
indicators by dividing them by a reference value. This helps broaden the
Life Cycle Assessment 123

scope of the interpretation of the data by comparing the different

category indicators.
The valuation phase is based on developing a formal ranking of
category indicator results across impact categories. The weights or rank
order are subjectively determined.
The use of AHP can also provide an alternative approach to LCIA.
We shall therefore, discuss the AHP concept below.

Analysis of the Use of AHP

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has three main components:

goal, criteria, and alternatives. The goal is what is to be accomplished
which in this example, is to select the most environmentally friendly
product (i.e., glass or polyethylene). However, this decision depends on
several factors denoted as criteria. These factors include the contribution
of these products in creating environmental burden such as greenhouse
effect, ozone layer depletion, energy consumption, and others. With each
of these environmental burdens, there are several other sub-criteria to
consider (i.e., emission of gasses that affect the ozone layer or cause the
greenhouse effect). All these affect the decision on which of the two
products to select. Figure 6.2 shows the hierarchical network structure of
this decision making process.
The use of AHP as a decision tool has been widely published [Saaty
87, Madu & Georgantzas, 1991, Madu 1994, and Madu & Kuei, 19951.
The AHP is defined by Saaty as “a multi-criteria decision method that
uses hierarchic or network structures to represent a decision problem and
then develops priorities for the alternatives based on the decision makers’
judgments throughout the system” (Saaty, 1987, p.157). The features of
AHP that makes it applicable for application in life cycle impact
assessment are the following:

0 It allows for a systematic consideration of environmental

problems by identifying all the major environmental impacts
such as the greenhouse effect, depletion of the ozone layer,
eutrophication, human or ecological toxicity as well as the
124 Environmental Planning and Management

factors that may influence them such as the emission of

certain types of gases to the atmosphere, use of technology,
consumption patterns, etc.
There are many players when it comes to environmental issues.
Environmental policies are not purely technical. There are
many interest groups whose views must be aligned to develop
sustainable environmental policies. The AHP makes it easier
to consider all these different stakeholders in developing
environmental policies.
Its technique is novel as it deals with issues of consistency in
decision making. Also, priorities generated through AHP can
offer a good guide in reaching decisions on the relative
importance of the different environmental options.
Non-technical information can be combined with the more
quantitative and scientific information on the environment to
reach a decision.
It helps to breakdown complex problems into levels of
complexity that are manageable. As Figure 6.2 shows, the impact
assessment problem can be broken down into the following
parts: goal, criteria, sub-criteria and decision alternatives. This
makes it easier to systematically analyze the problem.
AHP helps to measure the consistency of the decision-maker.
Although consistency does not guarantee quality decisions,
however, all quality decisions are consistent.

Madu [ 19991 applied the AHP in analyzing the allocation of carbon

emission to inter-dependent industries. The use of AHP as a decision
support can help to clarify problems when comparing alternative choices
since it will attach relative importance to different environmental

Life Cycle Improvement Analysis

Life cycle improvement analysis is akin to the use of continuous

improvement strategies. The goal in environmentally conscious
Life Cycle Assessment 125
126 Environmental Planning and Management

manufacturing should be to achieve “zero pollution.” This can only be

achieved if the entire system processes are continuously improved on.
For example, the process of managing the life cycle of a product is a long
and an arduous task that starts from raw material acquisition through
manufacturing and processing to distribution and transportation, then,
recycling, reusing, maintenance, and waste management. Each stage of
the product life cycle involves creation of waste, energy consumption,
and material usage. A life cycle improvement strategy is needed to
identify areas where improvements can be achieved such as a product
design that has less demand on material requirement i.e., the reduction in
the size of automobiles, replacement of 8 cylinder engines with 4 or 6
cylinder engines; development of hybrid vehicles; enhanced consumer
usage of products by reusing products or creating alternative uses for
products, cutting down consumption of fossil fuels, participation in
recycling programs, and so on. Life cycle improvement analysis will
require the tracking and monitoring of the product through its life cycle
to detect areas for continuous improvement. Life cycle improvement
analysis has led to a lot of changes in design thus, the design for

Design for Environment

Design for environment is a design strategy that ensures the design

of environmentally friendly products. This is done by paying attention to
the importance of recycling, waste minimization, and reduction in energy
consumption. We shall briefly discuss the popular design strategies in
designing for environment.

Designs for recyclability - products are now being designed for ease
of disassembly so that materials and components can be recovered at
the end of the product’s life cycle and reused. This process extends
the useful life of components in many products and limits the
demand for virgin items. This may therefore, lead to the conservation
of energy that may be needed to excavate new materials.
0 Design for maintainability/durability - increased reliability of
products ensures that they will have extended operational life thus
Life Cycle Assessment 127

reducing the demand for newer generation of products. However, if

it is difficult to maintain or repair products, there may be more
demand on landfills for disposition of such items. Solid wastes will
be created as well as energy wastes.
Designs for pollution prevention - environmentally friendly products
are now widely used in the production process to eliminate the
amount of toxic and hazardous wastes that are being generated.
Further, since products are designed for ease of disassembly and
recycling, the amount of wastes generated is significantly reduced.

The Use of Life Cycle Assessment

Life cycle assessment studies should be carefully used. There is the

tendency for manufacturers to use such results for marketing purposes.
However, any such claims as to which product is better than the other
based on life cycle assessment studies may be misleading. There are
inherent problems in doing life cycle assessment studies that make it
difficult to use such studies for comparative purposes. Some of the
reasons are identified below:

0 Life cycle assessment studies cannot definitively state that one

product is better than the other if we follow through the product’s
chain and study all the potential interactions of the product with the
environment. It is difficult to make a decision on which form of
pollution is better or preferred to another. For example, is the
emission of toxic gases preferred to the use of fossil fuels? No form
of pollution should be encouraged. Thus, our target should be to
achieve “zero pollution.” Until that goal is achieved, it will be
incomprehensible to suggest that one form of pollution is better than
the other.
Life cycle assessment will be incomplete without the consideration
of both quantitative and qualitative data. Further, there are cases
where either data does not exist or may be incomplete. When we
start integrating perceptions and other non-quantitative issues in the
decision making process, it becomes difficult to come up with a non-
subjective decision.
128 Environmental Planning and Management

Life cycle assessment is limited by both boundary condition and

system boundary conditions. Thus, results generated may be
geographically dependent rather than universal. So, a claim that one
product is better than the other may depend on where the product is
being used and may therefore, provide misleading information to
Recycling is also a major source of complexity in life cycle
assessment studies.
0 The systemic structure of life cycle assessment makes it difficult
since environmental processes vary in spatial (i.e., geographical) and
in temporal (i.e., in time frame and extent) [SETAC Workgroup].
0 There are also assumptions in life cycle assessment studies that there
are no thresholds and that there exists a linear response between the
system loading and the environment [Fava et al. 19911.
0 Other potential problems include the fact that a solution to one form
of environmental pollution may actually lead to another form of
pollution. Typical example is the attempt to reduce the dependence
on landfills for solid wastes. While this may reduce the pollution of
air and groundwater supply, however, the burning of such wastes
may lead to emission of energy to the atmosphere.
0 Like the example we presented earlier, can one conclude that the use
of cloth diapers is more environmentally friendly than the disposable
paper diaper? Each of these presents an environmental burden.
0 Data collection problems can plague the effectiveness of life cycle
assessment. Sometimes, it may be difficult to correctly assess and
collect information on all the inputs and outputs from a process.
Further, life cycle analysis is greatly affected by the quality of the
life cycle inventory analysis. The life cycle inventory analysis is the
foundation for life cycle analysis and must be done right.

These drawbacks therefore, make it difficult to use LCA in certain

ways. Many have suggested that the adoption of eco-labeling schemes
may standardize the comparison of products in terms of their
environmentally friendliness. Eco-labeling standards are currently
popular in Europe and the Nordic countries as well as Japan but the US
does not have a national program for eco-labeling. Eco-labeling is
Life Cycle Assessment 129

however, not without problems. A major concern is that third-party

certification bodies may adopt different and confusing appraisal methods.
LCA however, can be used as a strategic planning tool in the
following ways:
It helps to identify which areas to focus on in order to achieve
the environmental protection strategy. It is a proactive and a
systemic way of looking at the company’s products and services.
The cradle-to-grave approach helps to ensure that manufacturers
innovate on how to minimize wastes and eliminate environmental
pollution. Further, by adopting a cradle-to-grave approach,
emphasis is placed on the evaluation of multiple operations and
activities throughout a product’s life cycle to explore and
manage potential sources of environmental pollution.
The use of a systemic framework enables a functional analysis of
the potential impacts of pollution on the environment. Thus, the
different effects of energy consumption, material resources
utilization, and emissions on the different environmental media
such as air, water, and land, and waste disposals can be estimated
in order to reach an effective decision on environmental protection.
0 Emphasis is on optimization rather than sub-optimization. This is
done by looking at a product in its totality by checking the
consequences of its interaction and interface with the global
environment. A product is therefore seen as interacting with the
outer system. Feedback and information are received on how to
improve the product. Thus, a product’s quality is not simply
measured by its ability to deliver its intended function but also
by its ability to deliver such function at a minimum social cost to
the society.
Life cycle impact assessment can be extended as a means of
benchmarking competitors by developing more environmentally
friendly substitutes and improving the design for environment.
Eliminating wastes, cutting down on pollution, and increasing
the recyclability of components used in product design can
reduce production costs.
Customer satisfaction and loyalty can be improved by designing
and producing products that meet customers’ environmental needs.
130 Environmental Planning and Management

Strategic Planning for Life Cycle Assessment

Life cycle assessment can be seen as a strategic tool. It is a tool that

will enable the manufacturer to understand the nature of his business and
the needs of his customers. Critical questions that are asked in strategic
planning include: What business are we in? Who are our customers? And
who are our competitors? A well-designed life cycle assessment may
enable a manufacturer to address these questions. First, what business are
we in? Every business exists for a purpose and one common purpose for
manufacturers is to provide goods and services. These goods and
services must provide value to customers otherwise; there will be no
demand for them. But, what is value? Customers’ needs are ever
changing. A few years back, there was not much concern about the
degradation of the natural environment. Once a product meets h g h
“quality” standards, it is expected to do well in the marketplace. Today’s
needs are different. Customers are concerned about environmental
degradation resulting from depletion of limited natural resources,
emissions to the different environmental media such as air, water, and
land, and the influence of entire environmental burden on their quality of
life. The pressure is on manufacturers to take a more environmentally
responsible approach of their products and services. Hence the need
for life cycle assessment. As manufacturers grapple with life cycle
assessment, they must also come to understand that environmental issues
are systemic in nature and are far reaching. Focusing on direct customers
alone is too narrow. As a result, manufacturers should be concerned with
stakeholders rather than customers. Stakeholders are active participants
who are affected by the environmental burden and whose actions can
also affect the role of the manufacturer in contributing to the
environmental burden.
Manufacturers must strive to be the best or world-class performers in
all their operations. This gives them competitive edge. Being the best is a
selling point. As we noted earlier, sometimes, LCA is misused by
manufacturers who tend to advertise claims that their products may be
better than that of competitors based on life cycle assessment. However,
there are obvious cases where a manufacturer may be making serious
efforts to innovate and reduce its products’ contributions to the
Life Cycle Assessment 131

environmental burden and the competitor sees no need to embark on

environmental protection programs. Further, some manufacturers or
service providers have achieved remarkable results like in the packaging
industry or in digital rather than paper invoicing that they have become
companies to be benchmarked. A holistic view of the environmental
component of a product or service is not only economical in the long run
as it reduces liability costs and other associated costs, but it is also
strategic as it positions the manufacturer to compete effectively and
expand its market base. While we have discussed the technical aspects of
life cycle assessment such as life cycle inventory analysis, life cycle
impact assessment, and life cycle improvement analysis, it is also
important to look at the non-technical aspects that are strategic in nature.
It is crucial that life cycle assessment is an integral part of any
organizational decision making process. The framework presented below
has a focus on environmental management which life cycle assessment is
a major part of.

Strategic Framework for Life Cycle Assessment

This framework is broken into three major parts preplanning,

evaluation or impact assessment and action implementation. Action
implementation may also involve improvement analysis.


The starting point for the framework is the formation of stakeholder

team. Although most components of life cycle assessment may be
scientific and objective in nature however, there are environmental
perceptions and concerns that may not be effectively addressed. People
are often concerned about potential impacts. Local conditions such as
political and economic issues may influence perceptions. The use of
stakeholders in decision making helps to ensure that the concerns of the
stakeholders are considered and perhaps, integrated into the decision-
making process. This will make it easier for the stakeholders to accept
132 Environmental Planning and Management

the final outcome of this process thus making it easier to adopt and
implement the final decision. It also helps the manufacturer to expand its
scope by considering environmental impacts that may have been
neglected internally. For example, stakeholders may take issue with the
recycling program or location of landfills.
Participation of the stakeholder team will help the manufacture to
obtain information and feedback, and hear directly from the “voice of the
stakeholder.” Thus, the needs and concerns of the stakeholders are better
defined and aligned with organizational goals. By working with the
stakeholder team, the different environmental media of concern to the
stakeholders can be identified and the relationship of the product
manufacturing strategies to these media can be better understood through
a life cycle inventory analysis of each product strategy. The analytic
hierarchy process (AHP) discussed above can be used to evaluate the
different product strategies or scenarios based on the life cycle inventory
analysis and the concerns of the stakeholders. This will help to develop a
portfolio of product strategies through which an informed decision
could be made on potential strategies for adoption. However, there is the
issue of cost and feasibility of some strategies. For example, some
product alternatives may not be technologically or economically feasible.
All these have to be taken into consideration in narrowing down the
choices of effective product strategies. The AHP allows establishing
priorities for the different product strategies. A systematic consideration
of product strategies for implementation can be based on their priority
assignments. Once a product strategy is selected, it is matched with
design requirements. This phase is accomplished by using the quality
function deployment (QFD) as a tool. The QFD if effectively used
will enable the manufacturer to effectively match its capabilities to
stakeholders need and also benchmark its design capabilities to that of
competitors [Madu 20061.

Evaluation or Impact Assessment

This stage involves the evaluation of the product design to ensure

that all the significant needs of the stakeholders have been considered in
Life Cycle Assessment 133

the product design. A prototype or simulated product may be developed

and its potential impacts on the environment and product performance
estimated. The simulated impacts will be compared to established
standards and targets from the preplanning stage. If the estimated impact
from this stage does not conform to expectations, the product design and
specifications need to be re-evaluated to identify the source of the
problem. Corrective actions are then taken. If however, the simulated
impacts conform to expectations, the product could be developed and a
random sample of the product may be used for environmental test
marketing. The problem with this stage is that environmental impacts are
often not measured in the short-term and may take a long time to show
up. However, the use of expert analysis could be helpful in evaluating the
potential impacts of the products although there is no guarantee that
these potential impacts may be fully estimated.

Action ImplementatiordImprovementAnalysis

The product is now introduced into the market after it has been
certified as meeting the established standards. While the product is in the
market, the process of data collection continues. Routine tests are
conducted to ensure that the product continues to meet the environmental
requirements. Further, the availability of new scientific information may
suggest new and more environmentally friendly components that could
lead to redesigning of the product to conform to such changes. Also, new
legislatures may impose limits on emissions or other environmental
burden that may demand a change in product design. Once the product is
out in the marketplace, information gathering must continue to create an
ongoing process of improving the environmental quality of the product.
The Life Cycle Assessment Framework presented here is a
continuous loop where feedback is frequently being fed into the system.
The importance of this feedback loop is to ensure that the framework is
timely and able to respond quickly to environmental changes. It is a
dynamic framework and regards the availability of new information as a
necessity to improving the quality of life cycle assessment.
The framework is shown in Figure 6.3 below:
134 Environmental Planning and Management

I StakeholderTeam I Adopt Corrective

1 Measures

Identify Environmental
Media of Concern

Define Stakeholder


(AHP) Evaluate
Alternative Scenarios
Match Needs with
Design Requirements

Specify Targets and
+ Develop F’roduct

I Evaluate the
Product Designs


I Introduce product to
market I Audit or reappraise
with respect to

Scientific Data Life Cycle Improvement

1 Analysis
Life Cycle Impact
Assessment -
Life Cycle Inventory

Figure 6.3: Strategic Framework for Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment 135

Life Cycle Cost Assessment

Life cycle assessment models must address the cost issues. If life
cycle assessment is not economical and cannot translate to improvement
of the bottom-line, it will be difficult to assure the compliance of
manufacturers. One must therefore learn to speak the same language as
manufacturers. That is, cost and profitability issues must be frequently
addressed in conducting life cycle assessment studies.
Life cycle assessment cost is therefore, a method of evaluating costs
that are associated with achieving environmental compliance. Such costs
may include the conventional costs that may be incurred in implementing
warranty programs (i.e., recalls of products that fail to meet
environmental standards), social cost to the environment (i.e., costs of
clean up and costs of decreased productivity from health and safety
factors), liability costs (penalty and legal costs), environmental costs
(i.e., environmental pollution costs and health-related costs), costs
associated to loss of customer goodwill and negative campaigns against
the manufacturer. These costs can be grouped into the four types of cost
of quality accounting system introduced by Dr. Joseph Juran namely:
internal, external, preventive and appraisal costs [Madu 19981.

Prevention costs - involve the cost incurred by ensuring that

environmental pollution is prevented. Some examples of this cost
include the costs incurred by conducting life cycle assessment as
shown in Figure 6.3, training, designing for environment,
product review and preplanning, vendor selection and so on.
External failure costs - these costs are incurred after the product
has been manufactured and slupped out to the consumer.
Environmental problems found are rectified and the product is
returned back to the consumer. Such costs include costs of
maintaining warranty, liability, recall, social, loss of customer
good will, penalty/fines, complaints, personal and property
damages and so on.
Internal failure costs - These costs are incurred internally before
the product is shipped out to the end user. Such costs include the
costs of rectifying high levels of emission in the production
136 Environmental Planning and Management

process, material usage and wastes such as scraps, energy

consumption and expenditure, cost of inspection tests and
retesting, and so on.
• Appraisal costs - This cost is incurred by ensuring that the
process and the product meet the target environmental standards
or to ensure compliance. Such costs include inspection,
equipment calibration, product audit and design qualifications,
conformance analysis, and monitoring programs to track wastes
and pollution, and environmental quality audits.

When top management understands the cost of poor environmental

quality, it will take seriously the effort to improve environmental quality
and will therefore, pay attention to life cycle assessment.

Environmental Action Box

The case study presented here is adapted from LeVan [1995]. In her
article, she discussed the work done by Franklin Associates Ltd. [1992],
for the American Paper Institute and Diaper Manufacturers Group as
well as the work by Johnson [1994]. These results provide insight for
developing the case. However, we use the AHP to analyze the results.
The data used here are partly hypothetical and partly estimated from
the: figures presented By Franklin Associates Ltd. in its studies. The
focus of this case study is to conduct a comparative assessment of
energy consumption, water requirements, and environmental emissions
associated with the three prominent types of children's diaper
systems: single-use diapers containing absorbent gels, commercially
laundered cloth diapers, and home-laundered cloth diapers. The
comparison is based on a usage of 9.7 cloth diapers per day and 5.4
single-use diapers per day. Environmental emissions here are an
aggregation of atmospheric, wastewater particulates, and solid waste.
Ultimately, any LCA study should offer a decision support to either
decision or policy makers. While there are obvious limitations in some
of the conclusions that may "be derived such as determining whether
energy consumption is more important than environmental emissions,
Life Cycle Assessment 137

however, a study that is vague and offers no direction to decision or

policy makers will only compound the problem.
The work of Franklin Associates Ltd., compared the three diaper
systems based on six criteria namely net energy requirements (using
LCA method), net energy requirements (using closed thermodynamic
balance), water volume requirements, atmospheric emissions, solid
waste, and waterborne wastes. Johnson [I9941 on the other hand,
reported on the input requirements for cloth and paper diapers.
Johnson notes that there is more chemical and water usage for cotton
while softwood pulp had higher energy requirements. In this case
study, we consider only the factors derived in the study by Franklin
Associates Ltd., although Johnson’s findings can be easily integrated
in the framework of AHP. The analytic hierarchy network for this
case is presented in Figure 6.4 below:
138 Environmental Planning and Management

We use the information presented in the figures in LeVan's paper to

generate a pairwise comparison ratio-scale for the six criteria and the
three decision alternatives. These comparisons are shown in the Tables
6.2 to 6.7. Since the data we have in this problem is quantitative, rather
than use weight assignments, we used ratios derived from the actual
data to derive these tables. The values are then normalized using the
method of AHP to obtain the priority indexes for each of the diaper
type for any given environmental burden.

Table 6.2: Pairwise Comparison of the Three Types of Diaper based on Solid Waste
Type of diapering system Single-use Commercial Home laundering
diapers laundering
Single-use diapers 1 .48 .40
Commercial laundering 2.083 1 .833
Home laundering 2.5 .1.2 1

Table 6.3: Pairwise Comparison of Diaper Types based on Net Energy Requirements
using LCA Methodology
Type of diapering system Single-use Commercial Home laundering
diapers laundering
Single-use diapers 1 1.21 1.36
Commercial laundering .826 1 1.12
I ___
Home laundering ,735 1

Table 6.4: Pairwise Comparison of Diaper Types based on Water Volume Requirements
Type of diapering system Single-use Commercial Home laundering
diapers laundering

Single-use diapers 1 2.25 2.813

Commercial laundering ,444 1 1.25
Home laundering 8 1
Life Cycle Assessment 139

Table 6.5: Pairwise Comparison of Diaper Types based an Atmospheric Emissions

Type of diapering system Single-use Commercial Home laundering

diapers laundering
Single-use diapers 1 1.04 1.8
Commercial laundering .962 1 1.731
Home laundering .556 .578 1

Table 6.6: Pairwise Comparison of Diaper Types based on Wastewater Particulates

Type of diapering system Single-use Commercial Home laundering
diapers laundering
Single-use diapers 1 6.571 7.143
Commercial laundering .152 1 1.087
Home laundering J40 .920 1

Table 6.7: Pairwise Comparison of Diaper Types based on Net Energy Requirements
using a Closed Thermodynarrdc Balance
Type of diapering system Single-use Commercial Home laundering
diapers laundering
Single-use diapers 1 .935 1
Commercial laundering 1.07 1 1.07
Home laundering 1 .935 1

Applying the synthesizatlon method of AHP, we derive the priority of

each diaper type given the six environmental burdens. This result is
presented in Table 6.8.
140 Environmental Planning and Management

Table 6.8: Priority Indexes for the Three Types of Diapering System for each of the
Environmental Burdens
Type of Solid Net Water Atmo- Waste water Net energy -
diapering waste energy volume spheric particuiates thermo
system -LCA usage emission
Single-usage 0.179 0.391 0.556 0.397 0.774 0.326
Commercial 0.373 0.322 0.247 0.382 0.118 0.349
Home 0.448 0.287 0.197 0.221 0.108 0.326

From Table 6,8, it could be observed that the preferred choice

is Home laundering if the only concern is with solid waste
disposal since it has the highest priority of 0.448. However, when
the concern is with water volume usage, the preferred choice
will be single-usage diaper. This is also the preferred choice
when the concerns are with atmospheric emission and waste water
One problem with the application of the AHP in the Life cycle
assessment study is to make a decision on which of the environmental
burdens is more preferred to the other. As we noted earlier, such
decisions may be affected by system boundary conditions since needs
and requirements may vary from different geographical settings.
Therefore, results derived may vary depending on where the life cycle
assessment is to be applied. This will require us to compare all the six
environmental burdens. This is a difficult task since none of the
environmental burden should be considered an option. However, given
the fact that we must reach a decision that will unavoidably contribute
to environmental pollution; it is best to make choices that will lead
to minimizing environmental pollution. It is recommended that a
group of experts knowledgeable about this problem be used since
weights assigned will affect the final recommendation. Table 6.9 is
a presentation of the assignment we have made for the sake of
Life Cycle Assessment 141

Table 6.9: Pairwise Comparison of Environmental Burdens

Type of Solid : Net Water ; Atmospheric Water- Net ;

Environmental waste energy Volume Emission • : borne energy- ;
burden -LCA ^____
Usage waste Thermo,
Solid waste 1' 2 .... ,25 ,2 . 2 '
Net energy - .5 ; 1 2 .161 .125 1 ;
Water Volume .25 .5 1 .143 .111 .5
Atmospheric 4 : 6 7 1 : .5 3
Waste water 5 ; 8 . 9 2 I 4 ;
particulates ___^
Net energy - .5 1 2 .333 1

Based on the method of synthesizatlon again, the following

priorities were derived as shown in Table 6,10.

Table 6.10: Priority Indices for Types of Environmental Burden

Type of environmental burden Priority indexes
Solid waste 0.114
Net energy requirement - LCA Method 0.061
Water volume requirement 0.037
Atmospheric emission 0.284
Waste water particulates 0.426
Net energy requirement - Therrnodynamic 0.078

From the results of Table 6.10, it is seen that the three most
important environmental burdens to consider in order of importance
are waste water particulates, atmospheric emission,; and solid waste.
These results will have an effect in determining which of the different
types of diaper system will be the preferred choice. We must also
note that industrial policies must align with national policies on total
142 Environmental Planning and Management

environmental quality management. Priorities generated on

environmental burdens should in fact, be in conjunction with policy
makers and stakeholders from the different industrial sectors and
environmental interest groups.
The final phase of this analysis will be to take the product of Table
6.8 and Table 6.10. Since Table 6.8 is a 3 x 6 matrix and Table 6.10 is
a 6 x 1 matrix, the product of Table 6.8 x Table 6.10 will lead to a 3 x 1
matrix that will contain the priorities for the three types of diapering
system. This result is presented in Table 6.1 1.

Table 6.11: Priority Indexrsjor the Three Types of Diapering Systems

Types of diapering systems Priority indexes

Single-usage diaper 0.533
Commercial laundering 0.257
Home laundering 0.210

The result suggests that given the six environmental burdens and the
comparisons provided by experts on them, the preferred choice should
be to implement a single-usage diapering system. The next preferred
choice is a commercial laundering system.
We must however, point out that this case study is for illustrative
purposes only. There may be other critical factors such as the input
factors identified by Johnson that were excluded in our analysis. Also,
the use of expert judgment in assigning some of the weights introduces
subjectivity in the model. The weight assignments may change for
different situations and system boundaries. However, this approach
provides a guide on how important decisions on LCA studies may be
reached. In this chapter, we have excluded some information on the use
of AHP such as computing consistency index and how to use AHP for
group decision making. However, these issues need to be explored
before applying AHP. Further reading on AHP can be obtained from
the following references Madu [ 1994, 19991, Madu and Georgantzas
[ 19911, Madu and Kuei [ 19951 and Saaty [1980, 19871.
Life Cycle Assessment 143


In this chapter, we have introduced the concept of life cycle

assessment. We note that this requires product stewardship where the
manufacturer takes a cradle-to-grave approach of its products. There are
two main definitions of life cycle assessment that frequently appear in
the literature. These two definitions provided by SETAC and I S 0 have
also been discussed. Further, life cycle assessment consists of three main
components: life cycle inventory analysis, life cycle impact analysis and
life cycle improvement analysis. We have discussed all these and noted
that life cycle inventory analysis is the foundation of all life cycle
assessment. If that phase is incorrectly done, the entire process will be
flawed. We have also identified some of the limitations and benefits of
life cycle assessment and we have shown with a case study on types of
diapering systems how the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) could be
used in the context of life cycle assessment decision-making. We also
discussed a strategic framework for LCA.
Another important area that was discussed in this chapter is life cycle
cost assessment. This is an important issue since we depend on the co-
operation of businesses that have profit motives to ensure that LCA is
successful. As a result, we need to speak in a language business
executives will understand, by exposing them to the cost of poor
environmental quality systems.
We also noted that industrial environmental goals must support
national policies and in fact, derive from national policies on
environmental protection. The guidelines, targets, and priorities on
environmental burden should be set together by businesses working
together with government agencies. Finally, life cycle assessment can
help guide decision-makers to produce environmentally friendly
products. It sensitizes them about the needs of their stakeholders and by
listening to the voices of the stakeholders, quality decisions on
environmental issues that can help improve the bottom-line of the
corporation and make it competitive can be derived.
144 Environmental Planning and Management


Fava, J.A., R. Denison, B. Jones, et al., eds., (1991) A Technical

Framework for Life-Cycle Assessments, SETAC, Washington, D.C.
134 pp.
Franklin Associates, Ltd. (1992) Energy and environmental profile
analysis of children’s single use and cloth diapers, Franklin
Associates, Ltd., Prairie Village, Kan. 114 pp.
Johnson, B.W., (1994) “Inventory of Land Management Inputs for
Producing Absorbent Fiber for diapers: A comparison of cotton and
softwood land management,” Forest Prod. J. 44(6): 39-45.
Kirkpatrick, N., “Life Cycle Assessment,” Retrieved 12/21/99 from
LeVan, S. L., (1995) “Life Cycle Assessment: Measuring Environmental
Impact,” Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Forest
Products Society, Portland, Oregon, June, pp. 7-16.
Madu C. N., (1999) “A Decision Support Framework for Environmental
Planning in Developing Countries,” Journal of Environmental
Planning and Management, 42 (3): 287-313.
Madu, C.N. (1996) Managing Green Technologies for Global Competi-
tiveness, Quorum Books, Westport, CT.
Madu, C.N., (1994) “A quality confidence procedure for GDSS
application in multicriteria decision analysis,” ZZE Transactions, 26
(3): 31-39.
Madu, C.N., & Georgantzas, N.C., (1991) “Strategic thrust of
manufacturing decisions: a conceptual framework,” ZZE Transactions,
23 (2): 138-148.
Madu, C.N., (2006) House of Quality (QFD) in a Minute, 2ndedition,
Fairfield, CT: Chi Publishers.
Madu, C.N. & Kuei, C-H., (1995) “Stability analyses of group decision
making,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 28(4): 88 1-892.
Madu, C.N., (1998) “Strategic Total Quality Management,” in Handbook
of Total Quality Management, (ed. C.N. Madu), Boston, MA:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 165-212.
Life Cycle Assessment 145

Product Ecology Consultants, “Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Explained,” Retrieved from on 12/21/99.
Saaty, T.L., (1980) The Analytic Hierarchy Process, New York, NY:
Saaty, T.L. (1987) “Rank generation, preservation, and reversal in the
analytic hierarchy decision process, Decision Sciences, 18: 157-162.
SETAC (North American & Europe) Workgroups, “Evolution and
Development of the Conceptual Framework and Methodology of
Life-cycle Impact Assessment,” SETAC Press, Washington, D.C.,
Standards Council of Canada (1997) “What will be the IS0 14000 series
of international standards - I S 0 14000,” January.
Chapter 7

Design for the Environment - Part I

The growing concern about the need to protect the environment and
curtail the rate of consumption of earth’s limited and nonrenewable
resources has pushed manufactures and service providers to design
their products and services for the environment. Designing for
the environment has become a critical component in achieving
competitiveness. “Design for the Environment” (DfE) is a means of
incorporating environmental component into products and services
during the initial product design stage. The aim is multifold and includes
optimal utilization of limited resources and material, waste reduction,
improved designs, reduced product liability, and improved efficiencies.
Products and services that are designed for the environment are
environmentally responsible, satisfy the needs of the customer, and help
the company to be competitive and improve its market positioning.
Design for the environment understands the need to be
environmentally conscious but also recognizes the importance of
including all the quality attributes of importance to the customer in the
design stage. DfE is a product innovation strategy that seeks ways to
minimize cost and improve performance by examining the product
through its life cycle. Product assessment starts from the extraction point
through its end of life where components may be disassembled,
reclaimed and reused or disposed as waste. The strategy is to find the
most feasible and effective ways to do all these without harming the
natural environment.
Design for the environment is a strategic response to achieving
sustainable production. It relies on several techniques to identify
environmental impact and improve performance of the product through
its life cycle. The major emphases in this design approach are on:

0 Design for recycling

0 Design for energy efficiency
0 Design for remanufacture
0 Design for disassembly

Design for the Environment - Part I 147

0 Design for disposability

0 Design to minimize hazardous material

There are several benefits to the Design for the Environment. We

shall expand the discussion on some of the benefits identified by
Yarwood and Eagan.

Reduced Cycle Time

Time-to-market is critical in today’s market environment. Product

life span is very short and there is increased proliferation of new
products. In a highly competitive environment, it is essential that
manufacturers and service providers adopt a rapid response strategy in
satisfying the needs of the market place. Inability to respond timely to
the market with products that meet environmental quality amongst all
attributes may lead to loss of market share. It is important that the cycle
time to new product introduction is reduced. This can be achieved when
environmental concerns are integrated in the design process to ensure
that the product does not face either recall or rejection from the

Reduced Costs

Top management reacts well to costs. In fact, one way to get top
management to adopt ideas related to environmental quality is to expose
them to the cost of poor environmental quality. There are many types of
costs that can be borne out of poor environmental quality. More notable
among these are the costs of disposing waste, cost of cleaning up
environmental waste, cost of reworking, scraps, and rejects, and the
liability costs and fines that may be associated with not meeting
environmental regulations. However, the greatest cost of all is the loss of
customer goodwill. In order for a company to be competitive, it must cut
down on cost. Consequently, it must improve its bottom-line. Designing
for the environment enables a manufacturer to not only cut on all these
148 Environmental Planning and Management

costs but also to improve its bottom line and position itself to gain
market share

Improved Products

Designing for the Environment can also be viewed as a quality

strategy. It improves the quality of the product by critically assessing all
the environmental attributes at the design stage and developing and
evaluating alternative substitutes. In other words, the product
composition is made up of attributes or components that would satisfy
the needs and wants of the customer. Quality is often defined as
customer satisfaction. What pleases or delights the customer is customer
satisfaction. By responding to the needs of the customer to improve the
environmental content of the product, an improved product is designed
and developed. With such products as “delighters,” the manufacturer can
continue to expect the patronage and support of its customers.

Reduced Regulatory Concerns

Pollution prevention pays. There is an avalanche of regulations on

environmental protection. A competitive company cannot be reactive but
rather proactive and identify and prepare itself to future trends in
environmental compliance and regulation. Proactive companies can
develop strategies to adapt them to these future trends by designing their
products and processes to respond to environmental needs. Companies of
the future go beyond today’s information to anticipate future
possibilities. They seek out the most environmentally conscious and
feasible methods to design and produce their goods and services knowing
fully well that they are accountable to the role of their products in the
natural environment. Regulatory agencies and interest groups are on high
alert at the customer’s behest and can anticipate potential dangers to the
environment. Many countries and world bodies such as the United
Nations as well as local, state and federal agencies are increasingly
enforcing new environmental laws and demanding that manufacturers
Design f o r the Environment - Part I 149

change and abandon high risk environmental practices. Now, the current
trend for companies is to place environmental certification labels on their
products as a mark of environmental accomplishment. Many countries
have also adopted IS0 14000 standards and insist that manufacturers
adopt such standards. The recent ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by
Russia’s lower house of parliament shows that indeed the enforcement of
reduction on greenhouse gases is around the corner. Such a reduction
will more likely lead to introduction of newer products and processes
that are more efficient. The time-to-market becomes very critical to
reactive companies that never anticipated a major world power to support
the Kyoto Protocol.

Reduced Future Liability

This can be better explained using the 3P concept - Pollution

Prevention Pays. There is no statue of limitation when it comes to
environmental pollution. Polluters are held responsible any time the
impact of their activities on the natural environment or natural resources
are detected. It is up to the manufacturer to design its products and
services to have less impact on the environment and to have less demand
on limited natural resources. When companies design environmentally
friendly products that are sustainable, they are able to reduce the risks
associated with environmental liabilities and the costs associated with

Environmental liability laws are already in place in many countries.

For example in the U.S., there are several federal statues that require
financial assurance for environmental liabilities. Prominent among these
statues are the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), the Resources Conservation
and Recovery Act (RCRA), and the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). These acts take
a cradle-to-grave approach and hold polluters responsible for damage to
natural resources. Polluters pay financial liabilities, which may include
clean up costs, real and personal property damages, lost government
revenues, and other related costs. Design stage offers the ability to
150 Environmental Planning and Management

manufacturers to review their design strategies, product components,

requirements, and emissions, and develop more environmentally
sensitive product.

Improved Market Position

Companies compete by identifying a particular market niche they

can satisfy. The “green” market is booming and in vogue today. More
and more consumers are increasingly health and environmentally
conscious. They seek products that would not harm them or the
environment. Environmental quality has therefore taken a new role in the
marketplace. Successful companies are able to listen to their customers,
understand their needs and wants and design such into their products.
Those companies that have been able to do so continue to reap the
benefit and advertise widely their environmental efforts as part of their
social responsibility function to the society. For example, manufacturers
of appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, dryers are
increasingly using the “energy star” label on their products to show that
these products are energy efficient. They are not only beneficial to the
customer in terms of savings from energy cost but they are also
environmentally friendly by having lesser demand on the non-renewable
energy resources. The same is also true with auto manufacturers who are
increasingly designing lighter vehicles that are fuel-efficient.

Improved Environmental Performance

Achieving environmental quality is a global issue. It transcends

beyond national boundaries. The world at large has recognized the
significance and that is why international bodies such as the United
Nations have taken the lead to discuss some of the common
environmental issues that face the world as a whole. The growing
concern on toxic and waste management, global warming, and depletion
of the ozone layer impact the earth as a whole and do not reside in any
Design for the Environment - Part I 151

one country. A recent arti~le~~warned about human’s reliance on the

consumption of nonrenewable resources and the subsequent destruction
of the Earth’s ability to sustain life. The World Wildlife Fund noted in its
regular Living Planet Report, that the United Arab Emirates, the United
States, Kuwait, Australia and Sweden are the biggest consumers of
nonrenewable natural resources. It is estimated that humans currently
consume 20 percent more natural resources than the Earth can produce.
All these concerns further highlight the importance of integrating
environmental issues into the design process in order to achieve superior
environmental performance. This also shows why the world was
rejoicing when in October 2004, the Russia’s lower house of parliament
ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Even though the treaty was rejected by the
United States, Russia’s ratification marks the final acceptance needed for
the treaty to pass. Other industrial nations such as Japan and Germany
have also adopted the treaty.

Social Responsibility Function

Businesses today are increasingly aware of the need to develop

sustainable production systems. They have responsibility of protecting
their environment, employees and stakeholders and therefore, need to
design for the environment. Corporate policies are not made entirely
based on bottom-line but are also influenced by the community’s
perception of corporate operations and agenda. Good corporate image
must be maintained. The business must be viewed in positive light by its
stakeholders for it to sustain its operations. It is therefore imperative that
corporations respond to the call to develop environmentally conscious
processes and products. Responding to the stakeholders’ environmental
needs is good business and may often stimulate radical changes in the

l 4 Fowler, J., “Group warns on consumption of resources,” Associated Press,

October 22, 2004, 1022/ap-on-sc/
plundered.. .
152 Environmental Planning and Management

ways businesses are done. Processes and products may need to

be completely redesigned and attitudes may need to be changed.
Organizational mission, vision and mode of operation would all be
affected. Environmentally consciousness is a strategic issue that
businesses cannot overlook. Worldwide policies dictate environmental
changes as well as market demand and competition and companies must
react to remain competitive. Environmental management is a social
responsibility function, which business organizations must provide to
their business community and society as a whole. It is the key to
competing in the 2 lstcentury.

Design Strategies

Design for environment (DfE) is a systematic and systemic

consideration of environmental factors in product and process design. In
order to achieve this goal, DfE must take a holistic view of the product
by studying the effects of the design through the product’s life. This
product lifecycle approach requires that the interaction of the product
with its natural environment be explored and attempts made through the
design to ensure that environmentally sensible or conscious products are
designed. We shall develop strategies in this section on how design for
environment can be achieved. Some of the strategies developed here
will benefit from our knowledge of tools and techniques for quality

Design Team

The first step in designing for environment will be to form a design

team. The design team will be a team that is made up of important
stakeholders. These stakeholders are those whose reactions and actions
affect or are affected by the product. The team is made up of people with
diverse and interdisciplinary backgrounds and different worldviews.
They could include members of important interest groups. The role of the
team is to identify potential environmental impacts of the product design.
Design for the Environment - Part I 153

They review alternative product designs and identify associated

environmental problems and benefits. Such may include analysis of the
material requirement, disposable issues, distribution and logistics, and
recycling considerations. The team in a sense will conduct some form of
product lifecycle assessment. The team works with design engineers
to address “what if” or sensitivity analysis, review alternative designs
and scenarios, brainstorm and generate ideas on how some of the
environmental issues may be resolved. This team engages in
optimization with the goal of identifying the best product design to make
efficient use of natural resources in a systemic perspective. However,
product life assessment is not easy to achieve. It is difficult to quantify
benefits and sometimes what may be thought as benefit may actually
create more environmental hazards. Therefore, the goal should be to
make the best judgment given all the information available.
The team must be empowered. It must have a decision-making
ability and should have the support of the top management. The team
reviews the different scenarios or alternatives and assigns priorities to
those scenarios. Thus, a framework can be derived of “stakeholder”
requirements and matched against “design requirements.” By prioritizing
stakeholder requirements, the appropriate design strategies can be
identified. We shall lay a framework that could be useful for design for

Stakeholder Requirements

First and foremost in designing for environment is to understand

stakeholder requirements. What is it that the stakeholder wants? The
wants and needs of the stakeholder must be designed into the product or
service to delight the stakeholder and get its acceptance of the product or
service. The definition of stakeholder is inclusive of customers as well
as all those that can affect or are affected by the product or service.
Therefore the intrinsic needs of the customer are also considered while
designing the product but at the same time, the impact of the product on
its external environment is considered to achieve a tradeoff. How then do
we identify these needs?
154 Environmental Planning and Management

There are several approaches that may be adopted to fully understand

the wants and needs of the stakeholders. Some of these approaches may
be borrowed from the quality management literature where there is a
great emphasis on producing products to satisfy the needs and wants of
the customer. But rather than restricting this to the needs and wants of
the customer, we expand it to the needs and wants of the stakeholder.
Madu [2006] identified how customer needs and wants are solicited.
Some of them are discussed below:

Environmental Quality Dimensions

Madu 120061 referred to customer requirements as synonymous to

“quality dimensions.” In this book, stakeholder requirements are what we
refer to as environmental quality dimensions. They represent the
attributes or features of a product or service that the stakeholder demands
in order to achieve environmental quality. These attributes may be
perceived differently and may also have different importance weighting
to the stakeholder. For example, the need to reduce the energy
consumption for a dishwasher may or may not have higher priority to the
stakeholder when compared to the water consumption for a wash. Simply
stated, all attributes are not the same. Some are more important
depending on their impacts on the environment. However, it is not
easy to identify which attributes are more important than the other
in an environmental context. A thorough analysis would require an
environmental impact assessment, which is difficult to conduct.
The use of stakeholder teams in identifying environmental quality
attributes may lead to a long list of attributes that have to be grouped
and rated in terms of importance. It may be necessary to develop an
“environmental assessment survey” where experts may be used to
develop some priorities on identified environmental impacts. This way,
there is a focus in the design phase on which environmental impacts to
focus on.
Critical incident approach could be used to develop the
environmental assessment survey. This approach is based on analyzing
the product’s environmental impact by asking the stakeholder to identify
Designfor the Environment - Part I 155

how environmental attributes of a product or service may positively or

negatively affect its perceived organizational performance. The aim is to
identify the positive impacts that influence stakeholders’ perceptions of
the product or service and to reduce or develop alternatives to the
negative impacts.
In designing for environment, the key is to look at alternative design
strategies and select the option that would have minimal environmental
impact. Such selection strategies should be able to analyze carefully,
information obtained from stakeholders. Stakeholder analysis may be
based on surveys that address the following issues:

Product Content Environmental Questionnaire

What is the recyclable content of the product?

Could the recyclable content of the product be increased? And by how
Are there alternative renewable materials that could be used?
What is the environmental content of all the material used in product
Are there more environmentally friendly materials to replace some of the
existing materials?
How much energy is needed in the manufacturing process per unit of the
How much energy does the process expend?
How much waste is created in the process?
What is the total energy cost including transportation costs?
How much waste in material and energy are created along the supply
How would you rate the ease of recycle of the waste product?
How would you rate the ease of disassembly and material recovery?
How much solid waste is created at the end of products life?
What type of emission is generated from the production process?
What type of emission is generated from the product?
Is the emission recoverable and usable?
How much hazardous wastes are produced?
156 Environmental Planning and Managemeni

Is the waste oil recyclable?

Is the wastewater recyclable or treatable?
Are any of the by-products or liquid wastes treatable or reusable?
Are any of the gases generated among the banned or prohibited gases?
Are any of the gases generated among the greenhouse effect gases?
What materials are used in packaging the product?
Are the packaging materials recyclable?
Can the product be easily disassembled, repaired or reused?
Are there any product components that cannot be reused or recycled at
the end of the product life?

This product content environmental questionnaire identifies some key

questions about the product, process, and distribution. It could be
expanded and modified. However, the key behind its use is to be able to
compare alternative product designs based on their environmental
contents. These questions can be grouped into areas such as energy
usage, product content, end of life etc., if it makes it easier for analysis.
However, it addresses issues that stakeholders would want to investigate
before selecting one design strategy against the other. The different
design strategies can be compared on this basis with the goal of finding
and selecting the one that has the least environmental burden. Again due
to the fact that there is a long chain involved in any production and
distribution system and it is difficult to say which environmental burden
is more desirable, it is almost impossible to get an optimal design that
will guarantee the least environmental burden. When we assess a product
design, we take a cradle-to-grave approach by studying the product
through its lifecycle. That entails tracing the product from the extraction
phase through design and production to distribution and logistics and
then to consumption and through its end of life and disassembly and
disposal. It is indeed a difficult task to optimize this process.

Pareto Chart

One of the popular methods to organize errors, problems, or

defects found in a process or product is known as the Pareto chart. An
Design for the Environment - Part I 157

economist Vilfredo Pareto developed Pareto chart in the nineteenth-

century but its use in the management field was made popular by one of
the leading founders of quality management Dr. Joseph M. Juran.
According to Juran, 80% of a firm’s problems are a result of only 20% of
the causes. This concept has worked very well. In the present context,
Pareto chart could be used to identify the 20% of the causes that lead to
80% of the environmental burden we observe in the process or product.
By focusing on these “critical” causes, we can eliminate most of the
environmental burdens. This way, solving the critical problems that
explain most of the environmental burden the firm is able to make
efficient use of organizational resources. An illustrative diagram of the
Pareto chart is presented below as Figure 7.1. The data used to construct
the Pareto chart is derived from Table 6.10 and represents the frequency
distribution of the diapering system. Using the Pareto chart, it shows that
waste water particulates and atmospheric emission consist of most of the
problems created by the diapering system. These two environmental
burdens make up 71% of the problem. The idea is to focus on the critical
few in solving a problem. Therefore, to address the environmental
burden as a result of diapering system, the major focus should be on
these two problems.

42 6
2 35
5 25
g 20
2 15
rn 10
E 5

Causes of environmental burden

Figure 7.I : Pareto Analysis of Environmental Burden from Diapering System
158 Environmental Planning and Management

Ishikawa Diagram

Ishikawa or fishbone diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram and

could be used to identify the major causes of environmental burden in a
product or process. This problem solving technique is based on the
premise that there are four major causes to any effect and these are
known as the 4 M s - Man, Material, Machine and Methods. This method
of identifying environmental burdens was discussed in more details in
Chapters 5 and 6.

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Analytical Hierarchy Process is also a problem solving technique

that could be used to evaluate alternative strategies. In designing for
environment, it is important to review different design strategies and
identify the ones that may create less environmental burdens. Due to the
problems associated with life cycle assessment in the sense that it is often
difficult to quantify environmental impacts or to suggest that one
environmental impact is more preferable to the other, it would be
difficult to generate an “optimal” design. The AHP is a multi-criteria
decision making model that encourages the participation of the decision
or policy maker( s) in assigning preferences to the different design
options or alternatives. It is possible that the design strategies adopted
may be different for different environmental settings. For example, a
community that has severe water shortages but has abundance of energy
supply such as solar energy may find a design option that demands
significant water consumption and usage as unattractive when compared
to the need for energy consumption. The process of AHP is discussed in
Chapter 6 where it is applied in life cycle assessment problem.
The key question here is how the AHP would help in designing for
the environment. The role of the AHP would be to evaluate the different
production alternatives given the several criteria and sub-criteria that
may influence the organization’s ability to produce an environmentally
friendly product or services. AHP is broken down into three major levels
which are discussed below.
Design for the Environment - Part I 159


The goal outlines the objectives of the corporation in this case. The
major objective here is to design and produce the best environmentally
friendly product.


The goal cannot be made in isolation. There are several factors that
would influence the attainment of this goal. These factors include the
environmental burden that may be involved in the process, the financial
and technical constraints. The aim here is not just to look at the
environmental burden but also to understand the technical and financial
feasibility of the process. However, we are going to focus on identifying
the environmental burdens that may be identified at this stage. They are
listed below:

Dematerialization - The idea here is that the less the material

requirement the better. This will imply lesser dependence on
physical products and its implications in achieving sustainable
production practices is obvious. When lesser physical material is
used, there will be less energy, transportation, and consumption and
disposal problems. Cost is also saved. This is accomplished by
cutting down on the size and weight of products. Auto manufacturers
are increasingly reducing the size and the weight of their vehicles;
Cellular phones are getting smaller and smaller and some are pocket
sizes; Computer hard drives are even smaller with the use of USB
drives that have much higher memory and are yet much smaller in
size and very light; Laptop Computers have also declined in both
size and weight from where they started. One of the greatest
developments in this area is the use of the Internet. Many of us
today, do our shopping online, use online libraries and even attend
online schools or take classes online. We all use email and have cut
down significantly on the demand for snail mail. We subscribe
to online newspapers and magazines and have cut down on the
160 Environmental Planning and Management

demand for physical newspaper delivery. All these activities have

significantly cut down on the demand for physical products and the
associated material, energy and distribution needed to produce these
products, deliver, consume, dispose and recycle them. When we
design for the environment, we need to be able to compare design
strategies on the ability to dematerialize because this is one way we
can truly design for the environment.
Multiple Users - Multiple users for a resource could cut down on
duplication of the same resource. This could be observed mostly with
equipment that is commonly shared as in universities, hospitals or
other organizations that provide services. This also has a lot of
implications not just in duplicating the equipment themselves but
also in cutting down material requirements. For example, suppliers
often share information that are contained in a central database
system such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system and such
information are often obtained through the Internet. Suppliers with
the right access can coordinate activities with the manufacturer
without the traditional paper order processing. Such electronic
activities can help to reduce demand for material and make the
system more efficient.
Multiple Function Capability - Can the product do more than one
thing? If so, it is attractive and yet will demand lesser material. We
have witnessed the evolution of telephones that are all integrated
containing not just the regular telephone but fax, caller ID, phone
directory, scanner, copier and printer. Yet, they are relatively
compact compared to when each of these functions was represented
by separate equipment. Products with multiple function capability
may be less demanding on the environment.
Value engineering - This involves component analysis. It is
important that every component in a product add value to the
product. Components that do not add value to the product need to be
removed in the product design stage. A critical analysis of these
components should be done to identify the primary and secondary
functions and to see which may need to be removed without
compromising the quality of the product.
Design f o r the Environment - Part I 161

0 Reliability and Durability - These attributes are often overlooked

but have significant influence on the demand for material, energy,
transportation, and wastes. Undoubtedly, unreliable products would
consume more materials and energy and create more scrap. Madu
[2004] demonstrates the relationship between reliability and
maintainability and sustainable development. He also discussed
different methods that could be used to improve the reliability and
durability of products. Durability while used together with reliability
here, deals more with the robustness of the product. It will address
the ability of the product not only to satisfy customer’s expectations
but also to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Products that
are able to meet the reliability and durability conditions are also
more likely to be of high quality.
Ease of Maintenance and Repair - When products are easily
maintained and repaired, the chances of error are reduced and there
will be lesser need to transport the product back to the manufacturer
for maintenance work that could have been easily done by the end
user. This is common with computers and electronic equipment
where users normally call the manufacturer’s HELP line for
technical assistance or log on to the Internet for Online Help. With
easier instructions, the user can cut down on the need to send the
product back for such services.
0 Modular Product Structure - Many products are now designed to use
modular components. This makes the product adaptable to new
technological changes. When a new feature is introduced, the
product is upgraded thus reducing the need to discard the product
and buy a new one. For example, many personal computers have
open slots to allow for upgrades. New memory chips or hardware
components could be added over time without having to replace the
entire computer system.
Emissions - It is important to know the chemical composition of
products. Some products may use chemicals that generate hazardous
emissions during their lifecycles. Some of these emissions may be
toxic and may include some banned elements or those that might
affect the ozone layer. It is important that conformance to national
and international laws be followed through a process of de-selecting
162 Environmental Planning and Management

hazardous or banned substances. Such should be designed out of the

0 Renewable Materials - Efforts should be made to ensure that
raw materials used are renewable and can be regenerated in a
reasonable time. The use of non-renewable resources such as
fossil fuels is not environmentally sound. Renewable materials are
usually biodegradable and create lesser environmental burden than
nonrenewable materials. However, choices have to be made between
different forms of renewable materials to see which creates the lesser
environmental burden over its lifecycle.
0 Energy Requirement - It is important to understand the energy
requirements of the product and process.

Decision Alternatives

This deals with the decision choices or options that will present the
lesser environmental burden.


Yarwood, J.M., and Eagan, P.D., “Design for the Environment - A

Competitive Edge for the Future ToolKit,” Minnesota Office of
Environment Assistance, Minnesota Technical Assistance Program
(MnTAP), pg 1-16, undated.
Madu, C.N., 2006 House of Quality (QFD) in a Minute, 2nd edition,
Fairfield, CT: Chi Publishers.
Madu, C.N., “Strategic value of reliability and maintainability
management,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability
Management, (2004).
Chapter 8

Design for the Environment - Part I1

In this chapter, we discuss how design for the environment could be
achieved. We build on the previous discussion (Part I) by developing
strategies and models to enable the design and production of green
products and processes. In part I we mentioned the importance of
stakeholder participation. We shall advance that discussion by using a
business strategy that would enable the optimal utilization of resources in
product design and development process. This business strategy is
known as concurrent engineering.

Concurrent Engineering

Concurrent engineering is a strategy by an integrated team to ensure

that tasks are done in parallel and that all aspects of product development
are considered in the design, development, production and distribution
stages. By accomplishing tasks concurrently, the cycle time to introduce
new product or service is reduced. New products or services are designed
for produceability to reduce time to market. This strategy achieves a
better match between the product and the process, enhances quality, and
reduces waste and cost. The concurrency of the design function ensures
rapid market response and gives the firm competitive advantage
Concurrent engineering requires new thinking in the organization.
There is need for change management and for people and processes to
adapt and continuously seek improvement. The integrative nature of the
team requires a cross-functional view of the organization, the product,
and the processes and such views must be adopted in product
development to understand the lifecycle of the product. Knowledge of
the product’s lifecycle will facilitate the development of clear and
concise environmental performance targets for both the short-term and
the long-term. It also helps the team develop preferences, scenarios and
evaluate alternative options based on the products or the process’s
environmental impacts or burden.

164 Environmental Planning and Management

Through concurrent engineering, a holistic view of the product or

process is taken by creating a cradle to grave approach as the cross-
functional team evaluates how the product or process interacts with its
extended environment through its lifecycle. One of the major benefits of
concurrent engineering is in performance improvement. This strategy
helps eliminate redundancy in the design and production process, the
number of revisions, and prototypes. Effectively, it reduces the product
cycle time and leads to designing the product right the first time. Thus,
wastes and scraps that result from repetitive operations or reworking
defects can be avoided and energy and resources are conserved.
Concurrent engineering is a shift from the traditional manufacturing
process. It follows a horizontal process that is lateral and flat rather than
the hierarchical vertical process that is implemented in the traditional
approach. We shall compare both the vertical and horizontal product
realization processes to show how this new business strategy could play
a major role in designing for the environment.

Vertical vs. Horizontal Product or Process Realization

In the traditional vertical product realization process, marketing

information is the key to new product development or redesigning of
existing products. It is presumed that customer information, needs and
wants are obtained by the marketing department. There is no integrative
team and the functional departments in the firm are all independent.
Information obtained by marketing is the motivation for either new
product development or redesigning of an existing product. Such
information is then passed over to manufacturing whose role is to design
and produce the product as they see fit. Marketing may further assist
through market surveys to identify key features that should be in the
product design. The hierarchical process adopted by vertical product
realization could lead to long cycle times and may not effectively capture
the wants and needs of the customer thereby leading to waste generation.
Figure 8.1 shows this hierarchical process.
Design for the Environment - Part II 165

Design requirements



Figure 8.1: Traditional Manufacturing Process

Some of the problems with the vertical product or process realization

approach are outlined below:

The vertical product realization approach is based on functional silos

that are independent. The different departments do not operate in
unison and there is no cross-functional and integrative team. A
sequential task procedure is involved where different roles are
differentiated and not worked in parallel. For example, marketing,
design, production conceptualization, manufacturing and distribution
are all treated independently and are not looked at to see if there are
interdependence and duplicities that may be present. The resulting
effect is that certain tasks may be repeated several times, wastes may
be created, and it will take longer time to produce and deliver the
product. Higher environmental burden is created as these efforts
consume more resources and energy and in the long run, lead to
more waste creation. When tasks are done in parallel, there is
transparency and it is easy to identify avenues to cut down waste so
resources can be efficiently utilized and optimized.
166 Environmental Planning and Management

Duplication of tasks and waste create environmental burden that

need to be checked from the birth of the product concept. When
designing is separated from production and distribution, it is possible
that the finished product may not be feasible and even when
produced; it may not be environmentally friendly. When the entire
process of production is considered at the early stages by checking
the designability, manufacturability and disposability of the product,
it becomes easier to create an environmentally friendly product. No
aspect of product management should be treated in isolation. The
design team should work with production and distribution teams to
form an integrative team. A complete picture of the product should
be developed by looking at its entire lifecycle. Designers should not
see distribution issue as separate from their function but as part of
their goal to design an optimal product that will minimize
environmental burden.
Quality is compromised. The intrinsic and extrinsic needs of the
customer must be satisfied to achieve quality. Customers today are
concerned about environmental impacts of the product. They want to
ensure that the product they support does not create an
environmental burden that could ultimately affect their quality of
life. Also, customers understand the need to conserve limited natural
resources. When design, production, or distribution is separated,
there is tendency of reworking and creating of scraps and rejects
when one stage of the production process is found to be incompatible
with any other stage. Such waste creation becomes an environmental
burden that could have been avoided if all the stages of production
were worked in parallel.
The vertical product realization process leads to longer lead time to
introduce new products. Aside from the fact that this long lead time
makes it difficult for the firm to respond rapidly to market changes
and thereby losing its competitiveness, it creates waste. Products
today have shorter lifecycles. When a firm fails to respond to the
changing needs of the customer, it may be stocked with obsolete
products that may be disposed as waste. Such wastes have chain
reaction effects on the environment. They have effects in terms of
solid waste disposal, energy that is wasted in producing and
Designfor the Environment part I1 167

distributing them, and materials and resources that were consumed.

Long lead time to introduce a product is a potential source of
environmental burden.
0 It is important to manufacture the product correctly the first time.
Failure to accomplish that would lead to waste creation. Companies
that are competitive have higher productivity. Creation of waste adds
cost both in terms of environmental clean up, fines and punitive
damages but also costs the company customer good will. When items
are produced right the first time, the cost of production is lower and
the company can achieve customer satisfaction.

To overcome the problems listed above for vertical product

realization, designing for environment requires a new focus. The focus
should be on a structure that encourages rapid information sharing and
integrative team formation without the hassle of hierarchical structure on
information flow. This flat structure for the product realization process is
known as horizontal product realization process and it is shown in
Figure 8.2. We shall discuss this process and how it could help to design
for the environment.


Figure 8.2: Concurrent Engineering

Horizontal Product Realization Process

This approach involves lateral flow of information between the

major product design and development process. As shown in Figure 8.2,
168 Environmental Planning and Management

customer, production, marketing and design have a single view of

information and work in parallel to achieve the rapid development of
products. Information is obtained and analyzed at the same time. The
members of the cross-function department work in unison in product
design and development. Customer requirements are readily matched
with design requirements with the different functional units working in
parallel to find the best way to design, produce and distribute the product
to meet both the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of the customer. This single
view of the product design helps to produce the right product and to do it
right the first time. The different functional units working together come
to understand and appreciate each others’ role and work together to
achieve sustainable products.
Horizontal product realization process can help to address some of
the problems identified with the vertical product realization process.
Already, the flat structure of this process ensures rapid and lateral
flow of information that could be shared by all participants and
used to evaluate alternative design requirements to match customer
requirements. Therefore, green products that meet environmental
constraints can be developed, produced and distributed. As we look at
the value chain that is achieved through this process, we notice subtle
gains in the product development process that are important in achieving
sustainable or environmentally conscious manufacturing. We look at
some of these below:

0 Product design and development - Product design evaluates

sustainable issues such as design for recyclability, design for
disposal, design for disassemble, design for remanufacturing, and
design for manufacturability. Each of these design strategies consider
the natural environment to ensure that sustainable products are
developed. Sustainable products are environmentally friendly and
would have minimal environmental burden. With the use of cross-
functional teams, different design strategies are evaluated and
lifecycle assessment as well as environmental impact assessment is
conducted to identify the appropriate design strategy.
Quality is still the key. When products are optimally designed, they
meet their intended purposes without harming the environment. They
Design for the Environment - Part II 169

conserve natural resources and they emit less environmental burden.

Poor quality leads to higher environmental cost. Hence the adage
that prevention pays. Concurrent engineering helps to adopt a focus
on quality that considers the product’s impact on the natural
environment. The use of concurrent engineering improves quality
and productivity and increases the quality of life of the workers. It
helps to reduce the cost of production and the delivery and
introduction time of the product to the market. Efficiency is achieved
and products that meet the needs of the customers and stakeholders
are designed and produced.
0 Competitive businesses adapt and respond well to their markets.
When the right products are developed, the business gains market
share, becomes competitive, and can innovate. Green products are
vogue and there are challenges that businesses face. Innovative
organizations need to face these challenges and continue to design and
produce products that will continue to meet the needs of the customer.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

The aim of QFD is to listen to the voice of the customer and

systematically translate customer’s requirements through each stage of
the production planning and development to requirements that the
product must meet. Therefore, it matches customer requirements with
design requirements so that quality can be designed into the product. Our
consideration of quality here goes to include both the intrinsic and
extrinsic attributes of the product. In other words, a quality product is
viewed not only by the product’s performance for its intended usage but
also on how the product through its lifecycle, interacts with the natural
environment. A quality product in this context should be able to meet
stakeholders’ needs and react favorably to the natural environment. QFD
has been widely applied in the context of environmental management.
Some have developed a multi-stage process to QFD referred to as GQFD
(Green Quality Function Deployment). GQFD involves two phases. In
Phase I, three houses for quality, environment, and cost are developed
and used to compare product concepts. The indexes that are obtained for
170 Environmental Planning and Management

the three houses are then fed into a hierarchical structural framework in
Phase I1 where the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to select the
“best” product concept [Bovea and Wang]. Of course, the best product
concept may never be found by this approach. There are several factors
or criteria that are considered in determining the best product concept
and some are intangibles that are very subjective and difficult to
quantify. The perceptions of the stakeholders who participate in
comparing these concepts may very well influence the choices that are
made. Furthermore, lifecycle assessment is very difficult to make. It is
often difficult to clearly document the environmental burdens and chain
reactions involved in any particular process or product development.
Even when that is done, it is difficult to clearly estimate the impacts of
different environmental burdens to state which environmental burden is
more important than another. In an area that is heavily afflicted with
drought, water conservation may be more important than disposal of
waste to landfills. This is not to say that one environmental burden
is more important than the other however, there are situational
circumstances that may make one more preferable.
Application of QFD should be integrated in the product planning and
development. The goal should be to design green products. QFD should
be used for effective planning and life cycle assessment issues should be
duly integrated in the design process. We shall illustrate this process
using a case study of paper production or paper recycling [Madu et al,

Green Design Framework

The customer is the essence of any business. Businesses must design

and manufacture products and provide services that meet customers’
needs and expectations. It is, therefore, important that the customer is
part of the products and services delivery process. Most literature on
environmental quality management systems start by noting that there has
been a growing interest in making products and providing services that
are environmentally friendly. This increased interest in environmentally
friendly products and services is, to a large extent, due to growing
Design for the Environment - Part II 171

concerns about environmental pollution and disturbances by the general

public. People are concerned about numerous environmental challenges,
such as the quality of the air, the lack of green space in their
communities, groundwater supply, the greenhouse gases and the
damages to the ozone layer. They understand that the inability to manage
these environmental problems will, ultimately, degrade the quality of life
on earth. As a result of these concerns, many nations and international
agencies have embarked on developing new guidelines and legislatures
that can help manufacturers as well as consumers to be more
environmentally conscious. For example, many nations now have the
equivalent of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, which
as the name shows, operates by developing and guiding policies to
protect the environment. Also, international bodies such as the United
Nations and the International Organization for Standards (ISO) have
been very active in developing guidelines and procedures to effectively
manage environmental pollution. Understanding the role of consumers
will help manufacturers and service providers to design products that
meet consumers’ expectations and will, in turn, give them a competitive
edge. It is important that manufacturers start their design from the
viewpoint of the consumer or major environmental stakeholders. For
example, the framework shown in Figure 8.3 starts with a particular
objective. In the paper-recycling problem, the customer needs to select a
recycled paper that meets certain standard needs. The quality or the grade
of paper selected depends on the specifications of the print job the
customer will undertake. For example, for jobs that demand high quality,
recycled white waste paper may be of utmost importance; low quality
recycled papers such as old newspapers may be sufficient for other jobs.
Consumers can rate their application orientation by basing quality in the
following order:

White waste paper.

Packaging waste paper or brown paper.
0 Households or ‘mixed’ waste paper.
Coated paper.
Old newspaper.
172 Environmental Planning and Management

Customer Grade A Grade B Grade C

options Paper Paper Paper

Design List of design requirements in the QFD matrix

Design plan Develop design plan based on the key parameters for each grade

Evaluation Evaluate total cost for each grade


Select grade with

minimum cost

Figure 8.3: Green Design Framework

Once the decision is made on the application, a determination of the

customer requirements or attributes follows. These customer attributes
may consist of the weight of the paper, optical brightness, environmental
friendliness, performance, dimensional stiffness, and cost. However, in
considering the environmental friendliness of the product, the focus
should be on the product life cycle assessment. Alternative products or
substitutes are considered to determine which will create less
environmental burden. The use of bleaching agents to clean recycled
paper, conservation of forestry by using recycle paper, and other
environmental components of the product are investigated. As shown in
Design for the Environment - Part II 173

Figure 8.3, any of these attributes may be present in any of the grades of
paper selected by the customer. However, they may have different
priorities depending on the grade. For example, when a consumer is
interested in white waste paper as opposed to old newspapers, it is
expected that attributes such as optical brightness and dimensional
stiffness will be very important. Conversely, the cost will be higher for a
white waste paper than for old newspaper. To improve optical brightness
for example, the process of de-inking to remove contaminants will be
more extensive in white waste paper. This will consume more time,
energy and labor and may also require the addition of bleaching and
other optical brightness agents to remove contaminants. These efforts
may create additional environmental burdens that must be investigated
and perhaps, possible substitutes evaluated. Similarly, when dimensional
stiffness is very important, it may become necessary to combine a higher
percentage of virgin pulp with the recycled fiber, thereby, making
this paper less environmentally friendly. Taking a product life cycle
assessment view, it is seen here that the use of white paper may create
more environmental burden. For example, it may require high percentage
of virgin pulp, use bleaching and de-inking chemicals that may
potentially, become contaminants to the environment, create more waste
disposal problem, and consume more energy resources such as water and
fossil fuels. It is therefore, not sufficient to stop at this point. The
environmental requirements for this product could be slated for further
discussion. A separate framework such as the House of Quality may be
created just for this criterion and alternatives or substitutes to the use of
white paper looked at to determine the different options for white paper
that could be integrated in the framework. Some of the options may
include determining the minimum level of virgin fiber that should be
present to achieve acceptable quality white paper. Thus, there are costs
and benefits associated to whatever grade of paper the consumer needs.
Once a particular group of paper type (i.e. Grade A) is selected and
customer requirements are identified and prioritized, the next phase is to
develop the design requirements. This involves designing for ease of
manufacture. The manufacturer has to identify the design strategies that
will enable it to satisfy customer requirements. Each of the attributes
identified by the consumer can be broken down into a list of design
I74 Environmental Planning and Management

requirements. For example, dimensional stiffness can be broken down to

include the addition of virgin pulp, starch, stronger coating, and the use
of less filler content, while optical brightness many include factors such
as the use of an optical brightness agent and coating, longevity,
bleaching, and de-inking processes. To produce environmentally friendly
paper, we may look at issues such as the percentage of total recycled
paper, percentage of post-consumer fiber, and the levels of chlorine-free
or tree-free fiber present.
Once the key design requirements are identified by matching them
with customer requirements, an optimal design plan is identified and the
specific level for each design requirement is found. Sensitivity analysis
also may be conducted on this design plan. The final phase is to evaluate
the cost that may be involved and this should include both the direct and
indirect costs. The direct cost should include known costs such as those
that constitute the production cost, while the indirect cost should include
environmental and social cost. It is necessary in evaluating the
environmental and social cost to adopt a more systemic view of cost.
This will involve the use of life-cycle assessment models. For example,
the cost of the product should be traced through its life by tracing its
pollution discharges and resources utilization as the product changes
hands from producers to consumers. Since in recycling, we extend the
life of the product by extending its usage and application, it is important
that an economic input-output analysis becomes part of the life-cycle
assessment. This analysis will consider the impact of the product in the
different industrial sectors it passes through over its life cycle and by so
doing; we can capture all the costs that may be related to the product. Of
course, product life cycle assessment is often difficult to accomplish but
it is a necessity in reducing a product’s environmental burden.
Sometimes more than one grade of paper may be able to accomplish
the desired needs of the customer. In such instances the final choice will
be based on the grade that has the minimum total cost. Note again, that
cost here includes the cost of environmental burden.
We shall illustrate this framework by the application of known
models at each stage of the framework. The steps for conducting the
green design are given in Figure 8.4.
Designfor the Environment - Part I1 175


Match requirements
with design needs QFD

design plan
1 Taguchi method

Evaluate costs Taguchi loss function

Select grade

Figure 8.4: Steps f o r Green Design

Design for Six Sigma

In order for today's companies to respond proactively to the needs of

customers, it is imperative that processes are aligned to customer
requirements and that such requirements are timely satisfied. Companies
compete on several fronts but product quality is assumed and must be
measurable. Six sigma is a rigorous approach to achieving quality and
relies on effective data management and statistical application. The goal
of six sigma is to apply statistics to data to identify sources of process or
product defects, reduce variability, and achieve near perfection by
aiming for zero defect. Conceptually, six sigma implies about 3.4 defects
per million parts produced. Thus, quality is measurable and zero defects
can potentially be achieved since this low number is proportionally zero.
Six sigma offers a systemic and a systematic approach to identifying
product or process problems by helping organizations to study their
processes and workflows and enabling them to understand areas that
176 Environmental Planning and Management

need improvement. Effective and intelligent decisions can be made

through the application of six sigma concept. In order to effectively
analyze business processes, six sigma uses a five stage approach that is
referred to as DMAIC. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control. These stages are briefly discussed:

Define - It is important for organizations to be clear on the opportunities

they are faced with. Foremost in the six sigma approach is to define the
aim or goal of the improvement activity. What is it that the organization
really wants to improve on? A strategic objective may be to increase
market share, reduce operating cost, achieve higher rate of return.
Measure - Measurement is essential in knowing when an objective has
been achieved. Therefore, there is a need to establish reliable metrics or
measurement scales to ensure that the defined objectives are being
monitored. How does the organization know when higher rate or return
has been achieved or when market share has been substantially
increased? There needs to be a yardstick for measurement.
Analyze - From measurement, we know the current status of the process
or system. We can identify the gap between the current system state and
the goal, and the objective is to minimize this gap so that the goal can be
Improve - The process of improvement assumes that one understands the
problems and the need to improve. Improvement requires finding better
and more effective ways to do things and requires monitoring the new
ways to ensure that indeed improvement was achieved.
Control - Control provides a systematic way of institutionalizing an
improved system to ensure that what works is put in place. Effective
standards may be applied as a way of monitoring the system’s
performance so that it could be effectively tracked and deviations from
established standards detected on a timely basis. The control however, is
not close-looped but open to information and feedback that can be used
to continuously improve and adapt the system. This way, the goal of zero
defects can be effectively achieved.
Design for the Environment - Part II 177

The six sigma concept is applicable to environmental management

systems (EMS). EMS pays attention to performance metrics. There are
specific environmental goals, standards and targets that must be met.
During product design, those environmental goals are specified and are
tested to ensure compliance. However, a company becomes competitive
when it attains six sigma in its performance metrics and becomes a
world-class company to be benchmarked by others and its competitors.
Six sigma relies heavily on the application of statistical techniques
and management. Therefore, it should be noted that a lot of statistical
tools are used in the five stages of six sigma. Management is also crucial
in the effective application of six sigma. Management of people, product,
and processes are essential. When six sigma is effectively implemented,
organizations are able to consistently achieve their environmental targets,
improve their performance, reduce product and process variation, and
satisfy the needs and wants of customers. The ultimate result of all these
will be an increase in profitability, lower defects and higher quality,
greater employee morale, and increased competitiveness. When these are
achieved, environmental performance and productivity are improved.

Measurement Issues in Six Sigma

The aim of six sigma is to achieve process improvement. Processes

that are not compliant and are producing high levels of wastes, defects
and pollution would be detected and corrective actions taken. Six sigma
focuses on goals and results and enables the firm to look closely on how
its products and processes can be aligned to meets it’s environmental and
quality goals. As we already mentioned, this is done by using a
combination of statistical and management tools. By improving the
sigma level, stakeholder requirements can be achieved. The use of
DMAIC that is outlined above is to enable a systematic approach to
focus on measures that are “critical to quality.” These measures are often
referred to as CTQ for short. CTQ does not necessarily have to focus on
the intrinsic values of the product but should also consider environmental
goals and targets that must be met for the product to be considered as
meeting the quality goals. Six sigma can be applied to both physical and
178 Environmental Planning and Management

non-physical items as may be apparent in the ever-growing service

industry. While for physical items, process performance is measured in
defective parts per million (ppm), for non-physical items, it is measured
in terms of defects per million opportunities (dpmo). Both defective parts
per million and defects per million opportunities view environmental
compliance as important in satisfying customer or stakeholders’ needs.
When there is less variation in the process or the process becomes more
stable and consistent, smaller deviations are achieved. Smaller deviations
imply higher sigma levels. Figure 8.5 presents a conversion between
dpmo and sigma level.

rn 180000

z> 120000 -+-Z (Standard
100000 score)
-o 80000 +PPM
% 60000
b 40000
E 20000
z 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
Number of sigma from target

Figure 8.5: Number of Defective Parts Per Million

The customer focus adopted by six sigma shows that it actually

works hand in hand with quality function deployment. While quality
function deployment aims to design products and services that satisfy
customer requirements as embodied in both product quality and
environmental requirements, six sigma aims to achieve perfection in
those products and services by reducing the variation that may exist
through process improvement. In fact, the statistical and management
techniques that are used to achieve six sigma include quality function
deployment, failure mode and effect analysis, design of experiments,
Designfor the Environment - Part II 179

robust design, mistake proofing such as Poke Yoke and statistical

process control [Goh and Xie, 20041. Six sigma is an integral part of the
product and service design stages. As products are designed for the
environment through the product conception stage to the product’s
lifecycle, six sigma plays a key role. These techniques that are listed, are
considered at the designing and monitoring stages of the product or
services. They are not end of the line application techniques. As a result,
Goh and Xie [2004] note that the statistical thinking involved in six
sigma helps to make decisions that are based on facts. Six sigma relies on
information gathering, and application of proven techniques to achieve
process improvement. Finally, Goh and Xie 120041 characterized six
sigma using “5W+ 1H.” Specifically, this definition outlines the process
of six sigma and how it leads to process improvement. They are adopted
from Goh and Xie [2004], and Kuei and Madu [2003] and presented as

WHY six sigma? Satisfaction of customers.

WHO does it? Structured top-down hierarchy or trained personnel.
WHAT is it? Statistical thinking using data to combat process variation.
WHERE is it? Standardized framework of “DMAIC.”
HOW is it done? Software packages for information analysis.
WHEN is it done? Sustained effort via projects.

Approaches for Six Sigma Projects

There are basically two approaches to implementing six sigma. We

have already discussed DMAIC, which aims to achieve continuous
improvement through reduction in variability of products or processes.
One argument against this approach is that it may not react readily to
changes. Thus continuous improvement on a process that is out of date
will not enable the organization to compete effectively. Sometimes,
breakthrough thinking is needed. A popular example is the effort to
improve the Polaroid instant camera since digital photography has made
the instant camera technology obsolete. The same applies in trying to
improve a product that has passed its product lifecycle. Ultimately, it is
important to understand what the customer wants as we have said many
180 Environmental Planning and Management

times in this book and then try to design six sigma quality into the
product or process. So, the application of DMAIC will be satisfactory
provided that the product or process remains capable of satisfying
customers’ needs. Its application is not innovative but aims at
eliminating or avoiding defects from an existing product or process.
Once the product or process is out of favor, applying DMAIC will not
help the organization to become competitive. A new strategy must be
adopted. That strategy is the second approach, which is referred to as
DMADV (design-measure-analyze-design-verify) or IDOV (identify-
design-optimize-verify). DMAIC is based on continuous improvement,
while DMADV or IDOV is based on reengineering of the process. This
radical approach is also often referred to as design for six sigma (DFSS).
Harry and Schroeder [2000] claim that once organizations have reached
five sigma quality levels (i.e. 233 defects per million opportunities), they
need to design for six sigma to surpass the five sigma. As noted by
Banuelas and Antony [2004], there are not enough data to substantiate
the claim even though some authors have supported it. We adapt from
Nave [2002] and Harry and Shroeder [2000] the assumptions made by
DMAIC and IDOV as presented in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Contrast of DMAIC and IDOV or DMADV


Objective Adopts current product or Aims to achieve resource
process design as correct efficiency through design to
and economical and aims to satisfy current customer and
minimize the variation. market requirements.
Process capability Current product or process Aims to achieve more than
design is capable of five sigma quality by
satisfying customer needs. producing higher yields
regardless of complexity
and volume.
Design Customer needs and market Focuses on “robustness” and
requirements are satisfied by capable of withstanding
the current product adverse conditions.
Flexibility Customer needs are Has a high focus on
currently met with current customer demands and
configuration and design. adapts to such demands.
Design for the Environment -Part 11 181

Thus, the main distinction between these two approaches is the fact
that DMAIC accepts the existing state of the system and works on
improving it through reduction in product or process variation.
Conversely, IDOV or DMADV questions the existing process and tries
to develop a more proactive look. It is based on designing six sigma
quality into the product or process, in order to continuously satisfy
customers’ needs. It has a focus on challenges and innovation to meet the
dynamic changes in the market place.
In fact, the IDOV or DMADV approach is similar to the argument
proposed in Goh and Xie [4] who countered that rather than DMAIC
focusing on error or defect avoidance, that six sigma can be extended to
include a systems perspective and strategic analysis. Systems perspective
will focus on identifying appropriate system boundaries and performance
indices. This will go beyond focusing on the product or process variation
but to understand the macroeconomic environment that influence the
“critical-to-quality” measures. Such macro view considers other factors
that could potentially influence product quality and environmental issues
are important in such analysis. The CTQs have to be frequently reviewed
to recognize when new measures emerge and when to adapt the list. The
strategic analysis on the other hand is scenario-driven to address “what
if’ questions that may arise in the dynamic market place. Product
lifecycles are short these days. Technologies easily become obsolete,
and customer needs and wants are fast evolving. It is important
that organizations understand this dynamism and be able to react
appropriately to respond to the needs of the market place.

Six Sigma and QFD

As we have already defined, QFD is used to translate customer

requirements into a set of prioritized targets that can be focused on when
improving products, processes and services to satisfy the customer.
These customer requirements are referred to as critical-to-quality
measures in the six sigma literature. Six sigma is a highly structured
approach that has a strong focus on the bottom line. Achieving almost a
zero defect in defects per million parts or defects per million
182 Environmental Planning and Management

opportunities should translate to financial gains for the organization and

make the organization competitive. So, both QFD and six sigma aim to
make the organization more competitive and successful by aligning the
organization’s strategy to focus on its customer and by developing means
of measuring process performance improvements. One of the approaches
for six sigma we discussed is the design for six sigma (DFSS). DFSS is
based on listening to the voice of the customer to identify and prioritize
the critical-to-quality measures that are important to the customer. These
CTQs must be integrated into product and process design if the needs
and wants of the customer are to be satisfied. The CTQs will be
identified and prioritized by the members of the cross functional teams.
This way, the organization focuses on the key CTQs and the methods of
six sigma can be applied to achieve both robust design and minimize the
variations in those key components. Indeed, with the application of QFD,
six sigma teams can optimize their resources by targeting the CTQs that
are high on importance rating to the customer. An improved process will
have no value if it does not focus on what the customer wants. The
customer knows what is critical to achieve his or her satisfaction. These
CTQs can only be understood by listening to the voice of the customer.
Thus one can emphatically state that before six sigma could be applied,
CTQs must be first identified and prioritized. The priorities attached to
these CTQs would also influence the specification limits that should be
set. The most important CTQs would definitely be set to higher
specification limits such as six sigma because it would be essential to
significantly reduce variation in such CTQs and ensure their consistency
and stability. Another aspect of the QFD is the correlation matrix, which
appears as a roof in the House of Quality. By identifying potential
conflicts between design requirements, emphasis is placed on the most
important design requirements. Again, these become the design
requirements where serious efforts must be made to achieve six sigma
levels. So, rather than the six sigma team using its resources to fight fires
all over, it can from QFD identify both the most important customer and
design requirements and focus its efforts on those. This way, a product
that meets customers’ needs can be designed and produced on a timely
fashion. Such products will also help the organization compete
effectively and become profitable.
Design for the Environment - Part II 183

Implementing Six Sigma with QFD

0 The goals of six sigma and QFD are not quite different even though
different approaches may be followed. Ultimately, the aim is to
satisfy customer needs so that the organization becomes competitive
and profitable. To realize this goal of achieving customer
satisfaction, top management participation and support are needed.
Top management plays a critical role of creating and cultivating an
environment that will support innovation and creativity that are
essential for the implementation of QFD and six sigma concepts.
Such an atmosphere will challenge existing hierarchical structures in
the organization, division of power and authority and breakdown the
barriers that may hinder innovation and change. Top management
also bears the full responsibility of allocating needed resources
to ensure that the implementation of six sigma within QFD is
successful. One area that demands resource allocation is training
and the use of the best brains in the organization to effectively adapt
to six sigma. The training requirement has often hindered the
implementation of six sigma in smaller companies. For example, big
companies like Motorola spent $170 million dollars between 1983
and 1987 on worker education that focused on quality issues such as
quality improvement and designing for manufacturability. Yet, the
training program has to be properly designed for it to be successful.
One of the early problems encountered by Motorola was that it
followed a bottom up approach in its training by training lower level
employees on statistical process control without providing them
remedial education. When the training flopped, it was difficult to
turn to top management who had not been trained to provide help.
Consequently, Motorola established Motorola University to provide
training to its executives. It is therefore imperative that everyone be
trained and that top management takes the lead in training. However,
training does not have to be a drag on corporate resources. It is
important to benchmark organizations that have efficient training
programs. General Electric appears to have successful training
programs that is well structured and takes lesser time. For example,
184 Environmental Planning and Management

while it takes GE 16 to 20 weeks to train a black belt (a basic level of

six sigma certification), it takes Motorola a minimum of one year.
It is important to listen to the Voice of the Customer. There
must be a free flow of information where customer needs and
wants are identified. The critical to quality issues are known
and the design strategies are developed to address such issues.
Resources are efficiently utilized when it is clear which customer
requirements are more important and which design requirements
need tighter specification as the six sigma. Thus implementation
will be more effective when the focus is on the critical design
Training needs at the different levels of the organization must be
assessed. But before the training, employees must understand the
new mission of the organization to achieve customer satisfaction and
how training on both QFD and six sigma could help realize such
goals. It is important that remedial skills are provided at all levels of
training to achieve both literacy and statistical understanding and
must involve a top-to-bottom approach.
As we have mentioned above, there are two approaches to six sigma
namely DMAIC and DMADV (or IDOV). Process implementation
must involve a two-prong monitoring system. One will focus on
DMAIC where incremental and continuous improvement is achieved
once the current processes and products continue to satisfy customer
and market needs and the DMADV or IDOV will involve
reengineering of the entire product or processes when the current
system is incapable of meeting customer and market needs. This
way, the organization is adopting both systemic and strategic
perspectives and would be able to design for six sigma and adapt the
design strategies as customer requirements change.
Cross functional teams would have to be empowered and remain
actively involved in evaluating and monitoring business processes,
scanning the environment and developing strategies to continue to
respond proactively to the dynamic environment.
Design for the Environment - Part II 185

Lean Six Sigma

Many authors especially practitioners have tried to distinguish

between Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma and have
often confused the grey areas between the two. In fact, some distinctions
have often misrepresented what TQM is, in favor of the new focus on Six
Sigma. While Six Sigma is in vogue in many corporations such as
Motorola, GE, Seagate Technology, GlaxoSmith Kline, Ratheon, and a
host of others, critics argue that six sigma is another management fad
that may ultimately not meet the expectations of the adopting companies.
Even successful companies that have tried to implement these
concepts such as TQM, Business Process Re-engineering and Six Sigma
have recorded failures [Easton and Jarrell, 19981. There is also the
problem of sustaining initial process improvement successes [Sherman et
al, 19991. Further, business performance has not always improved with
successes in these programs as evident with the layoffs and lack of
profitability by Motorola in 1998 [Basu 20041.
Many have even proposed Lean Six Sigma as an extension of Six
Sigma. Lean Six Sigma is simply an integration of Six Sigma with Lean
Production. A lean organization focuses on value management and aims
to eliminate non value-added activities. The elimination of wastes helps
the organization to become more productive and efficient, and able to
achieve operational excellence. Lean Six Sigma application covers the
entire value delivery chain which extends to vendors and suppliers and
adopts customer focus. It helps organizations to become agile and to
respond rapidly to their dynamic environments. Organizations adopting
lean six sigma often focus on sustainable practices and aim to reduce
environmental burden.

An Example of Six Sigma Application

In technical terms, sigma (0) denotes variability or standard

deviation of an attribute or customer requirement of interest. In statistical
process control, specification limits are provided and a critical
assumption is made that the process is stable and behaving according to
186 Environmental Planning and Management

the normal distribution. When a process is stable, its behavior can be

predicted. With the QFD phase, the customer requirements are identified
and used as a basis in developing quality characteristics to measure. It is
important that the process is capable of satisfying these quality
characteristics in order to satisfy the needs and wants of the customer.
Six sigma helps to ensure that this is done. As we have already stated,
this approach will ensure that only 3.4 defects are observed per million
parts or opportunities.
There is often a misunderstanding on what the six sigma process
means. A major assumption in the way six sigma concept was developed
is that the shift in the process mean is within 1.5 standard deviation and
that the process mean is 4.5 standard deviations from the closest
specification limit and 7.5 standard deviations from the farthest
specification limit. In fact, the process mean is 4.5 standard deviations
from it closest specification limit and not 6 standard deviations as the
term 6 sigma would tend to imply. It would probably have been better
and easier to refer to this approach as “four and a half sigma” rather than
“six sigma.” Mitra [2004] provides a good description of the statistical
foundation of six sigma and notes that the expectation that a process
stays within 1.5 (T of the process may vary from process to process. In
other words, each organization has to understand its process spread and
mean and apply them in finding process shift.

Table 8.2: Computation of Defects for One-sided Specification Limit

Z (Standard score) Normal Probability Complement PPM PPB
1 0.841344746 0.158655254 158655.3 158655253.9
1.5 0.933192799 0.066807201 66807.2 66807201.27
2 0.977249868 0.022750132 22750.1 22750131.95
3 0.998650102 0.001349898 1349.9 1349898.032
4 0.999968329 3.16712E-05 31.7 31671.24184
4.5 0.999996602 3.397673-06 3.4 3397.673134
5 0.999999713 2.86652E-07 0.3 286.6516541
6 0.999999999 9.865883-10 0.0 0.9865877
7 1 1.27987E-12 0.0 0.001279865

7.5 1 3.186343-14 0.0 3.186343-05

Design for the Environment - Part II 187

Table 8.2 shows the basic concept of six sigma. If the six-sigma process is
centered at the mean, then the process would produce one defective part
per billion (PPB) for each specification limit or two defective PPB for
both specification limits. Similarly, if we apply the concept that six sigma
is 4.5 from its closest specification limit and 7.5 standard deviation from
its farthest specification limit, we see that 3.4 defective parts per million
(PPM) are produced. We see from Figure 8.6 when we contrast the
standard 3 o to 6 o, that six sigma would tend to produce more consistent
products than three sigma. Thus, the higher the number of sigma, the
more capable and consistent the process becomes. A simple example
would be a mail delivery company that checks its on-time delivery using
three and six sigma respectively. A three sigma operation would expect
1350 late deliveries per million mails and for a truly six sigma operation,
the organization would expect 2 late deliveries per billion mails.
Thus, QFD and Six Sigma are important tools in designing for
the environment. These tools will help to understand the stakeholders’
needs for the environment and to develop achievable standards on how
environmental quality can be achieved. Several national and world
agencies on environmental management have established standards on
emissions, pollution and waste disposals for corporations and
governments alike to follow. The use of lean six sigma and six sigma
will help in establishing targets and standards to detect when compliance
is being met. It is very important that results are produced and are also
monitored and evaluated. More importantly, design for the environment
should start at an early stage in the product development process. This is
the more reason why tools like QFD have become increasingly
important. It is necessary that all stakeholders participate in evaluating
their needs and requirements and matching those needs and requirements
to design strategies.
In today’s complex environment, there are many competing needs
that must be designed in the product. The concern for the environment
has increasingly taken a bigger role and value cannot be created without
paying attention on how the product or service interacts with its
environment. The need to lessen environmental burden should be a top
priority in any product or service design hence the need to design for the
188 Environmental Planning and Management

Six sigma Delivery
CTQ (1,000,000

Sigma About
(93%) 70,000

Sigma About 3

The process is off -center

i 1.5 Sigma

Figure 8.6: Three Sigma vs. Six Sigma


Banuelas, R., and Antony, J., (2004), “Six sigma or design for six
sigma?,” The TQMMagazine, 16 (4): 250-263.
Basu, R., “Six Sigma to FIT sigma: The New Wave of Operational
downloaded on September 27,2004.
Easton, G., and Jarrel, S., (1998), “The effects of Total Quality
Management on corporate performance,” Journal of Business 7 1,
Goh, T.N., and Xie, M., (2004), “Improving on the Six Sigma paradigm,”
The TQMMagazine, 16 (4):235-240.
Harry, M., and Shroeder, R., (2000), Six Sigma: The Breakthrough
Strategy Revolutionalizing the World’s Top Corporations, Doubleday,
New York, NY.
Hoerl, R.W., (2001), “Six sigma black belts: what do they need to
know?,” Journal of Quality Technology, 33 (4): 391-406.
Design for the Environment - Part II 189

Kuei, C.H., and Madu, C.N., (2003), “Customer-centric six sigma

quality and reliability management,” International Journal of
Quality and Reliability Management, 20 (8): 954-964.
Mitra, A., (2004), “Six sigma education: a critical role for academia,”
The TQM Magazine, 16(4): 293-302.
Nave, D., (2002), “How to compare six sigma, lean and the theory of
constraints,” Quality Progress, 35 (3): 73-79.
Sterman, J.D., Keating, E.K., Oliva, R., Repenning N.P., and
Rockart, S., (1999), “Overcoming the improvement paradox,”
European Management Journal, 17: 120-134.
Bovea, M.D., and Wang, B., “Integration of customer, cost and
environmental requirements in product design: An application of
Green QFD,” undated.
Madu, C.N., House of Quality (QFD) in a Minute, 2ndedition, Fairfield:
CT., Chi Publishers, 2006.
Madu, C.N., Kuei, C-H., Madu, I.E., “A hierarchic metric approach for
integration of green issues in manufacturing: A paper recycling
application,” Journal of Environmental Management, 2002.
Chapter 9

Manufacturing Strategies: Agile, Lean and

Flow Manufacturing
In this chapter, we discuss some of the new manufacturing
technologies and how they could help improve quality and productivity
and reduce societal environmental burdens. We shall focus specifically
on agile manufacturing, lean manufacturing, and flow manufacturing.
These techniques also benefit from the application of just-in-time
inventory system, total quality control, and total productive maintenance.
These relationships are discussed in the chapter.

Agile Manufacturing

Agile manufacturing is a new manufacturing philosophy that

originated from the Japanese auto and consumer electronic industries.
The aim is to inspire to achieve total flexibility with high quality at
minimum costs. Agile manufacturing is intended to transform the
traditional manufacturing practice to something more efficient and
productive and responsive to the dynamic needs and demands of the
customer. The basic thrust of agile manufacturing was identified in
Keen’s “Agile Manufacturing” [2001]. We shall expand the discussion to
include the following:

0 Reducing dependency on the economies of scale-unlike traditional

assembly line system where volume drives production, agile
manufacturing encourages flexibility and therefore, variations in the
basic product design which counters the focus of the traditional flow
shop operation. The mass production system creates waste. It
assumes commonality in the needs of customers and items are made
to stock. These items may not necessarily satisfy the needs of the
customer. Unsold items are scrapped as waste thereby encouraging
material and energy consumption. Furthermore, such a system of
production can hide defects. This would mean that in the long run,

Manufacturing Strategies 191

the customer would be able to detect such defects and return the item
for rework or replacement. Such rejects places heavy demands on
natural resources and energy and material requirements, thus leading
to creation of wastes. Further, mass production encourages stock
piling of inventory. Inventoried items place demand on space, energy
and materials. Agile manufacturing uses new adaptive manufacturing
technologies such as Agile manufacturing,” 20011:

a. Rapid prototyping (RP)-these are a class of technology

that are used to develop prototypes and may include
three dimensional computer-aided designs. The use
of rapid prototyping is a flexible approach that
would enable investigation of alternative manufacturing
process to address “what it” scenarios. Consideration of
environmental impacts could be integrated in the
design process to ensure that products that achieve
environmental quality are designed and produced.
b. Rapid Tooling (RT)-this consists of the additive and
subtractive processes. The additive processes use
advanced methods of making tools based on the RP
technology while the subtractive processes use the
advanced methods of making tools that are based on the
milling technology. Both methods rely on the use of
digital database. The rapid tooling also ensures that the
right processes are used. The right processes should
meet environmental compliance and be able to meet the
environmental guidelines of the manufacturer.
c. Reverse Engineering (RE)-this is a hybrid of
approaches to reproducing physical objects. It may
involve manual drawings, documentations, computer-
aided approaches or a mixture of both. Reverse
engineering supports the use of any method or approach
that may be necessary to reproduce an item. Reverse
engineering is adaptable to different methodologies.
It could therefore, be adopted to design for the
192 Environmental Planning and Management

Low volumes are produced at competitive prices-this seems to

encourage small orders rather than mass production operation. The
small volume enhances environmental quality checks.
Decentralized mini-assembly plants-the notion of maintaining a
centralized assembly line system that produces basically identical
products is replaced with a decentralized mini-assembly plants that
are situated near demand centers. This helps to cater to the needs of
the different demand centers but more importantly, satisfy the goal of
just-in-time delivery. It therefore, helps to reduce inventory levels
and the costs associated with inventory thus adding more value to the
customer. With JIT, it is easier to track problems when the product
fails to meet either product or environmental standards. The root of
the problem can easily be analyzed. Operator’s pay serious attention
to their work since JIT would not hide defects. Environmental
compliance could therefore, be achieved.
Flexibility-Flexibility is important in agile manufacturing.
Different configurations of the product are encouraged and offered.
With flexible system, it is easier to continuously improve by
adapting the product or process to meet new standards.
Worker motivation-Worker motivation is enhanced because the
worker is no longer bound to routine tasks as defined in the
traditional assembly line system. Rather, the worker provides input
in configuring his or her work operation and is not bored by
repetitive tasks. The fact that the worker now enjoys work helps to
reduce human error which may be a major cause of environmental
problems. Further with rapid changes in product designs and the
flexibility of the process, workers can have significant input in
designing products that meet environmental standards.
Product design-the product design is based on listening to the voice
of the customer. Rather than designing a product or service as
perceived by the engineer, the customer is an active participant in
designing the product or service to meet his or her needs. Thus,
customer satisfaction is high. The product is also designed for the
environment and follows guidelines to achieve environmental
Manufacturing Strategies 193

0 Supply chain management-supply chain management is

emphasized, as there is need for suppliers, vendors, and distributors
to share the same goals as the manufacturer and meet both its
quality and environmental standards. Thus, a transformation of the
traditional type of relationship with suppliers is needed. Supply
chains add value to the product by recognizing the need to achieve
the environmental goals of the stakeholders.
Coordination-to achieve the goals of agile manufacturing in terms
of quality, speed of delivery, and flexibility, good coordination and
management of information is required.

Agility is a rapid response to the changing operating environment of

the firm. Businesses operate in an atmosphere of intense competition that
is subject to challenges and uncertainties. The business environment of
tomorrow is unknown let alone the future. The firm is increasingly facing
many threats emanating from the following:

0 Customer needs and expectations are very dynamic and

0 Intense competition from new entrants into the industry and even
from firms in other industrial sectors.
0 Globalization of businesses while opening up new markets, has
led to new competition with different rules for the game. The
new competitors often come with different strategies and
philosophies that are difficult to predict.
0 The rapid proliferation of new technologies and new products
has increased Research and Development costs and led to drastic
shortening of the product life cycle. Market niches are no longer
guaranteed, safeguarded or protected from competition.
Increased number of stakeholders and interest groups with their
own agendas i.e., environmental interest groups, diversity groups
present new challenges that businesses must respond to.

With all of these elements, the need to achieve environmental quality

is salient. New laws and regulations on emissions and management of
environmental burdens have influenced the development of new products
194 Environmental Planning and Management

and processes. Companies that have adapted to this new trend have
achieved competitiveness. With new technologies and new product
designs, wastes and environmental emissions and pollution are
minimized. In fact, controlling of waste is a competitive weapon that
creates strategic advantage to firms.
In order to meet up with the demands of agile manufacturing, the
firm must be flexible, robust, and ready to adapt. It must readily scan its
environment to identify new opportunities and challenges and align its
strengths to meet these rapid changes in its environment. An agile
company must be in continuous movement with time to respond
proactively to changes in manufacturing practices, technology, natural
environment, and customer requirements. The key is to rapidly adapt to
unexpected and unpredictable changes in the organization’s operating
environment. This is not easily achieved since rapid adaptation may
often conflict with long-term organizational strategic plans and may also
not align with organizational culture and climate thus disrupting the
organization. However, this is the only way that the organization can
remain competitive, and be able to satisfy the needs of its customers.
There are five key areas that would specifically influence how the
organization responds to its operating environment. These are the
organization itself, management of change, product development, the
natural environment, and relationship with customers and suppliers. We
shall briefly discuss each of these.

The Organization as a Change System

To respond rapidly to agile manufacturing, the organization needs to

adapt and change. The traditional hierarchical structure of the
organization would have to be transformed into a more fluid system with
openness for sharing ideas, information, and knowledge. This would
require a transformation of the organizational structure to recognize the
mutual dependence between the different functional and business units of
the firm. More so, the firm must appreciate its operating environment
and recognize the importance of the information flow and two-way
Manufacturing Strategies 195

relationship it has with its operating environment. This would enable it to

respond rapidly to the needs of its environment.
The organizational structure must be flexible to support acquisition
and use of new information to update existing knowledge. Power and
authority would have to be delegated to more people so decisions can be
made on a real time basis. In other words, strategizing of decisions
should be spread across the firm and not rest solely with top
management. Decisions regarding the different processes that interact
with the firm have to be distributed and coordinated so that the firm
can respond rapidly to its dynamic environment. Such decisions may
include process selections, suppliers/vendor selections, partnerships with
competitors and suppliers, and customer relationships. Furthermore, a
more coordinated and integrated decision-making process that includes
more active participants or stakeholders should be encouraged while
employees are empowered to make work-related decisions.
Such coordinated efforts would help in identifying members of
the supply chain that would meet the firm’s environmental goals.
Furthermore, sharing of information on a timely-basis would help to
effectively select the right process and to design for the environment.
Critical environmental information could be lost, misinterpreted or not
timely applied in a hierarchical structure. Furthermore, since lack of
compliance could spell problems for the firm, employees may be
uncomfortable exchanging information on environmental compliance
when they perceive lack of support or authority in the matter. The lateral
structure shown above supports cross-functional teams. Employees as
members of this team feel empowered and are able to contribute. They
see participation in such a team as an expected job function to enhance
their work and deliver products or services with high values.

Management of Change

To deal with agile manufacturing, a firm must develop its core

competence in management of change. Change is inevitable and
unpredictable and may often be clouded with uncertainties. Change is
also a major threat to the organization’s survival and yet may provide the
196 Environmental Planning and Management

best opportunity for growth and competitiveness. Organizational change

is complex because it deals not only with the organizational structure and
processes, but also the human element. It is not always easy to get people
to change attitudes, values and culture that are acquired over several
years. In fact, the ability to manage change will depend on how able the
human processes will adapt to change. This may require a great deal of
training and counseling to get employees to accept change as a necessity
and vital to the survival of the organization. Agile manufacturing seeks a
re-engineering of the traditional manufacturing process and such radical
change cannot take place without a challenge from some traditionalists.
It is therefore important to develop a proactive strategy to get everyone
on board when agile manufacturing is introduced. Information sharing
will be important and participatory decision-making will expose
employees to the dangers of not adapting to the new process. A rapid
response to change and developing strategic initiatives to manage change
in the entire organization will enable the organization to respond
proactively to its dynamic environment.

Product Development

Changes are needed in product development. The ultimate aim of

the product is to satisfy customer needs. Therefore, the customer should
be a participant in deciding how his or her needs could be satisfied
through product design and development. In addition, there are several
stakeholders who are influenced by the product or influence the
successful introduction and marketing of the product. These stakeholders
are active participants and should take part in the product design. Product
development should pay attention to a host of factors including quality,
price, value, and speed of delivery, mass customization, environmental
content, and product stewardship. Clearly, these factors could affect
the successful introduction of the product. The product must be
designed not only to meet product quality requirements but also, to
satisfy environmental standards. It is important also to identify what
competitors are doing and conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
Manufacturing Strategies 197

opportunities, and threats) analysis to identify ways to continuously

improve the product and beat competition.

Natural Environment

A major strategic issue facing organizations today is how to optimize

the limited natural resources by limiting the use of nonrenewable
resources and minimizing waste. The lean manufacturing strategy could
help in this regard by focusing on substitute components that have or
create less environmental burden, taking a product stewardship, changing
the pattern of consumption, and focusing on environmentally conscious
manufacturing. The protection of the environment is a major challenge
facing organizations today. Organizations need to develop socially
responsible strategies to support the natural environment.

CustomerlSupplierNendor Relationship

The customer is the essence of any business organization. Without a

customer base, the organization has no purpose and will not meet its
mission. The firm must focus its strategies to listen and address the needs
of the customer. Customer loyalty can only be earned when the customer
is continuously satisfied. Rapid response to the changing environment is
actually a response to the dynamic and the evolving needs of the
customer. The firm must therefore, understand and appreciate what the
customer perceives as important in satisfying his or her needs.
The supplier also plays a critical role in satisfying customer needs.
The relationship between the firm and its suppliers have undergone
significant transformation to building a mutual relationship that is based
on trust and support for each other’s activities. This mutual relationship
has helped both parties to work toward a common goal to satisfy the
needs and wants of the customer and should be fostered.
Customer/supplier/vendor relationship is helpful in product
management and subsequently in environmental protection. The
interaction and cooperation between the different intermediaries in
198 Environmental Planning and Management

product cycle management have helped to significantly reduce the

amount of environmental pollution. If we trace back the Kodak SUC
success story that was presented in Chapter 2, we see that it is a
continuous loop that works because each of the value channels is
dependent on the other. The customer or end user depends on the
photofinishers to help with the processing of the camera; the
manufacturer of the camera depends on the photofinishers to collect the
camera from customers for processing, etc. There is need for
communication and exchange of information between all the parties for
this to work effectively. Figure 9.1, shows the cyclic loop of this

Photofinishers or
Vendor Recycling Centers or
Strategic Partners

c Custor --


Figure 9.1: Value Chain Loop

Agile Manufacturing vs. World Class Manufacturing

There are many other manufacturing strategies that have proliferated

since the 1990s that support environmental management. Notable
among these are mass customization and lean manufacturing. There is a
tendency to log these other strategies with agile manufacturing as if
they are all the same when in fact; they differ remarkably [“Agile
Manufacturing Strategies 199

Enterprisernext Generation Manufacturing Enterprise,” Maskel, 20011.

Agile manufacturing can only be defined in the context of uncertainty
and unpredictable changes thereby distinguishing it from the other
manufacturing strategies. Mass customization on the other hand, while
dissuading the notion of mass production and allowing for low volumes
with different design changes to be fulfilled, it still relies on modular and
standardized components to meet customer needs. Although it allows for
a wide variety of product changes, the customer is often restricted to
the list of options that are available. Outside this options list, mass
customization may not respond. Dell Computers is a classical example of
a company that uses mass customization. Dell Computers on its web site
offers the customer the opportunity to build his own computer starting
from a basic standard defined by Dell. Thus, the options open to a
customer is confined within the boundaries and limits that are already
established and the customer’s add-ons can be applied in a modular
setup. Certain changes that may be possible through agile manufacturing
that would be application-specific are not easily made in a mass
customization system. However, with mass customization, optimal use of
materials is made since parts could be interchangeably used for different
models. Waste is contained since the product is built at the time of order
so there is less obsolescence of parts or products. Inventory and its
associated environmental costs are controlled since it is the customer’s
demand that drives the order. Environmental wastes and pollutions are
substantially controlled by focusing on meeting exactly the needs of the
customer. Agility specifically, is the ability to accommodate and manage
change. It thrives on the challenges and opportunities that the dynamic
environment would present.
Conversely, lean manufacturing deals with an environment with little
or no uncertainty. The environment is relatively stable and predictable
and the manufacturer is in full control. In fact, a major objective of lean
manufacturing is to limit uncertainties and any potential variations that
may exist in the production process. Lean manufacturing therefore,
cannot effectively handle future events that often deal with lack of
information and greater degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. While
lean manufacturing may be amenable to some form of standardization,
agile manufacturing is dynamic and must respond likewise to its
200 Environmental Planning and Management

unpredictable and uncertain environment. These uncertainties make the

environment for agile manufacturing more complex and more
challenging to deal with. An agile manufacturer is a futurist that has no
boundary but responds rapidly to the needs of its environment. As
demands change so will the manufacturer change to meet the new
demands. Presently, products become obsolete rapidly due to the rapid
proliferation of new technologies and new products, and shorter product
life cycles. It would be myopic to perceive that any product can last in
the market for a significant duration without major changes in its design
and intended use. Thus, an agile manufacturer must respond by
introducing new products and even entering into other business areas that
may present new challenges and opportunities. For example, personal
computer manufacturers facing falling demand in the PC market are
shifting into the manufacture of computer storage devices, computer
game consoles, and even application software programs.
Agile manufacturing can be perceived as in constant flux of change.
It requires re-engineering of the entire organization and its processes
while the other manufacturing strategies thrive on stability and would
do better with continuous improvement. The ability to adapt and
manage change is the key to achieving agility and such requires radical
changes in an organization’s structure, culture, processes, strategy, and

Lean Manufacturing

Lean production is a manufacturing strategy by the Toyota

Production System that is based on adding value through the elimination
of waste and incidental work. This strategy strives to achieve the shortest
cycle time, high quality, low cost, and continuous quality improvement.
It is based on the fact that the business environment is unpredictable and
very dynamic. Therefore, it is important to maintain a stable production
system that will provide high value at minimum cost and waste. The
objective of lean production is to streamline the manufacturing process
by evaluating the entire process from product design stage to the product
delivery and consumption stages to identify the value added at each stage
Manufacturing Strategies 20 1

and the wastes that can be cut out at each stage. The goal is to minimize
waste that may result from inventory, material, inefficiency, and quality
at every stage of the production process. Lean manufacturing helps to
shorten the product cycle time and to design and deliver products that are
flexible and able to satisfy customer needs at the lowest possible cost
with high quality and as quickly as the customer demands it. Supply
chain management also plays a major role in achieving the goal of lean
manufacturing since a coordinated network of suppliers is necessary to
achieve the just-in-time inventory system that is maintained.
A synchronized production system is maintained to respond rapidly
to customer demands. This system effectively manages work and
equipment utilization and scheduling utilizing real-time information.
This rapid response to customer demands, increases productivity,
equipment utilization, reduces cycle times, and minimizes waste due to
reduced number of scraps, rejects, and reworks. An integrative approach
to information sharing between the stakeholders ensures that the system
responds rapidly to customer needs and that all the business units are
coordinated to achieve customer satisfaction.
Baudin [ 19971 identified five guiding principles for lean
manufacturing. These principles could help articulate the importance of
lean manufacturing in a business enterprise. We shall expand the
discussion on these principles below Baudin [ 19971:

0 People are the main drivers of productivity-the main premise of

this principle is to invest on people as the primary asset of an
organization. With increase in automation in our world today, there
is a tendency to perceive machinery as smart, intelligent, and
productive. However, machineries are still easier to replace while
people are indispensable. The knowledge and information embedded
in people could be a major source of competitiveness for an
organization. According to Baudin, people offer “both muscles and
brains.” A firm can achieve competitive advantage by taking
advantage of what people have to offer. To achieve this, a work
environment that fosters trust and respect, and challenges the worker
has to be created. Employee satisfaction is the key. Employees have
to be viewed as critical members of the business enterprise and not
202 Environmental Planning and Management

perceived as disposable commodities that can be easily replaced.

The workers need to be motivated, allowed to achieve their self-
actualization through work, and empowered to make critical
work-related decisions. Their sense of belonging and association
with the firm has to be enhanced and they have to perceive their
self-development and growth through the organization. When
employees identify with the organization, they develop pride and
joy from working for the organization and are able to improve
their productivity and quality. Issues relating to environmental
management may often be perceptual. Employees live in the
natural environment and interact and socialize with others. Certain
information and experiences gained from this interaction may
help in designing an environmentally conscious process or work
0 The key to profits is on the shop floor-adequate attention needs to
be paid to how the shop floor is run. Many of the wastes that are
incurred in lean manufacturing can be traced to the shop floor.
Wastes may be in the form of material, energy, or manpower
resulting from poor quality, pollution, or redundant activities. It is
therefore, necessary that efforts are made to understand the tasks and
activities at each stage of the manufacturing process and balance
their value contributions to their waste creation. Significant wastes
could be trimmed by redesigning how the workplace is laid out and
how activities and tasks are carried out. Furthermore, an efficient
design of the shop floor may help to improve quality and
productivity, by cutting down on scraps, rejects, and reworks, and
help the organization to focus on doing things right the first time.
0 All manufacturing is repetitive-this concept is based on the premise
that most manufacturing operations at least for a product or within a
product family are repetitive. There are only few customized
operations. Even in a mass customization system, there is a
significant degree of repetitiveness. Organizations adopt flexible
manufacturing systems to respond to varying customer demands that
may deviate from the basic product design. Small-scale job shops
may be maintained to satisfy these specialized needs. Flexibility
allows the manufacturer to take advantage of these small orders
Manufacturing Strategies 203

without incurring the added cost. Waste is also minimized as it is

harder to hide defects in smaller jobs.
The work must flow through the shop-given the varying needs of
customers and the need to customize both products and services,
work must be arranged based on a job shop flow rather than on a
flow shop system. In other words, people and equipment should be
arranged according to the tasks they perform and work orders should
be scheduled to pass through the job shops. This will help to deal
with bottleneck problems encountered with the flow shop system,
and will make it economically feasible to support small job orders. A
“pull-driven’’ rather than a “push-driven’’ system for the transfer of
parts and materials along the plant is supported. The pull system
encourages the production of products according to actual orders or
demand rather than based on market forecasts. This is the JIT system
which supports environmental management.
Improve, don’t optimize-Management must begin to de-emphasize
optimization and focus on achieving continuous improvement. There
is no “optimum” or “best” solution when dealing in a dynamic and
unpredictable environment that is faced with a lot of uncertainties
and constraints. Every effort should be made to continuously
improve the process, work processes, employees, organizational
processes, productivity, and quality. There is no end in achieving
continuous improvement.

Lean manufacturing can be viewed as antithetic to the traditional

assembly line operation that relies heavily on the ability to forecast
independent demand and the use of mass production system. Lean
manufacturing is based on make-to-order and the use of a pull-driven
system. Rather than offering repetitive and monotonous tasks to
employees, it empowers them to make decisions about their work. There
is a high focus on flexibility, quality, and productivity improvements.
However, as we have already stated, lean manufacturing should not be
confused with agile manufacturing. Lean manufacturing benefits from a
well coordinated management information system where both the
manufacturer and the supply chain network share information on a real
time basis and are able to respond swiftly to changes in the environment.
204 Environmental Planning and Management

The Thrust of Lean Manufacturing

The thrust of lean manufacturing can be found in three popular

manufacturing techniques namely the Just-In-Time (JIT) system, Total
Quality Control (TQC), and Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM)
[“Lean manufacturing,”2001]. We shall briefly discuss them.


The essence of JIT is to reduce inventory to bare minimum

by delivering parts and materials exactly when they are needed. JIT
ensures that parts and materials are delivered from upstream activities to
downstream activities so that inventories do not accumulate at any stage.
Therefore, a consumer downstream would have to signal for order before
it could be delivered. These signals are known as Kunbun signals as
coined by the Toyota Production System. A fixed buffer is maintained at
each workstation. When the buffer is depleted, a kanban is sent to the
producer who replenishes the buffer with a new order. This process
synchronizes upstream and downstream activities to ensure smooth
transfer of parts and materials at minimum inventory levels at
workstations. The JIT system is known as a pul2 system or pull
manufacturing since it is triggered by actual rather than forecast demand.
The major problem in the use of a pull system can be traced to the
effective coordination of all workstations and being able to correctly
calculate buffer requirements at each workstation. This system
increasingly becomes complex as the supply chain network increases.
However, the availability of advanced software technologies and the
application of electronic commerce are helping manufacturers to better
coordinate supplier’s inventory system and synchronize them with the
manufacturer’s internal needs. This would help achieve the JIT goal.
The use of JIT helps to focus on quality achievement. It is difficult to
hide defects. With mass production system, defects could be hidden since
items are stored for usage at a later time. JIT would therefore, support
environmental compliance.
Manufacturing Strategies 205

Total Quality Control

Our modern view of quality management is shaped around total

quality control. TQC is based on a company-wide strategy to achieve
quality by minimizing scraps and rejects and by achieving customer
satisfaction. Much has been said about quality management in the
literature and how quality is directly associated to productivity
improvements and cost control. The main idea behind quality practice
today is that it is everyone’s responsibility to aim for quality by doing
things right the first time. This would not only reduce the amount of
scraps and rejects from reworks but help the firm win happy customers.
Ultimately, the goal of any firm should be to satisfy and maintain loyal
customers. Lean manufacturing cannot foster if total quality control is
nonexistent. Just like the JIT system, TQC is a strategy to minimize
waste and that is a prime focus of “lean” manufacturing.

Total Productive Maintenance

The lifeblood of any manufacturing system is the process of

transforming inputs into outputs or finished products. Many of the
manufacturing processes today are highly mechanized and any
malfunction or even inability to meet tolerance requirements would
create large amounts of waste. Equipment failures can be traced to a
range of causes including poor equipment design and human errors. The
aim of total productive maintenance is to ensure that these problems do
not occur by adopting strategies that would help minimize equipment
downtime. Such strategies may include scheduled preventive
maintenance programs, enhanced operator training programs,
maintaining equipment backup or standbys in case of unpredicted
failures, etc. However, whatever strategy is adopted should be cognizant
of the type and distribution of equipment failures as well as its associated
costs. Again, lean manufacturing cannot be achieved if the
manufacturing process is unpredictable and incapable of performing
within established standards and guidelines.
206 Environmental Planning and Management

Flow Manufacturing

Flow manufacturing is a hybrid manufacturing strategy that

exploits the strengths of other manufacturing techniques such as agile
manufacturing, lean manufacturing, synchronous manufacturing, just-in-
time manufacturing, and demand flow technology. It is based on a
complete re-engineering of the entire manufacturing system rather than
trying to achieve incremental gains or improvements. This drastic and
radical approach to manufacturing relies on the premise that in order to
compete in today’s dynamic environment, a new manufacturing style that
is proactive, flexible and dynamic must be applied. Baum [2001] notes
“flow manufacturing provides the flexibility of mass customization
environments with the efficiency of the classic assembly line.” He
further states that many of the traditional manufacturing practices such as
material requirements planning (MRP), work order routings are not
essential in flow manufacturing. In fact, MRP is used in flow
manufacturing only to plan long-term needs and maintain vendor blanket
orders and relationships. It is not needed for capacity requirements
planning since flow manufacturing is based on a balanced production
Like the other manufacturing systems we have discussed in this
chapter especially the JIT, flow manufacturing is a pull-driven system
that is driven by customer orders. This contradicts the push-driven
system used in the traditional assembly line operation. Furthermore, the
flow manufacturing operation utilizes the good qualities of an assembly
line system by ensuring smooth flows of work through the line but
deviates from assembly line systems by maintaining product flexibility
and using the pull system to minimize the inventory requirements. This
system does not maintain work in process (WIP) inventories and ensures
that high quality is maintained at a minimum cost. Flow manufacturing
aims to derive maximum value from an activity while expending
minimum efforts and energy. It is a value-based strategy that aims
at eliminating waste and adding more value to the manufacturing
Manufacturing Strategies 207


This chapter’s focus is on manufacturing strategy and we have

specifically discussed the roles of agile, lean, and flow manufacturing in
achieving competitiveness in our dynamic and highly competitive
environment and in managing environmental wastes. They result in
increased productivity as more value is obtained from less input. Thus,
vital and limited natural resources in the form of materials and energy are
conserved. In addition, when quality is high, the number of scraps,
rejects, and reworks is reduced thereby placing less demand on the need
for more resources. The number of production runs is also less thus
demanding less energy resources. The ripple effect of all these is that
environmental burden is minimized. Lesser materials and wastes will be
targeted for disposal at the landfills and there will be less need to
excavate and exploit new natural resources. Efficient manufacturing
systems can therefore, significantly help to achieve not only the quality
imperative of a firm but also, the environmental needs of the society.
Waste reductions in inventory or by doing things right the first time,
conserve energy, materials and other resources. Thus these strategies are
environmentally conscious. These manufacturing strategies focus on
achieving high quality and productivity by minimizing waste.
These new strategies are gradually replacing the traditional mass
production system that is push- rather than pull-driven. The push-driven
system encourages large volume production, limited flexibility, quantity
against quality, and large inventories. It is not robust and responsive
to the dynamic changes in the environment. It encourages waste
creation and it is not sensitive to environmental needs. Given that our
environment is unpredictable and very dynamic, new manufacturing
strategies that are proactive and flexible to respond to uncertainties and
unpredictability in the environment are in dire need. Organizations must
transform themselves by adapting to these new manufacturing strategies
if they intend to remain competitive and capable of satisfying the
changing needs and demands of their customers especially as they relate
to the natural environment.
The new manufacturing technologies discussed in this chapter offer
effective means to meet the environmental needs of the firm and the
208 Environmental Planning and Management

society. Their application should be integrated in the framework of other

environmentally conscious manufacturing strategies that have already
been discussed in this book.


Agile Enterprisernext Generation Manufacturing Enterprise,”, downloaded September 9,2001.
“Agile manufacturing,”
downloaded September 9,2001.
Baudin, M., “The meaning of “lean.’”’Dated 8/11/97,
downloaded September 26,2001.
Baum, D., “Flow manufacturing,”
downloaded September 26,2001.
Keen, P.G.W., “Agile manufacturing,”
downloaded September 9,200 1.
“Lean manufacturing,”,
downloaded September 20,2001.
Maskel, B.H., “An introduction to agile manufacturing,”, downloaded September 20,2001.
Chapter 10

Environmental Risk Assessment and

Risk assessment is a major component of environmental
management. Risk is a measure of the likelihood or the probability that
an event will occur. Risk is used in almost any situation where there are
uncertainties. The aim of risk measures is to be able to estimate the
likelihood of an occurrence in order to plan better or make better
decisions. Environmental hazards are of major concern in managing
environment. Such hazards may lead to destruction of lives and
properties, destruction of wild life, long-term illnesses and diseases,
pollution of the natural environment, and high clean up or litigation
costs. In order to plan properly, it is important to estimate the risk or
rather, the probability of an environmental hazard. Such risk assessments
may include for example, the environmental risk of an oil spillage,
hazardous and toxic waste dumps, genetically modified organisms,
nuclear power plant disasters. The aim is therefore, to estimate the
potential that the occurrence of any of these events could cause harm.
Thus, hazard implies the possibility of harm to people or the natural
Hazard and risks are frequently referred to in environmental risk
assessment. They two are not the same. Hazard as we have just defined,
is the potential for harm while risk is the degree or the likelihood of
harm. For example, exposure to ultra violent rays from the sun could be
classified as a hazard to human health. However, there are different
degrees of exposure which are measured by risk. Since certain hazard
may be inevitable, there would always be risks involved. The degree of
risks would determine an acceptable or tolerable risk in any given
The aim of risk assessment is to estimate the risks that are posed by
the hazards that are inherent in a particular process. For example, all
production processes create some form of environmental hazards. They
all emit gases, expend natural resources, and consume energy. However,

210 Environmental Planning and Management

we classify some of these processes as cleaner and not necessarily clean.

This underscores the fact that there are some potential for hazards in
the process. However, the “cleaner” process may pose acceptable or
tolerable risks to humans and the natural environment. Thus, the intent is
not to achieve a zero risk but rather, to minimize the risk level to an
acceptable level of risk. Such an acceptable risk would imply low
probability of environmental or health hazard. It is important to note that
in considering potential hazard, it is also necessary to consider the
severity of the hazard in the computation of the risk.
Environmental risk assessment (ERA) is comprised of Health Risk
Assessment and Ecological Risk Assessment. The former is a measure of
the risk of hazards on humans while the later measures the risk of
hazards on the ecosystem. In a report by the European Environmental
Agency”, it defines Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) as
“The examination of risks resulting from technology, which threaten
ecosystems, animals and people. It includes human health risk
assessments, ecological or ecotoxicological risk assessments, and
specific industrial applications of risk assessment that examine end-
points in people, biota or ecosystems.”
Risk management is scenario-driven. The reason risk assessment is
important is because of the need to make better decisions. Thus, in
environmental planning, different scenarios are investigated and their
risks assessed to identify an option with tolerable risks. This assessment
presumes that accurate information or data about potential hazards
are obtained. However, this is not always the case. With the rapid
proliferation of new products and technologies, we are often faced with
incomplete or insufficient data about these new products. As such, some
of the environmental hazards may not be adequately estimated or even
The acceptable risk option becomes a logical selection for
implementation. Usually, such risk assessment is guided by established

“Environmental Risk Assessment - Approaches, Experiences and Information,”
Environmental Issue Report No. 4.,
downloaded March,
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 21 1

environmental standards and laws and regulations. The firm sells the idea
of acceptable risk to its stakeholders. Risk acceptance by the stakeholder
is however, affected by risk perceptions. The worldviews, culture and
value systems, and the beliefs of the stakeholders play major roles in
determining their acceptable risks. Their perceptions would influence
greatly how risks are managed. We also note that risk acceptance and
management are influenced by knowledge and information available to
the stakeholder. Often times, as in many developing economies,
stakeholders may not have the information or knowledge to properly
evaluate their risks. Therefore, unacceptable risks may be taken due to
lack of knowledge or information. An example is the excessive use of
pesticides and synthetic fertilizer products by subsistence farmers in
developing countries. Due to lack of adequate training and information,
many of the farmers expose themselves to hazardous substances and,
deplete their farm land of organic matters that foster higher farm yields.
Yet, because they are often unaware of the consequences of the
application of these chemical compounds, they are accepting unusually
higher levels of risks.

Effective Use of Risk Assessment

The essence of risk assessment is the ability to make informal

decisions and better policies. Risk assessments are not only used by
corporations but also by policy makers. We identify some of the key
areas where risk assessments are applied:

Environmental regulation - Many government environmental

protection agencies rely on risk assessment to determine societal
acceptable risk levels. Based on risk assessments, regulations on
natural environment are established. Standards for product
environmental content, waste disposal, emissions, toxic and
hazardous waste management are established.
Land-use laws often require environmental impact assessment.
Such assessments usually would conduct risk assessment to
study the risk of certain development projects on wild life, traffic
212 Environmental Planning and Management

congestion, crowding, urban migration, and underground water

supply. For example, location of gulf course is often challenged
by communities because of the excessive use of pesticides and
fertilizer to keep it green. Also, when large apartment complexes
are proposed, surrounding communities worry about increased
pollution and poor quality of life in terms of noise, traffic, waste,
etc. Additionally, social problems may be associated with
increased population. Thus, the impacts of such development
efforts on the well-being of the town and on the environment are
investigated using a risk assessment model.
Regulation of chemicals and other hazardous waste - Since it is
not possible to achieve zero risk, chemical substances and other
hazardous wastes should be prioritized based on their risk levels.
For example, the banning of chemical compounds such as CFC,
DDT reflects the highly unacceptable risk associated with them.
Risk assessment also helps to regulate how certain materials are
used. For example, the collection and proper recycling of used
motor or engine oil reflects the need to limit spillage and unsafe
disposal of such products. Also, measures to control the disposal
of medical syringes because of health hazards show again, how
efforts are made to control risks.
0 Substitute - The high risk associated with products in terms of
health and ecological risks may necessitate the need to find
alternative or substitute products. For example, the fast food
chain McDonald’s switched from polystyrene containers to
paper wraps for its packaging thereby reducing the amount of
solid wastes it creates. The use of recycle paper products as
against paper derived from 100% virgin pulp has significantly
reduced the demand for cutting down forestry.
0 Industry standards - Different industries establish their
ecological and product safety standards to complement public
efforts. They engage in research and development to find
alternative and eco-friendly designs, processes, and substitutes to
minimize or reduce current ecological and health risks.
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 213

How is Risk Assessment Affected?

Improve design - When risk is high, the potential for harms to

humans or ecology is high. The government comes in to protect the
public. An alarm about the product or process is created possibly leading
to plant closures. For example, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) frequently monitors and regulates nuclear power plants to assess
their risks. High risks pose danger to communities and exceed the bound
of “acceptable” risk. To protect the public, the plant may be closed down
until proper measures are taken to lower the risk.
Companies that face the possibility of shutting down or withdrawing
their product from the market because of the unacceptable risk associated
with the products; face the potential of losing market share to their
competitors. Rather than taking corrective measures, it is better to adopt
preventive measures in risk assessment. In 2004, the popular painkiller
by Merck & Co. known as Viox was withdrawn from the market because
of its link to heart diseases. The stock price for Merck sunk by over 50%
and on August 19, 2005, a Texas jury awarded $253.4 million in
damages against Merck & Co to a widow of a man who had a sudden
cardiac death16.Apparently, the man died of arrhythmia - a type of heart
problem that was not then linked to Viox. However, the fact that Viox
was associated with the risk of heart disease was enough to convince the
jury. There are also thousands of lawsuits against Merck & Co in other
states because of this health hazard and potential risks associated with its
product Viox. Companies could therefore limit their exposure to risks by
designing their products or processes to manage hazards. Such design
strategy would involve life cycle assessments to evaluate different
options and investigate their environmental impact. An option with lower
and acceptable risk level is accepted and designed in to the product or
New technologies - New technologies are generally, “cleaner”
because they are designed for the environment. Their designs also pay
attention to new and evolving international and national environmental

l 6 “Merck Jerked,”
214 Environmental Planning and Management

laws and standards. There is a need to continue to modify, andor adopt

new technologies that meet established environmental performance
standards. By meeting such standards, environmental performance is
enhanced and the risk level is minimized.
Selection of new technologies to reach acceptable risk should be
based on established environmental guidelines and standards. In fact,
industry standards exist to complement international and national
standards and should serve as guide to attaining environmental
performance. I S 0 14000 series of Environmental Management Systems
devote considerable amount of effort on Environmental Performance
Eval~ation’~.I S 0 14031 focused on Environmental Performance
Evaluation (EPE) which it defines as “A process to select environmental
indicators and to measure, analyze, assess, report and communicate an
organization’s environmental performance against its environmental
performance criteria.” There are several environmental performance
indicators (EPI) that are used to check compliance to environmental
performance criteria. However, the criteria are based on acceptable risk
as a guide and the aim is to meet or exceed such established standards.
Companies that exceed the standard achieve competitive advantage and
could become benchmark companies. Companies like Toyota Motor
Company and Honda that were among the early leaders in introducing
hybrid vehicles that are not only environmentally friendly but also
economical, are gaining huge. market share and are increasingly
competitive in the highly competitive auto industry.
Major environmental performance indicators that companies could
use for their risk assessment include the following:

0 Resource consumption
0 Water requirements including waste and polluted water
0 Toxic wastes
0 Greenhouse gases
0 Waste disposals
Packaging requirements
0 Distribution and logistics requirements

“Introduction to ISO” I S 0 Online,
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 215

0 Urban pollution (noise, smug, odor)

Air pollution
Loss of biodiversity
0 Energy requirements

These indicators cover some aspects of pollution and resource

depletion that could create ecological and health hazards. Proper
accounting or inventory for these indicators would help to effectively
estimate the risks associated with the product or process. Risk
assessment should look at several environmental performance indicators
and not just a single indicator. Many companies today, document in their
annual environmental report, their contributions to environmental
burden. Such reports often referred to as green accounting, increasingly
help to give a better view of how the company contributes through its
operations and activities in achieving environmentally conscious
Figure 10.1 identifies the different types of risk assessment and
issues involved in the assessment of risks. These risk areas are not
completely independent since a particular hazard could affect all types of
risks. In ecological risk assessment, due attention is given to the
influence of environmental burdens on different environmental media
such as air, water and land. The consequences of such hazards such as
land-use, waste and chemical deposits, emission of gases, and resource
depletion are estimated. With health risk assessment, attention shifts to
the health of the general public. Possible consequences of environmental
burden on human health is investigated and assessed as they would affect
the quality of life, productivity, and short- and long-term health care
management. Industrial risk assessment investigates environmental
burden by focusing on industrial management of waste, cleanup litigation
costs, process and product changes, customer perceptions, logistics and
distributions, and also the role of the supply chain. These different views
of risk help improve the estimation of the risks involved and help to
guide effective policy and decision making. From Figure 10.1, it is clear
that there are several sources of environmental hazards and it would be
very difficult to fully account for all of them and examine all potential
environmental hazards.


Air, Water, Land Pollution

Chemical Deposit
Waste Management
Gas Emissions
Resource Consumption

~ Industrial Risk Assessment
Industrial Waste Management
Logistics & Distribution
Process &Product
Customer/Stakeholder 's
Clean Up Cost

Health Risk Assessment

Quality of Life
Productivity, Health
Hazards and Costs

Figure 10.1: Environmental Risk Assessment

In 1983, the US National Research Council (NRC)'' introduced one

of the most widely used methods to assess the risk of chemicals on
human health. This model is most widely used by regulatory agencies in
conducting health risk assessment.

NRC 1983 Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the
Process. US National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 217

According to Covello and Merkhofer”, all risk assessment models

must consist of the following steps:

0 Problem formulation
0 Hazard identification
0 Release assessment
0 Exposure assessment
0 Consequence assessment
0 Risk estimation

We shall briefly describe these steps.

Problem formulation - This is the first step in any problem solving.

It is important to define the boundary and the scope of the problem. With
a good problem formulation, it is easier to narrow the problem solving
down so that the critical aspects of the problem are investigated. This
stage also helps to understand the objective of the problem. Critical
issues addressed include the reasons why the problem is being solved;
and the variables and constraints involved.
Hazard identification/Release assessment - This approach is based
on the use of tools to understand potential hazards and the likelihood of a
release. There are different tools that could be used here. Some of them
are fault tree/event tree analysis, failure mode and effect analysis
(FMEA), hazard indices, and cause-and-effect diagram. Some of these
tools are used in other fields of study but have been found pertinent in
studying environmental risks. We have discussed the cause-and-effect
diagram in other parts of this book. We shall discuss the other important
tools that we have identified.
Fault tree/event tree analysis (ETA) is a means of analyzing causes
or sequences of possible events that may occur in a system. It is a visual
representation of all possible outcomes. It is often used to determine the
probability of an event based on the outcomes of each event. Thus, the
probability that an outcome may lead to a desired result is estimated.

’’ Covello, V.T. and Merkhofer, M.W., 1993, Risk Assessment Methods:

Approaches for Assessing Health and Environmental Risks: Boston, MA:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
218 Environmental Planning and Management

FMEA is another powerful tool. Basically, FMEA is used to identify

the effects or consequences of a potential product or process failure. It
offers an approach to eliminate or reduce the likelihood or occurrence of
Hazard indices are used to assess human exposure to environmental
pollutants. Hazard index is defined as2’

Q/ Q / sub L/
Q = exposure or dose to total-body, organ or tissue from all
environmental pathways; and
Q / sub L / = a limit that should not be exceeded because of health
risk to humans.
There are different hazard indices for the different sampling medium
and they correspond to each effluent type. A composite index is obtained
that ensures that health risk limit is not exceeded.
Exposure Assessment - Here, assessment is made of the magnitude
of the physical effects of hazard, as well as its pathway or transportation
mode to the receptor. There are different models to predict exposure to
radiation, heat, sound as a result of explosion, or spray of chemicals or
pesticides. For example, in the US, the Office of Pollution Prevention
and Toxics (OPPT) has developed several exposure assessment models21.
These predictive models are used to evaluate:

What happens to chemicals when they are used and released to the
environment; and
How workers, the general public, consumers and the aquatic
ecosystems may be exposed to chemicals.

Walsh, P.J., Killough, G.G., Parzyck, D.C., et al., “CUMEX: a cumulative
hazard index for assessing limiting exposures to environmental pollutants,”
Report No. 7224379,Ap 01,1977,
“Exposure Assessment Tools and Models,”
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 219

These models may be helpful when monitoring of data may not be

available or may be insufficient. These models could help in the
consideration of potential exposure in the designing and selection of
products and processes. They would also help in the evaluation of
pollution prevention opportunities.
Consequence Assessment - The consequences of the exposure to
hazard are quantified. This assessment estimates the damage to the
receptor due to the exposure. Vulnerability models are used at
this stage. Many of the vulnerability models focus on physical and
structural vulnerability of natural hazards. However, the social and
psychological elements are often overlooked”. It is also difficult to
attribute the effects associated with hazards to any one cause for an
event. Thus, a holistic view of hazards and their causes should be
Risk Assessment - An estimate of the overall risk associated with an
activity is obtained by integrating the probability estimates of release
events and the consequence assessment. This integration process may
involve comparing single values of effect and exposure. Statistical
distributions of exposure and effect values could also be compared.
Often times, simulation models may be developed to evaluate alternative
Fairman, Mead, and William23present a flow diagram to represent
environmental risk assessment. We shall adapt this diagram and present
it below.

Jones, B., “Vulnerability Models,”
2003/ discussion1 .pdf.
Fairman, R., Mead, C.D., and William, WP, 1998, “Environmental
Risk Assessment: Approaches, Experiences and Information Sources,”
Environmental Issues Series No. 4., Copenhagen European Environmental
220 Environmental Planning and Management

Influential Factors

Problem Formulation

+ Hazard Identification

Risk Evaluation

Release Assessment

To Air

To Snif To Water Risk Estimation Exposure Assessment

Consequence Analysis or

Figure 10.2: The Elements of Risk Assessmeni

Figure 10.2 basically, summarizes the discussion on risk assessment. It is

based on the steps for risk assessment models that were discussed above.
The framework starts with problem formulation. This step defines the
existing problem and the reasons to assess its potential impacts. The
problem formulation is however, influenced by a systemic view of the
natural environment which includes economic, political, social and legal
factors. All of these play a role in problem formulation and definition.
Many nations resisted attempts to cut down on carbon emissions since
they perceive an association between carbon emission and economic
growth. Yet, this singular issue has an overreaching influence on
economic development, social, political, and legal factors. The potential
hazards from an activity are identified and the releases are assessed on
the different environmental media - land, air and water.
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 221

Risk evaluation is also performed to determine the significance of

the risk to those that are affected, those that create it, and those who
control it. However, there are issues that affect effective evaluation of
risks. As we have already mentioned in this chapter, it is not always
easy to evaluate potential risks. Certain important information may be
unknown at the time of the evaluation. So, the importance of the
risk to the receptor may not be fully understood and explained. The
goal of risk management should therefore, be to characterize and
attempt to minimize the risk. A quantitative or qualitative measure of risk
is then conducted by combining exposure assessment and consequence

Environmental Action Box

Case Study on Bristol-Myers Squibb

In this chapter, we present the case of Bristol-Myers Squibb - the

pharmaceutical drug company and the strategies it has taken to
improve environmental performance and health safety. These strategies
have helped the company to minimize ecological and health risks. We
also demonstrate the perception of risks by presenting the case of GE
and Housatonic River.
Bristol-Myers Squibb has a long history of voluntary participation
in environmental, health and safety (EHS) program. It has endorsed
many of the worldwide efforts by International Chamber of Commerce
(ICC) Business Charter for Sustainable Development, and the US
Environmental Protection Agency programs to reduce releases of toxic
chemicals24. It embarks on a pollution prevention program that tracks
product life cycle and views environmental management among its
corporate priorities in its strategic plan.
In its worldwide operations, it engages customers and suppliers in
its environmental management system programs by providing them

"Our Environmental Building Upon Our Successes," Office of Environment,
Health and Safety, NY, NY.
222 Environmental Planning and Management

with safety and environmental information. Its customers are mainly

hospitals and health professionals. Its efforts include helping hospitals
to develop IS0 14001-type environmental standards. According to its
Europe regional vice president, Ake Wilkstrom, “Our environmental,
health and safety efforts are wonderful examples of how we can apply
in-house competencies to reduce risks and provide a valuable service to
our customers at a very low cost. Ultimately, it helps to improve our
image and drive sales.2””
Bristol-Myers Squibb achieves its environmental goals by designing
for the environment. Its research and manufacturing teams focus on
how to lessen the environmental impacts or hazards of materials used
to produce its goods or products. One of its major products is the Keri
line of skin care products. The product has been re-designed for the
environment by replacing 50% of the emulsifiers in Keri Fast
Absorbing Dry Skin Formula with stearic acid that is naturally derived
and biodegradable. Further, propylene glycol which is nonrenewable
resource has been replaced in the product with glycerin which is both
plant-derived and environinentally safe. Other product lines such as
Clairol hair sprays have also been transformed to ensure environmental
sensitivity. These developments have also extended to cardiovascular
therapies where the use of volatile solvents have either been reduced or
Bristol-Myers Squibb’s credits its efforts with lower accident risks
at its plants. For example, in 1995, recorded injuries at its Stamford,
CT plant for Clairol were 123. By 1999, this number has dropped
to 53.
Bristol-Myers Squibb environmental program is based on the
estimation of net value by looking at the integration of economic,
social and environmental impact on society. An adapted diagram is
shown in Figure 10.3 below:

2s ibid
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 223

Figure 10.3: Integrating Economic, Social and Environmental Issues

The goal of Bristol-Myers Squibb's environmental program is to

increase or maximize shareholders' wealth and increase value to the
community while reducing environmental burden and hazard. Employees
play major role in this since their involvement is important to achieving
this goal. Likewise, suppliers are active participants in this effort.
Environmental impacts on all the environmental media (land, air, water)
as well as on natural resources, biodiversity, and human health are
assessed. The sustainability program is also followed in Bristol-Myers
Squibb's packaging program. Significant reductions have been achieved
in cardboard usage and the volume of packaging materials handled by
the customer. Recycled papers are used and metal contents in its cans for
infant formula have been significantly reduced. Products are designed to
achieve further reduction in size and reduce the demand for packaging
224 Environmental Planning and Management

General Electric (GE) and the pollution ofHousatonic River

On September 24, 1998, GE endorsed an agreement with the

State of Connecticut to clean up and restore Housatonic River that
was polluted from General Electric's (GE's) operation in Pittsfield,
Massachusetts26. The cleanup is estimated to cost hundreds of millions
of dollars. The contamination of Housatonic River is a result of the
release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from GE's Pittsfield
facility to the river. These releases have impacted on wildlife and
natural resources and present hazard to human health. The future of the
river is also threatened. PCBs were banned since 1977 and are
considered as probable cause of cancer in people and developmental
disabilities in children.
In April 2004, Housatonic River was named as one of the nation's
Most Endangered Rivers with concern that the slow effort by GE to clean
up toxic PCBs dumped in the river threatens public health along the
length of the river27. This concern was partly based on the long history of
GE dumping PCBs from its electric transformer manufacturing plant in
the river between 1932 and 1977 and its aggressive challenge of EPA's
demand for cleanup in court28. The river is now said to be contaminated
with PCBs from the river bottom all the way to its mouth in Long Island
Sound. Nearby lakes have also been affected. The pollution has entered
the food chain through plants and bottom-feeding species. Housatonic
River was ranked 7th in the list of America Most Endangered Rivers by The levels of PCB found on ducks from
the most polluted section of the river were more than 200 times EPA's
tolerance level for human consumption. The carcasses of these birds
must therefore be handled as hazardous waste. Fish consumption
advisory was placed as early as 1977 stretching about 100 miles of

"Connecticut supports agreement with GE," Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection,, September 24. 1998.
"Housatonic River #7 on annual list released today,", April 14, 2004.
"Housatonic River "Most Endangered"", April 14, 2004.
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 225

the river from Pittsfield, MA. Consumption of contaminated fish or

waterfowl could lead to cancer or reproductive problems. The states
largely affected by this contamination are Connecticut and
In the agreement reached with the state of Connecticut, GE was
obligated to perform the following:
Pay a compensation package for natural resource damages that is
valued at $25 million and to the remediation of a two-mile section of
the Housatonic River heavily contaminated by polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs). The States of Connecticut and Massachusetts will
share the $25 million dollars. GE is also to carry out environmental
enhancement and restoration projects in and around the City of
In March 2005, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed
to issue a permit to GE that would allow it to discharge PCB-
contaminated water into the Housatonic River29. This has put the EPA
and GE at loggerheads with community activist groups who oppose the
proposal and view it as a reward to GE's bad environmental practice
while increasing the ecological and health risks nature, wildlife and
humans face as a result of this continuing act of pollution. This
discharge permit is being issued jointly by the US EPA and the State of
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
This report shows that there is a high perception of risk associated
with further releases of PCBs to Housatonic River. This perception of
risk has led to resistance of the policies of GE and the actions of the
environmental protection agencies. Such perceptions may place GE in
conflict with its community or operating environment. This may lead
to negative image that may not support GE's organizational goal and
social responsibility function.

Eagle, B., "Activists say EPA lets GE pollute river," Connecticut Post,
March 25, 2005, p. D5.
226 Environmental Planning and Management


In this chapter, we focused on the basic introduction of risk

assessment. In environmental management, it is important to quantify the
risks associated with hazards that result from environmental burden. We
focused mostly on ecological and health risk assessment. These risks
contribute significantly to the public reactions on the degradation of the
natural environment.
We discussed the stages of risk assessment and we presented
frameworks and some important models for these stages. Risk
assessment is complex and often requires a strong foundation on
probability theory and statistics. Such background is beyond the scope of
this book. However, interested readers may find specialized books on
this topic.
We conclude by noting that environmental risks could be minimized
by taking some precautionary measures. Such measures include the

Designing for the environment - Throughout this book, we have

discussed DfE. The use of DfE enables consideration of the total
production system to ensure that the product and process are
designed to minimize the creation of environmental burden or
hazards to the natural environment. This could be affected through
effective product, process or vendor selection, use of substitute
material i.e., the use of organic rather than inorganic fertilizer, use of
recycled paper, etc., design for reuse, and other strategies that would
lead to environmentally conscious manufacturing.
Recycling policies that provide detailed information on how products
can be safely disposed off could significantly help to minimize
hazards and lower the associated risks. Several industries maintain
effective recycling programs and incentives to encourage
participation in the programs.
An educated consumer can significantly lower his risks by evaluating
the environmental contents of the product. With the availability of
virtually all information on the Internet, an educated consumer is
better guided to make decisions that would lower his risks.
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 227

Legislatures and laws that impose heavy fines and penalties on

polluters also help the public by limiting the production of hazardous
products and establishing acceptable standards for products.”
Finally, with many nations adopting IS0 standards, IS0 14000 could
present a universal guide to Environmental Management System
thereby reducing the environmental risks to the public.

An environmental action box is presented to show actions taken by

Bristol-Myers Squibb to reduce its environmental impact and thereby
minimize ecological and health risks. We also showed how risk
perceptions could lead to resistance of ecological policies. This is shown
with the case of GE and Housatonic River.
Chapter 11

Competing on Environmental Management

This chapter summarizes the book by focusing on the management
of environment as an important competitive weapon. Specifically, the
role of environmental strategies in satisfying stakeholders’ needs is
investigated further. Managing environmental burden is viewed as a
social responsibility function and may influence not only the
competitiveness but the survival of the firm.
There is a growing awareness of the importance of protecting the
natural environment through sustainable or environmentally conscious
manufacturing practices. The world community is concerned about the
quality of air, water, and land. Most people want to trim waste by
minimizing solid and hazardous waste disposal, reducing the emission
of poisonous and toxic gases to the atmosphere, controlling the emission
of greenhouse gases that destroy the ozone layer, and maintaining
ecological balance by re-evaluating excavation and development
policies. The need to protect the earth’s limited natural resources is
important and was necessary to convene two international conferences
the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, and the Global
Climate conference held in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. The world business
community responded to the public demand to protect the environment
and conserve natural resources through the Brundtland Report of July
1987, which challenged businesses to achieve sustainable economic
growth without compromising the natural environment. Many nations
around the world adopted strict measures on the environment making it
difficult to conduct business as usual without a focus on environmental
protection. In the US, the Clean Air Act was amended in 1990 with more
stringent laws and penalties for pollution. Strict laws were enacted on the
use of ozone depletants such as CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), methyl
chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride, all which were outlawed in the
year 2002. Similar laws were also passed in countries such as Germany
and Holland. These laws do not only outline penalties for pollutants but
also set guidelines and procedures to achieve environmental goals. Some
of the environmental strategies encouraged include:

Competing on Environmental Management 229

The use of recyclable materials

Designing products for ease of assembly and dismantle
Use of reverse logistics to reclaim old equipment from users and
properly disassemble them to recycle and remanufacture useful parts
Creation of new applications for used materials
Safe disposal of unusable materials and equipment.

These requirements created new challenges and opportunities that

businesses must deal with. Today’s organization must compete on the
basis of its environmental practice.

The Social Responsibility Function

The responsibilities of corporations as business entities interested in

maximizing profits and shareholders’ wealth have changed. Corporations
today also have to be good corporate citizens. They should be exemplary
in their communities and have diverse roles to play. The business of the
corporation is the business of its community and the society at large. It is
not only the business of its shareholders or its direct customers.
Therefore, more is expected of corporations today. They do not only
provide specialized products and services but are expected to form long-
term partnership with their communities. Corporate missions must
therefore be aligned with the long-term goals, missions, and vision of the
community. While shareholders may be interested in maximizing their
wealth, members of the community are more interested in maximizing
their quality of life. These goals can only be achieved by worlung with
the corporation to ensure that corporate goals, policies, and strategies are
in line with community goals and expectations. Thus in order to achieve
the social responsibility goals, business organizations must have shared
mission, vision and goals with their communities or operating
environment. Gone are the days when the main social responsibility
function for a corporation was to provide jobs to its community.
Members of the community are now more enlightened and look beyond
the short-term values that a firm may offer but seek to develop a
sustainable partnership that cannot only help them but also their children
230 Environmental Planning and Management

and the future of their natural environment. In the absence of a vision

that is shared by the community, the firm stands to face increased
opposition from its community, which could significantly harm the
image of the organization and its ability to conduct business operations.
Social responsibility can only be satisfied when the business is ethical.
We have noticed in recent times, public condemnation of companies that
have been involved in ecological mishaps or disorders. For example, the
Exxon Valdez oil spill and the Union Carbide plant explosion in Bhopal,
India not only brought litigation and fines to these companies but also
public condemnation and discontent which harmed the image of both
companies. There is therefore, a greater need to focus on environmental
protection as a way of achieving the social responsibility of the
organization. Corporations need to start working with “stakeholders”
rather than just stockholders. Stakeholders are active participants who are
affected by the decisions and activities of the firm or whose activities and
actions may affect the future operations of the firm. In today’s litigious
environment, stakeholders who feel that the quality of their lives have
been compromised by the actions of firms are increasingly suing
corporations and courts are imposing significant penalties for corporate
malfeasance. Businesses must therefore listen to the voice of the

Product Stewardship

The Northwest Product Stewardship Council (NPSC) defined

product stewardship as follows [Bullard, 19941:
“Product stewardship is a principle that directs all actors in the life
cycle of a product to minimize the impact of the product on the
environment. The concept is unique because of its emphasis on the entire
product system. Under product stewardship, all participants in the
product life cycle-designers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors,
retailers, consumers, recyclers and disposers-share responsibility for
the environmental effects of products.”
Companies are responsible for tracking the environmental burden of
their products through their life cycles. This call for responsibility has
Competing on Environmental Management 23 1

created huge burden to corporations that have not paid attention to the
environmental content of their products. There is no time limit to the
company’s responsibilities when it comes to environmental burden.
Polluters are increasingly forced to take responsibility for their acts.
One of the most devastating environmental pollution of the 20thcentury
in the United States was the pollution of the Love Canal. This was a case
of natural disaster of untold and unimaginable human proportion.
Between 1942 and 1953, Hooker Chemical Company now part of
Occidental Petroleum and Chemical Corporation dumped 20,000 to
25,000 tons of toxic chemicals into the Love Canal. Many of the
chemicals dumped were pesticide waste and chemical weapons research
(i.e. The Manhattan Project) [Allan, 19981 and are listed in the order of
largest concentrations as benzene hexachloride, chlorobenzenes, and
dodecyl mercaptan. Although much may be known about the health
effects of a single chemical, little is known about exposures to a mix
of synthetic chemicals. In Love Canal, more than 200 chemicals and
toxics were disposed and absorbed by the soil. The impact was quite
devastating as dangerous chemicals such as dioxin and mercury seeped
through the soil and polluted the entire area. Studies showed that women
living in the area were having higher rates of miscarriages, stillbirths,
crib deaths, and childhood neurological problems and hyperactivity
[Gibbs, 19991. Bullard [ 19941 attributed the complacency of companies
like Hooker Chemical then to the environmental policies that focused on
how to manage, regulate, and distribute risks. That led to a dominant
environmental protection paradigm that was according to Bullard, based
on the following principles:

Institutionalizes unequal enforcement

Trades human health for profit
Places the burden of proof on the “victim,” not on the polluting
Legitimizes human exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, and
hazardous substances
Promotes “risky” technologies
Exploits the vulnerability of economically and politically
disenfranchised communities
232 Environmental Planning and Management

Subsidizes ecological destruction

Creates an industry around risk assessment
Delays cleanup actions
Fails to develop pollution prevention as the overarching and
dominant strategy

History can buttress Bullard’s points as we note that many industries

and corporations then were anti-pollution prevention and sought end-of-
pipe management of pollution problems. They adopted the “quick fix”
strategy to environmental management and would then respond only
when a problem occurs. For example, some of the companies that are
being heralded today for championing the environmental movement were
once at loggerheads with environmental protection strategies. The
Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill was as a result of the single-hulled oil tanker that
ran aground and spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the Prince William
Sound, Alaska. Prior to this disaster, the oil industry fought against
legislation that required the use of double-hulled oil tankers. Likewise,
the fossil fuel industry used to work hard to discredit efforts on global
warming by claiming it was a myth. Chemical companies such as
DuPont took a long time before acknowledging that CFCs were
destroying the environment, and McDonald’s even filed a libel suit
against London Greenpeace for criticizing McDonald’s role in rainforest
destruction and other practices.
The environment has however changed since Bullard made his
assertions. More and more corporations are being made to take full
responsibility for their acts irrespective of when it occurred and what
information they had at the time. The environment today is more litigious
than twenty years ago. Further, many states and countries have
responded to public outcries and enacted new laws to ensure corporate
responsibility towards the environment and to protect the rights of
citizens and communities. These laws have made companies vulnerable
to lawsuits from stakeholders and they are responding by talung a
product stewardshlp approach for their products.
Product stewardship requires taking a cradle-to-grave approach of
one’s products and services. It starts from product design and involves all
stages of product development, distribution, consumption, and disposal.
Competing on Environmental Management 233

This therefore, requires that the manufacturer work with its suppliers and
vendors to ensure that this goal is achieved. Madu [1996] reported that
companies and industries in Japan are already ahead in environmental
friendly practices as the next competitive weapon. This role is also
fostered by some of their manufacturing practices such as the Just-in-
time and lean manufacturing practices that are inadvertently, supportive
of the goal for environmentally conscious manufacturing. Madu notes
that industries ranging from auto, steel, heavy metals, and energy in
Japan have already adopted environmentally friendly practices to help
them compete in the new millennium. American companies are also
heeding the call to be environmentally conscious. Many corporations are
now integrating environmentally friendly practices in their mission
statements and are assigning strategic importance to them. We have
given some examples of corporate actions and practices in the
Environmental Action Boxes and would like to refer the reader to those
case examples. Here, we emphasize on how suppliers can help support
the environmental practices of a firm.

Supplier Participation in Environmental Practice

Companies today are adjusting their strategies of selecting suppliers

to move away from a low bid approach and look at a whole range of
other factors that may influence quality, productivity, effectiveness, and
customer satisfaction. Although supplier selection factors may include
issues such as quality, reliability, cost, flexibility of the supplier, a
critical element that is now frequently considered is the environmental
practice of the supplier. Manufacturers look beyond the bidding system
to develop a long-term partnership with a supplier and this long-term
outlook requires that the manufacturer also evaluates the long-term costs
that may be absorbed by partnering with the supplier. Such long-term
costs may be related to the environmental practice of the supplier. Some
of the environmental issues that the manufacturer considers in selecting
suppliers are:
234 Environmental Planning and Management

Does the supplier have established environmental guidelines and

practices? It is important to know the record of the supplier in
terms of environmental practice and how that aligns with the
manufacturer’s practice and also industry practices. Specific areas to
look at include the nature of materials, process technologies, and
energy resources that are used by a supplier in its production process.
In fact, is the supplier’s production system efficient and can it be
reasonably brought to compliance to meet the environmental goals of
the manufacturer?
Does the supplier have the capability for reverse logistics? In other
words, when it is time to disassemble and reuse a component, are the
products or parts designed with ease of assemble and would they be
easily reused or recycled without creating a major environmental
burden. Thus, the environmental costs of disassemble and reuse
should be lower than the cost of disposal.
Does the manufacturer adopt a packaging and shipping standards that
are consistent with recycling and reuse efforts? And are the materials
used easily recycled and biodegradable? Packaging constitutes a
major cost of many products today but more and more industries and
companies such as LL Bean are developing efficient packaging
systems that help to conserve resources such as paper products. It is
important that the supplier adheres to a packaging standard that is
consistent with sustainable development. For example, many
companies are reducing their use of corrugated packages and are also
recycling packaging materials.
The supplier should also have a program for continual improvement
in its selection and use of raw materials, technological processes, and
packaging. It should be involved in ongoing training activities for its
employees and adopt new environmental standards as the laws and
guidelines change. Such efforts may help to reduce the use of ozone-
depleting substances or the emission of greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide.
Suppliers that meet the environmental targets of environmentally
conscious manufacturers should be those that have world-class
quality performance and are able to minimize rejects, reworks, and
scraps. These actions conserve energy resources by not re-running
Competing on Environmental Management 235

the production line to fix problems and also conserve material and
natural resources by not wasting materials through rejects and scraps.
Also, being a world-class supplier means that there would be a
reduction in emission of gases and disposal of hazardous wastes
since these are significantly cut down through efficient production
system. In addition, world-class suppliers should have a means of
reclaiming hazardous materials that may occur for safe disposal.
0 Product design is a critical component in selecting suppliers.
Suppliers should design products based on customer needs and must
integrate customers in the design stage. However, it is very important
to take a holistic outlook of the entire product design phase. This
would require developing a life cycle assessment of the product. We
have devoted a whole chapter on life cycle assessment and this goes
to ensure that the “better” alternative for product design and
development is selected after a complete environmental impact
assessment. Thus, design for the environment is a necessity.
0 Eco-labeling is increasingly getting attention. Many countries,
industries and professional associations have adopted labeling
schemes. There are two classifications of eco-labeling schemes
notably voluntary and mandatory. Popular among them are the
German Blue Angel scheme, which became operational in 1977 and
the White Swan, which is used in the Nordic countries. In the US,
the Green Seal is popular although not endorsed by the government
but run by a private organization. These schemes play a role in green
consumerism and tend to give the impression of compliance to
environmental guidelines. Although they are sometimes misapplied
and misused, they could motivate suppliers to meet certain
environmental guidelines.
Distribution and logistics play a key role in selecting suppliers if
there is a strong interest in minimizing environmental burden. It
would therefore be important to find out how the supplier transports
products and how efficient that system of transport and distribution
is. The manufacturer may also want to know the measures that are
adopted in the transportation of hazardous and toxic materials when
they may be involved, the handling of such materials, and the
selection and training of workers who handle such materials.
236 Environmental Planning and Management

Finally, the supplier must show sensitivity to environmental practices

in each of its activities. The culture for environmental protection
must be enshrined in each worker to achieve the goal of
environmentally friendly practice. For example, electronic mails may
be used instead of snail mail; memos may be sent electronically
rather than on printed paper; meetings may be conducted via video
conferencing, teleconferencing or through chat rooms rather than on
a physical venue; and significant amount of paperwork can be
trimmed by streamlining operations. It is therefore, not a simple task
to select an environmentally conscious supplier.

Product Stewardship Practice

Product stewardship requires a change in attitude and manufacturing

practices with a focus on conservation of materials and resources. As
noted by NPSC, product stewardship practice requires that producers
minimize the impacts of their activities on the environment by doing the

Use renewable resources or resources that can be replenished. For

example, the use of alternative energy supply such as solar energy or
windmill as opposed to the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are limited
natural resources and are nonrenewable. Furthermore, the process of
excavating and mining them create more environmental burden to
the environment.
Use of biodegradable materials. These are materials that break down
into the soil without emitting harmful chemicals or toxic materials to
the entire ecosystem. For example, some of the plastic materials are
biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly.
Use of recycled andor recyclable materials. Paper products and
packaging materials represent a large bulk of recycled and recyclable
materials. Many of the paper products that are used now contain a
significant percentage of recycled material.
Competing on Environmental Management 237

Use of low or no toxic materials. This is required to avoid the

emission of poisonous or toxic gases to the atmosphere and also to
avoid the emission of greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting gases.
Use of sustainable harvesting methods. Land is one of the limited
natural resources on earth. There are not enough lands for landfills
hence the need to conserve more land. Harvesting activities can also
erode the topsoil and deplete the quality of the land. New efforts are
made to change the harvesting methods such as cutting down on the
use of synthetic fertilizers and encouraging the use of organic bio-
stimulants to regenerate the natural condition of the soil. Thus, the
use of composting methods is getting increasingly popular.

Strategies for Product Stewardship

In summary, some of the strategies for environmental management

are outlined below:

Designs for ease of disassembly - Manufacturers are increasingly

designing their products so they could be easily disassembled. This
has the added advantage of making it easier to recover reusable
materials that could be transferred and used in the manufacture
of other products. Personal computers represent good example
of products that are designed for ease of disassembly. This makes
it easier to recover precious materials that could be used in
manufacturing new computers.
Use of modular design- the use of modular design helps prolong
the longevity of a product. Hardware systems that are modular
designed can be upgraded at the end of their useful life by adding
new components that could enhance their continuing performance.
So, rather than worrying about the product becoming obsolete, it
could be upgraded to continue meeting future challenges. Computer
systems are increasingly designed this way.
Design for dematerialization-this is a process of designing that
allows materials to be taken out of the product without affecting the
238 Environmental Planning and Management

performance of the product. Products could therefore be restructured

or resized without affecting their performance.
Design for conservation-Emphasis of all design strategy should be
on how to conserve materials and energy and minimize waste and
any form of pollution.
Lease options- many products are now offered by manufacturers
under lease option rather than outright purchase. The effect of this is
that a consumer with short-term need for the product could use the
lease option and allow the manufacturer to assume responsibility for
the product at the end of the lease. The manufacturer has the
necessary support service and logistic network to ensure that the
product finds alternative usage at the end of the lease. Also, it puts
the disposal responsibility to the manufacturer who has the resources
to ensure disassembly, recovery and safe disposal of the product.
Product take-back-some manufacturers have designed systems that
allow recovering the product from the consumer at the end of the
product’s life. This strategy ensures environmentally compliant
disposal and management of the product thereafter.
Design for recycle-Corporations such as IBM has used 100%
recycled plastic in all their personal computer plastic parts. Some
others have used 100% recycled materials for their packaging. It is
important that parts and products are designed with materials that are


It is clear that for businesses to compete effectively in today’s

economy, they need to focus attention on the needs and wants of
customers and in particular stakeholders. The management of the
environment has become an important strategic factor in achieving
competitiveness. When environmental quality is not achieved, the cost to
both the consumer and the society is significantly increased. The high
cost of noncompliance has made many firms rethink their strategies and
increasingly, corporations are beginning to realize that it pays to be
environmentally conscious. Many have reported significant savings and
Competing on Environmental Management 239

increased profits as in some of the cases presented in this book.

Furthermore, by focusing on environmental protection programs, they
have enjoyed the trust and respect of their communities. Firms must
accept product stewardship as a major responsibility. We have outlined
in this chapter some of the strategies to take to accomplish that goal. We
have also noted that environmental compliance is only attainable if all
the major participants such as distributors, suppliers, consumers and
others participant in the program. It is therefore a systemic problem that
needs to be addressed by all that is involved.


Allan, S., “What happened at Love Canal? Alfred, NY: Alfred University.
Bullard, R.D., Unequal Protection: Environmental Justice & Commentaries
of Color, San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1994.
“Defining product stewardship,” Northwest Product Stewardship Council,
downloaded on September 28,2001.
Gibbs, L.M., Love Canal: Twenty years later, Harlem Adams Theatre;
CSU, Chico: Associated Students Environmental Affairs Council
and Environmental Studies Program.
Nersesian, R., “A comparative analysis of Japanese and American
production management practices, pp. 37-71, in Management of New
Technologies for Global Competitiveness (ed., C.N. Madu), 1993.
Madu, C.N., Managing green technologies for global competitiveness,
Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1996.
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3P, 149 Corporate image and social
4m, 99 responsibility, 110
4ms, 120 Cradle-to-Grave, 25, 129, 156
Critical Incident Approach, 154
ABC rule, 117 Cross Functional Teams, 182, 184
Acidification, 119, 121 Customer/SupplierNendor
Act, 77 Relationship, 197
Action Implementation, 131, 133
Agile, 199 DDT, 45
Agile manufacturing, 190 Dell Computers, I99
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Dematerialization, 159
132, 158 Deming, 4, 74,76,95
Aramis, 48 Design for conservation, 238
Design for dematerialization, 237
Benjamin Moore, 2 Design for disposability, 3 1
Bhopal, 9, 89, 91, 230 Design for environment, 126
Blue Angel, 25, 235 Design for maintainability/
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 227 durability, 126
Brundtland, 15,228 Designs for pollution
Brundtland Report, I8 prevention, 127
Business Charter for Sustainable Designs for recyclability, 126
Development, 18 Design for recyclability, 3 1
Design for recycle, 238
Car of the Year Awards, 10 Design for remanufacture, 3 1
Carbon emission, 17 Design Strategies, 152
CERES, 87 Design team, 152
CFCs, 45 Designing for environment, 153
Change management, 108 Designs for ease of disassembly,
Check, 74 237
Classification and characterization, Development, 18, 63
121 DMADV, 180
Climate change, 17 DMAIC, 176
Clinique, 48 Do, 76
Compensation, and Liability Act Draft International Standard, 29
(CERCLA), 149 DuPont, 45
Competitive Benchmarking, 109
Concurrent engineering, I63 Earth Summit, 15, 63
Connecticut, 224 Ecoefficiency, 19
Consequence assessment, 219 Ecofactory, 42
Conservation Law Foundation, 106 Eco-labeling, 25
Conspicuous conservation, 3 Ecopoint, I20

24 1
242 Index

Energy star, 150 Green Seal, 2, 235

Environmental Assessment Survey, Greenhouse Effect, 11
Environmental Auditing, 8, 63 Hazard identification, 2 17
Environmental Cost, 110 Hazard indices, 2 17
Environmental Defense Fund Hazards, 210
(EDF), 106 Hooker Chemical, 23 1
Environmental Labeling, 26, 63 Horizontal Product Realization,
Environmental Liability Laws, 149 167
Environmental Performance Housatonic River, 223, 227
Evaluation, 214 Hybrid cars, 3, 9
Environmental Performance
Indicators, 214 Identify-design-optimize-verify
Environmental priority strategy, (IDOV), 180
120 Impact analysis, 30
Environmental Risk Assessment, Improvement analysis, 30
210 India, 17
Ecological Risk Assessment, Industrial Waste, 24
210 International Chamber of
Health Risk Assessment, 210 Commerce (ICC), 19
Environmentally conscious International Paper, 55
manufacturing, 42 Inventory analysis, 30
Zero waste, 42 Inverse manufacturing, 20, 57
Estee Lauder, 48 Ishikawa diagram, 158
Event tree analysis, 217 ISO, 7,26,62
Exposure assessment, 218 IS0 9000,26
IS0 14000.26
Failure mode and effect analysis
(FMEA), 217 Japanese EcoMark, 25
Fault tree analysis, 217 Just-In-Time (JIT), 192
Final Draft International Standard,
29 Kanban, 204
Fishbone diagram, 99, 120 Khang Hsi, 10
Flow Manufacturing, 190, 206 Kodak, 9,32
Kodak Single-Use Camera, 32
General Electric (GE), 183, 223 Kyoto, Japan, 17
Geographical Variations, 117 Kyoto Protocol, 151
Global warming, 11,17
Green Accounting, 2 15 Lead Poisoning, 13
Green market, 150 Lean Manufacturing, 200, 204
Green power, 2 Lean Six Sigma, 185
Green Quality Function Lease Options, 238
Deployment, 169
Index 243

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), 25, Occidental Petroleum and

115,130 Chemical Corporation, 23 1
Life Cycle Cost Assessment, 135 Oil Pollution Act (OPA), 149
Appraisal costs, 136 Organizational change, 196
External failure costs, 135 Organizational culture, 102
Internal failure costs, 135 Organizational vision and mission,
Prevention costs, 135 107
Life Cycle Impact Assessment, 118
Life Cycle Inventory Analysis, 115 Pacific Gas and Electric Company,
LOHAS, 3 106
Love Canal, 231 Pareto Chart, 156
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), 95,
Machine, 100 79
Man, 100 Planning, 93
Management of change, 195 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
Manhattan Project, 23 1 224
Mass Customization, 199 Preplanning, 131
Material, 100 Prince William Sound, 89
McDonald’s, 106 Product Content Environmental
Merck & Co, 213 Questionnaire, 155
Methods, 102 Product Delivery Process (PDP),
Modular design, 58 83
Modular Product Structure, 161 Product development, 196
Motorola, 184 Product stewardship, 23,236
Motorola University, 183 Product take-back, 238
Multiple Function Capability, 160 Pull manufacturing, 204
Pull system, 204
National Association of Attorney
Generals [NAAG], 2 Quality Function Deployment
National Pollutant Discharge (QFD), 97, 105,169
Elimination System (NPDES),
225 Rapid Prototyping (RP), 191
National Soft Drink Association Recyclability, 60
(NSDA), 53 Recycling, 21, 128, 170
Natural Environment, 197 Recycling statistics, 52
Natural Resources Defense Reduced Cycle Time, 147
Council, 106 Reduced Regulatory Concerns, 148
New Economic Order, 16 Remanufacturing, 57, 100, 168
New England Electric System, 106 Resources Conservation, 149
Normalization, 121 Responsible Manufacturing, 14
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reverse Engineering (RE), 191
(NRC), 213 Reverse logistics, 23,43
Nutrification, 119
244 Index

Reverse supply chain management, Total Productive Maintenance, 205

43 Total Quality Control (TQC), 205
Rio de Janeiro, 15 Total Quality Management, 4
Risk Assessment, 209,210 Toyota Production System, 200
Robin Hood Effect, 16 Traditional Manufacturing Process,
Schmidheiny, 18 Type I, 27
Schulman, 2
SETAC, 117 U.S. Clean Air Act, 45
Six Sigma, 175, 177 Union Carbide, 89
Social Responsibility Function, 151 United States Environmental
Source-reduction strategies, 44 Protection Agency, 50
Stakeholder requirements, 153 Used Beverage Can (UBC), 53
Strategic cycle, 93
Strategic environmental Value engineering, 160
management, 91 Vertical Product Realization, 165,
Strategic Information Management 166
System, 111 Volatile Organic Compounds, 1
Strategies for Sustainable Vulnerability models, 219
Manufacturing, 20
SUC, 33,34 Waste-free design, 35
Supplier participation, 233 World Business Council for
Supply Chain Management, 193 Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development, 18 (WBCSD), 19
Sustainable Manufacturing, 14, 18 World Class Manufacturing, 198
SWOT, 107,196 World Industry Council for the
Environment (WICE), 19
Table of Impacts, 116 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 82
Top Management Commitment,
106 Xerox, 35
Total Environmental Quality
Management (TEQM), 7
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