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Int. Adv. Otol.

2011; 7:(3) 385-390


Researching Auditory Perception Performances of Children Using Cochlear Implants

and Being Trained by an Auditory Verbal Therapy

Ayse Sanem Sahli, Erol Belgin,

Hacettepe University, ENT Department, Audiology and Speech Section (ASS, EB)

Aim: The main goal of this study is to examine the development of auditory perception performances of children who use
cochlear implants who receive auditory verbal therapy.
Materials and Methods: This study includes 15 children with prelinguistic hearing loss who received cochlear implants in
Hacettepe University Department of ENT who enrolled in auditory verbal therapy in the Training Unit of Hearing and Speaking
Abilities. These hearing impaired children participated in auditory verbal therapy with their mothers and/or fathers for 12
months, and the family was given training programs to apply at home after each therapy session. The auditory perception
performances of children were evaluated before implantation and on the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th months with the help of IT-
MAIS/MAIS (Infant-Toddler/ Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale), LIP (Listening Process Profile), Ling's Five Sound Test and
MTP (Monosyllable, Prochee and Polysyllable Test).
Results: The auditory perception performances of children joining auditory verbal therapy programs increased at a rapid pace
after implantation, especially in the 1st and 3rd months (p<0.01), and reached the maximum level in the 12th month.
Conclusion: The auditory perception performances of children develop rapidly with a combination of early cochlear
implantation and regular auditory verbal therapy. As a result, children should be included in auditory verbal therapy after
cochlear implantation with the aim of supporting their hearing, expressive speech and language development.

Submitted : 27 January 2011 Revised: 20 June 2011 Accepted : 15 June 2011

Introduction hearing and speaking abilities after cochlear

Cochlear implants are electronic devices which are implantation when compared with the situation before
engineered to provide children and adults who have implantation. Studies conducted show us that auditory
bilateral severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss perception and expressive speech development of the
who do not adequately benefit from the use of hearing children using cochlear implant can be better than the
children using hearing instrument [3,4]. Spencer and
instruments. Cochlear implants offer the possibility of
Oleson [5] found that early access to unilateral cochlear
better perception of sounds and better understanding of
implant input enables children to build better
speech, and are developed with the aim of stimulating
phonological processing skills. The early speech
existing neural elements in the auditory pathway [1, 2].
recognition and speech production skills gained from
When patients are selected for cochlear implantation, early CI input have been shown to predict children’s
they are evaluated according to medical, audiological, reading skills. Hay-McCutcheon et al. [6] found that
language development, psychological and radiological both the receptive and the expressive language ages in
qualities. Appropriate identification of implant children with unilateral CI increased as the children
candidates can result in considerable progress in their with cochlear implants aged. However, the gap

Corresponding address:
Ayse Sanem Sahli
Hacettepe University, ENT Department, Audiology and Speech Section
Sihhiye, Ankara - Turkey
Phone: + 90 312 305 42 00 • Fax: +90 312 310 27 30

Copyright 2005 © The Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology

The Journal of International Advanced Otology

between the average performance for normal-hearing 1. IT-MAIS & MAIS (Infant-Toddler/ Meaningful
children and the overall mean performance in children Auditory Integration Scale)
with CI increased with chronological age. Recent IT-MAIS (Zimmerman et al., 2000) [13] is a
reports indicate that unilateral cochlear implantation in modification of the Meaningful Auditory Integration
prelingually deaf children within the first year of life Scale (MAIS) (Robbins et al., 1991) [14]. It is a
may result in speech and language skills comparable to structuredinterview schedule designed to assess the
those of children with normal hearing [7-11]. child’s spontaneous responses to sound in his/her
Auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) is an early intervention everyday environment.
education option that facilitates optimal acquisition of The assessment is based upon information provided by
spoken language through listening by young children the child’s parent(s) in response to 10 probes. These 10
with hearing loss. It promotes early diagnosis, one-on- probes assess three main areas: 1) vocalization
one therapy, and state-of-the-art audiologic behavior, 2) alerting to sounds; and 3) deriving
management and technology. Parents and caregivers meaning from sound. IT-MAIS is designed for infants
actively participate in therapy. Through guidance, and toddlers[13].
coaching, and demonstration, parents become the
MAIS is a parent report consisting of 10 questions
primary facilitators of their child's spoken language
which evaluates how a child bonds to the listening
development. Ultimately, parents and caregivers gain
device, alerts to sounds and assembles sounds
confidence that their child can have access to a full
meaningfully with a hearing instrument or implant
range of academic, social, and occupational choices
before and after implantation [14]. 10 questions which
throughout life [12].
can further be divided into 3 subsections: Questions 1
Patients and their families must be trained properly by and 2 are on the child’s confidence in using the device,
the experts in auditory verbal therapy after questions 3 to 6 are on awareness to sounds and
implantation. The abilities such as patients’ adaptation questions 7 to 10 are on the child’s understanding of
to cochlear implants, learning listening to new sound sounds. The MAIS is designed for children ages 3
stimuli, making sense of these stimuli and transferring years and older[14]. Using information provided by the
all these to their speaking development are enabled parent, the examiner scores each question based on the
with the trainings. frequency of occurrence of a target behavior. Scores
Materials and Methods for each question range from 0 ("never demonstrates
the behavior") to 4 ("always demonstrates the
This study includes 15 children who ranged in age
behavior"). The highest possible score on the IT-MAIS
from 12-56 months with prelinguistic hearing loss who
and MAIS is 40 (10 questions x maximum score of
received cochlear implantation in Hacettepe
4) [13, 14]. Each child's scores at each test interval were
University Department of ENT and who were trained converted to a percentage correct score (total score/40
by the auditory verbal approach in the Training Unit of x 100).
Hearing and Speaking Abilities. These severe to
profoundly hearing impaired children participated in 2. LIP (Listening Process Profile)
auditory verbal therapy with their mothers and/or Archbold developed it in 1994 [15] with the aim of
fathers for 12 months, and the family was given evaluating perception of peripheral sounds and speech
training programs to apply at home after each session. sounds before and after implantation of children with
The auditory perception of children were evaluated cochlear implant and their developing listening
before implantation and on the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th abilities. It is a significant test which shows
months with the help of IT-MAIS/MAIS (Infant- development of listening abilities of the children in
Toddler/Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale), LIP early childhood and abilities for perceiving
(Listening Process Profile), Ling’s Five Sound Test suprasegmental and segmental features of the sound,
and MTP (Monosyllable, Prochee and Polysyllable in the terms of applicability to young children with
Test). hearing loss. In the Listening Process Profile; two-
choice picture series, a form consisting gradual twenty

Researching Auditory Perception Performances of Children Using Cochlear Implants and Being Trained by an Auditory Verbal Therapy

one applications which evaluate listening abilities and The statistical data used in the study were evaluated by
a surround sound form are used. The surround sound using the computer program SPSS (Statistical Package
form is for determining abilities of notifying and for Social Sciences) Version 15.0 for Windows, 2006.
identifying peripheral sounds. These abilities are The data were analysed by using descriptive statistics,
graded by direct observations (by the experts) or percentages, frequencies, and Mann Whitney U Test.
indirect observations (by the family). Children’s only Results
auditory responses to sound and ability of sound
Information related to medical and audiological
identification are evaluated by being processed to
characteristics of the 15 children using cochlear
surround sound form like N (never), S (sometimes) implants in this study is given in the Table 1.
and A (always) [15]. According to this table, 60% (N=9) of the children are
3. Ling’s Five Sound Test boys and 40% (N=6) are girls. Average chronological
It is developed by Ling [16] and it uses the sounds /a/, age of the children was approximately 44 months
/u/, /i/, /s/ and /ş/. These sounds are felt to represent (range 12-56 months) and hearing loss diagnosis age
was approximately 14 months. Hearing age (age at
the low, high and middle frequency parts of speech.
which the child first received amplification) was
The child’s auditory ability to alert to and differentiate
approximately 18 months; cochlear implant age was
these sounds is evaluated using an open-ended format
26 months, and auditory verbal therapy age was
approximately 15 months. Percentages of average IT-

4. MTP (Monosyllable, Prochee and Polysyllable Test) MAIS/MAIS, LIP and MTP test scores of the children
MTP is developed by Erber& Alencewicz [17], and it participating in the study are given in the Figure 1.
evaluates the abilities of children aged two or over to These tests were conducted before cochlear
identify monosyllablic, two-syllable and three-syllable implantation, and in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th months
words. The test is graded in difficulty from easy to following implantation, while the subjects and families
hard (MTP–3, MTP–6, MTP–12), and it is a close- were enrolled in auditory verbal therapy.
ended test [17].

Table 1. Information related to medical and audiological characters of children using cochlear implants

Features Children with cochlear implanted

Number N=15
Gender 9 boys (%60), 6 girls (%40)
Choronologic age (month) 44 months (R: 12-56 months SD: 5,2)
Diagnosis age of hearing loss (month) 14 months(R: 6–32, SD: 5,4)
Mean preimplant pure-tone average (implant ear non-implant ear) 110 dB HL
105 dB HL
Hearing age(month) 18 months (R: 15–24, SD: 4,8)
Age of cochlear implant (month) 26 months (R: 18–38), SD: 4,3)
Age of auditory-verbal therapy 15 months(R: 12–20), SD: 3,7)

M: Mean (month) SD: Standard Deviation R: Range

The Journal of International Advanced Otology

Figure 1. Percentages of average IT-MIAS/MAIS, LIP and MTP test scores of the children using cochlear implants

When we analyze the IT-MAIS/MAIS (bonding to the implanted children we found out that there was a
device, alerting to the sounds and assembling the significant increase in the proper identification of
sounds meaningfully) performance changes of children sounds /a/, /u/ and /i/ especially in the first and third
using cochlear implant before and after implant, we months (p<0,01). Together with this, while children
observed that their performance before implant was cannot notice the /s/ sound before operation, their
23% and this rate went up to 75% in the first month of average notifying performance increased to 44,3% and
the implant, to 89% in the third month and to 95% in the their differentiating performance increased 21,6%. In
sixth month (p<0.01). the sixth month of the cochlear implant, notifying /s/
Main aural ability performances of children such as sound reached to 87,8% and differentiating reached to
respond to sound, differentiating the sound and 70,5%, notifying /ş/ sound reached to 90% and
identifying the sound in the period after cochlear differentiating reached to 77,1%. When we look at the
implant were increasing gradually and reached 100% at Table 2, it is seen that performance of notifying and
the end of the 12th month. The biggest increase in the differentiating Ling’s five sounds approximates 100%
LIP test performance was seen between the by the age of 12 months.
preoperative period (25,5%) and 1st (65%) month Discussion
(p<0,01), and between the 1st month (65%) and 3rd After cochlear implantation, improvements are
month (85%) (p<0,05). observed in auditory perception, visual-motor
When the MTP test scores of children using cochlear development and language skills of children. Rapid
implants were investigated, it was observed that the progress in these fields affects communication, social
most significant performance increase as compared adaptation, attention and academic abilities in a positive
with performance values of identifying monosyllable, way.
two-syllable and three-syllable words in the In the literature, it is reported that children who have
preoperative period was especially in the 1st (58,5%) been been implanted early in life develop more
and 3rd (74,6 %) months (p<0,01). rapidly in both language development and other areas
Upon analyzing performances of alerting to and than do children who are implanted at a later age [12,
differentiating between Ling’s five sounds of the 18,19 ]

Researching Auditory Perception Performances of Children Using Cochlear Implants and Being Trained by an Auditory Verbal Therapy

Table 2. Percentages of average detection and discrimination performances between Ling’s five sounds of the implanted children

Ling’s 5 sounds Preoperative 1.month 3.months 6.months 12.months

% % % % %
/a/ Det. 35.4 75.5 85.3 95.4 100
Dis. 24.0 46.0 62.5 88.5 100
/u/ Det. 33.5 75.1 85.0 93.6 100
Dis. 20.7 45.3 60.4 86.9 98.8
/i/ Det. 26.8 73.8 84.5 92.4 100
Dis. 16.5 36.2 58.3 86.4 97.5
/s/ Det. --- 44.3 66.2 87.8 100
Dis. --- 12.6 24.0 70.5 96.0
/ş/ Det. 15.5 55.0 68.4 90.0 100
Dis. --- 18.5 26.8 77.1 96.7
Det: Detection Dis: Discrimination

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