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Beekeeping: How To Keep Bees and Process Honey

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Beekeeping: How to keep bees and process honey

Source Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation

Keywords Beekeeping, honey, bees, honey harvesting and
processing, hives
Country of first practice Uganda
ID and publishing year 7360 and 2011
Sustainbale Development Goals Zero hunger, decent work and economic growth,
responsible consumption and production and life on the
This practice describes beekeeping and sheds for children, sick people and those who
the light on choosing of suitable hive and perform heavy manual tasks.
location, and hive populating. Additionally, it 1.2 Choosing the right hive
covers honey harvesting and processing.
The table below lists the advantages and
Description disadvantages of three different types of
hive (see Table 1).
1. How to Keep Bees and Process Honey
1.1 Benefit from beekeeping 1.3 Site selection
• Bees pollinate crops and thus help Some considerations need to be taken into
increase yields. account when choosing the site for the
• High demand for honey exists in local, hives:
regional and international markets. • Beehives should be placed near a source
• Propolis, collected from plants by bees to of water (river, stream, lake, dam or
cover the inside of the hive, treats a broad natural or man-made ponds) and in an
range of ailments. area with adequate vegetation, such as
• Pollen, collected from plants by bees to coffee, sunflower, moringa, mangoes,
feed their larvae, is used in the perfume oranges, bananas and other flowering
industry, and is a food additive and a plants.
medicine. • The site should be fenced to protect bees
• Royal jelly, made by young bees from from people and animals (and people and
gland secretions and fed to the queen animals from bees).
to make her strong, has medicinal • Hives should be located at least 30 m
properties. away from roads and public or noisy
• Beeswax is used in cosmetics, candles and places.
polishes. 1.4 Populating the hive
• Beekeeping has low start-up costs and
There are two ways of
occupies negligible land space.
• About 80 percent of honey consists of populating a swarm:
sugars that are readily absorbed by the
body and honey is thus quite suitable TECHNOLOGIES

Table 1: Choosing the right Hive

1.4.1 Baiting a swarm feather;
• Use a small hive that has already been • cut away combs and honey, leaving about
inhabited by bees and fill it with frames 1 cm of comb on the bar;
or top bars; two of the frames should • place capped honey in a clean, dry
contain combs and the others should container and cover;
have foundation sheets or strips of old • leave at least eight combs for the bees;
comb. and
• Place the hive in a tree or on a roof in • before closing hive, push the unripe combs
such a way that there is some protection next to the combs with brood and place
from the wind. harvested bars behind these.
• Place the hive in its desired place the See Table 1 for possible complications.
very day that the swarm has taken 2.1 Honey processing
occupation of it.
• Baiting is useful only in the swarming To process Honey follow the following
season, usually at the beginning of the steps:
dry season and end of a cold season. • Use a hot rod or knife to de-cap the
1.4.2 Capturing a swarm honeycombs (by passing it over the
You may capture a newly settled swarm • Place the de-capped comb on a piece
around a branch of a tree, but make sure of fine white linen tied over the top of
you wear protective clothing. a plastic container. The de-capped side
• First sprinkle cold water over the bees should face downwards.
with a brush or spray bottle to stop them • Let the honey drip through the cloth until
from moving away. the cells are empty.
• Hold a small hive without frames, a • Turn over the comb and repeat the above
basket or a box under the swarm. process.
• Drive the bees into the hive with a bee • Pack honey in clean, dry jars with well-
brush or smoke. sealed lids. Label with date harvested and
2. Honey harvesting store in a cool place.
For traditional and top-bar hives, harvest 2.2 Keeping records
once or twice a year. For the Langstroth hive, It is important to keep records during
harvest three or four times a year. each hive inspection in order to follow the
Steps for honey harvesting: progress of each colony and monitor its
condition. Hives should be inspected two to
• wear protective clothing: overall, veils, three-times a month. Entries may be made
gloves, boots; under the following headings: hive number,
• light the smoker; date hive occupied, date of inspection,
• gently open the hive; observation, yield in kilogrammes.
• select combs that are two-thirds sealed
full of honey; 3. Case study
• avoid combs with brood; Asaf Ayatuhaire, from Bushenyi District
• lift comb, blow smoke on both sides and in South Western Uganda, has more than
gently brush bees back into hive with a 100 beehives of different types. With an

Table 2: What can go wrong

Source: CTA 2015

annual production of honey of around 4. Validation of the practice

2 000 kg, he earns more than USD 2 200 a • Farmers in Uganda applied this practice.
year and has recently registered a company, 5. Minimum requirements for the successful
West Honeys Uganda. implementation of the practice
But ten years ago, Asaf had just three Choosing a suitable hive and location are
traditional hives and produced only 6 very important and determinant to the
kg of honey a year. Then he attended a successful application of this practice.
national training of trainers programme, Equipment required for honey harvesting
organized and sponsored by the Entomology and processing are mentioned in section 2.
Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. 6. Agro-ecological zones
After completing his training, he became
involved in training other beekeepers and his • Tropics, warm
local communities.
Asaf was also able to interact with Non-
governmental Organizations (NGOs) and
international and local funding agencies,
such as USAID, FAO and the District Farmers
Association. These agencies helped him to
expand his apiary and acquire improved top-
bar hives.
Today, thanks to beekeeping, Asaf has a
permanent house, pays fees for his children
in secondary and higher education and is
able to save from his income. TECHNOLOGIES

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