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Suikoden 2 Guide

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1. Introduction
The purpose of this guide is to help gamers to get everything they need to achieve a perfect game.
This game has a lot of missable things that once you pass a certain point, they are lost forever. This
guide also focuses on time, being kind of a speed game, because of the fact that you need to get to
the last part of the game under 20 hours. This is in order to finish the Clive Quest, which is one of
the requirements for a perfect game. In other words, we are going to speed through the game while
collecting everything that can be lost forever.

I finished my game in 11 hours and 32 minutes, but, by no mean you have to do that. As long as
you finish under 20 hours, it is fine. One last thing is that if this is your first time playing this game,
don't try to do this. Everything written in this guide assumes that you are familiar with this game.

2. What Makes a Perfect Game?

This is my criteria of a perfect game. You can make your own criteria if you want, you can even
contact me and tell me if I should add or take out something. My e-mail address is, you can also find me in the message boards.

- 108 Stars of Destiny: Hard and tedious, this can be a bit of a challenge
because you have to recruit all of them in less than 20 hours
- Clive's Quest: Very hard, must reach the last place of the game under 20
- All Treasure Boxes opened: Self explanatory, all treasure chests exact
location is pointed in the walkthrough.
- All Runes: Some of them (Sylph Rune, Skunk Rune, Gale Rune, Silence Rune) are
missable, I will point the last time to get them.
- All Window Sets: There is a glitch concerning Window Set #2 that will make it
missable after some point in the game.
- All Sound Sets: Sound Set #1 is missable.
- All Livestock: Not to worry.
- All Seeds: Same as above.
- All Recipes: Recipe #3, #16 and #20 are missable. Also there is a glitch
concerning Recipe #34 and Recipe #12.
- All Old Books: Old Book Vol. 4 is missable.
- All Statue Plans: Turtle Plans #3 and Turtle Plans #2 are missable.
- All Weapons lvl 16: Self Explanatory.
- All Characters lvl 99: Self Explanatory.
- All Bath Models: Not to worry.
- All characters at level 99 having 9/9/7/5 MP: Ok, this one requires the abuse
of a trick. So if you don't like to use tricks because you think is cheating
the rule this one out. For me cheating is using a gameshark or something
similar, all the glitches inside the game are fine to me.
- All Hammers (except the Golden Hammer): This is another one that you can rule
out if you want. For this one you need to have a save data from Suikoden I in
which you have the hero's weapon level maxed out. As you may already know,
stats such as level and weapon level are transferred from Suikoden I to
Suikoden II. In this case, in order to preserve the Silver Hammer, you need
to transfer the weapon level from McDohl.
- Obtain Forgiver Sign: Obtain all stars after you retake Muse.
- Nanami/Famous/Large Vase, Black Urn, Chick: These are bath items. But they
are missable.
3. Walkthrough

A. The Beginning
Items: Boots x2
Collection Items: Flint
Characters Recruited: Hero, Gengen, Barbara, Leona

At the Highland camp choose the second option to go to sleep. When your camp is under attack,
instead of going east, exit to the north. When you reach the top of the cliff Capitan Rowd appears
with Luca Blight and you have to fight some soldiers. The Hero and Jowy Unite is very powerful
and useful in this guide, make sure to use it in every fight that has many monsters. After you beat
them, choose the second option when Jowy tells you to jump and then the first option.

After Viktor finds you, you will be taken to the Mercenary Camp. There you are going to do tasks
each day to get your meal. Be sure to do them as fast as you can. First you have to push some
boxes against the wall. After you are done pick up the rope that Pohl pointed. The second task is
to find 2 pair of boots, 3 flints and 2 bags of flour. Go to the blacksmith and ask him for 2 flints
first and then talk to him again and choose 3 this time, that way you will have two extra FLINTS
in your inventory.

In the same room talk to Barbara (2/108) to the south and you can do the same thing with the
boots to get some extra pairs; first ask for 1 and then for 3 in order to have two extra pairs of
BOOTS. Now go down the stairs and go to the item shop and you will be told the there is no flour.
Go back to Pohl and then talk to Leona (3/108) in the bar. Gengen (4/108) and Tuta will join you.
Now leave the Fort and head to Ryube Village. Go directly to the item shop and ask for the flour,
Make sure you go to the inn and save your game. Go back to the fort and talk to Pohl once again.
The next day you have to clean oil spills on the floor. Do so quickly, and talk to Polh when finished.
Remember that there is one spill in Flik's room in the second floor. After all the scenes with Jowy
make sure you go to the second floor and escape as quickly as you can. Remember that the less
time you spend in the story, more time you have to recruit all the stars and do everything to get a
perfect game. After you escape, go to Ryube village and check the north area to see a show in
which you will participate. Choose the first option every time and Ellie, Rina and Bolgan will join
you. Save and exit. Go north to enter:

B. North Sparrow Pass
Items: Fire Wall, Escape Talisman, Brass Armor, Feathered Hat.
Note #1: Remember to escape every battle unless I tell you to fight.
Note#2: Enemy CutRabbit drops the Double Beat Rune. This is a very useful rune, so when
you come across a group of CutRabbit don't run away, kill them with the Buddy ATK. If
you reach the save point before the boss fight and you don't have it yet, reset and try again
until you have one. This rune can acquired later, but it make your life easier.

At the first intersection go left and get the FIRE WALL and drink from the well to restore your
HP and MP. On the next screen go right and get the ESCAPE TALISMAN. Go back to the left
path and go to the next screen. Go right again to get the BRASS ARMOR, then return to the left
path and keep going. Save at the save point and before continuing make sure you remove the
Sacrificial Jinzo from Bolgan. Go north to fight:

Mist Shade, 200 Potch
Drop: Kindness Drops x4
This boss can be very hard if you don't know what you are doing. He has two forms, the first form
(demon-like) will attack you entire front row for heavy damage. The second form (woman-like)
uses magic to attack the whole party, but is a much weaker attack. Use Circus ATK and use
medicine with the Hero and Jowy and you will be fine.
Go north after the fight. Go right in the next screen to get FEATHERED HAT. Return and keep
going until you exit the place.

C. Kyaro Village
Collection Items: Old Book Vol.1, Famous Vase/Large Vase/Nanami's Vase (Missable)
Characters Recruited: Mukumuku, Nanami

When you enter Eilie, Rina and Bolgan will leave the party. Jowy will leave too; go left to the next
screen. Don't go to your house yet, instead go around to the back and search the big tree three times
to recruit Mukumuku (5/108). Now go inside the house and head to the room in the southwest
corner, check the dresser to obtain ?BOOK which is OLD BOOK VOL.1. Now head to the back
of the house to trigger an event with Nanami (6/108). When you are leaving make sure you pick
a VASE? in the center of the house, it doesn't matter which one. When you exit the house you will
have to fight some highland soldiers. After that, pick the first option to surrender. Pick any option
in the following scenes when Flik and Viktor come to rescue you. When you are in control exit
the town and go back to the Mercenary Fort passing through North Sparrow Pass. On the way back
fight some enemies until you have 3000 potch, use Buddy ATK.

D. Mercenary Fort
Items: Leather Cape, Gauntlet
Characters Recruited: Rikimaru, Shiro, Kinnison, Millie

Back in the Mercenary Fort, you are free to do whatever you want. Go to Ryube Village and talk
to the man on the floor. Agree to pay his meal and Rikimaru (7/108) will join you. Save your
game. Next talk to Millie in the northeast and agree to find his pet Bonaparte. In the goods take
the left path, and put the bird back in the nest. In the next screen go left to find two chests with
LEATHER CAPE and GAUNTLET. Fight some battles and come back to the screen with the
bird nest. Shiro (8/108) and Kinnison (9/109) will be there and will join after you pick the first
option twice. Now follow the right path. You will see Bonaparte, follow him and you are going to
fight him.

He's very easy; just use Family ATK with the Hero and Nanami and Loyal Dog ATK with Shiro
and Kinnison. Use medicine when necessary.

After the fight Millie (10/108) will join. Head back to the Fort and leave only Nanami and Jowy
in your party. Save your game. Exit to the World map and head northwest to Toto Village. A scene
with Pilika will take place. Before heading to her house go to the inn and recruit Zamza (11/108)
with Nanami in the party. Now go to Pilika's house and agree to buy her the Wooden Amulet in
Muse. Cross the bridge on the northwest to the world map. Follow the road and stop by the White
Deer Inn and MAKE SURE you save your game and have space in your memory card for another

E. Kent Sidequest
Items: Fur Cape, Thunder Amulet, Stone of Power, 2000 potch, Medicine Crystal, Skill Ring.
Collection Items: Dragon Plans #2, Unicorn Plans #2.
Characters Recruited: Futch, Humphrey
Note #1: Get the Black Urn and Turtle Plans #3.

SPECIAL NOTE: In this section, I am going to abuse a glitch, so if you for some reason are not
comfortable with it and consider it cheating, then skip this section. The rest of this guide is going
to assume that you used this trick since it will make the rest of the game a lot easier and less
Now follow the road to Muse but don't enter, instead go northwest to the Muse-Matilda border.
When you enter don't talk to the guards, just walk to the gate and PUSH it, then exit. On the world
map just follow the road and pray that you don't get into any fight since the enemies here will kill
you in one hit. You will arrive at Highway Village. Go to the inn and you will bump into Futch.
Talk to Humphrey next to the stairs and you will see a scene with Futch and Kent. Talk to
Humphrey again and ask him some questions. The next day go outside and another scene with
Kent will take place. Talk to Humphrey and Futch will appear, and then talk to the innkeeper to
go to bed again. The next day Kent will be missing, offer to help them and they will join you. Now
save your game and go outside.

This is the tricky part, in the world map, wander around until you get into an encounter. Try to kill
them with Futch and Humphrey who are at higher levels, if all your low level characters get killed,
reset and try again. After you win you will see that your levels will go up like crazy. Go back to
the village, rest and save and repeat the process until your levels match Humphrey's, try to do it as
fast as you can. Go back to Highway Village and buy 2 Fire Emblems and equip then to Humphrey,
make sure you leave the Mega Medicine, also buy at least 10 Medicines. Now go north of Highway
Village and enter Rakutei Mountain. Go through a couple of screens and when you reach an
intersection go left to get a FUR CAPE. Go the other way and go through the lower right path to
get a chest with a THUNDER RUNNER and exit through the upper right. Next screen, go right
and get a THUNDER AMULET, and exit to the left. Head left in the next intersection to get a
STONE OF POWER and go to next screen. In the first intersection go right, and then follow the
lower path to get UNICORN PLANS #2. Go back and take the upper path and keep going right
until you come with a SKILL RING. Now, go all the way to the beginning of the screen and go
up and left at the intersection to get DRAGON PLANS #2. From that chest go right and south and
get a chest from the right containing 2,000 Potch. Now, go back north, all the way right and get a
MEDICINE rune from the upper path and exit through the lower right. Go up two screens, and
there is a safe point to the left.

There are two items we need to get now. It should look like this "?VASE", the Black Urn dropped
by Spiker and TURTLE PLANS #3 dropped by Hawkman. Remember not to waste too much
time. The Black Urn is a appraisal item so when you get Sometimes you will get a Failure Urn
instead, so what you have to do is to save in a separate file when you get it, then go to Highway
and appraise it. If you get the Black Urn, reset and keep playing normally. If you get a Failure
Urn instead, reset and load the other file and keep trying until you get it. After you are done, save,
heal and go up, you will have to fight Harpy.

Harpy, 40,000 Potch
You are going to be highly overpowered by this boss. Harpy's attacks are very powerful and hit
the whole party; also it has an attack that can unbalance you. On top of that it has an enormous
amount of HP (around 7500), there is no way you can defeat it unless...

The key to win this battle is Humphrey (Mr. Powerhouse). During the battle don't even bother
healing any of you characters, except for Humphrey who has to be full health the entire battle;
instead, focus on draining away as much life as you can from the monster. When only Humphrey
remains alive, the real show begins. One of Harpy's attacks will do ~250 of damage to him so have
your health above that point. Use a Mega Medicine when he gets low on HP. Now, as the battle
goes on you will see that Harpy will stop using his powerful magic and will only attack Humphrey
dealing very little damage to him. Just keep attacking and heal when your HP gets to critical. After
you used all the Mega Medicine take from the bag the Kindness Drops you got earlier from fighting
Mist Shade and heal with that instead. Before you run out of those, the boss should be dead since
you are dealing about 200 damage per turn thanks to those Fire Emblems and the boss is only
hitting you for 20 damage.

After this long battle, follow Kent to the dragon egg and you will be back at the village in no time.
Futch (12/108) and Humphrey (13/108) will join you. Now let's spend all that potch that you
have won. Save and exit the village and head northwest to Rockaxe.

Go to the armor shop and buy one Scale Mail for the Hero and Jowy, and check the Rare Finds
and buy a Thunder God Garb for Nanami (if the Rare Finds don't appear reset and try again). If
you have anything left you can buy whatever you want. Now head all the way back to the Muse-
Matilda border, push the gate and head back to Muse. Now you that your stats are sky high and
you have one of the best characters as early as this point of the game, the rest of the game will be
a breeze. Also you have powerful equipment and will be able to run from every battle with ease
because your level is much higher than the enemies. Now it's going to be easier to get everything
to achieve a perfect game and meet the time requirement to do the Clive's Subquest. ;-)

F. The Flame of Evil
Characters Recruited: Apple, Hanna, Tsai.

Back in Muse, head to the item shop and buy the Wooden Amulet, when Jowy asks you what to
do, you can pick the second answer and you will receive 1500 potch. Exit and go back to Toto to
see it destroyed; Apple (14/108) will join you. After the scene, reenter the town and talk to Hanna
(15/108) to recruit her. Head to the Fortress and talk to Flik and Viktor and agree to find Tsai. Go
back to Ruybe and enter the forest. Go through the forest until you reach the house that was empty
before and you will find Tsai (16/108), he will join. Head back to the village to see it in flames,
when Jowy asks you to go fight Luca Blight select the second option.

After the scene, head back to the Fortress and talk to Flik and Viktor again. Choose to stay and
fight and you will have a duel with Flik. The duel is very easy since you are overpowered; just
attack once and it will be over. Exit the room and you will be given the choice of naming your
company; do so and the next day, save your game, go to the front and the battle will begin.

I won't be explaining these battles, because they are really easy, I will just tell you what are your
conditions for winning and any other tip. For this battle use you fire spears if you want after two
turns you will win. After the battle, you will be attacked again. This time you have to defend the
Fortress; don't do anything just wait and after Luca Blight appears the battle will end.

Back at the Fortress, you have to save Pilika. Make you way to Flik's room fighting Highland
soldiers on the way. When you reach the room, a scene with Luca Blight will take place, soon after
you will be at Toto village. Follow Pilika into the cave and you will be transported to some other
place where you will meet Leknaat. Jowy and the Hero will get the Black Sword rune and the
Bright Shield rune respectively. After the scene, you will be back at the world map; head to Muse.

When you arrive at Muse, you won't be able to enter. Follow the road southeast to White Deer Inn.
After the scene with Hilda and Alex you will go to bed. The next day when you try to leave the
place, Alex will appear. Offer to help him to find his treasure; there are two people seating here
that will sell you runes and items. Save you game and go to the ruins at the back of the inn.

G. Sindar Ruins
Items: Stone of Magic, Mega Medicine, Angry Blow, Gauntlet, Shoulder Pads, Fire Lizard
Crystal, Chain Mail, Water Crystal, Magic Drain Crystal.
Collection Items: Old Book Vol.2

At the first intersection, go left to get MEGA MEDICINE and STONE OF MAGIC and go to
the next area. Go south to get ANGRY BLOW and cross the bridge to the other side. After you
cross go north to get a GAUNTLET. Go back south and at the intersection go left and then north
to the next screen. Head left and put the statue back in its place to open a door; here you will find
SHOULDER PADS and a Round Plate. Now, retrace your steps and go right, place the round
place on the wall to open the door. In the next area, head left at the intersection, and you will find
a Triangle Plate. Keep heading left to find a chest containing a FIRE LIZARD CRYSTAL. Now
head back to the intersection and go north. You will be at another intersection; head right, up the
stairs and place the Triangle Plate on the wall. The water level will drop. Go back to the intersection
and go north through the broken bridge to find a chest with a CHAIN MAIL, and take the brown
path heading south. Go south two screens and then left to find a Square plate. Go back to the main
path and keep going south to find another chest with a WATER CRYSTAL. Now, head all the
way back to the intersection and take the left path across a bridge to find a save point; insert the
plate on the wall and head back to the first intersection, the one with a statue, and go all the way
right, go through the semi open door to find two chests containing a MAGIC DRAIN CRYSTAL
and OLD BOOK VOL. 2. Return to the save point, (I don't save here, not necessary) and go
through the door, eventually you will fight a boss.

Double Head, 4000 Potch
Drop: Spark Crystal
This is very easy; you are far more powerful than the monster. Use Jowy's rune to kill him in 2 o
3 turns. Every boss battle from now on will be like that for a long time.

After the battle, keep going until you reach the treasure. After the conversation, you have to go
back to the inn to find Hilda is very sick. When you regain control, head back where Alex dropped
the Healing Herb and bring it back to Nanami. The next day you will be given the Entry Permit,
so go back to Muse.

H. Muse Invasion
Items: Circuret, Belt of Strength
Collection Items: Old Book Vol. 4 (Missable), Recipe #3 (Missable), Sound Set #1 (Missable).
Characters Recruited: Tuta, Gilbert.
Note #2: Last time to get Gale rune and ONLY time to get Silence rune.

You will be taken prisoner when you arrive at Muse. Viktor will take you out and advise you to
go to the bar to see Leona. Do so and save your game after talking to Leona.

Outside, go to the Rune Shop and check the Rare Finds, and buy a Fury Rune if it appears on the
list. If it doesn't appear reset and try again until it does. Now, head to the eastern side of town and
you will meet Elsa, who will give you two packages. Clive will appear right after and ask you if
you have seen her, then leaving. Head to the meeting hall, Viktor will take you to see Annabelle.
After the scene go to where Jess is and agree to infiltrate in the Highland Camp, agree to do so.
Before you leave, search the last bookshelf for OLD BOOK VOL.4. Now exit the Hall and go a
little bit south to meet Tuta (17/108) who will join you. Go inside the Dr. Huan's house and talk
to him again and he will give you RECIPE #3. Now go to the inn and get some people to
accompany you (Futch, Humphrey, and Zamza of course), save you game, but don't exit before
removing any rune equipped to Jowy (except the Black Sword rune). Before leaving another scene
with Clive and Elsa will take place, and you will receive SOUND SET #1 from Elsa.

On the world map there an enemy called Sickle that drops the GALE RUNE that is a missable
item and now is the last time to get. In my opinion this is not necessary for a perfect game because
there is a character that comes with this rune when you recruit him. But if you feel that you need
to get another one, do it now because you won't be able later on. Now, go north of Muse to the
Muse-Highland Border, talk to the guard when you arrive and head to forest. Just go right until
you find a chest with a CIRCURET, then return to the previous screen and go north staying on
the left side. Eventually you will find another chest with a BELT OF STRENGTH. After that
just keep going north until an event occurs. After you change enter the Highland Camp, and go to
the provision's tent. When you are back outside, you will be discovered by Captain Rowd. When
you regain control, get the chest with a FIRE SEALING CRYSTAL next to the provision's tent.
Try to escape and you won't be able to, so go inside the princess's tent (the only one a bit different
from the others). After the event go out and remove all Jowy's equipment, and the try to exit the
camp just to be ambushed. After the battle Jowy will stay and you will escape.

Now, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: the soldiers here drop the SILENCE RUNE and this is the
ONLY chance you have to get it. After the first battle, if they don't drop the item, keep choosing
the second option to fight more soldiers. Don't spend more than 20 minutes doing this, if they don't
drop it, reset and go through the camp again. This can be time consuming, but with patience,
eventually, they will drop the Silence rune. Get back to Muse and go to the Meeting Hall, but you
won't be able to see Annabelle. Go to the inn and Flik and Viktor will help you out.

Head back and this time you will see Annabelle, but she can't do anything to save Jowy. Back at
the inn, join Nanami at the entrance and eventually Jowy will appear. The next day, you will be
heading to Jowston Hill, which is to the northwest of town. A meeting with the heads of the City-
State will take place. After the meeting, go back to the bar and Annabelle will be waiting for you.
When the choice comes up, select that you want to fight. The next day, talk to Viktor to start the

The only important thing about this battle is to get Gilbert (18/108), make sure that Flik damages
with the fire spear. If not, reset and try again. After the battle, go to your room and talk to Nanami.
The next day, go see Annabelle for a scene, the go back to the inn to wait for the night. At night
go see her again and watch her death and the Highland invasion. When you regain control, go to
the inn and escape the city. Some more scenes and you will be at the world map, enter Coronet.

I. Vampires From The Past
Items: Friendship Crystal, Sun Badge, Fish Badge, Fire Wall, 3000 potch, Medicine, Blue
Gate Crystal, Stone of Defense, Half Helmet, Fire Crystal, Stone of Magic Defense, Darkness
Crystal, Blue Ribbon (missable), Chain Mail, Necklace.
Characters Recruited: Rina, Ellie, Bolgan, Viktor, Flik, Freed Y.
Note #1: The treasures in North Window Castle are one time only, make sure you open them

Head for the docks to find that there is no boat running. Go to the inn and you will encounter a few
familiar faces; after the introduction to Nanami, you have to find some way to get out of town.
Save your game.

Go down two screen and head right when you reach two trees. After the scene, go inside the cabin
to meet Tai Ho and Yam Koo. Accept Tai Ho's challenge to start playing Chincirorin. If you lose,
reset and try again to save some time. After defeating him, go to the bar to get Rina (19/108), Ellie
(20/108), and Bolgan (21/108) and head back to Tai Ho to depart. You will arrive at Kuskus
Town. Nothing to do here, exit the town and head south to enter the town of South Window. Viktor
will welcome you and take you to the inn, where all of you will agree to have a meeting with the
Mayor, Viktor (22/108) and Flik (23/108) will join you. Head for the center of the town where a
big stone is and look for a FRIENDSHIP CRYSTAL in one of the bonsai plants. Go to the Rune
Shop and buy a Lightning Rune, and attack it to Nanami as well as the Spark Rune. Also, attach
the Fury Rune to the Hero. Head for the city wall and Freed Y (24/108) will join you. Exit the
place and go
back to the inn where you will have a conversation. On the world map, head northwest to enter
North Window. You will meet Neclord from Suikoden and fight him; just defend and after three
turns the battle will be over. Now you have to get the Stat Dragon Sword to defeat the vampire
once more. Exit the place and head south to enter the Wind Cave. Save you game and enter.

Go through the cave and when you get to the first intersection, go to the upper part to find a SUN
BADGE inside a small room. Keep going and eventually you will reach another intersection where
you will take the upper left path to get a FISH BADGE. Take the other path and go left and around
when you hit another intersection to find a FIRE WALL. Keep going and solve the puzzles with
the rocks, make sure that in the third one you take the upper path first to find three chests containing
3000 Potch, MEDICINE and BLUE GATE CRYSTAL. Take the lower path and keep going
until you reach yet another intersection. The exit is to the northwest, and there are two chests with
STONE OF DEFENSE and HALF HELMET in this area. Keep going and eventually you will
meet Kahn, who will join the party. Keep going until you meet the sword, who you will have to

Star Dragon Sword
The boss is easy, just hit with everything you have. Use Battle Oath to get you characters in berserk
status, Viktor and the hero will deal a lot of damage this way. Use the Lightning Rune with Nanami
and heal when necessary.

After the battle, exit the cave and go back to South Window. Rest up and go back to North Window,
and this time enter the castle. Inside, take the right stairs to find a FIRE CRYSTAL. Go back and
take the left stairs this time. On the big room go down the stairs to find a STONE OF MAGIC
DEFENSE, go back upstairs and keep going left to the next screen. Keep going until you reach a
room with statues, push the left most to reveal a secret door, go inside to find a DARKNESS
RUNE. Go back to the statue room and move the statue that is out of place where it belongs to
reveal another door, and then go inside. Keep going through the castle until you enter a room with
candles. Light all the lower candles except the one before the last one to reveal a secret door, go
inside to get a BLUE RIBBON. Go back out and light the upper candle to reveal yet another door,
through this one you will keep moving on, getting two chests along the way with a CHAIN MAIL
and NECKLACE. Soon, you will meet Neclord and fight what he left behind.

Abomination, 10000 potch
Attack with Hero and Viktor, use Kahn's Resurrection Rune and the Lightning Rune for heavy
damage. Use Battle Oath to deal even more damage and heal when necessary.

After the battle, exit the castle and you will meet Flik and the others. Inside the castle, save your
game and talk enter the meeting room, and when prompted choose the second answer "There must
be a way". Now you have to go to Radat Town.

J. Wingers and Kobolds
Items: Kindness Crystal, Head Gear, Resurrection Crystal, Healing Wind, Fire Emblem,
Stone of Defense.
Collection Items: Cabbage Seed, Recipe #16 (missable)
Characters Recruited: Shu, Huan, Luc, Richmond, Yoshino, Amada, Templton, Tai Ho,
Yam Koo, CLIVE, Alex, Hilda, Adlai, Taki, Fitcher, Ridley, Chaco, Hans.
NOTE #1: Second and third CLIVE INCIDENTS!!!
NOTE #2: Get Turtle Plans #2 and Chick.

Radat is to the east of South Window. When you enter the town, go east and enter Shu's house.
Next, enter the bar and try to leave and Shu will appear. After some conversation he will leave
again. Now go to the Appraiser's Shop and talk to Richmond. Pay what he asks and go to the inn;
talk to the inn keeper to go upstairs. Talk to Richmond again to get valuable information. The next
day, go all the way east to the docks and Shu will appear again. After some conversation you have
to open the sluice gate. Talk to the person standing at the beginning of the bridge with a headband
and choose the second option. Amada will appear, choose option two twice to fight him in a duel.
Just three wild attacks should be enough to take him down. Now go down to the water and start
searching. After some scenes Shu (25/108) will come and join you. Head back to the castle. At the
castle, go to the meeting room to hear some battle strategy. The next morning, save your game and
go to the meeting hall to start a battle.

This battle is very easy, just attack Solon Jhee and after three turns he will retreat. Back at the
castle, you will be received as a hero. Head to the meeting hall and you will be chosen as the leader
of the army. At night, go to the bar and talk to Viktor and choose the second option, go back to
your room.

The next day come back to the meeting hall and agree to become the new leader, doctor Huan
(26/108) and Luc (27/108) will join the group. Now, go to the entrance of the castle to meet
Fitcher. Return to the meeting room and after some conversation you will be off to Radat once
more; but before that, go to the bar and make sure Freed Y is in your party, as well as your tanks
Futch and Humphrey. At Radat, go to where Richmond is and ask him to join, play his game and
choose "I give up". Now go to the bar and talk to the person nearest to you, he will give you a coin.
Go back to Richmond (28/108) and he will join you. Now go south and the east through the
opening and talk to Yoshino (29/108) to recruit her. Talk to Amada (30/108) and ask him to join
you and beat him again in another duel. Now, go all the way east and exit Radat. You are back to
the area where the Mercenary Fortress is, so go there and meet Templton (31/108). Now go to
Toto village and meet him again and he will join this time. Now go to Kuskus town and save your
game. Then head for the docks where you will meet Tai Ho (32/108) and Yam Koo (33/108),
after another Chincirorin challenge, they will join.

Go back to the meeting room and after the scene is over, go to the docks and sail to Lakewest to
the northwest. After you arrive, board the ship again and go to Kuskus. Exit the town and go to
South Window. Talk to Clive (34/108) and he will join you. From now on, Clive must be in your
part all the time, make sure you keep an eye on this. Go to the second floor of the inn and talk to
Alex (35/108) and Hilda (36/108) and they will join you. Next, go to the weapon shop and buy a
Wooden Shield and a Wind Rune from the Rune Shop. Now enter the house north of the weapon
shop. Inside talk to Adlai (37/108) give him a Sacrificial Jizo, the Wooden Shield and "throw"
him the Wind Rune. Go back to the castle and at the docks board the boat again to Lakewest. When
you arrive, search the pot with plants in front of you for a KINDNESS CRYSTAL. Also search
a barrel between the northern houses for a CABBAGE SEED. Enter the left house and search the
shelf to find RECIPE #16. Talk to Taki (38/108) several times and she will join you. Go to the
inn and talk to the person next to the counter to trigger a Clive Incident, (he will get a letter from
Elza). Now, exit the town and go west to Two River.
When you enter somebody will steal you money. Follow him to the next screen which is the
Winger District and follow him until he flies away. Now go back to the Human District and a scene
with Fitcher will take place. Enter the city hall for more conversation, and go to the inn when done.
Talk to the innkeeper and go upstairs to find Chaco in the last room. The next day, head to the
Rune Shop, and put the Double Beat Rune to Humphrey, then go to the city hall.

After the conversation with Ridley, go to the Kobold District but you can't enter. Head back and
another scene with Chaco will take place. Follow him to the sewers. Follow the path, cross the
bridge and go up to find a HEAD GEAR. Now, go down and when you reach another bridge, do
not cross it. Instead go up to find a RESURRECTION CRYSTAL. Cross the bridge to the next
screen, go down the stairs and keep going and you will find a chest with a HEALING WIND. At
the next intersection, cross the bridge to the north to find two chests with a FIRE EMBLEM and
STONE OF DEFENSE. Head back and go south this time and keep going until you find a save
point, save and go through the door. Keep going to fight a boss.

Pest Rat, 20000 potch
Drop: Poison Crystal
The usual, Oath to berserk your characters. Attack with Hero and Humphrey and Lightning Rune
with Nanami.
Exit the sewers and talk to Ridley. Back at the Human District the Highland Army is there. After
the scene go to the inn, heal and save your game

Now, go to the city hall, conversation, exit, Chaco appears, go to the Winger District and follow
him, talk to Susu and then go back to the inn, rest up and the next day be ready for some action at
the entrance of the city. After the fight choose the second option to go see Ridley, the wingers and
kobolds join the fight. After another battle, the Highland Army will retreat. Some storyline will
take place at the Highland Camp. When you wake up go to the city hall for some conversation,
Fitcher (39/108) and Ridley (40/108) will join your party. At the entrance, Chaco (41/108) will
return your money and join you. Go back to town and save your game.

Talk to Susu again to receive a SPINACH SEEDLING. Now, go to the item Shop in the Kobold
District and buy Fried Tacos and exit the town, but through the Kobold District to reach a new
area. Head for a big peninsula in the northwest part of town to reach Forest Village. At the entrance,
Clive will tell you that this is the place where Elza is. Head for a clearing in the northeastern part
of town for another Clive Incident, Elza is now in Matilda.

Now that you are in this area is a good idea to get two items that later on you won't be able to:
Turtle Plans #2 and Chick. They are both dropped by the same enemy, Ragged One. Spend no
more than 10 min at the worldmap, if after this time they don't drop anything, reset and try again.
Go back to Two River and recruit Hans (42/108) in the second floor of the inn. Return to your

K. Greenhill
Items: Protect Mist, Toe Shoes, Silver Hat, Chimera Crystal.
Collection Items: Recipe #20, Old Book Vol. 5
Characters Recruited: Emilia, Tetsu, Teresa, Shin, Nina.
Go to the meeting room for some conversation. The next day, you have to go to Greenhill in a
mission. Select your party members and go through Lakewest, and exit Two River by the Kobold
District. Greenhill is to the Northwest. As you arrive a scene with Fitcher takes place, select "A"
for the names to speed up the process. Now, go to the inn and talk to the lady in the kitchen to
receive RECIPE #20. Keep going up for another scene. Go all the way to the school which is a
big building at the north end of town and register at the main desk. Follow Emilia (43/108) north
and talk to her again, then return to her desk and recruit her, choosing the first option. Head for the
second room to the left and check the right bookshelf to get OLD BOOK VOL. 5. Go to the dorms
which are west of the school and talk to the person on the counter, then go upstairs to your room
and rest. The next day, head back to the inn for a scene, return to your room and go back to sleep.
The next day, enter the school and go left to find Nina, Flik will join you outside. Head south to
the village for another scene with Fitcher. Head back to your room and go to sleep. In the evening,
Nanami will wake you up, try to run and Nanami joins you, you see a shadow, follow it. When
you get to the basement, there is a switch the wall. Follow the passage and you will reach the
school and you will ambush Flik who will join you. Touch the statue to reveal another secret
passage. Follow it and at the first intersection head right to find a PROTECT MIST. Keep
following the path until you find a cabin. The next day, go outside to meet Flik and go to town to
find Jowy. Go back to the cabin in the forest fighting highlands on the way. When you get there,
there is another scene with Shin and Teresa. Head back to town to fight more soldiers and then
back to the forest. In the new area, choose the lower right path to get TOE SHOES. Return to the
main path and go north to find a SILVER HAT, and exit to the east. On the next screen you will
be able to see a chest, get it to receive a CHIMERA CRYSTAL. Now, just keep going until you
exit the place.

Return to Two River and go into the Kobold item shop and buy some Fried Tacos. Use then on the
Hero to get in toasty condition. Exit to Lakewest and go to the house next to Taki's and talk to
Tetsu (44/108) and pick the first option twice for him to join you. Go to the inn and talk to Hix
and Teengar and return to the castle. Go to the meeting room and Teresa (45/108), Shin (46/108)
and Nina (47/108) will join you. In your room go to sleep and a scene will take place in the
Highland Camp. The next day, save your game and go to the meeting room.
L. Matilda
Items: Guard Ring, Mega Medicine, Dragon Armor, Violence Crystal. Characters
Recruited: Shilo, Jeane, Sid, Gabocha, Viki, Miklotov, Camus, Kiba, Klaus.
Note #1: Clive Event
Note #2: Get Sylph and Skunk Rune.

You have to go to Matilda (you have been there already remember). Anyway, when you have to
pick your party make sure to put Chaco, Gengen, and Clive. At Lakewest, go to the inn and save
your game, now talk to Shilo (48/108) and recruit him, but you have to play Chinchirorin first. At
Two River, go to the rune shop to recruit Jeane (49/108). In the Winger District, enter the sewers
one more time. Follow the path and when you have to go down the first ladder, go left to find a
secret passage. There you will meet Sid (50/108) who will join you. In the Kobold District, enter
one of the houses to find Gabocha (51/108) who will join you as well. Exit the town and go north
to reach the Path to Matilda.

Go past Badeaux to find a chest with a GUARD RING. Go north two screens and look for a
hidden passage to find a MEGA MEDICINE. Go north to reach a chest containing a DRAGON
ARMOR, then exit to the east. In the next screen you will find Viki (52/108) who will join, make
sure you pick the second option when she asks you if you want to go with her. When you reach
the end of the path you will be received by Miktolov who will take you to the palace. After the
conversation with Gorudo you will go to sleep. The next day you will have a woldmap battle, just
wait until it is over. After the battle, follow Miktolov into the town. Go to the appraiser shop and
search the cabinet to find a VIOLENCE CRYSTAL. Go south to the next screen for a scene and
then head to the inn for another Clive Event. Save your game and exit to the worldmap.

There are two more runes we have to get before we continue with the storyline. Walk around this
area and fight those pink birds. They are really easy to beat, but most important of all is that they
drop the SYLPH RUNE and SKUNK RUNE. These items are missable, so you have to get them
now, remember not to spend too much time on it, reset if you are having bad luck. After you get
both of them, go all the way east to the Muse-Matilda border. This time there will be no gate, so
just witness the conversation and Miktolov will join your party. Head to Muse for a scene with the
Beast Rune. Enter the town and head to the northwest for another scene. Now exit and go back to
Matilda. Go see Gorudo and another scene takes place, Miklotov (53/108) and Camus (54/108)
join the group. You will be back at your castle, save your game.

Go to the meeting room and after some conversation go to your room to sleep. At Highland theirs
is a scene. The next day go to the meeting room, after the scene you have to go to Radat (remember
to warp with Viki). At Radat a scene takes place with the Highland Army, when you are finished,
return to the castle. At the meeting room, preparations are made for another battle. At the battle,
just wait for three turns and it will be over, don't even bother attacking. After the battle, save your
game and go to your room. At Highland another scene takes place, now Luca is the king.

The next day, go to the meeting room and choose the second option for another battle. For this
battle go for General Kiba, if you defeat him the battle ends. Eventually, Kiba will surrender. Back
at the castle, ask Kiba (55/108) to join you three times to recruit him, along with his son Klaus
(56/108). The next day, go to the entrance and you will find Sheena. Go to the meeting room and
another scene takes place, now you have to go to the Toran Republic.

M. The Toran Republic
Items: Alert Crystal, Mega Medicine, Full Helmet, Stone of Luck, Magic Ring, Wing
Ornament, Poison Crystal, Silver Shield, Silverlet, Cyclone Crystal.
Collection Items: Seed Potato, Tomato Seedling, Old Book Vol.7, Copper Hammer.
Characters Recruited: Hai Yo, Stallion, Anita, Kasumi, Sheena.
Note #1: Clive Event.

Go to Radat town with Clive in your party and go to the bar for another Clive Event. You will be
back at the castle. Go to the Stone Tablet room and go right two screens, the go south and east in
the other two. The just go south to recruit Hai Yo (57/108). Back at Radat, talk to Stallion (58/108)
(the blue haired guy running around) to recruit him. Next, go to the docks and talk to the man with
the boat. Follow the river and you will arrive at Banner Village. Get the ALERT CRYSTAL from
one of the barrels, as well as a SEED POTATO from the woman in the house next to the item
shop. Now, save you game at the inn. Go to the item shop and buy a ROSE BROOCH from the
rare finds. Reset if it doesn't appear.

At the inn, talk to Anita (59/108) and answer each question as follows
- When she asks you to fill her cup, talk to the innkeeper to do so.
- When she asks for an antidote answer "Okay" even if you don't have one.
- When she asks you if you have never seen a female swordsman answer the second

To trigger another question, you have to exit and reenter the town, so remember to do it. She will
join you eventually. Now exit the village north. At the first intersection, go north to find a MEGA
MEDICINE. At the next intersection, go east to find another chest with a FULL HELMET. Keep
going and when you get to the ladders, climb the left one for a chest containing a STONE OF
LUCK. Now climb the right stairs and then left two times to get a MAGIC RING. Go down and
choose the right ladder this time to get a WING ORNAMENT. Go down twice and climb the
right ladder and take the chest with a POISON CRYSTAL along the way. Keep climbing up until
you reach a save point. To the north there is a chest with a SILVER SHIELD and to the lower
right another one with a SILVERLET. Save your game and go east to fight a boss.

Worm, 35000 potch
This battle is very easy. Flik's Lightning rune will do extremely high damage. Attack with the rest
of the party.

Keep going until you meet Varkas. At Toran Castle, there will be a scene with president Lepant,
who will give you the BLINKING MIRROR. When you have to choose between Valeria and
Kasumi make sure you pick Kasumi (60/108). Sheena (61/108) will also join. Head back to
Gregminster and go to the second floor of the inn, talk with Sarah to receive a CYCLONE
CRYSTAL. Go to the trading post and buy a CELADON URN. Outside, talk to a guy north of
the trading post and buy him a TOMATO SEEDLING. Now, enter the castle again and check a
bookshelf to the left to find an OLD BOOK VOL.7. Also talk to the soldier in the room right of
the entrance for a COPPER HAMMER. Return to Banner where Apple will be waiting for you.
Back at the castle, go to the meeting room. At night, talk to Nanami and return to your bed. The
next day, save you game and go to the meeting room.

N. Unicorn Quest
Items: Necklace, Necklace, Necklace, Necklace, Mangosh, Guard Ring.
Collection Items: Iron Hammer, Calf, Spinach Seedling.
Characters Recruited: Hix, Teengar, Yuzu, Sigfried, Wakaba, Tony, Meg, Gadget.

Go to the bar and pick your party. Now that you have the Blinking Mirror is easier to do some the
Unicorn Quest. First, teleport to Two River and exit to the world map. Head south until you reach
Kobold Village. Buy an Ancient Text from the trade post if they have any. Now follow Hix and
Teengar into the elder's house. After some scenes, agree to help Hix to find the items Blue Stone,
Red Flower and Green Bell. After you find an item you have to go back to the elder so he tells you
where the next item is.

Blue Stone: Found in the item shop in South Window.

Red Flower: Entrance of Cave of the Wind.
Green Bell: Sewers in Two River.

After you find the items, you have to go to the Unicorn Woods where Teengar was taken. Go north
into the forest.
THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! Don’t open any chest in forest and keep going until you find Teengar.
After the scene Hix (62/108) and Teengar (63/108) will join you. Outside of the village talk to
Yuzu (64/108) and help her find the sheep and she will join you. Next, back to where the unicorn
appeared to recruit Sigfried (65/108) and find another SHEEP and check the tree for a
MANGOSH and GUARD RING. Along with, open all chest for NECKLACE. Go back to your
castle and teleport to Forest Village. Talk to Wakaba (66/108) next to the weapon shop. After he
joins, go inside the shop and talk to the man in the back to buy an IRON HAMMER. Buy a CALF
next to the trading post. Enter the hose next to the trading post and talk to Tony (67/108) and ask
him to join you, and then talk to the elder to receive a SPINACH SEEDLING. Teleport to the
Muse-Greenhill border and recruit Meg (68/108) and Gadget (69/108). Also make sure you go to
Kuskus and raise the Hero and Humphrey's weapon level as high as you can, embed the Kindness
Rune to the Hero's weapon and the Friendship Rune to Humphrey's weapon. Return to your castle
and save your game.

O. Fighting Luca Blight

Go to the meeting room and talk to Shu, you have to save Ridley. Don't even bother trying to fight,
just wait until Ridley is defeated. After the battle, another conversation takes place. When you
regain control, go to your room and a scene with Tsai takes place. Conversation at Highland Camp.
The next day, before going to the meeting room there are some preparations to be made. Go to the
rune shop in you castle and attach the Cyclone Rune to Eilie, a Wind Rune to Rina, the Darkness
Rune to Clive, and the Violence Rune rune to Viktor. Save your game and prepare for another
battle. For this battle, wait until your troops appear and damage Luca with a Fire Spear and the
battle will be over. After the battle, go to the stone tablet room to see that Ridley is saved. Head
back to the meeting room and choose the three teams to fight Luca Blight.

Hero's team: Clive, Humphrey, Nanami, Futch, Shin

Flik's team: Miklotov, Camus, Rina, Nina, Teengar
Viktor's team: Anita, Kasumi, Eilie, Stallion, Gadget

Luca Blight, 15000 potch
White Wolves x5
This battle is the hardest of the entire game. Luca Blight attacks three times per turn with powerful
attacks that can kill you easily. For the first two rounds you only have to survive some rounds.
During the first round, use Flik and Camus powerful magic to kill the soldiers and deal some
damage. The entire back row should be healing and cast Clay Guardian with Teengar to the front
row. Defend is also a great strategy for this and the second round to survive Luca's attacks. The
key is to stay alive, so healing comes first then attacking. For the second round, use the same
strategy, attack with the front row and heal with the back row trying to stay alive no matter what.
In the final round is time to do all the damage, and you already know the drill. Lightning Rune
with Nanami and attack with the rest. The Hero should keep the entire party healed the whole time,
so don't expect to attack too much with him, rather concentrate on healing with him. Battle Oath
is a must. Good luck, you may have to try a couple of times before winning.

After the battle, pick your party and follow Luca Blight fighting Highland soldiers along the way.
After the scene, you have to fight him again but this time in a duel. Just an attack from you should
kill him. When you arrive at the castle you will faint (like always) and in Highland Jowy becomes
king of Highland. The next day, save your game and go to Kuskus.

In the docks you will meet Culgan, return to the castle with him. At the meeting room a scene takes
place, you have to go to Muse but before that you must to recruit another SoD.

R. 108 Stars of Destiny
Collection Items: Piglet, Sound Set #7.
Characters recruited: Oulan, Karen, Hoi, Lebrante, Simone, Max, Annallee, Killey,
Badeaux, Connell, Ayda, Feather, Tomo, Bob.

It is time to get all the remaining stars. First, make sure you have Sound Set, the Rose Brooch and
the Celadon Urn you bought earlier in your inventory (remember to KEEP RECIPE #34 in there
all the time). Now, speak to Leona in the bar and select a party of pure females, an example could
be Nina, Nanami, Teengar, Ellie, and Rina. Go to Kuskus and cross the bridge. A scene will take
place and Oulan (70/108). Enter the inn and talk to Karen (71/108) next to the stage and dance
with her and she will join you. While dancing if you press select, a controller will appear on the
lower left corner telling you the next button you have to press. Go back to the castle and put Shiro
and Wakaba in your party and go to Radat. In the bar Hoi (72/108) joins after a scene. Enter the
appraisal shop and give the Celadon Urn to Lebrante (73/108) and he joins too. Buy a PIGLET
from the boy next to Shu's house. Head to the docks and go south, here you will find Simone
(74/108). Give him the Rose Brooch and he joins you. Go to South Window and at the entrance
Max (75/108) joins the group. Go to the inn and a scene with Annallee (76/108) takes place, then
she leaves. Go to the meeting hall and before entering head to the right to find her again, allow her
to sing you a song and recruit her. Before leaving, talk to the guy in red outside the trading post
and pick the first option. Return to your castle and go to the inn. Here, a scene with Alex and the
red guy takes place, he leaves. Head back to South Window and speak to him again in front of the
trading post and Killey (77/108) joins you. Go to the Forest Path to Matilda and talk to Badeaux
(78/108) in the second screen, if an animal is in the party (that's why we brought Shiro) he joins
you and gives you two Listening Crystals that we will use later on.

Go to Forest Village and enter the second house to the left. Inside, talk to Connell (79/108) and
he will notice the Sound Set you have and joins. Talk to her sister to receive SOUND SET #7 or
NOT. Now, go north and a scene takes place, you will fight some enemies. After the fight, use one
of the Listening Crystals and Ayda (80/108) and Feather (81/108) join the party. Go to Tsai cabin
in the woods to recruit his son Tomo (82/108). Finally, go to Two River and Talk to Bob (83/108)
in the Kobold District.

S. The Lost Star (McDohl)
Items: Blinking Crystal.
Collection Items: Sound Set #6, Piglet.
Characters Recruited: Mondo, Sasuke, Lorelai, Gordon.
Talk to Leona and get your strong party with Kasumi and Killey then go to Banner Village. Talk
to the boy running around the item shop and accept his help. Go east of the inn into the beach and
talk to Gremio standing there, and the kid distracts him so you can pass. You will meet McDohl,
the hero of Suikoden 1. Ko is kidnapped and after a few scenes you agree to help McDohl to find
the kid. Go through the forest again to Gregminster. In the screen after the ladders, there is a secret
path almost at the end of the screen that will take you to Rokkaku Hamlet. Here, after a scene
Mondo (84/108) will join you. When you regain control, talk to the person outside this building,
he will give you the BLINKING CRYSTAL. Outside the trading post you will find Sasuke
(85/108), talk to him and he joins. Go inside the trading post and speak to a person here to get
SOUND SET #6. You can also buy a PIGLET from another person. Exit this place and keep
going until you find the screen with the save point. A funny scene, then save your game, and keep
going. In the next screen you will find Ko.

Worm/Poison Moth, 50000 potch
This boss is a joke. Use your most powerful attacks and be amazed by the amount of damage the
Soul Eater Rune of McDohl can inflict. After some damage the Worm will evolve into a Poison
Moth, nothing to worry about, just keep abusing. Continue until you reach Gregminster for some
scenes. Exit the castle to find you old crew, now you will have dinner in McDohl's house. When
you finish, go down the stairs and speak with Cleo. The next day, exit the house and head to the
northwest part of town. Here talk to Lorelai (86/108) walking around and ask her to join. Go to
the trading post and ask Gordon to join your party. He tells you that in order to recruit him you
need to make 50000 potch by trading. The easiest way to do this is to buy ANCIENT TEXTS
from here and Kobold Village and sell it in Forest Village. Other ways are:

Buy Salt from Forest Village and sell it at South Window

Buy Native Costume from Forest Village and sell it at South Window
Buy Fur from Forest Village and sell it at South Window
Buy Sugar from Forest Village and sell it at Kobold Village
Buy Deer Antler from Forest Village and sell it at Rokakku Hamlet
Buy Mayonnaise from South Window and sell it at Kobold Village
Buy Wooden Amulet from Kobold Village and sell it at South Window
Buy Soy Sauce from Rakakku Hamlet and sell it at Gregminster
Buy Crystal Ball from most trading spots and sell them at Kobold Village

Head to the castle for another conversation and pick the first choice to be taken back to the village.
Now, make sure you reach the 50000 potch by trading and go back to Gregminster and recruit
Gordon (87/108). Also, stop by McDohl's house and put him in your party. He has a lvl 16 weapon,

NEXT, go to Muse City with your boat to Coronet and from there go to Muse. There, head for
Jowston Hill and a scene with Jowy takes place, the exit the city fighting soldiers along the way.
Back at the castle a scene takes place in the Stone Table room. Go back to the castle entrance to
meet Koyu and take him to the meeting room. There accept Viktor's offer to help Koyu and depart
to fight Neclord one last time.

P. Fighting Neclord
Items: Master Robe, Power Ring, Cape of Darkness, Dancing Flames, Full Helmet, Stone of
Mag-Def, Master Garb, Silver Necklace, Mega Medicine, Double-Strike Crystal, Star
Earrings, Wind Hat.
Collection Items: Cabbage Seed, Tomato Seedling, Chick, Old Book Vol.8, Unicorn Plans #3,
Dragon Plans #3, Old Book Vol.9, Window Set #5.
Characters Recruited: Tenkou, L.C Chan, Raura, Kahn, Sierra, Hausser, Jess, Marlowe,
Koyu, Gijimu, Lo Wen, Georg.
Note #1: Get Window Set #2 from Airlizards.

Teleport to Kobold Village with Wakaba in your party and bring Window Set then go southwest
to Drakemouth Village. On the empty house to the north there is a CABBAGE SEED. Also, buy
a CALF from a man here. Save your game and talk to the man guarding the exit, he'll let you pass.
In here, the Airlizards drop WINDOW SET #2, make sure you get this now. After you have the
item, at the first intersection go up the stairs to the right. On the next screen, go right in the
intersection for a chest containing a MASTER ROBE. Now, go left for a scene, then go back and
keep heading left until you exit to Tigermouth Village. A man next to the well will give you a
TOMATO SEEDLING. Also, you can catch a CHICK on the south part of the village (not far
away from the guy the gives you the seedling). Check the bookshelf in the southern house for the
OLD BOOK VOL.8. Now, go to Crom and go to the northeast house and show the Window Set
to Tenkou (88/108) and he joins. Go to the inn and talk with L.C. Chan (89/108), if Wakaba is
in the party (he is right!?) he will join you. Exit the village and head to Tinto Village to the north.
When you arrive, go up the ramp and check the mine cart outside the weapon shop for a POWER
RING. South of here you will find two houses, talk to the person inside each house to receive
UNICORN PLANS #3 and DRAGON PLANS #3. Go up the stairs and talk Raura (90/108) to
the right of the mayor's house to recruit her. Now enter the mayor's house. Talk to Gustav and then
go to sleep. The next day, return to the meeting room for another scene, then go to the entrance of
town to find Neclord. Go to the meeting room for more scenes, talk to Jess again, and then talk to
Gustav, and back to your room. When you wake up talk to Nanami in one of the rooms, make sure
you choose the first answer twice. The next day go to the meeting room and go to the entrance of
town to see Jess depart, you will be back in the meeting room. Go outside and head right, talk to
the workers and go inside the mines. At the first intersection, go right for a chest with a CAPE OF
DARKNESS. Keep going and eventually you will fight Neclord, just defend and after three turns
the battle ends. After the scene go back to the town to see it full of zombies. A scene with Jowy.
You wake up in Crom Village, try to exit the town to meet Kahn (91/108) and he joins. Save your
game and go back to Tigermouth.

A scene with Sierra takes place and eventually you will have to fight her.
Sierra, 1000 potch
She is very easy, just pound her away. Use Kahn's magic for heavy damage.

After the battle, Sierra (92/108) joins. Go back to the elder house in Crom for a scene, then to bed.
The next day, another scene, exit town and go right to Crom Mines. Follow the path and go right
at the intersection. Keep going for some screen and when you reach the next intersection go right
for DANCING FLAMES. Go back left and keep going until you reach a screen with some water
and keep to the right side for two chests with FULL HELMET and STONE OF MAG-DEF. At
the next intersection, take the upper path for a MASTER GARB. Go down the ice and keep going
for a couple of screens, go down the bridge and keep going up for two more chests containing a
WINDOW SET #5 and OLD BOOK VOL.9. Now, go down and right to cross another bridge
and exit to the right. In the next intersection, go down to get two chests containing SILVER
NECKLACE and MEGA MEDICINE. When you reach the screen with the ice slides, slide
down twice the right ice, then go left and slide down for a chest with a DOUBLE-STRIKE
CRYSTAL. Go around and back up and this time go right and up the ramps to find a save point,
make sure you save here.

Go right and slide down the rightmost ice. Get the chest with a WIND HAT. Return to the save
point and slide down the ice south of where you are to the next screen. Push the crate to make a
bridge and exit keep going. Eventually you will fight again.

Stone Golem, 50000 potch
He attacks for a lot of damage the entire party, so stay healed all the time. Use Battle Oath and
keep attacking with Viktor and Humphrey. Make sure you don't waste all your magic because you
still have to fight Neclord. Instead take him down with your physical guys.

Once you beat him keep going until you exit the mines. You'll find yourself in Tinto. Head for the
church which is in the upper part of town, fighting zombies along the way. Inside you will fight

Neclord, 70000 potch
Drop: The Shredding
This fight is somehow easy if you didn't use all your magic in the last battle. Sierra and Kahn will
be doing heavy damage with their spells. Battle Oath and good healing and this battle is a piece of
cake. Neclord has some powerful attack so be careful, if you don't have healing spells left, this will
be tough.
After the battle, exit the town for another scene. Hausser (93/108), Jess (94/108), Marlowe
(95/108), Koyu (96/108), Gijimu (97/108), and Lo Wen (98/108) will join the group. Back at the
castle, a scene with Sheena takes place. Then, go back to Tigermouth and enter the pass. Go up
the first set of stairs and follow the lower path to find Georg (99/108). Save your game and go to
the meeting room.

Q. Retaking Greenhill
Items: Dream Robe, Winged Boots, Stone of Skill.
Note #1: GET RECIPE #34 from Doremi Elf.

It's time to take Greenhill back. But first go to your room and get some rest. At night, go to the
second floor and talk with Chaco in the stairs. Go back to your room and somebody is waiting for

Lucia, 20000 potch
Just use regular attacks and she will go down easily.

After the battle, another scene. The next day go to the meeting room and agree to deploy. You now
have an option to choose in which battle you wish to participate. I recommend that you choose
neither and instead stay in the castle, it is easier and faster that way. The only thing you have to do
is wait and choose some answers. For the first one pick the first option, then first option again and
once again a third time. After the battle is over, you will be at the entrance of Greenhill, select your
party and return to your castle and save the game because now we have to get another missable
item. Return to Greenhill and go through the secret path Teresa showed you. In here the enemy
Doremi Elf, specifically the yellow one will drop the RECIPE #34. This item is the hardest to
obtain because due to a glitch if you have any other recipe except Recipe #3, #16, and #20 then
the enemy will not drop the item, EVER. But if you followed my guide, then you won't have any
problems. Also, it is said that if you kill the Yellow Elf last, there is a higher chance of getting the
item. So, after you get the item, go back and save if you want just to make sure. Another
IMPORTANT thing is that you should keep the recipe in your inventory because there is another
glitch involving another item that we can get later. Now for the items here, there are three chests
containing DREAM ROBE, WINGED BOOTS and STONE OF SKILL. The first two are to
the north and the last one to the left. From there just follow the path and you will meet Lucia again.

Lucia, 20000
Karayans x3
Use your runes and your attack and she will go down very quick. First kill off the three Karayans
and then concentrate on Lucia. Battle Oath like always will do a lot of damage if Viktor and
Humphrey get berserk.

After the battle keep going through the forest fighting Highland soldiers along the way. You will
eventually arrive at the academy. Outside there will be two people that will let you rest and save
your game. Keep going through the town to meet General Yuber who will summon one of his

Bone Dragon, 100000 potch
This monster is not big deal, only his body. He has attacks that do a lot of damage but he only gets
to attack one time per round, giving you enough time to heal and take him away. He also has a lot
of a HP, about 9000, and is immune to Lighting, but other than that is nothing to worry about.
Also, Shining Light does decent damage on him, as well as the Resurrection Rune.

After the battle some scenes take place and back at the castle you decide is time to attack Muse.
But first we have to do some things so pick the first answer, and save your game.
R. 108 Stars of Destiny
Collection Items: Sound Set #7.
Characters recruited: Gantetsu, Pico, Jude, Alberto, Tessai, Vincent, Pesmerga, Mazus,

It is time to get all the remaining stars. Go to South Window City and talk to the big guys standing
in front of the big rock and move him, his name is Gantetsu (100/108) and he will join you. Next
stop is Greenhill, inside the inn talk to Pico (101/108) and he joins. Now go to the academy and
talk with Jude inside the weapons classroom, he asks for some clay. Go to Forest Village and enter
the second house to the left and talk to Connell’s sister to receive SOUND SET #7. Go to where
the Clive event took place but instead head south and talk to the guy there, he will give you some
CLAY. Return to Jude (102/108) to recruit him. Go to Tinto and inside the armor shop talk with
Alberto (103/108) who will join you.

Now put Viktor and Simone in your party.Go to Kuskus again and this time enter the weapon
shop. Inside, talk to Tessai (104/108). With Simone in your party, go to the same place you
recruited him and you will find Vincent (105/108). Go to the Wind Cave and you will find
Pesmerga (106/108) where you found the Star Dragon Sword (yes you have to all the way there).
Go to the Crom Mines and keep going until you reach the screen with the save point and recruit
Mazus (107/108). And the last, we must be requirement to recruit the last star Genshu (108/108)
who is found in Coronet docks (take the boat from your castle to get there). Save your game and
it's time to continue with the story.

U. Muse and Rockaxe
Items: Stone of Speed, Escape Talisman, Crimson Cape, Stone of Defense, Earth Shield,
Power Gloves, Mega Medicine, Gold Necklace, Flame Helmet.
Collection Items: Dragon Plans #4, Unicorn Plans #4
Go to the meeting room select the second answer. Back in Greenhill, go outside and you will see
Lucia, follow her through the forest path and you will meet Jowy. Go back and talk to apple to
start another battle. The winning condition is to enter Muse, so get a company to enter Muse as
soon as possible, any will do. After the battle enter the city hall to find a surprise.

Golden Wolf, 10000 potch
Very easy, just attack and use your runes. If you still have McDohl, the battle will end in less than
three turns.

After the battle, exit the city making sure you don't run into any more wolves. Back at the castle,
save your game and go to Shu's room in the fourth floor and watch the scene, then talk to Shu and
select the first answer. A scene takes place and if you have all stars of destiny (which you do)
Leknaat appears and you learn the final spell Forgiver Sign. The next day, be sure you remove
runes and equipment from Nanami, then go the meeting room and select the second option to
depart. Another worldmap battle, after 4 turns the enemy will retreat. More scenes, pick your party
and enter the secret passage.

Follow the path and open the chest with a STONE OF SPEED along the way and up the ladder.
To the right there is another chest with an ESCAPE TALISMAN. Go back and left, up the ladder,
left again and through the door to find two more chests containing a CRIMSON CAPE and
STONE OF DEFENSE. Go down the ladder and keep going. When you have the option to go
down and right, choose right and cross to the other side. Go through the door and go right at the
next intersection to find an EARTH SHIELD. Now, go back and down the ladder and go south
for some POWER GLOVES. Go back, head right and go though until you reach the castle. Enter
the first room for a MEGA MEDICINE and GOLD NECKLACE in the room to the left. From
here, go up to find another chest with a FLAME HELMET. Go back out of the room and up the
stairs to the left. Go right and enter the door there to get DRAGON PLANS #4 and UNICORN
PLANS #4, go upstairs. Keep going until you meet Jowy. Be sure to choose an answer in half a
second when Nanami is trying to block the arrows if you want to get the good ending. After that
you have to fight Gorudo.

Gorudo, 125000 potch
M-Knight x5
Drop: Knight Armor
Two rounds of Forgiver Sign and Hungry Friend.

V. The Final Showdown
Note #1: Clive Event in Jowston Hill.

More scenes. The next day save your game and go to the meeting room, and talk to Shu, you will
pass out and another scene in Highland. At night, go to Shu's room and watch the scene, then go
back to your room. The next day, put Clive in your party and go to Muse. Head to Jowston Hill
and you will meet Elza, then go back to your castle. In the meeting room, pick the second choice
to depart. You have to fight another worldmap battle, but this one you can't control. More scenes,
save you game and talk to Apple for the last battle.

You win when one of you troops enters the city. Inside, pick your party (with Clive of course) and
exit to the woldmap. Head northwest to enter Sajah Village. This is it, the final showdown between
Clive and Elza, here they will fix their differences. Enjoy the great scene and go back to
L'Renouille, save your game.

Ok guys, this is it; from now on you don't have to worry about time. From now own you can do
everything your way. There are still a lot of things to get done in order to reach a perfect game.
Now, is when the fun begins, the hardest part is done already, and that was to complete the Clive
W. Inside L'Renouille
Items: Thunder Crystal, Earth Robe, Robe of Mist, Bolt of Wrath, Fury Crystal, Stone of
Power, Stone of Defense, Wind Amulet, Champion's Crystal, Escape Talisman, Goldlet.
Collection Items: Window Set #7.

SPECIAL NOTE: I couldn't find a place to fit this information, but it is very important that now
that you have completed the Clive Event, you get RECIPE #12. There is a (yes another) glitch
involving Recipe #34 and #12. Remember when I told you to keep the it in your inventory at all
times. Well, the reason is that if you give Recipe #34 to Hai Yo, then you won't be able to get
Recipe #12 and vice versa. Recipe #12 is dropped by Eagle Man in the the forest of Kobold Village
(Unicorn Sidequest). Once you have this there is no more to worry about glitches and missable
items because I covered them all. Also, reenter Rockaxe secret passage, go past the place where
Nanami was shot and you will reach Gorudo's office. Talk to the soldier and he will give you a
THUNDER CRYSTAL. Inside the office you will find a chest with an EARTH ROBE.

The last place left to visit is L'Renouille Castle. The only reason to go there now is to open the
treasure chests there. After you go through this place the "All Treasure Chests" criteria will be met.
As you enter the castle you will have to fight right away.

Lucia, 60000 potch
She has fire attacks that hit the whole party, a powerful physical attack and three turns per round.
Luckily, she doesn't have too much HP. Pound her away with anything you have and she will go
down easily.

After the battle, she finally leaves you alone. Go right, keep going until you fight some Highlands.
Go left, get the chest in the first room with a ROBE OF MIST and another in the last room with
a BOLT OF WRATH. Return to where you fought the soldiers and go up. Battle more soldiers
and keep going until you reach the room with the red carpet. Go left and keep going until you reach
an intersection, where you will go right. More soldiers and a chest with a FURY CRYSTAL will
be found here. Return to the room with the red carpet and go up. Here you will have a duel with
After you beat him continue on to the next screen. When you reach the four way intersection, go
right and keep goinu up through a long series of doors until you reach some stairs. Go up and you
will find two chests containing a STONE OF POWER and STONE OF DEFENSE. Return and
on the way back you should see a path to the left you ignored earlier, take it and fight some soldiers.
Keep going and you will reach two more chests containing a WIND AMULET and
CHAMPION'S CRYTAL. Return to the four way intersection and go south and then left and
make your way to the outside of the castle. Back inside, keep going until you reach a save point.
Save your game and get the ESCAPE TALISMAN in the room to the right. Now, take the exit to
the southeast corner of this room. It will take you outside, open the chest here for a GOLDLET.
Go back to the room with the save point and take the northeast exit. Here you can find the last
chest of the game containing WINDOW SET #7.

From now on, if you continue you will fight the last two bosses of the game. So, use the Escape
talisman you got earlier and exit this place. In the next section you will find everything you need
to get a perfect game.

4. Tuning Up Your Perfect Game

A. Level 99 with 9/9/7/5 MP

Like I said earlier, in order for your characters to end up with max MP which is 9/9/7/5 you have
to abuse a trick. The mechanics are that in order for a character to have max MP, Magic Power
must be 250 before that character reaches lvl 99. But, not a single star will have that magic stats
naturally. The keys to achieve this are Stones of Magic and the game option. When you get a game
over, you have the option to choose "Don't give up" or "Give up". If you choose the first choice
you will start at your last save, but all the levels and stats that you got will remain. Using this and
a good amount of Stones of Magic will give you the desirable stats. But, where can I get those
stones if I only have one and I opened all the chests in the game? The answer is the Rope Climbing
Game inside your castle, which can be found north of the restaurant. Just talk to the soldier here
to start the game. There are three leagues and you get prices according in what place you finish. In
the one that costs 5000 potch, Stones of Magic appear as a 2nd place prize. So basically, you have
to get second place in the games. Sometimes other prices appear, just exit and the prizes change.
Get around 20 of them and save your game, then use all the stones on the character, enter a fight,
die, choose not to give up, and keep the stats AND the stones. Now, you can choose to level your
characters the hard way getting 5 EXP each battle or the easy way using another trick. If you
character level is below 49, go to L'Renouille and fight the 6x Highlands that appear there, Kill
everybody else and the character lvl will jump to 99, but you need to have the Fortune Rune
equipped. If you want to keep the Guardian Deity Event undone, then get the rune, equip it, get
the desired characters to lvl 99 and die, choose not to give up to keep the levels and the event will
still be undone.

The remaining characters above lvl 49 must be leveled the hard way. Another thing is that you
don't have boost your magic to 250, instead boost it around 200 and when you reach lvl 99, you
will have 250. That will save you some time.

B. Complete Rune List

A complete list of runes, their location and where can be bought is provided by the excellent "Rune
Guide" by Blazefeeler on Gamefaqs (
You will find everything you need there.

C. Window Set List

Window Set #1: Dropped by the enemy Tiger on the way to Gregminster.
Window Set #2: Dropped by the enemy Air Lizard. (missable)
Window Set #3: Tenkou comes with it when you recruit him.
Window Set #4: Tenkou comes with it when you recruit him.
Window Set #5: Crom Mines. (see P. Fighting Neclord)
Window Set #6: Rare Finds in Greenhill.
Window Set #7: L'Renouille. (see W. Inside L'Renouille)

D. Sound Set List

Sound Set #1: Given by Elza (see H. Muse Invasion). (missable)

Sound Set #2 Dropped by the enemy DoReMi Elf.
Sound Set #3: Connell comes with it when you recruit him.
Sound Set #4: Connell comes with it when you recruit him.
Sound Set #5: Rare Finds in Radat.
Sound Set #6: Found inside the Trading Post in Rokkaku Hamlet. (see S. The Lost Star (McDohl)
Sound Set #7: Given to you by Connell's sister after Liberation. (see R. 108 Stars of Destiny)

E. Livestock List

The livestock can be bought in towns from people. They are easy to find because they will appear
with the available livestock standing next to them. There are some that you can catch.

- Drakemouth
- Highway Village
- Highway Village after Liberation. If you did not buy the first one before
the liberation of Rockaxe, just buy one, exit the place, reenter and you
can buy the other one.

- Lakewest, catch it on the beach
- Tigermouth, you can catch it in south part of the village
- Kobold Village
- Forest Village
- Sajah Village, Rare Finds

- Rokkaku
- Radat
- Greenhill, catch it on the field in the back of the dorms.

F. Seed List

Cabbage Seed
- Lakewest, barrel between the northern houses
- Drakemouth, empty house to the north of the entrance.

Seed Potato
- Dropped by the enemy Papa Holly in the forest to Matilda
- Banner, woman in the house next to the item shop.

Tomato Seedling
- Banner, Rare Finds.
- Tigermouth, man next to the well.
- Gregminster, buy from guy north of the trading post.

Spinach Seedling
- Dropped by the enemy Eye Flower on the worldmap outside Greenhill.
- After Tony joins, talk to the elder and he will give it to you.
- Susu will give to you after events in Two River.
G. Recipe List

Recipe # 1: Hai Yo comes with it when you recruit him.

Recipe # 2: Cooking Contest first match
Recipe # 3: Dr. Huan Gives it to you in Muse (missable)
Recipe # 4: Hai Yo comes with it when you recruit him.
Recipe # 5: Coronet Inn, a person gives it to you.
Recipe # 6: Hai Yo comes with it when you recruit him.
Recipe # 7: Hai Yo comes with it when you recruit him.
Recipe # 8: Cooking Contest second match
Recipe # 9: Bookshelf inside the big house in Kuskus.
Recipe #10: Hai Yo comes with it when you recruit him.
Recipe #11: Kuskus Rare Finds
Recipe #12: Dropped by the enemy Eagle Man inside Unicorn Woods. (Read SPECIAL NOTE
under W. Inside L'Renouille)
Recipe #13: Inside the Chief tent in Kobold Village, somebody gives it to you.
Recipe #14: Somebody gives it to you inside Radat Pub.
Recipe #15: Hai Yo comes with it when you recruit him.
Recipe #16: Shelf inside Taki's house. (missable)
Recipe #17: Cooking Contest third match
Recipe #18: Radat Rare Finds
Recipe #19: Cooking Contest fourth match
Recipe #20: Women inside Greenhill Inn gives it to you. (missable)
Recipe #21: Dropped by enemy the Land Shark in Two River sewers.
Recipe #22: Cooking Contest sixth match
Recipe #23: Two River Rare Finds
Recipe #24: Cooking Contest fifth match
Recipe #25: Greenhill Rare Finds
Recipe #26: Highway Rare Finds
Recipe #27: Cooking Contest eighth match
Recipe #28: Gregminster Rare Finds
Recipe #29: Dropped by enemy the Zombie Slug in Forest Path to Matilda.
Recipe #30: Cooking Contest seventh match
Recipe #31: Kobold Rare Finds
Recipe #32: Given by Kent's mother after you rescue him. She can be found in one of the houses
in Highway.
Recipe #33: Cooking Contest tenth match
Recipe #34: Dropped by the enemy DoReMi Elf (yellow) in Greenhill forest path. (MISSABLE)
Recipe #35: Muse Rare Finds. (after liberation)
Recipe #36: Dropped by the group of Highlands in Rockaxe secret path.
Recipe #37: Found in Gorudo's room, check the bookshelf to find it.
Recipe #38: Cooking Contest eleventh match
Recipe #39: After Cooking Contest tenth match (Lester), return to McDohl's and Gremio will give
it to you.
Recipe #40: Cooking Contest last match.

H. Old Book List

Old Book Vol. 1: Genkaku's room when you visit Kyaro. (missable)
Old Book Vol. 2: Chest inside Sindar Ruins. (see G. Sindar Ruins)
Old Book Vol. 3: South windows Rare Finds.
Old Book Vol. 4: Muse Meeting Hall. (missable)
Old Book Vol. 5: Greenhill Academy. (see K. Greenhill)
Old Book Vol. 6: Somebody in Forest Village trading post will give it to you.
Old Book Vol. 7: Gregminster Castle. (see M. The Toran Republic)
Old Book Vol. 8: One of the houses in Tigermouth. (see P. Fighting Neclord)
Old Book Vol. 9: Crom Mines. (see P. Fighting Neclord)
Old Book Vol.10: Dorms in Greenhill Academy. A guy in the basement gives it to you.
Old Book Vol.11: Basement in Rockaxe item store.
Old Book Vol.12: Somebody gives it to you in Muse Pub. (after liberation)
I. Statue Plans List

Dragon Plans #1: Judo comes with it when you recruit him.
Dragon Plans #2: Rakutei Mountain (see E. Kent Sidequest)
Dragon Plans #3: One of the houses in Tinto (see P. Fighting Neclord)
Dragon Plans #4: Rockaxe Castle (see U. Muse and Rockaxe)

Rabbit Plans #1: Judo comes with it when you recruit him.
Rabbit Plans #2: Highway Rare Finds
Rabbit Plans #3: Banner Rare Finds
Rabbit Plans #4: Greenhill Rare Finds (after Liberation)

Turtle Plans #1: Dropped by the enemy Rockadillo in Two River worldmap area.
Turtle Plans #2: Dropped by the enemy Ragged One in Greenhill worldmap area. (missable)
Turtle Plans #3: Dropped by the enemy Hawkman in Rakutei Mountain. (missable)
Turtle Plans #4: First Prize in the Climbing Contest 10000 potch League.

Unicorn Plans #1: Judo comes with it when you recruit him.
Unicorn Plans #2: Rakutei Mountain (see E. Kent Sidequest)
Unicorn Plans #3: One of the houses in Tinto (see P. Fighting Neclord)
Unicorn Plans #4: Rockaxe Castle (see U. Muse and Rockaxe)

J. Squirrels

Mukumuku is a Star of Destiny, but there are other squirrels like him that you can recruit. They
are not stars but they will change the ending if you recruit them. In order to recruit them the Hero
and Mukumuku only should be in the party. The actual recruitment occurs in the worldmap, they
will appear in a fight and join you. After you recruit one, go back to Leona and remove him from
the party, keeping only Mukumuku and the Hero.

Road between Greenhill and Two River City. Walk on this road and after a few battles. This is
completely random, meaning that he can appear in the second battle or you after two hours. This
also applies for the remaining squirrels.

Mekumeku: Road between Greenhill and Forest Path to Matilda.

Mikumiku: Road between Greenhill and Forest Village

Clearing below Forest Village. If you look at the worldmap, you will see a peninsula south of the
peninsula where Forest Village is. There is where it appears.

K. Hammers

Iron Hammer: Forest Village, buy it from a guy in the Armor Shop.
Copper Hammer: Gregminster Castle, get it from a soldier in a room to the right near the entrance.
Silver Hammer: Greenhill City, after recruiting Jude, talk to one of the students in the room where
you recruited him.
Golden Hammer: Sajah Rare Finds.

L. Bath Models

Different bath models are unlocked a the castle level increases by recruiting more people. I don't
know exactly the amount of starts per level, if somebody wants to share this information with me
I'll more than happy to add it.

Drum Can Bath: Castle Level 1

Cypress Bath: Castle Level 2
Marble Bath: Castle Level 3
Jungle Bath: Castle Level 4
Open-Air Bath: To unlock this bath model, you need to bath around 20 times in the other baths.

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