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A Fuzzy-Based Approach For The Diagnosis of Fault Modes in A Voltage-Fed PWM Inverter Induction Motor Drive

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2, FEBRUARY 2008

A Fuzzy-Based Approach for the Diagnosis

of Fault Modes in a Voltage-Fed PWM
Inverter Induction Motor Drive
Fatiha Zidani, Demba Diallo, Senior Member, IEEE,
Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid, Senior Member, IEEE, and Rachid Naït-Saïd

Abstract—This paper investigates the use of fuzzy logic for reliability, have led to research in fault detection, as surveyed
fault detection and diagnosis in a pulsewidth modulation voltage in [1] and [2].
source inverter (PWM-VSI) induction motor drive. The proposed Within the drive, faults can occur in the machine or in the
fuzzy technique requires the measurement of the output inverter
currents to detect intermittent loss of firing pulses in the inverter inverter.
power switches. For diagnosis purposes, a localization domain While the induction motor diagnosis is abundantly investi-
made with seven patterns is built with the stator Concordia gated in the literature [3]–[8], failures of the inverter are not as
current vector. One is dedicated to the healthy domain and the well treated. In [9], the author studied the behavior of a PWM-
six others to each inverter power switch. The fuzzy bases of VSI induction motor under key fault types normally verified
the proposed technique are extracted from the current analysis
of the fault modes in the PWM-VSI. Experimental results on a in industry applications. While a short circuit is the usual fault
1.5-kW induction motor drive are presented to demonstrate the mode of power switches, an open circuit is another fault that
effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy approach. can occur. Short circuit detection has become a standard feature
Index Terms—Concordia transform, diagnosis, fault detection, of driver ICs. However, much fewer research results have been
fuzzy logic, induction motor, voltage source inverter (VSI). published on open circuit faults. An open switch fault can lead
to overstresses on the healthy switches as well as to pulsating
current. This can in turn lead to failures in other components,
for example by causing a torque ripple in a drive fed by such an

I N MOST industrial applications, induction motors are pre-

dominantly fed from pulsewidth modulation voltage source
inverter (PWM-VSI) for variables speed operation. Indeed, the
For insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) open circuit
faults, some basic research results are published. In [10], a
most common drive in the industry is that with a VSI and methodology is presented to detect intermittent misfiring in a
induction motor. PWM-VSI induction motors are usually more voltage-fed PWM-VSI induction-motor drive. The technique
reliable than those supplied directly online. For instance, the is based on the stator current time-domain response. In [11],
problem of broken rotor bars, mainly due to excessive starting the authors introduced two techniques to identify the voltage-
torque, is practically avoided by means of soft starting with fed PWM inverter fault modes. The first one uses the analysis
an inverter. However, the use of inverters has some draw- of the current-vector trajectory to identify fault modes. The
backs. Indeed, the introduction of power electronic converters second one determines the fault condition of the inverter from
came with an increased possibility of component failures. It the current vector instantaneous frequency. In [12], the authors
is the power electronic stage of the drive, including its dc suggested using the average motor currents Park’s vector mon-
link and control circuitry, which becomes the system’s weakest itoring for diagnosing voltage-fed inverter faults in ac drives.
part in the sense of operational reliability. High costs due to In [13], the control deviation, which occurs whenever the line
standstill and repair, as well as the general need to improve currents cannot follow the reference, is used. In case of an open
circuit fault, the control deviation calculated in d–q components
rises and falls periodically with the mains frequency. The
Manuscript received March 31, 2006; revised October 1, 2007. Paper pre-
maximum deviation provides information to localize the faulty
sented at the 2005 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Confer- switch. In [14], it is suggested to use the direct component
ence, San Antonio, TX, May 15–18. of line currents. To obtain a diagnosis variable that is inde-
F. Zidani and R. Naït-Saïd are with the University of Batna, 05000 Batna,
pendent of the actual load, first-order harmonic coefficients of
D. Diallo is with the Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris, CNRS UMR line currents are computed by means of a DFT. The above
8507, Supélec; Université Pierre et Marie Curie P6; Université Paris Sud P11, presented techniques have been analyzed and compared in [15].
91192 Gif-Sur-Yvette, France (e-mail:
M. E. H. Benbouzid is with the Laboratoire d’Ingénierie Mécanique et All these suggested techniques take at least one fundamental
Electrique, University of Western Brittany, Rue de Kergoat–CS 93837, 29239 period between the fault occurrence and the fault detection.
Brest Cedex 03, France (e-mail: Recently, in [16], techniques are proposed that require voltage
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at measurements at the key point of the drive and are based on
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2007.911951 an analytical model of the VSI. The fault condition is in this

0278-0046/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Techno India. Downloaded on July 27, 2009 at 02:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

case detected within one-fourth of the fundamental cycle. More

recently, in [17], the PWM-VSI induction motor condition
monitoring mechanism is based on discrete wavelet transform
and fuzzy logic. The fault features are directly extracted from
the wavelet transform of the stator currents. Finally, in [18],
the authors use a centroid determination method. A centroid
is a common analysis used primarily in material character-
ization. The Concordia pattern is central to the developed
fault diagnosis technique. To determine the fault condition, an
ideal Concordia transform centroid is compared to the actual
Concordia Transform centroid. By calculating the centroid
based upon only the positive values of α or β axis, the dif-
ferentiation between faults within the inverter is achieved. The
centroid calculations are conducted on a per cycle basis. Fig. 1. VSI-fed induction motor.
Three methods are mainly used in fault detection and
diagnosis: model-based techniques, expert systems, and arti-
ficial intelligence methods. Model-based techniques are very
outstanding if an accurate model of the process can be obtained.
In induction motor drives, an accurate model of the whole
system is difficult to obtain. The inverter model (including
snubber capacitance and balance resistors) is not only hard
to obtain but also inaccurate due to component values, para-
sitic components, and unavoidable assumptions and limitations.
Therefore, methods that do not require model knowledge are of
great interest. Expert systems usually dedicated to big systems
are useful if minor modifications are made in the process
and above all assume the existence of an expert to build the
rules and the reasoning tree [19]. The introduction of artificial
intelligence methods (fuzzy logic and artificial neural network)
is a step forward to more flexibility, as there is no need for a
model but also no need for expert knowledge [20]–[24]. The Fig. 2. Current pattern in case of T1 misfiring.
accuracy of these methods depends upon the initial training
data in healthy and faulty conditions. Nevertheless, this is not out. Further operation is not possible and a repair is necessary.
a major drawback in this case because reliable simulation tools Standard protection schemes of inverter-fed motor drives are
exist that can furnish appropriate data. usually designed to prevent power switch damage.
This paper proposes a fuzzy technique to detect misfiring Voltage source PWM inverters with an open power switch
(intermittent loss of firing pulses) in the switches of a PWM- (due to misfiring) will show typical current patterns.
VSI induction motor drive. Such a technique requires the In this paper, the standard stationary reference frame α−β is
measurement of the output inverter currents. Different from used to evaluate the stator current pattern evolution when open
the above discussed technique, the proposed approach uses circuit power switches occur in the inverter. In healthy and ideal
only two current sensors for simplicity and cost-effectiveness conditions, the stator current pattern in the Concordia reference
to build a seven pattern-localization domain made with the frame is a circle with a constant radius in steady state. When
stator Concordia current vector. One is dedicated to the healthy a fault occurs in the electronic circuit of a switching device
domain and the six others to each inverter switch. The fuzzy leading to a misfiring, the stator current pattern is biased in
bases of the proposed technique are extracted from the current such a direction that allows fault diagnosis. The asymmetry in
analysis of the fault modes. With this technique, it is possible to the output voltage creates a dc component, which introduces
detect and to identify the faulty switch. This paper is the follow- in the sinusoidal current a dc component whose sign indicates
up of the one initiated in [24]. The topology of the examined the bias direction. Fig. 2 shows the simulated pattern in case
inverter is given in Fig. 1. Only two current sensors are used of T1 intermittent misfiring of 4 ms duration. Because of the
and no mechanical one is considered. PWM, the locus is obviously not a circle. The other patterns in
case of misfiring are easily obtained by rotating the previous
pattern of 120◦ . This fact is clearly illustrated by Fig. 3 where
the vector current trajectory before and after T2 misfiring is
shown. Fig. 4 schematically summarizes current vector trajec-
Inverter power switch faults are subdivided into short circuit tories in faulty modes.
and open circuit. Short circuits, in most cases, cause an over- As illustrated by Fig. 4, in case of an open circuit, the current
current detected by the standard protection system (e.g., input trajectory shows a typical fault pattern that is a semicircle. Its
fuses, circuit breaker) and a shut down of the drive is carried relative position characterizes the faulty switch. Therefore, for

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Fig. 3. Current pattern in case of T2 misfiring during start-up.

Fig. 4. Current patterns in faulty modes. Fig. 5. Fault detection and diagnosis space. (a), (b) [24].

PWM-VSI power switches open circuit/misfiring detection and

diagnosis, the proposed fuzzy approach will be based on the agnosis space shown by Fig. 5(a). For comparison purposes,
output inverter current pattern in the Concordia frame. Fig. 5(b) shows the diagnosis space used in [24]. Fig. 6
schematically summarizes the fuzzy logic based diagnosis ap-
proach where FFDD is the Fuzzy Fault Detection and Diagnosis
The main reason for choosing a fuzzy approach is the very
nature of the changes in the attributes. It is nonlinear, and in
A. Fuzzy Logic Diagnosis Reasoning
addition, it would be unreasonable to expect that each time
the same level of a particular fault arises, the attributes would The diagnosis procedure is based on the analytical and
measure exactly the same values. The boundaries between two heuristic knowledge symptoms of the PWM-VSI behavior.
levels of a certain fault or between two faults are not sharply Heuristic knowledge in the form of qualitative process models
defined, and therefore the use of a classic true or false logic can be expressed as if-then rules. The task is achieved by a fault
is inappropriate, whereas use of a fuzzy logic instead is highly decision process which specifies the type, size and location of
justified. Membership functions and the degree of membership, the fault as well as its time of detection. In this paper, analytical
rather than yes or no membership, give the opportunity, using and heuristic symptoms are the error Ed between healthy and
previously acquired knowledge about the system attributes, to faulty current pattern diameters and an integer Iθ indicating the
define and create a fuzzy rule-based system that can be used location of the stator current vector in the α−β reference frame
as a diagnosis tool to monitor the condition of the PWM-VSI (θ = angle(Isα , Isβ )).
[25], [26]. These two variables are the inputs of the FFDD block. Ed
The fuzzy bases of the proposed approach are extracted from and Iθ are calculated as follows:
the analysis of the PWM-VSI fault modes as discussed in
Section II. This analysis has led to a fault detection and di- Ed = d H − d F (1)

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Fig. 6. Scheme of the fuzzy-based diagnosis approach.

Fig. 7. Semicircle relative position according to faulty switch.

where dH and dF are, respectively the healthy and the faulty

current pattern diameters [Fig. 5(a)]. dH has to be well defined
between zero and the minimum steady state faulty current

Iθ = Ni (2)

where Ni is the semicircle notation corresponding to the switch

Ti as shown by Fig. 7.
For illustration:
1) If θ = θ1 the considered semicircle is N1 and N2 =
N3 = N4 = N5 = N6 = 0. The faulty switch is T1 .
2) If θ = θ4 the considered semicircle is N4 and N1 =
N2 = N3 = N5 = N6 = 0. The faulty switch is T4 .
The FFDD output is the fault indicator IDL-FS (Detection/
Fig. 8. FFDD membership functions. (a) Normalized input variables.
Location of the Faulty Switch). This output can be considered (b) Normalized output variable.
as a distance indicator. If the FFDD output lies between two
integer values i and i + 1, the severity level is low and the
B. FFDD Block Design
result can be interpreted as a warning. On the other hand, if
the FFDD output is strictly equal to an integer value i, then the 1) Membership Functions Selection: The input member-
faulty switch is located and the severity level is high. Therefore, ship functions are usually a symmetric triangle with equal
the FFDD output provides not only information on faulty switch distribution over the universe of discourse. The formulation of
detection and location but also the fault severity level as will be membership functions of output variables show more variety
explained later. frequently. The effect of choosing different output membership

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functions like rectangle, triangle, etc., has been investigated

in [25]. The formulation of the linguistic output membership
functions as singletons leads to a drastic reduction of the
computational effort that should be an important criterion in
an online diagnosis process [26], [27]. Fig. 8 illustrates the
membership functions describing the input-output variables of
the FFDD block. In our case the membership functions are
chosen according to the analysis given in Section II.
2) Fuzzy Rules Extraction: The list of the extracted rules
is given in Table I. The extraction process consists on the
following steps [27]:
1) Fuzzification: Conversion of crisp facts (inputs) into
fuzzy sets described by linguistic expressions.
2) Inference: Fuzzy if-then rules express fuzzy implication
relation between the premise fuzzy sets and the con-
clusion fuzzy sets. In our case, a Mamdani-type fuzzy
inference system is used.
3) Defuzzification: Various defuzzification methods can be Fig. 9. FFDD output (detection of the faulty switch).
In our case, the system uses Max-Min composition and
the centroid of area method for defuzzification. output when the pattern displayed in Fig. 3 is considered as the
input. The duration is rather long which is also indicative of a
Now, let us explain some of the extracted fuzzy rules listed severe fault on T2 .
in Table I. Consider the following two rules: These two examples highlight the flexibility of the approach
1) Rule 1: If (Ed is N ) and (Iθ is Iθ2 ) then (I2-DL-FS ⇒ T2 ). and the key role of the input Ed .
2) Rule 2: If (Ed is Z) and (Iθ is Iθ2 ) then (I0-DL-FS ⇒ No
faulty switch).
When analyzing these two cases, we notice that depending on
the input values, the faulty indicator value changes. Indeed, if Fig. 10(a) describes the experimental setup. The three-phase
(µEd = 0.75, µIθ = 1) and (µEd = 0.25, µIθ = 1), then by de- inverter is IGBT-based with a sinus-triangle PWM in which
fuzzification we obtain an output of 1.5. This can be interpreted carrier frequency is set to 1 kHz. The fault is generated by
as: the power switch T2 may be affected by an intermittent an analog circuit, which can produce a variable duration fault,
fault (medium severity level fault). If now (µEd = 1, µIθ = 1) a variable fault numbers per period, and a manual switch to
and (µEd = 0, µIθ = 1), then by defuzzification we obtain an inhibit the fault generation.
output of 2. In this case, it is clear that the power switch T2 is The experimental benchmark is composed of an induction
faulty (open circuit-high severity level fault). Fig. 9 is the FFDD motor (1.5-kW, 230/400 V, 3.5/6.10 A, 1420 r/min) coupled

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Fig. 10. Experimental setup.

to a dc machine feeding a variable resistor [Fig. 10(b)]. The reveals the intermittent fault. Compared to the normal condi-
misfiring time duration is adjusted to 3.5 ms. tions, the displacement is along the (−α)-axis. The current
pattern trajectory is then used to locate the faulty switch.
A. Experimental Data
B. Test of the Proposed Approach
Fig. 11(a) and (b) show the measured stator current wave-
forms for normal and faulty operations. From these currents, The experimental data are collected then treated by the
patterns are calculated as shown in Fig. 12 where the upper proposed fuzzy approach. A result is shown in Fig. 13. The
trajectory represents the healthy case and the lower one the output is very close to 1, which means that the faulty switch
faulty situation. The slight displacement of the current pattern is T1 with a high severity level. Small values lower than 0.5 can

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Fig. 13. FFDD output (detection of the faulty switch).

actual pattern. The healthy and faulty current pattern diameters

are then easily calculated.
This test put into evidence that the FFDD is a suitable
diagnosis tool to detect the occurrence of a fault in the PWM-
VSI feeding an induction motor.
It should be mentioned that, in a practical point of view,
the proposed fault detection and diagnosis approach could not
be implemented within the PWM-VSI controller. Indeed, the
diagnosis task requires a higher sampling rate compared to
Fig. 11. Measured stator currents. (a) Healthy operation. (b) Faulty operation. the current controllers. Moreover, because fuzzy if-then rules
are not time-consuming, an online monitoring and diagnosis
process is feasible.

This paper has presented a fuzzy method for fault detection
and diagnosis of switching device misfiring in a voltage-fed
PWM inverter induction motor drive. The method is based on
the Concordia stator current pattern. Only two current sensors
are used for simplicity and cost-effectiveness purposes. In the
proposed diagnosis approach, the faulty pattern is illustrated by
a semicircle whose relative position indicates the faulty switch.
The fuzzy diagnosis approach relies upon a diagnosis space in
which Concordia current pattern deviations from the nominal
operating points are computed. The appropriate selection of
membership functions based on a careful insight of the drive
behavior and fuzzy tuning flexibility lead to an output of the
FFDD block which identifies the faulty switch but also gives
the severity level. Experimental results confirm the validity of
the proposed technique and clearly show that the Concordia
stator current pattern together with fuzzy logic offers great
potential for PWM-VSI condition monitoring.
Fig. 12. Concordia current patterns.
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[3] R. M. Tallam et al., “A survey of methods for detection of stator-related Fatiha Zidani was born in Batna, Algeria, in 1968.
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