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Richard Rudd - Types and The Transpersonal Wa

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Types and the Transpersonal Wa

Imagine then, that humanity is a body like your own body. There are only 4
types of cells, each with their own sub-programming. At one extreme, you
have a small amount of rogue cells, independent bodies that are designed to
operate outside the loop of the mainframe programming. Ironically however,
these Manifestor cells are just as dependent upon the whole as any other type.
They are simply programmed to appear independent.
At the other extreme, you have a tiny percentage of early-warning cells the-
se unusual cells have no programming of their own but are designed to take
accurate readings of any cellular environment they move through. In every
sub-culture you will find a few of these cells reflecting the health of the local
environment. Their role is to warn the overall intelligence of the body of any
potential disruptions to the organism. They are called Reflector cells.
The bulk of the cellular life of the body (91%) is made up of the two most
common kinds of cell Generator cells and Projector cells. These 2 types are
designed to interlock with each other. The Generator cells collectively create
the life of the organism. They are pure energy cells buzzing day and night,
maintaining and building the whole. Projector cells are unique. They have no
propulsion of their own, so they drift around on the endless energy currents
created by the Generator cells.
You might imagine how easy it would be for a Projector cell to feel that it had
no purpose within the body. However, each Projector cell actually has a very
specific purpose (some have more than one), but that purpose can only be re-
alised when certain energy cells (Generators) dock in with the Projector cell
to receive instructions. Since the Projector has no propulsion, it is powerless
to initiate this process, but has to allow the Generator cells to recognise them
and dock in within their own timing.
This recognition process takes place through a coded lock and key program
built into these 2 types at birth. In other words, every Projector holds multiple
keys that fit an enormous array of locks. When a key does not fit a lock it is
very obvious!
Through the knowledge of the WA, we know that the basic genetic unit is 5.
These human groupings of mainly Generators and Projectors are also known
as Pentas. The nuclear family is a family of five. Statistically, that is four
Generators and one Projector. As an archetype, the role of this fifth Projector
is to maintain the stability of the 4 Generators.
Right, this next part is where it gets spooky, so hang on to your seats and try
and stay with me!
Just as this fifth Projector draws together the 4 Generators to form a penta,
this penta then takes on a life of its own. It also seeks something greater to
dock into, and this is known as an OC16. Pentas (groups of 5 human beings)
seek out another Projector, known as an alpha. Alpha Projectors naturally
dock together with three pentas, making 16 people (including the alpha). The
moment you have 16 people together, you actually have the foundation of an
entire gene pool, which then continues to grow exponentially.
Right. I am going to stop there. Whether you were able to follow any of that
or not, I am trying to make a point which is that if you are a Projector, you
are genetically coded to have others (specifically Generators) recognise you
and approach you. This is the foundation of the success of humanity as a spe-
cies. The Projectors role is pivotal for life to be coherently organised.
But there is a great irony to it all for the Projector which is that there is
nothing for them to do until they are recognised. Every Projector knows when
the key fits. Every cell in their body lights up. They also know when it only
sort of fits. Those are the critical moments for Projectors. If the fit is not
perfect, they have to smile sweetly and turn away.
So how long does a Projector have to wait? Well, forever. There is a deep se-
cret for Projectors going through their deconditioning that is, waiting itself
transforms the cells. The relief of not trying to make keys fit when they do not
want to fit, releases a huge pressure from the Projectors life. But it is also
clear from my own experience of observing Projectors that they are not al-
ways able to immediately throw away keys that do not fit.
Sometimes those keys may provide their livelihood, and they have to hold on
to them until they find the correct keys to replace them. That takes courage
to wait knowing something is wrong and you are powerless to change it. I
have a vast admiration for any Projector going through their deconditioning,
and I have also learned that I can never move forward in life without the pres-
ence of Projectors in key roles around me. Projectors, if you cannot be patient,
there is no hope for any of us

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