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Value Chain Analysis of Honey in Kaffa and Sheka Zones of SNNPR, Ethiopia

Article · January 2018


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1 author:

Kassa Tarakegn
Southern Agricultural Research Institute - SARI, Ethiopia


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International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

Value Chain Analysis of Honey in Kaffa and Sheka

Zones of SNNPR, Ethiopia
Kassa Tarekegn1*, Gonche Girma2 and Amenay Assefa1
1. Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Bonga Research Center, P.O. Box 101, Bonga, Ethiopia
2. Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute,
Institute Mekele Center, P.O. Box 24536 code 1000 A.A,
A.A Ethiopia
Corresponding Author’s E-mail_

Abstract – Kaffa and Sheka zones have higher potential in apparently required for making market orientation of
number of bee colony; flora, and favorable climatic honey production [6].
condition. However, current knowledge on bee product value Value chain is useful as a poverty-reduction
poverty tool which
chain is lacking. This study was initiated to analyze honey leads to increase on and off farm
fa rural employment and
value chain with especial emphasis to Kaffa and Sheka zones
income. Increased agricultural productivity alone is not a
of Southern Ethiopia. Both primary and secondary data were
used and a total of 240 honey producing sample households sufficient route out of poverty within the context of
from four purposively selected honey districts were surveyed. globalization. A focus on post-harvest
post activities,
The major identified honey value chain actors in the study differentiated
ntiated value added products and increasing links
area are inputput suppliers, producers, cooperatives, local with access to markets for goods produced by low-income
collectors, wholesalers, retailers, processors and final producers would appear to be the strategy open to
consumers of the product. While districts livestock and smallholders [7]. Value chain is the linked groups of
fishery office, honey unions, Apinec agro-Industry
Industry, Beza mar people and processes by which honey is supplied
supplie to the
agro- industry, Shekanordic honey development
elopment industry and final consumer with a flow of information between the
research institutions are identified honey value chain
people. Understanding the flow of materials through a
supporters. From identified honey marketing channels the
major share of honey goes to marketing through channel value chain is important in understanding opportunities
VIII (producer-collectors–wholesalers--retailer
retailer--consumer). and constraints in the chain, while understanding the flow
ing and encouraging increased use of transitional and and distribution of incentives
ntives is key to understanding how
introducing modern bee-hiveshives with full packages, and to manage risks [8].
establishment beekeepers
ekeepers cooperatives that need SNNPR is one of the potential areas of honey
interventions in the study area. production which accounts 15 percent of the total bee
colonies and 17 percent of the total honey production in
Keywords – Honey, Kaffa and Sheka Zones, Marketing the country. According the report of [9], annually SNNPR
Channels, Value Chain.
produces 5,724,001 kg honey with average productionpr
capacity of 7 kg per hive. Southwestern part of Southern
I. INTRODUCTION Ethiopia contains many nectar and pollen producing plants
suitable for bees that large volume of honey is produced
Ethiopia has favorable natural resource endowment for annually based on traditional beekeeping technique
the beekeeping and comparative advantage in production dominated by forest and backyard beekeeping [10].
of honey and wax [1]. Owing to its varied ecological and Although Kaffa and Sheka zones have higher potential in
climatic conditions, Ethiopia is among the major producer
pro number of bee colony, flora, and favorable climatic
of honey both in Africa and in the world. For instance in condition, productivity and income from it is still low due
2013 the country produced about 45 thousand tones which challenges threatening the sub-sector
sub [11]. However,
accounted about 27% and 3% of African and World honey current knowledge
wledge on bee product value chain is poor and
production respectively and makes the country the largest inadequate for designing policies and institutions to
producers in Africa and the tenth in the world [2]. overcome perceived problems in the production and
Apiculture is a promising off-farm
farm enterprise, which marketing system [12]. Thus, basing on the theory of value
directly and indirectly contributes to smallholder’s income chain analysis, this study mainly focuses on identifying
ide the
in particular and nation’s economy in general [3].It has core actors; activities; marketing channels and identifying
been reported that annually an average of 420 million constraints and opportunities in honey value chain in study
opian Birr is obtained from the sale of honey [1]. The areas.
subsector is also creating job opportunities in both rural
and urban areas through organizing jobless urban and
landless rural youth and women to involve in them in bee
equipment production and beekeeping ng activities [4].
Despite the long tradition of beekeeping in Ethiopia, 2.1. Value Chain Analysis
being the leading honey producer, the availability of huge A variety of approaches used in conducting a value
potential and the attention given
iven to the sector traditional chain analysis. First understanding of different actors in an
production system is the main feature where 96% of the input and output in the value chain. After understanding
hives aree reported to be traditional and 91% of the total the different actors one is able to identify the different
honey produced come from traditional hives [5].Proper tools to use for different actors such as producers and
understanding of the production and market system trader surveys. According to [13], value chain map shows

Copyright © 2017 IJRAS, All right reserved

International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

the flow of product and services among the major actors former is the peak harvesting period contributing majority
from early supply of inputs and production up to of the annual honey production.
consumption. It summarizes major value chain actors, Beekeeping Experience Number
N of Hives and
enterprises (input suppliers) and value chain supporters. Quantity Honey Produced
The value chain
hain also illustrates the different market In the study area the respondents’ the average years of
channels that a product takes before reaching the final beekeeping experience for the entire 240 sampled
consumer [14].Therefore a value chain is an important tool households was about 11 years with minimum and
to use for identifying bottlenecks, as well as possible maximum years 5 and 39 years, respectively.
res This shows
opportunities that may not be apparent otherwise.
oth that the activity was started in the areas about many years
2.2. Survey Methods ago. Having cumulative knowledge of how to keep bees is
A combination of qualitative tools and quantitative tools a prerequisite to the ability to obtain process and use
were used for different categories of actors along the value information related to the practice. With regard to the
chain. Structured questionnaire were used to collect respondents’
dents’ number of hive possession, the average
quantitative data from farm households. Checklists and holding was about 12 hives per household with minimum
unstructured interviews were used to obtain qualitative of 6 and maximum of 49.
data from key actors along the value chain, including
value chain supporters. Table 1. Experience, number of hives owned
o and quantity
The field work for the study was carried out in two honey produced
phases. A reconnaissance visit was made in March, 2015 Variable Mean Std. Min Max
to interview various
rious stakeholders in order to familiarize Dev.
ourselves with the issues of honey production and Beekeeping 10.89 3.951 5 39
marketing and to identify the data to be collected by a experience
formal quantitative survey. This was followed by a value Average number of 12.25 5.0216 6 49
chain survey in July, 2015. Since marketing of honey hon bee hives owned
Average Quantity of 141.52 97.82 62 672
peaks in July and august, this was the most appropriate
honey produced
period to meet producers, traders, processors, exporters as
Source: Own computation (2016)
well as other organizations that play important roles in the
regulation of honey trade.
The survey result in table 2 indicates that honey yield
Sampling per household in the past 2015/16 production year was
The sample farmers were selected using a multistage between 62kgs and 672Kgs minimum and maximum,
sampling procedure based on the following criteria and respectively with mean annual production of 141.52kg.
considerations. First, Chena, Gesha Masha and Andiracha The above result indicates that there is high production
districts were selected purposively based on their gap in average quantity of honey produced among
production potentiality honey production. At the second households
ouseholds may be because of type and possession of
stage with the assistance of livestock and fishery office hives used.
kebeles in each district were stratified into honey producer
Types of Bee Hive used by Beekeepers
eekeepers and
and non-producers;
producers; from these two groups honey
producers kebles were selected. In the third stage, two Productivity of Hives
kebeles were randomly selected from the list of groups According to the survey result, 30% of the respondents
from that produce honey. At the fourth stage, total were using only traditional types of hives and keeping
households that produce honey during 2014/15 from two bees in the forest by hanging the hive on long trees in
randomly selected kebles were identified and listed. dense forests and 24.6% uses only improved beehives.
Finally, 30 honey producing households were selected While, he rest 45.4% of sample beekeepers are using both
randomly from the list of honey producers from the traditional and improved beehives in the sampled districts.
sampled kebles. Accordingly, a total of 240 sample honey
producers households were used for this study.
In addition, the key informants’ interview includes:
districts offices of livestock and fishery, trade and market
development, beekeeping cooperatives ves in selected kebles,
honey unions in the two zones, Sheka Nordic bee product
development industry and Beza mar sub offices, APNIAC
PLC and zonal department of livestock and fishery were
contacted. Data collected from the field study were
analyzed using a value chain analysis approach. Fig. 1. Hive type owned by sampled
sample households in
Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive percentage
statistical analysis technique
3.1. Honey Production Characteristics In the case of productivity of hives in the study area,
According to a districts livestock and fishery office honey yield was markedly different for the types of
(2016), there are two honey harvesting periods the district; beehives used. On average, it was about 7.45 kg/hive and
April to June and September to October, of which the 25.76 kg/hive from the traditional and modern hives
Copyright © 2017 IJRAS, All right reserved
International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

respectively (Table 4). There is a difference

erence between the shows that the averageage market supply of honey per
mean annually yield of honey produced per household households were 68.53 kg, 200.08 kg and 132.30 kg for
with 87.39 kg, 223.53kg and 144.75kg were obtained by those households who used traditional improved and both
those household who used traditional, improved and both types of beehives respectively in the study area.
types of beehives, respectively. The survey result also

Table 2. Volume of annual honey production and market supply

supply by types of beehives
Items Type of hives used
Traditional Improved Both Total
Annually Production /hives (kg) Mean 7.45 25.76 18.66 18.29
SD 2.42 12.34 8.75 7.836
Annually production/households (kg) Mean 87.39 223.53 144.75 141.52
SD 44.25 77.25 69.36 91.82
Quantity supplied to market(kg) Mean 68.53 200.08 132.30 130.60
SD 22.78 64.81 57.09 68.39
Source: own computation (2016)

Cooperative Membership (Livestock and fishery offices and Research institutions)

The survey result indicated as majority (76.62%) of the and nongovernmental organizations with common
respondents was members of honey cooperatives while the objective of honey product maximization through
rest (23.38 %) of them was not been a member of honey providing of modern beekeeping inputs to the beekeepers
production and marketing cooperatives. There is a while and private enterprises supplying modern hives.
significant difference between the mean produced of Furthermore, the organization provides trainings and free
honey between those members of cooperative (186.19) extension service with the help of expert’s and
and not members of cooperatives (98.97). This might be developmental agents.
due to differences benefits of being membership such as Producers: are the major actors who perform most of
credit inputs for beekeeping, training and technical support the value chain functions from rom the procurement of the
which enhances honey production in turn results high inputs to harvesting and marketing. The major value chain
supply. It is known that the establishment of cooperatives functions that honey producers perform in the study area
is to create market linkage for honey produced. include sorting, filtering and transporting. Most of the
Cooperatives collect honey at their collection centers in honey producers in the study area sell their honey to
each kebles as the result most of beekeepers in the study different
ferent buyers involved in the market at farm gate,
area selling their product to those cooperatives that reduce village or district market center. They sell crude honey to
transportation cost of producers. This may be way to cooperatives, local collectors, retailers, processors and
reduce marketing problems
blems and increase their market consumers at the local market or farm gate.
bargaining power. Honey Collector: They hey are those actors who buy cured
honey directly from smallholder producers at the farm gate
Table 3. Mean difference in quantity honey produced by and local markets in the sampled districts. Sometimes the
cooperative membership collectors add value to honey by making spatial and
Cooperative Obser Percen Mean Std. Dev. t-value temporal differences (i.e., collecting from distant location
membership vations tage to make easily available
vailable to the user and storing for future
No 56 23.38 191.7679 95.29609
use for long). These collectors are then selling the product
Yes 184 76.62 348.9946 307.239 3.7698***
Combined 240 100 312.3083 280.7285 directly honey retailers, whole sellers and processors.
There are both legal collectors who have honey collecting
3.2. Honey Value Chain Analysis license and illegal collectors who have ha no honey collecting
The value chain analysis consists of identifying value license in the study area.
chain actors, supporters and their role; map the flow of Cooperatives: are the major actors who directly
product and flow of information; marketing channels; and participate in production and marketing of honey in the
finally constraints and opportunities along value chain in study area. Cooperatives sale the crude honey they bought
the study area. directly from producers to the their respective
respec zones honey
3.2.1. Honey Value Chain Actors and their
heir Roles unions which process and pack honey for export market by
This study has identified different actors and their roles extracting liquid honey from the honey comb and to local
involved in the value chain of honey in the study area from breweries. In addition, cooperatives process and pack
early production up to the final consumption level within honey by themselves and sell to the local consumers at
the zones. The major actors involved in honey
hon value chain their own retailing
ling shop. Cooperatives also jointly working
in the study area are input suppliers, producers, with beekeepers households and give trainings on bee
cooperatives, local collectors, whole sellers, retailers, forage development, queen rearing, harvesting and
makers) and final consumers of the processing honey in the study area.
processors (tej and birzmakers)
product. Wholesalers: They hey are actors those who receive honey
Input Suppliers: These are the first actors in honey directly from local collectors those who buy honey at local
value chain. In the study area there are governmental market and farm gate directly from beekeepers. The
wholesalers have intimate relation with their supplier who
Copyright © 2017 IJRAS, All right reserved
International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

brings a bulk of honey for them. Sometimes, some Sheka Union: is a collection of different
diff associations
wholesalers give money (advance payment) for some organized to work on forest products like coffee, honey
tors in the morning on the market day in order to and spices in Sheka zone. It is supporting beekeeper
bring for them the honey they bought from producers. cooperative through facilitating finance when they need
These wholesalers will then sell the honey to the and provide them market information for the associations.
processors and retailers. EWNRA (Ethio-Wetlands etlands and Natural Resources
Retailers: These hese are the actors that delivered honey to Association): EWNRA is a project working on
end users. They are small shops that engaged in honey participatory forest management. It provides support to
trading in the study area by buying honey directly from both smallholder beekeepers and beekeeper cooperatives
producers, collectors and whole sellers in the form of semi through providing training on different techniques in
processed or crude honey. Then they process pro the honey honey production,, harvesting, processing and marketing in
and sell to local consumers and passengers who pass two zones. They also provide the modern beekeeping tools
through the study area. for the beekeepers and cooperatives.
Processors: These hese are actors who purchase crude honey OVOP (One village one Product Promotion
from beekeepers, cooperatives, collectors and wholesalers Project):- is working on supporting production and
then supply processed honey to global consumers by marketing of three commodities
commoditie like spices, honey and
acking and giving brand name while others sell to local bula (the flour prepared from inset or false banana) in
consumers in the form of brewery locally known as tej and Sheka zone. It supports beekeeper cooperatives through
birzi.. The well know honey processor in Kaffa zone called providing technical and material like modern hives,
APINEC agro- industry that process and pack honey for processing machines and packing machines supports.
exporting to different European countries and other Apinec Agro-Industry: Itt was established as a Joint
countries in the world. Likewise, honey processors in Venture (JV) between Apinec Apiculture Development
Sheka zone such as Beza mar agro- industry and Sheka and Trading Plc (Ethiopia) on the one hand and Clootwijk
Nordic honey development industry try process and pack (The Netherlands) on the other in South-West
South Ethiopia,
honey for export market by extracting liquid honey from Kaffa zone to produce, collect process and market
the honeycomb to sell for the global consumers. agricultural
tural products. The firm organizes and conducts
Consumers: The he honey produced in the study area practical and hands-onon training on all aspects of apiculture
passes through different chain actors to reach on the hand in Kaffa Zone.
of final consumers. Theree are two types of consumers who Beza mar agro- industry: - Provide capacity building
consume the honey produced in the study area. The first training for both smallholder honey producing farmers and
one is local consumers those who buy crude or processed for beekeepers cooperatives
ratives on techniques like harvesting
honey directly from producers, retailers shop and and handling to produce high quality honey in Sheka zone
processers consume the honey produced in the study area. Sheka Nordic Honey Development
evelopment Industry: Provide
They also includes local communities those who consume capacity building for smallholder honey producing farmers
'tej' and 'birz'.'. The main role of honey consumers in the by demonstration of improved honey production
study area was buying and consuming. The second type of techniques in Sheka zone
consumer is global consumers those who buy exported Districts Trade and Market Development Offices:
honey consume it out of the country. Provide
rovide support in controlling illegal traders that has no
3.2.2. Honey Value Chain Supporters
upporters license for
or trading, give license for them and controlling
The main honey value chain supporters who facilitate quality of honey
performance of the major value chain actors in the study Research Institutions: Provide
rovide technical support, like
area are:- training and capacity building for beekeepers, cooperatives
Districts Livestock and Fishery office:
office They provide and for development on different aspects of beekeeping.
support for both smallholder beekeepers and cooperatives
c Micro Finance Office: Itt supports the sector through
in the districts on honey production and marketing. They providing credit services for traders and cooperatives as
give advice to use modern hives to improve the quality credit supply is one of the major supporting activities of
and quantity of honey produced in the districts. They also honey value chain.
provide training on how to construct modern hive 3.2.3. Mapping Value Chain
hain Actors, Supporters and
(Chefeka hive) from locally
lly available material. In line with Heir Functions
production advice they provide the advice for smallholder In the study area,, there are different actors and
beekeepers regarding honey marketing to sell their product supporters involved along honey value chain, upstream
through cooperatives or to be organized and sell their from input supply to downstream consumers each with
product in mass to high value markets. different roles. These are interconnected with main
Kaffa Forest Honey Union: is a collection of different channels in which honey flows to reach the consumers are
beekeeping and marketing cooperatives organized to work mapped below.
on bee products in Kaffa zone. It collects from the honey
cooperatives in the zone, process and exports honey.

Copyright © 2017 IJRAS, All right reserved

International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

3.2.4. Honey Marketing Channels Channel V: Producers – Cooperatives – Honey Unions -

From the total produced honey in 2014/15, 106539 kg of Consumers = 13890k.gk.g = 13.05%
honey was supplied by sample respondents in Chena, Channel VI: Producers- -Collectors
Collectors – Retailers -
Gesha, Masha and Andiracha districts to honey markets Consumers=17952k.g = 16.88%
from the total quantity marketed. The main honey Channel VII: Producers – Collectors – Processors –
marketing channels identified from the point of production Consumers = 12375k.g = 11.62%
until the product reaches to the final consumer were:-
were: Channel VIII: Producers--Collectors
Collectors – Wholesalers-
I: Producers - Consumers = 8505kg=7.98% Retailers- Consumers =21410k.g = 20.1%
II: Producers – Retailers- Consumers = 11691k.g = Based on volume honey passed through each channel,
10.97% from total amount of honey supplied (106539 kg) by
Channel III: Producers –Processors – Consumers= sampled households majority honey passed through
13020kg=12.2% channel VIII i.e. 21410kg of honey in a year, which was
Channel IV: Producers - Cooperative - Consumers = about 20 percent of the total volume illustrated in figure
7702k.g = 7.2% two below.

Copyright © 2017 IJRAS, All right reserved

International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

3.3. Constraints and Opportunities

pportunities in Honey Value unions in two zones which exports honey to abroad from
Chain the study area which creates a good market opportunity for
In order to utilize the existing potential of beekeeping honey producers. These institutional changes will also
sub sector, identifying the existing constraints and give a good opportunity to create increasing
in demand for
opportunities are of paramount importance [15]. As the honey and competitive market in the region and to
result, the respondents identified major constraints that promote export of hive products, which will in turn result
arise from production and marketing side that hinder the in endogenous technological change and overall
development of beekeeping sub sector in the study area development in the sub-sector
sector for the study area.
are:- Support from the Government: The government of
Lack of Knowledge and Skill on Beekeeping:
eekeeping: During Ethiopia formed ministry of livestock and fishery that goes
the survey,
rvey, it was noticed beekeepers have been engaged to districts level which focuses the support to the sector
in the sector for long years, their knowledge of how to more than before. The Ethiopian apiculture development
keep them well and get better pay back is very low which and protection policy have been promoting beekeeper
results in lack of proper management of the beehives. households andd commercial beekeeping in high potential
Some of the problems observed were poor/nopoor shades for areas to enhance the economic development of the country
hives, poor sanitation in the process of production, and to ensure sustainable contribution of the beekeeping
harvesting, storing and transporting of honey. sector in enhancing food security and poverty reduction.
Lack of Institutional Linkage: There were few trained Likewise the two zones livestock and fishery
fisher departments
beekeeping experts or extension workers who can provide have been doing tremendous tasks on enhancing the
important advisory services to the farmers. The beekeepers knowledge, skill and attitude of smallholder beekeepers
have low relationships with other beekeeping associations through training, workshops and panel discussions to
and marketing institutions, which hinders them from improve their honey production practice.
promoting their production systems and market their Availability of Different Nongovernmental
products. Organizations
Lack of Organized Marketing Channel: hannel: There is no Availability of different non
ganized market channel for honey in the study area organizations that provide support on bee keeping is
and these results in lack of grading and standardizing of another good opportunity that has great influence in the
the product, poor quality control, and inadequate and development of beekeeping sector in the study area. They
inconsistent supply to the next users in the chain. support the sector in different directions like providing
Low Access to Improved Beekeeping
eekeeping Equipment: As inputs like modern production and processing materials,
top bar and moveable frame type hives are demanding capacity building through providing training for farmers
more additional beekeeping equipment than traditional on modern beekeeping techniques or systems. They also
hive majority of the beekeepers in the study area lack play a great role in organizing smallholder beekeepers to
protective cloth, smoker, casting mould and honey keep bees in association in order to improve their
extractors, without which improved beekeeping
eekeeping practices bargaining power in the market and to link them to high
can’t be successful. Besides, apiculture equipment are value market.
expensive relative to the purchasing power of the
beekeepers and knowledge gap, the adoption of improved IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
beekeeping practices also relies on the supply of these
basic inputs. Kaffa and Sheka zones have adequate natural resources
Agro-chemicals: Such uch as pesticides and herbicides and a long tradition and culture of beekeeping in Southern
causes damages on bee colonies. The respondents Ethiopia. However, mainly because of lack of
highlighted that a number of bee colonies either die or technological changes, institutional supports and access to
escape their hives due to the agro-chemicals
chemicals used on their market and value chain development, the zones in general
forage. Therefore, focus should be given to those thos and the rural beekeeping households in particular have not
chemicals which are not harmful to honeybees and the been sufficiently benefited from the sub sector. Yet,
applications should not match with flowering seasons so despite all the constraints and challenges currently facing
as to minimize the poisoning effect on honeybees. the beekeeping subsector, there are still enormous
Despite all the constraints, there are quite favorable opportunities and potentials to boost the production and
opportunities to increase honey and productivity
pr andmarketing of products in the study area.
market access in the study area. Some of them are:-
are: The major constraints to exploit the untapped potential
Availability of Bee Forages: Southwest
outhwest part of SNNPR of beekeeping activity in the study area are lack of
has favourable and conducive climatic condition with knowledge and skill on beekeeping,lack
beekeeping of institutional
attractive environmental condition for beekeeping. The linkage,lack of organized
anized marketing channel, low access to
huge natural forest with diversified
iversified tree species and bee improved beekeeping equipment and agrochemical bee
floras that used as feed for a large number of bee colonies poisoning despite the constraints, In the study area there is
have great advantage on beekeeping practice in the area. favorable bee forage and new developed marketing
Market Access: Inn the study area there is new opportunity like honey processing industries and honey
developed marketing opportunity such as Apinec industry unions, focus of government and non-governmental
plc, Shekanordic honey development industry and honey organizations to the sub-sector
sector than ever before. This will
Copyright © 2017 IJRAS, All right reserved
International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3,, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997

give Kaffa and Sheka zones farmers the opportunity to Mar2014)

2014) viewed 15 Jul 2015, ref/262b79ca-
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Performance and Profit from Different Beehive Types in
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packages, facilitating participatory research and extension
ex [12] Gallmann, P. and H. Thomas (2012).( Beekeeping and Honey
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with relevant organizations operating in the area such as
field days, enhancing farmers knowledge and skills about a//DIR_76001/76253729aa011222ffff8015a426365.pdf
beekeeping management (including colony multiplication [13] GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Technische Zusammenarbeit
techniques) and pre- and post-harvest
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Communication 2(10): 342-353.
processing and marketing of honey products.
Overall, efforts should be geared to develop efficient
input delivery systems, knowledge-based
knowledge honey
production) to improve production side and introduction of The authors greatly thank the respondent beekeepers
value adding management practices and market linkage from Chena, Gesha, Masha and Andiracha districts and
from marketing side are the most important aspect of others stockholders for their cooperation in providing
enhancing the livelihood and source of income for honey necessary information. The financial support of Southern
producers. Agricultural Research Institute is gratefully
[1] MoA and ILRI (2013). Apiculture value chain vision and
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