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Cartography Course

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Cartography Orientation

Two Parts

This course is made up of Self Study and

Live Classroom sessions.

You are currently in the Self Study part.

Here you will have a combination of text,
images and audio. The self study focuses on
the material and requires you to memorize
and familiarize yourself with the concepts. It
is recommended that you spread the self
study out over the full length of the course to keep it in line with
what is studied in the live class.

The live classes highlight the important points, add to them, and, most importantly, give you
opportunities to utilize the knowledge. Apart from making sure you know your stuff, the live classes
will give special attention to your presentation skills. Knowing the stuff is not enough. You have to be
able to synthesize the knowledge in a way that makes sense. The two parts aim to support that

Be Prepared

Be sure to come to class prepared: study the relevant sections in the self study. At the end of each
class the teacher will tell you what to study for next class. If you miss a live class you must review the
class Archive. The archives are available from the main login page (click "Back" at the top of this

Throughout the course we will rely heavily on the course section in the Forum, as well as the course
email list. All homework will be posted either in the Forum or email list, as well as your questions or
thoughts. Please make use of the forum as often as possible. There is a link to the course section of
the forum from every page in the course (like at the bottom of this page).

Make the Most Out of This

Online Education is great because you can do it from your home on your own
schedule. But it requires motivation. Even though we try our best to guide
you, we can not control the amount of time you study nor the environment
you study in. So we are leaving it up to you to cover all the materials.

It is also your responsibility to create a peaceful environment during the live

classes. Send the kids off to play and turn off the phone. Don't do other stuff
like check your emails or fold your clothes during class. And most
importantly, don't miss classes. It is easy to get distracted by unimportant things when you are not
physically surrounded by other students. Before you know it this course will be over so juice it for all
it's worth.


- Discuss in Forum
Any time you want to discuss the material or have a question, go to the
Cartography section in the Forum. If you have a flash of how something
works, go there. Use it as your notepad; use it to scribble an idea. Don't be
shy. The more everyone makes use of the forum the deeper your knowledge
will go, so use it!
- Feedback
In the Forum there is a post in the Feedback section for Cartography courses. Or you can send us an
email directly. The course is constantly evolving based on student feedback.

- Blog
All members have a blog. A blog is a peculiar mix of private diary and public shout box. Writing in it
helps you organize the knowledge you are learning. It makes the whole online experience richer when
we have lots of lively blogs.

That's it! Enjoy the course!

Course Content: Although the material in this course draws from many peoples' hard work, Kip
Winsett and Gennaro Brooks-Church deserve special recognition for pulling the bulk of the writing
together into its current form.

What is Profile?

This chart has a 3/5 Profile. Personality is always listed before Design.

Profile consists of the lines of your Personality and Design sun gates. Generally speaking it is your
purpose in life. Profile is also one of the Four Views in a basic reading - Definition, Type, Authority,

Two Parts

Human Design shows the duality of life. This can be seen in every aspect of Human Design. Most
importantly in this case, though, is to realize that there are two ways we can look at a person.

One way is through Type: manifestors, generators ,projectors and reflectors. Type is the natural
byproduct of the design itself since it is directly related to what channels and centers a person has in
their chart. This information gives us the way in which our vehicles operate. The moment that you are
living out your type, then your vehicle is going to operate properly. Being introduced to type gives you
the opportunity to mechanically experiment with your nature.

But since Human Design is a representation of our binary universe, there is a second very important
aspect of looking at the person. For some it’s not satisfying just to be comfortable with their own
vehicle, they want to know where the vehicle is going. It is possible to see where your vehicle is going
by understanding Profile. This is very different from type, which we see in the body graph.

When we talk about profile, it’s just pure database, made up by the position of the personality sun and
earth and the design sun and earth and specifically their lines. We are not looking at a large individual
configuration that’s built in your body graph but at two pieces of data. Sun and earth are always
opposite to each other, so your personality sun is exactly on the same line as your personality earth in
the opposite hexagram of the wheel. The same thing is true for the design sun and earth. These two
lines make up your profile.

Everything in design is rooted in the physics of a subatomic particle called a neutrino. And we are
penetrated every second by trillions of neutrinos. Through neutrinos we are literally programmed. The
sun represents 70% of the neutrinos that we receive, and in its relationship with the earth this
information gets its grounding and its form. In your chart, those 2 suns and 2 earths represent 70% of
your programming. Those lines give you a specific profile that is deeply revealing.

88 Degrees

The above chart is a 3/5 profile. They have the 46.3 in their Personality and the 15.5 in their Design.
Below you see a view of the same chart in the mandala. All the gates that the chart has activated are
also activated in the mandala.

You'll notice in the Mandala image that the two joining red lines are delineating the angle between the
46.3 and 15.5. These two hexagrams are 88% apart in the Mandala. If there were 90% between
personality and design sun it would be locked in to that profile and there would be absolutely no
In the chart of the Mandala you see how the 46.3 and 15.5 are 88 degrees apart. Not 90 degrees. As
the Sun and Earth move around the wheel there is a point where the personality Sun/Earth is two
thirds the way into the 3rd line. Both the sun and earth are at the same degrees because they are
exactly opposite to each other in the wheel.

The Design Sun/Earth, however, are right at the edge of that 5th line and are ready to enter the 6th
line. Now something really magical happens: At 87 degrees the personality stays in the 3rd line since
it still has a ways to go before shifting into the 4th line, but on the Design Sun/Earth side they shift
lines from 5th to 6th. And the chart moves from a 3/5 to a 3/6 profile.

This is the continuous movement through the entire structure. Because of the 88° you don’t have any
static position and the profiles are always changing. There are 12 of them and they give us the basis
of what our purpose is in life.

If you had a 90 degree angle the profile lines would always be the same since every position minus 90
degrees gives you the exact same line. It will be in a different gate, but the line will be the same,
which is all that matters when looking at a profile. So if the Design and Personality positions were 90
degrees instead of 88 degrees the profiles would be 1/1 2/2 3/3 and so on.

Twelve Genetic Themes

The 12 profiles are the 12 general themes of what it is to incarnate. The funny thing is that purpose is
something you can enjoy but it doesn’t mean you have to do anything to get there. The only way you
are going to live out your purpose is by living your design, your type. Otherwise you will never get
access to it. Your profile also shows you the limitation of what it is to be you.

When you put the profile and your type together, you will begin to see that you’re not in charge! This
is just rolling along, and as long as you are honoring your type, all these things are revealed for you.
It’s like this knowledge itself: Yes, it’s wonderful to be able to understand how all these things work.
And you go deeper and deeper. But the only important thing is to live out the basic of your type, then
all the rest comes naturally for you.

Angle Introduction

The profiles are broken into three parts: Right Angle, Juxtaposition and Left Angle. What angle a
profile is in depends on the arrangement of the gates in the wheel. If they are at right angles to each
other (all 16 hexagrams apart) they would be called a right angle profile, if they are not then they are
either juxtaposition or left angle.

We have 3 geometries:

Right Angle - personal destiny

Juxtaposition - fixed fate
Left Angle - transpersonal karma

Most people are going to live out either their personal destiny or their transpersonal karma. And there
are those with the fixed fate. It’s important to see that we have specific geometries, which means
limitations. For example if you are raising a child with a right angle and you expect them to be deeply
socially involved you're in trouble. They’ve got their own personal destiny!

As you go around the wheel of the Mandala, for each hexagram you have 12 crosses that are involved
and every cross has a name. In any given hexagram you have 3 different cross names. For example,
the 26-45-22-47 cross given above is the right angle cross of rulership, which has various themes in
it. It has different line profiles involved. The end of that is the 4/6. It stops with the voyeur.

Then you get to the juxtaposition; here you have only the 4/1. This is the juxtaposition cross of
Possession. It has a different name and is a very different structure because the hexagram structure
has changed. And finally you get to the left angle, with 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3: Confrontation.

Each hexagram is broken up into these three different aspects, there is going to be 7 right angle
variations, 1 juxtaposition and 4 left angle variations. That is the common structure throughout all the
hexagrams. If you have the 45.3 and the design 5th line, you will have the right angle cross of
rulership, but it’s the foundation cross of adaptation. It has its own sub theme, and the sub theme is
the profile itself.

Below we will go into the differences.

Right Angle - 1/3 1/4 2/4 2/5 3/5 3/6 4/6

When we go from the 1st line to the

4th line (only part of the 4th line), this
is a right angle cross which is about
personal destiny. To the left is an
example with the personality sun in
the 45th gate.

The design sun is in the 22th gate.

This is a right angle cross because if
you count the spaces between the
hexagrams going around, they are a
right angle. In other words, there is
always going to be 16 hexagrams
between each.

Remember that we are talking about

purpose in life, so we are talking about
our movement in space, which is
conditioned by three different

In this century we have confused a lot

of this terminology: karma, destiny,
fate, all of this language that has been
popularized. But in Human Design
these geometries are very specific.

If you have a right angle cross – which tends to be the majority in society – you have what is called
"personal destiny“ and you’re not carrying any karma. Now, if somebody comes and says to you:
“You’re gonna pay for this!“ you can tell them, “No, I am not carrying any karma, thank you very
much!” – because it’s true!

The right angle cross is self-involved.They have their own geometry and it isn’t people around them
who alter that movement in their life. They have their personal destiny and they are going to get to
their personal destiny regardless of who is around them.

When you are dealing with the lower trigram, they have very poor transpersonal skills, they’re not
equipped to deal successfully with the other because they are absorbed in themselves.

1st Line - The 1st line is introspection and says: I don’t wanna see anybody, I am studying. Don’t
bother me, I’m doing my research. Leave me alone, I am busy with my own thing.

2nd Line - The 2nd line says: I don’t know why you’re coming to me, I like to be left alone. The
moment you come, I have to do something, I have to learn something, I have to figure something
out. Leave me alone!

3rd Line - The 3rd line says: Jesus, I didn’t mean to bump into you! – because that’s what happens to
3rd lines: They just bang into things. None of them are really equipped to deal socially with the other.
They have personal destiny! They are into their thing.

Now it doesn’t mean they can’t love, and they can’t live life like everyone else, but it’s not about
whom they meet that’s going to get them to the point where they will fulfill their personal destiny. –
So a tremendous part of the population is just involved in their own thing.

4/6 Side note: Even though the lower trigram stops at the 3/6 and the upper trigram begins with the
4/6, the 4/6 is still a right angle. The 4/6 is one of the most unusual profiles. It is the only profile that
is purely transpersonal – both the 4th and 6th lines are in the upper trigram – so it gives you the
illusion that this is a deeply transpersonal cross: it is not!

They are in their personal destiny. They are the great voyeurs because they are there in the
environment but they are actually keeping to their own process.

Juxtaposition - 4/1

Then we come to
juxtaposition. Both the Left
Angle and Juxtaposition have a
hexagram placement on the
wheel that is NOT at right

There is a shift of one

hexagram so that now the
Personality and Design
Sun/Earth distances are not
longer 16 hexagrams apart but
are 15 and 17 hexagram
distances. The image on the
left shows an example of a
juxtaposition and left angle

The 4/1 profile is the point in

which that shifting through the
88° actually changes the
hexagram instead of the line.

This is the beginning of the left

angle. 4/1s are rare; it’s only
the last 13% of the personality
sun in the 4th line.

The 4/1s are the only people that have fixed fate. When the 4/1 drives into a tree, you know it’s fixed
fate because that’s their way and nothing gets in the way of these beings. They are a 4 and a 1; they
are the 2 foundations that are there in the structure of the hexagram, so they are very fixed. So fixed
that they barely can bend at all and that they are very easily broken. They have their track in life.

4th line : The fourth line is the bottom part of the upper trigram and thus their harmony is with the
1st line. The 4th line is concerned with influencing their network with the foundation. They aren't
interested in the foundation but more in how to use it to effect others.

Left Angle - 5/1 5/2 6/2 6/3

The left angle are purely transpersonal. The 5th and 6th lines are the most transpersonal in quality.
They are always getting ready both to go out into the world and to observe the world as a whole. They
are the ones that carry karma. And the only way to unload this stuff is to meet the old forces that they
got the karma from in the first place. It’s only through the transpersonal that we can universalize and
connect with the other.
5th line : The 5th line is like the 2nd line but a lot more transpersonal. They aren't exactly hermits
because they recognize the value of others, but there is a touch of suspicion there - "What do they
want from me?"

6th line : Even though the 6th line is in the hexagram, they are removed from it. Their perspective
allows them to see that there is more than the energies of that hexagram. This perspective lends to

Role Gates and Profile

There are 6 subdivisions that categorize both the conscious and the unconscious of the profile. And
these categorizations (behavioral identity, projected attitude, limited perspective, aspired to role,
bonding strategy, securing strategy) are all rooted in the 6 role gates.

These gates are the 10, 7, 1, 13, 59, and 27

At the bottom of the page are the Role Gates and their lines.

If you really want to understand profiles deeply, you need to understand these 6 role gates and their
lines. For example, to get insight into the 4/6, look at all the 4th and 6th lines of the role gates (By
extension but to a lesser degree, if you look at all the lines of the 64 hexagrams you can get an
insight into the lines in the profiles).

If you look at those gates and their lines in the Rave I Ching you will get a really deep understanding
of the basis of profile. Remember that the 64 hexagrams because of their mathematics are related to
the genetic code. And because of that everything is connected to each other in its genetic continuity.

There are 64 1st lines, and they are all 1st lines. They have a basic thing in common. So it doesn’t
matter where your 1st lines are, the reality is that through genetic continuity they have a deep
connection to each other because they operate in a very similar way.

Genetic Continuity

Any line in a gate shares a Genetic Continuity with all other lines of the same number in the 64 Gates.
In the totality of the Gates, or Hexagrams, you are seeing 64 interpretations of the same energy. In
this sense, all hexagrams have a structural relationship to each other.

For example, all first lines have a relationship to each other. They share a similar function in acting as
the foundation of their hexagram structure. Likewise, all 2nd lines share a continuity, and so on. So in
essence, you can look at any line and get an idea of how all the other similar lines work in the other

This is useful when looking at Profile. If you have a 3/5 Profile, for example, you can look at all the 3rd
and 5th lines in the 64 Gates and get a great understanding of how a 3/5 Profile works since they are
connected through Genetic Continuity.

The Six Role Gates

There are six primary Role Gates whose keynotes resound more strongly that the other gates. All
gates have useful minor keynotes for looking at Profile, but these six gates act as major keynotes.

The Lines of these Role Gates provide themes for understanding the structural values of similar Lines
in other Hexagrams. As an example, the names associated with Profile are derived from the tenth
Gate of Behavior (2/4 is a Hermit Opportunist).
In the self study section of the profiles each profile has a chart like the 5/2 chart below. The
Personality and Design Profile will have Major keynotes and then each profile variation will have minor
keynotes. Listed here are only the major keynotes. Bellow is an example of the 5/2 profile:

The Gate numbers that the corresponding keynotes connect to are as follows:

Lines of the Role Gates

GATE 10: GATE 13:

Line 1 - Modesty Line 1 - Empathy
Line 2 - Hermit Line 2 - Bigotry
Line 3 - Martyr Line 3 - Pessimism
Line 4 - Opportunist Line 4 - Fatigue
Line 5 - Heretic Line 5 - Savior
Line 6 - Role Model Line 6 - Optimist
GATE 59:
Line 1 - Preemptive strike
Line 1 - Authoritarian
Line 2 - Shyness
Line 2 - Democrat
Line 3 - Openness
Line 3 - Anarchist
Line 4 - Brotherhood / Sisterhood
Line 4 - Abdicator
Line 5 - Casanova / Femme Fatale
Line 5 - General
Line 6 - One night stand
line 6 - Administrator
GATE 27:
Line 1 - Selfishness
Line 1 - Creation is Independent of Will
Line 2 - Self-sufficiency
Line 2 - Love is Light
Line 3 - Greed
Line 3 - Energy to Sustain Creative Work
Line 4 - Generosity
Line 4 - Aloneness as a Medium of Creativity
Line 5 - Executor
Line 5 - Energy to Attract Society
Line 6 - Wariness
Line 6 - Objectivit
Right Angle Profile - 1/3

This is the foundation profile. The 1/3 profile is both consciously and unconsciously part of the lower
trigram. This is a deep inward destiny focused on the self. The personality will try not to draw too
much attention to itself until it is certain of its capacities. It is looking inward to master, so that it can
claim and become an authority. This is a first line personality and is uncomfortable with gray areas. It
is seeking the foundation.

It is open to hear out the other, to be taught or guided, but only when it is clear that following the
other will lead to mastery and control. In the Lower Trigram the first three lines are not necessarily
ready or open to the other. This is evident in this profile's security strategy. To be covetous of
authority; To want to be an authority; Willing to be dependent to get to that point where it can be in
control and become a self-provider; To become a partner.

Keep in mind that the profile establishes purpose. For the 1/3 profile, weakness and strength is
everything. It is important to understand that in genetic terms. The weak must be bonded to the
strong. In this way only can the species survive and remain healthy. The 1/3 recognizes weakness in
itself and others and also strength. This is a personality that is healthy when it is prepared. The theme
of a first line personality is not to be overwhelmed by the outside and the other, but to seek deeply
the foundation of things to provide its own strength, its inner strength. It needs to develop inner

The emotional system of a 1/3 resonates to weakness and strength. The personality is emotionally
weak and insecure when it is not prepared. When it hasn't done its introspective homework. Strength
is derived from introspection and preparation. We humans muse. It separates us from the cat and the
flower. It is the nature of the first line personality to muse, to seek out the basis of things, to find
strength in grasping the basis of things. This musing is not idle, but seeks in lonely wonder in order to

The totality is not simply the whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, but a continuum. It is a
grand cycle that is greater than the living whole and that the great mysteries would not be so named
if it was easy to unravel them. The 1/3 profile has no guarantee that the foundation will be grasped or
that strength and survival will be the direct reward.

Beneath the one personality lies a third line unconscious ready to leap the moment the personality is
frustrated in its process. The third line is the line of trial and error. It is the line of bonds made and
broken. Though the personality may be seeking out the deep foundation of things, when that
foundation cannot be established, that's when the unconscious begins its process of seeking out
through trial and error something else. It begins to look elsewhere and to experiment and discover.

When the one personality cannot grasp the foundation, the third line unconscious will automatically
challenge the validity of the foundation and if necessary stand as a martyr in challenge to that
authority. It is a theme of anarchy. The third line carries this theme. True anarchy is the recognition
that the foundation is faulty and must be destroyed, even though there is no obvious replacement for
that foundation.

Here the unconscious can claim authority, opposing authority. Regardless of whether it is justified or
not. The third line theme of trial and error is an evolutionary movement. It is an evolutionary impetus.
Some challenges to authority will lead to martyrs who will enrich the lives of the totality. In seeking
out the foundation through the third line unconscious of trial and error, the myriad paths that lead to
truth get explored.

The 1/3 with its personal focus encounters difficulties in intimate relationships. It
experiences relationships in terms of weakness and strength. Needing to be in control, it
seeks out a compliant partner. With its focus on authority, being the boss, it is ready to
tear down the relationship and break the bond the moment it feels it has lost control.
Somewhat like the age old stereotype of the marriage bond, where the husband
pretends he's strong and the wife pretends she's weak.

We all stand, so to speak, on the shoulders of the 1/3's. No matter what anyone else experiences or
teaches, if they cannot experience it themselves, they can never gain strength from it. It is often said
that true knowledge is of value only when it can be substantiated by personal experiment. Then once
grasped, can be explained to others. The nature of Human Design, the nature of being yourself, is
about the experiment.

The purpose of the 1/3 is clearly to establish whether or not the foundation is valid. If it cannot find
authority, its unconscious will demand trial and error to find a foundation, to find a truth that really

It is a key in understanding our own evolution, and at the very basis of profile. There is no possibility
of stagnation. That at the very beginning the foundation by its very nature cannot be complete and
that the third line, unconscious, will always be ready to challenge any foundation that doesn't work.
Right Angle Profile - 1/4

In profiling each line of personality will be coupled with two different lines of the unconscious. We
have seen the first line personality with the third line unconscious theme. Now we have shifted to the
first line personality with the fourth line unconscious theme.

In the 1/3 both the lines are from the lower trigram. This is inward oriented, a personal destiny of self
exploration and challenge. The unconscious shift to the fourth line brings the upper trigram with the
transpersonal abilities. Here we have the coupling of two foundations: the first line - the foundation of
the hexagram itself, and, the fourth line - the foundation of the upper trigram. This is introspection
followed by externalization.

The first line personality remains the same. It is the continuity of the line, the theme of strength and
weakness. The need to gain authority in life and the focus on grasping the basics. The fourth line is
very different from the third line. It is transpersonal. It has a gift of being able to establish
relationships, friendships. The fourth line is the nature of the opportunist.

There is a very simple formula for those who carry a fourth line theme. Whether that theme is an
unconscious theme or whether that theme is a personality theme. If you have a lover and you don't
like your lover, don't leave your lover until you have another lover. If you have a job, and you don't
like your job, don't leave your job until you have another job.

If you have a lover, and you don't like your lover, and you leave your them without having another
one, it will be exceedingly difficult to find another quality relationship. If you have a job, and you don't
like your job, and you quit your job before there's another one, it's going to be exceedingly difficult to
find another quality job.

This is the mechanic of the opportunist. It is transpersonal. It recognizes that there is something to
meet. The fourth line is fixed and "pointed": Clear in its purpose and waiting diligently for its
opportunity to externalize.
When the unconscious 3rd line in the 1/3 becomes impatient with the struggle of the personality to
grasp the basics, it will, rather than accept failure, challenge the validity of the basis itself.

The fourth line does not challenge the foundation. It externalizes it as purpose. The 1/4 profile carries
the standard of the hexagram. When the personality fails to grasp the basics, it is ready to be patient.
The patience is a strategy. There, is no real support for the need to be boss that the 1st line
personality wishes to project. There is a willingness to step down, to accept that it may not be able to
gain authority. It may never grasp the basics and have to accept them for what they seem to be
according to others.

The personality's openness leads not to pessimism but to fatigue. They grow tired of the introspection
of others. The 1/4 profile appears to be conservative. They externalize the established foundation
whether they have experienced its essential truth or not. They will only go against the flow once they
personally experience their folly. Rather than being self-oriented in the 1/3 sense, the direction of the
1/4 is aloneness: waiting and watching. Looking for that opportunity from a distance.

The first line, in its self-absorption, has difficulty in intimate relationships. The 1/3 struggles with this
limitation. Making and breaking bonds caught in the weakness/strength theme. The1/4 has a strategy
of friendship. It is the type of intimacy that they can handle and attract. It is through friendships that
their foundation can be externalized.

The frustration of the personality not being able to establish the foundation does
not lead to bonds made and broken, does not lead to the challenge of the third
line, but results in an emotional wave of kindness and meanness. The 1/4 is kind
to those that accept its externalization of the foundation and mean to those who
reject it, who won't listen. The 1/4 will externalize its established foundation
regardless of any challenge. But this is never absolute, otherwise the valid challenge to the foundation
and its replacement could not be passed on to the rest of the hexagram. Their intuition can lead them
to accept and to externalize a revised foundation.

The 1/4 can often feel like someone who is out of place or step. When the 1/3 is banging on the door
of some basic concept ("is the world really flat?") the 1 /4 holds onto the foundation. Despite their
capacity for friendship, they remain essentially on the outside. They will continue to externalize their
traditional view until either they sail out to sea and discover that you do not reach an edge or more
likely, overwhelming evidence gets them to abdicate, accept the transition, and externalize the new

In these two variations of the first line personality profiles the continuity is through the personality.
This is what we meet. This is true for all of the line variations. The line of the personality defines the
thematic. On the surface, first line personalities appear so much alike. Where the personality brings
continuity to the line, it is the design that brings progression, evolvement. It is through the
unconscious that real transition takes place.

If you have a first line personality, whether you have a third or fourth line unconscious, it is that first
line personality that in order to bring peace into the life it needs to do its homework, needs to be
prepared, and needs to have its introspection. The foundation that is not properly established through
that personality, will result in the two different ways in which change or evolution can take place.

In the 1/4 profile, when the foundation cannot be successfully established, then it is through the
pressure of relationships that change can finally be brought about. Through the transpersonal meeting
with others, who say "no, no, no, that is not true", lies the opportunity to re-establish a valid
foundation. The theme remains the same. The first line theme of finding the basis of things, the first
line theme of being introspective, of being self-involved, and without finding that valid foundation for
oneself, has sense of difficulty and discomfort in the world.
Right Angle Profile - 2/4

In our introduction to the basis of profile, we saw that the second line is the main floor of the house
with its windows at street level. The second line personality brings transparency. It permits the other
to look in and to see. Mystically, this is the line of being called. This is a profile of the missionary: the
personality's potential to be called coupled with the unconscious need to externalize brings. This is
possibility and need to be called out to interact transpersonally with the world and externalize that

Since the second line is transparent, others will look in and see what in fact the second line does not
see itself. Whenever the second line is present as a theme in the personality or unconscious,
education is absolutely essential. It is the need for education that when the second line does get called
out it does not collapse and become a paper tiger.

This is not a first line theme that will naturally seek out education to be empowered. This is not
interested in being introspective. The second line doesn't care about those things. The second line
personality is busy about its own business. It doesn't really enjoy being disturbed. Being called to
something puts an onus on it, a responsibility on it, that it must learn something. It has to leave its
protected shelter where it can go about its own business. That would mean it has to enter into a world
that it is not fully equipped to meet.

It is important to keep in mind that in the modern world education is equivalent to strength as
ignorance is equivalent to weakness. And the second line profile has no natural inclination to
investigate. It would simply like to be left alone to deal with life existentially. This is the hermit
personality; doing their own thing until called, waiting for an opportunity that it does not know it is
waiting for, because it cannot see its own potential.

It is a lower trigram line. It is always a surprise that someone can look in their window and see
something in them that they cannot see themselves. It can also be disturbing and a distraction. It is
the other's recognition of them, "you would be great at this or that, etc.", that launches the hermit on
its path.
The success of the 2/4 profile's life will be determined by the call of others. The trick is to accept the
call that is correct via their strategy. Combine that with an acceptance of study and it can bring

Remember that entering correctly into any situation, whether that is relationship or career, is going to
be dependent on the mechanics of the Type. The 2/4 generator is going to have to wait to respond.
The 2/4 Manifestor is going to have to inform before it acts.

The second line theme, and in this case the second line personality, is essentially democratic. Not only
democratic, but at the unconscious level, through the fourth line, it is willing to abdicate. It is willing
to wait for the opportunity. It is willing to be led by others. It doesn't really want to get involved. The
unconscious after all, has passed on the established foundation. It is the second line personality that is
content to let the majority rule. Being essentially existential, it is not easily motivated. It may simply
not vote at all to save itself the cost of involvement and abdicate to the majority. Remember the
theme is to be called.

With a fourth line transpersonal unconscious, there is going to be considerable social interaction.
Being called to friendship. The second line personality is fundamentally shy. It is calling out for
boldness in the other and this is its strategy of finding friendship. The second line, unlike the first line
personality, does not pursue. It's a hermit, not aware of the quality within itself that can attract the
other, waiting for someone to look into their cave and say "you're for me".

It's an irony that being called for the 2/4 can often lead to bigotry, prejudice and fatigue. Since they
are designed to be called, they are called often and in so many ways throughout the life. They can
become over-whelmed and exhausted. They are, from the unconscious level, seeking out harmony.
But the second line personality finds its greatest harmony in just simply being left alone.

The line themes in profiling also bring us genetic strategies, strategies for intimacy. The 2/4 must wait
for the interest of the other. It is the need of the other to unburden themselves that can lead to the
fulfillment of intimacy. To be the confidant or not. Friendship as a necessary pre-requisite before
sexual intimacy can result.

All fourth line themes are designed to seek out friendship in order to
eventually establish sexual intimacy. And for those of you that carry
fourth line themes, either in the personality or in the design, it is so
important to avoid the frustration of trying to be a first line being. Out
there to pursue and to explore.

The second line is inherently shy. It is inherently shy as a strategy. It

is lower trigram. It is not equipped to recognize that the other can really be there. It has to wait for
them to call. Its unconscious is rooted in friendship and it is friendship that begins the possibility of

Carrying a fourth line theme, remember that every time that you become friends with somebody that
it is fundamentally a genetic strategy for intimacy. Through friendship, the intimacy is ultimately

The basis of the second line personality is to be called. The result is a security strategy of being either
the nourisher or the depleter. In its existential life, going about its own business, being un-called, the
2/4 depletes resources. Once called, it has the opportunity to become a nourisher, to be able to
nourish itself and to be able to nourish others. In the beginning of being called, it will be forced to
deplete the resources of others, in order to be able to establish its own strength.

It is the basis of our human consciousness to articulate through language. Words carry prejudicial
values and those values are related to the culture and time. Please keep in mind that the universe and
all it contains is dualistic in nature. Mind and body conform to this reality and as such humans live in a
binary maia that is fundamentally moralistic.

It is too easy to bring moral opinions to terms like nourish and deplete. Mechanics is amoral. Positive
and negative are simply different perspectives. Michelangelo, the depleter of resources of his
nourishing benefactor.

Advance and withdrawal is the key to the hermit. It is the key to the second line theme. Withdrawal
and not being called can result in an existential life of perfect order. It is not that this profile must
accept the calls that it receives in its lifetime. Some second line personalities never receive the call
and yet they live out their existence in relative harmony, without comparison, without someone
looking in their window and calling attention to themselves and their life. They can be at peace in their

Their underlying intuition is to focus on what is relatively pure. What is corrupt or what is
incorruptible. This guides the 2/4 in assessing the value or quality of any call. It will not leave the
sanctity of its cave without absolute certainty that the call is its destiny. With this profile, avoiding
struggle is a major theme. The 2/4 just wants to be allowed to get on with its life with as little
interference as possible.

It will hear out the other and its stories. The fourth line unconscious demands that it become a
confident but it does not want to be told what it should or should not do. The 2/4 will expend
enormous energy in just maintaining the status quo. Why rock the boat when it only brings the
unknown, struggle and problems?

The second line personality is determined in its awareness. Not being introspective, it accepts without
question what has already been established. It is for this reason that the 2/4 is a profile of a potential
actualizing force. If or when they receive and resonate to the call, they are transformed. Sinners
turning into saints. Alcoholics into tea drinkers.

In the principle of hexagram structure, the first, third and fifth lines are yin or feminine in nature. The
second, fourth and sixth lines are yang. The 2/4 profile is the first yang profile. It is common to be
called, but rare to have answered. The second line personality, once it accepts a call, is forced to
accept a new foundation and through its fourth line unconscious to externalize it.

When others look into their cave, and witness their transformation, it can have deep and lasting
impact. There is an old mystical joke. A mystical joke that best suits the 2/4 profile. "Stupid before
enlightenment and stupid after". The 2/4 will not ponder on their satori, will not ponder on their
transformation. They will go back intuitively to their existential life hoping at last, to be left alone.
Right Angle Profile - 2/5

In the 2/5 the second line theme of personality remains. We have seen the significance for this
personality in being called. It is important to remember that being called is unavoidable and that the
calls themselves may prove more irritating than enlightening. Such a personality tends to mind its
own business and expects that in others. The hermit tendencies, however, are undermined by the
unconscious and its social orientation. This can lead the personality to abdicate to the majority, accept
a new foundation and hope that once that is done that it will be left alone.

Since the projected attitude of the second line personality is the democrat, we can see in this profile,
what Americans refer to as the silent majority. Powerful forces of conformity and the status quo. To be
endowed with this profile is to have the opportunity in the life to have deep impact on others. To be a
force to be reckoned with in the lives of others. This is not the aloneness that underlines the fourth
line theme of direction. The direction of the fifth line is attractiveness.

In the hexagram structure, the first line expresses the essential nature and the fifth line is what is
projected as the essential nature by others. In the metaphor of the hexagram as a house, the fifth line
is the second floor and its windows looking down on the street below. Unlike the second line with its
clear view for anyone walking by, the windows above hold a mystery. There is something to see and
yet no way to see into it. And no way to know for sure whether or not they are being seen while they
are busy trying to see!

This 5th line is not the hermit. This is not the fourth line with its opportunistic nature. The 2/5 profile
is the hermit/heretic.

When called, it will not simply abdicate and change its way of being in the now. It will attempt to
universalize the call as the general, ready to burn at the stake in honor to the call. Mystically it is the
fifth line that calls others. To have a fifth line unconscious, regardless of the personality, is to always
be subject to the projection of others.

The aura does the talking. If you have a fifth line theme in your profile, when you step into
somebody's aura, you illicit immediately their projection. Of course that projection will be dualistic in
nature. It will be this or that. It will be either a good projection or a negative projection, and the net
result always impacts on reputation. The fifth line calls the other. In this profile, the unconscious can
call the conscious to action. The commands of an inner voice.
The true universalizing call is rare. But this is the inherent theme at the heart of this profile. The fifth
line carries with it the quality of the general. In the language of Human Design, this is the general on
the Athenian model. In ancient Athens, when the democracy and the democrats were unable to
protect or guide the city, a general was selected and offered complete dictatorial power for as long as
it took to resolve the problem. Once that had been accomplished, the general was expected to step
down for the benefit of the democracy.

The democratic theme of the second line, operates throughout. However, it is only when the majority
is in crisis, that the 2/5 has its possibility. Only in times of crisis, can it receive the call, transform and
begin to call others.

Keep in mind that if you carry a fifth line theme in your design it demands practicality. It demands
practical solutions. When the 2/5 profile is called, if it is not possible to see practical application in that
call it can only result in failure and it can only result in the deterioration of the 2/5's reputation.

The fifth line unconscious carries the theme of the savior. Those who are drawn to the openness of the
2/5 will expect to be saved by their call. If they are not, they will call them seducers and they will burn
them at the stake. For this reason it is essential that fifth lines be pragmatic and practical (i.e. for
themselves). That determines whether or not the 2/5 is going to get involved in universalizing.

It is interesting to note that the 2/4 profile, once

transformed by the majority, can return to its house in
peace and go about its business. When the 2/5 profile
remains in its house too long, it can attract suspicion and
distrust or disappointment and disillusionment from the
expectant majority.

The 2/5 profile has a basic dilemma. Its second line

personality wants to be left alone. It just wants to be able
to go about its own business. The unconscious however,
has a deep capacity to be able to lead and guide others
through its ability to universalize.

When the 2/5 profile is called and then calls others, it is projected on them that they are the self-less
distributors, bringing practical value into the lives of those that they call. When they're alone, either
un-called or refusing to call others, the projection is that they are selfish hoarders and that they do
not care. Un-called, they will respond to the majority with discipline. But once called, they can lead
any rebellion against any standard at any cost.

As with all profiles, the 2/5 profile should operate according to its Type. The Type is going to set the
foundation for entering into things correctly. It is important to recognize that once you live out the
mechanics of your type, that your profile, your purpose, will naturally flow. This is not about you
having to do anything other than you to recognize and experiment.

The 2/5 profile that acts according to its design is going to have chances. It is going to have the
possibility of both being called and calling others and will enjoy the fruits of the positive projections
that derive from their ability to bring others to a practical solution.
Right Angle Profile - 3/5

We have seen that the hexagram can be divided into a lower or personal trigram and an upper or
transpersonal trigram. The six lines divided into two groups of three like this:

Two Trigrams

.The hexagram can also be divided by binaries, that is, three groups of two lines like this:

Three Binaries
In coming to this first third line profile of 3/5, we arrive at the second binary (section B above) in the
structure of the hexagram.

The third and fourth lines are inherently weak. That is, they are predisposed to change. In the first
two lines, in the primary binary, the principle of the first line is yin, the true material foundation of the
hexagram. In this second grouping of two lines, the first line (the third line overall) is yang in
principle. Though the third line is still basically inward oriented, it is designed to continually bang into
the other. It is preparation for the transition that will take place in the next line, in the movement to
the upper trigram and the transpersonal process. The third line does not have natural transpersonal
gifts. The other is something that they bang into or bangs into them.

In our metaphor of the hexagram as house, between the third and fourth lines can be imagined a
spiral staircase. This is the potential to move from the inner process to the outer. The third line
personality has the keynote of adaptation. It is this line through its foundation that expresses the
complete nature of the lower trigram. It is the finishing of the first floor of the house.

In its blood is the potential, through the fifth line unconscious, to universalize. However, not prepared
for the other, it is often naive in its assumptions. The third line personality is a theme of trial and
error. Any attempt to universalize out of the subjective is bound to meet resistance.

The third line personality is not rigid like the fourth line. It is not fixed in its nature. It is built to bend,
to adapt. When its attempts at universalization fail or are unmasked for their subjectivity in meeting
the other, they can adapt. They have a chance to learn from their mistakes. We live in a culture in
which mistakes are considered something negative and to be avoided. We are punished for the
mistakes we make. In the extreme we are humiliated or even abused. So many human beings who
carry third line themes suffer in this life through presumed failure. Mistakes are interpreted as failure.
But the theme is trial and error. Through this theme mistakes are not negative but a process that can
lead to profound results. It is extremely common in scientific research that a mistake leads to great
discovery. Pasteur is a classic example.

Children who carry third line themes are subject to negative conditioning as a result of this trial and
error pattern in their process. In understanding that this is their way we can transcend guilt and
blame. Through different experimentations we discover and grow. It is only through making mistakes
and breaking bonds that finally they can triumph. It is not a problem. It is their mechanical way and
their purpose is fulfilled through trial and error.

If you have children who carry third line themes, make sure that they are well protected when they
engage in physical activity. Third lines are bumped into and bump into things. Make sure that they
have on their elbow pads and their knee pads and their helmet before they go out the door.
Otherwise, something for certain is going to bang into them or they're going to bang into it. Without
understanding their mechanics they will go out the door with predictable consequences. They will be
forced to suffer the guilt that's placed on them for not paying attention. "Why do you always have to
mess up?", is what they will have to endure.

In understanding your profile, like understanding your Type, is the ability to be able to surrender
peacefully to your process. It is not about judging it. It is not about moralizing over whether having a
third line theme or not is good or bad. It is a way.

In the progression of profiles, the 3/5 is the first time we see a line's movement from the unconscious
to the conscious, from the design to the personality. We began with the 1/3. We began with the third
line as an unconscious theme and now we have the three as the personality theme.
In the perspective of the totality, only when both the personality and design qualities of a line are
expressed can the true potential of its nature emerge. In the lower trigram, the personal experience of
the first three lines, only the third line is unique in expressing both states. If one were to look for an
over-all keynote to the lower trigram, it would be adaptation.

The basic need for a solid foundation is the personality's demand. However, we are moving in space.
The great law of evolution is that mutation can never be avoided. In this context, all foundations are
laid on fragile ground and to survive, adaptation is fundamental. This negative perspective of the third
line theme of trial and error, of mistakes, is a true misrepresentation. Without this trial and error,
there would be no true genetic possibility for mutation.

In a 1/3 profile, the unconscious martyr was deep beneath an introspective personality. In the 3/5
profile, we have a martyr personality. We have an anarchist personality. Beneath the surface at the
unconscious level, there is a heretical nature. To have this profile, one needs to have a good sense of

The fifth line of projection works very powerfully at the unconscious level. It is the other that projects
upon the 3/5, expecting from the unconscious a general who is going to bring practical solutions, who
is going to be able universalize, only to find an anarchistic personality. The 3/5 profile is constantly
being burned at the stake. This is not the same as the dramatic conversion of the 2/5, which is rare in
the population. In the 3/5, it is an ongoing drama of expectation and disappointment. The expectation
that comes with being personally observed, being part of the lower trigram theme, and the
disappointment that comes when one bangs into the other and the depth of what one thought was
correct, dissolves in contact with the impact of the other.

The third line always brings pessimism. The 3/5 profile has a pessimistic perspective on the other, and
yet beneath the surface is the unconscious savior with its possible messiah fantasies. The 3/5
struggles in its life. Again, this is not a place to moralize, whether this is good or bad karma. It is in
fact the personal destiny of the 3/5 to universalize its perspective in any way that it can. It is after all
a necessary role.

It is interesting to ponder that the 3/5 does not convert, it does not change its view. It aspires to be
consistent. It adapts to the other. It tries to figure out how to get the other to agree with it. The
adaptation is socially orientated, not conceptually. I'm right, they're wrong and when they get to know
me, they will get to see that I'm right.

They are designed to express the lower trigram themes, which may in fact be of great benefit to
humanity and worthy of guarding. They can be selfless distributors bringing discipline to chaos.
Through their capacity of making mistakes, surviving the mistakes, through trial and error, they learn
to deal with chaos. They learn to find a way through it.

The 3/5, right or wrong, discovers that without the verification and acceptance of the other, that their
process is meaningless. The bonding and security strategies of a third line profile are bonds made and
broken. The stereotype of the selfish seducer. They do not have a natural gift like the fourth line to be
able to establish relationships and friendships. They have the capacity, through others projecting on
them, to seduce them to their concept. To seduce them to their way, to their purpose. But the the
communion with the other is inherently selfish.

The lower trigram does not understand the transpersonal experience. The third line recognizes
through through banging into the other that if it doesn't figure out how the other ticks, it isn't going to
be able to get its thing across. This is its learning process. Out of this learning process comes the
dilemma for all third lines. How to maintain relationships. This is the line of breaking bonds. It is the
line of divorce. It is the line of walking away.
Intimacy for the third line theme is a calculated friendship, rooted in
being supported in ones heresy. The quick breaking of friendship occurs
when its general authority is challenged. Despite what might sound
negative in this description, mechanically this is correct. Yes the 3/5 will
seek out and insist on allegiance to their foundation. They will in fact use
their capacity to attract others for selfish motives. But who's to say that
they are wrong?

Adaptation is a major theme of life itself. At each of the critical points in

the structure of the hexagram, the influence of the three is felt. It is the beginning, the middle and the

The first profile is a 1/3. The final profile of the lower trigram is a 3/6. The final profile of the structure
is a 6/3. Adaptation, trial and error, making mistakes, is the evolutionary way.

Right Angle Profile - 3/6

In this profile we meet the sixth line theme of transition for the first time. The 3/6 expresses the
possibility that trial and error can lead to wisdom. In basic hexagram structure, the process of the
hexagram is actually complete with the fifth line. In the tradition of the ancient I-Ching, the fifth is the
most exalted of lines.

In the nature of profiles, the first line, the foundation and basic nature of a hexagram is keynoted as
wonder. The second line has to be called. The third is attuned and ready to adapt. The fourth brings
influence through the ability to externalize their single pointedness. The fifth is calling, universalizing
the nature of the hexagram.
The sixth line, the roof of the house, is keynoted as separate. It is this separateness that distinguishes
the nature of this line. It is above the fray with a unique perspective on the action below. It is the fool
on the hill. The aloofness, inherent in this line, is the very quality necessary at the heart of its process.
It is the six line that gives the stamp of approval or not, whose testimony is most respected. The sixth
line sits on a fence, not committing itself, waiting and watching from its perch.

In your profile, if you carry a sixth line theme, the dynamics of living out that sixth line are different
from the other lines. The sixth line's life is broken up into three different periods.

1st Stage
The initial period from their birth to approximately thirty years old, this is their period of deep
involvement. In this profile, it is really the sixth line abdicating to the third line power. living out those
first thirty years, through trial and error, through mistakes, through bonds being made and broken,
with a net result of being disturbed by the mistakes, disturbed by the incompleteness, the
unfulfillment that comes from that stage in life.

2nd Stage
When the sixth line, whether it is a personality theme or an unconscious theme, reaches the stage
approximately around the age of thirty, that is when they begin to withdraw and become aloof. In the
first part of their life they taste what life is and they don't necessarily like it. The sixth line is always
on guard looking for what truly works.

From the age of thirty until approximately the age of fifty the sixth line remains steadfastly aloof,
refusing to truly commit itself, always being the observer, always watching the other.

3rd Stage
After the age of fifty, there is the final opportunity in the cycle of the sixth line, to be able to re-
engage, to return to the world and enter into the fray. Regardless of your design and regardless of
your type, to carry a sixth line theme is to live through these three very distinct cycles in life.

The presence of the sixth line brings with it a powerful limitation. The inherent aloofness is regularly
perceived by others as determined disinterest. The 3/5 profile, with its third line theme of martyr and
anarchist has a 5th line heretic unconscious underneath: the yearning to universalize the lower
trigram theme of adaptation. The third line martyr personality is optimized through the foundation.

In the 3/6, however, beneath the martyr is the role model, not ready to be a martyr until it has
examined all the possible causes that could be supported. It is not committing itself but ready to pass
judgment on what cannot stand up to its scrutiny. This is an anarchist that is really an administrator
underneath. The theme of the third line process experienced through sixth line lenses was best
expressed by Groucho Marx, who said, "II would never belong to an organization that would have me
as a member." This is classic sixth line, they can recommend a school, a job, a cause, that they would
never get involved with themselves. They can administer, but they are personally an anarchist.

They are fond of cliches and their bark is worse than their bite. The perspective of third line pessimism
through the personality and the 6th line optimism that filters their memory often leads to harsh words
but a soft heart. What they aspire to is to sustain a direction of objectivity, to be the guardians, to
confirm the integrity of things. Like being the roof of the hexagram and the last line, they aspire to be
the last word.

We have seen that the third line always brings social difficulty. The themes of bonding
and security are strategies based on bonds made and broken through trial and error.
When this is coupled with the sixth line it makes the sustainment of bonds deeply conditional.
Sexually, it is the demand for perfection that is generally unlikely in life.

The sixth line can get chilly in its disinterest when perfection is marred. Its security is really about
trust and trusting the other. Break the trust once with a sixth line and they will likely break their bond
with you. This lack of trust is enforced by the personality's basic pessimism. The theme of the
unconscious sixth line is to lead or not. In their blood is this sense of nobility of being beyond the
mundane. But it is not a theme of direct "hands on" leadership. This is the guiding role, the baptiser's
role of confirmation. The sixth line is sought out for its blessings.

All third line profiles have difficulty in being able to maintain their relationships. Statistically if one was
to look carefully at marriage and divorce, one would see that the third line theme dominates in divorce
cases. In not understanding the mechanics, in not understanding the nature of yourself, carrying a
third line theme can be deeply disorientating. The third line operates out of these bonds made and
broken. But that's not where it ends. It's not necessarily a "fait accompli". The bond that's made and
broken can be re-made. Can be re-established.

One of the most important things for individuals who carry a third line in their profile, is the
recognition that they need time on their own. The third line is still part of the lower trigram. It is still
self-absorbed, even though it has the potential in being banged into or in banging into the other. But
it fundamentally wants to be left alone.

If you have a third line in your profile, or your partner has a third line in their profile, there is always
going to be the tension of needing to break the bond. In relationships, this is something that can be
achieved quite easily once one recognizes that it is a mechanical thing and not personal. The need to
break the bond, gets interpreted as needing to break away from your partner rather than seeing it is
simply the need to return to aloneness, return to your own personal process, before you can re-
engage and re-establish that bond.

It does not mean that you have to go in and out of relationships and burn the bridges behind you.
What it does mean is that you have to be able to have your space and you have to be able to have
time alone, before you can then reengage. For the 3/6 profile, this dilemma of the theme of bonds
made and broken can be blown out of proportion. When the 3/6, discovers that the other is not
compatible through bumping into the wrong person they can easily move to their sixth line
unconscious of aloofness and not want to re-engage again.

So often, when early loves are painful and end abruptly, the 3/6 can drift towards the avoidance of
intimacy for many years, becoming withdrawn and aloof. This is a way to establish from its
perspective whether other relationships work or not, but never ready to engage itself in those

The failure to meet the right energy in life is directly related to one's capacity to be able to live out
one's design. In understanding your Type and following the rules of its basic mechanics, then one can
enter into relationships properly. The 3/6 that honors its Type is not going to have disastrous
relationships which distort the way it sees.

All sixth lines carry a burden of being a role model. They carry the burden of wanting everything about
life and about themselves to be perfect. This causes stress. They are easily disappointed and withdraw
when they see that things simply don't work the way they were supposed to.
It doesn't matter whether you have this profile or that profile. What matters is that you live out your
Type and then the profile will naturally operate correctly. It is the purpose of the 3/6 through trial and
error find wisdom. It finds a place of authority in which it can be the voice of judgment for others. And
that it can only reach that place by going through its stages in life.

By jumping into things when young, by being aloof in its mid-life, and finally reengaging after fifty, it
is able to step back into the world and see what works.

Right Angle Profile - 4/6

The 4/6 profile has an unusual geometry. Here we have the first personality that is in the upper
trigram, the fourth line personality. Though the 4/6 is part of the upper trigram and the transpersonal
process, its role to complete the personal process which began with the 1/3 profile. The 4th line profile
is one of the most unusual. It’s an integrating field between the right angle and the left angle. The
lower trigram ends with the 3.6. When we get to the 4.6 it’s not longer lower trigram and it belongs to
the upper trigram. But it’s still right angle.

Right angle is personal destiny. It’s about being self absorbed in ones own process. The 4.6 is all
transpersonal in it's lines but it is not a transpersonal profile.

The 4/6 is an opportunistic personality employing its transpersonal gifts, its ability to establish
friendships, to communicate the values of the lower trigram, and in doing so, fulfilling its personal
destiny. We have seen the aloofness and disinterest inherent in the sixth line and that it rarely leads
to involvement. The nature of the transitional sixth line is to code and assess and then pass judgment
on what has been established beforehand.

At the end of the lower trigram through the 3/6 profile the six assesses and qualifies the trial and
error of the three. But in the upper trigram through the fourth line of externalization the process is
different. Where the third line will test the foundation, the fourth line is only interested in externalizing
it. Where the six grades the qualities of the foundation beneath the three, it grades the mechanics of
social interaction beneath the four. In this sense, the fourth line personality accepts the foundation
established through the lower trigram process without question. What is now important is whether the
message can be delivered.
The 4/6 has only one question. Can I get my truth across to the other?
It is not whether or not I have the truth. It is whether or not I have the
skills to get other people to accept it. Wherever we see the fourth line,
we encounter the capacity to influence others. The missionary quality of
determination and fixed attention. The 1/4 profile and the 2/4 profile
both carry this potential in the blood. Here it is the personality. The 4/6
is conscious of its need to communicate and restrained by its sixth line

The fourth line is always the opportunist. The opportunist is always

ready to abdicate, ready to surrender to the pressure of the majority. However, the 4/6 cannot afford
to surrender to any challenge to its authority, it would be shattered. So it holds to its aspired role of
aloneness, avoiding contact with those it is uncertain of. Social perfection lies in finding allies that
embrace the 4/6 profile socially and either agree with or avoid challenging the 4/6's basic concepts.

The entire externalizing mechanism for the 4/6 is the tension between wanting to be left alone so as
not to be threatened. The unconscious demands aloofness while yearning at the personality level for
quality friendships. The bonding strategy of the fourth line is to be a confidante or not. It is becoming
this confident that precludes an overt sexual nature.

Friendship is the dominant theme. At the unconscious level, the sixth line is seeking perfection in all
bonds and is ready to abstain and wait for the opportunity. It is not uncommon for 4/6's to befriend
the partner of a friend, become their confidante and end up having an affair.

Before the sixth line can make a commitment, they must first observe and contemplate from a
distance. They cannot successfully just leap into a relationship. In watching someone else in a
relationship over time, their friends or their friend’s partner, they can assess the person and their
qualities and in finding them satisfying can then begin to dream that they could be their partner.

The primary question at the heart of the 4/6 profile is if there is anyone that they can trust. As a
result, one of the dominant themes in the life of the 4/6 is corruption. Words have their power.
Corruption is a term that is misunderstood if it can only be viewed through moral lenses.

As an example, is a judge who corrupts the law good or bad? Let us imagine that the tribal law
established out of communal values and maintained over time is that if you're caught stealing bread
you will have your left hand cut off. A judge that presides over such a case and despite clear evidence
that the crime has been committed refuses to apply the traditional law can be viewed by the majority
as having corrupted the law.

The 4/6 profile fears any challenge to its law. It would rather be alone than be corrupted but it is not
past corrupting others in order to bring them to its values. The fourth line personality must externalize
its foundation and not allow that foundation to be corrupted. The sixth line unconscious, in its
aloofness, is there to guide and to be in judgment.

Despite the transpersonal gifts of the 4/6 profile and the personality's capacity to be able to easily
establish friendships, they suffer from great fatigue with the reflections of others. Friendship is there
in order for them to be able to establish their law and not to listen to the laws or pay attention to the
laws of others.
As with all profiles, how the 4/6 is going to be able to function successfully, how they are going to be
able to find the right kinds of relationships for externalizing the foundation, will be dependent entirely
on their living out their Type.

Having access to the knowledge of your profile does not mean that you actively have to pursue that. It
is your nature and finding your purpose is a natural by-product of your living your design.

It is a natural by-product of following the mechanical rules of living out your Type.

Juxtaposition Profile - 4/1

As we have seen, the fourth line is the foundation of the upper trigram. It is the foundation of what
becomes a transpersonal experience. The ability to be able to interact with others. The transpersonal
quality is a direct result of recognizing that fulfillment lies through the other. The upper trigram, like
the upper octave in music, harmonizes with its counterparts below. The fourth line being the
foundation of the upper trigram is in harmony with the first line, the introspection, the foundation of
the lower trigram.

The fourth line, as a result, linked with the first line at the unconscious level, is inherently unstable
and extremely rigid. It is so fixed that it can break. The 4/1 as a profile is neither this nor that. It is
not truly lower trigram in the sense that it is only self involved, and it is not truly transpersonal. Its
quality is to be deeply fixed. The 4/1 is not statistically abundant as a segment of the population. Most
people are not here to be as fixed as the 4/1 profiles.

If we can look at the first three lines as having to do with personal destiny, and the fifth and sixth
lines as having to do with transpersonal karma, our interaction and fulfillment through the other, then
the 4/1 as a profile has a fixed fate. It is not personal nor transpersonal. Out of all the profiles, it is
the one the most suits the image of a train fixed by the tracks that it sits on.

Its work in this life is to transmit the true essence of the hexagram, through its ability, through its
fourth line personality of being able to interact with others. In a way, one can look at the lower
trigram as research and development and the upper trigram as human resources and marketing. It is
the 4/1 profile, that brings this fixed basis upon which human resources and marketing can be
developed. This is the first profile harmony that we meet, meaning the 1 and 4 are in harmony.
We have already seen the first line personality with a fourth line unconscious in the 1/4. Through the
1/4 profile we had an authoritarian personality with an opportunistic abdicator design. In that profile
the authority could be challenged by the majority, leading to abdication and an opportunity for further
development. In that way the foundation becomes malleable and open to growth.

The 4/1 profile may be a mirror in harmony, but in manifestation it is very different. The fourth line
personality may waiver, but in the blood underneath is the authoritarian unmoved. The abdication is
transformed into social techniques. You can tell the 4/1 profile anything you like, and given enough
social pressure they will bend to the flow, but within themselves and once left alone, they will return
to their fixed perspective since that is really what their body, or vehicle, is about. The 4/1 profile is
unique in their fixedness. It is neither this nor that and carries as a result a singular geometry of fixed

All things are moving in space. The nature of how the individual movement is choreographed into the
dance of the totality, operates through three distinct geometries. Destiny, fate and karma. These
common terms have been corrupted in their meanings. We have seen that destiny is a geometry of
personal involvement, inward oriented. Karma is a transpersonal geometry, a geometry determined
with and by the other. Both destiny and karma have many variations.

It is only through the 4/1 profile that we see the manifestation of a single variation of fate. In the 4/1
is the harmony of the two foundations of the lower and upper trigram. This is the opportunistic
personality waiting for a chance to look inward, always checking the foundation, always ready in its
ability to be able to commune with others, to be able to establish that foundation for them in their life.

Because it is so fixed it is the only profile that truly can be broken. Remember the train analogy: if you
bend a 4/1 too much they will derail. And in being broken, like Humpty Dumpty, they aren't able to
put all the pieces back together again. The secret to the psychic survival of the 4/1 profile is the
benefits derived from proper relationships.

The only way in which one can have correct relationships in one's life is if one enters into those
relationships correctly. One can only enter into those relationships correctly by honoring the
mechanics of Type. It can appear that the 4/1 profile is a difficult role in this life, yet in fact they have
a tremendous gift for being able to fill their lives with all kinds of people to whom they directly
beneficial to those people by the strength of their fixedness.

So often we are deeply impressed by the conviction that the 4/1 expresses. When the 4/1 has always
taken their opportunity to look inwards to make sure that the foundation is correct, if they enter into
relationships, according to their Type they will be able to externalize the knowledge that they carry.
This is fulfillment for them.

The 4/1 personality is ready to accept that perhaps someone or something is right. They must do
something about it only to discover the single pointed direction of their lives that cannot and will not
bend. This is an archetype of purposeful friendliness. There is a deep unconscious empathy for the
other, but fatigue is also there in actual relationship.

The 4/1 is always under pressure to conform to the other but they cannot. This is a role of aloneness,
holding fast to ones way despite the conditioning forces. The most powerful conditioning forces is
invariably one's lover. The bonding strategy of the 4/1 profile is to be the confidante or not, it is the
key note of friendship as the pre-requisite to intimacy. It will depend on their type whether they will
be the pursuer or the pursued, but the very fixedness of the 4/1 may preclude successful bonding.
This is a profile that gets around. The better to find its opportunities. This is the profile of the journey
outward into the world and its glamour from the covetous dependency of shielded youth to the self-
provider and potential benefactor of others. Eyes looking forward, witnessing the world without its
makeup on. This is a world of harsh reality. Friendships become necessary armour and the basis of an
education. The school of hard knocks.

At the unconscious level, this profile is acutely aware of strength and weakness in themselves and
others. It is the foundation of their security and purpose. They can smell weakness and as an
opportunist can take full advantage of it.

At the heart of the 4/1 profile's consciousness is the recognition of the inherent corruptibility of all
things. In practice, they learn to fight their way through, no matter what it takes. They learn quite a
few tricks along the way. It is the power of their fixed fate. Ready to bend, but never giving up. With
this profile the world is explored and discovered.

Left Angle Profile - 5/1

In the traditional I-Ching, the fifth line is the most exalted. This is the most transpersonal of profiles.
It is not limited to social externalization ;like the 4/1 but to general universalization. The 5/1 is unique
and it embodies the twin realities of a hexagram. The first line, the foundation, is the essence of what
a hexagram is. The fifth line is how the other imagines the hexagram could or should be. The fifth line
personality draws projection. This is a profile of trickery.

Remember the relationships within the hexagram structure. In imagining the hexagram as a house,
the second line is the main floor with the lights on where everyone on the outside can look in. The fifth
line is the second floor and the lights are turned off, where everyone can be seen but no one can look

Their heresies are veiled behind closed doors. Because of this veiling there is an essence, a mystery
which draws projection. The projection may be positive or negative. The projection may be "they are
the best", that projection may be "they are the worst". The five is always going to bring out
This is a profile of the potential of the so-called superior man or woman that the ancient I-Ching refers
to. The general who can offer practical services in times of revolution or transition. The general
without an army, waiting at the edge of history. The authoritarian unconscious, ever ready to oppose
the foundation, but ever prudent. From its perspective, looking out but not being seen, the 5/1 is a
keen observer of the world around them.

It is their unconscious empathy which maps and identifies the impact of society on the other and is
the foundation for establishing the right timing for involvement. With this depth, the savior
personality, a fifth line theme, can find practical solutions for the other. It is this theme of practicality
that is so important. Without the practicality, there is no way to ever fulfill the projection. It is by
operating in a practical way that the 5/1 profile establishes their power and their presence in the

It is about presence. The 5/1 profile is always dealing with their reputation. It is always dealing with
the projection field around them. Like any of these profiles, when one is living out ones Type, when
one is living out through the mechanics of ones Type, then the capacities inherent in the profile, the
purpose that's there in the profile, will naturally be a by-product.

The 5/1 is the dominant, transpersonal profile. In contact, the other, sensing the empathy as genuine,
projects that the 5/1 can be its savior. In the same way, when society is in turmoil the power of the
unconscious authoritarian through projection, becomes the possibility of the general who can restore
order. The 5/1 profile is generally creative. It is this unique creative process that is so attractive to the

There is a sense through contacting the unconscious that there will not be the same old solutions to
the enduring problems but a practical application that can have effective and direct results. It is this
projected difference that is the foundation of the attractiveness. When all else fails, they are the last
resort and hope. Obviously there is no guarantee that all the 5/1's in the world will be called to aid
society. Or that if called, they will succeed. Projection opens the way to the possibility, no more. But
each 5/1 profile in its life, will be projected upon that they can bring the practical solution that the
other is seeking.

Despite the natural transpersonal gifts of the 5/1, it is not an indication that they are going to jump all
the time. It is not an indication that they are going to rush head long into things all the time, for if
they fail to live up to the projection they suffer the wrath of the other.

Unlike the second line, the fifth line profile knows that it has the facts and that it is
attractive to the other. It still requires that that 5/1 does its homework. The first
line underneath, the foundation, demands that the basis is understood. They need
to be well prepared if they are called upon. When the detail is faulty, not only will
they not likely to be called upon again, but worse: their reputation will be
damaged. If on the other hand they are prepared and can provide the practical
details, their stature will grow.

They aspire to be attractive, in order to have the chance to universalize their

creative difference,
to be the example and a standard. It is their personal heresy. In this light, can be seen the importance
of their bonding strategy. The fifth line personality is based on seduction. The goal is to seduce the
other into becoming the seducer. To seduce the other to project onto them.
For the 5/1 profile timing is essential. The timing is correct when one enters into things correctly. The
5/1 is complex. The first line covets. It is a line of introspection. It is seeking out the foundation. It
wants to have. The fifth line hoards. The fifth line has the capacity to be able to hold things back,
waiting, waiting for the projection field to build, waiting for the right moment to engage.

So much of the 5/1's process is behind closed doors and darkened windows. The illusion of their
power, the illusion of their projected possibilities is maintained through withdrawal and development
during that time of withdrawal. When the unconscious is secure in its material capacity, when it is
clear about the foundation, it will no longer covet and it will be ready to step beyond the veil and
make itself available. And make itself available for the seduction of distribution.

From the outside it will be projected that the power to distribute was there all along. By not jumping
into the play prematurely the 5/1 gives up nothing and gains everything. This is truly their theme.
When they are called upon and they recognize that they can practically fulfill that then they're going to
be at their very best. Then they are going to be appreciated by the forces around them.

Left Angle Profile - 5/2

The 5/2 does not have this same certainty in terms of what projection it can live up to like the 5/1
does. The 5/1 thrives on being the source of other people's projections. They thrive when they have
the certainty of their depth, the certainty of their foundation. They thrive when they can bring
practical results to any call. Then they are able to fulfill any projection and to be able to receive their

The 5/2 does not have at its unconscious level the 1st line depth of exploring the foundation in order
to be able to support the universalizing gifts of its fifth line personality. We have already seen the
reverse of this profile, the 2/5. The silent majority, the second line theme of being called. The hermit.
Wanting to be left alone. Being inherently democratic, ready to allow others to take care of their thing
so they can be left alone to be about their own business.

For the 5/2 profile, it can be annoying. It can be uncomfortable to be the source of everyone's
projection. Mystically, the theme of the second line is to be called. And this is not simply at the
mundane level of being called to a career or a relationship but on a higher level: a calling that will pull
one out of the mundane.

The 5/2 profile has a diferent process than the 5/1. The 5/1 is occupied with establishing the
foundation in order to be prepared. The second line unconscious, however, isn't into introspection and
doesn't need to go looking for anything. It is what it is. The 2nd line is already living it out without
necessarily understanding how it all works. Just being it.

Not having worked at it, being a natural in that sense, there is no pressure to universalize. The 5/1
has a sense of achievement in finding the foundation that it can universalize and through that
universalization they are complete. The 5/2 assumes that other people know anyway. Why bother to
universalize? For them it is the ordinary.

The 5/1 profile has something to prove. The 5/2 profile has nothing to prove. The second line
democrat thinks, "Why should I live up to their projections? Why bother? Let others take on that
responsibility." The second line theme of being the hermit says, "Leave me alone to live out my life."

The 5/2 profile clearly recognizes that it is being projected on, but it
does not have the same sense of certainty that the 5/1 develops
through finding its foundation. This uncertainty through the second line
is leading to the transition that will come when we get to the sixth line
personality and the completion of this process.

The 5/1 profile says "I've got the depth, I've got the foundation.
Everybody is projecting on me. I can always fulfill that and get the
rewards. I'm prepared." The 5/2 profile says "I have no access to the
depth. They're projecting on me and it makes me feel uncomfortable because I don't know why I
should live up to that. What does it bring me?"

In the lower trigram version of this profile, the 2/5, we have the hermit/heretic. The second line
personality is absorbed in its own process, going about its own business. Their potential lies in being
called so the unconscious can come out and universalize.

The 5/2 is the reluctant heretic. This is a heretical personality, but it is behind closed doors. The
combination of the fifth line personality that waits behind closed doors for the right timing in order to
be able to practically universalize and the second line unconscious that is truly the hermit and wants
to be left alone, means that it is rare for the 5/2 to universalize. It is rare for them to get involved
other than when they call themselves.

The 5/1 profile is preparing for the call of others, the projection of others. When that projection has
built up the right energy then that's their chance to enter into the projection field and benefit. The 5/2
profile is not waiting for that projection field to build. Even if the projection field is out there building,
it is ignorant of that because its going about absorbed in its own business. The 5/2 has to call itself. It
has to be its own seducer. Only when it calls itself can it then get involved and truly universalize.
through the potential of its fifth line personality.

This is a deeply withdrawn profile and not in the negative sense at all. It feels complete and natural in
its withdrawal from involvement. Yet at any moment the 5/2 profile can call itself to action. It can
seduce itself into boldness. 5/2 profiles are always their own prod.
Left Angle Profile - 6/2

The sixth line personality is inherently different from all the others. It has a different process that it
goes through in its life. It has a dynamic that divides its life into several distinct periods, regaardless if
it is the sixth line as a personality or at the unconscious level. The sixth line is the line of the role
model. In our metaphor of the hexagram as a house, the sixth line is the roof of that house. It is not
really part of the hexagram process itself. It is beyond that. It is in fact the observer of what's gone
on through all the other profiles. It is looking at the process itself and its bringing judgment with that

The sixth line goes through three distinct stages. The first stage goes from birth to approximately
thirty years old. It is during this stage that the sixth line engages in third line activity.

Remember that in the symmetry of the hexagram structure that the third line and the sixth line are
actually doing the same job. The third line completes the lower trigram. It is the ceiling of the lower
trigram. The sixth line is the roof of the whole house. They have a relationship to each other, a
harmony. The third line is a trial and error process. The sixth line during this first thirty year period
engages in trial and error in order to taste the various possibilities of its nature.

Sixth line personality is a role model personality. It is insistent that everything work correctly.
Everything must work correctly. It learns very quickly through its trial and error experiences that
things do not work out that way but the 6th line strives to change that. This is when the sixth line
theme moves towards the second stage of aloofness (between 30 and 50 years) and begins to

With the 6/2 profile and its second line hermit unconscious this withdrawal is natural. It is during this
second period that the sixth line personality will become aloof, will not engage. They will become the
objective observer of what is going on around them.

In the final stage of their life, in the post fifty year period, is the opportunity for the sixth line to be
able to re-engage. This is an essential completion process for the sixth line. To come to a point of re-
entering into, rather than staying aloof from life itself.

The 6/2 profile has great transpersonal power. They are always noticed. They can be withdrawn and
reclusive sitting on the roof of the house, but they are visible up there. There are many who recognize
that they are being watched. They see that there is a constant observer and that observer becomes an
attractive force. A place to seek out objective advice.
The 6/2 profile is the role model hermit. It is the democratic administrator. The role model
administrator seeking the perfect place. The right work. The right career. The right relationship for
others. The 6/2 profile is society's sounding board. However, within themselves is a basic dilemma.

The sixth line personality is fundamentally optimistic. It looks out in the world and it dreams and
hopes for the best in life. And not only for itself, but through its transpersonal nature, the best in life
for others. There is always the assumption within the sixth line that it is possible. At the same time
the second line unconscious has come to see the frailness of humanity, the weakness and self-hatred.

It is the 6/2's unconscious and its memory that keeps its personal aloofness. 6/2's interact powerfully
with the communities around them. They are truly transpersonal beings. Yet at the personal level
within themselves, through their second line unconscious, they are not involved. They have their

Perhaps the most difficult aspect for a 6/2 profile is the nature of bonding in their life. All human
beings need another. We are part of a binary system and we are not fulfilled without the other. The
sixth line personality is an idealist. More than an idealist it is an optimist that is looking for a true
reality, a true value that it can trust.

The sixth line in the first part of its life, in the first thirty years of its
life, will dive into intimacy and it will dive into intimacy only to discover
that it has not found its soul mate. It will be driven in that first half of
its life to find that perfect soul mate and the disillusionment that comes
with such a pursuit.

The sixth line needs to have trust. When it sees that relationships are untrustworthy they become
aloof from intimacy. The 6/2 profile cannot live by anything it cannot trust and likewise they cannot
live with anyone they cannot trust. If you break the trust of a 6/2 profile, they will never engage with
you again. It does not mean that they will not be social with you. The sixth line personality has a pure
transpersonal skill. They can always interact with the other at the surface. They are here to be leaders
in that process. But they won't let you in.

Determined leaders is the theme of the 6/2 profile. As a leader they have their natural separation
from those that they are interacting with. But whether or not it can finally join in the process is the
ultimate determination whether the 6/2 profile is complete in its life.

There is nothing that one has to do about this. It is not as if this knowledge will stop a 6/2 profile from
being scarred in the first period of its life by experiences that simply do not work. It is not going to
stop the 6/2 profile from becoming aloof in its mid-life.

The 6/2 profile is always moving between sympathy and apathy. They are always being sought out by
the other for confirmation. It is the 6/2 that is naturally considered to be a reliable authority.

We know the second line theme is a theme of being called. The 6/2 is called upon to bring its objective
judgment, to bring its leadership. There is a seduction in a lifetime of administrating and not being
involved. The most difficult aspect of the 6/2 profile's life comes when they reach fifty years of age. It
is in this post fifty year period that the real value of life for them can emerge. When they are no
longer aloof but they have received the call themselves and join in what they judge to be correct.

The new age 6/2 profile can clearly discern and discriminate between all the various paths that are
available. In its capacity as a role model administrator it can point out to others which way works.
They themselves are not participating. They themselves are not engaged. All sixth line personalities
must come to a point where they can re-engage, where what they recognize through their
administrative capacity to be correct is also what they themselves live. In that way their process is

When the 6/2 profile is living out its Type, when it is entering into things correctly according to its
Type, engagement automatically happens

Left Angle Profile - 6/3

The 6/3 profile is the close of the hexagram line process. It is the final of the twelve profiles and as
such it opens up to the next cycle. It leads to the beginning again, back to the 1/3.

It is quite different from the 6/2. The third line theme is a theme is not the theme of the hermit, it is
the theme of the martyr. Combine that with the 6th line and you have the role model martyr. The
6/3 profile can have a truly chaotic process. Its process is driven by the third line unconscious. It is
not content to be about its own business. It is not a hermit. It is ready to go out there and try
anything. Trial and error is its way and bonds being made and broken is its strategy in life.

Much more than the 6/2 child who though looking for experiences is basically self-involved, the 6/3
child is always banging into things. They are always racing into relationships and racing out of them.
Rather than a long term theme of aloofness, the 6/3 is always vibrating between sympathy and
apathy, between being aloof or not.

When the 6/3 is sitting on the roof of the house, it gets bored. It gets tired of just watching and wants
to jump in. When it gets burnt it goes racing back up to the roof. And then it gets bored. It goes
jumping back in. It is constantly breaking bonds with its own aloofness. They are driven by the
personality's optimism that anything is possible and that through trial and error you can find what to
trust. They believe that you can find a soul mate.
The 6/3 profile can be promiscuous in its life. Promiscuous in its interests, promiscuous in its
relationships - always engaging, being disappointed in that engagement, becoming pessimistic, and
then jumping back to its place of aloofness. The 6/3 profile always looks like it is turning on and off.

The sixth line personality aspires to objectivity. It is only through objectivity that they can reliably see
whether something can be trusted. For the 6/3 profile objectivity is the only thing that can sustain
them. Because of the constant bonds made and broken, however, the 6/3 suffers from subjectivity.
They can become disappointed and miss the value of objectivity in its life.

The 6/3 profile fulfils its purpose by preparing for the next profile, preparing for the next stage. A
hexagram does not stand alone and no human being stands alone. There is a continuum. At the very
end of the profile process, at the very end of the sixth line personality process, is a third line
unconscious underneath that says, "This is not it. There is still more. There are still things to try.
There are still things that need to be tasted. "

The 6/3 is constantly looking for engagement and involvement. They can be very disturbing to others.
When they engage they bring their allegiance. Through their transpersonal gift they can be very
attractive. Yet at the same time, when they are dissatisfied, when they cannot trust, when they do not
see that the experience is going to be fulfilling, they will immediately reject the other, reject the
experience, reject the career.

It is a profile of constant transition and change. We have many prejudices when it comes to
descriptions. It is easy to look at the 6/3 profile and its process of constantly engaging as something
that can be experienced negatively. It is not true. It is only true if one is living through the not self. It
is not true when one is entering into things correctly. The 6/3 profile living according to its Type will
not eliminate this constant engagement and pulling out. It is a theme for it to break bonds.

However, when it enters into things correctly, it can find the engagement that it ultimately must have.
It can find something worthy enough to bring it down from its aloofness, only leave it to go back up
onto the roof then to come back down and re-engage again with the same thing. This is the only kind
of engagement that ultimately fulfils the 6/3.

In their first thirty year period, the 6/3 frantically moves through experiences. Aligning itself with
others and things and then rejecting them.

In its mid-life it is always moving between engagement and aloofness, never being able to stay aloof
long enough, being driven by its unconscious, having things bang into it that pull it down from the

When they reach the post fifty year period, their opportunity is to find something that they can
build a bond with, break it and return to. By then hopefully they have found peace with the process.

This is the key for the 6/3 profile. They will never stop this process of engaging and withdrawing. It is
built into their nature. It does not mean that they constantly have to burn bridges. It is possible for
them to find something powerful enough for them in their life that they can trust. They need situations
that they can engage with, still have their opportunity to pull away, and then be able to re-engage.
Where the 6/2 profile is the determined leader or not, the 6/3
profile is looking for partnership in leadership. They're not looking to
do it alone. The 6/2 is ready to do it for everyone else and not for itself.
The 6/3 is looking to be able to manifest, to live it out with a partner. It is
the magic of the movement through the profiles that the profile that
follows the 6/3 is the 1/3. The 6/3 is looking for a partner that will bring a
new foundation, a new beginning together with the other. In this way, all
profiles are linked to each other.

The 6/3 completes this movement, preparing the way for the new
foundation. More than any other profile, it is deeply seeking out the other. For the 6/3 profile, the
quality and nature of its intimacy and its relationships are more important than anything else because
it is through relationship, through being able to finally establish the bond, that the next step in the
process can begin.

Profiles Conclusion

Procession of the
As we have gone
through these
twelve profiles we
see that the
unconscious is
linking each of the
profiles together
and that the
personality is doing
the same.

The 1/3 becomes

the 1/4 and the
1/4 leads to the
2/4, which then
leads to the 2/5
and the 3/5. The
Personality and the
Design take turns
changing. As one
changes twice the
other stays the same twice.

There is a linking and a breaking of the link simultaneously. In the case of the 1/4 and 2/4, the fourth
line underneath is linking the two different types of personalities.

In the same way, the 1/3 and the 1/4 are two different profiles linked through the same personality.
In this way, all the profiles are linked to each other as a movement.

It is a pattern that is ingrained genetically.

The Key
The key is in living out your design. Through this you honor your Type and the natural
attributes of that profile are going to emerge and are going to dress the life. A look at a
profile is an ability to see the parameters of ones purpose. But the purpose naturally
flows out of the simple mechanic, the simple design. Follow the rules of the mechanic and
you will naturally be fulfilled through your purpose.
We just looked at the 6/3.

The 6/3 Manifestor informs.

The 6/3 generator waits to respond.
The 6/3 projector waits to be invited.
The 6/3 reflector looks for others for the authority they need within themselves and waits
out the cycle of the moon.

And so it goes for all profiles.


When you think of centers you think of the nine geometric shapes in the bodygraph. Sometimes they
are colored in, other times they are not. They connect to each other via channels. But you probably
don't think of MUTATION. Yes, the centers are a deeply mutative and mutating element.

The first thing to understand is that the centers are an evolving process and that the human species is
mutating through the evolution of the centers. We have evolved from the 7 to 9 centered being. And
the 9 centered being is currently evolving through the mutation of the solar plexus.

Secondly, the centers act as mutative hubs that redistribute energy in the context of its specific
qualities. Through this redirection and collection of energy they are constantly mutating and being
mutated by their surroundings.

Evolution from Seven to Nine Centered Beings

Many systems use the idea of centers or hubs to represent the human
being. The most well know is the Hindu Chakra system but there are
others, for example the eleven centers in Kabala. No matter what the
system, they all share in common the idea that we have central hubs
of energy within us.

In terms of numbers of hubs, nine is not a common number. Many

systems have human configurations using seven hubs, which was the
number of planets visible to the naked eye.

Prior to 1781 the human as we know it did indeed have seven

centers. This date coincides with the discovery of the Planet Uranus
on March 13th, 1781 by Sir William Herschel.

Hindu Chakra System

Since 1781 humanity has been expanding from the
Saturnian cycle of 28.6 years to the Uranian cycle of 84
years. The transition did not happen over night since these
things take a long time but 1781 was the mid point. It
started the transformation with the Cross of Planning in

This meant that humans on average started living longer

lives. In the Saturnian Cycle you were an old person by the
time you were past 30. You were probably even a
grandparent by then since you started bearing children right
out of puberty. By the time you were 15 you were a full
blown adult.

In the Uranian Cycle this time frame has been greatly

expanded. In fact you are still a young man or woman until
after 30. You aren't considered old until your late sixties (if
that), and the date is being pushed back more and more.
Kabala Tree of Life
Humans have always been different from the rest of the
animal kingdom due to the extended length of time we depend on mothers for nourishment and
protection. The time of helplessness and vulnerability for human children is much longer than any
other animal. With the new Uranian Cycle, this time is even longer.

Unfortunately we still have remnants of the Saturnian belief system of when we should become grown
up and self sufficient, which results in people who aren't ready being put under pressure to "get their
act together". The truth is that children and young adults today aren't designed to come into
adulthood into well after their thirties or even into their forties.

So this transformation from 7 centers to 9 centers has created a deep mutation in what it means to
live, not only within our bodies but also in the way we actually live out our lives.

The Rave

In human design the 9 centered human is called a "Rave". But this is misleading. We actually haven't
fully developed into a Rave yet. Even though we have 9 centers we are still in a midpoint between the
7 centered being and a fully developed 9 centered being. For the full mutation to happen our Solar
Plexus has to fully mutate into an "aware" awareness center. Right now it is an awareness center but
it isn't fully developed.

Fully mutated Raves will not begin to come until 2027 with the transformation of the solar plexus. It
is possible to see glimpses of what these Raves will be like, but any examples we see today are only
transitional elements and we have no idea what a Rave will really be like. People with autism, people
with prostrate cancer and "Indigo Children" are part of this transformation.

Our current situation is similar to the juxtaposition profile in that we are carrying a little bit of the
previous stage as well as a little bit of the next stage. Our new form is new to us and it won't be until
well after 2027 that we fully understand how to use our bodies to their new potential.
Genetic Imperative

Do you spend the majority of your time trying to

get laid? If you are like most people, your answer
would be no. You'd say that there are more
important things in life than the base element of
satisfying your sexual desire with anyone who
will oblige.

But on a genetic level your main purpose in life

is....well, get laid. Seriously, though, your
genetic imperative is to stay alive by reproducing
your genetic material via a baby. And not just
live for yourself, but for the whole human race.
You may die but your genes have no plans of
dying, so they focus all their energy on getting
you to reproduce with as much diversity as
possible. It's not personal. It's survival.

If you don’t make more, you die out. Every

living thing does everything in its power to make more and it’s never personal. The genes recognize
that sameness is a dead end street and we have worked sameness out of our biological system over
millions of years because it is proven to be detrimental. The narrower the gene pool; the more
negative mutations take place. So the genes become attracted to diversity. Culturally we seek
similarity, as in Jews only marrying Jews for example, but this is just another survival technique.
Within that structure there is always an allowance for diversity, the most basic one being that it's not
cool to marry your direct genetic gene pool (like for example your sister!).

So this genetic imperative can be a problem, since on a genetic level opposites attract but on another
level it is very hard living with somebody who is totally opposite to you. This is what we call love/hate.
What you really like about somebody half of the time you hate about them the rest of the time. Your
genes are saying "Yes!", your mother is saying "He's not one of us!". And you are just plain confused.

What does this have to do with centers? Well, Genetic Imperative is lived out through our open

Every one of our open centers is attracted to what is different, regardless of the consequences. And all
the while our mind is making up all sorts of reasons why or why not we should be doing what we are
doing, which can really get confusing.

For example, if you have one emotional person with one non-emotional person there can be this deep
love/hate interaction on the emotional level that causes all sorts of chaos and heartache. Yet the
genetics are loving it.

Strategy as Key

The term Not-Self stands for unhealthy behavior resulting from the genetic imperative. Genetics don't
care so long as they reproduce. You could live your whole life incorrectly, in the Not-Self, and still
satisfy genetic imperative.

The True-Self stands for healthy behavior resulting from living your strategy. With True-Self behavior
your open centers aren't just blind genetic imperatives but places to be wise. Our potential wisdom via
these open centers represents our outer authority, but it can never become our decision-making
process. That is always our inner strategy.

To honor Type, Strategy and Inner authority is the only way towards Self; it is the mechanical
conversion of what we really are. In this way we will not avoid conditioning, but we will find the
conditioning that is correct for us. The mutation will happen no matter what, but it will be a much
more harmonious experience.
Now that we have covered some of the overall concepts, lets look at the Biology of the Centers.

Biology of Centers

The centers and their corresponding physical attribute:

Head Pineal Gland

Ajna Anterior/Posterior Pituitary Glands

Throat Thyroid, Parathyroid

G Liver, Blood

Ego Stomach, Heart, Gall Bladder, Thymus Gland

Sacral Ovaries, Testes

Spleen Lymphatic System, Spleen, B-Cells

Solar Kidney, Prostate, Pancreas, solar plex Neuron Network, Nervous System,
Plexus Lungs

Root Adrenal Glands

As you know the nine centers represent psychological elements (such as emotions, for example) but
you probably aren't as aware that they are deeply rooted in the physical body. This distinction
between psychology and physical body is of course irrelevant since the two are inseparable. But
scientifically, especially in western science, we are very ignorant as to how the physical and
psychological meet, let alone the spiritual. Human Design clearly shows the connection.

Here is a chart of the endocrine system in females and males.

Can you connect the Centers with the corresponding endocrine gland?
Biologically the majority of centers belong to the endocrine and nervous system or are closely
connected to them. The nervous and endocrine systems act together to regulate physiology. The
endocrine system is a collection of glands scattered throughout the body that secrete chemical
messages in the form of hormones. These signals are passed through the blood to arrive at a target
organ, which has cells possessing the appropriate receptor.

In addition to the classical endocrine organs, many other cells in the body secrete hormones.
Myocytes in the atria of the heart and scattered epithelial cells in the stomach and small intestine are
examples of what is sometimes called the "diffuse" endocrine system. If the term hormone is defined
broadly to include all secreted chemical messengers, then virtually all cells can be considered part of
the endocrine system, which means that the physical parts of the body associated with the centers are
deeply influencing every part of our body through the constant relay of messages.

Key Points:

• All bodily events are influenced by the endocrine milieu:

There are no cell types, organs or processes that are not influenced - often profoundly - by
hormone signaling.
• All "large" physiologic effects are mediated by multiple hormones acting in concert:
Normal growth from birth to adulthood, for example, is surely dependent on growth hormone,
but thyroid hormones, insulin-like growth factor-1, glucocorticoids and several other hormones
are also critically involved in this process.
• There are many hormones known and little doubt that others remain to be discovered.

Biology - Keep it to yourself

Just because the head center has a relationship with the Pineal Gland does not mean you need to tell
people that. It is probably a good idea you don't go into the biology when you are showing somebody
their chart, regardless of the temptation to impress them with how much cool (and basically useless)
info you have crammed in your brain.

Knowing the biological relationship has very little impact on whether a person will live their strategy
and honor their authority, which is the only important thing. In fact, if you go into great detail about
the biology of the centers, it will probably distract and confuse them. Don't do it. KISS - keep it
The goal in this course of showing you the biology is just to give you an idea of the background behind
centers so that you understand how they concretely connect to the body. The biology gives useful
insights into the psychological characteristics of the centers, which can be very useful when looking at
a chart.

Head Center

Defined: 30%
Undefined: 70%
Biological correlation: pineal gland
Type of Center: Pressure
Function: Mental Inspiration, creates a pressure on the Ajna to think
Defined: inspiration comes in a fixed way; mental pressure to resolve one’s own
questions, is here to be mentally inspiring to other people.
Open: Inspiration comes from external conditioning, if correct can be free of
mental pressure, are able to see those who are inspiring and who are confusing.
Not Self Strategy of open head: they feel responsible for getting rid of the
mental pressure that they take in from others, usually by trying to find answers to
questions that are not important.

Pineal Gland
(According to Funk & Wagnall's (Cheesy) Desk
"Pineal Gland - A small, reddish gray,
vascular, conical body of rudimentary glandular
structure found in the brain and having no
known function."

Well, having no known function to the Normals,

anyway. It is the psycho-metaphysical link
between the Realm of Ideas (and silly ones at
that) touches the World of Substance.

The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and

is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave
behind and above the pituitary gland which lies
a little behind the root of the nose. It is located
directly behind the eyes,
attached to the third

While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent
times, the true function of this mysterious gland has long been contemplated by
philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland to be
our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes called it the Seat of the Soul.

Through the flow of seratonin the pineal gland allows the neo-cortex to access the
deep gray areas of the brain, acting as a gate keeper. In this way the Head Center is
the door to things deep inside of us. It allows the information in the gray area to
pass to the neo cortex where it can be processed. If you don’t encode the storage
area, you don’t know what you actually have in there.
Head Center

If you have an open head center like 70% of people on the planet, then other people are filling up
your gray area. You have an open door that allows conditioning from others in that center. The
pressure is there to pass it on to the neo-cortex for processing.

Since it is not your information, it is different from what you know normally. And because of your
genetics, difference is attractive. Therefore you find this information attractive and intriguing, and you
spend time thinking about it. This means you are thinking about things that don’t belong to you.
People spend lifetimes wasting their time trying to process information that has no use to them. They
do it simply because it is irresistible and they aren't living their strategy.

The brain is structured so that its capacity for storage is infinite. It doesn't mean you have access; it
just means it keeps on storing. You take all this stuff in every moment of every day and it get’s
stored in the head center.

This is in-spiration - you are in-spiring. You are taking in the movie of your life and storing it infinitely
in the space within your brain - the deep gray areas. And it builds up a pressure because you're
designed to take it in and process the consciousness field. It is a breathing in and a breathing out.

So it is a pressure that literally generates mental anxiety. This anxiety is one of the three fears:

1. primal fears of the Splenic system

2. anxiety of the mind and the Ajna
3. nervousness of the Solarplex system and the nervous system itself.
4. The moment you allow the mind to be the authority for your life you bring on this anxiety. The
mental anxiety can be reconstructed in so many ways, endlessly - over your whole life. When
you're afraid of something mentally and allow it to control you, then you cannot get rid of it
because you can never confront it. Since it's just mental you can change into any shape and

5. This does not mean that if you live your design and
honor your authority that the pressure will go away
or the anxiety will subside. It will always be there. It
serves a purpose. But it won't control your actions
and that is a huge difference. Your life will unfold
not based on the anxiety of your mind but based on
the correctness of your actions. What is inside your
mind will not become reality outside. It will remain a
pressure, sometimes an anxiety, but it will never
become a concrete reality.

6. Because you want to get rid of that pressure as fast

as possible, on the logical side (63-4) you are going
to come up with solutions that blow up in your face.
Meanwhile, on the abstract side (64-47) something
nags at you from the past and until you make some kind of sense of it, it will stay there as a
pressure bothering you. The individual channel in the middle (61-24) can simply drive you
crazy with a mystery that keeps coming back to torment you.

7. The outer authority of the mind can be extraordinary, but the mind is absolutely useless as an
inner authority. An open center will always be attracted to what it is not and the open head
center will always try to answer or resolve mental pressures that aren't theirs. So the trick is
to appreciate the question without feeling the responsibility of solving it. A riddle for riddle's
sake. And all the while you are living your strategy so externally your life is really fine, despite
all the confusion, mystery and doubts passing through your head. By the sheer power of your
living your design those anxieties will become less and less powerful.

8. Head and Root Centers - Pressure Sandwiches

9. The Head Center and the Root Center are both pressure centers, But
they're different. The Root Center is a motor, so its fuel is different
than the Head Center. The Head Center is just a mental pressure
without the motor to back it up. The mind is caught in an intellectual
sandwich, and it's a non-motor sandwich: Head Center above creating
the pressure to think and Throat Center below to externalize the thoughts.

10. Because the head center is not there to give the mind motorized pressure, the mind itself is
not designed to do anything active. It's designed to manifest communication through
language, not action. The authority for action is always some place else in your design.

11. This is different to the root center. Adrenaline pressure is very different from conceptual
pressure. If the root center says move, you better move fast! And the adrenaline is there to
help you. If the head center says move there is no motor to jump you into action, so don't get
fooled into thinking you need to do anything. If you follow your real authority and strategy it
will all work out ok.

Chart Example
Here is an example of a defined head center. They are designed to be under pressure mentally. The
pressure is to process abstract thoughts that come out of nowhere via the unconscious 64th gate.

They are constantly under pressure to make sense of the huge flow of images entering their mind. The
images are usually abstract snapshots of past events in their life.

They would process the images in the Ajna center and express their insights in a very unique way via
the Channel of Genius to Freak.
Ajna Center

Defined: 51%
Undefined: 49%
Biological correlation: Anterior/Posterior Pituitary Glands
Type of Center: Awareness
Function: to categorize, analyze, and investigate life
Defined: has a fixed way of thinking, enjoys research
Open: no consistent way of thinking, always feels uncertain in thought and
compensates by being overly fixed, takes in info like a sponge
Not Self Strategy of open ajna : trying to convince others and themselves that
you are certain and intellectually consistent

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland is located in a small bony

cavity at the base of the brain. A stalk links the
pituitary to the hypothalamus, which controls
release of pituitary hormones. The pituitary
gland has two lobes: the anterior and posterior

The pituitary gland is widely referred to as the

"Master gland" because its hormonal secretions
have as their target organs other endocrine
glands (like the Pineal Gland, for example). The
pituitary gland is the point of convergence--and
coordination--of the body's two great
integrative mechanisms, the nervous and
endocrine systems.

Ajna Center - Who's the boss?

We already know that all the centers are directly related biologically to the nervous and endocrine
systems. And just like the pituitary gland is a "Master Gland" in relation to these systems, the ajna
also plays a central role within the other centers, acting as a central hub. However, the fact that your
mind is deeply connected biochemically to the rest of you gives a false sense of power to the mind.
The importance given to the mind in our society is very obvious but less acknowledged is the chaos
this can create.

Don't let this talk about the Pituitary Gland being a master gland fool you into thinking the ajna center
is a Master Center. Just because it plays a huge role in recording what is going on does not mean it is
all powerful and the boss. It is an observer, the scribe of the castle. It is not driving the car. And
because of it's inseparable connection to all the other centers it can cause all sorts of problems when
not used correctly. It is the main hub of Not self strategy. In many ways the ajna center can easily be
the enemy.

The connection of the pituitary gland to the rest of the body is why the mind can express the
characteristics of the other centers. It can seem emotional, splenic, egoic, or an expression of our
identity. We experience our bodies and the interaction of our bodies with the rest of the world largely
through the "mind's eye". But this does not mean the ajna center is the boss. Our boss is always our
strategy and inner authority, which is unique to your design.
Who's driving your car?

It is a scientific fact that whatever you think, say and do is initiated long before the neo cortex and
self reflected consciousness has anything to do with it. All awareness of our thoughts happen in the
deep gray areas of the brain milliseconds BEFORE we are even aware of the thought, let alone have
decided to act on it.

Ajna Awareness (what we call mind) is not a creative event; it is a reactive one. The awareness comes
AFTER a long chain of biochemical processes that take place before one is consciously aware of
anything. Through the pituitary the neo-cortex gives you updates to what is happening in your
physical life. But it is not creating or guiding that life.

For example, your body might make a liquid check to see how much water you have inside you. After
checking it sees it is low and decides to go get some water. As a courtesy to your you it lets you know
almost immediately after it decides. But be very clear: When you say to yourself, "I'm going to get up
and get a glass of water" you are kidding yourself. You didn't decide anything. You were informed. The
decision was made way before you even knew you were thirsty!

Thus Human beings are not creative; we are reactive. It is not that we can't create wonderful things,
but that creation is actually a reaction to something. Whether we are creative directly or creative in
reaction to something might seem like an irrelevant point, but it is important in showing that the mind
isn't running the show.

Understanding the correct role of the ajna is the key to waking up. The pituitaries give us the illusion
of being in control because they give us intense awareness of our physical body and it's interaction
with the world. The ajna works so quickly in passing us information that we think it is the one actually
making the decision. But being able to associate with what is going on does not mean you are
controlling what is going on. We only have the illusion of being in charge.

Imagine you are driving a car on a racetrack. You are enjoying taking the turns. The engine is revving
under you. You can see the turns and the car appears to turn when you move the steering wheel. You
are in control. Now what if you were told that the steering wheel was disconnected and the car was
really being driven by remote control?

You only thought you were in control. It sounded and felt like you were driving the car but it only felt
that way. Just because you can see what is happening from the driver's seat does not mean you are
the driver. That is what the mind does. It allows you to look through the driver's eyes. But be very
clear: Let your strategy guide you and honor your authority. They drive your vehicle. And they are not
your mind.
Fixed and Open Minds

The defined ajna center is a fixed mind and is extraordinarily

narrow. It has a very specific, limited potential. Its role is to
express that specific way of processing information.

People with an open ajna center are always under pressure to be

the same as the fixed ajna. But they aren't designed to be that
way. So they simply end up pretending that they are mentally
certain. And often it is just because they are living, or maybe
even merely sitting next to, a person with a defined ajna.

They aren't even aware of what is happening but their mind is

being conditioned and they feel twice as certain as the defined
ajna next to them. Temporarily, of course. They themselves will
realize that their certainty is an illusion the moment they are out
of the influence of the defined ajna, at which point it will all fall
apart for them.

And it get's to a point where it just happens all the time,

regardless of whether their mind is in the aura of a defined mind.
This creates deep insecurity inside the undefined ajna.
Fidel Castro, famous for his
marathon long speeches, has a very The defined mind is what establishes the parameters of the
defined throat and ajna. He is vanity of our process whether it is logical, abstract, or individual.
designed to be very fixed in his The brilliance of your mind will not save you. It will only make
intellectual expression. you terribly certain. No matter whether the mind is open
(pretending to be fixed) or defined ( truly fixed), it is still an
illusion of control. The strategy and authority is the only way to
live a healthy life, regardless of what certainty the mind has in

The result is not easy. You can turn left by following your
strategy and your mind can be giving you a million reasons why
it is better to turn right. And they might all make sense. But your
mind is a back seat driver. It is here to tell you the million
reasons. Let it. But follow your strategy. The more you do it the
more you will be ok with the endless stream of information your
mind gives you, all the while not letting it upset you or control
what direction you take in life.

So now do you See?

There is a major transition that took place in humans that is very

different from other creatures, including other other mammals.
That mutation was the development of the human neo-cortex and
its capacity for self-reflective consciousness. But more than that,
the mutation that took place in the larynx would allow humans to
communicate at a very sophisticated level - the more
sophisticated the sounds, the more memory necessary, the more
Albert conceptualizing taking place. Just like with your computer (we're
Einstein has an undefined ajna. He not computers, but we do compute).
is designed to be flexible in how he
processes information. We have already gotten under control the splenic, animal, need
for survival of the form. Humans are doing pretty good at
proliferating our form, as our population explosion shows.

We are now in the second stage of building the visual Maya. Our Ajna-related sense is rooted in the
eyes. The mind is visual - hence lies the trap. Biologically, the Pineal and Pituitary Glands work very
closely with light, and in terms of the centers, the mind is here to establish the visual Maya, which
cannot exist in darkness. Until we establish the visual Maya there's no way to get to the third stage,
which is emotional spirit consciousness, rooted in the solar plexus. But that is another story.

The way in which we perceive the world and give the world its name and attributes is through the
eyes. We have a spectrum that is available to us visually - but it is very limited. We do not see radio
waves; we do not see electromagnetic waves. Most of the wavelength information that exists in the
universe we don't see. Our capacity to see is physically limited, which means that the
conceptualization of the Maya is limited. Because of that, the mind alone has no way to be able to
guide us in our physical life. It's too limited, which of course is yet another way of saying, follow your
strategy and authority, which is never the mind.

So let's say it together:

There's nothing more joyful, more painful, more useless, and more powerful than the mind. FOREVER.

Now put the Head and Ajna together:

And following your strategy won't make that change. But it will allow you to enjoy the mind for what it
is good at: processing information, telling the story as it sees the landscape go by, being a good
passenger, just like you.

Throat Center

Defined: 71%
Undefined: 29%
Biological correlation: thyroid, parathyroid
Type of Center: Gearbox
Function: manifestation and communication with words or action in order to
metamorphose and transform
Defined: fixed style of speaking and/or acting
Open: under pressure to manifest and communicate, transformation
(metamorphosis) does not happen consistently but in spurts, action and expression
is conditioned by surroundings; good at seeing who speaks the truth
Not Self Strategy of open throat: trying to attract attention with words or
actions, being a manifestor
Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is located in the neck. Follicles in

the thyroid secrete hormones. Stimulation from
the anterior pituitary gland causes production of
thyroid hormones. Almost all body cells are targets

of thyroid hormones.

Anything to do with the metamorphosis of the body is regulated by the thyroid gland.
The gland is a regulator of all body functions. These include controlling the overall
metabolic rate, growth and development, sexual development, calcium regulation and
bone production.
The thyroid
gland has four
An under productive or over productive thyroid leads to all sorts of metabolic or
developmental problems such as mood swings, weight control, irregular body growth,
body temperature control and energy levels.

Throat Center Duality

The Throat Center at its biological level is a duality, seen in the

two Thyroid lobes. You can further subdivide that duality into
four parts, as seen in the parathyroid glands.

The basic binary is:

(a) communication
(b) manifestation.

Each of those can be paired again:

(i) communication or manifestation that is defined

(ii) communication or manifestation that is undefined

We'll see this in more depth when looking at the gates (see

Above and Below the Throat

When looking at the Ajna center we saw how it was biologically

connected to all other body functions. But we also saw that it's
role was to watch what was going on only and not make the
decisions. It was an Awareness Center. The throat center on
the other hand, does influence the rest of the body. As can be clearly seen in the role of the Thyroid
Gland, the throat center is a Gearbox, a regulator. It isn't the fuel since it is not a motor, but it
regulates the speed at which the fuel is burned.
Also notice in the bodygraph another interesting visual cue: the positioning of the ajna to the throat.
It gives you insight into how the bodygraph works. Really you have two parts to the bodygraph:
everything above the throat and everything below.

The ajna and head play the role of collecting

information and processing it into awareness. But
this has nothing to do with motors since they are
miles away from any motor. They sit above the
throat observing the body. Below the throat is where
all the juice is flowing. It is full of action and energy.
That is where we have the 4 motors and everything
that goes with them.

The throat acts are the regulator for these two parts.
It all comes out and becomes one through the
throat. The Throat has direct access to six other
centers! All roads lead to the throat and those roads
are short.

The Throat has eleven gates, more than any other

center, and only one biology: the Thyroid. The
throat, despite it's ability to harness many input The six centers connected to the throat and the
streams, is focused on one simple thing: regulating throat gates in the wheel. Because the
the flow of energy. Remember how the thyroid hexagram has a relationship to the codon
regulates our body's temperature. To do that is must structure, gates that are next to each other in
be in constant communication with the outside the wheel they have a similar information base
energy levels and the inside energy levels. at the genetic codon level.
The sacral center also regulates energy, but as any pure generator knows, it can easily get stuck. This
is not the case with the throat. The throat is a master at finding the perfect energy level. We all need
to go through a metamorphic process. That is what it mean to be alive. Without the metamorphic
energy (via action or voice) all generators would perpetually be stuck and all the other types would
simply be lifeless.

Getting Attention

Since the throat center is the center of metamorphosis and

metamorphosis creates distinction, the throat center also regulates how
visible we are in the world. Noise and movement, both key throat
attributes, get you noticed (for good or bad).

For example, if you are looking for an animal in the forest you might
not notice it until it moves. Or in the classroom the child who grows slower or faster than the other
children is noticed. In terms of noise it is obvious that it gets attention. If you are sitting in a movie
theatre full of people, the only person you'll really notice is the one who is talking. And there is a good
chance that they have an open throat that is being pumped up by all the defined throats around them!

A defined throat is designed to get attention (good or bad) in their fixed way. An undefined throat is
here to be flexible in how they get attention. Both need to follow their strategy. Only then will they get
the attention that is correct.

People with open throats can become obsessed with attracting attention, just like people with defined
throats can spend a lifetime trying to stay out of the way. This is a distortion of their natural talents.
The moment you are conditioned by attracting attention is the moment you don’t see the possibilities
on either side of the coin.

Open throats can attract attention but they can't control when or how. Defined throats can attract
attention but it can be lots of the wrong attention if they don't act correctly.
Defined or undefined, the only important thing lies in whether you take decision making away from
the mind. With an open throat if your life is focused on getting attention, then you get sick. However,
if you are correct with an open throat and attract people then it’s beautiful. With a defined throat if
you are correct then you will get attention that won't hit you over the head.

Bob Dylan Cher

The singer Bob Dylan has a fixed way of getting The singer Cher has a inconsistent way of getting
attention and his signature voice reflects that. One attention. One journalist said, "Cher jumped on
radio broadcaster said, "Dylan's voice is as annoying to each new musical fad looking for an audience."
as the sound of an espresso machine." Love it or This is an open throat way. She can easily
hate it, he can't change it. For him he'll get change her voice style and has successfully done
recognized by sticking to his way of expressing. many cover songs.
Metamorphosis and Pressure

Even though the throat connects directly to more centers than any other center, there
are two centers it does not directly connect to: Head and Root. This means no direct
access to pressure! When we looked at the head center we saw that we're living in a
pressure sandwich - the mental pressure above, the adrenaline pressure below. But
the throat is not directly connected to that.

What does that mean? It means that manifestation is oblivious to pressure. Otherwise, we would all
run ourselves to death from the pressure, like a balloon letting its air out.The head and root pressures
stimulate the other centers, which then find their outlet via the throat. But the act of metamorphosis
does not happen under pressure. Imagine pressuring a flower to blossom! And the joke is? That so
many of us are running around under great pressure to manifest. It is a sad joke.

Your Voice(s)

The primary nature of the Throat Center is to speak, not manifest. Out of the 11 gates only 3 are
manifesting gates (35, 12, 45). We have 11 tongues. Articulation began in the 12th gate. The ten
other gates represent the primary tongues of humanity where all the languages that ever existed fit
into one of those ten gates. There are very few gates that are Gates of Primary Action. Then you have
gates of Secondary Action.

If you have a gate in the Throat, and it doesn't matter if the Throat is defined or undefined since that's
just about consistency, that gate is your voice. It's the only voice that you can rely on. It doesn't
mean that that voice isn't going to be conditioned if it's an active gate in an undefined Throat.
Obviously, somebody else or some planet is going to have to hook up that Throat. Looking at a Rave
chart is about seeing the Self and the Not-Self. Everything about looking at the Throat is seeing your
voice and the not-voices.

If you don't have the 45th gate, every time you say, "I have," it's not your voice. You're not here to
talk in terms of what you have and what you don't have. That belongs to somebody who has that
voice and they are probably sitting right next to you! If you don't have the 56th gate and you're
saying, "I believe," you're being conditioned by somebody.

If you're living a conditioned life, you get the problems of that conditioned being. The same thing is
true that if you live out a conditioned voice, you have to deal with all the consequences of that voice
and you may not be equipped to do so. If you're constantly speaking in a voice that doesn't belong to
you, it ultimately is going to do damage to your Throat.

The only people who are free of that are those who have absolutely no activation whatsoever in the
Throat - a true rarity, by the way. It is not possible for them to have any voice of their own and they
live under a different condition.
G or Self Center

Defined: 46%
Undefined: 54%
Biological correlation: Liver, Blood
Type of Center: the compass
Function: Love, Direction, and Identity
Defined: fixed love, direction and identity
Open: inconsistent love, direction and identity.
Not Self Strategy of open G: Tries to control or fix love, direction and identity
instead of letting their strategy guide them through it.

The Liver

The liver, located in the upper right side of the abdomen, acts as a filter to
remove toxins and waste products from the body. It stores nutrients such as
vitamins, minerals, and iron, and also plays a role in managing levels of certain
chemicals in the body, such as cholesterol, hormones, and sugars.

The liver helps the body digest food and break down toxins by producing a
substance called bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. Other important
functions of the liver include processing hemoglobin and producing blood-clotting
factors. A healthy liver filters blood smoothly.

The liver can be damaged by a number of different factors, including excessive

alcohol intake, cancer, genetic liver disorders, or infections such as hepatitis C.

When the liver cells are damaged, they cannot function well and may die. Some
of these cells may grow back, but if the injury is severe, scar tissue may form. A buildup of scar tissue
on the liver, called fibrosis, slows down the liver's ability to circulate blood and remove toxins.

Magnetic Monopole

The magnetic monopole resides in the G center and is similar to a magnet with only one pole, and all
that pole does is attract. It creates a reference point around which all else revolves. Without this
internal pull we would have no sense of differentiation.; my body versus your body. Without it we
could feel totally connected to the universe. We would feel at one with the totality.

The monopole creates the illusion that each cell is separate from each other, even though each cell is
a tiny fragment of the greater pattern. Just like the liver is constantly filtering the blood and
separating what is not us (the toxins) from what is us (vitamins and minerals), the magnetic
monopole separates us from the totality.

It is not about saying the toxins are bad and the vitamins are good. Those toxins are actually very
good for other creatures in the world. And the vitamins would kill them. That is the beauty of
differentiation. There is no blame or shame. It is just about saying, "This is me, that is you." To know
the difference and to honor it is a wonderful thing.


Differentiation. allows for love. There is love of humanity, self, inanimate objects, the universes, the
body - and all these aspects are regulated by the magnetic monopole and the G center. Of course the
opposite is true too. There are many forms of hate. Without differentiation. there would be no room
for this duality. Me and you, up and down, it only works when there is a monopole pulling you to you
and me to me. Without that, there would be one universal love but nobody (NO BODY) to experience
it. The vast ocean of love needs creatures to swim in it :)


If there is no differentiation. then there is no direction. If all is one then there is nowhere to go. With
differentiation. there is a reference point. "I am going straight in relation to that." The G center acts as
a compass. It creates left, right, up, down through the differentiation. of the self.


This is the easiest to understand. If we are all one then there is no "you" and "me." There isn't even a
"we." There is just the "itness" of being. No mind, no identity, no body. Just existence without any
distinction between you and the totality. That might sound appealing to you if you are into meditation
and enlightenment, but our bodies are built to have differentiation. You can't have both. Either you
exist as a human in the body or you evaporate into the "one-ness", in which case there is no "you" to
experience that anyway.

Sigmond Freud has a defined G. He is

designed to have a fixed direction
through the channel of the creative
and mutative role model. This is
especially powerful for him since he
also has the cross of the Sphinx.
Open G

If you do not live your strategy you distort this process and do
not find your place. You break the sacred circle. You will live in
the wrong place, eat the wrong food, and love the wrong
people. The list is endless. This will be the case for both defined
and undefined G centers.

For an open G center, however, place is exceptionally important

because it will condition them more than a person with defined
G (internal consistency in love, direction and self). First of all it
is not easy to find your place if you have an open G, yet to find
the right place(s) is crucial because it will determine the quality
of love, direction and identity.

The first thing to understand is that the right place isn’t one
place since there are different places for different things. The
open G is not fixed. They can have different variations of love,
direction and identity. To understand that is to see it as a
strength and not a weakness. They shouldn't try to be
consistent like people with a defined G.

Secondly, finding the right place usually is a process of

Julio Iglesias is arguably the most elimination through finding the wrong places. It always comes
successful love song singer in the down to living your strategy. When you truly give up trying to
world. One journalist writes, "When control the process the place finds you. And places you never
Julio sings a love song, the whole would have considered turn out to be actually very good for
world trembles with emotions." Julio you. Likewise, places you thought were good turn out to be
is an emotional manifestor on the horrible.
Cross of the Vessel of Love, so this is
to be expected. Therefore by using your strategy you will find those places that
will allow you to express a consistent identity within the
situation. It is important to understand that the identity is fixed
only within the situation. There needs to be a flexibility for the open G.

A lot of people feel uncomfortable with having an undefined G Center. There is a stigma attached to
that because they think they don't have a 'Self'. Remember that to live in the world means no center.
remains undefined for too long. It's always getting hooked up by people and transiting planets. And an
open G does not mean you don't have a magnetic monopole holding you together either.

The difference between defined and undefined is that one is fixed and the other is inconsistent. The
inconsistency makes them wise about the other. For example, if you have an undefined Splenic
system or undefined Ajna, you have no fixed awareness, but because those centers are open you are
here to be aware of awareness. Somebody with an undefined Self is here to be aware of Self, to be
able to identify Self, because it gets to experience Self in all of its possibilities through its openness. In
this case Self means identity. The same is true for love and direction.

All an open G means is that direction and love is inconsistent - not absent. The defined Self has very
little recognition of the nature of Self at all. What you are, you live. It is the undefined Self that has
this capacity to recognize the nature of Self. What is the right direction? What is the healthiest
identity? The open G center be wise in that.

Wrong Place, Wrong People

One of the ways for the undefined Self to recognize the nature of its life is to see clearly that
everything for it must be initiated by others. Because something is initiated by others does not mean
that you owe them or you are bound to them. If you go to a restaurant with somebody and don't like
the restaurant, you're with the wrong people because they will take you to the wrong places.
If somebody takes you to a place you like, you don't have to hold onto them for dear life because you
hope that they will take you to other places that are good. You can always go back to that place
yourself the second time. And there are many people in life who can take you to places.

The burden of the undefined Self is the burden that "I do not know where I am going and I do not
know if I can hold onto love." Yet, everybody in the world is here to offer them all those things.
Everybody is here to offer the undefined Self a direction, a form of love, and because of that they
have a real gift. They've got all the flavors. They're a unifying force. All undefined centers, when
wisdom emerges out of them, they become unifying forces. They help the other to understand. An
open G center reflects the defined G center and this can be very helpful for everyone.

Crosses of Love and Direction

The eight gates in the G center make up two crosses: the Cross of the
Sphinx and the Cross of the Vessel of Love. In the wheel these gates
are equal in distance to each other. The G Center. is magical because it
pulls the entire wheel together into a core, just like the monopole pulls
us together into a core.

The G center gates play key roles in the wheel. The eight G gates are
the leading gates of the eight houses of the I Ching. These lead gates
provide the basic foundation, the lower trigram, that the following
seven gates along the wheel share in common. These eight gates also
touch all 12 zodiacal signs. As seen in the Vessel of Love, all of the
gates are cusp hexagrams that cross zodiacal lines.

Cross of the Sphinx

13 - Direction Looking Back

1 - Place in the Now
2 - Direction
7 - Direction Looking Forwards

The Cross of the Sphinx is about

direction. Literally what that
means is that if you take all the
G Centers on Earth and you add
them all up with all of their
Monopoles, what we're doing is
we're holding ourselves in line to
love and we are following the
direction of love. That direction
of love is to return to the whole.
If you are looking for the place
within every single human being
that is there to touch God as a
totality, it is within the G Center.
and it does not matter whether
that's defined or not - that's not
the point. Everyone has a
Monopole - we are all part of the
direction of love. When looking
at the Sphinx you see the
physical direction of the totality
as it moves through space. This
is the direction of mutation.

If you look at the arrangement of the Sphinx gates in the G center you can see Shiva's three pronged
staff. This is the Neptunian symbol or a pitchfork. Because of the Sun/Earth configuration there are 4
times a year when people are born with this cross. These people maintain our direction in the world.
Without them we'd be lost. Also, every 165 years we get a very special generation who are born with
Neptune in the Cross. This time it was in the late 1967 until mid1970 when the planet Neptune was in
the 46th gate. The planet Neptune rules the Sphinx and thus our direction. The people born between
1967 and 1970 who had the Cross of the Sphinx are empowered by Neptune out of the Sacral to
generate mutative direction.

Cross of the Vessel of


10 - Love of the Self

25 - Universal Love
46 - Love of the Body
15 - Love of Humanity

This Cross of the Vessel of Love

holds four different ways of how
the Self can love. This is not to
be confused with other forms of
love. Other ways are sexual love
that exists through electro-
magnetic connections, that is,
where one person has one gate
in a channel and another person
has another, or love of what you
don't have, as in attraction to a
defined or open center.

In the Vessel of love we're

talking about the love that has to
do with our direction, and it is
the higher love that guides our
place within the totality. Each of
the gates is a component of the
Vessel and clearly show how the
G center creates differentiation.

The 15th gate is the outside of

the urn or the Vessel. It is the outer surface and what you have contact with. It is love of Humanity.
The 46th gate is the Gate of the Flesh that creates the internal walls of the Vessel. It is love of the
body. The 25th gate is the Gate of Blood and this is what fills the Vessel up. It is universal love. The
10th gate is the Gate of the Behavior of the Self or the Gate of Nature, and this is the lip of the Vessel
out of which the life is poured. This is love of the self.

The Sphinx cross connects three centers but the Vessel of love involves five different centers and
brings in awareness and the Ego. This means that love has a much more extensive network within us
than direction does. The real difference is being generated by the 10th gate because it opens up in
several different ways, opening up into Integration. It all pours out from the love of the self.

G Center Conclusion

Hopefully you see now that the main function of the G center is to orient us in space, whether that be
in relation to Love, Direction or Self. The G center draws a circle in the huge universe and says,
"Everything within this circle is me and everything outside this circle is not me." It is the creation of
place. Every time the liver removes a toxin from the body it is saying "You do not belong in this

Heart or Ego Center

Defined: 35%
Undefined: 65%
Biological correlation: stomach, heart, gall bladder, thymus gland
Type of Center: Motor
Function: Ego and willpower, the material world, self esteem/worth
Defined: Consistent access to willpower, natural sense of self esteem/worth, fixed
way of dealing with the material plane with deals, bargains and promises.
Open: Suffers due to not having consistent willpower- self esteem/worth
decreases, finds it difficult to ask the appropriate price for its achievements, is
unable to keep promises, has to learn to survive on the material plane, loves to
spend money.
The rule of the undefined Ego is, ”don't make any promises ”
Not Self Strategy of open ego : Are you still trying to prove something to
yourself and to others

Ego Center

In the section on the G center we see how the G center concerns our general direction in relation to
the rest of the world, especially related to love and identity. We also see in the section on the head
center how the head center concerns the direction of our intellectual consciousness. The ego center
also effects our direction. It concerns our direction on the material plane - everything from how fat we
are to how much money we have in our bank account to how many children we are sending to college.

The ego is unique in that it is the only center with an actual circuit named after it and surrounding it,
and thus the Ego Circuit and the ego center are completely entwined. As you know it is all about
financial security for the tribe (i.e. family, business, community, etc). The ego allows us to prove our
worth on the material plane to the tribe.

So if you have an open ego center ask yourself: in what ways are you trying to prove yourself on the
material plane to the tribe (i.e. your family, your job, your community). Is it with your car? Is it with
your body? Is it with the long hours you work? Is it with the diplomas you hang on the wall? How are
you wasting your energy trying to prove (or improve) yourself for the tribe?

If you have a defined ego center you can ask yourself the same questions, although the pressure is
not as strong as somebody with an undefined ego. But we all feel the pressure. It is built into us with
the Channel of the Materialist (21-45). Regardless of whether you have the channel, it is a tribal
energy that we all feel and are exposed to.

Once you ask yourself what you are trying to prove, you can then ask yourself if you got into it
correctly. Did you live your strategy? More importantly, this will make you aware the next time you
feel the pressure so that you live your strategy.


The Ego has four different biological affiliations, much

more than any other center. In spite of it having the
second fewest gates after the head center, it has a
massive biological role. It is the exact opposite of the
throat center, which has many gates but only one biology. Here we have few gates but several

What does this mean? Basically, the throat performs one biological function to many areas, namely,
metamorphosis of our whole being. The biology is metamorphosis and the area is everywhere via the
many gates.

The heart center on the other hand performs several biological functions in an isolated area, namely,
the material plane. The biology is varied (which we will look at below) but the area is focused on
material well being. For the throat center the metamorphosis of material well being is only one of 11
of it's gates (gate 45). It is also focused on the metamorphosis of ideas (gate 56), the metamorphosis
of emotional experiences (gate 35) and so on. For the ego center the only focus and output is via the
45th gate and it is about saying, "I have." Or "I don't have."

The ego center focuses it's energy (it is a motor) on the improvement and accumulation on the
material plane, and this involves a large part of our day, using a large amount of our energy. The
throat center via the 45th gate then plays the role of expressing that and metamorphosing it into
sound and movement.

Let's look at the ego center gate by gate to get an overall understanding of the ego qualities.

21 - The Gate of Control

The function of the heart is to pump blood around the body. The heart's
ability to contract is due to the presence of cardiac muscle in its wall
which can work continuously without fatigue. The cardiac muscle is self-
exciting. This is in contrast with skeletal muscle, which requires either
conscious or reflex nervous stimuli. The heart's rhythmic contractions
occur spontaneously, although the frequency or heart rate can be
changed by nervous or hormonal influences such as exercise or the
perception of danger.

The 21st gate relates to this heart muscle.

That's why the mantra of the 21 is to be in control. If they can't control their lives then on a very basic
level they lose control over how their heart pumps, which obviously can cause major problems. If
people with the 21 are in control of what they eat, what they wear and where they live, they keep
their heart healthy.

Bringing it back to the ego center overall, control is a major element of the ego center. Undefined
egos can feel they aren't in control of their material direction. Defined egos can feel they need to
control the material direction of others. Both can cause problems if not entered into correctly. Control
issues are rampant in the world and they have a lot to do with people not understanding the
mechanics of the ego center.

26 - The Gate of the Egoist

The 26th gate relates to the thymus gland, which belongs to
the endocrine system (like so many other centers) and is
located in the upper anterior portion of the chest cavity. The
thymus plays an important role in the development of the
immune system in early life, and its cells form a part of the
body's normal immune system. They are the famous T cells.
This gland creates a direct connection between the Ego and the Splenic system, both via the Channel
of the Transmitter (26-44) and biologically,
and is one of the most essential health

In the development of the foetus, the ego

related biologies develop before the splenic
related biologies. Basically, there is an ego in
a foetus before there is a spleen. The ego
thymus designs the immune system and
keeps on working on that immune system
until the child is three years old. Then the
thymus gland takes up the responsibility of defending the immune system. From the 44th gate we
have the release of B-cells. From the 26th gate we have the release of T-cells. These are killer cells -
their job is to kill things that invade the system.

The 26th gate is the Gate of Memory. It is the completion of the instinctive memory process and its
completion within the ego. In other words, this is ego memory. But ego memory can be manipulated:
"The fish was this big!" There may indeed have been a fish, but it's size, given the nature of the 26th
gate, is open to over-exaggeration.

This is the ego's capacity to reach out and make contact with the
community. As such, this is the Gate of the egoist. In business
terms, this is the Gate of the Marketing Person - the ability to be
able to go out there and say, "This is the best damned car you
have ever encountered, and I'm going to give you the best
damned price you've ever had with the longest guarantee. I
swear my own daughter uses this car and it is incredibly good.
Now, will that be cash or ...?" Exaggeration can become lies. But
that is the fine line that the Egoist treads.

This process, don't forget, is about our immune system. It's

sometimes good for your health to be an egoist. It is like the T-
The T cell is a virus' worst nightmare cells. When they see a health problem they bombard the threat
with complete exaggeration until it is annihilated. Nothing is held back. The person buying that car
willingly recognizes that they are being exaggerated to. But they like the idea of buying the best car.
It is good for you and your family to have the best car. It duplicates what your T-cells are doing all the
time: keeping your and your family alive in the best possible way. The car owner can then turn to
their friends next door and say, "This is the best car, and the salesman gave me the best deal." And if
the car breaks, don't worry, they've got the best mechanic in town to take care of it.

Bringing it back to the ego center overall, the ego loves the feeling of getting ahead, that they are
doing well and their family is doing well. And if it involves a little bit of exaggeration (ego inflation),
then so be it. The ego likes to feel good about itself. The defined ego knows this and in the ideal world
they can even make others feel good. But the flip side often happens: the defined ego makes others
feel bad.

The undefined ego does not consistently have this energy to boost their ego, which can result in lack
of feeling good about themselves - loss of self worth, the feeling that their car is less than adequate

51 - Gate of Shock
The 51st gate is associated with the gallbladder, a pear-shaped
organ that stores bile (or "gall") until the body needs it for
digestion. The bile is released when food containing fat enters the digestive tract.

This is the gate of shock because it is the gall of a fool to leap into the void. The 51 is part of the only
non-tribal channel in the ego center - the Channel of Initiation (51-25). It is the way in which the ego
empowers the Universal Love of the 25th gate. Without Universal Love, the heart turns to stone (gall
bladder stones).

Imagine someone having the gall to jump from the 51st gate out of the tribal element into the
unknown and finding their self (G center) on the other side. This is part of the Individual Centering
Circuit. This Channel of Initiation is a very grounding channel. And on this side it is fueled by the gall
energy of the ego

Bringing it back to
the ego center
overall, the ego is
not an awareness
center, nor is it
particularly subtle. It
is full of gall, which
is powerful enough
on the biological
level to digest almost
anything you put in
your mouth. On
another level, the
ego is able to get
you through pretty much anything. It has the gall to do that.

The undefined ego is always uncertain whether they have the ego to accomplish something and this
creates insecurity and lack of worth. They are always trying to prove they can accomplish what they
set out to do, putting great pressure on their heart, stomach and gall bladder. Think heartburn, ulcers
and heart attacks.

The defined ego knows their strength better than the undefined ego, but they can be reluctant to use
it. Or they overdo it and become overly competitive, which causes problems too.

40 - The Gate of Aloneness

The 40th gate is related to the stomach. Generally, the stomach's
primary function is not the absorption of nutrients from digested
food; this task is usually performed by the intestine. The main job of
the stomach is to break down large food molecules into smaller
ones, so that they can be absorbed into the blood more easily.

The human stomach is a highly acidic environment maintained by

the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The stomach's interior can secrete
2 to 3 liters of gastric fluid per day.

The 40th gate is part of the Channel of Community. This is where church potlucks and community
fundraisers happen. It is all about food and making sure the tribe has enough of it. Like all ego gates,
it is also about the bargain. Nothing is free with the ego center. This gate says, "I'll work to get money
if you buy the food and cook it." And if the bargain is not fulfilled then there will be consequences,
regardless of whether that is taking out the garbage or helping build the community church.
Take for example the true story of an air force bomber pilot in the German Air Force. During the
second world war he got shot down over the Ukraine and broke his hip when he hit the ground. He
walked, sometimes dragging himself, across the 1,700 miles of enemy territory to get himself back to
his village in Germany. By the time he arrived the war was over and the Germans had lost. Upon
arrival at his village the villagers stoned him because he didn't win. "How dare you come back. You did
not win," the villagers yelled. This is the harsh retribution of the ego circuit.

The 'I' comes out of the contraction and the process of releasing the acids in the stomach to break
down the food. The more food in the belly, the more bile needed and the bigger the ego. When there
is no food, the acid sits there and gets expressed in other ways. When you don't come through on the
bargain it is like not giving food to the stomach. What is essential to the tribe is that the belly gets

Bringing it back to the ego center overall, nothing is a free ride with the ego. If you get a present
from a person with a defined ego, they expect something in return, no matter what they tell you.
Overall the ego is not subtle. It is like the acid in the stomach. The ego is concerned with very basic
biological needs like food and a strong immune system. It can't afford to be subtle. The ego is here to
assert its motor power to accomplish this.

Open egos feel a lot of pressure to fulfil the bargain. If they made a promise incorrectly they will not
have the will power to fulfil the promise, resulting in problems to do with the heart, stomach and
ultimately overall health. The defined ego can put others under pressure to prove themselves, which
can also result is problems.


The ego has a very specific biological association with each of the four gates: heart, stomach, thymus,
gall bladder. It's out of these four biological variations that the sum total the ego possessiveness of 'I'
is expressed. This particular 'I' is a tribal identity - it's the ego identity that says, "I am the hunter
(21). I am the fool (51). I am the egoist (26). I am the provider (40)."

We know that the throat center has only one gate for the tribe and community to express itself - with
the possessive "I have" or "I don't have" of the 45th gate. The 45 is a Primary Gate of Action since the
channel has a motor connected to a throat. It is the manifestation of the heart in the world. To have
heart is something very different from love - it is a sense of communal concern. The needs of the tribe
are dictated by the needs of these biological elements to keep the heart beating.

The tribe screams, "My child is sick. Don't tell me about your health programs for the future." Real
caring and healing is nurtured in the tribe. This is the nature of its heart - to be concerned about the
well-being of the tribe, and the well-being of the tribe is a possessive well-being.

We have difficulty with the ego because our mind is not comfortable with it (notice the tribe has no
mental channels or gates). The ego is very blunt, almost crude from the perspective of the mind. Nor
is the ego an awareness center, another thing that can make it appear "unaware".

The ego is here to hold our societies together so we feed each other and support each other. There is
no ego in the knowing circuit, or logic and abstract collective circuit. Logic doesn't build communities
and the abstract is always running away from them. The individual only cares about itself. Thus the
ego process of feeding the tribe is not logical or collective. You do what you have to do to feed your
family and community, regardless of whether it makes sense mentally, logically or ethically. The ego
is here to care about humanity on the grass roots level.

The ego is a motor to make sure that our communities stay alive, that our bonds stay alive, that our
products are sold, that there childcare, and there is protection, etc. People with defined egos need to
feel secure and involved in these areas. People with undefined egos need to realize that they will
never feel as secure as someone with the defined ego in these areas. Both need to live their strategy
in order for it to unfold correctly.

Sacral Center

Defined: 70%
Undefined: 30%
Biological correlation: ovaries, testes
Type of Center: Motor
Function: vitality, sexuality, fertility, persistence
Defined: can respond with the Sacral voice, consistent access to vitality, reliable
access to energy and sexual identity, pure creative potential waiting to put into
action through response, life is about finding healthy ways to work of sacral energy,
needs to learn to be patient.
Open: does not need to build anything. does not fall under the pressure to be as
productive as others and simply enjoys life. works more as a specialist for short
periods of time, usually guiding others in how to work.
Not Self Strategy of defined sacral : doesn't wait to respond but initiates and
depletes their energy and gets stuck.
Not Self Strategy of open sacral : easily enslaved to overdoing things, never
knows when enough is enough, no fixed sexual identity, about experiencing life and
”lifestyle;” not about work, cannot sustain a consistent workload, exhausted by
other people's energy, gets carried away (sex, sleep, food, work, anything).

Ovaries and Testes

In our trip through the glands of the endocrine system we

now come to the ovaries and testes, which are technically
both called gonads. Most people don't realize it, but both
man and women have gonads. The gonads are the main
source of sex hormones.

In males the gonads, or testes, are located in the scrotum.

They secrete hormones called androgens, the most
important of which is testosterone. These hormones tell a
boy's body when it's time to make the changes associated
with puberty, like penis and height growth, deepening
voice, and growth in facial and pubic hair. Working with
hormones from the pituitary gland, testosterone also
regulates the production of sperm in the testes.

A woman's gonads, the ovaries, are located in her pelvis.

The endocrine system They produce eggs and secrete the female hormones
estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen levels determine
when a girl begins puberty and also has an impact on
breast growth and accumulation of pubescent body fat around the hips and thighs (often much to her
horror!). Estrogen and progesterone are also involved in the regulation the menstrual cycle and

Also, hormones related to our sexual organs play important roles. Testosterone is responsible for
muscular strength. Female hormones allows us to feed our young and care for them for a protracted

Because the sacral center is related directly to reproduction it is literally the power to impregnate
things with fertility. This can be specifically about the fertilization that will result in human life but
most of the time this theme of procreation is much broader than simply making babies.

For example the Channel of Mating (59-6) is a design of intimacy that of course can create a baby, but
if you have this channel it doesn't guarantee you'll spend your life making babies. Having this channel
actually has little bearing on how many children you will have. Nor does a defined or undefined sacral
center determine how much sex you have in life.

The fertility is a much broader theme that effects everything in life. It allows a new business
partnership to flourish, it gives the lively buzz to a diner party, or it simply provides an energy of
abundance to your day to day life.

The fertility of the sacral is the ability to create the energy you need to
live. Without our ovaries and testes we would not reproduce and die out.
Without our sacral center we would stop generating life force and we
would also die.

Genetic Role

Sacral Center has a quality that it shares only with the g center, namely
they are the two centers that house the six role gates (can you
remember them?).

In terms of the role of the Self, we have four gates in the g center - The
three Sphinx gates that bring out roles of direction (the 7th gate of a
logical role of Leadership, the 13th gate of an abstract role of being a
Witness, the 1st gate of the individual role of being an Example), and the
one gate from the Cross of the Vessel of Love (the 10th gate of the role
of Behavior in the World). These are about how we move through the
world in our body as unique vehicles separate from each other.

In the Sacral Center we have the other two role gates, but these are not
roles of the Self in the world but rather they are genetic roles: the 59th
gate generates who we bond and mate with, and the 27th generates how
we take care of that bonding. Thus the sacral center determines the
basic roles for the foundation of our communities, influencing the quality
of our sexual relationships and the nature of why and how we bond with

The Only Type Center

The sacral center is the only center in the whole chart that is tied to a Type. The generator and the
sacral center are one and the same. Since 70% of people have a defined sacral, you can automatically
deduce that 70% of the world are also generators. This is a special relationship. It is further evidence
of the importance of the sacral center. Most of us are here to generate life. Most of us are only here to
find power through response.

Sacral Voice

The sacral center is similar to the throat in that it has it's own voice. The sacral voice is the "Uh-uh",
the "Mmmm", the "Arrgg!", and the "Hmm..". The sounds are very primal and don't give much room
for explanation. People are afraid sometimes to use them because they are so crude. If your partner
asks you if you love them and you respond from your sacral, "Uh-Uh" (no), it is brutal. There is no
beating around the bush. It is not mental so there is no room for reason or intellectualization. The
mind can say all sorts of crap like, "How can I love you if I don't know what love is."
But not the sacral voice. It is a trinary of yes or no and there is no explanation. Often a generator will
respond with the sacral and then people will go, "But why? Explain yourself. That doesn't make
sense." If the generator falls into the trap of trying to explain themselves they will do it from the mind
and who knows what will come out. It won't be the sacral truth.

Sometimes there is no response, either with the sacral voice or otherwise. This is because the sacral is
not ready. It is simply a time to wait.

Energy Vortex

If you look at the gates in the wheel you can

see that the sacral gates form a loose
triangle. This is an energy vortex. If you
could really see the nature of the sacral
center you would see a vortex field of
energy that forms a spiral.

Within the center you also have a powerful

merging of energies within the circuits. So
you have the connection between the 9 and
the 5, and you have the connection between
the 29 and the 42, and the direct connection
between the 14 and the 3. There's also a
movement across between the 27 and the
59, and the 34 comes in too.

This creates a powerful vortex of energy the

literally vibrates from the moment a
generator is born until their last breath.

Likewise, this is the vortex that all non-

generators are surrounded by and
conditioned to be. It is a deep pull and if they do not live their strategy they will get into situations
where the energy burns them up. It is like putting rocket fuel into a moped. It goes really fast, but
eventually the cylinder (throat center) burns out.


The sacral center can't be discussed without tying it in to the generator. It is a generator world
because so many people have a defined sacral center. The sacral is similar to the throat in that it has
it's own voice.

The Sacral Center is a center of availability. Each gate carries a theme of availability except for the
34th Gate, which is the gate that is busy sampling what the other sacral gates are available to. Each
of the 8 gates responds to a basic need of the homo-sapiens for survival and evolution. It starts with
us being available to pro-creation and nurturing (59th and 27th gates) and goes out from the tribe
into the collective via the format gates and the tantric gates.

Our response is our selectivity. It is an economical quality. It doesn't’t have us squander any energy,
except for what we have availability and capacity to respond to. The sacral is powerful. Enough said.
Root Center

Defined: 68%
Undefined: 32%
Biological correlation: adrenaline gland
Type of Center: motor, pressure
Function: pressure, drive, stress, kundalini
Defined: is here to have a consistent internal way of processing pressure. is not
here to let others pressure them into anything.
Open: can allow themselves to be conditioned by other people's pressure but need
to be very careful that they follow their strategy to get the correct pressure.
Not Self Strategy of defined root : is hard on others who can't deal with stress,
puts others under unnecessary stress.
Not Self Strategy of open root : lets stress rule their life, either by being
addicted to the adrenaline rush or by constantly shying away from it and working
hard to get rid of it (usually in a state of stress!).

Adrenal Gland
The adrenal, or suprarenal, gland is paired with one gland located
near the upper portion of each kidney. Each gland is divided into
an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The cortex and medulla of
the adrenal gland, like the anterior and posterior lobes of the
pituitary, develop from different embryonic tissues and secrete
different hormones. The adrenal cortex is essential to life, but the
medulla may be removed with no life-threatening effects (that we
know of).

The outer part, the adrenal cortex, produces several steroid

hormones that can be categorized into three classes:
, glucocorticoids,
and sex

The first maintain

electrolyte balance, i.e. salt and water levels in the
body (this is why you pee your pants when scared!).

The second produce a long-term, slow response to

stress by raising blood glucose levels through the
breakdown of fats and proteins; they also suppress the
immune response and inhibit the inflammatory
response. Basically, glucocorticoids regulate the body's
response to stress, metabolism, and the immune

Finally, the sex hormones, well, they increase your

chances of having sex! These hormones are secreted
by the innermost region in both sexes by the adrenal cortex, but their effect is usually masked by the
hormones from the testes and ovaries. In females, the masculinization effect of androgen secretion
may become evident after menopause, when estrogen levels from the ovaries decrease.

The inner part, the adrenal medulla, produces catecholamines, such as the well known adrenaline
(a.k.a. epinephrine). Adrenaline increases blood pressure and heart rate when the body experiences
Fight or Flight

Stimulation of the cortex by the sympathetic nervous system

causes release of hormones into the blood to initiate the
"fight or flight" response. This is most familiar aspect of the
adrenal glands. Imagine you are walking in the forest and a
large bear pops out from behind a bush. Your eyes perceive
the image of the bear; your brain integrates the information
and decodes the image BEAR! Immediately your sympathetic
nervous system, in response to the information that a B-
BEAR!! is standing in front of you sends a message to the
adrenal medulla; the adrenal medulla releases adrenaline into
the blood. This hormone has a number of target organs. It
causes your gut musculature to stop peristalsis; your pupils
to dilate; your circulatory system to start sending plenty of
oxygenated blood to your limbs. Thus, when you turn and run
as fast as you can away from that B-B-BEAR!!! you are
putting maximum effort into the escape. (Good luck!)

This process is very useful in short bursts to remove you from

immediate danger. But increased levels of stress over long "Aarrr!!"
periods of time can be harmful because of the extra work this
heightened state puts on the body.

Remember the Pressure Sandwich?

In the section on the head center we talk about mental pressure. Now we are looking at the other
side: physical pressure. This is yet another duality of being alive. The human body is where the duality
comes to meet. In this case the duality is between two pressures, and that's what keeps us moving
along. This pressure sandwich is a stress-anxiety sandwich, stress from below and anxiety from

We are never free of these two centers of

pressure, but don't forget we are designed to be
between them. The other thing to notice is that it
is designed to pass. As you can see in the
mechanic of the adrenal glands the pressure is
not designed to constantly be there. Otherwise
we would simply burn out.

This means it's just passing through, both from

above and below. Stress is part of us and it is
very useful to push us to the next stage, but it is
not something that belongs to us technically - it's
just a temporary state.

To understand this is very important. It means

that all stress in your life will never last forever.
It is not designed to. The person with the open
root center can easily forget this. And then they stress themselves out trying to get rid of the stress!
The mantra of the open root is "Are you in a hurry to be free of the stress?"

The open root center thinks that if they don't do something to get rid of it then it will never leave.
Instead they should remain aware of the pressure and even use positively, but never let it control
them. And even if you have a defined you, if you are not living your strategy you are always taking on
stress that is not right for you.
If you don't interfere with it, it isn't going to disturb you. Stress and anxiety are not bad. They are
essential fuels for our whole living process. The things we don't like the most - fear, stress, pain - this
is what makes us human. It's what drives our consciousness and body. The mental anxiety is not bad
nor is it good, it's both - always. It's just another this and that, but it's a fuel for awareness.

Likewise, stress is not good or bad, it is simply a pressure. That pressure can make you jump to it
when needed or it can stop you from ever feeling relaxed. The difference is in how we are interact
with it. If you don't hold onto it ("I'm so stressed out, I need to finish this report or the world will
end..." vs. "I'm following my strategy and that's that") then it has a
very useful place in our lives.

The Caffeine of Life

The Root Centrex is a big time motor with one and only purpose: to
pump out stress (the adrenaline gland literally produces stress
hormones). And these get pumped up to three places: Spleen,
Sacral, and Solar Plexus. We can easily see the correlation with the
three types of hormones discussed above:

mineralocorticoids (water regulation - solar plex)

glucocorticoids (immune system - spleen)
sex hormones (kundalini - sacral)

Clearly the Root Centrex has an extraordinary impact as a fueling

station for these processes. And they're all fueled with stress energy.
This is where the juice is for our health (spleen), our sex (sacral) and
our emotions (stored in our body's water). The root center is like
caffeine. It can get you going in the morning, but it can also be Too much adrenaline or caffeine
addictive and destabilizing if abused. can really rub you the wrong
Format Energies

The format energies are the three channels connecting the root to the sacral.
They are very powerful. The mere fact that they are connecting to motors makes
this easy to see. Any time there is a format channel in a person's chart, that
energy will govern the frequency that person has. Even if you see a gate activated
in the format structure, you know that this aspect is going to strongly affect the
energy of the whole being.

These three different energy formats represent the three different ways in which
we operate in the world as energy systems.

Format Frequencies

Collective cyclical channel of Maturation (53-42)

Individual pulsating channel of Mutation (3-60)
Collective focused channel of Concentration (9-52)
Every gate out of the Root Centrex can be a place for depression, just like one of the major side
effects of stress is depression. This is especially true for the format energies, the three channels going
from the root to the sacral. These are three archetypes of potential depression. This is a physical
phenomena, so the depression is deeply rooted in the body (lethargy, low sex drive, body weight,
sickness), although of course it effects the mind too.

Therefore, the formats are the three different ways in which stress and the resulting depression
Both pressure centers (head, root) work the same way: they have two collective gates and one
individual gate that connects them to another center. The two pressure centers are linked to each
other through the column that passes through the centrex of the body. Therefore, any activation in
the formats has a connection to the mental process. This is partly why depression can happen so

Live the Pressure Correctly

The trick with the root center is to

understand what kinds of pressures you
are built to deal with. The gates and
channels defined in a root center will
determine the pressure themes. They
can be a positive aspect of your life or
the cause of stress and depression.

For example, somebody with the 53rd

gate is under great pressure to start
things. The stress in their life revolves
around what they start, don't start, how
it is started etc. These people need
variety, they need to feel like they are
starting things that lead to maturation. ANd if that doesn't happen because they can't start anything
or it starts wrong, then they can get depressed. Of course the only way they will start anything
correctly is by living their strategy.

All the open channels and gates (and even the open center) is a place where the stress of the world
can get to you. If you don;t live your strategy you will attempt to deal with the stress in unhealthy
ways. You might try to get it over and done with (in a stressful way). You might drug yourself up with
coffee to keep up, or drug yourself down with alcohol to artificially reduce the feeling of stress. There
are many ways that aren't healthy. There is nothing wrong with the coffee or alcohol, but it needs to
be in accordance with the strategy.


The root center is very much about speed. Of course your type, authority and definition plays a large
part in how fast you move. A triple split emotional projector should work slower than a single
definition splenic manifestor. But the root center will have an impact on how much pressure they are
under to get something done.

If you have a defined root center then the pressure is consistent and thus your speed at getting things
done will be more consistent. If you have an open root center then the pressure is inconsistent and
therefore you won't always feel the same pressure to do something.

Of course life is full of different levels of external pressure. The pressure to change a baby's diapers is
different than the pressure to get a new pair of shoes. But internally, the defined root center will have
a less erratic pressure field. The open root center in general will feel under more pressure, especially if
they are not aware of the ability for the open root to take on the pressure conditioning from others.

In general, the defined root is designed to deal with more pressure than the undefined root. But in the
end it always comes down to living your strategy, which will always give the right amount of pressure
for your design.
Splenic Center

Defined: 53%
Undefined: 47%
Biological correlation: lymphatic system, spleen, B-Cells
Type of Center: awareness
Function: body consciousness, intuition, instinct, taste, survival, fears about
survival that keep us healthy.
Defined: fixed way of body consciousness to stay healthy, can be spontaneous,
can trust gut feeling, gives sense of well-being (“feel-good”) to others, fixed way
of processing fear, leads to a sense of security. best treated with allopathic
medicine (conventional western medicine).
Open: open to unspecific fears that can result in not feeling good, can become
addicted to the “feel good” that others may bring; the fear is never theirs - it
comes from outside. Spontaneity can kill them, must pay attention to health, must
give the immune system a chance to learn, can be a wonderful diagnosis tool
because it picks up on disease patterns of others, as long as it learns not to hold
on to them (makes a great doctor but a terrible nurse). best treated with
alternative (non chemical) medicine.
Not Self Strategy of defined spleen : ignore their instincts in the moment, let
their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm their instincts.
Not Self Strategy of open spleen : are you still holding on to things that are not
good for you? Can become dependent on relationships or habits to get the feel
good splenic connection.

The Body's First Line of Defense

The elements of the immune system, called Lymphatics, are

positioned throughout the body as organs, ducts, vessels and
nodes (interestingly, the only place they aren't found is in the
central nervous system, which relates to the solar plexus).
28% of all the cells in the body are lymphatic!

The major parts of the lymphatic system are the bone marrow,
spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and the tonsils. Other
organs, including the heart, lungs, intestines, liver, and skin
Lymphatic vessels form a circulatory also contain lymphatic tissue.
system that operates in close
partnership with blood circulation. The lymphatic system circulates a watery clear fluid called
lymph. This fluid distributes immune cells through the body. The word "lymph" in Greek means a
pure, clear stream - an appropriate description considering its appearance and purpose.

While the lymph nodes filter the lymph, the spleen, at the upper left of the abdomen, filters blood.
Together they create a constant screening network that few harmful foreign microbes can escape.
Killer Cells

The two major classes of lymphatic immune cells are B cells

which grow to maturity in the bone marrow, and T cells which
mature in the thymus (see the 26th gate in the ego section
for info on the thymus and T cells).

B cells create constantly evolving antibodies to fight against

the onslaught of external threats. The process is one of
ongoing mutation and requires extreme vigilance by
the immune system.

These antibodies circulate in the blood and lymph streams,

attaching to foreign antigens and thus marking them for
destruction by other immune cells, especially the deadly T-

The Health Center - working 24/7

Organs and tissues of the immune
The splenic center is what literally keeps us from being eaten
system dot the body in a protective
up by the millions of harmful bacteria, fungus, and microbes
floating around. The spleen is the body's washing machine
and watch dog combined.

The effectiveness of keeping harmful microbes out is based on how aware the spleen can remain. If it
misses a second, it opens the door for millions of harmful elements to take hold of the body. That is
why the spleen is an existential awareness - awareness in the now.

It is crucial for a person with splenic authority to trust their instincts in the
now; it is the healthiest thing they could do. In fact, it is the only thing that
keeps them alive. When a splenic person ignores their instincts (usually by
listening to the mind or emotions) they are telling their spleen to stop doing
it's job.

What is healthy for us may not make sense intellectually or can

cause emotional conflict. Take for example an animal right activist
whose instincts tell them to start eating meat. Do they trust their
instincts or stick to what they think and feel is right? If they have
splenic authority and want to remain healthy the answer is a big fat
steak, medium rare!

Splenic authority needs to be honored no matter what! If you are

B cells become plasma cells, splenic you need to accept that right now. And now. And now, and
which produce antibodies when a now...
foreign antigen triggers the
immune response.

Every gate in the spleen is associated with a specific fear. A defined spleen is attuned to all of the
fears of each splenic gate, with the gates of the defined channel(s) being the most dominant. Also, all
the fears are basically a fear of not surviving.

The fears by gate are:

50 – Fear of Responsibility
48 – Fear of Inadequacy
57 – Fear of the Future
44 – Fear of the Past
32 – Fear of Failure
28 – Fear of Death, risk taking
18 – Fear of Authority

50th and 6th Gates


A person with a defined splenic center is not healthier than an undefined splenic center. As we have
seen with the other centers, your health can be impacted by many things and in many areas,
regardless of definition. It is all about following strategy and authority.

Defined or not, the spleen keeps all the other centers healthy and free of harmful external elements. If
it is undefined it might do it less regularly, but it will still do it as much as you need. Of course, living
your strategy is the deciding factor.

What can happen to somebody with an undefined spleen is that they might come into contact with a
defined spleen and all of a sudden feel a little sick. The undefined spleen's washing machine gets
turned on and the body starts it's cleansing process, which initially might release the dirt from the
cells into the lymphatic system, much like dirt from clothes going into the water.

Likewise, the undefined spleen might pick up the aspects of the other person that are not healthy,
which could also make them mirror the symptoms. The open spleen can be wise in this way.

Splenic Gates in the wheel

Design of Forms Two Healers - Both Splenicly Aware
All living organisms beyond the single cell have
a splenic awareness (no ajna or solar plexus) In terms of the splenic awareness, lets look at it
through examples of two kinds of healers.

First are the open spleen people who instinctually

channel what is wrong with you by taking it in
themselves. They are intuitive healers who use their
open spleen to take in illness and learn about it.

They often have a large repertoire of healing modes

depending on the need. Holistic healing works in this
way. This is like a person with an open ajna being
able to read your mind or take in many different ways
of thinking.

The second type is the defined spleen. They also use

their instincts but instead of being open to your
illness, their style is to push their health onto you. As
long as they are healthy this works.

Traditional western medicine works in this defined

spleen way but it is not limited to this. A holistic
healer with a defined spleen could channel their own
health into the other person. How they do that
practically varies greatly. This is similar to the defined
ego that boosts other people's ego.

On the patient side, open spleen people can use

homeopathic and holistic forms of medicine more
effectively because of their sensitivity. Defined
spleens might need something more powerful.

If you have a defined spleen, you have a strong

immune system that's working, provided you live
your strategy. The moment that illness really comes
to the surface, your immune system is already
overloaded. These are people who carry things
around inside of them for a long time before it comes
to the surface. And when it does it hits hard.

Also, the child with the open spleen needs more time to recover from minor colds etc if they are to be
become healthy adults. Children with defined spleens can get very ill quickly or run very high
temperatures, scaring the hell out of their parents. Of course, they recover quicker too.

Hooked on Feeling Good

If you've got an undefined splenic system you don't have an internal feel good mechanism that is
consistent. Since the 'feel-good' hormones are pumped by the defined spleen, there's this sense of not
quite feeling right when the spleen is not activated. The lymph fluid isn't draining consistently and
thus you feel more prone to threats. There are many fears connected to the spleen because of this
instinctual awareness of ill health possibilities.

With the open spleen, because you don't feel good you're a sucker for anybody that's going to hook up
your splenic system. Undefined splenic people should not get lost in the need to have their spleen
connected, despite the temptations. That knee-jerk need for the feel-good is dangerous unless they're
really aware.
Who you take in in your life is dependent on where your authority is, not dependent on how you
connect mechanically to someone. In order to accept somebody in your life there is a place of
authority within you that says that this is correct or not - that's the criterion - not simply getting the
definition. For the open spleen there will be a mechanical attraction to the defined spleen regardless of
whether that person is good for you. Living your strategy will guide the mechanics, not the other way

Three Awareness Centers

The spleen (awareness in the now) can be
overpowered by the mind (awareness over
all time). The mind in turn can be
overpowered by the solar plexus
(awareness in a wave)

Solar Plexus Center

Defined: 50%
Undefined: 50%
Biological correlation: kidney, prostate, pancreas, complex neuron network of
the solar plexus, nervous system, lungs
Type of Center: motor, awareness
Function: seeing our fears through nervousness, experiencing the gamut of
emotions: moods, desires, sensitivity.
Defined: no truth in the now, spontaneity can kill you, clarity comes over time,
waiting out the wave is always the inner authority, the emotional wave is part of
your life you can never get rid of it. Depth and perspective as qualities of
emotional wisdom.
Open: avoids conflict, ‚don’t rock the boat’, tries to lead a ‘secret life’, takes in lots
of emotions until it bursts, empathic, avoids all emotional decisions, emotions
always are conditioned by its surroundings, doesn’t identify with the emotions, can
be a loose cannon, lies to itself about its secret life, seeks the high end of the wave
and avoids the low.
Defined Not Self Strategy: try to live in the moment and ignore their emotions
over time, let their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm their own
Undefined Not Self Strategy: Are you still doing whatever it takes to avoid truth
and confrontation?

Second Brain
There is a vast network of nerves surrounding the
esophagus, stomach and intestines of such
complexity that it is called the "second brain." It's
real name is the enteric nervous system and it has
more neurotransmitters than anywhere else in the
entire nervous system.

Very little is know about this area, but what was

once dismissed as a simple collection of relay
ganglia, scientists now recognize it as independent
of the brain proper--i.e., having a mind of its own.

The enteric brain expresses itself nonverbally in

visible "gut reactions." The "full" feeling of
satisfaction, the "sick" feeling of nausea, the urge to
vomit, and abdominal pain. It is the central hub of
the solar plexus center around which the other solar
plexus elements (kidney, prostate etc) are

Central Nervous System

The central nervous system
runs through the brain,
spinal cord, and an
enormous network of
Without the solar plexus we wouldn't feel a nerves throughout the
thing. body, especially right under
the skin. It's the control
center for the entire body.
The body uses information
it receives from nerves to
coordinate all actions and reactions.

The nervous system is made up of thin threads of nerve cells, called neurons,
that carry messages back and forth, similar to telephone wires. Humans have
about 100 billion neurons in their brain alone.

Sensory nerves send messages to the brain through the spinal cord in the
backbone, motor nerves carry messages from the brain to the muscles and

When a neuron is stimulated -- by heat, cold, touch, sound vibrations or Central Nervous System
some other message -- it generates an electrical pulse that travels the full
length of the neuron. When it gets to the end of finger-like points at the end
of the neuron, the electrical pulse triggers the release of chemicals that carry the pulse to the next
cell. And so on and so on and so on.

The chemical trigger is one of the reasons why the solar plexus is such a biochemical entity, going up
and down in it's wave, not for any particular reason but merely due to the body's chemicals.

Located in the male pelvis the prostate belongs to the

endocrine system. It has thousands of tiny fluid-
producing glands that secrete prostatic fluid, the main
component of semen.

Just like prostatic fluid carries the sperm cells in semen,

the solar plexus envelops the fertility of the sacral center.
If you are an emotionally defined generator, you respond
with the sacral center but it has to be carried along by the
emotional process. The response and emotional
experience flow together.

Some sources say that prostate cancer kills more men

than any other malignancy. This rise in prostate cancer is
relatively recent, and in Design terms is an indication of
the mutation the that solar plexus is undergoing in the
Unlike the Spleen and Ajna, the Solar
55th gate via the amino acid Histidine. Autism in children
Plexus is not a fully developed awareness.
is also another indication of this mutation.
It is still undergoing mutation, much like a
caterpillar coming out of it's cocoon. It's
final stage is still unknown to us.
The pancreas produces enzymes that break down food
and secretes hormones that affect carbohydrate
metabolism. The emotional process is very connected to
our eating. When not following your strategy this can
create stomach problems and eating disorders

Kidney and Lung

The kidneys and lung both cleanse the body. The kidneys
cleanse the blood, turning impurities into urine. The lungs
take in clean oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. One of the
best ways to eradicate negative emotions is through
correct breathing.

Biology and Emotions

The basic task of the solar plexus to help detoxify the
body with its motor capacity. It moves everything along
so that is is processed correctly and the waste is passed outside the body. The solar plexus processes
and discards three main elements:

solid mater via intestines (channel 41-30)

fluid via kidneys (channel 19-49)
gases via the lungs (39-55)

The word emotion (e-motion) means to move things forward so they can be eliminated in the end. If
the motor for some reason is not allowed to run this way it no longer gets things out and the waste
builds up in the body.

A defined solar plexus center processes these elements more regularly than an undefined solar plexus.
The open solar plexus might not always have access to the motor's energy, but if they live their
strategy they will be able to process it eventually.

This concept of the emotions as a forward moving motor is important. If you are not able to let go of
the past due to some emotional block, the solar plexus motor can not do it's job correctly. Things get
blocked and your system becomes toxic.
If a person, regardless of solar plexus definition, stores or
remains focused on old anger, grief, shame, feelings of guilt
etc. over a long time then the emotion does not move forward
but rather inward (in-moting). If they don't spit out, breathe
out, defecate, pee, sweat, or release the negative emotions
via tears then they do not allow the emotions to be moved
forward in their process. This damages the organs involved
and results in illness such as asthma, stomach ulcers, stones
in the kidneys, gas in the guts and so on.

An emotionally defined person needs to process their own

emotions correctly, by neither venting them too quickly or
keeping them in too long. A person with an undefined solar
plexus needs to be aware of the emotions around them so
that they don't get trapped in an emotional process that is not

Half the population on earth has a defined solar plexus and

goes up and down in an emotional wave. The other half of the
world, with their open solar plexus, simply amplify this wave
because they don't understand the mechanics! And they are
driven blindly by these forces.

The open solar plexus people usually end up doing two

general things:
1. They do whatever they can to avoid the emotional wave. This means not speaking what they really
think or avoiding dealing with a situation that could cause an emotional reaction. It leads to all sorts of
compromise, miscommunication and eventually leads to even more emotional problems. As we saw
above, to avoid emotions can cause blockage of the body.
2. They amplify the emotional wave from the people around them. This results in emotional outbursts
and issues. But the emotions aren't theirs. It is like taking somebody else's medicine. Not a good idea.

Usually the open emotional people bounce between these two extremes. The clear open solar plexus
person is able to feel the emotions within them and be able to see who is giving them those emotions.
They do not run away from the emotions, nor do they let the emotions push them into making
decisions or saying things. They simply watch and share what the other person is feeling, giving them
the time and space to ride through the whole wave. This is compassion.

The defined solar plexus people tend to live in a world of shame and blame. They are ashamed of their
emotional outbursts and they blame others for their emotions. "It's your fault I'm sad." When
ashamed, they try to hold their emotions in and stifle the feelings, resulting in health issues. The
emotions usually come out anyway but in a more distorted and destructive way.

Or the defined solar plexus person acts immediately on the first feeling that hits them. This
spontaneous action creates emotional chaos when the feeling moves into another point in the wave. If
they are happy they marry you, if they are sad they diverse you.

A Wave

The emotional center goes up and down in a biochemical wave. This wave can be a few seconds long
or several years. A defined solar plexus will have millions of waves intertwined. Each circuit has a
distinct wave style. The three streams are the tribal, individual and collective, with the keynotes
Need/Passion/Desire respectively. Furthermore, each channel has minor emotional keynotes:

19/49 NEED


30/36 DESIRE

The tribal wave slowly builds and crashes quickly . Imagine a family that works hard to build a good
life. Things are going good, life is getting better. And then one day somebody is hit by a car. From one
moment to the next the emotions crash.

The tribal emotional keynote is Need. The most basic

theme underlying need is sensitivity (19-49). These are
the most most sensitive or insensitive or oversensitive
beings beings on the planet. Their sensitivity builds
slowly, but can plummet very quickly and they become
insensitive to your needs, for example.

The (49/37) is the ratchet/snap wave. Ratcheting is two

steps forward and one step back. Like a car stuck in snow
or ditch, rocking back and forth to build momentum to
get out of the spot. If you say something they feel is
insensitive you may not get a reaction in the moment. It
takes time to build, to ratchet up to a point of snapping.
They take it in and sit with it but inside it is building up,
and then with no real event of consequence, maybe a
slight transgression or look, they snap. Their emotions

The 59/6, although tribal, is an exception. It works as an

idle/stall stall energy. In this case the crash is a stall. For
example, since this is the channel of intimacy, stalling creates the pleasure of orgasm. It is the
reopening and the returning on of the motor that floods the being with pleasure after a slow build up
to climax. This channel is an exception becuase the 6th gate actually embodies all three of the other
wave energies.

The individual (55/22) passion is vastly different from need. Need is need in the basic sense. If you
want to see what human being really need in this life then go to the source of need (19) and you’ll see
the need for proper resources, shelter, god, food, and partner is all there. If you do not have this it
immediately creates problems in the tribe.

But passion is not about need. Passion is rubbing two sticks together and building a fire that’s so hot,
it cracks the rocks underneath. Passion does not burn like an immediate fire like desire. Passion often
starts very cool. This is a channel of emoting and putting the emotion out. The 39-55 is born theatrics
like Marlon Brando. It is about getting the emotions out.

The wave of the individual is spike/lock. It is difficult to read the emotional

quality of the individual. Almost all are operating in a lock state. The nature
of where that lock is goes back to the very beginning of their process in this
life. Individuals don’t really wave, they spike and when they spike, they

If a 39-55 child has a traumatic experience when they are young they can
end up with a locked frequency at a certain level and may stay slightly
below or above this level that is considered a norm and it is very hard to
read them.

The passion and its connection to the lock are at the very mystery of romantic love. The passion can
build to such a point that one is locked into that passion. This is where you have the tradition of
unrequited love. You spend a lifetime enthralled and adoring somebody you can never have and yet
not feeling unfulfilled.

When you are dealing with individuality and mutation, there is a deep potential for depression. This is
a deeply creative process leading up to the 12th gate. It is possible for individuals to be locked into
deep spikes and never recover. There are many examples of creative beings who get locked into deep
melancholies and depressions.

Desire (30/36) is not passion and doesn’t have a chance to grow. Desire must never be confused with
need. It is one of the mysteries of the human experiential way that beneath the motor there is no
consciousness. It is just a motor and part of the magnificence of the choicelessness of being.

The collective way shows us that we have no choice but to go from inexperience to experience, driven
by desire. There is no choice at all. What is so dynamic in the nature of desire is that this is the crash
and explode wave. There is nothing like the explosion at the end of a crash wave.

Not all of this has to be so dramatic. Many emotional beings regardless of their level of awareness
begin to recognize the impact of their emotional field one way or the other. Many of these beings feel
guilty for being emotional. The solar plexus center is one of the great binaries. It has horror and the
absolute of the pleasure that it can bring. Unfortunately there is so much not-self emotional, no truth
in the now blundering on the planet and we all have to live with the aftermath of it.

The process of desire is never about satisfaction. It can never be satisfied. Satisfaction is logical. It’s
in the 18-58. You can never be satisfied if you are ruled by desire. It can only bring you more desire.
Without it we would still be hunter/gathers. The desire drives us forward at a great pace.
Emotional Mastery

There is no way to master your emotional

system. It is much more powerful then you
are. You can’t make it do what you want. It
is fun to look at all this stuff and understand
how it works. This doesn’t mean you can
change it. The point is to be clear, both for
defined (clear of their own emotions) and
undefined (clear of the emotions of others).

Those that have gone through a seven year

de-conditioning process have a level of
smoothness in the vibration of the wave they
put out into the consciousness field. An open
emotional being encountering this wave
recognizes this is a wave that doesn’t have
c Stanton to be avoided. It doesn’t trigger that. It is
where every emotional being has a right to be.

Emotional beings are here to know the pain and pleasure of need, passion and desire. To be correct
when you ratchet, snap, spike, lock, crash and explode. Then it’s not just right for the individual, but
for all those that have to deal with that being. Emotional beings are told in any analysis of their design
to only trust what you feel. It is important to recognize that the awake emotional being transforms the
planet we live on and changes the frequency.

Half the generators are emotional. This is the emotionalization of frustration. It is a thick soup that we
can barely get through. All you can do is follow your line of geometry and see where it takes you. It’s
one by one. One emotional person at a time coming to grips with what it means to be an emotional

This is an enormous transformation that is not selfish because every emotional being that transforms
themselves transforms a piece of the environment. Anyone that comes into their aura is affected. All it
takes is a slow acceptance of the time it takes for de-conditioning.

It's Time

Emotional beings have a problem with time. They fear they are
going to miss something. It’s not that they are thinking this; it’s
the pressure they feel from the motor. It wants to release. The
magic for anyone that is emotional is if you are acting correctly, slowly but surely your emotional
system will begin to get it. It begins to see the advantages.

Emotional beings have a different type of potential awareness then anyone else because of the nature
of the frequency. A splenic being grasps everything in the moment. A mental being is stuck with
everything forever. The emotional person goes through the wave process. The focus remains the
same, but the focus goes through a complete spectrum and nobody grasps circumstances and the
other better than an emotional being. It is what they are made for if they wait.

Communication and Awareness

The emotional system has the ability to communicate on a deep level. We are not at that point of solar
plexus development just yet. We feel emotions from others but it is still a fuzzy communication. The
rave children who will be born after and around the year 2027 will literally be able to communicate
through the solar plexus.
Any emotional being moving through the spectrum with
the same focus can grasp things at a profound level that
may not be able to be articulated as a concept (yet). But
that understanding is still powerful. They don't sense the
spontaneity of a splenic hunch, which can also be gone in
an instant. It is a depth of feeling unlike any other quality
that human beings can have. It is profound clarity.

The magic of clarity is the joke. Clarity is not the same as

the truth and clarity can never be 100%. It can only be
99% clear. The magic of emotional awareness and the
potential of spirit consciousness is to understand that
there is a potential at any moment for the game to change
entirely. With the emotional process you can't be 100%
sure of anything since the wave is a moving energy.

When an emotionally defined person to understands this and lives it, they are truly powerful, deep
beings. The people with open solar plexus can partake in that depth if they also understand the
emotional mechanic and where it is coming from.

Not Self Open Centers

All centers, defined or not defined, have not self strategies that are the result of us not
understanding the mechanics.

A person with with splenic authority has a defined spleen and is designed to be spontaneous. Their not
self, however, is always punishing themselves for their inability to make plans in the future, all the
while ignoring their instincts in the now.

The open centers have very powerful not self energies that can destabilize us and make us unhappy.
This audio will cover the not self elements of open centers, focusing on the specific insecurities of each
open center.

Below you can see the questions to ask yourself. They address the core issues that the not self open
centers face. A good exercise is to try living the extremes of these to see how it effects you.

For example, if you have an open solar plexus, watch what happens when you avoid all truth and
confrontation. Then try the other way: watch what happens when you face all truth and confrontation.
It helps to find the balance and dispel fears.

An example of splenic authority:

Questions for Your Undefined Centers
Open Head Center
Are you still trying to answer everybody else’s questions?
Open Ajna Center
Are you still trying to convince everyone that you’re certain?
Open Throat Center
Are you still trying to attract attention?
Open G Center
Are you still seeking love – are you still seeking direction? (i.e. or the
‘right’ person, the ‘right’ place?)
Open Ego Center
Do you still have something to prove? (i.e. are you smart enough,
successful, sexy, etc.)
Open Solar Plexus Center
Are you still avoiding confrontation and truth?
Open Sacral Center
Do you know when enough is enough?
Open Splenic Center
Are you still holding on to what’s not good for you? (i.e. relationships,
jobs, places)
Open Root Center
Are you still in a hurry to be free (of the pressure)?

Definition Bedrock

People don't often step back and look at the importance

of definition. It is like air or water. We just take it for
granted. But without definition we would not exist. It is
the bedrock of self reflective consciousness. It is the
foundation of a reading in terms of the Four Views -
Definition, Type, Authority, Profile. Without definition
you can't know Type or Authority.

It is definition that differentiates us from the totality.

All the defined lines, gates, channels and centers in
your chart is what makes you different from the guy
next door. And don't forget that under the lines in your
chart is Color. Under color is Tone, and under tone is
Base. The variations of differentiation are enormous.

When you look at what is defined you are seeing what

makes you stand out from the crowd. It is fixed,
consistent and will forever by YOU. Trust it, get to
know it, and hopefully love it - not because it is good or
bad since it will be both, but because it is what makes
you special.

We are all pieces of crystal from a very large crystal

that shattered a long time ago. Nobody in the world
has your crystal. You are like a diamond that can't be
reproduced. And the place you occupy in the world
can't be occupied by any other shaped diamond.
Definition is really where we can find something Each gate has many variations that show how
consistent to love. very unique and fixed we all are.
Nature vs. Nurture

Did you ever see the movie "Trading Places"? Two rich old
men disagree over whether human behavior is the result of
environment (nurture) or genetics (nature). So the two
men make a bet.

They take a successful white guy (Dan Aykroyd) and reduce

him to poverty. They take a poor black guy (Eddie Murphy)
and make him very successful.

The old man who thinks human behavior is based on nature

bets that Aykroyd's character will break out of poverty and
Murphy's character will screw everything up, thus proving
that a person's character (winner - Aykroyd, crook -
Murphy) is genetic.

The other old man thinks human behavior is based on

nurture and bets that Aykroyd's character will be influenced
by his new surroundings and remain poor, while Murphy's
character will continue to be successful now that he has the
conditioning of his new environment.

What eventually happens is both Aykroyd's and Murphy's

characters realize they are being screwed around. They
fight back and the movie ends with both characters chilling
on a tropical island with lots of money and happiness.

The Moral of the Story: It's ok to screw other people if they

screwed you first!

No seriously, from the Design perspective the moral of the story is that it is neither nature nor nurture
but rather we are all moving along our own individual path and nobody has any control over that.
There really is no choice.

But more importantly for this section, we see in the movie that you really can't isolate nature from
Nature AND Nurture

Sociologists have argued for centuries the

importance of environment vs. genetics. Is it
nature or nurture that allows some people to
succeed while others fail? Are we born
criminals or does the neighborhood you grow
up in make us criminals. If your parents went
to college the chances are exponentially
higher that you will too compared to a person
who's parents didn't go to college. Is this fact
an example of brains or parental support?

In Design this is not an issue. Just take one

look at a chart. The defined elements are
your nature and the undefined elements are
your nurture. Both play a part. Case closed.

Everything that is defined in your chart is

inherited from your parents and entire
ancestry. This is the energy you put out in
the world. Because your ancestry is many
thousands of years old, it is not possible to
conclude that one family is dumber than
another genetically by simply looking at how
many people in a family went to college.
You'd have to look back thousands of years
for it to really be an accurate conclusion. And
if you did look back that far you'd see the families are related anyway!

Everything that is undefined in your chart is what you take in from the environment. This is where you
get influenced by your friends. This is where you change (at least temporarily). Have you ever had a
best friend who get's a girlfriend or boyfriend and they totally change? It feels like you've lost your
friend. That is usually because the new girlfriend or boyfriend has something defined that is
conditioning your best friend.

We are a Synthesis

Even thought the defined parts in your chart are you and the undefined are not you in the sense that
you take in energy from others via the open places in your chart, keep in mind that who you are
overall is a synthesis of both. You might have a defined throat and that certainly is who you are. And
if you have an open root that is where you take in the "Not Self" stress of other people's root energy,
i.e. you can be pulled away from the truth of your defined throat though stress.

So in that sense, the open root can be who you are not because it is where elements that aren't you
can be put inside you, like an open door for strangers. But that is definitely you. You would be a
person who is vulnerable to external stress that pulls you away from the truth of your defined throat.

Five Main Definitions

Even though all things defined in your chart are called definition, there are generally five main
categorizations of definition. They have to do with the channels and centers only.

The five definitions are: Single, Split, Triple Split, Quadruple Split and No Definition. This relates to
what centers are connected to each other. For example, you are a single split if all your defined
centers are connected. You are a split definition if you have one set of defined centers that are
connected but they are not connected to another set of centers.

Single - 41% Split - 46% Triple - 11%

Quadruple - >1% None - >2%


Split definition is the most common definition, with 46% of the population. After that is single
definition with 41%. Triple splits are a considerably smaller percentage of the population with 11%.
People with no definition (reflectors) range at just below 2%. Quadruple split people are very rare,
with less that 1% of the population.
credit: Jovian

Single Definition
At 41% of the population, single definitions are common. They have all their centers connected. These
centers are communicating with each other without interruption. There is a self sufficiency in this
process since they don't need any external influence to bridge any splits.

Single definition people tend to process information faster. The other side of this is that single
definition people might not need to go as deep into the information as another definition would.

Of course things like whether the head center or solar plexus center are defined will influence how fast
they process, but overall they do not have the same disjointed feeling that other definitions have.
They are whole all the time.

Because of this there is less reason for them to hook into other people. This on one hand allows for
less co dependant behavior, but on the other that very lack of a hook can mean there is nowhere for
others to fit in their lives.
A single definition:
Single Split Definition

A split is two groups of centers that are split off from each other, like the image to the left. The great
push of a split definition person is to find people who join the split. Sometimes it is just one gate,
other times one channel, or in the case of the image to the left it is two whole channels.

All the splits share things in common. Single, triple or quad, they all have hooks. These hooks are the
places where the splits can be joined. They are called hot spots.

Each group of centers in a split chart is not always communicating to the other group(s). This causes a
lack of inner communication. The chart to the left shows how the mind might be thinking one thing
and the emotions feeling something completely different.

It is like two people living in the same house who share different works schedules. Communication is
spotty, which means things sometimes take longer to happen. Sometimes the split definition has to
play phone tag with its various splits.
But just because splits (all splits - triple and quad too) might take longer to process something or "get
it", it does not mean that once they get it they haven't digested it fully. In fact once they get it they
have usually looked at it from more angles than the single definition person, resulting in a deeper

For all splits, their focus is very much on finding people who join the split. This can cause problems.
Ideally a split learns that it is ok to be split and that nothing needs to be fixed.

Triple Split Definition

The triple split, even more than the single split, takes time to process things. There are three different
areas that need to communicate before they feel whole.
If triple and quads find one person who bridges the splits they can get dependant on that person and
it can be unhealthy.

The more splits you have the more chances that you will have friends who do not join all your splits.
For example in the chart to the left, if they have a friend who bridges the mind to the throat then that
relationship will be intellectual and splenic, but the triple split person will never have their emotions

Likewise they might have another friend who joins the ego and the spleen, but the mind remains split.
This is a more emotional relationship but not as intellectual.

If the two friends were to describe the triple split they would describe a very different person, one
intellectual, the other emotional. Just like their splits that are cut off, split definition people have cut
off relationships that fulfil different aspects of their chart. In many ways that is better than finding one
person who does it because it is easy to fall into power struggles.

Of course it is all good if you live your strategy.

Public Places

Public places are very good for splits because they get the hook-up without being dependant on any
one person.

Triple and Quadruple splits are great group people. In the group they can constantly be joined and
feel whole. Of course this can result in social burnout, so it is important for them not to get addicted
to the group aura. A rest is good once in a while. They are splits and it is ok to be split.
A triple split definition:
Quadruple Split Definition

Quads are very rare indeed, at less than 1% of the population.

Like triple splits, quads have the rare position of being very fixed yet
very fragile at the same time. They are fixed because they have so
much definition. They are here to experience life on a very fixed
path. They have no more than one open center, if that, so there is
very little place for them to be open to the world.

Their consistency can be great because you always know what you
are getting. At the same time it can be maddening since they are so
fixed in their way. Or it can be simply boring. They are what they
are, and they can't do anything about it. If you like who they are,
then you are in luck! It ain't changing much.

However, they can be very fragile. There are four elements in them
that don't always communicate. And it can be a while before all four
parts are on the same page. This can lead to an inner feeling that
there are many voices but they aren't in harmony. One is saying to
turn left, the other right, and another up.

The quad needs to be VERY patient with themselves. They are like
the tortoise, slow and steady in their processing of things. If the
A chart with a quadruple split triple split or the quad does not have the solar plexus defined and
are splenic, they can trust their instincts in the now, but usually
what happens is another part of their split chimes in a little later on
and adds something valuable. Like an afterthought. So they have to play a little two step dance with
A quadruple split definition:
No Definition

Reflectors, at just under 2% of the population, are rare. And they

are very unusual. Unlike all the other types, called sun types, the
reflector is called a moon type because of it's connection to the
cycles of the moon.

In terms of definition, the don't have any channels or centers so

they work very differently. They are here to take things in. They are
not here to be fixed, but rather are here to become their
environment. That is why place is so important for them, like it is
with anybody with open G centers.

Turned On

They do have characteristics via their gates, though. Every time

their channel is defined by conditioning, which is all the time when
they interact with people, the defined gates in their chart is "turned
on", like lights on a christmas tree.

This is something for everyone with an open center that has gates
defined to understand because this "turning on" is not limited to
reflectors. The gates in the open centers will dominate the energy of
that center.
A Reflector Chart
For example, the chart on the left has an open throat with the 33rd
and 45th gate defined. Any time it is defined, their voice is colored
by what they remember (33) and what they have (45).

When their root is defined they can stress out about what they need (19) and whether they have the
energy to correct (58).

Example of hanging gates in undefined


The 48th gate is the fear of inadequacy.

The 57th is the fear of tomorrow.
The 44th gate is the fear of the past.
The 29th gate is the impulse to say yes.
The 49th gate is to accept or reject (marry or

These aspects get lit up when the center is

The term “Authority” is used to describe which aspect of a person’s design can
be relied upon to consistently yield the ‘best’ experience as the result of a
person’s decision. Authority always comes from a defined center in the
bodygraph. As we shall see, only certain centers when defined become your

We all have to make decisions and we have many internal dynamics that
compete to make them. We have highly developed brains that are the product
not only of millennia of evolution but also, for most of us, many years of
cultural immersion, peer group role modeling, and formal education. We make
decisions based on past experience, future goals, current impulses, even
based on the decisions of those with whom we are close (spouses, children, parents, friends,

One of the most notable aspects of HD is the recognition that each person comes genetically wired
with a decision making process that is “correct” for that person. This wiring is not simply a ‘separate’
dynamic, but one that is fully integrated with the whole state of being of the person.

When we make decisions from this genetically wired “authority”, those decisions result in
an experience that is “correct” in that the experience is ideally suited to be properly
aligned with other dynamics (e.g. type, definition, profile). We may or may not “like” the
results of the decision. We may interpret the resulting experience as comfortable or
unpleasant, but regardless of our interpretation of the outcome, a decision properly made
from our authority is one that overall will profit us the most in a whole sense.

In the subsequent sections we will look more closely at each authority and their connection to type,
profile and circuitry.

Before we go into those details however, it is important for you to understand that nobody can speak
very reliably about any authority other than their own. We can learn what others think about the
various authorities, we can listen to how others describe their experience of their own authority, but
we can never directly experience any authority other than our own – and even that is a tenuous
understanding at best.

Keep in mind that the results of any decision can unfold over the course of many years –
even an entire lifetime and none of us can ever know what the results would have been had
we decided differently. This is one of the most onerous and perhaps tragic aspects of our
existence. Our inability to know what would have happened if we had decided differently severely
limits our ability to make well informed decisions. We are always “playing the odds”.

When an analyst does a reading for a client it is important to help the client discover for themselves
how to access their own authority. As an analyst it’s not your job to “make” the client see, understand
or accept. That belongs to the client and they will come to it in their own way in their own time – or
not. It’s not something to belabor in a reading, but something to gently insert and encourage them to
Authority Hierarchy
Authority is based on what centers are defined in a bodygraph, and their place in a hierarchy.

The hierarchy is:

1. Emotional Authority

If the emotional center is defined then it is

the inner authority, no matter what other
centers are defined.

2. Sacral Authority

If the sacral is defined and the emotional

center is NOT defined then the sacral is the
authority. If the spleen is defined as well,
then it is called sacral splenic authority.

3. Splenic Authority

If the spleen is defined and the emotional

and sacral centers are NOT, then the spleen
is the authority, no matter what other
centers are defined.

4. Ego Authority

If the heart center is defined and the

emotional, sacral and spleen are NOT, then
the heart is the authority, no matter what
other centers are defined.
5. Self Projected Authority

If the G center is defined and the emotional,

sacral, spleen and heart are NOT, then the G
center is the authority, no matter what other
centers are defined.

6. No Inner Authority

If none of the above centers are defined

then the person has no inner authority. The
head, the ajna, the throat, and the root are
NEVER an inner authority.
Authority Examples
Here are some example combinations of different authorities.

Ego Manifested Ego Projected

Sacral Generated
No Inner Authority Sacral Manifested

Emotional Ego Manifested Self Projected Splenic Ego Manifested

Sacral Splenic Splenic Manifested Splenic Projected

Emotional Authority
When we look at someone with a defined
emotional center we know right away that this
is a person whose body chemistry continually
cycles them through a binary experience of

It is variously defined as experiencing high and

low, up and down, hope and pain. If you are
not emotionally defined then it is simply
impossible for you to grasp what this is really
like. If you are emotionally defined it is possible
that you might grasp what it is like – but it’s
not necessarily the case that you will. Someone
whose emotional definition is the result of a
completely unconscious channel, might not
ever be aware of their wave.

Anyone who has the solar plexus defined can

NOT rely on their feelings of the moment.
However, once they have gone through the
entirety of their emotional wave they MUST make decisions based on how it makes them feel.

As noted in the introduction, authority is not a “separate dynamic”. It’s not a little control center
sitting off to the side carefully observing and analyzing the present with a full awareness of everything
that happened in the past and carefully considering all possible future outcomes in the light of
sometimes competing goals. Every person is a complex amalgam of various states of being that are
the result of internal and external sensory data AND the relationship that each person is continually
building between the internal and external.

As we saw when looking at centers, the solar plexus always operates in a wave and that works from
hope to pain in some variation, but the shape of the wave differs depending on the defined circuitry.

Let's recap the wave variations:

The abstract, collective wave, operating in the gates
41, 30, 35, and 36, is a crash wave; climbing up,
then moving along a plateau, to be followed by a
crash down. This wave when it’s in the hope part of
the cycle is kind of saying “ohhhhh great!” But in the
pain cycle it’s saying “Oh is that all?” This is reflected
in the 35-36 channel of “Been there, done that”.

The tribal wave of the 19, 49, 37, and 40, is very
reliable in its cyclical nature of moving up and down
like a roller coaster. Here the dynamics of hope and
pain play out more like “"It's a
.....benign....catastrophe!" There’s often the sense
that one is, indeed needed and wanted, but it’s
followed by the feeling that one is rejected and
doesn’t belong.

The emotional individual (the 39/55, 12/22) goes
along almost flat; people don’t even know that they
are emotional. Then they either go straight up like a
rocket or straight down. When they are up things are
just fabulous, but when they are down they really feel
like they will never, ever be up again. The pain and
despair can be all encompassing and they see no light
at the end of the tunnel.

How Long is Long Enough?

While we can know right away that a person’s body chemistry continually cycles them through a
binary experience of emotions, there’s no way to know how long the cycle takes. Nor is it possible to
say that the cycle always takes the same amount of time, nor even that the wave is a singularity. The
wave can be happening in multiple time frames such that one relates to the daily world via their wave,
but relates to more extended interactions with the world from a larger wave.

The major mantra for emotional authority is “There is no truth in the now”, or “Never be
spontaneous”. An emotionally defined person should always sleep on it before making a decision.
Sleeping on it may be enough time for some kinds of decisions such as “Do you want to have dinner
tomorrow?” The longer the possible interaction with the world, the longer the person needs to
experience the larger wave.

For example, someone may be just a single paper away from obtaining their Ph.D. and wake up one
morning suddenly feeling that “Oh no, I don’t want this!” Just sleeping on it simply isn’t enough time
for them to really decide that they don’t want it. That feeling may just be part of a daily or weekly
Authority and Decision Making

When an emotionally defined person gets up in the morning and goes to the closet to select their
attire for the day, they don’t need to ‘sleep on that decision’. There are many decisions to be made in
life that don’t require that much time. Odds are that emotional authority probably does happen with
respect to picking out ones clothes of the day, but that manifestation of the wave is very fast – faster
than the person can be aware of – or needs to be.

What is dangerous for the emotional person is to make a decision based upon someone else’s
insistence or manipulation. Often, particularly in today’s world, salesman use the technique of forcing
an immediate decision either by offering a reward for the quick decision or instilling fear about

It may be OK for some authorities to make that snap decision, but it’s not healthy for the emotional
authority. If they are closer to the hope end of their cycle the reward is very tempting, and if they’re
closer to the pain/despair end of the cycle then the fear of delay can be overwhelming. Making a
decision from either end is simply to make an incomplete decision. If the decision looks good from
both ends then there is clarity. If it looks bad when they’re up as well as when they’re down then
there is clarity. If it looks good and bad, then you just need to wait some more :).

The emotional authority only knows after some time has passed. They may meet someone and have
an instant dislike for them, but then that emotional authority will keep coming back and checking the
person out again and again. Each iteration gives them a slightly different take on the person
depending where they are in the wave at that moment. This is the great gift of emotional authority.
They have the ability to fully feel in an experiential manner the completeness of things.
Spiritual Potential

The emotional center has spiritual potential

to see that in life there are no good things or
bad things, there’s just the incredible fact of
the immensity of existence. This emotional
experience allows people to really come to
grips with what is. Life is pleasurable and it
is uncomfortable. That’s not the point. The
point is that there is life and that is simply

Understanding this takes time and it is not

easy. For example an emotional manifestor;
they are wired to do what they feel. If you
tell them “Now listen here, you can’t simply
do whatever you feel like doing, you have to
wait, sleep on it to get clear and then you
have to inform the other and get
permission”. Hah! Easy for you to say.

Another example might be an emotional

projector with 3 defined motors. They are
constantly filled with energy and intent on
finding some way to express that energy. If
you simply say to them “Hey you have to
wait to be recognized and invited, then you
have to sleep on it before you can act”
they’re not really well positioned to hear that
and the pressure is hard to resist.

The emotional center is the squeaky wheel

that gets the grease because it is very hard
Like this movie title, emotional authority has to see life
to ignore the emotional wave. Some
emotionally defined people are very from all angles before making a decision. And yes, some
are ugly.
squeaky, but they have the option of being,
rather than engines of chaos, sentinels of
depth. The difference is if they follow what
feels right after waiting until there is some clarity.

Emotional authority never has 100% clarity. But with time, they can generally feel good or calm about
something. Or the reverse will happen: they will generally feel nervous or over emotional about
something, in which case it is a "no" to whatever they are dealing with.
Sacral Authority

The Business of Busy-ness

Anyone who is a generator (defined sacral) who DOES

NOT have the emotional center defined has sacral
authority. This particular authority is the most closely
aligned to the Type. For the Generator type, their strategy
is to respond.

If they have the emotional center defined also then they

have to wait out the emotional wave to see how they feel
before they respond. But if they don’t have the emotional
center defined then their authority is in the response
itself. This is the sacral voice of "Uh huh" or "uh uh", for

Generators are busy people. They really aren’t all that comfortable being at rest. To some extent this
is simply because once the engine shuts down it can be hard to restart it, so for a generator it’s just
easier to keep the motor going all the time.

Generally when you tell a generator they have to “wait to respond” you kind of set up a state of
anxiety for them. You’re introducing a ‘mental concept’ into an arena that is purely biological – body
mechanics. They’re wired to be busy. Generators without the knowledge of HD don’t have a clue that
not everyone has this busy-ness. Being busy is simply the normal state of affairs – anything else is a
temporary aberration.

Sacral Variety

There are really a lot of different ways to have a defined

sacral. There are 11 different channels that can define the
sacral (three out of gate 34). Most of them are in the Tantric
energy flow and feed into the G Center (the channels from the
root-sacral-G). The sacral is the center of life energy and as
such it is very powerful.

Then there are the manifesting generators (MG). Someone can

be an MG if the sacral connects directly to the throat (e.g. 20-
34 - green in the image to the right), or via a connection from
the sacral to the G and from the G to the throat (e.g. 29-46,
and the 1-8 - blue). Or they might have the ego to throat and
the sacral to root as a split (purple).

When the solar plexus is defined along with the sacral then the
solar plexus is the authority and the strategy is to respond as
a generator. They need to wait through the wave before they
can respond with clarity.

When the spleen is defined along with the sacral then the authority is sacral splenic. It is a response in
the now.

To Respond or to Wait

None of us are really very aware on a moment to moment basis of the way we operate. A lot of things
come and go very quickly in life and for someone who is accustomed to being busy this concept of
waiting seems very alien.
Remember that generators tend to have their heads down doing what they are doing They’re not
really paying a lot of attention to the world of possibility. When you tell them they have to wait to
respond they take that to mean they have to go sit down and wait for something obvious to come
along and it’s kind of an “Oh no, I can’t sit around waiting.”

But this is not true. When a generator walks out into their garden and sees that the plants are dry, or
the leaves are brown, or something needs pruning – that is the “something to respond to.” The
question is do they have the energy at that moment to water, or fertilize or prune. This is the magic of
the sacral response. The body either responds with the enthusiasm of Uh huh or the lack of energy of
uh uh. This is what makes it so easy for the generator. The Uh huh is their own way of knowing if they
want to do something in the moment. They can completely trust this response.

There’s never a lack of things to which a generator can

respond. The floor is dirty, the trash is full, the painting is
askew, the bed is unmade, the laundry is ready to go into
the dryer, there’s food to be bought and prepared, etc.
The world is teeming with stuff to do. It’s the sacral that
enables the generator to know which of the many things it
wants to do now.

Generators can really like having a list of things to do.

They look at the list and their body responds uh huh or uh
uh not now to various things on the list. They like finishing
the list and making another one.

The Sacral Sounds

The moan, the groan, the sigh, the uh uh, and the uh huh,
these are all sacral sounds. It is imperative for generators
to listen to and trust these sounds. Not all generators have
these sounds. Some just don't have them naturally and
respond in more subtle ways, others have ignored them for so long that they aren't there (and need to
be awakened through practice). But if you have them, these sounds are great tools.

When we extrapolate this into the larger world, for example someone calls and asks “Do you want to
go out to dinner?”, the generator has this reliable voice uh huh or uh uh. “Do you want to marry me?”
Uh huh or uh uh. Do you want to study in Paris? Uh huh or uh uh. What’s really important for the
generator is to know how reliable this is. If the generator has an uh uh (no), then don’t do it! Maybe
tomorrow they will have an uh huh (yes). It’s their very energy source saying either yes the energy is
available or no it isn’t available now.


The theme of frustration enters the picture when the generator thinks they have to do something even
though their body says uh uh (no).

"I have to marry you because you asked me and everybody knows we’re perfect for each other."

"I have to go out to dinner because it’s Saturday and we always go out to dinner on Saturday."

If they have a sacral no and they go ahead and do it, the experience just won’t be worth it to them.
Lacking the right energy (either too much or too little) they will be frustrated that they couldn’t make
it work.
They may have a yes to something and they
may enter into an experience and the results of
that experience may, to an outside observer,
look bad. The generator may respond to the
friend who asks her to go kayaking and she
might get seasick, or blisters, or fall out of the
boat and shiver with cold, but if she did it from
the response of uh huh (yes), she will consider
the experience good and worthwhile. It will not
be frustrating for her.

If that same generator goes kayaking because

her boyfriend expects her to, and her body is
saying no, then no matter how beautiful the
day or how easy it goes she will be
disappointed. It just won’t work for her, and
she will be frustrated.

Manifesting Generators

With manifesting generators the story is a little different. In the generator sense they respond to
whatever presents itself. But the manifesting generator doesn’t really know his response until he
enrages in the activity.

Of course we’ve all heard the maxim “Finish what you start.” Well, for a manifesting generator that’s
simply not true. They can start many things and not follow through because once they engage in it
and their body is in the act of doing, the sacral might say no.

Can this be frustrating? Only if they don’t understand their dynamic. Of course others like to put the
pressure on them. “Hey we just started this game, you can’t quit now.” But they can and they should
if they get an uh uh.

What’s important for a generator is how reliable that internal gut response is. It’s not the waiting for
something to respond to, there’s never any lack of things to respond to. It’s accepting the fact that at
any given moment in time their body will reliably inform them whether or not the response will result
in a satisfying experience for them.
Splenic Authority

The Animal Awareness

Splenic authority occurs when the spleen is defined

and the solar plexus and the sacral are NOT defined.
When a chart has both sacral and spleen defined then
it is called sacral splenic, or splenic sacral. See below
for more on this.

Splenic awareness is rooted in the survival of the

organism. Prior to mankind all animals had only the
splenic awareness to rely on for the survival.

Splenic authority derives from recognizing

changes in patterns and knowing what the change
means. For some animals this is primarily based
on changes in visual patterns, for others it’s changes in smell, for others changes in sound, for
others changes in taste, and for some (e.g. pit vipers) changes in heat.

In the animal world survival is always immediate. In the now. It’s a raw, primal world with no
safety nets. Failure to recognize the pattern is out of place results in death right now. Failure to
take action right now in response to the fear results in death. Animals don’t go through the world
with any question about whether it is OK to do something. When they’re hungry they go looking for
food, and they will look anywhere they can for it. The only thing that they are aware of is the splenic
reaction “Don’t go there” at any given moment. Animals aren’t looking for yes they’re simply
extremely alert to “NO”.
3 Streams

Each gate of the spleen has specific fears. These gates

and fears are also tied into the bodygraph streams. The
3 splenic awareness streams are Taste, Intuition and

1. Taste
Taste resides in the 18-58 and the 16-48 channels. It’s
not limited to taste as being simply the product of the
taste buds in the tongue. People with this channel are
particularly alert to taste in the overall sense “He has
really good taste in clothes” is in play here as well. It’s a
correlation between visual context and the response to
it. It’s a sensation of “Oh, that looks so good I want to
eat it” if the spleen approves and one of “Gag me with a
spoon” if the spleen disapproves.

2. Intuition
Intuition resides in the 28-38 and 57-20 channels. It is
particularly attuned to sound. Is that sudden bump in the
night a threat? That depends on the quality of the sound
of the bump. The sound gets your attention and the
spleen makes a split second decision as to whether or
not there is something to fear that requires action and it
determines what action is best.

3. Instinct The fears by gate are:

Instinct resides in the 44-26 and the 54-32 channels and
is particularly attuned to smell. Of all the senses smell 50 – Fear of Responsibility
has the most direct route to the part of the brain that 48 – Fear of Inadequacy
has to process the data. There are only a couple of 57 – Fear of the Future
synapses between the data (the smell) entering the 44 – Fear of the Past
nostrils and where the smell is processed and analyzed. 32 – Fear of Failure
28 – Fear of Death, risk taking
18 – Fear of Authority

The awareness of the spleen is very fast. The mind and emotions don’t operate at anywhere the same
speed. The spleen is processing vast amounts of physical sensory data and when it detects something
out of place, some deviation in the pattern, it alerts the creature so that evasive action can be
immediately taken.

Also, once engaged in an action, the spleen’s warning is no guarantee that the creature can interrupt
or change it’s behavior quickly enough. This is much more of a problem for humans than for animals
because humans are so often very engaged mentally in what they’re doing.

For the most part the spleen is quiet until something elicits the response “This is not OK.” And it
expects the organism to immediately change its behavior. The spleen, as an authority, usually tells a
person to avoid something. If you happen to be driving down a street it might well say “Don’t go down
that street. Something is wrong there. Something is suspicious.” It’s not necessarily a little voice
speaking a full sentence (although it can be like a little voice). The hairs on the back of the neck stand
up, one gets a prickly sensation. It’s something at the body level that warns the organism: NO.
3 Splenic Variations

There are 3 different modes of splenic authority and they are tied in to
the person’s type.

1. Manifesting Splenic Authority

Manifesting splenic authority is when the spleen is connected to the
throat and to a motor - either the ego or root. So, for example, the
28-38 spleen to root with the 57-20 spleen to throat is a splenic
manifestor. They are attuned to the sound of their world. If they make
a judgment from that 18-58 the basic assumption as it moves through 38-28 and 57-20
the 57th gate is that the judgment will hold good through the future. Splenic Manifestor
The 57th gate’s fear of the future is sitting there as a potential alarm.
If it picks up on anything that indicates the future result of that
judgment is potentially threatening that alarm goes off. It let’s them
know immediately that the judgment holds some threat to their

The 44-26 spleen to ego and the 57-20 spleen to throat is also. Note
that only the defined ego and the root can be involved with the spleen
as an authority. The manifestor, in general, since they are here to do,
profits greatly from having the spleen as authority. If they learn to
trust that immediate splenic reaction they can avoid a lot of
unpleasant consequences.

No matter how powerful a person is, nobody can just do whatever

they want without creating consequences. If the lion roars at the
44-26 and 57-20
wrong time it alerts its prey and misses dinner. If the mouse squeaks
Splenic Ego Manifestor
at the wrong time it becomes dinner. The splenic manifestor needs to
learn this.
Can you think of other

2. Splenic Generator Authority

A person that has both sacral and splenic definition has splenic
generated authority. Other names for it are sacral splenic and
splenic sacral authority. Their splenic awareness guides their
response. It is a response in the now with awareness. The
pure sacral definition without a defined spleen responds in the
now as well but it does not have the awareness that the
spleen provides. The difference is very subtle.

Example of Sacral Splenic Authority

3. Projected Splenic Authority
When the spleen is connected and there is no motor connecting the
throat, and no defined solar plexus or sacral then you have Projected
splenic authority. The spleen can connect to the root, ego, self, and
throat. The spleen is the authority, giving awareness to the rest of the
chart. These people are always projectors.

With respect to the warning aspect of the splenic authority, waiting to

be recognized and/or invited is immediately a cue to a projector that
the situation holds the potential to play out with no disastrous effect.

All projectors, whether they know anything at all about Human Design
or being a projector, are naturally attuned to be alert to recognition and
invitation. Accepting an invitation is very attractive to projectors, and Splenic Projected Authority
acting spontaneously is very attractive to the spleen. But just because
one is recognized or invited doesn’t mean that one should proceed. The
splenic authority is critical to this type of projector to make healthy choices.

A significant challenge to projected splenic authority occurs when the projector initiates. And they do
and they will regardless of any information to the contrary. Doing this uninvited act requires a focus of
energy, and a commitment to the matter at hand such that they may build up so much momentum
that they can’t apply the brakes in time when the splenic authority speaks.

The possibility of the spleen to infuse a person completely is very real. One can truly let go completely
of the mind, give oneself over to the immediate moment and run full tilt down a mountain, surf a 20
foot wave, or jump out of a plane. For projectors with splenic authority, when they get recognized and
invited, if the spleen doesn’t speak a clear “No,” they can really abandon themselves to the invitation.
Everything is aligned for them and total immersion in the experience to the point of the sublime is a
very real possibility.

Final Thoughts

Conditioning is a powerful force for the spleen. The mind and solar plex can easily overpower the
splenic voice. One can be in the world at home alone, or one can be in the world interacting with
another human, or one can be in nature interacting with the natural elements (e.g. the wave, the cliff,
the desert). Or you can be interacting with a different creature (e.g. a dog, a tiger, a horse). The
function and reliability of the spleen changes depending upon the nature of these elements.
Ego Authority

The Will To Do Something

Ego authority is very limited in the way it can occur because of the
hierarchy of the authorities. In order for the ego to be the authority
the chart CANNOT have a defined solar plexus, or a defined sacral, or
a defined spleen. This means that there are only 2 channels that can
activate the ego as authority. The 45-21 channel and the 51-25

Ego authority is the authority of the will, of willpower. The ego center
is essentially a “me” energy. This is not to be confused with the “self”
of the G center. This is rooted in possession. Possession of things
and of place. Who’s first? Me. Who’s in charge? Me. Who owns this
house? Me.

Two Channels

There are two channels that create ego authority are the 45-21 and 51-25. This first channel is a
manifested channel, and therefore anyone with 45-21 ego authority will be a manifestor. Of course
this is provided the sacral, spleen and solar plexus are not defined. The second channel is a projected
channel and as long as the G center is not connected to the throat (which would make them an ego
manifestor) people with the 51-25 only are ego authority projectors.
1. 45-21 Material People

The dynamics of the 45-21 energy are straightforward. It is the focus

of ‘me’ is on material plane and the control that comes with that.
This channel is called the Money Channel but it’s not simply about
money. It’s about all of the elements of holding the community
together in a particular order. This involves education and where one
sits in any given status based organization.

In terms of authority, it means that such a person has to have the

will power to support their decision, to bring their will energy into
play. There can’t be any waffling about it. This person has to be able
to forcefully say, with heartfelt conviction, “This is for me. I will do
it.” This is, after all, a manifesting channel. They have to have the
complete conviction that they can control the endeavor, whatever it
is. The ego authority, if the person decides to get a Ph.D. for example, they must have the full force of
their will over an extended period of time. To do that, they must begin with a strong sense of will
towards the goal. There must be a clear goal and utter conviction that they can reach the goal.

2. 51-25 Competitive People

The energy dynamic of the 51-25 is different. This the Channel of

Initiation – a design of needing to be first. More simply it is “Me first.”
This can be in a competitive sense of needing to win, to catch the biggest
fish, or “I got here first.” As an authority this plays out in 2 different

1. Manifesting
If the G center is also connected to the throat through one of the 4 G-
Throat channels then this is a manifesting ego. In such a case you have
additional information to consider.

For example it could be 51-25 and 31-7, the Channel of the alpha –
Leadership for good or for bad. There are numerous animal species in
which the role of the “alpha” is well documented, but let’s just look at
wolves for a moment. In a wolf pack there is only one alpha male and
one alpha female. All the rest are lower in the hierarchy.

Now any wolf cub that happens to grow to be an alpha either overthrows
the current alpha or it leaves the pack. An alpha can’t really be a
follower for very long. It will go be on its own (a dangerous act) rather
than do that.

So a 51-25 with the 31-7 is more concerned with being first as a leader
then it is with fitting into the hierarchy. As an authority such a person
Top Dog draws upon their will power to be first, to lead the way, regardless of
whether or not anyone follows. If this person is worried whether or not
anyone will follow then they aren’t coming from authority. Their willpower
isn’t fully engaged.

This form of willpower (through the G center) is willpower expressed in self identity. 31-7 = “Me, I’m
the leader.” 8-1 = “Me, I can do it.” 10-20 = “Me, I’m myself”. 13-33 = “Me, I’m the witness”. You
can see that the willpower has to align with the self, the identity to really operate. To fully realize the
potential of whichever channel is connecting the G center to the throat this ego manifestor must
engage with a full sense that they can be number 1 in the endeavor.

Doing a reading for an ego manifestor where the ego is also the authority is relatively easy. You tell
them about informing others, getting permission, etc. and then really it’s simply a matter of letting
them know that they can trust their ego. They can compete or control without having to feel guilty.
The expression ‘playing ego games’ has come to have such a negative aspect that some people find
themselves trapped in internal dialogue with themselves about it.

The ego authority when it operates says “Me, I’ll give it 110 percent. I’ll bring my A game”. This is
what that person needs to have to know that it’s making the right decision.

2. Projected
The second situation is the 51-25 without the G being connected to the throat. This is ego
projected authority and of course this means that the person is a projector. In order to
reap the full benefit of this authority they have to wait for an invitation where they are
recognized. This is more challenging. For projectors with motors the concept of waiting for
recognition or an invitation is difficult. The energy to do is there – it just needs the
connection. The more potential gates are activated waiting for a person or a transit to complete the
connection the more difficult it is to wait.

The energy of that ego is powerful. This is the stuff of kings, of heroes, of legends, and superstars. It’s
the A game, the 100 percent. But for the projector the strategy is different. The manifestor can simply
walk onto the stage with their A game and the result is of value to them. This is the actor who, even
when they aren’t the star they can steal the scene.

The projector should not be concerned about actively stealing the scene, but instead they can wait
until the spotlight is focused on them. That’s their strategy. When the spotlight shines on them they
really shine – if they have the energy. This is why it’s important for them to not to expend their
energy when the spotlight isn’t shining on them. If they’re continually spending that energy trying to
get into the limelight, when they make it they are very likely not to have their A game anymore.

Self Authority

Always A Projector

Self Authority is different than any other

authority. In order to have self authority
EVERYTHING below the G center is undefined.
It does not matter what is defined above the
throat. Everybody who has self authority is
always a projector.

There are 4 channels that create a self

authority and they are all direct connections
from the throat to the self (10-20, 31-7, 1-8
and 13-33.

The Elusive Self Authority

Self authority is really just an auto-pilot

system. People with self authority do not have
to wait out the emotional wave or listen for a
splenic voice that only speaks once, or listen to
a sacral voice, or need the drive of ego.

These are people who have to do only one

thing: What they do. This is the monopole
driving the person. The self authority has only
to sit in the vehicle and let the driver do the

They don’t even have to think about it. Typically, when questioned about a decision they’ve made they
may have many thoughts to justify the decision – but the thoughts didn’t make the decision. On the
other hand they may have no thoughts about it at all and when asked will I say “I don’t know, it was
just the right thing to do”. It’s very nebulous.

Much like the hummingbirds that migrate thousand of miles, self authority is tuned into something
that you can’t really put a finger on. These hummingbirds have to find enough flowers along the way
to survive and the time when those flowers bloom changes from year to year. Somehow the
hummingbirds know from year to year just when to set off. Somehow they just know how to get
where they are going.

Their Own Direction

Someone with self authority is a person who isn’t here to follow rules. This person doesn’t have to
leave on Tuesday – even though everybody else may have to. What other people say, what the school
says, or the employer, or society at large just isn’t relevant to their decision making.

They don’t tend to do things simply to reach a goal, and they don’t tend to do things just because it
worked in the past. Something happens – something on T.V., something in a book, a conversation, a
thought that drifts through their mind, a cock crowing 3 times – whatever it is, it somehow propels the
driver to turn left or right and off they go.

The only issue for the person with self authority is trust. Trusting that internal navigation system.
Once that navigation system engages, the worst thing self authority can do is to go against it. This
applies to both the love and direction aspects of the G center.

This principle of trust operates not just in terms of direction but also in terms of self organization and
self relationship (love). The self authority is intimately connected to it’s sense of self. These people
have a finely tuned sense of themselves – even to the extent of appearing overly self-confident or self
As long as they don’t violate that sense of self by going where they KNOW they shouldn’t go or doing
what they KNOW they shouldn’t do things are just fine for them. This is a person who can simply
refuse to do something for 10 years and then suddenly flip 180 degrees completely, and embrace it
wholly for the next 20 years.

For them it’s simply a question of whether or not it fits into their current self. When it doesn’t fit they
don’t do it, when it fits they do it. It’s critical for self authority that they maintain their sense of
rightness about themselves. It doesn’t matter if that sense of rightness is in accord with anyone else’s
but it must be right with them.

You can know a person like this for years and believe you can predict their behavior and suddenly they
will do something completely out of left field that is just totally contrary to what you would expect. It’s
simply that their self has changed for whatever reason. If you happen to know one for a goodly long
time you’ll have the chance to see that they are very rigid – until they change.

As long as self authority is operating correctly - trusting itself - then any decision made is the right
one. It doesn’t matter what decision they make, turn left or turn right, whichever they choose, as long
as it comes from that place of trust, they will have the right experience. It’s the quintessence of gate
46 – the serendipity of being in the right place at the right time.

No person with self authority can love anyone else unless they are right with themselves. And no
person with self authority can be happy in a relationship with another person if that other person can’t
accept the extreme sense of identity. Remember these are people with no motors. They don’t have
the energy to be able to constantly hassle with an emotional person who wants them to change. Or
with an ego that has to compete about what’s the right way. Once they are caught up in endless
conflict about what they do and where they go, and what’s right and what’s not and why they have to
do this and can’t do that, well they don’t have the staying power for that.

Self authority is no more reliable than any other authority in terms of guaranteeing that the resulting
experience will be pleasurable, but as long as that pure innocent trust is there the person will have the
right experience. What’s the “right” experience? That’s pretty simple. It’s the one that somehow leads
to the next correct experience for the person to fully become who they are.

Self authority is the perfect union of essence and existence, of being and becoming. The defining
mantra for the person with self authority is Shakespeare’s wonderful line:

This above all,—to thine

own self be true;
And it must follow, as the
night the day,
Thou canst not then be
false to any man.
- Hamlet

Projectors With A Twist

The self authority is always a projector with no motors. But if you say “You have to be recognized and
invited before you can do anything,” you’re leading them astray. These projectors have to do what
they hear the self say. Invitation for them doesn’t have to come from the outside.
KEY POINT : When they have to make a decision they need others to listen to what they are saying.
What they say will allow them to hear what the right decision is. This can take time and require talking
about it with several people. They need to trust what comes out of their mouth. They may not
understand it since the G center is not an awareness.

When the self authority projector has to do something absent that external recognition and invitation
it’s useful for them to understand that their doing has nothing to do with the outcome. This is one
area that can be difficult for them. Maybe they write a book that never gets published. They have to
write the book because that’s what they have to do.

Helping Others

Self authority can help others “find their identity” and direction. But they must be recognized and
invited. This is what can be hard for self authority to come to grips with. They know how it works, but
nobody is going to listen to them unless they are invited. This is just pure energy dynamics.

No Inner Authority

When you look at a chart where none of the

centers are defined (a reflector) or a chart
where the only defined centers are above
the G Center, (mental projectors) you are
looking at someone whose inner authority
operates much differently.

The moon transits through all of the gates

in a 28 day cycle and we all experience this,
Any undefined center when it is turned on
sort of stands up and shouts “Here I am”.
For many people with really a lot of
undefined centers that experience is more

Ideally the person with no inner authority

can wait out this 28 day cycle, allowing
themselves the time to fully and intensely
experience their own definition through that

Take the TIme you Need

Of course, it’s easy to say, “Oh, they have to wait 28 days to make a
decision.” But life is more fluid than that and we can't fix it into a neat
little 28 day box. The important thing is to take as much time as
needed and to realize that anything that can't wait for them to make
a decision correctly isn't for them anyway.

One of the challenges for this kind of authority is the temptation to

make a decision before the synthesis is complete. They can be
overwhelmed by a particular experience during the process and make
a decision based on a very powerful, but incomplete, experience. The
trick is to really draw the process out.

Taking in The World

With all those open centers Reflectors and mental projectors are always taking in the other – they are
very attuned to the other’s state of being, to their emotions, their responses, their ego, their
awareness, their pressures. It’s all flooding into them.

They are experiencing the energy of the external world at a very deep level. This can be wonderful or
miserable, depending on what the other people are like and how the Reflectors and mental projectors
resonate with them. It’s crucial that they as much as possible surround themselves with people whose
internal energy dynamics suit them.

The people around them will act as sounding boards. This is similar to the self projected authority.
They bounce things off others. But in the case of somebody who has no inner authority the ultimate
decision is not made from simply hearing what comes out of their throat. It is much more complex
and takes more time.

Whether through a 28 day lunar cycle or through activation by others, the Reflectors and mental
projectors are designed to synthesize their disparate internal experiences into a whole, and to make
decisions from the gestalt of that synthesis.


Authority is not a little man sitting in a control tower calling the shots. The person's full characteristics
play a part. When Reflectors and mental projectors allow the synthesis time to fully evolve they can
then incorporate it with other aspects of their design. Their profile, their incarnation cross, their
current life theme are some of the factors that will determine how any particular Reflector or mental
projector will use the synthesis that leads them to making a correct decision – one that is aligned with
their whole design.

A 4th line profile, for example, may weight the decision more favorably toward something that is
perceived as an opportunity. A 3rd line profile may weight it less favorably if it is perceived as
something they already know doesn’t work. In their current theme of life, a person may have the line
47.1 “Taking Stock - Realizing that negative thoughts have to be eradicated”, leading them to favor a
decision that promotes that agenda. Which factor lends more weight depends on the person’s life

This process is not an easy task and it may take them years to get the hang of it – if they ever do. It
requires considerable trust, patience, self awareness and practice. But once they get it down their
lives are extremely rich and rewarding. The ones who do get it down are extraordinary role models for
the rest of us in terms of the most ideal function of the undefined centers.

Outer Authority

The Reflectors and mental projectors who learn, by whatever means, to live out their
designs somewhat correctly can be very valuable to others as an “Outer Authority.” A
generator, for example, has inner sacral authority and their reflector friend (who takes the
generator in very deeply) can give them great things to respond to that are in harmony with
the generator's design.

One of the fundamental and key concepts of the open centers is that they not only take in but amplify
whatever behaviors are associated with them and mirror them. Reflectors and mental projectors are
constantly experiencing others, amplifying that experience and reflecting it back. Reflecting doesn’t
necessarily mean parroting. The quality of the reflection depends on the state of being of the reflector.

What is fundamentally being reflected back is the energy of the amplified center. It may be the up
energy of the emotional wave or the down energy. It may be the vitality and joy energy of the root or
it may be the stress energy. It may be the uh huh or the uh uh of the sacral and so on.

When the energy is reflected back to the person with the defined center who
originated it they then have two new possibilities. To understand this you
have to really grasp a couple of difficult concepts.

First: we don’t live in a universe that is fundamentally digital. That is to say

the switch isn’t limited to being just on or off. That off or on view suffices for
logic and is very useful, but it’s only part of the story. The switch can be
neither on or off and it can also be on and off simultaneously. Light is one of
the best examples of this in the physical world. It is both a wave and a

Second: in the world of energy, flow can be in any direction and it tends not to be stable at any
particular end of the spectrum. Behavioral energy operates in a gradient. This is particularly evident in
the emotional wave – up, then down.

In the affairs of humans then, many decisions are complex enough, either because of the amount of
data involved or because of interference from competing flows, that the innate authority may not
discern a clear cut choice. The mind can interfere, other centers can interfere, and conditioning can
interfere along with many other more subtle variables.

Reflectors and mental projectors, when they reflect back to others, reflect back the energy itself. The
form the reflection takes may be colored by the reflector (based on various elements in their design)
and it may be distracting, but the basic reflection is pure energy. Sometimes the person receiving the
reflection needs that in order to get past being stuck because the decision is so complex or because of

Reflectors and mental projectors can, simply by reflecting, provide the

extra little bit of weight that leads the other to get over the hump inside
themselves so to speak. They can get unstuck. It helps if the Reflector
or mental projector is able to reflect things back without muddying the
waters too much. Not all Reflectors and mental projectors can do that or
do it consistently or do it for everybody. In a sense, the purest reflection
affirms the other person’s own authority which is the actual decision
making dynamic.

The second dynamic that Outer Authority brings is new possibility. As humans we grow, evolve,
change in various ways. That in itself isn’t easy, especially out and out change. In fact it’s very
difficult. But it’s also sometimes necessary.

Well integrated Reflectors and mental projectors offer the very real possibility of change to the rest of
us. When they reflect back the amplified energy of our own inner authorities they often color it with
aspects of their own design. When that happens we are getting not just a pure reflection of our own
energy but something that is a little different, and that difference becomes a new input for us.

A 3rd line may say to us, “Well I tried that and it didn’t work.” A 4th line may say “Hmm, there’s an
opportunity here.” The cross of explanation may engage in a lengthy explication on the matter. The
Cross of Penetration may dive right to the core. If that is their design speaking then the reflection we
receive may occasion a change deep in us.

When that happens we have the opportunity to respond to that modified reflection. A splenic authority
may revisit the decision, an emotional authority may have different feelings. This a case where
reflection mutates the other person’s behavior by offering an enhanced view the situation which their
own authority then includes in it’s own process – or not.

Authority - Authority Conclusion

You Have the Key Already

Everybody already knows their design, and by

extension their authority. How could you not?
It is, after all, you. You may have been
conditioned to operate out of alignment with
who you are, but that’s not the same as not
knowing who you are.

Even the undefined centers are known at some

level insofar as we all know that our behavior
changes somewhat depending on who we are
with. Really, any person knows what their
authority is and how it works. Many people
muddle through life just fine without HD and
live out their designs correctly without this

This is not to say that life is a piece of cake,

and decisions might be easier to make if you
understood the mechanics, but you already
have the key to everything you need inside

In talking about and describing these authorities we have, in a sense, artificially deconstructed
something that is whole. It’s like taking apart an engine to see how it works. You disassemble it, lay
out all the parts, look at how they fit and what they do. But then all you have is a bunch of pieces on
the floor that don’t do what an engine should.

Authority is not like a little man in a control center, it is interwoven throughout our design. The design
is a whole, not a bunch of separate little pieces. We look at what we call the pieces but what we strive
to understand is the wholeness of the design.

People are living out their designs in many ways – through the self, through the not self, alone, with
others. The descriptions of behaviors here are not simply statements about “what should be”, they are
statements about “what is”. This is not a rule book for what people “should do”, it’s a description of
what people, in general, “are doing.” Some people are doing it consciously, some aren’t. Some people
are embracing their authority, some are afraid to do that. Some trust their authority more than
others. Some have been seduced (conditioned) to rely on an authority for which they aren’t wired.

What's Your Vehicle?

With authority, you can kind of think about it in terms of transportation. There are
a multitude of transportation methods being used by people. We can walk, ride a
horse, take a train, ride a bike or swim. They all work to get us from one place to
another. But if you’re riding a bike, you don’t make decisions the way you would if
you were driving a car or piloting a plane.

When you look at the world you see people using all of these different transportation modes, and it’s
the same with inner authority. There are different ways depending on your unique design. None is
superior. One works better for some and another works better for others. When someone says
something like “Get in touch with your feelings.” Or, “Rely on you gut.” Or, “Trust your instincts”,
that’s not inaccurate, and it might work for millions of people - but it might not work for you.

If your authority is emotional then you are wired to wait out the wave, if your authority is splenic you
are built to decide spontaneously. With self projected authority you hear your decision at the same
time everyone else does - when it comes out your mouth. WIth ego authority you are here to assert
your ego. These are all different ways of driving depending on what vehicle you have.

You can’t know in advance what the results will be from making your decision from your authority or,
for that matter, what they might be if you don’t make it from your authority. What you can know is
that making a decision from your authority is reliable in terms of your design. We can all trust our own

Give it a Try

There isn’t any belief or judgment involved in this. You don’t have to
believe in anything that’s been presented. The entire systems is logically
consistent. If you want to, you can experiment with it, test it, enjoy it,
explore it. This isn’t something you have to blindly accept or reject. Look
at your world through this lens and see how it looks. So jump in and see
what happens!

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