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Model For End Stage Liver Disease (MELD) and Child-TurcottePugh (CTP) PDF

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Original Article

Model for End Stage Liver Disease (MELD) and Child-Turcotte-

Pugh (CTP) scores: Ability to Predict Mortality and Removal from
Liver Transplantation Waiting List due to Poor Medical Conditions
Azmoudeh-Ardalan MD4, Saharnaz Nedjat PhD2

Background: There are many patients awaiting liver transplantation with only few donors providing the organ. The Child-Turcotte-Pugh
score (CTP) and the Model for End stage Liver Disease (MELD) are the most common scores for prioritizing patients on waiting lists. In this
study, we compared the ability of these scores to predict mortality or removal from the waiting list due to poor medical conditions.
Methods: A total of 257 patients were included in our study and we observed their status in the waiting list over a 9-month period. MELD
and CTP of the patients at the time of listing were calculated. We used both ROC-curve and Area Under the Curve (AUC) to calculate the
predictive ability of these scores.
Results: During follow up, 22 patients died and 9 patients were removed from the waiting list due to poor medical conditions. Comparing
the predictive ability of CTP and MELD, the AUC for CTP was larger than that of MELD (0.75 versus 0.69; P-value = 0.065). The best cutoff
point for discriminating mortality or removal from the waiting list due to severe deterioration is 8 for CTP and 13.67 for MELD. The sensitivity
Conclusion: The CTP score can predict mortality or removal from the liver transplantation waiting list better than the MELD over a
9-month period. However, better improved models need to be developed for prioritization of patients in the waiting list.

Keywords: MELD, CTP, liver transplantation, waiting list

Cite this article as: Rahimi-Dehkordi N, Nourijelyani K, Nasiri-Tousi M, Ghodssi-Ghassemabadi R, Azmoudeh-Ardalan F, Nedjat S. Model for End stage Liver
Disease (MELD) and Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) scores: Ability to Predict Mortality and Removal From Liver Transplantation Waiting List due to Poor Medical
Conditions. Arch Iran Med. 2014; 17(2): 118 – 121

Introduction tive components, such as albumin, may be affected by iatrogenic

manipulation with albumin infusion. Also, prothrombin time var-
Cirrhosis is associated with poor prognosis in patients with liver ies from one laboratory to another, and causes some limitations
disease. Decompensated liver disease is followed by even worse for comparison.4 It is also a discontinuous scale and does not in-
prognosis. Liver transplantation is the only cure for cirrhotic pa- clude any weighting.5
tients.1 The number of patients who need liver transplantation by 7KHPRGHOIRUHQGVWDJHOLYHUGLVHDVHZDV¿UVWXVHGWRSUHGLFW
far exceeds the number of liver donors. Therefore, the number of mortality of cirrhotic patients who underwent transjugular intra-
patients on waiting lists is increasing drastically with time. This hepatic portosystemic shunts.6 It has been applied as a new liver
highlights the importance of prioritizing patients for liver trans- organ allocation system for liver transplantation since 2002 in the
plantation. The most common scores used for this purpose are United States, and since 2006 in Europe.7,8 MELD consists of 3
Child-Turcotte-Pugh score (CTP) and the Model for End stage objective variables: International Normalized Ratio (INR), serum
Liver Disease (MELD). creatinine and serum bilirubin. These components are objective,
The CTP score was originally utilized to assess the outcome of available and reproducible. It has also been shown to predict
patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.2 Subsequently, its mortality independently of cirrhosis complications and even the
use was extended for predicting the general prognosis of cirrhotic liver disease etiology.8,9 Although many studies have shown that
patients and prioritizing patients for liver transplantation.3 The MELD is able to predict mortality in liver transplantation waiting
CTP score has been criticized for its two subjective components: lists better than CTP,9,10 there are certain reports which fail to indi-
hepatic encephalopathy and ascites severity. Even the more objec- cate any advantage for MELD over CTP.11,12
This study aims to address the prognostic ability of the MELD
3XEOLF+HDOWK7HKUDQ8QLYHUVLW\RI0HGLFDO6FLHQFHV7HKUDQ,UDQñ'HSDUWPHQW moving from the waiting list due to the clinically bad condition in
of Internal Medicine, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical the liver transplantation waiting list.
Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 4Pathology Department, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Can-
cer Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
‡&RUUHVSRQGLQJDXWKRUKeramat Nourijelyani PhD, Department of Epidemio- Material and Methods
logy and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-912-513-8872, Fax: +98-218-898-9127, Patients
Accepted for publication: 13 January 2013 We studied 257 patients with cirrhosis in liver transplantation

118 Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 17, Number 2, February 2014


center of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran, which is one of R-package version
the two liver transplantation centers in Iran. We began the study
in September 2010 and followed the patients up to June 2011. Results
A diagnosis of cirrhosis was made by two physicians, based on
clinical, biochemical, ultrasonographic or computed tomography We studied the sickness behavior of 118 women and 139 men
¿QGLQJV DQG OLYHU ELRSV\ 7KH SDWLHQWV XQGHUZHQW DQ HODERUDWH over 9 months. The mean age of patients was 40.8 years (range:
evaluation for the etiology of liver disease. We did not include 18–69). BMI was available for only 149 patients. The mean BMI
patients younger than 18, those with a history of previous liver was 23.95 (range: 15.43–43.28). Among our patients, 34.2% suf-
transplantation or transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt fered from cryptogenic liver disease and 19.5% from autoimmune
placement,orpatients with incomplete biochemical data. The hepatitis. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, primary sclerosing cholangitis,
study was approved by the ethics committee of the hospital. Wilson’s disease, primary biliary cirrhosis and alcohol accounted
for 18.7%, 14.8%, 8.9%, 2.3%, 1.2%, and 0.4% of the patients,
MELD and CTP score respectively (Table 1). Ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, spontane-
,Q WKLV VWXG\ ZH XVHG WKH PRGL¿HG IRUP RI 0(/' VFRUH GH- ous bacterial peritonitis and hepatorenal syndrome were found in
scribed by Kamath and his team.8 The formulation is: 3.78 × Ln 47.1%, 20.2%, 0.8%, and 0.4% of patients, respectively. Other
(bilirubin mg/dL) + 11.2 × Ln (INR) + 9.57 × Ln (creatinine mg/ comorbidities not related to liver disease were diabetes (8.95%),
dL) + 6.43. To avoid negative scores, laboratory values less than 1 hypertension (2.3%), coronary artery disease (0.4%), and ulcer-
mg/dL were rounded off to 1, and the maximum allowed measure ative colitis (2.3%).
for creatinine was 4 mg/dLin the MELD score model. The mean waiting time on liver transplantation list was 814.67
7KHPRGL¿HG&73VFRUHLQFOXGHV¿YHSDUDPHWHUVVHUXPELOLUX- days (range 14–3667). At the end of our study, 12 patients were
bin and albumin levels, prothrombin time, and the presence and transplanted and 22 patients died. 9 patients were removed from
severity of as cites and encephalopathy.2 Some more sensitive im- the waiting list due to severe deterioration; one did not require
aging studies such as ultrasonography, in addition to physical ex- the liver transplantation anymore because of improvement, and
amination, were used to detect ascites. Encephalopathy was con- another patient voluntarily relinquished waiting (Table 2).
sidered in case of appearance of signs of occasional forgetfulness, In our univariate analysis, serum albumin and total bilirubin,
insomnia or distorted sleep pattern. INR, CTP, MELD, and presence of ascites and encephalopathy
listing for numerical analysis. and those who died or were removed from the waiting list due to
poor medical condition (P value < 0.05). Serum creatinine, however,
Categorical variables were expressed as count with percentage, Statistical analysis for prediction of mortality or removal from
and continuous variables as mean with standard deviation. The the waiting list due to severe deterioration, showed AUC of 0.75
Mann-Whitney test and X2-test were used for continuous and cat- for CTP and 0.69 for MELD. Comparing the validity of these
egorical variables, respectively. In order to assess the validity of scores yielded a P value of 0.065 (Figure 1). The best cutoff for
MELD and CTP score for prediction of death or withdrawal from &73 ZDV  ZLWK  VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG  VSHFL¿FLW\ ZKLOH IRU
the waiting list due to severe deterioration, we used the area un- 0(/' LW ZDV  ZLWK  VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG  VSHFL¿FLW\
der the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. In order to Nevertheless, 5 patients (16.1%) of those who died or were re-
compare the area under the two ROC curves, we used a non-para- moved from the waiting list due to poor medical condition had
metric test introduced by DeLong which exploits the properties of CTP < 8 and MELD < 13.67 (Table 4). The sensitivity and speci-
the Mann-Whitney statistic.13 All computations were done using ¿FLW\IRURWKHUFXWRIIVDUHOLVWHGLQ7DEOH
Table 1. Baseline characteristics at the onset of the study.
Mean (SD) Range
Age (year) 40.77 (13.45) 18–69
Body mass index* (kg/m2) 23.95 (4.53) 15.43–43.28
MELD† 14.06 (4.6) 6.43–30.41
CTP‡ 7.34 (1.96) 5–13
Number Percentage%
Female/Male 118/139 45.9/54.1
Cryptogenic 88 34.2
Autoimmune hepatitis 50 19.5
Hepatitis B 48 18.7
Hepatitis C 38 14.8
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis 23 8.9
Wilson’s disease 6 2.3
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis 3 1.2
Alcohol 1 0.4
Chronic kidney disease 0 0
Coronary artery disease 1 0.4
Hypertension 6 2.3
Diabetes 23 8.95
Ulcerative colitis 6 2.3
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 2 0.8
Hepatorenal syndrome 1 0.4
Ascites 121 47.1
Hepatic encephalopathy 52 20.2
*Body mass index was available for 149 patients. †Model for End stage Liver Disease; ‡Child-Turcotte-Pugh score

Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 17, Number 2, February 2014 119


Table 2. Events on the waiting list

Patients after 9 months follow up Number Percentage%
In the waiting list 212 82.5
Exiting from the waiting list
Dead 22 8.6
Worse 9 3.5
Transplant 12 4.7
Better medical condition 1 0.4
Quit 1 0.4
Total 257 100

Table 3. Univariate analysis comparing the group still on waiting list and the group expired or removed from the waiting list due to poor medical condition.
In list, (n=212) Died or worsen, (n=31)
Mean ± SD (95% CI), number Mean ± SD (95% CI), number
Serum total bilirubin (mg/dL) 2.32 ± 1.92 (2.06, 2.58) 4.52 ± 6.47 (2.15, 6.89) 0.024
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.88 ± 0.24 (0.85, 0.91) 0.89 ± 0.26 (0.79, 0.98) 0.751
International Normalized Ratio 1.49 ± 0.43 (1.43, 1.55) 1.6 ± 0.47 (1.51, 1.86) 0.012
Albumin (g/dL) 3.71 ± 0.61 (3.63, 3.79) 3.09 ± 0.37 (2.95, 3.22) < 0.001
Presence of ascites 88 23 0.001
Presence of hepatic encephalopathy 33 13 < 0.001
CTP 7.01 ± 1.79 (6.77, 7.25) 8.68 ± 1.78 (8.03, 9.33) < 0.001
MELD 13.37 ± 4.2 (12.80, 13.94) 16.26 ± 4.36 (14.66, 17.86) 0.001

Table 4. CTP and MELD of the patients expired or removed from the list due to severe deterioration.
CTP < 8 &73•
MELD < 13.67 5 3
0(/'• 3 20

MELD Sensitivity 6SHFL¿FLW\ CTP Sensitivity 6SHFL¿FLW\
13 0.77 0.50 6 0.93 0.23
13.5 0.74 0.55 7 0.90 0.46
13.6 0.74 0.57 8 0.74 0.67
13.67 0.74 0.58 9 0.61 0.79
13.7 0.70 0.58 10 0.25 0.88
13.8 0.67 0.59 11 0.16 0.95
13.9 0.67 0.60 12 0.06 0.98
14 0.64 0.60 13 0.00 0.99


Previous reports from Iran have shown that 51%–56% of Iranian tion (ascites, variceal bleeding, or hepatic encephalopathy).18 In
cirrhotic patients were HBsAg positive.15 Some other studies con- our center, the waiting period for most patients who were trans-
ducted in Shiraz, southern Iran, showed smaller prevalence rates planted was less than three months; so, most of them received the
for hepatitis B etiology on liver transplantation waiting list: 26.5% new liver with lower MELD scores.
LQ6DEHUL¿URR]L¶VVWXG\LQDQGLQ16,17 In our liver We studied the ability of MELD and CTP to predict 9-month
transplantation waiting list, there is no selection criteria based on mortality or removal from the waiting list due to poor medical
the etiology of the patients’ chronic liver disease. However, cryp- condition. It is the nature of decompensated cirrhosis to prog-
togenic cirrhosis was the top ranking etiology among patients on ress with time. Some of these patients may be removed from the
our waiting list. According to a general judgment, burned-out waiting list due to the deterioration of overall clinical condition.
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and inactivated past autoimmune There are a few studies which have assessed the ability of CTP
hepatitis might be probable causes behind these patients. Due to and MELD for predicting both mortality and removal from the
ODFNRIGH¿QLWHHYLGHQFHIRUHLWKHUQRQDOFRKROLFVWHDWRKHSDWLWLV waiting list due to the deterioration of medical conditions.19,20
or atypical forms of autoimmune hepatitis, we could not deter- ,QRXUXQLYDULDWHDQDO\VLVFUHDWLQLQHZDVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\GLIIHU-
mine their exact etiology; therefore, we decided to categorize ent between those who survived at the end of our study and those
them as “cryptogenic etiology”. High incidence of obesity, fatty who died or were removed from the waiting list due to bad medi-
liver and non-alcoholic hepatitis in most communities as well as cal conditions. The reason might be the lack of any chronic kidney
potent oral anti-viral agents for hepatitis B virus could explain the disease in the study population and of course, the low prevalence
higher rank of cryptogenic cirrhosis as the main cause of chronic of hepatorenal syndrome among patients on the waiting list.
liver disease on the liver transplantation waiting list. This pattern We used AUC to compare the accuracy of CTP and MELD. It
would be a dominant pattern in most communities in the future. ranges from 0 to 1. Generally, tests are good with AUC > 0.7 and
Patients with cirrhosis should be referred for transplantation excellent > 0.8, while AUC > 0.9 seldom occurs.3 In our study, the
AUC was 0.75 for CTP and 0.69 for MELD. This indicates that

120 Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 17, Number 2, February 2014


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Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 17, Number 2, February 2014 121

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