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Breath of Fire – Guide and Walkthrough

Super Nintendo
Breath of Fire
By: Dark Vortex (Quan Jin)
Version 1.1

This guide may be found on the following sites:

[]------------------------------------------------[IGN FAQs]
[]--------------------------------------[Dirty Little Helper]

This guide is copyright (c)2006 Quan Jin

--- Table of Contents ---

1. Introduction...............................................[1000]
2. FAQ........................................................[2000]
3. Basics.....................................................[3000]
3.1. Controls.........................................[3100]
3.2. Battle Interface.................................[3200]
4. Character Listing..........................................[4000]
5. Walkthrough................................................[5000]
5.1. A Hero...........................................[5100]
5.2. Princess Nina....................................[5200]
5.3. Zombies!.........................................[5300]
5.4. The Stone Robot..................................[5400]
5.5. Cities Of Gold And Thieves.......................[5500]
5.6. Light And Dark...................................[5600]
5.7. At Sea...........................................[5700]
5.8. Birds Of Prey....................................[5800]
5.9. Bleu's Awakening.................................[5900]
5.10. The Poison Flower...............................[5010]
5.11. A Dream World...................................[5011]
5.12. Tower Of The Skies..............................[5012]
5.13. Timeless........................................[5013]
5.14. Emperor Zog.....................................[5014]
5.15. To The Obelisk!.................................[5015]
6. Equipment Listing..........................................[6000]
6.1. Weapons..........................................[6100]
6.2. Shields..........................................[6200]
6.3. Headwear.........................................[6300]
6.4. Body Armor.......................................[6400]
7. Boss Listing...............................................[7000]
8. Bestiary...................................................[8000]
9. Magic Spells...............................................[9000]
10. Shop Listing.............................................[10000]
11. Version History..........................................[11000]
12. Legal Information........................................[12000]
13. Credits & Closing........................................[13000]

To find a section quickly, press Ctrl-F and type in either the name
of the section along with its content number (ie. 1., 2., 3., etc.)
OR you can use the codes on the far right. Simply type in the
brackets with the code number to get a jump.

--- 1. Introduction --- [1000]

No SNES collection is complete without Breath of Fire in there somewhere.

Although a fairly simplistic and (rather) easy RPG when compared to others on
the SNES, Breath of Fire is still a load of fun for both hardcore and casual
gamers alike.

If you enjoyed this game, then you might want to check out Breath of Fire II,
also for the SNES (along with the others on various systems). And of course,
don't forget about the remakes on the GBA.

This guide has a walkthrough, various appendices, and other sections to help
you out as you play through Breath of Fire. I hope you find it helpful.

--- 2. FAQ --- [2000]


[Q] If a unit is fused with Karn, does he still gain EXP?

[A] Yes, all units that are fused with Karn will still gain EXP.


[Q] Where is Karn's "Shin" transformation?

[A] Shin can be acquired as soon as you obtain Ox. Head over to Gant
and enter the large house at the north end of town. Once inside,
go to the upper-right corner of the first floor. You should see a
hole in the wall that is blocked by a chest. Push it out of the
way and go in. In the next room, have Ox smash the gray rocks and
switch Karn to the front of your party. Talk to the man here and
Karn will learn Shin! This awesome spell allows Karn to fuse with
Bo and Gobi.


[Q] Where is Karn's "Doof" transformation?

[A] In order to acquire this, you will need to have Mogu in your
party. First, Warp to Camlon and leave town. Once outside, head in
a generally northwest direction. Soon, you'll hit a bridge over
the water. Cross it and climb the staircase to arrive at another
bridge. Head across this one as well. After crossing, walk a bit
to the northeast to find a dig site. Place Mogu at the front of
your party and interact with the dirt thing. He'll dig out a
hole and your party will fall through. Here, you will find an old
man. Put Karn at the front of your party and talk to him to obtain


[Q] Where is Karn's "Puka" transformation?

[A] You'll need Doof to obtain this spell. Warp to Bleak and enter the
house just above the Dragon Shrine. Use Doof to push the large
crate by the bed at the upper-left corner to reveal a hole. Place
Karn at the front of the party and speak with the man here to
learn Karn's ultimate fusion spell.


[Q] I'm talking to the fairies in the Fairy Woods to save that lady's
son, but they are just saying the same thing over and over again.
What's up?

[A] In order for the fairies to respond, you must FIRST talk to at
least one of the fairies and then the lady's son at the little
square area of grass (surrounded by flowers) to the southeast of
the Fairy Woods. Once that's done, you must go back and talk to
the woman again and then return to the fairies. They should
respond to you.


[Q] Gobi is offering me the Gills for 1000000GP. I don't have that much
so what do I do?

[A] This is kind of a bonehead question. It's impossible to obtain

1000000GP without some sort of cheat device. Gobi will just take
all your money and loan you the rest.


[Q] Gobi can't fight the monsters around Prima without dying. What
should I do?
[A] Either run from every battle or purchase some Mrbl3's at the Item
Shop in Prima.


[Q] Why can't I hit Mothro?

[A] You cannot fight Mothro at the North Tower in Mogu's dream until
you first locate Courage and re-unite Mogu's senses.


[Q] Where can I find the Rod5?

[A] The Rod5 can be found in Tunlan.

Head up to the north end of town. There's a big building here that
you can enter. Do so and walk up. You'll find some people here. Of
course, they will only talk in music. Turn to the right and
proceed this way past a kitchen and bedroom. Proceed down through
the hallway and you'll find a staircase. Climb up to the next
floor and descend the other staircase on the following floor.

Head a bit to the left and you'll find four statues. There are
three chests behind the locked door and two more on either side
of the room. Approach the outer chest to the left and one of the
statues will chase you down a hole. You'll end up falling into a
room below. Talk to the old man and he'll give you a hint (he's
referring to the Rod5). Push the lower-right block and examine the
floor to find the Rod5! This awesome rod will allow you to catch
some amazing items. To leave, push the lower-left block over and
fall down the hole.


[Q] Where are the missing parts to the elevator in Scande?

[A] To obtain the parts, first head to Scande and enter the house
south of the inn. Talk to the old man in bed here and he'll hand
you the B.Parts. To get them repaired, head over to Gant and talk
to the craftsman in the big house at the north end of town.


[Q] What is the purpose of the Slab?

[A] The Slab refers to Agni, Ryu's ultimate dragon form. The
inscription written on it is hint as to where it is located.


[Q] Where is the DragonSD?

[A] You need the Rod5 in order to obtain this item.

Have Nina or Bleu Warp your party to Romero first. Leave town and
put Bo at the front of your party, so you can walk through the
woods. Outside of Romero, head west past the Karma Tower until you
hit a skinny mountain range. Go up and around it and head
southward. Proceed south and west along this strip of land until
you find a stone well. Be careful, the monsters here are a bit
tough. Equip the Rod5 on Ryu along with the Worms and fish inside
the well. You will fish out a DragonSD!


[Q] Where is the DragonAR?

[A] To pick this piece of armor up, you will need the Rod5. Also, you
must have defeated Mote in the Mare Tower. Head to Spring and head
down the steps west of the item shop. From there, move to the
northwest and you'll find a pond with three ducks. Fish here with
the Rod5 until you collect it.


[Q] Where is the Chun Li cameo?

[A] The Chun Li cameo can be found in Bleak. Enter the house directly
above the Item Shop and talk to the boy. Give him 100G and he'll
make it disappear. He will then ask you to turn around. Say "No"
twice and then say "Yes." You will turn around and see Chun Li.


--- 3. Basics --- [3000]

Here's the basics blab for those who have no idea how to play this game. It's
mostly common knowledge.

3.1. Controls [3100]

#|---- Start Button

L Button --| ##| |-- R Button
,' | _ `.
/ _ | |_|-------------- X Button
/ _| |_ | _ _ \
|-------- |_ O _| | |--|_| |_|------ A Button
| \ |_| // // | _ /
Control Pad \ __|______|_ |_| /
`._______,' | | `.___|___,'
| Y Button |
| |-------- B Button
|------- Select Button
Control Pad ~
~ Move your character.
~ Change cursor to select items.

Select Button ~
~ Brings up in-game menu.

Start Button ~
~ Brings up world map.

L Button ~
~ Changes order of characters.
~ View order commands.

R Button ~
~ Changes order of characters.
~ View defense commands.

A Button ~
~ Confirm action.
~ Examine.
~ Engage in conversation.

B Button ~
~ Dash.
~ Cancel selection.

X Button ~
~ Not used.

Y Button ~
~ Not used.

(Although the X and Y Buttons aren't used, they can be changed and configured
in the options menu. You can give the X or Y Button different commands.)

3.2. Battle Interface [3200]

Breath of Fire has an easily understood battle system. Everything is turn-

based. You have several options whenever engaging in battle. This crude ASCII
depiction of the battle interface will display the location and purpose of

| |
| |
| |
| [11] |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ,---------.---------------------------------------.
| | Ryu [1]| ,-----.-----.-----.-----.-----.-----. |
|| | | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | [9] | [10]| |
| | L: 1[2]| | | | | | | | |
| | H: 18[3]| `-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----' |
| | A: 10[4]|---------------------------------------'

[1] Character Name - Your character's name is displayed

[2] Level - Your current level is displayed here.
[3] HP Level - The amount of HP remaining is displayed
here. When it reaches zero, it's "lights out" for
that character.
[4] AP Level - AP Points are used to cast magic and
other junk like that.
[5] Action - This is the default action command. When
you use it, you have the option of attacking
directly, defending, casting a spell, or using an
[6] Automatic - For all of those that are too lazy to
fight for themself, this command will have the
computer enter commands for you. Needless to say,
the computer isn't always a smart player, so try
to stray away from this command unless you're
sure that the computer can take care of it.
[7] Flee - Doesn't require much thought. If you need
to run, use this command to run.
[8] Statistics - This will allow you to check the stats
of your characters.
[9] Change Rows - Changes your character's position
from front row to back row and vice versa.
[10] Replace - Replaces a character.
[11] Battle - This is the battle screen obviously. You
can observe your enemies along with your units.

--- 4. Character Listing --- [4000]

Ryu ~
Ryu is the blue-haired hero of the game. As a main character, Ryu
is fair in all stats. However, he shines mostly in offensive power.
For the most part, he'll be one of your main attackers. When his
dragon spell techniques are acquired, Ryu becomes a much larger
force to be reckoned with. Alongside that, the hero is also capable
of fishing. Fishing is more useful than it may sound. Selling fish
can net you quite a bit of GP. Whenever you see fish in ponds that
you come across, be sure to fish 'em out.

Nina ~
Nina is your typical support character in Breath of Fire. Because
her attack stats are next to nothing, she is best suited for
recovering HP and keeping your party in shape. However, when a
battle requires combat skill, Nina really can't do too much. Apart
from healing magic, she can also cast certain spells that hurt
undead monsters. She is a great support unit and should be solely
used as such.

Bo ~
This wolf-man is an archer. Typically, Bo will use Bows. He has
nice attack statistics and his ranged weapon allows him to attack
from the rear of the party. His agility is pretty high, allowing
him to get amongst the first strikes. However, his defense is
terrible. Even when protected, Bo will take a lot of damage from
attacks that don't hurt your other characters as much. Keep his low
defense in mind when using him. As an added bonus, Bo can walk
through forests on the world map and HUNT those animals you see in
the overworld for meat or antlers.

Karn ~
This crafty unit is a skillful lock picker and is capable of
lifting traps from treasure chests. This is a very useful ability
and can allow you to pick up some valuable items that were once
inaccessible. In battle, Karn is pretty mediocre by himself. He does
have some nice speed and can avoid enemy enemies pretty easily.
However, he will eventually be the center of Fusion, a transformation
spell that allows Karn to fuse with one other character. These
morphs, so to speak, are VERY powerful. Karn will become much more
useful when you gain them.

Gobi ~
Gobi is a fishy trader who is always looking to make a few big
bucks. His stats are all average so don't expect him to really excel
at anything. Gobi is capable of walking underwater (because he is
um... a fish) and eventually gains the ability to transform into a
big fish, thus allowing him to travel speedily underwater. His few
spells may only be used underwater, but they are all pretty useful
without using a crazy amount of AP.

Ox ~
Ox is a powerhouse of a unit. His attack and defense ratings give
him the attributes of a tank. However, as the tank of your team, Ox
is VERY slow, usually being the last to attack during battles. Even
so, his defense helps him stay healthy longer than other units.
Outside of battle, Ox can smash cracked walls and rocks. This is a
very useful ability.

Bleu ~
This powerful sorceress will become a staple unit in your party
once you pick her up from Wisdon. Boasting a load of offensive
spells, Bleu will make battles much easier. She pretty much covers
every element there is, so you should never be lacking a necessary
spell. However, her attack stats are pretty... bad. Therefore, you
should keep her in the back row and have her cast magic as opposed
to physically attacking.

Mogu ~
The final character you'll pick up is Mogu, a little mole. Sadly,
you won't find him as useful as some of the other characters. His
stats are all mediocre. Mogu doesn't really have any apparent
strengths. Even so, you'll find him useful due to his digging
skills. He can flee from most battles using Dig and helps your team
pick up awesome items in marked areas.

--- 5. Walkthrough --- [5000]

I shouldn't need to tell you that this walkthrough does INDEED CONTAIN
SPOILERS!! Then again, if you opened this guide, you would have probably
expected spoilers of some sort. Read ahead at your own risk.

Although I'd normally suggest you use a walkthrough from beginning to end, I
know that the majority of readers don't pick up a walkthrough unless they're
stuck at a certain point. So yeah, if you're reading into the middle of a
guide, you might occasionally miss an item that should have been picked up
much earlier. This, of course, leads to confusion. If you can't see what you
did wrong, try to scan through the entire walkthrough for answers. I can't
just read your mind and tell you what's wrong.

That's all I have to say for now.

| |
| People live and die, as countless as the stars in the sky, as fleeting |
| as foam on water... Why are we brought into the world, only to depart |
| so quickly? |
| |
| On a cosmic scale, our lives flash by in the blink of an eye. |
| |
| The Dragon Clan built a mighty empire, then faded fast, like a falling |
| star. During their short reign, the Dragons fought meaningless battles |
| in pursuit of empty dreams. |
| |
| Now, an ominous force emerges to repeat the cycle. |
| |
| This new menace is the clan of Dark Dragons. Forgetting that the |
| Dragons once laid waste to the land... The Dark Dragon Clan again |
| plunges the world into chaos. |
| |
| Using new powers, given by a mysterious goddess, the Dragons engage in |
| global conquest. Who is this dark power that grants evil wishes? |
| |
| Will the Light Dragons emerge to bring peace to the world? |
| |
| The Dark Dragons press on. |
| |
| Before the world is theirs... |
| |
| Before the goddess is revived... |
| |
| The Light Dragons must fight back! |
| |

5.1. The Hero [5100]

As you start the game, feel free to name the character. I'll refer to him as
Ryu (because that's uh... kinda his name).

The game begins and you're face-to-face with a SCARY dragon. Flames pop up
and the screen fades. Apparently, someone is urging you to wake up. Yikes!
The building is on fire. Get out of bed and follow the blue figure. Don't
worry about getting left behind; she'll wait for you. Flames jump in-between
the two of you. Using her magic, she puts it out and you're free to continue.
Head downstairs to meet some people.

Despite being inhabitants of a burning building, the people here seem

remarkably calm. You can talk to the people if you wish. Converse with the
blue-haired girl on the left. She'll move down a bit and you can talk with
the other blue-haired girl. After that, a few people will trudge in and
state that the Dark Dragon Family are just outside the town. Being the Light
Dragons, you are naturally their first target.

Afterwards, they suggest fighting the Dark Dragons off. However, Sara
discourages them. Using her magic, she turns the whole group into stone
(including you). Looks like you'll have to sit by idly and watch. Before Sara
leaves, she walks up to you and tells you to be strong. Back outside in the
burning city, Sara is taken to Jade. Lightning strikes, and a heated battle
erupts. Despite her best efforts, Sara fails to stop them...
| |
| When the Dragon Family was at the peak of its power, a |
| goddless of desire appeared. The goddess, Tyr, granted |
| wishes. The Dragons fought each other for her power. |
| |
| Tyr encouraged the fighting and watched the war between |
| the Dragons escalate. When the world was at the brink |
| of destruction, a warrior stepped forward. |
| |
| The warrior battled Tyr with his 7 companions and |
| locked her up using 6 keys. These "goddess keys" were |
| scattered throughout the world and hidden away. |
| |
| The Light Dragons balanced the power of the family and |
| peace reigned. |
| |

Back at the building, the people slowly return to their original forms. Of
course, they're immediately confused. Now they want to fight for Sara (well
gee). The same old lady that led you down from the fiery building causes a
minor quake and the villagers run off. Since you're the only one left who can
make a difference, you are given 300G from a chest. Finally, you may leave.

---=| Drogen |=---

Much of Drogen has already been burned down. There's not much to do, but you
can find an Item Shop and Weapon & Armor Shop to your northwest. Normally, I
would tell you to go crazy with purchasing things, but because of your low
amount of money, you might find it best to avoid buying anything expensive
for now. Suggest purchasing a few Herbs and Antdts though.

| Drogen Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Dirk ' ~ 50G |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * Cloth ' ~ 10G |
| * SuedeCP ' ~ 240G |
| * ArmPad ' ~ 300G |
| * WoodSH ' ~ 300G |
| * HairBand ' ~ 1000G |
| * SilkGN ' ~ 2800G |
| Drogen Item Shop |
| * Mrbl3 ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 81G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 13G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 18G |
| * Apple ' ~ 90G |
| * Life ' ~ 450G |
| * Cure ' ~ 1800G |

The only other point of interest is the building with the dragon head on it
(southwest of the building you came out of). Examine the dragon statue inside
and you'll be asked if you'd like to record your journey. Go ahead and save.
When you're done with that, you can finally proceed out of this crappy town at
the south end.

Congratulations, you have successfully made it to the overworld without dying.

Now this is where it gets sorta tough. Out here, you have random encounters.
When you walk around, monsters can attack you. Before continuing northward,
you should level Ryu up by defeating monsters that come to you. Along with
that, you can gain some extra GP. If you need to heal, talk to the old woman
in the big Drogen building you came from.

When you hit level 2-3, you can proceed north to Camlon. Cross the stone
bridge and follow the path north and east to a castle-looking thing. Welcome
to Camlon.

---=| Camlon |=---

Camlon is also in ruins. The only enter-able building (apart from the castle)
is another Dragon Shrine. You can choose to save your game here. I would
suggest you do before continuing. When you're done with that, go ahead and
enter the big, white castle.

---=| Camlon Castle |=---

I guess this can be considered the first dungeon of the game. Luckily, it's
not at all difficult, assuming you've leveled up a bit back in the overworld.
Also note that some monsters here can poison you. Although there are several
healing points throughout this dungeon, you can purchase Antdts back at
Drogen (if you haven't already).

Anyway, head up follow the path. Ignore the rocks blocking the other paths
as they cannot be moved right now. Soon enough, you'll come to a pool of
water. Drinking the water will replenish your HP. If you feel like it, you
can level up here. Since the monsters in the castle provide more EXP than
the others outside, you can simply defeat as many as you'd like here and drink
from the pool whenever you need healing. It's your call.

Continue onwards heading up, right, and down. There are two treasure chests
to the left. 140GP can be found within the two chests. Walk past yet
another healing pool. Follow the path down and around until you reach a
staircase at the northeast corner. Take it to the next floor. The giant,
purple doors can be opened by walking up to them and pressing A. You'll find
a BronzSD, a Gauntlet, and two Herbs in the four chests. When you're done
looting this floor, head up the steps at the west end of the room.

You're back on the first floor. From the staircase, head south along the west
side of the room. At the corner, head down the stairs. You'll find yourself in
a similar-looking room. Once again, you can open the purple doors by walking
up to them and pressing A. Pick up a SuedeCP, a Visor, and two Herbs from the
chests. Afterwards, ascend the staircase to the east. You are now at the
southeast corner of the main floor. Rocks block the path leading north so go

Eventually, you will reach a treasure chest. Not only does it recover all of
your HP/AP, but you also receive an Antdt. There's another chest to the west.
Opening it will trigger DarkMist, which steals Ryu's AP. At this point, you
have no need for AP so it doesn't matter. Pick up the Antdt inside it as well.
After picking that up, go head up the stairs in the center.

Now would be a great time to heal and refresh yourself. Walk up to the frog
sitting on the throne. It'll jump off its throne and transform into an even
uglier creature. Hmm, looks like it wants to fight.

Boss : Frog ~
This is a fairly easy fight. Although it has a lot of HP, Frog
won't really be much of a problem. The attacks that Frog uses
deal less than 10 HP damage for the most part. The battle will
probably drag on long, so make sure you have some Herbs to heal
with. Don't stop attacking until you need to heal. Do so and then
keep pounding away with regular strikes. Toward the end of the
battle, when Frog has very low HP, it'll start using Recover to
slowly regain some HP. Finish it off at this point.

When the evil Frog is gone, you'll gain quite a bit of EXP and GP. Ryu should
level up multiple times in fact! The castle will shake, and the place
magically reverts to its original splendor. Before you go, take an Herb and
150GP from the two chests. Backtrack through the castle. Don't worry about
monsters; they're all gone now.

Back outside, the people recognize your powers. A quake suddenly occurs. It
seems the Dark Dragons have the Quake Control. In the Nanai dungeon, you can
find it. You got it, that's where we're going. Before heading out, save your
game at the Dragon Shrine.

Now leave Camlon. You can either head back to Drogen and purchase some more
Herbs and items or continue right now. I strongly suggest you get some Herbs
for a coming boss fight. You'll need them.

Head northwest from Camlon along the strip of land. Soon, you will reach a
brown bridge. Cross it and climb the steps in the cliff wall. Follow the path
east and cross the following bridge as well. Head south to reach Nanai.
However, you cannot enter during the daytime. If it's currently night, then
you're in luck. If not, then hang around until night comes.

---=| Nanai |=---
The lazy bum who is supposed to guard the entrance is now asleep. However, the
other guards aren't as tired. Walk up to the Dragon Shrine at the town
entrance. I would suggest saving the game before continuing. Whatever you
do, DO NOT walk to the right of the Dragon Shrine. The guard will stop you.
Enter the inn and examine the drawer to find a S.Ptn. When that's done, head
west of the Dragon Shrine and walk up to the left of the inn. Don't venture
out too far at this point.

See the little patch of grass with the two small bushes? Walk over to it. From
there, head north of the wide blue-roofed building and head east to the moat
surrounding the large building. If you enter the wide blue-roofed building
north of you, you can find two chests with 300GP in all. Leave the building
and head south along the moat's edge. Make sure you step in-between the two
pillars below. Walk around the small blue-roofed building and head a little
bit to the east.

If you want to see the shop, you can head further east to find a Weapon &
Armor Shop. The other shops are inaccessible, mind. I wouldn't suggest buying
anything, as all of the useful weapons are expensive.

| Nanai Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * IronRP ' ~ 1800G |
| * LongSD ' ~ 2250G |
| * Cloth ' ~ 9G |
| * SuedeSH ' ~ 135G |
| * SuedeCP ' ~ 216G |
| * WoodSH ' ~ 270G |
| * HairBand ' ~ 900G |
| * SilkGN ' ~ 2520G |

After finishing with that, return to the pub (which is blocked off by a
sleeping guard). From there, head north along the east side of it. Stay as
far right as possible to avoid the guard. Then enter the building.

---=| Nanai Palace |=---

Open the door directly in front of you and head down the stairs past it. Now
continue to descend each staircase that you come across. There are random
encounters here. Eventually, you'll reach to a dangerous-looking area way
below the Nanai Palace.

From the staircase, head east across a bridge. The path will lead you to an
Antdt inside a chest. Backtrack over the bridge and head south from there.
You'll soon cross another bridge. Upon reaching the other side, go west and
north across a third bridge. Advance this way until you reach another chest.
This one contains a hefty 650GP prize. Go back to the intersection (after the
second bridge) and head east from there.

Ignore the first ramp leading north and walk to the end. Open the chest there
for a B.Stn. This item comes in handy for the boss (if you choose to use it).
When used during battle, it'll release a powerful lightning attack. Return to
the path I told you to ignore and take it. Cross two more bridges to find a
staircase. Take it and climb down some more stairs until you reach the next

First, head directly east across a tiny bridge. An ArmPad awaits at the end.
There is 70GP in the chest southwest of the ArmPad. From that chest, head
west until you hit a bridge leading south. Go in that direction across a few
more bridges. After the second one, go west for a F.Stn inside a chest. Like
the B.Stn, the F.Stn deals damage in battle (fire attack). Now go east and
open the next chest to find a Cure. Once you have that, keep going east,
north, and west to a staircase. Heal yourself before descending. Downstairs,
the Knight awaits.

Boss : Knight ~
This battle will basically be an exchanging of hits. That's all
there is to it. However, the Knight can be pretty dangerous if you
don't heal. His most powerful attack (T.Bolt) can around 20 HP
damage. Indeed, you'll be needing a lot of Herbs to get through this
fight. To help yourself out, consider using a Stone (F.Stn, B.Stn,
etc). Don't take any chances; make sure that you heal whenever your
HP drops below 20. As the Knight loses more and more HP, he'll begin
to use Recover more often. This gets annoying as occasionally, the
amount of HP he recovers is more than the amount that you damage him
with. Just keep at it to take him down.

Upon killing the Knight, walk up to the gray contraption and pull out the key
from the machine. The room will begin to shake, which obviously means that
something is happening. Step into the warp tile a bit to the right and you'll
magically be transported away from Nanai. The town crumbles (poor guards) and
a fat man comes and brings you back to the king. Back in Camlon, the king will
commend you on giving up Nanai to stop the quakes. Tough decision, indeed
(despite the fact that you didn't exactly decide for Nanai to be destroyed).

5.2. Princess Nina [5200]

It's time to travel east to Winlan. Leave Camlon (don't forget to save at the
Dragon Shrine) and head up along the same way you took to reach Nanai. When
you reach the ruins, you can just walk right past the crumbled town. From
here, you should head northeast along the path until you reach a path leading
up to the top of the cliff. The path leads to Winlan. Enter the city.

---=| Winlan |=---

As soon as you enter the city, you can opt to rest at the inn to your left for
a good 80GP. To the right of the inn is a Dragon Shrine. Save your game here
and head north into the main part of the city. Turn to your left to find an
Item Shop, Storage (You can store items and GP here. It acts like a bank in a
way.), and a Weapon & Armor Shop.

| Winlan Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzSD ' ~ 700G |
| * BronzRP ' ~ 800G |
| * SuedeHT ' ~ 200G |
| * WoodSH ' ~ 300G |
| * SuedeGN ' ~ 500G |
| * Visor ' ~ 800G |
| * ChainML ' ~ 2000G |
| Winlan Item Shop |
| * Mrbl3 ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Life ' ~ 500G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

If you are planning to buy anything from the Weapon & Armor Shop, I would
suggest the ChainML. Sure, it's the most expensive piece of equipment there,
but it will boost Ryu's defense drastically! Also, be sure to pick up a few
Herbs too. Leave the shops and head directly east. Enter the house at the end
(by the half-built bridge) and examine the drawers. There's a V.Ptn inside it.

Now that you're done with all of that, you can proceed to the castle. Head up
to the top of the city to find it. Note that even the castle has a windmill-
esque device attached to it. Enter it.

---=| Winlan Castle |=---

Talk to the lady between the two guards. She'll report to Princess Nina, who
confirms that the king is very ill (Nina is trying to hide it from the
townspeople). Ryu is shown to a guest room while Nina disembarks in search of
the Remedy.

For some reason, all of Ryu's posessions and GP somehow transfers over to
Nina. Considering that the two haven't even talked to each other yet, this is
a bit strange. Well, at least you have the money. Take a look at Nina's
equipment. PATHETIC! Indeed, we'll need to buy some things for Nina that
don't suck.

Go downstairs. Before you leave though, you can find Ryu sleeping in the guest
room to the west. He's talking in his sleep. Leave the castle and pay the
Weapon & Armor Shop a visit. Buy Nina a BronzRP (and a SuedeGN if you feel
like it although you'll find one in the following cave) If you'd like,
purchase a SuedeHT as well. If you need some more Herbs or other items, buy
them from the Item Shop next door. When you're done, leave Winlan and head to
the cave west of the city.

---=| Aura Cave |=---

Head up a little bit and two guards will appear. Let them join your party.
Trust me, they're a big help. Don't bother equipping them with anything or
something. The guards are only temporary fillings. Head north until you reach
a staircase surrounded by water. Descend it and climb down the next staircase.
Before crossing the bridge, head down the ramp and walk around to the chest
that's right of the staircase. It contains a Cure.

Go east to reach a fork in the path. Take the lower path to find two chests.
The bottom one contains a SuedeGN. Equip that on Nina if you didn't buy one
back in Winlan. The top one holds 150GP. After taking those, return to the
fork and head along the north path. There are two more chests, plain in sight.
70GP can be found in the chest to the right. The other contains I.Ore.

Now that you have the I.Ore (important item!), you can return to the
staircase. Proceed north across a bridge and steal an Herb from the chest.
Walk east across another bridge and follow the path. You'll pass a chest
(contains another Herb) along the way. You'll come to a staircase. This is
the way out, but before you leave, continue past it to find a B.Stn. Return
to the staircase and ascend.

Looks to be a very icky-looking cave here. Anyway, from the staircase, go

north to find a staircase. Before heading up, walk a little bit to the west
and snag a C.Stn from the chest. Afterwards, take the stairs. The exit is just
a little bit to the south. You will emmerge right outside Romero, a secluded
town surrounded by trees. Walk over and enter.

---=| Romero |=---

The Dragon Shrine is up ahead if you'd like to save your game. To the right of
that is the inn. Pay 60G to stay for the night and heal up. There is an Item
Shop northwest of the inn and a Weapon & Armor Shop north of that.

| Romero Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * ShortRP ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzRP ' ~ 800G |
| * BronzSH ' ~ 500G |
| * BronzHT ' ~ 1200G |
| * Gown ' ~ 2000G |
| * SuedeGN ' ~ 500G |
| * ChainML ' ~ 2000G |
| * SilkGN ' ~ 2800G |
| Romero Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 90G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * Antdt x9 ' ~ 135G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Acorn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Life ' ~ 500G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

If you were to ask me, I wouldn't buy anything from the Weapon & Armor Shop.
Sure, the equipment is useful, but it isn't necessary. Plus, you should still
save up as much GP as possible now. At the Item Shop, go ahead and buy a
bunch of Herbs. You can never have enough of those.

Leave the shop and head to the house at the northeast corner of town. Go
upstairs and check the drawer next to the bed. No one's home, so why not steal
a ProtnB? Leave the house and enter the other house just below that one.
Inside is a kid standing next to a hole. Drop down to find a little
underground dwelling. See the gray pots to your left? Well, you'll need to
move them to form a path.

For some, it takes a few seconds to figure it out. For others, it might take
a bit longer. It's not that difficult. Push the bottom-most pot left or
right. Then push the top pot on the right upwards. Finally, push the pot that
should be right next to you to the right. Move the barrel and then examine
the floor to find a Map. Simply press the Start Button when you're in the
overworld to use it. Climb the stairs at the bottom end of the room to appear
out of the town. Enter Romero again and leave through the west exit.

From there, walk west and enter the Karma Forest. Ignore the floating castle
thingy to the north for now.

---=| Karma Forest |=---

The monsters in this forest are somewhat tough. However, with the many Herbs
you probably have, you shouldn't need to run back to Romero to heal. The
forest is very large, but should be easy to get through as long as you
follow my directions.

* NOTE: As you proceed through this forest, you'll find mushrooms

scattered through the area. The red mushrooms replenish HP while the
yellow mushrooms, being poisonous, take away HP.

As soon as you enter the forest, follow the single path until the path splits
up. Take the north path to find a chest containing an Herb. Head back to the
fork and take the south path. It will curve to the west and soon split up
again. Head as far north as possible while ignoring any paths branching off.
When you can't go any further up, walk a bit to the west to find 150GP inside
a chest.

Backtrack until you see a path leading west (at the first split you come
across on the way back). Follow this path to eventually reach an Herb. Once
you have that, return to the same split and begin making your way south. When
you see a path open up to the west, ignore it for now (but remember it's
location as that path is the way out of here) and continue heading south.
Eventually, you will hit the southern border of the forest. Go west from here
to find a chest at the very southwestern corner. Inside is a Bandage.
Surprisingly, it's a shield. (Strange name for a shield, don't you think?)
Equip it or leave it. Now, head back east and north and find that path leading
west again. Follow it all the way to the end to finally leave the forest.

And that wasn't the hard part. You have a dungeon to go through. Fantastic!
Walk into the Karma Tower and continue your quest for the Remedy.

---=| Karma Tower |=---

Walk up from the entrance to come to a staircase with two recovery springs
next to it. You'll probably want to use them. If you go down the stairs in
the middle, you can pick up two Herbs in that little underground section.
Head back up and make your way to the northwest corner of this floor. There's
a staircase there. Heading upstairs will bring you to a M.Drop.

Go back downstairs and walk east along the north wall. When you hit the
corner, the path will branch. The left one will bring you back to the recovery
springs and Morte. The right one will take you to a chest at the southeastern
corner. Open it for another M.Drop. These items are very useful, so don't pass
them up. Duck into the other path and heal yourself at the recovery spring
before talking to the cloaked figure. B-B-B-Boss fight!

Well, it's not exactly a difficult fight, so don't worry.

Boss : Morte ~
Morte is nothing short of pathetically easy. His HP value is very
low and his attacks consist of a strike that deals about 20 HP
damage. Have Nina cast ATK-Up on one of the guards in your party and
leave her to heal for the rest of the battle (because her attack
won't really help you out). Because Nina is faster than Morte, you
will always have the first turn to heal if necessary. Morte will
go down very quickly.

After the battle, return to one of the recovery springs and heal yourself.
Then ascend the staircase that Morte was originally blocking. The second floor
is not really that interesting. From your current position, head east and
south to the lower-right corner. There are two sets of stairs here. The top
one will bring you up a floor to a Cure. You will also notice a Morte look-a-
like here. Don't worry, you'll be fighting her soon enough.

Head back downstairs and take the bottom staircase. There's another chest
containing a Charm. Return to the second floor and go back north. Then head
along the path to a third staircase at the southwest corner. Climb up to the
third floor and walk a bit to the north. Turn to the left and make your way
down to the southwest corner. The chest contains another Charm. Now backtrack
along the path and head east. Eventually, you will hit a staircase. Go ahead
and take it.

You're back on the second floor in a closed-off portion of the room. Head
north to find two holes and a staircase. Hmm, decisions decisions. The left
hole will send you down two floors into the basement. You DO NOT want to go
there. The right hole will only bring you to Mortea. Before you do that
though, head upstairs and open the chest for an Herb. The four holes don't
really serve a purpose. However, if you want to save the time of going back
downstairs, stumble into the upper-right hole. (Note that this drops you down
the hole on the right in the previous room. You could have easily went the
same way by just heading back downstairs and dropping down the same hole).

When you stop, you will find yourself by a single hole and a staircase. Avoid
THAT hole by all means for it will put you back in the basement. Climb the
staircase and follow the linear path through some more sets of stairs. Soon,
you will appear by Mortea. Before talking to her, descend the staircase just
before her. Follow this path to reach a well-deserved Life2. Return, heal up,
and get ready for a fight.

Boss : Mortea ~
Before you begin attacking, you might find it in your best interest
to cast Fort on Nina (and the guards if you feel like it). Mortea
has a pretty powerful physical strike. She also has quite a bit of
HP. Be sure to use ATK-Up on both of the guards. Once that's done,
leave Nina to heal. The guards will deal a good amount of damage.
When Nina runs out of AP, have her use Herbs to heal (if necessary).
If you have any items that deal damage (E.Key, F.Stn, B.Stn, etc.),
have Nina use them when she isn't healing. From that point, the
battle should be pretty straightforward.

When she's gone, you will be free to continue. Climb the staircase ahead to
find yourself on the roof of the Karma Tower. Head over to the left and step
on the gray tiles. A bridge will form. Cross it to the opposite tower. Note
that the bridge disappears once you are across. That's not cool!

Head up the only staircase on this roof of the Karma Tower to find a recovery
spring and a dragon that will record your journey. Save the game and heal
yourself up. Go back downstairs and open the stone door. The three girls to
the left won't move until you retract the bridge. Step on the switch in that
little room and the girl will move aside. Descend the staircase and open the
single chest for a Cure. After collecting that, head down the following

The next floor has nothing of interest except for another set of stairs that
you should obviously take. You'll appear in an ugly-looking area. Nina states
that the Remedy should be around here somewhere. But as you walk, the Wizard
will appear to screw things up. He releases Xeon Gas and attacks! All of your
units are now stuck with 1 HP and attacks that deal nothing to the Wizard.
This is a pretty desperate situation, no? You can't win, so just throw useless
attacks until Nina suggests that one of the soldiers escapes to get help.

Let the Wizard kill Nina and the other soldier. The escaping guard will be
stopped by the meddlesome Wizard but not before he flies off. As he escapes
back to Winlan, the Wizard sends three dragons after him. The guards of Winlan
begin to form a rescue party. Guess who's being sent to save Nina? Why, it's
Ryu of course. As Ryu again, save your game at the Dragon Shrine. Walk outside
and talk to the man in brown. He'll transform into a bird and give you a ride
to the Karma Tower.

When you reach it, head downstairs into a familiar room. I would suggest
saving your game here. Descend the next set of stairs and follow the same
path that you did with Nina. Climb down the staircase to the left and
continue. Just before you enter the Wizard's lair however, your teammate
will leave you due to the gas. Head south and as far west as possible. Ignore
the other path and continue this way to find a chest containing a Rang. Equip
that on Ryu and take the path you bypassed previously. Eek, it's the scary

Boss : Wizard ~
Honestly, the Wizard should be no problem. Assuming that you have a
nice weapon equipped, you should deal around 25 HP damage to him
each round. The Wizard has two spells that he consistently uses. One
is the average T.Bolt, of which deals 10 HP damage. The other is the
ice-based spell, Freeze. That deals 15 HP damage. Occasionally, he
might cast Fort on himself. That raises his defense a bit. When it
comes to the point where your physical attack doesn't deal enough
damage, feel free to use any remaining Stns or the E.Key. You should
have no trouble taking him down from there.

You should obtain a bunch of EXP for this fight, hopefully boosting you
up a level. Before the Wizard explodes, he hands you the Remedy. What a nice
guy. After Nina faints (and apparently awakens again), everyone thanks you.
Finally, you'll be back in Winlan. When you are back in the castle, walk up
and climb the first staircase on the right. From there, make your way to the
lower-left room. Here, Nina is attempting to revive the King with the Remedy.

The remedy doesn't seem to be working. BUT WAIT...! The King slowly regains
himself and jumps around to prove it. Ryu asks to use the tunnel for his
reward. Nina joins the party. Her magic will be very helpful on your journey.
Leave the castle and do whatever you need to do. You can probably afford some
of the more expensive items at the Weapons & Armor Shop, so check it out if
you feel like it. Rest up at the inn before saving your game at the Dragon

Anyway, about that tunnel. Return to the Winlan Castle and make your way to
the upper-right staircase. If you haven't already, be sure to pick up the
two Herbs in the chests below it. Descend the staircase and loot the room
to your southwest for an Herb and an Antdt. Now, head east and talk to the
two guards. They'll let you pass through the tunnel. Cross the bridge at the
end to reach a whole new portion of the world.

5.3. Zombies! [5300]

The monsters here are a bit tougher, but they provide A LOT more EXP than the
monsters you fought before. I would strongly suggest leveling up your party a
little bit. It's not as if these monsters are difficult (tougher, but not
anything you can't handle) either.

Get onto the dirt path and follow it southward. Ignore the path leading into
the forest for now. Continue until the path disappears and you'll be at a
ramp leading down the cliff. Climb down and head east. You will come across
two towns next to each other. A dried river runs down the middle. The one on
the left is Tantar.

---=| Tantar |=---

There's a few things to do here. First off, you'll find an inn and a Dragon
Shrine at the northwest corner of town. Use them if necessary. There is a
Charm inside the cabinet in the inn. Also, there's a Weapon & Armor Shop right
next to the Dragon Shrine.

| Tantar Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzRP ' ~ 800G |
| * ShortBW ' ~ 1000G |
| * Scythe ' ~ 1200G |
| * Bandana ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzSH ' ~ 500G |
| * SuedeAR ' ~ 750G |
| * Visor ' ~ 800G |

The Scythe is for Ryu if you'd prefer him to have a STRONGER weapon. However,
the Rang hits all enemies while the Scythe hits only one. It's your call.
Do make sure that you pick up a Bandana for Nina. It's cheap anyway. The last
thing to do here is picking up the Saw. Go to the southwestern corner of the
city. There are four houses here. Enter the one at the lower-right corner and
talk to the burly-looking blacksmith. Seeing your I.Ore (You did pick up the
I.Ore in the Aura Cave, right?), he'll make you a Saw. Leave his house and
enter the tall, purple house in the center of town. Go upstairs and open the
drawers for a W.Ptn.

Now, leave Tantar. Head west and back up the same ramp. Follow the dirt path
until you find a little piece of the path branching off into the forest. A big
tree blocks your way, but the Saw can easily cut it down.

---=| Forest of Despair |=---

A thick fog shrouds this ugly-looking forest. Monsters here provide a lot of
EXP, so be sure to level up if at all possible. Zombies and S.Riders can be
dangerous, so be sure to have a number of healing and reviving items at your

There are a number of items hidden within these woods. Begin by simply
following the path to a fork. Take the lower path until it splits. Duck in
to the right and snag an Herb. Return to the main path and head north from
there. You will soon hit another split. Ignore all of the paths branching to
the east. When you can't go any further north, take the T.Drop from the chest.
Head back south and immediately to the east.

The path will split again. Take the path leading southeast and continue in a
generally south direction (ignore any paths branching off) until you come
across two chests. There's a Life and a T.Drop waiting to be picked up
inside. To continue, follow the southeast path along the outskirts of the
forest. At the fork, take the north path. You will come across yet another
split in the path. Keep heading up to find a Wrist inside a chest. Equip it
on Nina and follow the other path northwest.

At the very next fork in the path, head northwest. After that, just continue
in a northward direction. Ignore any paths off to the west. From here, it's
just a quick walk to the end. Enter the big, stone building you come across.

---=| Forest Fortress |=---

Two guards block the doorway ahead of you. Converse with them, and they'll...
attack! These two guards are a pushover anyway. Take care of the Bowman and
Lancer to clear the way. Once that's over with, you may continue.

This Fortress has a few trapdoors scattered through this floor. The first one
is right in front of you. You can fall through if you feel like it. There are
four treasure chests down there that you should open at some point. They
contain two Lifes, T.Drop, and a LongSD. Getting out of the trap-room is as
simple as climbing the staircase there.

From the entrance of the Fortress, head east and follow the path north. The
path will split in two directions. The lower path appears as if it'll lead you
to the four treasure chests. However, there's a trapdoor along that path. Of
course, take the north path instead. There are two more of those goon guards
blocking the doorway. Talk to them to trigger a battle like before. Once they
are taken out, proceed through. There's a staircase at the northwest corner.
Before you head down, walk a bit to the south to find the four treasure chests
you saw before. Steal an Herb, T.Drop, Acorn, and a Life2. Head back to the
staircase and descend.

You will appear right by another staircase. Take it before going anywhere
else. Two Herbs, one T.Drop, and a WolfHT (The chest containing this item is
trapped. You'll take 50 HP damage upon opening it.) can be found within the
confines of the chests. Now, go back upstairs and head east. Don't follow
the path branching off to the north or else you'll fall into the treasure
room again. Follow the twisting path until you come to a treasure chest. Don't
worry, the path is safe. Inside the chest is another Herb. You're rolling in
those now, aren't you?

From the Herb, you have the option of going west or south. Opt for the west
path. Ignore the doorway leading to the three guards and proceed to the end of
the path. There is one last Herb to collect here. Heal up before talking to
the three guards. As you probably predicted, a battle ensues. You are now up
against TWO Lancers and a Bowman. This is nothing different from the other
guard battles apart from the fact that you have an extra opponent. Ryu should
easily be able to kill a Lancer in two turns. Nina can use the E.Key to deal
some heavy damage.

Behind them is the chief. He'll thank you for saving him and tells you to
follow him to their weapon stock. But the old man doesn't seem to be friendly,
as he locks you into his trap. Plus, you have an incredibly strange-looking
monster to defeat as well.

Boss : Pog ~
Depending on how much damage you took during the previous guard
battle, be sure to heal accordingly. It would be a good idea to have
Nina use Fort on Ryu and herself. Casting ATK-Up wouldn't be a bad
idea either, as Pog does have a multitude of HP. Pog doesn't really
have much of a bite though. It does nothing more than 15 HP damage
each turn. However, know that occasionally (most noticeably during
the end of the battle), both heads will attack in one turn. Make
sure that Nina heals whenever HP drops lower than you'd like. The
fight won't take too long.

Once the monster is dead, an arrow will fly through the air and lower the gate.
It's Bo, the wolfman archer! Don't worry, he's here to help. The real chief
has been rescued in the back. Suddenly, the old man will transform into the
General. Get ready for another fight.

Boss : General ~
With Bo in your party, this battle should be very easy. Have Ryu
stick with regular attacks. Nina should first cast Fort on Bo. His
defense is pretty terrible. At the same time, have Bo cast Fry. That
spell deals heavy damage, and you only have enough AP to cast it
twice. However, two times is all you need. Fry deals 80 HP damage.
Two of those will kill the General. If not that, he'll be very close
to death. You know what to do for the rest of the battle.

The real chief will walk off and attempt to move the rock blocking the water
from flowing through the river. Bo, in the meantime, will join your party!
Now go ahead and make your way out of this crappy place in any way you choose.
The best way to go about that is heading south and falling through the
trapdoor by the staircase of this floor. From there, just climb up the stairs.
You should have no trouble making it to the exit. Leave the forest as well and
begin heading for Tantar. North of that town is a bridge that you should
cross. Once on the other side, head south to Tantar's sister town, Tuntar.

---=| Tuntar |=---

Tuntar looks just as gloomy as Tantar. There is an inn next to an Item Shop
further to the east. Sleep there for the night and refresh your characters.
Also, be sure to take the Cure from the drawers in the inn. Afterwards, go
pick up some items.

| Tuntar Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 90G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |
| * Life ' ~ 500G |
| * Drop x9 ' ~ 180G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
The last thing you need to do here in Tuntar is talk with the chief. You will
find him in the tall, purple building at the center of town. He will tell you
about the Stone Robot, of whom has the capability of moving the rock! Before
you leave, go upstairs and check his drawers for an Herb. Your next
destination is Agua Tower. In order to get there, you need to stop by Romero
first. Leave Tuntar and cross the bridge again to the other side. By the
Forest of Despair's entrance is a dirt path; follow it north.

Put Bo in the front of your party because he is capable of walking through

forests. Head northeast past the bridge leading back to Winlan and follow the
dirt path. Just walk through the forest here for a quick shortcut to Romero.
Make sure you enter Romero during the daytime and talk to the various people
in the graveyard. Apparently, Romero's zombies only come up at night and they
have been causing problems. Head up to the northeast corner of town and
converse with the chief. Rid Romero of their zombies and he'll tell you about
Agua. Well, this chief sure is a man of words.

Wait outside of Romero until it gets dark. When it's night, re-enter the town
to find the scary zombies terrorizing the good people of Romero (not really)!
Errooo! Errooo...! Talk to the old lady at the entrance and she'll have her
zombie husband push away a gravestone. Drop down the hole that it reveals to
fall by two chests. One of them contains the WtrJr and the other contains an
Herb. To leave, go south and ascend the staircase. You are now outside of
Romero again. Use Bo's special ability and walk through the forest north of
Romero until you are on the other side of town. You will see the Agua Tower.
Further to the west is the Karma Tower. The Cleansing Water Cave is directly
south of the Karma Tower. The cave is surrounded by water so use the bridge
to reach it.

---=| Cleansing Water Cave |=---

The Cleansing Water can be found within this cave (hence the name). Luckily,
it's pretty short. However, some of the monsters might be problematic.
Ameblobs, for one, are capable of casting a fire spell that deals heavy
damage. They can also use Recover and heal themselves when hurt. Apart from
those, you shouldn't have much trouble with the opposition unless your
characters are horribly underleveled. Nina should be at least 11 by now.

Begin by walking a bit forward to a three-way fork. The east path will lead
you to an Herb and nothing more. Take the west fork until the path splits
again. Right will bring you to an Herb. Now, go the other way to find a third
chest. Open it for a NiceHT and proceed forward. The path is pretty
straightforward here. When you do come across a fork, go east; the south path
will only bring you back to the entrance. After a long walk along the outskirt
of the floor, you should reach a staircase at the upper-left corner. Don't
take it just yet though! Instead, continue along the path and open the chest
at the end for a F.Stn. Now return to the staircase and take it.

You have two ways to go: up or down. Going south at this point will net you
yet another Herb. Go back north and advance that way until you reach a split
in the path. Head east for a single T.Drop and return to the fork, heading
north. This will eventually lead you to another staircase. When you reach it,
Descend it to the lower floor and go up. There is another staircase at the
end of this path. Take it upstairs and you will emerge by two chests. Snag the
BronzHT and Apple from the chests. Then head back downstairs and take the
lower of the two forks by the other staircase. There will be a third staircase
here. Descend to the next floor.

Finally, you will have access to the Cleansing Water. Head down the small
steps and fill your WtrJr up. Your party will automatically leave the cave and
return to Romero. There, Ryu will sprinkle the water and purify the soil! Once
that's done, there won't be any more zombies annoying the crap out of Romero.
The chief, of course, will be thankful for your help and reward you with five
chests. Pick up an Herb, an Antdt, 900GP, a Cure, and the TABLET! This item
will allow you enter the Agua Tower. Feel free to save your game and then
leave town.

5.4. The Stone Robot [5400]

Our next destination is Agua Tower to the northwest. Use Bo's ability to walk
through forests and find the floating tower. Walk up to it and move to the
end of the extension. Read the inscription on the Tablet that the chief gave
you and the great Agua Tower will slowly descend. Head up the steps and enter
the tower.

---=| Agua Tower |=---

This dungeon has a lot of awesome items which is a plus! Begin by heading up
and climbing up the stairs. The big stone door in front of you is locked (as
you can see, there is a padlock there). Head down and step on the transport
tile in front of the gap. It will take you to the other side. Once you're
there, go left and proceed to the southwestern corner for an Herb inside a
chest. Left of the gap is another path leading up. Take it up as far north as
you can go. The single chest there contains a Life2.

Backtrack to the other path branching off to the left. This one will lead you
to two chests containing an Acorn and Apple. Once those are all collected,
proceed forward along the same path. You will find a staircase behind the
door that was blocking your path originally. There is nothing to the right
except for four blocked chests that you cannot reach. Go ahead and climb up
this staircase.

To your left is another locked door. Ignore it for now and step onto the
transport tile just below you. This middle platform has three other transport
tiles stationed at its three sides. First off, step on the upper-left tile to
be brought to a chest. This one contains a SunHT. Equip it on either Ryu or
Bo and step on the only other transport tile on this platform. It will bring
you to a extension of the floor that you originally started on. Walk up and
around to the transport tile leading to the middle platform. Step on it to
reach the middle platform again.

Now you have two more choices: lower-left or lower-right. Opt for the latter
choice and you will be brought east to the southeast platform. Walk down to
the chest on this platform. Pop it open to obtain an IronSH. Once that is in
your inventory, step onto the transport tile above the chest to be brought to
the starting platform again. Again, step on the other tile to the middle
platform. Use the lower-left tile to proceed this time around. Now at the
southwest platform, snag the ThiefCL from the chest and step onto the next
transport tile. Now that you are behind the locked door, you can proceed up
the staircase here.

You have another locked door to your right. Pick up the Acorn inside the
chest and step onto the transport tile nearby. You will end up at the middle
platform. This area is very similar to the previous floor as you can probably
tell. There are two other tiles off of this platform. First, step on the
lower-left one to arrive at a platform carrying a HairBand. Use the transport
tile to a small platform with an Herb. Lastly, use the transport tile here to
return to the middle platform. Step on the lower-right tile this time.

This southeast platform holds a chest containing a Bracelet. Pick that up

before using the transport tile above it. This tile will bring you to the
north platform. Head west to find a staircase. Don't use the transport tile
unless you want to start this floor all over again. Climb up the stairs and
head to the right. The tile at the end will send you to the center platform
in the middle of the floor. Before examining the gold pillar, heal all of
your units up. Wisp will appear before you. Looks like you're going to have
to beat it up.

Boss : Wisp ~
Wisp doesn't deal much damage, but his attacks can still hurt. Be
sure to cast Fort on all of your units and nullify much of the
damage taken. Cast ATK-Up on Ryu and have him use regular attacks.
Nina should be there to heal when necessary. Bo will run out of AP
pretty quickly if you use Fry. If you would prefer to attack
regularly with Bo, do so. Use an Acorn to replenish some AP
otherwise. Wisp has a load of HP and it's annoying trying to take it
all down. With ATK-Up though, your job should be somewhat easier.
Although a time-consuming battle, this isn't exactly a difficult

Wisp will congratulate you. Search the pillar to find the KngKey. This item
will be necessary to activate the Stone Robot that you will soon come across.
Well, that's really it for Agua Tower. Make your way back through the area
until you find the exit. Leave Agua altogether and head back to Romero. Rest
at the inn and save your game. Don't forget to have Bo in front of your party
to walk through the forest.

The great Stone Robot is pretty far away. Get ready to do quite a bit of
walking. From Romero, walk east through the forest and head toward Tantar
again. I strongly suggest you save your game before heading to the Stone
Robot. Anyway, cross the bridge over the dried river as if you were heading
to Tuntar. To the north is a narrow ramp leading up the side of the cliff.
Begin heading along the dirt path leading northeast. Ignore the ramp nearby.
Follow the path and ascend the ramp it leads you to. Go north past the trees
to the edge of the cliff. Go west and you should catch a glimpse of the Stone
Robot below. Head down two sets of ramps to reach it. Enter the opening
between its legs (I don't need any dirty comments here, thank you very much).

---=| Stone Robot |=---
Wow, the robot's legs sure looked a lot smaller outside. Anyhow, climb the
staircase at the upper-left corner. Continue upwards until a path appears to
your right. There are two chests, plain in sight, along the path. Pick up an
Herb and a BronzHT. Once you have that, ascend the staircase further to the
right. This is the central room of the Stone Robot. To the southwest is what
appears to be the robot's "heart" by some soldiers. Walk up to them and a
battle will initiate.

Boss : General + 2 Lancers ~

The two Lancers in this battle are very easy to take out. The faster
you destroy them, the better. Prioritize them first with Ryu and
Bo while Nina casts Fort on the party. Although the Lancers are
weak, the General himself can deal quite a bit of HP damage. Fort
will help you out and leave you with more HP. Once the Lancers are
taken care of, you can focus on the General. Use Bo's Fry spell and
have Nina cast ATK-Up on Ryu if you haven't already. The General
doesn't have much HP so the battle won't last too long.

Once the meddling General is gone, the path will be clear. Examine the slab
in front of you and the KngKey will be used. The Stone Robot will activate,
as the heart begins to pump blood (is that blood?) through the rest of the
frame. Step on the blue tile and you will be teleported to... exactly where
you were. Well, at least you now know that they are meant to do something.
Head up toward the staircase and step on the teleport tile to the west. You
will appear at the lower-right corner of some room.

The nearby teleport tile here will only bring you back to the heart, so ignore
it. Instead, proceed up and along the path to another tile. Step on this one
to teleport somewhere else. Head up and you will be presented with two
teleport tiles. The left one will take you to an Acorn, so step there and
pick that up. Step on the same tile after picking that up to appear back by
the heart. Do what you just did before. Step on the teleport tile west of the
staircase again. Then step on the upper teleport tile to appear in that same

Step into the right teleport tile this time. Go up and duck the tile in the
alcove here. The two chests that you arrive by contain a Life2 and and Mrbl1.
Step back onto the same transport tile you came from and you will revert to
the same corridor as before. Head north past the tile leading to the two
chests and step on the following tile by the two pillars. Finally, step on
the only other tile ahead of you to find a gigantic slab (Hmm, maybe it's the
robot's brain?) ahead of you. Walk up and you will use the KngKey again to
activate the robot (I thought it was already activated).

Nina will order the Stone Robot to take the three of them to the lake. Watch
as the robot slowly walks over to the lake and ULTRA HYPER BEAMS the rock. The
water will flow out and the river will be restored to its original splendor.
Once you have control again, step onto the only teleport tile in the room and
you will be sent back to the heart room. From here, just descend the staircase
and backtrack your way out of this thing. The river is now flowing again! Go
south and down the ramp by Tuntar and Tantar. You will want to head across
the bridge to Tantar (the town on the left).

Once in town, you will see that the water is flowing freely. Stay at the inn
if you feel like it and head over to the tall, purple house in the center of
town. Talk to the dude sitting on the chair and he'll recommend that you look
for the Ring. With that, he pushes away his chair and shows you a hole. Head
down the stairs and pick up an Herb and the Key. Yes, it is just the "Key."
That's really all you need this town for. Feel free to save your game before
heading out.

Head back toward the Stone Robot north of Tuntar and by the lake. To the very
right of the Stone Robot is a cave. Enter.

---=| Lake Cave |=---

Begin by heading north through the cave. Walk past the puddle and up the
ramps. After that, cross the bridge ahead of you and move left and down the
stairs. Ascend the other staircase and pick up a W.Ptn from the chest. From
there, go down the next set of stairs and follow the path west. Follow this
path until you find the exit to the cave. You will appear back on the world
map. There is another cave further to the west. Walk over to it and enter.

Go due north to a locked door. That key you picked up from Tantar will open
the door and allow you to proceed. Do just that and head down the stairs. The
blue teleport tile is currently inactive. Move down a few more flights of
stairs until you see a path extends to the left. Head that way and follow
the path until you find another staircase. Climb up and you will find yourself
in an underground cavern filled with water. Head down into the water and
walk into the waterfall below you. Your party will fall quite a bit before
finally hitting the end.

While wading through the water, go south a little bit. Ignore the first
staircase you see on the small island and continue downwards. See the chest
on the island ahead of you? Well, walk down and climb onto the island to
access it. After picking up the Life, go back into the water and climb onto
the platform to the immediate east. Proceed forward along this oddly-shaped
island and jump back into the water at the end. You should see another chest
to your west. Go up and climb the steps onto this next island. First, pick up
the Life2 inside the chest and then descend the staircase.

Advance along the path to your west. After a bit of walking, you'll arrive
at yet another staircase. Climb the next few set of stairs until you emerge
in another underground spring. From the staircase, go north to find a chest
with a nice 2000GP prize. Walk into the water via the steps east of the
staircase. Walk a bit up and then to the right. Climb onto the first island
you have access to and open the chest for an Herb. Once you have that, climb
onto the eastern landmass. From here, go south. Head past the west path and
continue that way to find another chest. This one contains an Acorn.

Return to the path you ignored previously and proceed that way. Wade into the
water once again. Make your way down toward the waterfall below. Walk right
into it and ride down another waterfall. Whee, what fun. Proceed to the
southeast and get onto the first island you have access to. Climb the ramps
and open the chest at the very top for a SkySH. It is a very light shield that
may only be equipped on Nina. Do just that and jump back into the water. Now
go east and climb onto the second island down the line. Pop open the blue
chest for the Ring! Now step into the activated teleport tile. Once you are
back at the entrance, leave the cave and then proceed through the other cave
to the east.

Head back toward Tantar. Talk to either of the two blocking the way in and
you will learn about a ceremony of some sort. Go ahead and enter the town.
Rest up at the inn and save your game. Afterwards, head down to the chief's
house at the center of town. It is surrounded by four girls so you should be
able to pick it out fairly easily. Once inside, you will find the chief, a
random wolf-man, and the two newlyweds, Amelia and Terry. Talk to the white-
haired chief and the wedding will commence. After the wedding scene, the chief
will randomly blurt out and tell you that you can cross the river using the
Stone Robot. You will find a port in the town on the other side.

Head out of town. Hmm, that Stone Robot definitely was not where you left it.
Well, it looks as if the evil General has somehow hijacked the behemoth.
Using the wedding as a ploy, he managed to steal it and send it by the two
river towns. Before you can do anything, the robot uses its ULTRA HYPER BEAM
attack to destroy Tuntar! Tuntar will crumble. The General attempts to destroy
the second village, but the robot somehow stops. Might as well use this
opportunity to try to enter the robot again, eh?

Once inside the robot, walk up and climb up the three sets of stairs. You want
to reach the Stone Robot control room as before. From the last staircase, go
east and ascend the one at the opposite end of the room. Once you are back
inside the heart chamber, step on the blue teleport tile to your right. The
way up to the control room is the same as before. However, I'll reiterate the
directions in case you forgot. You will teleport by a tile right next to you.
Ignore this one and proceed north and along the path to the other one. Step
into this one.

In the next room, step onto the tile to the upper-right. Go north past the
first tile in the alcove. At the end of this path, by two pillars, is another
tile. Use it and then step on the following tile up ahead. This will bring you
to the control room. Of course, the General is right here. Make sure you are
mostly healed up before talking to the dude. As you probably predicted, he'll
transform into a freakishly ugly creature and attack you.

Boss : Gremlin ~
The Gremlin is a pretty heavy-hitter. Be sure to use Fort on Bo
first as his defense is terrible. However, as the battle goes on,
you will find it a good idea to use Fort on the other characters
as well. Cast ATK-Up on Ryu to increase his damage. Use the spell
on Bo if you'd prefer him to attack with a bow. Otherwise, use Bo's
Fry spell for some nice damage. This isn't really an easy fight.
Nina will be required to heal almost every turn. Keep an eye on Bo
especially though. Even with Fort protecting him, he will still take
heavy damage from each of the Gremlin's attacks. Occasionally, the
Gremlin will use a fire-breath attack; he will get up right next to
a character and blow flames at them. This deals heavy damage, so
keep your units healed up! He happens to use this attack almost
every turn when his HP is low.

After that toughie of a boss fight, the General will disappear and the Stone
Robot begins to walk elsewhere. You are now by a volcano at the southern
part of Tuntar. As the party stands outside, the Stone Robot commits suicide
by plunging itself into the volcano. Therefore, it can never be used to take
innocent lives again. The volcano ends up erupting and solidifying over the
land, thus allowing you to continue further to the south.

It said "Good-bye..."

5.5. Cities Of Gold And Thieves [5500]

You probably are in need of some dire healing after that last boss fight.
Feel free to return to Tantar to the north and across the bridge. Tuntar has
been destroyed, so there's no reason to try to enter it again. To continue,
go south across the cool lava. The next town is Auria. However, before you
head there, enter the Dragon Shrine. It's the small building south of the

---=| Dragon Shrine |=---

This is no ordinary Dragon Shrine. When you enter, you will find an old man
blocking the path. Talk to him and he'll move out of the way. Here, you will
obtain Ryu's first three dragon skills. However, you will need to prove
yourself before you can get them. Walk up and pick up the Melon from the chest
to the right. If you need it, drink from the recovery spring on the other
side. When you're ready to face Talon, walk up to the flashing green thing
in the middle.

Boss : Talon ~
You have ONLY Ryu in this battle. Therefore, you won't have any
access to offensive spells or defensive spells alike. You will need
to rely on your healing items to keep yourself in tip-top shape.
There is honestly only one way to defeat Talon. Simply attack,
attack, and attack. However, make sure that you heal with Cures
whenever your HP drops low. Talon is faster than Ryu, so be sure
to heal early. This is a very time-consuming battle due to your lack
of options.

Defeating Talon will complete the first step of your training. You will be
rewarded with the first three dragon techniques! With that, the dragon
disappears and you're left to continue your quest. Heal at the recovery spring
to the left and leave this Dragon Shrine after you regroup with your party.
Place Bo at the front of your party so you can walk through the thick forest
to the southwest. The little opening in the forest is a little fairy gathering
place. Enter it and talk to one of the fairies there. After you do that, head
over to the little square of grass of grass surrounded by flowers to the
lower-right. Talk to the boy running around in a circle. Finally, proceed to
the lower-left corner and enter the cave here.

---=| North Cave |=---

This cave will lead you to the city of Auria. I would strongly suggest you
get through this cave as quickly as possible. Although most of the monsters
are alright, Shadows are a major problem. Not only can they inflict various
status ailments upon your characters, but they can also kill your units very

Anyway, begin by heading south along the path. It's a long path, so bear with
me. Sometime soon, you will come to a fork. The way west will only send you
into some unbreakable rocks. Head south until you find the exit. Once back
in the overworld, move southeast to find a port city along the waterline. Now
you can enter the port city of Auria.

---=| Auria |=---

As soon as you enter the city though, two guards will come and throw you in
jail for no apparent reason. Well, that was interesting. Anyway, you are stuck
in a jail cell with no apparent way out. The first thing you should do is
collect the PrisnCL hidden in the sink. Now talk to the dude in bed and he'll
ask if you want to get out. Say yes and he'll walk over to the locked door
and open it for you. Well...

Go ahead and leave the jail cell and climb up the stairs. Just walk out of
the building as the guards won't really notice you leaving. Once outside
though, make sure you avoid the gaze of the guards hanging around. If they
throw you back in jail though, you can just have the sleeping dude break you
out. Auria appears to be a very rich town. Everything is shiny after all.
The Dragon Shrine is to your east. Save your game there. The building to the
jail building's left is a Weapon & Armor Shop and Item Shop. Feel free to
buy whatever you'd like.

| Auria Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Rapier ' ~ 1650G |
| * Dagger ' ~ 2200G |
| * LongSD ' ~ 2750G |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2860G |
| * BroadSD ' ~ 5500G |
| * Tiara ' ~ 1650G |
| * SunHT ' ~ 2750G |
| * SageML ' ~ 3300G |
| Auria Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 13G |
| * Worm ' ~ 65G |
| * Life ' ~ 650G |
| * Vitamn ' ~ 650G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * Pouch ' ~ 1300G |
| * Rod1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * G.Bar ' ~ 65000G |

The Rapier is a more powerful version of the BronzRP. Purchase for Nina if
you want. The Dagger is for Karn, of whom hasn't joined you yet. Buy a LongBW
for Bo and a BroadSD for Ryu. If you want, purchase some more armor for your
characters as well. At the Item Shop, pick up a Rod1 and some Worms so you can
fish later on. Also, buy a Pouch and Vitamn. You don't have enough money for a
G.Bar yet. However, you will need to buy it sometime soon. Luckily, you can
make quite a bit of money in this city. Go upstairs to a bar area and talk to
the guy sitting at the table. He has the hiccups and needs the Vitamn to heal
it (WTF?). Anyway, you will receive 5000GP for that. If you need healing, go
to the inn to east. Make sure you walk around the guard to avoid getting
caught again.

When you are finished, leave the shops and prepare to explore town. The first
thing you should do is head toward the ship at the dock. Walk northwest from
the two shops and proceed to the end of the docks. Talk to the man there to
learn that the ship is owned by Ross. Return to the area around the shops and
jail cell building. Stay to the left side of the stairs and walk north. As you
can see, the people of Auria have big houses! Enter the first house on your
left and check the drawers at the back end of the first floor. It contains a
S.Ptn. Go upstairs and check the drawers to the right for a Cure. Walk around
to the other side of the wall with the chest and open it for a W.Ant. Now
that you're done looting this house, go ahead and leave.

Enter the house to the right across the street. Check the drawers on the first
floor to find a V.Ptn. There is also a chest at the upper-left corner with
Life. Go upstairs and "inspect" the drawers to your immediate right. Snag a
hefty 2000GP prize and open the chest in the bedroom for a Mrbl1. That's it
for this manor so head back downstairs and leave. The next two houses also
have their fair share of goodies. Enter the next one on the left and check
the drawers and chests on both floors. These houses are all laid out the same
way, so you should have no trouble finding them. You will leave with a
SmartRG, Acorn, Life, and Antdt.

Once back outside, head inside the house across the street. Same drill this
time. However, DO NOT touch the chest on the first floor! The woman there will
call a guard on you and you will be sent back to jail. Be sure to talk to her
though to learn that her son is missing in the forest. Go upstairs and check
the drawers for a Mrbl3 and a chest for a Cure. Before you leave, talk to the
old man with Nina at the front of your party. Have Nina heal his aching back
and you will collect 20000GP! Talk about money to throw away. When you are
finished hanging around here, go downstairs and leave this house. Finally,
head inside the gigantic manor at the end of this path.

Once inside this palace of a house, walk up to find a rich-looking man pacing
the floor. He'll allow you to use his ship if you save his daughter. Say yes
and he'll tell you that she's locked in the safe (whatever that is). Anyway,
why not steal some stuff from Auria's richest man? Of course he won't notice.
Head toward the entrance of the house and ascend the staircase. Begin by going
up and turning to the right. Follow the hallway to the northeast bedroom.
Check the drawers for 2000GP. Return to the staircase and go west from there.
In this bedroom, go up through the tiny hole in the wall to find two chests.
Steal a Cure and a G.Tiara (this item has crappy defense, but you can sell it
for 13000GP).

Now, remember that lady that said her son was missing in the forest? In order
to retrieve him, you will need to leave the city and return to the Fairy
Woods (It was that square bit of land in the middle of the forest on the
other side of the mountain). From Auria, go back to the North Cave again.
Proceed through it as you did before. At the fork, make sure you go right.
Upon emerging, switch Bo to the front and walk through the forest above you.
In it, there is a familiar rectangular clearing that is pretty visible. That
is the Fairy Wood. Step into it to enter.

---=| Fairy Woods |=---

Converse with one of the fairies in the clearing up ahead. They will let him
go if you happen to make him promise never to log ever again. If you remember,
the boy is to the southeast in a tile of grass surrounded by flowers. Meet
the fairies there and they'll lift the curse off of the boy. Once he's free
again, talk to him and he will, of course, promise to protect nature. Now
that's a valuable life lesson!

Leave the area and use Nina's Warp spell to return to Auria. Find the boy's
mother who is at the same house as before. Somehow, the boy managed to get
back before you did. You will receive 20000GP as a reward for rescuing him.
That extra bit of GP should have put you over the 65000GP mark. Now you
have enough money to purchase that expensive G.Bar at the Item Shop. If not,
then you will have to resort to selling items and/or defeating monsters
outside. You can always come back and get the G.Bar later, but that can be

That's really it for Auria at the moment. Leave town and head due east. There
is a cave in the mountainside here. This cave will bring you to the city of

---=| Bleak Cave |=---

Two men are blocking the path ahead of you. Assuming you talked with Ross,
they will let you pass. They will also caution you to keep your guard up in
Bleak due to the amount of thieves running around. From there, just head down
the staircase nearby. Go west and follow this linear path until you hit a
fork. Head north as the path east is blocked by candles (of ALL things, a pair
of candles have to block your path). Follow this next path up, east, and up
again. Follow the path around the wall surrounding the single treasure chest
(cannot be accessed yet). Eventually, you will reach another split. Just go
east to proceed.

Follow this path until another fork presents itself ahead of you. Heading west
will bring you to a pair of chests with Cure and a ShellHT behind a crumbled
wall. The ShellHT is not useful at the moment as none of your units can use
it. Once you have those treasures in your pack, return to the fork and go
south. At the end of this path is a staircase and a locked door to the south.
Obviously, you can't open that door so head upstairs.

Go east along this fairly lengthy corridor. At the end is a fork. Head north
first and continue up this path. Advance past the locked door (There are a lot
of those here, eh?) and you will reach the gate by the beginning of this cave.
Step on the other switch to open the gate. Now you can easily access the
beginning of the cave from the end. Now all you have to do is backtrack to the
fork. When you get there, go south and leave.

This part of the overworld does indeed look a bit bleak. Also, the monsters
around will be a bit tougher than the ones you've fought before. Just keep
that in mind while you begin moving northward. Walk along the edge of the lake
as you go around it. Bleak is at the other end of the lake so you will have
to walk all the way around.

---=| Bleak |=---

You can save your game at the Dragon Shrine by the entrance. After doing that,
enter the inn to the left. The innkeeper will allow you to stay for free!
Assuming you purchased the Pouch during your stay in Auria, the innkeeper will
attempt to steal your Pouch during the night. Luckily, you catch him and
he will give you 5000GP to keep you quiet. Good money! A Weapons & Armor Shop
along with an Item Shop are just above the inn. Pay both shops a visit.

| Bleak Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Dagger ' ~ 2000G |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2600G |
| * BroadSD ' ~ 5000G |
| * MetalSH ' ~ 1400G |
| * HuntCL ' ~ 1500G |
| * IronSL ' ~ 2000G |
| * BronzAR ' ~ 3600G |
| * WoolRB ' ~ 5000G |
| Bleak Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 12G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 108G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 18G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 24G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 36G |
| * Charm ' ~ 180G |
| * Life ' ~ 600G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2400G |

You should really only purchase new items if your wallet allows it.
Considering the recent purchase of the G.Bar, you probably don't have that
much money at this point. However, it would be a good idea to get a MetalSH
for Ryu and a WoolRB for Nina. Now, about the rest of the city. The house to
your right has a fortune teller dancing outside. Don't bother with her nor
the house that she is in front of. Walk up the main road to find two houses
to your left and right.

Enter the house on the left and go upstairs. Head right along the hallway to
find two chests. Both of them contains an Herb. Steal those and exit this
house. Head inside the opposite house across the street and go upstairs too.
This building also has two Herbs up here. Snag them both and leave. Finally,
enter the manor at the north end of town and talk to the old man at the upper-
left corner. He will explain to you that Karn could help you enter the safe
in Auria. However, he's in Krypt as of now. You will need an Icicle to travel
through the desert though. The old man will offer you an Icicle for your
G.Bar. Accept the Icicle and say goodbye to 65000GP.

Go upstairs to find two chests in the east room. It's not Herbs this time
though. Steal a Life and W.Ant. Bleak doesn't serve much of a purpose now,
so feel free to leave. Before you leave for the desert though, I'd suggest
you level up around Bleak a bit. The G.Slime is a pretty common monster around
these parts. Although somewhat difficult to defeat, it gives a LOT of EXP.
Other monsters in the area also provide a lot of EXP so go crazy.

5.6. Light And Dark [5600]

From the town of Bleak, go west along the edge of the mountains below. There's
a cave at that little corner. It's not the same cave you came from before you
entered Bleak. This cave will lead you to the desert by the town of Arad.

---=| Arad Cave |=---

Once inside this cave, walk up and descend the staircase. Now go west and
follow the path until you arrive at another staircase. Climb up to the next
floor and proceed along the path. It's very linear so you should have no
absolutely no problem finding your way to the end. Just before you leave, Ryu
will use the Icicle (assuming you picked it up before). That item will allow
you to travel through the arid desert.

From the cave, move south through the valley and into the desert itself.
Examine your world map and take a look at the desert you are currently in.
As you can see, it extends southward pretty far. Near the south end of the
desert is a little tent icon. That represents the town of Arad. Make your way
southeast and find it. You may find a small icon crawling around outside of
Arad. Ignore that, along with the structure to the southeast, for now. Enter
the town of Arad.

---=| Arad |=---

The midgets here are dressed strangely in yellow cloaks. If you choose to
converse with some of them, you will learn about the moving town outside of
Arad. The first tent on the right (at the entrance) is an inn. Even though it
doesn't say so, the guy inside will let you rest. The other white tents have
nothing of interest, so enter the large orange tent ahead. This is the mayor's
dwelling. He owns the Fife, an item which will allow you entry into the Krypt.
You cannot obtain Karn any other way so you will have to get the Fife from

Of course, the mayor isn't just going to GIVE you the Fife. You must first do
him a favor. Talk to the old guy and he'll tell you about the giant SandWorm
that is eating the goats. If you manage to defeat it, you will gain the Fife.
Luckily, tonight is a new moon. The screen will go black, signifying that
night has come. Leave the mayor's tent and head to the right where the goat
pen is. Examine the thing in the ground to enter battle with the "deadly"

Boss : SandWorm ~
The SandWorm isn't exactly tough, but the battle can drag on and on
if you just sit there and attack. In order to efficiently take out
the SandWorm, you will want to utilize Ryu's dragon morphs. The
SandWorm's main attack is a fire breath-ish attack. It doesn't deal
much damage at all. However, casting Nina's Fort on Bo might be a
good idea because his defense is terrible. Have Ryu transform into
the ThrDr: his most powerful dragon morph at the moment. Bo can
honestly just sit there as Ryu will be dealing the majority of the
damage with his incredibly powerful dragon attack. The battle should
be over with pretty quickly.

The mayor will thank you and allows you to take the Fife. Open the treasure
chest that is now accessible to find it. Before you leave Arad, I suggest that
you rest at the inn; you have a dungeon ahead of you. From the town of Arad,
head southeast to the stone building. Step on the gray tile ahead of it and
press the A Button. A little bridge will appear and you can cross. Welcome to
the Krypt.

---=| Krypt |=---

Some objects block the path to the left so you will have to walk right along
the outer wall. You will just go around to the other side of the objects
anyway. Walk through the doorway and make your way to the large staircase in
the center of the room. You will come to a very large room now. Head down a
bit and you will notice a collection of raised platforms. Several of them hold
chests but the floors are trapped. Obviously, you can't just WALK to a chest
and expect to get to it without falling through the floor somewhere.

Below is a ASCII map of this large room. The blacked-in (###) areas represent
the locations of the fake floors. As you can see, every chest has a trap.
I would suggest coming back here later with Karn in your party so he could
disable them:

[1] Herb (poison trap!)
[2] Herb (fire trap!)
[3] DreamRG (fire trap!)
[4] Life (poison trap!)
[5] IronSH (curse!)
[6] Dagger (DarkMist!)

,----. ,----. S ,----. ,----. ,----. ,----.
| [3]| | | ,----. | [1]| | | | [5]| | |
| | | | ,---' `---. | | | | | | | |
`----' `----' | SS | `----' # `----' `----' `----'
| | ###
,----. ,----. | | ,----. # ,----. ,----. ,----.
| | | | `---. ,---' | | | | | | | |
| | | | `----' | | | | | | | |
`----' # `----' `----' `----' # `----' `----'
### ###
,----. # ,----. ,----. ,----. # ,----. ,----.
| [4]| | | | [2]| | | ,----. | [6]| | |
| | | | | | | | ,-' `-. | | | |
`----' `----' `----' # `----' | SS | `----' `----'
### | |
,----. ,----. ,----. # ,----. | | ,----. ,----.
| | | | | | | | `-. ,-' | | | |
| | | | | | | | `----' | | | |
`----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----'

Once you have collected your share of treasures (or not), head southeast
and descend the large staircase on the platform. Following that, descend the
following set of stairs right next to you. On this floor, head down and go
north. You will come across two raised platforms in your path. The one on the
right has a chest containing a HeadGear. However, the trap on this chest will
actually KO the character in front. Ouch! Anyway, the other raised platform
holds a B.Rang that cannot be obtained. Walk a little bit further up. Heal
up your units and examine the creature on the platform.

Boss : EyeSpy ~
With this boss, you don't have much to fear. Have Ryu transform in
ThrDr while Bo uses Fry to deal heavy damage. If you feel like it,
have Nina use Fort on Bo because his defense is sub-par. However,
EyeSpy's attacks are not generally very damaging in the first
place. Do note that when his HP gets low though, he will release
a powerful thunder attack that hits all of your units. The beginning
of the battle will be simple. The end still should not be THAT

Like pretty much all of the other bosses thus far, EyeSpy will explode.
Continue downstairs and you will come across six chests. Don't touch the blue
one until you've collected the Cure, IcyHT, Antdt, and two SkullHTs from the
other chests. Once you open the blue chest, the way back will be shut off and
some water will pour from the two stone heads on the wall. As the water level
slowly grows, your team will panic. The blue chest suddenly moves, revealing
a very crafty (yet cocky) Karn. He will agree to help the girl out of the
safe in Auria. However, you will need to find the Book first. Follow him

Karn will join your party. His ability allows him to open any locked door and
dispatch any traps on chests. If you didn't pick up the trapped items before,
you can go back and do so. For now, equip the Dagger on Karn and give him any
other pieces of equipment you see fit. Put him in the front of your party and
use him to open the two locked doors to the right. He'll open the locks
effortlessly. Continue along the path until you come to a fork by a locked
door. First, head west until you come across two chests. They both have traps
but if Karn is at the front, he'll disable them. Snag the Life and Herb and
then return to the locked door. Don't worry about the other paths. Descend the
staircase following the locked door.

Proceed west along this path until you hit another staircase. Climb up and
note the staircase in the middle of the room atop the raised platform. Before
descending though, go south along the hallway southeast of the staircase you
just appeared from. This will lead you to a single chest. Have Karn disarm
the chest and take the HuntCL. Equip it on whoever you see fit. Now return to
the middle of the room and head down the large staircase on the raised
platform. Head down the following staircase as well to find yourself in a
large room. There are eight caskets scattered to the direct north, northeast,
east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest.

Have Karn unlock all of them. The last one you examine will hold the Book!
Well, there was apparently no point in coming down here as the Book only tells
you that you already have great skills (since you've figured out the trap).
Talk about a waste of time! Whatever. Make your way out of this dungeon.
Simply backtrack along the way you came in. When you reach the entrance room,
you won't have to walk all the way around as you can just have Karn unlock
the door by the entrance! When you're back outside, just step in the
whirlpools to be brought outside of the Krypt.

Karn is capable of unlocking those closed doors that might have blocked your
path in the past. If you want some awesome items, I'd suggest you head back to
Winlan and the Agua Tower to pick up some items behind locked doors. If you
would rather proceed with the game instead, then skip the next few paragraphs.
However, I would strongly suggest you take the little time it takes to snag
these items.

When you're back out, have Nina use her Warp spell to bring your party to
Winlan. Feel free to save your game and leave the Dragon Shrine. Utilize the
inn outside in this familiar city and then head north to the Winlan Castle.
If you ever went into the Winlan Castle basement in the past, you would have
passed a locked gate housing a number of chests. Take the stairs down at the
upper-right corner and walk down around the wall to the gate. Two guards
are standing right by it. Have Karn unlock the gate and proceed to steal a
FlameRP, Turban, BrokenSD, Cure, Life2, and Life!

In order to get to Agua Tower, you will first need to use Warp to get to
Romero. From there, have Bo stand in the front of your party and proceed west
until you catch sight of the floating Agua. Enter the tower by stepping on
the tile at the end and reading the Tablet. Ascend the staircase on the first
floor and unlock the door directly north of you. Go up the stairs (the other
chests on this second floor can only be obtained when you pick up Ox) and
unlock the next door to your immediate right. Ascend the staircase past it
to the third floor.

Use Karn again and pop open the following locked door. Climb up the next
staircase and head southwest. Unlock the door here and step onto the transport
tile stationed right in front of you. You are now at the lower-left corner of
this floor. Exit this portion of the tower by leaving through the opening in
the wall. Once you're outside on this small ledge, walk around to the other
doorway. Enter and take the FlameSH from the chest here. THIS IS A VERY
EFFECTIVE SHIELD! Equip on whoever could use the boost in defense. For the
record, I put it on Karn.

We're not done yet though. Go west (ignore the transport tile) until you
catch sight of the staircase up ahead. Head upstairs to find yourself by
another Dragon Shrine structure. However, there's nothing to do in there.
Examine the two statues outside of the building to collect a LifeAR for Ryu
and and the IcyDR for Karn. These two items are INCREDIBLY powerful! It will
no doubt make future battles much easier. That's pretty much it for Agua
Tower. Head back downstairs and step on the transport tile by the chest
that contained the FlameSH. From there, you can find your way out of the

Now it's time to get back to Auria and free that girl. Warp back to Auria and
enter Ross's big house at the north end of town. Be careful of that annoying
guard as he will STILL throw you in jail if you walk near him. Once inside
Ross's house, head to the lower-left corner and descend the staircase into the
basement. Unlock the first door to find his daughter trapped behind the
second. Talk to her and she'll say that Ross wants to give the LtKey to the
Dark Dragons. That's a big no-no! Ross's daughter won't move until you pick
up the DkKey so don't even try to get past her.

The Dark Tower houses the DkKey and it can be found by Bleak. Don't Warp there
though. Instead, head to the Bleak Cave east of Auria. Once inside, head
downstairs and you will emerge by a locked door to the southeast. Break it
open and proceed to a split. The left path leads to a staircase and the other
path will lead you forward. Take the right path and go as far north as
possible. Turn west until you locate another locked door. Unlock it using
Karn's awesome ability and open the chest ahead to find a Dart. Backtrack and
head up the staircase at the fork (right-most of two staircases on this

Head east along this lengthy path and take the north path at the split. You
will eventually come across another locked door. Past that is a chest
containing a second G.Bar. You will need another one later and unless you
feel like forking over another 650000GP to the shopkeeper in Auria, I'd
suggest you take this one for free. It will definitely save your some money.
Now, leave the cave by backtracking to the fork and heading along the south
path. Just east of the exit is the Dark Tower by Bleak. If you want to go to
Bleak and heal, do so. When you're ready to tackle this tower, walk into it
and enter.

---=| Dark Tower |=---

Well, the Dark Tower sure is DARK! Begin by walking up and unlocking the
door using Karn. Pick up 2000GP in the chest to the right and then ascend
the staircase on the left. Here on the second floor, go to the lower-right
corner of the room and talk to the old man standing there. Apparently, this
man is the keeper of the treasure. He'll allow you to pass, but he will also
block the chest next to the staircase. You will have to prove your worth
before you can obtain it so climb the following steps up.

You have a choice of two staircases here. First of all, ascend the set on the
left to find a B.Stn and Life inside two chests. Backtrack down a floor and
head up the opposite staircase. Go down and climb up the staircase below the
one you just came from on the other side of the wall. On the next floor, go
straight up another staircase ahead of you. On this floor, snag the Life2
from the chest and then descend the stairs on the left. There are three chests
in here containing a Cure, HornHT, and an Herb.

Head upstairs again and then climb down the steps to the right. When you reach
the room with a staircase directly below you, head south and around the wall
to the upper-right corner of the room. There is another staircase stationed
here. On the next floor, move left and down along the wall of the floor. There
are two staircases at the south end of the room. Opt for the one on the right
first. On the next floor, ascend the following staircase at the corner. You
will end up by two chests and an enclosed in the middle. Pick up the Turban
and 2000GP from the chests and backtrack down the last two sets of stairs.

Now, take the opposite staircase on the left and proceed up the other
staircase to the right. You will find yourself in the enclosed area that you
saw before. Before you examine the glowing red orb atop the pillar, heal up
your team. Something ugly will spawn. Guess you'll have to fight it then.

Boss : Cloud ~
Unlike some of the other bosses you've faced thus far, Cloud is a
genuine magic-based spirit. He won't attack you physically, but his
spells can deal quite a bit of damage if you are too lazy to
recover. Fort isn't necessary as it will only up an ally's defense
as opposed to magic defense. However, you will want to pump up Karn
and Bo with ATK-Up. Ryu should transform into the ThrDr. Cloud's
most dangerous spell is an earthquake attack that deals heavy damage
to every character. Nina should always be ready to heal whenever
necessary. Luckily, Cloud doesn't use that attack too often. You
should easily be able to recover from each of his attacks before
he can put you in any sort of panic.

Once the spirit is defeated, examine the pillar to obtain the DkKey. Once you
have it, the Dark Tower will suddenly light up! With the DkKey in your pack,
head back downstairs all the way to the first floor. Converse with the old
man who you met at the very beginning of this dungeon and he'll move aside and
allow you to take the treasure. Open the chest for a Mirror. Once you have
that, leave the Dark Tower and Warp back to Auria.

Before seeing Ross again, I'd suggest you save your game and heal up at the
inn. When you're done with that, go see Ross at his house. He isn't pacing
around in the carpet room anymore so check the table to the east. Talk to him
to learn of his predicament. If he doesn't hand over the LtKey, then the
Dark Dragons will harm his daughter! After a short pause, Ryu will raise the
Mirror and the ghost of Ross's wife will appear! Alena will talk some sense
into Ross and he will accept.

Head downstairs and into the basement where his daughter is. Speak with her
to get her out of the way. The LtKey is past the eight other chests in this
little basement chamber. Take the five Herbs, Dart, MetalSH, and B.Stn before
climbing up the various sets of stairs until you reach the tower. Along the
way, you will come across a chest containing a F.Stn. Pick that up and
continue upwards until you reach the tower room at last. The LtKey is atop the
pillar. Examine the orb and it will materialize.

5.7. At Sea [5700]

As Ross had promised before, he will allow you use his ship. Leave his house
and make your way over to the upper-left corner of the city. You will notice
that the captain is standing at the base of the dock. He will tell you that
the Dark Dragons are blocking the way! Why do they have to mess everything up?
Walk forward and meet two Dark Dragons henchmen standing by the ship. Of
course, they will fight you for that LtKey. You are up against a Knight and
an Archer. Get rid of the Archer first and then concentrate on the Knight.

Once they are defeated, they will realize that Ross had betrayed them. His
ship will be destroyed. After the captain runs in, a fishy creature by the
name of Gobi will appear. He will tell you that you can get to the main camp
by going around the north peninsula. If you were to move the rock that blocks
the North Cave, you could surprise them! Gobi will then offer you GnPwdr for
a G.Bar. Since you picked one up in the Bleak Cave, why not offer that to him?
Hand it over and you will receive GnPwdr.

Before you leave Auria, be sure to heal up at the inn and save your game.
Once back outside, head north to the North Cave. Go through the cave as you
normally would until you hit the fork in the path. Previously, you would have
ignored the path on the left. This time though, head down that way until you
come across the rock barrier. Set the GnPwdr down and watch as the rocks
explode. Now that the way is clear, continue onwards until you find the

---=| Dark Dragon Base |=---

You will appear just outside of the Dark Dragon Base. Make your way south
through the trees until you see a building in the clearing. There's nothing
there so don't even bother entering. Proceed west along the cobblestone path
and two Dark Dragons will stop you. They are nothing more than weak SpearMen
so kill them quickly. Further west is a Dark Dragon Ship. You should not meet
any more resistance up until you reach it. Step right in.

---=| Dark Dragon Ship |=---

As soon as you enter, you will be stopped by some more Dark Dragons. Get rid
of the first Archer that attacks you and walk over to the staircase leading
down into the ship. Head south through this corridor and you will be stopped
by another Archer and SpearMan. Dispose of the two and proceed south and into
the bedroom. There's another staircase here that you should climb. Do just
that to find a general blocking the path. Heal your units up and get ready
for another fight. He will transform into a menacing Squid. (They just love
to do that, don't they?)

Boss : Squid ~
Ryu's ThrDr really shines here because the Squid is weak to thunder
attacks. Likewise, Bo's Fry spell will deal extensive damage too!
As long as you exploit its weakness, the battle should not last
long. However, do note that the Squid can deal quite a bit of damage
too. Be sure to have Fort cast on your party. The Squid is capable
of launching an attack that deals heavy damage to each of your
party members. Nina should be ready to heal whenever necessary. If
you really need to heal, have Karn use some healing items as he will
not deal that damage to the Squid anyway.

Well, that battle sure gave you a bit of EXP. Hopefully, some of your units
gained some levels. Once that pesky general is out of the way, you can
continue. Before going downstairs, steal the V.Ptn from the chest by the bed.
On the next floor, you can obtain two Herbs and two Acorns from the four
chests. Going further will only bring you to a dead end so backtrack out of
the Dark Dragon Ship and through the Dark Dragon Base. Walk back through the
North Cave and get yourself to Auria.

Now that you're back here, feel free to heal up at the inn and save your game.
Head on over to the docks and speak with the captain. The Dark Dragon Ship is
now yours for the taking. After a small discussion, your team and the crew
will set sail... but not before that Gobi fellow runs on. He needs a ride to
Prima. Once everyone's in place, the ship will set sail. After some calm
seas, three Dark Dragon ships will move in. You just knew this was going to
happen sometime, eh?

The Dark Dragons will board your ship. Another general, of whom is apparently
the other general's brother, will demand the key. Gobi will recommend blowing
up the ship but before you can take any action, the general sends his henchmen
at you. The first battle pits you against two Archers and a Spearman. Kill
them quickly and try to conserve as much HP as you can. After the battle, Gobi
leads you downstairs. As you move down, the general appears yet again. He'll
send three Archers at you. Again, defeat them quickly and try to retain a
healthy amount of HP.

As your team continues to follow Gobi down, the general will send two more
Archers at you. You should have no trouble taking these goons out. Upon
finishing them, the general will finally fight you himself... after
transforming into yet another lovable sea creature.

Boss : Octo ~
Because you've just fought three sets of Archers and SpearMan, your
team might be somewhat hurt. Take the first few rounds and use Nina
to get your units back in shape. Heal up any hurting units and cast
Fort if necessary. Because the Octo is weak to thunder attacks, use
Ryu's ThrDr transformation. Bo can also deal heavy damage using the
thunder spell, Fry. Octo doesn't really hit too hard, but his
attacks can still deal some damage. Be sure to have Nina set to
heal every turn. Karn can just sit there and dish out extra damage.
He isn't really useful for anything else.

After the battle ends, you will notice that somehow, the general and your
party switched sides...? Anyway, after the Octo is gone, it will explode and
ignite the many crates of gunpowder there. As your party attempts to escape,
the ship will blow along with the other three Dark Dragon ships. Ryu and
friends manage to jump off in time, but they get caught in a massive whirlpool
which eventually brings them to a desert island...

Prima is an underwater city. You will need Gills to get there. Gobi offers
to sell them to you for 1000000GP. However, you obviously don't have that much
so Gobi will take what you already have and loan you the rest. You now take
control of Gobi. For now, re-equip him with any better equipment you might
have picked up before. The way to Prima might be a bit tough so you will want
the best possible. When you are ready, head south and into the water.

In order to reach Prima, you will need to head west. However, some of the
enemies around are somewhat tough. Since you are by yourself, try to get to
Prima as quickly as possible. You won't be able to run from every battle
easily, so use your underwater spells when you need them. Prima isn't too far
to the west anyway. When you catch sight of the red-walled underwater city,
walk in.

---=| Prima |=---

Prima is a merchant town, so you can probably expect it to be teeming with

shops and sellers. There is a grand total of SIX Weapon & Armor Shops along
with FIVE Item Shops and TWO inns. Needless to say, some shops will rip you
off more than others. For starters, the inn you see to the left at the
entrance will charge you 300GP while a second inn to the northeast charges
only 200GP.

Gobi can set up his own shop in the large building in the middle with the
yellow roof. By setting up a stand, passerbys can purchase the items you put
up for sale. When they ask you for a price, be sure you say "No" a few times.
This will let you sell items higher and get a lot of GP. I'd suggest you take
some time to go about haggling off items and buying new items. It's a great
opportunity to make some money. Also take note of the Rename building. The
Rename building along the west side of town (has a pen as its sign) allows
you to rename any of your characters.

Here's a rough ASCII map of the area (Weapon & Armor labeled as "W&A" while
Item Shops are labeled as as "I"):

,---------------------| |-.
| ,-----. ,-----. | | |
| | | | | | ||
| | I | | I | |Guild| |
| |#4| |#5| | ||
--' `-----' `-----' `-----' |
--. ,-----. ,-----. |
| ,-----. | | ,-----. | | |
| | W&A | | Pub | | W&A | | I | |
| |#5| | | |#6| |#3| |
,-------' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' |
| |
| ,---------------. ,-----. |
| ,-----. | Gobi's Stand | | | ,-----. |
| | Ren.| | W&A # 2 ; # 3 | | Inn | | W&A | |
|| ||I#2 | |#2| |#4| |
| `-----' `---------------' `-----' `-----' |
| |
| ,-----. ,-----. ,-----. |
| ,-----. | | | | ,-----. | | |
| | W&A | | I | | Inn | |DraSh| |Stor.| |
||#1| |#1| |#1| | | | | |
| `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' |
`--. ,--'
| |
`--------------------------. ,-----------------'
| |

| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #1 |
| * Club ' ~ 3250G |
| * IronHR ' ~ 4550G |
| * PowerSD ' ~ 10400G |
| * Glove ' ~ 3900G |
| * IcySH ' ~ 5200G |
| * HornHT ' ~ 6500G |
| * FaceMask ' ~ 7800G |
| * GoldHT ' ~ 26000G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #2 & #3 |
| * Dart ' ~ 3000G |
| * SteelBW ' ~ 4000G |
| * BroadSD ' ~ 5000G |
| * Sickle ' ~ 6500G |
| * EvilRP ' ~ 20000G |
| * Bandana ' ~ 400G |
| * NiceHT ' ~ 600G |
| * WoolRB ' ~ 5000G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #4 |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2860G |
| * SteelBW ' ~ 4400G |
| * PoisonBW ' ~ 5500G |
| * ChainHT ' ~ 2750G |
| * PlateAR ' ~ 3740G |
| * IronMask ' ~ 4400G |
| * RangerVT ' ~ 5500G |
| * G.Tiara ' ~ 22000G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #5 |
| * Pike ' ~ 2750G |
| * Javelin ' ~ 4400G |
| * RustCW ' ~ 7700G |
| * IronCW ' ~ 11000G |
| * DivingHT ' ~ 4400G |
| * LightSH ' ~ 4400G |
| * SuedeRB ' ~ 6600G |
| * SpineCL ' ~ 8800G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #6 |
| * Dart ' ~ 3300G |
| * PoisonRP ' ~ 3300G |
| * Tri-DR ' ~ 4400G |
| * Cane ' ~ 6600G |
| * Visor ' ~ 880G |
| * MetalSL ' ~ 3300G |
| * BronzAR ' ~ 3960G |
| * IronML ' ~ 5500G |
| Prima Item Shop #1 |
| * Herb ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 81G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 13G |
| * Antd x9 ' ~ 121G |
| * Charm ' ~ 135G |
| * Chrm x9 ' ~ 1215G |
| * Life ' ~ 450G |
| * Cure ' ~ 1800G |
| Prima Item Shop #2 |
| * Mrbl3 ' ~ 10G |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |
| Prima Item Shop #3 |
| * Worm ' ~ 50G |
| * Srdine ' ~ 50G |
| * Worm2 ' ~ 100G |
| * Mackrl ' ~ 100G |
| * Sole ' ~ 250G |
| * Trout ' ~ 500G |
| * Rod1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Rod2 ' ~ 2000G |
| Prima Item Shop #4 |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 117G |
| * Antd x9 ' ~ 175G |
| * Life ' ~ 650G |
| * Vitamn ' ~ 650G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * Pouch ' ~ 1300G |
| * Chrm x9 ' ~ 1755G |
| * G.Bar ' ~ 65000G |
| Prima Item Shop #5 |
| * B.Stn ' ~ 22G |
| * F.Stn ' ~ 22G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 33G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 297G |
| * C.Stn ' ~ 44G |
| * Drop x9 ' ~ 198G |
| * Life ' ~ 550G |
| * Chrm x9 ' ~ 1485G |

All of those items may seem pretty nice. However, you'd best save your money
for other things. You will essentially want to at least purchase a PoisonBW
for Bo, a few IcySH and HornHT along with a PowerSD for Ryu and a Javelin for
Gobi. In terms of other items, pick up a Rod2 with some bait. The rest is all
up to you.

Make your way over to the "Guild" building that is labeled on the map. Inside,
talk to the fat fish and he will tell you that they don't have Gills. Gant,
however, happens to hold them. Exit that building and leave Prima. When you
are back outside, head southeast. When you hit the corner, you should notice
a slightly lighter-colored wall. Walk down into it and you will appear back on
land. Head west in between the valley. The monsters here aren't difficult at
all. No worries then.

When you reach the end of the valley, head north. You will eventually see the
town of Gant by some dead trees.

---=| Gant |=---

The inn and Dragon Shrine are right in front of the entrance. Heal up if
necessary and save your game. A bit above the Dragon Shrine are the two shops.
Feel free to browse. Don't worry, Gant only has one set of shops unlike

| Gant Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * IronHR ' ~ 3150G |
| * GiantHR ' ~ 4050G |
| * HeroSP ' ~ 6750G |
| * SpineHR ' ~ 27000G |
| * IronSL ' ~ 1800G |
| * MetalSL ' ~ 2700G |
| * IronHT ' ~ 6300G |
| * MetalAR ' ~ 8100G |
| Gant Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 8G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 72G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 12G |
| * F.Stn ' ~ 16G |
| * B.Stn ' ~ 16G |
| * C.Stn ' ~ 32G |
| * Charm ' ~ 120G |
| * Cure ' ~ 1600G |
After you finish shopping, you will want to inspect the various houses here
for items and such. First, enter the house to the very southwest. Use the door
on the left and check the drawers next to the row of four beds. Inside is a
HrGlas. This awesome item allows you to change day from night and vice versa
on a whim! From the entrance of town, head north up the first set of stairs.
The two houses on the left don't hold anything of importance so enter the
building to the right (with the light blue roof). Inspect the drawers by the
beds for a L.Ptn. Leave and head to the large building at the north end of
town. Turn to the right and converse with the burly-looking man. He will tell
you that the Dark Dragons had attacked and taken their young men.

He will then ask of you to take some Goods to the Prima Guild Owner. He'll
move out of the way. Walk up and take the Goods out of the chest. Before
leaving, head upstairs and talk with the old lady to learn that the
young men were captured to build a secret weapon. Examine the drawers and
then head downstairs and out of town. Make your way back through the valley
and go back through the underwater area to Prima.

5.8. Birds Of Prey [5800]

Once you're back in Prima, head north to the Guild building. Talk to the fat
fish again and he'll gladly take the Goods in exchange for Gills. Now wait a
second, didn't he say before that he didn't have any? The attached letter says
that Gant has been attacked! After some loud sounds, a fish will come in and
tell you that the Dark Dragons have attacked a small boat! The survivor of
the boat needs his help. The Guild owner will leave.

Upstairs, Gobi finds a ghost that has come to take someone to the Nether
World! However, he can't die yet as he holds important information. Gobi
offers to send in a warrior (guess who that warrior is) for 10000G. The Guild
owner will offer 5000G. If you say "No" twice though, you can jack up the
price to 6000G. Now, head downstairs and leave the city of Prima. Go east and
find your way up the ramp to where Ryu and friends are stationed. Walk into
the circle of trees and talk to Ryu.

Your party will join up. However, because you have five members, one of your
units will not fight. Check your menu; All units on the left-hand side will
battle. Whoever's at the right is idle. Any team could work for the coming
battle. With your team, head down the ramp and into the water after your team
puts on the Gills. Head back west to Prima and enter the inn. Before heading
upstairs, make sure that your team is healed up. Talk to the stubborn ghost
and you'll enter battle.

Boss : Morteo ~
This is a very easy fight. There's no need to use Fort in this
battle unless you're worried about Bo. Morteo's attacks don't deal
much damage at all. It'll be much more effective healing whenever
necessary. To speed up the battle, Ryu can transform into the ThrDr
and attack that way. Bo can use Fry while Gobi can use his spells.
Morteo won't take very long to defeat.

The ghost will disappear afterwards and the traveler will wake up. His name
is Ox and apparently, the Dark Dragons were after him for some reason. Ox is
a Metal Smith and he was caught running from the Dark Dragons to deliver a
message. Although Ox and his companions tried to fight them off, he couldn't
get through. The entire party will agree to give Ox a helping hand. He'll get
up and join your party.

I'd suggest you purchase a IronHR for Ox here in Prima. If you feel like
walking, you can also get a SpineHR in Gant. However, that's a VERY expensive
item. The IronHR does fine anyway. Before heading anywhere, I'd strongly
suggest you level some of your party members. Ox and Gobi need to be made
much stronger. The area around Prima is a good place to level up. I'd say
around level 20 would be a good place to stop.

Ox has the impeccable ability to smash walls and rocks. As you may recall,
there were certain chests in some dungeons and towns that were behind cracked
walls. The only necessary item you'll need to pick is the B.Rang. However, I
strongly suggest you take the time to get everything. Find your way back to
the surface and use Nina to Warp your party to Gant. Here, you'll acquire a
very powerful spell for Karn. Head to the north end of town and enter the
large building at the top. Make your way to the upper-right corner of the
first floor and examine the wall. There is a hole blocked by a chest. Push it
out of the way and proceed. In here, smash the rocks so you can talk to the
man. Switch Karn to the front and you'll learn Shin! This spell allows Karn to
fuse with Bo and Gobi, thus making them one. Use it right now so you can fit
all six of your units in one party. Once Bo and Gobi are fused, the
transformation of Gobi, Bo, and Karn will become ONE all-powerful unit.

Now that you've acquired this awesome skill, leave Gant and warp to Romero.
From there, make your way to Agua Tower. Karn's Shin form can still walk
through trees (due to the presence of Bo). Once inside, head up to the second
floor. The chests we're looking to obtain are in the room to your right. You
should see them already. Use the transport tile below the staircase and get
yourself down there. Head a little bit to the right and then up toward the
cracked wall. Have Ox smash the wall and you'll be able to get the chests.
You can snag 3000GP, a SilverBR, Life2, and Life. That's all there is, so
leave the cave afterwards.

Use Nina to Warp your party to Auria. From here, head east to the Bleak
Cave. Enter and descend the staircase on the first floor. Go southeast through
a locked door (You probably opened it before) and then around north to
another staircase. Head east until you hit the fork. Take the upper path and
follow it until you see a cracked wall. Break it down and obtain the A.Ptn
and L.Ptn just beyond it. That's it for the Bleak Cave.

Leave and Warp to Arad. The item you'll find here is required in order to
completion of your quest, so don't pass it up. Remember the Krypt to the
southeast of Arad? Head out of town and make your way down there. Use the Fife
again to create a bridge past the whirlpools. Now, enter the dungeon and
proceed through it as you did before. Head down the staircase on the first
floor and make your way southeast on the next floor. Climb onto the platform
with the other staircase and head downstairs. Continue down another staircase
as well. In the following room, you will find the B.Rang. Head up and climb
onto the smaller platform to the left. Smash the rocks and obtain the item.
Once you've collected it, head back out.

With all of the items collected, use Nina's Warp spell to get to Gant. Heal
up at the inn and save your game if you feel like it. Leave the town and head
south through the valley. Follow the mountaineous path and head down the ramp
into the water. Here, head northwest until you find the city of Prima again.
If you want to stop there, go right ahead. There's also a ramp leading to the
surface that's northwest of Prima. You'll see it along the side of the
underwater cliff wall. When you surface, move south through the field of dead
trees. Eventually, you'll come across a structure.

---=| Nabal Dungeon |=---

Head down the staircase at the beginning of the dungeon. Your path will be
blocked by some rocks. Have Ox smash them to clear a path. Before ascending
the staircase, smash the cracked wall to the left to access the two chests.
Pick up the GiantHR and EchoHT. The SpineHR is still twice as strong as the
GiantHR. Even so, if you didn't buy it before, then the GiantHR is an
effective weapon at the moment. Re-equip if necessary and then head on

Smash the wall just above you. Alternatively, you can walk around to the west.
If you want to snag an Herb from the chest to the left, you'll need to fight
off a LancerX. Although he's easy, he can still give you some trouble. Head
north to find another cracked wall and a path branching off to the left.
Again, if you feel like skipping a chest containing another Herb, just smash
the wall for a shortcut. Otherwise, proceed to the left and fight off another
LancerX. Just beyond the cracked wall are two more cracked walls. First, break
the wall on the left and follow that path to a chest containing a Life.

Return to the area where you smashed the wall. The other cracked wall will
only serve as a shortcut. However, taking that path will bypass a MetalSH
inside a chest. To collect it, head south along the path to the right. From
the chest, just head north and fight the LancerX that assaults you. Head
directly north to another cracked wall. Break it, turn right, and proceed
down this path. When you come across another cracked wall, smash it as well.
From here, just head up to find a staircase. Heal your team before heading
down. Yeah, it's another boss fight.

Boss : Toad ~
Now THAT'S what I call an ugly creature. It's pretty powerful as
well, making this a (somewhat) difficult boss fight. Nina should
definitely use Fort on your weaker characters. The Toad's attacks
can deal in the range of 60-90 HP damage! Be sure that every unit
is covered by Fort to mimimize the damage. Have Ryu transform into
his ThrDr state and use Nina to cast ATK-Up up on all of your units.
Once Nina is done pumping up your team, she should stick back and
heal whenever necessary. From here, just piece away at its HP until
it finally falls.

After that nuisance is neutralized, the four prisoners will be free to go. Ox
will head in and talk with them. You'll learn that the Dark Dragons have
already taken the weapons and prisoners to Nabal in the north. Ox's wife is
also among the prisoners. Because Nabal has such tight security, getting in
will be a problem. However, there is an old man near Gant who might be of
assistance. When it's finished, head to the right and break down the cracked
wall. Simply walk out to leave the dungeon.
As soon as you leave, utilize Nina's Warp spell to reach Gant. Save your game
here if you'd like and heal at the inn. Once you're done with that, go to the
north end of town. Enter the large building here (where you obtained Karn's
Shin spell) and talk to the blacksmith. He will notice your B.Rang immediately
and offers to fix it for free. Leave Gant and head south through the field of
dead trees. Follow the path through the mountains until you find the ramp
leading underwater. Ignore it and head as east as possible from there. You
will eventually reach a small, white hut in a circle of palm trees.

Enter to find an old man tending to a goat. He, too, will notice your B.Rang.
After he spins around a few times (strange fellow, no?), he'll mention the
GrimFowl; it's a tame bird... until you happen to steal its eggs. You could
use this bird as a weapon. With that in mind, you should head back to the
Nabal Dungeon. From the old man's hut, head west and take the ramp leading
underwater. Head northwest to Prima and stop there if you'd like. I'm sure you
remember the ramp to the northwest of Prima. Head that way and surface. From
here, make your way south around to the Nabal Dungeon again.

Proceed through the dungeon as you did before. This time, just break through
all the cracked walls as you've already collected all the treasures. Once you
re-emerge on the other side, just head north. Ignore the other path leading
west for now. Enter the Nabal Forest is just up ahead.

---=| Nabal Forest |=---

In the Nabal Forest, you'll notice a bunch of GrimFowls walking around. They
are pretty docile at the moment. Walk up until you find the GrimFowl Egg in
one of the nests. Heal your party up before touching it of course. As the old
man said, the GrimFowls will only attack when you touch their eggs. A nearby
bird will attack.

Boss : GrimFowl ~
This battle is nothing special. The GrimFowl has one weak physical
attack and one much stronger fire attack. There's really no need to
waste your time casting Fort. Instead, have Nina use Shield on the
party (assuming you've acquired that skill) to up your magic
defense. Because the GrimFowl is fire-based, have Ryu transform into
the SnoDr (the extra damage is only a little bit more than ThrDr's
regular damage). The ice attack will deal extra damage. Use ATK-Up
on the rest of the party to up damage. Of course, heal your
characters whenever necessary.

After you defeat the bird, the other GrimFowls will crowd around your party.
Simply take the Egg and slowly walk to the north exit. Some of the GrimFowls
will follow you. When you leave, make sure that a GrimFowl comes out with you.
Head north toward the Nabal Castle and enter. After you throw the Egg into the
castle, enter and you'll find the GrimFowls chasing around the guards. With
them out of the way, your party can enter the castle. Do just that.

---=| Nabal Castle |=---
The guards inside the castle are also busy fending off the GrimFowl attacks.
You won't need to worry about them peskering you. There is a big gap up ahead
that you cannot cross at the moment. Head to the right and follow the hallway
to a staircase. You might want to inspect the vases below the staircase for a
Life2 and SkullRG. First, push the pots down and then check the ground under
them. Once you've collected those items, head downstairs. In this next
labyrinth-like area, follow the path south and around to a cracked wall.
Break it down with Ox. Before talking with the guards standing up ahead, heal
up your party. Walk up to meet the general. His three henchmen will transform
into some weird slime creatures.

Boss : SlimeX ~
This first part of the battle pits your party against three separate
SlimeX creatures. They deal very little damage and barely pose a
threat. Take this time to have Nina cast Fort and ATK-Up if you
feel like it. However, the battle will still be just as easy without
it. Piece away at the first three SlimeX creatures (which honestly
should not take long) and the three resulting puddles will fuse to
form a single entity. This SlimeX form is slightly stronger with
more HP. Just keep attacking until you defeat it. Be sure to heal
when your party members need it.

After defeating SlimeX, the three henchmen will tell you that the general has
already gone to destroy Prima. After they are out of the way, Ox will run to
the prison cell and break down the wall. (As you can see, Gant's women look
VERY different from their men.) Ox's wife is amongst the crowd and states
that the Dark Dragons have already loaded the torpedo onto the ship. The
general is going to use that torpedo to destroy Prima!

The guild owner explains that you'll need Wisdon's sorceress. Head upstairs
and talk to the sleeping fish. You will learn that the sorceress does not like
to be woken. You can only enter the town if you have the Statue. Now, get into
the guy's bed (that sounds very wrong for some reason) and take the Statue.
Head out of the house and heal up at the inn before disembarking.

5.9. Bleu's Awakening [5900]

Find some place to surface and utilize Nina's Warp spell to get your party to
the desert town of Arad. You might recall a small moving town outside of Arad.
Leave town and look around for it. It isn't moving too fast, so you should
have no trouble catching up to it. Simply walk into the small town and you'll
enter Wisdon.

---=| Wisdon |=---

This tiny town doesn't really have much to see. There's a Dragon Shrine to the
left. The other buildings are boarded up, so you can't access them. I would
definitely suggest saving your game before you go anywhere else. Once you're
done with that, head down the staircase in the middle of town to enter an
underground portion of Wisdon. Head north until you reach a three-way fork.
Opt for the left path first. Have Ox break down the first two cracked walls in
your path. Accomplishing that, you can access the chest on the right. Open it
for an Herb. Smash the third wall and take the ProSH from the other chest.
It's a pretty effective shield, so equip it on whoever you see fit.

Return to the fork and head down the path on the right. Much like the other
path, there are two chests here behind three cracked walls. Again, use Ox to
break down the walls and obtain the Life and Life2 from the chests. Once you
have collected those two items, return to the fork and take the north path.
You'll be led to a staircase. Descend them to the next floor. Head north along
this long corridor until you come across another staircase. To the right is a
seemingly inaccessible chest. However, if you walk around and smash the rocks
out of the way, you can reach it. Do just that and snag the OldSP before
going upstairs.

On this floor are multiple rooms behind cracked walls. First, head down
to the southwest corner of the room and have Ox smash the cracked wall there.
Just beyond it are two chests containing Life and a SilverBR. Leave the room
and head to the northeast corner of the room where you'll find another cracked
wall blocking two more chests. Have Ox break it down. The two chests contain
an Herb and a RageHR for Ox. However, the SpineHR (if you have that weapon)
is still much stronger than it. Now head directly south to find another
cracked wall. Break it down and go downstairs.

From here, head west through the hallway. At the end will be another
staircase. Climb back up to the floor you were previously on. This time
though, you're inside the northwest room that was inaccessible from the
outside. There are four chests here containing: ChainML, two Herb, and a
ProSH. Once you have collected those, head back downstairs and backtrack to
the other staircase. Now that you've collected all the treasures on this
floor, you can proceed up the wide staircase that is directly above the wide
staircase that you originally came through. You'll come back outside by a
large building. Walk up and enter.

---=| Wisdon Castle |=---

Walk up and take a drink from the water to recover your stats. To the left of
the recovery spring is a staircase. Climb up to find three spirits blocking a
sleeping woman (of who is no doubt, the great sorceress). The spirits won't
let you by that easily though. First, you must prove your worth.

The first spirit to attack you is Wisp. If you recall, you fought this
apparition a while ago in Agua. This Wisp is pretty much the same thing. You
should have little trouble beating it. Once you take it down, the second
spirit will approach you. Again, you've fought Cloud before. Although a bit
tougher than Wisp, beating it should be simple. Be sure to heal if necessary.
Cloud's earthquake spell can still hurt. Beating it will put your party up
against the final spirit. Unlike the other two, this one might pose a threat.

Boss : Myst ~
Myst can be a problem because you might still be weak from the other
two preceding fights. If your team is hurt, be sure to take the
first few turns to heal. For the most part, Myst is just another
average boss. His spells can hit your entire party so it would be
wise to cast Shield on your vulnerable units. Use ATK-Up to increase
the damage dealt. Have Ryu transform into his ThrDr state for lots
of damage. Myst doesn't have have much HP so the battle should not
drag on forever. Heal your party when HP gets low. If Nina is
not effective enough by herself, have Ox cast Cure3 as well.

After you take care of all three spirits, they'll allow you to wake the
sorceress. One will attempt to talk to her, but to no avail. There's always a
Plan B though! As the ghosts shock the crap out of the sorceress, she'll wake
up at last. The sorceress will give you an OldEgg, of which you must put in a
warm place (such as the volcano). When it hatches, a bug inside will cause a
typhoon. Ending on that note, she will go back to sleep. That's really it for
Wisdon. Leave the castle and make your way back through the underground
portion of Wisdon. When you re-surface, save your game and leave town.

Warp to Gant and head underwater. There is a great volcano just north of
Prima. Head over there (stop in town if you wish) and proceed further north.
There is a small path in the sharp outcroppings sticking out of the ground.
If you head directly north from Prima, you'll walk through it. Go through this
opening and head further north. You'll arrive at the cave leading into the Sea

---=| Sea Volcano |=---

Some of the monsters here in the Sea Volcano might pose a problem; they are
much tougher than those outside the Sea Volcano. Since most, if not all, the
monsters are water-based, don't hesitate to use any thunder-based attacks.
From the start, head north until you catch sight of some green plants. Here,
there are two other paths branching to the left and right. The west path will
lead you to the next floor quicker; however, you'll skip the treasures on
this floor.

Instead, take the east path. You'll immediately come to another split.
Continue to go east and take the SharpBW from the chest here. Return to the
fork and head north. Follow this path until you hit another fork in the path.
Heading further west will lead you to a chest containing 3000GP. The other
path will bring you to a staircase. Climb up to the second floor. Before going
anywhere else on this floor, ascend the following staircase that is right
next to you. There is a single chest containing a M.Drop on the following
floor. Pick it up and head back to the second floor.

First off, head south and turn to the east at the fork. You can obtain 2000G
from the chest there. With that collected, head back to the fork and head
west. At the next fork, turn to the south and follow that path to another
chest. This one contains a PowerDR for Karn. Return to the last fork and
continue westward until you catch sight of a staircase. Climb it to the next
floor. Snag an Herb from the chest nearby and head west along this path.
Eventually, you'll reach a cliff beside a lava pool. Step onto the little
outcropping extending off the cliff and press A. The OldEgg will be dropped
into the lava.

The OldEgg will grow larger and your team returns to the sorceress in Wisdon.
She'll join your party after talking to her (her name is Bleu if you didn't
know already). With that, your party returns to the guild owner in Prima.
You will rest until the Dark Dragons make their first move. After a fine
sleep, try to move and someone will come in to notify you that the enemy has
made a move. Outside, Bleu will agree to use her magic. Some of the defenders
will head out while another fish will turn into a big fish for you to ride on.
Walk into him and you'll disembark toward the fleet.

Sadly, the fish makes a blunder as you find yourself surrounded by Dark Dragon
ships. The Typhoon Bug saves the day luckily. It will fly in and absolutely
obliterate a few of the ships. The Dark Dragons will retreat and you'll dive
back underwater. Now would be a great time to fix up your party. Bleu should
DEFINITELY stay in your party. Have Karn transform into Shin again to account
for Bo and Gobi. I would strongly suggest you let Ox sit out for now. Once
your party is ready, head north. Some of the fish are doing battle with the
Dark Dragons. Attempt to walk toward the general in the back and a fish will
tell you to take care of the leader. Prepare for battle.

Boss : Pincher ~
This crusty crustacean can be somewhat difficult in its latter
stage. Pincher barely has any HP. If you can take him down quickly,
you won't need to worry too much about healing and such. At first,
Pincher is pretty easy. It shouldn't take many rounds to take down
his HP. Have Ryu transform into ThrDr and use Bleu's Fry spell to
deal heavy damage. At the same time, try to cast Shield on your
weaker units. Once you've taken down Pincher's preliminary HP,
he'll begin to use a thunder spell that affects your entire party.
It can be pretty devastating without the use of Shield. Heal if
necessary and continue to attack. Pincher should go down in no

As the fish attempt to push the general's limp body away, the ground begins
to shake (uh oh). The scene suddenly switches to Zog and Jade. Finally, you
get some insight as to what's going on up "there." Pay attention to the
dialogue as the two discuss the problem in Prima. Apparently, they've noticed
that the Light Dragons have been interfering with their search for the keys.
Jade is ordered to get rid of the Light Dragons and find Zog the goddess keys.
While he goes off to neutralize the Light Dragons, his four lackies, Cerl,
Goda, Cort, and Mote will take on the task of locating the goddess keys.

Once you revert to Prima, you'll learn that the general's little "act"
could have easily destroyed the town. Gobi, of course, decides to stick with
the team because you still "owe him money." As you regain control, Gobi will
realize he's missing something. Fix up your party any way you choose and enter
Prima again. Your party is probably in some need of healing so stop at the
inn. Now, find the guild owner again and he'll see that Gobi is back (so

He'll hand Gobi his license. Also, two blue chests will appear. One contains
the Sphere (which allows Gobi to transform into a BIG fish) and the other a
MystSF. Also in Prima, you might want to pick up some new equipment for Bleu.
That's all up to you though (recommend purchasing SuedeRB and LightSH). Be
sure to save your game before heading out.

Un-fuse your units and put Gobi at the front of the party. Press the A Button
and he'll transform into a large fish. In this state, you cannot be attacked
by enemies! Swim northward toward the Sea Volcano and head west over the
gigantic gap in the ocean floor. Stick along the cliff wall to the south and
swim west along it. After a bit, you should encounter a ramp leading onto a
small island. Turn Gobi back to his original form by pressing the A Button and
climb back onto dry land. There is one town, Tunlan on this isolated island.

---=| Tunlan |=---

This is an interesting city. There's a Dragon Shrine to the left at the very
entrance. The inhabitants of Tunlan will only talk in music (which doesn't
help much). Save your game if you'd like and stop at the inn to the right.
There are only two "marked" stores. The main Weapon & Armor Shop and Item
Shop can be found by turning to the left. However, directly opposite those two
shops (on the other side of town) are two doorways with a strange marking
above them (resembles a fox's head). This is the marketplace. There are two
more Weapon & Armor Shops and an Item Shop inside. Also, Gobi can set up his
own stall like the marketplace in Prima.

| Tunlan Weapon & Armor Shop #1 |
| * BoneCN ' ~ 2412G |
| * PoisonRP ' ~ 2700G |
| * Cane ' ~ 5400G |
| * EvilRP ' ~ 18000G |
| * Dress ' ~ 900G |
| * Gown ' ~ 1800G |
| * MystRB ' ~ 5400G |
| * GuruCT ' ~ 18000G |
| Tunlan Weapon & Armor Shop #2;3 |
| * Dagger ' ~ 2200G |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2860G |
| * PoisonRP ' ~ 3300G |
| * Tri-DR ' ~ 4400G |
| * Gauntlet ' ~ 880G |
| * HuntCL ' ~ 1650G |
| * ThiefCL ' ~ 2750G |
| * RangerVT ' ~ 5500G |
| Tunlan Item Shop #1 |
| * Herb ' ~ 13G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 19G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 26G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 39G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 315G |
| * Charm ' ~ 195G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2600G |
| Tunlan Item Shop #2 |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

Definitely purchase a GuruCT for Bleu. You simply can't go wrong with "0"
weight after all. Buy a BoneCN as well along with anything else you see
useful. Once you're done shopping, head up to the north end of town. There's
a big building here that you can enter. Do so and walk up. You'll find some
people here. Of course, they will only talk in music. Turn to the right and
proceed this way past a kitchen and bedroom. Proceed down through the hallway
and you'll find a staircase. Climb up to the next floor and descend the other
staircase on the following floor.

Head a bit to the left and you'll find four statues. There are three chests
behind the locked door and two more on either side of the room. Approach the
outer chest to the left and one of the statues will chase you down a hole.
You'll end up falling into a room below. Talk to the old man and he'll give
you a hint (he's referring to the Rod5). Push the lower-right block and
examine the floor to find the Rod5! This awesome rod will allow you to catch
some amazing items. To leave, push the lower-left block over and fall down the

Pick up the Herb and Melon inside the two chests here. From here, just head
south and up the staircase at the end of the corridor. You will ultimately
emmerge outside of the city. Now, with the Rod5 in your pack, you can collect
some awesome items that will allow you to enter another Dragon Shrine (for
more Dragon techs). Make sure that you have some Worms though (in order to
fish). You can purchase Worms in Auria.

Have Nina or Bleu Warp your party to Romero first. Leave town and put Shin
at the front of your party. Outside of Romero, head west past the Karma Tower
until you hit a skinny mountain range. Go up and around it and head southward.
Proceed south and west along this strip of land until you find a stone well.
Be careful, the monsters here are a bit tough. Equip the Rod5 on Ryu along
with the Worms and fish inside the well. You will fish out a DragonSD! Equip
this powerful (but heavy) weapon on Ryu for a big boost in attack power.

At this time, you can also collect the DragonHT as well. Warp to Arad and
head into the desert. Begin moving toward the southwest until you hit some
mountains. From here, go west until you hit the shore. There should be a
strip of land on the other side of the mountain. Head south along this little
strip of land to find another stone well. Fish out the DragonHT using Ryu's
Rod5. Of course, equip it on Ryu.

5.10. The Poison Flower [5010]

Remember the Nabal Dungeon? Well, we're heading back there. Use Warp to get
back to Gant. From there, make your way underwater again and head toward
Prima. Feel free to turn Gobi into a fish to make the trip faster. In Prima,
I would suggest you heal up at the inn and save your game. Surface using the
ramp to the west of Prima and head south through the field of dead trees.
Simply proceed this way until you reach the Nabal Dungeon. Make your way
through it as you did before and emmerge on the opposite side.

Here, follow the west path through the mountains. Before, you had taken the
northern path to the Nabal Forest. When you hit the ocean, proceed southward
and follow this path until you find four trees surrounding a small, white
building. This is the second Dragon Shrine.

---=| Dragon Shrine |=---

Enter the building and talk to the old man. He'll get out of the way for you.
It's the same procedure as the last Dragon Shrine you visited. Only Ryu will
be allowed in. First, head to the right and pick up the Mrbl2 from the chest.
Drink from the clean water to the left if you need to heal and finally, walk
up to the green apparition in the middle. You will be obligated to defeat
Bain in order to obtain the new dragon techniques.

Boss : Bain ~
Bain is very easy to defeat. The blue dragon has only one physical
attack which does minimal damage. Have Ryu transform into his ThrDr
state and attack from that point on. Honestly, you should be able to
kill Bain pretty easily. If necessary, use a healing item when your
HP drops too low. This pushover should be long gone in no time.

Once the monster is defeated, Ryu will be awarded with FOUR new dragon
transformation spells: IceDgn, FirDgn, BltDgn, and GldDgn. The first three are
elemental dragons, but the latter is a holy dragon that deals very heavy
damage. Of course, the AP required to utilize these transformations is a bit
hefty. Needless to say, try to limit using them too often. These new dragon
transformations are a very worthwhile acquisition.

Now, back to our quest. Leave the Dragon Shrine and Warp to Tunlan. If you
want, save your game here. Exit town and move down the ramp and into the
water. Have Gobi turn into a fish again and swim due north from the island of
Tunlan. After a while, you'll come across a line of pink coral. Swim past
these and a bit to the left. There's a ramp here leading up to the surface
of another landmass. Revert to your original form and climb back onto dry

You haven't been in this area thus far. Monsters here are tougher, so beware!
They do give a load of EXP though. If you want to train here for a bit, be my
guest. From your current position, head east until you come across a stone
bridge to the north. Cross it and climb up the following dirt ramp. The town
of Gust is just to the northeast. Head on in.

---=| Gust |=---
Gust is the location of another one of Karn's signature fusion spells.
However, the one you will obtain here won't be as useful as Shin because it
can only be used underwater. Before you collect it though, stop at the inn
to heal up and the Dragon Shrine to save your game. The Item Shop and Weapon
& Armor Shop are to the east of town. There's some awesome equipment to be
bought, so check it out.

| Gust Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Tri-DR ' ~ 4000G |
| * OldSP ' ~ 6000G |
| * WingRP ' ~ 7000G |
| * MoonBW ' ~ 8000G |
| * WingSD ' ~ 10000G |
| * GaiaMask ' ~ 8000G |
| * FlameSH ' ~ 12000G |
| * WorldML ' ~ 22000G |
| Gust Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

The WorldML armor is expensive, but it is great armor for Ox. Purchase a
WingRP for Nina and a MoonBW for Bo. Feel free to buy anything else you see
useful. Once you're done, leave the shop and head to the house just left of
the pond at the center of town. There is an old man pacing the floor here. He
doesn't serve any purpose so ignore him. Push the block by the two barrels
forward and drop down the hole it was originally covering. You will find
yourself by six barrels arranged in this pattern:
_ _ _
(_) (_) (_)
(_) _ (_)

First off, push the bottom block to the side and walk up so that you are
in-between the middle row of blocks. Push the left barrel to the left and the
right barrel to the right. Now you have access to the upper-left barrel and
upper-right barrel; push both of them upwards. Finally, move the upper-middle
barrel to the side. Now that you've generated a path, walk up and put Karn at
the front of the party.

Speak with the dude at the end of the room. He'll teach Karn another
transformation spell, Debo. Karn can fuse with Ox and Gobi. However, Debo can
only be used underwater which really limits its use. Nonetheless, it is still
a useful fusion spell. To leave this basement area, head south and down the
hallway to the lower-left. You'll end up leaving the city. Back outside,
notice the dirt path behind the town leading north. Re-enter Gust and head to
the back of town. Exit here and you will find yourself on that path. Head all
the way up until you enter a sub-section of the path. Up ahead is a formation
of pink flowers. Stepping in it will make you a bit loopy, but it's completely
harmless (as far as I can see). Walk up to the door past the flowers and press
the A Button to open it.

---=| Laboratory |=---

This is an interesting looking place. At the start, you have two chests to
your left and right. If you want an Herb and a Cure2, go ahead and open them.
However, you'll be required to fight a Rogue before you can touch the chest.
They are easy enough to beat (and they give TONS of EXP), so collect the
confines of both chests after neutralizing the monsters. Get used to fighting
these beasts by every chest and small path you come across here.

Once you pick up both items, head up the middle path. Here, you'll come across
three skinny paths leading up to two chests. The western-most path leads to
nothing. However, you'll still be obliged to fight a Rogue. The middle of the
three paths leads to a L.Ptn while the right path leads to a Rod4. When you
are finished with the chests, head down the wider path leading east. You will
immediately notice three more paths branching off to the north. These rooms
don't serve any other purpose but to provide a shortcut. The middle path does
not have a Rogue guarding it. If you head up that way, you can break the wall
down with Ox and save a few minutes of walking.

After taking that shortcut, head further north along the path. Climb up the
staircase at the end to the next floor. Here, you will meet Cort. If you
recall from a previous cutscene, he is one of Jade's subordinates. Of course,
he's here to mess around with you. He'll quickly toss some substance at your
party, of which somehow shrinks your units. Since you can't really do anything
in this state, you'll want to find some way to get back to your original

Walk up past the other staircase and continue to the northern wall. Continue
to the right until you find a a hole in the wall. Although just a mouse hole,
you can fit in perfectly. Head in and follow the path. You'll be fighting
Roaches here. They really aren't that tough so no worries. Eventually, you'll
come across a bunch of mice. Yes, you can talk to them if you want. One of the
mice runs a Mouse Inn in service for free. You can rest here if you'd like.
After doing that, head back a little bit to the left. There will be an open
path leading north that was previously blocked by a mouse. Head up this way
until you hit a fork. Take the right path. This will lead you to a room full
of cheese and three roaches. Walk up to them and they'll attack! (Who knew
roaches could talk anyway?)

Boss : K.Roaches * 3 ~
These three red roaches are easy to beat. Start attacking any one
of them that you choose. For starters, these roaches' defense sucks.
You probably won't even need ATK-Up. However, feel free to cast it
if you want to speed up the battle. Have Ryu transform into one of
his dragon forms for extra damage. Bleu can simply use her spells
to deal some damage. As for everyone else, just have them attack.
Heal whenever your characters gets too hurt and you shouldn't have
much trouble at all.

Once the roaches are gone, head back to the mice gathering. They'll be happy
that you managed to liberate their food. Talk to the mouse blocking the two
chests. He will move out of the way and allow you collect the items. Pick up
an Herb from the chest on the right and then snag the M.Cura from the chest
on the left. With the Mouse Cura potion, you will return to your original
shape back outside the mouse hole. Now, back to the task at hand.

Descend the upper staircase (not the one that you came from before) to
proceed. This dangerous looking room has a bunch of transport tiles floating
over a large lava pit. First, step onto the transport tile to the upper-right.
You will be taken to the opposite platform. Here, you will notice Cort... with
a pretty creepy looking friend. Walk around to the right and step on the
transport tile off of this platform.

Step off of it and head over to the west wall. From here, go down and around
to another transport tile. Take it to another platform further east. Walk
around to the right and step on the tile here; you will find yourself on the
middle platform with two other tiles. The bottom tile will only bring you back
to the beginning, so step on the top one. You will be brought before Cort. As
you probably expected, he'll send his monster pal to take care of you.

Boss : RugaX ~
RugaX is not a terribly difficult boss. However, he can give you a
run for your money if you aren't careful. For the most part, RugaX
does not have much HP at all. His attacks are somewhat dangerous.
One involves using a fire breath attack on the entire party for some
damage. Be sure to have Nina heal whenever any of your units are
in the red. Cast ATK-Up on any unit you see fit and have Ryu
morph into one of his dragon states. Bleu won't be too effective
for this battle. Just have her cast her most powerful spells to deal
as much damage as possible. RugaX should go down pretty painlessly.

Defeat RugaX will reveal that he was actually a person, turned into a monster
by Cort. Before Cort runs off, he'll mention his Poison Flower, which will
supposedly send you spiraling into madness. You'll learn the poor man's name:
Nicholie. That same flower turned him into the monster that you had just
fought. Nina will attempt to heal him, but it has no effect. Your party will
end up carrying him outside and to the village. Bleu claims that she can heal
the man. You will need Oil though. Collect it from the Frogs in the Frog

Your party will quickly rush out of Gust. However, there's still business to
be taken care of back in town. First of all, you will probably want to heal
at the inn and save your game. Re-arrange your party any way you choose (note
that Bleu is no longer in your party). When you're finished with that, head
down to the lower-left corner of town. Ascend the staircase there and go up
past the goat. Further ahead is a cave in the rock wall. Head on in.

---=| Gust Cave |=---

This is a very short cave. Follow the twisting path around until you reach the
block of cheese at the end. Near it is a puny fly... who ends up attacking
your party!

Boss : G.Fly ~
This is no ordinary fly, folks. The G.Fly can hit a single unit for
quite some damage. Luckily, it only has one physical attack. Feel
free to cast Fort on your weaker units. Because the G.Fly has high
agility (it usually is the first to attack), I'd suggest using Ag-Up
so you can attack first. Have Ryu transform into any of his dragons
and cast ATK-Up on your other units. For a fly, the G.Fly does have
a lot of HP. The battle is pretty straightforward though. Just keep
attacking and healing whenever necessary.

Once the G.Fly is dead, walk up and pick it up. Once you have it in your
pack, head out of the cave. In order to reach the Frog Cave, you'll need to
go back underwater. Use Warp to get your party to Tunlan. From here, leave
the city and head down the ramp and into the water. Once underwater, you can
either turn Gobi into a big fish or use Karn's Debo fusion. I'd suggest you
just use Gobi's fish transformation. Therefore, you won't need to worry about
random encounters at all.

From the island of Tunlan, head directly to the east. When you hit a wall,
you should notice an opening blocked by several rocky outcroppings. You can
only get over those by changing Gobi into a big fish. Do just that and simply
swim over them. Further down is another ramp. Revert back to your original
form and climb back onto dry land. Here, you should see a single cave and
nothing more. Head inside the Frog Cave.

---=| Frog Cave |=---

Once inside, you'll find a bunch of blue frogs sitting around. Feel free to
talk to them (Yes, I like frogs). The one at the top-center is the frog with
the Oil. It will only give it to you if you bring it a G.Fly. Luckily, we
killed one back at Gust. Hand over the G.Fly and you will obtain the Oil.
That's really it for this place. Leave the cave and use Warp to get back to

You will find Nicholie in the house just right of the town's main entrance.
Give Bleu the Oil and she'll apply it on him. Bleu will also attempt to look
into her crystal ball, which suddenly explodes. It could be a bad omen (!!).
Anyway, your task now is to destroy the Poison Flower plaguing tonw. Head out
of the house and leave Gust through the northern exit. Head up and find your
way back to the Lab. You will meet Cort by his Poison Flower. As you can see,
the flower is hungry... for you.

Boss : FlowerX ~
This ugly flower can be somewhat annoying. Along with a damaging
physical attack, the Poison Flower may occasionally use a poison
spell that will poison one of your units. Luckily, the flower will
not use it too often. Even so, be ready to use the Heal spell
whenever one of your units gets poisoned. I'd suggest casting Fort
on your weaker units to up the defense. Have Ryu transform into
a dragon for some extra damage. Use ATK-Up on your other units to
up your attack. Be sure to have Nina heal whenever one of your
characters get too hurt. Apart from the poison, this boss isn't
much different than the other bosses you've fought thus far.
Cort, obviously, will be a bit pissed off after you kill his puny flower.
Instead of exerting his anger, he will simply leave. Well, at least the
flower's gone. Head back down to Gust and enter town. Heal up at the inn and
find Bleu at Nicholie's house.

What's that in the background? Well, it looks like a monster is causing a

commotion back there. Seems that Nicholie has once again transformed. You will
need to defeat him again in order to get rid of the Poison Flower's effect.
The battle is exactly the same as before. You should have little trouble
ridding the monster. One thing you might want to be aware of is the fact that
your morphed Karn will be unmorphed once you enter battle. Be sure to have
him fuse into Shin once the battle begins. You will lose a unit, but the
resulting Shin will be much more effective.

After the fight, Bleu will attempt to make things right. The result is a
rather charred Nicholie. The color will slowly fade back though. It would
seem that he's fine for now. To return the favor, Nicholie will fix the bridge
leading to Scande. After you rest up, re-arrange your party. Bleu is back in
your group, so one of your units will have to sit out (if Karn is fused).
You can save your game at the Dragon Shrine. Once you are done here, leave
Gust through the north exit. Walk up past the entrance to the Laboratory
until you reach the bridge. You will find Nicholie lying unconscious on the
bridge (always getting into trouble, that kid). Cort will warp in. This time,
he wants to fight. After turning into some ugly frog thing, he will initiate
a battle.

Boss : HornToad ~
The HornToad is pretty difficult compared to some of the other
bosses that you've recently faced. He can attack a single unit for
some medium damage. However, note that he can also jump up and down,
causing an earthquake that deals 30+ points of damage to your entire
party! Make sure that you have Fort casted on all of your units
before pumping up your party with ATK-Up. Once your defense are up,
you can continue with the battle safely. Nina should consistently
use her cure spells to keep your party healthy. Have Ryu transform
into BltDgn. The HornToad has a crapload of HP, mind. Don't be
surprised if it the battle takes you more time than you originally

Now that you've taken down Cort once and for all, the way will finally be
clear. Before continuing though, return to Gust for an important item. Feel
free to save your game if necessary and then head to the house just below the
inn. Talk to the old dude and he will tell you to get the flute under his
bed. Get in bed and snag the Maestro from under the covers. The old man won't
mind if you just leave with it, so go ahead and head on out back to the
bridge back by the Laboratory.

5.11. A Dream World [5011]
Head across the narrow bridge across the wide chasm to find yourself
on the opposite side of the river. With that, you now have access to a whole
new portion of the world. Ignore the ramp for now and head south along the
river's edge. When you see that the path extends further west, start traveling
down in that direction until you come across a brown bridge. After crossing,
begin moving southwest into a desert area. There, you will find a hole in the
middle... with a head sticking out of it. Now, that's pretty odd. Head down to
it and step into it to enter the underground dwelling, Gramor.

---=| Gramor |=---

There's not much here. You'll see the girl that was peeking out of the hole
in the ground before. If you want, save your game using the makeshift Dragon
Shrine in the room to the right of the girl. After that, walk up to the kid
blocking the doorway and she'll head in. Follow her and you'll enter a small
room with a bunch of moles hanging around. Talk to the girl and she'll tell
you that Mogu was trapped by Mote in the World Of Dreams. Next, converse with
the mole standing by the sleeping Mogu.

Say "Yes" when he asks you to collect an item from Tunlan. You will receive a
Cowl, an item that'll help you understand any language. Remember Tunlan, the
city where the inhabitants only talked in music? Well, with the Maestro and
the Cowl, it'll be no problem understanding and communicating with the
inhabitants of that city. Leave Gramor and Warp to Tunlan.

You can understand what they're saying, so feel free to talk to whoever you
want to. Head up to the north end of town. You will find a big building here
with water streaming down the front of it.

---=| Tunlan Palace |=---

Enter and head up to find a lady dressed completely in green. Right off the
bat, you'll see that she has a problem on her hands. Tunlan bears a special
item known as the Bolster. This particular item allows you to enter the dream
world. Of course, they won't just give the item to you. Like always, you'll
have to work for it. The princess of Tunlan is currently enamorated with Zog.
Now Zog, as you know, is a BAD guy. If you can make her change her mind, then
the Bolster will be yours.

After the lady moves over, head up the stairs. If you came here at night,
you will not be able to talk to the princess because she is swimming in her
little pool. In that case, just use the HrGlas or wait until daybreak before
you come back. If you came here during the day, then you can just walk up and
talk to the princess. As you probably expected, she won't give you the TmKey.
Once Tyr gives her eternal life, she can live with Zog happily ever after
(like that's ever going to happen). Head back down and converse with the old
lady in green again. She will explain that the marks on her back will show you
how to open the safe.

She will walk away and head up the staircase to the southeast. Follow
her that way and head down the other staircase on the next floor. You will
find her by a locked gate. Talk to the old lady again. You can see the
princess's marks in the moonlight when she swims at night. The three chests
behind the locked gate cannot be obtained until you get the code from the
princess. Don't even think about trying to get the other two chests on the
outside; the statues will only chase you down a hole (if you recall, you
obtained the Rod5 this way).

Head out of the city and use the HrGlas to change day to night. Once you do
that, return to the palace and head upstairs to the princess's chambers. The
guards won't let you in. Head back downstairs and ascend the staircase to the
southeast as if you were heading up to meet the old lady in green again. This
time though, don't head down the second staircase. Instead, examine the
cracked opening just left of it. You can walk through that and into the
princess's bath chamber. Step into the indent (in the line of palm trees) and
press the A Button to read her back.

"Blue, red and white from left to right." Once you've read that, head down
the left set of stairs and talk to the old lady. The same colors are also on
the stairs on the doors. You can't really see the stars, but yeah, they're
on the safe doors. Press the A Button on the left door first and then the
other. However, the doors don't seem to be opening. But wait! You saw the
marks in the reflection of the water. (Now that's some smart thinking.) Before
you can hit the stars again though, the four statues around the safe door will
suddenly come alive...

The statues will trap you as the princess enters the scene. It looks like
your little break-in failed to go unnoticed. The princess will order the
guards to take you down, but Bleu appears to save the day. She will quickly
use one of her powerful spells to blow open the door. However, the impeding
flash of light prevents your team from doing anything. When the dust settles,
you'll find that Cerl, one of Jade's subordinates, has taken the TmKey during
that brief pause. The princess won't get her eternal youth as she has just
lost the key.

While the women argue about their age, Cerl will quickly teleport out. Being
the brat that she is, the princess orders the guards to take you in. Your
party decides to fight them off instead though. Watch as the pending fight
ensues and ends with a bang as Bleu uses another one of her "great" spells.

The next day, you'll wake up in a palace bed after last night's incident.
Even though the TmKey is gone, the princess had at least learned her lesson.
You will still be rewarded with the Bolster anyway. Your party will be
skewered again, so re-arrange your units to your liking. From your current
position, head to the left until you reach the destroyed safe room. There's
no need to use the stairs this time. Take the two Melons from the two chests
next to the center chest. In order to reach the other two, approach them from
the side. The trap door in front of each one is still there. You will find a
M.Drop and of course, the Bolster.

Now that you've got the Bolster, you can return to Gramor. Leave Tunlan after
saving your game and Warp to Gramor. Once there, find Mogu in his little
room. Talk to the mole standing next to him and he will ask you if you're
ready to enter Mogu's dream. Confirm and you'll be sent careening into the
World of Dreams.

---=| World of Dreams |=---

You will end up appearing in a bed. Two strange figures will approach and tell
you of the spell-casting monster terrorizing Mogu's dream. This wizard is
currently at the North Tower at the (obviously) north end of the dream world.
Start off by leaving the room. You will appear in what appears to be a town.
The people here represent Mogu's traits and emotions: Anger (of who can't
help you because Anger can't solve any problems), Humor (who tells you to
be happy for the hell of it), Fear (who is obviously too afraid to help),
Sorrow (who tells you that the absence of Courage has separated them all),
and Reason (who explains that Mogu can only be whole again when Courage is
re-united with the others).

After you meet these people (or whatever you want to call them), stay at the
inn and save your game at the Dragon Shrine. The three other houses don't
serve much of a purpose, so just head north and leave town. Now that you're
outside, you'll witness firsthand the true colors of Mogu's dream world.
You will also encounter some strange monsters around here as well. Don't
worry--they're nothing incredibly difficult. Head east and follow the path of
this gigantic landmass north and west. The North Tower is just up ahead.

---=| North Tower |=---

Right at the start, you should notice that this dungeon is no ordinary
dungeon. The blue switch right in front of you will make the entire floor
disappear, revealing a floor of red buttons. The red buttons will cause the
walls to re-appear. Begin by moving up onto the blue button. There are two
other red buttons you can access right now. Ignore the one on the left and
head to the other one. The walls will re-appear. Continue to head east
this way along the outer wall of the tower.

Pretty soon, you will come to a split in the path. The north path is blocked
by a blue switch. Opt for the left path and proceed down this way to
immediately come to another fork. Take the south path down to another blue
switch. Note that you won't be able to see it because the wall blocks it.
However, when you see that the walls suddenly disappear, then you'll know that
you got it. As soon as you do that, stop and count 19 steps to the left. Walk
exactly this amount of tiles and then face north. There should be a path there
that you can move into. If not, then you most likely miscounted.

Duck into that little path and walk up about 5 steps. Face to the right and
attempt to walk in. Again, if you are stopped by a wall, then you miscounted.
From this point, the path east is pretty straightforward. You don't need to
pay attention to other paths or anything. Just continue this way until you
hit a wall. Then begin heading a short way to the north. You will reach a
red switch; hit it to make the walls re-appear. Up ahead is a cute little boy.
Talk to him to find that he isn't so nice after all. It's IMPOSSIBLE to fight
Mothro at this point, so choose "NO" when he asks you if you want to battle.
If you accidentally enter battle, just use the "Flee" command. Before you can
battle Mothro, you must locate Mogu's last sense, Courage.

You will want to head back to town. Use Bleu's Exit spell to leave the tower
and head back east and around. You will find a girl named Anne blocking the
entrance to the city. She is a bearer of good news for she has just found
out where Courage is. Follow her into town and enter the middle bottom house.
Talk to the weird bald guy and you'll learn that Courage is being held at the
South Cave. The bridge further to the south has been fixed. Rest up at the inn
and save your game before disembarking.

Once out, go west and south at the fork. Cross the newly built bridge to the
other side. Head southeast into an area dotted with blue rocks. Proceed into
the opening and you'll enter a sub-area before the South Cave.

---=| Gas Field |=---

This is a particularly perilous area. When walking, make sure that you stick
with the main path. Poisonous gas will hit you if you attempt to walk off of
the path. You should easily be able to distinguish between the main path and
the other portions. Head up along the winding path, being very careful not to
accidentally step off. There are random encounters here, so keep your
characters ready for any unexpected monsters. Some of them are a bit tougher
than those outside of the Gas Field, so don't hesitate to use high-leveled
spells when necessary.

The path will stay pretty linear (although twisting constantly) for a while.
Soon though, you'll hit a fork branching off in three different directions.
The path to the direct west leads to nothing so neglect it. Heading down the
east path will bring you to a LightSH inside a chest. To proceed though, just
follow the northwest path. Again, just follow the path, keeping an eye on
where the path is. At one point, there may appear to be another path branching
off, but it's blocked by gas. Pretty soon, the path will widen up. At this
point, even though a path may appear to be walk-able, there may actually be
gas blocking it. Of course, you can't see it until you actually attempt to
walk over it. You can always use trial and error to find your way through
(the gas barely does any damage), but you can use this map that highlights the
"safe" areas.

######## ^ ## ## ## = Debris
#### ## #### | ## ###### @@ = Poison Gas
############ | ######
###### @@ `<---. ## I know this map can be a
## @@ ## | ## bit difficult to understand
#### ## @@ ##@@@@ | ## so I'll elaborate a bit
## @@@@ @@## | ## on it. You enter the area
## @@##@@@@##@@ ,-->' ## at the start point. All of
## @@@@ @@@@ | ## the @@ represent clear
#### @@@@ .---' @@@@ ## tiles that have poison gas
## @@ | @@## ## (you can't pass them). The
###### @@@@@@ ^ @@@@ ## debris, you obviously can't
## ## @@## | @@@@ ## pass over. I've highlighted
#### ,-----' ## the path you should take
## ## | ###### through the area.
## ^ @@@@@@@@@@## ##
## | @@ @@##@@#### ############## ######
## | @@## ###### ####
## `-----<-----------------<-------. @@#### ##
###### @@@@@@@@####@@@@ | ########
## @@@@@@@@@@@@##@@@@## `<-----.----->. ##
###### ## ## ##@@ @@ | | ####
#### ## @@###### ,-->------------------->-' @@## | ##
| ## @@ | ##
START ------'################ #### | ####
##@@@@###### ######## ###### ,------<' ##
#### ######## ## | #### ####
#### ,<' ## ## ####
#### | ######## ##

As you can see, you can head due north directly to the exit. However, there
is another path branching off further to the east. This will lead you to
two chests. It's quite a long walk, but if you really want a Life item and
a HeadGear, then pick them up. Otherwise, just follow the other path to the
exit. At last, you're out of this hellhole. When you emerge, you'll find
yourself at the entrance to the South Cave.

---=| South Cave |=---

Luckily for you, getting to Courage won't be so tough from here. Just walk
up until you find him sitting amidst a sea of baskets. At first, Courage will
be reluctant to come. Anne and the old man will walk in and explain that
Courage is depressed. After some words of encouragement, Mogu's Courage lets
in and joins up with the other senses to reform Mogu. He will join your party
at last.

Now that Mogu is whole again, you can go take the fight to Mothro at North
Tower. Leave the South Cave and make your way through the Gas Fields again
(Sadly, you can't Warp back to the Dream Town). Keep an eye on your health
while trekking through this area. As you already know, the monsters can really
pack quite a punch here. When you're out, you can make your way back toward
town. If you'd like, train in the Gas Fields and try to level up Mogu a bit.
The experience you'll collect there'll really help out.

Once you're back in town, heal up at the inn and save your game. When you're
done with that, leave and head north toward the North Tower. Once again,
you're going to have to make your way through the tower to Mothro. If you
don't recall the exact way, refer to the other portion of the walkthrough up
above that detailed the route. When you reach the boy, talk to him and he'll
run upstairs like a sissy. Might as well follow him.

On the next floor, head south and hit the red switch. It won't do anything so
don't worry about it. Head south and around the bend up to the blue switch.
This one, of course, will render the walls invisible. Proceed further north
until you are stopped by an invisible wall. From here, head eastward until you
are stopped again. Go directly south (ignore the first red switch you see on
your left) until you hit another wall. Trust me, you'll be walking for quite a
while. At that point, turn left and then up to hit the red switch you see
Now that the walls are visible again, getting through here won't be that tough
now. Head a bit up and duck left into the path here. Follow it to the end
where you'll find a staircase. Climb up to the next floor. Head along the
twisted path south and you'll soon step on a blue switch. You may not be able
to see it, so it'll probably come as a surprise when the walls suddenly
disappear. Use trial and error to make your way through. The path will remain
linear until you come across a pattern of three blue switches and one red

Step over the blue switches and hit the red switch to make the walls re-
appear. Head down the east path (you'll have to step over the blue switch)
before it) until you are stopped by another wall. Turn north and proceed down
this way until you are stopped by a wall. Now head west to be stopped by
another wall. Carefully count to five as you go north. Turn to the right.
Assuming you counted your steps right, you'll duck into a path. Head a bit
to the east (you'll be stopped by a wall again) and go north toward the red
switch. The walls will re-appear. Simply head up to the staircase. This final
floor is really pretty simple. Just follow the trail of buttons and you'll
find yourself before Mothro. Walk up and talk to him to initiate a boss
fight. Gahaha!

Boss : Mothro ~
Mothro is a giant moth. Note that there's no health bar telling you
how much HP Mothro has left. That shouldn't really make that much of
a difference though. As long as you stay alive, you'll win the
fight. Mothro uses magic spells primilary. However, most of them
will only cast status ailments on your characters. There's really
no point in bothering with Shield. Be sure to have Nina ready to
cast Heal constantly though. Mothro has high agility stats, so
you'll be relying on magic spells (Bleu) this battle. Physical
attacks will occasionally miss. You will want to be careful of
Shock, a high-powered spell that will instantly KO a unit. Luckily,
Shock isn't very accurate, but be ready to take a hit towards the
end of the battle. This is an annoying fight, but nothing
incredibly difficult.

Before Mothro disappears, he will tell you that you'll be trapped in this
world forever. Haha! That's hardly the case as your party will soon be warped
back by Mogu's bedside. After some people thank you, Mogu will happily join
your party... again. If you feel like it, give him some new equipment.
However, I wouldn't suggest using him in your lineup at the moment. Fix up
your team anyway you choose and save your game. When you're done here, leave

5.12. Tower Of The Skies [5012]

There are a number of optional quests you can complete before heading off to
Spring. First off, Mogu, your newest character, has the ability to dig into
secret chambers. You will find some awesome items down in these areas. At one
point, you'll even acquire a new transformation for Karn, Doof. However, you
can also pick up Karn's Puka transformation spell from Bleak (it cannot be
obtained without Doof though), Karn's ultimate fusion spell. I'd strongly
suggest you take the time to do the following.

First, Warp to Camlon and leave town. Once outside, head in a generally
northwest direction. Soon, you'll hit a bridge over the water. Cross it and
climb the staircase to arrive at another bridge. Head across this one as well.
After crossing, walk a bit to the northeast to find a dig site. Place Mogu
at the front of your party and interact with the dirt thing. He'll dig out a
hole and your party will fall through. Here, you will find an old man. Put
Karn at the front of your party and talk to him to obtain Doof. This will fuse
Karn, Bo, and Ox together. I'd suggest you stay with Doof for now.

In order to leave this little underground area, step into the warp point to
the right. Use Nina's Warp spell to get to Tantar (recall that Tuntar is
destroyed now). Leave town and cross the bridge to the north to get the other
side of the river. Climb up the ramp further north and follow the dirt path
northeast. The path will eventually end at a wide ramp. Instead of climbing
it, proceed further to the northeast along the side of the cliff. Head up this
way to arrive at another dig site. Again, use Mogu to dig a hole.

In this room, you'll notice four chests at each corner. Don't step on the
warp point until you've collected everything. You'll pick up a L.Ptn, A.Ptn,
V.Ptn (Sproing will completely recover leader's HP/AP), and a Clog (Boom will
automatically KO your leader). Be sure to revive your leader before leaving.
Once you have that, Warp to Bleak. Leave the Dragon Shrine and enter the house
right above it. Place Doof at the front of your party and move the objects
away from the staircase to the left. Once the way is clear, descend the
staircase. In order to get past the two barrels, push the left one up and the
other to the side. Walk up and push the large crates upward. Examine the floor
to find a ClearCL.

Return to the staircase to climb back to the first floor. Walk up to the
upper-left portion of the room. Push aside the stack of crates next to the bed
and you'll reveal a hole. There's a man here who will teach you Puka, Karn's
ultimate fusion spell! Put Karn at the front of your party and speak with him.
Puka will incorporate Bo, Gobi, and Ox into one all-powerful character! At
this point, I'd suggest having Ryu, Nina, Bleu, and Puka in your party. Leave
Mogu out for now.

Puka has an interesting ability. At certain areas on the world map, Puka can
open up a wall to reveal a secret room. The first of these secret rooms can
be found by Auria. Have Nina Warp your party over there and leave town. North
of Auria is a slab in the wall with a special symbol on it. With Puka at the
front of your party, interact with it and the slab will move, revealing an
opening. Head on through and go up to find a DarkBR. There is another spot
like this by Gust. Warp there and leave town.

Once outside, head southwest down the ramp. Cross the stone bridge over the
river and proceed west from there. You will soon find another slab like the
one back at Auria. Again, use Puka to open it up. Enter to find a chest
containing a very useful LoveBR. At this point, you will have collected
every optional item you possibly could right now. You can proceed with the
quest at hand... finally!

Warp to Gramor, saving down there if you wish. Climb up to the surface and
head south. You should reach a small cave.
---=| Spring Cave |=---

This cave is pretty short. Walk up and head downstairs. The path is linear,
so you should have no trouble getting through it. Proceed east and continue
to the end. You'll meet some monsters that you've never seen before here.
Exercise some caution as a few of the monsters use high-powered magic spells.
Altogether though, the new monsters aren't that tough. After a rather long
walk, you'll come across the exit. This new area is covered with snow. The
town of Spring is further to the west. Head down that way and enter.

---=| Spring |=---

You will find the inn and Dragon Shrine right at the entrance of town. Save
your game if you'd like and heal up if necessary. If you talk to some of the
townspeople, you'll learn of Spyre, a tower further to the southeast. Spyre
controls the skies, and only the Mole People can uncover its entrance. More
on that later. For now, feel free to explore the rest of Spring. Enter the
large house to the left of the inn and head to the upper-right corner. Inspect
the drawer and snag an Herb. The two shops are at the north end of Spring. Be
sure to check it out.

| Spring Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * PowerDR ' ~ 5500G |
| * RustCW ' ~ 7000G |
| * IronCW ' ~ 10000G |
| * WingSD ' ~ 10000G |
| * IronML ' ~ 5000G |
| * SpineCL ' ~ 8000G |
| * GaiaMask ' ~ 8000G |
| * QuartzAR ' ~ 10000G |
| Spring Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Drop x9 ' ~ 180G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

The weapons and armor here shouldn't take too much of a toll on your wallet.
Suggest re-equipping Mogu with some new items if you haven't already. Also,
purchase a few QuartzAR and equip it on whoever would benefit from it. When
you're done shopping around, you can leave town. Spyre is further to the
south. Walk around the frozen river and stand on the dirt patch in front of
the tower. Put Mogu at the front of your party and dig into Spyre...
---=| Spyre |=---

The Spyre Tower has a ton of monsters. Many of them in the beginning have a
lot of HP that takes forever to take out. Monsters here in Spyre won't be as
easy as the ones outside. If you aren't stocked up on healing items, haul your
butt back to Spring and get some.

Begin by heading up along this first long hallway. After a bit of walking, you
will come to a staircase. Head down to arrive in a dank-looking area with some
water. Head down a bit and take the west path at the split. Follow this path
around to a chest containing Cure2. Return to the split and proceed further
east. Soon, you will see another path branching off to the north. Take it up
and head east at the following fork. At the end of this path, you can pick up
a Shell and A.Ptn from two chests. After collecting those items, head back up
the ramp and follow the path to the west. The stairs to the next floor are
sitting in the middle of this island. However, if you head further to the
west, you'll find two chests containing a FlameAR and WorldAR (BOTH AMONGST
THE BEST ARMOR IN THE GAME). Snag them before climbing the next two set of
steps to the next area.

Odd, it seems as if the floor of this next area is covered in grass. You'll
also be surprised at the monsters here. Most of them are the enemies you
fought toward the beginning of the game. This floor is massive and completely
void of anything interesting. From the stairs you entered from, head northeast
to the upper-right corner of the room. There, you'll find the stairs to the
next floor. This next rainy area also bears a ton of weaker enemies. You
should have no trouble getting through this area. To proceed, head down to the
southwest corner of the room. There will be a staircase here you can climb.

There's nothing but desert here. This area is just as massive as the areas
before it. The stairs can be found at the lower-right corner of the room.
Make your way down there and ascend the steps when you reach it. This next
portion is snowy much like the terrain outside Spring. The monsters around
will change with the climate. The exit here is in the upper-right corner. Make
your way up to it and climb another floor. The following floor is pretty
interesting. It's just like walking on the sky! The stairs out of here are
at the southwest corner. The floor may be a bit disorientating, but you should
still have no trouble finding the way out.

At last, you're at the end. Make your way to the upper-right corner of this
awesome-looking room. You're in for quite a walk, mind. This gigantic room
takes a long time to get through. Imagine having to search through this room
without any form of direction. (That would just... suck.) When you finally
reach the platform at the end, you'll notice a pillar and a slab. Walk up to
the pulsating pillar and Mote will appear to greet you. The little bugger
stole the SkyKey before you could reach it! Using his special powers, Mote
will then send your party careening into another alternate world...

---=| Mare Town |=---

This town of odd colors is inhabited by Mote's victims--those that were sent
into his world to be trapped for eternity. In order to escape, Mote must be
defeated. Here, you'll find a pink Dragon Shrine to the right and an inn to
the left. Make use of both if you need to. This town can barely be considered
a town. There's one other house that doesn't hold anything interesting. When
you're done hanging around, leave Mare Town. Outside, you won't encounter any
enemies (YES!). The Mare Tower is further to the north atop a plateau. To
reach it, head to the southwest until you see a ramp. Head on up and follow
this plateau around to the other side. The cave in front of the tower is the
entrance itself (considering you can't access the tower otherwise, it makes
sense), so head on in.

---=| Mare Tower |=---

In order to reach Mote, you will need to venture through this tower. Begin by
walking to the staircase plain in sight at the start. On the following floor,
head north along the corridor. After a short walk, your party will hit a fork
in the path. Go north for now to another staircase. Descend to the lower
floor. To your right, you'll notice four chests behind a wall. Begin to move
to the left and follow this path around to a split. Head down to reach those
four chests. You'll find some pretty awesome items inside of these. Snag the
Cure, JadeBW (!!!), L.Ptn, and Trident (<3). Equip the JadeBW on Bo and
Trident on Gobi to give them a nice attack boost. Don't mind the gate closing
behind you as you indulge in these treasures; simply drop down the nearby

Climb the staircase to your immediate right. You'll appear on the above floor
again to the right of the four chests. Follow the path to the right around to
a staircase. Ascend this one and head west. At the fork (you've been here
before), go north and climb down these stairs. On the next floor, walk to
the left and around to the fork again. There, opt for the east path--no point
in checking out the empty treasure chests to the south. At the end is another
staircase. Head upstairs to find yourself by three more chests. Don't worry,
there's no trap here. Pick up Smoke, a CursedHT, and a Facemask.

From the chests, head north along the pathway. When you hit a fork, head north
to find an odd little creature who refers to himself as Mote's Conscience. It
seems that there is still some good in Mote here. Mote's Conscience will break
down the wall ahead and encourage you to proceed. Head through the broken-down
wall and climb the staircase ahead. In the following room, you'll notice two
healing springs to the left and right. The weird pot object in the middle
will record your quest for you (it acts as a makeshift Dragon Shrine). Heal
up your party members and save your game. When you're done here, proceed north
into the second half of the Mare Tower.

This next area can be a bit confusing. You have a path stretching ahead of
you. Walk up until you notice an odd tile in the path. Stepping on this will
make the screen spin repeatedly and change the formation of the tiles. You
will most likely lose your sense of direction. Luckily for you, the spinning
pattern is not randomized. After the first spin, head west along the path.
Going the other way will only bring you back to the entrance. DO NOT step on
the tile you just walked off of again. After stepping onto the second
spinning tile, head to the south.

The path will eventually curve to the west and north. Follow it around to yet
another spinning tile. Step onto it and go north when it stops. At the next
one, you will want to head east after you stop spinning. Getting dizzy yet?
Shortly thereafter, you will encounter a split in the path. Take the path to
the south and follow it around to another fork. Continue to move south along
the path to another spinning tile. Step on it and then head west to a fork.
There, continue to go west to another spinning tile. Once again, step on it
and head to the west when it stops. Just walk past the first fork you see and
then turn to the north at the fork immediately following it. Step on the next
spinning tile in the path and head to the west. This last stretch will send
you to a single tile at the very end. Step on it to get out of there.

This last portion of the Mare Tower is pretty straightforward. The flashing
tiles on the ground are pretty unpredictable; they can either hurt or heal
your party's HP depending on how many times you step on them. Luckily, the
amount of HP they hurt is too insignificant to really worry about. Begin by
heading up and taking the path on the right with the purple tile by the
staircase. Climb upstairs into a room with a bunch of yellow tiles. It appears
to be a dead end, but if you walk along the lower-right corner of the room,
your party will hit a trapdoor in the floor. It's about a step below the
right-most torch on the southeast wall. Fall through into another portion of
the first floor. Head up and climb the staircase.

On the following floor, head up the next set of stairs nearby. In this room,
you'll notice a pile of purple tiles in the middle of the room and a staircase
to the southwest. The path may seem pretty clear, but there are actually a
number of trapdoors scattered throughout the floor. Refer to the following
map to avoid them.

,------------------. ~~KEY~~
| SS | SS = Stairs
| SS | @@ = Pillar
,----' `----. PP = Purple tile
| | ## = Trapdoor
| @@ @@ |
| @@PP@@PP@@ ## |
| PP |
`----. SS##@@PP@@ ,----'
| ## |
| |

Cautiously make your way toward the other staircase and ascend it to the
following floor. Four of the five staircases on this floor will send you
back to the beginning. The only one that will actually allow you to advance
is the one to the lower-right. Climb it to find yourself at the top of the
tower. Of course, who else do you find here but Mote himself? Be sure to heal
your party before talking to him.

Boss : Mote ~
When the battle first begins, Mote cannot be damaged. You'll also
notice that he is... well... very pixelated (9 pixels... yeowza!).
Avoid wasting any AP during the first few rounds of the battle and
just blast Mote with some physical attacks from everyone. He won't
use any REALLY damaging moves at this point, so don't expect to be
using Cure for now. As your characters hit Mote, he will gradually
become less pixelated. After the second round, he'll begin to take
shape (no longer that blob of pixels). Keep up the rounds of
attacks until Mote's Conscience appears to help you. Blocking Mote's
powers, Mote's Conscience will allow you to hurt Mote. Once again,
you will be sent into battle. At first, cast ATK-Up on your
attackers. Don't have Ryu transform into his dragon state for now.
Mote, as you can see, is pixelated once again. At this point, it is
best to use physical attacks ONLY. Again, Mote will become less
pixelated as you hit him more and more. As he gets clearer though,
his defense will rise. When your attacks barely deal any damage,
switch gears and begin pounding him with magic attacks from Bleu.
Now would also be a good time to have Ryu transform into one of his
dragon states. Every time you hit Mote with a magic attack, he will
become a bit more pixelated. On the other hand, if you happen to
strike him with a physical attack, he will become less pixelated.
Attack physically when he's unclear and use magic spells when he is
clear. Follow that pattern for the remainder of the battle. Be sure
to heal whenever necessary. Mote does have a few fire spells of his
own. They aren't devastating, but they can pose a threat. Pound away
at his HP until he is defeated.

After the battle is at last over, Mote will finally fade and die. His
conscience too will fade away into nothing. With Mote defeated, his world
will exist no more. You and the others will be sent back into the real world.
Back at the top of Spyre, you will be told to search the pillar for the
SkyKey. Examine it and pick up the SkyKey that forms. Use the SkyKey on the
odd contraption to the left. You can use Bleu's Exit spell to quickly leave
Spyre. Back outside, Warp to Spring and heal your party at the inn. Be sure
to save your game too.

Before you leave Spring, you will want to collect the DragonAR, a very nice
piece of body armor for Ryu. The DragonAR is also required to fight Avian
later on. It's really pretty easy to find as all you have to do is fish it
out. West of the Spring Item Shop is a small set of steps leading down into
the river. Climb down there and head to the northwest where you'll find a
small pond with three ducks. Equip Ryu with the Rod5 and some Worms and fish
at the end of the dock until you pick it up.

5.13. Timeless [5013]

A little bit north of Spring is a waterfall. When the river was still froze
before, it was impossible to get to the cave behind it. Now that you've
cleared out all the ice, you can walk into the waterfall. Head north toward
the waterfall, and you should see a little opening behind the veil. Walk into
this little cave.

---=| Waterfall Cave |=---
This cave is pretty long, though easy to get through. Some of the monsters in
here may be a bit tough. Even so, none of them should really give you any
problems. Proceed up through the cave and follow the linear path to a
staircase at the end. Head west through the rest of the cave and you should
reach the exit. Now that you're back in the overworld, you can proceed to the
next town, which is directly to the south. Make your way down until you see
the little town by a small forest. Welcome to Carmen, the very last town.

---=| Carmen |=---

Carmen appears to be in quite a predicament. Apart from just ONE man, none of
the inhabitants seem to be moving. The only moving man there states that time
has suddenly stopped in Carmen. It must have something to do with the Tock
tower to the east. Don't even bother checking out the Weapons & Armor Shop.
The storekeeper, like the others, is frozen in time. For the record, here's
a list of what the store sells anyway. Use it as a reference when you come
back to Carmen later on.

| Carmen Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Tri-BW ' ~ 12000G |
| * IcyCW ' ~ 15000G |
| * FlameSD ' ~ 20000G |
| * LoyalRP ' ~ 25000G |
| * WorldAR ' ~ 12000G |
| * PowerHT ' ~ 20000G |
| * MystSH ' ~ 20000G |
| * LightCL ' ~ 30000G |

There are a few things you can pick up before leaving though. Enter the house
with the windmill (above the Weapons & Armor Shop) and climb to the second
floor. To the left is a barrel you can push over. Examine the floor after
moving it to find a W.Ant. Pick it up and leave this house. Make sure you
never throw this item away because you'll need it later. Now enter the inn
and look through the drawer in the back by the two beds. Inside, you will find
a RubyBR.

You will now want to head for Tock to the east. You should be able to see it
from outside Carmen. However, it's stationed atop a plateau, so you can't just
walk over to it from there. From Carmen, head south along the edge of the
cliff. Head east after passing the forest south of Carmen. Continue to head
east along this path until you come to a ramp leading down. Ignore it and
proceed to the northeast. Soon, you will come to two more ramps. Head up the
one to the north and begin to walk to the west. When the way is split by the
side of a cliff, head to the southwest and up a ramp. Use Bo to walk your
party through the forest blocking the tower. When you clear it, simply walk
on in to enter.

---=| Tock Tower |=---
Well, you're in for quite a dungeon here. Start off by heading straight up.
Notice the arrow tiles on the ground. If you step on one, you will be warped
two tiles in the direction that the arrows are pointing. These don't really
do anything, but you can experiment with them if you wish. Head up to the
healing spring and drink from it if you'd like. Now, head southwest to find an
arrow tile by a wall. These tiles can be manipulated to allow you to get
through obstacles such as a wall. Step on it to proceed.

Now that you're on the other side, head up (don't touch the other tile yet)
to a chest containing Life. Continue north along the skinny path to another
chest--this one holding a EvilCN. Once you have that, return to the previous
arrow tile back to the south. Step on it to be taken left past the wall. Head
to the left and walk up past the arrow tile you see there. Continue to proceed
north under the overhanging wall to another chest. Steal the IcyAR from that
chest and step on the arrow tile to your immediate right. Continue down the
path to another tile. Step on this one and you'll notice a staircase further
to the left. Step on the following tile to be transported right next to it.
Head upstairs now.

In this room, you can pick up a Cure from the chest to the northwest. After
taking it, proceed to the arrow tile at the upper-right corner of this room.
After passing through the wall, you will see two arrow tiles above and below
you. The upper one is pointing down, so you can't get past it obviously. Head
down and step on the arrow tile pointing to the right to be sent into a room
with a pillar in the middle. Walk further to the east and step on the next
arrow tile besides the wall.

Head up and step on the following tile. Now at the northern portion of this
area, go west and ignore the first arrow tile you see to the south. Proceed
around the outskirts until you hit a fork. Continue to head south along the
west wall. When you reach another split in the path, proceed further to the
east. At the very southeast corner, head up and step on the arrow tile here.
You will be sent into a room with a staircase. Now ascend to the following

Open the chest nearby for a G.Tiara. Don't even bother equipping it though
(crap-tacular stats, anyone?). Later, you can sell it for a ton of money. Now,
step on the arrow tile to be sent off of the platform to the ground floor.
At this point, be very careful not to step into the open wall. If you happen
to accidentally walk off, your party will fall off the edge of the Tock Tower.
Then you'll have to start climbing all over again. Save yourself the
frustration and watch your step. Head to the left side of this room where
two chests are sitting. First, take the Life2 from the chest on the ground.
After that, step on the arrow tile pointing toward the second chest on the
platform. This one holds a GuardSH.

Get off of this platform by stepping on the arrow tile. There's a staircase in
middle of this room that you should ascend. Head down and climb the steps at
the base of the green platform to access it. On the next floor, you'll need to
get through a pretty crazy collection of arrow tiles. There are two chests
sprawled in there somewhere and a staircase you need to reach. It may look
tough, but it's nothing a little trial and error couldn't handle.

>><< >><<[1>><< Begin by heading to the northwest

SS ^^ ^^ << SS corner of the room. From there,
SS ^^ ^^ ^^ SS move to the east toward position
<<<< ^^<<[2^^<< ^^^^[7 [1. Head down onto the arrow tile
VV VV << VV VV ^^ pointing left. Once you stop, move
^^ << ^^ << ^^ << one tile to the right and two
<<VV[3>><<[4VV<<[6>><< >>VV tiles down. You'll end up at
VV[CC]VV >> VV[CC]VV VV position [2. Step down one onto a
^^ << << << << ^^ tile that'll move you west. At
VVVV VVVV VVVV[5>>VV VVVV this point, move one tile down to
VV VV >> << VV VV be brought to [3. You will be
VV << << << >> ^^ right by a chest. Take a single
>>^^ VV<< >><< VV<< VVVV step to the left to access it for
VV << >> VV VV an AgileHT. Now you'll need to
>> VV ^^ >> << leave the arrows for now. Head
VV<< ^^^^ ^^<< >><< a square to the west to be taken
out of there. Again, head to the
SS northwest corner and make your way to position [1 again.
SS Follow the same path all the way to position [2. From here,
take one step down onto a tile pointing left. When you stop,
take two steps down to hit a tile moving to the east. You will end up at
position [4. Take one step down onto a tile pointing to the east. Here, take
a step to the right. You will stop at position [5. Now head east onto a tile
pointing to the right. Lastly, move a step north to find yourself by the
second chest. Pick up the WolfSkin inside. While standing directly below the
chest, move ONE step right and TWO steps up. This tile will send you to the
west. You should now be at [6. Turn around and step back to the right onto a
tile pointing east. At last, move one step to the north onto a tile pointing
up. You will end up by the staircase. Now that you're FINALLY done with that,
you can head upstairs.

Head up to the top of this room to find none other than Cerl. Of course, time
is on her side (Cerl had stopped time in Carmen). A gigantic black hole will
suddenly appear. Carmen has been stopped... except for one man. Apparently,
Cerl recognizes the man as Alan (good thing...?). The screen will start to
distort as time and space begin to separate. Your party will be sucked into
the black hole and sent sprawling out of the tower. Ryu is inconveniently
separated from the rest of the party. Controlling only him for now, you'll
need to find your way back.

A quick check of your world map will tell you that Ryu is a bit to the south
of Carmen. To get over there, head east along the dirt path. Since Ryu is
by himself here, you'll need to be careful with the monsters. Don't hesitate
to pull a dragon transformation to get out of a sticky situation. Be
especially careful of D.Fleas as they can use Shock, which will immediately
KO Ryu. When you notice a wide ramp to the north, head up and begin moving
west. Simply walk around the large forest that follows and head north to reach
Carmen again.

Nina will greet you right there. The rest of your party is at Alan's house
where Bo has discovered that Cerl and Alan know each other. Alan will head
off to Tock to figure things out. Once you're back outside, fix up your party
and head back to Tock. Head south around the forest and move to the west and
around to reach it again. Of course, you'll need Karn to walk through the
forest. Once you arrive there, enter the tower.

Alan, of course, is searching for Cerl at this point. You will be able to
find Cerl where you last saw her. Yeah, that means you'll need to climb all
the way back up. Head up and heal at the recovery spring again if you need
it. It won't take you too long to make your way back this time as you won't
need to go out of your way to collect treasures from chests and the like.
Make use of the arrow tiles and find your way back to the top where Cerl will
be waiting. Alan, being the good-for-nothing wimp that he is will attempt to
talk to Cerl only to have her smack him back. Looks like it's all up to you

Boss : Cerl ~
Cerl lacks any particularly dangerous attacks, so you won't need to
worry too much about this battle. Her only physical attack deals
very little damage. There's really no point to even bother with
FortX or any sort of defensive spell. However, you should still use
ATK-Up to help speed the battle up a bit. Bleu should use her
most powerful spell while Ryu uses a dragon transformation.
Occasionally, Cerl will attempt to inflict varying status ailments
on your party members. Simply use Heal to negate the effects and
keep hitting away. What little HP Cerl does have will disappear
in no time.

The battle will end unexpectedly and Cerl will once again use her time-
warping skills to plunge Carmen into more chaos. Time, although stopped, does
not prevent the people from aging at a rapid rate. Cerl threatens to advance
time until the townsfolk are gone. And once more, time and space will begin to
distort as Ryu and Nina are sent flying. They'll land outside a fortress
southeast of Carmen. Cerl also lands here and locks herself inside the
building. You can't follow her as the gate is sealed shut.

Instead of walking to Carmen, you can just use Nina's Warp spell to get there
quickly. Here in town, some of your party members are walking around. You can
talk to them if you wish. The people, of course, are still frozen in time.
Head inside the house just above the fountain to find some of your friends
and Alan in bed. How could Cerl possibly do something like this to her friend?
You will learn a bit more about Cerl's past. Alan explains that the villagers
threw her out because she supposedly wasn't human. There may be one thing
that will bring her back to her senses though--the Fruit from the Holiday Tree
may evoke some sense into Cerl again.

That Holiday Tree isn't too difficult to find. From Carmen, head south along
the side of the cliff until you reach a forest. Here, turn to the east and
proceed this way. The Holiday Tree is that wide tree to the south. When you
locate a ramp leading south, head down and turn to the west. In order to knock
out the Fruit, you'll need to place Ox at the front of your party. Examine the
tree and he'll punch it out for you. Pick up the Fruit that comes flying out
and head back east along the dirt path. Ignore the ramp to the north. At the
end of the path, proceed south through the mountains until you come across the
South Castle again.

---=| South Castle |=---

Walk up to the gate and you'll hear a voice from inside. Something about that
Fruit will her heart with warmth. The gate will open subsequently. Once inside
the castle, head upstairs to find Cerl. Just like that, she'll give up
everything. Looks like there was something good in Cerl all along. Realizing
the wrong she has committed, Cerl will forfeit the TmKey. Open the blue chest
and pick it up. Suddenly, Goda will rush in to stop you. As he heads towards
your party, Cerl will jump in and stop him before he can get to you. Alan will
quickly run inside the castle as it slowly fades away. Cerl and Alan are both

But with the TmKey, you can finally restore time to the oppressed town of
Carmen. You will be warped to Tock. Run up the stairs and Nina will put the
TmKey inside the machine. Time will return and the townspeople will turn back
to their original state. However, while Nina attempts to remove the key, she
is sucked into the portal. The rest of the party decides to jump in after her.
After the dust settles, you'll find your group outside of Tunlan. Might as
well head into town.

Heal up at the inn and save your game. Climb the first two set of stairs. Have
your party walk into the doorway that's just to the right of the next
staircase up ahead. Inside, you'll find Nina. However, she doesn't seem to
recognize you guys at all. You can't relieve her amnesia without some sort of
professional help. Leave the room and head down to the Dragon Shrine. You'll
find an odd-looking man standing there right next to it. Talk to him and he'll
tell you of a famous doctor in Carmen.

Leave Tunlan and have Bleu warp your party to Carmen. Time, of course, has
been restored here. Pay the shop a visit because there are some nice items
there that you might want to check out. Replace your characters' armor and
weapons. They're a tad bit expensive but by now, you should have more than
enough money to purchase whatever you want to (I personally had around
300,000G at this point). Definitely pick up a FlameSD for Ryu, a Tri-BW for
Bo, and an IcyCW for Mogu. Note that you may have already acquired some items
that are better than the ones offered here at the shop.

Now, that "doctor" can be found in the windmill north of the shop. Talk to the
old dude inside and he'll explain that the Tonic can easily cure amnesia.
However, you'll need to collect a few items for him in order to obtain it.
A Tonic consists of a P.Fish, Root, C.Nut, and a W.Ant. You've already picked
up the W.Ant in Auria. The other three, luckily for you, are fairly easy to
find. Exit the windmill and head to the watering station a bit to the
northeast. Here, you'll meet the strange man once again. Before warping out
of there, he'll tell you to search right here. After he disappears, inspect
the spot that he was standing on to find a Pass. What can this possibly be
used for?

The P.Fish, as you might have expected, can be acquired by fishing in a

special pond. Leave Carmen for now and head southeast to the original
location of the South Castle. As you pass through these forgotten ruins, you
will witness a flashback from Cerl's childhood. It looks like a bit of Cerl
still lives on here. Eh, she wasn't all that bad. Pass through and exit
through the other side. Continue along the path through the mountains until
you reach an ugly-looking swamp. Proceed southwest along the dirt path to find
a broken stone bridge. Stand at the edge and fish here using Ryu. You should
be able to pull out a P.Fish.

Have Bleu Warp your party to Tunlan. Place Ox at the front of your party and
head outside. Here, repeatedly punch the palm trees until a C.Nut falls out.
Keep in mind that it may take a number of tries. When one falls out, pick it
up. The Root can be found by Gramor. Warp over there and switch Mogu to the
front. Head southwest from the mole town where you'll find an odd-looking
plant. Dig here to find a Root. When you have that item, Warp back to Carmen
and speak with the doctor. He'll use the items to make the Tonic. Once you
have it, Warp all the way to Tunlan and use it on Nina. Finally, she'll
remember just who you are and rejoin your party. Now, onwards with the

5.14. Emperor Zog [5014]

Nina now has the ability to fly. Whenever you're outside with Nina at the
front of the party, simply press the A Button to transform into a bird. Using
her, you can now travel quickly throughout the world and acquire some awesome
items. Try to take some time to pick up the following items. Of course, they
are optional, but very useful.

First, Warp to Carmen and have Nina transform into a bird. Head south a tiny
bit and fly directly to the east. You should find one of those symbols in the
wall here. Land and place Karn's Puka form at the front of the party. After
the slab moves over, head in to find a chest containing a WindBR. Before
returning to Carmen, transform Nina into a bird again and fly in a generally
northwest direction. You'll pass over a dirt patch at the base of a mountain.
Set down here and have Mogu dig you a hole. There will be one chest here (with
a poison trap, mind) containing a HeroBW for Bo. This HeroBW is easily one of
the strongest weapons in the game (with a whopping 220 ATK!), so don't pass
it up. Step on the warp nearby to leave.

Once you are done there, have Nina transform into a bird again. Fly a bit to
the east until you hit some water. From here, fly south along the coastline.
When you see the slab that you moved previously, continue to fly south above
the mountains. Soon, you will hit some more water. From here, just proceed
along the the edge of the coastline. You will need to follow it all the way
south to a lone strip of land at the edge of the world map. Here, you'll find
another dirt patch for Mogu to dig into. Do just that to find yourself right
by EIGHT treasure chests. Open them all and snag a StarSH, LoveHT, AgileHT,
MystCW (for Mogu), Life2, S.Ptn, A.Ptn, and L.Ptn. Now that's what I call
some good acquisitions!

For the last dirt patch, you will want to Warp to Winlan. Once more, have
Nina turn into a bird and begin flying to the north. You'll come across a
tiny island with a single dirt patch on it. You know what to do. Have Mogu
dig into it to reveal yet another secret room. Pick up the V.Ptn inside the
first chest (a trap will trigger a curse) and have Ox smash the two cracked
walls blocking the other two chests. For the record, they contain a S.Ptn and
a Sash. Be careful as both chests bear traps. One of them will automatically
KO your party leader! Be sure to drink from the healing spring before

The last piece of the Dragon equipment can also be acquired at this point.
Warp to Gust and transform Nina into a bird again. From the town, fly a tiny
bit to the south and then head west. You should uncover a well in the middle
of a mountain range. Land right by it and have Ryu fish there. A DragonSH will
come flying right out. With that collected, return to the Gust and fly to
the northeast. Just north of the waterfall there is the Dragon Temple. Here,
you can complete the final leg of Ryu's training.

---=| Dragon Temple |=---

In the temple, have Ryu stand at the front of the party. Like before, only
Ryu will be allowed in to fight. Proceed forward into the main chamber. To
the left is a healing spring that you will want to use. There is also a chest
to the right containing a Melon. When you're ready to take Avian on, walk up
to the center platform.

Boss : Avian ~
You won't have much trouble with this ugly-looking bird thing.
Have Ryu transform into his BltDgn state to up the damage a bit.
Avian is pretty predictable in this fight. Basically, it'll attack
you for around 40 upwards damage. Note that Avian is MUCH faster
than Ryu, so it'll attack first thing every turn. You should heal
about every five turns (or until your HP gets very low). Avian
will really do nothing but attack you every single turn. All you
really need to do is attack, attack, and heal whenever necessary.

Your reward for completing this step is the Rudra dragon transformation. This
spell is freakishly powerful, but it won't be the last dragon you'll receive.
Even so, Rudra deals a ton of damage and just looks plain awesome. However,
because of its hefty MP cost, you don't want to use it too often.

You will want to bring your to Scande at this point. You will find it south
of Carmen. Warp over there, leave town, and have Nina transform into a bird
again. Fly a tiny bit to the east and then begin heading south. You will pass
over the swampy land and the broken bridge. Continue onwards until you come
across a walled castle. Set down on the west side where the opening is and
walk in.

---=| Scande |=---

The guards at the entrance will not let you in unless you show them the Pass
you picked up from that weird guy back in Carmen. Proceed into the middle of
Scande to find an elevator. However, upon examining the control panel, you
will see that the parts are not in the right places. That's a problem, as
Zog is working at the top of the tower. Without the elevator working, you have
no means of reaching him. The city of Scande is south of the elevator. The
first door on the left (yellow-bordered) is a Dragon Shrine and the first door
on the right (yellow-bordered as well) is an inn. Make use of them if you feel
like it.

The parts to the elevator can be obtained in Spring. Leave Scande for now and
Warp over there. In Spring, enter the house that's right below the inn. The
man in the bed climbed Scande already and brought the parts. The only problem
is that they're... broken. Once you have the parts in your possession, leave
town and Warp to Gant. Head to the north end of town and enter the big
building here. Head upstairs and speak with the old lady to get that lazy
bum out of bed. Talk to him and he'll offer to repair the B.Parts. Once the
parts are fixed, you can leave Gant and fly to Scande. I regret to inform you
that you do not the luxury of warping to and from Scande. Check your world map
(Scande is the big fortress thing south of Carmen) if you forgot its location.

Once there, show the guards your Pass and head to the broken elevator. Stick
the broken parts in the control panel and step into the elevator to be taken
up. After a VERY slow ascent, you will step off by another elevator. Step into
this one as well and let it take you up. At the top, there's a giant door.
Press the A Button to open it. Once inside, the same man that gave you the
Pass will stop you once again. You can get to Zog from here, but he suggests
that you pick up a D.Hrt from Tunlan. You might find it helpful against Zog.
He won't move out of the way either, so picking up this dragon-killing weapon
is mandatory.

Step back outside and make your way down the two elevators again. Make your
way out of Scande again and Warp straight to Tunlan. Head up into town. The
first door that you see is the one you'll want to enter. Talk to the lady
inside and she'll sing a Dragon song. Ryu, being part Dragon himself, is
disturbed by this odd song. She'll put it in a bottle for you to carry off.
If you check your characters, you'll notice that Ryu has been hurt pretty
badly. Be sure to heal up at the inn before leaving. Once again, fly back to

Have the elevator bring your party to the very top again. The cloaked figure
will be gone at this point, so you can proceed. Head up and you'll hit a two-
way fork. Head east from here and continue this way until you find a healing
spring, a dining table, and two yellow switches. Take a drink from the spring
and step over the lowered yellow switch to reach the staircase. Make sure the
gate isn't raised as you climb the steps.

On this floor, you're going to be meeting some random encounters. There

weren't any on the previous floor, so make sure that you're ready to take any
unexpected monsters. Head to the west and open the two chests for a Mrbl1 and
an IcyCN for Bleu. Now, backtrack down the stairs and all the way back to the
first fork you came across here. This time around, you'll want to take the
west fork. Follow it up the path until you come across a raised platform.
Ignore the steps leading up to it and proceed north along the west side of
the raised platform.

On the next floor, ignore the yellow switches and head south. There is a whole
line of pillars to the south. For now, just head up through the opening to the
right. At the split, head to the right and open the two chests in the small
room to find a Glove and PowerHT. Head back south to the room with the lined
pillars and proceed down this way. You'll pass along a red table. Just below
that is a staircase you'll want to climb. On this next floor, simply head
north along this hallway until you reach another staircase. At this point,
go south and around to reach the other staircase. In the following room, pick
out the Cure from the chest and ascend the next staircase.

Here, just head down past the table to yet another staircase. There's a
healing spring here that you can utilize before heading up to fight Zog.
Head north along this long line of pillars until you reach the door leading
to Zog's domain. In this creepy-looking place, go up to find Zog sitting there
on his throne. Before initiating battle, he'll transform into a dragon so
large, only his head will appear on the battle screen.
Boss : Zog ~
Zog is no pushover. His magic attacks can deal hundreds of damage
to your party members. The best thing you could do to protect
yourself would be to cast Shield on all of your party members. Do
that as quickly as possible to up your defense in case Zog decides
to unleash a devastating attack early on. At the start of the
battle, have one of your units use the D.Hrt. Ryu should transform
into his Rudra state immediately while Bleu casts NovaX. It will
hurt Zog a lot, but it will also bring Ryu down to 1 HP. Next turn,
make sure that you heal him to full. After casting Shield on every
single party member, you may want to cast FortX once. Although not
as powerful as his magic attacks, Zog will still use physical
attacks. Continue to have Bleu use NovaX, which will deal a healthy
amount of damage to Zog every turn. Even with the crazy damage that
D.Hrt did, Zog still has quite a bit of HP left. Always try to keep
your party's HP above the halfway mark. Do not allow Zog to OHKO
your entire party in one turn. Nina should be a priority because she
can heal. Make sure that she stays alive through the entire length
of the battle. Keep up the attacks until Zog dies.

Zog will go down pretty peacefully. However, the floor will begin to crumble
and your party ends up falling to the room below. Eventually, Ryu will wake
up in a small room to find someone he'd probably never expected to see again.
Yes, it's Sara. With Zog's demise, it seems as if the world is saved. Ryu
hands over the goddess keys so Sara can destroy them. Suddenly, Jade appears
in his disguise. With his spell, he has total control over Sara. The two will
take your keys and disappear out of there while your party is left without
a way out. Before he leaves, Jade will mention Agua.

It seems as if there's no way out. However, if you walk down into the little
ditch at the bottom, a mole will pop out and save the day. Jump into the hole
that it created to find yourself in a rather intricate maze. The moles here
are trying to dig a hole out of the tower. Head a bit to the north and then
turn to the east. Follow this path down and talk to the upper-most mole.
He'll explain that the master digger is attempting to dig a hole out. The
master digger will drill a hole into the ground. Jump down into the hole with
them to reach another dig site. Here, simply exit through the south doorway
to find your way out. Once back outside, leave Scande and Warp to Romero.

I'd suggest you save your game and heal at the inn. The last place that Jade
mentioned was Agua. Leave Romero and have Nina fly your party to Agua (a bit
to the northwest). Use the Tablet to bring the tower down at the end of the
platform and enter. Well, you sure haven't been here in a while. Lead your
party in and climb up the staircase on the first floor. The stone door should
be open above you. Proceed up and climb the stairs here as well. On the next
floor, head to the left and climb this staircase. Repeat with the staircase
on the next floor as well.

Here, head to the west through the open stone door. Step onto the transport
tile to be taken to the other platform. Head to the southwestern corner of
this room to find an opening. If you recall, you went through here a LONG time
ago to pick up some items. Once outside, proceed to the other door and re-
enter the room. Ignore the transport tile on standby and head up the staircase
further to the left. Here, proceed north into the building. You will
immediately find Sara, of who seems to be having a conflict with herself (the
spell that Jade casted on her). She will tell you to stop Jade before it's
too late! Follow her up the staircase to the left to find Jade. Before you
can do anything, he releases Tyr and steps into a warp. Follow suit and step
in after him.

---=| Pagoda |=---

This beginning room looks pretty complicated with all of the staircases strewn
throughout it. The first thing you'll want to do would be to head up the
stairs to your immediate left. Walk a bit to the left and move AROUND the big
pit in the ground to access the chest. Open it for a Domino (odd name for a
helm). Return to the first room. As you can see, there are a number of
staircases atop the platforms here. Move over to the staircase platform to
the northwest. Note the red switch on the ground. Step onto it to create a set
of steps leading up to the platform. Head up and ascend the staircase here.
Walk around the pit and pick up the PowerAR from the chest. Return to the
steps and hit the red switch to lower the gate. Walk out and descend the
staircase here to return to the main room.

Head around to the northeast to find another red switch blocking off another
platform. Step on it to form some steps. At the other end of this elongated
platform is another staircase. Make your way down there and climb up. Ignore
the two holes in the ground and head east along the bridge outside of the
tower. Follow this path until you hit a fork. Take the north path first to
find a chest holding AgileAR (A very fine piece of armor for Nina or Bleu).
Once you have that equipped, return to the fork and head along the south path.
The walkway will lead you around to another staircase.

Here, you'll find two red switches and two gates, both up. Hit the raised
switch on the left to lower the two gates in your area and raise the other
one to the left. Walk over to the right (don't step on the newly raised
switch) and proceed down the northeast path. When you reach the southeast
corner of the room, head up the path along the east wall to another gate.
Step on the switch to lower it and proceed. Up ahead is a TrapGrd inside a
chest. Now, head back to the southeast corner (step on the raised switch to
change the gates) and proceed from there to the southwest corner.

You'll come to two separate paths here. Head up the east path past a lowered
gate. If this gate is still up, then head back to the last switch you passed
and hit it again. Continue up this path until you come to another set of
switches and a raised gate. Step on the switch to lower it and raise a few
others. Proceed through and go into the only other accessible room there.
Open the chest for a FlameDR and climb up the steps nearby. Follow the path
in the next room and climb the staircase at the other end. In here, walk down
and onto the platform with the staircase. As you approach it, however, a
force field will activate and send your team flying back. Sara will appear,
apparently still under the control of Jade. Doing her best, she fights the
control and shuts down the force field. Before you attempt to proceed down
the steps, heal your party with a M.Drop to recover all of your lost HP.
As you attempt to head downstairs, Sara will engage you...

Boss : Sara ~
Sara has a crapload of HP in this battle. Begin by putting Ryu in
his Rudra form and having Nina cast Shield on every party member.
Sara will usually use two magic spells that deal mediocre damage.
It shouldn't be anything devastating, but it'd be a good idea to
have your magic defense up anyway. Assuming Karn is in his Puka
form, you'll be dealing good damage with Ryu and Karn every turn.
Use ATK-Up to help buff up your attackers. Bleu should use her most
powerful spell to deal as much extra damage as possible. This battle
will be a very long one. Be sure that you heal when your units are
hurt. If Bleu happens to run out of AP, use AP healing items to keep
up the attacks. Because Sara's attacks aren't too bad, none of your
party members should die. Keep everyone healthy and pound away until
she falls at last.

The fight frees Sara from Jade's control, but of course, the battle also
destroys her. Now, head down the stairs to your immediate right and follow
the path across the bridge outside. Drink from the healing spring to refresh
your party and proceed. A bit further ahead is another staircase. Walk around
the hole and head down the staircase here to find yourself in the middle of
the room you started in. Open the chest nearby for a StoneHT and proceed up
the following staircase. In this room, you'll notice a hole below you. Don't
touch it. Instead, position yourself at the bottom end of the hole in the
ground and walk to the right. You may not have seen it before, but there is a
path here leading around to the next staircase.

Jade is very close at this point. Walk to the left onto the path and head
south along the pathway. Follow it as it winds through the area. After a
remarkably long walk, you'll come to a transport tile. Step onto it and let
it carry you to the other side. Ignore the path to the north and head south
along the walkway. You will pass along another transport tile. Ignore this one
as it will only send you back to the beginning. Head right past it to a
staircase. Up here, simply step onto the only transport tile there. Jade is
just up ahead.

Walk up to him and watch the scene. In summary: Jade releases Tyr and the
Pagoda is destroyed while the party escapes back to Drogen with the help of
Sara. Karn will run in and notify you of an emergency. It seems that Jade has
resurrected the Obelisk. Stopping him there is your last chance to save the
world. Head outside and regroup with your able party. Nina will lead you

5.15. To The Obelisk! [5015]

From Drogen, fly north past Camlon until you notice a dig spot on the
ground (where you acquired Karn's Doof transformation). Stop there and fly
a bit to the left. You'll remember the cave here as the Cleansing Water Cave.
You have been here before on an errand. Enter it and proceed north at the
first four-way intersection. Shortly after that, turn to the right and head
down that way. Follow this path all the way to a staircase at the northwest
corner of this floor. Here, head as far north as possible and turn to the
right. Follow this path around to a staircase. Descend it to find yourself by
a split in the path again. Opt for the lower path and head down the following
staircase you see there. In this water-filled room, walk down the stairs into
the water. Proceed down the steps and enter the opening on the wall.
---=| Dragon Chamber |=---

Here, place Ryu at the front of the party and speak with the apparition on
the platform. You'll learn Agni, Ryu's ultimate dragon transformation!
Luckily for you, there's no fight to acquire it. Once you have it, there's
nothing else to do here so simply have Bleu Exit your party out of there.

Once you're back outside, have Nina transform into a bird again and fly down
to Camlon. From there, fly a bit to the east until you find an island with a
bunch of rocks on it. Among those stones should be a small house (it's barely
noticeable). Land there and enter the house to find an old woman. She'll tell
you that she likes weapon buffs (or whatever). Leave the house and fly due
south until you come to a house within a circle of palm trees. Set down here
and enter the house to find an old man. He will move out of the way and allow
you to enter his hut. Move the pots that are in front of the left chest out of
the way and obtain the List. Leave the house and fly back north to the old
lady's house.

The woman will notice your list and decides to give you the weapon to hand to
the weapon buff. Enter her house and move the pots out of the way in front of
the chest. In order to reach it, you will have to walk through her bed to
reach the pots. Simply push them out of the way and pick up the Wtzit. Leave
once again and fly down to the old man's house. He will take the Wtzit and
give you a letter to send back. Once again, leave and fly back to the old
woman's house. Since she isn't interested in just _tools_, she'll tell you
to send another letter back to the man. Yet AGAIN, fly back down and show the
man the letter. As a reward, you'll obtain a mole tool known as the I.Claw.

Have Nina Warp your party to Gramor and enter the back room to the left and
above the Dragon Shrine area. Here, you'll find the Great Digger. Put Mogu at
the front of the party and he'll demonstrate. Mogu will try out the claw.
The I.Claw can only be used once however. Leave Gramor and have Nina fly your
party south. Eventually, you'll come to a floating castle over the purple
lake, the Obelisk. Have Nina fly into it to enter.

---=| Obelisk |=---

You will need to put Mogu at the front of your party to open the door blocking
the entrance. Head on in and you will notice a crack on the floor ahead. Have
Mogu use his I.Claw and a hole will appear. The teleportation tile you're
standing on will send you back to the entrance. Hopefully, you took the time
to stock up on healing items and whatnot before coming here. The random
encounters in this area are mostly difficult. Begin by heading to the east and
taking the bottom path at the fork. Heading around this way will bring you to
a transport tile (you should be at the one on the right).

At the other side, head up to another split. Take either path to another
transport tile. Step onto it and let it take you further to the west. You'll
arrive on a platform with a staircase. Take it down to the next floor. Here,
walk up to the end of the path to another transport tile. Once more, step on
it to be taken to the other side. This portion may seem confusing with the
splits and all, but if you walk to the center, you'll see that it isn't really
complicated at all. Of the two other transport tiles on this platform, you'll
want to head to the upper-right one by taking the northeast fork. Take either
path at the next split and head down to yet another transport tile.

Ride it to the end and you'll notice a rather ugly Goda standing to your
left. However, from your position, you can't reach him. Simply head south and
open the chest you cross for a FlameHR (equip on Ox, obviously). Proceed down
the path onto the next transport tile. You will now be where you started on
this floor. Head north past the staircase onto the transport tile. Before, you
took the northeast tile off of the platform. Now, head to the other one
(lower-right), and take it to the other side. Follow this path down to another
transport tile; this one will take you to Goda. Don't worry about healing up
yet as you won't be fighting him right now. Speak with him and he'll run off
to the left. Follow him and ride the final tile to a staircase. On this next
floor, step onto the transport tile and ride it to the end. Now would be the
time to heal up for a boss fight. Walk up and Goda will come right through the
wall to engage you.

* NOTE: In order to use Ryu's ultimate Agni transformation, Karn cannot

be fused in any way. If you have Puka at this point, unfuse him so Ryu
may be able to use Agni. Keep this in mind for all fights.

Boss : Goda ~
This fight is very straightforward. Goda relies only on physical
attacks, so there is no need to cast any sort of magic-resistanting
protection on your party. Bleu, of course, should use her most
powerful spell. Be sure to have Nina heal when your party gets too
hurt. Simply mash the attack button with the rest of the party.
Goda's attacks are capable of hitting the entire party. Even so, 80
or so HP damage to everyone isn't exactly something I'd call
devastating. Nina should just heal after every turn to keep your
party in good shape. If you'd like, have Ryu transform into Agni.
This strategy would only leave you with one unit, but it can
effectively make the battle go by much quicker.

When Goda is defeated, he'll leave with a lasting impression on the wall
behind him. Head through the opening that he created into the next room. Here,
head down the stairs into the following floor. Here, take any of the four
transport tiles surrounding you. They all lead to the same area, so it really
doesn't matter. Head down the staircase that it brings you to and take the
only transport tile accessible via your platform. You'll find yourself by a
giant steel heart. Head down the steps in front of it and climb the steps
further to the northeast. Walk across this platform onto the following
transport tile.

On this platform, walk around to the bottom end and descend the steps. Climb
back up the steps to the east leading up to the other steel heart. Ride the
transport tile here down to the next platform. Here, head down the steps and
walk around to the left and up the following steps onto yet another platform.
Head down along it and step onto another transport tile. Continue along this
way and climb down the steps at the end. Ascend the steps leading up to the
stone heart and make your way to the center of the room. Descend the staircase
in the middle here.
Step onto the only transport tile branching from your little island. It will
take you the middle island with a staircase. Head down to find yourself in a
new area. Jade is just up ahead, so unfuse Karn (so you may cast Agni) and
get Ryu ready for the fight. When Jade asks if you would switch to his side,
tell him "No" and the fight will begin.

Boss : Jade ~
Obviously, having Ryu use Agni would be the best way to get through
this fight. If you choose to stick with the four-man party however,
be sure to use Wall and FortX. Jade has a number of magic spells
that deal a good amount of damage to all your party members. Of
course, buffs like ATK-Up would greatly increase your damage. The
fight will drag on forever if you choose to battle Jade that way.
If you have Ryu transform into Agni, just have him attack constantly
to deal 999 damage every single time. Unlike Goda however, Jade will
not just sit there and let you attack him. His attacks do SOME
damage, although not really enough to put you in any sort of danger.
When Agni's HP does dwindle down however, use a healing item
immediately. Keep an eye on Ryu's HP to make sure he doesn't fall
before the battle's over.

Jade will fall, telling you that it was his destiny to die. Tyr still awaits
you. Don't touch the gray circles yet. Instead, head up to the left side of
Jade's throne and inspect wall there. You will pick up Ryu's most powerful
weapon, the EmporSD! Now inspect the back of the yellow pillar southeast of
the throne. There, you will find a StarHR for Ox. Of course, equip that on
him. Once you're done, step on either of the two gray circles in front of the
throne and floor will move. Out here, a transport tile will arrive at your
platform. Take it up. Defuse Karn (if he isn't already) and walk up to the
girl standing there.

Tell her "Yes" when she asks if you have a wish to recover all of your HP/AP.
The second time you talk to her, tell her "No" and you'll fight.

Boss : Goddess ~
Tyr will not attack you at all in this stage, so you are free to do
whatever you want. My suggestion would be to just attack regularly
until you wear down her HP enough to stop the fight. Once you take
it down enough, Tyr will break up the fight.

As you might have expected, Tyr will come off all innocent and claim that she
hasn't done anything. She'll ask if you'll be her friend. Tell her "Yes" and
the ghost of Sara will appear behind her, telling you to use the true power of
Agni. When you re-enter the battle, have Ryu use Agni immediately. Attack once
and Tyr will transform into her (rather ugly) true form.

Boss : Tyr ~
Your procedure here should be easy enough to understand. Immediately
have Ryu transform into Agni. With Agni, this final battle won't be
tough whatsoever. Tyr has a few damaging attacks that may deal
anywhere from around 50 HP damage to Agni. Considering that Agni
starts with 999 HP, health should not be much of a problem here.
All you really have to do continually attack over and over again,
taking the time to heal when your HP grows low. Tyr's health bar
will deplete within a few turns, but the battle will still last a
good deal longer. The little damage you take will barely have an
effect on your plan though. Tyr, sadly, isn't powerful enough to
combat Agni. Just continue to attack, slowly draining Tyr's HP until
she is, at last, defeated.

After the goddess falls, the quest will at last be over. Just sit back and
enjoy your ending!

--- 6. Equipment Listing --- [6000]

Below is a listing of all the equipment you may come across through the game.
The categories are self-explanatory.

6.1. Weapons [6100]

BoneCN ~
Atk: 14
Wgt: 4
Equip: Bleu

BroadSD ~
Atk: 34
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu

BrokenSD ~
Atk: 42
Wgt: 15
Equip: Ryu

BronzRP ~
Atk: 7
Wgt: 2
Equip: Nina

BronzSD ~
Atk: 12
Wgt: 3
Equip: Ryu

Cane ~
Atk: 8
Wgt: 2
Equip: Bleu

Club ~
Atk: 30
Wgt: 6
Equip: Ox

Dagger ~
Atk: 32
Wgt: 2
Equip: Karn

Dart ~
Atk: 46
Wgt: 2
Equip: Karn

DigCW ~
Atk: 42
Wgt: 2
Equip: Mogu

Dirk ~
Atk: 5
Wgt: 1
Equip: Ryu

DragonSD ~
Atk: 110
Wgt: 20
Equip: Ryu

EmporSD ~
Atk: 255
Wgt: 1
Equip: Ryu

EvilCN ~
Atk: 20
Wgt: 6
Equip: Bleu

EvilRP ~
Atk: 55
Wgt: 7
Equip: Nina
FlameDR ~
Atk: 74
Wgt: 7
Equip: Karn

FlameHR ~
Atk: 120
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ox

FlameRP ~
Atk: 28
Wgt: 5
Equip: Nina

FlameSD ~
Atk: 122
Wgt: 10
Equip: Ryu

GiantHR ~
Atk: 60
Wgt: 12
Equip: Ox

HeroBW ~
Atk: 220
Wgt: 8
Equip: Bo

HeroSP ~
Atk: 56
Wgt: 4
Equip: Gobi

IcyCN ~
Atk: 30
Wgt: 10
Equip: Bleu

IcyCW ~
Atk: 88
Wgt: 3
Equip: Mogu

IcyDR ~
Atk: 75
Wgt: 9
Equip: Karn

IronCW ~
Atk: 74
Wgt: 3
Equip: Mogu

IronHR ~
Atk: 45
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ox

IronRP ~
Atk: 14
Wgt: 5
Equip: Nina

JadeBW ~
Atk: 80
Wgt: 8
Equip: Bo

Javelin ~
Atk: 34
Wgt: 3
Equip: Gobi

LongBW ~
Atk: 28
Wgt: 5
Equip: Bo

LongSD ~
Atk: 26
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu

LoyalRP ~
Atk: 64
Wgt: 6
Equip: Nina

MoonBW ~
Atk: 66
Wgt: 1
Equip: Bo

MystCW ~
Atk: 120
Wgt: 1
Equip: Mogu

OldSP ~
Atk: 42
Wgt: 5
Equip: Gobi

Pike ~
Atk: 24
Wgt: 4
Equip: Gobi

PoisonBW ~
Atk: 42
Wgt: 6
Equip: Bo

PoisonRP ~
Atk: 20
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu, Nina

PowerDR ~
Atk: 66
Wgt: 7
Equip: Karn

PowerSD ~
Atk: 62
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ryu

Rang ~
Atk: 18 (Hits all enemies)
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu

Rapier ~
Atk: 10
Wgt: 4
Equip: Nina
RustCW ~
Atk: 60
Wgt: 4
Equip: Mogu

Sabre ~
Atk: 8
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu

Scythe ~
Atk: 20
Wgt: 3
Equip: Ryu

SharpBW ~
Atk: 54
Wgt: 7
Equip: Bo

ShortBW ~
Atk: 20
Wgt: 4
Equip: Bo

ShortRP ~
Atk: 5
Wgt: 1
Equip: Nina

Sickle ~
Atk: 50
Wgt: 6
Equip: Ryu

SpineHR ~
Atk: 120
Wgt: 15
Equip: Ox

StarHR ~
Atk: 210
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ox

SteelBW ~
Atk: 35
Wgt: 5
Equip: Bo

ThrowDR ~
Atk: 20
Wgt: 1
Equip: Karn

Tri-BW ~
Atk: 96
Wgt: 12
Equip: Bo

Tri-DR ~
Atk: 54
Wgt: 6
Equip: Karn

Trident ~
Atk: 74
Wgt: 6
Equip: Gobi

WingRP ~
Atk: 34
Wgt: 2
Equip: Nina

WingSD ~
Atk: 96
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ryu

6.2. Shields [6200]

Bandage ~
Def: 5
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

Bracelet ~
Def: 12
Wgt: 3
Equip: Nina, Bleu
BronzSH ~
Def: 8
Wgt: 3
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

Domino ~
Def: 42
Wgt: 7
Equip: Nina, Bleu

DragonSH ~
Def: 128
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu

Gauntlet ~
Def: 8
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

Glove ~
Def: 20
Wgt: 6
Equip: Bo

GuardSH ~
Def: 32
Wgt: 10
Equip: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

FlameSH ~
Def: 52
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu, Ox, Mogu

HuntGL ~
Def: 30
Wgt: 8
Equip: Bo

IcySH ~
Def: 30
Wgt: 5
Equip: [All]

IronSH ~
Def: 12
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

IronSL ~
Def: 22
Wgt: 5
Equip: Gobi

LightSH ~
Def: 36
Wgt: 10
Equip: Nina, Bleu

MaskSH ~
Def: 65
Wgt: 8
Equip: [All]

MetalSH ~
Def: 16
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

MetalSL ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 5
Equip: Gobi

MystSH ~
Def: 48
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Ox, Mogu

ProSH ~
Def: 32
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

SkySH ~
Def: 15
Wgt: 1
Equip: Nina

StarSH ~
Def: 70
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

SuedeSH ~
Def: 2
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

TrapGrd ~
Def: 40
Wgt: 4
Equip: Karn

WoodSH ~
Def: 5
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn

Wrist ~
Def: 10
Wgt: 2
Equip: [All]

6.3. Headwear [6300]

AgileHT ~
Def: 42
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

Bandana ~
Def: 5
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

BronzHT ~
Def: 10
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

ChainHT ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 8
Equip: [All]

CursedHT ~
Def: 62
Wgt: 20
Equip: [All]

DivingHT ~
Def: 32
Wgt: 6
Equip: Gobi

Domino ~
Def: 42
Wgt: 7
Equip: Nina, Bleu

DragonHT ~
Def: 80
Wgt: 1
Equip: Ryu

EchoHT ~
Def: 28
Wgt: 3
Equip: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox

FaceMask ~
Def: 35
Wgt: 5
Equip: Ryu, Karn, Mogu

G.Tiara ~
Def: 2
Wgt: 5
Equip: Nina, Bleu

GaiaMask ~
Def: 36
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Ox, Mogu

GoldHT ~
Def: 14
Wgt: 6
Equip: [All]

HairBand ~
Def: 8
Wgt: 2
Equip: Nina, Bleu

HeadGear ~
Def: 16
Wgt: 5
Equip: [All]

HornHT ~
Def: 37
Wgt: 6
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

IcyHT ~
Def: 16
Wgt: 6
Equip: Ryu, Bo

IronHT ~
Def: 32
Wgt: 6
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox

IronMask ~
Def: 30
Wgt: 7
Equip: Ox

LoveHT ~
Def: 64
Wgt: 10
Equip: Nina

NiceHT ~
Def: 6
Wgt: 3
Equip: [All]

PowerHT ~
Def: 44
Wgt: 3
Equip: Karn, Gobi

ShellHT ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 1
Equip: Gobi
SkullHT ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 10
Equip: [All]

StoneHT ~
Def: 48
Wgt: 16
Equip: Mogu

StrawHT ~
Def: 2
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

SunHT ~
Def: 12
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

Tiara ~
Def: 10
Wgt: 2
Equip: Nina, Bleu

Turban ~
Def: 11
Wgt: 1
Equip: [All]

Visor ~
Def: 6
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

WolfHT ~
Def: 12
Wgt: 4
Equip: Bo

6.4. Body Armor [6400]

AgileAR ~
Def: 92
Wgt: 0
Equip: Nina, Bleu

ArmPad ~
Def: 8
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Gobi

BronzAR ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 9
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

ChainML ~
Def: 20
Wgt: 2
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Ox

ClearCL ~
Def: 100
Wgt: 0
Equip: Nina, Bleu

DragonAR ~
Def: 110
Wgt: 0
Equip: Ryu

Dress ~
Def: 8
Wgt: 25
Equip: Nina, Bleu

FlameAR ~
Def: 82
Wgt: 10
Equip: Ryu, Mogu

Gown ~
Def: 18
Wgt: 1
Equip: Nina, Bleu

GuruCT ~
Def: 70
Wgt: 0
Equip: Bleu
HuntCL ~
Def: 16
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn

IcyAR ~
Def: 80
Wgt: 10
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Ox

IronML ~
Def: 27
Wgt: 9
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Ox

LifeAR ~
Def: 115
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ryu

LightCL ~
Def: 68
Wgt: 1
Equip: Bleu

MetalAR ~
Def: 39
Wgt: 10
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Ox

MystRB ~
Def: 60
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ryu, Nina, Bleu

PlateAR ~
Def: 24
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

PowerAR ~
Def: 84
Wgt: 8
Equip: Nina, Bleu

PrisnCL ~
Def: 10
Wgt: 2
Equip: [All]

QuartzAR ~
Def: 50
Wgt: 9
Equip: [All]

RangerVT ~
Def: 40
Wgt: 8
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Gobi

Robe ~
Def: 2
Wgt: 1
Equip: Ryu, Bleu

SageML ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 14
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

SilkGN ~
Def: 15
Wgt: 4
Equip: Nina, Bleu

SpineCL ~
Def: 60
Wgt: 10
Equip: Gobi

SuedeAR ~
Def: 14
Wgt: 7
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu

SuedeCP ~
Def: 5
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Bleu

SuedeHT ~
Def: 3
Wgt: 6
Equip: [All]

SuedeGN ~
Def: 10
Wgt: 6
Equip: [All]

SuedeRB ~
Def: 35
Wgt: 2
Equip: Nina, Bleu

ThiefCL ~
Def: 30
Wgt: 4
Equip: Ryu, Karn

WolfSkin ~
Def: 80
Wgt: 11
Equip: Bo

WoolRB ~
Def: 25
Wgt: 2
Equip: Nina, Bleu

WorldAR ~
Def: 80
Wgt: 9
Equip: Ox, Mogu

WorldML ~
Def: 75
Wgt: 11
Equip: Ryu, Bo, Ox, Mogu

--- 7. Boss Listing --- [7000]

Boss fights will be common throughout Breath of Fire. The bosses are listed in
the order that you will come across them. It's quite a long read, so use the
Ctrl-F function if you're looking for a particular boss strategy.

* WARNING: Possible spoilers in this section. Read ahead with caution.


Frog -- 180 HP ~
This is a fairly easy fight. Although it has a lot of HP, Frog
won't really be much of a problem. The attacks that Frog uses
deal less than 10 HP damage for the most part. The battle will
probably drag on long, so make sure you have some Herbs to heal
with. Don't stop attacking until you need to heal. Do so and then
keep pounding away with regular strikes. Toward the end of the
battle, when Frog has very low HP, it'll start using Recover to
slowly regain some HP. Finish it off at this point.

Knight -- 390 HP ~
This battle will basically be an exchanging of hits. That's all
there is to it. However, the Knight can be pretty dangerous if you
don't heal. His most powerful attack (T.Bolt) can around 20 HP
damage. Indeed, you'll be needing a lot of Herbs to get through this
fight. To help yourself out, consider using a Stone (F.Stn, B.Stn,
etc). Don't take any chances; make sure that you heal whenever your
HP drops below 20. As the Knight loses more and more HP, he'll begin
to use Recover more often. This gets annoying as occasionally, the
amount of HP he recovers is more than the amount that you damage him
with. Just keep at it to take him down.

Morte -- 120 HP ~
Morte is nothing short of pathetically easy. His HP value is very
low and his attacks consist of a strike that deals about 20 HP
damage. Have Nina cast ATK-Up on one of the guards in your party and
leave her to heal for the rest of the battle (because her attack
won't really help you out). Because Nina is faster than Morte, you
will always have the first turn to heal if necessary. Morte will
go down very quickly.

Mortea -- 230 HP ~
Before you begin attacking, you might find it in your best interest
to cast Fort on Nina (and the guards if you feel like it). Mortea
has a pretty powerful physical strike. She also has quite a bit of
HP. Be sure to use ATK-Up on both of the guards. Once that's done,
leave Nina to heal. The guards will deal a good amount of damage.
When Nina runs out of AP, have her use Herbs to heal (if necessary).
If you have any items that deal damage (E.Key, F.Stn, B.Stn, etc.),
have Nina use them when she isn't healing. From that point, the
battle should be pretty straightforward.

Wizard -- 180 HP ~
Honestly, the Wizard should be no problem. Assuming that you have a
nice weapon equipped, you should deal around 25 HP damage to him
each round. The Wizard has two spells that he consistently uses. One
is the average T.Bolt, of which deals 10 HP damage. The other is the
ice-based spell, Freeze. That deals 15 HP damage. Occasionally, he
might cast Fort on himself. That raises his defense a bit. When it
comes to the point where your physical attack doesn't deal enough
damage, feel free to use any remaining Stns or the E.Key. You should
have no trouble taking him down from there.

Pog -- 280 HP ~
Depending on how much damage you took during the previous guard
battle, be sure to heal accordingly. It would be a good idea to have
Nina use Fort on Ryu and herself. Casting ATK-Up wouldn't be a bad
idea either, as Pog does have a multitude of HP. Pog doesn't really
have much of a bite though. It does nothing more than 15 HP damage
each turn. However, know that occasionally (most noticeably during
the end of the battle), both heads will attack in one turn. Make
sure that Nina heals whenever HP drops lower than you'd like. The
fight won't take too long.

General -- 250 HP ~
With Bo in your party, this battle should be very easy. Have Ryu
stick with regular attacks. Nina should first cast Fort on Bo. His
defense is pretty terrible. At the same time, have Bo cast Fry. That
spell deals heavy damage, and you only have enough AP to cast it
twice. However, two times is all you need. Fry deals 80 HP damage.
Two of those will kill the General. If not that, he'll be very close
to death. You know what to do for the rest of the battle.

Wisp -- 730 HP ~
Wisp doesn't deal much damage, but his attacks can still hurt. Be
sure to cast Fort on all of your units and nullify much of the
damage taken. Cast ATK-Up on Ryu and have him use regular attacks.
Nina should be there to heal when necessary. Bo will run out of AP
pretty quickly if you use Fry. If you would prefer to attack
regularly with Bo, do so. Use an Acorn to replenish some AP
otherwise. Wisp has a load of HP and it's annoying trying to take it
all down. With ATK-Up though, your job should be somewhat easier.
Although a time-consuming battle, this isn't exactly a difficult

General + 2 Lancers -- 250 HP + 100 x2 HP ~

The two Lancers in this battle are very easy to take out. The faster
you destroy them, the better. Prioritize them first with Ryu and
Bo while Nina casts Fort on the party. Although the Lancers are
weak, the General himself can deal quite a bit of HP damage. Fort
will help you out and leave you with more HP. Once the Lancers are
taken care of, you can focus on the General. Use Bo's Fry spell and
have Nina cast ATK-Up on Ryu if you haven't already. The General
doesn't have much HP so the battle won't last too long.

Gremlin -- 1200 HP ~
The Gremlin is a pretty heavy-hitter. Be sure to use Fort on Bo
first as his defense is terrible. However, as the battle goes on,
you will find it a good idea to use Fort on the other characters
as well. Cast ATK-Up on Ryu to increase his damage. Use the spell
on Bo if you'd prefer him to attack with a bow. Otherwise, use Bo's
Fry spell for some nice damage. This isn't really an easy fight.
Nina will be required to heal almost every turn. Keep an eye on Bo
especially though. Even with Fort protecting him, he will still take
heavy damage from each of the Gremlin's attacks. Occasionally, the
Gremlin will use a fire-breath attack; he will get up right next to
a character and blow flames at them. This deals heavy damage, so
keep your units healed up! He happens to use this attack almost
every turn when his HP is low.

Talon -- 700 HP ~
You have ONLY Ryu in this battle. Therefore, you won't have any
access to offensive spells or defensive spells alike. You will need
to rely on your healing items to keep yourself in tip-top shape.
There is honestly only one way to defeat Talon. Simply attack,
attack, and attack. However, make sure that you heal with Herbs
whenever your HP drops low. Talon is faster than Ryu, so be sure
to heal early. This is a very time-consuming battle due to your lack
of options.

SandWorm -- 1600 HP ~
The SandWorm isn't exactly tough, but the battle can drag on and on
if you just sit there and attack. In order to efficiently take out
the SandWorm, you will want to utilize Ryu's dragon morphs. The
SandWorm's main attack is a fire breath-ish attack. It doesn't deal
much damage at all. However, casting Nina's Fort on Bo might be a
good idea because his defense is terrible. Have Ryu transform into
the ThrDr: his most powerful dragon morph at the moment. Bo can
honestly just sit there as Ryu will be dealing the majority of the
damage with his incredibly powerful dragon attack. The battle should
be over with pretty quickly.

EyeSpy -- 1600 HP ~
With this boss, you don't have much to fear. Have Ryu transform in
ThrDr while Bo uses Fry to deal heavy damage. If you feel like it,
have Nina use Fort on Bo because his defense is sub-par. However,
EyeSpy's attacks are not generally very damaging in the first
place. Do note that when his HP gets low though, he will release
a powerful thunder attack that hits all of your units. The beginning
of the battle will be simple. The end still should not be THAT

Cloud -- 1400 HP ~
Unlike some of the other bosses you've faced thus far, Cloud is a
genuine magic-based spirit. He won't attack you physically, but his
spells can deal quite a bit of damage if you are too lazy to
recover. Fort isn't necessary as it will only up an ally's defense
as opposed to magic defense. However, you will want to pump up Karn
and Bo with ATK-Up. Ryu should transform into the ThrDr. Cloud's
most dangerous spell is an earthquake attack that deals heavy damage
to every character. Nina should always be ready to heal whenever
necessary. Luckily, Cloud doesn't use that attack too often. You
should easily be able to recover from each of his attacks before
he can put you in any sort of panic.

Squid -- 1000 HP ~
Ryu's ThrDr really shines here because the Squid is weak to thunder
attacks. Likewise, Bo's Fry spell will deal extensive damage too!
As long as you exploit its weakness, the battle should not last
long. However, do note that the Squid can deal quite a bit of damage
too. Be sure to have Fort cast on your party. The Squid is capable
of launching an attack that deals heavy damage to each of your
party members. Nina should be ready to heal whenever necessary. If
you really need to heal, have Karn use some healing items as he will
not deal that damage to the Squid anyway.

Octo -- 1800 HP ~
Because you've just fought three sets of Archers and SpearMan, your
team might be somewhat hurt. Take the first few rounds and use Nina
to get your units back in shape. Heal up any hurting units and cast
Fort if necessary. Because the Octo is weak to thunder attacks, use
Ryu's ThrDr transformation. Bo can also deal heavy damage using the
thunder spell, Fry. Octo doesn't really hit too hard, but his
attacks can still deal some damage. Be sure to have Nina set to
heal every turn. Karn can just sit there and dish out extra damage.
He isn't really useful for anything else.

Morteo -- 1500 HP ~
This is a very easy fight. There's no need to use Fort in this
battle unless you're worried about Bo. Morteo's attacks don't deal
much damage at all. It'll be much more effective healing whenever
necessary. To speed up the battle, Ryu can transform into the ThrDr
and attack that way. Bo can use Fry while Gobi can use his spells.
Morteo won't take very long to defeat.

Toad -- 2300 HP ~
Now THAT'S what I call an ugly creature. It's pretty powerful as
well, making this a (somewhat) difficult boss fight. Nina should
definitely use Fort on your weaker characters. The Toad's attacks
can deal in the range of 60-90 HP damage! Be sure that every unit
is covered by Fort to mimimize the damage. Have Ryu transform into
his ThrDr state and use Nina to cast ATK-Up up on all of your units.
Once Nina is done pumping up your team, she should stick back and
heal whenever necessary. From here, just piece away at its HP until
it finally falls.

GrimFowl -- 2000 HP ~
This battle is nothing special. The GrimFowl has one weak physical
attack and one much stronger fire attack. There's really no need to
waste your time casting Fort. Instead, have Nina use Shield on the
party (assuming you've acquired that skill) to up your magic
defense. Because the GrimFowl is fire-based, have Ryu transform into
the SnoDr (the extra damage is only a little bit more than ThrDr's
regular damage). The ice attack will deal extra damage. Use ATK-Up
on the rest of the party to up damage. Of course, heal your
characters whenever necessary.

SlimeX -- (Unfused: 600 HP; Fused: 1200 HP) ~

This first part of the battle pits your party against three separate
SlimeX creatures. They deal very little damage and barely pose a
threat. Take this time to have Nina cast Fort and ATK-Up if you
feel like it. However, the battle will still be just as easy without
it. Piece away at the first three SlimeX creatures (which honestly
should not take long) and the three resulting puddles will fuse to
form a single entity. This SlimeX form is slightly stronger with
more HP. Just keep attacking until you defeat it. Be sure to heal
when your party members need it.

Myst -- 1100 HP ~
Myst can be a problem because you might still be weak from the other
two preceding fights. If your team is hurt, be sure to take the
first few turns to heal. For the most part, Myst is just another
average boss. His spells can hit your entire party so it would be
wise to cast Shield on your vulnerable units. Use ATK-Up to increase
the damage dealt. Have Ryu transform into his ThrDr state for lots
of damage. Myst doesn't have have much HP so the battle should not
drag on forever. Heal your party when HP gets low. If Nina is
not effective enough by herself, have Ox cast Cure3 as well.

Pincher -- 1000 HP ~
This crusty crustacean can be somewhat difficult in its latter
stage. Pincher barely has any HP. If you can take him down quickly,
you won't need to worry too much about healing and such. At first,
Pincher is pretty easy. It shouldn't take many rounds to take down
his HP. Have Ryu transform into ThrDr and use Bleu's Fry spell to
deal heavy damage. At the same time, try to cast Shield on your
weaker units. Once you've taken down Pincher's preliminary HP,
he'll begin to use a thunder spell that affects your entire party.
It can be pretty devastating without the use of Shield. Heal if
necessary and continue to attack. Pincher should go down in no

Bain -- 1800 HP ~
Bain is very easy to defeat. The blue dragon has only one physical
attack which does minimal damage. Have Ryu transform into his ThrDr
state and attack from that point on. Honestly, you should be able to
kill Bain pretty easily. If necessary, use a healing item when your
HP drops too low. This pushover should be long gone in no time.

K.Roach * 3 -- 3000 HP ~
These three red roaches are easy to beat. Start attacking any one
of them that you choose. For starters, these roaches' defense sucks.
You probably won't even need ATK-Up. However, feel free to cast it
if you want to speed up the battle. Have Ryu transform into one of
his dragon forms for extra damage. Bleu can simply use her spells
to deal some damage. As for everyone else, just have them attack.
Heal whenever your characters gets too hurt and you shouldn't have
much trouble at all.

RugaX -- 1400 HP ~
RugaX is not a terribly difficult boss. However, he can give you a
run for your money if you aren't careful. For the most part, RugaX
does not have much HP at all. His attacks are somewhat dangerous.
One involves using a fire breath attack on the entire party for some
damage. Be sure to have Nina heal whenever any of your units are
in the red. Cast ATK-Up on any unit you see fit and have Ryu
morph into one of his dragon states. Bleu won't be too effective
for this battle. Just have her cast her most powerful spells to deal
as much damage as possible. RugaX should go down pretty painlessly.

G.Fly -- 1000 HP ~
This is no ordinary fly, folks. The G.Fly can hit a single unit for
quite some damage. Luckily, it only has one physical attack. Feel
free to cast Fort on your weaker units. Because the G.Fly has high
agility (it usually is the first to attack), I'd suggest using Ag-Up
so you can attack first. Have Ryu transform into any of his dragons
and cast ATK-Up on your other units. For a fly, the G.Fly does have
a lot of HP. The battle is pretty straightforward though. Just keep
attacking and healing whenever necessary.

FlowerX -- 2900 HP ~
This ugly flower can be somewhat annoying. Along with a damaging
physical attack, the Poison Flower may occasionally use a poison
spell that will poison one of your units. Luckily, the flower will
not use it too often. Even so, be ready to use the Heal spell
whenever one of your units gets poisoned. I'd suggest casting Fort
on your weaker units to up the defense. Have Ryu transform into
a dragon for some extra damage. Use ATK-Up on your other units to
up your attack. Be sure to have Nina heal whenever one of your
characters get too hurt. Apart from the poison, this boss isn't
much different than the other bosses you've fought thus far.

HornToad -- 4000 HP ~
The HornToad is pretty difficult compared to some of the other
bosses that you've recently faced. He can attack a single unit for
some medium damage. However, note that he can also jump up and down,
causing an earthquake that deals 50+ points of damage to your entire
party! Make sure that you have Fort casted on all of your units
before pumping up your party with ATK-Up. Once your defense are up,
you can continue with the battle safely. Nina should consistently
use her cure spells to keep your party healthy. Have Ryu transform
into BltDgn. The HornToad has a crapload of HP, mind. Don't be
surprised if it the battle takes you more time than you originally
Mothro -- 3500 HP ~
Mothro is a giant moth. Note that there's no health bar telling you
how much HP Mothro has left. That shouldn't really make that much of
a difference though. As long as you stay alive, you'll win the
fight. Mothro uses magic spells primilary. However, most of them
will only cast status ailments on your characters. There's really
no point in bothering with Shield. Be sure to have Nina ready to
cast Heal constantly though. Mothro has high agility stats, so
you'll be relying on magic spells (Bleu) this battle. Physical
attacks will occasionally miss. You will want to be careful of
Shock, a high-powered spell that will instantly KO a unit. Luckily,
Shock isn't very accurate, but be ready to take a hit towards the
end of the battle. This is an annoying fight, but nothing
incredibly difficult.

Mote -- 3500 HP ~
When the battle first begins, Mote cannot be damaged. You'll also
notice that he is... well... very pixelated (9 pixels... yeowza!).
Avoid wasting any AP during the first few rounds of the battle and
just blast Mote with some physical attacks from everyone. He won't
use any REALLY damaging moves at this point, so don't expect to be
using Cure for now. As your characters hit Mote, he will gradually
become less pixelated. After the second round, he'll begin to take
shape (no longer that blob of pixels). Keep up the rounds of
attacks until Mote's Conscience appears to help you. Blocking Mote's
powers, Mote's Conscience will allow you to hurt Mote. Once again,
you will be sent into battle. At first, cast ATK-Up on your
attackers. Don't have Ryu transform into his dragon state for now.
Mote, as you can see, is pixelated once again. At this point, it is
best to use physical attacks ONLY. Again, Mote will become less
pixelated as you hit him more and more. As he gets clearer though,
his defense will rise. When your attacks barely deal any damage,
switch gears and begin pounding him with magic attacks from Bleu.
Now would also be a good time to have Ryu transform into one of his
dragon states. Every time you hit Mote with a magic attack, he will
become a bit more pixelated. On the other hand, if you happen to
strike him with a physical attack, he will become less pixelated.
Attack physically when he's unclear and use magic spells when he is
clear. Follow that pattern for the remainder of the battle. Be sure
to heal whenever necessary. Mote does have a few fire spells of his
own. They aren't devastating, but they can pose a threat. Pound away
at his HP until he is defeated.

Cerl -- 3500 HP ~
Cerl lacks any particularly dangerous attacks, so you won't need to
worry too much about this battle. Her only physical attack deals
very little damage. There's really no point to even bother with
FortX or any sort of defensive spell. However, you should still use
ATK-Up to help speed the battle up a bit. Bleu should use her
most powerful spell while Ryu uses a dragon transformation.
Occasionally, Cerl will attempt to inflict varying status ailments
on your party members. Simply use Heal to negate the effects and
keep hitting away. What little HP Cerl does have will disappear
in no time.

Avian -- 3000 HP ~
You won't have much trouble with this ugly-looking bird thing.
Have Ryu transform into his BltDgn state to up the damage a bit.
Avian is pretty predictable in this fight. Basically, it'll attack
you for around 40 upwards damage. Note that Avian is MUCH faster
than Ryu, so it'll attack first thing every turn. You should heal
about every five turns (or until your HP gets very low). Avian
will really do nothing but attack you every single turn. All you
really need to do is attack, attack, and heal whenever necessary.

Zog -- 16000 HP ~
Zog is no pushover. His magic attacks can deal hundreds of damage
to your party members. The best thing you could do to protect
yourself would be to cast Shield on all of your party members. Do
that as quickly as possible to up your defense in case Zog decides
to unleash a devastating attack early on. At the start of the
battle, have one of your units use the D.Hrt. Ryu should transform
into his Rudra state immediately while Bleu casts NovaX. It will
hurt Zog a lot, but it will also bring Ryu down to 1 HP. Next turn,
make sure that you heal him to full. After casting Shield on every
single party member, you may want to cast FortX once. Although not
as powerful as his magic attacks, Zog will still use physical
attacks. Continue to have Bleu use NovaX, which will deal a healthy
amount of damage to Zog every turn. Even with the crazy damage that
D.Hrt did, Zog still has quite a bit of HP left. Always try to keep
your party's HP above the halfway mark. Do not allow Zog to OHKO
your entire party in one turn. Nina should be a priority because she
can heal. Make sure that she stays alive through the entire length
of the battle. Keep up the attacks until Zog dies.

Sara -- 15000 HP ~
Sara has a crapload of HP in this battle. Begin by putting Ryu in
his Rudra form and having Nina cast Shield on every party member.
Sara will usually use two magic spells that deal mediocre damage.
It shouldn't be anything devastating, but it'd be a good idea to
have your magic defense up anyway. Assuming Karn is in his Puka
form, you'll be dealing good damage with Ryu and Karn every turn.
Use ATK-Up to help buff up your attackers. Bleu should use her most
powerful spell to deal as much extra damage as possible. This battle
will be a very long one. Be sure that you heal when your units are
hurt. If Bleu happens to run out of AP, use AP healing items to keep
up the attacks. Because Sara's attacks aren't too bad, none of your
party members should die. Keep everyone healthy and pound away until
she falls at last.

Goda -- 11000 HP ~
This fight is very straightforward. Goda relies only on physical
attacks, so there is no need to cast any sort of magic-resistanting
protection on your party. Bleu, of course, should use her most
powerful spell. Be sure to have Nina heal when your party gets too
hurt. Simply mash the attack button with the rest of the party.
Goda's attacks are capable of hitting the entire party. Even so, 80
or so HP damage to everyone isn't exactly something I'd call
devastating. Nina should just heal after every turn to keep your
party in good shape. If you'd like, have Ryu transform into Agni.
This strategy would only leave you with one unit, but it can
effectively make the battle go by much quicker.

Jade -- 25000 HP ~
Obviously, having Ryu use Agni would be the best way to get through
this fight. If you choose to stick with the four-man party however,
be sure to use Wall and FortX. Jade has a number of magic spells
that deal a good amount of damage to all your party members. Of
course, buffs like ATK-Up would greatly increase your damage. The
fight will drag on forever if you choose to battle Jade that way.
If you have Ryu transform into Agni, just have him attack constantly
to deal 999 damage every single time. Unlike Goda however, Jade will
not just sit there and let you attack him. His attacks do SOME
damage, although not really enough to put you in any sort of danger.
When Agni's HP does dwindle down however, use a healing item
immediately. Keep an eye on Ryu's HP to make sure he doesn't fall
before the battle's over.

Tyr -- 50000 HP ~
Your procedure here should be easy enough to understand. Immediately
have Ryu transform into Agni. With Agni, this final battle won't be
tough whatsoever. Tyr has a few damaging attacks that may deal
anywhere from around 50 HP damage to Agni. Considering that Agni
starts with 999 HP, health should not be much of a problem here.
All you really have to do continually attack over and over again,
taking the time to heal when your HP grows low. Tyr's health bar
will deplete within a few turns, but the battle will still last a
good deal longer. The little damage you take will barely have an
effect on your plan though. Tyr, sadly, isn't powerful enough to
combat Agni. Just continue to attack, slowly draining Tyr's HP until
she is, at last, defeated.

--- 8. Bestiary --- [8000]

Through the entire length of Breath of Fire, you will encounter a variety of
different monsters. They are all listed here, along with their respective
base stats. (In-game, EXP and GP rewards are consistently subject to change).


Ameblob ~
HP ........................................ 75
Attack .................................... 48
GP ........................................ 56
EXP ....................................... 60

AmeblobX ~
HP ....................................... 400
Attack .................................... 75
GP ....................................... 240
EXP ...................................... 640

Archer ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack .................................... 92
GP ....................................... 180
EXP ...................................... 560

Beak ~
HP ........................................ 14
Attack .................................... 18
GP ......................................... 8
EXP ........................................ 8

Blaze ~
HP ....................................... 400
Attack ................................... 100
GP ....................................... 360
EXP ...................................... 860

BlazeX ~
HP ...................................... 2400
Attack ................................... 120
GP ....................................... 200
EXP ...................................... 840

Blurb ~
HP ........................................ 50
Attack .................................... 46
GP ........................................ 20
EXP ....................................... 40

Bowman ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack .................................... 64
GP ....................................... 100
EXP ...................................... 140

BowmanX ~
HP ....................................... 110
Attack .................................... 30
GP ........................................ 90
EXP ...................................... 280

Bulla ~
HP ........................................ 20
Attack ..................................... 8
GP ......................................... 4
EXP ........................................ 3

Bully ~
HP ........................................ 45
Attack ................................... 100
GP ........................................ 60
EXP ...................................... 120

Buzzer ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack ................................... 100
GP ........................................ 50
EXP ...................................... 130

Cactus ~
HP ........................................ 54
Attack .................................... 90
GP ........................................ 50
EXP ...................................... 130

CactusX ~
HP ........................................ 70
Attack .................................... 60
GP ....................................... 270
EXP ...................................... 360

Cerl ~
HP ...................................... 3500
Attack ................................... 225
GP ...................................... 9000
EXP ..................................... 8000

Chimera ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack .................................... 78
GP ....................................... 180
EXP ...................................... 560

Chopper ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack ................................... 130
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 480

Claw ~
HP ...................................... 2500
Attack ................................... 168
GP ....................................... 400
EXP ..................................... 1200

Cloud ~
HP ...................................... 1400
Attack ................................... 120
GP ...................................... 1200
EXP ..................................... 4800

Crab ~
HP ....................................... 300
Attack ................................... 180
GP ....................................... 360
EXP ..................................... 1020

CrawlerX ~
HP ........................................ 80
Attack .................................... 80
GP ....................................... 150
EXP ...................................... 250

Creep ~
HP ........................................ 25
Attack ..................................... 8
GP ......................................... 8
EXP ........................................ 8

Creon ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack .................................... 80
GP ....................................... 120
EXP ...................................... 220

CreonX ~
HP ....................................... 120
Attack ................................... 100
GP ....................................... 400
EXP ...................................... 600

D.Flea ~
HP ....................................... 200
Attack ................................... 100
GP ........................................ 90
EXP ...................................... 280

D.Knight ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack ................................... 148
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 780

D.Rider ~
HP ........................................ 44
Attack .................................... 65
GP ........................................ 30
EXP ....................................... 50

Dogfish ~
HP ....................................... 140
Attack .................................... 55
GP ....................................... 150
EXP ...................................... 560

DogfishX ~
HP ....................................... 300
Attack ................................... 120
GP ....................................... 180
EXP ...................................... 560

E.Chest ~
HP ........................................ 45
Attack .................................... 65
GP ....................................... 360
EXP ...................................... 860

Entity ~
HP ....................................... 700
Attack ................................... 120
GP ....................................... 800
EXP ..................................... 1680

EyeSpy ~
HP ...................................... 1600
Attack ................................... 100
GP ...................................... 2800
EXP ..................................... 2800

FireHead ~
HP ....................................... 240
Attack ................................... 140
GP ...................................... 1000
EXP ..................................... 1400

Fishy ~
HP ........................................ 65
Attack .................................... 60
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 360

Flea ~
HP ........................................ 15
Attack ..................................... 5
GP ......................................... 4
EXP ........................................ 3

Flower ~
HP ....................................... 700
Attack ................................... 140
GP ....................................... 600
EXP ..................................... 1800

FlowerX ~
HP ...................................... 2900
Attack ................................... 250
GP ...................................... 3000
EXP ..................................... 3200

Fly ~
HP ........................................ 45
Attack .................................... 92
GP ........................................ 20
EXP ....................................... 40

Frog ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack .................................... 20
GP ....................................... 350
EXP ...................................... 500

Fungus ~
HP ........................................ 80
Attack .................................... 62
GP ....................................... 120
EXP ...................................... 240

G.Fly ~
HP ...................................... 1000
Attack ................................... 100
GP ...................................... 6400
EXP ..................................... 5600

G.Knight ~
HP ........................................ 50
Attack .................................... 75
GP ....................................... 200
EXP ...................................... 100

G.Slime ~
HP ....................................... 120
Attack ................................... 120
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 800

Gargoyle ~
HP ...................................... 2200
Attack .................................... 84
GP ....................................... 400
EXP ..................................... 1200

General ~
HP ....................................... 250
Attack ................................... 110
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ..................................... 1200

Ghoul ~
HP ....................................... 280
Attack ................................... 130
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 700

Gloom ~
HP ........................................ 12
Attack .................................... 18
GP ........................................ 12
EXP ........................................ 5

Goda ~
HP ..................................... 11000
Attack ................................... 235
GP ...................................... 6000
EXP ..................................... 6000

Golem ~
HP ...................................... 3000
Attack ................................... 160
GP ....................................... 540
EXP ..................................... 1290

Gremlin ~
HP ...................................... 1200
Attack ................................... 140
GP ....................................... 800
EXP ..................................... 1400

GrimFowl ~
HP ...................................... 2000
Attack ................................... 170
GP ...................................... 4800
EXP ..................................... 4200

HornToad ~
HP ...................................... 4000
Attack ................................... 195
GP ...................................... 7000
EXP ..................................... 6800

HP ...................................... 2500
Attack ................................... 120
GP ....................................... 540
EXP ..................................... 1290

Knight ~
HP ....................................... 390
Attack .................................... 45
GP ....................................... 500
EXP ...................................... 700

Jade ~
HP ..................................... 25000
Attack ................................... 280
GP ...................................... 8000
EXP ..................................... 8000

Lancer ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack .................................... 58
GP ....................................... 100
EXP ...................................... 120

LancerX ~
HP ....................................... 300
Attack ................................... 100
GP ....................................... 340
EXP ...................................... 500

M.Flea ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack ................................... 120
GP ....................................... 400
EXP ..................................... 1680

M.Scorp ~
HP ........................................ 65
Attack .................................... 54
GP ....................................... 240
EXP ...................................... 640

M.Slime ~
HP ...................................... 2000
Attack ................................... 510
GP ...................................... 9999
EXP ..................................... 9999

Mage ~
HP ........................................ 85
Attack .................................... 40
GP ........................................ 70
EXP ...................................... 140

Midget ~
HP ........................................ 55
Attack .................................... 88
GP ........................................ 40
EXP ....................................... 80

Mimic ~
HP ....................................... 300
Attack ................................... 140
GP ...................................... 3000
EXP ...................................... 800

Morte ~
HP ....................................... 120
Attack .................................... 65
GP ....................................... 200
EXP ...................................... 280

Mortea ~
HP ....................................... 230
Attack .................................... 90
GP ....................................... 200
EXP ...................................... 280

Morteo ~
HP ...................................... 1500
Attack ................................... 180
GP ...................................... 3000
EXP ..................................... 3200

Mote ~
HP ...................................... 3500
Attack ................................... 210
GP ...................................... 6000
EXP ..................................... 5400

Mothro ~
HP ...................................... 3500
Attack ................................... 210
GP ...................................... 8000
EXP ..................................... 2800

Myst ~
HP ...................................... 1100
Attack .................................... 80
GP ...................................... 3600
EXP ..................................... 4000

Nautilus ~
HP ....................................... 200
Attack ................................... 128
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 700

Octo ~
HP ...................................... 1800
Attack ................................... 160
GP ...................................... 1500
EXP ..................................... 6000

P.Bug ~
HP ......................................... 8
Attack ..................................... 5
GP ........................................ 12
EXP ........................................ 5

Peril ~
HP ...................................... 2800
Attack ................................... 100
GP ....................................... 200
EXP ...................................... 460

Phoenix ~
HP ....................................... 240
Attack ................................... 128
GP ....................................... 360
EXP ...................................... 720

Pincher ~
HP ...................................... 1000
Attack ................................... 190
GP ...................................... 4800
EXP ..................................... 4800

PincherX ~
HP ...................................... 1700
Attack ................................... 155
GP ....................................... 600
EXP ..................................... 1800

Pog ~
HP ....................................... 280
Attack .................................... 80
GP ...................................... 1400
EXP ...................................... 800

Prickle ~
HP ........................................ 90
Attack .................................... 65
GP ........................................ 20
EXP ....................................... 40

R.Slime ~
HP ........................................ 66
Attack .................................... 84
GP ....................................... 150
EXP ...................................... 240

Roach ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack .................................... 78
GP ....................................... 460
EXP ...................................... 200

Rogue ~
HP ...................................... 2000
Attack ................................... 100
GP ...................................... 1200
EXP ..................................... 6520

Ruga ~
HP ...................................... 3500
Attack ................................... 200
GP ...................................... 1400
EXP ..................................... 3200

RugaX ~
HP ...................................... 1400
Attack ................................... 170
GP ...................................... 2400
EXP ..................................... 3200

S.Rider ~
HP ........................................ 45
Attack .................................... 60
GP ........................................ 90
EXP ...................................... 120

Sandclod ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack .................................... 90
GP ....................................... 120
EXP ...................................... 340

SandWorm ~
HP ...................................... 1600
Attack ................................... 180
GP ...................................... 1200
EXP ..................................... 1200

Sara ~
HP ..................................... 15000
Attack ................................... 320
GP ...................................... 9000
EXP ..................................... 8000

Scorp ~
HP ........................................ 70
Attack .................................... 70
GP ........................................ 60
EXP ...................................... 120

Shadow ~
HP ....................................... 100
Attack .................................... 30
GP ........................................ 60
EXP ...................................... 120

Slime ~
HP ........................................ 12
Attack ..................................... 2
GP ......................................... 3
EXP ........................................ 1

Soldier ~
HP ....................................... 600
Attack ................................... 160
GP ....................................... 720
EXP ..................................... 1320

Sorceror ~
HP ....................................... 200
Attack .................................... 40
GP ....................................... 600
EXP ...................................... 200

Spearman ~
HP ....................................... 150
Attack .................................... 84
GP ....................................... 340
EXP ...................................... 500

Spider ~
HP ........................................ 40
Attack .................................... 40
GP ........................................ 40
EXP ....................................... 20

Squid ~
HP ...................................... 1000
Attack ................................... 155
GP ...................................... 4200
EXP ..................................... 6000

Stool ~
HP ........................................ 25
Attack .................................... 20
GP ........................................ 20
EXP ....................................... 40

Tentacle ~
HP ........................................ 60
Attack .................................... 60
GP ....................................... 150
EXP ...................................... 240

Toad ~
HP ...................................... 2300
Attack ................................... 330
GP ...................................... 1500
EXP ..................................... 6000

Tronk ~
HP ........................................ 40
Attack .................................... 26
GP ........................................ 72
EXP ...................................... 140

Tyr ~
HP ..................................... 50000
Attack ................................... 350
GP ........................................ 12
EXP ....................................... 10

Warhog ~
HP ........................................ 50
Attack .................................... 60
GP ........................................ 80
EXP ...................................... 160

WarhogX ~
HP ....................................... 280
Attack ................................... 140
GP ....................................... 480
EXP ..................................... 1360

Warlock ~
HP ....................................... 250
Attack .................................... 80
GP ....................................... 360
EXP ..................................... 1020

Widow ~
HP ....................................... 300
Attack ................................... 164
GP ....................................... 450
EXP ..................................... 1400

Wisp ~
HP ....................................... 730
Attack .................................... 90
GP ...................................... 1200
EXP ...................................... 300

Wizard ~
HP ....................................... 180
Attack .................................... 40
GP ....................................... 700
EXP ..................................... 1000

Wraith ~
HP ....................................... 220
Attack ................................... 118
GP ....................................... 300
EXP ...................................... 600

WraithX ~
HP ....................................... 320
Attack .................................... 95
GP ....................................... 240
EXP ...................................... 480

Zard ~
HP ........................................ 35
Attack .................................... 55
GP ........................................ 45
EXP ....................................... 60

Zog ~
HP ..................................... 16000
Attack ................................... 240
GP ...................................... 7000
EXP ..................................... 7000

Zombie ~
HP ........................................ 25
Attack .................................... 42
GP ........................................ 36
EXP ....................................... 70

Zoom ~
HP ....................................... 300
Attack .................................... 80
GP ....................................... 200
EXP ...................................... 800

--- 9. Magic Spells --- [9000]

Magic spells require AP and can deal damage or serve special purposes. The
following magic spells are categorized depending on the character that learns



SnoDr ~
AP: 7
Learned: Defeat Talon
Description: Ryu morphs into a snow dragon and deals weak ice

FlmDr ~
AP: 10
Learned: Defeat Talon
Description: Ryu morphs into a fire dragon and deals weak fire

ThrDr ~
AP: 12
Learned: Defeat Talon
Description: Ryu morphs into a thunder dragon and deals weak thunder

IceDgn ~
AP: 20
Learned: Defeat Bain
Description: Ryu morphs into a large snow dragon and deals heavy
ice damage.

FirDgn ~
AP: 27
Learned: Defeat Bain
Description: Ryu morphs into a large fire dragon and deals heavy
fire damage.

BltDgn ~
AP: 30
Learned: Defeat Bain
Description: Ryu morphs into a large thunder dragon and deals heavy
thunder damage.

GldDgn ~
AP: 40
Learned: Defeat Bain
Description: Ryu morphs into a large golden dragon and deals holy

Rudra ~
AP: 50
Learned: Defeat Avian
Description: Ryu morphs into a very powerful damage and deals heavy

Agni ~
AP: 60
Learned: Dragon Chamber - Cleansing Water Cave
Description: Ryu's ultimate dragon transformation. Deals very heavy


Cura ~
AP: 3
Learned: Start
Description: Recovers a small amount of HP.

Fort ~
AP: 6
Learned: Start
Description: Increases an ally's defense temporarily.

Heal ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Rids an ally of all status ailments.

Lk-Up ~
AP: 6
Learned: Lvl. 6
Description: Increases an ally's luck temporarily.

ATK-Up ~
AP: 15
Learned: Lvl. 7
Description: Increases an ally's attack temporarily.

Cura2 ~
AP: 6
Learned: Lvl. 9
Description: Recovers a medium amount of HP.

Hold ~
AP: 8
Learned: Lvl. 11
Description: Prevents an enemy from attacking for one turn.

Ag-Up ~
AP: 8
Learned: Lvl. 12
Description: Increases an ally's agility temporarily.

Warp ~
AP: 2
Learned: Lvl. 13
Description: Warps your party to a town you have already visited.

Zom1 ~
AP: 5
Learned: Lvl. 14
Description: Deals damage to undead.

Cura3 ~
AP: 15
Learned: Lvl. 15
Description: Recovers a large amount of HP.

Renew ~
AP: 10
Learned: Lvl. 17
Description: Brings a unit back to life with 1 HP.

Idle ~
AP: 5
Learned: Lvl. 19
Description: Lowers an enemy's speed.

Shield ~
AP: 8
Learned: Lvl. 21
Description: Increases an ally's magic defense temporarily.

Cura4 ~
AP: 20
Learned: Lvl. 23
Description: Recovers all of an ally's HP.

Zom2 ~
AP: 15
Learned: Lvl. 24
Description: Deals heavy damage to undead.

FortX ~
AP: 14
Learned: Lvl. 26
Description: Increases party's defense temporarily.

Hush ~
AP: 6
Learned: Lvl. 28
Description: Silences an enemy temporarily.

Dispel ~
AP: 20
Learned: Lvl. 30
Description: Reflects an enemy's spell back.

RenewX ~
AP: 30
Learned: Lvl. 34
Description: Brings a unit back to life with full HP.

CuraX ~
AP: 20
Learned: Lvl. 37
Description: Recovers HP of all allies.

Wall ~
AP: 15
Learned: Lvl. 41
Description: Reflects all magic attacks temporarily.

ZomX ~
AP: 35
Learned: Lvl. 46
Description: Deals very heavy damage to undead.


Flare ~
AP: 3
Learned: Start
Description: Deals fire damage.

Spark ~
AP: 4
Learned: Start
Description: Deals thunder damage.

Cold ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Deals ice damage.

Fry ~
AP: 10
Learned: Start
Description: Deals medium thunder damage.

Flame ~
AP: 6
Learned: Start
Description: Deals medium fire damage.

Frost ~
AP: 9
Learned: Start
Description: Deals medium ice damage.

Cura ~
AP: 3
Learned: Start
Description: Recovers a small amount of HP.


Shin ~
AP: 10
Learned: Secret room in Gant
Description: Fuses with Bo and Gobi.

Debo ~
AP: 15
Learned: Secret room in Gust
Description: Fuses with Gobi and Ox. Can only be used underwater.
Doof ~
AP: 25
Learned: Dig site by Camlon
Description: Fuses with Bo and Ox.

Puka ~
AP: 40
Learned: Secret room in Bleak
Description: Fuses with Bo, Gobi, and Ox.


Ebb ~
AP: 3
Learned: Start
Description: Sends a small group of fish to deal damage to all

EbbX ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Sends a large group of fish to deal damage to all

Eco ~
AP: 8
Learned: Level 16
Description: Sends a small group of big fish to deal damage to
all enemies.

EcoX ~
AP: 10
Learned: Level 17
Description: Sends a large group of big fish to deal damage to all


Cura3 ~
AP: 15
Learned: Start
Description: Recovers a large amount of HP.

Heal ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Rids an ally of all status ailments.


Exit ~
AP: 20
Learned: Start
Description: Warps party out of dungeon.

Flare ~
AP: 3
Learned: Start
Description: Deals fire damage.

Spark ~
AP: 4
Learned: Start
Description: Deals thunder damage.

Cold ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Deals ice damage.

3.5 ~
AP: 3
Learned: Start
Description: Unleashes an earthquake.

Para ~
AP: 10
Learned: Start
Description: Paralyzes an enemy.

Bomb ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Creates a damaging explosion.

Sap ~
AP: 1
Learned: Start
Description: Absorbs some HP from an enemy.
Warp ~
AP: 2
Learned: Start
Description: Warps your party to a town you have already visited.

Rub ~
AP: 20
Learned: Start
Description: Automatically KOs an enemy.

Flame ~
AP: 6
Learned: Start
Description: Deals medium fire damage.

Fry ~
AP: 10
Learned: Start
Description: Deals medium thunder damage.

Frost ~
AP: 9
Learned: Start
Description: Deals medium ice damage.

5.5 ~
AP: 8
Learned: Start
Description: Unleashes a powerful earthquake.

Boom ~
AP: 11
Learned: Start
Description: Creates a powerful explosion.

F.Ball ~
AP: 9
Learned: Lvl. 20
Description: Deals heavy fire damage.

LStorm ~
AP: 11
Learned: Lvl. 21
Description: Deals heavy thunder damage.

Chill ~
AP: 12
Learned: Lvl. 22
Description: Deals heavy ice damage.

Flee ~
AP: 20
Learned: Lvl. 23
Description: Escapes from battle.

9.5 ~
AP: 15
Learned: Lvl. 24
Description: Unleashes a very powerful earthquake.

Blast ~
AP: 18
Learned: Lvl. 25
Description: Creates a very powerful explosion.

Gale ~
AP: 24
Learned: Lvl. 26
Description: Deals very heavy thunder damage.

Ice ~
AP: 30
Learned: Lvl. 28
Description: Deals very heavy ice damage.

Char ~
AP: 36
Learned: Lvl. 29
Description: Deals very heavy fire damage.

Nova ~
AP: 42
Learned: Lvl. 30
Description: Unleashes a very damaging blast.

IceX ~
AP: 48
Learned: Lvl. 31
Description: The ultimate ice attack spell.

FireX ~
AP: 30
Learned: Lvl. 32
Description: The ultimate fire attack spell.

Drain ~
AP: 2
Learned: Lvl. 33
Description: Drains a foe of some of its AP.

BoltX ~
AP: 30
Learned: Lvl. 35
Description: The ultimate thunder attack spell.

NovaX ~
AP: 54
Learned: Lvl. 37
Description: The ultimate explosion attack spell.

Comet ~
AP: 75
Learned: Lvl. 40
Description: Deals very heavy damage to all enemies.


Dig ~
AP: 5
Learned: Start
Description: Digs up items in desert areas/escapes battles/digs open
holes in designated dig spots.

--- 10. Shop Listing --- [10000]

You can purchase equipment and items from shops. They are frequently found in
towns and the like. For equipment-specific information, consult the Equipment
Listing section.


| Drogen Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Dirk ' ~ 50G |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * Cloth ' ~ 10G |
| * SuedeCP ' ~ 240G |
| * ArmPad ' ~ 300G |
| * WoodSH ' ~ 300G |
| * HairBand ' ~ 1000G |
| * SilkGN ' ~ 2800G |
| Drogen Item Shop |
| * Mrbl3 ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 81G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 13G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 18G |
| * Apple ' ~ 90G |
| * Life ' ~ 450G |
| * Cure ' ~ 1800G |

| Nanai Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * IronRP ' ~ 1800G |
| * LongSD ' ~ 2250G |
| * Cloth ' ~ 9G |
| * SuedeSH ' ~ 135G |
| * SuedeCP ' ~ 216G |
| * WoodSH ' ~ 270G |
| * HairBand ' ~ 900G |
| * SilkGN ' ~ 2520G |

| Winlan Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzSD ' ~ 700G |
| * BronzRP ' ~ 800G |
| * SuedeHT ' ~ 200G |
| * WoodSH ' ~ 300G |
| * SuedeGN ' ~ 500G |
| * Visor ' ~ 800G |
| * ChainML ' ~ 2000G |
| Winlan Item Shop |
| * Mrbl3 ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Life ' ~ 500G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

| Romero Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * ShortRP ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzRP ' ~ 800G |
| * BronzSH ' ~ 500G |
| * BronzHT ' ~ 1200G |
| * Gown ' ~ 2000G |
| * SuedeGN ' ~ 500G |
| * ChainML ' ~ 2000G |
| * SilkGN ' ~ 2800G |
| Romero Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 90G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * Antdt x9 ' ~ 135G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Acorn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Life ' ~ 500G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

| Tantar Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Sabre ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzRP ' ~ 800G |
| * ShortBW ' ~ 1000G |
| * Scythe ' ~ 1200G |
| * Bandana ' ~ 400G |
| * BronzSH ' ~ 500G |
| * SuedeAR ' ~ 750G |
| * Visor ' ~ 800G |

| Tuntar Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 90G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |
| * Life ' ~ 500G |
| * Drop x9 ' ~ 180G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |

| Auria Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Rapier ' ~ 1650G |
| * Dagger ' ~ 2200G |
| * LongSD ' ~ 2750G |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2860G |
| * BroadSD ' ~ 5500G |
| * Tiara ' ~ 1650G |
| * SunHT ' ~ 2750G |
| * SageML ' ~ 3300G |
| Auria Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 13G |
| * Worm ' ~ 65G |
| * Life ' ~ 650G |
| * Vitamn ' ~ 650G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * Pouch ' ~ 1300G |
| * Rod1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * G.Bar ' ~ 65000G |

| Bleak Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Dagger ' ~ 2000G |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2600G |
| * BroadSD ' ~ 5000G |
| * MetalSH ' ~ 1400G |
| * HuntCL ' ~ 1500G |
| * IronSL ' ~ 2000G |
| * BronzAR ' ~ 3600G |
| * WoolRB ' ~ 5000G |
| Bleak Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 12G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 108G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 18G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 24G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 36G |
| * Charm ' ~ 180G |
| * Life ' ~ 600G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2400G |

| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #1 |
| * Club ' ~ 3250G |
| * IronHR ' ~ 4550G |
| * PowerSD ' ~ 10400G |
| * Glove ' ~ 3900G |
| * IcySH ' ~ 5200G |
| * HornHT ' ~ 6500G |
| * FaceMask ' ~ 7800G |
| * GoldHT ' ~ 26000G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #2 & #3 |
| * Dart ' ~ 3000G |
| * SteelBW ' ~ 4000G |
| * BroadSD ' ~ 5000G |
| * Sickle ' ~ 6500G |
| * EvilRP ' ~ 20000G |
| * Bandana ' ~ 400G |
| * NiceHT ' ~ 600G |
| * WoolRB ' ~ 5000G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #4 |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2860G |
| * SteelBW ' ~ 4400G |
| * PoisonBW ' ~ 5500G |
| * ChainHT ' ~ 2750G |
| * PlateAR ' ~ 3740G |
| * IronMask ' ~ 4400G |
| * RangerVT ' ~ 5500G |
| * G.Tiara ' ~ 22000G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #5 |
| * Pike ' ~ 2750G |
| * Javelin ' ~ 4400G |
| * RustCW ' ~ 7700G |
| * IronCW ' ~ 11000G |
| * DivingHT ' ~ 4400G |
| * LightSH ' ~ 4400G |
| * SuedeRB ' ~ 6600G |
| * SpineCL ' ~ 8800G |
| Prima Weapon & Armor Shop #6 |
| * Dart ' ~ 3300G |
| * PoisonRP ' ~ 3300G |
| * Tri-DR ' ~ 4400G |
| * Cane ' ~ 6600G |
| * Visor ' ~ 880G |
| * MetalSL ' ~ 3300G |
| * BronzAR ' ~ 3960G |
| * IronML ' ~ 5500G |
| Prima Item Shop #1 |
| * Herb ' ~ 9G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 81G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 13G |
| * Antd x9 ' ~ 121G |
| * Charm ' ~ 135G |
| * Chrm x9 ' ~ 1215G |
| * Life ' ~ 450G |
| * Cure ' ~ 1800G |
| Prima Item Shop #2 |
| * Mrbl3 ' ~ 10G |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |
| Prima Item Shop #3 |
| * Worm ' ~ 50G |
| * Srdine ' ~ 50G |
| * Worm2 ' ~ 100G |
| * Mackrl ' ~ 100G |
| * Sole ' ~ 250G |
| * Trout ' ~ 500G |
| * Rod1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Rod2 ' ~ 2000G |
| Prima Item Shop #4 |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 117G |
| * Antd x9 ' ~ 175G |
| * Life ' ~ 650G |
| * Vitamn ' ~ 650G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * Pouch ' ~ 1300G |
| * Chrm x9 ' ~ 1755G |
| * G.Bar ' ~ 65000G |
| Prima Item Shop #5 |
| * B.Stn ' ~ 22G |
| * F.Stn ' ~ 22G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 33G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 297G |
| * C.Stn ' ~ 44G |
| * Drop x9 ' ~ 198G |
| * Life ' ~ 550G |
| * Chrm x9 ' ~ 1485G |

| Gant Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * IronHR ' ~ 3150G |
| * GiantHR ' ~ 4050G |
| * HeroSP ' ~ 6750G |
| * SpineHR ' ~ 27000G |
| * IronSL ' ~ 1800G |
| * MetalSL ' ~ 2700G |
| * IronHT ' ~ 6300G |
| * MetalAR ' ~ 8100G |
| Gant Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 8G |
| * Herb x9 ' ~ 72G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 12G |
| * F.Stn ' ~ 16G |
| * B.Stn ' ~ 16G |
| * C.Stn ' ~ 32G |
| * Charm ' ~ 120G |
| * Cure ' ~ 1600G |

| Tunlan Weapon & Armor Shop #1 |
| * BoneCN ' ~ 2412G |
| * PoisonRP ' ~ 2700G |
| * Cane ' ~ 5400G |
| * EvilRP ' ~ 18000G |
| * Dress ' ~ 900G |
| * Gown ' ~ 1800G |
| * MystRB ' ~ 5400G |
| * GuruCT ' ~ 18000G |
| Tunlan Weapon & Armor Shop #2;3 |
| * Dagger ' ~ 2200G |
| * LongBW ' ~ 2860G |
| * PoisonRP ' ~ 3300G |
| * Tri-DR ' ~ 4400G |
| * Gauntlet ' ~ 880G |
| * HuntCL ' ~ 1650G |
| * ThiefCL ' ~ 2750G |
| * RangerVT ' ~ 5500G |
| Tunlan Item Shop #1 |
| * Herb ' ~ 13G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 19G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 26G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 39G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 315G |
| * Charm ' ~ 195G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1300G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2600G |
| Tunlan Item Shop #2 |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

| Gust Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Tri-DR ' ~ 4000G |
| * OldSP ' ~ 6000G |
| * WingRP ' ~ 7000G |
| * MoonBW ' ~ 8000G |
| * WingSD ' ~ 10000G |
| * GaiaMask ' ~ 8000G |
| * FlameSH ' ~ 12000G |
| * WorldML ' ~ 22000G |
| Gust Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Mrbl1 ' ~ 1000G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

| Spring Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * PowerDR ' ~ 5500G |
| * RustCW ' ~ 7000G |
| * IronCW ' ~ 10000G |
| * WingSD ' ~ 10000G |
| * IronML ' ~ 5000G |
| * SpineCL ' ~ 8000G |
| * GaiaMask ' ~ 8000G |
| * QuartzAR ' ~ 10000G |
| Spring Item Shop |
| * Herb ' ~ 10G |
| * Antdt ' ~ 15G |
| * T.Drop ' ~ 20G |
| * Drop x9 ' ~ 180G |
| * Acorn ' ~ 30G |
| * Acrn x9 ' ~ 270G |
| * Charm ' ~ 150G |
| * Cure ' ~ 2000G |

| Carmen Weapon & Armor Shop |
| * Tri-BW ' ~ 12000G |
| * IcyCW ' ~ 15000G |
| * FlameSD ' ~ 20000G |
| * LoyalRP ' ~ 25000G |
| * WorldAR ' ~ 12000G |
| * PowerHT ' ~ 20000G |
| * MystSH ' ~ 20000G |
| * LightCL ' ~ 30000G |

--- 11. Version History --- [11000]

Version 0.1 -- Skeleton of guide is complete. 10 KB

Version 0.2 -- Walkthrough completed past Karma Tower. 62 KB

Version 0.3 -- Walkthrough completed past the Stone Robot. Some work
has been done on various other sections. 100 KB

Version 0.4 -- Walkthrough completed up past Auria. Bestiary section

has been completed. 152 KB

Version 0.5 -- Up to Prima in the walkthrough. 219 KB

Version 0.6 -- Walkthrough completed up past Tunlan. 269 KB

Version 0.7 -- Walkthrough completed up past Mogu's dream. 306 KB

Version 0.8 -- Walkthrough completed up past the Mare Tower. A ton of

work has been done on the other appendices. Just about
finished with those. 350 KB

Version 0.9 -- Walkthrough completed up past the Zog fight. Just one
more piece to put in before the guide will be complete.
385 KB

Version 1.0 -- Guide completed. Don't expect another update anytime

soon. 410 KB

Version 1.1 -- Updated Legal Information.

--- 12. Legal Information --- [12000]

This FAQ is the property of its author, Quan Jin. All rights reserved.

Any stealing, selling for profit or altering of this document without the
author's expressed consent is strictly prohibited. You may download this file
for personal and private use only.

Breath of Fire is a registered trademark of Squaresoft/Capcom. The author

(Quan Jin) is not affiliated with Squaresoft or Capcom in any way or form. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
--- 13. Credits & Closing --- [13000]

Well, this closes my 37th guide. I hope you've enjoyed it and found it
useful. Thanks for reading!

[-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] - Their Breath of Fire Shrine really helped with monster

stats along with some portions of the walkthrough. Very
useful resource.

Gobicamel - He's here for being cool.

Y.T.W.S.R. - Only a few selected people might know what I'm talking about here.
Since I'm not one to give it away, I would still like to thank
this group for their support and motivation throughout the
lifespan of this entire FAQ.

The FCSB - They didn't help too much but what can I say? Where would I be
without a few of them? Major props to these great board members who
are also prized FAQ writers.

- All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide in
some form have been cited in this section. Any sources that have provided any
information at all are listed in the credits. I am not taking credit for others
hard work and I hope they do the same. Not providing proper credit is
plagiarism and it's against the law.

____ __ _ __ __
/ __ \____ ______/ /__ | | / /___ _____/ /____ _ __
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/ /_/ / /_/ / / / ,< | |/ / /_/ / / / /_/ __/> <
/____.'\__,_/_/ /_/|_| |___/\____/_/ \__/\___/_/|_|

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