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Blood Gas Analysis For Bedside Diagnosis

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Review Article

Blood gas analysis for bedside

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Virendra Singh, Shruti Khatana, Pranav Gupta
Surgery, Post Graduate Institute of
Dental Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana,

Arterial blood gas is an important routine investigation to monitor the acid‑base balance of patients,
effectiveness of gas exchange, and the state of their voluntary respiratory control. Majority of
the oral and maxillofacial surgeons find it difficult to interpret and clinically correlate the arterial
blood gas report in their everyday practice. This has led to underutilization of this simple tool.
The present article aims to simplify arterial blood gas analysis for a rapid and easy bedside
interpretation. In context of oral and maxillofacial surgery, arterial blood gas analysis plays a
Address for correspondence: vital role in the monitoring of postoperative patients, patients receiving oxygen therapy, those on
Dr. Virendra Singh,
intensive support, or with maxillofacial trauma with significant blood loss, sepsis, and comorbid
Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Post conditions like diabetes, kidney disorders, Cardiovascular system (CVS) conditions, and so on.
Graduate Institute of Dental The value of this analysis is limited by the understanding of the basic physiology and ability of
Sciences, Pt. B.D. Sharma the surgeon to interpret the report. Using a systematic and logical approach by using these
University of Health Sciences, steps would make the interpretation simple and easy to use for oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
Rohtak, Haryana ‑ 124 001, India.
E‑mail: drvirendrasingh1@yahoo.
Key words: Acidosis, alkalosis, blood gas analysis

Introduction This article aims to simplify the arterial blood gas

analysis for a rapid and easy bedside interpretation for
Arterial blood gas analysis is an important routine oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
investigation to monitor the acid‑base balance of patients,
effectiveness of gas exchange, and the state of their The basic physiology
voluntary respiratory control.[1] Our body functions in a relatively narrow alkaline
environment (pH: 7.35-7.45). Maintenance of normal
In context of oral and maxillofacial surgery, arterial physiologic function is closely related to the maintenance
blood gas analysis plays a vital role in monitoring of pH within this range.[2]
of postoperative patients, patients receiving oxygen
The two main mechanisms for this balance are respiratory
therapy, those on intensive support, or with maxillofacial
and metabolic.[2]
trauma with significant blood loss, sepsis, and comorbid
conditions like diabetes, kidney disorders, Cardiovascular The normal blood pH range is 7.35-7.45.
system (CVS) conditions, and so on. • If pH <7.35, the blood is said to be acidic.
• If pH >7.45, the blood is said to be alkalotic.
Considering the spectrum of its uses, this useful and
simple tool has been underutilized, most frequently due The respiratory buffer response
to the difficulty in proper understanding, interpretation, Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a normal by‑product of cellular
and application in management. metabolism. CO2 is carried in blood to the lungs, which
removes the same by controlling breathing. So, partial
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pressure of CO2 in arterial blood (paCO2) is determined
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Website: by alveolar ventilation.
The excess CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid.
The blood pH changes according to the amount of this acid
10.4103/0975-5950.127641 in the body and so does the depth and rate of ventilation.
Hence CO2 is looked upon as a respiratory acid.[3]

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Singh, et al.: Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis

• As blood pH decreases  (acidosis), CO 2 is as pH and is visualized as an elevator [Figure 2]

exhaled (alkalosis as compensation). (as bicarbonate in blood increases, pH increases—
• As blood pH increases (alkalosis), CO2 is retained (aci- metabolic alkalosis)
dosis as compensation). 3. If CO 2 and HCO 3‑ move in the same direction, it
is considered a primary disorder; for example, if
The respiratory response is fast and activated within there is respiratory acidosis in body (CO2 retention),
minutes.[3] the bicarbonate levels increase as a compensation
(metabolic alkalosis). The direction of both CO2 and
The renal buffer response HCO3‑ are the same in this case
The kidneys secrete Hydrogen ion (H+) and reabsorbs 4. If CO2 and HCO3‑ move in opposite directions, it is
bicarbonate. This is adjusted by the kidneys in response considered a mixed disorder; for example, mixed
to metabolic acid formation. disorder in the case of salicylate poisoning: Primary
respiratory alkalosis due to salicylate‑induced
Bicarbonate is a metabolic component and considered hyperventilation and a primary metabolic acidosis
a base. due to salicylate toxicity.
• As blood pH decreases (acidosis), the body retains
bicarbonate (a base). Conditions causing acid‑base imbalance [Table 1][3]
• As blood pH rises (alkalosis), the body excretes bi- Respiratory acidosis
carbonate (a base) in urine. It occurs due to any condition causing the
accumulation of CO2 in the body.
This compensation is slow and takes hours to days to
• Central nervous system (CNS) depression due to
get activated.[3]
head injury
• Sedation (e.g., narcotics, postoperative, sedation),
The acid‑base control
The pH is dependent on the paCO 2/HCO 3‑ (HCO 3‑:
• Chest wall injury, flail chest
bicarbonate) ratio.
• Respiratory obstruction/foreign body.
A change in CO2 is thus compensated by a change in
HCO3‑ and vice versa. Respiratory alkalosis
It occurs due to decrease in CO2. Here, hyperventilation
The initial change is called the primary disorder occurs and CO2 is washed out causing alkalosis.
(e.g., change in CO2 in this case). • Psychological: Anxiety, fear
• Pain
The secondary response is called the compensatory • Fever, sepsis, pregnancy, severe anemia.
disorder (e.g., change in HCO3‑ in this case).
Metabolic acidosis (decrease in HCO3‑)
Basic facts to remember It is caused due to excess of acids or deficit of base.
1. CO2 is a respiratory component and considered a
respiratory acid. It moves opposite to the direction Increased acids
of pH and is visualized as a see‑saw [Figure 1] (as • Lactic acidosis (shock, hemorrhage, sepsis)
paCO2 in blood increases, pH decreases—respiratory • Diabetic ketoacidosis
acidosis) • Renal failure
2. Bicarbonate is a metabolic component and • Deficit of base
considered a base. It moves in the same direction • Severe diarrhoea and intestinal fistulas.

Figure 1: Visualization of pH and paCO2 as a see‑saw Figure 2: Visualization of pH and bicarbonate as an elevator

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Singh, et al.: Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis

Metabolic alkalosis (excess of HCO3‑) Modified Allen’s test[5]

It is caused by excess base or deficit of acids. • Ask the patient to make a tight fist.
• Acid Deficit: Prolonged vomiting, nasogastric • Using the middle and index fingers of both hands,
suction, diuretics apply pressure to the wrist. Compress the radial and
• Excess base: Excess consumption of diuretics ulnar arteries at the same time (never use the thumb
and antacids, massive blood transfusion (citrate to detect the artery).
metabolized to bicarbonate). • While maintaining pressure, ask the patient to open
the hand slowly. Lower the hand and release pressure
Why do we order a blood gas analysis? on the ulnar artery only.
• Aids in establishing diagnosis • Positive test: The hand flushes pink or returns to
• Guides treatmentplan normal color within 15 seconds
• Improvement in the management of acid/base; allows • Negative test: The hand does not flush pink or
for optimal function of medications return to normal color within 15 seconds, indicating
• Acid/base status may alter levels of electrolytes criti- a disruption of blood flow from the ulnar artery to
cal to the status of a patient. the hand
• If the Allen’s test is negative, the radial artery should
Limitations of blood gas analysis[4] not be used.
• The blood gas analysis cannot yield a specific
diagnosis. A patient with asthma may have similar Sampling[1]
values to another patient with pneumonia[4] • The arm of the patient is placed palm up on a flat
• The analysis does not reflect the degree to which an surface, with the wrist dorsiflexed at 45°
abnormality actually affects a patient[4] • The puncture site should be cleaned with alcohol
• Blood gas analysis cannot be used as a screening test or iodine (allow the alcohol to dry before puncture,
for early pulmonary disease.[4] as the alcohol can cause arteriospasm), and a
local anesthetic (such as 2% lignocaine) should be
Arterial versus venous blood gas analysis infiltrated
It is traditional to draw arterial blood for paO2, paCO2,
and pH measurements. It is the best indicator of how
well the lungs are oxygenating.[3] However, if the venous
sample is obtained, it is recommended that the values
be compared and interpreted keeping in consideration
the given table [Table 2].

The venous blood gas report can be of significance in

hemodynamically[3] unstable patients and should not a b
be discarded.

Obtaining an arterial sample

The order of preference is radial artery > brachial
artery >femoral artery.

The radial artery is preferred due to ease of palpation, c d

access, and good collateral supply.[1] Figure 3: The modified Allen’s test]: (a) The radial and ulnar arteries
are palpated. (b) The patient clenches the fist and both the arteries are
compressed manually. (c) The patient opens the fist (note the blanching of the
The collateral supply to the hand is confirmed by the palm). (d) The ulnar artery pressure is released; if the colour returns to pink,
modified Allen’s test [Figure 3].[5] the test is positive; if the colour does not return to pink, the test is negative[6]

Table 1: Components and normal values Table 2: Arterial versus venous blood gas
H+ Hydrogen ions, inversely proportional to pH 35-45 mmol/L Value Arterial blood Mixed venous
pH Acidity/alkalinity 7.35-7.45 pH 7.40 (7.35-7.45) 7.36 (7.31-7.41)
paO2 Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood 80-100 mmHg paO2 80-100 mmHg 35-40 mmHg
SaO2 Arterial oxygen saturation 95-100% O2 saturation 95% 70-75%
paCO2 Partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood 35-45 mm Hg PaCO2 35-45 mmHg 41-51 mmHg
HCO3‑ Bicarbonate in blood 22-26 mEq/L HCO3‑ 22-26 mEqL–1 22-26 mEqL–1
BE Base excess (amount of excess or –2 to+2 BE –2 to+2 –2 to+2
insufficient amount of base in blood) mmol/L (Table adapted from[3]); O2: Oxygen, paO2: Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial
–ve in acidosis, +ve in alkalosis blood, pH: Acidity/alkalinity, PaCO2: Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood,
CO2: Carbon dioxide HCO3‑: Bicarbonate in blood, BE: Base excess

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Singh, et al.: Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis

• The radial artery should be palpated for a pulse, Step 2: Check the pH.
and a preheparinised syringe with a 23‑ or 25‑gauge If pH < 7.35: Acidosis
needle should be inserted at an angle just distal to pH > 7.45: Alkalosis
the palpated pulse [Figure 4] pH = 7.40: Normal/mixed disorder/fully compensated
• After the puncture, sterile gauze should be placed disorder
firmly over the site and direct pressure applied for (Note: If mixed disorder, pH indicates stronger
several minutes to obtain hemostasis. component)
Step 3: Check SaO2/paO2 (SaO2 is a more reliable indicator
• Allow a steady state after initiation or change in
as it depicts the saturation of hemoglobin in arterial
oxygen therapy, before obtaining a sample (in the
patients without overt pulmonary disease, a steady blood) Table 3.
state is reached between 3 and 10 minutes[8,9] and in Note: Always compare the SaO2 with FiO2, as the SaO2
patients with chronic airway obstruction, it takes could be within normal range but still much less than
about 20-30 minutes)[10] FiO2, if the patient is on supplemental oxygen (difference
• Always note the percentage of inspired air (FiO2) and should be less than 10).
condition of the patient
• Flush the syringe with heparin or use preheparinised Step 4: Check CO 2 and HCO 3‑  (bicarbonate) levels—
syringes. Do not use excess heparin as it causes sample identify the culprit [Table 4].
dilution.[4] Excess of heparin may affect the pH. Only Is it a respiratory/metabolic/mixed disorder?
0.05 mL is required to anticoagulate 1 mL of blood.
Because dead space volume of a standard 5 mL syringe Step 5: Check base excess (BE).
with 1” 22‑gauge needle is 0.02 mL, filling the dead It is defined as amount of base required to return the pH
space of the syringe with heparin provides sufficient to a normal range.
volume to anticoagulate a 4 mL blood sample[10] If it is positive, the metabolic picture is of alkalosis.
• Avoid air bubbles in syringe[4] If it is negative, the metabolic picture is of acidosis.
• Avoid delay in sample processing. As blood is a living Either of bicarbonate ions/base excess can be used to
tissue, O2 is being consumed and CO2 is produced in interpret metabolic acidosis/alkalosis.[7]
the blood sample. The delay may affect the blood gas
values. In case of delay, the sample should be placed The following tables show the interpretation of arterial
in ice and such iced samples can be processed for up blood gas report on the basis of using BE as a metabolic
to two hours without affecting the blood gas values.[10] index [Figures 5 and 6].
• Accidental venous sampling. The venous sample
report should not be discarded and can provide (Tables adapted from[11])
sufficient information.[7]
Step 6: Check for compensation.
Steps of interpretation Is there a compensatory response with respect to the
Step 1: Anticipate the disorder (keeping in mind the primary change?
clinical settings and the condition of the patient) (e.g., the If yes: Compensated, if no: Uncompensated.
patient may present with a history of insulin‑dependent In case of compensation, does it bring the pH to a normal
diabetes mellitus (IDDM), which may contribute to a range?
metabolic acidosis[2]). If yes: Fully compensated, if no: Partially compensated.
Example: If pH is 7.21, HCO3‑ is 14, and CO2 is 40.

It is a case of metabolic acidosis (as CO 2 is normal,

Table 3: Grading of hypoxemia

SaO2 % paO2
Mild hypoxemia 90-94 60-79 mmHg
Moderate hypoxemia 75-89 40-59 mmHg
Severe hypoxemia <75 <40 mmHg
SaO2: Arterial oxygen saturation

Table 4: Acid‑base disorders

Increased CO2 (>40 mmHg) Respiratory acidosis
Decreased CO2 (<40 mmHg) Respiratory alkalosis
Increased HCO3‑ (>24 mEq/L) Metabolic alkalosis
Decreased HCO3‑ (<24 mEq/L) Metabolic acidosis
Figure 4: Radial artery sampling

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Singh, et al.: Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis

HCO3‑ is decreased). Expected compensation would be and if this value is equal to the H + in the report, the
a decrease in CO2 causing respiratory alkalosis. Now arterial blood gas report is authentic.
consider this table [Table 5]:
Alternatively, subtract the last two digits of the
Rule of thumb pH  (e.g.,  20 in pH  7.20) from 80; this value is
• To check the authenticity of a laboratory arterial
blood gas report[4,12]
Table 5: Expected compensation
PCO 2 pH HCO3– pCO2 Compensation
H = 24 ×  (1)
HCO 3− 7.21 14 40 Uncompensated
7.21 14 30 ↓ Partially compensated
7.37 14 20 ↓↓ Fully compensated
Calculate this value from the arterial blood gas report

Figure 5: Interpreting acidaemia on an arterial blood gas result

Figure 6: Interpreting alkalaemia on an arterial blood gas result

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Singh, et al.: Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis

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7.42, pCO2: 30.8, HCO3‑: 19.3, H+: 38.1. these steps would make the interpretation simple and
easy to use.
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Conclusion How to cite this article: Singh V, Khatana S, Gupta P. Blood gas analysis
for bedside diagnosis. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2013;4:136-41.

Arterial blood gas analysis is a useful tool for diagnosis Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery | Vol 4 | Issue 2 | Jul-Dec 2013 | 141

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