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Faults Detection in Induction Motor via Stator Current Spectrum Analysis

Conference Paper · November 2007


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3 authors:

Mustapha Messaoudi Sbita Lassaad

University of Gabès University of Gabès


Abdelkrim Mohamed Naceur

University of Gabès


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International Conference on Electrical Engineering Design & Technologies, Hammamet Tunisia, Nov. 4-6, 2007

Faults Detection in Induction Motor via Stator Current

Spectrum Analysis

M. Messaoudi L. Sbita M. N. Abdelkrim

Research unit of Modelling, Analysis Research unit of Modelling, Analysis Research unit of Modelling, Analysis
and Systems control. and Systems control. and Systems control.
National Engineering School of National Engineering School of National Engineering School of
Gabes (ENIG) Gabes (ENIG) Gabes (ENIG)
Zrig 6029 Gabes, Tunisia. Zrig 6029 Gabes, Tunisia. Zrig 6029 Gabes, Tunisia.

Abstract--This paper deals with the diagnosis of (EPVA), which allows the detection of inter-turn short
induction motors (IM) with the so-called motor circuits in the stator winding [13]. The EPVA is
current signature analysis (MCSA). The MCSA is one appropriate for the stator windings monitoring. Çalis and
of the efficient techniques for the detection and the Çakir used the 2.s.fs spectral component in the stator
localization of electrical and mechanical failures, in current zero crossing times (ZCT) spectrum as an index of
which faults become apparent by harmonic rotor bar faults [2]. However, the major deficiency for this
components around the supply frequency. This paper fault indicator, for low slip IM operating at no load
presents a summary of the most frequent faults and its condition it may then be difficult to read its value. In [5]
consequences on the stator current spectrum. A three- authors studied the diagnosis of IM by pattern recognition
phase IM model was used for simulation taking into methods. This method consists in extracting features from
account in one hand the normal healthy operation and the combination of the stator currents and voltages. Some
in the other hand the broken rotor bars, the voltage of these features could be irrelevant or redundant.
unbalance between phases of supply and the abnormal Therefore, the Sequential Backward Selection (SBS)
behaviour of load. The MCSA is used by many algorithm is applied to the complete set of features to
authors for faults detection in IM. But the major select the most relevant. Then they used the k-Nearest
contribution of this work is to prove the efficiency of Neighbors (kNN) rules to monitor the IM functioning
this diagnosis methodology to detect more than one states. This rule is applied with reject options in order to
fault simultaneously, in normal and abnormal avoid automatic classifications and diagnosis errors.
conditions. Experimental results validate the Didier et al., [4] employed the Fourier Transform of the
simulation work. stator current and they analyzed its phase. It is shown that
the basically calculated phase gives good results when the
Index Terms--Induction motors, Fault diagnosis, motor operates near its nominal load. For weak load, the
Motor current signature analysis. results obtained are not robust enough for the detection of
an incipient rotor fault. In [1] the authors used the
1. INTRODUCTION vibration monitoring methodology to detect incipient
failures in IM. Vibration monitoring system requires
Induction motors play an important role in industry for
storing of a large amount of data. Vibration is often
the rotating machine practice because of their hardiness
measured with multiple sensors mounted on different
low costs and quasi-absence of maintenance.
parts of the machine. The examination of data can be
Nevertheless, it arrives that this machine presents an
tedious and sensitive to errors. Also, fault related machine
electric or mechanical defect. The faults of these machines
vibration is usually corrupted with structural machine
are varied. However the most frequent are [3]-[10]:
vibration and noise from interfering machinery. To
opening or shorting of one or more of a stator phase
overcome these problems Pöyhönen et al., used the
winding, broken rotor bar or cracked rotor end rings,
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to compress
static or dynamic air-gap irregularities, and bearing
measurements from several channels into a smaller
failures. In order to avoid such problems, these faults have
amount of channel combinations and to provide a robust
to be detected to prevent a major failure from occurring. It
and reliable fault diagnostics routine for a cage IM [7].
is well known that a motor failure may yield an
This paper is focused on the Motor Current Signature
unexpected interruption at the industrial plant, with
Analysis (MCSA) approach. This technique utilizes
consequences in costs, product quality, and safety. During
results of spectral analysis of the stator current (precisely,
the past twenty years, there has been a substantial amount
the supply current) of an IM to spot an existing or
of fundamental research into the creation of condition
incipient failure of the motor or the drive system. It is
monitoring and diagnostic techniques for IM drives.
claimed that MCSA monitoring is the most reliable
Different detection approaches proposed in the literature,
method of assessing the overall health of a rotor system
those based on the Extended Park’s Vector Approach

ICEEDT'07 – JES © 2007

[12]. Unlike the greater part of techniques, MCSA can Where: k = 1, 2, 3…, k∈ N;
provide the same indications without requiring access to flo : load effects frequency;
the motor. fs : electrical supply frequency.
fr : mechanical rotor speed in hertz;
s : slip;
A. Broken Rotor Bars p : number of pole pairs;
It is well known that, under normal conditions of D. Bearings Damage
working, a 3-phase symmetrical stator winding fed from a
Bearings deterioration is the leading cause of motor
symmetrical supply with frequency fs, will produce a
failures. Bearings damages are often caused by
resultant forward rotating magnetic field at synchronous
improperly forcing the bearing onto the shaft or in the
speed and if exact symmetry exists there will be no
housing. Misalignment of the bearings is also a common
resultant backward rotating field. When rotor defect
result of defective bearing installation. The relationship of
appears, it creates in addition of the direct rotor field an
the bearing vibration to the stator current spectrum [3]-
inverse field that turns to the speed -s.ωs. It is due to the
[10]-[14] is:
fact that the rotor currents are now direct and inverse
following the unbalance of resistances. It is the interaction f bng = f s ± k . f i , o (4)
of this field with the one descended of stator windings that
induces an e.m.f. and current in the stator winding at (1- Where: k = 1, 2, 3…, k∈ N;
2.s).fs. This cyclic current variation causes a speed
oscillation at twice the slip frequency 2.s.fs and finally, ⎡ Db ⎤n
f i , o = ⎢1 ± cos β ⎥ fr (5)
this speed oscillation induces, in the stator current ⎣ Dp ⎦ 2
spectrum, an upper component at (1+2.s).fs, and so on
[11]-[2]. Broken rotor bars therefore result in current n : number of bearing balls;
components being induced in the stator winding at fr : mechanical rotor speed in hertz;
frequencies given by: Db : ball diameter;
Dp : bearing pitch diameter;
f bb = (1 ± 2.k .s ) f s (1) β : contact angle of the balls on the races


fbb : broken rotor bars frequency; A. Motor current signature analysis for broken rotor bars
s : slip; detection
p : number of pole pairs;
fs : electrical supply frequency; Rotor fault is simulated by adding extra resistance to
the single phase resistance of rotor circuit [6]-[2]-[15]. In
B. Unbalanced Supply Voltage Fig. 1, spectrum of stator current under 75 % operational
Asymmetrical stator faults (caused by stator winding load is given, respectively, for healthy motor, rotor
faults or asymmetrical phase supply voltages) are also resistance increased 20 % of its rated value, and rotor
common in IM [9]. An asymmetrical stator system fault resistance increased 40 % of its rated value. Based on the
was physically seeded in the test rig by decreasing one of healthy motor spectrum in Fig. 1 (a), one can observe in
the three phase supply voltages. An unbalanced in the Fig. 1 (b) and (c), the apparition of sidebands around the
supply voltage induces sidebands in stator current fundamental. These sidebands are the results of the defect
spectrum of the IM at the following frequencies: created in the rotor. Frequencies of these sidebands
correspond precisely to the mathematical relation
f u sv = (1 + 2.k ) f s (2) (1±2.s).fs given by (1). The amplitude and the number of
the sidebands frequencies components are proportional to
Where: k = 1, 2, 3…, k∈ N. the amount of broken rotor bars.
fusv : unbalanced supply voltage frequency;
fs : electrical supply frequency; TABLE I, shows the harmonic components of the
stator current under 75 % of rated load with two levels of
C. Load Effects rotor asymmetry.
The load torque variation induces components in the When the IM operates with no load Fig. 2 (a), the
current spectrum which coincide with those caused by a algorithm of detection does not give any response. This
fault condition. In an ideal machine where the stator flux means that the jump located at the frequency (1±2.k.s).fs is
linkage is purely sinusoidal, any oscillation in the load not detectable due to its low amplitude. The current which
torque at a multiple of the rotational speed will produce crosses the rotor bars is not important enough to create a
stator currents at frequencies of [3]-[8]: consequent jump at this frequency.
⎡ ⎛1− s ⎞⎤ (3)
f lo = f s ± k . f r = ⎢1 ± k ⎜ ⎟⎥ fs
⎣ ⎝ p ⎠⎦
(a) (b) (c)
100 100 100

80 80 80

Stator current (dB)

Stator current (dB)

Stator current (dB)

60 60 (1-2ks)fs (1+2ks)fs 60 (1-2ks)fs (1+2ks)fs

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

40 50 60 40 50 60 40 50 60
frequency (Hz) frequency (Hz) frequency (Hz)
Fig. 1. Stator current spectrum under 75% operational load: (a) healthy motor, (b) Rr = Rr + 20%Rr,
(c) Rr = Rr + 40%Rr.

100 100

48.81 Hz
51.19 Hz
Stator current (dB)

Stator current (dB)

52.38 Hz
47.62 Hz
50 50

0 0

-50 -50
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
(a) frequency (Hz) (b) frequency (Hz)
100 100

54.85 Hz
45.15 Hz
47.7 Hz

52.3 Hz
Stator current (dB)

Stator current (dB)

40.3 Hz
45.4 Hz

59.7 Hz
54.6 Hz

50 50

0 0

-50 -50
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
(c) frequency (Hz) (d) frequency (Hz)
Fig. 2. Stator current spectrum with Rr = Rr +40% Rr: (a) with zero load condition, (b) with 25% load condition,
(c) with 50% load condition, (d) with full load condition.

used as an efficient indicator of faults degree if the load
effect is taken into account. The frequencies of the first
Harmonic components of the stator current two sidebands around the fundamental frequency for an
IM operating with a fixed number of broken rotor bars are
Frequencies 1,2 * Rr 1,4 * Rr 48.81 Hz and 51.19 Hz under 25 % of rated load, 47.7 Hz
(1 - 6.s).fs 44,75 Hz and 52.3 Hz under 50 % of rated load and 45.15 Hz and
(1 - 4.s).fs 46,70 Hz 46,50 Hz 54.85 Hz under full load. This means that the motor slip
(1 - 2.s).fs 48,35 Hz 48,25 Hz varied proportionally with the load.
(1 + 2.s). fs 51,65 Hz 51,75 Hz
(1 + 4.s). fs 53,30 Hz 53,50 Hz B. Motor current signature analysis for broken rotor
(1 + 6.s). fs 55,25 Hz bars and unbalanced supply voltage detection *
For an IM with a constant number of broken rotor bars
operated under different levels of operational load, it is In order to simulate unbalanced supply faults, a V0 drop
clearly seen in Fig. 2 that the amplitudes of the sidebands in one phase condition was created. Hence, the stator
around the supply frequency increase as the load torque voltage supply equations were changed as follows:
rises. Thus, this indicator component is sensitive to the ⎛ 2π ⎞
load variation. Therefore, it is not exactly reflecting the Vas ( t ) = 2 (V − V0 ) cos (ωt ) ; Vbs ( t ) = 2 V cos ⎜ ωt − ⎟;
⎝ 3 ⎠
fault degree. But, the amplitude of the sidebands can be
⎛ 2π ⎞ supply voltages. Fig. 3 (b) and (c), clearly, show that
V cs ( t ) = 2 V cos ⎜ ω t + ⎟.
⎝ 3 ⎠ symptoms of both unbalanced stator voltage supply
In Fig. 3 (a), new frequencies (1+2k).fs: (150 Hz; 250 (1+2.k).fs and broken rotor bars (1±2.k.s).fs appear in the
Hz) emerge in the current spectrum, due to the unbalanced stator current spectrum.
Stator current (dB)


0 5fs


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(a) frequency (Hz)
(1-2ks)fs (1+2ks)fs
Stator current (dB)

50 3fs

0 5fs


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(b) frequency (Hz)
(1-2ks)fs (1+2ks)fs
Stator current (dB)

50 3fs

0 5fs


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(c) frequency (Hz)

Fig. 3. Stator current spectrum for 20V drop of one phase voltage: (a) healthy rotor; (b) broken rotor
bars Rr = Rr + 20%Rr; (c) broken rotor bars Rr = Rr + 40%Rr.
C. Motor current signature analysis for faults detection in Fig. 4 depicts the current spectrum of an IM operating
motor operating under variable load condition under three different operational conditions (described in
In this section, to show the behavior of the motor
operating under variable load condition, constant motor TABLE II
load used in the model is replaced with sinusoidal
changing load as shown in (7). Motor operating conditions

Tl ( t ) = 10 + 1. sin(154, 48 t ) (7) case (a) case (b) case (a)

The load amplitude is equal to the rated load and the - Symmetrical rotor - Asymmetrical rotor - Asymmetrical rotor
resistance. resistance. resistance.
load frequency is chosen as the assumption in section 2.3. - Variable load. - Variable load. - Variable load.
Current spectrum is given in Fig. 4. It is shown that the - Balanced supply - Balanced supply - Unbalanced supply
load variation produces sidebands around the supply voltage. voltage. voltage.
frequency equal to frequencies of fs ± components.
fs-fr fs+fr
Stator current (dB)
0 fs+3fr


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(a) frequency (Hz)
(1-2ks)fs fs (1+2ks)fs
fs-fr fs+fr
Stator current (dB)

0 fs+3fr


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(b) frequency (Hz)
(1-2ks)fs fs (1+2ks)fs
fs-fr fs+fr 3fs
Stator current (dB)

fs+2fr fs+3fr


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(c) frequency (Hz)
Fig. 4. Stator current spectrum for motor operating under variable load condition: (a) healthy motor; (b)
motor with broken rotor bars (Rr = Rr +40% Rr); (c) motor with broken rotor bars (Rr = Rr +40% Rr) and
for 44 V drop in one phase of the supply voltage.
In Fig. 4 (a), only the frequencies due to load The simulation results, done with different kind of
variations appeared in the stator current spectrum. In Fig. faults and different degrees of severity, shows the
4 (b), with the frequencies components due to load effectiveness of the MCSA method to spot an existing or
variations, it appeared also sidebands around the incipient failure of the motor.
fundamental at frequencies (1±2.k.s).fs produced by the
An experimental setup is built around a dspace 1104
rotor asymmetry. In Fig. 4 (c), frequencies due to load
layout board (DSPtms320) to validate the simulation
variation, rotor asymmetry and unbalanced supply voltage
results. Fig. 5 illustrates the experiment results of the
appeared simultaneously in the stator current spectrum.
stator current spectrum when the IM is operated under
The major efficiency of the MCSA was its ability to different unbalanced supply voltages. It appears in the two
detect multiple kinds of faults at the same time without Fig. 5 (a) and (b), sidebands at frequencies (1+2k)fs. It is
requiring access to the motor. However, the main clear seen that the magnitudes of these sidebands rose
drawback of this approach, for low slip IM operating at no when the drop in the supply voltage is increased. The
load condition it may then be difficult to detect the increasing in the magnitude of frequencies created by the
frequencies (1±2.k.s).f due to its low amplitude. Thus, the unbalanced supply voltage is clearer at the supply
sensitivity of the technique depends on the external load. frequency third harmonic (150 Hz).

Stator current (dB) 100

3fs 5fs
50 9fs

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
(a) frequency (Hz)
Stator current (dB)

3fs 5fs
7fs 9fs

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
(b) frequency (Hz)

Fig. 5. Stator current spectrum for motor operating under unbalanced supply voltage: (a) Partial unbalanced (30 %
drop in one supply voltage phase); (b) Full unbalanced (cut of one supply voltage phase).
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