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Geosynthetic Refoirced Soil

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60th Anniversary State-of-the-Art Reviews

46th Terzaghi Lecture: Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil:

From the Experimental to the Familiar
R. D. Holtz, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE 1
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Abstract: The paper begins with a historical review of reinforced soil technology, beginning with nature and the ancients, the development
of Terre Arme or Reinforced Earth by Vidal and Lee, and ending with the early uses of geotextiles for soil reinforcement in France, Sweden
(Wager and Broms), and the United States (U.S. Forest Service, Federal Highway Administration, J. R. Bell, T. A. Haliburton, B. R.
Christopher, and others). Then the advantages and basic behavior of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) are described. An overview of
current design procedures, modified with the results of analytical research conducted at the University of Washington, leads to practical
suggestions for dealing with creep, pullout, and backfill drainage. Next the properties of reinforcement geosynthetics are discussed, and
important conclusions of research on soilgeosynthetic interaction at the University of Washington are presented. Although GRS is quite
a mature development, a few technical and several professional issues remain. The technical issues are relatively straightforward but the
professional issues are not: they are costly, potentially tragic, and threaten a wonderful technology and our profession. Some suggestions as to
what the profession can do about these issues are given. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001674. 2017 American Society of Civil
Author keywords: Soil reinforcement; Geosynthetics; Geosynthetic reinforced soils; Design; Properties; Technical and professional issues.

Introduction systems then is in terms of basic soil mechanics and geotechnical

It is interesting that during the past 30 years, geosynthetics have That my lecture and this paper deals with geosynthetics is no
truly revolutionized certain aspects of civil engineering practice. surprise because I have spent the better part of my professional
In waste containment, drainage and erosion control, canal and pond career involved in some way with these materials. But what aspect
liners, construction, transportation especially highway engineering, to discuss? Although my students and I have done a little research
and of course geotechnical engineering, traditional solutions have on landfill covers, those projects were insignificant in comparison
evolved from the experimental to accepted practice today. In his to the contributions of Professor Koerner and his colleagues on
2008 Terzaghi Lecture, Dr. Jean-Pierre Giroud mentioned that geo- geomembranes and waste containment. We have also done quite a
synthetics are the most important development in civil engineering bit of work on geotextile filters, both at Purdue University as well
practice in the twentieth century (Giroud 2008). They likely are the as the University of Washington, and I think some of that work is
first new civil engineering material since Freyssinet developed quite good. But in view of the concepts presented by Dr. Giroud
prestressed concrete around the turn of the last century.
described previously, another part of geosynthetics seemed to be
Two previous Terzaghi lecturers have dealt with geosynthetics.
more appropriate. Our research on geotextile separators for the
In addition to Girouds lecture, Professor Robert M. Koerner in
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has led
1996 (Koerner 2000) discussed, among other things, the properties
to their successful implementation in new roadway construction.
and behavior of geomembranes in waste containment and landfills.
However, because most readers are not highway engineers, I chose
This is an area in which Professor Koerner and his colleagues have
geosynthetics for soil reinforcing as my subject.
made major contributions to design and engineering practice. In his
2008 Terzaghi Lecture, Dr. Jean-Pierre Giroud (2008) discussed
geotextile and granular filters. His premise was brilliantthat be-
cause of research on geotextile filters, we now have a better under- Reinforced Soil: Historical Review
standing of Terzaghis graded granular filter criteria. This is the
Examples of reinforced soil in nature include birds nests and bea-
opposite from our usual approach to applying geosynthetics in
ver dams. Adobe bricks are a synthetic example and are analogous
civil engineering. We usually start with a conventional geotechni-
to reinforced concrete. A material with little or no tensile strength is
cal design and somehow incorporate geosynthetics into that de-
combined with a material that has some tensile resistance to make a
sign by replacing or supplementing soil layers with geosynthetics.
composite material of significantly improved characteristics and
Our understanding of the behavior of the geosynthetic in the
Ziggurats or temples in ancient Mesopotamia were constructed
of layers of soil about 1 m thick reinforced by woven mats of reeds
Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. E-mail: or palm fronds. Some of these structures were nearly 90 m high, and although they are ruins today, some are still quite impressive
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 24, 2015; approved on
November 10, 2016; published online on May 19, 2017. Discussion period
even after more than 3,500 years (Kerisel 1985). The Great Wall
open until October 19, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted for of China, especially the Western Wall, constructed of layers of
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical rammed earth, stones, and wood, looks similar to a modern
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241. geosynthetic reinforced steep slope.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 1. Wagers method for calculating the stability of an embankment

reinforced with short sheet piles and tie rods (reprinted from Wager
and Holtz 1976, courtesy of ENVO Publishing Co., Inc., Lehigh,
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the SGI pullout apparatus, 19721973;
dimensions in millimeters (reprinted from Holtz 1973, 1977, courtesy
Experience in Sweden, 19701975 of the Swedish Geotechnical Institute and the Association Amicale des
My own experiences with soil reinforcing and geosynthetics started Ingnieurs Anciens lves de lE.N.P.C)
while I was working at the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI),
then in Stockholm, in the early 1970s. My mentors were Mr. Oleg
Wager and Dr. Bengt Broms. Wager was the inventor and idea
man, while Broms, the director of the SGI, was an enthusiastic col-
laborator. In the mid-1960s, Wager developed a system of reinforc-
ing embankments constructed on very soft foundations using either
short sheet piles or steel channel sections under the crest of the
embankment and connected by steel tie rods. For details see Wager
(1968) and Wager and Holtz (1976). Fig. 1 shows Wagers rather
simple calculation method using the Swedish circle stability
analysis. If a geosynthetic is used as the reinforcement, its tensile
strength replaces the anchor pull force in the stability equation.
The first field use of a geosynthetic for improving the stability of
an embankment was in 1971 at a construction site in southwestern
Sweden near the village of Nol. The details of this installation are
given by Holtz and Massarsch (1976, 1993), and Harney and Holtz
(2006) describe the results of tensile tests on specimens of the
multifilament woven polyester geotextile retrieved from the site
some 30 years after the original installation. Fig. 3. (Color) SGI pullout apparatus (image by R. D. Holtz)
The success of this first field experiment led to some laboratory
research at the SGI in 19721973, sponsored by AB Fodervvnader
of Bors, Sweden, the manufacturer of the polyester textile. Be-
cause pullout seemed to be an appropriate model for the resistance by sliding along the surface of the geotextile. Another practical
developed by the reinforcement at the base of an embankment, we finding was that pullout failure is virtually impossible with any rea-
developed, as far as I know, the worlds first pullout test apparatus sonable depth of burial of the geosynthetic reinforcement. The geo-
in an attempt to measure this resistance. Fig. 2 is a schematic textile will rupture in tension before it pulls out of the backfill.
diagram of the apparatus, and Fig. 3 shows the box with its lid re- ASTM D6706 (ASTM 2013) for geosynthetic pullout testing
moved, the airbag for applying the normal pressure, the load cell, states that the results can provide information related to the in-soil
and the geotextile clamp arrangement. stressstrain response under confined loading conditions, however
Some results of our first pullout tests are shown in Fig. 4. no details are given as to how that might actually be done. Although
The movements of small magnets attached to the geotextile every pullout test devices are fairly common, especially in academic lab-
150 mm [Fig. 4(a)] indicated that the geotextile was very exten- oratories, no interpretation procedure, in my opinion, has yet been
sible. After about 10 min of pulling, the geotextile nearest the published that correctly provides the in-soil stressstrain response
clamp was moving at the same rate as the clamp, while the other of a geosynthetic. To determine that correct in-soil stressstrain
end of the specimen had barely begun to move. After the data were response in fact requires a knowledge of the confined tension
interpreted as described by Holtz (1973, 1977), the peak shear modulus for the geosynthetic, which is presumably the objective
stress occurred at relatively small deformations, only a few milli- of the pullout test itself!
meters, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The interpreted interface friction be- Other research on geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) was per-
tween the sand and the geosynthetic was approximately equal to the formed in Sweden at the SGI and later at the Royal Institute of
triaxial friction angle for two sands with very different internal fric- Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden, in 19741975. We were
tion angles, one of which is shown in Fig. 4(c). This is because the aware of Vidals concept of Terre Arme (Reinforced Earth), so our
grains of sand embedded themselves in the weave and texture of the idea was to build models of vertically faced structures reinforced
geotextile; thus the interface shear was grain-to-grain, rather than with the woven multifilament polyester geotextile used previously.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 4. Results of pullout tests on a woven multifilament polyester geotextile; the text and Holtz (1973, 1977) give an explanation of these figures
(reprinted from Holtz 1973, 1977, courtesy of the Swedish Geotechnical Institute and the Association Amicale des Ingnieurs Anciens lves
de lE.N.P.C)

Of course it was very strong, and we soon learned that it was vir- walls. Reinforced Earth has three primary components (Fig. 5):
tually impossible for model walls to collapse, even under large sur- select granular backfill, galvanized steel strips for reinforcement,
charge loadings. The walls would greatly deform, but they did not and precast concrete facing panel elements (Vidal 1966; Schlosser
collapse, and this was true even with very short reinforcing layers and Vidal 1969). Worldwide patents were granted in 1966, and by
(L=H 0.4 and 0.3). Walls 1.2 m high could support a surcharge the early 1970s the technology was well established in France and
equivalent to about 5 m of fill without collapse. We also performed several other countries.
a few Taylor-Schneebeli pin-model wall tests similar to those The first Reinforced Earth project in the United States was
shown by Schlosser and Vidal (1969), although at that time we for the repair of a large landslide in Southern California in 1972
were unaware of the French tests. The results of all these tests on Highway SR39 in the Angeles National Forest north of Los
are described by Holtz and Broms (1977, 1978). Angeles. The site, a schematic of the repair, and the nearly com-
pleted wall are shown in Fig. 6. The slide and its remediation are
described by Chang (1974), Chang et al. (1974), and Walkinshaw
Terre Arme and Reinforced Earth
Some years ago, French architect Henri Vidal invented a system he At about the same time, Professor Kenneth Lee at the University
called Terre Arme (Reinforced Earth) for construction of retaining of California, Los Angeles, began research on Reinforced Earth

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national forests. Fig. 12 shows one of the first walls constructed in
the Siskiyou National Forest in southern Oregon, and this and other
early experiences are described by Bell et al. (1975) and Bell and
Steward (1977).
U.S. Forest Service engineers were one of the first groups in the
United States to recognize the benefits of using geotextiles for other
applications such as roadway drainage and stabilization, and their
report on their experiences was reprinted verbatim by the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) as a FHWA report (Steward et al.
1977). About the same time, the FHWA sponsored a research
project at Oregon State University under the direction of Professor
Bell and his colleague Professor Gary Hicks, a pavements expert.
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The objective was to review existing test methods and develop new
tests as well as specifications for various uses of geotextiles for
highways; I was one of a small group of peer reviewers for this
project. The first phase of the project was summarized by Bell and
Hicks (1980) in an official FHWA report. Due to a disagreement
Fig. 5. Components of Terre Arme (Reinforced Earth): select backfill, between Professor Bell and the FHWA contract monitor, the final
galvanized steel strips for reinforcement, and precast concrete facing project report was never officially published; only a draft report
panels (courtesy of the Reinforced Earth Company) exists (Bell and Hicks 1982).
In the late 1970s, geosynthetics design and construction prac-
tice was not well developed, and specifications for geotextile ap-
plications were not generic or based on sound engineering research
sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Figs. 79 show
or experience. The FHWA realized that to improve practice, state
some of the small-scale model tests using metallic strip reinforce-
highway engineers would need formal training in geotextile
ment that Lee and his students performed. Fig. 7 is a top view of
engineering. The first FHWA geosynthetics courses were devel-
one of the tests that has failed, but the failure was restrained; a scarp
oped and taught by Professor T. Allen Haliburton of Oklahoma
is visible a few centimeters back of the wall face. Fig. 8 is a side
State University, who unfortunately passed away after only a few
view of that same model test; the wall has moved about 50 mm
courses were taught. A second contract was awarded to Dr. Barry
from the black line, which was the location of the wall face before
failure. Failure planes are clearly indicated by the bands of colored Christopher and me, and we updated Haliburtons draft course ma-
sand, and those failure planes are inclined at very close to the terials (Haliburton et al. 1981) into the Geotextile Engineering
Rankine theoretical failure plane angle for the sand. In the next Manual (Christopher and Holtz 1985). We began teaching 3-day
photograph, Fig. 9, the model has been allowed to collapse because training courses based on the manual and our own experience in
it was not restrained. Does this happen in the field? Yes, as shown practice, laboratory testing, and research. Since then, nearly 200
in Fig. 10, a failure that occurred on Interstate Highway 24, east of courses have been taught in most states (and several foreign coun-
Nashville, Tennessee. A description and analysis of the failure are tries), and it is fair to say that this educational effort by FHWA
reported by Lee et al. (1994). has significantly improved geosynthetics design and construction
The potential for corrosion of steel reinforcement was a practice and specifications for highway construction in the United
common concern in the early days of Reinforced Earth. Often at the States. Our Geotextile Engineering Manual was condensed into the
end of presentations about Reinforced Earth, speakers were asked, FHWA Geotextile Design and Construction Guidelines in 1989
Well, what about corrosion? And the answer always was: The (Christopher and Holtz 1989). The Guidelines were substantially
steel reinforcing strips are galvanized to take care of any potential revised and updated in 1996 (Holtz et al. 1996) and published as
for corrosion. Still, predicting corrosion of even galvanized steel in a textbook the following year (Holtz et al. 1997). Its latest version is
soils is often problematic, and we thought that plastics were virtu- Holtz et al. (2008).
ally indestructible. Thus we considered anything made of synthetic Finally, I would like to mention some early research and devel-
polymeric fibers was also likely to be virtually indestructible and opment work on geosynthetic reinforcement conducted at Purdue
not subject to corrosion. At least that was what we thought in the University, 19731988, work sponsored by the National Science
1970s. Foundation, Indiana Department of Highways, U.S. Air Force,
Netlon, and Gulf Canada, among others. Much of this research was
reported in ASCE conferences, the Second International Conference
Geotextile Reinforced Walls, 19711977 on Geotextiles, other geosynthetics conferences, journals, and major
It is interesting that in the home of Terre Arme, French engineers reports to sponsors. Specific subjects include pullout of GRS walls
were also building fairly large-scale model walls reinforced with (Salomone et al. 1979, 1980), reinforced embankments (Boutrup
geosynthetics. Fig. 11 shows two experimental walls reinforced and Holtz 1982, 1983; Humphrey and Holtz 1986a, b, 1987, 1989;
with a heavyweight (300 g=m2 ) nonwoven needle-punched poly- Humphrey et al. 1986), laboratory creep tests (Holtz et al. 1982),
ester geotextile that were constructed in 19711972 (Puig and and GRS for roads and airfields (Bourdeau et al. 1982; Holtz and
Blivet 1973; Puig et al. 1977). Besides the small dam spillway con- Harr 1983). There were also two state-of-the-art reports on geosyn-
structed in 1976 (Kern 1977), these two experimental walls were thetic reinforcement (Holtz 1978, 1982).
the only GRS walls constructed in France in the 1970s, apparently
due to the dominance of Terre Arme.
Also in the early 1970s, U.S. Forest Service engineers in the Advantages and Basic Behavior of GRS
Pacific Northwest, working with Professor J. R. Bell of Oregon
State University, built several walls reinforced with lightweight There are a number of advantages of reinforcing soils, both with
nonwoven geotextiles for logging and fire protection roads in the steel and geosynthetics. First is cost, as shown in Fig. 13. When

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 6. California Highway SR39 landslide repair (reprinted from Walkinshaw 1975, courtesy of FHWA): (a) the slide; (b) cross section of the
remediation showing the Reinforced Earth wall at the top of the slope; (c) the wall near completion

the height of the structure exceeds some 1012 m, there is virtually shown, for the same calculated factor of safety, there is a lower
no competition with conventional retaining walls. Other advantages probability of failure, i.e., greater reliability, for a reinforced steeper
include flexibility of reinforced soil structures. They are very toler- slope than an unreinforced flatter slope. One wonders why do we
ant of large settlements, and this means cheaper foundations on poor still design and construct unreinforced soil slopes?
soils. Construction is simple and rapid, and it is easy to change the The next few figures illustrate an important fact about GRS struc-
alignment and height of the structures. Because they are so flexible, tures. First, Fig. 14 illustrates that the stress exerted by the soils at
they can readily absorb seismic energy and therefore are safer than the face of the structure is very small, in fact it is zero! Now the
conventional structures in earthquake country. Attractive facing sys- thickness of the spacing of the reinforcing layers is the same as the
tems are possible, including green facing systems incorporating size of the particles, so in a way it is a bit artificial. But that is not
plantings with vines and shrubs. Such facing systems are of course the case in Figs. 15(a and b). These photographs illustrate that the
important because of sustainability and environmental concerns. facing system is only there to restrain the soil particles at the face
Steeper slopes are possible with reinforcing than are possible between each reinforcing layer.
without reinforcing. For example, compacted cohesive soils can Mr. Robert Barrett of Colorado has shown in Fig. 16 that it is
be constructed safely steeper than 2:1. Granular soil slopes can be possible to build a very impressive GRS structure with only bed-
steeper than the angle of repose. Finally, there is increased safety sheets (from Walmart). The slope angle of the face of the wall is
with reinforced slopes. As Cheng and Christopher (1991) have clearly much greater than angle of repose of the sandy backfill

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 7. (Color) Top view of Lees model Reinforced Earth wall Fig. 9. (Color) Model wall allowed to collapse (image courtesy of
(image courtesy of Professor Kenneth Lee) Professor Kenneth Lee)

Fig. 10. (Color) Collapse of a Reinforced Earth structure on I-24 in


Fig. 8. (Color) Side view of the failure in Fig. 7 (image courtesy of

Professor Kenneth Lee)

material near the bottom. The soils in the backfill have some silt
and capillary moisture to provide apparent cohesion sufficient to
support the backfill within the vertical spacing of the reinforcing
In conclusion, stress at the face of a GRS wall or steep slope is
very small and local, and therefore the facing is only necessary to
support the soils between reinforcement layers. A heavy structural
facing element is unnecessary, unless the reinforcing spacing is
large. On the other hand, Professor Fumio Tatsuoka (personal com-
munication, 2010) has pointed out that the heavy structural type
facing systems common in Japan for their GRS structures have
Fig. 11. Walls reinforced with a geotextile (reprinted from Puig
performed well in earthquakes. I am not sure a lighter and more
and Blivet 1973, courtesy of Bulletin des Liaison des Laboratoires
flexible facing would not perform just as well, but it is difficult
RoutiersPonts et Chausses)
to argue with strong empirical evidence.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 12. One of the first geotextile reinforced walls built by the U.S.
Forest Service in the Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon (image courtesy
of Bell et al. 1975)

Fig. 15. (Color) Two large-scale GRS structures [image (a) courtesy of
R. R. Berg; image (b) courtesy of T. M. Allen]

Another reinforcing system with very small stress at the face is

Fig. 13. Cost of various retaining system versus structure height Texsol, developed in France in the 1970s, which uses kilometers
(reprinted from Holtz et al. 1997, courtesy of FHWA) of a very fine polyester filament for reinforcing sand (Hoare 1979;
Laflaive 1982). In Fig. 17, a clean sand reinforced with Texsol fil-
aments is able to stand on a slope significantly greater than the an-
gle of repose. Research on Texsol at the University of Washington
includes theses and papers by Wargo-Levine (1991), Stauffer
(1992), and Stauffer and Holtz (1995).


First let us summarize the steps normally followed for the design of
both GRS walls and slopes (Holtz et al. 1997, 2008).
For GRS walls
1. Establish project scope, geometry, loading conditions
(e.g., permanent, transient, seismic), facing system, perfor-
mance requirements, and construction constraints, if any;
2. Determine foundation soil properties;
3. Determine backfill (reinforced and retained) soil properties;
4. Establish required safety factors or load and resistance factors,
as appropriate;
5. Determine preliminary wall dimensions [height(s), embed-
ment, reinforcement length];
6. Evaluate external stability (sliding, bearing capacity, overturn-
Fig. 14. (Color) Model of a GRS structure (image courtesy of B. R.
ing, overall or global slope stability, and seismic stability if

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Determine allowable geosynthetic strength (T ult reduced
for installation damage, creep, and durability, if appropri-
ate); and
Evaluate pullout resistance (based on the soil-geosynthetic
interface friction).
9. Design facing system and elements:
Check connection requirements at facing.
10. Review external stability conditions, especially potential com-
pound failure conditions;
11. Estimate lateral face movements (at working stresses or servi-
ceability limit state) for establishing initial face batter;
12. Design systems for subsurface and backfill drainage as well as
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surface water control; and

13. Prepare plans, specifications, quality assurance and quality
control requirements.
For GRS slopes
1. Establish project scope geometry, loading, facing system, and
performance requirements;
2. Determine the geologic-geotechnical conditions and soil proper-
ties of the natural soils in the slope;
3. Determine the properties of the reinforced fill soils;
4. Establish design parameters for the geosynthetic reinforcement:
Allowable geosynthetic strength (T ult reduced for creep,
installation damage, and durability, if appropriate); and
Pullout resistance (based on the soil-geosynthetic interface
Fig. 16. (Color) GRS structure in Colorado built by Mr. Robert Barrett friction).
[image courtesy of Mr. Barrett (standing on the left)] 5. Check unreinforced slope stability;
6. Design reinforcement to provide for a stable slope (strength,
spacing, length);
7. Check external stability and settlement:
Sliding along reinforcement;
Overall (global) slope stability;
Local bearing failure at toe;
Seismic stability; and
Foundation settlement.
8. Evaluate requirements for control of subsurface and surface
water; and
9. Prepare plans, specifications, quality assurance and quality
control requirements, and other contract documents.
For geotechnical engineers familiar with the design of ordinary
structural retaining walls and the evaluation of slope stability, these
design steps should be quite familiar. Geosynthetics appear only
in a few of those steps and they do not overly complicate the de-
sign of GRS structures. The design of both GRS walls and GRS
slopes is well documented by, e.g., Christopher et al. (1990a, b),
Allen and Holtz (1991), Christopher and Leshchinsky (1991), Berg
(1993), Elias et al. (2001), Holtz et al. (2008), and Berg et al.
(2009). Design issues are also treated in some popular design codes
(e.g., AASHTO 2002, 2014; BSI 2010; Geotechnical Engineering
Office 2002). Thus the focus of this section is on design issues
that are either overemphasized or overlooked in usual GRS design
Fig. 17. (Color) Laboratory specimen of Fontainebleau sand rein- and construction practice. This section also includes the results of
forced with Texsol filaments (image by R. D. Holtz) research in Sweden, described previously, and at the University of
Washington when those results relate to certain design issues.

7. Estimate settlement of the reinforced wall;

Internal Stability Design: Historical Background
8. Evaluate internal stability and determine reinforcement
requirements: In the early days of Terre Arme, not much design detail was given
Develop both internal and external earth pressure diagram (e.g., Vidal 1966; Schlosser and Vidal 1969). Internal stability de-
(consider backfill properties, dead and live load surcharges, sign was based on classical earth pressure theory, both Coulomb
seismic); and Rankine, and a linear failure surface was assumed. Possible
Select vertical reinforcement spacing; failure modes in Table 1 were only hinted at in these early publi-
Calculate horizontal stress and maximum tension at each cations. Emphasis was on the interaction between the soil and
reinforcement level; reinforcement and the facing or skin. They also described in some

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Table 1. Failure Modes and Properties Required for Reinforced Earth
and GRS
Reinforced Earth Geosynthetics Properties required
Ties break Tensile rupture Tensile strength
Ties pullout Geosynthetic pullout Soilreinforcement
interface friction

detail their research with laboratory model tests and instrumented

full-scale structures.
Fig. 18. Horizontal stress distributions assumed for design: (a) Rankine
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In spite of Vidals (1966) assertion that Terre Arme was a

unique material and that Terre Arme walls were not the same as tieback wedge (adapted from Steward et al. 1977); (b) distribution
classical structural retaining walls, Franois Schlosser as well as proposed by Broms (adapted from Broms 1977, 1978, ASCE);
Professors Ken Lee and Dick Bell were very familiar with classical (c) bilinear assumed by Reinforced Earth; (d) coherent gravity (adapted
earth pressure theory, and they used that theory in their design pro- from Simac et al. 1990)
cedures. From their experiences with the model tests and, in Bells
case, the U.S. Forest Service walls described in Geotextile Rein-
forced Walls, 19711977, they knew that reinforced walls moved
Internal Stability Design: Walls
during construction, and thus they probably developed full active
earth pressure conditions. Recall, too, Lees model tests shown in Several different earth pressure distributions for reinforced wall de-
Fig. 8, in which the failure plane was inclined at an angle very close sign have been proposed; four of the more common ones are shown
to the theoretical Rankine active wedge, also assumed by Schlosser in Fig. 18. The classical Rankine earth pressure distribution as-
and Vidal (1969). sumed for the tieback wedgeU.S. Forest Service approach de-
The most common approach to GRS wall design, the U.S. scribed previously in Figs. 18(a and b) shows the distribution
Forest Service or tieback wedge method, was developed directly proposed by Broms, which was based on the Terzaghi-Peck rectan-
from classical earth pressure theory and used similar failure modes gular stress distribution for braced cut excavation support. An early
and material properties as Reinforced Earth (Table 1). In geotextile distribution assumed by Reinforced Earth, shown in Fig. 18(c), was
reinforced walls, the geotextile could rupture (fail in tension) or it based on measurements of a few instrumented full-scale structures.
could fail by pullout from the backfill. Note that the earth pressure below about 2.35 m is better repre-
The tieback wedge concept comes from (1) the Rankine failure sented by K o than by K a. The AASHTO coherent gravity method
wedge inclined at 45 0 =2 with the horizontal from the back of for steel strips and bar mats is shown in Fig. 18(d), in which the
the wall, together with (2) the wedge supported by layers of rein- earth pressure starts at the top with K o and becoming K a at 6 m
forcing that are sufficiently strong to resist the active earth pressure deep.
acting over a tributary area of wall face. In other words, the poten- Basically, all methods assume a lateral stress distribution with a
tial failure wedge is tied back by the reinforcement, whether by segment or section of the wall face supported by a reinforcement
steel strips or geosynthetics. As we shall see, this approach is very layer with sufficient tensile strength to carry the horizontal stress
conservative according to measurements on full-scale GRS struc- acting on that segment (typically the reinforcement spacing). The
tures, but it is simple and very safe. vertical stress v at the level of that reinforcement layer is equal to
The design of GRS slopes was developed from classical the overburden stress h, and the horizontal stress acting on that
slope stability procedures. Some sort of failure surface is assumed tributary area depends on the assumed horizontal earth pressure co-
(e.g., sliding wedge or circular) based on an analysis of the unrein- efficient K h ; i.e., h v K h . Designers can use one of the distri-
forced slope. Then the reinforcement is designed to extend into the butions in Fig. 18, or in case of the AASHTO simplified method
backfill a decent distance (determined by pullout resistance) behind developed by Elias and Christopher (1997), the ratio of K r =K a is
that assumed failure surface. It also must be sufficiently strong to used to develop the earth pressure diagrams for various types of
resist the tieback forces imposed by the sliding mass. This as- reinforcement, as shown in Fig. 19. The diagram was based on re-
sumption results in a pullout paradox, explained subsequently, search reported by Christopher et al. (1990a, b) and Christopher
especially for flatter slopes. (1993). Elias et al. (2001) and Berg et al. (2009) give additional
Question: What is the difference between a GRS slope and a details on this common design procedure. Appendix F in Berg et al.
very steep GRS slope? When does a very steep slope become a (2009) is an excellent summary of the common reinforced design
wall? Is it some arbitrary slope angle such as 70, as suggested by methods.
FHWA? Does the soil really know the difference? Professor Robert The major problem with all the earth pressure approaches for
Koerner (personal communication, 2007) mentioned that our de- GRS walls is that the measured horizontal earth pressure in instru-
sign approaches to GRS walls and slopes depend on traditional mented reinforced walls often results in a calculated stress ratio
geotechnical designs for slopes and conventional retaining walls, significantly less than K a , which is of course impossible as shown
and on the way we teach these subjects in our graduate courses, in Fig. 20. According to Rankine theory, the active earth pressure
and has nothing to do with reality! is the minimum earth pressure, or the earth pressure at failure. Thus,
So, what do the geosynthetics experts say about this? Holtz et al. the horizontal earth pressure h0 can never be less than ha0 because

(1997) have one chapter on GRS slopes and another on GRS walls, the Mohr circle at failure cannot be above the Mohr failure
which is the traditional approach to the design of these structures. envelope.
Even Koerner (2012) does the same thing in effect; he has separate So why is the measured K h often so much less than K a ? There
sections on GRS slopes and GRS walls in his chapters on design are several possible reasons, and all are likely to contribute to this
with geotextiles and geogrids. So what is really going on? discrepancy:

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Fig. 21. Two cases of a sand slope: (a) slope angle less than the angle
of repose; (b) slope angle slightly greater than the angle of repose

stability analyses knows, a little c goes a long way! but is it

always there?
4. Field measurements are often problematic in my humble experi-
ence. It seems that there are always problems, anomalies, out-
Fig. 19. Variation in stress ratio with depth for various reinforcement liers, electronic glitches, or data points that do not make any
types (reprinted from Elias et al. 2001; Berg et al. 2009, courtesy sense, and other factors that make interpretation of field mea-
of FHWA) surements suspect.

Design of GRS Slopes

As mentioned previously, design of GRS slopes is a combination of
classical slope stability analyses plus tieback forces that extend
behind the assumed failure surface. But before we discuss how
GRS stability analyses are actually performed, let us consider how
granular soil slopes actually fail. Consider a typical loose sand with
a friction angle of 35 standing at a 2H:1V slope. As shown in
Fig. 21(a), with a slope angle of 26 (well below 35), no reinforce-
ment is needed for stability; the slope is very safe. Now if the slope
angle is increased to 38 [Fig. 21(b)], how much reinforcement is
required for stability? Well, not very much, because it is just stable
at 35, its angle of repose. At 38, the small wedge in Fig. 21(b) will
slide, no one will be killed or injured, and it is basically a main-
tenance problem.
As the slope angle increases, more and stronger reinforcement
will be required for stability, but the common assumption of a
circular failure surface extending back into the slope is not how
granular slopes actually fail. And this leads to the design paradox
for tie-back forces mentioned in Internal Stability Design: Histori-
Fig. 20. (Color) Mohrs circles for conditions at rest, active, and the cal Background, especially for flatter slopes. A circular failure sur-
impossible face will extend well back of the slope and deeper than the toe, and
to tieback this critical surface, the reinforcement will have to be
longer and longer as the slope becomes flatter and flatter. And
1. Soil properties: The Mohr failure envelope is curved, so 0 is yet, as we have just shown, the reinforcement requirements for
much higher, especially at low confining pressures (small values a flatter slope are not as great as would be indicated by an ordinary
of the vertical overburden stress h). The 0 measured in com- stability analysis.
mon triaxial tests is much less than in plane strain, which is the This problem is of course a bit more complex with cohesive
stress condition operative in the field. Finally, 0 is high at field soil slopes. Here the critical failure surface is curved, going through
densities that are usually 90% or greater. the toe for slopes steeper than 53 (Taylor 1948) but then for flatter
2. Rankine theory is violated by presence of reinforcement (Boyle slopes, going as deep as it can go. For example, in Fig. 22, the
1995a). The backfill is homogeneous and isotropic. critical surface is prevented from going very deep because of
3. Apparent cohesion in the backfill soils could easily have influ- an inclined layer of different and stiffer material. For both sands
enced the field measurements. As anyone who has performed and clays, Fig. 22 shows that the critical failure surface for the

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University of Washington Analytical Research on
GRS Walls
In this section, some of the important findings from two analytical
research projects conducted at the University of Washington (UW)
are described due to their relevance to GRS wall analyses and de-
sign. Because we knew that current design methods were ultracon-
servative, the objective of the first project, sponsored by WSDOT
and conducted by Ph.D. student Wei-Feng Lee, was to develop a
working stress analysis for GRS walls. Lee (2000) used the pro-
gram FLAC for his analyses, and he calibrated his constitutive mod-
Fig. 22. Reinforced slope inclined about 40 with the unreinforced
els with field and laboratory data from the Rainier Avenue wall
critical failure surface shown as a dashed curve; with the reinforcing
Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

(Holtz et al. 1991; Allen et al. 1992a, b; Boyle 1995a). Then he

in place, the critical failure surface (solid curve) is driven back into the
used the soil modulus and the correct dilation angle, all determined
slope, thus increasing its factor of safety
experimentally in plane strain and at a small but realistic confining
pressures on the sand used in large-scale (3.6 m high) instrumented
model tests conducted at the Royal Military College (RMC) in
unreinforced slope is driven back into the slope, thus increasing Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The test facility, testing program, in-
its factor of safety. This fact was shown in some unpublished ex- strumentation, and test results are described in Burgess (1999).
periments on small models at the Royal Institute of Technology in Lee was able to make true Class A predictions of wall face deflec-
Stockholm in 1975, which indicated that if failure occurred in a tions and reinforcement strains for three RMC test walls, and he ob-
reinforced slope, the critical failure surface was always in the back tained excellent agreement as shown in Fig. 23. In conclusion, both
portion of the reinforced zone. With the use of digital computer pro- external and internal performance can be accurately reproduced if,
grams, the strength properties and lengths of the reinforcement and only if, the correct material properties are used and the boundary
could be accounted for directly, as shown by, e.g., Berg et al. (1989) conditions are correctly simulated. For additional information on
and Verduin and Holtz (1989). Even under dynamic conditions, Lees work, see his Ph.D. dissertation (Lee 2000) as well as Lee et al.
McElroy (1997), Perez (1999), and Perez and Holtz (2004) found (1999), Lee and Holtz (1998), and Holtz and Lee (1998a, b, 2001).
it almost impossible to get the failure surface to pass through the The second analytical project was conducted by Ph.D. student
lower reinforcement layer in a geotextile reinforced steep (63) Fadzilah Saidin (2007). She performed numerical simulation, also
slope. I am sure others have shown this phenomenon both exper- using FLAC, of an instrumented 6-m-high GRS wall constructed on
imentally and analytically. a soft foundation and with poor-quality backfill by the Louisiana
Several design procedures for GRS slopes have been developed Transportation Research Center (LTRC) in Baton Rouge. She also
over the years. Assumed failure surfaces have ranged from bilinear considered the effect of foundation settlement, rainfall infiltration,
wedges (Murray 1982; Schneider and Holtz 1986) sliding wedges and compaction during construction. Details about the wall con-
(Schmertmann et al. 1987), circular arcs (Jewell et al. 1984; Jewell struction, instrumentation, and results are in Farrag and Morvant
1990; Verduin and Holtz 1989), and log spirals (Leshchinsky and (2003). Some of Saidins settlement predictions are shown in
Boedeker 1989). And there probably are several others. Figs. 24(a and b). Additional references on Saidins work include
Saidin et al. (2001), Saidin and Holtz (2003), Robinson et al.
(2003), and Saidin and Holtz (2014; 2016).
Computer Programs for GRS Design Saidins (2007) important recommendations for GRS design-
For stability analyses and other design features, several computer ers are
programs are available for the design of both GRS slopes and 1. Traditional design methods are quite OK for GRS walls on soft
walls, or conventional programs often have subroutines for this pur- foundations;
pose. Programs have been developed either commercially or by 2. A reinforced base layer under the structure results in more
government agencies, and some of them are listed as follows: uniform settlements;
PCSTABL4; 3. Traditional settlement analysis are OK for GRS structures on
STABGM; soft foundations;
XSTABL; 4. Rate of construction is important; and
UTEXAS3 and UTEXAS4; 5. Adequate provisions for backfill drainage are critical.
GSLOPE; A few comments on these recommendations are pertinent.
New Janbu; Recommendation 1 is important because GRS designs assume un-
Tenslo1; yielding foundations; thus it is important to know that it is OK to use
Strata Slope; our traditional GRS design methods even if the foundation is soft.
RSS; and Recommendation 2 is probably no surprise. Recommendation 3 is
ReSSA. related to Recommendation 1, in that we can perform with reason-
Some programs are more user-friendly than others, and several able accuracy our traditional geotechnical settlement analyses on
have impressive graphical packages that assist the user with data GRS structures constructed on soft foundations. Prior to Saidins
interpretation. As far as I know all are probably OK, but as with research, we really did not know for sure whether these designs
any computer program, a few cases should always be checked with are couplednow we know they are not. Recommendation 4 is im-
simple hand calculations or at least with a completely different pro- portant for accurate finite-element modeling of GRS structures.
gram, as suggested by Wright (2013). Potential users of these Finally, Saidins infiltration analyses indicate that adequate drainage
programs should also read Chapter 8 in Duncan and Wright (2005). of the backfill is absolutely critical for successful GRS performance.
Other useful references are Pockoski and Duncan (2000) and Is Saidins (2007) final recommendation anything new? No, not
Duncan (2013). really. It should be conventional geotechnical practice as indicated,

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3.5 50kPa
3 Measured-

Height of Wall (m)

2.5 Predicted-
2 70kPa
1.5 70kPa
1 Predicted-
0.5 Measured-
0 115kPa
Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(a) Face Deflection (mm)
Strain (%)

6.0 Layer4- Model RMC3

2.0 Measured
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Distance from wall face (mm)
Strain (%)

6.0 Layer3- Model RMC3

2.0 Measured
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Distance from wall face (mm)
Strain (%)

6.0 Layer2- Model RMC3

2.0 Measured
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
(b) Distance from wall face (mm)

Fig. 23. (Color) Selected results from Lee (2000) (reprinted from Lee 2000, with permission): (a) face deflections of Wall 1; (b) strains in the
reinforcement in Wall 3 with a 50-kPa surcharge

for example, by the flow nets in Fig. 25 from Terzaghi (1943) and RMC by Professor Richard Bathurst and his students, and on addi-
Taylor (1948). And we know what is good GRS drainage practice; tional work by T. M. Allen of WSDOT, the primary research spon-
one example is Fig. 26 from Sandri (2005), which addresses both sor. It is a purely empirical method based on many case histories of
surface and subsurface drainage. Of course, designs such as this are walls reinforced with both steel and geosynthetics. One of its great
expensive, but so is failure. We, the profession, have no excuses for advantages over current design practice is that it is independent of
not using good drainage practice, because we do know better. reinforcing materialit does not matter if the reinforcement is met-
allic or geosynthetics. The K-stiffness method enables a more ac-
curate estimate of reinforcement loads, and a step-by-step design
Other Approaches to GRS Analysis and Design procedure is available with a limit states design approach that is
Two other approaches to GRS analysis and design should be consistent with current design codes (i.e., LRFD). For details, see
mentioned; they are the composite material approach and the Allen et al. (2003, 2004); some recent refinements are described by
K-stiffness method. Both offer significant potential improvement Allen and Bathurst (2015).
to current design practice.
The composite material approach is based on the concept of
homogenization, which can greatly simplify numerical analyses of GRS Design Recommendations
GRS and other reinforced soil structures. Accurately modeling There is nothing wrong with traditional limiting equilibrium de-
the constitutive behavior of these materials is quite complex be- sign methods as long as it is recognized these methods are ultra
cause of significant differences in geometry and engineering prop- conservative. If you want to use them, then you should
erties of the soil and reinforcement as well as their high degree 1. Use the correct soil properties for overburden stress h and soil
of anisotropy. Early work on this was done at the University of friction angle 0 , preferably determined in plane strain and at
California, Davis, (Chang 1974; Romstad et al. 1976; Shen et al. the correct confining pressure. This is not as easy as it sounds.
1976), and more recently by Lee et al. (2007) at UW. First, there are not many plane strain devices available, and it is
The K-stiffness method was developed from some of Lees difficult to conduct triaxial and plane strain tests at low confin-
(2000) analytical results, experimental research conducted at the ing pressures. If you want to do advanced numerical modeling,

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JOB TITLE : LOUISIANA WALL SECTION 1 with consolidation (*10^1)
FLAC (Version 5.00)

24-Aug-06 8:41
step 4120521
Flow Time 1.0200E+07
-4.698E+00 <x< 1.749E+01
-1.216E+01 <y< 1.004E+01
Gravel 0.200
Y-displacement contours
base layer
-1.00E-01 -0.200
Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Contour interval= 2.50E-02
Boundary plot

0 5E 0
Cable plot

University of Washington
-0.200 0.200 0.600 1.000 1.400


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Set t lement ( m)

3.2 m (calculated)
3.2 m (measured)
5.5 m (calculated)
5.5 m (measured)


Distance from the facing (m )


Fig. 24. (Color) Settlement predictions by Saidin (2007) (reprinted from Saidin 2007, with permission): (a) FLAC settlement distribution;
(b) settlement prediction compared with field measurements

e.g., with FLAC, and you want the correct answer, you must use (2) fewer thicker layers of higher strength geosynthetics re-
the correct dilatancy angle. Again, this is not easy to determine quired for stability. The advantages and disadvantages of each
in plane strain and at the correct confining pressure. choice are shown in Table 2. I recommend the first choice
2. For the internal stability of steep GRS slopes, I think they can many thin layers of weaker reinforcing. It is less expensive, and
be designed as a very steep slope. As the slope angle increases, improved compaction and better face control are obtained. Note,
more or stronger reinforcing is required. Use some of the com- too, that thinner lifts provide improved quality assurance for the
puter programs mentioned in Computer Programs for GRS compaction process.
Design and pay attention to their caveats. Although I have not 4. Pullout of the geosynthetic reinforcement is not a problem
tried this, it is possible that conventional soil nailing or tieback based on our research in Sweden described in Experience in
design procedures could be used with appropriate adjustments Sweden, 19701975. If there is any reasonable amount of
for geometry and reinforcement properties. backfill on it, the geosynthetic will rupture before it pulls out
3. For spacing of the reinforcement, the designer has two choices: of the backfill. Sometimes, however, there is a problem with
use (1) many thin layers of lower strength geosynthetics; or large unexpected surcharges applied to the face of GRS walls.

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specifications are recommendedthe plasticity index (PI) should
be less than 6 and the percent passing the No. 200 sieve should
be less than 15, much less if possible. Note that for GRS slopes,
these specifications can be safely relaxed somewhat. For example,
FHWA and Berg et al. (2009) recommend that the PI can be less
than 20 and the percent passing the No. 200 sieve can be increased
up to 50.
Designers should not forget about the foundation and slope
stability either because they are often a source of GRS wall-slope
problems. Geotechnical conditions associated with the foundation
and back slope are conventional geotechnical practice.
Table 3 lists the geosynthetic properties required for a complete
Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

reinforcement design. All of the properties in the second of the

table have standard ASTM test procedures listed in the third col-
umn; this situation is an enormous benefit to GRS designers. One
can now specify the properties required for a given design using
standard tests, and this makes selection of the geosynthetics proper-
ties generic and not product-specific.

UW Experimental Research on GRS Walls, 19911996

Our experimental research at UW developed because of the excel-
lent performance of the Rainier Avenue wall in Seattle (Fig. 28).
This structure was used to support a temporary preload as part of
the reconstruction by WSDOT of Interstate Highway 90 during the
late 1980s and early 1990s. At that time, it was the highest GRS
wall in the world at 12.6 m high and it supported a 5.3-m surcharge
load. It was well instrumented and performed exceptionally well
both during and after construction. Because it was only temporary,
the design factor of safety was 1.2. Even so, the face deforma-
tions were modest, only about 10 mm, and postconstruction creep
was about one-half that amount after 9.5 months. The measured
strains on the reinforcement layers were very small, typically
about 0.5%; the maximum observed by only one gauge was slightly
more than 1%. Details of the performance of the Rainier Avenue
wall have been reported by Christopher et al. (1990a, b), Holtz
and Christopher (1990), Holtz et al. (1991), and Allen et al.
(1992a, b).
The primary objective of our research, sponsored by WSDOT,
was to try and understand better why the Rainier Avenue wall
had performed so well beyond expectations. Because the observed
strains were so small, large-strain soilgeosynthetic interaction tests,
Fig. 25. Flow nets illustrating recommended provisions for drainage e.g., pullout tests (Experience in Sweden, 19701975), were not
of conventional earth retaining structures [(a and b) reprinted from an appropriate way to determine the soilgeosynthetic interaction
Terzaghi 1943; (c) reprinted from Taylor 1948] moduli. And this property would be required for any realistic
numerical modeling, such as was described in University of
Washington Analytical Research on GRS Walls, to be performed.
A good suggestion by John Paulson of Atlanta (personal com- Because no in-soil test apparatus was available, we developed our
munication, 2007) is to extend the top two or three layers of own test equipment. Ph.D. student Stanley R. Boyle designed the
reinforcement back of the face well beyond what is required apparatus shown in Fig. 29. He called it the unit cell device
by usual pullout design methods. As shown in Fig. 27, this is (UCD), which loads a specimen of sand in plane strain and allows
cheap insurance against the unexpected. for direct measurement of both the loads and strains developed in the
5. Finally, and do not forget: Drainage! Drainage! Drainage! Note geotextile, especially at small strains. Fig. 29(a) is a schematic cross
that this is a design and construction issue. section of the UCD, and Fig. 29(b) is a photograph of the device.
Also, please try the K-stiffness method, monitor the structure, Fig. 30 is a summary plot of some UCD as well as conventional
and let us know how it works. direct shear and triaxial compression test results. Soil R is Rainier
Avenue wall sand, while Soil O is standard Ottawa sand. This fig-
ure shows that the plane strain friction angle is much greater than
Material Properties from conventional tests, especially at small confining pressures.
Fig. 31 shows some in-soil stressstrain results from UCD tests
Material properties required for GRS include the backfill soils, the conducted at a confining pressure of 10 kPa on specimens of the
properties of the geosynthetic reinforcement, and the facing system, Rainier Avenue sand. One test was conducted on the sand alone,
if any. The backfill soils for GRS walls and very steep slopes should and six were on specimens reinforced with different geotextiles
be clean and free-draining. Reinforced Earth Company and FHWA two nonwovens and the four wovens used to reinforce the wall.

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Fig. 26. Good drainage design (reprinted from Sandri 2005, with permission)

Table 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Spacing of Reinforcing Layers

Choices Advantages Disadvantages
Many thin layers of low-strength Better compaction and compaction control Time required to place the geosynthetic layers
geosynthetics Easier to control face line and slope angle
Fewer layers of high-strength Less construction timealthough compaction of backfill Excessive face deformations (can be reduced by face
geosynthetics in thin lifts still required support system)
Often requires intermediate short layers of geosynthetics
near the face to support thicker lifts

gave us confidence that at least the in-soil stressstrain behavior

was in the right order and approximately correct.
Finally, other very interesting UCD results are shown in Fig. 32
and this has important implications for design. Boyle (1995a, b)
conducted a relaxation test on a specimen of the Rainier Avenue
sand reinforced with a 2-layer stitch bonded polypropylene slit-film
geotextile. After loading to about 4% strain, the load was held
constant while he continued to measure the tension in the geotex-
tile. As shown in Fig. 32, strain continued, as would be expected,
but most interestingly the tension reduced (i.e., relaxation) and then
all movement ceased. The specimen and reinforcement were at equi-
librium under the applied stresses and no additional strains occurred
Fig. 27. (Color) John Paulsons recommendation against unexpected
as long as no additional load was applied. The same thing must
loads near the face of a GRS structure
happen in the field at working stresses that are well below the fail-
ure stresses. This suggests that creep of the geotextiles in full-scale
Because no other in-soil stressstrain results were available to com- structures is not a problem because of stress relaxation.
pare with these data, Boyle (1995a, b) also conducted a UCD test References on Boyles work with the UCD are Boyle and Holtz
with a sheet of stainless steel as reinforcement. Its yield stress was (1994a, b), Boyle (1995a, b), Gallagher (1995), Boyle et al. (1996),
0.23% and its modulus was very close to 200 GPa. These values and Boyle and Holtz (1996, 1998).

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Table 3. Geosynthetic Properties Required for Reinforcement Applications
Criteria and Parameter Property ASTM standard
Design requirements
Tensile strength and modulus Wide width strength and modulus D4595 (ASTM 2011) and D6637 (ASTM 2015a)
Seam strength Wide width strength D4884 (ASTM 2014d)
Tension creep Tension creep D5262 (ASTM 2016d) and D6992 (ASTM 2016c)
Soilgeosynthetic friction Soilgeosynthetic friction angle D5321 (ASTM 2014b) and D6706 (ASTM 2013)
Piping resistance Apparent opening size D5471 (ASTM 2016b)
Permeability Permeability and permittivity D4491 (ASTM 2017)
Constructability requirements
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Tensile strength Grab strength D4632 (ASTM 2015b)

Puncture resistance Puncture resistance D6241 (ASTM 2014c)
Tear resistance Trapezoidal tear strength D4533 (ASTM 2015c)
Ultraviolet stability (if exposed) Ultraviolet resistance D4355 (ASTM 2014a)
Chemical and biological (if required) Chemical and biological resistance D6389 (ASTM 2016a)

Fig. 28. (Color) Rainier Avenue wall, Seattle (image by R. D. Holtz)

Important Conclusions for GRS Wall Designers:

Creep and Backfill
From the research on material properties just described, a few con-
clusions of importance to GRS wall designers can be stated:
For soilgeosynthetic interaction behavior, the induced reinfor-
cement tension must be measured directly; otherwise the inter-
action parameters are just a guess. The UCD is the only test that
does this in plane strain.
Geosynthetics are a much more efficient reinforcement material
than steel because the strengths of both the sand and the geo-
synthetic are used more or less equally. With steel-reinforced
soil, the steel does most of the work, and the sand just goes
along for the ride. Not so with geosynthetic reinforcement.
Creep of GRS structures is not really a problem at working stres- Fig. 29. (Color) Unit cell device (images courtesy of W. F. Lee):
ses. When loading stops, GRS deforms as the geosynthetic re- (a) cross section; (b) photograph
laxes. The GRS system is at equilibrium and no longer moves.
Similar results have also been shown by field measurements of
real GRS walls, e.g., the Rainier Avenue wall, described pre- conducted in soil and under confining stress, and then how long
viously, and a steep slope reinforced with geogrids constructed does one want to wait for test results? Finally, there is the problem
in Norway (Fannin and Herman 1990; Fannin 2001). See also of test interpretation. To speed things up, one can always use time-
Fannin (1988, 1994). temperature superposition (TTS) and develop isochronous load
If you still think creep is a problem, you are welcome to conduct versus strain curves, or use the stepped isothermal method (SIM)
your own creep tests, but to be realistic, they probably should be (ASTM D6992) developed by the late Dr. Scott Thornton of the

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Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 32. Results of a UCD test conducted on a specimen of Rainier

Fig. 30. Friction angle versus confining pressure determined by the Avenue sand at 20 kPa reinforced with one of the Rainier Avenue
UCD and conventional soils tests on Rainier Avenue wall sand (R) reinforcing geotextiles, a 2-layer stitch bonded woven polypropylene
and standard Ottawa sand (O) (reprinted from Boyle 1995a, with slit-film (reprinted from Boyle 1995a, with permission)

University of Washington Analytical Research on GRS Walls

and Figs. 25 and 26 must be employed.

Things We Still Need to Know and Do: Technical

and Professional Issues

As I have shown above, in the past 3040 years, GRS has devel-
oped from experimental, low-risk, and modest projects into a ma-
ture and rather common technology. However, there are a couple
of technical issues that remain:
1. We need a simple, what might be called a poor persons, plane
strain test device, preferably one that can also provide measure-
ments of volume changes during shear. This test would allow
designers to easily determine the plane strain friction and
dilation angles of their proposed backfill soils.
2. Although seismic design of GRS structures was not mentioned
in this paper, it is still an important issue in earthquake country.
Fig. 31. UCD stressstrain results on the Rainier Avenue sand at a Consequently, we need a seismic design procedure better than
confining pressure of 10 kPa; sand alone (NONE), two nonwoven geo- the old-fashioned Mononobe-Okabe pseudostatic analysis, even
textiles (NW1 and NW2), four woven geotextiles (PP1, PP2, PP3, and though we know GRS walls and slopes are much safer than
PET1), and stainless steel sheet (SS) (reprinted from Boyle 1995a, with conventional ones in earthquakes (e.g., White and Holtz 1996).
permission) Important progress was made by Anderson et al. (2008) using
the generalized limiting equilibrium approach, but important
limitations such as the flexibility of GRS structures and eva-
luation of deformations remain. My colleague at the Univer-
Southwest Research Institute. Also, Professors Robert Koerner sity of Washington, Professor Steven Kramer, suggests that
and Grace Hsuan of the Geosynthetics Research Institute at Drexel performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) is the ap-
University are experts on creep of geosynthetics (e.g., Koerner propriate approach, and because he wrote the book on geotech-
et al. 2006). nical earthquake engineering (Kramer 1996), I believe him.
Professor Jonathan Fannin (personal communication, 2007) has Besides these two technical issues, there are several professional
demonstrated that if one uses the very elegant British Standard issues that pose a serious threat to this wonderful technology. First
8006 (BSI 2010) to extrapolate 10,000-h creep data to 1,000,000 h there are simply too many failures! Koerner and Soong (1999,
(approximately 120 years, a common design life for public works), 2001) have studied failures of GRS structures, and they concluded
the allowable tensile strength determined is very close to the value that about 1% of all GRS structures have serious problems or have
obtained if the AASHTO (2002, 2014) default creep reduction failed. Most are due to
factor is used to reduce the T ult . Poor-quality backfills;
Finally, it is strongly recommended that fine-grained backfill Poor drainage or saturated backfills;
material should be avoided, especially for GRS walls and very Construction problems;
steep slopes. If this is not possible, then the interaction properties Inadequate global or external stability;
of the soil and geosynthetic should be determined using samples of Unexpected surcharges;
the proposed backfill. Also, the drainage designs recommended in Lack of proper inspection;

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Poor training for workers; However, two technical and several professional issues remain,
No control of construction by designer; as described in the paper. The technical issues will probably be
Economic pressures; and taken care of within the next few years. The professional issues, on
Value-engineered or contractor-supplied designs, with no bud- the other hand, are serious and complex, and their solution will not
get for checking alternates by competent professionals. be easy nor straight forward. I made some suggestions as to who
Other problems especially on large developments include the might be able to deal with these issues.
disconnect between the GRS wall designer, the geotechnical engi- My second prediction is for my academic colleagues: GRS
neer of record, and the site civil engineer. The lines of responsibility and other types of reinforced walls will change the way we teach
are often unclear and the contractual relationships fuzzy as to who earth pressure theory and the design of backfilled retaining struc-
is responsible for what. This relationship is further complicated by tures, and it may even change our approach to teaching slope
wall designs supplied by materials suppliers and distributors who stabilization.
are not responsible for the soils, drainage, or construction.
Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Question: Is liability avoided by use of vendor-supplied de-

signs? I have heard this suggested as a reason for leaving GRS wall Acknowledgments
designs to vendors. If it is notand I do not think it isthen why
do geotechnical consultants give away good billable design hours Finally, I want to acknowledge with sincere thanks my former
to a vendor? professors, colleagues, and bosses (including former Terzaghi
Remember, fixing problems is always more expensive than Lecturers Jorg Osterberg, Raymond Krizek, Gerald Leonards, and
proper inspection and control by the designer, but we are often in- Clyde Baker), as well as many former students, all of whom taught
ept at convincing our clients of this fact. It has been reliably esti- me geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; my UW colleagues,
mated that the cost of fixing a GRS failure is about 10 times greater Steve Kramer and Pedro Arduino, who are still courageously trying
than the cost of the original design and construction! to teach me modern developments in geotechnical engineering; the
Finally, there are jurisdictions such as the large city where I re- Geo-Institute Board for this honor; my wife, Cricket Morgan, for
side that require GRS wall designs to be stamped by a registered her patience and support throughout the years; and the Journal of
structural engineer. Although well qualified in structural engineer- Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering reviewers and
ing, they usually know nothing about soil reinforcing and geosyn- editors, for their thorough reviews and very perceptive comments
thetics, and may only know what they learned as undergraduates that have helped me significantly to improve the paper.
about soils and drainage issues. Furthermore, they are not respon-
sible for construction inspection.
The result? Too many failures! They are unnecessarily costly References
and potentially tragic.
But how to fix this current state of affairs? Is it up to the AASHTO. (2002). Standard specifications for highway bridges, 17th Ed.,
Geo-Institute? The Geoprofessional Business Association, a trade Washington, DC.
association of consulting geoprofessionals in North America? AASHTO. (2014). AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications, with 2015
and 2016 interims, 7th Ed., Washington, DC.
The International Geosynthetics Society? The International Society
Allen, T., and Bathurst, R. (2015). Improved simplified method for pre-
for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering? Or is it up to us
diction of loads in reinforced soil walls. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.,
as individuals? Furthermore, many of these issues are not unique to
10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001355, 04015049.
GRS, but as I mentioned previously, these problems threaten a Allen, T. M., Bathurst, R. J., Holtz, R. D., Lee, W. F., and Walters, D.
wonderful technology and a wonderful profession. (2004). A new working stress method for prediction of reinforcement
loads in steel reinforced MSE walls. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.,
10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2004)130:11(1109), 11091120.
Successful Examples Allen, T. M., Bathurst, R. J., Holtz, R. D., Walters, D., and Lee, W. F.
(2003). A new working stress method for prediction of reinforcement
In order not to end on such a negative tone, in the oral presentations loads in geosynthetic walls. Can. Geotech. J., 40(5), 976994.
of this lecture, I show a number of photographs of successful Allen, T. M., Christopher, B. R., and Holtz, R. D. (1992a). Performance of
examples of reinforced soil technology, both with steel and geosyn- a 12.6 m high geotextile wall in Seattle, Washington. Proc., Int. Symp.,
thetic reinforcement. Some of these photographs were taken from A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 81100.
technical and promotional literature of different manufacturers Allen, T. M., Christopher, B. R., and Holtz, R. D. (1992b). Performance
and producers of reinforced walls and slopes, while others were of a 41-foot high geotextile wall. Final Rep. No. WA-RD 257.1,
from my own collection of photographs. Many I took myself while Washington State Dept. of Transportation, Olympia, WA.
others were given me by colleagues or associates. All of them dem- Allen, T. M., and Holtz, R. D. (1991). Design of retaining walls reinforced
onstrate the current state of the art and practice of GRS technology, with geosynthetics. Geotechnical Engineering Congress 1991, ASCE,
Reston, VA, 970987.
and are available from the author by e-mail request.
Anderson, D. G., Martin, G. R., Lam, I., and Wang, J. N. (2008). Seismic
analysis and design of retaining walls, buried structures, slopes and em-
bankments. Project NCHRP 12-70, Transportation Research Board,
Concluding Remarks Washington, DC.
ASTM. (2011). Standard test method for tensile properties of geotextiles
In this paper, I have shown the development of GRS slopes and by the wide-width strip method. ASTM D4595, West Conshohocken,
walls from experimental, small-scale, low-risk projects that were PA.
not readily accepted, to projects that are almost routine and rela- ASTM. (2013). Standard test method for measuring geosynthetic pullout
tively commonplace. I will make two predicitions. resistance in soil. ASTM D6706, West Conshohocken, PA.
My first prediction is that GRS will soon be the standard steep ASTM. (2014a). Standard test method for deterioration of geotextiles by
slope and standard wall because of its significant advantages as exposure to light, moisture and heat in a xenon arc type apparatus.
shown in Advantages and Basic Behavior of GRS. ASTM D4355, West Conshohocken, PA.

ASCE 03117001-18 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

ASTM. (2014b). Standard test method for determining the shear strength of the International Geotextile Society (SEAC-IGS), Singapore,
of soil-geosynthetic and geosynthetic-geosynthetic interfaces by direct 361364.
shear. ASTM D5321, West Conshohocken, PA. Boyle, S. R., and Holtz, R. D. (1994b). Geosynthetic reinforced wall
ASTM. (2014c). Standard test method for static puncture strength of analysis, phase I. Interim Rep., Washington State Dept. of Transpor-
geotextiles and geotextile-related products using a 50-mm probe. tation, Olympia, WA.
ASTM D6241, West Conshohocken, PA. Boyle, S. R., and Holtz, R. D. (1996). Prediction of reinforced soil retain-
ASTM. (2014d). Standard test method for strength of sewn or bonded ing wall deformations: A review of two procedures. Proc., Int. Symp.
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ASTM. (2015a). Standard test method for determining tensile properties Rotterdam, Netherlands, 327332.
of geogrids by the single or multi-rib tensile method. ASTM D6637, Boyle, S. R., and Holtz, R. D. (1998). Measuring geotextile strains with
West Conshohocken, PA. strain gages. Proc., 6th Int. Conf. on Geosynthetics, Vol. 2, Industrial
ASTM. (2015b). Standard test method for grab breaking load and elon- Fabrics Association International, Roseville, MN, 517522.
gation of geotextiles. ASTM D4632, West Conshohocken, PA. Boyle, S. R., Holtz, R. D., and Gallagher, M. (1996). Influence of strain
Downloaded from by University of California, San Diego on 05/19/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

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