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Recipes From Meat by James Peterson

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The key takeaways are that the book provides over 175 recipes and instructions for preparing different types of meat and poultry with step-by-step photographs and techniques.

The book covers preparations for chicken, turkey, duck, quail, pheasant, squab, goose, guinea hen, rabbit, hare, venison, pork, beef, veal, lamb, and goat.

The author provides recommendations for cooking methods like sautéing, broiling, roasting, braising, poaching, frying, stir-frying, grilling, smoking, and barbecuing different cuts of meat. Leaner cuts need to be cooked for shorter periods to avoid becoming dry.



James Peterson
(Canada: $40.00)

A master class in preparing meat, poultry, sausage, and pâté

winner of 6 James Beard Awards
from acclaimed cooking instructor James Peterson Award-winning author James Peterson is renowned
for his instructive, encyclopedic cookbooks—each
“ When I read the introduction to Meat: A Kitchen Education, “ Well explained, factual, useful—the home cook as well as one a master course in the fundamentals of cooking.
I wanted to stand up and cheer. James Peterson and I the professional will learn from Meat: A Kitchen Education.”
Like well-honed knives, his books are indispensable tools for any
share a deep passion for great meat, and a respect for — JAcques PéPIn, cooking instructor, kitchen enthusiast, from the novice home cook, to the aspiring
all animals whose lives are taken for our food. If you author, and host of Fast Food My Way
chef, to the seasoned professional. Meat: A Kitchen Education is
subscribe, as I do, to the philosophy of “eat less meat, eat
Peterson’s guide for carnivores, with more than 175 recipes and

meat A Kitchen Education

better meat, and enjoy it more,” then this book will guide
“Meat: A Kitchen Education delivers what the title promises. 550 photographs that offer a full range of meat and poultry cuts
JAmes Peterson is a food writer, cooking instructor, you on that journey. Whichever recipe you choose, Meat
It is packed full of expert advice on cooking all types of and preparation techniques, presented with Peterson’s unassum-
and photographer who began his culinary career as a res- will help you make something sensible and delicious.”
meats, poultry, and game. But better than using only ing yet authoritative style.
taurant cook in Paris in the 1970s. Returning to the United
—BIll nImAn, rancher and founder, niman ranch words to describe important methods and techniques, Instruction begins with an informative summary of meat
States in the 1980s, he honed his French cooking tech-
Peterson uses detailed photographs to give the reader cooking methods: sautéing, broiling, roasting, braising, poach-
niques during his tenure as chef-partner at Le Petit Robert
“James Peterson’s body of work is already substantial. to visual instruction. his simple recipes rely on classic ingre- ing, frying, stir-frying, grilling, smoking, and barbecuing. Then,
in New York. A highly regarded cooking instructor for more dients and techniques, and will make any beginner adept
it, he adds this thorough, informative, compelling, and chapter by chapter, Peterson demonstrates classic preparations
than two decades, Peterson teaches at the Institute of Culi- at cooking meat. more advanced cooks will appreciate his for every type of meat available from the butcher: chicken, tur-
impressively illustrated book about meat. What I admire
nary Education (formerly Peter Kump’s New York Cooking chapters on sausage and pâté making, as well as his step- key, duck, quail, pheasant, squab, goose, guinea hen, rabbit,
about Peterson’s work is the way he makes the chef’s
School). His first book, Sauces, won two 1992 James Beard knowledge so clear and accessible to the home cook.” by-step photos for preparing foie gras.” hare, venison, pork, beef, veal, lamb, and goat. Along the way,
Awards; Vegetables, Glorious French Food, Cooking, and Baking — Bruce AIdells, author of Bruce Aidells’s he shares his secrets for perfect pan sauces, gravies, and jus.
— mIchAel ruhlmAn, author of
have earned him four more James Beard Awards. Peterson The Elements of Cooking and Ratio Complete Book of Pork and coauthor of Peterson completes the book with a selection of homemade sau-
The Complete Meat Cookbook sages, pâtés, terrines, and broths that are the base of so many
cooks, writes, and photographs from Brooklyn, New York.
dishes. His trademark step-by-step photographs provide incom-
parable visual guidance for working with the complex struc-
ture and musculature of meats and illustrate all the basic prep
techniques—from trussing a whole chicken to breaking down a
whole lamb.
Whether you’re planning a quick turkey cutlet dinner, Sun-
day pot roast supper, casual hamburger cookout, or holiday
prime rib feast, you’ll find it in Meat along with:

Roast Chicken with Ricotta and Sage; Coq au Vin; Duck

Confit and Warm Lentil Salad; Long-Braised Rabbit Stew;
Baby Back Ribs with Hoisin and Brown Sugar; Sauerbraten;
Hanger Steak with Mushrooms and Red Wine; Oxtail Stew
with Grapes; Osso Buco with Fennel and Leeks; Veal Kidneys
with Juniper Sauce; Lamb Tagine with Raisins, Almonds, and

Saffron; Terrine of Foie Gras; and more.

No matter the level of your culinary skills or your degree of

kitchen confidence, the recipes and guidance in Meat will help
you create scores of satisfying meals to delight your family and
U.S. $35.00 / $40.00 CAN friends. This comprehensive volume will inspire you to fire up
TEN SPEED PRESS the stove, oven, or grill and master the art of cooking meat.
I S B N 978-1-58008-992-0

A Kitchen Education 53500
9 781580 089920
Printed in China

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A K i tch e n e duc At ion

James Peterson

ten SPeed PReSS


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Text and photographs copyright © 2010 by James Peterson

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Ten Speed Press,
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division
of Random House, Inc., New York.

Ten Speed Press and the Ten Speed Press colophon are
registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Peterson, James.
Meat : a kitchen education / James Peterson. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
1. Cookery (Meat) 2. Meat cuts. I. Title.
TX749.P485 2010

ISBN 978-1-58008-992-0

Printed in China

Design by Nancy Austin and Katy Brown

Illustrations by Alex Kaluzshner

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

First Edition

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con t e n t S

ix Acknowledgments

1 Introduction

5 Basic Cooking Techniques

25 Improvising International Flavors

31 chicken and turkey

69 Fowl, Rabbit and hare,

and Venison
103 Pork

143 Beef

219 Veal

259 Lamb and Goat

293 Sausages

303 Pâtés, terrines, and Foie Gras

314 Broths and consommés

322 Index

v ii

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AcK now L e dGm e n t S

on such a complicated project, there are innumerable people who contribute in large and small ways.
Alice Piacenza was the person with whom i worked most closely. She tested recipes, was the hands in
the shots, and, most importantly, helped me with the photography. her assistance was invaluable.
i’d like to thank Joshua Applestone of Fleischer’s meats for generously taking most of a day to
show us butchering techniques and for encouraging the appreciation of locally raised animals. Rudi
weid’s butchery classes at the institute of culinary education were also extremely helpful. Rudi guided
us through the process of breaking down a whole lamb and with fine-tuning the meat charts. thank
you, too, to my dear friend dennis malachosky for explaining and demonstrating to me the many com-
plexities of butchering and cooking venison. much appreciation goes to the gentlemen at Los Paisanos
meat market for their help, guidance, and courtesy.
i’d also like to thank those at ten Speed, including my editors Aaron wehner and dawn Yanagihara,
who worked day in and day out readying the manuscript for publication. Sharon Silva’s copyediting was
extremely thorough and contributed enormously to the finished text. nancy Austin’s art direction and
Katy Brown’s expertise were essential for the book’s clean design that disguises its production complex-
ity. thanks to illustrator Alex Kalushner for his charming animal renderings.
Finally, there are those in my personal life who keep me going, who encourage and cajole, and
without whom i could not have brought this project to fruition. elise and Arnold Goodman have
been my agents now for 20 years—they have provided advice and have helped me weather the many
ups and down of this industry. Sarah Leuze and Joel hoffman have been steady reminders that i can
do what i need to do and have helped me realize so many of my personal goals. Last, i’d like to thank
Zelik mintz for standing behind me for so many years, for spurring me on, and for providing endless


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i n t Roduc t ion

Almost thirty years ago, when i owned a restaurant, i was confronted with a strange offer from a regular
client. he worked at a laboratory where rabbits were raised for scientific experiments. the trials always
included a control group made up of animals to which nothing was done, yet when these rabbits got
old, they were “discarded.” he asked me if i would like some of these control-group subjects. i was grate-
ful to get my hands on older rabbits—they’re perfect for thorough larding and slow braising—so i said
yes. i was also eager to save them from a meaningless death.
the following monday, a large cardboard box arrived. As i lifted the box, i knew from its motion
that the rabbits were alive. Given the weight of the box, i expected to encounter about a dozen, so i was
shocked to find only two giant rabbits that reminded me of a monty Python skit. the task was left to
me to do them in, which i did with a quick snap of the neck and a slit of the throat. on one hand, the
killing wasn’t as bad as i had anticipated. But the whole process upset me, especially the sad resignation
the rabbits displayed as they seemed to know they were about to die. never again have i looked at meat
in the same way. the experience drove home the fact that an animal has to give its life in order for us
to eat meat. i was left convinced that people who consume meat should have to kill for their supper at
least once in their lives.
the average American eats more than eight ounces of meat a day, far more than needed for
healthy nutrition. Asians eat small amounts of meat with hefty portions of carbohydrates, such as rice
or noodles, and have lower rates of heart disease and stroke than Americans. it may seem perplexing
to read in a book about meat that we should eat less of it, but this is, indeed, my position. we should
eat less and eat better. in France, a good chicken costs twenty dollars or more. But what a chicken it is.
organic and truly free range, it is slaughtered at an older age than American chickens and as a result has
a lot more flavor, if a bit more texture. Grass-fed steers in italy and France develop a better flavor than
some of the grass-fed beef in America, again, in part, because they are butchered at an older age. Beef in
Japan is a rare luxury, but genuine Kobe beef is considered among the best in the world.
Americans are also enthusiastic consumers of steaks and chops. in other words, we eat high on
the hog—literally. most, though not all, of the tender meat on an animal is found along the back. meat
from the leg and shoulder, despite being the most flavorful, is often neglected. in Meat, i have included

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recipes and techniques that allow the reader to explore some of these underexploited cuts, with brais-
ing often taking center stage as the best method for cooking them. offal, known euphemistically in
the united States as variety meats, is also overlooked. how many Americans know the joys of properly
cooked kidneys or sweetbreads or even a slice of liver? to the uninitiated, these typically inexpensive
cuts are often a delicious revelation.

i have divided the chapters in Meat according to the type of animal, with the recipes in each chapter
organized by either cooking technique alone or by cut and its appropriate cooking techniques. the
emphasis on techniques, all of which are described beginning on page 5, is important because once you
learn how to make one recipe, you can apply the same technique to a wide range of possibilities. many
of the recipes are extremely simple, sometimes involving only grilling or sautéing without a sauce or
garnish. But what may seem overly simplistic is actually how most of us cook and eat.
You’ll find that each chapter is rich in photographs, most of them devoted to either cutting meat
into pieces suitable for cooking or to techniques such as larding. these tasks may seem the work of a
butcher rather than a cook, but butchers are disappearing, and many of those who remain are reluc-
tant to carry out some of the more labor-intensive techniques. Plus, by doing the work yourself, you’ll
gain both valuable practice with a knife and beneficial insight into how animals are put together.
You’ll also save money by buying large cuts and breaking them down into steaks or chops or into
pieces suitable for braising. You may even discover that you enjoy cutting up meat, finding it to be
surprisingly soothing once you get the knack of it.
Pork, beef, lamb, and veal charts showing where various cuts are located on each animal will
further your understanding of how to cut and cook meat. People are anatomically similar to the ani-
mals they eat, so it’s a good idea to check your own body to locate the various cuts. once you know the
source of each cut, you will recognize which parts are tougher—the more activity the muscle gets,
the tougher the meat—and require longer cooking and which can be tossed onto a grill or into a sauté
pan for a relatively short time.
Although techniques are at the heart of this book, putting together flavor combinations that both
pair well with the meat at hand and share a geographical and seasonal affinity is also important. to
help you achieve these successful pairings, i have included several flavor profiles inspired by traditional
cuisines (see page 25). For example, if you are thinking moroccan, you’ll find a list that includes olives,
preserved lemons, almonds, and saffron, to name only a few of the possibilities. or, if you prefer indian
flavors, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, cashews, and coconut milk are among the options.


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the controversy over how animals are raised and slaughtered for meat has been explored by a number
of thoughtful writers, which prompts me to keep my advice on the subject brief: follow your conscience.
needless suffering is inherent in how many animals are raised and slaughtered, and we shoppers must
use our wallets (nothing else is as convincing) to let sellers know that we want to buy meat from ani-
mals that have been treated humanely. Always ask the butcher the source of the meat he or she sells.
A butcher who can provide a specific answer usually has greater concern for the well-being of animals.
Plus, the easier it is to learn about the origin of the meat, the more likely it is that the animals have been
humanely raised and slaughtered. By insisting on being better informed, we can transform an industry
that is opaque and secretive into one that is transparent and, as a consequence, humane.
even though most of us shop at a supermarket—and, admittedly, nowadays supermarkets are far
more interesting than in the past—i recommend finding a high-quality butcher to patronize as often
as possible. not only will you learn from a butcher, but he or she will recognize your genuine concern
for the quality and provenance of what is sold. the meat at a butcher shop is often more expensive
than at supermarket, but it is also usually of higher quality, and because your butcher will teach you
about lesser-known—and often less costly—cuts rarely found at supermarkets, you may actually end
up saving money.
Simply put, much of what i’m encouraging is the simple act of tasting, of training your palate to
recognize meat of better quality. As you learn to appreciate the flavor of fine meat (and to understand
the flavor of what’s not so fine), you’ll find yourself satisfied with eating less meat. You’ll also find more
joy in the kitchen as your cooking improves.

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read thermometer inserted into the center without Salt
touching bone reads 110°F. Pepper
8 slices firm-crust, dense-crumb white bread
Remove the ham from the pot and place in a roast-
1/2 pound american country ham, very thinly sliced
ing pan just large enough to hold it. Preheat the
if raw (see page 138), thinly sliced if cooked
oven to 400°F. Spread the sugar over the ham and
1/2 pound gruyère cheese, thinly sliced into strips
slide the ham into the oven. Bake for about 30 min-
utes, or until an instant-read thermometer inserted
In a small saucepan, melt 4 tablespoons of the but-
into the center without touching bone reads 130°F.
ter over medium heat. Whisk in the flour and cook,
Transfer the ham to a platter, tent loosely with whisking constantly, for about 3 minutes, or until
aluminum foil, and let rest for 20 minutes before the mixture is smooth (see page 138). Whisk in the
carving. Cut into thin slices to serve. milk and then bring to a simmer, whisking con-
stantly. Whisk for about 5 minutes, or until smooth
and thickened. Season with the nutmeg, salt, and
Croque-Monsieur with pepper. Pour into a square baking dish large enough

Country Ham to hold the sandwiches in a single layer.

Lay 4 bread slices on a work surface. Top with the

A croque-monsieur is a griddled ham and cheese
ham and then the cheese, dividing them evenly. Put
sandwich that has been dipped in béchamel sauce
the remaining bread slices on top. Place the sand-
and cooked in butter. A croque-madame is a croque-
wiches in the béchamel, turning to coat both sides.
monsieur with a fried egg on top.
In a sauté pan large enough to hold the sandwiches
MakeS 4 SandwicHeS
in a single layer, melt the remaining 4 tablespoons
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter butter over medium heat. When the butter froths,
1/4 cup flour add the coated sandwiches and cook, turning once,
2 cups whole milk for about 5 minutes per side, or until golden brown.
Pinch of ground nutmeg
Cut each sandwich in half and serve hot.

Croque-monsieur. Croque-madame.

P o r k 1 3 7

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If you’re lucky enough to track them down, beef cheeks, the well-worked muscles found on the steer’s
cheekbones, make the perfect stew meat: they are well marbled with fat and yield a moist, tender, juicy
result when slowly braised. Use them in Bollito Misto on page 178, the daube on page 149, or in the
stew that follows here.

Beef Cheeks Braised with 1 cup dry white wine

4 cups beef broth (page 316) or other broth
Julienned Vegetables or water
Bouquet garni (page 320)
Here, the aromatic vegetables that were braised with
1 large carrot, peeled and cut into julienne
the cheeks are cut into julienne and served with the
(see page 11)
cheeks. The result is an impressive tangle of flavor-
1 turnip, peeled and cut into julienne
ful vegetables and meltingly tender meat. This recipe
1 small celeriac, peeled and cut into julienne
calls for a lot of meat because it shrinks by about half.
MakeS 6 Main-COuRSe SeRvingS 4 leeks, white part only, cut into julienne

5 pounds beef cheeks (6 cheeks, each weighing

Pat the beef cheeks dry, then season all over with
a scant 1 pound)
salt and pepper. Select a heavy pot just large
enough to hold the cheeks snugly and the juli-
enned vegetables. Add the olive oil and heat until
3 tablespoons olive oil, or as needed
the oil begins to smoke. Working in batches to
avoid crowding, add the beef cheeks and brown

Beef cheeks braised with julienned vegetables

1. Uncooked beef cheek. 2. Brown the beef cheeks in olive oil.

B e e f 2 0 7

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Beef Cheeks Braised with Julienned Vegetables, continued

well on both sides, adding more oil as needed, then Simmer gently on the stove top for 1 hour. (Alter-
transfer to a plate. Pour the fat out of the pan. natively, slide the pot into a 275°f oven and cook
for 1 hour.) Uncover and add the carrot, turnip,
Return the cheeks to the pot. Pour in the wine
celeriac, and leeks. Re-cover with the foil and lid
and the broth to cover, and add the bouquet garni.
and continue braising on the stove top or in the
Bring to a gentle simmer. Cover the pot with a
oven for about 11/2 hours longer, or until the meat
sheet of aluminum foil, pressing it down slightly
is easily penetrated with a knife.
in the middle so that moisture will condense on
its underside and drip down into the pot, and then Remove the beef cheeks from the pot and thickly
with a lid. slice them. Serve in warmed soup bowls with the
tangled vegetables. Spoon the broth over and
around the meat and vegetables.

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Top Round
The top round is found in the leg and looks somewhat like a flattened football. If you are buying a
whole veal top round, which typically weighs about 2 pounds, be aware that it is sometimes sold “cap
on.” The cap is a layer of muscle that covers the round, and it must be removed (easy to do by following
the muscle with the knife) before you use the round. Once you have the whole round, you can roast it
whole (below) or slice it into scaloppine (see page 240).

Butter-Roasted Top Round the butter, or until an instant-read thermometer

inserted into the center reads 130°F or the roast
of Veal feels firm, rather than fleshy, to the touch. (The
final temperature should be 135°F, but the tempera-
When ordering your top round of veal, ask for cut
ture will rise while the roast rests.)
no. 349A (from the meat buyer’s guide that all butch-
ers use). The A is important because it means “cap Transfer the roast to a cutting board, tent loosely
off.” The top round is one of the leanest cuts of meat with aluminum foil, and let rest for 15 minutes
there is, which means you must not overcook it by before carving. Pour the butter and juices in the
a second or it will be dry. The best approach is to pan into a warmed sauceboat.
brown it on the stove top in clarified butter and then
Cut the roast across the grain into slices and serve.
finish it in a low oven, basting it regularly with clari-
Pass the jus at the table.
fied butter and its juices as it roasts.

MakeS 6 tO 8 Main-cOuRSe SeRvingS

1 top round of veal with cap removed, Leg

about 31/2 pounds
It’s unlikely that you’ll encounter a whole
leg of veal at your butcher shop. Nowadays,
butchered calves are generally quite large,
1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter, clarified (page 6)
which means their legs are too large to sell
whole to retail customers. If you are able to
let the veal come to room temperature. Season all
find a small leg—25 pounds or so—you can
over with salt and pepper.
roast it whole to a temperature of 130°F,
Preheat the oven to 300°F. In a sauté pan, heat which will rise to 135°F—the temperature
4 tablespoons of the clarified butter over high heat. of perfect roast veal—after it rests. If you’re
add the veal and brown well on both sides until stuck with a large whole leg (they reach
golden. Transfer the roast to a small round roast- almost 100 pounds), you should break it
ing pan or ovenproof sauté pan just large enough down by following the natural separation of
to hold it, and pour the remaining clarified butter the muscles. You’ll end up with a shank, a
over the top. top round, an eye of the round, the bottom
round, the sirloin, the rump, and lots of trim-
Slide the pan into the oven and roast for about
mings for stew.
40 minutes, basting every 10 minutes or so with

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Butter-roasted top round of veal

1. Whole top round of veal. 2. Brown the veal round on both sides in 3. Roast until firm to the touch or to an inter-
clarified butter. nal temperature of 130°F. Let rest.

4. Slice the veal round into thick slices.

5. Serve the veal with its jus.

Ve a l 2 3 9

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