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02 Feb 10 Beekeeping Manual v2 PDF

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Beekeeping can provide income and nutrition for rural communities in Africa. Honey, wax and pollination are economically and ecologically important.

Beekeeping is cheap, sustainable, low-tech and compatible with local agriculture. It can improve livelihoods and biodiversity.

The manual covers bee biology, hive construction, apiary setup, honey harvesting and basic bee management through pictures for non-literate users.

Training Manual for Beekeepers

in Developing Countries
Gay Marris, PhD, and Pam Gregory, MSc, NDB

This manual is freely available to anyone working in developing countries

APICULTURE IS an important agricultural activity in rural

Africa, where honey, wax and other bee products are
vital sources of food and income in poor communities.
Honey has a high cash value and is very nutritious. It
also has useful medicinal properties and is often used
as a traditional remedy for infections and minor injuries
where no other treatments are available. Wax is a basic
ingredient of a variety of goods, including candles, skin
creams and polishes, all of which can be sold or traded
to enhance livelihoods.
Advantages of tropical beekeeping include the facts that it
The next generation – some of those who will benefit from
is a cheap, sustainable, relatively low-tech activity that is beekeeping projects in developing countries
compatible with local crop production systems and it can
be carried out by small-scale farmers, women’s groups, This manual is specifically designed for use by field-based
youth associations and cooperative societies. In addition, trainers developing apiculture initiatives in sub-Saharan
as pollinators, bees also play a crucial role in the Africa and covers all the basic techniques needed to start a
conservation of biodiversity in many vulnerable ecosystems. beekeeping business.
African forests contain a rich array of trees and plants,
providing excellent foraging habitats for honey bees. A
further range of commercially important crops, including Since we recognise that many of the people likely to be
coffee, tea, fruit, oil seed, maize, sorghum and various interested in using this manual will not necessarily be
vegetables, relies to some extent on the pollination services literate, the Basic Beekeeping Manual is comprised of
provided by honey bees. colour photographs collected in real field situations. It offers
ideas to help beekeepers become independent by making
Although it is well accepted that beekeeping can offer local materials.
people in rural communities a way of generating additional
Divided into nine short
income, appropriate training tools to help people get
sections, the manual begins
started are hard to find. Available materials need to be
by outlining ‘The life of the
affordable, accessible and in a format that those who need
bee’ and provides
to use them can easily understand.
illustrations of all key life
Pam Gregory is the author of the Basic Beekeeping Manual, stages. The first chapter
produced in collaboration with Gay Marris of the National should allow the user easily
Bee Unit (Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera)). to identify the queen bee,

(above) The Manual is

copiously illustrated, here
with an emerging worker
(far left) Beeswax products
from Hives Save Lives
(left) Some honeys from

Page 4 Bee Craft February 2010

Extraction must be undertaken under clean conditions and
honey needs to be well strained to achieve the highest
possible quality product.
The final section shows ‘How to harvest beeswax’. As with
all other parts of the manual, Pam demonstrates how
locally available materials and tools can be used very
effectively, at minimal cost to the beekeeper.
The picture below is of a homemade solar wax extractor. An
old car window focuses the sun’s rays onto a reflective
sheet of aluminium foil. This produces enough heat to melt
all the wax held in a cloth filtering-bag. Sieved, molten wax
runs down into a collection container at the bottom of the
apparatus, ready to be taken away to cool and solidify.

The women of the Nessuit Project (Rift Valley, Kenya)

lining a hive with cow dung and mud. This will prevent The Basic Beekeeping Manual has already been distributed
ants, lizards and other pests from raiding the hive, once it to a large number of beekeeping initiatives in 25 developing
has been completed countries, including 14 African nations. Recipients vary
greatly in their interests, existing levels of beekeeping
her workers and drones, together with sealed and unsealed expertise and scale of enterprise.
They include members and support workers for
The next two sections, ‘How to keep safe when beekeeping’ well-established apiculture development projects overseas,
and ‘How to make a simple bee veil’, emphasise the need such as those run by Bees Abroad; stakeholders in
to be protected while beekeeping. This is particularly government initiatives, including The Uganda National
relevant when working with aggressive African bees. Apiculture Development Organisation (TUNADO);
organisations working with communities to improve the
The manual provides a plan for ‘How to make a movable
quantity and quality of organic signature honeys brought to
comb top bar beehive’. Such hives do not have to be
market (eg, Forest Fruits Ltd); programmes with the aim of
constructed from expensive wood. Beekeepers can use
alleviating poverty by generating income through beekeeping
scrap timber, raphia palm, bamboo – or whatever material
(eg, Farm Income Diversity Programme (FIDP) and many other
is available locally that will do an effective job.
examples); rural beekeeping cooperatives seeking training
The fifth section, ‘How to set up a good apiary’, explains and advice to improve their yields of hive products.
how a site must be carefully selected, so that it is easy to The Manual is provided
get to but away from people and noise. It must be close to completely free of any
sources of water, pollen and nectar, but protected from charge (including post and
strong sun and wind. The manual provides further advice packaging) to all
on how to place hives within an apiary so that they are not beekeeping development
too crowded and not too easily accessible to predators, projects. For details of how
such as honey badgers. to obtain copies of the
manual, please contact Gay
Section six, ‘How to manage the bees’, helps the user to
Marris, Science
inspect his/her hive(s) safely and to understand what
Coordinator, National Bee
he/she sees.
Unit, The Food and
Two further sections deal with ‘How to harvest quality Environment Research
honey’ and ‘How to extract quality honey’, respectively. In Agency, Sand Hutton, York,
the former case, this needs to be done in a manner that is YO41 1LZ, UK or e-mail:
sustainable and minimises damage to brood comb.

(above) A home-made solar

wax extractor

(far left) Clearing an apiary

site in Malawi

(left) The manual includes

tips such as using a beer
bottle top to measure the
width of top bars

Bee Craft February 2010 Page 5

award from the Waterloo Foundation that has enabled us to
produce and distribute a second print run of the Basic
Beekeeping Manual, including a limited number of robust,
fully laminated copies for use by trainers in the most
challenging field conditions.
These outputs are in line with the Waterloo Foundation’s
goals: to increase access to education; to provide sufficient
information to allow individuals/communities to initiate new
business; to promote clean, sustainable food production. Its
award will also fund the development, production and
distribution of a new illustrated ‘How to’ field manual that
will cover advanced management techniques and problem
solving to complement the first manual.
Although the use of written words is minimised, the current
manual is available in English, French, Swahili and
Beekeepers in Nigeria inspect the activity of their worker Chichewa. ²
bees and the queen, making sure the colony is building up
correctly in this top-bar hive ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The authors are extremely grateful to the Waterloo
Foundation for its continued support of the Basic
Manuals have been extremely well received and feedback Beekeeping Manual.
has been overwhelmingly positive, with demand often
They also acknowledge photographic contributions from
exceeding supply. In 2008 we were delighted to receive an
Margaret Cowley, Ged Marshall, Adrian Waring, Claire
Waring, Max Westby, Paul Latham, Dan Ngirabakuzi, Roy
Dyche, Mike Brown, Brian Durk and Len Dixon. All other
images are from Fera – Crown Copyright courtesy of Fera.


Bee Basic Pam Gregory has kept bees since 1974. She worked for the
UK National Bee Unit from 1976 to 2003. She holds the UK
National Diploma in Beekeeping and an MSc in Overseas
Rural Development. She has spent the last 12 years working
with beekeepers in sub-Saharan Africa.

Pam Gregory, MSc, NDB

For further information about the National Bee Unit (NBU)
in the UK, you can visit The
BeeBase website gives a great deal of information about
the NBU and its work. There is also a general e-mail
address ( to which you can send any
enquiries about honey bees. For enquiries regarding Bee
Health Policy and Regulatory issues in England and Wales,
please contact Bee Health at

Page 6 Bee Craft February 2010

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