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The manual provides information on servicing and maintaining the JOSTRA HL 20 machine, including safety guidelines, component descriptions, operational principles, and technical specifications.

The manual aims to provide service personnel with information needed for preventive maintenance, functional checks, and servicing of the JOSTRA HL 20 machine.

The main components described include the console, module access bay, system control panel, system monitor unit, pump front panel, and their functions.


Service Manual


Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Contents


1 General
1.1 Purpose (Read this First) ....................................................... 1-1
1.2 Service ....................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 General ................................................................................. 1-1
1.2.2 Hazard notices ..................................................................... 1-1
1.2.3 Preventive maintenance......................................................... 1-2
1.2.4 Functional check .................................................................... 1-2
1.2.5 To the responsible service personnel..................................... 1-2
1.3 Special Notes .......................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Manuals .................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations ............................................... 1-4
1.6 Location of Signs and Labels ................................................ 1-6

2 Description
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Functional elements ............................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Console ................................................................................ 2-2
2.2.2 Module Access Bay .............................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 System Control Panel ........................................................... 2-4
2.2.4 System Monitor Unit ............................................................. 2-5
2.2.5 Pump Front Panel ................................................................ 2-6
2.3 Technical Data ......................................................................... 2-7
2.3.1 Performance Standards ....................................................... 2-7
2.3.2 Console ................................................................................ 2-7
2.3.3 Pumps .................................................................................. 2-9
2.3.4 System Control Panel ......................................................... 2-10
2.3.5 Display Monitor ................................................................... 2-10
2.3.6 Air Bubble Detection ........................................................... 2-11
2.3.7 Ultrasonic Level Detection .................................................. 2-11
2.3.8 Capacitive Level Detection.................................................. 2-11
2.3.9 Temperature Measurement ................................................ 2-12
2.3.10 Pressure Control ................................................................ 2-12
2.3.11 Input/Output devices .......................................................... 2-13
2.3.12 Heater Cooler Unit .............................................................. 2-13
2.3.13 JOCAP ............................................................................... 2-14

Revision 00 Service Manual i

Contents JOSTRA HL 20

3 Function
3.1 Principles of Operation .......................................................... 3-1
3.2 Mains and Battery Operation ................................................. 3-2
3.2.1 Start Options of the HL 20 .................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Voltage Display .................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Mains Operation ................................................................... 3-4
3.2.4 Battery Operation ................................................................. 3-4
3.2.5 Charging the Battery ............................................................ 3-6
3.3 System Control Panel (SCP) .................................................. 3-7
3.4 System Monitor Unit (SMU) .................................................. 3-10
3.5 Pumps .................................................................................... 3-13
3.5.1 Single Head Pump (RPM) .................................................. 3-13
3.5.2 Twin Head Pump (TPM) ..................................................... 3-19
3.6 Console .................................................................................. 3-23
3.6.1 The Mains Power Supply ................................................... 3-24
3.6.2 The Main Transformer ........................................................ 3-25
3.6.3 The Power Supply Board ................................................... 3-27
3.6.4 The Battery ......................................................................... 3-30
3.7 Modules ................................................................................. 3-31
3.7.1 19" Rack and the Rear Panel Board .................................. 3-31
3.7.2 Power Supply Module (PSM) ............................................. 3-35
3.7.3 Console Control Module (CCM) ......................................... 3-36
3.7.4 Battery Charger Module (BCM) .......................................... 3-40
3.7.5 Control Panel and HCU Interconnection Module (CHI) ...... 3-42
3.7.6 Monitor Interface Module (MIM) ......................................... 3-42
3.7.7 Air Bubble Detector Module (ABD) ..................................... 3-45
3.7.8 Ultrasonic Level Detector Module (ULD) ............................ 3-49
3.7.9 Quad Temperature Module (QTM) ..................................... 3-52
3.7.10 Dual Pressure Modules (DPM) ........................................... 3-54
3.7.11 Air Emboli Protection Module (AEP) .................................. 3-57
3.7.12 Analog I/O Module (AIO) .................................................... 3-60
3.7.13 Digital I/O Module (DIO) ..................................................... 3-63
3.8 Interconnection Overview .................................................... 3-65
3.8.1 Power Distribution .............................................................. 3-65
3.8.2 Single Signal Paths ............................................................ 3-66
3.8.3 Digital Communication Path ............................................... 3-68

ii Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Contents

3.9 Interfaces ............................................................................... 3-70

3.9.1 The Console–Pump Interface ............................................. 3-71
3.9.2 The System Control Panel interface ................................... 3-72
3.9.3 The System Monitor Unit interface ..................................... 3-73
3.9.4 The Console Control Module Interface ............................... 3-74
3.9.5 The Power Supply Module Interface .................................. 3-75
3.9.6 The Universal Module Interface ......................................... 3-76
3.9.7 The Self Test and Operation Status Outputs ..................... 3-77

4 Trouble Shooting
4.1 Alarm Response ...................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Alarm Tables ........................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Console ................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.2 Pump and Twin Pump .......................................................... 4-3
4.2.3 Bubble Module ..................................................................... 4-4
4.2.4 Level Module ........................................................................ 4-5
4.2.5 Pressure Module .................................................................. 4-6
4.2.6 Temperature Module ............................................................ 4-7
4.2.7 "Pulsatile" Module ................................................................ 4-8
4.3 Pumps ...................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.1 Reports on the Pump Flow Display ...................................... 4-9
4.3.2 Reports in the Pump Window ............................................... 4-9
4.3.3 In Case of Pump Error ........................................................ 4-10
4.4 Console .................................................................................. 4-11
4.4.1 Mains Power Failure ........................................................... 4-11
4.4.2 Error Reports ...................................................................... 4-11
4.4.3 Error Messages .................................................................. 4-12
4.4.4 Error Report EM7f .............................................................. 4-13
4.5 Modules ................................................................................. 4-14
4.5.1 Bubble and Level Detection Errors ..................................... 4-14
4.5.2 Pressure Module Errors ..................................................... 4-15
4.5.3 Temperature Module Errors ............................................... 4-15

5 Maintenance
5.1 Cleaning and Disinfection ...................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 General ................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.2 Pumps .................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.3 Sensors ................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.4 Jamming ON/OFF Buttons ................................................... 5-2

Revision 00 Service Manual iii

Contents JOSTRA HL 20

5.2 Preventive Maintenance ......................................................... 5-3

5.2.1 General ................................................................................ 5-3
5.2.2 Preventive Maintenance Interval .......................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Console mechanics .............................................................. 5-3
5.2.4 Pump mechanics .................................................................. 5-4
5.2.5 Pump electronics .................................................................. 5-4
5.2.6 System Control Panel and System Monitoring Unit ............. 5-5
5.2.7 Battery back-up .................................................................... 5-5
5.2.8 Others .................................................................................. 5-6
5.2.9 Electrical safety ..................................................................... 5-6
5.2.10 Preventive Maintenance Checklist ....................................... 5-7
5.3 Extensive Preventive Maintenance ....................................... 5-9
5.3.1 General ................................................................................ 5-9
5.3.2 Initial inspection .................................................................. 5-10
5.3.3 HL 20 Console .................................................................... 5-13
5.3.4 Single Pump ........................................................................ 5-16
5.3.5 Belt Replacement, Single Pump.......................................... 5-20
5.3.6 Twin Pump ......................................................................... 5-21
5.3.7 Belts with Pulley Replacement, Twin Pump ....................... 5-23
5.3.8 Extensive Preventive Maintenance Checklist ..................... 5-26

6 Service
6.1 General ..................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Operations Prior to Adjustment ............................................ 6-2
6.2.1 Open/Close SCP/SMU ......................................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Install Pump ......................................................................... 6-3
6.2.3 Remove Pump ...................................................................... 6-3
6.2.4 Open/Close Pump ................................................................ 6-4
6.2.5 Open/Close Console ............................................................ 6-5
6.2.6 Remove Module ................................................................... 6-6
6.2.7 Open/Close Module .............................................................. 6-7
6.3 SCP Adjustments .................................................................... 6-7
6.3.1 SCP Time and Date Setting ................................................. 6-7
6.4 SMU Adjustments ................................................................... 6-8
6.4.1 SMU Display Adjustments .................................................... 6-8
6.5 Pump Adjustments ................................................................. 6-9
6.5.1 Tube Installation ................................................................... 6-9
6.5.2 Occlusion Setting ................................................................. 6-9
6.5.3 Flow Rate Calibration ........................................................... 6-9
6.5.4 Belt replacement ................................................................. 6-11
6.5.5 Optical Tachometer Board Ajustment ................................ 6-11

iv Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Contents

6.6 Console Adjustments ........................................................... 6-11

6.6.1 Mast Angle ......................................................................... 6-11
6.7 Module Adjustments ............................................................. 6-12
6.7.1 Power Percentage Adjustment – CCM ............................... 6-12
6.7.2 Dual Pressure Module ........................................................ 6-12
6.8 Check Procedures ................................................................ 6-13
6.8.1 Checklist ............................................................................. 6-13
6.8.2 Pump Alarm – Check Procedures ...................................... 6-21
6.9 Field Test Procedure ............................................................ 6-22
6.9.1 General ............................................................................... 6-22
6.9.2 Initial Inspection .................................................................. 6-24
6.9.3 Battery Capacity ................................................................. 6-25
6.9.4 Pressure Channels Calibration ........................................... 6-26
6.9.5 Stop Functions ................................................................... 6-27
6.9.6 Control Functions ............................................................... 6-28
6.9.7 Twin Pump Cardioplegia Slave Mode ................................ 6-33
6.9.8 Speed Accuracy ................................................................. 6-33
6.9.9 Pump Alarms ...................................................................... 6-34
6.9.10 Timers ................................................................................ 6-35
6.9.11 Temperature Module .......................................................... 6-35
6.9.12 Air Bubble Detector ............................................................ 6-36
6.9.13 Electrical Safety Test .......................................................... 6-37
6.9.14 User Setting Worksheet ..................................................... 6-38
6.9.15 Field Test Checklist ............................................................ 6-39

7 Installation
7.1 Unpacking ................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.1 Transport Package ............................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 General Unpacking ............................................................... 7-1
7.1.3 Cleaning ............................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Check after Installation .......................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Consol mechanism ............................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Total assembly ..................................................................... 7-2
7.2.3 Pump mechanism ................................................................. 7-2
7.2.4 Pump electronics .................................................................. 7-3
7.2.5 System Control Panel and System Monitoring Unit ............. 7-4
7.2.6 Battery backup ..................................................................... 7-4
7.2.7 Others ................................................................................... 7-4
7.2.8 Electrical safety .................................................................... 7-5
7.2.9 Formal handover .................................................................. 7-5
7.2.10 Installation Checklist ............................................................. 7-6

Revision 00 Service Manual v

Contents JOSTRA HL 20

A Appendix A
Description of the HL-20 Selftest .......................................... A-1

B Appendix B
Console Wiring Diagram ..........................................................B-1

vi Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 1. General

1 General
1.1 Purpose (Read this First)
The purpose of this service manual is to describe the JOSTRA Heart Lung
Machine HL 20 system in order to give understanding necessary for making
checks after installation, adjustments, locating and repairing faults etc.
The manual covers:
• Right and left oriented consoles
• Two, four and five pump consoles
• The monitoring modules including the System Control Panel and the
System Monitoring Unit.

1.2 Service

1.2.1 General
Responsibility for the safe functioning of the equipment reverts to the owner or
user in all cases in which service or repair has been done by a non-professional
or by persons who are not employed by or authorized by MAQUET, and when
the equipment is used for other than its intended purpose.
In addition to the Important information given here and in the related documents
(e. g. in the User's Manual), always pay attention to applicable local and
national regulations.

1.2.2 Hazard notices

Service by unqualified service engineer!
Only service engineers trained and authorized by MAQUET shall be
permitted to perform installation, service or maintenance of the HL 20.

Service by an unqualified service engineer may result in injury to the

technician, the patient, other personnel or may cause damage to the

ESD sensitive components!
When handling ESD-sensitive devices, established procedures must be
observed to prevent damage.

When working with ESD sensitive components, always use a grounded

wrist band and a grounded work surface. Adequate service tools must
always be used.

Revision 00 Service Manual 1-1

1. General JOSTRA HL 20

Before disassembling or assembling of the HL 20, make sure that the:

– Main Power Switch switch is set to Off.
– Mains power cable is disconnected.
– The unit is cleaned according to instructions in the User's Manual.
With power supply connected to the HL 20, there are energized electrical
components inside the unit. All personnel must exercise extreme caution if fault
tracing or adjustments are performed with power supply connected.

1.2.3 Preventive maintenance

The HL 20 must be serviced at regular intervals by personnel trained and
authorized by MAQUET. Refer to chapter “5. Maintenance”. Any maintenance
or service must be noted in a log book provided.

1.2.4 Functional check

After any installation, maintenance or service intervention in the HL 20, perform
functions checks according to instructions in chapter “6. Service”.

1.2.5 To the responsible service personnel

The contents of this document are not binding. If any significant difference is
found between the product and this document, please contact MAQUET for
further information.
We reserve the right to modify products without amending this document or
advising the user.
Only personnel trained and authorized by MAQUET shall be permitted to
perform installation, service or maintenance of the HL 20.
Only MAQUET genuine spare parts must be used. PC boards (spare parts)
must always be kept in a package for sensitive electronic devices. MAQUET will
not otherwise assume responsibility for the materials used, the work performed
or any possible consequences of same.
Surface mounted components on the PC boards must not be replaced. The PC
board is the only available spare part. The information in this manual regarding
components on the PC boards is intended for troubleshooting only.
Many circuit boards have jumpers which require proper placement for correct
operation. Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being
replaced. If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical
Support for assistance.
Special waste. This product contains electronic and electrical components.
Discard disposable, replaced and left-over parts in accordance with appropriate
industrial and environmental standards.

1-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 1. General

1.3 Special Notes

Pay attention to the special notes in the manual.

Danger of severe personal injury!
An instruction or procedure, which if not carried out correctly, may result
in injury to the technician, the patient or other personnel.

Danger of damage to the equipment!
An instruction or procedure, which if not carried out correctly, may
damage the equipment.

Notes are used to provide important or explanatory information.

1.4 Manuals
The HL 20 comprises a number of units. Some of these have their own
instruction manual and are therefore only described in brief in this manual.
Service documentation for the HL 20 consists of:
Manual Contents
User’s Manual Practical and functional description of the
HL 20. The User’s Manual is an
indispensable complement to the Service
Manual for proper servicing.
Service Manual This Manual. Includes a brief description of
the HL 20 Self-test
Description of the HL 20 Self- Describes how to perform and evaluate all
test self-tests on the HL 20.
Spare Parts information Spare Parts information is published in the
HL 20 Spare Parts List.

Revision 00 Service Manual 1-3

1. General JOSTRA HL 20

1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations

Mnemonic Meaning
ABD Air Bubble Detector
ABS Air Bubble Sensor
ADC Analogue to Digital Converter
AIO Analogue In/Out Module
BCM Battery Charger Module
CCB Console Control Board
CCM Console Control Module
CUED The Control Unit Error Display. This is the display normally used for
displaying the real time clock, but can display a Master Error Code or a Panel
Error code. A master error is displayed in the form EMnn where nn is a
hexadecimal error code - HEC. A panel error is displayed on the form EPnn
where nn is a HEC.
DIO Digital In/Out Module
DPM Dual Pressure Module
External output Output to an external device, such as a probe, a sensor or external
equipment such as a computer or a recorder.
Front panel The front panel of a unit. On the pump front panel means the tilted panel with
flow knob and displays. On a module front panel means the panel with
external equipment connections, intervention switches etc.
Group A group is a pump or the monitoring system.
HEC Hexadecimal Error Code. Refer to Description of the HL 20 Self-test for the
used hexadecimal error codes.
MIM Monitor Interface Module
MPU Micro Processing Unit. Incorporates a microprocessor, some memory, serial
and parallel in/out ports and more. Almost every unit in HL 20 contains an
MSG Display The eight digit lower display on the pump's front panel which normally is
displaying the pump mode and tube size, but also is used when stepping
through the hierarchical menu.
ODU With ODU means the connector on the bottom side of a pump and on the top
side of the console connecting the pump to the system.
Output Output from a unit to the HL 20 system.
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PSB Power Supply Board
PSM Power Supply Module
PWM Pulse Width Modulation/Modulated etc.
QTM Quad Temperature Module
RP Rear Panel board of the 19" rack
RPM Display The four digit display on the pump's front panel, normally showing the pump
speed in rpm or the calculated flow in lpm. This display is also used to report
internal pump faults.
SCP System Control Panel

1-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 1. General

Mnemonic Meaning
SMU System Monitoring Unit
Sqw signal Square wave signal
ULD Ultrasonic Level Detector Module
Unit A module, a pump, the SCP or the SMU

Connectors are expressed as

L is a letter - normally P
n is a board unique connector number and
a is a connector unique pin number
a-b means all pins from pin a to pin b.

P1:3-4 means connector P1, pins 3 and 4

Test points
Abbreviations used for 0V:
0Vl = 0 V logic. To be used when measuring +5 V.
0Vm = 0 V monitor. To be used when measuring +24 V.
0Vp = 0 V pump. To be used when measuring +24 V.
0Vs = 0 V signal. To be used when measuring +12 V and -12 V.

Revision 00 Service Manual 1-5

1. General JOSTRA HL 20

1.6 Location of Signs and Labels

This label is placed on the SCP,

the SMU, on each module
inside the Module Access Door
and on the bottom side of each

This label is placed to the right

inside the Module Access Door.

The HL 20 Rear Side

1-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2 Description
2.1 Introduction
The Jostra Heart Lung Machine HL 20 is a modular equipment system for the
regulation, control and monitoring of extracorporeal circulation.
The System Control Panel (SCP) contains all the controls necessary to run and
monitor all system functions, except individual pump settings. External ECG
signals and pressure traces, separate information windows for Cardioplegia and
bypass timing, different data pages of programmed presets and digital input
devices etc. can be displayed on the System Monitoring Unit (SMU).
Electronic modules for the supervision and control of various functions are
installed in a Module Bay at the rear of the Console.
An integrated data collection system collects and records data from all the
modules, and certain other external data inputs connected to the HL 20. This
information is written to Memory Cards for later retrieval and analysis.
The HL 20 is available with either two, four or five pump bays. In each bay a
single head pump or a twin head pump may be mounted. The SMU and SCP
can be mounted at the left, right or centered above the pumps. On right or left
oriented consoles, an integral writing surface folds down in front of the SCP.
More detailed information can be found in the User Manual.


8 2

1. Console 5. System Monitoring Unit (SMU)

2. Pump Module 6. Halogen lamp
3. Writing board 7. Infusion masts
4. System Control Panel (SCP) 8. Module Access Bay
(rear side of the Console)
HL 20 Main Parts

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-1

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

2.2 Functional elements

2.2.1 Console
The basic component of the HL 20 is the Console. It contains the complete
power supply for the pumps, the monitoring system and the halogen lamps. The
emergency battery power system is standard equipment on the HL 20 and is
installed inside the Console. The individual supervisory modules are installed
inside the Console and are accessible by opening the rear access door.

Front view

1. Main Switch 4. Battery Charging Indicator Light

2. Monitoring System Switch 5. Individual Pump Power Switches
3. Battery Operation Warning Light

Rear view
6. Module Access Door

HL 20 Console Functional elements

2-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2.2.2 Module Access Bay

The individual monitoring modules of the Jostra HL 20 Heart Lung Machine are
installed in the Module Bay at the rear of the Console. Open the Module Access
Door at the back of the Console for access to the modules.


4-pump version

Inside the module box Under the transparent flap

2-pump version

1. Circuit-breaker for the distributor socket 11. Quad Temperature Module

2. Circuit-breakers for the pumps 12. Analog In/Out Module
3. Circuit-breaker for the Monitoring System 13. Dual Pressure Module, channel 1+2
4. Main Circuit-breaker 14. Dual Pressure Module, channel 3+4
5. System Ground 15. Console Control Module and Battery
6. Circuit-breaker for the 24 V socket Charger Module
7. Socket for an additional Halogen Lamp 16. System Control Panel socket
(24V) 17. Monitor Interface Module
8. Power Supply Module 18. Digital In/Out Module
9. Air Emboli Protection Module (or Air 19. Sockets for EGB and RCU
Protection Module)
10. Blank
Monitoring modules on 2-pump and 4-pump versions.

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-3

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

2.2.3 System Control Panel

Switches and controls on the SCP are grouped into sections by function.

System Control Panel SCP

2-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2.2.4 System Monitor Unit

The System Monitor Unit consists of a flat screen display and a keypad. The
screen display is capable of displaying multiple pages of information including
real-time ECG and pressure traces as well as multiple data pages.
The keys on the System Monitor Unit are used for recording events and
switching to different displays

Front view Side view

1. Flat Screen Display 8. Event keys 15.ECG Curve amplitude adj.

2. Fast button 9. Clear button 16.Pressure Curve amplitude
3. Stop button 10.Enter button adj.
4. Page Select button 11.OK LED 17.ECG Curve position adj.
5. Event Table button 12.COM LED 18.Pressure Curve position adj.
6. Recording ON button 13. (Not Used) 19.Memory Card slot
7. Recording OFF button 14.Screen Brightness adj.

System Monitor Unit and Screen Adjustments

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-5

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

2.2.5 Pump Front Panel

The RPM, RPM and TPM Pump Modules are intended to be used as
components of the Jostra HL 20 Heart Lung Machine.
The RPM pump has a single pump head, and the TPM pump has two smaller
heads in the same package. Each head of the TPM pump can be controlled
independently, and the functions are the same as on the single head pump.
Various supervisory modules which monitor and control pump functions are
built into the HL 20.

RPM Front Panel

TPM Front Panel

1. Speed Control Knob 8. LPM LED

2. Flow scale (LPM) 9. Monitoring module intervention
3. Speed scale (RPM) LEDs
4. Reverse buttons 10.Status display
5. Speed/Flow display 11.Menu button
6. RPM/LPM button 12.Set button
7. RPM LED 13.Reverse Safety button (only TPM)

2-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2.3 Technical Data

2.3.1 Performance Standards
The Jostra HL 20 meets following standards:

• IEC 60 601-1, IEC 60 601-1-1, IEC 60 601-1-2

• Safety class: type B
• Electrical safety: Class 1
• Classification (MDD Annex IX): IIb

2.3.2 Console

Line voltage, nominal .................................... 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz. Can be
optionally wired for 115 VAC,
60 Hz, 16 Amps.
Battery switch-over voltage ........................... ~ 196 VAC
Maximum current consumption ..................... 7 A
Power supply fuse ......................................... 16 A
Main fuse ....................................................... 7 A
Pump fuses.................................................... 16 A
Monitoring system fuse ................................. 16 A
Distributor socket fuse................................... 12 A
Batteries ........................................................ Two 12 V, 30 AH, gel-filled
Fuse for the halogen lamps........................... 3 A
Operating temperature .................................. 10°C to 40°C
(50 F to 104 F)
Storage temperature ..................................... 0°C to 50°C
(32 F to 122 F)

Dimensions (mm)
2-Pump consoles
Measurements: W × D × H............................ 493 × 600 × 1485
(19 × 24 × 58 in.)
Weight ........................................................... 50 kg (110 lb.)
4-Pump consoles
Measurements: W × D × H............................ 855 × 600 × 1485
(34 × 24 × 58 in.)
Weight ........................................................... 80 kg (176 lb.)
5-Pump consoles
Measurements: W × D × H ........................... 1036 × 600 × 1485
(41 × 24 × 58 in.)
Weight ........................................................... 96 kg (211 lb.)

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-7

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

All systems include:

Console control module .................................CCM
Power supply (DC to DC converter) ..............PSM
Internal Battery Charger ...............................BCM
Halogen Spotlight ..........................................24 Volt

Console accessories
Top Shelf, 4-pump console............................MTS
Top Shelf, 5-pump console............................MTS
Cross Mast, 4-pump console .........................CRM
Cross Mast, 5-pump console .........................CRM
Venous Clamps
Venous clamp, standard ................................VCS
Venous clamp, fast-acting ............................VCQ
Gas flow meters: for supplying the oxygenator with gas mixture
Gas flow meter, 2 tubes.................................GFM
O2: 0.2 to 15 LPM
CO2: 0.1 to 2 LPM

Gas flow meter, 3 tubes.................................GFM

O2: 0.2 to 15 LPM
CO2: 0.1 to 2 LPM
O2/CO2: 0.2 to 15 LPM

Sechrist gas blender, 2 hose .........................SGB

(O2/Air mixtures)
O2/Air: 0.2 to 1 LPM
and O2/Air: 2 to 10 LPM

Sechrist gas blender, 3 hose .........................SGB

(O2/Air/CO2 mixtures)
CO2: 0.2 to 1.4 LPM
O2/Air: 0.2 to 1 LPM
and O2/Air: 2 to 10 LPM

Electronic gas blender, 2 hose ......................EGB

(O2/Air mixtures)
O2/Air: 0.2 to 1 LPM
and O2/Air: 2 to 10 LPM

Console grounding cable .....................CEC

2-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2.3.3 Pumps
Single Head Roller Pumps:
Universal tubing clamp system ..................... RPM
Insert tubing clamp system............................ RPM
Twin Head Roller Pumps:
TwinPump...................................................... TPM
Pump Accessories
Hand crank, single pump............................... HCS
Hand crank, TwinPump ................................ HCT
Adjustment screwdriver ................................. ASD

Pump Technical Data

The pumps conforms to:

• IEC 60 601-1
• Safety class: type B
• Electrical safety: Class 1
• Water protection: IP 64 (splashing water protected)
Specifications common to both single and TwinPump, unless noted.
Voltage supply ............................................... +24 V
Maximum Stalled Current ............................. 16 Amp at 24 V
Rotation Capabilities
Forward or reverse speed .......................... 0-250 RPM
Slave speed, single pump........................... 80-120% of master
(± 5 RPM at 100 RPM master speed)
Cardioplegia slave speed , Twin Pump ...... 0.1% to 102% of master
RPM Display precision................................ ±1 RPM
RPM Display resolution .............................. 1 RPM
Flow rates, single pumps
1/2" tubing ................................................... 0-10 LPM
3/8" tubing ................................................... 0-6.6 LPM
1/4" tubing ................................................... 0-3.2 LPM
Flow rates, Twin Pump
1/4" tubing ................................................... 0-1.5 LPM
Accuracy of LPM display
1/2" tubing ................................................... ±0.15 LPM
3/8" tubing ................................................... ±0.15 LPM
1/4" tubing ................................................... ±0.018 LPM

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-9

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

Resolution of LPM display

1/2" tubing ...................................................0.1 LPM
3/8" tubing ...................................................0.1 LPM
1/4" tubing ...................................................0.01 LPM
Display range of Cardioplegia pump:
1/4" tubes ....................................................up to 655 Liter
3/8" or 1/2" tubes.........................................up to 6 553 Liter
Time.............................................................up to 65 535 Sec
(up to 18 hours)
Pulsatile RPM Pump Mode
Base flow range...........................................0 to 100%
Pulse start range .........................................0 to 60%
Pulse stop range .........................................20 to 80%
Triggering range (external)..........................40 to 200 BPM
Triggering range (internal)...........................40 to 180 BPM
Upper pulse rate alarm................................80 to 200 BPM
Lower pulse rate alarm................................40 to 100 BPM
Trigger accuracy .........................................± 2 BPM
Pulse Assist (weaning) mode......................1:1, 1:2, 1:3
Max. deviation of flow in case of error ...........±10%
Max. tube diameter, single pump...................5/8" × 3/32" (20.6 mm)
Max. tube diameter, Twin Pump ....................1/4" × 3/32" (8.8 mm)
Pump Measurements:
Single Pump L×W×H ..................................180 × 375 × 270 mm
(7 × 15 × 10.6 In.)
Twin Pump L×W×H .....................................180 × 375 × 285 mm
(7 × 15 × 11.2 In.)
Single pump ...................................................Approx. 18 kg (40 Lb.)
TwinPump ......................................................Approx. 14 kg (31 Lb.)

2.3.4 System Control Panel

System Control Panel (4 Pressure) .....SCP

2.3.5 Display Monitor

System monitor unit .............................SMU
Includes 24 programmable event buttons
Screen type....................................................EL display
Resolution ......................................................640 × 400
Monitor interface module .....................MIM
2-10 Service Manual Revision 00
JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2.3.6 Air Bubble Detection

Air Bubble Detector module.................ABD
Module measurements L × W × H ............... 175 × 70 × 130 mm
(7 × 3 × 5 inches)
Sensitivity: Immediate pump stop: bubbles larger than 5 mm
Detection: bubbles larger than 300 µm
Tube sizes ..................................................... 1/4", 3/8", 1/2"
wall thickness range ................................ 1/16" to 3/32"
Ultrasonic energy at sensor ......................... 0.1 µWs
Bubble detector accessories
Air bubble sensor .......................................... ABS
Bubble sensor measurements L×W×H ........ 90 × 45 × 38 mm
(3.5 × 2 × 1.5 in.)
Ultrasonic gel ................................................ UGD
Bubble sensor holder .................................... BSH
Sensor insert, BSI ......................................... 1/4" × 1/16" tube
1/4" × 3/32" tube
3/8" × 1/16" tube
3/8" × 3/32" tube
1/2" × 1/16" tube
1/2" × 3/32" tube

2.3.7 Ultrasonic Level Detection

Level Detector Module ..........................ULD
Energy emitted at sensor .............................. 1 µWs max.
Level Detector disposables
Level sensor holder ....................................... LSH
Ultrasound gel with dispenser ....................... UGD

2.3.8 Capacitive Level Detection

Level Detector Module ..........................AEP
Capacitive Level Sensor .......................CLS
Level Sensor Pad (disposables) ..........LSP

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-11

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

2.3.9 Temperature Measurement

Quad temperature module ...................QTM
Measurements, L×W×H.................................175 × 35 × 130 mm
(7 × 1.4 × 5 in.)
Display range .................................................0 to 50° C
(32 to 122°F)
Resolution ......................................................0.1° C
Display refresh rate........................................1 Hz
Temperature measurement Accessories
Thermistor temperature probe, adult .............TTP
Thermistor temperature probe, pediatric .......TTP
Temperature Probe Box ................................TPB
Other probes available on request

2.3.10 Pressure Control

Dual pressure module ..........................DPM
Measurements, L×W×H.................................175 × 35 × 130 mm
(7 × 1.4 × 5 in.)
Range .........................................................- 997 to +997 mm Hg
Resolution ...................................................1 mm Hg
Accuracy......................................................1% of full scale
Linearity.......................................................< 1% of full scale
Capture range ...............................................±150 mm Hg
Gain adjustment.............................................±30%
Transducer current supply .............................+5 Volt
Alarm range ...................................................through full scale
Control loop precision ....................................±2 digits
Reaction time ................................................ 5 seconds
Pressure measurement accessories

Pressure transducer ............................EPT

(similar to Spectramed P 23 XL)
Measurement range.......................................-50 to 300 mm Hg
Pressure transducer holder .................PTH

2-12 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 2. Description

2.3.11 Input/Output devices

Analogue In / Out module.....................AIO
Input impedance all ports .............................. 10 k
Min. Input voltage for full-scale..................... ±0.25 VDC
Max. Input voltage for full-scale..................... ±2.5 VDC
(range internally adjustable)
Pin allocation of the sockets, Analog In / Out Module
Input Output Input
Pin 1 ECG curve input Pin 15 Pressure 2 curve
Pin 2 Pressure curve input Pin 16 Pressure 1 average
Pin 3 Systolic pressure input Pin 17 Pressure 2 average
Pin 4 Diastolic pressure input Pin 18 Temperature 1 output
Pin 5 Mean pressure input Pin 19 Temperature 2 output
Pin 6 Free input Pin 20 Temperature 3 output
Pin 7 Free input Pin 21 Temperature 4 output
Pin 8 Free input Pin 22 Arterial flow output
Pin 9 Circuit ground Pin 23 Free output
Pin 10 - Not connected Pin 24 Circuit ground
Pin 14 Pressure 1 curve output Pin 25 Ground

Digital Input-Output module.................DIO

In general, the HL 20 can send and receive digital signals to any system with an
industry standard input or output. Per customer request, the HL 20 will be
configured to communicate with specific devices.

2.3.12 Heater Cooler Unit

Heater Cooler Unit ........................................ HCU
Remote control Unit for HCU 20-600 ............ RCU
Remote control Cable.................................... RCC
Water Supply tubing ...................................... WST
Blanket Connection Kit .................................. BCK
Thermostatic water mixer .............................. TWM

Revision 00 Service Manual 2-13

2. Description JOSTRA HL 20

2.3.13 JOCAP
JOCAP Serial Reader............................JSR
Software Package and User Manual included.
Computer requirements (PC 486 or compatible)
RAM.............................................................16 Mbyte
HDD.............................................................300 Mbyte
Windows......................................................3.x or 95
Connection ..................................................standard serial RS232 port
JOCAP memory card, 512 Kb .....................JMC
Shock, water, HF and magnetic resistant. Contactless coupled.
Measurements ...............................................120 × 54 × 4 mm
(5 × 2 × 1/4 in.)

2-14 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3 Function
3.1 Principles of Operation
The JOSTRA Heart Lung Machine HL 20 consists of four main parts
• System Control Panel (SCP)
• System Monitoring Unit (SMU)
• Pumps (2, 4 or 5)
• Console
– Power Supply
– Control Modules
The SCP is the system main computer as well as the user’s main interface to
the HL 20 system. It communicates with the SMU, the pumps and the modules
via the central databus (DINBUS). Individual pump settings are however made
on each pump.
The Monitoring Modules DPM, AEP, ULD and ABD can influence any required
See the other sections of this manual for details.

The HL 20 Block Diagram

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-1

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.2 Mains and Battery Operation

3.2.1 Start Options of the HL 20

The HL 20 system is started with the ON/OFF button (1). The system
monitoring units (2) and the pumps (5) can be switched ON/OFF separately
with the corresponding ON/OFF buttons.
The system monitoring units are the SCP, the SMU and all control modules
except the CCM

1. Main Switch 4. Battery Chargin Indicator Light

2. Monitoring System Switch 5. Individual Pump Power Switches
3. Battery Operation Warning Light

HL 20 ON/OFF buttons and indicators

The buttons 1,2 and 5 are lit when ON and mains supply is available. When
mains supply is not available and the machine is run on batteries, button 1 is
not lit. The indicator 3 is lit at power failure and the indicator 4 is lit at battery

3-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.2.2 Voltage Display

On the Console
The Battery Power Control indicator is illuminated at power failure and as long
as the line power is out.
The Battery Charge Control indicator is illuminated as long as the batteries are

On the SCP

1. Voltage Display 3. Power Control indicators

2. Battery Voltage button 4. Alarm OFF button
Console power information on the SCP.

During normal operation, line voltage as a percent of nominal is displayed in the

Voltage Display (1). The Power Control indicator (3) ”Mains” is illuminated.
When the HL 20 is switched to battery operation
• Voltage Display (1) begins to blink and battery voltage is displayed
• Power Control indicator (3) ”Battery” is illuminated
• An acoustic alarm sounds.
The alarm can be switched OFF by pressing the Alarm OFF button (4).
Battery voltage can be checked at any time by pressing the Battery Voltage
button (2). Battery voltage in volts will be displayed as long as the button is

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-3

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.2.3 Mains Operation

The HL 20 is designed to operate from conventional 220 to 240 (optionally 110
to 120) V AC. When operating in this mode, line voltage as a percent of nominal
is displayed in the Console window on the SCP.
That is, when 230 VAC (or optional 100-120 VAC) is detected by the system,
100% is displayed in the window. The lamp next to "Mains" is illuminated,
showing that the system is operating from Mains or line power.

3.2.4 Battery Operation

The power supply in the CCM constantly monitors input voltage. If the line
voltage falls below 85 % ± 5 % of the nominal voltage, the HL 20 unit is
automatically switched to battery operation.
The Console display on the SCP begins to blink, the "Battery" lamp on the SCP
is illuminated and an acoustic alarm sounds. The alarm can be switched OFF
by pressing the button with the blinking loudspeaker logo on the SCP. The
voltage display blinks, battery voltage is displayed and the "Battery" lamp on the
SCP is illuminated as long as the system is in battery operation. The Battery
Power Control indicator on the Console is lit.

Battery Power.
Battery Power is not available if the Main Switch is OFF.

If adequate mains power is restored, the system automatically switches back to

The battery system on the HL 20 will run the complete system; all pumps,
supervisory modules, monitoring and recording continue to function completely
in case of power outage.

3-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Battery Operation Time

The following diagram[CE1] shows the drop of voltage during the discharging
process. Fully charged batteries have a voltage of about 27.4 volts.


Battery-voltage curve during battery back-up mode

The battery voltage drops relatively slowly at the beginning of battery operation.
As the battery becomes exhausted, the voltage drops more rapidly.
The CCM monitors the battery voltage during battery operation.
When the voltage has dropped to 23 volts, there is only enough power for a few
more minutes of operation. The system warns the operator of the impending
halt by sounding an acoustic alarm. A double beep sounds which cannot be
silenced and the Battery Operation Warning Lamp on the console blinks.
When the battery voltage drops to 19.2 volts, operation of the pump motors
becomes unpredictable, and the system halts. At this point, a continuous tone is
heard, which can be switched off only by switching the Main Switch OFF.
Battery operation time depends on
• the condition of the batteries (age and charge)
• the load powered by the batteries.
The total length of battery operation time of the complete system (one arterial
pump at 4 LPM, three sucker pumps 50 RPM, display and monitoring) is
approximately 1.5 hours.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-5

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

However; in an extended power outage (power failure), an early decision to

shut down non-critical pumps can significantly extend the battery operation
time. The perfusionist should plan to balance battery operation time against
pump requirements in case of power failure of uncertain duration. The following
table is intended to be a rough guide to the relative amount of power consumed
during battery operation of an HL 20 using two pumps only.
Relative Power Consumption:
Arterial Pump (3/8" tube, 4 LPM, 21 C blood, 100 mm Hg) ..............53%
Sucker Pump (3/8" tube, 1 LPM) .......................................................30%
System usage, complete ...................................................................11%
Halogen lamp.....................................................................................6%
To ensure maximum available battery capacity, the batteries should be
replaced every two years. See Maintenance.

3.2.5 Charging the Battery

The battery is automatically charged whenever the HL 20 is connected to line
voltage and the Main Switch on the front of the Console is switched ON. If the
batteries are being charged, the yellow Battery Charging Lamp on the Console
is illuminated.

Do not cover the console when connected to the mains.
The batteries may overheat during charging if air circulation is restricted.

Fully discharged batteries require about 15 hours to recharge. During overnight

charging, plug the HL 20 in to line voltage, switch ON the Main Switch, and
switch OFF each individual pump module.

3-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.3 System Control Panel (SCP)

The SCP is the HL 20 users main interface and houses the system main
computer. It communicates with every smart module (module with MPU) in the
HL 20 system. The user can make input via the different SCP control buttons
and get information like various measurements, limits, alarms, overrides and
The SCP consists of two boards:
• Display Board
• Master Panel Board

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-7

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Display Board

IC5 IC15

Master Panel Board

3-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP0 Ground
TP1 Ground
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP5 +5V DC adjusted with Pot 1 ±5mV
TP6 +5V DC adjusted with Pot 2 ±5mV
TP7 +5V DC
TP8 Ground
TP9 Protective earth

F1 1A
F2 4A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Cable Connected
Panel cable running through a mast to the connector on the

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-9

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.4 System Monitor Unit (SMU)

The main task of the SMU is to display signals and measurements like:
• the arterial pulsatile pump curve
• the cardioplega window(s)
• external signals from the DIO if programmed to.
• ECG and pressure curves if connected to the AIO
It also handles:
• sending R-trig signal to the SCP
• accepting data from user to record into JOCAP
The JOCAP recorder is mounted inside the SMU. Several push buttons on the
SMU front is designated for the JOCAP system.

3-10 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Monitor Board

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP1 Protective earth
TP2 +5V ref.
TP3 0Vs
TP4 0Vl
TP5 +5V DC
TP6 +12V DV
TP7 -12V DC
TP10–TP12 R-trig adjustment

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-11

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

F1 4A
F2 1A
F3 1A
F4 4A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Cable Connected
Monitor cable running through a mast to the MIM.

3-12 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.5 Pumps

3.5.1 Single Head Pump (RPM)


Front Panel Board

Front Panel Board

JMP 1 closed
Note: Jumper 1 can be removed to silence the pump while
doing service.
P6 to connect the service terminal when running self test

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-13

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Motor Control Board (on pumps delivered before june 1996)

Motor Control Board (on pumps delivered before June 1996)

JMP 2 closed

Test Points
Motor Control Board (on pumps delivered before June 1996)
TP0 Ground
TP1 Ground
TP2 Check for +5.1 ±0.1V
TP3 Check for +12 ±0.5V
TP4 Check for -12 ±0.5V

Motor Control Module 1 (on pumps delivered before june 1996)

3-14 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Test Points
Motor Control Module 1 (on pumps delivered before June 1996)
TP1 Ground
TP5 +5.000 ±0.005V DC ref. (Adjust with POT1)
TP6 +5.000 ±0.005V (Adjust with POT3)

Top view Bottom view

Safety System Board

Jumper Settings
Safety System Board
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
Safety System Board
TP1 0Vs
TP5 +5.000 ±0.005V (Adjust with POT1 – older revision boards).

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-15

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Motor Control Board (on pumps delivered after June 1996)

Jumper Settings
Motor Control Board
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
Motor Control Board (on pumps delivered after June 1996)
TP0 Ground
TP1 Ground
TP2 Check for +5.1 ±0.1V
TP3 Check for +12 ±0.5V
TP4 Check for -12 ±0.5V
TP5 +24V
TP6 0Vp
TP7 Mot_Pwm
TP8 Motor
TP105 +15V ±0.5V
TP106 Check for +5.000 ±0.005V
TP107 Set_val
TP108 Act_speedwal

3-16 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Top view Bottom view

Pump Control Board

Jumper Settings
Pump Control Board
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
Pump Control Board
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 +5.000 ±0.005V (Adjust with POT1)

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-17

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

RPM Optical Tacho Board

Test Points
RPM Optical Tacho Board
TP1 Reflex detector signal 1
TP2 Reflex detector signal 2
TP3 Ground

Pump Interconnection Board

Test Points
Pump Interconnection Board
TP1 0Vs

3-18 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.5.2 Twin Head Pump (TPM)

Front Panel Board

TPM Front Panel Board

BR 1 open Note: This jumper may be closed only in order to run
pump 2 without the pump 1 electronics.

Top view Bottom view

Safety System Board

Jumper Settings
Safety System Board
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
Safety System Board
TP1 Ground
TP5 +5.000 ±0.005V (Adjust with P1)

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-19

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

TPM Motor Control Board

Jumper Settings
TPM Motor Control Board
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TPM Motor Control Board
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 Check for +5.1 ±0.1V
TP3 Check for +12 ±0.5V
TP4 Check for -12 ±0.5V
TP7 Motor_Pwm
TP8 Motor
TP10 Tacho voltage
TP11 +5.000 ±0.005V (Adjust with POT2)

NOTE: POT1 adjusts the pump speed.

3-20 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

TPM Control Board

Jumper Settings
TPM Control Board
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TPM Control Board
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 +5.000 ±0.005V (Adjust with POT1)

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-21

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

TPM Interconnection Board

TPM Optical Tacho Board

Test Points
TPM Optical Tacho Board
A special test cable might be needed to access the test points.
TP0 (J1:4) Ground
TP1 (J1:2) Reflex detector signal

3-22 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.6 Console
The HL 20 Console contains:
• the Power Supply
• the Mains Transformer
• the Backup Battery
• the 19" Rack
The 19" Rack holds the Power Supply Module and all monitoring modules. All
interconnections between different modules are done through the console
(mainly through the Rear Panel board in the 19” rack).

1. Backup Batteries 4. Mains Contactor

2. Mains Transformer 5. 19” Rack
3. Mains Transformer Jumpers 6. Power Supply Board
The inside of the Console

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-23

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.6.1 The Mains Power Supply

The mains power distributing elements are:
• the mains cable and plug,
• the mains fuse,
• the mains filter,
• the contactor,
• the transformer
• the power supply board.




Power Supply Board

Mains Power Supply interconnection.

3-24 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.6.2 The Mains Transformer

The Mains Transformer isolates the HL 20 from the Mains Power as well as
transforms the voltage to three different outputs. Different input voltages can be
accepted via jumper configuration.

Jumpers at Main Transformer

Jumper Jumper Input Voltage
A–G F –B 100 VAC IN
A–H F –C 110 VAC IN
D–I 230 VAC IN
E–K 240 VAC IN

Test Points
terminal Protective earth
2u3/2v3 3 VAC
2u2/2v2 29 VAC

2 pair black cables 19 VAC

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-25

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20


Cable Connected
Earth cable between the transformer and the Fuse Panel.
Temperature probe between the transformer and P11 on the RP
Mains Power In between the transformer and the main relay.
19 VAC (Main Output) cable between the transformer and the PSB.
29 VAC cable between the transformer and P9 on the RP.
3 VAC cable between the transformer and P6 on the RP.

Input Voltages
One of the following:
Input From
100 VAC Main Switch Contactor
110 VAC Main Switch Contactor
230 VAC Main Switch Contactor
240 VAC Main Switch Contactor

The jumpers shall be set accordingly. See ”Setting” above.

Output Voltages
Output To
19 VAC the PSB
29 VAC the BCM
3 VAC the CCM

3-26 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.6.3 The Power Supply Board

The Power Supply Board feeds the pumps and the 19" Rack with 24 VDC. The
PSB is built on a collection of identical circuits (groups) one for each pump and
one for the 19" Rack. Each group mainly consists of a rectifier, a capacitor and
relays. The number of groups depends on if the HL 20 is a 2, 4 or 5 pump
The power supply board serves three purposes:
• Convert the 19 V transformer AC to 24 VDC for each group.
• Select power source (battery or transformer) for each group. The selection
is controlled via a signal from the CCM.
• Select power ON / OFF for each group (power path is cut or closed).

Power Supply Board working principle


Test Points
Negative battery terminal 0 VDV
Positive battery terminal 24VDC
P55, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51 24VDC
P57, 56, 39, 36, 41, 40 0 VDC
P 45, 44, 49, 48, 53, 52 0 VDC
P58, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, TP1 Earth Ground

P9 - P10 Monitor circuit-breaker
P11 - P12 Monitor circuit-breaker
P13 - P14 Pump 1 circuit-breaker
P15 - P16 Pump 1 circuit-breaker
P17 - P18 Pump 2 circuit-breaker
P19 - P20 Pump 2 circuit-breaker
P21 - P22 Pump 3 circuit-breaker
P23 - P24 Pump 3 circuit-breaker
P25 - P26 Pump 4 circuit-breaker
P27 - P28 Pump 4 circuit-breaker

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-27

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

P29 - P30 Pump 5 circuit-breaker

P31 - P32 Pump 5 circuit-breaker

Cable Connected
19VAC between AC IN and transformer Output.
Ribbon cable or flat cable between the 19" Rack (P13) and the PSB (P8).
Note: Cable not keyed, PSB-brown wire right,
19" Rack brown wire down.
P59 and P60 to P17 on the 19" Rack.
Battery Connections to the battery terminals.
P33 and P34 to the spot light output on Fuse Panel.
Fuse connections all to Fuse Panel
P1-P6 to ON/OFF switches
TP1 to earth ground
ODU Power Harness between the output and the ODU connectors of
each pump.

Input To
P1: 3-4 Monitoring on/off switch
P2: 3-4 Pump 1 on/off switch
P3: 3-4 Pump 2 on/off switch
P4: 3-4 Pump 3 on/off switch
P5: 3-4 Pump 4 on/off switch
P6: 3-4 Pump 5 on/off switch
P9-P10 Monitoring supply rectifier fuse.
P11-P12 Monitoring supply main fuse. The rectifier fuse and the main
fuse are fitted in the same physical housing.
P13-P32 Connect to the rectifier fuses /main fuses according to the
following table:
P. 1 P. 2 P. 3 P. 4 P. 5
Rectifier P13-P14 P17-P18 P21-P22 P25-P26 P29-P30
Main P15-P16 P19-P20 P23-P24 P27-P28 P31-P32

3-28 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Output To
P1: 1-2 Monitoring on/off switch indicator
P2: 1-2 Pump 1 on/off switch indicator
P3: 1-2 Pump 2 on/off switch indicator
P4: 1-2 Pump 3 on/off switch indicator
P5: 1-2 Pump 4 on/off switch indicator
P6: 1-2 Pump 5 on/off switch indicator
P8:1-8 (Not used)
P8:9-14 BATTERY/RECTIFIER selector wires for each of the pumps
and the monitoring supply.
P8:15-20 FUSE_SENSOR wires for each of the pumps and the
Monitoring supply.
P35-P58 Connect to the pumps (P.1 - P.5) and the monitoring supply
according to the following table:
P.1 P. 2 P. 3 P. 4 P. 5 Monitoring
+24 Vpower P35 P39 P43 P47 P51 P55
0V power P36 P40 P44 P48 P52 P56
0V s+l P37 P41 P45 P49 P53 P57
Prot. gnd. P38 P42 P46 P50 P54 P58

P59-P60 Connect to the CCM 20 via the RP board in order to power the
CCM 20 as soon as the console Main Switch is pressed
irregardless of any other switches.

If tapping on a relay causes it to operate then the power supply board
must be replaced.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-29

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.6.4 The Battery

To provide the HL 20 system with power at mains power failure two self
contained, maintenance free lead batteries are included in the system.
See ”Maintenance” for information about charging and periods of replacement.

Battery interconnection cable

Interconnection cable connects the two batteries to each other.

Disconnect the interconnection cable when work is performed inside the

Test Points
Output 24 VDC


Cable Connected
Two black cables between the negative terminal of the battery
and the PSB and the BCM respectively.
Two red cables between the positive terminal of the battery and
the PSB and the BCM respectively.
Interconnection cable between the two batteries.

Inputs Outputs
Input From Output To
24 VDC the PSB 24 VDC the BCM

3-30 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.7 Modules

3.7.1 19" Rack and the Rear Panel Board

The 19" rack interconnects all the modules. All access to the modules, the
panel and the monitor is done through the 19" rack.
The 24 VDC is fed via the RP board to the PSM. The ±12 and +5 V are fed via
the RP board to the modules, the panel and the monitor. On the RP board a
saw-tooth signal is generated and fed to the modules. The saw-tooth signal is
used to synchronize the PWM stop signals when more than one module is
breaking ('slowing down') the same pump.


The 19” Rack, older revision (top) and newer (bottom)

As the RP board is merely a interconnection board, all connectors are
described under the corresponding units.
and AUX connectors are also described under THE UNIVERSAL MODULE

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-31

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Rear Panel Board 1

Jumper Settings
JMP1 open
JMP2 open
JMP3 open
JMP4 open
JMP5 closed
JMP6 closed
JMP7 closed
JMP8 open
JMP9 open
JMP10 open
JMP11 open
JMP12 open
JMP13 open
JMP14 open
JMP15 open
JMP16 open
JMP17 open

3-32 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Test Points
On Rear Panel Board
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC (+5.1V from PSM)
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 24V DC
TP9 Sawtooth
TP10 DB Ground


Cable Connected
Main switch cable to P4.
Ribbon cable, or flat cable between the PSB and P13.
Note: This cable is not keyed.
PSB to brown wire to the right.
RP to brown wire down.
Interconnection board,
mounted on the RP to P14
29 VAC IN between the transformer and P9.
Battery terminals to P7
Battery temperature sensor to P6
Fan to P15
Battery indicator lamp to P3
Charge indicator lamp to P2
Buzzer to P5
HCU to the SYSCOM interface.
19 VAC between the PSB and P17
24VDC between the PSB and P1
Transformer temperature
sensor to P11.
3VAC between the transformer and P8
SYSCOM between the panel interface and P12
Panel LEMO between the Panel interface and P10
PSM to J1 interface.
ABD to J10 interface.
AIO to J9 interface.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-33

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

QTM to J8 interface.
DPMx to J7 interface.
DPMx to J6 interface.
CCM to J3 interface.
BCM to J2 interface.
MIM to J4 interface.
DIO to J5 interface.
SCP to panel interface.

19V AC
29V AC
24V DC

+12V DC
-12V DC
Battery charger output

3-34 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.7.2 Power Supply Module (PSM)

The Power Supply Module is a DC/DC converter creating DC voltage for all
systems and modules in the HL 20.

The PSM panel with LEDs, trim potentiometers and test sockets.

An illuminated LED in each field shows that the voltage matches the preset.
Each voltage can be checked at the test socket. Below the test socket is a
potentiometers to precisely trim each voltage.

WARNING Voltage adjustments should be made by MAQUET service personnel

Improperly set voltages can result in unexpected performance, module
failure or complete system failure.

Settings Test Points

None -12V DC test -12.1V
+12V DC test +12.1V
+5V DC test +5.1V

SI1 4A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Cable Connected
Power cable between the PSB an P1 on the RP.

Inputs Output
Input From Output To
19.2 - 28 VDC ±12.1 VDC Almost all modules
(typical 24 VDC) PSB +5.1 VDC Almost all modules

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-35

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.7.3 Console Control Module (CCM)

The CCM supervises the basic functions of the console. Inside the CCM the
Battery Charge Module (BCM) is located. To access the BCM it is necessary to
remove the CCM. See Battery Charge Module for more information.

Console Control Module (CCM) (and the Battery Charger Module (BCM))

Inside the CCM is one PCB, the Console Control Board (CCB). The CCB
contains an MPU which controls the CCM and transmits pump select and mode
select signals.
The CCM performes the following:
• It switches to battery mode when the mains voltage goes below 85%.
• It Displays Fuse Error on the SCP in case of a broken fuse on the Fuse
• It creates the PUMP_SELx and the x_MODE signals. These signals are
used when programming the pumps to different modes.
• It sends the signals that handles the start, stop and monitoring of the battery
In case of mains voltage failure the signals POWER_FAIL and /POWER_FAIL
are generated. When the POWER_FAIL signal appears the CCM switches the
battery/rectifier relays on the PSB to battery operation.

3-36 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Console Control Board

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP7 Earth
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP5 5.000V ±5mV. If POT1 is not fitted; just check.
TP6 +24V DC
TP8 2.6V via Pot 2 approximately
TP9 3V via Pot 3 tolerance = ±10mV

Fuse 1 1A
Fuse 2 4A
Fuse 3 4A
Fuse 4 63 mA
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-37

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Cable Connected
Ribbon Cable between the PSB and the RP used for sensing
blown fuses and for sending the B_x signals.
Main Switch between the mains switch and P4 on the RP.
19V AC IN between the PSB and P17 on the RP.
3V AC IN between the transformer and PSB on the RP.
Battery Indicator between the battery indicator and P3 on the
Charge Indicator between the indicator and P2 on the RP.

Input from
P1:A7-A15 PSB receive the voltages after the main circuit-breakers.
Used to detect blown circuit-breakers.
P1:A16 Transformer temp. sensor receives the transformer
P1:A22,A24 DINBUS receive the DINBUS communication.
P1:B12 BCM receives the battery voltage divided to suit the
analogue input of the MPU.
P1:B16 --- Not used
P1:B17 Battery temp. sensor receives the battery temperature.
P1:B24-B25 Transformer carry pulses from the transformer. Used to
detect line voltage.
P1:B30-B31 Transformer Powers the CCM as soon as transformer (line)
voltage is present.
P1:B32 back up battery powers the CCM when no line voltage is

Output To
P1:A17-A21 The pumps 5V 100 Hz sqw signals if the corresponding
mode is free. Pulled low when the corresponding mode is
selected by a pump.
P1:A23,A25 DINBUS transmit the DINBUS communication from the CCM
to the system DINBUS.
P1:A27-A30 PSB
P1:B26-B28 select battery or rectifier as power supply to monitoring and
P1:B1 Main switch lights the main switch indicator.
P1:B3 Battery indicator lights the battery power indicator (on the
console's front).
P1:B5 Charge indicator lights the charging indicator (on the
console's front).
P1:B7 Console buzzer sounds the console buzzer (mounted on the
rear of the 19" rack).

3-38 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

P1:B9 BCM +5 VDC supply

P1:B10 BCM controls the relay connecting the 48 ohm resistor as
P1:B11 Fan selects high/low speed of console mounted cooling fan
(mounted under the transformer).
P1:B13 BCM controls the relay connecting the battery to the battery
P1:B14 BCM disables the charging
P1:B15 BCM Adjusts the end of charge voltage according to the
battery temperature.
P1:B18-B23 the pumps 5V 50 Hz sqw pump select signals addressing
one pump at the time. A pump can select mode (except free
mode) only when selected.
P1:B32 Main switch powers the CCM from the battery as soon as
the main switch is pressed if no line (transformer) voltage is

Self test and operation status output

The self test includes the BCM.
What is tested is evident from the Self test report on the terminal.
The operation status line contains
Ueff displays the calculated line voltage in % of the nominal line
Ubatt displays the measured battery voltage.
T_HS is not used
T_BATT displays the measured battery temperature.
T_TRAFO displays the measured transformer temperature.
FUSES Indicates the blown fuses.
The value must be converted to binary units:

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-39

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.7.4 Battery Charger Module (BCM)

The BCM controls the battery charging current and charging voltage. The
charger is a switch mode voltage regulator with current limit. The charging
voltage and current is adjusted to the ambient temperaure of the batteries.

This module is always connected to the battery power. The BCM should
always be removed from its interface before any test probes are
connected or disconnected from it.

Battery Charger Module (BCM)







Battery Charger Board

JMP1 closed (Test and adjustment jumper)
JMP2 open (Test and adjustment jumper)

3-40 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Test Points
TP1 0V
P1-Z8 (fuse 3
interface side) Battery voltage (fuse removed) Pot 3 adjusts reading on
SCP to match measurement read at this point.
TP2 Battery voltage - nominal +24V
TP3 26.4V DC ±0.2V (JMP2 opened),
28.32V DC ±0.01V (JMP2 closed) adjusted with Pot 1
Fuse 3
(removed) 2A + 0.1A - 0.2A adjusted with Pot 2.
TP4 40V DC

F1 4 A glass fuse
F2 4 A glass fuse
F3 4 A glass fuse

Cable Connected
29V AC IN between the transformer and P9 on the RP.
BATT± between the battery terminals and P7 on the RP.

Input From
P1:Z4, Transformer
P1:D6 29 VAC which is rectified on the board to approx. 40 VDC.
P1:Z12 CCM controls relay 2 connecting the 48 ohm resistor as load. Used
to check charger if battery is fully charged.
P1:D18 CCM controls relay 1 connecting the battery charger to the battery.
P1:Z20 CCM used to interrupt the charging process
P1:D22 CCM used to adjust the end of charge voltage according to the
battery temperature

Output To
P1:Z8, Back up battery
P1:D10 battery charging output.
P1:Z32 CCM carries the battery (or charging) voltage divided to suit the
MPU ADC window.

Replace the battery charger board if charging current cannot be
accurately adjusted.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-41

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.7.5 Control Panel and HCU Interconnection Module (CHI)

The System Control Panel and the Heater/Cooler apparatus are connected to
this module.

System Extension Module (SEM) – old version. On the newer Interconnection

Module, the SCP plug is connected on the RP and the SYS-COM is placed at
the CCM.

CAUTION Danger of unexpected module failure.

The 9-pin Dsub socket is only for connection of JOSTRA external
Do not connect or disconnect any external device with the mains power
switched on.

3.7.6 Monitor Interface Module (MIM)

The MIM consists of a DC/DC converter with a universal interface. It
galvanically separates the SMU from the Rack and supplies the SMU with the
operating voltage of 15 V.

Monitor Interface Module (MIM) – old version. On the newer Monitor Interface
Module, the MONITOR plug is connected on the RP.

CAUTION Danger of unexpected module failure.

Do not plug or unplug the Display Monitor or SCP while the HL 20 is
switched on.

3-42 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Monitor Interface Board

Test Points
P1-31 Ground
Fuse 1 +5V DC P1-A8 as ground
Fuse 2 +24V DC ±4V
Fuse 3 +12V DC P1-A8 as ground
Fuse 4 -12V DC P1-A8 as ground
S1-19 and
S121 on LEMO
connector 15V DC ±1.5V

Fuse 1 4 A glass fuse
Fuse 2 4 A glass fuse
Fuse 3 250 mA glass fuse
Fuse 4 250 mA glass fuse

Cable Connected
SMU Cable via LEMO contact between the SMU and MIM.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-43

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Input From
P1:A17 the arterial pump transmits the pump action signal.
P1:A21 the arterial pump transmits the calculated pump action signal.
P1:A22-A24 SCP/master transmits the system control messages to the SMU
via the DINBUS
P1:A27 AIO 20 transmits the ECG signal.
P1:A28 AIO 20 transmits the pressure signal.

Output To
P1:A23-A25 SCP/master transmit the system control messages from the
SMU via the DINBUS.

3-44 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.7.7 Air Bubble Detector Module (ABD)

The ABD is a STOP module and consists of two PCBs:
• The Level/Bubble Controller Board (LBC)
• The Bubble Detector Board (BUBO).

Air Bubble Detector Module (ABD)

Also see section ”3.7.11 Air Emboli Protection Module (AEP)”

The LBC Board

The stop selector switch connects the stop signal to the corresponding
xxx_STOP line, and also connects one of 5 voltages from the voltage divider
R1-R2-R3-R4 to the MPU for soft stop address definition.

Voltage on TP7-8-9 is normally 1.1V DC. On P1:1 the voltage is normally 3.3V.
Other voltages mean that the module hasn't been able to adjust to tube size or
tube material (PVC/silicone)
On P1:2 pulses indicate air bubbles. Normally 0V

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-45

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Level/bub Control Board

Jumper Settings

Level/bub Control Board

Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
Level/bub Control Board
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 +5V DC ±5mV

Level/bub Control Board
F1 1A
F2 1A
F3 1A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

3-46 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Bubble Detector Board

Jumper Settings

Bubble Detector Board


Test Points
Bubble Detector Board
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 5V DC adjusted with Pot 1 ±5mV
TP12 18V DC ±10%
TP19 Protective earth

Bubble Detector Board
F1 160 mA SMD fuse
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Cable Connected
ABS or Air Bubble Sensors to the front of the module.
LEMO between the ULD and the front of the module.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-47

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Input From
P1:A17 the arterial pump carries the pump action signal.
P1:A21 the arterial pump carries the calculated pump action signal.
P1:A22-A24 SCP/master carry the system control messages to the SMU
via the DINBUS
P1:A27 AIO 20 carries the ECG signal.
P1:A28 AIO 20 carries the pressure signal.
P1:A11 the RP board is used to synchronise the pump stop signal
with other modules.
P1:A:22-A24 the SCP/master carry the messages to the module via the

Output To
P1:A23-A25 SCP/master transmit the system control messages from the
SMU via the DINBUS.
P1:A12-A16 The pumps are used to stop the selected pump if air bubbles
or low level (ULD 20) is detected.
P1:A22-A24 the SCP/master transmit the messages to the master via the

3-48 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.7.8 Ultrasonic Level Detector Module (ULD)

The ULD creates a high voltage that is used in the High Frequency Board. The
HF board uses this high voltage to make the ultrasonic signal that is sent to the
level sensor.

Ultrasonic Level Detector Module (ULD)

Also see section ”3.7.11 Air Emboli Protection Module (AEP)”

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-49

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

ULD Board (top view and bottom view)

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP1 Ground
TP3 400V DC adjusted with Pot 1 ±10V
TP4 Clock generator
TP10 +12V DC
TP11 +12V DC

3-50 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

F1 125 mA
F2 1A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

The level sensor with its cable is soldered directly to the ULD board.
The cable connection between the ABD and the ULD via LEMO connection
carries power and signals.

Input From
J1:4 ABD 20

Output To
J1:6 ABD carries the echo after a transmit pulse. Should carry a
voltage if an echo (=level) exists.
J1:7 ABD carries the echo without a previous transmit pulse. Should
be 0V else the sensor detects noise.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-51

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.7.9 Quad Temperature Module (QTM)

The QTM is a standard size module equipped with an universal interface. It can
display four different temperature measurements on the SCP.

Quad Temperature Module (QTM)

Temperature limits can be set on the SCP to trigger an acoustic alarm when

The QTM is not a stop module.
The acoustic alarm is a warning for the perfusionist to check the
temperature regulating system.

Temperature probes used must be Yellow Springs YSI 400 series.

Some countries requires the QTM to go through a special test to insure
the safety of the patient. The module is then sealed and accepted as long
the seal is not broken.

The four external inputs enters a multiplexer and are then fed to an A/D
converter via an amplifier. The amplification can be set to 8 or 24.3 by the line

3-52 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Quad Temp. Board

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 Protective earth
TP6 5 V DC adjusted with Pot 1 ±5mV
TP7 7.88V DC adjusted with Pot 2 ±5mV

F1 1A
F2 160 mA
F3 160 mA
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Temperature probes.

Inputs Outputs
Input From Output To
P1:A22, A24 The DINBUS. P1:A23, A25 The DINBUS.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-53

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.7.10 Dual Pressure Modules (DPM)

The DPM is a stop module of standard size equipped with an universal
interface. The HL 20 houses two identical pressure modules with two channels

Dual Pressure Modules (DPM) Channel 1 to 4

The EPROM software in each pressure module determines whether the module
will monitor pressure 1 and 2 or pressure 3 and 4.
• DPM 20-440 pressure 1 and 2
• DPM 20-441 pressure 3 and 4

WARNING It is not possible to change from DPM 20-440 to DPM 20-441 or the
other way around by just changing the software.
There is a modifiation on the DPM 20-441 board.

The DPM can stop as well as slow down a selected pump using the
corresponding xxx_STOP line. The stop line is selected by a stop selector
switch for each channel. The stopping channel reports its identity over the
DINBUS to the stopped pump.
To stop a pump the stop line is pulled low.
To slow down a pump the stop line is pwm.
To synchronise several channels slowing down the same pump the saw-tooth
signal is used.

3-54 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Dual Pressure Board 1 and Dual Pressure Board 3+4

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP0 0Vl
TP1 0Vs
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 +5V DC adjusted with Pot 3 ±5mV
TP6 +5V DC adjusted with Pot 4 ±5mV
TP7 Protective earth

F1 1A
F2 160 mA
F3 160 mA
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Cable Connected
Pressure transducer adapter between the DPM and the pressure line.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-55

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Input From
P1:A11 RP board carries the saw-tooth signal. The signal is used to
synchronise the pump slow down (or stop) units.
P1:A22-A24 the SCP/master carry the messages to the module via the

Output To
P1:A12-A16 the pumps are used to stop the selected pump by pulling the
corresponding line low or slowing down the pump by pwm the
corresponding line.
P1:A19 AIO transmits the channel one pressure as a pwm sqw signal if
the module is DPM 20-440. If the module is DPM 20-441 the
line is not affected
P1:A20 AIO transmits the channel two pressure as a pwm sqw signal if
the module is DPM 20-440. If the module is DPM 20-441 the
line is not affected.
P1:A23, A25 the SCP/master transmit the module messages via the

3-56 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.7.11 Air Emboli Protection Module (AEP)

The Air Emboli Protection Module has the same function as the Air Bubble
Detector (ABD) Module and the Ultrasonic Level Detector (ULD) Module
together, but works through capacitive level detection.
In the 19”-rack the ABD Module and the ULD Module is replaced by the AEP
Module and the space for the ULD Module is covered with a panel.

Air Emboli Protection Module (AEP)

Also see section ”3.7.7 Air Bubble Detector Module (ABD)” and
”3.7.8 Ultrasonic Level Detector Module (ULD)”

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-57

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Lev/bub Control Board

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP1 0Vs
TP7 4.5 ±0.1V
TP7 0.0 ±0.1V (with P8:3 connected to P8:4)
TP8 9.0 ±0.1V
TP9 < 0.5V
TP9 3.75 ±0.2V (with a resistor of 750R connected between P8:1
and P8:4 or use AEP test resistor


Controller Board
F1 1A
F2 1A
F3 1A

Bubble Board
F1 160 mA
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

3-58 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Cable Connection
Air Bubble Sensor to the front of the module
Capacitive Level Sensor to the front of the module

Input From
P1:A17 the arterial pump transmits the pump action signal.
P1:A21 the arterial pump transmits the calculated pump action signal.
P1:A27 AIO 20 transmits the ECG signal.
P1:A28 AIO 20 transmits the pressure signal.
P1:A11 the RP board is used to synchronise the pump stop signal with
other modules.
P1:A22-A24 the SCP/master transmits the messages to the module via the

Output To
P1:A23-A25 SCP/master receives the system control messages from the
DPM via the DINBUS.
P1:A12-A16 The pump stop signals are used to stop the selected pump if air
bubbles or low level (ULD 20) is detected.
P1:A22-A24 the SCP/master transmit the messages to the master via the

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-59

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.7.12 Analog I/O Module (AIO)

The AIO is a standard size module equipped with an universal interface. The
two connectors on the panel are for connecting external signals to be displayed
on the SMU.

Analogue I/O Module (AIO)

Do not connect the AIO directly to the patient. The AIO should only be
connected to a monitoring device that is of an accepted medical standard
that properly isolates between the patient and the monitoring device.

Leakage current .
See warning in User Manual regarding leakage current.

Each external input to the module enters an op-amp where the amplification
can be adjusted from 1 to 10. Each amplified signal is added 2.5V DC to suit
the ADC window. The voltage is limited to 0-5 VDC. These voltages are read by
the MPU.

3-60 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

I/O Module Board (top view and bottom view)

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-61

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

Test Points
TP2 +5V DC
TP3 +12V DC
TP4 -12V DC
TP5 Protective earth
TP6 +5V DC adjusted with pot 9 ±5mV
TP7 -2,5V DC adjusted with pot 10 ±5mV

F1 1A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Cable Connected
D-sub connector between the AIO board and the external
device (optional).
LEMO connector -
two connectors, one for ECG
and another for PRESSURE between the AIO and the external device

Input From
P1:A19 DPM 20-440, channel 1 is buffered, filtered and sent to the
external output connector.
P1:A20 DPM 20-440, channel 2 is buffered, filtered and sent to the
external output connector.
P1:A22, A24 DINBUS carry the DINBUS messages to the AIO.

Output To
P1:A23, A25 DINBUS transmit the AIO messages to the DINBUS.
P1:A27 SMU carries the ECG as a pwm sqw signal
P1:A28 SMU carries the pressure as a pwm sqw signal

3-62 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.7.13 Digital I/O Module (DIO)

The DIO is a standard size module with a universal interface. Four separate
channels can be used to connect external devices to the HL 20. External
signals are recorded on the JOCAP XL and can with a special program be
displayed on the SMU.
The DIO is divided into two separate boards:
• DIO - controls channel 1 and 2.
• DIE (extended) - controls channel 3 and 4

Digital I/O Module (DIO)

See warning in User Manual regarding leakage current!

DIO Board

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-63

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

DIE Board

Jumper Settings
Verify jumper settings on new boards are identical with boards being replaced.
If installing a newer revision board then contact MAQUET Technical Support for

Test Points
TP0 ground
TP2 +5V DC
TP4 ground
TP5 +5V DC
TP6 protective earth

F1 1A
Surface mounted components must not be replaced. The PC board is the only
available spare part. The information above is intended for troubleshooting only.

Four LEMO connectors for connecting external device through RS232 serial

P1:A22, A24 DINBUS carry messages to DIO.

P1:A23, A25 DINBUS carry messages to the data collection system

3-64 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.8 Interconnection Overview

Three types of interconnections exist in the HL 20 consoles.
• Power distribution
These cables supplies the modules with electrical power.
• Single signals paths
These lines interconnect signals between the modules. A single signal only
distributes one signal, a pressure or a ECG signal for example, and gets its
name from the signal it distributes.
• Digital communication path
The digital communication bus (DINBUS) distributes various signals in
digital form. All types of signals can be sent over the DINBUS, including
digital copies of the single signals.

3.8.1 Power Distribution

To supply the different units in the HL 20 the power distribution is split into
several paths on the Power Supply Board (PSB).

24 V

19 VAC

19” Rack
3 VAC 29 VAC

HL 20 power distribution

The fuse panel is located next to the power supply board. For clarity these are
not shown in the power distribution path. See ”Detailed Description”, ”Power
Supply Module”.

Voltages in the HL 20
+24 V +5 V 0 Vp (0 V. pump)
+12 V -12 V PE (Protective ground)
+15 V 0 Vl (0 V. logic)

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-65

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.8.2 Single Signal Paths

The single signal paths carries only one signal each. They can connect from
two up to several connection points.
The signals are of analog, pwm, or sqw type.

The HL 20 Single Signal block diagram

The single signal paths in the HL 20. Signals residing only within the 19" rack
are not indicated.

3-66 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

Single Signal Paths in the HL 20

Signal name Function
ART_STOP Stop (pulled low) or 'slow down' (pwm) signals from a
module to stop the arterial pump. Normally high.
SUCKER_STOP Stop signal for the suction pump
AUX_STOP Stop signal for the auxiliary pump
CARD_STOP Stop signal for the cardioplegia pump
0 Vm Monitoring system 0 V.
ART_MODE 100 Hz sqw if the corresponding mode is free (not
selected by any pump). Low if mode is selected by any
CARDPL_MODE Cardioplegia mode line
AUX_MODE Auxiliary mode line
SUCKER_MODE Suction mode line
R_TRIGGER 5V sqw created by the SMU, using the pwm signal
CALC_PU_CURVE Calculated pump action trace. Pwm signal.
PULS_PU_ACTN Pulsatile pump action. Pwm signal of the pump's real
PUMP_SEL_1 100 Hz sqw. signals addressing the indicated pump. A
pump can select/change mode only when addressed.
PWM_ECG Pwm. sqw signal carrying the ECG signal.
/POWER_FAIL Normally high. Low as soon as power fails.
SAWTOOTH Saw-tooth signal. Approx. 2 kHz.
PWM_PRESS1 Pressure channel 1 and 2. Pwm sqw signals.
PWM_PRES Pressure signal from the AIO module. Pwm sqw signal

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-67

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.8.3 Digital Communication Path

The digital serial communication bus (DINBUS) is a symmetric bus transferring
the different signals between the system units. The DINBUS consists of 5 wires:
The bus is symmetric meaning that the wires A and B change their voltage
symmetrically. When A goes high (~5V), B goes low (~0V). The bus is
controlled by a master (located in the SCP) via which all communication

The DINBUS interconnection

3-68 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

BUS Communication
Over the DINBUS each unit is called by the master. When called, the unit
answers with a message (e.g. a value) and an address (value destination). The
answer is always built up of a fixed size data block. The data block from a
universal module consists of:


refer HEC high limit value 1, value 2, which pump is
exceeded, low trend 1, trend 2, selected by the
limit exceeded, limit 1, limit 2, stop select switch.
bypassed, ... reset, ...

Call Up Structure
The DINBUS master calls all possible HL 20 modules. Answering modules are
listed as present and non answering modules are listed as non-present.
• The DINBUS master then again calls all modules listed as present but only
the first module on the non-present list.
• The present list and the non-present list are updated.
• The DINBUS master again calls all present modules. This time the second
module on the non-present list is called.
• The procedure continues until all non-present modules has been called
The procedure then starts all over again continuously updating the present and
the non-present lists.

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-69

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.9 Interfaces
Seven different interfaces exist between the different units. These are:
• Console - Pump interface
• SCP interface
• SMU interface
• Console control module and battery charger interface
• Power supply module interface
• Universal module interface
• Operation status monitor interface
Each interface is described in the following sections. "Signal origin" indicates
where the line originates. 0V lines and DINBUS lines are not commented, all
other signals originate in the described unit if nothing else is indicated in the
interface description.

3-70 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.9.1 The Console–Pump Interface

The ODU-connector between the console and the pump serves as a connector
between the pumps and the other units (including the other pumps when
working in master/slave mode).
The connector connects the supply voltage as well as the DINBUS, the single
signals, and the protection ground. The connector as seen from above (outside
the console or inside the pump) carries the following signals:

Pin Signal name Signal origin Pin Signal name Signal origin
no no
A Ground 12 PUMP_SEL CCM 20
C 0 Vp 14 CALC_PU_CURV (Arterial pump)
1 ART_STOP A module 15 PULS_PU_ACTN (Arterial pump)
2 SLAVE_STOP A module 16 ACT_VAL_ARTP (Arterial pump)
3 SUCKER_STOP A module 17 --- (Reserved 1)
4 AUX_STOP A module 18 --- (Reserved 2)
5 CARD_STOP A module 19 --- (Reserved 3)
6 0 Vm 20 0Vl, 0Vs

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-71

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.9.2 The System Control Panel Interface

The system control panel interface carries the following signals:

Console mounted connector

Pin nr Denom Signal origin Pin nr Denom. Signal origin

1 +5 V PSM 20 10 0 Vs
2 +5 V PSM 20 11 /POWER_FAIL CCM 20
3 +5 V PSM 20 12 R_TRIGGER SMU 20
9 +12 V PSM 20 18 PROTECTIVE Console

3-72 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.9.3 The System Monitor Unit Interface

The SMU interface carries the following signals:

Console mounted connector

Pin Denomination Signal origin Pin Denomination Signal origin

nr. nr.
1 +5 V PSM 20 13 DB_TRANSM_A
2 +5 V PSM 20 14 DB_GND
3 +5 V PSM 20 15 PULS_PU_CRV (Arterial pump)
4 0 Vl 16 R_TRIGGER SMU 20
5 0 Vl 17 CALC_PU_CRV (Arterial pump)
6 0 Vl 18 +15_CRT SMI 20
7 +12 V PSM 20 19 +15_CRT SMI 20
8 0 Vs 20 0 Vl
9 -12 V PSM 20 21 0 Vl

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-73

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.9.4 The Console Control Module Interface

The console control board interconnects to the 19" rack through a 64 pin
connector which carries the following signals:

Pin # Denomination Signal origin Pin # Denomination Signal origin

A1 (Reserved 1) B1 LINE_LED1 CCM 20
A2 (Reserved 2) B2 (Reserved 4)
A3 (Reserved 3) B3 BATT_LED1 CCM 20
A4 +24 V. CCM 20 B4 (Reserved 5)
A5 0 Vlm B5 CHARGE_LED1 CCM 20
A6 0 Vlm B6 (Reserved 6)
A8 S_F1 PSB B8 0 Vccb
A9 S_F2 PSB B9 +5 Vccb PSM 20
A10 S_F3 PSB B10 /CHECK CCM 20
A11 S_F4 PSB B11 FAN CCM 20
A12 S_F5 PSB B12 UBM BCM 20
A16 TEMP_TR Trafo sensor B16 TEMP_HTS (Not used)
A17 ART_MODE CCM /Arterial p. B17 TEMP_B Battery sensor
A18 SLAVE_MODE CCM /Slave p. B18 PUMP_SEL1 CCM 20/Pump 1
A19 CARDPL_MODE CCM /Cardiopl. p. B19 PUMP_SEL2 CCM 20/Pump 2
A20 AUX_MODE CCM /Aux. p. B20 PUMP_SEL3 CCM 20/Pump 3
A21 SUCKER_MODE CCM /Sucker. p. B21 PUMP_SEL4 CCM 20/Pump 4
A24 DB_RECEIVE_A DINBUS B24 AC2_H Main trafo
A25 DB_TRANSM_A DINBUS B25 AC1_H Main trafo
A27 /B_P1 CCM 20 B27 /B_P4 CCM 20
A28 /B_P3 CCM 20 B28 /B_P6 CCM 20
A29 /B_P5 CCM 20 B29 0 Vcc
A30 /B_MONB CCM 20 B30 AC1_CCB Main trafo
A31 0 Vp B31 AC2_CCB Main trafo
A32 PROTECTIVE_GND Console B32 UBATT Main switch

3-74 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.9.5 The Power Supply Module Interface

The PSM interconnects to the 19" rack and all other units through a 15 pin back
plane connector. The pins are:

Pin no Denomination Signal origin

Z4 +5 V PSM 20
D6 SENSE +5V RP board
Z8 0 Vl
D10 SENSE 0V RP board
Z16 +12 V PSM 20
D18 0 Vs
Z20 0 Vl
D22 -12 V PSM 20
Z28 0 Vpu
D30 +24 V PSB
Z32 PE Console

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-75

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20

3.9.6 The Universal Module Interface

The various monitoring modules all interconnect through an universal back-
plane connector. The pins of the back plane connector are described below:
Out means out of module - into console.

Pin no Denomination Signal origin Pin no Denomination Signal origin

1 +5 V PSM 20 17 PULS_PU_ACTN Arterial pump
2 +5 V PSM 20 18 R_TRIGGER SMU 20
3 - PSM 20 19 PWM_PRESS1 DPM 20
4 - PSM 20 20 PWM_PRESS2 DPM 20
5 0 Vl 21 CALC_PU_CURVE Arterial pump
11 SAWTOOTH RP board 27 PWM_ECG AIO 20
12 ART_STOP A module 28 PWM_PRES AIO 20
13 SLAVE_STOP A module 29 (Not used)
14 SUCKER_STOP A module 30 +24 V PSB
15 AUX_STOP A module 31 0 Vp
16 CARD_STOP A module 32 PE Protective

3-76 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 3. Function

3.9.7 The Self Test and Operation Status Outputs

On every 'intelligent' unit (units containing an MPU) there is an interconnection
for an external terminal. On this terminal self test result can be output. After the
self test operation status is continuously output. The pins of the connector are
described below:

Pin no Denomination Description

1 RXD Serial data in
2 TXD Serial data out
3 NOSERVICE Normally high. Pull down to
signal ground to activate
4 GND Signal ground

The terminal connected to the interface must have the following settings:
Speed: 9600 bps
Data length: 8 bits
Error detection: No parity
Stop length: 2 bits
Others: Control codes assume a WYSE 50 terminal.
Refer to each module description for detailed self test and operation status

Revision 00 Service Manual 3-77

3. Function JOSTRA HL 20



3-78 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4 Troubleshooting
4.1 Alarm Response
Each alarm condition on the HL 20 causes the audible alarm to sound and the
affected area to blink. The correct response to each alarm therefore, is to

1. Silence the audible alarm with the override button (the button with the
speaker crossed out), and then,
2. Look for the area that is blinking. This will be either on the System Control
Panel or one of the pump modules.
Once the blinking segment is located, the cause of the alarm can be dealt with.
For convenience, a table of alarm conditions is included following in this

Emergency procedures.
Each operator should be familiar with emergency procedures so alarm
conditions can be dealt with rapidly.

Each alarm condition creates a new alarm. If a first alarm is silenced and
is then followed by another, the audible alarm is released so each alarm
can be heard. The override switch must be used to silence each new

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-1

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

4.2 Alarm Tables

4.2.1 Console
Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Stop Correction

ERxx, EPxx or Software possible possible reset4
EMxx3 Error system
FUS1, FUS2 Blown Fuse possible possible reset circuit-
EM2c Blown Fuse yes possible restore fuse
Battery voltage battery double beep; approx. 2 restore line
and battery voltage cannot be minutes to power
LED blink < 22 V shut OFF system
System battery steady tone all stop restore line
shutdown voltage (Flatline) power
< 19.2 V
Message in Status Window or Pump Status Window
Single beep, can be silenced
Error message numbers; see following list.
Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, refer problem to maintenance SCP =
System Control Panel

4-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.2.2 Pump and Twin Pump

Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern.

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Stop Correction

ERxx Hardware or yes yes reset4 pump
Other error minor errors possible possible reset4 pump
"TEMP" Pump is no no
"STOP BUB" Bubble yes yes correct
detector problem,
stopped reset bubble
pump detector
"STOP LEV" Fluid level yes yes restore
below reservoir
sensor level
"STOP Prx" Line yes yes restore line
pressure out pressure
of limits
"NO SEL" Console yes yes reset
software system
"NO COMM" Databus yes yes switch pump
communicati to FREE
on lost mode
"RUNAWAY" Pump head yes yes turn speed to
or “RPM-DIFF” speed >10% zero then
of set speed back up as
ER12 Rotation yes yes reset pump
"DIRECT" direction
"!!!!" 2 yes yes reset4 pump
alarms in 5
Message in Pump Status Window.
Single beep, can be silenced
Error message; see following list.
Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, send pump for service

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-3

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

4.2.3 Bubble Module

Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern.

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Stop Correction

"Sensor Fault" sensor faulty yes yes check
lamp ON or sensor,
disconnecte cable and
d connection
Both Bubble Bubble/Level yes yes reset4
and Level Module system
Sensor Fault failed self-
lamps test
"BUB" LED Pump mode yes no
blinks at pump changed on
Several bubble Bubble(s) <5 no no look for
segments lit mm dia. bubble
on SCP detected source
Bubble Alarm Bubble(s) >5 yes yes correct
Lamp ON mm dia. problem,
(All segments detected press
lit) RESET and
Safety Set
Message in Status Window.
Single beep, can be silenced
Error message; see following list.
Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, refer problem to JOSTRA service.

4-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.2.4 Level Module

Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern.

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Stop Correction

"Sensor Fault" sensor faulty yes yes check
lamp on or sensor,
disconnecte cable and
d connection
Both Bubble Bubble/Level yes yes reset4
and Level Module system
Sensor Fault failed self-
lamps test
"LEV" LED Pump mode no no
blinks at pump changed on
Several level level no no watch
segments lit variation reservoir
on SCP detected
Level Alarm Level below yes yes restore level
Lamp ON sensor (self-
Message in Status Window.
Single beep, can be silenced.
Error message; see following list.
Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, refer problem for maintenance

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-5

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

4.2.5 Pressure Module

Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern.

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Stop Correction

ERxx Hardware or possible possible reset4
Software system
Pressure system is no no none, wait
Display shows self-
"CAL" calibrating
"PRE" LED Pump mode no no
blinks at pump changed on
Pressure No no yes
display shows transducer
"----" connected.
Pressure self-test no no reset
display shows failed or system and
"-**-" module is check
missing module(s)
Pressure in Pressure is yes yes correct
window blinks outside of pressure or
alarm limits change limits
Message in upper Pressure Display.
Single beep, can be silenced
Error message; see following list.
Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, refer problem for maintenance

4-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.2.6 Temperature Module

Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern.

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Correction

ERxx Hardware possible no reset4
or Software system
Temperature Sensor no no check
Display faulty or probe and
shows "----" disconnect cables
Temperature Self-test no no reset
Display failed or system and
shows "-**-" module is check
missing module(s)
Temperature Temperatur yes no check
Display e is <0 C temperatur
shows ,or >50 C e
⇓ or ⇑
Temperature Temperatur yes no correct
in Display e is outside temperatur
blinks of alarm e or
limits change
Message in upper Temperature Display.
Single beep, can be silenced.
Error message; see following list.
Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, refer problem for maintenance

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-7

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

4.2.7 "Pulsatile" Module

Alarms are arranged in order of increasing concern.

Visual1 Cause Alarm2 Pump Stop Correction

Pulse Display No ART no no
shows "-**-" PULS pump
Pulse Display External no no check
shows ⇑ ⇓ frequency incoming
not detected ECG
Pulse Display Heart rate is yes no Monitor ECG
blinks outside of or change
alarm limits limits
Message in Pulse Display.
Single beep, can be silenced
Error message; see following list.
Switch Main Switch OFF for five seconds, then back ON.
If resetting does not correct problem, refer problem for maintenance

4-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.3 Pumps

The simplest solution to a faulty pump is to switch its function to another
pump, or to replace it with a spare pump module.
However, before replacing the pump, it is important to review the error
codes to make certain that a module has not stopped the pump.
If a module is stopping the pump, it will stop any pump dedicated with the
same name.

4.3.1 Reports on the Pump Flow Display

Display Explanation
<=<= Instruction to set the pump Speed Control Knob
potentiometer to zero
!!!! More than one runaway alarm within 5 seconds.
ERR See the Pump Status Window for error report
-OK- Self test concluded without fault
HOUR.XXX Display of hours of operation since last major service
NO COMM No communication with the master computer
NO SEL Fault in Console Control Module
RUNAWAY or The pump speed is exceeding the amount set at the Pump
RPM-DIFF Flow Adjustment Knob
V x.x Software version number

4.3.2 Reports in the Pump Window

Display Explanation
+5 V TEST The +5 V supply differs from the set value by more than
+12 V TEST The +12 V supply differs from the set value by more than
-12 V TEST The -12 V supply differs from the set value by more than
+10 /-20%.
AD CONV The analogue digital memory is faulty
ARITHMET The pump's microprocessor is faulty
BELT! Belt slip
DIRECT The pump is turning in the opposite direction from what is
set on the pump front panel
EEPROM The internal instruction code memory is faulty
HEAD The tachometer at the pump head is faulty
ILL.ERR Other error (illegal error code)
KEYSTUCK A button is stuck or has been held down longer than 15

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-9

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

Display Explanation
LAMPTEST One of the displays is faulty
MODEBLO An error in the selection system for the modes of operation
has been discovered
MODE-REL The mode selection relay is faulty
OFFSET The offset voltage is too high
OVERLOAD Overload at pump head
PUMP OK Pump is ready for operation
RAM The internal data memory is faulty
ROM The internal program memory is faulty
RECIRC The pump is in Cardioplegia Flush mode. Accumulators in
the Cardioplegia Window on the Display Monitor are
REFERENC The internal voltage reference differs from the set value by
more than ±5%.
REV-REL The pump reverse relay is faulty
SAFETY-S The safety system has discovered a deviation from set
SET SIZE The tube size has not been set
SPEED ⇑⇑ The master is calling for a slave speed >250 RPM
STOP The pump was stopped by an external module, but the
module itself could not be identified. This can occur if there
is an error in the communication system or if the
monitoring system was shut down.
STOP BUB The pump has been stopped by the bubble detector.
STOP-INP A stop intervention is faulty
STOP LEV The pump has been stopped by the level sensor.
STOP PRx The pump has been stopped by the pressure module
number x
STOP REL The emergency stop relay is faulty
TEMP!! The pump is overheating
UNEXPECT Software error
If one of the above errors occurs the pump stops and an acoustic alarm

4.3.3 In Case of Pump Error

If a pump does not operate as it should, or if warnings or errors are shown
during start-up or operation, call MAQUET Technical Support immediately.
Never try to operate a faulty pump or one you think may be faulty.

4-10 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.4 Console
4.4.1 Mains Power Failure
In the event of a mains power failure, the HL 20 quickly and automatically
switches over to battery power. The entire HL 20 will run on battery power,
including all pumps, modules, monitoring and recording.
If the mains power failure may be lengthy, or the cause is unknown, it may be
wise to switch OFF unnecessary components.
The total length of battery operation of a new, fully charged battery is
approximately 1.5 hours, with the following systems operating:
Arterial pump, 4 LPM, 3/8" tube, 37°C, 100 mm Hg
Three sucker pumps 50 RPM
Complete Monitoring and data recording
Shutting down unnecessary components will greatly extend the length of battery
operation. In general, the pumps consume about 4 times the amount of power
that the monitoring system does.

Set all pumps to FREE before switching OFF the Monitoring
Switching the Monitoring System OFF will result in a NO COMM Error at
the pumps, stopping all pumps. If the Monitoring is switched OFF, set all
pumps to FREE mode and continue.

4.4.2 Error Reports

Error reports from each module are shown by a blinking display in the
uppermost window of the affected group. The form of the report is: ERxx, where
a number with two digits is shown for xx.

An error code means that the corresponding module should no
longer be operated.
Continued use after an error report may create unexpected results.

If an error report concerns the System Control Panel itself it is shown in the
Status Window in place of the clock. On this display the form of report is EMxx
or EPxx, whereby here again xx is replaced by two digits.
While it is not usually possible for the user to correct these problems, the
number should be noted before calling MAQUET Technical Support. This will
enable the Service Technician to guide you to the quickest possible resolution
of a problem.

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-11

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

4.4.3 Error Messages

Code Message Code Message
01 ROM error 02 RAM error
03 EEPROM error 04 A to D converter error
05 Offset test error 06 Reference voltage test error
07 +5 V test error 08 +12 V test error
09 -12 V test error 0a Lamp test error
0b Temperature error 0c Reverse Relay test error
0d Stop relay error 0e Mode Relay test error
0f Stop Input error 10 Safety system error: Can't
11 Safety system error: General 12 Direction error
13 -- not used -- 14 Stuck button error
15 No PUMP_SEL received 16 No Optical Tacho Signal
17 Unexpected error 18 Arithmetic-unit error
19 Illegal error code 1a Overflow error
20 Mode block / console 21 Bypass status error
interface PCB error
22 Calibration error 23 No sawtooth signal detected
24 Clock error 25 Dual-port ram error
26 Real-time clock error 27 Monitor keyboard controller
28 No master acknowledge 29 No panel acknowledge error
2a Illegal key code 2b Fatal error
2c Blown fuse 2d Battery overvoltage
2e Time out error 7f EPROM Warning: Factory
Defaults loaded
81 Mode already selected 82 No PUMP_SEL detected
83 Mode line failure (Clock 84 Selection not OK (mode line
transaction overflow) pulled low)
85 EEPROM error 86 Illegal Mode
87 Illegal Warning

4-12 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.4.4 Error Report EM7f

The HL 20 EEPROM memory saves all user settings (limits, zero-adjustment
etc.) when switched off completely. These values are then loaded from memory
with every new start of the HL 20 and are used as the initial presets.
If the HL 20 is not switched OFF with the Main Switch (for example, the Monitor
System is switched off), these settings may not be correctly saved. Note that
the settings are saved correctly if the main power fails, however.
If the new values were incorrectly saved, this is detected by the electronics
when the machine is next switched on. All values are now replaced by factory
default settings. The control panel shows that the factory defaults have been
reloaded by displaying the error message EM7f.
If EM7f appears, the user has to switch the Monitoring System OFF (not the
complete machine!) and ON again to clear this error message.
If the error report EM7f appears, the master computer loads the following
Factory default settings:

Pressure limit 200 mm Hg (all channels)
Gain 1 (all channels)

Upper limit 41°C (105°F) - all channels
Lower limit 25°C (77°F) - all channels

Start 20%
Stop 70%
Base flow 0%
Internal frequency 72 BPM
Upper limit frequency 120 BPM
Lower limit frequency 40 BPM
These are replaced with user set parameters by changing them to the desired
value and switching the machine OFF normally.

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-13

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20

4.5 Modules
All microprocessor controlled modules have two LEDs on the front:
The green LED (OK) lights up when all the module self-test has been
completed without error, and the module is ready for use.
The yellow LED (COM or BUS) blinks only when the module is exchanging data
with the master computer.
If you have a problem with any of the modules in your system it is always
advisable to start by checking the two LEDs on the front panel of the
corresponding module.
If the OK LED is out this may mean that there is a fault in the module.
If the COM LED is out it may mean that communication to or from that module
is faulty. The error is probably in the module if the other modules receive their
calls. Otherwise the error is probably in the DINBUS. If the diode flashes but not
at all as often as for the other modules it receives the calls from the master, but
the master does not receive the answer from the module. The error is probably
located in the module.
Note that the COM LED blinks only when the module is exchanging data.

4.5.1 Bubble and Level Detection Errors

As these modules do not have alpha-numerical displays, an error in one is
shown by both sensor fault displays lighting up simultaneously.
Should either of these modules fail, they will most likely fail to the OFF (no
intervention) condition.
If the selected pump stops, the following procedure should be followed:

1. Switch the HL 20 OFF with the Main Switch

2. Open the Module Access Door at the back of the Console.
3. Using a small screwdriver, select an unused pump mode for intervention
(AUX, for example)
4. Do not use that pump mode name until the problem is corrected.

Do not unplug a module while the machine is switched ON.
Damage to the DATABUS can be the result.

4-14 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 4. Troubleshooting

4.5.2 Pressure Module Errors

Should these modules fail, they will most likely fail to the OFF (no intervention)
condition (error message on the system control panel).
If the selected pump stops, the following procedure should be followed:

1. Switch OFF the HL 20 with the Main Switch.

2. Open the Module Access Bay at the back of the Console.
3. Using a small screwdriver, select an unused pump mode for intervention
(AUX, for example)
4. Do not use that pump mode name until the problem is corrected.

Do not unplug a module while the machine is switched ON.
Damage to the DATABUS can be the result.

4.5.3 Temperature Module Errors

Should this module fail, it will most likely fail to the OFF (no intervention)
condition (error message on the system control panel).
However; should the module fail and activate the alarm, the following procedure
should be followed:

1. Switch OFF the HL 20 with the Main Switch

2. Check that the channel reporting the error has correctly set limits.
3. Replace the probe on the malfunctioning channel.
4. If this does not correct the problem, remove the probe from that channel
and notify MAQUET Service.

Do not unplug a module while the machine is switched ON.
Damage to the DATABUS can be the result.

Revision 00 Service Manual 4-15

4. Troubleshooting JOSTRA HL 20



4-16 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5 Maintenance
5.1 Cleaning and Disinfection
5.1.1 General
Clean all surfaces of the whole system including the pump heads, rolls and tube
guides to remove any blood or spilled liquids.
Sponges should be wrung dry to prevent excess liquid from getting inside
components. Ordinary household dish washing liquid is recommended for
cleaning the front pump and control panels. Disinfectants may be used if
needed, but be certain to use only products and processes that are suitable for
plastic surfaces. Avoid excess water near control panels.
Chemical solvents, acids, bases and coarse abrasives should not be used as
these may damage polymer face plates. Chemical solvents such as ether,
acetone etc. should NOT be used in or on any part of the system as such
solvents could damage control panels, connectors, etc. Do not allow any
anesthetics to spill on any part of the system or spare parts. Chemicals such as
Foram (Isofluoran) can be very damaging.
If necessary, a stiff sponge (Scotchbrite or similar) can be used to remove
stubborn stains from the stainless steel and aluminum surfaces. Stainless steel
surfaces may also be polished with mild abrasive polishes made for this
purpose, if desired. Prevent cleaners or polishes from coming in contact with
the plastic panel face plates.
If rust spots develop on stainless steel from repeated exposure to liquids,
contact MAQUET for instructions on spot passivation.

5.1.2 Pumps

Do not remove a pump while the pump is switched on!
This will damage the pump and/or the Console.

Pumps may be lifted off and placed on any flat surface when necessary to clean
under them. Be certain the pump is turned off before removing it from the
Console. All electrical connections are automatically made when the pump is
replaced on the Console.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-1

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

5.1.3 Sensors
Wipe the ultrasound level sensor face with a clean, damp cloth to remove old
Open the bubble sensor and rinse the white silicone cushion with warm water
until all the gel has been removed.

5.1.4 Jamming ON/OFF Buttons

The ON/OFF buttons on the console front side may jam or get stuck due to dirt
on the inside.
To clean a button:
1. Put a sharp instrument (scalpel or similar) between the lens and the frame
around the lens and carefully prize a little on each side of the lens until it
comes loose.
2. Clean the lens and the frame.
3. Press the lens back on its place.

5-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5.2 Preventive Maintenance

5.2.1 General
This section comprise a description of the Preventive Maintenance to be
performed on the HL 20.
Furthermore, there is an Extensive Preventive Maintenance for HL 20 as
described in section ‘5.3 Extensive Preventive Maintenance’. The Extensive
Preventive Maintenance procedure is created for the US Service organization,
but can of course be used worldwide if required.

5.2.2 Preventive Maintenance interval

Perform the Preventive Maintenance every 500 hours of operation or at least
every 6 months.
Check the battery capacity at least every 6 months. Replace the batteries every
2 years or when they can no longer be fully charged within 15 hours or when
fully charged batteries cannot run the complete system longer than 60 minutes.
Replace belts in Single Pumps at least every 2 years.
Replace belts with pulley assembly in Twin Pumps at least every 5 years.

5.2.3 Console mechanics

Part Action
Masts • Check that they are properly fastened in the chassis.
Infusion masts • Check that the infusion masts go up and down with
acceptable resistance.
Access panel • Check that the access panel does not close by itself.
Drawer • Check that the drawer opens and closes smoothly and
stops in the middle position.
Wheels and • Check that the locking mechanism is functioning
brakes properly.
Monitor • Check that the SMU swivels and locks properly.
Control panel • Check that the SCP swivels and locks properly.
Halogen lamp • Check the function of the halogen lamp.
ODU connectors • Check that the ODU connectors are clean and
with covers equipped with covers.
Rack connectors • Check the LEMO connectors. Varify that the pins are
not backing out when pushed on.
Positioning • Check that the positioning dowel is tight.
Fan • Make sure that the fan works.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-3

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

5.2.4 Pump mechanics

Part Action
Pump ID • Note the Pump type, Serial number and runtime on all
pumps on the system.
Tube locking, • Make sure the locking mechanism works.
inserts • Check that the tube holding mechanism works.
Occlusion • Check the occlusion of each pump using a tube and
water. See User Manual.
Guiding pins • Check that the guiding pins roll nicely.
Rollers • Check that the rollers roll nicely.
Pump lid • Check that the lid is not defective and that it is
equipped with a warning sticker.
ODU • Check that the connector works properly (spring-
connectors, loaded) and that the pins are not defective.
spring, pin fixing
Belt • Check that the belts are not worn out or twisted.
• Check the belts tension.
Fan • Make sure that the fan works in each pump.

5.2.5 Pump electronics

Part Action
Switches and • Check that the pumps can be powered ON and OFF
breakers several times (approx. 5) and that no errors are shown
on the displays (self-test passed). Check with switches
and with circuit breakers.
• Also check switches on the twin pumps.
Speed • Slowly increase/decrease the speed over the whole
range. Check that it runs smooth with no unexpected
• Check the speed of the pump head at 250 RPM in
both forward and reverse direction with a tachometer.
See Pump Calibration section.
RPM/LPM switch • Check that the display toggles between RPM and
Mode selection • Check that all pumps can be programmed to all
Calibration • Check that the flow can be calibrated.
Master – slave • Check that the master – slave speed ratio can be
Stop lines and • Check with one stop module that the pump stop in all
communication modes. Check all pumps.

5-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

Runaway • Set pump speed to 0 and manually turn the pump

protection head in the same direction as indicated by the arrows
on the inserts. Check that Runaway alarm is activated
and reset the alarm.
• Repeat the test as above (within 5 seconds) and
check that the !!!! alarm is activated.
Overload alarm • Set pump speed to 5 RPM and stall the pump head
using a wooden dowel.

Keep fingers away from the pump


Error direction • Set pump speed to 0 and manually turn the pump
alarm head in the opposite direction than indicated by the
arrows on the inserts.
Reset hour • Reset the hour counter on each pump. Refer to Belt
counter replacement instructions in the ‘Extensive Preventive

5.2.6 System Control Panel and System Monitoring Unit

Part Action
SCP • Check:
- Pressures, up to 4 pressures
- Temperatures, 4 temperatures
- Level indication, function
- Air bubble alarm, artificial air bubble ∅ 5 mm
generates air alarm.
SMU • Check:
- ECG trace
- Pressure trace
- MAP, SYS, DIA data
- Arterial pulsatile trace
- Cardioplegia windows
- Digital in/out function.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-5

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

5.2.7 Battery back-up

Part Action
Battery – mains • Make sure that the batteries are fully charged.
• Start the system (all pumps on 100 RPM) with tubing
• Disconnect mains power supply and check that:
- The system switches to battery power supply and
continue to run during at least 60 minutes.
- The battery LED is lit and an audible alarm is
- The mains switch LED goes off.
• Re-connect mains and check that the system returns
to mains power supply mode and that all “battery
indications” (see above) are switched off.
Charge circuit • Check that the Battery Charge LED is lit.

5.2.8 Others
Part Action
Level Sensor • Check for any damage to the sensor or cable.
Bubble Sensor • Check for any damage to the sensor or cable and for
any gel built-up.

5.2.9 Electrical safety

Part Action
Electrical safety • Perform Electrical safety tests according to standard
test procedure regulated by IEC 60 601-1 or corresponding
national standards. Allowable values and test methods
are defined in the standard. The use of a leakage
tester, e. g. Bender Safety Tester 601/751 or
equivalent is recommended.
- Record the ground resistance value (protective
earthing continuity).
- Record the leakage current values.
The standard procedures may require 110% voltage.
During this test, 100% voltage should be used.

5-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5.2.10 Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Equipment: Type: Serial No:

Console Mechanics OK Remarks:

Masts ....................................................................... ________________________________
Infusion masts ......................................................... ________________________________
Access panel ........................................................... ________________________________
Drawer ..................................................................... ________________________________
Wheels and brakes ................................................. ________________________________
Monitor .................................................................... ________________________________
Control panel ........................................................... ________________________________
Halogen lamp .......................................................... ________________________________
ODU connectors with covers .................................. ________________________________
Rack connectors ..................................................... ________________________________
Positioning dowels .................................................. ________________________________
Fan .......................................................................... ________________________________

Pump mechanics
Serial number:
Runtime (highest value):
Tube locking, inserts
Guiding pins
Pump lid
ODU connector

Pump electronics
Switches and breakers
RPM / LPM switch
Mode selection
Calibration mode, flow adjust
Master - slave, slave adjust
Stop lines and communication
Runaway protection
Overload alarm
Error direction alarm
Reset hour counter

Remarks on Pumps:

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-7

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

SCP and SMU OK Remarks:

- Pressures ............................................................. ________________________________
- Temperatures ....................................................... ________________________________
- Level indication...................................................... ________________________________
- Air bubble alarm ................................................... ________________________________

- ECG trace ............................................................. ________________________________
- Pressure trace ...................................................... ________________________________
- MAP, SYS, DIA values ......................................... ________________________________
- Arterial pulsatile trace ........................................... ________________________________
- Cardioplegia windows .......................................... ________________________________
- Digital in/out function ............................................ ________________________________

Battery back-up
Automatic battery – mains switch ........................... ________________________________
Charge circuit .......................................................... ________________________________

Level sensor ........................................................... ________________________________
Bubble sensor ......................................................... ________________________________

Electrical safety
Ground resistance .................................................. ____________________________ Ohm
Earth leakage current (normal condition) ............... ______________________________ μA
Enclosure leakage current (normal condition) ........ ______________________________ μA

NOTE During maintenance, the following settings may have been changed in order to test
their function: Flow Calibration, Occlusion, Tube settings, Mode settings, Pressure
limits, Stop lines, Pressure and Temp channels e.t.c.
Please check all settings and values carefully before use.

Date: Signature:

File this form according to procedures defined by your office.

5-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5.3 Extensive Preventive Maintenance

5.3.1 General

The Extensive Preventive Maintenance procedure to be performed on the
HL 20 as described below is created for the US Service organization, but can of
course also be used worldwide if required.
The Extensive Preventive Maintenance Checklist shall be completed during
this procedure.
Portions of Field Test Procedure: HL 20 are incorporated into the Extensive
Preventive Maintenance. Review these procedures before beginning.

Preventive Maintenance interval

Perform the Preventive Maintenance every 500 hours of operation or at least
every 6 months.
Check the battery capacity at least every 6 months. Replace the batteries every
2 years or when they can no longer be fully charged within 15 hours or when
fully charged batteries cannot run the complete system longer than 60 minutes.
Replace belts in Single Pumps at least every 2 years.
Replace belts with pulley assembly in Twin Pumps at least every 5 years.

Recommended Test Equipment & Supplies

Recommended tools: A complete tool kit shall be available to permit correct
disassembly of unit. Avoid using inappropriate or worn out tools. A partial list is
as follows - usage references ( ) are subject to change. Also refer to ’6.9 Field
Test Procedure’.
1. 5 mm Blade Screwdriver (Single & Twin pump bottom plate)
2. #2 Philips Screwdriver (RotaFlow bottom plate)
3. 7 mm Nut Driver (ground nuts, battery terminals)
4. 10 mm open end ignition wrench (Single pump belt tension)
5. Hex key wrench set, 1.5 mm and higher
6. Potentiometer adjustment tool - remove metal clip before use!
7. Twin pump extension boards - recommended
8. 4 pin extension cable - recommended
9. BCM extension board - recommended
10.Terminal Cable (all boards with capability)
11.Bottom Cabling Assembly - recommended
12.Sonic Tension Meter, Gates 507C or equivalent
13.Dual Channel Oscilloscope, Fluke 123 or equivalent
14.Test tubing 3/8” ID x 3/32” W (9/16” OD) Tygon formulation or similar
15.Bloc’Lube tamper evident seal (to secure potentiometer adjustments)
16.Dow Corning 200, 100 cst or CRC Silicone Lubricant.
The lubricant must be of Electrical & Food Grade formula (no petroleum)

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-9

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

Completion of MAQUET service training is prerequisite to performing this

WARNING Danger of serious personal injury. Disconnect mains

voltage before opening equipment. Observe precautions
when operating pumps with cover removed. HL 20 may
tip over when opened. Review precautions in User’s
Manual and Service Manual. Consult MAQUET Technical
Support if there are any questions regarding these
Service by unqualified individuals may result in serious
injury and equipment damage.

Clean all surfaces, rollers, and tubing guides to remove any blood or spilled
liquids. Always use personal protective equipment and observe precautions for
Blood Bourne Pathogens. Refer to User manual for further information.

5.3.2 Initial inspection

1. Perform the Initial Inspection portion of Field Test Procedure: HL 20 and
complete the User Settings Worksheet before starting the Extensive
Preventive Maintenance.
2. Briefly operate console and all pumps to determine system status.
• Verify the console fan operates quietly.
3. Turn off Main and Monitoring system power.

5-10 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

ODU Connectors

Assure Mains power is off. Only place pumps on flat surfaces to avoid
damage to connector. Skin oils can tarnish the pins – avoid contact.

1. Test each HL 20 ODU Connector. Remove pumps individually and then

replace after inspection.
• Verify ODU connector is secured and has a plastic cover.
• Verify resistance is >20 MegaOhm between chassis and all pins except
pin A. If resistance is found low then isolate to pump or component inside
HL 20.
• Verify resistance is less than 1 Ohm between chassis and pin A.
• Verify all sockets are undamaged and not pushed in.
Note: Pin B is shorter on pump connector.

Figure 1. ODU Connector on HL 20

Pin # Signal Name Signal Origin Pin # Signal Name Signal Origin
C 0 Vp 14 CLC_PU_CURVE (Art. Pump)
1 ART_STOP A Module 15 PULS_PU_ACTN (Art. Pump)
2 SLAVE_STOP A Module 16 ACT_VAL_ARTP (Art. Pump)
3 SUCKER_STOP A Module 17 (Reserved)
4 AUX_STOP A Module 18 (Reserved)
5 CARD_STOP A Module 19 (Reserved)
6 0 Vm 20 0 V1, 0 Vs
Figure 2. ODU Connector details – Signal Descriptions

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-11

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

1. Pin resistance to ground was tested earlier when pump was attached to
HL 20. Measure pump connector resistance if this step was not performed.
2. Residue inside and outside the pump tubing guides may require cleaning as
• Place unit on its side to avoid fluid ingress.
• Use warm water and paper towel to remove any external residue.
• Dab warm water on guide ends and rotate Teflon guide to free
• Dispel liquid from inside the tubing guide using Silicone spray lubricant.
– Always wear eye protection when spraying liquids!
– Do not use any petroleum based products!
• Wipe any pooled liquid from inside pump housing.

5-12 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5.3.3 HL 20 Console

NOTE The HL 20 contains circuit boards which are factory calibrated and
shall not be repaired or adjusted in the field except as outlined in
current service documents. Contact MAQUET Technical Support for
replacement information.

The HL 20 Console contains modules and circuit boards as shown in Figure 3.

Power Supply Module “DC/DC”

Adjustment for 5.1, ±12.1 V supplies
AEP Air Emboli Protection Module
QTM Quad Temperature Module
AIO Analog I/O Module
DPM Dual Pressure Module 1, 2
DPM Dual Pressure Module 3, 4
1 Console Control Module
Adjustment for 100% Mains display
Battery Charger Module
Adjustment for Battery voltage display, charge current & voltage
CHI Control Panel Module
MIM Monitor Interface Module
DIO Digital I/O Module
Rear Panel Board
Power Supply Board
Adjustments may be performed to these modules as outlined in this document.

Figure 3: HL 20 Modules and circuit boards

1. Configure the HL 20 as follows:

• Turn on Main power and Monitoring system power.
• Override the necessary interventions.
• Turn on each pump and operate at typical settings.
2. Adjust the PSM to the voltages shown in Figure 4.

PSM Voltage
-12.10 ±0.01 V 12.10 ±0.01 V 5.10 ±0.01 V
Figure 4: PSM voltage adjustments

WARNING The console is unstable when open and may fall over.
A suitable support is required when servicing the unit in
the open position.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-13

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

Battery Replacement
1. The HL 20 battery shall be replaced every 2 years as follows:
• Follow the service manual instructions for opening the console.
• Remove the cable connecting the two batteries.
• Disconnect the (+) and (–) battery cables and remove the battery bracket.
Exercise care when handling the temperature sensor!
• Replace the batteries and attach the (+) and (–) battery cables, bracket,
and sensor.
2. Perform internal inspection.
• Blow out any dust that has accumulated inside console and around fan.
• Verify cables are properly routed and secured.
3. Reassemble console following service manual instructions.
• Attach the cable connecting the two batteries.
• Test the new battery according to Field Test Procedure: HL 20.

Recycling: Worn-out batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly in

accordance with appropriate industrial and environmental standards.

Battery Adjustments
A battery which has failed operational testing and is within two years old may
indicate a problem with the battery charger. Verify Battery Charger Board
(BCB) adjustments if such a failure occurred.
1. A depleted battery is needed to set charging current. Run down the battery
to this state.
2. Verify Mains cable is disconnected and all power is turned off.
3. Remove the Console Control Module (CCM) for disassembly. The BCB and
Console Control Board (CCB) are located inside the CCM.

NOTE Always remove the BCB before attaching or removing test leads.
Battery voltage is always present on this board when inserted into HL
20. Assure Mains power is off before removing board!

4. Remove JMP 1 and F3 (4 A glass fuse). Measure voltage between TP3 and
TP1 (0 volts) on BCB.
• Verify 28.32 ±0.01 volts with JMP 2 closed (use Berg jumper).
Adjust POT1 if necessary.
• Verify 26.4 ±0.2 volts with JMP 2 open.
5. Close JMP 1 and connect ammeter as F3 on the BCB.
• Verify current is 1.8 to 2.1 amps.
Adjust POT2 to obtain reading within this range if necessary.
If charger current adjustment is unstable then replace BCB.
6. Measure voltage at F3 on the connector side (with fuse still removed).
• Verify measurement equals Control Panel battery display ±0.5 volts.
Adjust POT3 if necessary.
7. Replace JMP 1 and F3.

5-14 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

Mains Voltage Percentage

1. View Mains voltage percentage on control panel.
• Verify display shows 100 to 105 percent of measured Mains voltage.
– Adjust POT2 on the CCB if necessary (refer to Figure 5).
2. Apply Bloc’Lube to all potentiometers that were adjusted.
3. Completely reassemble the console, remount on HL 20, and test pump
functions according to Field Test Procedure: HL 20.

Console Control board


Battery Charger board

Figure 5: Console circuit board test points and adjustments

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-15

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

5.3.4 Single Pump

1. Remove the 6 screws securing the pump bottom plate and separate from
pump chassis.
• Verify cables are properly routed and secured.

Figure 6: Supplying power with Pump Servicing Cable

and spare Bottom Cabling assembly.

2. Clean the fan and inside of unit with compressed air (preferred) or ESD safe
3. Clean the tacho strobe label with cotton and alcohol while turning pump
head by hand.
4. Loosen the front panel by removing the 8 screws using a 2.5 mm hex key
wrench. Replace screws which are galled or have worn heads.
5. Use a flashlight and observe the belts for wear or twisting (see Belt
6. Check the belt tensions (see Belt Replacement).
7. Use the Terminal Cable to connect a Laptop to Display board (P6) or Pump
Control board serial connector. Run a terminal program with port settings
9600 8-N-2, Wyse 50 Emulation.
8. Supply power to the pump from the HL 20 through the Pump Servicing
Cable. Use a spare Bottom Cabling assembly to permit operating the unit as
shown in Figure 6.
• Verify the fan operates quietly.
• Verify the motor runs smooth and quietly at various speeds.

5-16 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

Figure 7: Typical terminal output

9. Observe the terminal program (similar to Figure 7) and confirm the following

Measurement Limits Label Description Limits

RPM RPM display Varies
Offset ≤ 10 LPM Flow display in L/min ““
Ref. Test 490-510 POTI Flow Pot. Set Value ““
Motor Tachometer
12V Test 108 to 132 ACTV ““
in RPM
SETV Slave Mode Set Value ““
5V Test 475 to 525 STOP Stop Input Value 0
-12V Test -96 to -132 HEAD Head Tachometer ± 5 of set
T_MO Motor Temperature Varies
HOURS Since last
T_HS Heatsink Temp. ““
RUNNING cleared
HOURS Head Tacho in
- ACTS -
TOTAL Pulsatile Mode
Pulsatile Mode Reg.
Pulsatile Mode
Motor Reg.
Figure 8: Acceptance criteria for terminal output – Single Pump

Note: The following board level adjustments may be required if limits shown in
Figure 8 are exceeded. Contact MAQUET Technical Support if board layout
differs from those shown.

10. Measure between TP5 (5 Vref) and TP1 (0 volts) on Pump Control board.
• Verify 5.000 ±0.005 volts.
• Adjust POT1 if necessary.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-17

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

11. Run pump in forward direction at maximum speed.

• Verify POTI and SETV values are 2500 ±5.
• Adjust POT101 on Motor Control board for a HEAD value of 2500 ±1.
12. Run pump in reverse direction at maximum speed.
• Adjust POT102 on Motor Control board for a HEAD value of 2500 ±1.
13. Use Figures 9 and 10 to verify test point voltages if necessary.

Pump Control Safety Board Motor Control

TP1 (0 volts) TP1 (0 V)
TP2 (5.0 ±0.1 VDC) TP1 (0 volts) TP2 (5 ±0.1 VDC)
TP3 (12 ±0.5 VDC) TP5 (5.000 ±0.005 Vdc) TP3 (12 ±0.5 VDC)
TP4 (-12 ±0.5 VDC) TP4 (-12 ±0.5 VDC)
TP5 (5.000 ±0.005 VDC) TP106 (5.000±0.005 VDC)
Figure 9: Test point voltages – Single Pump

Pump Control Board Safety Board

Motor Control Board Tacho Board

Figure 10: Single pump circuit board test points and adjustments

5-18 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

14. Attach oscilloscope to Tacho board test points and TP3 (0 volts) and run
pump at maximum speed. The traces shall look similar to Figure 11.
• Verify both traces are centered near 2.5 volts with amplitudes > 2 volts
peak to peak.
Adjust Tacho board if necessary (refer to Figure 10).
POT1 adjusts the signal at TP1 and POT2 adjusts the signal at TP2.
• Verify the phase relationship is 90 ±10 degrees.
Make slight adjustments to the Tacho board orientation if necessary.

NOTE It will not be possible to operate the pump if Tacho board adjustments
are too far out of specification. In this case, turn the pump by hand
while adjusting the traces without clipping.

Figure 11: Typical oscilloscope display for calibrated (single pump) Tacho board

15. Apply Bloc’Lube to all potentiometers that were adjusted.

16. Completely reassemble the pump, remount on HL 20, and test pump
functions according to Field Test Procedure: HL 20.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-19

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

5.3.5 Belt Replacement, Single Pump

1. Replace belts which are found twisted, have wear, cracking, or service life
over 2 years.
2. Loosen the belt tension by turning tensioning nuts until belts can be rolled off
the pulleys.
3. Cut the old belts to prevent their reuse.
4. Adjust the tensioning nuts to permit the lower belt to easily roll onto the
motor and head pulleys. Repeat this for the upper belt. Do not overstretch
the belts!
5. Rotate the pump head by hand a number of times to fully seat and equalize
tension in the belt. Increase the tension until finger deflection starts to
become tight.
6. Lightly pluck the belts while holding the Sonic Tension Meter ≤1 cm away
and read the measured frequency. Always take at least three measurements
to assure accuracy. Adjust to 320 ±32 Hz.

NOTE A frequency filtering feature is available with the 507C Meter. Band
pass ranges are selectable for 10 to 600 Hz (standard) and 500 to
5000 Hz (high). Select the correct range when taking measurements.

7. When belts are tensioned properly they shall deflect approximately 3 mm

with moderate finger pressure. This takes experience to determine.

Figure 12: Lightly pluck the belt and measure with the Sonic Tension Meter

8. Run the pump at 250 RPM under load for at least 30 minutes and verify the
tension and orientation of belts.
9. Check the Tacho board signals as previously described.
10. Reset Hours Running by closing JP11 (use Berg jumper) on Pump Control
board and performing a cold start. A cold start occurs if power is reapplied
after being off for over 5 seconds.

Important: Resetting hours will also clear flow calibration values (which were
written on the User Settings Worksheet. You must restore these values before
returning pump to active service!

11. Completely reassemble the pump, remount on HL 20, and test pump
functions according to Field Test Procedure: HL 20.

5-20 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5.3.6 Twin Pump

1. Remove the 6 screws securing the pump bottom plate and separate from
pump chassis.
• Verify cables are properly routed and secured.
2. Clean the fan and inside of unit with compressed air (preferred) or ESD safe
3. Use a flashlight and observe the belts. Replace belts which have wear,
cracking, or service life over 5 years (see Belts with Pulley Replacement).
4. Loosen the front panel by removing the 8 screws using a 2.5 mm hex key
wrench. Replace screws which are galled or have worn heads.
5. Use the Terminal Cable to connect a Laptop to one of the Control board
serial connectors (you must remove the 2-wire cable connecting the two
Control boards). Run a terminal program with port settings 9600 8-N-2,
Wyse 50 Emulation.
6. Supply power to the pump from the HL 20 through the Pump Servicing
Cable and operate the unit on its side.
• Verify the fan operates quietly.
• Verify the motors run smooth and quietly at various speeds.
7. Observe the terminal program (similar to Figure 7) and confirm the following
values. Repeat this procedure for the other Control board.

Measurement Limits Label Description Limits

RPM RPM display Varies
Offset ≤ 10 LPM Flow display in L/min ““
Ref. Test 490-510 POTI Flow Pot. Set Value ““
Motor Tachometer in
12V Test 108 to 132 ACTV ““
SETV Slave Mode Set Value ““
5V Test 475 to 525 STOP Stop Input Value 0
±5 of
-12V Test -96 to -132 HEAD Head Tachometer
T_MO Motor Temperature Varies
HOURS Since last
T_HS Heatsink Temp. ““
RUNNING cleared
HOURS Head Tacho in
- ACTS -
TOTAL Pulsatile Mode
Pulsatile Mode Reg.
Pulsatile Mode Motor
Figure 13: Acceptance criteria for terminal output – Twin Pump

NOTE The following board level adjustments may be required if

limits shown in Figure 13 are exceeded. Contact
MAQUET Technical Support if board layout differs from
those shown.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-21

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

8. Measure between TP5 (5 Vref) and TP1 (0 volts) on Control board.

• Verify 5.000 ± 0.005 volts.
• Adjust POT1 if necessary.
9. Measure between TP11 (5 Vref) and TP1 (0 volts) on Motor Control board.
• Verify 5.000 ±0.005 volts.
• Adjust POT2 if necessary.
10. Run pump in forward or reverse direction at maximum speed.
• Verify POTI and SETV values are 2500 ±5
• Adjust POT1 on Motor Control board for a HEAD value of 2500 ±1.
11. Use Figures 14 and 15 to verify test point voltages if necessary.

Control Safety Board Motor Control

TP1 (0 volts) (see Figure 10) TP1 (0 volts)
TP2 (5.0 ± 0.1 Vdc) TP1 (0 volts) TP2 (5 ± 0.1 Vdc)
TP3 (12 ± 0.5 Vdc) TP5 (5.000 ± 0.005 Vdc) TP3 (12 ± 0.5 Vdc)
TP4 (-12 ± 0.5 Vdc) TP4 (-12 ± 0.5 Vdc)
TP11 (5.000 ± 0.005
TP5 (5.000 ± 0.005 Vdc)
Figure 14: Test point voltages – Twin Pump

Control Board Motor Control Board

Figure 15: Twin pump circuit board test points and adjustments

12. Attach oscilloscope to Tacho board (use extension cable) and run pump at
maximum RPM.
• Verify trace is centered near 2.5 volts with amplitude > 2 volts peak to
– The waveform shall be similar to Figure 11 except single trace.
– Adjust Tacho board POT1 if necessary.
13. Apply Bloc’Lube to all potentiometers that were adjusted.
14. Completely reassemble the pump, remount on HL 20, and test pump
functions according to Field Test Procedure: HL 20.

5-22 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

5.3.7 Belts with Pulley Replacement, Twin Pump

Note: The value in (mm) denotes hex key wrench size. Refer to Figure 16.

1. Remove the pump bottom plate as follows:

• Remove the 6 screws securing the pump bottom plate and separate from
pump chassis.
• Disconnect the two ground wires from the stud using a 7 mm nut driver.
Place both serrated washers and nut back on stud – restore ground
connection after service!
• Disconnect the Bottom Cabling from the Interconnection board and
remove bottom plate.
2. Remove the pump head as follows:
• Remove the fasteners securing pump head cables and disconnect all
connectors from the Interconnect board.
• Loosen the set screws on opposite sides of the pump head (2.5 mm).
• Release the two outer tube inserts by removing the pins (1.5 mm).
• Remove the two outer tube inserts, springs, seats, and screws (3 mm).
• Gently lift the pump head straight up paying careful attention to the
cables. If the gasket sticks then work it free. Clean any residue under the
• Lay the pump head next to the chassis upside down.

NOTE Work on one pump at a time so as to have a reference. Use caution

when working around the tacho strobe to avoid scratches. Clean the
tacho strobe label with cotton and alcohol while turning pump head by
hand if necessary.

3. Remove the tacho cable nylon fastener and the following screws which
secure the motor:
• Single screw between the motors (6 mm).
• Two locking screws along the edge (5 mm).
• Tension adjustment screw (4mm).
4. Lift off the motor and set aside.
5. Remove the screws which secure the Belts with Pulley assembly:
• Rotate the pulley to expose the locking screw (5 mm).
• Tension adjustment screw (3 mm).
6. Remove the old Belts with Pulley assembly. Cut the old belts to prevent their
7. Loop the new Rotor belt over the pulleys and lightly secure the locking screw
(5 mm). Hold the assembly while attaching the tension adjustment screw
(3 mm) and tension using the other pump as a reference. Do not over
tension – final adjustment will be performed later.
8. Loop the new Motor belt over the pulleys and hold the motor in place while
attaching the tension adjustment screw (4 mm). Lightly secure the locking
screws and tension the Motor belt using the other pump as a reference. Do
not over tension.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-23

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

9. Rotate the pump head by hand a number of times to fully seat and equalize
tension in the belts.
10.Lightly pluck the belts while holding the Sonic Tension Meter ≤ 1 cm away
and read the measured frequency. Always take at least three measurements
to assure accuracy.

NOTE A frequency filtering feature is available with the 507C Meter. Band
pass ranges are selectable for 10 to 600 Hz (standard) and 500 to
5000 Hz (high). Select the correct range when taking measurements.

11.Tension the belts to the following specification:

• Rotor belt: 850 ± 20 Hz – adjust the tension screw on the pulley (3 mm).
• Motor belt: 400 ± 20 Hz – adjust the tension screw on the motor (4 mm).

NOTE The adjustments are interdependent and may require multiple

adjustment and measurements. Secure both pulley and motor locking
screws fully when tension is set and recheck frequencies.

12.Perform this procedure for the other pump. Operate pumps at 250 RPM
under load for at least 30 minutes and recheck the tension.
13.Reset Hours Running by closing JP11 (use Berg jumper) and performing a
cold start. A cold start occurs if power is reapplied after being off for over 5
seconds. Do this for both Control boards.

Important: Resetting hours will also clear flow calibration values (which were
written on the User Settings Worksheet. Restore these values before
returning pump to active service!

14.Completely reassemble the pump, remount on HL 20, and test pump

functions according to Field Test Procedure: HL 20.

Twin Pump

5-24 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance

Figure 16a: Screws to remove in order to release the pump head

Figure 16b: Tension adjustment screws on pump head sides

Figure 16c: Locking screw on the pulley, motor removed, and tacho board and strobe
Figures 16: Various pictures of the Twin Pump, pump head assembly

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-25

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20

5.3.8 Extensive Preventive Maintenance Checklist

This checklist is completed as part of the Extensive Preventive Maintenance.

Confirm the following steps have been performed:

HL 20 Console
HL 20 Serial Number:

Step Performed: Yes No Yes No

ODU Connector Resistance:

External Inspection:
Cooling Fan Operational:
Power Supply Adjustments:
Battery Replaced:
Internal Inspection:
Cables Routed & Secured:
Circuit Board Adjustments:
Field Test Procedure:

Single Pump / Twin Pump

Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 5 Pump 6

Serial Number:

Single / Twin:

Step Performed: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

ODU Connector Resistance:

Internal and External
Cleaned TachoI Strobe
ti 1:
Cables Routed & Secured:
Cooling Fan Operational:
Motor Runs Smooth:
Verified Terminal Data:
Inspected Belts1:
Replaced Belts:
Speed Adjustments Made:
Tacho Checked / Adjusted:
Field Test Procedure:
Single Pump only

5-26 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 5. Maintenance


.Signature .Date Performed .Clarification of signature and title

File this form according to procedures defined by your office.

Revision 00 Service Manual 5-27

5. Maintenance JOSTRA HL 20



5-28 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6 Service
6.1 General
A repair procedure must normally be proceeded by a fault diagnosis procedure
as the complex structure of the system may indicate faults in other parts of the
machine than the fault origin. Always look up the error code presented on the
faulty module or somewhere else in the HL 20 system. See ”4 Troubleshooting”
and Appendix A “Description of the HL 20 Self-test”.

CAUTION Switch off the main switch and unplug the mains cable before
attending service on the HL 20.
Before disconnecting cables, opening the console, removing pumps or
modules always switch the main switch OFF.

See ”3 Function” for detailed information about the different units and modules
of the HL 20.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-1

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.2 Operations Prior to Adjustment

6.2.1 Open/Close SCP/SMU

To open the SCP/SMU do as follows
• Power the machine down.
• Remove the screw in front (on SMU and on MPL, MPR, MRC or MLC
mounted SCP only) and in the rear.
• Hold the SCP/SMU with one hand in case it falls out.
• Push a small screwdriver in the middle hole onto the middle screw until the
board comes loose.
• Pull the board out in a downward motion until you can reach the
connector(s) on the rear of the board.
• Remove the cable from the connector.
• Place the SCP/SMU on a cushioned surface so the display will not be
• Remove the three screws in the lower rear of the SCP housing (on ROC or
• Gently pull the lower part of the SCP front panel outwards approximately
10 mm.
• In the same move then pull downwards approximately 10 mm until the
upper part comes out from the console housing.

• Check that the power connections are correct.
• Connect the cable to the connector on the rear of the board.
• Guide the SCP/SMU upward until the top edge is in place.
• Check that the wires are not going to be crushed.
• Push the SCP/SMU back in the housing and tighten the screws.

6-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.2.2 Install Pump

To install a pump:
1. Switch OFF the HL 20 with the Main Switch.
2. Open the cover over the electrical socket at the intended pump bay on top
of the Console.
3. Make sure that the pump position is turned OFF.

CAUTION Switch off power to the pump before installing or removing it from
the Console.
Removing a pump while switched on will damage internal components.

4. Lower the pump straight down on the Console. Two large stainless pins
guide the pump into position, and provide grounding contact with the
All power connections to the pump are made through a socket on the Console,
and the pump is ready for immediate operation.

6.2.3 Remove Pump

To remove a pump:
1. Switch the Pump OFF.

CAUTION Switch off power to the pump before installing or removing it from
the Console.
Removing a pump while switched on will damage internal components.

2. Lift the pump straight up off the Console.

After removing a pump, it may be placed on any flat surface without damage to
the electrical pins. Uneven surfaces could result in damage to the pins on the
pump base. If the rubber feet on the bottom side of the pump become
damaged, they should be replaced.
When handling the pump, be careful not to let the electrical pins on the
underside contact anything. Never touch the pins as skin oils and moisture may
subsequently degrade electrical connections.
If the pump will be removed for more than a few moments, or if the Console is
being cleaned, place the plastic cover over the electrical socket. This is
especially important to help prevent liquids from getting into the socket.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-3

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.2.4 Open/Close Pump

Roller Pump Module (RPM)


CAUTION Do not open the pump on its operational place on the console.
The equipment might get damaged.

• Place the pump on its side with the front to the left.
• Remove the six screws holding the bottom plate.
• Carefully pull the bottom plate towards you. Twist the inside of the plate
upwards and place the bottom plate on the table.

• Before closing check that all connections are in place an that all boards are

Twin Pump Module (TPM)


CAUTION Do not open the pump on its operational place on the console.
The equipment might get damaged.

• Place the pump in its natural resting position with the front facing you.
• Remove the eight screws holding the front panel.
• Remove the front panel slightly and remove all connections.

• Before closing the front panel check that all connections are in place.

6-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.2.5 Open/Close Console

WARNING Danger of electric shock

Always disconnect the mains plug before opening the console.

• Power down the machine by pressing the main switch to position OFF and
remove the mains cable.
• Remove all pumps.
• Disconnect the SCP, the SMU and the spotlight cablings and secure them
to the masts.

CAUTION Secure the SCP, the SMU and the spotlight cablings before opening
the console.
The cablings may fall down and short-circuit the battery poles.

• Remove the bubble sensor and make sure that the level sensor is out of the
• Lock the back wheels in an outwards position.
• Lock the front wheels in a forward position.
• Loosen the two lock screws. See following picture.
• Be careful not to tilt over the console.

CAUTION When open the console might easily tilt.

Secure the console with a wooden box or similar.

NOTE Do not use a metal ”tool box” or similar as this easily may scratch the
console housing. Sharp corners may even destroy the ON/OFF switches.

• Open the console housing by gently pulling the masts forward.

NOTE Check that the stop hinge is in its locked position.

• Remove the battery cable connecting the two batteries together in order to
work safely in the machine.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-5

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

1. Stop hinge
2. Battery cable connecting the two batteries together.
3. Lock screw (one on each side of the console)
Opening the console

• Check that no tools or hardware are left in the machine.
• Check that all connections are in place.
• Close the battery connection.
• Lift the stop hinge and close the console by pulling the masts.
• Connect the SCP, the SMU and the spot-light cablings.
• Check that the console is properly locked by tightening the two lock screws.

6.2.6 Remove Module

Remove the straight screws on the corners of the module and gently pull the
module out of the 19”-rack.

6.2.7 Open/Close Module

CAUTION Electrostatic sensitive equipment.

Always work on an anti-static surface mat and use a wrist strap when
handling electrostatic sensitive equipment.

6-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.3 SCP Adjustments

6.3.1 SCP Time and Date Setting
To set the clock time:
1. Simultaneously press the Safety Set button (2) and the loudspeaker button
(3). The two left digits of the real-time clock (1) now blink. Turn the
Adjustment Knob (4) to set the hour. Set the hours in military (24 hour) time.
2. Press the Safety Set button (2) and the loudspeaker button (3) again. The
two right positions now blink. The minutes can be set by turning the
Adjustment Knob.
If you press the Safety Set and loudspeaker buttons again, you are in the
seconds mode. Set the seconds by turning the Adjustment Knob.
Continue in this manner and in the next four steps set the day of the week, the
month, the day of the month and the year.
Please note that the setting cycle must always be completed. Clock setting is
not complete until all of the positions have ceased to blink.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-7

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.4 SMU Adjustments

6.4.1 SMU Display Adjustments

This LED blinks when data is being exchanged with the rest
of the system.
This LED is illuminated when all self-tests of the monitor
unit have been completed without fault, and the monitor is
ready for use.
3 Screen Contrast adjustment
4 Screen Brightness adjustment
5 ECG Amplitude adjustment
This screwdriver-adjustable potentiometer adjusts the
displayed amplitude of the ECG signal.
6 Pressure Amplitude adjustment
This screwdriver-adjustable potentiometer adjusts the
displayed amplitude of the input pressure signal.
7 ECG Position adjustment
This screwdriver-adjustable potentiometer adjusts the
position of the ECG signal on the screen.
8 Pressure Position adjustment
This screwdriver-adjustable potentiometer adjusts the
position of the Pressure curve on the screen.

6-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.5 Pump Adjustments

6.5.1 Tube Installation
See User Manual.

6.5.2 Occlusion Setting

See User Manual.

6.5.3 Flow Rate Calibration

Each pump should have the flow display calibrated to actual output for each
tube size. This normally needs to be done infrequently, such as when a new
pump is installed, when switching to a new tube size, or as a periodic check.

NOTE It is important that this is done accurately as the flow rates which are
recorded in the JOCAP data set when recording a case are based on this

1. Select tube size

Press the Menu (page) button on the pump until SET TUBE is displayed.
Press the SET button. Press the Menu button until the correct tube size is
displayed. Then press and hold the SET button for three seconds until a
long beep is heard.
2. Insert the tube and set the occlusion as described in the User Manual.
(Record the micrometer occlusion setting on the pump head so this can be
quickly reset for the same type of tube in the future.)
3. Set the pump to CAL MODE
Press the Menu (page) button until CAL MODE is displayed. Then press
and hold the SET button for three seconds until a long beep is heard and
the display blinks.
4. Connect both ends of the tube to a static supply (bucket) holding at least 10
litres of water. Switch on the pump, and set to about 60 RPM for 1/2" ID or
larger tubes, or approximately 100 RPM for smaller tubes.

NOTE Do not change the pump speed until the end of the calibration.

5. Move the outlet side of the tube to a collection container, and collect the
output for exactly one minute. Then move the outlet end back to the main
bucket. Measure the volume collected in litres.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-9

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6. Switch the display to LPM mode. Using the adjusting screwdriver, adjust the
potentiometer on the front channel of the pump so that the LPM reading in
the Display Window agrees with the amount collected in one minute.
7. When you have entered the correct flow in the display and want to
memorise it, press the SET button and hold for three seconds. A long beep
confirms that the programming procedure has been completed and the new
flow curve is memorised.
If you wish to leave the calibration mode without memorising the new value,
merely press any other button.
8. The pump speed may now be changed or the pump switched OFF. The
new flow-rate calibration curve for this tube size is linear, and will remain in
the pump memory even when the pump is switched off.



6-10 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.5.4 Belt replacement

Refer to section Belt Replacement, Single Pump or Belts with Pulley
Replacement, Twin Pump in the Maintenance chapter.

6.5.5 Optical Tachometer Board Adjustment

The tachometer must be adjusted to the pump it is going to operate in. If the
tachometer is installed in another pump it must be readjusted. (A special test
cable might be needed to access the test points)

Adjustment procedure
Refer to section Single Pump or Twin Pump in the Maintenance chapter.

6.6 Console Adjustments

6.6.1 Mast Angle
To adjust the mast angle do as follows
• Open the console. See ”6.2.5 Open/Close Console”.
• Loosen the screw (1).
• Loosen the four screws (3) located under the mast block (2).
• Adjust the mast angle as desired by hand.
• Tighten the screws (3)

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-11

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.7 Module Adjustments

6.7.1 Power Percentage Adjustment – CCM

1. Display showing line voltage as a

percentage of nominal voltage.
2. Battery check button
System Control Panel – Console

CCM Board

1. Disassemble the Console Control Module (CCM) and mount it together with
the extension board.
2. At nominal line voltage adjust the POT2 on the CCM Board until the
Console Group display (1) shows 100%.

6.7.2 Dual Pressure Module

Calibration of Pressure Control

See User Manual.

6-12 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.8 Check Procedures

This section comprise a check list to help complete an adjustment or service
session. It is important that a thorough check after service is performed to
prevent mistakes of any kind.
After the list some check procedures are described in detail.
Furthermore, there is an extensive test for HL 20 as described in section 6.9
Field Test Procedure. It is recommended this procedure be completed to verify
performance standards following major service intervention or periodic
maintenance of the HL 20. Parts of this procedure may also be used during
system installation. This Field Test Procedure is created for the US Service
organization, but can of course be used worldwide if required.

6.8.1 Checklist
The checklist includes information in two categories:
Replace Perform these check points after an adjustment to the system or
replacement of a component, a module etc.
Service These check points are used at the periodical maintenance

Replace Service Check

X – The entire Field Test Procedure.

Replace Service Check

X – Check that all signal curves are displayed correctly.

X – Check that the JOCAP system works.

Replace Service Check

Outside Pump
CAUTION Power OFF before touching the inside of the pump
X X Check the inside of the pump house and the tube locking for
mechanical damage.
X X Check that the guiding rollers runs smooth, are tightened and
are not damaged.
X X Check that the rollers runs smooth and are secured in the
middle of the pin.
X X Check that the roller blocks runs smooth.
X X Check that the occlusion locking work and has a spring

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-13

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

Replace Service Check

X X Check that the tube locking runs smooth, on the insert system
check the spring function.
X X Check that the occlusion knob is tightened with the two stop
X X Occlusion check
(should be performed by MAQUET trained personal only).
Pump Front
X X Check that the front panel is tightened with eight screws.
X X Press all the buttons and make sure that they are distinct and
has a good sound.
Pump Bottom Plate
X X Check that the pins in the ODU connector are secured in the
X X Check that the bottom plate is tightened with six screws.
Inside the pump
NOTE Must be performed by MAQUET trained personnel only.
Belt check
X X Dismount the front panel and make sure that the EMI-
protection is secured to the chassis.
X X Check the belt tension (max. possible depression 3 mm) and
that the belt is not twisted.
X X Dismount the bottom plate and make sure that the EMI-
Protection is secured to the plate.
X X Clean the fan and check the condition of the cables and their
Roller Pump boards (RPM 20-310, RPM 20-320)
Front Panel Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
Interconnection board
X – Check the board visually
Control Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
X – Connect Ground to TP1 and check voltage at TP5
Safety System Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
X – Connect ground to TP1 and check voltage at TP5

6-14 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Replace Service Check

Motor Control Board

X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
X – Connect 24V to TP2, ground to TP0 and check the voltage at
TP2, TP3 and TP4.
X – Connect ground to TP1 and check voltage at TP106 (only
pumps delivered after June 1996)
Motor Control Module 1 (only pumps delivered before
June 1996)
X – Connect ground to TP1 and check voltage at TP6
Optical Tacho Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check tachometer signals. See ”6.5.5 Optical Tachometer
Board Adjustment”.
Twin Pump boards (TPM 20-330)
Front Panel Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
Interconnection Board
X – Check the board visually
Control Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
X – Connect Ground to TP1 and check voltage at TP5
Safety System Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
X – Connect ground to TP1 and check voltage at TP5
X – Connect ground to TP1 on the Control Board and check
voltage at TP5
Optical Tacho Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check tachometer signals. See ”6.5.5 Optical Tachometer
Board Adjustment”.
Motor Control Board
X – Check the board visually
X – Check jumper settings
X – Connect ground to TP0 and check the voltage at TP2.
X – Connect ground to TP1 and check the voltage at TP3, TP4
and TP11.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-15

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

Replace Service Check

Pump function
X X Start the pump and check that it passes the self test.
X X Check that the pump are able to switch between LPM and
Speed Check
X X Set the pump to max. speed and check that it shows 250 rpm
±1 rpm.
X X Check the speed with a hand tachometer (±1 rpm).
X X Check that it is not possible to set the pump in reverse mode
while running.
X X Set the pump in reverse mode.
X X Set the pump to max. speed and check that it shows 250 rpm
±1 rpm.
X X Check the speed with a hand tachometer (±1 rpm).
Calibration Check of the Tubes
X X Check that it is possible to calibrate the flow of the tubes and
that the value is stored.
Intensity Check
X X Check that the intensity can be adjusted to 25, 50 and 100%
and stored.
See ”6.8.2 Pump Alarm – Check Procedure”.
X X Check that the runaway / rpm-diff and repeated runaway /
rpm-diff alarm is functioning.
X X Check that the direction alarm is functioning.
X X Check that the beltslip alarm is functioning.
Mode function
X X Set the pump ARTERIAL mode, check that all the modules
with stop functions are stopping the pump.
X X Set the pump to SLAVE mode, check that all the modules
with stop functions are stopping the pump.
X X Set the pump to SUCKER mode, check that all the modules
with stop functions are stopping the pump.
X X Set the pump to AUX mode, check that all the modules with
stop functions are stopping the pump.
X X Set the pump to CARD mode, check that all the modules with
stop functions are stopping the pump.
X X Set the pump to ART PULSE mode and check that the pump
can be controlled from the control panel.

6-16 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Replace Service Check

SLAVE 1 and 2 Mode

X X Set the pump to SLAVE 1, set another pump to ART mode
and check that the SLAVE pump can be adjusted within
±20% of the value set on the ART pump.
X X Set the ART pump to 0. The slave pump must stop.
X X Set the pump to SLAVE 2, set another pump to ART mode
and check that the SLAVE pump can be adjusted within
±20% of the value set on the ART pump.
X X Set the ART pump to 0. The SLAVE pump must stop.
X X In SLAVE 2 mode, set the ART pump to ART PULSE and
check that the pump runs without pulsating but is following
the flow from the art pump.
X X Check that the SLAVE 2 is delayed when the ART pump is
started and stopped.
X X Set the SLAVE pump to SLAVE 1 and check that the pump is
pulsating like the ART pump.

Replace Service Check

X X Check that the front wheels are secured to the body and have
total lock function.
X X Check that the rear wheels are secured to the body and have
a direction lock function.
X X Check that the drawer runs smooth.
X X Check that the power socket list are secured, works and have
a safety plate.
X X Check that the access panel is able to stay in its open
X X Check that the switches lights up when pushed ON and do
not get stuck when pushed OFF.
X X Check that the charge and battery indicators light up when
charging or running on batteries.
X X Check that the position dowels are secured to the body and
not mechanical damaged.
X X Check that the ODU connectors are secured to the body and
have a cover.
ROC and LOC only
X X Check that the panel can be tightened in all positions.
X X Check that the panel locks in the three different positions.
X X Check that the panel can be locked to the mast.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-17

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

Replace Service Check

MRC and MLC only

X X Check that the panel runs smooth from side to side and can
be secured at any position.
X X Check that the monitor runs smooth from side to side and can
be secured at any position.
X X Check that the monitor arm are secured to the mast.
X X Check that all the masts and side guards are secured to the
X X Check that the infusion masts run smooth and can be
secured with the grip.
Module Access Bay
X X Remove all LEMO plugs from the SCP and the SMU. Check
that both the male and female connector are intact and that
no pin are pushed in.
X X Remove the Air Bubble Sensor. Check that both the male and
female connector are intact and that no pin are pushed in.
X X Check the female LEMO connectors on the AIO, DPM, QTM
and DIO module and make sure that none of the pins are
pushed in.
X X Check all the fuses on the fuse panel by switching ON and
OFF at each position.
X X Check that the spot light works in both connectors.
X X Unscrew the modules one by one and make sure that the
EMI-protection is properly secured.
X X Do a total function check on the system according to User
Mains Transformer
X – Check that the jumper configuration is correct.
X – Check that the outputs are correct.
X – Check that the power percent is between 100 and 105 %.
X – Check that the leakage current is acceptable. See User
Power Supply Board
X – Check that the fuse panel cables are correctly mounted.
X – Check that all output cables are correctly mounted.
X – Check that all switches are correctly mounted.
X – Check that the correct pump positions receive power in
conjunction with the pump switches.
X – Check that the FUSE alarms are in conjunction with the
corresponding FUSE.
X – Check that the machine switches to BATTERY mode
X – Check that the spot light works.
X – Check that the screws on the PSB are tightened.

6-18 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Replace Service Check

X – Check that all connections are tight.

X – Check that the screws through the bridge rectifiers are tight.
X – Check that the batteries charge up normally.
X – Check that the battery back-up time is acceptable.
The 19" Rack and the RP Board
X – Since the RP board interconnects literally the entire system
together, it is without question that all the final test must be

Replace Service Check

Power Supply Module (PSM)

X – Check that the voltage outputs are correct and stabile.
X – Check that the machine functions are normal.
X – Check that no errors occur on several cold starts.
Console Control Module (CCM)
X – Check that the power percentage is between 100 and 105%.
See ”6.7.1 Power Percentage Adjustment – CCM”.
X – Check that all pumps, SCP and SMU function in Battery
X – Check that all pumps can be programmed to all possible
X – Check that the batteries charge up normally.
X – Check that the Stop Modules function in all selections.
X – Check jumper settings.
Battery Charge Module (BCM)
X – Check that P1-Z8 is the same voltage as displayed on the
SCP (fuse removed).
X – Check that 2 amperes are travelling through F3 when the
batteries are empty.
X – Check that the batteries are fully charged after 15 hours.
X – Check that the machine runs in battery mode for the
acceptable time limit.
Monitor Interface Module (MIM)
X – Check that the signals are displayed on the SMU.
X – Check that the external ECG can be displayed on the SCP
and a pump can trigger from it.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-19

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

Replace Service Check

Air Bubble Detector Module (ABD)

X – Check that the bubble detection circuit detects micro-bubbles.
X – Check that the level detection circuit works properly.
X – Check that the ABD stops all pumps in different modes.
X – Check that the override function works.
Ultra Level Detector Module (ULD)
X – Check that the level displays proper number of bars on
display with phantom.
X – Check that an alarm sounds if sensor is below the liquid level.
Stop functions and override functions.
Quadruple Temperature Module (QTM)
X – Check that the temperature probe and what is displayed on
the SCP are the same value (use simulator).
– Check that the leakage current is of acceptable value
Dual Pressure Module (DPM)
X – Check that the pressure transducers can be calibrated
correctly (with simulator).
X – Check that the pressure is displayed on the SCP.
X – Check that the DPM sends out an alarm when the pressure
exceeds the limit.
X – Check that the stop function works.
X – Check that the DPM can regulate a pump.
X – Check that the override function works.
Air Emboli Protection Module (AEP)
X – Check that the bubble detection circuit detects micro-bubbles.
X – Check that the level detection circuit works properly.
X – Check that the level detection circuit works properly.
X – Check that the AEP stops all pumps in different modes
X – Check that the override function works.
X – Check that the level displays proper number of bars on
X – Check that an alarm sounds if sensor is below the liquid level.
Analogue I/O Module (AIO)
X – Check that the external signals are displayed.
X – Check that the leakage current of the combined devices are
Digital I/O Module (DIO)
X – Check that the external signals are recorded on JOCAP.
X – Check that the external signals are displayed if programmed
to do so.
X – Check that the combined leak current is acceptable.

6-20 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.8.2 Pump Alarm – Check Procedures


1. Adjust the pump speed to 0 rpm.
2. Turn the pump head in the arrow direction.
3. Check that the pump alarm starts indicating ”RUNAWAY / RPM-DIFF”.
4. Reset the pump by turning the speed knob up and down.

Repeated Runaway Alarm – !!!!

1. Make the runaway check twice within 5 seconds.
2. Check that the display shows ”!!!!” or perhaps ”SAFETY-S”.
3. Reset the alarm by turning the pump OFF.

Direction Alarm – DIRECT

1. Adjust the pump speed to 0 rpm.
2. Turn the pump head in the opposite arrow direction.
3. Check that the pump alarm starts indicating ”DIRECT”.
4. Reset the pump by turning the pump OFF.

Beltslip Alarm – LOAD !!!

1. Adjust the pump speed to 0 rpm.
2. Put one hand on the pump head in order to prevent it from turning.
3. Increase the pump speed with your other hand.

WARNING Danger of severe personal injury.

Only trained personnel may perform this test.
The pump is very powerful and can cause severe damage to the hand.

4. Check that the pump alarm starts indicating ”LOAD !!!” or ”HEAD”.
5. Reset the pump.
• Reset the ”LOAD !!!” alarm by turning the speed knob down.
• Reset the ”HEAD” alarm by turning the pump OFF.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-21

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.9 Field Test Procedure

6.9.1 General

The Field Test Procedure described below is created for the US Service
organization, but can of course also be used worldwide if required.
It is recommended this procedure be completed to verify performance
standards following major service intervention or periodic maintenance of the
HL 20. Parts of this procedure may also be used during system installation.

Field Test Checklist

The Field Test Checklist shall be completed during this procedure.

Test Equipment
1. Test equipment specifications are listed to facilitate substitution. lternate
test equipment must meet or exceed the following recommendations.
2. Temperature References: YSI Series 400.
Specs: 1.5°C, 20.1°C, 34.5°C, 43.3°C, ± 0.1%.
3. Pressure Transducer Simulator: Fogg System Company BP-28 or
Specs: ± 0.5 mmHg ± 0.1% of setting @ 25°C, 200/300/3000 Ohms, range
± 500 mmHg.
4. Photo-Tachometer: Extech 461895 or equivalent.
Specs: ± 0.05% + 1 digit, 0.1 RPM resolution.
5. Electrical Safety Analyzer: to meet local requirements and device
Specs: AAMI or IEC (local requirements).

Recommended Test Equipment

Sonic Tension Meter Pressure Transducer Simulator

6-22 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Test Tubing
1. Test configuration consists of 1 section PVC tubing segmented with 15 cm
section of same dimension silicon, 3/8 inch ID x 3/32 inch W x length
suitable to reach water container, roughly 2 meter length total. Silicon
portion is to test Air Bubble Detector on both types of tubing. Can also use
separate tubing setups of same dimension and length.
2. Centrifugal pump with 50 cm 3/8 inch ID x 3/32 inch W PVC tubing
attached. Submerge into water to expel all air and loop. Attach adjustable
tubing clamp (miniature tubing cutter with blade removed works well or use
an adjustable flat wrench).
3. Polycarbonate flask for level sensor tests. Permanently attach Level Sensor
pad to flask (Back packer’s wide mouth water bottle).
4. Water container for 5 mm pellet test (1 liter water bottle).

Temperature References: YSI Series 400

1. IRC RC Precision Metal Film ± 0.1% resistors.
a. 1050 Ω = 43.34°C
b. 1500 Ω = 34.52°C
c. 2800 Ω = 20.11°C
d. 6810 Ω = 1.51°C
2. Switchcraft 2 conductor 1/4” Black Phone Plug.

External Signal Simulator:

1. Per customer installation or use signal generator.
2. Refer to service manual for analog i/o input specifications.

1. Potentiometer adjustment tool (for module switches, potentiometer
2. 10 mm diameter wooden dowel (for pump tests)

Completion of MAQUET service training is prerequisite to performing this
procedure. If any portions of the following tests fail then a determination of
impact shall be performed and the decision to return equipment to clinical use
shall be made based on the severity of the non-conformance. Do not return
equipment to clinical use which has failed testing for critical functions. Correct
all non-conformances as soon as possible to maintain user’s performance

WARNING Danger of serious personal injury. Disconnect mains

voltage before opening equipment. Observe precautions
when operating pumps with cover removed. HL 20 may
tip over when opened. Review precautions in User’s
Manual and Service Manual. Consult MAQUET Technical
Support if there are any questions regarding these

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-23

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.9.2 Initial Inspection

1. Check the unit for mechanical defects. Verify the following:
• Drawer opens and closes smoothly
• Masts go up and down smoothly
• Support arm clamps are secure and tension adjustment operates
• Front wheels are secured, run smoothly, and have total lock function
• Rear wheels are secured, run smoothly, and have directional lock
• Panel and Monitor can be secured at multiple positions
• Panel and Monitor move side to side (as equipped)
• Cables and connectors are in good shape
• Confirm electronic module screws are secure
• Verify hand crank(s) are available and in good shape

2. Check each pump for signs of damage. Verify the following:

• Front panel is in good shape
• Cover is in good shape
• Tubing lock functions
• Inserts can be moved and spring function operates
• Rollers run freely and no play is detected
• Tubing guides rotate smoothly
• Occlusion locking mechanism operates (do not adjust).

3. Turn on Main power and Monitoring system power.

• Verify audible alarm sounds.
• Verify the Monitor (SMU) powers up and traces are displayed on the EL
• Verify all Control Panel LED’s illuminate (in groups) followed by
• Verify the Control Panel displays Mains voltage (%).

4. Press and hold Mains / Battery.

• Verify battery voltage is displayed.

5. Hold down safety switch and press Mains / Battery.

• Verify display intensity scrolls through 25%, 50%, and 100% settings.

6. Turn on each pump.

• Verify an audible beep sounds, self test is performed, all LED’s light, and
“OK” is shown.

7. Inspect the following switches & indicators:

• Verify Halogen Lamp operates (if applicable).
• Verify all on/off switches operate smoothly and lights illuminate.
• Verify Charge C indicator illuminates when operated on Mains voltage.
• Record the acceptance.

6-24 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Complete the ‘User Settings Worksheet’ and return all equipment to
original settings after tests have been completed! Attach the worksheet
to service report.
Record occlusion scale settings (turns until fully closed or open) if this
adjustment will be altered (e.g., for cleaning). You must restore
occlusion adjustments to exactly the same settings!

6.9.3 Battery Capacity

1. Disconnect Mains voltage and continue with the test procedure while
running on batteries:
• Verify audible alarm.
• Verify Battery B indicator illuminates when operated on battery.
• Verify battery life is 1.5 hour minimum when performing test procedure.
• Reconnect to Mains voltage when necessary. Battery voltage shall be
>23 V.
• Record the acceptance.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-25

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.9.4 Pressure Channels Calibration

Calibrate pressure channels with a calibrated Pressure Transducer
Simulator (PTS) to maintain stated accuracy (see Technical Data
section of User’s Manual). A customer operated Pressure Transducer
Calibration procedure is outlined in the User’s Manual.

1. Set PTS to 0 mmHg and attach to channel I.

2. Zero channel I by holding safety switch and pressing 0.
3. Set PTS to 300 mmHg and verify the trend LED indicates increasing
4. Press AMPLITUDE while turning Adjustment Knob to select
300 mmHg.
5. Set gain on channel I by holding safety switch and pressing Amplitude.
• Verify 300 mmHg is displayed after switches are released.
• Verify Trend LED indicates increasing pressure.
6. Press kPa and verify 39.9 is displayed. Press again for mmHg units.
7. Set PTS to 100 mmHg.
• Verify display shows 100 ± 1 mmHg.
• Verify Trend LED indicates decreasing pressure.
8. Set PTS to 10 mmHg
• Verify display shows 10 ± 1 mmHg.
• Record the acceptance.
9. Repeat the Pressure Channels Calibration procedure verifying channel II.
• Record the acceptance.
10. Repeat the Pressure Channels Calibration procedure verifying channel III.
• Record the acceptance.
11. Repeat the Pressure Channels Calibration procedure verifying channel IV.
• Record the acceptance.

Dual Pressure Modules (DPM) connector pin-out

6-26 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.9.5 Stop Functions

Pressure and Level stop function tests are performed for each pump and all
modes. It is reasonable to test only the modes which are used at the facility
(refer to worksheet).
1. Set all Pressure Channel and Air-Bubble / Level Detector Stop switch
settings to ART.
2. Program the pumps with Soft Alarms enabled as follows:
• Pump 1 – ART
• Pump 2 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 3 – SUCKER
• Pump 4 – AUX
• Pump 5 – CARD
• Pump 6 – FREE (if applicable)
3. Program all Control Panel pressure alarm upper limits to 105 mmHg.
4. Attach simulators as follows:
• PTS to channel I set to < 95 mmHg.
• Level Sensor to a polycarbonate flask containing water behind the
• Water filled tubing in Air-Bubble Detector or override alarm.
5. Start all pumps at maximum RPM.
• Verify normal operation.
• Verify all 9 Level Detector LED’s are illuminated.
• Verify the correct pump Monitoring LED(s) are illuminated (per module
switch settings).
6. Set PTS to 100 mmHg.
• Verify Pump 1 reduces speed (it will eventually stop).
• Verify Soft alarm activates.
7. Toggle PTS between < 95 and 100 mmHg.
• Verify Pump 1 speed is controllable by pressure.
8. Set PTS to > 105 mmHg.
• Verify Pump 1 immediately stops.
• Verify STOP PR1 is displayed on Pump 1.
9. Decrease PTS to < 95 mmHg.
• Verify Pump 1 resumes operation.

Repeat these tests after attaching PTS to Channels II, III, and IV.
PR2, PR3, and PR4 will be displayed accordingly on pump under test.
10. Tilt the bottle to slowly lower the water level.
• Verify Bar LED’s gradually extinguish.
• Verify Pump 1 speed reduces with water level.
• Verify Pump 1 stops when no water is behind the sensor.
11. Enable override feature when no water is behind sensor.
• Verify Pump 1 starts.
• Record the acceptance.
This completes Stop Functions testing for one stop mode.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-27

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

The test will be repeated for all other modes as follows:

12. Set all Pressure Channel and Air-Bubble / Level Detector Stop switch
settings to SLA.
• Repeat Stop Functions test procedure verifying Pump 2.
• Record the acceptance.
13. Change Air-Bubble Detector and all Pressure Channel Stop switch settings
to SUC.
• Repeat Stop Functions test procedure verifying Pump 3.
• Record the acceptance.
14. Change Air-Bubble Detector and all Pressure Channel Stop switch settings
to AUX.
• Repeat Stop Functions test procedure verifying Pump 4.
• Record the acceptance.
15. Change Air-Bubble Detector and all Pressure Channel Stop switch settings
to CPL.
• Repeat Stop Functions test procedure verifying Pump 5.
• Record the acceptance.
16. Disconnect the sensor for the AEP module (leave disconnected).
• Verify Sensor Fault is indicated.
• Verify Pump 5 stops.
• Verify audible alarm sounds.
• Record the acceptance.
17. Connect the RotaFlow (if applicable).
• Repeat Stop Functions test procedure verifying RotaFlow.
• Record the acceptance.

6.9.6 Control Functions

1. Set Pressure Channel and Air-Bubble / Level Detector Stop switches with
no duplicates:
• I = ART
• II = SLA
• IV = AUX
• Air-Bubble / Level Detector = CPL
2. Remove PTS and Override all monitoring alarms.
3. Program the pumps with Soft Alarms disabled as follows:
• Pump 1 – ART
• Pump 2 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 3 – SUCKER
• Pump 4 – AUX
• Pump 5 – CARD
• Pump 6 – FREE
The modes shown here are for the first repetition of this test routine. All tests
are performed for each pump by sequentially changing modes and repeating
the following.

6-28 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Master – Slave
1. Adjust ART to 100 RPM. Adjust SLAVE ADJ. potentiometer on SLAVE 1.
Verify slave pump:
• Increases with clockwise adjustment.
• Decreases with counterclockwise adjustment.
• Revolutions adjust from 80 to 120 ± 5 RPM.
2. Adjust ART to 0 RPM.
• Verify SLAVE 1 stops.
3. Program SLAVE 1 as SLAVE 2 and repeat Master – Slave Tests.
• Record the acceptance.

Pulsatile Internal Operation

1. Program ART as ART PULS (Arterial-Pulsatile) and start the pump.
• Verify the pump does not alarm RUNAWAY (RPM-DIFF in U.S.).
2. Set pump speed to maximum RPM.
3. Set internal frequency to 120 BPM (view BPM / % display) by holding down
Internal freq. switch while turning Adjustment Knob. The BPM LED shall
illuminate during this procedure.
4. Enable Internal Pulse feature.
• Verify ART PULS operates 30 ± 2 times within 15 seconds (use Timer 1).
• Verify the lowest curve on the Monitor (flow amplitudes, pump duty) is
synchronized with the internal pulse.
5. Set pump speed to 50 RPM.
• Verify the curve amplitude decreases to ~ 20% of maximum.
• Record the acceptance.
6. Connect the RotaFlow (if applicable).
• Verify pulsatile pumping is possible.
• Record the acceptance.

Pulsatile External Operation (if applicable)

1. Attach External Signal Simulator to Analog I/O.
• Verify simulated signals are displayed on the Monitor.
• Verify Monitor displays values ± 10% of simulator output.
• Verify frequency is displayed on the Control Panel.
2. Set ART PULS speed to ~ 100 RPM.
3. Set base flow to 0% (view BPM / % display) by holding down Base flow
switch while turning Adjustment Knob. The % LED shall illuminate during
this procedure.
4. Enable External Pulse feature.
• Verify lockout – i.e., must enter Continuous mode first.
• Verify the trigger signal (dashed line) is displayed on the Monitor, bottom
• Verify ART PULS operates in synchronization with the external signal.
5. Set Base flow to 50%.
• Verify roughly a 50% increase in base flow by viewing pump trace (lower
part of signal).

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-29

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6. Set Base flow to 100%.

• Verify ART PULS runs continuously.
• Verify the pump trace is a straight line.
7. Set Base flow to 0%, Start to 0%, and Stop to 20%.
• Verify the pump starts with the trigger signal and stops at ~ 20% of
8. Set Start to 60% and Stop to 80%.
• Verify the pump starts at ~ 60% after trigger signal and stops at ~ 80% of
9. Set Start to 20%.
• Verify the pump starts at ~ 20% after trigger signal and stops at ~ 80% of
• Record the acceptance.

Master – Slave, Pulsatile Operation

1. Slave pump was programmed as SLAVE 2 from earlier test.
• Verify SLAVE 2 runs with out pulsating.
• Verify SLAVE 2 RPM rate follows ART PULS.
2. Lower Pump 1 to 0 RPM, wait for rotation to stop, and then increase speed.
• Verify SLAVE 2 starts delayed from ART PULS.
3. Program SLAVE 2 as SLAVE 1.
• Verify SLAVE 2 exactly follows ART PULS.
• Record the acceptance.

Cardioplegia Mode Accumulators – Normal Mode

1. Set Pump 5 (Cardioplegia) at 0 RPM and view Monitor – Cardioplegia
• Verify only Plegia Pause timer is accumulating.
2. Set pump speed to ~ 100 RPM
• Verify Plegia Pause timer has stopped.
• Verify all other values are increasing.
3. Adjust pump speed to 0 RPM and back to ~ 100 RPM and verify:
• Verify act. VOL reset to 0.
• Verify act. PL Time resets to 0.
• Verify total VOL. resumes counting.

Cardioplegia Mode Accumulators – Luxation Mode:

1. Hold Set switch while adjusting pump speed to 0 RPM. Continue holding
until LUXATION appears.
• Verify pump flashes LUXATION.
• Verify act. PL TIME continues to increase.
• Adjust pump speed to ~ 100 RPM and then back to 0 RPM.

6-30 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

Recirculation Mode Accumulators – Recirculation Mode:

1. Hold Set switch while adjusting pump speed to ~ 100 RPM.
• Verify pump displays RECIRC.
• Verify PLEGIA PAUSE timer is running.
• Verify act. PL TIME is not running.
• Verify act. VOL and total VOL are not changing.
2. Adjust pump speed to 0 RPM and then back to ~ 100 RPM.
• Verify pump does not display RECIRC.
• Verify act. VOL and act. PL Time reset and total VOL. resumes
counting (normal mode).
• Record the acceptance.

Stop Control Functions

1. Test the stop control functions with all pumps running normally.
2. Press Pressure I flashing Override switch to enable alarm.
• Verify only ART PULS, SLAVE 1, and CARD stop.
• Press safety switch and Override to resume pump operation.
3. Press Pressure II flashing Override switch to enable alarm.
• Verify only SLAVE 1 stops.
• Press safety switch and Override to resume pump operation.
4. Press Pressure III flashing Override switch to enable alarm.
• Verify only SUCKER stops.
• Press safety switch and Override to resume pump operation.
5. Press Pressure IV flashing Override switch to enable alarm.
• Verify only AUX stops.
• Press safety switch and Override to resume pump operation.
6. Press Level flashing Override switch to enable alarm.
• Verify only CARD stops.
• Press safety switch and Override to resume pump operation.
• Record the acceptance (test 1).

This completes one repetition of Control Functions testing. The test will be
repeated for all other modes starting at Master – Slave with pump modes
programmed as follows. It is reasonable to test only the modes which are used
at the facility (refer to worksheet).

7. Increment the pump modes as follows:

• Pump 1 – FREE
• Pump 2 – ART
• Pump 3 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 4 – SUCKER
• Pump 5 – AUX
• Pump 6 – CARD
8. Repeat the Control Functions test procedure.
• Record the acceptance (test 2).

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-31

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

9. Increment the pump modes as follows:

• Pump 1 – CARD
• Pump 2 – FREE
• Pump 3 – ART
• Pump 4 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 5 – SUCKER
• Pump 6 – AUX
10. Repeat the Control Functions test procedure.
• Record the acceptance (test 3).
11. Increment the pump modes as follows:
• Pump 1 – AUX
• Pump 2 – CARD
• Pump 3 – FREE
• Pump 4 – ART
• Pump 5 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 6 – SUCKER
12. Repeat the Control Functions test procedure.
• Record the acceptance (test 4).
13. Increment the pump modes as follows:
• Pump 1 – SUCKER
• Pump 2 – AUX
• Pump 3 – CARD
• Pump 4 – FREE
• Pump 5 – ART
• Pump 6 – SLAVE 1
14. Repeat the Control Functions test procedure.
• Record the acceptance (test 5).
15. Increment the pump modes as follows:
• Pump 1 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 2 – SUCKER
• Pump 3 – AUX
• Pump 4 – CARD
• Pump 5 – FREE
• Pump 6 – ART
16. Repeat the Control Functions test procedure.
• Record the acceptance (test 6).

6-32 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.9.7 Twin Pump Cardioplegia Slave Mode

1. Program the left side pump as CARD (master) and the right side pump as
CARD SL (slave).
2. Adjust master pump speed.
• Verify CARD SL follows the master.
• Verify Monitor displays BLOOD CARDIOPLEGIA.
3. Stop the pump and select SET RATIO on slave pump.
4. Vary the flow control.
• Verify ratio adjusts from Off, 1:20 to 1:1.
5. Adjust to 1:4 and press Set for 3 seconds to select.
• Verify Monitor displays Act. C/B ratio: 1:4.
6. Start master pump.
• Verify CARD SL runs at ¼ of master flow.
7. Repeat Twin Pump Cardioplegia Slave Mode test reversing master and
slave mode.
• Record the acceptance.

6.9.8 Speed Accuracy

1. Program the pumps with Soft Alarms disabled as follows:
• Pump 1 – ART
• Pump 2 – SLAVE 1
• Pump 3 – SUCKER
• Pump 4 – AUX
• Pump 5 – CARD
• Pump 6 – FREE
2. Operate all pumps and press Monitoring system power switch to shut down
Console and Monitor.
• Verify all pumps stop, alarm, and display NO COMM. error.
3. Set Pump 1 speed to 0 RPM.
• Verify alarm cancels when speed is set to 0 RPM.
• Repeat this for all pumps.
4. Press and hold Set until a beep is heard.
• Verify pump changes to FREE mode.
• Repeat this for all pumps.
5. Press the Monitoring system power switch to restore power and set all
pumps to maximum speed.
• Verify Pump 1 operates at 250 ± 1 RPM using tachometer.
• Verify it is not possible to reverse the direction of Pump 1 when running.
• Record the acceptance.
6. Run Pump 1 in reverse direction at maximum speed.
• Verify Pump 1 operates at 250 ± 1 RPM using tachometer.
• Verify the reverse indicator illuminates.
• Return Pump 1 to normal counter clockwise direction.
• Record the acceptance.
7. Repeat Tachometer measurements for all other pumps.
• Record the acceptance.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-33

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.9.9 Pump Alarms

Runaway (RPM-DIFF in U.S.)

1. Set Pump 1 speed to 0 RPM (clear <=<= display).
2. Turn the pump head by hand in the arrow direction.
• Verify the pump alarms RUNAWAY (RPM-DIFF in U.S.).
• Verify the audible alarm sounds.
3. Quickly reset the alarm by turning flow adjustment up and then back to 0
4. Turn the pump head again by hand in the arrow direction within 5 seconds.
• Verify either SAFETY-S (from safety system) or !!!! (from motor control)
is displayed.
• Verify the alarm cannot be reset by turning the flow adjustment. Power
cycle Pump 1.
• Record the acceptance.
5. Repeat test for all other pumps.
• Record the acceptance.

1. Set Pump 1 speed to 0 RPM (clear <=<= display).
2. Turn the pump head by hand in the direction opposite to the arrows.
• Verify the Pump 1 alarms ERR. DIRECT.
• Verify the audible alarm sounds.
• Power cycle Pump 1.
• Record the acceptance.
3. Repeat test for all other pumps.
• Record the acceptance.

1. Set Pump 1 speed to 5 RPM.
2. Stall the pump head (use the wooden dowel).
• Verify Pump 1 alarms OVERLOAD (BELT SLIP may also be indicated).
3. Turn the pump head slightly by hand in the arrow direction.
• Verify Pump 1 alarms ERR. HEAD.
• Power cycle Pump 1.
• Record the acceptance.
4. Repeat test for all other pumps.
• Record the acceptance.

6-34 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.9.10 Timers
1. Press Start Stop for Timer 1.
• Verify Timer 1 starts and stops.
• Verify Monitor displays BYPASS ON (when running) and OFF when
2. Press and hold Reset for Timer 1.
• Verify the value clears and only a single dot on the right hand side is
3. Press Start Stop for Timer 2.
• Verify Timer 2 starts and stops.
• Verify Monitor displays AORTA CLOSED (when running) and OPEN
when stopped.
4. Press and hold Reset for Timer 2.
• Verify the value clears and only a single dot on the right hand side is
5. Repeat the Timer test procedure for Timer 3 (no indicators on monitor
• Record the acceptance.

6.9.11 Temperature Module

1. Attach temperature references to Temperature Probe Box (attached to
• Verify the displayed channel temperatures correspond to the reference
– Channel I = 1.5 ± 0.1°C.
– Channel II = 20.1 ± 0.1°C.
– Channel III = 34.5 ± 0.1°C.
– Channel IV = 43.3 ± 0.1°C.
• Verify Up and Down Trend LED’s illuminate accordingly.
• Record the acceptance.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-35

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.9.12 Air Bubble Detector

5 mm Bubbles
1. Attach Air Bubble Tubing Test Set to a pump with both ends submerged
into a container of cold water. Silicon extension shall be oriented on outlet
side of pump.

Record occlusion scale settings if change is required. Restore this
setting after test!

2. Program pump as ART and set Air-Bubble Detector Stop switch setting to
position ART.
3. Prime the tubing free of air and attached Air Bubble Detector to PVC portion
on output side of pump.
4. Operate the pump at 50 RPM and introduce a 5 mm test pellet.
• Verify the unit causes an Air bubble alarm when pellet passes through
• Repeat test for a few pellets.
5. Repeat this test with pump operating at 200 RPM.
6. Attach sensor to Silicon portion of test set (if applicable) and repeat 5 mm
Bubbles test.
7. Verify alarm override by holding down safety switch and pressing Override.
• Record the acceptance.

1. Operate the pump at 50 RPM
• Verify normal operation.
2. Restrict the inlet side of the tubing to create micro-bubbles.
• Verify micro-bubbles are detected.
3. Repeat this test with pump operating at 200 RPM.
4. Attach sensor to Silicon portion of test set (if applicable) and repeat Micro-
bubbles test.
• Record the acceptance.

6-36 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.9.13 Electrical Safety Test

Electrical safety tests shall be performed in accordance with
IEC 60 601-1 or corresponding national standards.

1. Perform Electrical safety tests according to standard procedure regulated

by IEC 60 601-1 or corresponding national standards. Allowable values and
test methods are defined in the standard. The use of a leakage tester, e. g.
Bender Safety Tester 601/751 or equivalent is recommended.
• Record the ground resistance value (protective earthing continuity).
• Record the leakage current values.
The standard procedures may require 110% voltage. During this test, 100%
voltage should be used.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-37

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20

6.9.14 User Settings Worksheet

HL 20 Serial Number:


Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 5 Pump 6


Serial No.


Flow1 @ 100


Soft Alarm?


Tubing Size

1 2
For Single & Twin pumps Record occlusion settings if adjustments will be made

Flow Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 5 Pump 6

(TYPICAL) SIZE Single Pump @ 100 RPM
(4.5) /2
(2.6) /8
(1.28) /4
(0.43) /16
(0.32) /8

(1.6) 4:1
Twin Pump @ 250 RPM
(1.5) /4
Twin Pump @ 100 RPM
(0.32) /16
(0.15) /8
Record all flow calibration data if pump hours will be reset

Switch Setting ART SLV SUC AUX CPL


Module III


AEP Module

Notify user that service was performed and settings may have been changed!

6-38 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 6. Service

6.9.14 Field Test Checklist

This checklist is completed as part of Field Test Procedure.
Confirm the unit has passed the following tests:

HL 20 Serial Number:


Test Performed: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Initial Inspection:
Battery Capacity:
Pressure Channel Calibration: I II III IV
Temperature Module:
5 mm:
Air Bubble Detector:

Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 5 Pump 6

Serial Number:

Single / Twin / RotaFlow:

Test Performed: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Stop Functions:
Master Slave:
Pulsatile Internal:
Pulsatile External:
Master Slave Pulsatile:
Stop Control Functions:
Twin Pump Cardio Slave Mode:
Speed Accuracy Forward:
Speed Accuracy Revered:
Runaway (RPM-DIFF) Alarm:
Direction Alarm:
Overload Alarm:

Electrical Safety:

Record ground resistance: Ohm

Record Earth leakage current (normal condition): μA

Record Enclosure leakage current (normal condition) μA

Signature Date Performed Clarification of signature and title

File this form according to procedures defined by your office.

Revision 00 Service Manual 6-39

6. Service JOSTRA HL 20



6-40 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 7. Installation

7 Installation
7.1 Unpacking
7.1.1 Transport Package
The HL 20 is delivered from factory in one package with the pumps separately
packaged inside.
Check all items according to the packing slip.
Before opening the shipping container, make a general inspection of the goods.
In case of visual damages or signs that the container has been subject to rough
handling, immediately report your findings to the freight carrier. If a concealed
shipping damage is discovered after acceptance, file a claim for this damage.

7.1.2 General Unpacking

When unpacking, check that the contents is according to the packing list
delivered with the package.
Inspect every detail for transport damages. In case of visual damages or signs
of rough handling, immediately report your findings to the freight carrier.
Remove all packing material. All packing material must be discarded in
accordance with appropriate industrial and environmental standards.

Take necessary precautions to prevent the equipment from tipping
during unpacking.
The equipment might get damaged.

7.1.3 Cleaning
The equipment need no special cleaning after unpacking. Just remove dust
using a dry soft cloth or similar.
The machine is sold non-sterile. Refer to the User’s Manual.

7.2 Check after Installation

Before starting-up or operating the equipment, study the User Manual and the
Service Manual carefully.
Perform the ”Check after Installation” according to instructions below and fill in
the Installation Checklist.

”Check after Installation” is to be performed before using the
The equipment may cause injury to the technician, the patient or other
personnel if not properly checked after installation.

Revision 00 Service Manual 7-1

7. Installation JOSTRA HL 20

7.2.1 Console mechanics

Part Action
Masts • Check that they are properly fastened in the chassis.
Infusion masts • Check that the infusion masts go up and down with
acceptable resistance.

Access panel • Check that the access panel does not close by itself.

Drawer • Check that the drawer opens and closes smoothly and
stops in the middle position.

Wheels and • Check that the locking mechanism is functioning

brakes properly.

Monitor • Check that the SMU swivels and locks properly.

Control panel • Check that the SCP swivels and locks properly.

Halogen lamp • Check the function of the halogen lamp.

ODU connectors • Check that the ODU connectors are clean and
with covers equipped with covers.

Rack connectors • Check the LEMO connectors. Verify that the pins are
not backing out when pushed on.

Positioning • Check that the positioning dowel is tight.

Fan • Make sure that the fan works.

7.2.2 Total assembly

Part Action
All modules • Install all modules.
Self-check • Check that all modules pass the startup self-check.

7.2.3 Pump mechanics

Part Action
Pump ID • Note the Pump type and Serial number on all pumps
on the system.

Tube locking, • Make sure the locking mechanism works.

inserts • Check that the tube holding mechanism works.

Occlusion • Check the occlusion knob and lock on each pump.

Guiding pins • Check that the guiding pins roll nicely.

Rollers • Check that the rollers roll nicely.

Pump lid • Check that the lid is not defective and that it is
equipped with a warning sticker.

7-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 7. Installation

ODU • Check that the connector works properly (spring-

connectors, loaded) and that the pins are not defective.
spring, pin fixing
Fan • Make sure that the fan works in each pump.

7.2.4 Pump electronics

Part Action
Switches and • Check that the pumps can be powered ON and OFF
breakers several times (approx. 5) and that no errors are shown
on the displays (self-test passed). Check with switches
and with circuit breakers.

• Also check switches on the twin pumps.

Speed • Slowly increase/decrease the speed over the whole

range. Check that it runs smooth with no unexpected

• Check the speed of the pump head at 250 RPM in

both forward and reverse direction with a tachometer.
See Pump Calibration section.

RPM/LPM switch • Check that the display toggles between RPM and

Mode selection • Check that all pumps can be programmed to all


Calibration • Check that the flow can be calibrated.

Master – slave • Check that the master – slave speed ratio can be

Stop lines and • Check with one stop module that the pump stop in all
communication modes. Check all pumps.
Runaway • Set pump speed to 0 and manually turn the pump
protection head in the same direction as indicated by the arrows
on the inserts. Check that Runaway alarm is activated
and reset the alarm.

• Repeat the test as above (within 5 seconds) and

check that the !!!! alarm is activated.

Overload alarm • Set pump speed to 5 RPM and stall the pump head
using a wooden dowel.

Keep fingers away from the pump


Error direction • Set pump speed to 0 and manually turn the pump
alarm head in the opposite direction than indicated by the
arrows on the inserts.

Revision 00 Service Manual 7-3

7. Installation JOSTRA HL 20

7.2.5 System Control Panel and System Monitoring Unit

Part Action
SCP • Check:

- Pressures, up to 4 pressures

- Temperatures, 4 temperatures

- Level indication, function

- Air bubble alarm, artificial air bubble ∅ 5 mm

generates air alarm.

SMU • Check:

- ECG trace

- Pressure trace

- MAP, SYS, DIA data

- Arterial pulsatile trace

- Cardioplegia windows

- Digital in/out function.

7.2.6 Battery back-up

Part Action
Battery – mains • Make sure that the batteries are fully charged.
• Start the system (all pumps on 100 RPM) with tubing

• Disconnect mains power supply and check that:

- The system switches to battery power supply and

continue to run during at least 60 minutes.

- The battery LED is lit and an audible alarm is


- The mains switch LED goes off.

• Re-connect mains and check that the system returns

to mains power supply mode and that all “battery
indications” (see above) are switched off.

Charge circuit • Check that the Battery Charge LED is lit.

7.2.7 Others
Part Action
Level Sensor • Check for any damage to the sensor or cable.

Bubble Sensor • Check for any damage to the sensor or cable and for
any gel built-up.

7-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 7. Installation

7.2.8 Electrical safety

Part Action
Electrical safety • Perform Electrical safety tests according to standard
test procedure regulated by IEC 60 601-1 or corresponding
national standards. Allowable values and test methods
are defined in the standard. The use of a leakage
tester, e. g. Bender Safety Tester 601/751 or
equivalent is recommended.

- Record the ground resistance value (protective

earthing continuity).

- Record the leakage current values.

The standard procedures may require 110% voltage.

During this test, 100% voltage should be used.

7.2.9 Formal handover

Part Action
Handover to • Fill in and sign the Installation Checklist and, if
customer applicable, other handing-over documents required by
local regulations or by the local service organization.
Installation documents must be archived by the local
service organization in accordance with procedures
defined by your office.

• Report completion of the installation according to

procedures defined by your office.

Revision 00 Service Manual 7-5

7. Installation JOSTRA HL 20

7.2.10 Installation Checklist

Equipment: Type: Serial No:

Console Mechanics OK Remarks:

Masts ...................................................................... ________________________________
Infusion masts ......................................................... ________________________________
Access panel .......................................................... ________________________________
Drawer .................................................................... ________________________________
Wheels and brakes ................................................. ________________________________
Monitor .................................................................... ________________________________
Control panel .......................................................... ________________________________
Halogen lamp .......................................................... ________________________________
ODU connectors with covers .................................. ________________________________
Rack connectors ..................................................... ________________________________
Positioning dowels .................................................. ________________________________
Fan .......................................................................... ________________________________

Total assembly OK Remarks:

All modules installed ............................................... ________________________________
All modules passed startup self-test ....................... ________________________________

Pump mechanics
Serial number:
Tube locking, inserts
Guiding pins
Pump lid
ODU connector

Pump electronics
Switches and breakers
RPM / LPM switch
Mode selection
Calibration mode, flow adjust
Master - slave, slave adjust
Stop lines and communication
Runaway protection
Overload alarm
Error direction alarm

Pump remarks:

7-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 7. Installation

SCP and SMU OK Remarks:

- Pressures .............................................................. ________________________________
- Temperatures ........................................................ ________________________________
- Level indication ...................................................... ________________________________
- Air bubble alarm .................................................... ________________________________

- ECG trace ............................................................. ________________________________
- Pressure trace ....................................................... ________________________________
- MAP, SYS, DIA values .......................................... ________________________________
- Arterial pulsatile trace ........................................... ________________________________
- Cardioplegia windows ........................................... ________________________________
- Digital in/out function ............................................. ________________________________

Battery back-up
Automatic battery – mains switch ............................ ________________________________
Charge circuit .......................................................... ________________________________

Level sensor ............................................................ ________________________________
Bubble sensor ......................................................... ________________________________

Electrical safety
Ground resistance ................................................... ____________________________ Ohm
Earth leakage current (normal condition) ................ _____________________________ μA
Enclosure leakage current (normal condition) ........ _____________________________ μA

Formal handover
Handover to customer ............................................. ________________________________

Other remarks:

Date: Hospital and

location :

Name: Signature:

Customer Customer
Name: Signature:

File this form according to procedures defined by your office.

Revision 00 Service Manual 7-7

7. Installation JOSTRA HL 20



7-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

Appendix A

Brief description of the HL 20 Self-test

This appendix contains a brief description of the HL 20 Self-test. A more extensive
description of the HL 20 Self-test is published in a separate document.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-1

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

1. DESCRIPTION OF THE HL 20 SELF-TEST ......................................................4

1.1 General Self-tests ....................................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Internal RAM-Test...............................................................................................................4
1.1.2 ROM-Test ...........................................................................................................................4
1.1.3 External RAM-Test .............................................................................................................5
1.1.4 OFFSET-Test .....................................................................................................................5
1.1.5 +5V-Test .............................................................................................................................5
1.1.6 +12V-Test ...........................................................................................................................5
1.1.7 -12V-Test ............................................................................................................................5

2 MODULE SCP20-482 / SCP20-484 ......................................................................6

2.1 MASTER-processor .................................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Output on the service terminal:...........................................................................................6
2.1.2 Adjustments on the service terminal...................................................................................7
2.1.3 Error messages ..................................................................................................................8
2.2 PANEL-processor ....................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Output on the service terminal............................................................................................9
2.2.2 Error messages ............................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Error messages of the lamp test on Module SCP20-482 ................................................ 10
2.2.4 Error messages of the lamp test of Module SCP20-484 ................................................. 11

3. MODULE SMU20-490 ......................................................................................13

3.1 MASTER-processor .............................................................................................................. 13
3.1.1 Output on the service terminal:........................................................................................ 13
3.1.2 Error messages ............................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Display-processor................................................................................................................. 15
3.2.1 Output on the service terminal......................................................................................... 15

4. MODUL CCM20-450 ........................................................................................16

4.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 16
4.2 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 18

5. MODULE ABD20-410 ......................................................................................19

5.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 19
5.2 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 21

6. MODULE QTM20-430 ......................................................................................22

6.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 22
6.2 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 23

7. MODULE DPM20-440 ......................................................................................24

7.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 24
7.2 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 25

8. MODULE AIO20-425........................................................................................27
8.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 27

A-2 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

8.2 Adjustments on the service terminal.................................................................................. 28

8.3 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 30

9. MODULE DIO20-470........................................................................................31
9.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 31
9.2 Adjustments on the service terminal.................................................................................. 31
9.2.1 Interface test mode .......................................................................................................... 31
9.2.2 Output of the messages from external devices ............................................................... 32
9.3 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 32

10. MODULE RPM20-310 ......................................................................................33

10.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 33
10.1.1 At COLDSTART............................................................................................................... 33
10.1.2 At WARMSTART ............................................................................................................. 34
10.2 Adjustments on the service terminal.................................................................................. 37
10.3 Tests during operation ......................................................................................................... 38
10.4 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 39

11. MODULE TPM20-330 ......................................................................................41

11.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 41
11.1.1 At COLDSTART............................................................................................................... 41
11.1.2 At WARMSTART ............................................................................................................. 42
11.2 Adjustments on the service terminal.................................................................................. 45
11.3 Tests during operation ......................................................................................................... 46
11.4 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 47

12. MODULE AEP20-415.......................................................................................49

12.1 Output on the service terminal ............................................................................................ 49
12.2 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 51

Revision 00 Service Manual A-3

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

1. Description of the HL 20 Self-test

When the HL 20 is switched on a self-test is started independently in each module.
This self test checks the function of the modules. If the self-test is faulty the module
stays in a “safe“ condition and shows the user the error through an error report.
During operation the individual modules continuously monitor the most important
functions. If an error is found the module goes into the “safe condition“ and shows
the user the error through an error report.
To put the circuit boards into operation and for service purposes each module is
equipped with a service interface. This service interface is a data connection to the
microcontroller of the module according to RS232 and the following interface
Data rate 9600 Baud
Amount of data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None

When the module is switched on the result of the self-test is shown through this
interface. In addition this interface serves for special adjustments or for service

1.1 General Self-tests

As a microcontroller from the same family is used on all the modules the same or a
similar hardware core is to be found on all the modules, therefore some self-tests
are to be found on all the modules.

1.1.1 Internal RAM-Test

The microcontroller of the family SAB80C5XX have a processor-internal RAM with
256 byte. This processor-internal RAM is written with various data samples and
read back. If the comparison shows an error the processor is held in an endless
loop, which it can only leave through a RESET. Modules with their own display
show the error report ER02. Modules with no display of their own stay in the
endless loop and can no longer show the error.

1.1.2 ROM-Test
The program storage of the modules is an EPROM of the type 27C256 (32K * 8) or
27C512 (64K * 8). The contents of the EPROM are linked byte by byte during the
ROM test and the result must be 0. A result unequal to 0 leads to the error report
ERR-ROM. In the EPROM itself the necessary LRC byte was filed in the last
storage cell of the EPROM while creating the HEX file. An ERR-ROM error can be
caused either by a defect or insufficiently programmed EPROM or through defect
access logic to the EPROM.

A-4 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

1.1.3 External RAM-Test

In addition to the internal data storage the modules have an external 32K * 8 static
RAM. This RAM is also checked through writing and control reading of various
data samples. A faulty RAM test is shown by the report ERR-RAM. The cause can
be hidden in the RAM itself or in the access logic to the RAM.

1.1.4 OFFSET-Test
The microcontrollers used have an internal 8- or 10-Bit A/D-converter before which
a multiplexer has been connected. With this A/D-converter the supply voltages on
the board are monitored and the analog signals are measured. This A/D-converter
needs an external 5V reference voltage, which must be aligned to 5,00V ± 0,01V.
The first check of the A/D-converter takes place in the offset test. Thereby the A/D-
converter input bound to GND is measured. If the measured value at the
SAB80C517A is larger than 10 digits the A/D converter is graded as defect. With
all the other microcontrollers the threshold lies at 8 digits.
In case of an error the error report ERR-OFFSET is given.
A faulty or non-aligned reference voltage can also lead to an OFFSET error. This is
to be expected when all the other voltage monitoring are faulty.

1.1.5 +5V-Test
Through an entry of the processor-internal A/D-converter the +5V supply voltage
that is divided through a voltage divider is measured. The voltage value measured
is output through the service interface. The supply voltage must lie between +5V
±5%. When the tolerance range is left the error report ERR-p5V is given.

1.1.6 +12V-Test
Through an entry of the processor-internal A/D-converter the +12V supply voltage,
which is divided down through a voltage divider, is measured. The voltage value
measured is output at the service interface. The +12V supply must lie between
+12V ±10%. When the tolerance range is left the error report ERR-p12V is given.

1.1.7 -12V-Test
Through an entry of the processor-internal A/D-converter the -12V supply voltage
that has been adapted to a positive voltage through a voltage divider is measured.
The voltage value measured is output at the service interface. The -12V supply
must lie between -12V +10% and -20%. When the tolerance range is left the error
report ERR-n12V is given.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-5

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

2 Module SCP20-482 / SCP20-484

The module SCP20482/4 consists of two processing units. The MASTER-
processor handles the communication in the whole HL-20. The PANEL-processor
handles the display unit and the key functions of the HL-20. The PANEL-processor
transmits the key codes via the MASTER-processor to the requested module of the
HL-20. The Display values were requested cyclic by the MASTER-processor from
the modules and transmitted to the PANEL-processor for displaying. Both
processors are supplied with a service interface.

2.1 MASTER-processor
2.1.1 Output on the service terminal:
After power on the MASTER-processor of the module SCP20482/4 displays the
results of the self-tests on the service terminal:



Software Revision V2.2


Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED
EEPROM Test: PASSED 06 02 FD 02
Offset8 : 0
+5V Test: 498
+12V Test: 119

Self-Test PASSED


43 02 FD 00

A-6 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

After Warmstart (power supply switched off for a short time):


Software Revision V2.2


Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Offset8 : 0
+5V Test: 504
+12V Test: 120

Self-Test PASSED


43 02 FD 00

During the Warmstart long tests will not take place (RAM-Test, DualportRam-Test
und EEPROMTest).

2.1.2 Adjustments on the service terminal

Via the service terminal the following adjustments may be made:
• Initialize the EEPROM of the board SCP20-482/4
• Set the EEPROM-page
• Display the contents of the EEPROM as HEX-Dump

Revision 00 Service Manual A-7

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

2.1.3 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
EM 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control of
A incorrect LRC has been the EPROM defect
EM 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of
SRAM defect
EM 03 ERR_EEPROM EEPROMtest failed EEPROM defect; access control
of EEPROM defect or all 16
pages used
(EEPROM-page number >= 16)
EM 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSETtest of the Reference voltage not adjusted;
processor internal AD- AD-converter defect; AD-input
converter failed not connected
EM 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V- supply voltage test 5V-supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage distributor
EM 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V- supply voltage test +12V-supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage distributor
EM 17 Illegal software status Fatal error!
EM 25 ERR_DPRAM Dual-Port-RAM test failed DPRAM defect; access control of
DPRAM defect
EM 29 ERR_PANEL Panel doesn’t Panel defect; Panel-processor
acknowledge break down; DP-RAM defect
EM 2B ERR_FATAL Illegal software status Fatal error
EM 2A ERR_ILLKEY Illegal key code from Fatal error or incompatible
PANEL software versions
EM 7F WARN_EEPROM DEFAULT-settings copied HL-20 settings with wrong
from EPROM into Checksum stored in the
EEPROM EEPROM by a sudden break
down of the power supply)

A-8 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

2.2 PANEL-processor
2.2.1 Output on the service terminal


Software Revision V2.4

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Offset8: 0 0
+5V Test: 496
+12V Test: 120
Ref. Test: 499
Lamptest: PASSED

Self-Test PASSED

The output on the service terminal is the same as during the COLDSTART. During
the WARMSTART there is no lamp test.

Software Revision V2.4

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Offset8: 0 0
+5V Test: 507
+12V Test: 121
Ref. Test: 500
Lamptest: PASSED

Self-Test PASSED

Revision 00 Service Manual A-9

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

2.2.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
EP 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control of
An incorrect LRC has the EPROM defect
been found.
EP 02 ERR_RAM Processor internal RAM Microcontroller defect
EP 25 ERR_DPRAM Dual-Port-RAM test failed DPRAM defect; access control of
DPRAM defect
EP 05 ERR_OFFSET Offset test of internal AD- Reference voltage not adjusted;
converter defect AD-converter defect; AD-input
not connected
EP 06 ERR_REF +5V-referencetest failed 5V-reference voltage of MASTER
out of tolerance; reference
voltage of PANEL not adjusted;
AD-converter defect; AD-input
not connected; wrong voltage
EP 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V- supply voltage test 5V-supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage distributor
EP 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V- supply voltage test +12V-supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage distributor
EP 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
doesn’t acknowledge REAL-TIME-CLOCK not
EP 28 ERR_MASTER Master doesn’t Master defect; Master-processor
acknowledge break down; DP-RAM defect
EP 0A ERR_LAMP Lamp test failed LED or key-LED defector not
EP 14 ERR_KEYSTUCK Key is hanging Key is hanging or key is pressed
to long.

2.2.3 Error messages of the lamp test on Module SCP20-482

The following connection between the error number of the lamp test and the defect
LED consists:

No. Display No. Display

1 Ext. frequency BPM 2 BMP
3 pressure 1 4 delta-pressure
5 pressure 2 6 art. flow
7 console 8 hypo-set-temperature
9 hypo-water-temperature 10 temperature 1
11 temperature 2 12 temperature 3
13 temperature 4 14 timer 1
15 timer 2 16 timer 3
17 real time

A-10 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test


72 LEVEL-BAR Bit 8 73 LEVEL-BAR Bit 9
76 LEVEL-BAR Bit 0 77 LEVEL-BAR Bit 1
78 LEVEL-BAR Bit 2 79 LEVEL-BAR Bit 3
80 LEVEL-BAR Bit 4 81 LEVEL-BAR Bit 5
82 LEVEL-BAR Bit 6 83 LEVEL-BAR Bit 7
96 TEMP-CH-SEL1 97 TIM 3 H/M
98 TIM 2 H/M 99 TIM 1 H/M
100 HYP-SEL4 101 HYP-SEL3
102 HYP-SEL2 103 HYP-SEL1
106 TEMP-CH-SEL2 107 PR TREND 3-
108 PR TREND 3+ 109 PR TREND 2-
110 PR TREND 2+ 111 PR TREND 1-
114 PULSE % 115 PULSE ASS.3
118 BATT. 119 LINE
124 PR ZERO2 125 PR ZERO1
126 PR OR2 127 PR OR1

2.2.4 Error messages of the lamp test of Module SCP20-484

The following connection between the error number of the lamp test and the defect
LED consists:
No. Display No. Display
1 ext. frequency (BPM) 2 BPM
3 pressure 1 4 delta-pressure
5 pressure 2 6 art. flow
7 console 8 hypo-set temperature
9 hypo-water-temperature 10 temperature 1

Revision 00 Service Manual A-11

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

11 temperature 2 12 temperature 3
13 temperature 4 14 timer 1
15 timer 2 16 timer 3
17 pressure 3 18 pressure 4
19 real time


72 LEVEL-BAR Bit 8 73 LEVEL-BAR Bit 9
76 LEVEL-BAR Bit 0 77 LEVEL-BAR Bit 1
78 LEVEL-BAR Bit 2 79 LEVEL-BAR Bit 3
80 LEVEL-BAR Bit 4 81 LEVEL-BAR Bit 5
82 LEVEL-BAR Bit 6 83 LEVEL-BAR Bit 7
96 TEMP-CH-SEL1 97 TIM 3 H/M
98 TIM 2 H/M 99 TIM 1 H/M
100 HYP-SEL4 101 HYP-SEL3
102 HYP-SEL2 103 HYP-SEL1
106 TEMP-CH-SEL2 107 PR1/2 TREND+
108 PR1 TREND- 109 PR1 TREND+
110 PR2 TREND- 111 PR2 TREND+
112 PR1/2 TREND- 113 PULSE BPM
114 PULSE % 115 PULSE ASS.3
118 BATT. 119 LINE
120 PR4 TREND- 121 PR4 TREND+
122 PR3 TREND- 123 PR3 TREND+
126 TEMP TREND 127 PR1/2 KPA
128 PR2 ZERO 129 PR1 ZERO
130 PR2 OVR 131 PR1 OVR
132 PR4 ZERO 133 PR3 ZERO
134 PR4 OVR 135 PR4 OVR
136 PR1/2 TREND 137 PULS CONT.
142 AUDIO 143 PR3/4 TREND
144 PR3/4 KPA 145 HYP COOL

A-12 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

3. Module SMU20-490
The module SMU20-490 consists of two processing units. The MASTER-processor
handles the communication to the HL-20 and prepares the data for the display
processor. He also writes the HL-20 data and the events to the memory card. The
display processor controls the display of the HL-20. The DISPLAY processor also
handled the keys “SPEED”, “HALT”, PAGE SELECT and EVENTS.
All other keys were read by the Master-processor.
MASTER- and DISPLAY-processor are connected by a DUAL-Port-RAM.

3.1 MASTER-processor
3.1.1 Output on the service terminal:
After power on the MASTER processor of the Module SMU20-490 displays the
following results of the self-tests on the service terminal:


Software Revision: V2.3


Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED
Offset: 0
+5V Test: 506
+12V Test: 120
-12V Test: 121

Self-Test PASSED

Revision 00 Service Manual A-13

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

3.1.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory EPROM defect; access control of
defect; A incorrect EPROM defect
LRC has been found
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of
SRAM defect
ER 25 ERR_DPRAM Dual-Port-RAM DPRAM defect; access control of
defect DPRAM defect
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET Offset test of Reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
processor internal input not connected; AD-Converter
AD-converter failed defect;
ER 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V- supply voltage 5V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
test failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
input not connected; wrong voltage
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V- supply voltage +12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
test failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
Converter defect; Ad-input not
connected; wrong voltage divider
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage -12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
test failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage divider
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!

A-14 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

3.2 Display-processor
3.2.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the DISPLAY processor of the module SMU20490 displays the
following screen on the service terminal:

ECG-Monitor Firmware Version T.1


Ing.-Buero Heinze
Schondorferstr. 15a
86919 Utting


t Test Display


ATTENTION – With the actual software version, there are no good results by
pressing any key.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-15

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

4. Modul CCM20-450
4.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the module CCM20-450 displays the following results of the self-
tests on the service terminal:

Software Revision: V1.2


Ramtest intern: PASSED Romtest: PASSED

Ramtest: PASSED
Offset: 0 +5V Test: 507
+12V Test: 119

Self-Test PASSED

103 250 0 23 40 63 127 283 192 00

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.


103 250 0 23 40 63 127
B_Hlim B_Llim ERROR
283 192 00

Ueff Line voltage in % (example above 103 %)

Ubatt Battery voltage (example above 25.0 V)
T_HS Temperature of the heat sink. This temperature will never be
measured. (always 0)
T_BATT Temperature of battery (example above 23°C)
T_TRAFO Temperature of trafo (example above 40 °C)
FUSE’s Status of the fuses. The microcontroller reads the control signals of
the fuses via Port 1 and P8.3 and shows the state of these signals
as FUSE’s-Statusbyte. A 1 in this byte shows a closed fuse; a 0
shows a blown or open fuse.

A-16 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

FUSE- b7 Fuse pump 7 (not available)

b6 Fuse pump 6 (not available)
b5 Fuse pump 5 (only by 5-pump console)
b4 Fuse pump 4
b3 Fuse pump 3
b2 Fuse pump 2
b1 Fuse pump 1
b0 Fuse monitoring
Example above:
63 as 3F hexadecimal b0 to b5 fuse closed
b6,b7 fuse open, blown or not available
For controlling the fuses the number of available pumps/fuses can
be adjusted by the signals PU0, PU1 and PU2.
BP-RE Battery-Power-Relais-Status.
This byte shows the status of the battery-power-relais on the
power-supply board. A 1 in this byte shows this relais in line-mode;
a 0 shows a relais in battery-mode,
BP-Status- b7 not used
b6 Monitoring
b5 Pump 6
b4 Pump 5
b3 Pump 4
b2 Pump 3
b1 Pump 2
b0 Pump 1
Example above:
127 as 7F in hexadec. --> Relais of pumps and monitoring in line
B_Hlim Limit of the battery voltage. By reaching this limit the loading of the
battery will be stopped and the error message ERR_BATLIM (ER
2D) will be displayed. The limit is 3% over the calculated maximal
loading voltage (depending on battery temperature: 0°C ≡ 28,3V;
25°C = 27,3 V; 50°C = 26,4V)
B_Llim Low limit of the battery voltage = 19,2V: By going deeper than this
battery voltage all battery-line-relais will be switched into line mode
and a further discharging avoided.
ERROR Error status of the CCM-module

Revision 00 Service Manual A-17

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

4.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control to the
An incorrect LRC found. EPROM defect
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control to the
RAM defect, microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET Offset test of internal Not adjusted reference voltage; AD-
AD-Converter failed converter defect; AD-input pin not
ER 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V- supply voltage test 5V-supply out of tolerance; reference
failed voltage not adjusted; AD-Converter
defect; AD-input pin not connected;
wrong voltage divider
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supplyvoltage test +12V-supply out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input pin not
connected; wrong voltage divider
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of the Microcontroller defect
processor internal AD-
ER 0B ERR_TEMP Temperature too high Trafo temperature > 90°C or battery
temperature > 70°C; reference voltage
not in order; AD-converter defect or not
connected; temperature sensor not
connected or defect.
ER20 ERR_PSEL Error in the control Error on board JNS_MDB0; error in the
signals of the mode console wiring
selection of the pumps.
ER2C ERR_FUSE Fuse or fuses blown Fuses defect; size of pumps not
correct adjusted to actual number of
available fuses; defect control logic.
ER 2D ERR_BATLIM The battery charge Battery charger defect; defect AD-
voltage is greater than Converter or logic; defect reference
the maximal allowed voltage.
voltage (3% above the
end of charging voltage)

A-18 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

5. Module ABD20-410
5.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the module ABD20-410 displays the results of the self-tests on the
service terminal:


Software Revision V1.1

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED

Offset8: 0
+12V Test: 119
-12V Test: - 121
Threshold: 109

Self-Test PASSED

255 0 0 0 0 YES YES NO 01 321 0 00

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.


255 0 0 0 0 YES YES NO
01 321 0 00

LEVEL 8-bit AD-converter value of the LEVEL-SENSOR in digits (example

(Sig1) above 255)
Sig2 8-bit AD-converter value of the level reference signal (example
above 0). If there is no noise, this signal must be smaller than 0.5V
(SIG2 < 25).
BUBBLE Bubble activity. (Counted bubble interrupts BI; example above 0 -->
no bubbles detected)
MIKRO Counted Microbubbles (counted micro bubble interrupts UBI; ex.
above 0 --> no µbubbles)
BUB_INT Integral of bubble activity (example above 0)
REGUL Regulation of the bubble detector is ready (YES / NO)
SILIKON Tube of silicon detected (YES / NO)
ALARM Alarm (YES / NO)

Revision 00 Service Manual A-19

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

STOP Stop byte shows the stop identification and the status of the stop
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Stop -- -- -- Stop Stop-Identification
Bubble Level Bubble-Level-Modul
Stop identification:
b2 b1 b0
0 0 0 no stop function
0 0 1 Stop to the “Arterial“ pump
0 1 0 Stop to the “Slave“ pump
0 1 1 Stop to the “Sucker“ pump
1 0 0 Stop to the “Auxiliary“ pump
1 0 1 Stop to the “Cardioplegia“ pump
1 1 0 illegal status
1 1 1 illegal status
SB Measured voltage of the signal SB. This signal is the sum of the 3
channels of the detector logic (in the ready state: set value = 3 * 1,1
V = 3,3 V +- 10%; example above 3.21 V)
SBP Measured voltage of the signal SBP. Input signal depends on the
size of the bubbles (0... 3,3 V; example above 0.00 V)
ERROR Error byte of the ABD-module

A-20 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

5.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control of the
A incorrect LRC has EPROM defect
been found
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of
SRAM defect; microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of processor Microcontroller defect
internal AD-converter
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET Offset test of the Reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
processor internal AD- converter defect; AD-input not
converter connected
ER 06 ERR_REF Threshold voltage test Threshold voltage out of tolerance;
failed AD-converter defect; reference
voltage not adjusted;
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage test +12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage test -12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;
ER 0D ERR_STOP Stop logic test failed or Stoprelais defect; stopcontrol logic
error of the stop defect; PWM-output defect;
selection switch stopselection switch not o.k.; AD-
converter defect; AD-logic defect;
stopselection switch tuned during
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
ER 21 ERR_OVERRIDE Override status in the The Override status is stored twice in
software not equal. the software and is not equal. Data
transmission error from the MASTER-
ER 23 ERR_SAWTOOTH Synchronization voltage No saw tooth voltage available;
of the stoplogic not o.k. reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect

Revision 00 Service Manual A-21

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

6. Module QTM20-430
6.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the module QTM20-430 displays the following results of the
selftests on the service terminal:

JNS Quad Temperature Module

Software Revision V1.1

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED

Offset8: 0
+5V Test: 503
+12V Test: 118
-12V Test: - 120
Ref. Test: 781
Offset12 0

Self-Test PASSED

Temp1: Temp2: Temp3: Temp4: R6800: R4700: R2200: R1355: R1200: OFFSET CORR: ER
10000 10000 10000 10000 156 904 2554 3700 4000 0 10028 00
2560 3707 4008 -1 10013

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.

Temp1: Temp2: Temp3: Temp4: R6800: R4700: R2200: R1355:

10000 10000 10000 10000 156 904 2554 3700
2560 3707
4000 0 10028 00
4008 -1 10013

TEMP1 Temperature of channel 1. The temperature is displayed in °C with

2 characters after the point. The value 10000 shows no sensor, the
value 9990 shows a positive overrun and 9980 a negative overrun.
(Example above 10000 --> no sensor)
TEMP2 Temperature of channel 2. (see TEMP1)
TEMP3 Temperature of channel 3. (see TEMP1)
TEMP4 Temperature of channel 4. (see TEMP1)
R6800 Measured temperature value of the high precision resistor 6800 Ω
(example above 1.56°C)
R4700 Measured temperature value of the high precision resistor 4700 Ω
(example above 9.04°C)

A-22 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

R2200 Measured temperature value of the high precision resistor 2200 Ω

(example above 25.54°C or 25.60 °C with high gain)
R1355 Measured temperature value of the high precision resistor1355 Ω
(example above 37.00°C or 37.07 °C with high gain)
R1200 Measured temperature value of the high precision resistor 1200 Ω
(example above 40.00°C or 40.08 °C with high gain)
OFFSET Calculated offset value of the 12-Bit AD-converter (example above
0 or 1 Digit with high gain)
CORR Calculated gradient of the 12-Bit AD-converter (example above
10028 or10013 with high gain)
ER Error status of the QTM-Module

6.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control of the
a incorrect LRC has EPROM defect
been found
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of the
SRAM defect; microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of the Microcontroller defect
processor- internal AD-
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV AD12-Test failed 12-Bit-AD-converter defect; measure
circuit or test circuit defect
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSET test of the Reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
processor- internal AD- converter defect; AD-input not
converter failed connected
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSET-Test of the12- Multiplexer DG506 defect; AD-
Bit AD-converter failed converter MX574 defect; access
control of MX574 defect;
ER 06 ERR_REF Reference voltage test 7.88V-Reference voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect; AD-
input not connected; wrong voltage
ER 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V-supply voltage test +5V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage test +12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage test -12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
ER 22 ERR_CALIBRATION Calibration error High precision resistors wrong; AD--
converter not good enough; AD-
converter defect

Revision 00 Service Manual A-23

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

7. Module DPM20-440
7.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the DPM20-440 displays the following results of the selftests on the

JNS Dual Pressure Module

Software Revision V1.5

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED

Offset8: 0
+12V Test: 116
-12V Test: - 118
Ref. Test: 500
Offset12 - 1

Self-Test PASSED

Prx_1: Prx_2: Limx: Offsx: Mx: STOP-ID ERROR

CH1 10 3 200 0 487
CH2 0 0 200 0 487 BC 00

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.

Prx_1: Prx_2: Limx: Offsx: Mx: STOP-ID ERROR

CH1 10 3 200 0 487

CH2 0 0 200 0 487 BC 00

Prx_1: Pressure values; integrated over 1 seconds

Prx_2: Pressure values; integrated over 5 seconds
Limx: High limit
Offsx: Offset of the pressure diagram
Mx: Gradient of the pressure diagram

A-24 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

STOP-ID Stop identification of the dual pressure module

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
stop stop-id ch2 stop stop-id ch1
ch2 ch1
stop chx: 0 = no STOP; 1 = STOP
stop-id: 000 no stop function
001 Stop to “ARTERIAL“ pump
010 Stop to “SLAVE“ pump
011 Stop to “SUCKER“ pump
100 Stop to “AUXILIARY“ pump
101 Stop to “CARDIOPLEGIA“ pump
110 illegal stopid
111 illegal stopid
ERROR Error byte of the dual pressure module
CH1 Values of channel1
CH2 Values of channel2

7.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control of the
A incorrect LRC has EPROM defect
been found
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of the
SRAM defect; microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of the Microcontroller defect
processor internal AD-
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV 12-Bit AD-converter test AD-converter defect; Multiplexer
failed defect; PWM-output defect;
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSET test of the Reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
processor internal AD- converter defect; AD-input not
converter failed connected
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSET-test of the12- Multiplexer defect; AD-converter
Bit AD-converter failed MX574 defect; access control of
MX574 defect;
ER 06 ERR_REF Reference voltage test 5.00V-referencevoltage out of
failed tolerance or not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage test +12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage test -12V-supply voltage out of tolerance;
failed reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage distributor;

Revision 00 Service Manual A-25

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

ER 0D ERR_STOP Stoplogic test failed or Stoprelais defect; stopcontrol logic

error of the stop defect; PWM-output defect; stop
selection switch selection switch not o.k. AD-converter
defect; AD-logic defect; stop selection
switch turned during operation;
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
ER 18 ERR_ARIT Arithmetic error Division by 0; data transmission error
from MASTER to the module.
ER 21 ERR_OVERRIDE OVERRIDE status in the The OVERRIDE status is stored twice
software not equal in the software and is not equal; data
transmission error from the MASTER-
ER 23 ERR_SAWTOOTH Synchronization voltage No saw tooth voltage available;
of the stop logic not ok reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
converter defect;
ER 2E ERR_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT error A internal watchdog of the software
has recognized an error;

A-26 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

8. Module AIO20-425
8.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the module AIO20-425 displays the following results of the self-
tests on the service terminal:


Software Revision V1.2

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED

Offset10: 0
+12V Test: 125
-12V Test: - 126

Self-Test PASSED


- 3 - 2 0 3 -2 0 00

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.


-3 -2 0 3 -2 0 00

SYS_PRES Systolic pressure; voltage at the input “SYS_PRES“ multiplicities

with the input-gain as 10-Bit value; Input voltage range from -2.5V
to + 2.5 V shown as -511 to+512. The Poti 3 can adjust the
displayed value to the input voltage.
DIAS_PRES Diastolic pressure; voltage at the input “DIAS_PRES“ multiplicities
with the input-gain as 10-Bit value; Input voltage range from -2.5V
to + 2.5 V shown as -511 to +512. The Poti 4 can adjust the
displayed value to the input voltage.
MEAN_PRE Mean arterial pressure; voltage at the input “MEAN_PRES“
S multiplicities with the input-gain as 10-Bit value; Input voltage
range from -2.5V to + 2.5 V shown as -511 to +512. By the Poti 5
the displayed value can be adjusted to input voltage.
AUX1 Voltage at the input “AUX1“ multiplicities with the input-gain as 10-
Bit value; input voltage range from -2.5V to + 2.5 V shown as -511
to +512. The Poti 6 can adjust the displayed value to the input
AUX2 Voltage at the input “AUX2“ multiplicities with the input-gain as
10-Bit value; Input voltage range from -2.5V to + 2.5 V shown as -
511 to +512. The Poti 7 can adjust the displayed value to the input

Revision 00 Service Manual A-27

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

AUX3 Voltage at the input “AUX3“ multiplicities with the input-gain as 10-
Bit value; Input voltage range from -2.5V to + 2.5 V shown as -
511 to +512. The Poti 8 can adjust the displayed value to the input
ERROR Error byte of the AIO-Module

8.2 Adjustments on the service terminal

Pressing <t> on the service terminal can activate a test mode. The following
screen is displayed on the service terminal:



2 TEST INTERCONNECTION (need testconnector)
3 TEST INPUT-OUTPUT (need testconnector)


RAMP on all output-channels

ESC leaves the test mode

By pressing 1 the AIO-module outputs on all ANALOG-outputs a saw tooth voltage.

On Pin J2-16 und J2-17 the amplitude of the saw tooth voltage is from -5V to +5V.
On Pin J2-18 to Pin J2-23 the amplitude of the saw tooth voltage is 5 V, The period
of the saw tooth voltage is T= 6,2 seconds. The message “RAMP on all output
channels“ shows the activated test mode.
By pressing <2> the analog outputs and inputs of the AIO-module can be checked
with a special test connector. The test connector must do the following
1-16; 2-17; 3-18; 4-19; 5-20; 6-21; 7-22 und 8-23.

A-28 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test



2 TEST INTERCONNECTION (need testconnector)
3 TEST INPUT-OUTPUT (need testconnector)


Check output <---> input connection


98 305 530 616 697 775 860 943

105 320 530 612 695 780 858 944

The first line shows the 8 output values. The second line displays the measured
By a gain of 1 (adjusted with POT 1 to POT 8) the AD-values must show the output
values with a tolerance of +-10% (line 1 equal line 2).
By pressing <3> a test is activated to set every ½ second a new analog value to
the outputs and read it back by the connected inputs. By pressing <ESC> the test
is stopped; each other key switches the test into the single step mode (one step
per received character from the service terminal) and by pressing <l> the cyclic
mode is restarted.



2 TEST INTERCONNECTION (need testconnector)
3 TEST INPUT-OUTPUT (need testconnector)


Test input: <l> = loop; <ESC> = end



-2466 -2417 0 - 2 4 4 0 2

The input values of ECG and PRES are going from -2500 to + 2500. The other
input values are going from 0 to 2500 according to the applied voltage (2500 ==

Revision 00 Service Manual A-29

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

By pressing <4> a display mode is activated to display the analog input voltage.



2 TEST INTERCONNECTION (need testconnector)
3 TEST INPUT-OUTPUT (need testconnector)





0 19 - 10 - 5 0 9 - 10 4
The displayed values are showing the input voltage on the analog inputs (2500 =

8.3 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect. EPROM defect; access control of
A incorrect LRC has been the EPROM defect
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of the
SRAM defect, microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of the processor Microcontroller defect
internal AD-converter
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET Offset test of the Reference voltage not adjusted; AD-
processor internal converter defect; AD-input not
AD_converter failed connected
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage failed +12V-supply voltage out of
tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect; AD-
input not connected; wrong voltage
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage failed -12V-supply voltage out of
tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect; AD-
input not connected; wrong voltage
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!

A-30 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

9. Module DIO20-470
9.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the module DIO20-470 displays the following results of the self-
tests on the service terminal:


Software Revision V1.2

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED

Self-Test PASSED

HOST running

0 00 01

HOST running The serial ports have been initialized.

0 00 01 The first value shows the errorbyte of the DIO-module as
decimal value.
The second value shows the same error as hexadecimal
The third value shows the serial mode of the DIO-
module. (Example above: serial mode 1)

9.2 Adjustments on the service terminal

The following inputs via the service terminal are possible:
<Shift> <X> Start of the interface test mode
<Shift> <A> Output of the messages from external devices in ASCII
<Shift> <H> Output of the messages from external devices in HEX

9.2.1 Interface test mode

With a special test connector (see adjustment procedure) the serial ports channel1
to channel 4 can be tested. On the screen of the service terminal the following
picture is displayed:

Revision 00 Service Manual A-31

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20





<ESC> leaves the test mode. The test mode is described in the adjustment
procedure of the DIO-module.

9.2.2 Output of the messages from external devices

During the adaptation of external devices to HL-20 an output function is
implemented to send the received messages from the external device to the
service terminal. The message can bee send as ASCII-String or as HEX-Dump.
With the command <Shift><A> on the service terminal the ASCII-mode and with
the command <Shift><H> the HEX-mode is activated.
BIOMEDICUS 540D: ET 0000234 0019234 03B5
BIOMEDICUS 540D: DA +0234 -205 0000 0 0 1 0 0 050E
BIOMEDICUS 540D: DA +0234 -205 0000 0 0 1 0 0 050E
BIOMEDICUS 540D: 49 44 20 42 49 4F 2D 43 4F 4E 20 30 31 32 20 30 33 36 37 0D
BIOMEDICUS 540D: 45 54 20 30 30 30 30 32 33 34 20 30 30 31 39 32 33 34 20 30 33
42 35 0D
BIOMEDICUS 540D: 44 41 20 2B 30 32 33 34 20 2D 32 30 35 20 30 30 30 30 20 30
20 30 20 31 20 30 20 30 20 30 35 30 45 0D
BIOMEDICUS 540D: 44 41 20 2B 30 32 33 34 20 2D 32 30 35 20 30 30 30 30 20 30
20 30 20 31 20 30 20 30 20 30 35 30 45 0D

9.3 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect EPROM defect; access control of the
A incorrect LRC was EPROM defect
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of the
SRAM defect, microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!

A-32 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

10. Module RPM20-310

10.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on, the main processor of the module RPM 20-310 displays the
following results of the self-test on the service terminal:


Software Revision V2.2


Ramtest intern: PASSED Romtest: PASSED

Offset: 0 A/D Test: PASSED
Ref. Test: 497 +5V Test: 504
+12V Test: 120 -12V Test: - 116

Self-Test PASSED

220 2.82 2191 2196 2189 0 2202 31 27 0 0 0

In the COLDSTART all displays and LED’s were switched on and the buzzer
sounds. After 1 second the software version number is displayed in the FLOW-
display and the account of the operation hours since the last service is displayed in
the DIALOG-display. After ½ second this information is overwritten by the
messages “OK“ on the FLOW-display and “PUMP OK“ on the DIALOG-display. A
detected error is displayed as “ERR.“ on the FLOW-Display and an error message
on the DIALOG-display.
After the COLDSTART the software checks the pump mode, which is stored twice
(pump-mode and complemented pump-mode) in the EEPROM If the complement
shows the same pump-mode as the PUMP_MODE the pump switches into this
mode. In the other cases the pump will start as “FREE“ pump.
After a coldstart the pump is always running in forward direction.
The tube size is read out of the EEPROM and displayed in the DIALOG-display
beside the pump-mode.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-33

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20


Software Revision V2.2


Ramtest intern: PASSED

Offset: 0 A/D Test: PASSED
Ref. Test: 497 +5V Test: 504
+12V Test: 120 -12V Test: - 116
HOURS TOTAL * 6 0000FF37 hex

Self-Test PASSED

220 2.82 2191 2196 2189 0 2202 31 27 0 0 0

During a WARMSTART the release number of the software is displayed on the

FLOW-display and the running hours since the last service is displayed on the
DIALOG-display. After about 1 second this information is overwritten by the
message “OK“ on the FLOW-display and “PUMP OK“ on the DIALOG-display.
A detected error is displayed as “ERR.“ on the FLOW-display and as error
message on the DIALOG-display (for example. “ERR.“ “EEPROM“)
After the WARMSTART the software checks the pump mode, which is stored twice
(pump-mode and complemented pump-mode) in the EEPROM If the complement
shows the same pump-mode as the PUMP_MODE the pump switches into this
mode. In the other cases the pump will start as “FREE“ pump.
The direction of the pump is read out of the EEPROM and selected.
Also the tube size and the pulsatile values as START, STOPP, BASE_FLOW,
PULSRATE, HIGH- and LOW-LIMIT as well as the ASSIST-mode were set after
reading out of the EEPROM. So after a WARMSTART the pump starts with the last
mode before power off.

KEY-PORT The keys of the RPM read directly by the microcontroller. During
TEST the self-test no input of the microcontroller is allowed to be
connected to GND (no key is pressed).
Offset : 0 The offset of the processor internal 10-Bit AD-converter is checked
(see 1.1.4). The measured AD-value is displayed in bits from 0 to
1023. An AD-offset value > 10 is estimated as an error.
A/D Test: The 10-Bit A/D-converter of the microcontroller SAB80C517A is
checked by a linearity test. During this test 2 voltage values were
put via the PULS-PWM output as SET_VAL to the AD-converter
input. The straight through these 2 points is checked by 3 values,
which also were applied via the PULS_PWM-output as SET-VAL to
the AD-converter.

A-34 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

Ref. Test: The reference voltage of the motor-control-board is measured and

497 checked by the processor internal AD-converter. The measured
voltage is displayed, showing 4.97 V as 497. The tolerated value is
+5.0 V +- 5%.
+ 5V Test: The + 5V supply voltage is measured (see 1.1.5). The measured
504 voltage is displayed, showing 5.04 V as 504. The tolerated value is
+5.0 V +- 5%.
+12V Test: The +12V supply voltage is measured (see 1.1.6). The measured
120 voltage is displayed, showing 12.0 V as 120. The tolerated value is
+12,0 V +-10%.
-12V Test: - The -12V supply voltage is measured (see 1.1.7). The measured
116 voltage is displayed, showing -11.6 V as -116. The tolerated value
is -12,0 V +10%/-20%.
TEMP Test: Measuring the analog voltages of the temperature sensors checked
the motor temperature and the heat sink temperature. The fan is
switched into the fast mode if the motor temperature is higher than
60°C or the heat sink temperature is higher than 45°C. If the motor
temperature reaches 70°C or the heat sink reaches 60°C the
warning “TEMPERAT“ is displayed in the DIALOG-display. If the
motor temperature reaches the limit of 90°C or the heat sink the
temperature of 70°C the pump will be stopped and the error “ERR.
TEMPERAT“ is displayed.
LAMP Test: During the lamp test all LED’s and displays were switched on for
one second. The buzzer sounds for ¼ second. The user must
check this. The alphanumerical displays were checked by writing
and control reading of the display registers.
SAFETY- The main processor checks the state of the status lines SS_OK1
SYS. Test: and SS_OK2. On these lines the safety system shows the main
processor an error status. SS_OK1 must be HIGH and SS_OK2
must be LOW in the error free state. All other combinations are
showing an error.
STOP- Disabled motor driver tests the stoprelais. First the stoprelais is
RELAIS: activated and the control signal (STOPREL_CTRL) checked, which
is generated by a voltage divider. Then the stoprelais is released
and the control signal checked again. At the end of the test the
stoprelais is activated and checked again.
SAFETY- In the SAFETY-STOP test the main processor makes the safety
STOP Test: system via the RA-Mode lines to activate the stop function of the
safety system. The main processor controls the function of the
safety system stop. The test is as follows:
- The main processor switches the RA-MODE lines into the test
- the main processor waits 250 ms
- safety system sets SS_OK1 to LOW and SS_OK2 to HIGH and
stops the pump via the stop input of the safety system.
- The main processor checks the function of SS_OK1 and
- The main processor checks the function of the safety system
stop by reading the control signal of the stoprelais.
- The main processor finishes the test modes by setting the RA-
mode lines into the normal mode.
- The safety system checks the sate of the RA-mode-lines. The
test mode is only allowed for 5 seconds.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-35

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

REVERSE- Disabled motor controller checks the REVERSE-relais. The

RELAIS: REVERSE-Relais is set by the signals REV1 and REV2. Only the
state REV1 = LOW and REV2 = HIGH switches the relais into the
reverse mode. The REVERSE-relais is tested according the
following table:
OFF OFF LOW (forward)
OFF ON HIGH (reverse)

MODE- Disabled motor controller tests the MODE-relais. The mode relais
RELAIS: were tested by activating one relais after the other and checking
the control signals of each relais. At the end all the relais were
released and reading the control signals again tests the function.
STOP- No current through the LED of the optocoupler activates a stop to
INPUT- the pump. If there is a current through the LED of the optocoupler,
TEST: the pump will not be stopped. Therefore a defect stop line or a
defect module stops the pump.
The stop logic is tested as following:
- The GND of the STOP-Logic is switched from monitoring-GND
to the pump-GND. So the external stop signals have no function
and the internal stop signals can stop the pump.
- By setting the Stop-Latch one stop is selected. This function
can be checked by reading the EXT_STOP signal with the
processor internal AD-converter. If the relaise 1 is open, there
is no current through the optocoupler (stop input active). A
closed relais 1 causes a current through the optocoupler and
simulates an active stop line.
- - So one stop input after the other is tested.
HOURS The operating hours since the last service are displayed. A closed
RUNNING 0 Jumper RES_HOUR on the controller board may clear the
operating hours to 0 during the eeprom-test in the coldstart. Also
the parameters in the EEPROM were overwritten by the default
settings. So after a service it is necessary to calibrate the tube
sizes again.
HOURS The total amount of the operation hours since initialization of the
TOTAL * 6 EEPROM is displayed as hexadecimal value. The displayed value
is a copy of the value stored in the EEPROM and must be divide by
6. The value 0000FF37 is 65335 in decimal. 65335 / 6 is 10889
operation hours.

A-36 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.


220 2.82 2191 2196 2189 0 2202 31
27 0 0 0

RPM Rotations of the pump head in RPM (example above 220 RPM)
LPM Flow in liter / minute (example above 2.82 LPM)
POTI Flowpoti value (= SET value; not in Slavemode; example above 219,1 RPM)
ACTV Value of the motortacho (example above 219,6 RPM)
SETV Set value for slave mode (example above 218,9 RPM)
STOP Stopinput value (example above 0; that means no stop)
HEAD Headtachovalue (example above 220,2 RPM)
T_MO Motor temperature (example above 31 °C)
T_HS Heat sinks temperature (example above 27 °C)
ACTS Actual headtacho value in pulsatil mode
DELT Deviation of the regulation in pulsatil mode
CORR Correction of the motor regulation in pulsatil mode

10.2 Adjustments on the service terminal

The EEPROM can be initialized via the service terminal by typing <Shift><R>. The
jumper JMP11 must be closed (see service manual). The following functions were
made during the initialization:
- SET EEPROM-page to 0
- The operation hours since the last service were cleared to 0
- The total amount of operation hours is set to 0
- The not used EEPROM area is filled with 0
- The used EEPROM area is filled with the DEFAULT-settings

Revision 00 Service Manual A-37

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

10.3 Tests during operation

During normal operation the main processor of the RPM makes the following tests:
Checking the processor Offset10 <11 digits ER 05
internal AD-converter offset
Checking the +5V supply +5 V +- 5% ER 07
Checking the +12V supply +12V +- 10% ER 08
Checking the -12V supply - 12V +- 20% ER 09
Checking the motor
Motor temperature > 60°C
FAN fast
Motor temperature > 70°C
Warning “TEMP ↑↑↑“
Motor temperature > 90°C
Error message “ERR
Checking the heat sink
Heat sink temperature > 60°C
FAN fast
Heat sink temperature > 70°C
Warning “TEMP ↑↑↑“
Heat sink temperature > 90°C
Error message “ERR
Checking the pump mode ER 85
Watching runaway Headtacho RUNAWAY
> Setvalue +10%
Watching the overload Headtacho OVERLOAD
situation < Setvalue -10%
Watching the belt Headtacho BELT SLIP
< Motortacho -10%
Watching the max. speed Headtacho OVERSPEED
> 250 RPM.
Watching the max. speed Headtacho ↑↑↑↑
in pulsatil operation > 250 Umdr. /Min.
Watching the key Key pressed longer than 15 KEY!
Watching the data No communication to the NO COM
communication MASTER for more than 5
Watching the mode lines The signal PSEL is lost NO SEL
Checking the direction of ¼ rotation against the ER 12
the pumphead selected direction

A-38 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

10.4 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; A EPROM defect; access
incorrect LRC has been found control of EPROM defect
ER 02 ERR_RAM data memory defect SRAM defect; access control
of SRAM defect;
microcontroller defect
(internal RAM)
ER 03 ERR_EEPROM EEPROMtest failed EEPROM defect; access
control of EEPROM defect;
max. writing cycles of the
EEPROM reached;
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of processor internal Microcontroller defect
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSETtest of the processor Reference voltage not
internal AD-converter failed adjusted; AD-converter
defect; AD-input not
ER 06 ERR_REF Reference voltage of the Reference voltage of the
motor controller not O.K. motor controller out of
tolerance; AD-converter
defect; reference voltage not
ER 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V supply voltage test failed +5V supply voltage out of
tolerance; AD-converter
defect; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage test +12V- supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; AD-converter
defect; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage test failed -12V- supply voltage out of
tolerance; AD-converter
defect; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-input not
connected; wrong voltage
ER 0A ERR_LAMPTEST Lamp test failed Displays defect; the access
control of the displays is
ER 0B ERR_TEMP Motortemperature or heat sink The temperature is too high;
temperature too high. sensor not connected; AD-
converter defect; reference
voltage not adjusted
ER 0C ERR_REV-REL REVERSE-relais not O.K Reverserelais defect; access
logic of the reverserelais or
controllogic defect.
ER 0D ERR_STOP-REL STOP-relais not O.K. Stoprelais defect; access
logic of the Stoprelais or
controllogic defect.
ER 0E ERR_MODE-REL MODE-relais not O.K. Moderelais defect; access
logic of mode relais or
controllogic defect

Revision 00 Service Manual A-39

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

ER 0F ERR_STOP-INP Stopinput test failed Connection between PUMP-

GND; stopinputlogic defect;
ER 10 ERR_S-STOP stopfunction of the safety The access logic of the
system not O.K. STOP-relais by the safety
system is defect;
ER 11 ERR_SCHUTZ-S Safety system not O.K. The status lines SS_OK1 and
SS_OK2 are showing an error
ER 12 ERR_DIRECTION pumphead moves in the The pumphead was turned in
wrong direction the wrong direction;
headtacho defect;
ER 13 ERR_ILLEGAL illegal errorcode This errorcode is not allowed;
illegal software status
ER 14 ERR_KEY key is hanging key is hanging; key pressed
during keyport test;
ER 15 ERR_MODEBLO Mode selection not O.K. The pump receives no PSEL-
signal from the CCM-module
or the PSEL-signal is wrong.
ER 16 ERR_HEAD pump head error; The headtacho not connected; belt
motortacho shows an value broken; motortacho defect;
but the haedtacho shows 0.
ER 17 illegal softwarestatus Fatal error!
ER 18 ERR_ARITHMET Arithmetic error Division by 0 by calculating
the new pump parameters;
datatransmission error
between MASTER and pump;
ER 19 ERR_ILLEGAL illegal errorcode in errorbyte Fatal error!
ER 81 ERR_MODUSED pump mode used A not used pump mode is
recognized as used during
programming the new pump
ER 82 ERR_MODPSEL The PSEL-signal was lost
during programming a new
pump mode
ER 83 ERR_MODCLK During programming a new
pumpmode there is more than
one .clocktransitions on the
mode lines.
ER 84 ERR_MODSEL The mode line is pulled to
LOW but the processor
doesnt’t see the LOW state;
ER 85 ERR_MODEEPROM the pump-mode stored in the EEPROM defect;
EEPROM is not equal with
the complement of the pump-
ER 87 ERR_MAXWARN illegal warning in errorbyte Fatal error!

A-40 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

11. Module TPM20-330

11.1 Output on the service terminal
After power on the main processor of the module TPM 20-330 displays the
following results of the self-test on the service terminal:


Software Revision V1.3


Ramtest intern: PASSED Romtest: PASSED

Offset: 0 A/D Test: PASSED
Ref. Test: 497 +5V Test: 504
+12V Test: 120 -12V Test: - 116

Self-Test PASSED

220 2.82 2191 2196 2189 0 2202 31 27 0 0 0

In the COLDSTART all displays and LED’s were switched on and the buzzer
sounds. After 1 second the software version number is displayed in the FLOW-
display and the account of the operation hours since the last service is displayed in
the DIALOG-display. After ½ second this information is overwritten by the
messages “OK“ on the FLOW-display and “PUMP OK“ on the DIALOG-display. A
detected error is displayed as “ERR.“ on the FLOW-Display and an error message
on the DIALOG-display.
After the COLDSTART the software checks the pump mode, which is stored twice
(pump-mode and complemented pump-mode) in the EEPROM If the complement
shows the same pump-mode as the PUMP_MODE the pump switches into this
mode. In the other cases the pump will start as “FREE“ pump.
After a coldstart the pump is always running in forward direction.
The tube size is read out of the EEPROM and displayed in the DIALOG-display
beside the pump-mode.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-41

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20


Software Revision V1.3


Ramtest intern: PASSED

Offset: 0 A/D Test: PASSED
Ref. Test: 497 +5V Test: 504
+12V Test: 120 -12V Test: - 116

Self-Test PASSED

220 2.82 2191 2196 2189 0 2202 31 27 0 0 0

During a WARMSTART the release number of the software is displayed on the

FLOW-display and the running hours since the last service is displayed on the
DIALOG-display. After about 1 second this information is overwritten by the
message “OK“ on the FLOW-display and “PUMP OK“ on the DIALOG-display.
A detected error is displayed as “ERR.“ on the FLOW-display and as error
message on the DIALOG-display (for example. “ERR.“ “EEPROM“)
After the WARMSTART the software checks the pump mode, which is stored twice
(pump-mode and complemented pump-mode) in the EEPROM If the complement
shows the same pump-mode as the PUMP_MODE the pump switches into this
mode. In the other cases the pump will start as “FREE“ pump.
The direction of the pump is read out of the EEPROM and selected.
Also the tube size and the pulsatile values as START, STOPP, BASE_FLOW,
PULSRATE, HIGH- and LOW-LIMIT as well as the ASSIST-mode were set after
reading out of the EEPROM. So after a WARMSTART the pump starts with the last
mode before power off.

KEY-PORT The keys of the RPM read directly by the microcontroller. During
TEST the self-test no input of the microcontroller is allowed to be
connected to GND (no key is pressed).
Offset : 0 The offset of the processor internal 10-Bit AD-converter is checked
(see 1.1.4). The measured AD-value is displayed in bits from 0 to
1023. An AD-offset value > 10 is estimated as an error.
A/D Test: The 10-Bit A/D-converter of the microcontroller SAB80C517A is
checked by a linearity test. During this test 2 voltage values were
put via the PULS-PWM output as SET_VAL to the AD-converter
input. The straight through these 2 points is checked by 3 values,
which also were applied via the PULS_PWM-output as SET-VAL to
the AD-converter.

A-42 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

Ref. Test: The reference voltage of the motor-control-board is measured and

497 checked by the processor internal AD-converter. The measured
voltage is displayed, showing 4.97 V as 497. The tolerated value is
+5.0 V +- 5%.
+ 5V Test: The + 5V supply voltage is measured (see 1.1.5). The measured
504 voltage is displayed, showing 5.04 V as 504. The tolerated value is
+5.0 V +- 5%.
+12V Test: The +12V supply voltage is measured (see 1.1.6). The measured
120 voltage is displayed, showing 12.0 V as 120. The tolerated value is
+12,0 V +-10%.
-12V Test: - The -12V supply voltage is measured (see 1.1.7). The measured
116 voltage is displayed, showing -11.6 V as -116. The tolerated value
is -12,0 V +10%/-20%.
TEMP Test: The motor temperature and the heat sink temperature were
checked by measuring the analog voltages of the temperature
sensors. The fan is switched into the fast mode if the motor
temperature is higher than 60°C or the heat sink temperature is
higher than 45°C. If the motor temperature reaches 70°C or the
heat sink reaches 60°C the warning “TEMPERAT“ is displayed in
the DIALOG-display. If the motor temperature reaches the limit of
90°C or the heat sink the temperature of 70°C the pump will be
stopped and the error “ERR. TEMPERAT“ is displayed.
LAMP Test: During the lamp test all LED’s and displays were switched on for
one second. The buzzer sounds for ¼ second. The user must
check this. The alphanumerical displays were checked by writing
and control reading of the display registers.
SAFETY- The main processor checks the state of the status lines SS_OK1
SYS. Test: and SS_OK2. On these lines the safety system shows the main
processor an error status. SS_OK1 must be HIGH and SS_OK2
must be LOW in the error free state. All other combinations are
showing an error.
STOP- Disabled motor driver tests the stoprelais. First the stoprelais is
RELAIS: activated and the control signal (STOPREL_CTRL) checked, which
is generated by a voltage divider. Then the stoprelais is released
and the control signal checked again. At the end of the test the
stoprelais is activated and checked again.
SAFETY- In the SAFETY-STOP test the main processor makes the safety
STOP Test: system via the RA-Mode lines to activate the stop function of the
safety system. The mainprocessor controls the function of the
safety system stop. The test is as follows:
- The main processor switches the RA-MODE lines into the test
- The main processor waits 250ms
- Safety system sets SS_OK1 to LOW and SS_OK2 to HIGH and
stops the pump via the stopinput of the safety system.
- The main processor checks the function of SS_OK1 and
- The main processor checks the function of the safety system
stop by reading the control signal of the stoprelais.
- The main processor finishes the test modes by setting the RA-
mode lines into the normal mode.
- The safety system checks the sate of the RA-mode-lines. The
test mode is only allowed for 5 seconds.

Revision 00 Service Manual A-43

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

REVERSE- The REVERSE-relais is checked by disabled motor controller. The

RELAIS: REVERSE-Relais is set by the signals REV1 and REV2. Only the
state REV1 = LOW and REV2 = HIGH switches the relais into the
reverse mode. The REVERSE-relais is tested according the
following table:
OFF OFF LOW (forward)
OFF ON HIGH (reverse)

MODE- Disabled motor controller tests the MODE-relais. The mode relais
RELAIS: were tested by activating one relais after the other and checking
the control signals of each relais. At the end all the relais were
released and reading the control signals again tests the function.
STOP- A stop to the pump is activated by no current through the LED of
INPUT- the opt coupler. If there is a current through the LED of the opt
TEST: coupler, the pump will not be stopped. Therefore a defect stop line
or a defect module stops the pump.
The stop logic is tested as following:
- The GND of the STOP-Logic is switched from monitoring-GND
to the pump-GND. So the external stop signals have no function
and the internal stop signals can stop the pump.
- By setting the Stop-Latch one stop is selected. This function
can be checked by reading the EXT_STOP signal with the
processor internal AD-converter. If the relaise 1 is open, there
is no current through the opt coupler (stopinput active). A
closed relays 1 causes a current through the opt coupler and
simulates an active stop line.
- So one stopinput after the other is tested.
HOURS The operating hours since the last service are displayed. A closed
RUNNING 0 Jumper RES_HOUR on the controller board may clear the
operating hours to 0 during the eepromtest in the coldstart. Also the
parameters in the EEPROM were overwritten by the default
settings. So after a service it is necessary to calibrate the tube
sizes again.
HOURS The total amount of the operation hours since initialization of the
TOTAL * 6 EEPROM is displayed as hexadecimal value. The displayed value
is a copy of the value stored in the EEPROM and must be divide by
6. The value 0000FF37 is 65335 in decimal. 65335 / 6 is 10889
operation hours.

A-44 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.


220 2.82 2191 2196 2189 0 2202 31
27 0 0 0

RPM Rotations of the pump head in RPM (example above 220 RPM)
LPM Flow in liter / minute (example above 2.82 LPM)
POTI Flowpoti value (= SET value; not in Slavemode; example above 219,1 RPM)
ACTV value of the motortacho (example above 219,6 RPM)
SETV Set value for slave mode (example above 218,9 RPM)
STOP Stopinput value (example above 0; that means no stop)
HEAD headtachovalue (example above 220,2 RPM)
T_MO Motor temperature (example above 31 °C)
T_HS Heatsink temperature (example above 27 °C)
ACTS Actual headtacho value in pulsatil mode
DELT Deviation of the regulation in pulsatil mode
CORR Correction of the motor regulation in pulsatil mode

11.2 Adjustments on the service terminal

The EEPROM can be initialized via the service terminal by typing <Shift><R>. The
jumper JMP11 must be closed (see service manual). The following
- SET EEPROM page to 0
- The operation hours since the last service were cleared to 0
- The total amount of operation hours is set to 0
- The not used EEPROM area is filled with 0
- The used EEPROM area is filled with the DEFAULT-settings

Revision 00 Service Manual A-45

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

11.3 Tests during operation

During normal operation the main processor of the RPM makes the following tests:
Checking the processor Offset10 <11 digits ER 05
internal AD-converter offset
Checking the +5V supply +5 V +- 5% ER 07
Checking the +12V supply +12V +- 10% ER 08
Checking the -12V supply -12V +- 20% ER 09
Checking the motor
Motor temperature > 60°C
FAN fast
Motor temperature > 70°C
Warning “TEMP ↑↑↑“
Motor temperature > 90°C Error message
Checking the heat sink
Heat sink temperature > 60°C
FAN fast
Heat sink temperature > 70°C
Warning “TEMP ↑↑↑“
Heat sink temperature > 90°C
Error message “ERR
Checking the pump mode ER 85
Watching runaway Headtacho > Setvalue RUNAWAY
Watching the overload Headtacho < Setvalue -10% OVERLOAD
Watching the belt Headtacho < Motortacho BELT SLIP
Watching the max. speed Headtacho > 250 RPM OVERSPEED
Watching the max. speed in Headtacho > 250 Umdr. ↑↑↑↑
pulsatil operation /Min
Watching the key Key pressed longer than 15 KEY!
Watching the data No communication to the NO COM
communication MASTER for more than 5
Watching the mode lines The signal PSEL is lost NO SEL
Checking the direction of ¼ rotation against the ER 12
the pumphead selected direction

A-46 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

11.4 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; A EPROM defect; access control
incorrect LRC has been found of EPROM defect
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of
SRAM defect; microcontroller
defect (internal RAM)
ER 03 ERR_EEPROM EEPROM test failed EEPROM defect; access
control of EEPROM defect;
max. writing cycles of the
EEPROM reached;
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of processor internal Microcontroller defect
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET OFFSETtest of the processor Reference voltage not adjusted;
internal AD-converter failed AD-converter defect; AD-input
not connected;
ER 06 ERR_REF Reference voltage of the Reference voltage of the motor
motor controller not O.K. controller out of tolerance; AD-
converter defect; reference
voltage not adjusted;
ER 07 ERR_5VTEST +5V supply voltage test failed +5V supply voltage out of
tolerance; AD-converter defect;
reference voltage not adjusted;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage divider;
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage test +12V- supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; AD-converter defect;
reference voltage not adjusted;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage divider;
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage test failed -12V- supply voltage out of
tolerance; AD-converter defect;
reference voltage not adjusted;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage divider;
ER 0A ERR_LAMPTEST Lamp test failed Displays defect; the access
control of the displays is defect.
ER 0B ERR_TEMP Motor temperature or heat The temperature is too high;
sink temperature too high. sensor not connected; AD-
converter defect; reference
voltage not adjusted
ER 0C ERR_REV-REL REVERSE-relais not O.K Reverserelais defect; access
logic of the reverserelais or
controllogic defect.
ER 0D ERR_STOP-REL STOP-relais not O.K. Stoprelais defect; access logic
of the Stoprelais or controllogic
ER 0E ERR_MODE-REL MODE-relais not O.K. Moderelais defect; access logic
of mode relais or controllogic
ER 0F ERR_STOP-INP Stop input test failed Connection between PUMP-
stopinputlogic defect;
ER 10 ERR_S-STOP Stop function of the safety The access logic of the STOP-
system not O.K. relais by the safety system is

Revision 00 Service Manual A-47

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

ER 11 ERR_SCHUTZ-S Safety system not O.K. The status lines SS_OK1 and
SS_OK2 are showing an error
ER 12 ERR_DIRECTION Pump head moves in the The pumphead was turned in
wrong direction the wrong direction; headtacho
ER 13 ERR_ILLEGAL Illegal error code This errorcode is not allowed;
illegal software status
ER 14 ERR_KEY Key is hanging key is hanging; key pressed
during keyport test;
ER 15 ERR_MODEBLO Mode selection not O.K. The pump receives no PSEL-
signal from the CCM-module or
the PSEL-signal is wrong.
ER 16 ERR_HEAD Pump head error; The headtacho not connected; belt
motortacho shows an value broken; motortacho defect;
but the haedtacho shows 0.
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
ER 18 ERR_ARITHMET Arithmetic error Division by 0 by calculating the
new pump parameters;
datatransmission error between
MASTER and pump;
ER 19 ERR_ILLEGAL Illegal error code in error byte Fatal error!
ER 81 ERR_MODUSED Pump mode used A not used pump mode is
recognized as used during
programming the new pump
ER 82 ERR_MODPSEL The PSEL-signal was lost
during programming a new
pump mode
ER 83 ERR_MODCLK During programming a new
pumpmode there is more than
one .clocktransitions on the
mode lines.
ER 84 ERR_MODSEL The mode line is pulled to
LOW but the processor does
not see the LOW state;
ER 85 The pump-mode stored in the EEPROM defect;
ERR_MODEEPROM EEPROM is not equal with
the complement of the pump-
ER 87 ERR_MAXWARN Illegal warning in error byte Fatal error!

A-48 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

12. Module AEP20-415

12.1 Output on the service terminal

After power on the module ABD20-410 displays the results of the selftests on
the servicterminal:


Software Revision V1.1

Ramtest intern: PASSED

Romtest: PASSED
Ramtest: PASSED

Offset8: 0
+12V Test: 119
-12V Test: - 121
Threshold: 109

Self-Test PASSED

3 173 0 0 0 YES YES NO 01 321 0 00

Self-Test PASSED All self-tests passed successfully.


3 173 0 0 0 YES YES NO
01 321 0 00

LEVEL 8-bit AD-converter value of the CLS in digits (example 3). If the signal is >
100, the pump is stopped.
CURR 8-bit AD-converter value of the CLS current consumption. If the signal is <
128 or > 205, the pump is stopped and SENSOR FAULT lights up.
BUBBLE Bubble activity. (counted bubble interrupts BI; example above 0 --> no
bubbles detected)
MIKRO Counted Microbubbles (counted microbubble interrupts UBI;
ex. above 0 --> no µbubbles)
BUB_INT Integral of bubble activity (example above 0)
REGUL Regulation of the bubbledetector is ready (YES / NO)
SILIKON tube of silicon detected (YES / NO)
ALARM Alarm (YES / NO)

Revision 00 Service Manual A-49

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20

STOP Stop byte shows the stop identification and the status of the stop lines.
Stop-Byte: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Stop -- -- -- Stop Stop-Identification
Bubble Level Bubble-Level-Modul
Stop ID: b2 b1 b0
0 0 0 No stop function
0 0 1 Stop to the “Arterial“ pump
0 1 0 Stop to the “Slave“ pump
0 1 1 Stop to the “Sucker“ pump
1 0 0 Stop to the “Auxiliary“ pump
1 0 1 Stop to the “Cardioplegia“ pump
1 1 0 Illegal status
1 1 1 Illegal status
SB Measured voltage of the signal SB. This signal is the sum of the 3 channels
of the detector logic (in the ready state: set
value = 3 * 1,1 V = 3,3 V +- 10%; example above 3.21 V)
SBP Measured voltage of the signal SBP. Input signal depends on the size of the
bubbles (0... 3,3 V; example above 0.00 V)
ERROR Error byte of the AEP-module

A-50 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix A – Description of Self-test

12.2 Error messages

Error code Error description Possible reasons
ER 01 ERR_ROM Program memory defect; EPROM defect; access control
A incorrect LRC has of the EPROM defect
been found
ER 02 ERR_RAM Data memory defect SRAM defect; access control of
SRAM defect; microcontroller
defect (internal RAM)
ER 04 ERR_ADCONV Timeout of processor microcontroller defect
internal AD-converter
ER 05 ERR_OFFSET Offset test of the Reference voltage not adjusted;
processor internal AD- AD-converter defect; AD-input
converter not connected
ER 06 ERR_REF Threshold voltage test Threshold voltage Uth out of
failed tolerance; AD-converter defect;
reference voltage not adjusted;
ER 08 ERR_p12VTEST +12V-supply voltage test +12V-supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted; AD-converter defect;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage distributor;
ER 09 ERR_n12VTEST -12V-supply voltage test -12V-supply voltage out of
failed tolerance; reference voltage not
adjusted ; AD-converter defect;
AD-input not connected; wrong
voltage distributor;
ER 0D ERR_STOP Stop logic test failed or Stoprelais defect; stop control
error of the stop logic defect; PWM-output defect;
selection switch stop selection switch not o.k.;
AD-converter defect; AD-logic
defect; stop selection switch
tuned during operation;
ER 17 ERR_UNEXPECTED Illegal software status Fatal error!
ER 21 ERR_OVERRIDE Override status in the The Override status is stored
software not equal. twice in the software and is not
equal. datatransmission error
from the MASTER-module;
ER 23 ERR_SAWTOOTH Synchronisation voltage No sawtooth voltage available;
of the stop logic not o.k. reference voltage not adjusted;
AD-converter defect

Revision 00 Service Manual A-51

Appendix A – Description of Self-test JOSTRA HL 20



A-52 Service Manual Revision 00

JOSTRA HL 20 Appendix B

Appendix B

Console Wiring Diagram

Revision 00 Service Manual B-1



Revision 00 Service Manual

© Maquet Critical Care AB, 2006. All rights reserved. MAQUET reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice.
Order No.: 705371. Revision 00, March 2006. Price group: 7. Printed in Sweden.

Maquet Critical Care AB

SE-171 95 Solna, Sweden
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