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by Danny Bank

What is Microengineering ?

Microengineering refers to the technologies and practice of making three dimensional structures and
devices with dimensions in the order of micrometers.

The two constructional technologies of microengineering are microelectronics and micromachining.

Microelectronics, producing electronic circuitry on silicon chips, is a very well developed
technology. Micromachining is the name for the techniques used to produce the structures and
moving parts of microengineered devices.

One of the main goals of Microengineering is to be able to integrate microelectronic circuitry into
micromachined structures, to produce completely integrated systems (microsystems). Such systems
could have have the same advantages of low cost, reliability and small size as silicon chips produced
in the microelectronics industry.

When considering such small devices, a number of physical effects have different significance on the
micrometer scale compared to macroscopic scales. Interest in microengineering has spawned or
renewed interest in a number of areas dealing with the study of these effects on microscopic scales.
This includes such topics as micromechanics, which deals with the moving parts of microengineered
devices, and microfluidics, etc.

The remainder of this document introduces three of the micromachining techniques that are in use /
under development.

Silicon micromachining is given most prominence, since this is one of the better developed
micromachining techniques. Silicon is the primary substrate material used in the production
microelectronic circuitry (ie, bettersilicon chips), and so is the most suitable candidate for the
eventual production of microsystems.

The Excimer laser is an ultraviolet laser which can be used to micromachine a number of materials
without heating them, unlike many other lasers which remove material by burning or vaporising it.
The Excimer laser lends itself particularly to the machining of organic materials (polymers, etc).

LIGA is a technique that can be used to produce moulds for the fabrication of micromachined
components. Microengineered components can be made from a variety of materials using this
technique, however it does suffer the disadvantage that currently the technique requires X-rays from
a synchrotron source.

A quick introduction to mask design is provided following discussion of techniques and structures,
rather than directly following the photolithography section. This is so that the reader is able to
become acquainted with the concept of creating structures by sequential photolithography and
machining steps first, which hopefully makes it easier to understand what mask design software is
trying to achieve.


Photolithography is the basic technique used to define the shape of micromachined structures in the
three techniques outlined below. The technique is essentially the same as that used in the
microelectronics industry, which will be described here. The differences in the photolithographic
techniques for Excimer laser micromachining and LIGA will be outlined in the relevant sections.

Figure 1a shows a thin film of some material (eg, silicon dioxide) on a substrate of some other
material (eg, a silicon wafer). It is desired that some of the silicon dioxide (oxide) is selectively
removed so that it only remains in particular areas on the silicon wafer (figure 1f).

Firstly a mask is produced. This will typically be a chromium pattern on a glass plate. The wafer is
then coated with a polymer which is sensitive to ultraviolet light (figure 1b), called a photoresist.
Ultraviolet light is then shone through the mask onto the photoresist (figure 1c). The photoresist is
then developed which transfers the pattern on the mask to the photoresist layer (figure 1d).

There are two types of photoresist, termed positive and negative. Where the ultraviolet light strikes
the positive resist it weakens the polymer, so that when the image is developed the resist is washed
away where the light struck it - transferring a positive image of the mask to the resist layer. The
opposite occurs with negative resist. Where the ultraviolet light strikes negative resist it strengthens
the polymer, so when developed the resist that was not exposed to ultraviolet light is washed away
- a negative image of the mask is transferred to the resist.

A chemical (or some other method) is then used to remove the oxide where it is exposed through
the openings in the resist (figure 1e). Finally the resist is removed leaving the patterned oxide (figure

Figure 1.

Silicon micromachining

There are a number of basic techniques that can be used to pattern thin films that have been
deposited on a silicon wafer, and to shape the wafer itself, to form a set of basic microstructures
(bulk silicon micromachining). The techniques for depositing and patterning thin films can be used to
produce quite complex microstructures on the surface of silicon wafer (surface silicon
micromachining). Electrochemical etching techniques are being investigated to extend the set of
basic silicon micromachining techniques. Silicon bonding techniques can also be utilised to extend
the structures produced by silicon micromachining techniques into multilayer structures.
Basic techniques

There are three basic techniques associated with silicon micromachining. These are the deposition
of thin films of materials, the removal of material (patterning) by wet chemical etchants, and the
removal of material by dry etching techniques. Another technique that is utilised is the introduction
of impurities into the silicon to change its properties (ie, doping). Doping is only mentioned very
briefly below.

It should be noted that all the techniques are outlined very briefly. Behind each outline hides a
number of different methods, each with different advantages and disadvantages.

Thin films

There are a number of different techniques that facilitate the deposition or formation of very thin
films (of the order of micrometers, or less) of different materials on a silicon wafer (or other suitable
substrate). These films can then be patterned using photolithographic techniques and suitable etching
techniques. Common materials include silicon dioxide (oxide), silicon nitride (nitride), polycrystalline
silicon (polysilicon or poly), and aluminium.

A number of other materials can be deposited as thin films, including noble metals such as gold.
Noble metals will contaminate microelectronic circuitry causing it to fail, so any silicon wafers with
noble metals on them have to be processed using equipment specially set aside for the purpose.
Noble metal films are often patterned by a method known as "lift off", rather than wet or dry

Often, photoresist is not tough enough to withstand the etching required. In such cases a thin film of
a tougher material (eg, oxide or nitride) is deposited and patterned using photolithography. The
oxide / nitride then acts as an etch mask during the etching of the underlying material. When the
underlying material has been fully etched the masking layer is stripped away.

Wet etching

Wet etching is a blanket name that covers the removal of material by immersing the wafer in a liquid
bath of the chemical etchant. Wet etchants fall into two broad categories; isotropic etchants and
anisotropic etchants.

Isotropic etchants attack the material being etched at the same rate in all directions. Anisotropic
etchants attack the silicon wafer at different rates in different directions, and so there is more control
of the shapes produced. Some etchants attack silicon at different rates depending on the
concentration of the impurities in the silicon (concentration dependent etching).

Isotropic etchants are available for oxide, nitride, aluminium, polysilicon, gold, and silicon. Since
isotropic etchants attack the material at the same rate in all directions, they remove material
horizontally under the etch mask (undercutting) at the same rate as they etch through the material.
This is illustrated for a thin film of oxide on a silicon wafer in figure 2, using an etchant that etches
the oxide faster than the underlying silicon (eg, hydroflouric acid).

Figure 2.
This illustrates the isotropic wet etching of a thin film of material.
The photoresist is black, and the substrate yellow. The film is etched through, and the etching
continues to further under-cut the mask.

Anisotropic etchants are available which etch different crystal planes in silicon at different rates.
The most popular anisotropic etchant is potassium hydroxide (KOH), since it is the safest to use.

Silicon wafers are slices that have been cut from a large ingot of silicon that was grown from a single
seed crystal. The silicon atoms are all arranged in a crystalline structure, so the wafer is
monocrystalline silicon (as opposed to polycrystalline silicon mentioned above). When purchasing
silicon wafers it is possible to specify that they have been sliced with the surface parallel to a
particular crystal plane.

The simplest structures that can be formed using KOH to etch a silicon wafer with the most
common crystal orientation (100) are shown in figure 3. These are V shaped groves, or pits with
right angled corners and sloping side walls. Using wafers with different crystal orientations can
produce grooves or pits with vertical walls.

Figure 3.

Both oxide and nitride etch slowly in KOH. Oxide can be used as an etch mask for short periods in
the KOH etch bath (ie, for shallow grooves and pits). For long periods, nitride is a better etch mask
as it etches more slowly in the KOH.

Concentration Dependent Etching. High levels of boron in silicon will reduce the rate at which it
is etched in KOH by several orders of magnitude, effectively stopping the etching of the boron rich

The boron impurities are usually introduced into the silicon by a process known as diffusion. A thick
oxide mask is formed over the silicon wafer and patterned to expose the surface of the silicon wafer
where the boron is to be introduced (figure 4a). The wafer is then placed in a furnace in contact
with a boron diffusion source. Over a period of time boron atoms migrate into the silicon wafer.
Once the boron diffusion is completed, the oxide mask is stripped off (figure 4b).

A second mask may then be deposited and patterned (figure 4c) before the wafer is immersed in
the KOH etch bath. The KOH etches the silicon that is not protected by the mask, and etches
around the boron doped silicon (figure 4d).
Figure 4.

Boron can be driven into the silicon as far as 20µm over periods of 15 to 20 hours, however it is
desirable to keep the time in the furnace as short as possible. With complex designs, etching the
wafer from the front in KOH may cause problems where slow etching crystal planes prevent it from
etching beneath the boron doped silicon. In such cases the wafer can be etched from the back,
however this is not without disadvantages (longer etching times, more expensive wafers, etc). The
high concentration of boron required means that microelectronic circuitry cannot be fabricated
directly on the boron doped structure.

Dry etching

The most common form of dry etching for micromachining applications is reactive ion etching (RIE).
Ions are accelerated towards the material to be etched, and the etching reaction is enhanced in the
direction of travel of the ion. RIE is an anisotropic etching technique. Deep trenches and pits (up to
ten or a few tens of microns) of arbitrary shape and with vertical walls can be etched in a variety of
materials including silicon, oxide and nitride. Unlike anisotropic wet etching, RIE is not limited by
the crystal planes in the silicon.

Lift off

Lift off is a stencilling technique often used to pattern noble metal films. There are a number of
different techniques, the one outlined here is an assisted lift off method.

A thin film of the assisting material (eg, oxide) is deposited. A layer of resist is put over this and
patterned, as for photolithography, to expose the oxide in the pattern desired for the metal (figure
5a). The oxide is then wet etched so as to undercut the resist (figure 5b). The metal is then
deposited on the wafer, typically by a process known as evaporation (figure 5c). The metal pattern
is effectively stencilled through the gaps in the resist, which is then removed lifting off the unwanted
metal with it (figure 5d). The assisting layer is then stripped off too, leaving the metal pattern alone
(figure 5e).
Figure 5.

There are lift off techniques in which only photoresist is used as the stencil. In the assisted lift off, an
intermediate layer assists in the process to ensure a clean lift off and well defined metal pattern.
When noble metals are used it is desirable to deposit a thin layer of a more active metal (eg,
chrome) first, to ensure good adhesion of the noble metal.

Basic structures

Bulk silicon micromachining

One of the simplest possible, and most obvious, structures is the patterning of insulated electrical
conductors. One possible application of this could be to use electric fields to manipulate individual

Anisotropic etching with KOH can easily form V shaped grooves, or cut pits with tapered walls
into silicon (figure 3 and figure 6).

Figure 6.

KOH can also be used to produce mesa structures (figure 7a). When etching mesa structures the
corners can become bevelled (figure 7b), rather than right angle corners. This has to be
compensated for in some way. Typically the etch mask is designed to include additional structures
on the corners. These compensation structures are designed so that they are etched away entirely
when the mesa is formed to leave 90 degree corners. One problem with using compensation
structures to from right angled mesa corners is that they put a limit on the minimum spacing between
the mesas.

Figure 7.

Silicon diaphragms from about 50µm thick upwards can be made by etching through an entire wafer
with KOH (figure 8). The thickness is controlled by timing the etch, and so is subject to errors.

Figure 8.

Thinner diaphragms, of up to about 20µm thick, can be produced using boron to stop the KOH
etch (figure 9) - Concentration dependent etching. The thickness of the diaphragm is dependent on
the depth to which the boron is diffused into the silicon, which can be controlled more accurately
than the simple timed KOH etch.

Figure 9.

The silicon diaphragm is the basic structure used in microengineered pressure sensors, for example.
It can also be adapted for use as an acceleration sensor.

Concentration dependent etching can also be used to produce narrow bridges, or cantilever beams.
Figure 10a shows a bridge, defined by a boron diffusion, spanning a pit that was etched from the
front of the wafer in KOH. A cantilever beam (a bridge with one end free) produced by the same
method is shown in figure 10b.
Figure 10.

The bridge and beam in figure 10 project across the diagonal of the pit to ensure that they will be
etched free by the KOH. More complex structures are possible using this technique, but care must
be taken to ensure that they will be etched free by the KOH.

If it is desired to make beams or bridges of a different orientation, the wafer can be etched through
from the back in KOH (figure 11). This will ensure that the structure is released from the silicon.
During such etching, it is necessary to ensure that the front of the wafer is adequately protected
from the long KOH etch. Another alternative could be to produce a diaphragm, and etch the
desired bridge or beam shape using a reactive ion etcher (dry etching).

Figure 11.

One of the applications for these beams and bridges is as resonant sensors. The structure can be set
vibrating at it's fundamental frequency. Anything causing a change in the mass, length, etc, of the
structure will register as a change frequency. Care has to be taken to ensure that only the quantity to
be measured causes a significant change in frequency.

A combination of dry etching and isotropic wet etching can be used to form very sharp points. First
a column with vertical sides is etched away using an RIE (figure 12a). A wet etch is then used,
which undercuts the etch mask leaving a very fine point (figure 12b), the etch mask is then removed.

Figure 12.
Very fine points like this can be fabricated on the end of cantilever beams as probes for use in
atomic force microscopy. The technique can also be used to produce sharp, small blades.
Surface micromachining

The anisotropic wet etching, and concentration dependent etching techniques discussed in the
"Basic Techniques" section are generally called bulk silicon micromachining techniques. This is
because the microstructures are formed by etching away the bulk of the silicon wafer to achieve the
desired result. Surface micromachining techniques build up the structure in layers of thin films on the
surface of the silicon wafer (or any other suitable substrate).

The process would typically employ films of two different materials, a structural material (commonly
polysilicon) and a sacrificial material (oxide). These are deposited and dry etched in sequence.
Finally the sacrificial material is wet etched away to release the structure. The more layers, the more
complex the structure, and the more difficult it becomes to fabricate.

A simple surface micromachined cantilever beam is shown in figure 13. A sacrificial layer of oxide is
deposited on the surface of the wafer. A layer of polysilicon is then deposited, and patterned using
RIE techniques to a beam with an anchor pad (figure 13a). The wafer is then wet etched to remove
the oxide layer under the beam, freeing it (figure 13b). The anchor pad has been under etched,
however the wafer was removed from the etch bath before all the oxide was removed from under
the pad leaving the beam attached to the wafer.

Figure 13.

A variety of different chambers can be fabricated on the surface of silicon wafers using surface
micromachining techniques. In figure 14, the chamber is defined by a volume of sacrificial oxide
(figure 14a). A layer of polysilicon is then deposited over the surface of the wafer (figure 14b). A
window is dry etched (RIE) through the polysilicon, and the wafer is then immersed in a wet etch
that removes the oxide, leaving a windowed chamber (figure 14c).

Figure 14.

Surface micromachining can potentially produce quite complicated structures; such as

microengineered tweezers, and gear trains.

Electrochemical etching of silicon

A variety of electrochemical silicon etching techniques are under development. One of these is the
electrochemical passivation technique.

A wafer with a particular impurity concentration is used, and different impurities are diffused (or
implanted) into the wafer. This is done to form a diode junction at the boundary between the
differently doped areas of silicon. The junction will delineate the structure to be produced. An
electrical potential is then applied across the diode junction, and the wafer is immersed in a suitable
wet etch (KOH). This is done in such a way that when the etch reaches the junction an oxide layer
(passivation layer) is formed which protects the silicon from further etching.

This is another bulk silicon micromachining technique, and is essentially similar to the boron etch
stop technique (concentration dependent etching). The structures that can be produced are similar
to those produced by the boron etch stop technique. The main advantage of the electrochemical
method is that much lower concentrations of impurities are required, so the resulting structure is
more compatible with the fabrication of microelectronic circuitry.

Wafer bonding

There are a number of different methods available for bonding micromachined silicon wafers
together, or to other substrates, to form larger more complex devices.

A method of bonding silicon to glass that appears to be gaining in popularity is anodic bonding
(electrostatic bonding). The silicon wafer and glass substrate are brought together and heated to a
high temperature. A large electric field is applied across the join, which causes an extremely strong
bond to form between the two materials. Figure 15 shows a glass plate bonded over a channel
etched into a silicon wafer (RIE), forming a pipe through which fluid can flow.

Figure 15.

It is also possible to bond silicon wafers directly together using gentle pressure, under water (direct
silicon bonding).

Other bonding methods include using an adhesive layer, such as a glass, or photoresist. Whilst
anodic bonding and direct silicon bonding form very strong joins they suffer from some
disadvantages, including the requirement that the surfaces to be joined are very flat and clean.

Wafer bonding techniques can potentially be combined with some of the basic micromachined
structures to form the valves, pumps, etc, of a microfluid handling system.

Excimer laser micromachining

Excimer lasers produce relatively wide beams of ultraviolet laser light. One interesting application of
these lasers is their use in micromachining organic materials (plastics, polymers, etc). This is because
the excimer laser doesn't remove material by burning or vaporising it, unlike other types of laser, so
the material adjacent to the area machined is not melted or distorted by heating effects.

When machining organic materials the laser is pulsed on and off, removing material with each pulse.
The amount of material removed is dependent on the material itself, the length of the pulse, and the
intensity (fluence) of the laser light. Below a certain threshold fluence, dependent on the material, the
laser light has no effect. As the fluence is increased above the threshold, the depth of material
removed per pulse is also increased. It is possible to accurately control the depth of the cut by
counting the number of pulses. Quite deep cuts (hundreds of microns) can be made using the
excimer laser.

The shape of the structures produced is controlled by using a chrome on quartz mask, like the
masks produced for photolithography. In the simplest system the mask is placed in contact with the
material being machined, and the laser light is shone through it (figure 16a). A more sophisticated
and versatile method involves projecting the image of the mask onto the material (figure 16b).
Material is selectively removed where the laser light strikes it.

Figure 16.

Structures with vertical sides can be created. By adjusting the optics it is possible to produce
structures with tapered sidewalls (figure 17).

Figure 17.

Excimer lasers have a number of applications beyond those mentioned here. One area of
application is in machining the cornea of the eye to change its optical properties; correcting for short


The acronym LIGA comes from the German name for the process (Lithographie, Galvanoformung,
Abformung). LIGA uses lithography, electroplating, and moulding processes to produce
microstructures. It is capable of creating very finely defined microstructures of up to 1000µm high.

In the process as originally developed, a special kind of photolithography using X-rays (X-ray
lithography) is used to produce patterns in very thick layers of photoresist. The X-rays from a
synchrotron source are shone through a special mask onto a thick photoresist layer (sensitive to
X-rays) which covers a conductive substrate (figure 18a). This resist is then developed (figure 18b).

The pattern formed is then electroplated with metal (figure 18c). The metal structures produced can
be the final product, however it is common to produce a metal mould (figure 18d). This mould can
then be filled with a suitable material, such as a plastic (figure 18e), to produce the finished product
in that material (figure 18f).

Figure 18.

As the synchrotron source makes LIGA expensive, alternatives are being developed. These include
high voltage electron beam lithography which can be used to produce structures of the order of
100µm high, and excimer lasers capable of producing structures of up to several hundred microns

Electroplating is not limited to use with the LIGA process, but may be combined with other
processes and more conventional photolithography to produce microstructures.

General LIGA Process Information

LIGA Process Flow

The overall process for the multi-project LIGA runs is shown in Figures 1-4 and has the following
structure. Please note some
changes since the last LIGA run.

Starting material: 4 inch silicon substrate

Oxidize to 5,000 Angstroms; unpatterned
Sputter plating base; unpatterned - 300 Angstroms of titanium followed by 5000 Angstroms of copper
followed by
another 300 Angstroms of titanium. The titanium and copper layers also act as sacrifical layers. The
titanium and copper
layers can be etched simultaneously to release the plated structures if desired.
Apply thick photoresist (PMMA) and mill to thickness.
Expose and develop the photoresist using the nickel level mask.
Electroplate with pure nickel. For the thick nickel process, the metal is overplated and then milled to
achieve a height of
200 +/- 5 microns. The photoresist is then removed to produce nickel structures with a height of 200 +/-
5 microns. For
the thin nickel process, the metal is plated to 30 microns with no subsequent milling. The surface
roughness will be that
of the as-plated nickel. Estimated height control is +/- 5 microns and is pattern dependent.
Released nickel structures can be produced by etching away the sacrificial titanium layer in a fresh
solution of 1 part
Ammonium Hydroxide, 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide, and 6 parts of Deionized Water, at room
temperature. This
release step is not necessary if only fixed structures are desired. Note: The structures on a die are either
all fixed or all
released as the sacrificial layer is not patterned. For released structures, the final release step must be
by the user at the customer site.

Hints for Good Mask Design

Mechanical milling generates shear stresses on the photoresist and metal. This affects both photoresist
and metal
adhesion. Yield improves if retained photoresist areas are large. Yield decreases when the developed
photoresist pattern
contains mechanically weak structures. In the thick nickel process, the nickel and photoresist are milled
after plating.
Yield is better on larger nickel areas than on smaller ones. However, during milling the photoresist itself
can also support
milling stress and certain geometries are better than others. For example, a hexagonal nickel post can be
milled easier
than a circular one which will tend to rotate since it has no PMMA support.
Uniformity in metal plating is pattern dependent. A good layout is one in which 50% of the chip area is
covered with

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