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Roles of Entrepreneur in Economic Growth

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INTRODUCTION TO Roles of Entrepreneur in Economic 4.

Generation of Employment
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Growth The entrepreneur generate
employment both directly and
Entrepreneurship is a process of 1. Forward and Backward Linkages
indirectly. While, entrepreneurship
identifying or pursuing business The entrepreneur initiates changes
help to reduce unemployment
opportunities or it is a set of critical which has a chain reaction.
problem in the country.
thinking skills Example:
5. Economic Independence
 The establishment of
Role of Entrepreneurship The entrepreneurship is essential
steel plant generates for the national self-reliance
In crisis, entrepreneur: several oxcillary units Example:
and expanding demands
 Recognize opportunities  Businessman export
for iron ore and coal
 An aggressively catalyst for the goods and services on a
change in marketplace large scale and earn
2. Optimum use of Resources
 To generate the economic foreign exchange for the
It is responsible for the
growth and job creation country
entrepreneur to make use of the
 Challenge the unknown and resources at the fullest extent.
continuously create our future Example:
2 Kind of Entrepreneurs  Land, Labor, Money and
 Business Entrepreneur –
Driven by a profit motivate, 3. Capital Formation
constantly innovating by a The entrepreneur mobilizes the idle
market share of savings. The saving in industry
 Social Entrepreneur – Driven result in productive utilization in
by a mission to fill a gaps left the national resources. The
by the market and public sector entrepreneur is creator of wealth.
– Bill Drayton
Sources of Creativity and Innovation
1. Trends
Creativity is the process of generating 2. Unexpected occurrences
new ideas or act or capability to 3. Incongruities – process need out of
conceiving something original and places
unusual. 4. Industry and market change
5. Demographic
Innovation is the process of generating
6. Perceptual changes the ability to
and applying the new ideas or the
gather info
creation of the product that has never
7. Knowledge base concepts
been made before and it recognized as
product of some unique insight. Obstacle in Creativity and
Differentiation between Creativity
and Innovation 1. Need a quick result
2. Rigid rules
 Creativity can never be
3. Stress
measured but innovation can be
4. Routine
5. Strong belief
 Creativity does not need
6. Strong ego
money but in innovation money
7. Fear in criticism and failure
is needed
 There is no risk involved in
the creativity, whereas risk is
always attached at the
ANALYZING OPPORTUNITIES Market Segment 2. Demographic – dividing
AND DEVELOPING STRATEGY according to age, gender,
income or education
Is a group of consumers or businesses Example: Starbuck made the
Primary Research is the research who have a similar response in affordable price for the medium
conducted directly on a subject or particular type of product and service. range of income and they made
subjects. A company that concentrate to one the drink based on age where
market segment will likely to do better the hot drink for the age of 20
Secondary Research is the research above and cold drink for
than company that tries to sell to
carried out indirectly through other children age of 5 until 19.
existing resources.
Methods of Market Segmentation 3. Psychographic – dividing to
1. Geographic – dividing psychological differences such
Primary Research as opinion and lifestyle
according to the location
 Personal interviews Example: Starbuck, why? Example: Starbuck also, can
 Telephone surveys Because for example if differentiate based on social
 Written surveys Starbuck di japan kana buka class. Upper, second and lower.
inda laku pasal japan only Sometime upper class they
Secondary Research interest in tea. So Starbuck doesn’t care about the drink that
 Online research decide to buat green tea instead expensive they rather to buy the
 Review of books and records of coffee. cheapest drink.
 Competitor web sites
4. Behavioral – dividing the
Customer Decision Making market base on observing
Is the process by which customer purchasing behavior
identifying their awareness of need and Example: Starbuck. Some
want, collect the information search, people they are addicted to
evaluate alternatives and make their drink at the Starbuck this is
purchase decision and lastly evaluation because the customer loyalty.
of purchase.
RISK MANAGEMENT Type of Insurance Definition
Definition 1. Workers’ Compensation Trademark is a word, phrases, symbol
The insurance obtained by the or design distinguish as a product.
Insurance is a system protecting which
company to cover medical cost
reimburses people/business when their
and lost wages for the
property or wealth are damaged or
employees’ work related Service mark is a word, phrases,
injuries and illness. symbol or design distinguish as a
2. Property Insurance
Premium is amount paid for the Provide insurance against most
insurance. risk in property such as fire, Copyright is a legal term describing
theft and damage weather, ownership of control to the right to use
basically they ensured furniture, and distribution a certain work of
Deductible is amount of loss or machine and property. creative expression such as books,
damage that you agree to cover before
videos, music and others.
the insurance pays a claim. 3. Product liability
Policy pays for any damages or
injuries resulting from using
insured’s goods and services.

4. Errors and Omission

Is a professional insurance that
protect the company and
individual against claims from
the client.

5. Key Person Life Insurance

Simply life insurance for the
key person in a business.
Definition Importance of Quality to the External cost of non-quality
Quality is defined as a measure of how  Poor reputation
close the product and services conform 1. Remain competitive company  Loss of repeat customer
to standard and specification. and business survival  Cost of rejected and returned
2. Retain market share products
Objective of Quality Management:
3. Acquire profitability
1. To ensure that product and 4. Achieve customer satisfaction Internal cost of non-quality
services are high quality and 5. Assure greater customer loyalty  Wasted cost on material and
meet the customer’s 6. Provide high quality product labor
requirement and services.  Rework cost
2. Providing high quality product  Low worker’s morale
will assure customer
satisfaction and they will come
regularly and become loyal
3. Besides, quality drives company
growth and reduces the
operational cost, thus provide
an additional competitive edge

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