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Prognosis MG

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Prognosis MG

Myasthenic crisis, defined as respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, occurs in 15 to 20%
of patients with myasthenia gravis (MG). Infection (usually pneumonia or viral upper respiratory
infection) is the most common precipitant (40%), followed by no obvious cause (30%) and aspiration
(10%). As a general rule, 25% of patients are successfully extubated after 1 week, 50% after 2 weeks,
and 75% after 1 month. Risk factors for intubation beyond 2 weeks, the point at which tracheostomy is
usually performed, include age greater than 50 years, preintubation serum bicarbonate 30 mg/dL or
greater, and vital capacity within 6 days of intubation less than 25 mL/kg. Intensive care management
of the myasthenic patient should focus on timely intubation, prevention of aspiration with tube
feedings, and avoidance of complications, such as atelectasis, that can prolong the duration of crisis.
Plasmapheresis leads to short-term improvement of weakness in 75% of patients, and should be
performed in all patients unless otherwise contraindicated. Although myasthenic crisis is fatal in
approximately 5% of cases, deaths are almost exclusively the result of severe medical comorbidity.
Residual weakness leads to functional dependence in 50% of patients at the time of discharge, and
one-third will experience two or more episodes of crisis.

Konsensus penatalaksanaan:

1. Pyridostigmine menjadi bagian awal penatalaksanaan hampir keseluruhan pasien dengan

MG. Dosis harus disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan berdasarkan gejala. Kemampuan untuk
menghentikan penggunaan menjadikan indikator seorang pasien telah menemukan
pencapaian terapi dan dapat melakukan penurunan dosis perlahan.
2. Imunosupresif nonsteroidal harus digunakan sendiri ketika digunakan dengan kortikosteroid

Saran untuk monitor secara umum Myasthenia Gravis dan efek samping dari obat-obatan, dan
mengatasi kekambuhan penyakit dan remisi

Pengukuran secara non farmakologis untuk mengatasi dan memonitor penyakit sangatlah penting.
Sama pentingnya dengan pemantauan oleh dokter secara berkala. Seluruh pasien membutuhkan
kunjungan dan pemantauan berkala khususnya oleh dokter umum dan dokter syaraf. Pada semua
pasien, penting untuk memeriksa gejala MG, khususnya mereka yang memilki disfagia dan masalah
fungsi pernafasan. Keberadaan penyakit yang lain seperti autoimun dan infeksi ataupun penggunaan
obat lain secara bersamaan harus dipantau.

Untuk pasien yang baru saja didiagnosis dan sedang memulai pengobatan (peningkatan dosis
steroid) membutuhkan pemantauan apakah didapatkan perbaikan, efek samping obat dan untuk
membatu mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan kesulitan yang berhubungan dengan suatu penyakit
kronik yang baru terdiagnosis.

Efek samping pemberian antikolinesterase disebabkan oleh stimulasi parasimpatis,

termasuk konstriksi pupil, kolik, diare, salivasi berkebihan, berkeringat, lakrimasi, dan
sekresi bronkial berlebihan. Efek samping gastro intestinal (efek samping muskarinik) berupa

am atau diare dapat diatasi dengan pemberian propantelin bromida atau atropin.

MIP = Maximal Inspiratory Pressure. This is the greatest negative pressure the patient can generate, often also referred to as
the NIF (Negative Inspiratory Force). It is measured asking patients to inhale as hard as they can with measurement of the negative pressure
that they generate using a pressure gauge (image above). This is a measurement of the strength of the inspiratory muscles, primarily the
MEP = Maximal Expiratory Pressure. This is the opposite of the MIP, specifically the maximal positive pressure the patient can
generate. It is measured by asking patients to exhale as hard as they can, and measuring the positive pressure. This is a measurement of
expiratory muscle strength, which may correlate clinically with ability to cough and clear secretions.
FVC = Forced vital capacity. This is the largest volume of gas that a patient can exhale. Patients are asked to take a full breath in and
then exhale maximally, with measurement of the exhaled volume. FVC reflects a global measurement of the patient's ventilatory ability,
which takes into account inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength as well as pulmonary compliance

Since pulmonary function tests are poorly specific for predicting respiratory failure, pre-emptive intubation based solely on pulmonary
function tests may lead to unnecessary intubations and iatrogenic harm. A safer approach to patients with poor pulmonary function who do
not clinically require intubation is close ICU-level observation with intubation only if clinically indicated. It is also possible that
noninvasive ventilation could be used to preventthese patients from failing (more below).
Pearl #2: Don't check the MIP or MEP

FVC is arguably the best single test of ventilatory capability, since it integrates inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength as well as
pulmonary compliance. It is also the most reproducible test over time. Therefore it should come as no surprise that nearly all studies have
focused exclusively on the FVC in predicting respiratory failure, completely ignoring the MIP and MEP (e.g., Sunderrajan 1985, Chevrolet
1991, Sharshar 2003, Durand 2006, Kanikannan 2014).
MIP and MEP do not add additional information to what is provided by the FVC. In multivariable models, Lawn 2001 found that neither
MIP nor MEP added statistically independent information to the FVC. Both MIP and MEP had little ability to identify patients progressing
to ventilatory failure, with substantial overlap between values obtained in patients who did and did not require intubation (table
above). Prigent 2012 found a linear relationship between VC and MIP, with MIP failing to add information to FVC. Any impairment in
inspiratory or expiratory muscle strength measured by the MIP and MEP will be physiologically integrated into the FVC, so there appears to
be little added value in measuring the MIP and MEP separately.
MIP and MEP are more effort-dependent and less reproducible than FVC, so when tracking serial PFTs adding the MIP and MEP adds
significant noise. Some patients with bulbar involvement may have difficulty sealing their lips around the mouthpiece, leading to inaccurate
MIP and MEP measurements (1). Finally, it must be kept in mind that when the MIP and MEP are performed urgently in the emergency
department or ICU, this will be less rigorous and methodical than when the same tests are performed in a formal outpatient PFT
laboratory. More information doesn't guarantee more accurate information

Patients who have been labeled with GBS or MG are susceptible to anchoring bias: there is a tendency to assume that any respiratory problem encountered
must be due to their neuromuscular weakness. Once we were told that a patient transferred to Genius General Hospital with MG and respiratory failure
required urgent intubation. Indeed, the patient arrived quite dyspneic and hypoxemic. Bedside ultrasonography showed a large right-sided pleural effusion,
and further evaluation revealed that the patient had congestive heart failure with severe volume overload. Therapeutic thoracentesis and heart failure
management caused immediate improvement, avoiding the need for intubation. Although the patient may have known respiratory muscle weakness, don't
forget to look for other problems as well. When in doubt, unholster the triple-barreled shotgun: POCUS, CXR EKG
he pulmonary outcome of a patient with MG or GBS will often depend on the balance between the respiratory muscle strength and the work
of breathing. If the scale is tipping slightly in the wrong direction, the patient will gradually fatigue and eventually fail. For patients who
are hanging in the balance, even a small reduction in the work of breathing could be critical. However, in order for this to succeed
respiratory support must be initiated early, well in advance of respiratory exhaustion.
There is little high-quality evidence about BiPAP in this situation. Three retrospective case series describe the use of BiPAP in myasthenia
gravis, with avoidance of intubation in ~60% of cases (Rabinstein 2002, Wu 2009, Seneviratne 2008). Of note,Rabinstein reported avoiding
intubation in 7/11 cases of myasthenia gravis, despite very low baseline FVC values (all patients had FVC <10 ml/kg). These series noted
increased failure rates among patients with significant baseline hypercapnia, suggesting that such patients may have progressed to a point of
respiratory fatigue that cannot be rescued by BiPAP. Evidence with Guillian-Barre syndrome is more sparse, with two case reports of
BiPAP failure and one case report of success (Pearse 2003, Wijdicks 2006).
There is no clinical evidence with high-flow nasal cannula. High-flow nasal cannula can reduce anatomic dead space causing a reduction in
the work of breathing as discussed here. Although high-flow nasal cannula provides less ventilatory support than BiPAP, it may be used in
patients who have contraindications to BiPAP or cannot tolerate the BiPAP mask.

In absence of solid evidence, a cautious trial-and-error approach may be reasonable (above). The best metric to gauge success of these
interventions may be improved patient comfort with reduced respiratory rate. One advantage of BiPAP and high-flow nasal cannula is that
it is easy to trial them, and they may be immediately discontinued if they are not helping.
One risk of using BiPAP or high-flow nasal cannula is that if inadequately monitored they theoretically could mask progressive respiratory
failure until the patient was extremely unstable. Therefore, this should be performed with ICU-level monitoring and close attention for any
signs of clinical deterioration or worsening hypoxemia. Patients with GBS and MG typically should not have substantial hypoxemia, so
escalating oxygen requirement suggests a complication such as mucus plugging, atelectasis, or aspiration (which would usually indicate the
need for intubation).

The only bedside pulmonary function test which is useful is the forced vital capacity (FVC).
Patients with a FVC < 20 ml/kg are at risk for respiratory failure and should receive ICU-level monitoring.
Intubation is typically required when the FVC falls below 10-15 ml/kg. However, the decision to intubate is
a clinical decision based primarily on ability to protect the airway, work of breathing, vital signs, overall
appearance, and trajectory.
For patients who are dyspneic but don't require intubation, consider trialing BiPAP or high-flow nasal cannula to see
if this may improve their comfort and reduce the work of breathing.
Patients with GBS may have dysautonomia with wide fluctuations in blood pressure. Avoid treating hypertension if
possible, as this may exacerbate subsequent episodes of hypotension

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