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New Pattern Cloze Test Questions With Solution: Daily Visit

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Most of the global economy is now subject to positive

New Pattern economic trends: unemployment is

falling, ……(1) gaps are closing, growth is picking
up, and, for reasons that are not yet clear, inflation
remains below the major central banks’ targets. On the

Cloze Test other hand, productivity growth remains weak,

income ……(2) is increasing, and less educated
workers are struggling to find attractive employment

After eight years of aggressive ……(3) , developed
economies are emerging from
an ……(4) deleveraging phase that naturally
suppressed growth from the demand side. As the level

With Solution
and ……(5) of debt has been shifted, deleveraging
pressures have been reduced, allowing for
a ……(6) global expansion.
Still, in time, the primary determinant of GDP growth
– and the ……(7) of growth patterns – will be gains in

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productivity. Yet, as things stand, there is ample
reason to doubt that productivity will pick up on its
own. There are several important items missing from
the policy mix that cast a shadow over the realization
of both full-scale productivity growth and a shift to
more inclusive growth patterns. First, growth potential can’t be realized without
sufficient human capital. This lesson is apparent in the
experience of developing countries, but it applies to
developed economies, too. Unfortunately, across most
economies, skills and capabilities do not seem to be
keeping pace with rapid structural shifts in labor
markets. Governments have proved either unwilling or
unable to act aggressively in terms of education and
skills ……(8) or in redistributing income. And in
countries like the United States, the distribution of
income and wealth is so ……(9) that lower-income
households cannot afford to invest in measures
to ……(10) to rapidly changing employment
Second, most job markets have a large information
gap that will need to be closed. Workers know that
change is coming, but they do not know how skills
requirements are evolving, and thus cannot base their
choices on concrete data. Governments, educational
institutions, and businesses have not come anywhere
close to providing adequate guidance on this front.

1. 1) modify, alter
2) output, return | All Exams Preparation Hub 1


3) convert, transform Answer – 4)

4) inconsistency, variation Explanation: extended and invent is suitable
pair of words as per given paragraph and have
Answer & Explanation similar meaning which means create or design
(something that has not existed before); be the
Answer – 2) originator of.
Explanation: output and return is suitable pair
of words as per given paragraph and have 5. 1) make, produce
similar meaning which means the amount of 2) writings, creation
something produced by a person, machine, or 3) composition, constitution
industry. 4) building, fabrication

2. 1) restyle, refashion Answer & Explanation

2) product, redesign
3) production, manufacture Answer – 3)
4) inequality, disproportion Explanation: composition and constitution is
suitable pair of words as per given paragraph
Answer & Explanation and have similar meaning which means the

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nature of something’s ingredients or
Answer – 4) constituents; the way in which a whole or
Explanation: inequality and disproportion is mixture is made up.
suitable pair of words as per given paragraph
and have similar meaning which means 6. 1) concoct, hatch
difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; 2) impetus, boost
lack of equality. 3) assembly, creation
4) synchronized, adjust
3. 1) manufacturing, making
2) stimulus, precipitant Answer & Explanation
3) yield, harvest
4) variability, divergence Answer – 4)
Explanation: synchronized and adjust is
Answer & Explanation suitable pair of words as per given paragraph
and have similar meaning which means cause
Answer – 2) to occur or operate at the same time or rate.
Explanation: stimulus and precipitant is
suitable pair of words as per given paragraph 7. 1) inclusivity, comprehensive
and have similar meaning which means a 2) prompt, prod
thing or event that evokes a specific functional 3) build, construct
reaction in an organ or tissue. 4) devise, formulate

4. 1) stimulant, encouragement Answer & Explanation

2) producing, construction
3) achievement, accomplishment Answer – 1)
4) extended, invent Explanation: inclusivity and comprehensive
is suitable pair of words as per given
Answer & Explanation paragraph and have similar meaning which
means including all the services or items
normally expected or required. | All Exams Preparation Hub 2

8. 1) create, fabricate asset purchases, from €60 billion ($71 billion) to €30
2) retraining, comprehensive billion, beginning in January 2018.The motivation
3) incentive, inducement behind normalization does not appear to be the
4) overall , exception eurozone’s inflation performance, which continues
to (2) the target of roughly 2% by an uncomfortable
Answer & Explanation margin. Inflation expectations, while inching up
recently, also appear anchored well below target,
Answer – 2) despite recent (3) confidence readings. And the ECB’s
Explanation: retraining and comprehensive is own forecast suggests that it does not (4) that price
suitable pair of words as per given paragraph growth will breach 2% anytime soon.
and have similar meaning which means teach What about the output gap? In step with the US
(someone) new skills to enable them to do a Federal Reserve, the ECB (5) its growth forecasts
different job. higher. In that setting, R-star (the natural rate of
interest) may be perceived as (6) up, in line with
9. 1) configuration, structure output moving closer to (7) across a broad swath of
2) skewed, twisted eurozone economies.Still, OECD estimates of the
3) inspiration, fillip 2017 (and 2018) output gap for most of the eurozone
4) prefabricate, process countries (Germany and Ireland are notable

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exceptions) suggest that there is slack, and in (8) cases
considerable slack. While German unemployment,
Answer & Explanation
now below 4%, is at its lowest level since (9) , EU
unemployment still hovers around 9%. Given this, it
Answer – 2)
appears premature to view fears of eurozone
Explanation: skewed and twisted is suitable
overheating as the main driver of monetary-policy
pair of words as per given paragraph and have normalization.
similar meaning which means suddenly Perhaps there are other motives for normalization that
change direction or position.
the ECB doesn’t discuss publicly. Financial stability
comes to mind. After all, the Fed does not forecast
10. 1) askew, crooked recessions, and the International Monetary Fund
2) impulse, provocation usually does not issue public (10) on a country’s odds
3) motive, motivation of default. The silence reflects an understandable
4) adapt, alter desire to avoid fueling a self-fulfilling process.

Answer & Explanation 1. 1)bending

2) lenient
Answer – 4) 3) segmentation
Explanation: adapt and alter is suitable pair 4) dispersed
of words as per given paragraph and have 5) gleaned
similar meaning which means make
(something) suitable for a new use or purpose; Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
When the European Central Bank’s Governing Explanation:gleaned – obtain (information)
Council met on December 14, there was little to from various sources, often with difficulty.
surprise financial markets, because no policy changes
could be (1) from public remarks. The previous 2. 1) flexible
meeting, in late October, had already set the stage for 2) limber
the normalization of monetary policy, with the 3) scattered
announcement that the ECB would halve its monthly | All Exams Preparation Hub 3

4) undershoot 3) be surprised
5) pliable 4) consensus
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation:undershoot – (of an aircraft) land Answer – 1)
short of (the runway). Explanation:drifting – be carried slowly by a
current of air or water.
3. 1) pliant
2) separated 7. 1) partition
3) soaring 2) doubt
4) yielding 3) potential
5)prevailing 4) gratify
5) privilege
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)

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Explanation:soaring – fly or rise high in the Answer – 3)
air. Explanation:potential – having or showing
the capacity to develop into something in the
4. 1)acknowledgment future.
2) anticipate
3) content 8. 1) numerous
4) disunion 2) soothe
5) unassuming 3) rediscover
4) subdivision
Answer & Explanation 5) vivisection

Answer – 2) Answer & Explanation

Explanation:anticipate – regard as probable;
expect or predict. Answer – 1)
Explanation: numerous – great in number;
5. 1) nudged many.
2) fulfilled
3) be amazed 9. 1) return
4)stunned 2) revert
5)desperate 3) severance
4) disjuncture
Answer & Explanation 5) reunification

Answer – 1) Answer & Explanation

Explanation:nudged – prod (someone) gently
with one’s elbow in order to attract attention. Answer – 5)
Explanation: reunification – restoration of
6. 1) drifting political unity to a place or group, especially a
2) satisfied divided territory. | All Exams Preparation Hub 4


10. 1) deficient deregulation and technological

2) lacking developments, ..(8)..sowed the seeds of the 2007
3) pronouncements financial crisis and the ensuing recession. The
4) carving fundamental analytical error then – as it still is today –
5) rupture was a failure to ..(9)..degrade between alternative
sources of disinflation.
Answer & Explanation The end of the Great ..(10)..indulgence should have
disabused policymakers of their belief that low
Answer – 3) inflation guarantees future economic stability. If
Explanation:Pronouncements – a formal or anything, the opposite has been true. Having doubled
authoritative announcement or declaration. down on their inflation targets, central banks have had
to rely on an unprecedented array of untested policy
The major central banks’ ..(1)..negligent pursuit of instruments to achieve their goals.
positive but low inflation has become a
dangerous ..(2)..delusion. It is dangerous because the 1. 1) breach
policies needed to achieve the objective could have 2) antagonization
unwanted side effects; and it is a delusion because 3) vigilant
there is currently no good reason to be pursuing the 4) impulsive

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objective in the first place. 5) No correction required.
In the 1970s, when inflation in the advanced
economies rose sharply, central banks Answer & Explanation
rightly ..(3)..adhere it. The lesson central bankers
took from that battle was that low inflation is a Answer – 3)
necessary condition for sustained growth. But, subtly Explanation: vigilant – keeping careful
and over time, this lesson has ..(4)..morphed into a watch for possible danger or difficulties.
belief that low inflation is also a sufficient condition
for sustained growth. 2. 1) discreet
That change may have been due to the benign 2) surefire
economic conditions that accompanied the period of 3) withdrawal
disinflation from the late 1980s to 2007, 4) humble
commonly ..(5)..suppress to as the ―Great 5) No correction required.
Moderation.‖ For central bankers, it was comforting to
believe that they had reduced inflation by controlling Answer & Explanation
demand, and that their policies had many beneficial
side effects for the economy. After all, this was the Answer – 5)
demand-oriented ..(6).. refrain they had used to Explanation: No correction required.
justify tight money to begin with.
But then the world changed. From the late 1980s 3. 1) attentive
onward, low inflation was largely due to positive 2) intensity
supply-side shocks – such as the Baby Boomer-fueled 3) conviction
expansion of the labor force and the..(7)..hostility of 4) resisted
many emerging countries into the global trading 5) No correction required.
system. These forces boosted growth while lowering
inflation. And monetary policy, far from restricting
Answer & Explanation
demand, was generally focused on preventing below-
target inflation.
As we now know, that led to a period of easy Answer – 4)
monetary conditions, which, together with financial Explanation: resisted – withstand the action
or effect of. | All Exams Preparation Hub 5

4. 1) authoritativeness 8. 1) inevitability
2) outrageousness 2) knuckle
3) credence 3) bidding
4) dogmatism 4) belittle
5) No correction required. 5) No correction required.

Answer & Explanation Answer & Explanation

Answer – 5) Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required. Explanation: No correction required.

5. 1) staunchness 9. 1) accede
2) referred 2) disunity
3) intemperance 3) forbear
4) assent 4) distinguish
5) No correction required. 5) No correction required.

Answer & Explanation Answer & Explanation

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Answer – 2) Answer – 4)
Explanation: referred – mention or allude to. Explanation: distinguish – recognize or treat
(someone or something) as different.
6. 1) narrative
2) steadiness 10. 1) prevent
3) acquiesce 2) withholding
4) wildness 3) schism
5) No correction required. 4) Moderation
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: narrative – a spoken or written Answer – 4)
account of connected events; a story. Explanation: Moderation – the avoidance of
excess or extremes, especially in one’s
7. 1) debase behaviour or political opinions.
2) alienation
3) integration Paris – Nearly two years have passed since France’s
4) inhibit then-foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, struck his gavel
5) No correction required. and declared: ―The Paris agreement for the climate
is ..(1)..accepted.‖ Next week, President Emmanuel
Answer & Explanation Macron and the French government will host world
leaders and non-state actors for the One Planet
Answer – 3) Summit. The purpose of this ..(2)..protecting is to
Explanation: integration – the action or celebrate climate gains made since 2015, and to boost
process of integrating. political and economic support for meeting the goals
and targets of the Paris agreement.
The Paris climate agreement, a historic feat of
diplomacy that ..(3)..adieus in a new era of | All Exams Preparation Hub 6

international climate ..(4)..infringement, was 4) salutation

facilitated by a number of political and social forces. 5) No correction required.
One of the most ..(5)..influential of these was a group
of more than 100 countries known as the Answer & Explanation
―high ..(6)..satisfactioncoalition,‖ which helped
finalize the deal in the waning days of the 2015 Answer – 4)
United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21). Explanation: salutation – a gesture or
This ..(7)..conforming coalition of leaders – from the utterance made as a greeting or
richest countries to the most ..(8)..conserve Pacific acknowledgement of another’s arrival or
island states – broke a political ..(9)..deadlock that departure.
had impeded climate progress for years, if not
decades. 4. 1) disdain
As we reflect on that success, one thing is abundantly 2) discredi
clear: the need for ambitious coalitions has returned. 3) collaboration
Strong global leadership on climate change scored a 4) dereliction
diplomatic victory two years ago, and today, new 5) No correction required.
economic and political alliances are needed to turn
those ..(10)..assingments into action.
Answer & Explanation

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1. 1) parting
Answer – 3)
2) humility
Explanation: collaboration – the action of
3) despise
working with someone to produce something.
4) exclude
5) No correction required.
5. 1) rebuff
2) repulse
Answer & Explanation 3) valediction
4) apathy
Answer – 5) 5) No correction required.
Explanation: No correction required.
Given word is correct.
Answer & Explanation
2. 1) contentment
Answer – 5)
2) gathering
Explanation: No correction required.
3) scorning
Given word is correct.
4) scoff
5) No correction required.
6. 1) ambition
2) scrap
Answer & Explanation 3) slough
4) chuck
Answer – 3) 5) No correction required.
Explanation: gathering – an assembly or
meeting, especially one held for a specific
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
3. 1) jettison
Explanation: ambition – a strong desire to do
2) repudiate
or achieve something.
3) gathering | All Exams Preparation Hub 7


7. 1) spurn Answer – 1)
2) diverse Explanation:commitments – the state or
3) parallel quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity,
4) rebellion etc.
5) No correction required.
Although the European Union is in the midst of an
Answer & Explanation economic recovery, long-term unemployment –
joblessness and job-seeking that lasts at least a year –
Answer – 2) (1) stubbornly high in many of the countries that were
Explanation: diverse – showing a great deal hardest hit by the 2008 financial crisis and its
of variety; very different. aftermath. Unfortunately, the European Commission’s
proposals for addressing the problem are in many
8. 1) sabotage cases (2) .
2) dissension Europe needs far more (3) labor-market policies to
3) vulnerable spur job creation and reduce long-term
4) bulwark unemployment, which can be particularly (4) for
society. As we have seen, unemployment has been an
5) No correction required. important factor in the rise of populist parties that are

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now threatening social (5) , democracy, and the rule of
law in Europe.
Answer & Explanation
According to Eurostat, the statistical arm of the
European Commission, ten million people across the
Answer – 3) EU’s 28 member states were suffering from long-term
Explanation: vulnerable – exposed to the unemployment in 2016. Of these, around eight million
possibility of being attacked or harmed, either are in the eurozone, and more than a quarter are 50
physically or emotionally.
and over.
For young people, a university education
9. 1) mutiny or (6) training can insure against long-term
2) sentinel unemployment, at least when sufficient jobs are
3) indiscipline available. But for people who are 50 or older, the
4) hedge termination of a work contract all too often leads
5) No correction required. to (7) joblessness. For example, among unemployed
Europeans 50 and over, 60.3% have been unemployed
Answer & Explanation for more than a year; but for all unemployed
Europeans of working age, that number falls
Answer – 5) significantly, to 46.6%.
Explanation:No correction required. Behind these statistics are individual stories of
Given word is correct. personal tragedy, self-doubt, (8) , and lost faith in
society. Consider the case of a 53-year-old chief IT
10. 1) commitments officer with a doctorate who was laid off from a
2) insulates medium-size Austrian company. While unemployed,
3) shelter he sent out hundreds of job applications. But on the
4) stonewall few (9) when he was called in for an interview,
5) No correction required. employers first told him he was ―too expensive‖ or
Answer & Explanation Discrimination based on age, though illegal in the EU,
is a routine (10) . The fact is that the labor market
does not work properly for prospective workers at the
end of their prime years. But that needs to change if | All Exams Preparation Hub 8

we are going to restore trust in our political system. Answer & Explanation
Those who are willing and able to work deserve
support so that they do not end up permanently Answer – 2)
excluded from opportunities to do so. Explanation: destabilizing – upset the
stability of (a region or system); cause unrest
1. 1) endure or instability in.
2) abide
3) shatterable 5. 1) cohesion
4) remains 2) uncreative
5) cease 3) fracturable
4) erraticism
Answer & Explanation 5) encapsulate

Answer – 4) Answer & Explanation

Explanation: remains – the parts left over
after other parts have been removed, used, or Answer – 1)
destroyed. Explanation: cohesion – relating to an
occupation or employment.

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2. 1) depart
2) adequate 6. 1) decrepit
3) ample 2) variation
4) shivery 3) condense
5) insufficient 4) vocational
5) compress
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: insufficient – not enough; Answer – 4)
inadequate. Explanation: vocational – relating to an
occupation or employment.
3. 1) infirm
2) sufficient 7. 1) brittle
3) innovative 2) prolonged
4) friable 3) abridge
5) inconsistency 4) abstract
5) reconciliation
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: innovative – (of a product, idea, Answer – 2)
etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and Explanation: prolonged – continuing for a
original. long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

4. 1) customary 8. 1) outcome
2) destabilizing 2) despair
3) traditional 3) prune
4) incongruity
5) crumbly | All Exams Preparation Hub 9

4) variable million are doing jobs considered (4) . Even ―safe‖

5) pare child labor affects victims’ physical and physiological
wellbeing long into adulthood.
Answer & Explanation Worse, according to the most recent data from the
International Labor Organization, the world has made
Answer – 2) the least progress in protecting two of the most at-risk
Explanation: despair – the complete loss or populations: children between the ages of five and 11,
absence of hope. and young girls.
The problem is not that we have failed to learn
9. 1) summarize anything during our four global gatherings (the most
2) sporadic recent one, held in Buenos Aires, wrapped up earlier
3) declaration this month). The problem is that we have failed, and
4) occasions are failing, to take our own advice.
5) constant Even as we talk, (5) global developments have added
a (6) twist to child labor and trafficking. This was
supposed to be the century of empowerment for the
Answer & Explanation
most marginalized. Instead, we are (7) globalization of
the most (8) kind, with children becoming victims
Answer – 4)

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many times over.
Explanation: occasions – a particular event, Because traffickers can easily prey amid chaos,
or the time at which it takes place.
children in conflict zones are particularly (9) . Syria
has commanded attention for years because of the
10. 1) continual horrific violence to which children there are subjected.
2) occurrence But the global rise of organized gangs means that
3) compromise children in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe
4) arbitration are also at risk. Stemming this trend requires urgent
5) accommodation and coordinated investment in education and safety
wherever children are at risk – in (10) zones, refugee
Answer & Explanation camps, and in areas affected by natural disasters.

Answer – 2) 1. 1) snowy
Explanation: occurrence – an incident or 2) ambition
event. 3) tarnished
4) fortify
In October 1997, when global leaders gathered in Oslo 5) contend
to strategize how to end child labor, we brought a
huge (1) and a deep commitment to change. Through Answer & Explanation
improved collaboration and planning, we sought to
protect children from (2) , and to develop ―new Answer – 2)
strategies to eliminate child labor at the national, Explanation: ambition – a strong desire to do
regional, and international levels.‖ or achieve something.
Now, 20 years later, it is time to ask: how have we
done? 2. 1) foster
Poorly. Since that first meeting, the world has not 2) cherish
even halved the number of children in the workforce.
3) garrison
In the last five years, the international community has 4) exploitation
managed to reduce the number of employed children 5) smudged
by just 16 million, the slowest pace of (3) in decades.
Of the 152 million children working today, some 73 | All Exams Preparation Hub 10

Answer & Explanation 6. 1) speckless

2) taintless
Answer – 4) 3) sinister
Explanation: exploitation – the action or fact 4) cordiale
of treating someone unfairly in order to 5) conserve
benefit from their work.
Answer & Explanation
3. 1) nourish
2) apathy Answer – 3)
3) ceremoniousness Explanation: sinister – giving the impression
that something harmful or evil is happening or
4) sparkling will happen.

5) reduction 7. 1) conversing
2) modesty
Answer & Explanation 3) avert

Answer – 5) 4) witnessing

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Explanation: reduction – the action or fact of
making something smaller or less in amount, 5) entente
degree, or size.
Answer & Explanation
4. 1) hazardous
2) hostilities Answer – 4)
3) contentment Explanation: witnessing – see (an event,
4) vanilla typically a crime or accident) happen.

5) virtue 8. 1) consulting
2) deliberating
Answer & Explanation 3) bulwark
4) perverted
Answer – 1) 5) proliferation
Explanation: hazardous – risky; dangerous.
Answer & Explanation
5. 1) diffidence
2) humility Answer – 4)
3) immaculate Explanation: perverted – (of a person or their
actions) characterized by sexually abnormal
4) hedging and unacceptable practices or tendencies.

5) disturbing 9. 1) decorum
2) espouse
Answer & Explanation 3) entrench

Answer – 5) 4) vulnerable
Explanation: disturbing – causing anxiety;
worrying. 5) suspension | All Exams Preparation Hub 11


Answer & Explanation well, and it is a vision in line with the spirit of Korea’s
―candlelight revolution‖ that lit and heated up the
Answer – 4) winter in Korea a year ago. Korea and ASEAN share a
Explanation: vulnerable – exposed to the common philosophy that values people, and that
possibility of being attacked or harmed, either shared (10) will set the path that Korea and ASEAN
physically or emotionally. take together in the years and decades ahead.

10. 1) conflict 1. 1) exculpate

2) civility 2) bending
3) etiquette 3) delighted
4) counseling 4) exonerate
5) courtesy 5) inelastic

Answer & Explanation Answer & Explanation

Answer – 1) Answer – 3)
Explanation: delighted – feeling or showing
Explanation: conflict – a serious great pleasure.

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disagreement or argument, typically a
protracted one. 2. 1) emancipate
2) harnessing
I am (1) that my first meeting with the leaders of the 3) yielding
Association of Southeast Asian Nations comes at a 4) liberate
historic moment: the 50th anniversary of ASEAN’s 5) vindicate
founding. During those 50 years, not only my country,
the Republic of Korea, but almost all of Asia has been Answer & Explanation
utterly transformed. ASEAN’s role in (2) and
spreading economic (3) has been essential to the Answer – 2)
region’s success. Explanation: harnessing – put a harness on (a
For Korea, ASEAN has (4) been a special and valued horse or other draught animal).
friend. Last year alone, some six million Koreans
visited ASEAN member states, both as tourists and 3. 1) fruitless
for business. Approximately 500,000 citizens of 2) avail
ASEAN member states now live and work in Korea, 3) gratified
while (5) 300,000 Koreans live and work in ASEAN 4) diverted
countries. 5) dynamism
This is one example of why Korea’s ties with ASEAN
are more than just intergovernmental relations. Our
Answer & Explanation
relationship is (6) in the most personal way possible,
through the intertwining of so many individuals’ lives.
This fact should not surprise anyone. ASEAN 2025: Answer – 5)
Forging Ahead Together, which was (7) by ASEAN Explanation: dynamism – the quality of being
leaders at their 27th Summit in November 2015, states characterized by vigorous activity and
that the group strives to be a ―people-centered, people- progress.
oriented community‖ that seeks to build a caring and
sharing society which is (8) and where the well-being, 4. 1) amused
livelihood, and welfare of the people are enhanced. 2) enchanted
―People first‖ has been my (9) political philosophy as 3) undoubtedly | All Exams Preparation Hub 12


4) staunch 3) inclusive
5) constant 4) autograph
5) persistent
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: undoubtedly – without doubt; Answer – 3)
certainly. Explanation: inclusive – including all the
services or items normally expected or
5. 1) thwarted required.
2) perennial
3) thrilled 9. 1) enchanté
4) roughly 2) superscribe
5) ecstatic 3) impotent
4) longstanding
Answer & Explanation 5) validate

Answer – 4) Answer & Explanation

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Explanation: roughly – in a manner lacking
gentleness; harshly or violently. Answer – 4)
Explanation: longstanding – having existed
6. 1) euphoric or continued for a long time.
2) enraptured
3) doomed 10. 1) inscribe
4) deepened 2) outlook
5) forlorn 3) abiding
4) enduring
Answer & Explanation 5) sterile

Answer – 4) Answer & Explanation

Explanation: deepened – make or become
deep or deeper. Answer – 2)
Explanation: outlook – a person’s point of
7. 1) endorsed view or general attitude to life.
2) prevailing
3) countersign Over the last few weeks, media around the world have
4) triumphant been (1) with stories about how technology is
5) transports destroying politics. In (2) like China, the fear is of
ultra-empowered Big Brother states, like that in
Answer & Explanation George Orwell’s 1984. In democracies like the United
States, the (3) is that tech companies will continue
Answer – 1) to (4) political and social (5) by facilitating the spread
Explanation: endorsed – declare one’s public of disinformation and creating ideological ―filter
approval or support of. bubbles,‖ leading to something (6) Aldous Huxley’s
Brave New World.
8. 1) gleeful In fact, by bringing about a (7) between democracy
2) elated and dictatorship, new technologies render both of
these dystopian visions impossible. But that doesn’t | All Exams Preparation Hub 13

mean that there is nothing to fear. 3) concern

Much of the coverage of the 19th National Congress 4) commonwealth
of the Communist Party of China (CPC) focused on 5) impassibility
President Xi Jinping’s (8) of power. He is, observers
warn, creating an information-age (9) , in which the Answer & Explanation
technologies that were once expected to bring freedom
to China’s 1.4 billion citizens have instead enabled Answer – 3)
him to entrench his own authority. By providing the Explanation: concern – relate to; be about.
government with highly detailed information on the
needs, feelings, and aspirations of ordinary Chinese, 4. 1) emancipation
the Internet allows China’s leaders to preempt 2) impassivity
discontent. In other words, they now use Big Data, 3) abundance
rather than (10) force, to ensure stability. 4) egalitarianism
5) exacerbate
1. 1) biddable
Answer & Explanation
2) saturated
Answer – 5)

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3) drenched Explanation: exacerbate – make (a problem,
4) opulence bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
5) soaked
5. 1) genial
Answer & Explanation
2) polarization
Answer – 2)
Explanation: saturated – holding as much 3) equalitarianism
water or moisture as can be absorbed; 4) inattention
thoroughly soaked. 5) alleviation
2. 1) docile
Answer & Explanation
2) creature
Answer – 2)
Explanation: polarization – division into two
3) soaking sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions
4) autocracies or beliefs.
5) sopping
6. 1) cultivated
Answer & Explanation
2) resembling
Answer – 4)
Explanation: autocracies – a system of 3) liberal
government by one person with absolute 4) suffrage
power. 5) amenity

3. 1) placid
Answer & Explanation
2) wringing | All Exams Preparation Hub 14


Answer – 2) 3) exhilaration
Explanation: resembling – have a similar 4) convenience
appearance to or qualities in common with 5) brute
(someone or something); look or seem like.
Answer & Explanation
7. 1) meek
Answer – 5)
2) coziness Explanation: brute – a savagely violent man
or animal.
3) representative
4) convergence Booms and busts in international capital flows and
5) curiosity commodity prices, as well as the vagaries of
international interest rates, have long been associated
Answer & Explanation with economic crises, especially – but not (1)
spread in emerging markets. The ―type‖ of crisis
Answer – 4) varies by time and place. Sometimes the ―sudden
Explanation: convergence – the process or stop‖ in capital inflows sparks a currency crash,
state of converging. sometimes a banking crisis, and quite often

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a (2) sovereigndefault. Twin and triple crises are not
8. 1) indifference uncommon.
2) lassitude The impact of these global forces on open economies,
3) complacency and how to manage them, has been a recurring topic
4) lethargy of discussion among international policymakers for
5) consolidation decades. With the (3) overpass of the US Federal
Reserve raising interest rates in the near and medium
Answer & Explanation
term, it is perhaps not surprising that the International
Monetary Fund’s 18th Annual Research Conference,
Answer – 5) to be held on November 2-3, is devoted to the study
Explanation: consolidation – the action or and discussion of the global financial cycle and how
process of making something stronger or more it (4) proclaim cross-border capital flows.
solid. Rising international interest rates have usually been
bad news for countries where the government and/or
the private sector rely on external borrowing. But for
9. 1) lenient
many emerging markets, external conditions began to
2) dictatorship
worsen around 2012, when China’s growth slowed,
3) listlessness
commodity prices (5) divulge , and capital flows dried
4) phlegm
up – developments that (6) refrain a spate of currency
5) contentment
crashes spanning nearly every region.
In my recent work with Vincent Reinhart and
Answer & Explanation Christoph Trebesch, I show that over the past two
centuries, this ―double bust‖ (in commodities and
Answer – 2) capital flows) has led to a spike in sovereign defaults,
Explanation: dictatorship – government by a usually with a lag of 1-3 years. Yet, since the peak in
dictator. commodity prices and global capital flows around
2011, the (7) incidence of sovereign defaults
10. 1) pacific worldwide has risen only modestly.
If the model fitted to almost 200 years of data is used
2) gratification to predict the share of countries in default, | All Exams Preparation Hub 15


the (8) discredit are consistently higher than what has Answer – 3)
materialized to date. This is the case of the missing Explanation: prospect – the possibility or
defaults. likelihood of some future event occurring.
A caveat, as our study highlights, is that there is a
potential mismeasurement of the ―true‖ incidence of 4. 1) affects
default, which we cannot begin to quantify at this time 2) effects
– namely, defaults or (9) scrapped arrears on Chinese
loans. China’s lending to many emerging markets, 3) broadcasts
most notably commodity producers, rose significantly
during the last boom. While most of this lending is 4) concedes
from official Chinese sources, much of it is 5) No correction required.
not (10) reflected in the World Bank data, and
unknown amounts may well be in default or Answer & Explanation
protracted arrears.
Answer – 1)
1. 1) exclusively Explanation: affects – have an effect on;
2) stretched make a difference to.
3) swelled

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4) preciously 5. 1) betrayed
5) No correction required.
2) avowed
3) culpable
Answer & Explanation 4) plummeted
5) No correction required.
Answer – 1)
Explanation: exclusively – to the exclusion of Answer & Explanation
others; only.
Answer – 4)
2. 1) fatten Explanation: plummeted – fall or drop
straight down at high speed.
2) subservient
6. 1) uttered
3) disdain 2) culminated
4) reamed 3) sparked
5) No correction required. 4) unfolded
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required. Answer – 3)
Explanation: sparked – emit sparks of fire or
3. 1) successive electricity.
2) submissive
3) prospect 7. 1) disdain
4) cracks 2) decline
5) No correction required. 3) impart
4) confess
Answer & Explanation 5) No correction required. | All Exams Preparation Hub 16


Answer & Explanation potentially crisis-size (1) .

Yes, creating a more (2) bankruptcy process can
Answer – 5) reduce the (3) level of a bank’s failure, and
Explanation: No correction required. bankruptcy judges are experts at important
restructuring tasks. But there are critical factors that
8. 1) affirm cannot be ignored. Restructuring a mega-bank
2) jettison requires pre-planning, familiarity with the bank’s
3) deny strengths and weaknesses, knowledge of how to time
4) predictions the bankruptcy properly in a volatile economy, and the
5) No correction required. capacity to coordinate with foreign regulators.
The courts cannot fulfill these tasks alone, especially
in the time the (4) under consideration has allotted – a
Answer & Explanation
48-hour weekend. Unable to plan ahead, the courts
would enter into the restructuring process unfamiliar
Answer – 4)
with the bank. Moreover, the courts cannot manage
Explanation: predictions – a thing predicted;
the kind of economy-wide crisis that would arise if
a forecast.
multiple mega-banks sank (5) . And they cannot
coordinate with foreign regulators.
9. 1) scouted

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In short, completing a proper restructuring would
2) despised require contributions from regulators, including pre-
3) accumulated planning, advice, and coordination. Yet, far from
4) spurned
accepting these contributions, the plan would largely
cut regulators out of the process.
5) No correction required. For example, the plan would bar regulators from
initiating a mega-bank’s bankruptcy, leaving it to
Answer & Explanation the (6) of the bank’s own managers. In the
nonfinancial sector, failing companies often wait too
Answer – 3) long before declaring bankruptcy, so creditors may
Explanation: accumulated – gather together step in to do some pushing, (7) even forcing a
or acquire an increasing number or quantity bankruptcy of a failed firm. While bank regulators
of. have tools to push banks similarly, their most effective
one is the power to initiate a bankruptcy when it is
10. 1) slough best for the economy.
2) repudiate Taking this tool away could have severe adverse (8) .
3) descend Bank executives, like sinking industrial firm
4) rebuff executives, have reason to ―pray and delay,‖ hoping
5) No correction required. that some new development will save them. But if a
failing mega-bank runs out of cash during such a
Answer & Explanation delay, the risk that its bankruptcy will be (9) – as with
Lehman Brothers in 2008 – rises, as does the potential
Answer – 5) that it will wreak (10) on the real economy.
Explanation: No correction required.
1. 1) wrinkled
In the next month, the US Treasury Department is 2) proportions
expected to decide whether to seek to replace the 2010 3) jagged
Dodd-Frank Act’s regulator-led process for resolving 4) woolly
failed mega-banks with a solely court-based 5) stony
mechanism. Such a change would be a mistake of | All Exams Preparation Hub 17


Answer & Explanation 5. 1) bushy

2) simultaneously
Answer – 2) 3) disagreeing
Explanation: proportions – a part, share, or 4) divergent
number considered in comparative relation to 5) bumpy
a whole.
Answer & Explanation
2. 1) tufted
2) knobby Answer – 2)
3) streamlined Explanation: simultaneously – at the same
4) tangled time.
5) tousled
6. 1) discretion
Answer & Explanation 2) chapped
3) nappy
Answer – 3) 4) ridged
Explanation: streamlined – design or provide 5) unpromising
with a form that presents very little resistance

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to a flow of air or water, increasing speed and Answer & Explanation
ease of movement.
Answer – 1)
3. 1) bearded Explanation: discretion – the quality of
2) brambly behaving or speaking in such a way as to
3) ruffled avoid causing offence or revealing
4) decibel confidential information.
5) retraction
7. 1) fuzzy
Answer & Explanation 2) shaggy
3) lacking
Answer – 4) 4) potentially
Explanation: decibel – a unit used to measure 5) walkover
the intensity of a sound or the power level of
an electrical signal by comparing it with a Answer & Explanation
given level on a logarithmic scale.
Answer – 4)
4. 1) denial Explanation: potentially – with the capacity
2) disavowal to develop or happen in the future.
3) concurrent
4) bristly 8. 1) scraggy
5) proposal 2) coarse
3) lucid
Answer & Explanation 4) consequences
5) intelligible
Answer – 5)
Explanation: proposal – a plan or suggestion, Answer & Explanation
especially a formal or written one, put forward
for consideration by others. | All Exams Preparation Hub 18


Answer – 4) debilitated both industry and business. This is the

Explanation: consequences – a result or main reason why enterprises cut corners and indulge
effect, typically one that is unwelcome or in malpractices — reasons for the growing spiral of
unpleasant. corruption.
Our legal system is poor in quality. Our justice system
9. 1) rugged must be made immune from (9) pressure. Corruption
2) knotty within our justice delivery system destroys the
3) transparent citizen’s confidence in the state. Our police
4) disorderly and (10) agencies must also be immune from external
5) cinch pressures.

Answer & Explanation 1. 1) garrotte

2) undulation
Answer – 4) 3) mindset
Explanation: disorderly – lacking 4) variation
organization; untidy. 5) strangulate

10. 1) scabrous Answer & Explanation

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2) elementary
3) quiet Answer – 3)
4) straightforward Explanation: mindset – the established set of
5) havoc attitudes held by someone.

Answer & Explanation 2. 1) rigid

2) strangle
Answer – 5) 3) flourish
Explanation: havoc – widespread destruction. 4) oscillation
5) alternation
We need to deregulate both our (1) and governmental
procedures. Industry must (2) for economic growth. Answer & Explanation
We must not view business, and through it prosperity,
with (3) . Investigating agencies must not be used Answer – 3)
to (4) enterprises. Our taxing regime must be far more Explanation: flourish – (of a living organism)
humane than it is today. Money in the hands of the grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way,
private sector is often more efficiently used than by especially as the result of a particularly
government. Yet the state must garner adequate congenial environment.
resources for providing infrastructure and public
necessities. Digital technologies must be (5) to all to 3. 1) swing
ensure equity. We must quickly bridge the gap 2) choke
between India and Bharat. 3) effortless
Our (6) with a market-oriented distribution of public 4) suspicion
assets needs a re look. Allocation of land, spectrum, 5) facile
minerals and other natural resources, if allocated
through a competitive (7) process, has made our Answer & Explanation
industry globally non-competitive. We need to put in
place an (8) resource allocation mechanism in which Answer – 4)
the government is entitled to a share of the profit that Explanation: suspicion – a feeling or thought
industry garners. Further, high interest rates have that something is possible, likely, or true. | All Exams Preparation Hub 19

4. 1) fluctuate particular prices for something, especially at

2) avoid an auction.
3) elementary
4) straightforward 8. 1) summons
5) throttle 2) injunction
3) dictate
Answer & Explanation 4) alternative
5) decree
Answer – 5)
Explanation: throttle – a device controlling Answer & Explanation
the flow of fuel or power to an engine.
Answer – 4)
5. 1) dodge Explanation: alternative – (of one or more
2) accessible things) available as another possibility or
3) evade choice.
4) elude
5) fulfillment 9. 1) prosecution
2) external

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Answer & Explanation 3) instruction
4) mandate
Answer – 2) 5) imposition
Explanation: accessible – (of a place) able to
be reached or entered. Answer & Explanation

6. 1) sidestep Answer – 2)
2) circumvent Explanation: external – belonging to or
3) pursuance forming the outer surface or structure of
4) administration something.
5) obsession
10. 1) enforcement
Answer & Explanation 2) literary
3) behest
Answer – 5) 4) direction
Explanation: obsession – the state of being 5) asphyxiate
obsessed with someone or something.
Answer & Explanation
7. 1) bidding
2) commanding Answer – 1)
3) execution Explanation: enforcement – the act of
4) administering compelling observance of or compliance with
5) implementation a law, rule, or obligation.

Answer & Explanation When I left India for graduate school in the United
States in 1975, the word ―globalization‖ was not in
Answer – 1) use anywhere in the world. Back then, crossing
Explanation: bidding – the offering of borders was still a big deal, and getting a US visa was
no easy feat. When I did arrive in America, to be an
Indian still carried a whiff of the (1) and the | All Exams Preparation Hub 20

unfamiliar. Answer – 2)
Nowadays, globalization is (2) . Over the course of Explanation: exotic – originating in or
less than three decades, trade barriers came down, and characteristic of a distant foreign country.
the combination of accessible airplane travel, satellite
television, and the Internet has created a kind of 2. 1) quotidian
interconnected ―global village.‖ But two types 2) humdrum
of (3) are now casting doubt on globalization’s future. 3) grindstone
The 2008 economic crisis seems to have been the 4) inescapable
turning point in public (4) . In the years leading up to 5) needless
the crisis, millions of people rose out of poverty, and
democracy became more widespread than ever, Answer & Explanation
creating the general sense that a golden age had
begun. Francis Fukuyama famously argued that in the Answer – 4)
grand global struggle over the future of human Explanation: inescapable – unable to be
political and economic organization, the forces of avoided or denied.
democracy and liberal capitalism had won a definitive
victory. 3. 1) avertible
Then crisis (5) , and the hubris of that era was 2) escapable

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quickly (6) . People began to note a (7) and deepening 3) foreknow
(8) between globalization’s winners and losers, with
weak wage growth accompanied by (9) returns for the 4) foresee
wealthy. In the United Kingdom, for example, wages
have grown by only 13% since 2008, but the stock
5) backlash
market is up by 115%. According to an annual Credit
Suisse report, wealth inequality is now growing
sharply in 35 of 46 major economies, compared to just Answer & Explanation
12 before 2007.
In the developed world, the poor and the unemployed Answer – 5)
began to feel that they had no stake in the globalized Explanation: backlash – a strong negative
system. They condemned the political establishment reaction by a large number of people,
for (10) policies that sent their jobs to faraway lands especially to a social or political development.
like China and India. And they demanded a return to
the old economic order, and thus to the promise that 4. 1) perception
each new generation would earn more and live better 2) striving
than the last. 3) endeavor
4) vague
1. 1) envisage 5) hazy

2) exotic Answer & Explanation

3) accustomed Answer – 1)
4) typical Explanation: perception – the ability to see,
5) prevailing hear, or become aware of something through
the senses.
Answer & Explanation
5. 1) contemplate
2) exertion
3) struck | All Exams Preparation Hub 21


4) servitude Answer – 4)
5) obscure Explanation: disparity – a great difference.

Answer & Explanation 9. 1) homologous

2) commensurate
Answer – 3) 3) robust
Explanation: struck 4) feeble

6. 1) conjecture 5) kaput

2) discredited Answer & Explanation

3) indistinct Answer – 3)
4) drudgery Explanation: robust – strong and healthy;
5) fuzzy vigorous.

Answer & Explanation 10. 1) inoperable

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Answer – 2) 2) pursuing

Explanation: discredited – harm the good 3) invariable

reputation of. 4) correspondent
5) exhausted
7. 1) travail
2) obligation Answer & Explanation
3) slogging
4) ambiguous Answer – 2)
5) distinct Explanation: pursuing – follow or chase
(someone or something).
Answer & Explanation
On Friday August 25, the US government imposed
Answer – 5) financial sanctions on Venezuela, restricting the
Explanation: distinct – recognizably different ability of President Nicolás Maduro’s government and
in nature from something else of a similar its oil company, PDVSA, to issue new debt in
type. American capital markets. The sanctions were
imposed in response to the regime’s unconstitutional
8. 1) busted and (1) election of a constituent assembly and the de
facto closure of the constitutionally elected National
2) haywire Assembly, with its two-thirds opposition majority.
Well-functioning markets should have shut down the
3) egalitarian Maduro regime’s access to finance long ago. The fact
that they didn’t not only shocked the moral sentiments
4) disparity of many, but also (2) a fundamental defect in
5) comparable sovereign debt markets’ institutional architecture.
Little good will come from Venezuela’s
economic (3) , but one positive outcome would be a
Answer & Explanation reform that puts such markets on a more solid
financial – and moral – footing. | All Exams Preparation Hub 22

All debts imply a commitment by the borrower to 3) curtain

repay what was borrowed, with interest. In the case of 4) revealed
public debt, the pacta sunt servanda principle (4) that 5) benefited
future governments are obliged to respect the
commitments assumed by their predecessors. But, as Answer & Explanation
Alexander Sack argued in 1927, successor
governments should not always do so: ―When a Answer – 4)
despotic regime contracts a debt, not for the needs or Explanation: revealed – make (previously
in the interests of the state, but rather to strengthen unknown or secret information) known to
itself, to suppress a popular (5) , etc., this debt is others.
odious for the people of the entire state.‖
According to this doctrine, debt incurred by ―odious‖ 3. 1) counterbalance
regimes should not be (6) , because the lender should 2) counteroffensive
have known that the debt was incurred without 3) miracle
the (7) of the people or for their benefit. As Sack put 4) wonder
it: ―This debt does not bind the nation; it is a debt of 5) catastrophe
the regime, a personal debt contracted by the ruler,
and consequently it falls with the (8) of the regime.‖
Answer & Explanation

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The odious debt idea was revived in an influential
2006 article by Seema Jayachandran and Michael
Kremer, and in a 2010 report by the Center for Global Answer – 5)
Development (CGD), which proposed that economic Explanation: catastrophe – an event causing
great and usually sudden damage or suffering;
sanctions include a mechanism aimed at preventing
a disaster.
the (9) of odious obligations. The mechanism would
take the form of a declaration that debt issued by a
particular government would be considered (10) . In 4. 1) chancily
effect, this is what the Trump administration has just 2) implies
done. 3) hazardously
4) neutralization
5) counterpoise
1. 1) genuine
2) dissemble
3) fraudulent Answer & Explanation
4) disguise
Answer – 2)
5) authentic Explanation: implies – indicate the truth or
existence of (something) by suggestion rather
than explicit reference.
Answer & Explanation
5. 1) obedience
Answer – 3)
2) compliance
Explanation: fraudulent – obtained, done by,
or involving deception, especially criminal 3) revenge
deception. 4) reciprocation
5) insurrection
2. 1) adumbrate
Answer & Explanation
2) eclipse | All Exams Preparation Hub 23


Answer – 5) Answer & Explanation

Explanation: insurrection – a violent uprising
against an authority or government. Answer – 2)
Explanation: accumulation – the acquisition
6. 1) enforceable or gradual gathering of something.
2) subordination
3) adulterous 10. 1) clandestine
4) retribution
5) vengeance 2) accede

Answer & Explanation 3) odious

4) camouflage
Answer – 1)
Explanation: enforceable – (of a law, rule, or 5) ensconce
obligation) able to be imposed so that it must
be complied with. Answer & Explanation

7. 1) prohibited Answer – 3)

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2) contraband Explanation: odious – extremely unpleasant;
3) consent repulsive.
4) racket
In September 2015, the leaders of 193 countries
5) reprisal agreed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) – the most (1)….plan ever to promote human
Answer & Explanation development – by 2030. Nearly two years into the
process, there are plenty of reasons for concern: the
Answer – 3) amount of financing raised so far is unlikely to be
Explanation: consent – permission for sufficient, and not all countries have (2)….data to
something to happen or agreement to do measure progress on the ground. It is enough to test
something. even the most diehard (3)….But there is still plenty of
reason for hope. I recently visited Colombia, which, at
8. 1) crooked long last, is leaving behind its decades-long civil
2) felonious conflict with the (4)….Armed Forces of Colombia
3) concur (FARC) and setting itself up for SDG success.
4) demise In any country, achieving the SDGs will require
5) acquiesce government, business, aid agencies, multilateral
banks, and civil society to work together, adopt
Answer & Explanation flexible approaches, share knowledge, measure
progress effectively, and recognize that the various
Answer – 4) targets are interconnected. Colombia seems to
understand this, and is (5)….an (6)…. approach that
Explanation: demise – a person’s death. leverages the strengths of each actor.
Start with government. According to Colombia’s
9. 1) furtive finance minister, Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría, the
2) accumulation country is localizing the SDGs through the planning
3) harbor department, using the SDG framework to guide
4) concede reforms relating to the implementation of the peace
5) comply agreement with the FARC, OECD (7)…., the National | All Exams Preparation Hub 24

Development Plan, and the Paris climate agreement. Answer – 3)

Meanwhile, Cárdenas points out, Colombia’s Explanation: adequate – satisfactory or
policymakers are taking care to highlight the benefits acceptable in quality or quantity.
of these efforts – in areas ranging from health care and
education to employment – for the public. They 3. 1) optimist
recognize that a top-down approach will not work: to 2) censor
achieve the SDGs, all levels of the government, 3) discrete
economy, and society must feel connected to the 4) sovereign
goals, understanding the (8)….impact that achieving 5) sundered
them will have.To get business on board, the Bogotá
Chamber of Commerce, led by Monica de Greiff, is Answer & Explanation
raising awareness of the SDGs among its 640,000
members and providing skills training in sectors like Answer – 1)
construction and health care. The aim is to achieve the Explanation: optimist – hopeful and
SDGs’ targets while increasing the economy’s overall confident about the future.
The good news is that, as Bruce MacMaster of the 4. 1) distant
Bogotá-based business advocacy and think tank ANDI 2) isolated

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noted, businesses have a strong incentive to (9)….the 3) embodied
gains of the peace process, especially in remote areas 4) stagnation
that have (10)….been cut off from government 5) Revolutionary
services. And, indeed, in Medellín, once the illicit
drug capital of the world, the leaders of small and
Answer & Explanation
large businesses with whom I met are already
integrating the SDGs into their business plans and
supply chains. Answer – 5)
Explanation: Revolutionary – involving or
causing a complete or dramatic change.
1. 1) abstracted
2) sluggishness
3) ambitious 5. 1) repel
4) depreciator 2) pursuing
5) calm 3) torpidity
4) conspicuous
5) dissuade
Answer & Explanation

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 3)
Explanation: ambitious – having or showing
a strong desire and determination to succeed. Answer – 2)
Explanation: pursuing – follow or chase
(someone or something).
2. 1) apportioned
2) defamer
3) adequate 6. 1) intangible
4) quiescence 2) abstract
5) asunder 3) integrated
4) stasis
5) evacuation
Answer & Explanation

Answer & Explanation | All Exams Preparation Hub 25


Answer – 3) Answer – 5)
Explanation: integrated – (of an institution, Explanation: traditionally – as part of a long-
body, etc.) desegregated, especially racially. established custom, practice, or belief;
7. 1) accession
2) torpor Since the Agrarian Revolution, technological progress
3) withdrawal has always fueled opposing forces of diffusion and
4) distinguish concentration. Diffusion (1) as old powers
5) queer and (2) corrode; concentration occurs as the power
and reach of those who control new capabilities
Answer & Explanation expands. The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution
will be no exception in this regard.
Answer – 1) Already, the tension between (3) and concentration
Explanation: accession – the attainment or is (4) at all levels of the economy. Throughout the
acquisition of a position of rank or power. 1990s and early 2000s, trade grew twice as fast as
GDP, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty.
8. 1) prominent Thanks to the globalization of capital and knowledge,
2) eminent countries were able to shift resources to more

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3) concrete productive and higher-paying sectors. All of this
4) bizarre contributed to the diffusion of market power.
5) scattered But this diffusion occurred in (5) with an equally
stark (6). At the sectoral level, a couple of key
industries – most notably, finance and information
Answer & Explanation
technology – secured a growing share of profits. In the
United States, for example, the financial sector
Answer – 3)
generates just 4% of employment, but accounts for
Explanation: concrete – existing in a material
more than 25% of corporate profits. And half of US
or physical form; not abstract.
companies that generate profits of 25% or more are
tech firms.
9. 1) phenomenal The same has (7) at the organizational level. The most
2) incredible profitable 10% of US businesses are eight times more
3) prodigious profitable than the (8) firm. In the 1990s, the multiple
4) consolidate was only three.
5) divergent Such concentration effects go a long way toward
explaining rising economic inequality. Research by
Answer & Explanation Cesar Hidalgo and his colleagues at MIT reveals that,
in countries where sectoral concentration has declined
Answer – 4) in recent (9) , such as South Korea, income inequality
Explanation: consolidate – make (something) has fallen. In those where sectoral concentration has
physically stronger or more solid. intensified, such as Norway, (10) has risen.

10. 1) partitioned 1. 1) abandon

2) halves 2) amassing
3) astonishing 3) occurs
4) atypical 4) absorption
5) traditionally 5) zigzag

Answer & Explanation Answer & Explanation | All Exams Preparation Hub 26


Answer – 3) Answer – 1)
Explanation: occurs – happen; take place. Explanation: parallel – (of lines, planes, or
surfaces) side by side and having the same
2. 1) antique distance continuously between them.
2) escape
3) privileges 6. 1) concentration
4) convergence 2) disperse
5) assign 3) frivolity
4) massing
Answer & Explanation 5) coalescing

Answer – 3) Answer & Explanation

Explanation: privileges – a special right,
advantage, or immunity granted or available Answer – 1)
only to a particular person or group. Explanation: concentration – the action or
power of focusing all one’s attention.
3. 1) compacting
2) deliberation 7. 1) abscond

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3) variability 2) abandon
4) skewed 3) occurred
5) diffusion 4) huddling
5) dizziness
Answer & Explanation
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: diffusion – the spreading of Answer – 3)
something more widely. Explanation: occurred – happen; take place.

4. 1) delegate 8. 1) consolidation
2) intensifying 2) flocking
3) inconstancy 3) flippancy
4) congregation 4) average
5) converging 5) abscond

Answer & Explanation Answer & Explanation

Answer – 2) Answer – 4)
Explanation: intensifying – become or make Explanation: average – a number expressing
more intense. the central or typical value in a set of data, in
particular the mode, median, or (most
5. 1) parallel commonly) the mean, which is calculated by
2) whimsicality dividing the sum of the values in the set by
3) crooked their number.
4) concern
5) centering 9. 1) decades
2) times
Answer & Explanation 3) decamp | All Exams Preparation Hub 27


4) eras GDP. Like the latest jobless claims, the ISM’s

5) fickleness numbers are currently giving cause for optimism.

Answer & Explanation 1. 1) cyclical

2) portion
Answer – 1) 3) aperiodic
Explanation: decades – a period of ten years. 4) allocate
5) oscillatory
10. 1) swallowed
2) disperse Answer & Explanation
3) capriciousness
4) inequality Answer – 1)
5) airheadedness Explanation: cyclical

Answer & Explanation 2. 1) to muddy

2) from evanish
Answer – 4) 3) of deceptive
Explanation: inequality – difference in size, 4) a reliable

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degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality. 5) the tarnish

Disconcerting political developments in the United Answer & Explanation

States and the United Kingdom might lead one to
conclude that an already challenged world economy Answer – 4)
will struggle even more in the near term. But as we Explanation: a reliable
continue into 2017, the (1) evidence actually suggests
otherwise. 3. 1) frigid of
Since my days as Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, 2) bleak for
I have kept an eye on six indicators from around the 3) slightly from
world that, taken together, provide (2) snapshot of 4) Siberian to
what the global economy will look like for the next 5) benumbed of
six months. Right now, all six indicators show more
promise than they have for some time, and only one of Answer & Explanation
them has fallen (3) a recent high.
The first indicator is weekly unemployment claims in Answer – 3)
the US, from which one can gauge the overall strength Explanation: slightly from
of the US economy. Economists are rightly trained to
treat unemployment as a lagging indicator, but these 4. 1) bodes well
data can also be useful in forecasting the near future. 2) hurry will
US jobless claims are always up to date, because they 3) regression can
are produced weekly, and statistical evidence suggests 4) stagnation could
that they are a leading indicator for US equity prices. 5) move may
As of last week, jobless claims remained rather low,
as they have for some time, which (4)for US stock
Answer & Explanation
Similarly, the Institute for Supply Management
Manufacturing Index provides a pretty good (5) the Answer – 1)
US economy for the next 3-6 months, even though Explanation: bodes well
manufacturing comprises a relatively small share of | All Exams Preparation Hub 28


5. 1) sideswipe to Answer – 3)
2) evaluation for Explanation: pathogenic
3) appraisal of
4) preview of 7. 1) defiant
5) assessment for 2) susceptible
3) resistant
Answer & Explanation 4) contrary
5) rebellious
Answer – 4)
Explanation: preview of Answer & Explanation

From the discovery of penicillin in 1928 to the Answer – 2)

introduction of the last of the main groups of Explanation: susceptible
antibiotics in the 1960s, humanity’s capacity
to fight (6) bacteria has been transformative. 8. 1) of anneal
But, over time, the number of antibiotics to 2) from invigorate
which bacteria are (7) has been dwindling, and 3) for fortify
some pathogens have become resistant to most 4) to undermine

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or all existing drugs. As a result, once- 5) of strengthen
treatable infections are becoming deadly
again. Answer & Explanation
Already, antibiotic resistance is leading to an
estimated 700,000 deaths per year, with Answer – 4)
financial costs reaching tens of billions of Explanation: to undermine
dollars. As antibiotic resistance
continues (8) our ability to treat cancers, 9. 1) products of
transplant organs, and implant prosthesis, 2) cause from
these figures will only rise. 3) resource for
Many factors have contributed to rising 4) substitute of
antibiotic resistance. Bacteria can reproduce 5) surrogate for
and mutate rapidly, and they can establish
something of a ―genetic Internet‖ that enables
Answer & Explanation
certain pathogenic bacteria to ―download‖
antibiotic-resistant genes. Moreover, most
antibiotics are natural (9) soil bacteria, in Answer – 1)
which antibiotic resistance can occur Explanation: products of
naturally. When human-made antibiotics were
introduced on (10) scale, the bacteria with 10. 1) the midget
resistance became the most prevalent. 2) a pocket
3) the minuscule
6. 1) mitigative 4) a miniature
2) hygienic 5) a massive
3) pathogenic
4) aseptic Answer & Explanation
5) cathartic
Answer – 5)
Answer & Explanation Explanation: a massive | All Exams Preparation Hub 29


WASHINGTON, DC – Mark Twain never actually (something) as being larger, better, or worse
said ―Reports of my death have been greatly (1) .‖ But than it really is.
the misquote is too delicious to die a natural death of
its own. And nowhere is the idea behind it 2. 1) reduce
more (2) than in discussions of the dollar’s 2) slacken
international role. 3) subside
Pundits have been saying last rites for the dollar’s 4) relevant
global (3) since the 1960s – that is, for more than a 5) retrench
half-century now. The point can be shown by (4) of
the phrase ―demise of the dollar‖ in all English- Answer & Explanation
language publications catalogued by Google.
The frequency of such mentions, adjusted for the Answer – 4)
number of printed pages per year, first jumped in Explanation: relevant – closely connected or
1969, following the (5) of the London Gold Pool, an appropriate to what is being done or
arrangement in which eight central banks cooperated considered.
to support the dollar’s peg to gold. Use of the
phrase (6) in the 1970s, following the collapse of the 3. 1) recede
Bretton Woods system, of which the dollar was the 2) garbage

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linchpin, and in response to the high inflation that 3) dominance
accompanied the presidencies of Richard Nixon, 4) indecorous
Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter in the 1970s. 5) abate
But even that (7) was dwarfed by the increase in
mentions and corresponding worries about the dollar
Answer & Explanation
starting in 2001, reflecting the shock of the terrorist
attacks that September, the mushrooming growth of
the US trade deficit, and then the global financial Answer – 3)
crisis of 2008. Explanation: dominance – power and
Yet through all of this, the dollar’s international role influence over others.
has (8) . As my coauthors and I show in a new book,
the share of dollars in the foreign-currency reserves 4. 1) modesty
held by central banks and governments worldwide 2) subordination
hardly budged in the face of these events. The 3) shrink
greenback remains the (9) currency traded in foreign- 4) dwindle
exchange markets. It is still the unit in which 5) occurrences
petroleum is priced and traded worldwide, Venezuelan
leaders’ (10) about the ―tyranny of the dollar‖ Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
1. 1) exaggerated Explanation: occurrences – an incident or
2) depreciated event.
3) understated
4) shriveled 5. 1) arithmetic
5) declined 2) ciphering
3) prediction
Answer & Explanation 4) collapse
5) depreciate
Answer – 1)
Explanation: exaggerated – represent Answer & Explanation | All Exams Preparation Hub 30


Answer – 4) Answer & Explanation

Explanation: collapse – (of a structure)
suddenly fall down or give way. Answer – 1)
Explanation: dominant – having power and
6. 1) computation influence over others.
2) summation
3) soared 10. 1) droplets
4) extenuate 2) splash
5) curtail 3) retiring
4) complaints
Answer & Explanation 5) intervenes

Answer – 3) Answer & Explanation

Explanation: soared – fly or rise high in the
air. Answer – 4)
Explanation: complaints – a statement that
7. 1) spike something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.
2) morsel

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3) reckoning
4) bubbling
5) attenuate

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 1)

Explanation: spike – a thin, pointed piece of

metal, wood, or another rigid material.

8. 1) dewdrop
2) driblet
3) speck
4) endured
5) unassuming

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 4)
Explanation: endured – suffer (something
painful or difficult) patiently.

9. 1) dominant
2) molecule
3) disjoint
4) interpose
5) modest | All Exams Preparation Hub 31

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