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#x201c Beyond MELD&#x201d &#x2013 Emerging Stra

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“Beyond MELD” – Emerging strategies and technologies for

improving mortality prediction, organ allocation and outcomes in
liver transplantation
Jin Ge1, W. Ray Kim2,*, Jennifer C. Lai1, Allison J. Kwong2

Keywords: MELD; In this review article, we discuss the model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score and its dual purpose
Prognostication; Allocation;
in general and transplant hepatology. As the landscape of liver disease and transplantation has evolved
Frailty; Sarcopenia; EHR;
OMOP; Clinical considerably since the advent of the MELD score, we summarise emerging concepts, methodologies, and
Decision Support. technologies that may improve mortality prognostication in the future. Finally, we explore how these
novel concepts and technologies may be incorporated into clinical practice.
Received 2 December 2021;
received in revised form 24 © 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Association for the Study of the Liver.
February 2022; accepted 4
March 2022 Introduction
The deficit of available donor organs in relation to and recalibration of the MELD score, MELD 3.0, was
the number of patients in need of liver trans- recently published with the inclusion of sex and
plantation necessitates systems to allocate organs serum albumin.10 At the same time, a substantial
Division of Gastroenterology and
in an efficient yet equitable manner. The current proportion of liver transplants are allocated by
Hepatology, Department of principles of liver allocation in the United States,1 MELD “exception”, representing indications where
Medicine, University of California – the Eurotransplant region,2,3 and elsewhere the mortality risk and need for transplant are not
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA,
include determination of priority through objective well-represented by the MELD score.11
USA; 2Division of Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, Department of and measurable medical criteria, ordered from In addition, emerging technologies, new meth-
Medicine, Stanford University most to least medically urgent.1,4 Urgency has been odologies, and evolving conceptual frameworks for
School of Medicine, Stanford, represented primarily by the model for end-stage liver disease may improve clinicians’ ability to
liver disease (MELD) score, rather than the Child- prognosticate and manage patients with end-stage
* Corresponding author. Address: Pugh score, to avoid subjective variables such as liver disease. In this article, we present emerging
430 Broadway Street, Floor 3,
ascites and encephalopathy and to expand the tools and techniques “beyond MELD” for
Redwood City, CA 94063-3132,
USA; Tel.: +1-650-723-5135, fax: scale (to reduce the number of candidates with improvement in liver allocation, prognostication,
+1-650-723-5488. identical scores).5,6 and outcomes in patients with end-stage
E-mail address: wrkim@stanford. The MELD score, which is comprised of serum liver disease.
edu (W.R. Kim). bilirubin, creatinine, and the international nor-
malised ratio, has since served a dual purpose in Beyond MELD – for liver allocation
10.1016/j.jhep.2022.03.003 general and transplant hepatology. It effectively Improving the MELD score
predicts short-term (e.g., over 90 days) mortality Over the past two decades of MELD score-based
among patients with chronic liver disease, thereby liver allocation, the demographics of chronic liver
providing clinicians with a critical tool to prog- disease and indications for liver transplantation
nosticate liver-related and waitlist mortality. It has have changed dramatically worldwide. The wide-
been used to determine medical urgency (and spread availability of effective direct-acting anti-
hence priority) for liver transplant candidates since viral therapy for hepatitis C and the increasing
2002 in the United States and 2006 in the Euro- prevalence of alcohol-associated liver disease and
transplant region, making it an essential tool for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis has fundamentally
transparent and equitable organ allocation.7,8 changed the population of patients awaiting liver
The landscape of chronic liver disease and liver transplantation.11,12 Throughout these changes,
transplantation has evolved considerably in the last however, the MELD score has continued to provide
two decades. Both waitlist mortality prediction and robust predictions of short-term waitlist mortality
transplant organ allocation require ongoing re- that outperform most other clinical scoring sys-
evaluation to ensure accurate prognostication and tems, with c-statistics that exceed 0.80 in various
appropriate distribution of donor organs. In 2016, cohorts.9,10,13 Still, it has been perceived that the
the MELD score was updated to include serum predictive power of the MELD score may have
sodium, an objective biomarker that is often a diminished in recent years.14,15 The MELD score
surrogate indicator for ascites.9 A new update to may not represent mortality risk as accurately for

Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329

patients with some of the most severe clinical Emerging concepts to improve allocation
complications of cirrhosis, such as acute-on- The rationale behind organ allocation systems is to
chronic liver failure (ACLF), refractory ascites/he- maximise the use of available organs and reduce
patic hydrothorax, recurrent variceal bleeding, and deaths on the waiting list. Organ allocation may be
hepatocellular carcinoma.14,16 driven by 3 important principles:
In addition, the MELD score has historically - Urgency – Allocation to the patient estimated to
underpredicted mortality risks for women.17,18 have the shortest survival without a transplant.
This sex disparity is multifactorial but in part - Utility – Allocation to the patient estimated to
stems from the reliance of the MELD score on the have the longest post-transplant survival.
measurement of serum creatinine, which can vary - Transplant benefit – Allocation based on the dif-
by sex for the same degree of renal dysfunc- ference between the mean survival estimates
tion.17,19,20 Women on average have lower muscle with and without a transplant.
mass compared to men, leading to systematic
underestimation of renal function by serum In the past two decades, liver allocation in the
creatinine.21 Alternatives to the creatinine United States and parts of Europe has been based
component of the MELD score have been pro- almost entirely on the principle of urgency – in
posed, including MDRD (modification of diet in other words, by risk of death as determined by the
renal disease),18,22 GRAIL (glomerular filtration MELD score.7,8 Although the Final Rule instituted
rate assessment in liver disease),23,24 and cystatin by the Department of Health and Human Services
C,25,26 but are still less-than-ideal owing to the in the United States also provides for consideration
lack of improvement in model performance, in- of utility and survival benefit – to make the best
clusion of age and/or race-based equations, or use of donated organs, to avoid wasting organs,
clinical availability (cystatin C) (Table 1). The most and to avoid futile transplants.1 However, accept-
recent iteration of the MELD score, MELD 3.0, in- able standards and thresholds for post-transplant
corporates sex as an independent variable to cor- longevity and futility have been challenging to
rect for the sex disparity due to creatinine, while define,30 and current models for post-transplant
also updating coefficients, adding serum albumin survival do not perform well enough alone to be
and adjusting the creatinine to a lower cap of 3.0 used in allocation.31–33 Moreover, the net benefit of
mg/dl.10 Other factors contributing to the sex liver transplant, defined by the difference between
disparity, including anthropometric differences survival with and without transplant, is largely
and thus fewer opportunities for size-appropriate driven by waitlist mortality, where the candidates
organs or the allocation of exception points, may with the highest MELD score gained the most life-
require other types of adjustments to fully address years from transplant.34,35
the differences in outcomes and access to trans- In many MELD-based liver allocation systems,
plant between sexes.17,19,27,28 exception points grant waitlist priority and thus
While the MELD score remains a reliable indi- access to transplant for patients whose mortality
cator of mortality risk in liver disease, it can risk and need for transplant is not well-
certainly benefit from further refinement. In so represented by the MELD score, the most com-
doing, the selection of variables should be carefully mon exception being for hepatocellular carci-
considered. Older age, medical co-morbidities, or noma.36 Calibration of these exception points to
certain aetiologies of liver disease may be associ- approximate the mortality risk and urgency for
ated with increased mortality risk, yet there is no transplant and to equitably allocate organs has
consensus that these variables should influence turned out to be a moving target as patient char-
waitlist priority or access to liver transplantation. acteristics and management of various conditions
Race may also be predictive, but this variable in have shifted over time. Ensuring equitable alloca-
clinical prediction scores can be problematic, as tion for this population may require additional
racial differences among populations in large solutions, including integration of transplant
datasets are often not genetic or biological, but benefit and flexibility for donor-recipient matching
Key point
rather reflect socioeconomics and healthcare pol- in certain cases.37 For example, the United States
icy.29 Race adjustment in these situations, while allocation system does consider utility in the spe- While the MELD score re-
well-intentioned, can exacerbate inequity. Lastly, cific contexts of hepatocellular carcinoma or chol- mains a reliable indicator
of mortality risk in liver
variables should be objective, verifiable, and angiocarcinoma, by which patients exceeding
disease, further refine-
readily available. Although addition of such vari- certain criteria do not receive standard priority for ments, exception points,
ables may generate better prediction of waitlist liver transplant, owing to the excess risk of post- and continuous distribu-
mortality, they are not necessarily appropriate for transplant recurrence and thus lower transplant tion are required as we
use in organ allocation. Systems for organ distri- benefit.37 Such rules may set a precedent for utility move toward truly fair and
equitable organ allocation.
bution also need to be interpretable and trans- to be considered in future liver allocation policies.
parent with regards to how changes of a specific Disparities in waitlist outcomes also arise from
variable would impact allocation. unequal access to transplant. Patients with the

Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329 1319


Table 1. Limitations of existing and proposed waitlist mortality risk scores to be used in liver allocation.
Score Components Strengths Limitations
Child-Pugh score139 Bilirubin, INR, albumin, asci-  Established minimal listing criteria for  Inclusion of potentially subjective vari-
tes, encephalopathy liver transplant candidates ables i.e. ascites and encephalopathy
MELD7 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine  Adequate discriminative ability  Underestimation of renal dysfunction in
 Use of objective and widely available women compared to men
tests  Does not accurately represent transplant
 Improved waitlist mortality, equity in urgency for certain disease etiologies such
liver allocation as hepatocellular carcinoma
MELD-Na9 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine,  Addition of sodium as a surrogate for  May not accurately represent mortality
sodium ascites risk for complications such as hepatic en-
cephalopathy or acute-on-chronic liver
MELD-Plus140 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine, so-  Improved mortality prediction  Only calculated after a cirrhosis-related
dium, albumin, total choles- compared to MELD-Na after hospital hospital admission
terol, WBC, age, length of stay admission
MELD-lactate141 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine, so-  Improved in-hospital mortality pre-  Only calculated during a hospital
dium, lactate diction compared to MELD or MELD- admission
Na in patients hospitalised for infec-
tion or MELD < −15
MELD-Na-MDRD18,22 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine, age,  More accurate estimation of renal  Did not improve mortality prediction
sex, race function accounting for potential dif-
ferences in muscle mass
MELD-GRAIL-Na23,24 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine,  Estimation of renal function developed  Inclusion of age and race could lead to bias
blood urea nitrogen, age, sex, for liver disease with better accuracy in allocation
race, albumin, sodium and precision compared to standard
eGFR calculations
 Improved mortality prediction in
MELD >32
MELD-Cystatin C25,26 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine, cys-  Biomarker of renal function less sus-  Lack of clinical availability
tatin C ceptible to differences in muscle mass  Mitigated sex differences but no
improvement in predictive power
MELD-Na-Shift28 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine,  Adds 0-1 MELD points for women  Addition of points for women at arbitrary
sodium  Modelled to eliminate sex disparity in levels
transplant rates
MELD 3.010 Bilirubin, INR, creatinine, so-  Addition of 1.33 points for women  Calculation somewhat more complex
dium, sex, albumin  Updated coefficients and interactions;
adjusted upper bound for serum
 Improved mortality prediction
compared to MELD-Na
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GRAIL, glomerular filtration rate assessment in liver disease; INR, international normalised ratio; MDRD, modification of diet in
renal disease; MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; WBC, white blood cell.

same medical urgency should have an equal op- related factors and thereby improve access.38–40
portunity of receiving a liver transplant, yet this is Consensus processes, such as that described by
currently not the case. Upcoming changes in allo- the Italian liver transplant community, may help to
cation in the United States include not only opti- develop allocation policy that fairly balances the
misation of the MELD score but also continuous various priorities of liver transplantation, including
distribution, a composite point scoring system that urgency, utility, and transplant benefit.37
will enable the consideration of additional vari-
ables, including height, body surface area, blood Beyond MELD – For prognostication
type, geography, paediatric status, and travel effi- Muscle dysfunction as a clinical marker for
ciency, and indication for transplant (i.e. excep- assessing disease severity in patients
tions), to move closer to fair and equitable organ with cirrhosis
allocation. Under the proposed framework defined Emerging factors that have not classically been
Key point by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation reflected by the MELD score, such as malnutrition,
Network (OPTN) in the United States, continuous frailty, and sarcopenia, have improved our ability
Factors not traditionally to dynamically characterise the morbidity and
distribution will attempt to balance 5 goals: med-
reflected by the MELD
ical urgency, post-transplant survival, candidate mortality associated with cirrhosis.41 Malnutrition
score, such as malnutrition,
frailty, and sarcopenia, biology, patient access, and placement efficiency, represents a spectrum of nutritional deficiencies
have improved prognosti- although the specific attributes ultimately included that cause adverse effects on physiologic function
cation in patients with and their respective weighting will depend on or clinical outcomes.42 It contributes to and is
feedback from the transplant community and interdependent with measurable clinical
modelling and analysis. The system is envisioned to manifestations of muscle dysfunction: frailty
provide a more dynamic reflection of patient- and sarcopenia.41

1320 Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329

Frailty is classically defined as the clinical statemulticentre curated cohorts, or administrative
of decreased physiologic reserve and increased claims databases.61–63 Beyond these large data-
vulnerability to health stressors.43 In patients with bases, there has been a growing movement towards
cirrhosis, this manifests as the phenotypic repre- aggregation of longitudinal electronic health re-
sentation of impaired muscle contractile func- cords (EHRs) across multiple institutions and
tion.44 Frailty is estimated to be present in 17% to health systems.64–66
43% of patients with cirrhosis based on different In the United States and the European Union,
measurement standards;45–48 it worsens in pa- EHRs now have greater than 96% penetration in
tients with cirrhosis over time and has been acute care hospital and physicians’ offices.67,68 EHR
strongly associated with waitlist and post- data, gathered as the transactional record of health
transplant mortality. For instance, frailty was care delivery and operations, are now viewed as a
associated with a nearly 2-fold higher adjusted risk key resource to generate unique insights.69 Novel
of death in 1,044 ambulatory patients with applications of data science and clinical informatics
cirrhosis awaiting liver transplantation in a multi- on EHR data have the potential to accelerate clin-
centre study in the United States.45 Moreover, ical research and improve patient care. One of the
frailty is linked with increased healthcare uti- key advantages of EHR data is its dynamic longi-
lisation both in the ambulatory and hospitalised tudinal nature with data acquisition occurring at
settings. Given frailty’s strong association with every interaction that the patient has with the
post-transplant outcomes, the concept of “pre- healthcare system. Correctly harnessed, integration
habilitation” or intervening to modify physical of longitudinal data could produce more compre-
reserve prior to surgery has gained traction in both hensive reflections of patients’ clinical trajectory.
transplant and non-transplant surgical fields.49,50 For instance, incorporation of time-variant var-
Arrest or reversal of the progression of frailty is iables, such as laboratory values and vital signs,
thought to be a clinically relevant achievement that captured in EHRs have enabled continuous pre-
should incentivise liver transplantation.49 As such, diction of the development of acute kidney injury
the American Association for the Study of Liver during inpatient admissions.70,71 Moreover, the use
Diseases now recommends all patients with of longitudinal and sequential data elements
cirrhosis should be assessed for frailty with a gathered from EHR flowsheets, medication ad-
standardised tool at baseline and longitudinally;41 ministrations, physician notes, and radiology re-
and the American Society of Transplantation rec- ports have enabled the construction of deep-
ommends the same for patients awaiting learning models to more accurately predict in-
liver transplantation.49 hospital mortality, 30-day readmissions, and pro-
Sarcopenia is defined as the progressive and longed length of stay.72 In clinical hepatology, the
generalised loss of skeletal muscles associated with integration of longitudinal EHR elements, such as
increased likelihood of adverse outcomes.51 Sar- structured flowsheet entries, medication adminis-
copenia is also common in adults with cirrhosis, tration, procedure orders, vital signs, and labora-
affecting 30% to 70% of patients with strong sex- tory values, has enabled dynamic calculations of
based differences in prevalence.52,53 The gold the North American Consortium for the Study of
standard for sarcopenia assessment is computed End-Stage Liver Disease-ACLF and Chronic Liver
tomography imaging; since abdominal imaging is Failure Consortium-ACLF prognostication scores in
commonly performed for clinical reasons, muscle hospitalised patients with ACLF.73
Key point
mass measurements are often obtainable.54,55 Sar- Despite the potential for longitudinal EHR data
copenia has a robust association with waitlist to improve outcome prediction, the lack of stan- Longitudinal electronic
mortality before and after transplant, as well as dards, lack of semantic interoperability, and health records hold great
promise for dynamic
with hepatic decompensation.52,56,57 Sarcopenia is disparate EHR systems/implementations have his-
outcome prediction,
progressive in patients with cirrhosis, and serial/ torically limited large multi-institution collabora- particularly with the appli-
longitudinal measures of muscle loss have been tions.74 Early regional-based EHR consortiums, cation of common data
associated with clinical outcomes including wait- such as HealthLNK based in the Chicago area, have models and the centralisa-
tion of data.
list mortality.58 demonstrated the value of multicentre EHR data in
predicting factors associated with mortality in pa-
Electronic health data and multicentre tients with cirrhosis.75
electronic consortiums The development and wider availability of
Recent advances in computing power in conjunc- common data models, such as the observational
tion with the availability of large databases and medical outcomes partnership (OMOP) model and
analytical methodologies have dramatically the fast healthcare interoperability resources
increased the tools available for clinical research in (FHIR) model, may now facilitate larger EHR-based
hepatology. Historically, the predominant forms of collaboratives.64,76 Examples of such large EHR-
large clinical research databases in the United States based research collaboratives include the Obser-
and Europe have been based on either patient reg- vational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
istries, such as the Scientific Registry of Transplant group based in the United States and the European
Recipients or Eurotransplant databases,11,59,60 Health Data and Evidence Network based in the

Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329 1321


European Union.64,77 While the trend towards longitudinal analyses of EHR data to predict out-
common data models and centralised EHR data for comes of cirrhosis.92
observational research had already been underway, In liver transplant, ML methodologies have been
the COVID-19 pandemic drastically accelerated this used to explore waitlist mortality and organ allo-
movement with the creation of the National COVID cation.87,88,92–96 One of the first ML models in
Cohort Collaborative (N3C).65,78 transplant hepatology developed in 2003 was an
N3C is a novel, centralised, and harmonised ANN model to predict 1-year mortality in a cohort
repository of EHR data from more than 64 sites of 92 patients. While limited in scale, this ANN
from across the United States built on the OMOP model outperformed logistic regression and the
platform, formed in response to the need for rapid Child-Pugh score.93 Similarly, an ANN-based mor-
accrual and analyses of clinical data during the tality model derived from patients awaiting liver
COVID-19 pandemic.65,78 Its effective use has transplantation in Italy and validated in the United
allowed for the rapid generation of insights into Kingdom showed better predictive ability than the
the mortality risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among original MELD score.94 The optimised prediction of
patients with cirrhosis.79 The work highlights the mortality model – developed in 2019 and trained
prospect of transplant hepatology-specific multi- on OPTN data using ML optimal classification trees
centre EHR collaboratives with deep clinical con- – demonstrated superior mortality prediction vs.
tent expertise, which may accelerate the the MELD score, and led to decreased mortality and
development of comprehensive models for mor- increased survival benefit across all candidate de-
tality prediction in patients with end-stage mographics, diagnoses, and geographic regions in
liver disease. liver simulated allocation model simulations.97
Despite these encouraging results, ML models
Novel modelling methodologies for mortality for waitlist mortality have several limitations,
risk prediction including interoperability and complexity. In
While high-dimension multicentre EHR data has addition, many early applications of ML method-
tremendous potential, their “big data” nature may ologies have only considered binary outcomes
require the use of novel analytical techniques.80,81 rather than a time-dependent survival function
“Big data” is an amorphous term that is classically which is key in the accurate determination of
defined in terms of the 5 “Vs” (volume, velocity, transplant urgency and waitlist priority. Due to
variety, veracity, and value) to describe large these limitations and challenges in practical
datasets that may be more effectively analysed implementation, waitlist mortality models based
using 82,83 artificial intelligence-based methods, on ML have yet to gain much traction in organ
such as machine learning (ML), which permit data- allocation.98,99 ML models have the potential to
driven rather than hypothesis-driven discov- better predict post-transplant outcomes through
ery.84,85 The most prevalent ML algorithms are the real-time considerations of longitudinal
divided into supervised (classification) and unsu- candidate variables, donor variables, and the
pervised (sorting) methods (Table 2).84,86,87 interaction of donor-candidate matching, which
There is often some overlap between traditional may play a role in continuous distribution.38,39
statistical and ML approaches: Logistic regression
is such an example of a methodology common to Potential pitfalls of algorithms for
both. In general, classification trees and neural clinical prediction
network-based methods have generally been the While there is substantial potential for ML to in-
predominant ML algorithms applied to contempo- fluence clinical practice in transplant hepatology
rary hepatology research. The cirrhosis mortality and potentially improve patient outcomes, limita-
model, developed from the United States Veterans tions of these technologies must be recognised.85
Affairs Corporate Data Warehouse (VHACDW) us- First, additional complexity may not improve pre-
ing a combination of gradient boosting and logistic dictive performance if underlying data and vari-
regression methods, offered significantly improved ables are the same. When comparing the ability of
discrimination compared to the MELD score.88 Of ML models (support vector classification and
particular interest are artificial neural networks random forest) vs. logistic regression to predict
(ANNs), which are learning algorithms that can be readmission and death in 2,179 North American
employed for both supervised and unsupervised patients with ACLF, ML model accuracies were
tasks. Neural networks are inspired by neuro- equivalent to models generated using only the
anatomy – each neuron is a computing unit, and all MELD score. The performance of future ML
neurons are connected to build a network. Signals modelling may improve if higher density data
travel from input layer to the output layer going incorporating novel variables, such as sarcopenia
through multiple hidden layers – which represent and frailty, are available.100
higher complexity.89–91 Deep neural networks, Second, despite harmonisation and ration-
characterised by multiple layers between the input alisation of different ontologies and semantics, data
and output layers,91 have been utilised for quality, shift, and reproducibility are still ongoing

1322 Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329

Table 2. Common machine learning algorithms used in clinical research.
Algorithm Summary Application example in hepatology
Supervised learning
Linear regression Relationship modelling between a response variable and Prediction of liver fat fraction from the presence of meta-
one or more explanatory variables bolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and laboratory markers142
Logistic regression Prediction of the probability of a target variable in binary Prediction of 30-day readmissions for acute-on-chronic liver
classification failure patients100
Decision tree Classification or regression of data based on simple rules Prediction of acute kidney injury after liver transplantation
splitting values of input variables utilising scoring systems143
Random forest Ensemble of multiple decision trees operating as a Personalised surveillance model for development of hepa-
committee tocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C cirrhosis144
Gradient boosted trees Ensemble method of building weaker prediction models Risk stratification of mortality for patients with cirrhosis in
sequentially where each model predicts leftover error the United States Veteran Health Administration88
Support vector machine Linear classification by finding the hyperplane that maxi- Prediction of 30-day readmissions for acute-on-chronic liver
mises the margins between 2 classes failure patients100
K-Nearest neighbor Classification of new data or cases based on similarity or Identification of molecular signature associated with
distance between input features development of hepatocellular carcinoma145
Naïve Bayes Use of Bayes theorem to predict membership probability Prediction of hepatitis B cirrhosis utilising serum
assuming independence among predictors biomarkers146
Unsupervised learning
K-Means Partition observations into k clusters in each observation Classification of cirrhosis based on un-labelled MRI data147
belongs to the cluster with nearest center
Principal component analysis Reduce dimensionality by converting correlated variables Identification of splanchnic and clinical characteristics
into a set of uncorrelated variables associated with hyperdynamic circulation in patients with
Gaussian mixture Probabilistic model that assumes all data are generated from Detection of hepatocellular carcinoma from computed to-
a finite set of Gaussian distributions mography images149
Hidden Markov System is assumed to be a Markov model with unobservable Progression from cirrhosis to hepatocellular carcinoma
states based on clinical covariates and diagnostic codes150
Neural network algorithms
Artificial neural networks Group of interconnected nodes/computing units that form a Quantification of skeletal muscle mass from computed to-
network mography scans54
Convolutional neural networks Neural network with nodes designed to resemble visual Prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma development among
cortices patients with hepatitis C cirrhosis95
Recurrent neural networks Neural network where connections between nodes are Prediction of 1-year mortality in patients with cirrhosis
based on temporal sequences utilising EHR data92
Deep neural networks Multiple layers between the input and output layers Longitudinal analyses of EHR data elements to predict hos-
pitalisation outcomes72
EHR, electronic health record.

issues in the modelling of EHR data.80,101 Dataset and allocation for kidney transplant.29,107 In
shift describes the changes in model performance transplant hepatology, eGFR has been avoided in
due to temporal or spatial shifts between the clinical prognostication modelling due to its po-
population used for training and the population tential for exacerbating race- and sex-based dis-
upon which the algorithm is deployed.102,103 One parities. Human intelligence, in addition to
prominent recent example is the University of artificial intelligence, remains critically important
Michigan’s deactivation of a proprietary sepsis- for the thoughtful and deliberate selection of data
alert model due to shifts in patient populations features, variables and analytic methodologies.
during the COVID-19 pandemic.104 Dataset shift is Fourth, structured data, which forms the basis
not exclusive to ML algorithms but also to other for most classical models and ML algorithms at this
clinical prediction scoring systems. Periodic audits time, are limited by coding. For example, efforts to
and updating of scoring systems, such as the up- diagnose Fontan-associated liver disease were
date of MELD to MELD 3.0,10 are necessary to adapt limited by the lack of specific structured diagnostic
our clinical tools to changing conditions. codes across multiple clinical databases.108 The
Third, underlying bias can be amplified by volume of unstructured data far exceeds structured
clinical prediction and ML-based algorithms.105,106 data, with an estimated 90% of digital data in
The most prominent example in transplantation healthcare being unstructured. Incorporating or
is the incorporation of race in estimated glomer- converting unstructured data elements in the EHR,
ular filtration rate (eGFR) calculations, which have such as imaging reports, pathology reports, and
disadvantaged racial minorities in listing practices clinical documentation, into structured or tagged

Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329 1323


features remains challenging. Transformation of design, and post hoc systems, which provide local
such data into structured data requires substantial and reproducible explanations for algorithm out-
cleaning, splitting, merging, validating, and sorting, puts, are now commonly utilised to enable greater
but does improve clinical representation in pre- trust in ML algorithms.116,120 Similarly, active
dictive analytics.109 incorporation of human knowledge, or expert-
Key point
Finally, algorithms are not anticipated to augmentation, in the algorithm construction pro-
There is an increasing push completely replace the “subjective” judgment of cess is another strategy to improve “explain-
to develop data-driven clinicians involved in the care of the peri- ability.”121 To begin to address these concerns, the
machine learning-based
transplant patient.110 For instance, significant development of standardised tools and evaluations
algorithms to further
improve outcome predic- technical expertise is required to conduct split liver on transplant reporting and assessments of bias in
tion in patients with liver transplantation,111 to use donor organs with tech- applied ML techniques is currently underway.102,122
disease. nical variants or higher risk features,112 or to suc-
cessfully transplant patients with complex surgical Beyond MELD – for improvement in
histories.113 These institution- and clinician- patient outcomes
specific knowledge and skills are often ill- Emerging technologies to actively manage
captured and ill-evaluated by algorithms. waitlist mortality risk
For these reasons, the application of ML-based One technology to overcome issues with unstruc-
artificial intelligence has received a mixed recep- tured data is natural language processing (NLP),
tion from both clinicians and the general popula- which is a suite of related techniques to convert
tion.114–116 Among clinicians, there are latent fears unstructured or narrative text into tagged or
that algorithms may ultimately replace their skills structured elements for analysis.123,124 There has
or functions.116,117 In addition, many clinicians are been particular interest in utilising NLP for the
uncomfortable with “black box” ML tools, even diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as this
though examples of similar opacity abound in condition is poorly documented in structured EHR
other diagnostic and therapeutic areas of clinical data.125,126 NLP has been used on abdominal ul-
medicine.118 Among providers and patients, there trasound, computerised tomography, and magnetic
is a concern about the loss of patient-provider re- resonance imaging reports from the VHACDW to
lationships, privacy in data use, and accountability rapidly screen patients with radiographic evidence
– namely who is responsible for adverse outcomes of fatty liver disease.126 In an analysis of clinical
due to clinical decisions influenced or augmented notes available for 38,575 patients enrolled in the
by artificial intelligence.114,115,119 There is an Mount Sinai BioMe cohort, NLP methods out-
increasing recognition that transparency, inter- performed ICD codes and text search.125
Key point
pretability, and explainability are necessary for Real-time clinical decision support (CDS) and
Clinical decision support long-term acceptance of artificial intelligence tools. prospective risk modelling are also emerging areas
and prospective risk Ante hoc systems, which are interpretable by of research/implementation in the management of
modelling are emerging
areas of research that are
hoped to lead to improve-
ments in the management
of patients with cirrhosis Feedback to
and those on the liver clinical decision
transplant waiting list. support

Clinical decision

Computational risk Random-

assessment isation

Usual care

Feedback to

Fig. 1. Rapid-cycle testing in ‘electronic’ randomised controlled trials. Schematic of rapid-cycle ‘electronic’ randomised
controlled trials could be implemented using CDS systems: computational risk assessment allows a patient to be randomised for
an intervention associated with a CDS, the results of which could then be used to iteratively modify the risk stratification al-
gorithm or the CDS system. CDS, clinical decision support.

1324 Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329

patients with cirrhosis. Simple decision support In the management of patients with cirrhosis
tools have been implemented to support targeted and hepatic decompensation, more accurate,
quality improvement efforts, such as the proper comprehensive, and real-time prediction of mor-
use of ceruloplasmin in liver disease evaluation,127 tality, based on availability of the large amounts of
improving hepatitis C screening,128 and albumin information in EHRs, has the potential to dramati-
utilisation.129 The substitutable medical applica- cally change how we approach the clinical care of
tions and reusable technologies on FHIR (SMART- patients with cirrhosis and its complications. In
on-FHIR) application programming interface al- addition, novel concepts and emerging technolo-
lows for the development of more complex and gies may play a major role in refining mortality
prospective CDS systems by securely and auto- prediction in an individual patient. For example,
matically pulling in relevant patient data from the prognosis of a patient with cirrhosis may be
disparate locations in the EHR.130,131 Previous accurately assessed by deep neural network-based
SMART-on-FHIR CDS applications created to sup- algorithms incorporating past clinical data in the
port the American Academic of Pediatrics guideline EHR, current MELD 3.0, frailty measurements, and
on management of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia muscle mass volume derived from a computed
were shown to have excellent usability and tomography scan on an integrated SMART-on-FHIR
improved order rates for clinically appropriate application in the EHR system. We hope that,
phototherapy.132 SMART-on-FHIR CDS applications sometime in the near future, these novel tools will
have yet to be widely pilot tested or implemented provide clinically actionable information to alter a
in the care of patients with cirrhosis. patient’s outcome, well beyond determining a pa-
Potential applications of encounter-level CDS tient’s priority ranking for liver allocation.
include improving adherence to guideline-
recommended care in cirrhosis, promoting timely Abbreviations
intervention before anticipated/forecasted clinical ACLF, acute-on-chronic liver failure; ANNs, artificial
decompensation,133,134 or aiding immunosuppres- neural networks; CDS, clinical decision support;
sion surveillance in the post-transplant setting.135 eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; EHR,
On a patient or precision-level, CDS could allow electronic health record; FHIR, fast healthcare
for the calculation of “personalised” risk models for interoperability resources; GRAIL, glomerular
progression of fibrosis to cirrhosis, development of filtration rate assessment in liver disease; MELD,
hepatocellular carcinoma, and risk of waitlist model for end-stage liver disease; MDRD, modifi-
dropout.136 The use of these models and CDS sys- cation of diet in renal disease; ML, machine
tems may help inform decisions surrounding organ learning; N3C, National COVID Cohort Collabora-
allocation and acceptance in the future. Prospective tive; NLP, natural language processing; OMOP,
implementation of such CDS systems could allow observational medical outcomes partnership;
for real-world “electronic” experiments or clinical OPTN, Organ Procurement and Transplantation
trials (Fig. 1).137,138 These concepts remain unex- Network; SMART-on-FHIR, substitutable medical
plored in chronic liver disease and liver trans- applications and reusable technologies on fast
plantation, but may generate significant real-world health interoperability resources; VHACDW, Vet-
evidence that could be used to optimise organ erans Affairs Corporate Data Warehouse.
allocation and reduce waitlist mortality.
Financial support
Conclusions The authors of this study were supported by the
While the demographics and epidemiology of AASLD Anna S. Lok Advanced/Transplant Hepatol-
chronic liver diseases have changed dramatically in ogy Award (AASLD Foundation, Ge), P30DK026743
the past two decades, the MELD score and its (UCSF Liver Center Grant, Ge and Lai),
successors have continued to provide robust pre- R01DK127224 (National Institute of Diabetes and
dictions of short-term waitlist mortality. Continued Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Kim), R01AG059183
refinements of the MELD score, such as MELD 3.0, (National Institute on Aging, Lai), the Clinical,
improve its predictive ability and actively address Translational, and Outcomes Research Award
deficiencies such as sex-based differences in wait- (AASLD Foundation, Kwong), and K23AA029197
list mortality. Continuous distribution has emerged (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alco-
as a conceptual framework to optimise organ holism, Kwong). The content is solely the re-
allocation by weighing factors beyond waitlist sponsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
mortality. The selection of variables for changes to represent the official views of the NIH or any other
the liver allocation system, however, remains funding agencies. The funding agencies played no
fraught with challenges, requiring careful consid- role in the analysis of the data or the preparation of
eration of objectivity, verifiability, and availability. this manuscript.

Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1318–1329 1325


Conflict of interest revision of the manuscript for important intellec-

The authors of this manuscript have no conflicts of tual content. Lai: Drafting of manuscript; critical
interest to disclose as described by the Journal revision of the manuscript for important intellec-
of Hepatology. tual content. Kwong: Drafting of manuscript; crit-
Please refer to the accompanying ICMJE disclo- ical revision of the manuscript for important
sure forms for further details. intellectual content.

Authors’ contributions
Supplementary data
Authorship was determined using ICMJE recom-
Supplementary data to this article can be found on-
mendations. Ge: Drafting of manuscript; critical
line at
revision of the manuscript for important intellec-
tual content. Kim: Drafting of manuscript; critical

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