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Case Study of Nutritional Management of A Patient With A Swallowing Disorder

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TSMJ May 2000 Volume 1 l

Nutrition & Dietetics

Case study of nutritional management of

a patient with a swallowing disorder
Gerald Lip, 5 th Year Medicine
This paper was winner of the 1999 Abbott Laboratories Clinical Nutrition Prize.

dressing, shopping and cooking.

INTRODUCTION The results of her investigations were as
Cases of patients presenting with unexplained follows: raised white cell count at 15.1x10 9 /L,
pneumonia, dysphagia and progressive weight loss predominant neutrophilia; Hb was 11 g/dl. Renal
have been increasing in practice. Many are thought function tests showed a raised urea of 19.2 mmol/L
to be linked to swallowing disorders, which have been and raised creatinine levels at 235 µmol/L. Her albumin
under diagnosed in practice. Patient A M presented was decreased at 34 g/L, an arterial blood gas
in February of 1999 to Age Related Healthcare in measurement was consistent with type II respiratory
Tallaght Hospital with a history of poor oral intake, failure with a pH of 7.36, PCO2 of 6.8, a PO2 of 4.3, O2
dyspnoea and dehydration and was documented to saturation at 56% and HCO3- of 27.
have a swallowing disorder, which was treated Her chest X-ray showed an increased cardiac
resulting in a complete recovery within a month. size, bibasal pulmonary congestion and left lower
This case review aims to document the lobe infiltrative changes.
integrated role of the dietician, speech therapist and She weighed 51 kg on admission.
medical staff in the treatment of patient A M and will Management
include a short review of the causes of swallowing A preliminary diagnosis of pneumonia on a
disorders and approaches to nutritional management background history of chronic obstructive airways
of these cases. disease was made. Antibiotic treatment was
commenced for a lower respiratory tract infection, with
CASE STUDY supplemented O 2. She was referred for multi-
Patient A M, an 85 year old widow from Dublin disciplinary assessment including physiotherapy,
presented through Accident & Emergency to the Age speech therapy, dietetics and occupational therapy.
Related Health Care Centre at Tallaght Hospital on 2/ Initial assessment by the speech therapist
2/99 complaining of a 5 day history of dyspnoea, revealed a swallow disorder with aspiration of fluids.
shivering, nausea, anorexia and vomiting. The patient was put on nil per oral (NPO) and further
Of note, in her past medical history, she had a video fluoroscopic studies were ordered along with
history of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, dietetic assessment. The initial recommendation after
diagnosed in 1989. She also had a history of chronic swallow assessment was that the patient should be
obstructive airways disease and osteoporosis with given nasogastric feeds. However, the team was
collapse of thoracic and mid-lumbar vertebrae. unable to pass the nasogastric tube despite several
Socially, she lived alone and was an ex-smoker. attempts as the patient became distressed on every
On examination, she was afebrile, tachypnoeic attempt.
with cyanosis and in sinus tachycardia. Her jugular In view of this, the speech therapist and
venous pressure was raised and had decreased breath nutritionist then recommended a trial of set foods
sounds bilaterally with an expiratory wheeze heard and fluids. After consuming set fluids the patient
throughout both fields and coarse crackles in her left coughed intermittently and experienced shortness of
lower base. No focal neurological signs were present. breath with an increased rate of respiration. With set
Cognition was intact with an abbreviated mental test food, in this case set yoghurt, there was intermittent
score of 8/10. She was independent of walking, throat clearing, with a mild increase in respiratory rate

Table 1: Energy needs of patient AM

Females over 60 years:
9.0 (wt in kg) + 656 = 1115 kcal (pt reported weight as 51 kg)
x 10% Activity Factor (bed-bound, immobile)
x 10% Stress Factor (increased white cell count)
= 1533 kcal minimum

Case Study: Dysphagia

Fig 1: Sip of water with poor control of

fluid in mouth due to poor tongue control.
Fluid spills prematurely into pharynx
before swallow reflex is triggered.

and no cough. It was decided to continue the patient Table 3: Breakdown of Patient Specific Parenteral feed.
on this with close clinical monitoring.
Energy requirements for the patient were Na 46 mmol
calculated based on the Schofield Equation as shown K 34 mmol
in Table 1. Mg 6 mmol
The patient’s oral intake was monitored daily Ca 3 mmol
by the dietician. She consistently failed to meet her phosphate 13 mmol
energy requirement, and was averaging an intake of Zn 100 µmol
less than 500 kcal per day. Furthermore nursing staff carbohydrate 130 g
noted that she continued to cough after eating. Four lipid 70 g
days into the trial of oral feeding the patient’s non-protein 1150 kcal
respiratory status deteriorated. Her respiratory rate 9.6 g N: 60 protein
increased to 26 breaths per minute, on auscultation trace elements
diffuse coarse crackles were heard and her O2 fat-soluble vitamins
saturation levels dropped from 82% to 70%. A water-soluble vitamins
diagnosis of aspiration was made. Another attempt
at passing a nasogastric tube was unsuccessful. On
consultation with the dietician, it was decided that
the patient should be commenced on total parenteral (osmolality 1130 mosm/kg) was infused for three days
nutrition via a peripheral line. Oral feeding was but the intravenous line was infiltrated and failed on
stopped and the patient was counselled about the three occasions, this is a common problem with
need for parenteral nutrition. Vitrimix infusions. A patient specific parenteral feed
Nutritional requirements for the patient on was ordered from the hospital pharmacy on 15/2/99.
total parenteral nutrition based on a weight of 51 kg This regimen was fortified by the addition of trace
were calculated and are summarised in Table 2. elements and vitamins and its composition is outlined
Vitrimix was suitable for peripheral in Table 3.
administration because of its low osmolality. Swallow function was monitored regularly and
The parenteral feeding regime comprised of clinically no improvement was evident.
1.5 L Vitrimix delivered over 24 hr at 65 ml/hour. The Videofluoroscopy was repeated on 17/2/99 and it
regimen provided a total of 1458 kcal. Vitrimix showed that there was penetration and intermittent
aspiration with all consistencies tested; penetration
towards the airway was more severe as consistency
thickness increased. There was also significantly
Table 2: Nutrition requirements increased oral transit time and bolus preparation time
(10 seconds per bolus). Pooling of food in the
Energy: 1533 kcal pharynx prior to swallowing was increasingly delayed
Protein: 51-63 g (1-1.25 g/kg) as consistency thickness increased.
Carbohydrate: 220-367 g (3-5 mg/kg/min/d) The swallowing dysfunction was due to poor
Fat: 51-70 g (1-1.5 g/kg/d max) formation of food bolus in the mouth causing
Na: 51-70 mmol (1-1.5 mmol/kg/d) premature spillage into the pharynx, and
K: 52 mmol (5 mmol/g Nitrogen/d) intermittently into the airway, before the second
Fluid: <1530 ml (<30 ml/d) swallow was triggered. There was also reduced 53
TSMJ May 2000 Volume 1 l Nutrition & Dietetics

The patient was started on a standard enteral feed (1

kcal/ml) at 30 ml/hour for the first 4 hours, then 60 ml/
hour for 4 hours, followed by 85 ml/hour for the next
10 hours. At this point the patient’s weight was 46
On Day 2 of NG feeding, the delivery rate was
maintained at 85 ml/hour for 18 hours. This provided
1500 kcal, 60 g protein, 59 mmol Na and 57 mmol K in
a total volume of 1.5 L over 24 hours.
The feeding regimen was altered on 22/2/99
when the patient complained of constipation. She
was commenced on a fibre containing enteral feed.
As she was now mobile on the ward her energy
requirements were increased and requirements were
re-assessed as follows:
Basal energy requirements 1500 kcals x 15%
Activity Factor = 1725 kcal.
The patient was also commenced on solids
with the speech therapist during swallowing exercises.
Therapy included tongue exercises, tongue icing and
exercises in swallowing. The patient was encouraged
to follow specific commands such as ‘Head back, hold
breath, and take a strong swallow and cough.’ The
patient was taught how to do her own swallowing
exercises. It was felt at this point that the patient’s
stamina was increased and that she was clinically
The patient thrived on this programme. Her
weight had increased to 48.6 kg by the 26/2/99 (24
days post admission) and continued to improve to
49.4 kg by the 10/3/99 (36 days post admission). She
began to tolerate a soft/semi-solid diet and the
nasogastric feeds were gradually tapered down to
overnight feeds as her oral intake improved.
The nasogastric tube was removed on 23/3/99
(49 days post admission) and the patient went for a
Figure 2: Sip of water (a) – Improved bolus hold in mouth. Better home visit with the occupational therapist. The
tongue control. (b) – During the swallow, no premature spillage, dietician commenced the patient on oral nutritional
prompter swallow, and reflex triggered faster than initial study.
The patient underwent a repeat
lingual control/tongue weakness, especially of the videofluoroscopy on 29/3/99 (55 days post
posterior tongue and poor pharyngeal sensation with admission). The videofluoroscopy showed
a delayed oral phase. significant improvement from her last study with much
Parenteral feeding was continued and the better bolus preparation and clearance from the
patient was monitored by daily urinalysis and mouth/pharynx. There was no aspiration observed
glucometry and twice weekly phosphate and and only mild intermittent penetration towards the
magnesium levels. Liver function tests were performed airway. This was maximal with sips of fluids and slow
weekly as TPN can adversely affect hepatic function. moving fluids resulting in intermittent throat clearing.
The speech therapist commenced These were due to a mild swallow reflex delay and
compensatory and direct therapy with the patient, tongue in coordination possibly linked to a sensory
attempting to improve swallow function. This therapy deficit.
focused on supraglottic swallow technique, tongue She continued to steadily improve and was
bolus control and manipulation exercises. Given the discharged home on the 6/4/99 (63 days post
recurrent problems with the peripheral line and the admission) on a semi-solid diet with nutritional
physiological advantage of enteral feeding it was supplements.
decided to make a further attempt at nasogastric tube
insertion, failing a central venous line insertion would SUMMARY
be recommended. In summary this patient had a stay of 63 days
A nasogastric tube was inserted on 19/2/99 in hospital from 2/2/99 till 6/4/99. Her initial problem
(17 days post admission). Nasogastric feeding was an aspiration pneumonia for which she was
commenced slowly in order to prevent aspiration. commenced on a NPO regime and treated with

Case Study: Dysphagia

antibiotics. She was diagnosed with swallow disorder contribute or cause such impairment. Although
and was maintained on peripheral parenteral nutrition hypoxic and metabolic encephalopathy may
and nasogastric feeding until she could safely contribute to this syndrome, focal neurological
swallow. The speech therapist and dietician assisted changes are not present. Gastroesophageal reflux
this lady improve her swallow function by an probably occurs more often because of the patient’s
integrated programme of swallow exercises and diet bedridden state. Tumours affecting deglutition are
consistency modification. uncommon causes. Large cervical osteophytes or
Overall, the patient had a very successful hyperostosis are common structural abnormalities
recovery, progressing from dysphagia to total enteral associated with aging. Such bony masses may
feeding within a month. This case illustrates the prevent inversion of the epiglottis or displace the
multidisciplinary approach necessary to manage laryngopharynx and alter biomechanical forces.
swallow disorder. Reduced gag or cough reflexes are the rule
in the elderly and the senescent laryngopharynx often
REVIEW cannot respond appropriately to retrograde bolus
Feeding and swallowing problems can occur flow.
at any age but are particularly prevalent in the elderly. Other associated predisposing factors include
The morbidity and mortality as well as the costly smoking, atherosclerosis, a decreased level of
disability and dependence that result from an alertness, reduced immunity and lung clearance, and
impairment in oral intake are now being recognised bed-ridden existence.7
as major geriatric health problems. Aspiration is the Management
most significant clinical sign. When the airway is Dysphagia is diagnosed and treated by a
unprotected and foreign material is aspirated into the multidisciplinary team including a radiologist, speech
lungs, the person is at risk for development of therapist, dietician and nurse.8 The speech therapist
pulmonary infection and aspiration pneumonia, the and radiologist work together to diagnose the location
fifth leading overall cause of mortality in the United and reason for the problem, utilizing videofluoroscopy.
States and the fourth most frequent cause of death in Treatment may focus on improving the patient’s oral
the elderly.1 motor status for swallowing, retraining the patient in
Aspiration feeding skills, planning diets, assessing the patients
Aspiration can be broadly defined as the calorific and fluid intake levels, and providing
misdirection of oropharyngeal contents into the alternative means of nutritional support.
larynx, immediately before, during, or after the act of Some symptoms of dysphagia can be seen or
swallowing. In normal swallowing, penetration occurs heard and are usually detected by the nurse.
more often than aspiration.2 This does not result in Symptoms may occur at any time in the act of
coughing or other visible or audible laryngeal swallowing. In the oral preparatory phase, symptoms
reaction. In contrast, the reaction to aspiration is may include drooling, failure to drink from a cup,
normally a cough. Most individuals aspirate a small failure to chew, or intolerance of textures. In the oral
amount of oropharyngeal contents during sleep.3, 4 phase, symptoms may include stasis in the oral cavity
Materials that enter the larynx may pass further into or pocketing of food. In the pharyngeal phase,
the trachea and lungs, depending on their physical symptoms may include gagging, congestion,
characteristics, the functional status of the cough coughing, audible breathing and a gurgly or hoarse
reflex, and the efficiency of mucociliary action of the voice. In the oesophageal phase, symptoms may
respiratory epithelium. The more liquid or fluid the include vomiting, reflux or pain.
substance, the more likely it will be aspirated and The management of deglutitive aspiration
travel further into the respiratory system. begins with the definition of the anatomic or
Causes physiologic aetiology of the aspiration. This usually
Degenerative changes of aging often result in involves a radiographic study of the oropharyngeal
marginally compensated deglutition.5 When common region during swallow of specified bolus types.
neuromuscular diseases affect the elderly, oral intake Aspiration may result because of reduced tongue
impairment may present and progress differently than based movement, unilateral pharyngeal wall weakness,
in younger individuals. Dysphagia secondary to acute bilateral pharyngeal wall damage, reduced anterior or
stroke is less common than progressive dysfunction vertical laryngeal movement, reduced closure of the
due to multiple prior strokes. Parkinson’s disease laryngeal entrance or reduced cricopharyngeal
may continue to affect deglutition adversely even opening.9
when other motor symptoms are well controlled with Videofluoroscopic studies help define the
medication. Aspiration was more commonly aetiology of the aspiration disorder and include the
associated with debilitation, dementia and depression introduction of selected treatment strategies to
as opposed to specific neuromuscular disorders.6 eliminate aspiration. These strategies usually begin
Decreased levels of alertness, psychomotor with postural changes, which potentially change the
retardation, anorexia and psychosocial isolation dimensions of the pharynx and the direction of food
considerably reduce oral intake and may result in flow without increasing the patient’s work or effort.
deconditioning. Psychoactive medications may also These are effective in eliminating aspiration in 70- 55
TSMJ May 2000 Volume 1 l Nutrition & Dietetics

80% of patients, including children and some patients Applesauce may be difficult, as it does not maintain a
with cognitive and language impairments.10 cohesive bolus in the mouth. Foods such as canned
If postural therapies are not helpful, fruit, Jell-O and ice chips may be easier for some
swallowing therapy procedures include swallowing patients to manage. The choice of such foods is an
manoeuvres, sensory input, and exercise programs, individual decision based on the patient’s capabilities.
which may eliminate the aspiration immediately or, Consistency
gradually with therapy. Easy to chew does not mean easy to swallow.
Each patient requires individualised treatment A dysphagia diet can progress from the most to least
depending on the anatomical and physiological restrictive foods. Semisolids such as soft peaches,
reasons for dysphagia. Treatment may focus on oatmeal and thickened pureed fruits are easy to
eating style, posture, oral motor techniques, or swallow since they hold their shape in the mouth and
adaptive equipment. Attention must also be paid stimulate swallowing. Liquids are usually more
towards nutrient-drug interactions that may interfere difficult to swallow than solids since they do not
with the swallowing treatment. Patients who are provide as strong a stimulus as solid foods. Water is
unable to maintain adequate nutrition safely by mouth usually the most difficult to control; it runs into
may be tube fed while undergoing treatment to corners and down the throat. Liquids such as gravy
improve their swallowing status. and juices can be used to moisten dry foods. All
researchers agree that liquids and foods should be
DIETARY M ANAGEMENT presented separately. Never use a fluid to ‘wash the
Two main concerns in the dietary management bolus down’.16 Two different consistencies can send
of the dysphagic patient are to maintain adequate confusing stimuli.
nutrition and to ensure safety during oral feeding. Mucus Production
The ultimate goal is to train the patient to select the Problems with excess and inadequate saliva
proper foods and use the recommended swallowing production should be addressed. The elderly, for
techniques with the aid of videofluoroscopy.11 example, show decreased salivary production. All
Standard hospital diets are served with liquids. researchers agree that milk products tend to form
Dysphagic patients require modifications of these excess mucus that can be difficult to clear and swallow.
diets. Kitchen and nursing staff must remove from Chocolate may stimulate secretions in some patients.
standard diet trays solid foods and liquids that pose Broth and meat juices, however, can thin mucus
swallowing hazards. For example, thin liquids, such secretions. Wellnetz17 suggested adding yoghurt,
as water, juices and coffee are often the most difficult cheese and cottage cheese to the meal if milk products
to swallow. Some patients have difficulty increase mucous production.
manipulating, swallowing and clearing thick liquid
texture such as milk shakes and honey. Other patients CONCLUSIONS
may have problems with foods that are dry, chewy, The importance of correct food consistency,
crispy or stringy. texture and temperature cannot be underestimated
Several issues emerge in the literature and are important for the patient’s success during
concerning the dietary management of dysphagia. treatment. All three factors are important, they act to
These include the food’s taste, temperature, heighten lingual control, reduce oral muscle fatigue,
consistency and potential to stimulate mucus minimise the patient’s fear of choking, and provide a
production. cohesive bolus to sensorially stimulate a swallow
Taste reflex.
Strong flavours such as sweet, spicy, sour or A dysphagia diet is intended to use foods that
salty tastes may stimulate salivation, swallowing or stimulate swallowing and minimise mucus build-up
mastication.12 Bland flavours should be avoided.13 around the larynx. Dysphagia may lead to malnutrition
Temperature and dehydration and at the most severe stages can
Food should be served at hot or cold cause choking, aspiration and airway obstruction.
temperatures rather than tepid or at room temperature Therefore it is imperative to deal with the dangers of
to stimulate the swallowing response. 14 Specific dysphagia through dietary management once the
recommendations for cold foods include ice chips other therapeutic techniques have been instituted.
and ice cream, if tolerated to provide sensory input. The needs of the dysphagic patient vary
Exceptions, however, must be made for patients with widely. Self-feeding is an important aspect of self-
decreased oral sensation. For those patients, food care. Insecurity about eating and fear of choking
should be served tepid or at room temperature to especially in public can be humiliating. Independent
minimise the burning or numbing of oral structures. feeding has a considerable impact on self-esteem.
Texture In the acute care setting or nursing home
Liquids should be thick; foods that form a bolus environment, there will be patients for whom the
in the mouth are easier to swallow. Patients should treatment options described above are insufficient.
avoid foods that are crumbly or fall apart in the When significant aspiration is detected and is not
mouth.15 Density and shape are important as well. amenable to treatment, tube feeding must be
Most researchers agree that Jell-O slips down easily. considered. Since the swallowing evaluation is the

Case Study: Dysphagia

best means of determining the patient’s physiological patients continuing to eat small amounts of pureed
ability to swallow safely, one of the major food or liquid for pleasure but continuing to sustain
considerations for PO/NPO feeding rests with the themselves nutritionally via tube feedings.
findings from this examination. Management of dysphagic patients is a
Other factors to consider include the patients challenge for medical practitioners. The problem calls
overall risk for developing pneumonia. If the patient for multidisciplinary interaction and coordinated
is bedridden with poor pulmonary clearance and has treatment goals.
a depressed level of consciousness, the decision to
make him or her NPO is strengthened. In contrast, if ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the patient is active and ambulatory, an NPO decision I would like to thank Zelda Farrell, Senior
might not be advisable. Speech and Language Therapist, Tallaght Hospital
Quality of life issues need to be raised as well and Aine Kennedy, Clinical Dietician, Tallaght
as the patient’s and their family’s wishes. Sometimes Hospital for all their help with literature and advice
the transition to tube feeding may be partial with for this essay.

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