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Index of Channels Gates

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Index of Channels, Gates and Their Keynotes

Gate & Keynote Harmonic Gate & Keynote Channel & Keynote
1 Creative 8 Holding Together 8-1 Inspiration
Self Expression Contributions A design of Creative Role Model
2 Receptive 14 Possession in Great Measure 2 - 14 Beat
The Direction of the Self Power Skills A design of being a Keeper of Keys
3 Difficulty at the Beginning 60 Limitation 3 - 60 Mutation
Ordering Acceptance A design of Energy which Fluctuates and Initiates, Pulse
4 Youthful Folly 63 After Completion 63 - 4 Logic
Formulization Doubt A design of Mental Ease mixed with Doubt
5 Waiting 15 Modesty 15 - 5 Rhythm
Fixed Rhythms Extremes A design of Being in the Flow
6 Conflict 59 Dispersion 59 - 6 Mating
Friction Sexuality A design Focused on Reproduction
7 The Army 31 Influence 31 - 7 The Alpha
The Role of the Self Leading A design of Leadership for “good” or “bad”
8 Holding Together 1 Creative 8-1 Inspiration
Contributions Self Expression A design of Creative Role Model
9 Abysmal 52 Keeping Still 9 - 52 Concentration
Focus Inaction A design of Determination, Focused
10 Treading 20 Contemplation 10 - 20 Awakening
The Behavior of the Self The Now A design of Commitment to Higher Principles
10 Treading 34 The Power of the Great 10 - 34 Exploration
The Behavior of the Self Might A design of Following one’s Convictions
10 Treading 57 The Gentle 57 - 10 Perfected form
The Behavior of the Self Intuitive sight A design for Survival
11 Peace 56 Wanderer 11 - 56 Curiosity
Ideas Stimulation A design of a Searcher
12 Standstill 22 Grace 12 - 22 Openness
Caution Openness A design of a Social Being
13 Fellowship of Man 33 Retreat 33 - 13 Prodigal
The Listener Privacy A design of a Witness
14 Possession in Great Measure 2 Receptive 2 - 14 Beat
Power Skills The Direction of the Self A design of being a Keeper of Keys
15 Modesty 5 Waiting 15 - 5 Rhythm
Extremes Fixed Rhythms A design of Being in the Flow
16 Enthusiasm 48 The Well 16 - 48 Wavelength
Skills Depth A design of Talent
17 Following 62 Preponderance of the Small 17 - 62 Acceptance
Opinions Detail A design of an Organizational Being
18 Work on what has been spoilt 58 Joyous 18 - 58 Judgment
Correction Aliveness A design of Insatiability
19 Approach 49 Revolution 49 - 19 Synthesis
Wanting Rejection A design of Sensitivity
20 Contemplation 10 Treading 10 - 20 Awakening
The Now The Behavior of the Self A design of Commitment to Higher Principles
20 Contemplation 34 The Power of the Great 20 - 34 Charisma
The Now Might A design where Thoughts must become Deeds
Gate & Keynote Harmonic Gate & Keynote Channel & Keynote
20 Contemplation 57 The Gentle 20 - 57 Brainwave
The Now Intuition A design of Penetrating Awareness
21 Biting through 45 Gathering Together 45 - 21 Money Line
The hunter, huntress The Gatherer A design of a Materialist
22 Grace 12 Standstill 12 - 22 Openness
Openness Caution A design of a Social Being
23 Splitting Apart 43 Breakthrough 43 - 23 Structuring
Assimilation Insight A design of Individuality
24 Returning 61 Inner Truth 61 - 24 Awareness
Rationalizing Mystery A design of a Thinker
25 Innocence 51 Arousing 25 - 51 Initiation
The Spirit of the Self Shock A design of Needing to be First
26 Taming Power of the Great 44 Coming To Meet 26 - 44 Surrender
The Egoist Alertness A design of a Transmitter
27 Nourishment 50 Cauldron 50 - 27 Preservation
Caring Values A design of Custodianship
28 Preponderance of the Great 38 Opposition 28 - 38 Struggle
The Game Player The Fighter A design of Stubbornness
29 Abysmal 46 Pushing Upward 46 - 29 Discover
Saying Yes Determination A design of Succeeding where others Fail
30 Clinging Fire 41 Decrease 30 - 41 Recognition
Feelings Contraction A design of Focused Energy
31 Influence 7 The Army 31 - 7 The Alpha
Leading The Role of the Self A design of Leadership for “good” or “bad”
32 Duration 54 Marrying Maiden 32 - 54 Transformation
Continuity Ambition A design of Being Driven
33 Retreat 13 Fellowship of Man 33 - 13 Prodigal
Privacy The Listener A design of a Witness
34 The Power of the Great 10 Treading 10 - 34 Exploration
Might The Behavior of the Self A design of Following one’s Convictions
34 The Power of the Great 20 Contemplation 20 - 34 Charisma
Might The Now A design where Thoughts must become Deeds
34 The Power of the Great 57 The Gentle 57 - 34 Power
Might Intuition A design of an Archetype
35 Progress 36 Darkening of the Light 35 - 36 Transitoriness
Change Crisis A design of a “Jack of all Trades”
36 Darkening of the Light 35 Progress 35 - 36 Transitoriness
Crisis Change A design of a “Jack of all Trades”
37 The Family 40 Deliverance 40 - 37 Community
Friendship Aloneness A design of being a Part seeking a Whole
38 Opposition 28 Preponderance of the Great 28 - 38 Struggle
The Fighter The Game Player A design of Stubbornness
39 Obstruction 55 Abundance 55 - 39 Emoting
The Provocateur Spirit A design of Moodiness
40 Deliverance 37 The Family 40 - 37 Community
Aloneness Friendship A design of being a Part seeking a Whole
41 Decrease 30 Clinging Fire 30 - 41 Recognition
Contraction Feelings A design of Focused Energy
42 Increase 53 Development 42 - 53 Maturation
Growth Beginnings A design of Balanced Development, Cyclic
Gate & Keynote Harmonic Gate & Keynote Channel & Keynote
43 Breakthrough 23 Splitting Apart 43 - 23 Structuring
Insight Assimilation A design of Individuality
44 Coming To Meet 26 Taming Power of the Great 26 - 44 Surrender
Alertness The Egoist A design of a Transmitter
45 Gathering Together 21 Biting through 45 - 21 Money Line
The Gatherer The Hunter, Huntress A design of a Materialist
46 Pushing Upward 29 Abysmal 46 - 29 Discovery
Determination Saying Yes A design of Succeeding where others Fail
47 Oppression 64 Before Completion 64 - 47 Abstraction
Realizing Confusion A design of Mental Activity mixed with Clarity
48 The Well 16 Enthusiasm 16 - 48 Wavelength
Depth Skills A design of Talent
49 Revolution 19 Approach 19 - 49 Synthesis
Rejection Wanting A design of Sensitivity
50 Cauldron 27 Nourishment 50 - 27 Preservation
Values Caring A design of Custodianship
51 Arousing 25 Innocence 25 - 51 Initiation
Shock The Spirit of the Self A design of Needing to be First
52 Keeping Still 9 Abysmal 9 - 52 Concentration
Inaction Focus A design of Determination, Focused
53 Development 42 Increase 42 - 53 Maturation
Beginnings Growth A design of Balanced Development, Cyclic
54 Marrying Maiden 32 Duration 32 - 54 Transformation
Ambition Continuity A design of Being Driven
55 Abundance 39 Obstruction 55 - 39 Emoting
Spirit The Provocateur A design of Moodiness
56 Wanderer 11 Peace 11 - 56 Curiosity
Stimulation Ideas A design of a Searcher
57 The Gentle 10 Treading 57 - 10 Perfected Form
Intuitive sight The Behavior of the Self A design for Survival
57 The Gentle 20 Contemplation 20 - 57 Brainwave
Intuition The Now A design of Penetrating Awareness
57 The Gentle 34 The Power of the Great 57 - 34 Power
Intuition Might A design of an Archetype
58 Joyous 18 Work on what has been Spoilt 18 - 58 Judgment
Aliveness Correction A design of Insatiability
59 Dispersion 6 Conflict 59 - 6 Mating
Sexuality Friction A design Focused on Reproduction
60 Limitation 3 Difficulty at the Beginning 3 - 60 Mutation
Acceptance Ordering A design of Energy which Fluctuates and Initiates, Pulse
61 Inner Truth 24 Returning 61 - 24 Awareness
Mystery Rationalizing A design of a Thinker
62 Preponderance of the Small 17 Following 17 - 62 Acceptance
Detail Opinions A design of an Organizational Being
63 After Completion 4 Youthful Folly 63 - 4 Logic
Doubt Formulization A design of Mental Ease mixed with Doubt
64 Before Completion 47 Oppression 64 - 47 Abstraction
Confusion Realizing A design of Mental Activity mixed with Clarity

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