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10 Shrimp Farming Methods

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Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming


Claude E. Boyd Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures Auburn University, Alabama 36849 USA

here has been much discussion in recent years of the possible negative environmental impacts of shrimp farming. The main concerns are listed below:

Mangrove destruction Pollution of natural waters with nutrients, organic matter and sediment Salinization of freshwater by pond effluents Use of bioaccumulative or toxic drugs, antibiotics, and other chemicals Over-exploitation of wild shrimp larvae for stocking ponds Wasteful use of fish meal Introduction of exotic species Spread of disease Loss of biodiversity in neighboring ecosystems Examples of these adverse effects can be found, but they do not occur at all shrimp farms. Negative impacts usually result from bad planning and poor management. Two of the negative impacts, mangrove destruction and salinization of freshwater, can be avoided by good site selection and farm layout methods. Introduction of exotic species and overexploitation of wild shrimp larvae can be prevented through the use of native culture species and acquisition of larvae from hatcheries. Attention to the four issues listed above also will protect biodiversity in neighboring ecosystems. The other concerns can best be addressed by better management practices. Thus, the remainder of this chapter will be devoted to describing environmentally- responsible management practices. GOOD PRACTICES FOR SHRIMP POND MANAGEMENT This discussion will begin with pond preparation for a new shrimp crop and continue until harvest. It will be restricted to semi-intensive shrimp culture without mechanical aeration as commonly practiced in Central America.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

Pond preparation When ponds are drained for harvest, nutrients and plankton are discharged, and the flocculent layer of highly organic material and many of the benthic organisms that occur near the soil-water interface are suspended and lost from ponds. It is common practice to dry pond bottoms after draining, and many times, bottom soils are baked dry before ponds are refilled. Therefore, when ponds are refilled with water and stocked to start a new crop, plankton and benthos that serve as natural food for postlarvae are scarce. Ponds need to be prepared by techniques for improving the abundance of natural food organisms for postlarvae before they are stocked. In this discussion, pond preparation refers to all activities that are done from the time a pond is drained for harvest until the postlarvae are stocked for the next crop. Soil organic matter Shrimp farmers are concerned about the excessive accumulation of organic matter in pond soils. Although this problem is probably less severe than often thought, monitoring of bottom soil organic matter concentrations can be useful for management decisions. The best time to sample pond bottom soils is soon after the pond has been drained, but before any soil treatments have been applied. Soil samples should be collected from several places in the pond bottom. It is adequate to take 10 to 12 random samples of the upper 5-cm layer and combine equal volumes of these samples to provide a composite sample for analysis. The 1 composite sample should be mixed thoroughly, dried in an oven at 60 oC , and pulverized to pass a 20-mesh screen. The best procedure for organic carbon determination is the oxidation of organic carbon by potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid (Walkley-Black Method) as described by Boyd and Tucker (1992). The standard procedure requires a modest amount of laboratory equipment, but the Hach Chemical Company, Loveland, Colorado, sells a portable soil organic carbon kit (Model CEL/700) based on the Walkley-Black Method that provides results comparable to those obtained with the standard Walkley-Black procedure (Queiroz and Boyd 1998a). Soil organic carbon concentrations in bottom soils of shrimp ponds seldom exceed 1 or 2%, and values up to 3 or 4% are probably acceptable. Some organic matter in bottom soils is good because it favors benthic productivity. Ponds with less than 0.5% organic carbon may not have good benthic productivity. Organic carbon values can be multiplied by a factor of 2 to provide a rough estimate of actual organic matter concentration. Methods for accelerating the decomposition of soil organic matter are discussed below. Drying It is common practice to dry pond bottoms between crops. Drying accelerates the decomposition of organic matter accumulated in the bottom during the previous crop by providing better oxygenation to improve conditions for aerobic bacteria. Better oxygenation of

If an oven is not available, samples can be spread in a thin layer on a plastic sheet or in a shallow plastic pan and dried quickly in the sun.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

the soil also oxidizes reduced inorganic and organic compounds in the soil to improve soil condition. Moreover, drying kills disease organisms and their carriers that may exist in the soil. A drying period of 2 to 3 weeks usually is adequate. Longer drying periods deplete soil moisture and microbial activity declines. In wet weather, it may be impossible to adequately dry soil, but as a rule, pond bottoms should be dried well at least once per year (Boyd 1995). Liming and disinfection Application of agricultural limestone should be made to pond bottoms that are acidic (pH below 7). Agricultural limestone is pulverized limestone consisting of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or a mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). Samples for soil pH may be collected and processed as described above in the subsection on "Soil Organic Matter". To measure pH, mix 10 or 20 g of dry, pulverized sample with 10 or 20 ml of distilled water, stir intermittently for 20 min and measure the pH with a glass electrode. Small, hand-held soil acidity testers can be injected into pond soils and a pH reading made directly. However, these devices are not accurate and should not be used by shrimp farmers. The application rate for agricultural limestone may be determined according to the following scale:
Agricultural limestone (kg/ha)

Agricultural limestone should be spread uniformly over the pond bottom. It should be applied within 3 or 4 days after ponds are drained and before the bottom soil becomes extremely dry. The limestone must dissolve in soil pore water 2 to increase soil pH and stimulate microbial activity. If soil is too dry, the limestone will not react to neutralize acidity. In ponds where disease was a serious problem in the previous crops, the pond bottom can be treated with an agent to kill disease organisms and reduce the possibility of disease in the next crop. The most effective and economical way of disinfecting a pond is to apply burnt lime (calcium oxide, CaO) or hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) to increase the soil pH above 10 and thus kill disease organisms (Snow and Jones 1959). A treatment rate of 1,000 kg/ha of burnt lime or 1,500 kg/ha of hydrated lime usually is sufficient for disinfecting pond bottoms (Boyd 1995). The lime must be spread uniformly over pond bottoms while they are still wet so that the lime will dissolve and penetrate the soil mass to raise pH and kill pathogens and their carriers.

Pore waters are the interstitial water found between soil particles.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

Chlorination has been used to disinfect pond soils. However, organic matter in pond soils quickly reduces chlorine residuals to non-toxic chloride (White 1992), and as a result, 500 ppm of calcium hypochlorite may be needed for disinfection (Potts and Boyd 1998). To reach this concentration, about 1,000 kg/ha of calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) must be applied to the pond bottom. Thus, chlorination is much more expensive than lime treatment. Tilling Tilling of pond bottoms during the drying period can enhance oxygenation of the soil. Heavy-textured soils (clays and clay loams) will benefit more from tilling than will light-textured soils (sands, sandy loams, and loams). Tilling should be done with a disk harrow and limited to a depth of 5 to 10 cm. A rotor tiller also is suitable for tilling pond bottoms, but it is destructive to soil structure. Turning plows (breaking plows) require much more energy to use than disk harrows. Turning plows are useful when there is an excessive concentration of organic matter on the soil surface, because this plow turns the soil over to bury the surface layer under soil of lower organic matter concentration from deeper layers. Tilling should be done while bottom soils are still moist, but bottoms should be dry enough to support the weight of the tractor tires and prevent formation of ruts in the pond bottom. Sediment removal It usually is not necessary to remove sediment from ponds. However, if the interior canals (prestamos) fill in, or if particularly large amounts of sediment accumulate in deeper parts of ponds causing them to lose volume, sediment removal may be necessary. Sediment disposal should be done in such a way to prevent the sediment from washing into ponds or canals after heavy rains and to avoid adverse ecological impacts outside of ponds. Site specific methods of sediment disposal must be developed for each farm (Donovan 1997). Disinfection of pond water Because of the frequent occurrence of viral diseases in shrimp farming, many producers attempt to prevent viral particles or their carriers from entering ponds. The main methods are filtration of pond water or disinfection of pond water with chemicals such as chlorine gas, hypochlorous acid, formalin, ozone, or insecticides. The most commonly used insecticides are dipterex or sevin. A filter will not remove virus particles, but if the filter bag is made of material with a mesh size of 250 or 300 microns, most virus carriers can be removed. It probably is not practical to filter the volumes of water necessary to fill large, semi-intensive shrimp ponds. The use of chemicals for disinfecting water is not effective in large ponds. It also is expensive, and the chemical may cause ecological damage. Thus, chemical disinfection of pond water should not be practiced under most circumstances.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Fertilization Once the pond bottom has been dried and any other necessary soil treatments applied, the pond can be refilled. At this time, it usually is necessary to apply nutrients to encourage plankton and benthos, the natural food organisms of shrimp. The two key nutrients are nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The common source of phosphorus is orthophosphate, but nitrogen may be supplied as urea, ammonia nitrogen, or nitrate. Urea quickly hydrolyzes to ammonia. Ammonia is undesirable in ponds for three reasons: (1) (2) it can be toxic to shrimp at relatively low concentrations; it is converted to nitrate by nitrifying organisms that produce hydrogen ion and lower the pH in the process; and nitrification requires a large amount of dissolved oxygen.


Thus, nitrate compounds have an advantage as nitrogen fertilizers because they are non toxic, they do not form acidity, and they do not have an oxygen demand. Moreover, nitrate is a source of oxygen to bacteria and when it is denitrified in ponds, it raises the pH slightly. Nevertheless, nitrate fertilizers are more expensive than other nitrogen fertilizers, and cost must be considered. The best rates of nitrogen and phosphorus application for establishing a plankton bloom will vary with the availability of these two nutrients in pond soil and source water. A good application rate for general purposes is 2 to 4 kg/ha both of N and P2O5 (orthophosphate). We recommend that farmers purchase mixed fertilizer that already contains both nitrogen and phosphorus in the proper ratios rather than using fertilizer sources to mix fertilizers on the farm. Fertilizer applications should be made at 2-or 3-day intervals until a good plankton bloom is established. Granular fertilizer should be premixed in pond water for a few minutes and the resulting slurry splashed over the pond surface. Within 2 weeks or less, the pond should have a good plankton bloom and benthos will have begun to grow. At this time, postlarvae should be stocked. Some shrimp farmers like to apply manure to ponds to enhance plankton blooms. In our opinion, manure should never be used in shrimp ponds. Manures can cause low dissolved oxygen concentrations and deterioration of bottom soil condition. They also contain high concentrations of heavy metals, and they may contain antibiotics that can contaminate shrimp. Of course, additions of organic matter can enhance the availability of benthos in ponds with low concentrations of organic matter in soil, and it is effective in encouraging rapid blooms of zooplankton (Geiger 1983). If one wants to use organic fertilizers, it is better to use plant meals rather than manures. For example, a good organic fertilization program is to apply 500 kg/ha rice bran when fill-


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

ing the pond. Afterwards, apply the rice bran at 5 to 10 kg/ha per day until shrimp are stocked. Other suitable organic materials are soybean meal, crushed grain, and low-cost chicken feed. Stocking shrimp After holding the water in the pond for about 2 weeks, virus particles in the water will have disappeared and a good plankton bloom and benthic community should have been established. Shrimp postlarvae to be used for stocking should be free of disease. This can be assured by careful examination for diseases including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for viral diseases such as white spot virus disease. The environmental impact of shrimp farming can be reduced if farmers use postlarvae that are produced in hatcheries rather than wild caught postlarvae. It also is easier to obtain evidence of the disease-free status of postlarvae when they come from hatcheries rather than the wild. Postlarvae should be native species, and if they are imported, all governmental regulations involving importations should be respected. Maintenance of Productivity during Grow Out Most shrimp ponds are supplied manufactured feed from stocking until harvest. The amount of feed applied depends upon the shrimp biomass, and the feeding rate increases as the grow-out period progresses. However, in semi-intensive shrimp production, feeding rates seldom exceed 20 kg/ha until the later part of the grow-out period. Use of fertilizer can be beneficial in maintaining natural productivity. Good levels of natural productivity in ponds help maintain water quality, especially by providing dissolved oxygen through photosynthesis, by removing ammonia, and by enhancing natural food availability for shrimp to improve feed utilization and shrimp production. In intensive ponds, it is often not necessary to fertilize after the first 6 or 8 weeks. In fact, fertilization of ponds with feeding rates above 20 to 30 kg/ha per day may encourage excessive phytoplankton blooms. Fertilization The objective of water quality management should be to maintain a moderate but stable phytoplankton bloom (Boyd and Tucker 1998). The best way to accomplish this is with an aggressive fertilization program of 1 to 2 kg N and 0.5 to 1 kg P2O5/ha per week. Some farmers prefer a high proportion of diatoms in the phytoplankton communities of shrimp ponds. There is evidence that a high nitrogen:phosphorus ratio encourages diatoms, and it is common practice to use only nitrogen fertilizer or a fertilizer with a wide nitrogen: phosphorous ratio of 15 or 20 to encourage diatoms. We are not convinced that a high nitrogen:


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

phosphorus ratio is as beneficial as claimed. Thus, we will not recommend this practice, but farmers may use it if they desire. There are claims that nitrate is more efficient in promoting diatoms than other sources of nitrogen fertilizer. Moreover, there are reports that applications of silicate or silicate and chelated iron can stimulate diatoms in shrimp ponds. Although this is probably true in some situations, since we do not know the limiting concentrations of silicate and iron to diatoms in pond water, it is difficult to make recommendations as to which ponds need these treatments. Data on effective application rates of silicate and iron are also not available. Nevertheless, shrimp farmers may want to try applications of silicate and chelated iron to see if they increase diatoms. Pond fertilizers should be applied according to the Secchi disk visibility to conserve nutrients, reduce costs, and prevent excessive phytoplankton. In our opinion, the best Secchi disk visibility range is 25 to 40 cm. If one is applying fertilizer weekly at the rate of 10 kg/ha, the following scale illustrates a way to adjust fertilizer application rates for Secchi disk visibility:

Liming Unless the total alkalinity of pond water falls below 75 mg/L as equivalent calcium carbonate, agricultural limestone should not be applied to pond waters during the production period. Burnt or hydrated lime should never be applied to pond water during grow-out because they can cause high pH and possibly harm shrimp. In areas where pond waters have low alkalinity, total alkalinity should be monitored monthly. Water exchange Water analysis kits are available for measuring total alkalinity. If values drop below 60 mg/L, agricultural limestone should be broadcasted over pond surfaces at 500 kg/ha. Water exchange has traditionally been used in shrimp ponds at rates of 10% to 15% of pond volume per day. It is difficult to justify the use of routine water exchange, because if pond water is of adequate quality, renewal of a portion of the pond water daily is of no benefit.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

Also, water exchange flushes out nutrients and plankton, so it reduces natural productivity in ponds. It is counterproductive to apply fertilizers to ponds for the purpose of enhancing phytoplankton productivity and then flush the nutrients from the ponds by exchanging water. Usually, there is no scientific reason to expect much benefit from routine, daily water exchange in semi-intensive shrimp ponds. The main exception is in ponds where salinity may rise to unacceptable concentrations during the dry season. Exchanging water at 5% to 10% per day can maintain acceptable salinity during the dry season even where full-strength seawater is the only water source. Of course, when crises of low dissolved oxygen or high ammonia concentration occur, water exchange is often the only resort. It is significant to note that water exchange is seldom used in other kinds of pond aquaculture. For example, in channel catfish farming in the United States, farmers once used water exchange just like many shrimp farmers do today. However, research and practical experience demonstrated that water exchange was not necessary. Today, catfish farmers do not exchange any water, and they harvest fish with seines to conserve water in ponds. The only time water is discharged from ponds is after heavy rains, or when ponds must be drained to remove large fish that have escaped capture for several years, or to repair wave damage to inside slopes of embankments (Boyd et al. 2000). There obviously are great benefits to reducing water use in shrimp ponds. Water conservation can reduce the amount of pumping capacity needed on a farm and the amount of energy used for pumping water thereby lowering costs. Retention of water in ponds lowers the quantity of fertilizer nutrients necessary to maintain natural productivity, and this also lowers the cost of shrimp production. A longer water retention time in ponds allows for greater assimilation of nutrients and organic matter within ponds, and this leads to enhanced effluent quality. Lower water velocities will reduce erosion of earthwork and lessen concentrations of suspended solids in effluent. Conservative use of water in shrimp ponds reduces production costs and protects against pollution of coastal waters by reducing the volume and enhancing the quality of effluents. Measuring productivity Secchi disk. This device, a 20-cm diameter black and white disk, can be lowered into the water to estimate the depth of underwater visibility. It can be extremely valuable for monitoring plankton provided the limitations of the technique are understood. Turbidity in water restricts underwater visibility, and as turbidity increases, the Secchi disk readings decrease.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Turbidity in water can result from living plankton, dead particulate matter, dissolved organic substances, and suspended soil particles. In cases where changes in turbidity result from changes in abundance of living plankton, the usual case in shrimp ponds, the Secchi disk can reveal if plankton growth is increasing or decreasing. Additional details about the Secchi disk and its use can be found in the, "Secchi disk visibility". In most shrimp ponds, the Secchi disk visibility should be between 25 and 40 cm. When the value is greater than 40 cm, plankton bloom should be encouraged by adding fertilizer. At Secchi disk readings below 25 cm, fertilizer should not be applied because of the danger of excessive plankton causing low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Phytoplankton abundance Phytoplankton counts. Direct counts of the genera and abundance of phytoplankton often are made for waters of semi-intensive shrimp ponds. Green algae and diatoms are more suitable in shrimp ponds than blue-green algae and dinoflagellates. Thus, microscopic examination of the water can be an aid to determining if a desirable phytoplankon community is present. Enumeration of the phytoplankton is of less value because of the size variation of individuals of different taxons. A few large algae may represent more biomass than many small algae. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate data on the abundance of phytoplankton cells, filaments, or colonies, and the acquisition of such data is very time consuming. This practice is not recommended. Chlorophyll The amount of chlorophyll in water can be measured by removing the particulate matter by filtration through a membrane filter, extracting the pigment from the phytoplankton on the filter with acetone or methanol, and estimating chlorophyll by spectroscopy. The chlorophyll concentration increases as phytoplankton abundance increases. Aquaculture pond water typically have 10 to 100 mg/L of chlorophyll , but some ponds may have less or considerably more. In semi-intensive shrimp ponds, chlorophyll concentrations of 30 to 60 mg/L are probably best. Considerable expertise and costs are involved in chlorophyll analysis, and we do not recommend this procedure unless a shrimp farm has a good water quality laboratory and a skilled technician. Light-dark bottle productivity. In this procedure, three BOD bottles are filled with pond water from the same source. One bottle is called the initial bottle (IB) because its oxygen concentration is measured immediately. The second bottle is covered with black tape or painted to exclude light and is called the dark bottle (DB). The third bottle is called the light bottle (LB) because it is transparent to sunlight. The light and dark bottles are incubated in the pond for a specified period during daylight, and they are then removed and the dissolved oxygen concentration measured. Details on conducting light-dark bottle producti-


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

vity measurements may be found in Boyd and Tucker (1992) and will not be discussed further. There is a wide range of primary productivity in aquaculture ponds, but values for gross productivity typically should be between 5 and 15 mg/L per day. It is very important that the 24hour net productivity be 2 to 4 mg/L because more dissolved oxygen must be produced each day than is used by the plankton community or the pond will suffer from dissolved oxygen depletion at night. Measurements of primary productivity are probably the most reliable estimates of the activity of plankton communities in ponds. However, the expertise for making these analyses is not available on most shrimp farms. Benthos Measurements of benthic productivity are extremely tedious, and they are seldom practical to make on shrimp farms. Feed management Feed is one of the most expensive management inputs, and the feed nutrients that are not converted to shrimp flesh cause water quality deterioration in ponds. Feed ingredients also are important resources that should not be wasted. Thus, feed management is a critical aspect of environmentally-responsible shrimp culture. (see chaper 4) Feed quality The quality of feed is very important because high quality feeds are used more efficiently by shrimp and produce less waste in ponds. Feeds should be made of high quality ingredients that are not contaminated with pesticides or other agricultural chemicals. Feeds should contain an efficient binder to assure water stability so that shrimp can eat the feed particles before they disintegrate on the pond bottom. Feeds that contain a large proportion of small particles and dust (called fines) should be avoided because shrimp cannot eat these small particles. Feeds also should contain no more nitrogen (nitrogen x 6.25 = crude protein) and phosphorus than necessary to satisfy shrimp dietary requirements. Excessive nitrogen and phosphorus in feeds will increase nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to water and encourage excessive phytoplankton blooms. Shrimp feeds containing 20 to 30% crude protein are adequate in semi-intensive shrimp culture. Several trials on low protein feeds were conducted by Auburn University at shrimp farms in Honduras as part of the USAID, Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program (PD/A CRSP). Unpublished results of these studies suggested that low protein feed can be just as efficient as high protein feeds in semi-intensive shrimp culture. Based on results of the PD/A CRSP studies, farmers may want to conduct trials with feed containing 20% or less protein. By using a low-protein content feed, the fish meal con-


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

tent of shrimp feeds can be reduced. However, care must be taken not to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus too much. If feeds are deficient in nitrogen (protein) and phosphorus, more feed will be required per kilogram of shrimp production. This will lead to higher organic matter inputs and impaired water quality. See Chapter 1. Feed brought onto a shrimp farm should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to prevent mold. Feed should be used promptly and before the expiration date suggested by the manufacturer to protect its quality. Shrimp are able to utilize fresh feed that has been stored properly better than old or deteriorated feed, and less waste and pollution of the pond will result. Feeding practices Feed should be applied conservatively so that shrimp have an opportunity to consume as much of the feed as possible. This is an important economic consideration, and it also reduces the input of nutrients to ponds. Feed amounts should be based on feeding charts that take into account shrimp biomass. Estimate of shrimp biomass should be made by frequent samplings with cast nets to determine growth rate. Feeding trays also can be used to ascertain if shrimp are eating most of the feed applied. Some farmers attempt to offer all feed on feeding trays, but this practice seldom is feasible in large, semi-intensive ponds. Feed should be spread as uniformly over ponds as possible to prevent feed accumulation in specific locations on the pond bottom. Accumulation of feed on the bottom can result in deterioration of soil quality. If possible, feed should be offered more than once per day in order to increase the proportion of applied feed consumed by the shrimp. Feeding rates above 30 to 40 kg/ha per day in un-aerated ponds without high rates of water exchange can lead to water quality deterioration. Thus, ponds should be stocked at rates that do not require high feed inputs. Impaired water quality in ponds, and especially low dissolved oxygen concentration, stresses shrimp and they do not eat well. They also will be more susceptible to disease, convert feed to shrimp flesh less efficiently, and suffer greater mortality. Therefore, shrimp farmers should strive to maintain good water quality in ponds by maintaining moderate stocking, feeding, and fertilization rates. When shrimp are stressed or diseased, they will not consume feed well. Therefore, during periods when shrimp are not eating well, feed inputs should be reduced to minimize waste. However, cloudy weather is not a good reason to reduce feed input if shrimp are eating well and dissolved oxygen concentrations are within the normal range. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) is one of the most important variables in shrimp farming. Farmers should keep careful records of the amount of feed applied to each pond so that the


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

FCR can be calculated. The goal should be to reduce the FCR to as low a value as practical. In semi-intensive culture, it should be possible to obtain FCR values of 1.5 to 1.8. Farmers certainly should try to prevent FCR from rising above 2.0. Water quality management The most important means of preventing water quality deterioration in ponds during grow out is good feed management. If low dissolved oxygen concentration occurs during grow out in semi-intensive shrimp culture, the only means available to the farmer usually is to increase water exchange. Of course, increasing water exchange will increase the amounts of pollutants discharged from ponds. The alternative to water exchange for counteracting low dissolved oxygen concentration is mechanical aeration. Unfortunately, most semiintensive shrimp farms do not have electrical services for operating electric aerators. In the United States, tractor-powered emergency aerators are often used to prevent mortality of fish or shrimp when dissolved oxygen is low. These devices are much more effective than water exchange for combating crises of low dissolved oxygen concentration, and they can be moved from one pond to another as required. It is not feasible to provide the technical details for fabrication of tractor-powered paddle wheel aerators in this report. However, tractor-powered aerators can be purchased from the United States, and they could be fabricated locally. A photograph of a tractor-powered paddle wheel aerator is provided (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Tractor-powered paddle wheel aerator.

Many times, organic matter originating from uneaten feed and moribund phytoplankton or other plants accumulates in the corners of ponds. The material appears as a floating scum, but usually there is also accumulation of organic matter on the bottom beneath the floating scum. Water and soil quality deterioration in the corners of ponds can be prevented by periodic removal of the scum by manual means.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Use of drugs, antibiotics and other chemicals Some farmers treat ponds with various chemicals when diseases occur in shrimp. These products usually have limited effectiveness and we recommend that they not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. This recommendation is based on the fact that some of these products may be toxic to aquatic animals in natural waters receiving pond effluents. Also, some of these products are bioaccumulative and residues could occur in shrimp harvested from ponds in which they were applied. Some farmers insist upon or occassionally find it necessary to use medicated feed and other chemicals for disease control. If this practice is to be carried out, there should be a diagnosis of the disease and a specific chemical product known to be effective against the disease should be used. Use of the chemical should follow the manufacturers' instructions, and water should not be discharged from treated ponds until the chemical has been degraded by natural processes. All precautionary measures should be taken to assure worker safety such as use of protective gear whenever using chemicals. Under no circumstances should chemicals banned in shrimp-importing countries be applied to shrimp ponds. Any chemicals used on farms should be stored in a secure area, and unused portions should be disposed of in an environmentally-responsible manner. The manufacturer should be consulted about proper disposal techniques. Probiotics and other treatments In Asia, a large number of chemical, physical, and biological treatments have been used for the purpose of enhancing water quality in ponds. These products include formalin, chlorine, benzylchromium chloride, provodone iodine, zeolite, peroxides, bacterial inocula, enzyme preparations, etc. Most of these products are not appropriate for use in large, semi-intensive ponds. Also, formalin, chlorine, and other strong chemicals have not been effective, and they could cause negative environmental impacts. In the past few years, a class of products known as probiotics and consisting of bacterial inocula, enzyme preparations, and plant extracts have received increasing use in semiintensive shrimp culture. To date, there is little evidence that these substances can significantly enhance soil and water quality in ponds or improve natural productivity (Boyd and Gross 1998). However, there is evidence that bacterial inocula and grapefruit seed extracts can improve survival of culture species (Queiroz and Boyd 1998b; Boyd and Gross 1998). Much additional research is needed to elucidate the modes of action of these products and to determine how and when they can be used for the most benefit to shrimp production. Fortunately, there is no reason to suspect that probiotic use could result in negative environmental impacts.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

In summary, there is not enough documentation of successful use of bactericides, oxidizing agents, zeolite, probiotics and other related products for us to recommend use of these substances. In particular, we do not recommend the use of strong chemical treatments such as chlorine, formalin, and insecticides that may cause negative environmental impacts. Effluent management Nutrients, organic matter, and suspended solids in effluents can cause negative environmental impacts in coastal waters. By reducing water exchange, the amount of effluent released during the crop can be greatly reduced. However, at present, technology for harvesting shrimp without draining ponds is not available and ponds must be drained to remove the crop. Possible means of reducing the concentration of potential pollutants in shrimp pond effluent are as follows:


use good management practices during the grow-out period discharge the final 20 to 25% of the pond effluent as slowly as possible to minimize resuspension of solids from the pond bottom pass the effluent through a sedimentation basin construct, maintain, and operate drainage canals to minimize erosion of the sides of bottoms of these conduits prevent erosion at the final outfall of the farm (Boyd 1999).


Pond Management to reduce impacts of effluents Nutrients in aquaculture pond effluents mainly come from fertilizers and feeds applied to ponds to stimulate the production of the culture species. Organic fertilizers, e.g., animal manures or other agricultural byproducts, are sometimes applied to ponds. These materials contain nitrogen and phosphorus that are released into the water as the organic fertilizer is decomposed by microbes. Chemical fertilizers, e.g. urea, triple superphosphate, diammonium phosphate, mixed fertilizers, etc., dissolve in water to release nitrogen and phosphorus. Feeds also contain nitrogen and phosphorus. Some of the nitrogen and phosphorus in feeds enter the water when unconsumed feed and feces decompose, and more is added when ammonia is excreted by the culture species. Organic nitrogen and phosphorus are both present in the water as a component of living plankton and soluble organic matter. Inorganic nitrogen is dissolved in the water primarily as ammonia nitrogen and nitrate.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Inorganic phosphorus in water may be contained on suspended soil particles or in soluble phosphate. Phytoplankton and other plants use ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, and soluble inorganic phosphorus for growth. Nitrogen and phosphorus contained in dead particulate organic matter or soluble organic matter in the water may be transformed by microbial decomposition to ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, or phosphate. Because organic nitrogen and phosphorus can be transformed to soluble inorganic form by microbes, the eutrophication potential of pond effluents increases as the total concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus increases. In ponds with heavy plankton blooms, most of the nitrogen and phosphorus may be contained in plankton and detritus rather than in soluble form. Pond effluents with low concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, and phosphate, but with high plankton abundance, may still have as great a pollution potential as an effluent with high concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, and phosphate. This results because the organic matter (plankton, detritus, and soluble organic matter) that enters natural waters via pond effluent will decompose and release ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, and phosphate. Many shrimp farmers may not think that pond effluents contain much nitrogen and phosphorus because they do not use organic fertilizers. They use chemical fertilizers sparingly and only near the beginning of the culture period, when the feed conversion ratio is good. Shrimp farmers may not understand the relationship between feed conversion ratio (FCR) and feeding wastes. The FCR is the weight of feed applied divided by the net weight of shrimp harvested. Some may think that an FCR of 1.5 means that 1.5 kg of feed will provide 1 kg of shrimp and generate 0.5 kg of waste. This would be a gross underestimate of waste generation in shrimp feeding. The relationship among feed input, shrimp production, and waste generation will be analyzed more carefully. The feed used in aquaculture normally is a dry pellet. Shrimp feed contains about 90% dry matter and 10% water. Shrimp, on the other hand, contain about 25% dry matter and 75% water. Thus, in the production of 1 kg of shrimp with 1.5 kg of feed (feed conversion ratio of 1.5), 1.35 kg dry matter in feed yields 0.25 kg dry matter in shrimp. From an ecological point of view, 1.35 kg (1.5 kg feed x 0.9) dry nutritive substance has to be used to produce 0.25 kg (1 kg shrimp x 0.25) of dry matter in shrimp. Thus, the dry matter conversion ratio is only 5.4 (1.35 kg dry feed / 0.25 kg dry shrimp). The ratio of shrimp to wastes of 1:0.5 based on the usual method for estimating feed conversion ratio is an apparent ratio, but the true ratio based on dry matter is 1:4.4. Suppose that a shrimp feed contains 35% crude protein and 1.2% phosphorus. Crude protein is estimated as percentage nitrogen multiplied by 6.25, so this feed has 5.6% N, and 1.5 kg of this feed contains 84 g nitrogen (1,500 g feed x 0.056) and 18 g phosphorus (1,500 g feed x 0.012). The 1 kg of shrimp produced by the feed will contain 0.25 kg dry matter, and the shrimp dry matter is about 11% nitrogen and 1.25% phosphorus. It follows that 27.5 g nitrogen (250 g dry shrimp x 0.11) and 3 g phosphorus (250 g dry shrimp x 0.0125) are contained in the shrimp.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

The differences between the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in the feed and in the harvested shrimp represent the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the pond water. In this example, each kilogram of live shrimp would result in 56.5 g nitrogen and 15 g of phosphorus in wastes. On a per ton basis, this would be 56.5 kg nitrogen and 15 kg phosphorus. In a pond without water exchange, much of the nitrogen and phosphorus will be removed from the water. Nitrogen will be lost to the air by volatilization of ammonia and by microbial denitrification. Some nitrogen will be contained in organic matter deposited in the pond bottom, and phosphorus will be absorbed by sediment. Recent studies suggested that about 50% of the nitrogen and 65% of the phosphorus added in feed could be removed from the water of a pond without water exchange through physical, chemical, and biological processes. Considering that about 25 to 35% of the nitrogen and 15 to 25% of phosphorus added in feed is recovered in shrimp at harvest, only 15 to 25% of the nitrogen and 10 to 20% of the phosphorus applied in feed would be lost in effluent at pond draining. Of course, with water exchange, there would be a greater loss of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluents, because more nitrogen and phosphorus would be flushed out of ponds before being removed by natural purification processes within the pond. Even in a pond with zero water exchange, the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus at pond draining might be 12.6 to 21 kg nitrogen and 1.8 to 3.6 kg phosphorus where 1 ton of shrimp is produced at a feed conversion ratio of 1.5 (see example above). Thus, for different levels of production, the nitrogen and phosphorus outputs might be as follows:

These outputs represent rather large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. The effluents from aquaculture can be a threat leading to eutrophication of natural waters into which they are discharged. Eutrophication is an increase of natural productivity caused by increased levels of nutrients, and in some cases, leading to algae blooms and low dissolved oxygen levels. Several measures can be taken to avoid or minimize eutrophication as follows:

Minimize water exchange. By retaining water in ponds for a longer time, there is greater opportunity for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by natural processes. Use a high quality feed. A feed that is water stable can be eaten more completely by shrimp. Also, a high quality feed results in less feces and metabolic waste.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Use feeds with the lowest nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations that are compatible with good feed quality. This will minimize the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastes. Feed conservatively. Overfeeding results in wasted feed and increases the amount of waste. It is important for the shrimp to eat all of the feed put into ponds for both economic and environmental reasons. When draining ponds, try to minimize the velocity of outflowing water so that sediment is not resuspended from pond bottoms. This practice will lower the amount of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in effluents by retaining organic particles with in the pond. Maintain good dissolved oxygen concentrations in ponds by not overstocking and feeding too much so that the pond can assimilate most of the wastes. The assimilative capacities of ponds differ, and aerated ponds can assimilate much more waste than unaerated ponds. Good dissolved oxygen concentrations favor oxidation of ammonia to nitrate and nitrate can then be denitrified in the sediment. Dry pond bottoms and lime acidic bottom soils between harvests to favor organic matter decomposition. This will reduce the accumulation of organic matter in bottom soils. Less organic matter at the beginning of the crop will reduce the likelihood of poor soil quality later in the crop.

Settling basins Although water exchange rates tend to be lower than in the past, most shrimp farms still exchange some water. In fact, the greatest volume of effluent normally results from water exchange. When a 1-m deep pond is drained for harvest, 10,000 m3 of effluent are released per hectare. For comparison, the amount of effluent from different average water exchange rates during a 120-day grow-out period are provided below:


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

At a low water exchange rate of 2%, the volume of water released is still 2.4 times the volume of the draining effluent, and the difference is 18 times at 15% daily exchange. Although there is a lot of discussion about not exchanging water to minimize the discharge of nutrients and organic matter into natural water bodies, little thought is given to the water discharged at harvest. Assume that a shrimp farmer lowers water exchange to 2% per day as a practice to minimize possible environment effects. The average concentrations of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and total dissolved solids (TSS), two important water quality variables in pollution control efforts, are about 5 mg/L and 100 mg/L, respectively, in waters of semi-intensive ponds. Thus, about 120 kg BOD5/ha and 2,400 kg TSS/ha would be discharged from ponds through water exchange during the crop period. Near harvest, BOD5 and TSS concentrations will have increased to about 10 mg/L and 150 mg/L, respectively. When ponds are drained, effluent will be almost identical in composition to pond water until about 80% of the pond volume has been released. During final draining to empty ponds, concentrations of BOD5, TSS, and other substances will increase because of sediment resuspension caused by crowding of frightened shrimp, shallow and rapidly flowing water, and harvest activities. The average BOD5 and TSS concentrations often are about 50 mg/L and 1,000 mg/L, respectively, in the final 20% of effluent volume. Thus, the load of BOD5 is about 180 kg/ha and the load of TSS is around 3,200 kg/ha in the effluent released to empty the pond. The draining effluent contributes more to potential pollution than does water exchange at 2% per day. The following table allows a better assessment of the situation described above.

The last 20% of draining effluent contributes about 33% of BOD5 and 35% of TSS released during the entire crop. The final effluent also is many times more concentrated than the water exchange effluent and the initial draining effluent (first 80%). Settling basins are very effective in removing coarse solids such as those suspended in water during the final phase of pond draining. Also, considerable BOD5 is associated with the coarse solids. Studies have shown that 60 to 80% of TSS and 15 to 30% of BOD5 can be


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

removed in a settling basin with only 6 to 8 hours of water detention time. Settling basins offer an excellent method for treating effluent released during shrimp harvest, and especially the final, highly-concentrated effluent. Settling basins are simply ponds that detain water for long enough time for coarse suspended solids to settle to the bottom. These basins can be 1 or 2 m deep, and water should be introduced at the surface on one side and discharged from the surface on the other side. The size of the basin depends upon the inflow rate and the detention time necessary for removing coarse solids. Shrimp farmers may think that settling basins will require too much space. However, this opinion is not necessarily true. Consider a 500-ha shrimp farm with 1-m deep ponds operated with an average daily water exchange of 2%. The daily water exchange volume would be 100,000 m3, and on a day when 20 ha of ponds are completely drained, the effluent volume would increase to only 300,000 m3 per day. To provide a detention time of 8 hours, a 100,000-m3 settling basin would be necessary. This would require a 1-m deep settling basin of 10 ha or a 1.5-m deep settling basin of 6.67 ha. These areas would be only 2% and 1.34% of the farm area. Thus, we conclude that widespread use of sedimentation to treat shrimp farm effluents is feasible. In addition to removing the coarse solids from the final effluent, settling basins also would remove solids from the effluent released during water exchange and in the initial phase of pond draining. This is important because a literature review of shrimp farm effluent (Boyd and Gautier 2000) revealed that total suspended solids are consistently above 100 mg/L. Most water quality permits only allow 50 mg/L total suspended solids, so without sedimentation basins, shrimp farm effluents can be expected to exceed the widely-used effluent permit limit of 50 mg/L. Settling basins gradually fill in as they accumulate sediment, and detention time for water declines. Thus, settling basins should be constructed 1.5 to 2 times larger than necessary. Even with reserve capacity, settling basins will lose volume as sediment accumulates, and they must be cleared out occasionally to maintain adequate performance. Dual settling basins should be constructed so that one can be in use while the other is being cleaned. However, even if settling basins are constructed in duplicate and with reserve capacity, they still would not require more than 4 to 6% of the area of a large farm. Of course, on a small farm, the proportion of farm area devoted to settling would have to be much larger - often 10 to 20% of farm area. Nevertheless, settling basins seem to be the only practical means of treating effluents from either small or large shrimp farms. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS It is not easy to formulate water quality standards for effluents from a previously unregulated activity such as shrimp farming. Standards must be strict enough to provide environmental protection, or those representing environmental interests will object. On the other


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

hand, standards must not be too strict, or shrimp farmers will not be able to comply with them. A reasonable approach to this problem is to compare water quality concentrations in shrimp farm effluents with water quality limits applied to activities that are currently regulated. This comparison should reveal if some variables in shrimp pond effluents are likely to be outside normally accepted ranges, and suggest the measures necessary to provide a satisfactory effluent. Standards could then be established based on the effluent concentrations that can be expected if shrimp farmers apply the best management practices and treatment methodology that is economically feasible within the industry. Relatively few organizations have prepared water quality standards for shrimp farm effluents. Although three examples of effluent standards are available for the United States, they were not considered suitable for use here. Water quality standards are commonly formulated for inclusion in permits for discharge of municipal, industrial, and other types of effluents. The usual variables and concentration limits found in effluent water quality standards are provided in Table 4. Shrimp farm effluents will often exceed typical limits for total suspended solids and total phosphorus concentrations. Shrimp farm effluents also may occasionally have pH above 9.0 and dissolved oxygen below 5 mg/L. Shrimp farms have limited options for effluent treatment. The only economically feasible ways of improving effluent quality appear to be adoption of best management practices (BMPs) and installation of sedimentation basins. Application of BMPs can lower nutrient inputs, reduce sediment resuspension and erosion, and improve dissolved oxygen concentrations. Use of BMPs can also moderate pH and total ammonia nitrogen concentrations in pond waters, with resulting effluents of higher quality. Nevertheless, on many shrimp farms, application of BMPs alone will not be sufficient to lower total suspended solids and total phosphorus concentrations below limits in typical effluent standards. Total phosphorus is associated mainly with suspended particles, and sedimentation lowers both total phosphorus and total suspended solids concentrations. The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) has developed effluent standards for shrimp farming (Boyd and Gautier 2000). We highly recommend that shrimp farmers attempt to comply with these standards. Compliance with newly developed effluent water quality standards cannot be achieved immediately. GAA will begin with rather liberal effluent standards. These will require participants to demonstrate improvements in effluent quality, and ultimately comply with more restrictive target standards. Semi-intensive shrimp farms have better-quality effluents than intensive shrimp farms, but the same effluent standards should apply to both types of shrimp culture. It will just be easier for semi-intensive farms to comply with the standards. Initial standards should be at least strict enough to prevent unusually low pH or dissolved oxygen concentration and extremely high concentrations of other variables. The GAA program uses the most liberal limits observed in other permits (Table 4) as the limits in its initial standards (Table 5) for shrimp


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

farm effluents. The limits in the target standards are about the same as those frequently found in effluent permits (Table 4). Although it is common to have a turbidity limit in effluent standards, one was not included in the proposed effluent standards. Usually, if total suspended solids concentrations in aquaculture pond effluents are within acceptable limits, turbidity also will be below the maximum permissible concentration. However, collection of data to verify this generalization would be useful.

Table 4. Water quality variables and their concentration limits found in effluent permits for activities other than shrimp farming.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

Table 5. Suggested initial and target water quality standards for shrimp farm effluents

<100 <0.5 <5.0 <50 >4.0

<50 <0.3 <3.0 <30 >5.0

Water analysis Water analysis is a highly specialized field and methods for measuring the concentration of almost any possible constituent of water are available. These methods may be found in several standard water analysis manuals. The most widely used of these manuals is the "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" (Cleoceri et al. 1998). To make water analyses according to standard procedures, a water analysis laboratory and a well-trained analyst are essential. In practical aquaculture, only a few water quality data are needed in making water quality management decisions. These normally include pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, and plankton abundance. Water analysis kits that test these variables are available at a modest cost. The kits provide sufficiently accurate data on which to base management decisions. A Secchi disk, which may be constructed from common items or purchased for a small cost, may be used to estimate plankton abundance. Water sampling Water samples for dissolved oxygen or carbon dioxide analyses must be collected so that they do not come in contact with the atmosphere. If a sample is supersaturated with dissolved gases, the gases are lost to the atmosphere. A number of samplers are available for collecting water for dissolved gas analyses, but the least expensive types may be obtained from the manufacturers of water analysis kits.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Samples for total alkalinity, total hardness, or pH may come in contact with the air without introduction of appreciable errors in measurement. Samples of surface water may be secured by simply immersing an open-mouthed bottle and allowing it to fill. Samplers may also be constructed for obtaining water from greater depths. For example, a stoppered bottle may be attached to a wooden stick and lowered to the desired depth. The stopper is then jerked out with an attached cord so that the bottle may fill. Once the water sample has been collected it should be analyzed as soon as possible to prevent changes in concentrations of the constituents of interest. Water analysis kits The largest and best known manufacturer of water analysis kits is probably the Hach Company of Loveland, Colorado, USA, but kits of comparable quality may be obtained from other companies. In using kits, the directions should be followed carefully and all operations conducted with as much precision as possible. Slight errors in measuring the volumes of samples or titrating agents will be greatly magnified in the final results. For measuring total hardness or total alkalinity on samples with low concentrations (below 20 or 30 mg/L) of these constituents, the volumes of samples and reagents should be increased by five times to get reliable results. Measurements of pH with water analysis kits are 0.5 to 1.0 pH unit higher than the correct values obtained with a pH meter. The reagents in water analysis kits deteriorate with time and should be replaced every 6 to 12 months. In spite of the limitations of water analysis kits, they are often the only method available for water analysis in shrimp culture, and with reasonable care the kits will provide useful data. In Table 6, comparisons are made between data obtained on the samples by a Hach water analysis kit and by standard laboratory procedures. Table 6. Comparison of determinations made on water samples by standard methods and a Hach water analysis kit.
PROCEDURE A Total alkalinity (mg/L) Standard Method Hach Kit Total hardness (mg/L) Standard Method Hach Kit Carbon dioxide (mg/L) Standard Method Hach Kit Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) Standard Method Hach Kit pH Standard Method Hach Kit 11.0 15.6 31.8 33.7 49.6 49.4 119.7 116.3 B SAMPLE C

7.7 11.1

27.1 32.7

53.4 55.7

107.5 110.4

1.2 5.0

4.3 5.0

10.9 10.0

18.0 15.0

1.1 2.0

2.7 2.8

4.9 4.0

8.6 8.0

4.5 5.0

5.5 6.1

7.8 9.0

8.8 9.7


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

More advanced, and expensive, water analysis kits are available. These kits have the capacity for measuring dissolved gases, pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, sulfate, chloride, conductivity, and several other water quality variables. The more elaborate kits are suitable for aquaculture management and for some types of research in aquaculture. Hach Company makes one kit specifically for shrimp farming. Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen is probably the most important single variable in aquaculture. Fortunately, measurements of dissolved oxygen are easy to make using polarographic or amperometric sensors and electronic meter. The most popular dissolved oxygen meters in shrimp farming are the several models of oxygen meters marketed by the Yellow Springs Instrument Company, Yellow Spring, Ohio, USA. In semi-intensive shrimp ponds, a minimum of two measurements should be made each day during the growing season. Measurements made at dawn and late afternoon will normally provide information on the daily extremes. Critical dissolved oxygen concentrations usually occur at night, and it is often desirable to make dissolved oxygen measurements during the night in ponds with dense phytoplankton blooms. Dissolved oxygen concentrations can vary considerably with depth and area location. In shrimp ponds, the lowest dissolved oxygen concentration is usually in the deepest water where the shrimp spend most of their time. Thus, dissolved oxygen measurements should be made in the deep end of the pond and near the bottom. It is important to prevent the dissolved oxygen probe from contacting the bottom or erroneous readings will result. Ideally, the measurements should be made 5 cm above the bottom. Because of the importance of obtaining reliable dissolved oxygen data in shrimp farming, a discussion of dissolved oxygen meters and their use will be provided. The meter consists of an electrode that produces a current proportional to the tension of oxygen in the water and instrumentation to convert the flow of current to a meter reading that indicates the dissolved oxygen concentration in milligrams per liter. We will discuss operation of the electrode, but not the technique for translating current into milligrams per liter of dissolved oxygen as this is not under control of the operator. A typical dissolved oxygen electrode, often called a probe, consists of a gold electrode and a silver-silver oxide reference electrode. The electrodes are bathed in 4 M KCl and separated from the sample by a membrane usually made of Teflon (Figure 2). The gold ring is the cathode and the silver pellet is the anode. The membrane is permeable to gases and the rate at which oxygen crosses the membrane is related to the oxygen tension in the sample. When an electrical voltage is applied to the probe, molecular oxygen diffusing across the membrane reacts with the cathode and is reduced to form hydroxide: 4e- + O2 + 2H2O = 4HO-


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

A current then flows to the silver electrode and the hydroxide reacts with silver to form silver oxide: 2Ag + 2OH- = Ag2O + H2O + 2e-

The silver oxide appears as a black or brown coating on the silver and acts to form a halfcell that completes the circuit with the gold electrode. The sample and the potassium chloride solution bathing the electrodes do not come to equilibrium with respect to dissolved oxygen because oxygen is consumed at the cathode and we may assume that the oxygen tension beneath the membrane is near zero. The force causing oxygen to diffuse across the membrane is proportional to the tension of the oxygen in the sample. Therefore, when the oxygen tension is low, the current flowing between the two electrodes will be less than when the oxygen tension is high.

Figure 2. Oxygen meter.

The permeability of the membrane to oxygen is greatly affected by temperature. The current produced by 10 mg/L of dissolved oxygen at 10 oC is only about one-fourth the amount produced by 10 mg/L of dissolved oxygen at 30 oC. A thermistor setting in the electrode circuit automatically compensates for this temperature effect. Temperature also affects the current flow between the electrodes through the relationship of temperature to oxygen tension. A water saturated with dissolved oxygen at 15 oC and at a


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

pressure of 760 mm Hg has an oxygen tension of 159 mm Hg and contains 9.76 mg/L of dissolved oxygen. If a dissolved oxygen meter is calibrated for this temperature and pressure, it will read 9.76 mg/L of dissolved oxygen when used for the water mentioned above. Suppose the meter is now used to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration of another water at 20 oC and 760 mm Hg that is saturated with dissolved oxygen. Because of the higher temperature, this water will contain only 8.84 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, but the meter will still read 9.76 mg/L because it was calibrated to read this concentration at an oxygen saturation at 760 mm Hg or at an oxygen tension of 159 mm Hg. Dissolved oxygen meters are equipped with either automatic or manual temperature compensators to correct this discrepancy. The dissolved oxygen concentration in water at saturation also decreases with decreasing atmospheric pressure and with increasing salinity, so most meters are also equipped with manual pressure (altitude) and salinity compensators. The most reliable readings are obtained for waters that contain dissolved oxygen concentrations between 2 mg/L and the concentration of dissolved oxygen at saturation for the particular water temperature and atmospheric pressure. Readings obtained for waters with very low concentrations (both in milligrams per liter and in tension) of dissolved oxygen and for waters supersaturated with dissolved oxygen are only approximate. It is imperative that the meter be properly calibrated for the local atmospheric pressure, the electrode be properly fitted with a clean membrane, and any manual temperature and salinity compensations be made before taking dissolved oxygen readings. It is often desirable to check dissolved oxygen meters to determine if they are giving accurate readings. This can be done on a shrimp farm by an approximate method. Saturate a sample of distilled water with oxygen, "air calibrate" the dissolved oxygen meter as explained in the manufacturer's instructions, and compare the measured dissolved oxygen concentration to the theoretical dissolved oxygen concentration for the appropriate temperature. It is difficult to bring the dissolved oxygen concentration in a water sample exactly to equilibrium with atmospheric oxygen. However, an approximate equilibrium can be attained by slowly stirring a sample of distilled water in a clean container for 15 or 20 minutes and then letting it stand undisturbed for a few hours.

Secchi disk visibility

As mentioned in the section, "Measuring Productivity," a Secchi disk is 20 cm in diameter, painted with black and white quadrants, and attached to a calibrated line. The disk is weighted on the underside with a lead plate so that it will sink readily. Secchi disks may be purchased from scientific supply houses or constructed from sheet metal, Plexiglas, or masonite. A flat paint should be used to prevent glare. A suitable alternative to attaching the disk to a calibrated line is to attach it from its center to a vertical meter stick. Secchi disk visibilities seldom exceed 40 or 50 cm in productive aquaculture systems, so measurements will seldom be limited because of the length of the meter stick.


Management practices for reducing the environmental impacts of shrimp farming

Secchi disk visibility is not a suitable estimate of plankton unless plankton is the primary source of turbidity. An experienced observer can readily distinguish between plankton turbidity and other forms of turbidity. However, the novice must remember that plankton blooms are not always green. Plankton blooms may also impart yellow, red, brown, or black coloration to water. Usually plankton organisms are large enough that their particulate nature is obvious if water and its contents are viewed against a white background. To obtain the Secchi disk visibility, lower the disk into the water until it just disappears and record the depth. Lower the disk a little more and then raise it until it just reappears and record the depth. In making these measurements, view the disk from directly above. The average of the two depth readings is the Secchi disk visibility. Conditions for taking Secchi disk measurements should be standardized. A good practice is to make measurements on calm days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. If possible, make readings when the sun is not behind clouds. Make measurements on the lee (downwind) side of the boat with the sun behind you. Even when conditions are carefully standardized, Secchi disk visibilities obtained at the same time by different observers for the same body of water will vary slightly. Furthermore, the same observer may obtain slightly different readings if the disk is viewed in the same pond at different times of the day. In practice these slight variations are not critical. In the absence of a Secchi disk, any white object or even the palm of your hand can be used to judge turbidity in pond waters.


Methods for improving shrimp farming in Central America

Literature Cited
Boyd, C.E. 1995. Bottom Soils, Sediment, and Pond Aquaculture. Chapman and Hall, New York, New York, USA. 348 pp. Boyd, C. E. and C. S. Tucker. 1992. Water Quality and Pond Soil Analyses for Aquaculture. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Alabama, USA. 183 pp. Geiger, J. C. 1983. A review of pond zooplankton production and fertilization for the culture of larval and fingerling stripped bass. Aquaculture 35: 353-369. Potts, A. C. and C. E. Boyd. 1998. Chlorination of Channel catfish ponds. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 29:432-440. Snow, J. R. and R. O. Jones. 1959. Some effects of lime applications to warmwater hatchery ponds. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of the Game and Fish Commission 13:95-101. White, G.F. 1992. The Handbook of Chlorination. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, New York, USA. 1,308 pp.


This manual was printed at the Offset Graphic Workshop of UCA University Press Managua, Nicaragua December 2001

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