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DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development Certification:: CLI/ODBC Programming

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1 Family Application Development

Certification: CLI/ODBC programming
Get ready for the exam

Skill Level: Introductory

Roger E. Sanders (

Database Performance Engineer
Network Appliance, Inc.

11 Sep 2003

This tutorial introduces you to CLI/ODBC programming and walks you through the
basic steps used to construct a CLI/ODBC application. It also introduces you to the
process to convert one or more high-level programming language source code files
containing CLI/ODBC function calls into an executable application. This is the fourth
in a series of seven tutorials that you can use to help prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1
Family Application Development certification exam (Exam 703).

Section 1. Before you start

What is this tutorial about?

This tutorial introduces you to CLI/ODBC programming and walks you through the
basic steps used to construct a CLI/ODBC application. It also introduces you to the
process to convert one or more high-level programming language source code files
containing CLI/ODBC function calls into an executable application. In this tutorial,
you will learn:

• What environment, connection, statement, and descriptor handles are,

and how they are used by CLI/ODBC applications
• The steps involved in developing a CLI/ODBC application
• The correct sequence to use when calling CLI/ODBC functions

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• How to establish a database connection from a CLI/ODBC application

• How to configure a CLI/ODBC driver
• How to evaluate CLI/ODBC function return codes and obtain diagnostic
information when errors occur
• How to convert source code files containing CLI/ODBC function calls into
an executable application
This is the fourth in a series of seven tutorials that you can use to help prepare for
the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development Certification exam (Exam 703).
The material in this tutorial primarily covers the objectives in Section 4 of the exam,
entitled "ODBC/CLI programming." You can view these objectives at:

You do not need a copy of DB2 Universal Database to complete this tutorial.
However, you can download a free trial version of IBM DB2 Universal Database from
the developerWorks downloads site for reference.

Who should take this tutorial?

To take the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development exam, you must have
already passed the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals exam (Exam 700). You
can use the DB2 Family Fundamentals tutorial series (see Resources ) to prepare
for that test. It is a very popular tutorial series that has helped many people
understand the fundamentals of the DB2 family of products.

Although not all materials discussed in the Family Fundamentals tutorial series are
required to understand the concepts described in this tutorial, you should have a
basic knowledge of:

• DB2 instances
• Databases
• Database objects
• DB2 security
This tutorial is one of the tools that can help you prepare for Exam 703. You should
also take advantage of one or more of the Resourcesidentified at the end of this
tutorial for more information.

Conventions used in this tutorial

Several conventions are used to reinforce the material presented in this tutorial:

• Monospacedtext is used to present SQL statements, DB2 commands,

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and CLI functions, as well as the values of variables.

• Emphasizedor italicizedtext is used to draw attention to new terms and
• Boldtext is used to identify SQL statement and DB2 command options.
• Throughout this tutorial, code segments that are irrelevant to the
discussion have been omitted and replaced with ellipses (... )

Notices and trademarks

Copyright, 2004 International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved.

IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, DB2 Information Integrator, WebSphere and
WebSphere MQ are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of

Section 2. Introduction to CLI/ODBC programming

What is CLI/ODBC?
One of the biggest drawbacks to developing applications with embedded SQL is the
lack of interoperability that such an application affords: Embedded SQL applications
developed specifically for DB2 UDB will have to be modified (and in some cases
completely rewritten) before they can interact with other relational database
management systems (RDBMSs). Because this limitation exists in every embedded
SQL application, regardless of the RDBMS for which it is written, in the early 1990s
the X/Open Company and the SQL Access Group (SAG), now a part of X/Open,
jointly developed a standard specification for a callable SQL interface. This interface
was known as the X/Open Call-Level Interface,or X/Open CLI.Much of the X/Open
CLI specification was later accepted as part of the ISO CLI international standard.
The primary purpose of X/Open CLI was to increase the portability of database
applications by allowing them to become independent of any one database
management system's programming interface.

In 1992, Microsoft developed a callable SQL interface known as Open Database

Connectivity (or ODBC ) for the Microsoft Windows operating system. ODBC is
based on the X/Open CLI standards specification but it provides extended
functionality and capability that is not part of X/Open CLI. ODBC relies on an
operating environment in which data source-specific ODBC drivers are dynamically
loaded at application run time (based on information provided when a connection is

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requested) by a component known as the ODBC Driver Manager.Each data

source-specific driver is responsible for implementing any or all of the functions
defined in the ODBC specification, and for providing interaction with the data source
for which the driver was written. The ODBC Driver Manager provides a central point
of control; as an ODBC application executes, each ODBC function call it makes is
sent to the ODBC Driver Manager, where it is forwarded to the appropriate data
source driver for processing. By using drivers, an application can be linked directly to
a single ODBC driver library, rather than to each product-specific database itself.

DB2's Call Level Interface(also known as DB2 CLI ) is based on the ISO CLI
international standard. It provides most of the functionality that is found in the ODBC
specification. Applications that use DB2 CLI instead of ODBC are linked directly to
the DB2 CLI load library, and any ODBC Driver Manager can load this library as an
ODBC driver. DB2 UDB applications can also use the DB2 CLI load library
independently. However, when the library is used in this manner, the application
itself will not be able to communicate with other data sources.

Differences between embedded SQL and CLI/ODBC

In the third tutorial in this series (see Resources ), we saw that embedded SQL
applications are constructed by embedding SQL statements directly into one or more
source code files that are written using a high-level programming language.
CLI/ODBC applications, on the other hand, rely on a standardized set of Application
Programming Interface(API) functions to send SQL statements to the DB2 Database
Manager for processing. Embedded SQL applications and CLI/ODBC applications
also differ in the following ways:

• CLI/ODBC applications do not require the explicit declaration and use of

host variables; any variable can be used to send data to or retrieve data
from a data source.
• Cursors do not have to be explicitly declared by CLI/ODBC applications.
Instead, cursors are automatically generated, if needed, whenever the
SQLExecute()function or the SQLExecDirect()function are executed.
(We'll take a closer look at these two functions a little later.)
• Cursors do not have to be explicitly opened in CLI/ODBC applications;
cursors are implicitly opened as soon as they are generated.
• CLI/ODBC functions manage environment, connection, and SQL
statement-related information using handles. This technique allows such
information to be treated as abstract objects. The use of handles
eliminates the need for CLI/ODBC applications to use database
product-specific data structures, such as DB2 UDB's SQLCA and SQLDA
data structures. (We discussed these structures in detail in the third
tutorial in this series, see Resources ).
• Unlike embedded SQL, CLI/ODBC applications inherently have the ability
to establish multiple connections to multiple data sources, or to the same

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data source, at the same time. (Embedded SQL applications can only
connect to multiple data sources at the same time if Type 2 connections
are used.)
Despite these differences, there is one important concept common to both
embedded SQL applications and CLI/ODBC applications: CLI/ODBC applications
can execute any SQL statement that can be dynamically prepared in an embedded
SQL application. This is guaranteed because CLI/ODBC applications pass all of their
SQL statements directly to the data source for dynamic execution. (CLI/ODBC
applications can also execute some SQL statements that cannot be dynamically
prepared, such as compound SQL statements, but for the most part, static SQL is
not supported.)

Because the data source processes all SQL statements submitted by a CLI/ODBC
application, the portability of CLI/ODBC applications is guaranteed. This is not
always the case with embedded SQL applications, since the way SQL statements
are dynamically prepared can vary with each relational database product used. Also,
because COMMITand ROLLBACKSQL statements can be dynamically prepared by
some database products (including DB2 UDB) but not by others, they are typically
not used in CLI/ODBC applications. Instead, CLI/ODBC applications rely on the
SQLEndTran()function to terminate active transactions (when manual commit is
used). This ensures that CLI/ODBC applications can successfully end transactions,
regardless of the database product being used.

Section 3. Constructing an CLI/ODBC application

Parts of a CLI/ODBC application

All CLI/ODBC applications are constructed such that they perform three distinct

• Initialization
• Transaction processing
• Termination
The work associated with these three tasks is conducted by invoking one or more
CLI/ODBC functions. Furthermore, many of the CLI/ODBC functions used to carry
out these tasks must be called in a specific order or an error will occur. The following
illustration identifies some of the basic CLI/ODBC functions that are used to perform
initialization and termination.

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CLI/ODBC applications can perform tasks other than the three outlined above, such
as error handling and message processing. We'll look at how errors are handled in a
CLI/ODBC application in Diagnostics and error handling .

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Allocating resources
During initialization, resources that will be needed to process transactions are
allocated (and initialized) and connections to any data source(s) with which the
transaction processing task will interact are established. The resources used by
CLI/ODBC applications consist of special data storage areas that are identified by
unique handles.(A handle is simply a pointer variable that refers to a data object
controlled by DB2 CLI or the ODBC Driver Manager and referenced by CLI/ODBC
function calls.) By using data storage areas and handles, CLI/ODBC applications are
freed from the responsibility of allocating and managing global variables and/or data
structures like the SQLCA and SQLDA data structures that are used with embedded
SQL applications. Four different types of handles are available:

• Environment handles:A pointer to a data storage area that contains

CLI/ODBC-specific information that is global in nature.
• Connection handles:A pointer to a data storage area that contains
information about a data source (database) connection managed by
• Statement handles:A pointer to a data storage area containing specific
information about a single SQL statement.
• Descriptor handles:A pointer to a data storage area that contains a
collection of metadata that describes either the application variables that
have been bound to parameter markers in an SQL statement or the
application variables that have been bound to the columns of a result data
set that was produced in response to a query.
Every CLI/ODBC application must begin by allocating an environment handle. Only
one environment handle is usually allocated per application, and that handle must
exist before any other handles can be allocated; all other handles are managed
within the context of the environment handle used. Environment handles are
allocated by calling the SQLAllocHandle()function with the
SQL_HANDLE_ENVoption specified. The source code used to allocate an
environment handle looks something like:

SQLHANDLE EnvHandle = 0;

With CLI/ODBC applications, connections to data sources are made via connection
handles. Therefore, a connection handle must exist before a connection to any data
source can be established. Connection handles are allocated by calling the
SQLAllocHandle()function with the SQL_HANDLE_DBCoption and a valid
environment handle specified. The source code used to allocate a connection
handle looks something like:

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SQLHANDLE ConHandle = 0;
if (EnvHandle != 0)
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, EnvHandle, &ConHandle);

The statement handle is the real workhorse of CLI/ODBC. Statement handles are
used to process each SQL statement in an application (both user-defined SQL
statements and SQL statements that are performed behind the scenes when certain
CLI/ODBC functions are called). Notably, statement handles are used to:

• Bind application variables to parameter markers used in a statement

• Prepare and submit a statement to the appropriate data source for
• Obtain metadata about any result data set(s) produced in response to a
• Bind application variables to columns found in any result data set(s)
• Retrieve (fetch) data from any result data set(s) produced
• Obtain diagnostic information when a statement fails to execute
Each SQL statement used in an application must have its own statement handle,
and each statement handle used can only be associated with one connection
handle. However, any number of statement handles can be associated with a single
connection handle. Statement handles are allocated by calling the
SQLAllocHandle()function with the SQL_HANDLE_STMToption and a valid
connection handle specified. Thus, the source code used to allocate a statement
handle looks something like:

SQLHANDLE StmtHandle = 0;
if (ConHandle != 0)
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ConHandle, &StmtHandle);

Whenever a statement handle is allocated, four descriptor handles are automatically

allocated and associated with the statement handle as part of the allocation process.
Once allocated, these descriptor handles remain associated with the corresponding
statement handle until it is destroyed (at which time the descriptor handles will also
be destroyed). Most CLI/ODBC operations can be performed using these implicitly
defined descriptor handles. However, it is possible to explicitly allocate one or more
descriptor handles by calling the SQLAllocHandle()function with the
SQL_HANDLE_DESCoption and a valid connection handle specified.

Declaring the application CLI/ODBC version

Both CLI and ODBC use product-specific drivers to communicate with data sources
(databases), and most of these drivers contain a set of dynamic parameters that can

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be changed to alter the driver's behavior to meet an application's needs. These

parameters are referred to as attributes,and every environment, connection, and
statement handle allocated has its own set of attributes. We'll look at the CLI/ODBC
functions that are used to retrieve and/or change the attributes associated with an
environment, connection, or statement handle a little later. One such environment
attribute is the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSIONattribute, which must be assigned the
value SQL_OV_ODBC3or SQL_OV_ODBC2after an environment handle has been
allocated but before any corresponding connection handles are allocated. This tells
DB2 CLI and/or the ODBC Driver Manager that the application intends to adhere to
the CLI/ODBC 3.x (or later) specification or the CLI/ODBC 2.0 (or earlier)
specification, respectively. The source code used to tell DB2 CLI or the ODBC Driver
Manager that an application intends to adhere to the CLI/ODBC 3.x (or later)
specification looks something like:


It is important that DB2 CLI and/or the ODBC Driver Manager knows the
specification for which an application has been coded, because many of the return
code values (otherwise known as SQLSTATEs; we'll discuss these in more detail in
SQLSTATEs ) that are returned by a CLI/ODBC function vary from one version to
the next. Additionally, later versions of DB2 CLI and ODBC allow wild cards to be
used in some function parameters, while earlier versions do not.

Establishing a data source connection

Earlier, we saw that in order to perform any type of operation against a database, a
connection to that database must first be established. With CLI/ODBC applications,
three different functions can be used to establish a data source connection. They

• SQLConnect()
• SQLDriverConnect()
• SQLBrowseConnect()
Applications can use any combination of these functions to connect to any number
of data sources, although some data sources may limit the number of active
connections they support. (An application can find out how many active connections
a particular data source supports by calling the SQLGetInfo()function with the
SQL_MAX_DRIVER_CONNECTIONSinformation type specified.)

The SQLConnect()function is by far the simplest CLI/ODBC connection function

available. When used, the SQLConnect()function assumes that the only
information needed to establish a connection is a data source name and, optionally,
a user ID (authorization ID) and password. (Any other information needed is stored
in either the [COMMON]section of the db2cli.inifile, the [ODBC]section of the

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ODBC.INIfile, or the ODBC subkey in the system registry.) This function works well
for applications that need to connect to data sources that only require a user ID and
password, and for applications that want to provide their own connection interface or
that require no user interface at all.

The SQLDriverConnect()function allows an application to send connection

information to a data source driver using a connection string (as opposed to storing
this information in the db2cli.inifile, the ODBC.INIfile, or the system registry and
allowing the driver to retrieve it). A connection string is simply a series of
keyword/value pairs, separated by semicolons, that contain information that is to be
used to establish a connection to a data source. The table below outlines some of
the more common keyword/value pairs.

Keyword/Value Purpose
DSN= DataSourceName Specifies the name of a data source (as returned
by the SQLDataSources()function) that a
connection is to be established with.
UID= UserID Specifies the user ID (authorization ID) of the
user attempting to establish the connection.
PWD= Password Specifies the password corresponding to the user
ID (authorization ID) specified. If a password is
not required for the specified user ID, an empty
password string ( PWD=; ) should be used.
NEWPWD= NewPassword Specifies the new password that is to be
assigned to the user ID (authorization ID)
specified. If the NEWPWDkeyword is used but no
new password is provided ( NEWPWD=; ), the
DB2 CLI driver will prompt the user to provide a
new password.

Imagine that we have an application that always connects to a database named

PAYROLL using the authorization ID db2admin and the corresponding password
ibmdb2. We could use a connection string with the SQLDriverConnect() function
that looks something like:


When invoked, the SQLDriverConnect()function parses the connection string

provided and, using the data source name specified, attempts to retrieve additional
information needed from the system to establish a connection. Using this
information, the function then logs on to the appropriate server and attempts to
connect to the designated data source.

Applications using the SQLDriverConnect()function can also let the driver prompt
the user for any connection information needed. For example, when the
SQLDriverConnect()function is called with an empty connection string, DB2 CLI
will display a dialog that looks something like:

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This dialog prompts the user to select a data source from a list of data sources
recognized by DB2 CLI, and to provide a user ID along with a corresponding
password. Once this information has been provided, an appropriate connection
string is constructed and used to establish a connection to the appropriate data
source. Whether this dialog will be displayed is determined by one of the parameter
values passed to the SQLDriverConnect()function: If this function is called with
SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIREDoption specified, the dialog will be displayed if
the connection string provided does not contain enough information to establish a
data source connection. On the other hand, if this function is called with the
SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPToption specified and more information is needed, an error
will be generated.

Like the SQLDriverConnect()function, the SQLBrowseConnect()function uses

a connection string to send connection information to a driver. However, unlike the
SQLDriverConnect()function, the SQLBrowseConnect()function can be used
to construct a complete connection string at application run time. This difference
allows an application to use its own dialog to prompt users for connection
information, thereby retaining control over its look and feel. Application-specific
dialogs can also search (browse) the system for data sources that can be used by a
particular driver, possibly in several steps. For example, an application might first
browse the network for servers, and after choosing a server it can then browse the
server for databases that can be accessed by a specific driver.

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Transaction processing
Once the appropriate initialization has been performed by a CLI/ODBC application,
the focus shifts to processing transactions. This is where the SQL statements that
query and/or manipulate data are passed to the appropriate data source (which in
our case is typically a DB2 UDB database) by various CLI/ODBC function calls for
processing. During transaction processing, a CLI/ODBC application performs the
following five steps, in the order shown:

1. Allocates one or more statement handles

2. Prepares and executes one or more SQL statements

3. Retrieves and processes any results produced

4. Terminates the current transaction by committing it or rolling it back

5. Frees all statement handles allocated

We'll discuss each of these steps in more detail in the next few panels.

The following illustration shows the basic steps that are performed during the
transaction processing task and identifies the CLI/ODBC function calls that are
typically used to execute each step.

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Allocating statement handles

As mentioned earlier, a statement handle refers to a data object that contains
information about a single SQL statement. This information includes:

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• The text of the SQL statement

• Details about the cursor (if any) that is associated with the statement
• Bindings for all SQL statement parameter marker variables
• Bindings for all result data set column variables
• The statement execution return code
• Status information
And, as we saw in Allocating resources, statement handles are allocated by calling
the SQLAllocHandle()function with the SQL_HANDLE_STMToption and a valid
connection handle specified. At a minimum, one statement handle must be allocated
before any SQL statements can be executed by a CLI/ODBC application.

Preparing and executing SQL statements

Once a statement handle has been allocated, there are two ways in which SQL
statements used in a CLI/ODBC application can be processed:

• Prepare and execute. This approach separates the preparation of the

SQL statement from its execution and is typically used when an SQL
statement is to be executed repeatedly. This method is also used when
an application needs advance information about the columns that will
exist in the result data set produced when the SQL statement is executed.
The CLI/ODBC functions SQLPrepare()and SQLExecute()are used to
process SQL statements in this manner.
• Execute immediately. This approach combines the preparation and the
execution of an SQL statement into a single step and is typically used
when an SQL statement is to be executed only once. This method is also
used when the application does not need additional information about any
result data set that may be produced when the SQL statement is
executed. The CLI/ODBC function SQLExecDirect()is used to process
SQL statements in this manner.
Both of these methods allow the use of parameter markers in place of constants
and/or expressions in an SQL statement. Parameter markers are represented by the
question mark (? ) character, and they indicate the position in the SQL statement
where the current value of one or more application variables is to be substituted
when the statement is executed. When an application variable is associated with a
specific parameter marker in an SQL statement, that variable is said to be boundto
the parameter marker. Such binding is carried out by calling the
SQLBindParameter()function. Once an application variable is bound to a
parameter marker, the association with that variable remains in effect until it is
overridden or until the corresponding statement handle is freed. Although binding
can take place any time after an SQL statement has been prepared, data is not
actually retrieved from a bound variable until the SQL statement to which the

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application variable has been bound is executed.

The following example, written in the C programming language, illustrates how an

application variable would be bound to a parameter marker that has been coded in a
simple SELECTSQL statement. It also illustrates the way in which a value would be
provided for the bound parameter before the statement is executed:

// Define A SELECT SQL Statement That Uses A Parameter Marker
strcpy((char *) SQLStmt, "SELECT EMPNO, LASTNAME FROM ");
strcat((char *) SQLStmt, "EMPLOYEE WHERE JOB = ?");
// Prepare The SQL Statement
RetCode = SQLPrepare(StmtHandle, SQLStmt, SQL_NTS);
// Bind The Parameter Marker Used In The SQL Statement To
// An Application Variable
RetCode = SQLBindParameter(StmtHandle, 1,
sizeof(JobType), 0, JobType,
sizeof(JobType), NULL);
// Populate The "Bound" Application Variable
strcpy((char *) JobType, "DESIGNER");
// Execute The SQL Statement
RetCode = SQLExecute(StmtHandle);

Retrieving and processing results

Once an SQL statement has been prepared and executed, any results produced will
need to be retrieved and processed. (Result information is stored in the data storage
areas that are referenced by the connection and statement handles that are
associated with the SQL statement that was executed.) If the SQL statement
executed was anything other than a SELECTor a VALUESstatement, the only
additional processing required after execution is a check of the CLI/ODBC function
return code to ensure that the statement executed as expected. However, if a
SELECTstatement or VALUESstatement was executed, the following additional steps
are needed to retrieve each row of data from the result data set produced:

1. Determine the structure (i.e., the number of columns, column data types,
and data lengths) of the result data set produced. This is done by
executing the SQLNumResultCols(), SQLDescribeCol(), and/or the

2. Bind application variables to the columns in the result data set using the
SQLBindCol()function (optional).

3. Repeatedly fetch the next row of data from the result data set produced
and copy it to the bound application variables. This is typically done by
repeatedly calling the SQLFetch()function within a loop. (Values for
columns that were not bound to application variables in Step 2 can be

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retrieved by calling the SQLGetData() function each time a new row is


In the first step, the prepared or executed SQL statement is analyzed to determine
the structure of the result data set produced. If the SQL statement was hard-coded
into the application, this step is unnecessary because the structure of the result data
set produced is already known. However, if the SQL statement was generated at
application run time, then the result data set produced must be queried to obtain this

Once the structure of a result data set is known, one or more application variables
can be bound to specific columns in the result data set, just as application variables
are bound to SQL statement parameter markers. In this case, application variables
are used as output arguments rather than input arguments, and data is retrieved and
written directly to them whenever the SQLFetch() function is called. However,
because the SQLGetData()function can also be used to retrieve data from a result
data set, application variable/column binding is optional.

In the third step, data stored in the result data set is retrieved by repeatedly calling
the SQLFetch()function (usually in a loop) until data is no longer available. If
application variables have been bound to columns in the result data set, their values
are automatically updated each time SQLFetch()is called. On the other hand, if
column binding was not performed, the SQLGetData()function can be used to copy
data from a specific column to an appropriate application variable. The
SQLGetData()function can also be used to retrieve large variable length column
data values in several small pieces (which cannot be done when bound application
variables are used). All data stored in a result data set can be retrieved using any
combination of these two methods.

The following example, written in the C programming language, illustrates how

application variables could be bound to the columns in a result data set, and how
data in a result data set is normally retrieved by repeatedly calling the

// Bind The Columns In The Result Data Set Returned
// To Application Variables
SQLBindCol(StmtHandle, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)
EmpNo, sizeof(EmpNo), NULL);
SQLBindCol(StmtHandle, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)
LastName, sizeof(LastName), NULL);
// While There Are Records In The Result Data Set
// Produced, Retrieve And Display Them
while (RetCode != SQL_NO_DATA)
RetCode = SQLFetch(StmtHandle);
if (RetCode != SQL_NO_DATA)
printf("%-8s %s\n", EmpNo, LastName);

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Managing transactions
You may recall that a transaction(also known as a unit of work ) is a sequence of
one or more SQL operations that are grouped together as a single unit, usually
within an application process. A transaction is considered to be atomicbecause it is
indivisible: either all of its work is carried out or none of its work is carried out. A
given transaction can be comprised of any number of SQL operations, from a single
operation to many hundreds or even thousands, depending upon what is considered
a single step within your business logic. Transactions are important because the
initiation and termination of a single transaction defines points of data consistency
within a database; either the effects of all operations performed within a transaction
are applied to the database and made permanent (committed), or the effects of all
operations performed are backed out (rolled back) and the database is returned to
the state it was in before the transaction was initiated.

From a transaction processing viewpoint, a CLI/ODBC application can be configured

such that it runs in one of two modes: automatic commitor manual commit.When
automatic commit mode is used, each individual SQL statement is treated as a
complete transaction, and each transaction is automatically committed after the SQL
statement successfully executes. For anything other than SELECTSQL statements,
the commit operation takes place immediately after the statement is executed. For
SELECTstatements, the commit operation takes place immediately after the cursor
being used to process the result data set is closed. (Remember that CLI/ODBC
automatically declares and opens a cursor if one is needed.) Automatic commit
mode is the default commit mode and is usually sufficient for simple CLI/ODBC
applications. However, larger applications, particularly those that perform update
operations, should switch to manual commit mode as soon as a data source
connection is established. The call performed to use manual commit looks
something like:


When manual commit mode is used, transactions are started implicitly the first time
an application accesses a data source, and transactions are explicitly ended when
the SQLEndTran()function is called. This CLI/ODBC function is used to either roll
back or commit all changes made by the current transaction. Thus, all operations
performed against a data source between the time at which it is first accessed and
the time at which the SQLEndTran()function is called are treated as a single

Freeing statement handles

When the results of an SQL statement have been processed and the SQL statement
data storage area that was allocated when transaction processing began is no
longer needed, the memory reserved for that data storage should be freed. The data
storage area associated with a particular statement handle is freed by calling the

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SQLFreeHandle()function with the SQL_HANDLE_STMToption and the appropriate

statement handle specified (for example, SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,
StmtHandle) ). When invoked, this CLI/ODBC function performs the following

• Unbinds all previously bound parameter application variables

• Unbinds all previously bound column application variables
• Closes any cursors that are open and discards their results
• Destroys the statement handle and releases all associated resources
If a statement handle is not freed, it can be used to process other SQL statements.

Terminating data source connections

Just before a CLI/ODBC application terminates and control is returned to the
operating system, all data source connections that have been established should be
terminated and all resources that were allocated during initialization should be freed.
(Usually, these resources consist of an environment data storage area and one or
more connection data storage areas.)

Existing database connections are terminated by calling the

SQLDisconnect()function with the appropriate connection handle specified.
Corresponding connection data storage areas are freed by calling the
SQLFreeHandle()function with the SQL_HANDLE_DBCoption and the appropriate
connection handle specified. Once all previously allocated connection data storage
areas have been freed, the environment data storage area with which the
connection data storage areas were associated is also freed by calling the
SQLFreeHandle()function, this time with the SQL_HANDLE_ENVoption and the
appropriate environment handle specified.

Putting it all together

Now that we have examined the basic components that comprise all CLI/ODBC
applications, let's see how these components come together to produce a
CLI/ODBC application. A simple CLI/ODBC application, written in the C
programming language, that obtains and prints employee identification numbers and
last names for all employees who have the job title "designer" might look something

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sqlcli1.h>
int main()
// Declare The Local Memory Variables
SQLHANDLE EnvHandle = 0;
SQLHANDLE ConHandle = 0;

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SQLHANDLE StmtHandle = 0;
SQLCHAR JobType[10];
SQLCHAR EmpNo[10];
SQLCHAR LastName[25];
// Allocate An Environment Handle
// Set The ODBC Application Version To 3.x
if (EnvHandle != 0)
// Allocate A Connection Handle
if (EnvHandle != 0)
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, EnvHandle,
// Connect To The Appropriate Data Source
if (ConHandle != 0)
RetCode = SQLConnect(ConHandle, (SQLCHAR *) "SAMPLE",
SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) "db2admin",
SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) "ibmdb2",
// Allocate An SQL Statement Handle
if (ConHandle != 0 && RetCode == SQL_SUCCESS)
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ConHandle,
// Define A SELECT SQL Statement That Uses A Parameter
// Marker
strcpy((char *) SQLStmt, "SELECT EMPNO, LASTNAME FROM ");
strcat((char *) SQLStmt, "EMPLOYEE WHERE JOB = ?");
// Prepare The SQL Statement
RetCode = SQLPrepare(StmtHandle, SQLStmt, SQL_NTS);
// Bind The Parameter Marker Used In The SQL Statement To
// An Application Variable
RetCode = SQLBindParameter(StmtHandle, 1,
sizeof(JobType), 0, JobType,
sizeof(JobType), NULL);
// Populate The "Bound" Application Variable
strcpy((char *) JobType, "DESIGNER");
// Execute The SQL Statement
RetCode = SQLExecute(StmtHandle);
// If The SQL Statement Executed Successfully, Retrieve
// The Results
if (RetCode == SQL_SUCCESS)
// Bind The Columns In The Result Data Set Returned
// To Application Variables
SQLBindCol(StmtHandle, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)
EmpNo, sizeof(EmpNo), NULL);
SQLBindCol(StmtHandle, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)
LastName, sizeof(LastName), NULL);

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// While There Are Records In The Result Data Set

// Produced, Retrieve And Display Them
while (RetCode != SQL_NO_DATA)
RetCode = SQLFetch(StmtHandle);
if (RetCode != SQL_NO_DATA)
printf("%-8s %s\n", EmpNo, LastName);
// Commit The Transaction
RetCode = SQLEndTran(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ConHandle,
// Free The SQL Statement Handle
if (StmtHandle != 0)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, StmtHandle);
// Terminate The Data Source Connection
if (ConHandle != 0)
RetCode = SQLDisconnect(ConHandle);
// Free The Connection Handle
if (ConHandle != 0)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ConHandle);
// Free The Environment Handle
if (EnvHandle != 0)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, EnvHandle);
// Return Control To The Operating System

You may have noticed that a special code named SQL_NTSwas passed as a
parameter value for some of the CLI/ODBC functions used in this application.
CLI/ODBC functions that accept character string values as arguments usually
require the length of the character string to be provided as well. The value
SQL_NTScan be used in place of an actual length value to indicate that the
corresponding string is null-terminated.

Section 4. Controlling CLI/ODBC driver attributes

Obtaining information about a data source

Because a CLI/ODBC application can connect to a variety of data sources, there
may be times when it is necessary to obtain information about a particular data
source to which an application is connected. By design, all CLI/ODBC drivers must
support three specific functions that, when used, provide information about the
capabilities of the driver itself, as well as the capabilities of the driver's underlying
data source. Using this set of functions, an application can determine the capabilities

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and limitations of a particular data source and adjust its behavior accordingly. The
first of these functions, the SQLGetInfo()function, can be used to obtain
information about the various characteristics of a data source. The second function,
SQLGetFunctions(), tells an application whether or not a particular CLI/ODBC
function is supported by a data source/driver. And the last function,
SQLGetTypeInfo(), provides an application with information about the native data
types that are used by a data source. Of the three, SQLGetInfo()is probably the
most powerful; over 165 different pieces of information can be obtained by this
function alone.

The information returned by the SQLGetInfo(), SQLGetFunctions(), and

SQLGetTypeInfo()functions is static in nature -- that is, the characteristics of the
data source/driver to which the information returned by these three functions refers
cannot be altered by the calling application. However, most data source drivers
contain additional information that can be changed to alter the way a driver behaves
for a particular application. This information is referred to as driver attributes. Three
types of driver attributes are available:

• Environment attributes
• Connection attributes
• SQL statement attributes
We'll discuss each type in the next few panels.

Environment attributes
Environment attributes affect the way CLI/ODBC functions that operate under a
specified environment behave. An application can retrieve the value of an
environment attribute at any time by calling the SQLGetEnvAttr() function, and it
can change the value of an environment attribute by calling the
SQLSetEnvAttr()function. Some of the more common environment attributes

• SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION: Determines whether certain functionality

exhibits ODBC 2.0 behavior or ODBC 3.x behavior.
• SQL_ATTR_OUTPUT_NTS: Determines whether or not the driver is to
append a null terminator to string data values before they are returned to
an application.
It is important to note that environment attributes can only be changed as long as no
connection handles have been allocated against the environment. Once a
connection handle has been allocated, attribute values for that environment can be
retrieved, but they cannot be altered.

Connection attributes

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Connection attributes affect the way connections to data sources and drivers
behave. An application can retrieve the value of a connection attribute at any time by
calling the SQLGetConnectAttr()function, and it can change the value of a
connection attribute by calling the SQLSetConnectAttr()function. Some of the
more common connection attributes include:

• SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT: Determines whether the data source/driver will

operate in autocommit mode or manual commit mode.
• SQL_ATTR_MAXCONN: Determines the maximum number of concurrent
data source connections that an application can have open at one time.
(The default value for this attribute is 0, which means that an application
can have any number of connections open at one time.)
• SQL_ATTR_TXN_ISOLATION: Specifies the isolation level to use for the
current connection ( SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLEfor repeatable read,
SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READfor read stability,
SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTEDfor cursor stability, and
SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTEDfor uncommitted read).
As with environment attributes, timing becomes a very important element when
setting connection attributes. Some connection attributes can be set at any time,
while others can only be set after a corresponding connection handle has been
allocated but before a connection to a data source is established. Still other
connection attributes can only be set after a connection to a data source is
established, while others can only be set after a connection to a data source is
established and while there are no outstanding transactions or open cursors
associated with the connection.

Statement attributes
Statement attributes affect the way many SQL statement-level CLI/ODBC functions
behave. An application can retrieve the value of a statement attribute at any time by
calling the SQLGetStmtAttr()function, and it can change the value of a statement
attribute by calling the SQLSetStmtAttr()function. Some of the more common
statement attributes include:

• SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY: Specifies the cursor concurrency level to use

(read-only, low-level locking, or value-comparison locking).
• SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SENSITIVITY: Specifies whether cursors on a
statement handle are to make changes made to a result data set by
another cursor visible. If SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SENSITIVITYis set to
SQL_SENSITIVE, all cursors on the statement handle make changes
made to a result data set by other transactions visible. If this attribute is
set to SQL_INSENSITIVE, changes made by other transactions will not
be seen in the result data set.
• SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE: Specifies the type of cursor that is to be used

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when processing result data sets (forward-only, static, keyset-driven, or

• SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA: Specifies whether or not the
SQLFetch()and SQLFetchScroll()functions are to automatically
retrieve data after they position the cursor.
Once again, timing becomes an important element when setting statement
attributes. Some statement attributes must be set before the SQL statement
associated with the statement handle is executed, others can be set at any time but
are not applied until the SQL statement associated with the statement handle is
used again, while other statement attributes can be set at any time.

Section 5. Diagnostics and error handling

Return codes
Each time a CLI/ODBC function is invoked, a special value known as a return codeis
returned to the calling application to indicate whether the function executed as
expected. If the function did not execute as expected, the return code value
generated will indicate what caused the function to fail. The following table outlines a
list of possible return codes that can be returned by any CLI/ODBC function:

Return code Meaning

SQL_SUCCESS The CLI/ODBC function completed successfully.
SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO The CLI/ODBC function completed successfully,
however, a warning or non-fatal error condition
was encountered.
SQL_NO_DATAor SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND The CLI/ODBC function completed successfully,
but no relevant data was found.
SQL_INVALID_HANDLE The CLI/ODBC function failed because an invalid
environment, connection, statement, or
descriptor handle was specified. This return code
is only returned when the handle specified either
has not been allocated or is the wrong type of
handle (for example, if a connection handle is
provided when an environment handle is
expected). Because this type of error is a
programming error, no additional information is
SQL_NEED_DATA The CLI/ODBC function failed because data that
the function expected to be available at
execution time (such as parameter marker data
or connection information) was missing. This
return code is typically produced when
parameters or columns have been bound as

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data-at-execution ( SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC )
SQL_STILL_EXECUTING A CLI/ODBC function that was started
asynchronously is still executing.
SQL_ERROR The CLI/ODBC function failed.

Error handling is an important part of any application, and CLI/ODBC applications

are no exception. At a minimum, a CLI/ODBC application should always check to
see if a CLI/ODBC function executed successfully by examining the return code
produced. Whenever such a function fails to execute as expected, users should be
notified that an error or warning condition has occurred. In addition, whenever
possible, they should be provided with diagnostic information that will help quickly
locate and correct the problem.

Although a return code will notify an application program if an error or warning
condition occurred, it does not provide the application (or the developer or a user)
with specific information about what caused the error or warning condition. Because
additional information about an error or warning condition is usually needed to
resolve a problem, DB2 (like other relational database products) uses a set of error
message codes known as SQLSTATEsto provide supplementary diagnostic
information for warnings and errors. SQLSTATEs are alphanumeric strings that are
five characters (bytes) in length and have the format ccsss, where ccindicates the
error message class and sssindicates the error message subclass. Any SQLSTATE
that has a class of 01 corresponds to a warning; any SQLSTATE that has a class of
HYcorresponds to an error that was generated by DB2 CLI; and any SQLSTATE that
has a class of IMcorresponds to an error that was generated by the ODBC Driver
Manager. (Because different database servers often have different diagnostic
message codes, SQLSTATEs follow standards that are outlined in the X/Open CLI
standard specification. This standardization of SQLSTATE values enables
application developers to process errors and warnings consistently across different
relational database products.)

Unlike return codes, SQLSTATEs are often treated as guidelines, and drivers are
not required to return them. Thus, while drivers should always return the proper
SQLSTATE for any error or warning they are capable of detecting, applications
should not count on this always happening. Because SQLSTATEs are not returned
reliably, most applications just display them to the user along with any corresponding
diagnostic message and native error code. There is rarely any loss of functionality in
taking this approach, because applications normally cannot base programming logic
on SQLSTATEs anyway. For example, suppose an application calls the
SQLExecDirect()function and the SQLSTATE 42000(Syntax error or access
violation) is returned. If the SQL statement that caused this error to occur is
hardcoded into the application or constructed at application run time, the error can
be attributed to a programming error and the source code will have to be modified.
On the other hand, if the SQL statement that caused this error to occur was provided

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by the user at run time, the error can be attributed to a user mistake, in which case
the application has already done all that it can do by informing the user of the

Obtaining diagnostic information

So just how are SQLSTATE values, diagnostic messages, and native error codes
obtained when a CLI/ODBC function fails to execute properly? This information is
acquired by calling the SQLGetDiagRec() function, the SQLGetDiagField()
function, or both. These functions accept an environment, connection, statement, or
descriptor handle as input and return diagnostic information about the last
CLI/ODBC function that was executed using the handle specified. If multiple
diagnostic records were generated, an application must call one or both of these
functions repeatedly until all diagnostic information available has been obtained.
(The total number of diagnostic records available can be determined by calling the
SQLGetDiagField() function with record number 0-- the header record number --
and the SQL_DIAG_NUMBERoption specified.)

Diagnostic information is stored in memory as diagnostic records. Applications can

retrieve SQLSTATE values, diagnostic messages, and native error codes from a
diagnostic record in a single step by calling the SQLGetDiagRec()function.
However, this function cannot be used to retrieve information from the diagnostic
header record. Instead, applications must use the SQLGetDiagField()function to
retrieve information stored in the diagnostic header record. The
SQLGetDiagField()function can also be used to obtain the values of individual
diagnostic record fields. (Thus, the SQLGetDiagField()function could be used to
obtain justSQLSTATE values when an error occurs.)

A diagnostic/error handling example

Now that we have seen how return codes can be used to detect when an error or
warning condition occurs, and how diagnostic records can be used to provide
feedback on how the problem that caused the error/warning to be generated can be
corrected, let's see how error handling and diagnostics information retrieval is
typically performed in a CLI/ODBC application. A simple CLI/ODBC application
written in the C programming language that attempts to connect to a data source
using an invalid user ID and that displays the diagnostic information generated when
the connection attempt fails might look something like:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sqlcli1.h>
int main()
// Declare The Local Memory Variables
SQLHANDLE EnvHandle = 0;
SQLHANDLE ConHandle = 0;

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SQLSMALLINT Counter = 0;
SQLINTEGER NumRecords = 0;
SQLINTEGER NativeErr = 0;
SQLCHAR ErrMsg[255];
// Allocate An Environment Handle
// Set The ODBC Application Version To 3.x
if (EnvHandle != 0)
// Allocate A Connection Handle
if (EnvHandle != 0)
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, EnvHandle,
// Attempt To Connect To A Data Source Using An Invalid
// User ID (This Will Cause An Error To Be Generated)
if (ConHandle != 0)
RetCode = SQLConnect(ConHandle, (SQLCHAR *) "SAMPLE",
SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) "db2_admin",
SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) "ibmdb2",
// If Unable To Establish A Data Source Connection,
// Obtain Any Diagnostic Information Available
if (RetCode != SQL_SUCCESS)
// Find Out How Many Diagnostic Records Are
// Available
SQLGetDiagField(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ConHandle, 0,
// Retrieve And Display The Diagnostic Information
// Produced
for (Counter = 1; Counter <= NumRecords; Counter++)
// Retrieve The Information Stored In Each
// Diagnostic Record Generated
SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ConHandle, Counter,
SQLState, &NativeErr, ErrMsg, sizeof(ErrMsg),
// Display The Information Retrieved
printf("SQLSTATE : %s\n", SQLState);
printf("%s\n", ErrMsg);
// Free The Connection Handle
if (ConHandle != 0)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ConHandle);
// Free The Environment Handle
if (EnvHandle != 0)
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, EnvHandle);
// Return Control To The Operating System

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Section 6. Creating executable applications

Compiling and linking

So far, we have looked at the steps that are used to code CLI/ODBC applications,
but we have not seen how the source code for an CLI/ODBC application is
converted into a working program. Once a CLI/ODBC source code file has been
written, it must be compiled by an appropriate high-level programming language
compiler (such as GCC or Visual C++). The compiler is responsible for converting
the source code file into an object module that the linker can use to create an
executable program. The linker combines object files and high-level programming
language libraries to produce an executable application. For most operating
systems, this executable application will be an executable module that runs as a
stand-alone program. However, it can also be a shared library or a dynamic link
library used by another executable module.

The following illustration outlines the basic process for converting CLI/ODBC source
code files to an executable application.

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It is important to note that DB2 UDB is packaged with a set of special bind files that
are used to support DB2 CLI. When a database is created, these files are bound to
the database as part of the database creation process to produce a package that
facilitates CLI interaction with that database.

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Section 7. Conclusion

This tutorial introduced you to CLI/ODBC programming and to walked you through
the basic steps used to construct a CLI/ODBC application. At this point, you should
know the difference between environment, connection, statement, and descriptor
handles, and you should know how each is used in a CLI/ODBC application. You
should also know that CLI/ODBC applications rely on functions to pass SQL
statements to a data source for processing, and that these functions must be called
in a specific order.

Furthermore, you should know how to establish a database connection from a

CLI/ODBC application, how to prepare and execute SQL statements, how to retrieve
and process any results produced, and how to terminate transactions. You should
also know how to obtain and set driver attributes, how to determine whether or not a
CLI/ODBC function executed successfully, and how to obtain diagnostic information
if an error occurs.

Finally, you should be familiar with the steps used to convert a source code file
containing CLI/ODBC function calls into an executable application.

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• For more information on DB2 Universal Database application development:
• DB2 Version 8 Administration Guide: Implementation, International
Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 Application Development Guide: Programming Client
Applications, International Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 Application Development Guide: Programming Server
Applications, International Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 Application Development Guide: Building and Running
Applications, International Business Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 SQL Reference Guide, Volume 1, International Business
Machines Corporation, 2002.
• DB2 Version 8 SQL Reference Guide, Volume 2, International Business
Machines Corporation, 2002.

• For more information on the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development
Certification exam (Exam 703):
• DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Certification Exam 703 Study Guide,
Sanders, Roger E., International Business Machines Corporation, 2004.
• DB2 Universal Database v8 Application Development Certification Guide,
Martineau, David and others, International Business Machines
Corporation, 2003.
• IBM DB2 Information Management -- Training and certificationfor
information on classes, certifications available and additional resources.

• As mentioned earlier, this tutorial is just one tutorial in a series of seven to help
you prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development
Certification exam (Exam 703). The complete list of all tutorials in this series is
provided below:

1. Database objects and Programming Methods

2. Data Manipulation

3. Embedded SQL Programming

4. ODBC/CLI Programming

5. Java Programming

6. Advanced Programming

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7. User-Defined Routines

• Before you take the certification exam (DB2 UDB V8.1 Application
Development, Exam 703) for which this tutorial was created to help you
prepare, you should have already taken and passed the DB2 V8.1 Family
Fundamentals certification exam (Exam 700). Use the DB2 V8.1 Family
Fundamentals certification prep tutorial seriesto prepare for that exam. A set of
six tutorials covers the following topics:
• DB2 planning
• DB2 security
• Accessing DB2 UDB data
• Working with DB2 UDB data
• Working with DB2 UDB objects
• Data concurrency

• Use the DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep tutorial seriesto
prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Database
Administration certification exam (Exam 701). A set of six tutorials covers the
following topics:
• Server management
• Data placement
• Database access
• Monitoring DB2 activity
• DB2 utilities
• Backup and recovery

• Stay current with developerWorks technical events and Webcasts.

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• Participate in the discussion forum for this content.

About the author

Roger E. Sanders

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Roger E. Sanders is a database performance engineer with Network Appliance, Inc.

He has been designing and developing database applications for more than 18 years
and he is the author of eight books on DB2 Universal Database, including DB2
Universal Database v8.1 Certification Exam 703 Study Guide, DB2 Universal
Database v8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide, and DB2 Universal
Database v8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide. In addition, Roger is a regular
contributor to DB2 Magazineand he frequently presents at International DB2 User's
Group (IDUG) and regional DB2 User's Group (RUG) conferences. Roger holds eight
IBM DB2 certifications, including: IBM Certified Advanced Database Administrator --
DB2 Universal Database V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows; IBM Certified Database
Administrator -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows; IBM
Certified Application Developer -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Family; IBM Certified
Database Associate -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Family; and IBM Certified
Advanced Technical Expert -- DB2 for Clusters. You can reach Roger at

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