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English Language: Directions (1 - 15) : Rend Each Paragraph

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Directions (1 15) : Rend each paragraph teaching.
carefully and answer the question(s) given below (2) The students are very busy and have less time
them. Certain words are given in bold to help you to learn.
locate them while answering some questions. (3) Intelligent students are after teacher seeking
Paragraph-I their help in studies.
Rationalism has been defined as the mental at- (4) They are forced to spend more time in moti-
titude which unreservedly accepts the supremacy vating good students.
of reason and aims at establishing a system of phi- (5) None of these
losophy and ethics verifiable by experience and Paragraph-III
independent of all arbitrary assumptions or au- Due to the development of individualism and
thority. This definition of rationalism was framed permissiveness, social norms have become slack
at the inauguration of the Rationalist Press Asso- and parents and teachers are unable to play their
ciation (RPA) in London in the year 1899. traditional role of shaping the character of their
1. This paragraph best supports the statement that children and pupils. The growing complexity of so-
(1) ethics does not constitute a part of philosophy. ciety due to technological development and the
(2) one has to accept certain beliefs to find the slackness of social norms as a result, of the growth
final truth. of ndividuahsm and permissiveness are the two
(3) rationalism is it not a set of beliefs which is causes of the moral crisis of our time.
devoid of verification. 5. According to the author, which of the following is
(4) mental attitude is independent of all assumptions. one of the outcomes of the present crisis of our time?
(5) onlyRPAcan establish philosophyof Rationalism. (1) Inability of parents and teachers to develop
2. Which of the following words is most nearly the value base of children
SAME in meaning to the word unreservedly (2) More than expected growth of science and
as used in the paragraph? technology
(1) conditionally (2) fully (3) partially (3) Increasing social cohesiveness in spite of vio-
(4) collectively (5) unilaterally lence and disturbances
Paragraph-II (4) Emergence of new social norms which ob-
In todays world where teachers have a busy sched- struct growth of individualism
ule, it is noticed that only a few teachers have time for (5) None of these
the students learning experiences. One thing which is 6. Which of the following words is most OPPO-
lacking in almost all classrooms is teachers motivat- SITE in meaning to the word slackness as used
ing students to do better. What happens is that teach- in the paragraph?
ers would like to give attention to the students who (1) rigidity(2)vigorous (3)sluggishness
have high intelligence and who are academically good. (4) business (5) tightness
A larger portion of the student population is neglected. Paragraph-IV
Teachers blame them for not trying to do their best. Marx, the founder of communism, had predicted the
3. The author would like the teachers to failure and eventual overthrow of capitalism because of
(1) motivate bright students to enhance their aca- what he regarded as its inherent contradiction. He
demic achievements visualised that capitalism would maintain the wages of
(2) improve their own academic standards to labour at a low subsistence level, while progressively in-
motivate students creasing its productivity by the employment of techno-
(3) keep their schedule busy by carrying out logically advanced means of production. During last many
various duties decades the real wages of workers in advanced capitalist
(4) encourage and give planned learning experi- countries have gradually and progressively increased. The
ences to all students prediction of Marx has not been borne out by history.
(5) encourage good students to help poor students 7. Which of the following supports the statement
4. According to the author, why are teachers not the prediction .................borne out by history?
in a position to perform their expected role? (1) Capitalism has just survived but not taken
(1) Majority of the students neglect classroom firm roots.

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(2) The salaries of the employees have gone up in other areas. Many developing countries including
in ad-vanced countries. India have accepted tins approach.
(3) Technological development has not taken 11. childlabour through legal means is most likely to
place in capitalist countries. result into
(4) The salaries of all the employees have gone (1) dragging/pushing the family of the child in
down in all the countries. acute economic stress
(5) There is no increase in the productivity of (2) shortage of labour in other areas of work
workers. (3) regulation of services of adult workers
8. Which of the following words is most nearly the (4) betterment of working conditions of adult
SAME in meaning to the word regarded as labourers
used in the paragraph? (5) better understanding of reality
(1) respected (2) valued 12. What can be inferred about the policy being fol-
(3) related (4) thought (5) estimated lowed about child labour in India?
Paragraph-V (i) Giving economic benefits to the families of
Literature is a medium through which a per- child labourers
son can convey his ideas towards or protest against (ii) Reducing/controlling child labour in unhealthy
different norms of society. Those works that deal areas of work
with a moral issue are of particular importance in (iii) Monitoring and improving working condi-
literature. They are written with a particular pur- tions for children
pose in mind. A literary work with a moral issue (1) Only (i) and (ii) (2)Only (ii) and (iii)
will live on to be reinterpreted by different gen- (3) Only (i) and (ii) (4) Only (ii)
erations. These works involve the reader for he (5) None of these
forms his own moral judgment towards the issue. 13. Which of the following words is most nearly the
9. Why does the author consider write-ups that deal SAME in meaning lu the word ameliorate as
with a moral issue more important in literature? usedin the paragraph?
(i) Theyareopenforrethinkingbycominggenerations, (1) cover (2) adjust
(ii) They are written with a specific approach. (3) remove (4) mitigate (5) fix
(iii) They help the reader in forming or consoli- Paragraph-VII
dating his values and approaches. In recent years our society has shown readiness to ad-
(1) Only (i)(2)Both (i) and (ii) dress educational and developmental needs of adolescents.
(3) Both (i) and (iii) Be it the Government or people in the community, there is
(4) Only (iii) (5)None of these a alisation that something needs to be done to build on the
10. The first sentence of the paragraph implies that energy and enthusiasm of this crucial section of the popu-
(1) literature is not one of the best media of ex- lation, rowing social unrest, violence, crime and increasing
pression for a society. visibility of the young has contributed to this readiness.
(2) society does not observe same standard for 14. Which of the following words is most OPPO-
all its members, SITE in meaning of the word address as used
(3) only literature allows individuals to express in the paragraph?
their different views. (1) discourage (2) diffuse
(4) society can change its value system after it (3) locate (4)disorganise (5) ignore
reinterprets literature, 15. Which of die following is not a likely cause of
(5) None of these readiness shown by people towards adolescents?
Paragraph-VI (1) Increase in crime (2)Growing violence
The phenomena of child labour is quite complex. (3) Equality of opportunity
Children work because they belong to poor families (4) Physical presence of youth
who cannot survive without the benefit of the income (5) Increased social unrest
which accrues to the family on account of child labour. Directions (16 25) : In the following pas-
Any attempt to abolish it through legal recourse would, sage there are blanks, each of which has been num-
under the circumstances, not be practical. The only bered. These numbers are printed below the pas-
alternative is to ban child labour in hazardous areas sage and against each five words are suggested,
and to regulate and ameliorate the conditions of work one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find

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out the appropriate words. 30. Arun did his MBA from a prestigious (1) insti-
The tea plant, a native of South China, was tute (2) by securing (3) first class in this calen-
known....(16)....very early times of Chinese botany dar (4) year. All correct (5)
andmedicine. It is....(17) the classics....(18)....the Directions (31 35) : In each of the following
various names of Tou, Tseh, Chung, Kha and Ming questions an idiomatic expression and its four pos-
and was....(19)....praised for possessing the virtues sible meanings are given. Find out the correct
of....(20)....fatigue, delighting the soul, strength- meaning of the idiomatic expression and mark the
ening the will and repairing the eyesight. It was number of that meaning as your answer on the
not only administered as an internal dose, but answer sheet. If you do not find any correct an-
often....(2l).... externally in the form of paste swer, mark(5),i.e. Noneof these, as your answer.
to....(22)....rheumatic pains. The Taoists claimed it... 31. To strain every nerve
.(23).... an important... .(24)... .of the elixir of immor- (1) To spoil relationship
tality. The Buddhists used it extensively to prevent (2) To get afraid (3) To try ones utmost
drowsiness during... .(25)... long hours of meditation. (4) To take ill (5) None of these
16. (1) to (2) after 32. To have an axe to grind
(3) from (4) beyond (5) behind (1) To pinpoint faults of others
17. (1) taken (2) resorted (2) To take revenge
(3) awarded (4) alluded (5) introduced (3) To make unreasonable demands
18. (1) under (2) between (4) To have a selfish interest to serve
(3) among (4) besides (5) like (5) None of these
19. (1) rarely (2) loosely 33. To take heart
(3) under (4) severely (5) highly (1) To become hopeful
20. (1) absorbing (2) relieving (2) To love everyone(3)To prepare for a battle
(3) avoiding (4) resolving(5) recognizing (4) To withdraw from activity
21. (1) inserted (2) developed (5) None of these
(3) conceived (4) controlled(5)applied 34. To draw the line
22. (1) recuperate (2) alleviate (1) To decide ones occupation
(3) conceal (4) indicate (5) slow (2) To set limits (3) To prepare for a battle
23. (1) to (2) also (4) To withdraw from activity
(3) although (4) as (5) hardly (5) None of these
24. (1) ingredient (2) aspect 35. To beat about the bush
(3) offshoot (4) outcome (5) discovery (1) To punish an innocent person
25. (1) that (2) these (2) To hang around(3)To boast about oneself
(3) their (4) our (5) remote (4) To remain idle (5)None of these
Directions (26 30) : In each question below Directions (36 40) : Each question below
four words; numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4) have has two blanks. There are five pairs of words be-
been printed, one ofwhiA may be either inappro- low the sentence. Each pair is numbered. Choose
priate in the context or wrongly speh-4 The num- the pair of words which can be filled up in the
ber of that word is the answer. If all the four words blanks in the sentence in the same order so as to
anf correctly spelt and are appropriate in the con- complete the sentence meaningfully.
text, mark (e). i.e.All correct, as the answer. 36. This book is readable, clear and ................ re-
26. Kindly note(1) our address (2) and use it in (3) searched with ................ .detailedreferences.
all the farther (4) communication. All correct (5) (1) fabulously, intricate(2)meticulously, extensive
27. We are already (1) to fight (2) the battle, (3) let (3) leisurely, complete
the enemy (4) come. All correct(5) (4) hardly, notional(5) closely, scattered
28. Many people in India cherish (1) a desire to 37. The interest has.......... ....... innovation related
immigrate (2) to developed (3) countries to make to several sectors of..... .............pharmaceuti-
(4) a fortune. All correct(5) cal business and industry.
29. He took great pains (1) to save (2) many dyeing (1) accepted, skeletal (2)insured, fateful
(3) folk arts and helped the artists to live an (3) affected, plummeting(4)restricted, grown
honourable (4) life. All correct (5) (5) accelerated, burgeoning

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38. The Indian hospitality industry which has did not rece any phone call from her.
been................ a prolonged slump is now en- (i) Neither did I receive.................
tering a new ..................... phase ready to en- (ii) Clearly I didnot.................. ..
hance profitability. (iii) Because 1 didnot.................
(1) witnessing, ambitious(2)observing, listless (1) Only (i)(2)Only (ii) (3) Only (iii)
(3) demonstrating, efficient (4) Only (i) and (ii) (5)Only (i) and (iii)
(4) recovering, debt (5)succumbing, lean 45. I was to reach home a little early but I got de-
39. The new policy seeks to .................. a process layed. On reaching home I found that guests had
of widespread participation of people left a little while ago.
................. the way for more effective imple- (i) Hardly had I reached................
mentation. (ii) As long as I reached..................
(1) amend, opening (2)halt, propelling (iii) Besides few minutes.................
(3) generate, paving (4)diagnose, resulting (1) Only (i)(2)Only (ii) (3) Only (iii)
(5) identify, dithering (4) Only (i) and (ii) (5)Only (i) and (iii)
40. Journalism is a .... ............ for truth, a crusade Directions (46 50): Which of the following
to ................. injustice and wrong-doing. phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sen-
(1) product, limit (2)boon, justify tence should replace the phrase printed in bold to
(3) travesty, attack (4)quest, expose make the sentence grammatically correct, If the
(5) search, optimize sentence is correct as it is, mark (5) as the answer.
Directions (41 45): In each question there are 46. When the boy regain consciousness he wanted
two statements which can be combined into a single to eat something.
statement in a number ot different ways without (1) If the boy regain(2)When the boy regained
changing their meaning. Below them are given three (3) Despite the boy regain
probable starters of such combined sentence. One, two. (4) On the boy regaining(5)No correction required
three or none of them may be correct. Decide upon 47. The social worker wanted to bring about little
which is/are correct, if any, and answer the questions. changes in the lives of the people of that village.
41. This judgment has been given by the highest court (1) to bring back (2) to bring up
in the land. It, therefore, assumes finality from (3) to bring forth (4) bringing about
legal point of view, (5) No correction required
(i) Being the judgment of ............... 48. Raghunath proposes to lay claim for the insur-
(ii) In spite of the judgment ............. ance company as soon as he recovers from the
(iii) As it is the judgment of .............. accident,
(1) Only (i)(2)Only (ii) (3) Only (iii) (1) lay claim to (2) lay claim on
(4) Only (i) and (ii) (5)Only (i) and (iii) (3) laying claim towards(4)lay claim against
42. On this special occasion the chief minister of the (5) No correction required
sta would be welcomed first. After that the prime 49. The new concession announced by the Govern-
minist would be extended warm welcome, ment will have only a marginalized effect on the
(i) Although the prime minister would............... lives of the people
(ii)As per the prevalent practice the prime ministe (1) marginal effect off (2)margin of effect on
(iii) In spite of the chief minister...................... (3) marginal effect on (4)marginalizing effect in
(1) Only (i)(2)Only (ii) (3) Only (iii) (5) No correction required.
(4) Only (i) and (ii) (5)Only (i) and (iii) 50. The Charitable Hospital works under the aus-
43. India is rich in bio-re sources. It has no clear pices from Welfare Trust of an Industry.
legislat framework to regulate access to and use (1) under the auspices by
of these resources (2) by the auspices from
(i) As Indiais rich................. (3) through the auspices from
(ii) But Indiais rich................ (4) under the auspices of
(iii) Although India is rich........... .... (5) No correction required
(1) Only (i)(2)Only (ii) (3) Only (iii)
(4) Only (i) and (ii) (5)Only (i) and (iii)
44. I did not receive any packet from Dipti. I also

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1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (5) 5. (5) 6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (4) 9. (5) 10. (5)
11. (1) 12. (2) 13. (4) 14. (5) 15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (4) 18. (1) 19. (5) 20. (2)
21. (5) 22. (2) 23. (4) 24. (1) 25. (3) 26. (4) 27. (1) 28. (2) 29. (3) 30. (5)
31. (3) 32. (4) 33. (1) 34. (2) 35. (5) 36. (2) 37. (5) 38. (1) 39. (3) 40. (4)
41. (5) 42. (5) 43. (3) 44. (1) 45. (1) 46. (2) 47. (5) 48. (2) 49. (3) 50. (4)

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