Experimental Fault-Tolerant Control of A PMSM Drive
Experimental Fault-Tolerant Control of A PMSM Drive
Experimental Fault-Tolerant Control of A PMSM Drive
5, OCTOBER 2000
Abstract—The paper describes a study and an experimental control to mitigate the effects of a sudden inverter failure. A
verification of remedial strategies against failures occurring in first effective example, applied to induction motors (IMs), can
the inverter power devices of a permanent-magnet synchronous be found in [11]. The strategy consists in reformulating the
motor drive. The basic idea of this design consists in incorporating
a fourth inverter pole, with the same topology and capabilities current references so that the rotating MMF generated by the
of the other conventional three poles. This minimal redundant armature currents do not change, even if one phase is open
hardware, appropriately connected and controlled, allows the circuited after a fault occurrence. For proper operation, the
drive to face a variety of power device fault conditions while neutral point of the motor has to be connected to the midpoint
maintaining a smooth torque production. The achieved results of the dc voltage link, created by the use of two capacitors. The
also show the industrial feasibility of the proposed fault-tolerant
control, that could fit many practical applications. technique, in principle quite simple, gets involved by the need
for preventing the capacitor midpoint voltage from drifting
Index Terms—Fault-tolerant control, permanent-magnet syn- from the correct point. A valid alternative that does not require
chronous motor drives.
the availability of the dc midpoint voltage is proposed in [14],
which deals with multiphase current-regulated IM drives. Other
NOMENCLATURE important aspects that heavily affect any remedial strategy
Motor phase currents. are the number of additional components with respect to the
Zero-sequence and neutral currents. standard drive, and the method used to isolate the faulty phase
from the rest of the drive. Again, for IM drives, a solution can
Transformed – currents.
Transformed – currents. be found in [10], in which a pair of back-to-back-connected
Phase-to-neutral voltages. SCRs is used to switch off the faulty motor phase current.
Stator resistance. After the fault, a phase remains permanently connected to
Stator direct, quadrature, and leakage induc- the midpoint of the dc voltage or, when insufficient voltage
tance. is available, the neutral is connected back to the midpoint,
Permanent-magnet flux linkage. that has to be derived by using series-connected capacitors.
Motor speed and position (electrical). Obviously, each SCR needs a proper gate circuit and must
bear the rated phase current. Analogous research topics may
be found for permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)
drives [1], [2], [6], [7], which have an increasing market share
command circuitry. The following permanent faulty situations detected and fixed before it causes, in turn, other damage. In
are considered in this paper: particular, it is supposed that power device faults do not damage
1) open circuit of one power device; the control system, which will still work properly. The general
2) open circuit of both power devices of an inverter leg; fault-tolerant drive scheme is drawn in Fig. 1(a).
3) short circuit of one power device; On the left-hand side is represented a conventional three-
4) short circuit of both power devices of an inverter leg. phase inverter whose poles can be completely isolated from the
Indeed, the fourth fault needs a very rapid hardware in- dc bus in case of faults by the intervention of isolating devices,
tervention to avoid a destructive shoot-through fault. Even sketched as fuses in the figure. Details of the isolating technique
in this case (that usually triggers a complete drive stop) the will be given in the next section. Actually, the isolation devices
technique presented in Section III manages the complete could be put in the motor terminals at the inverter output, but
isolation of the faulty pole and the beginning of the remedial the resulting structure would not bear the short circuit of both
mode. Various fault-recognition techniques can be adopted. In the power devices in the inverter leg (fault #4). Such a fault
[13], a sophisticated procedure is proposed. However, simpler would put out of service the whole inverter. The right side of the
and cost-effective solutions can be envisaged, avoiding any figure shows the additional fourth leg. According to the motor
special transducers or dedicated devices. For example, a smart winding configuration and the adopted remedial technique, dif-
strategy compares the voltages at the device outputs and checks ferent switching patterns can be generated for the fourth leg. De-
if they correctly follow the corresponding triggering signals. pending on the selected control strategy, the isolating devices
Another method takes advantage of the power devices desat- ID and ID [Fig. 1(a)], and the connecting devices (CDs)
uration voltages. Both strategies must carefully consider the [Fig. 1(b) and (c)] can be incorporated or not. Some possible
unavoidable delays in the switching instants and the necessary remedial techniques are discussed hereafter.
electronics must be properly tuned according to the inverter
performance in order to distinguish a device failure from an A. Three-Terminal Motor Winding
overload condition. In the analysis carried out in this paper, the This is the case of delta-connected or star-connected wind-
remedial strategy has been tested considering a failure in phase ings with isolated neutral stator windings [Fig. 1(b)]. With
; of course, similar actions apply when failures affect phase these configurations, a remedial strategy consists in replacing
or phase . the faulty pole with the fourth one. As a consequence, only
the three conventional inverter legs have to be equipped with
the isolating devices. The faulty pole is isolated and replaced
by the fourth one, turning on the related CD (e.g., a TRIAC
As mentioned above, the proposed fault-tolerant drive or a pair of back-to-back thyristors). No modification of the
presents a four-pole inverter with the capability of isolating digital control code is required, apart from the deviation of the
one faulty pole, while activating (if not active yet) the fourth switching commands from the faulty pole to the fourth one.
auxiliary pole. Of course, a fault in a power device has to be For safety reasons, a null torque reference is delivered from
the rising edge of the fault detection signal, for the whole time
duration of the faulty inverter pole replacement.
mation (2) and then (4), the phase-to-neutral voltages of the current loop performance. In order to compensate for this
and can be obtained undesired effect, a feedforward term is added, indicated by the
“feedforward compensation” block in Fig. 5. The feedforward
components are obtained from (9) as
Fig. 7. Phase currents i ;i , and i and forth pole current i during the fault
This paper has proposed a hardware and software remedial
strategy for PMSM drives affected by faults in the inverter
power devices. Experimental validations were given for the
faulty phase isolation technique and the torque control of the
faulty drive. The achieved results show both the industrial
feasibility of the proposed fault-tolerant control and the prompt
recovery from a fault occurrence, which could fit many prac-
tical applications.
Fig. 14. Transformed – currents, after the fault.
Nominal torque 1.25 N m;
peak torque 3.75 N m;
same test conditions of Fig. 7, proves that the transformed – nominal speed 3600 r/min;
phase currents remain unchanged in spite of the asymmetrical nominal current 2 A rms;
feeding of the motor after the failure. This guarantees a smooth peak current 6.5 A rms;
torque and a regular overall operation of the faulty drive. pole pairs 4.