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Org Structure

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Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 11e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 14 Foundations of Organizational Structure

1) Organizational structure has six key elements. Which of the following is not one of these six
key elements?
A) chain of command
B) departmentalization
C) work specialization
D) span of control
E) location of authority
Answer: E

2) A task that is subdivided into many separate jobs is considered to have ________.
A) a high degree of departmentalization
B) a low degree of decentralization
C) a high degree of work specialization
D) a wider span of control
E) a high degree of formalization
Answer: C

3) A ________ allows management to make the most efficient use of its employees' skills and
even successfully improve them through repetition.
A) low degree of centralization
B) high degree of formalization
C) wider span of control
D) low degree of departmentalization
E) high degree of work specialization
Answer: E

4) Which of the following statements is true regarding work specialization?

A) Work specialization indicates to what degree will there be rules and formalization regulations
to direct employees and managers.
B) Work specialization decreases the time spent in changing tasks.
C) Work specialization increases the cost of finding and training workers to do specific and
repetitive tasks.
D) Work specialization provides an unending source of increased productivity.
E) Work specialization hinders efficient use of employee skills.
Answer: B

5) The basis by which jobs are grouped is called ________.

A) formalization
B) departmentalization
C) chain of command
D) span of control
E) centralization
Answer: B

6) Which one of the following is not one of the primary ways to group jobs?
A) skill
B) customer
C) function
D) product
E) service
Answer: A

7) A manufacturing manager organizes a plant into engineering, accounting, manufacturing,

personnel, and supply specialists departments. This division of an organization into groups
according to work functions is an example of ________.
A) social clustering
B) bureaucracy
C) specialization
D) centralization
E) departmentalization
Answer: E

8) Blueberry Inc. has organized its operations in departments like engineering, accounting,
manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing. This is an example of ________ departmentalization.
A) target customer
B) product
C) functional
D) geographic
E) categorical
Answer: C

9) AgriProducers provides services related to the testing of soil and crops. It also provides advice
to its customers for improving the productivity of the soil and the quality of the crops. It has
customers all over the United States. The crops and soil are different in the various large areas of
the nation, such as the West Coast, and the Mid-West. Which type of departmentalization would
be best for AgriProducers?
A) functional
B) process
C) product
D) geographic
E) temporal
Answer: D

10) Some of the departments in Proctor & Gamble are Tide, Pampers, Charmin, and Pringles.
This is an example of departmentalization by ________.
A) function
B) process
C) geography
D) product
E) interest
Answer: D
11) Aeronautics Inc., a parts supplier, has departments for government aircraft and contracts,
large commercial aircraft clients, and small personal aircraft clients. This is an example of
________ departmentalization.
A) product
B) function
C) geography
D) customer
E) service
Answer: D

12) Chain of command is a key element of an organization's structure. Which of the following
key questions is addressed by this element?
A) How many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct?
B) To whom do individuals and groups report?
C) On what basis will jobs be grouped together?
D) To what degree are activities subdivided Work specialization into separate jobs?
E) To what degree will there be rules and regulations to direct employees and managers?
Answer: B

13) The right inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is
termed ________.
A) chain of command
B) authority
C) span of control
D) unity of command
E) leadership
Answer: B

14) The principle of ________ helps preserve the concept of an unbroken line of authority.
A) span of control
B) chain of command
C) cross-functionality
D) centralization
E) unity of command
Answer: E

15) The unity-of-command principle states that ________.

A) managers should limit their oversight to a maximum of 12 employees
B) managers should oversee 1-4 employees on average
C) an individual should be directly responsible to only one supervisor
D) managers should provide direction to their employees in a unified fashion
E) employees should report directly to two supervisors to maintain task balance
Answer: C

16) Span of control is a key element of an organization's structure. Which of the following key
questions is addressed by this element?
A) On what basis will jobs be grouped together?
B) To whom do individuals and groups report?
C) To what degree will there be rules and regulations to direct employees and managers?
D) How many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct?
E) To what degree are activities subdivided into separate jobs?
Answer: D

17) A wider span of control ________.

A) increases costs
B) decreases the speed of decision making
C) decreases flexibility
D) brings the organization closer to customers
E) discourages employee autonomy
Answer: D

18) A ________ is consistent with recent efforts by companies to reduce costs, cut overhead,
speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer to customers, and empower employees.
A) wider span of control
B) high degree of formalization
C) longer chain of command
D) lack of work specialization
E) high degree of centralization
Answer: A

19) A narrow span of control ________.

A) encourages employee autonomy
B) is expensive because it adds levels of management
C) simplifies vertical communication
D) increases the speed of decision making
E) discourages overly tight supervision
Answer: B

20) ________ refers to the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in
the organization.
A) Formalization
B) Departmentalization
C) Centralization
D) Work specialization
E) Line of command
Answer: C

21) Which of the following statements is true regarding a centralized organization?

A) A centralized organization is more flexible than a decentralized organization.
B) In a centralized organization, decision making is pushed down to the managers closest to the
C) A centralized organization is more responsive than a decentralized organization.
D) In a centralized organization, top managers are rarely involved in decision making.
E) In a centralized organization, decision making is concentrated at a single point in the
Answer: E

22) The more the lower-level personnel provide input or are actually given the discretion to make
decisions, the ________ within that organization.
A) higher is the degree of formalization
B) lower is the level of empowerment
C) lower is the degree of work specialization
D) higher is the degree of departmentalization
E) higher is the degree of decentralization
Answer: E

23) Publishing representatives who call on college professors to inform them of their company's
new publications have a great deal of freedom in their jobs. They have only a general sales pitch,
which they tailor as needed. Based on this information, we can say that the job of these
publishing representatives ________.
A) score low on the degree of work specialization
B) score low on the degree of decentralization
C) score high on the degree of departmentalization
D) score high on the degree of centralization
E) score low on the degree of formalization
Answer: E

24) ________ refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized.
A) Formalization
B) Decentralization
C) Departmentalization
D) Span of control
E) Chain of command
Answer: A

25) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a highly formalized organization?

A) clearly defined procedures covering work processes
B) explicit job description
C) high employee job discretion
D) a large number of organizational rules
E) a consistent and uniform output
Answer: C

26) Employee discretion is inversely related to ________.

A) complexity
B) formalization
C) specialization
D) departmentalization
E) empowerment
Answer: B

27) The clerical and editorial employees in a publishing house need to be at their desks by 8:00
AM and follow a set of precise procedures dictated by management. The jobs of these clerical
and editorial employees ________.
A) have a wide span of control
B) score high on the degree of departmentalization
C) score high on the degree of formalization
D) lack a unity of command
E) score low on the degree of work specialization
Answer: C

28) The ________ is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of

control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization.
A) bureaucracy
B) matrix organization
C) simple structure
D) team structure
E) centralized structure
Answer: C

29) Which of the following statements is true about the simple structure?
A) It is very expensive to operate.
B) It is characterized by a high degree of departmentalization.
C) It becomes increasingly inadequate as an organization grows.
D) It is rigid.
E) It is characterized by a narrow span of control.
Answer: C

30) Samantha is the owner of a flower shop. She has five employees that all report directly to her
and she makes all the decisions regarding the type and quantity of flowers and looks after the
shop's finances. Which type of organizational structure does Samantha have?
A) bureaucracy
B) virtual structure
C) matrix structure
D) boundaryless structure
E) simple structure
Answer: E
31) With reference to organizational designs, the ________ structure is most widely practiced in
small businesses in which the manager and owner are one and the same.
A) matrix
B) virtual
C) boundaryless
D) simple
E) bureaucracy
Answer: D

32) A bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following except ________.

A) highly routine operating tasks
B) formalized rules and regulations
C) tasks that are grouped into functional departments
D) decentralized decision making
E) high work specialization
Answer: D

33) ________ is the key concept that underlies all bureaucracies.

A) A dual line of command
B) Standardization
C) Decentralization
D) Employee empowerment
E) Wider span of control
Answer: B

34) Which of the following statements is true regarding a bureaucracy?

A) Bureaucracies need innovative and experienced decision makers at all levels in the
B) Bureaucracy is an ideal organizational design for those organizations that operate under
highly uncertain conditions.
C) Typically bureaucracies have wider spans of control.
D) Bureaucracies can get by with less talented middle- and lower-level managers.
E) Bureaucracies encourage employee empowerment.
Answer: D

35) Which of the following types of organizational designs combines two forms of
departmentalization, functional and product?
A) simple structure
B) bureaucracy
C) matrix structure
D) virtual structure
E) boundaryless structure
Answer: C
36) Which of the following statements is true regarding a matrix structure?
A) It breaks the unity-of-command concept.
B) It cannot achieve economies of scale.
C) It reduces ambiguity about who reports to whom.
D) It prevents power struggles.
E) It enhances role clarity and avoids role conflict.
Answer: A

37) Which of the following types of organization structures is best suitable for coordination
when the organization has a number of complex and interdependent activities?
A) simple structure
B) bureaucracy
C) matrix structure
D) divisional structure
E) centralized structure
Answer: C

38) Which one of the following problems is most likely to occur in a matrix structure?
A) decreased response to environmental change
B) decreased employee motivation
C) decreased economies of scale
D) increases groupthink
E) power struggles
Answer: E

39) The virtual organization is also called the ________ or ________ organization.
A) network; modular
B) boundaryless; social
C) divisional; multi-level
D) boundaryless; global
E) matrix; divisional
Answer: A

40) A ________ organization is a small, core organization that outsources major business
A) centralized
B) virtual
C) bureaucratic
D) matrix
E) simple
Answer: B

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