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Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications
Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications
Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications
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Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications

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Today, the silicon feedstock for photovoltaic cells comes from processes which were originally developed for the microelectronic industry. It covers almost 90% of the photovoltaic market, with mass production volume at least one order of magnitude larger than those devoted to microelectronics.

However, it is hard to imagine that this kind of feedstock (extremely pure but heavily penalized by its high energy cost) could remain the only source of silicon for a photovoltaic market which is in continuous expansion, and which has a cumulative growth rate in excess of 30% in the last few years. Even though reports suggest that the silicon share will slowly decrease in the next twenty years, finding a way to manufacture a specific solar grade feedstock in large quantities, at a low cost while maintaining the quality needed, still remains a crucial issue. Thin film and quantum confinement-based silicon cells might be a complementary solution.

Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications has been designed to describe the full potentialities of silicon as a multipurpose material and covers:

  • Physical, chemical and structural properties of silicon
  • Production routes including the promise of low cost feedstock for PV applications
  • Defect engineering and the role of impurities and defects
  • Characterization techniques, and advanced analytical techniques for metallic and non-metallic impurities
  • Thin film silicon and thin film solar cells
  • Innovative quantum effects, and 3rd generation solar cells

With contributions from internationally recognized authorities, this book gives a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art of process technologies and material properties, essential for anyone interested in the application and development of photovoltaics.

Release dateJun 7, 2012
Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications

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    Book preview

    Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications - Sergio Pizzini

    Title Page

    This edition first published 2012

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Pizzini, Sergio.

    Advanced silicon materials for photovoltaic applications / Sergio Pizzini.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-0-470-66111-6 (cloth)

    1. Silicon solar cells. 2. Photovoltaic cells—Materials. I. Title.

    TK2960.P545 2012



    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    ISBN: 9780470661116


    There are two ways of knowledge, one genuine, one imperfect. To the latter belong all the following: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. The real is separated from this. When the imperfect cannot do more—neither see more minutely, nor hear, nor smell, nor taste, nor percieve by touch with greater clarity—and a finer investigation is needed, then the genuine way of knowledge comes in, as having a tool for distinguish more finely.

    Fragment, Democritus of Abdera (360–400 BC)

    Silicon (Si) emerged as the material of choice for electronics in the 1950s and is the material that has dominated ever since. The size of its forbidden energy gap is in fact just right for both electronic and photovoltaic (PV) applications; a stable insulating oxide can easily be grown on its surface; it is very common in the Earth's crust and it is nontoxic; and it can be manufactured at any required degree of purity up to sub-ppba levels of impurities content at a reasonable cost.

    After more than sixty years, electronic grade (EG) semiconductor Si remains the material of choice for the microelectronics industry, with Moore's law still valid, and also for the PV industry, in spite of emerging materials belonging to the compound semiconductor family, which, however, do not share all its merits both in term of cost and quality.

    It is well known that the global semiconductor silicon industry has continued to grow rapidly in the last decade, with solar being the major application area. The US and China are the major producers of silicon in the world, accounting for over 50% of the total production capacity in 2009–2010. Global silicon production capacity has been increasing year by year, from 32 500 metric tons (MT) in 2004 to 232 697 MT in 2010 at an annual cumulative growth rate of 38%, with most new Si manufacturing plants dedicated to PV applications.

    This rapid growth brought a revolutionary transformation of the PV industry, which now pervades all the segments of PV systems manufacturing, with more than 13 GWp of installed and grid-connected photovoltaic plants just in Europe in 2010 and a cumulative installed capacity of 23 GW, with a forecast of 21 GW to be installed throughout the world by December 2011.

    However, microelectronics and Si-based PV devices are not the only applications of Si. As an example, the use of low-temperature wafer bonding has been demonstrated to be a viable technology to fabricate hybrid structures consisting of III–V compound epitaxial layers on a silicon substrate or on a silicon waveguide. Should this technology be successful, silicon would work as a multipurpose, quasi-universal substrate.

    Moreover, hybrid structures consisting of a semiconducting polymer embedded in a silicon nanowire array grown on a thin-film silicon substrate are being investigated as components of potentially low cost, moderate efficiency hybrid organic–inorganic solar cells.

    Additionally, silicon nanodot-based devices are promising candidates for high-efficiency solar cells and ordered arrays of dislocations have been proven to work as the active components of medium-efficiency, silicon-based light-emitting diodes. Eventually, silicon nanowires grown on a stainless steel plate were shown to work as active components in lithium-sulphur batteries, in view of the capacity of silicon nanowires to insert and extract lithium metal from their structure, as will be shown in the first chapter of this book.

    The silicon success is not only due to its very nature, but to a continual intellectual and industrial crosslinkage, which in turn has given birth to semiconductor science and technology, mostly as a consequence of the need to understand how impurities and defects (point-like and extended) affect the macroscopic/microscopic properties of Si.

    As silicon research was, and still is, a great part of my professional and academic life, I gratefully accepted Wiley's proposal to write a book on advanced, nonmicroelectronic applications of semiconductor silicon, with the intention to share the work with a number of close friends and colleagues who have been involved in common research initiatives during the last fifteen years and who are eminent experts in their respective sectors.

    As there exist a number of other volumes surveying this topic, most of them dedicated to specialists in the field, our objective was to devote particular attention to a few critical issues that govern the development of silicon-based photovoltaics, and which we feel are of primary interest for a multitude of engineers, material scientists and physicists addressed at improving its cost and quality.

    In order to describe the full potentialities of silicon as a multipurpose material, Chapter 1 discusses the physical, chemical and structural properties of silicon that support its ability to work in a variety of environments and in a variety of structural forms as the substrate for photonic devices, radiation detectors and nanometric devices.

    One of the main challenges of Si in PV applications is still its production at a reasonable cost and with an impurity concentration larger than that of electronic grade (EG) Si, which would, however, allow a conversion efficiency comparable with that achievable with EG silicon. This topic is discussed in Chapter 2, which analyzes the merits and the challenges of several different production routes, including the metallurgical one, which is still a promise for the production of a low cost feedstock for PV applications.

    Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the role of impurities and defects on the electronic behavior of silicon, as well as the methods to minimize their deleterious impact on PV devices. In both chapters the key role of defect engineering is illustrated, with particular emphasis on thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of segregation and gettering.

    Chapter 5 introduces the electronic theory of defects in silicon in the context of the modern experimental methods used to detect their presence and to measure their effect on the behavior of microelectronic devices. The advantages of contactless methods are emphasized in relation to the need for testing active interfaces or surfaces especially in submicrometric devices.

    Chapter 6 discusses the analytics of metallic and nonmetallic impurities in silicon, which is a relevant problem for both solar grade and electronic grade silicon, with the aim to introduce the interested reader to the merits and challenges of the different techniques that might be used, with a systematic emphasis on standard methodologies and costs.

    Chapters 7, 8 and 9 are entirely dedicated to thin-film silicon and thin-film solar cells. These issues are discussed by considering both the different deposition processes used today and their modeling, in view of a complete understanding of the chemistry and kinetics of the deposition processes at a macroscopic and microscopic scale.

    Finally, Chapter 10 broadly discusses the basic physical and technological aspects of quantum confinement in Si nanocrystals, in view of possible future development of the next generation of solar cells based on nanocrystalline silicon substrates. Some challenges, such as the size control and the light absorption, are critically evaluated and possible solutions are proposed.

    Sergio Pizzini

    April 2012

    List of Contributors

    Aleksei Anopchenko, Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Povo Trento, Italy

    Daniela Cavalcoli, Department of Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, Bologna, Italy

    Anna Cavallini, Department of Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, Bologna, Italy

    Carlo Cavallotti, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

    Bruno Ceccaroli, MARCHE AS, Vaagsbygd, Kristiansand, Norway

    Gianluca Coletti, ECN Solar Energy, Westerduinweg 3, Petten, The Netherlands

    Richard S. Hockett, Surface Analysis & Materials Characterization, Evans Analytical Group, Sunnyvale, CA, USA

    Vitaly Kveder, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Chernogolovka, Russia

    Daniel Macdonald, School of Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia

    Lorenzo Pavesi, Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Povo Trento, Italy

    Sergio Pizzini, Department of Materials Science, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

    Laura Polenta, Department of Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, Bologna, Italy

    J. K. Rath, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Michael Seibt, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, IV. Physikalisches Institut, Göttingen, Germany

    Deren Yang, State Key Lab of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

    Zhizhong Yuan, Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Povo Trento, Italy

    Chapter 1

    Silicon Science and Technology as the Background of the Current and Future Knowledge Society

    Sergio Pizzini

    Department of Materials Science, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

    1.1 Introduction

    This introductory chapter aims to present the unique potentialities of semiconductor silicon as the substrate or the component of a variety of devices that support the development of the society in which we live today and where our sons and daughters will live, hopefully, tomorrow; taking, however, as known all the very basic physics concerning the electronic and optical properties of semiconductor silicon as well as the basic concepts concerning silicon devices [1–7]. Also, considering the number of issues that should be taken into consideration to enlighten this critical role of silicon, only a few of these, selected in a very personal, and possibly not entirely objective, manner will be discussed in full detail.

    The discussion will start from the thermonuclear synthesis of silicon and will end with the properties and applications of silicon nanodots and nanowires studied today in research labs worldwide, with the consideration that silicon's uniqueness derives from its specific structural, physical and chemical properties, which make elemental silicon readily obtainable from widely diffused raw materials and directly suitable for technological applications in microelectronics, optoelectronics and photovoltaics, without neglecting high-power devices, chemical sensors and radiation detectors.

    The analysis will be focused on the variety of its structural forms, which range from single crystal towards microcrystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous, with a discontinuous change of properties that, in fact, allow a multiplicity of applications.

    Also, the physics of defects in silicon will be briefly taken into consideration, in order to provide insight into its radiation hardness, which makes silicon particularly suitable in hard-radiation environments, like space and the modern hadronic colliders, as well as the role of defect engineering in modern microelectronics and optoelectronics.

    Finally, a few advanced applications will be discussed.

    1.2 Silicon Birth from a Thermonuclear Nucleosynthetic Process

    It is well known that silicon, in the form of silicon compounds, is the main component of the earth's crust, as well as that earth has a liquid iron core. It is instead, probably, not so well known that silicon and iron are the main results of the gravitational collapse of a blue giant, a star at least eight times more massive than our sun [8]. Only with this kind of star might the thermonuclear nucleosynthetic processes driven by gravity and temperature occur within their cores, which succeed, after the combustion of hydrogen, helium and carbon (see Figure 1.1), to reach the formation of silicon (²⁸Si) by fusion of a carbon (¹²C) and an oxygen nucleus (¹⁶O). The nuclear process then proceeds by the fusion of Si to (⁵⁶Fe) iron. Conditions in the core then become so extreme that electron pressure is overcome and the protons are forced to react with electrons to give neutrons and neutrinos

    1.1 1.1

    and a neutron star is born (see Figure 1.1).

    Figure 1.1 Sequence of events occurring during the final burst of a blue giant star.


    The rebounding shock wave plus radiation pressure from the escaping neutrinos could also cause the outer layers of the star to explode outwards as a Type-II supernova. This condition causes a massive flux of free neutrons, and the existing nuclei are able to absorb one or more of these neutrons, undergo beta decay, absorb another neutron or neutrons, beta decay, a process that moves nuclei up the periodic table towards and past uranium. This kind of explosion disseminates a cloud of multicomponent dust in the open space, where the dust can aggregate, again under the action of gravity, giving rise to new stars and planets, these last, like the earth, with a light silica and silicate crust and a heavy iron core.

    1.3 Silicon Key Properties

    1.3.1 Chemical and Structural Properties

    Silicon is chemically very active, it reacts in a wide range of temperatures with oxygen, metals and oxides less stable than silicon dioxide (SiO2)

    1.2 1.2

    1.3 1.3

    1.4 1.4

    (where MeSi is a metallic impurity in a substitutional or interstitial position of the silicon lattice) giving rise to the initial formation of an oxide or a surface alloy. As most of the common oxides are thermodynamically less stable than SiO2, see Figure 1.2, surface contamination of silicon by interaction with most oxide ceramics is a common event in high-temperature silicon processing.

    Figure 1.2 Temperature dependence of the standard free energy of formation of selected oxides: the change of colors in the case of Al and Ca occur at the melting point of the metals (San Josè State University Ellingham diagrams web tool).


    Subsequent annealing might favor the indiffusion of the metals segregated at the surface, with a definitive bulk alloying. This is one of the main technological problems encountered with silicon growth, wafering and its further processing. Metallic impurities, in turn, generate gap states that might behave as deep recombination centers for electronically or optically injected minority carriers and/or trap levels for majority carriers [9]. A key property of silicon dioxide, which will be discussed in Chapter 4, is its ability, in the form of micrometric or submicrometric precipitates, to getter metallic impurities, where gettering is a process able to trap and electrically inactivate a metallic impurity dissolved in silicon.

    Gettering has been [10, 11] and still is, one of the most important applications of defect engineering, a topic and a process technology that has been steadily investigated during the past forty years and brought to success the microelectronic sector [12, 13].

    Due to its high thermodynamic stability (ΔG°(298 K) = − 825.30 kJ/mol), its high dielectric constant and its compliance with the silicon surface, silicon dioxide (SiO2) behaves also as an almost perfect, impervious and electronically nonconducting membrane, which protects the silicon surface from further oxidation, acting also as a nonconducting electronic barrier. It is well known that MOS device development has been possible thanks to this property [4].

    In comparison with compound semiconductors, silicon offers the advantage of being elemental, and therefore, not subject to stoichiometry deviations, which penalize in some cases the success of doping procedures in compound semiconductors.

    Differently from most compound semiconductors silicon is environmentally friendly, and it does not present major decommissioning problems at the end of life of any silicon device, including photovoltaic modules.

    Depending on its structure at the macro-, micro-, nanolevel, the electronic properties of the material show sensible changes.

    Under atmospheric pressure at temperatures below its melting temperature at 1412°C, independently of its microscopic structure, solid silicon is a semiconductor with a cubic, diamond-like structure.

    Under applied mechanical stress, silicon presents a number (at least four) of high-pressure, metastable metallic polytypes [14], with the first phase transition from the diamond structure to that of β-Sn occurring at 20 GPa. A number of additional phases might be obtained by indentation or nanoindentation [15].

    In its intrinsic, undoped, state, it presents all the typical fundamental properties of elemental covalent semiconductors in terms of mechanical and thermal properties, band structure, optical properties, resistivity, electron mobility and lifetime [2]. The energy gap of silicon is 1.12 eV wide, almost at the center of the emission spectrum of the sun and therefore very suitable for solar photon harnessing.

    It can be easily doped p-type and n-type with acceptor (B, Ga) and donor (P, As, Sb) substitutional impurities during the crystal growth process using a mother alloy, or during device manufacturing process using diffusion and/or ion implantation technologies. Due to the relatively small mobility of dopants, the doping profile remains almost constant during the device lifetime, with a great advantage for the long-term properties of silicon-based devices.

    At the nanometric limit, under atmospheric pressure, it behaves, instead, as a quasidirect-gap semiconductor and its properties might be tuned by changing the size of the nanocrystallites, as is shown in Chapter 9.

    Under atmospheric-pressure conditions, it can be grown from a liquid charge as a single-crystal ingot with the float zone and Czochralski processes or as a multicrystalline ingot with variants of the Bridgman technique, where the bulk texture depends on the crystallization conditions.

    It can also be deposited, from suitable gas phases or plasma atmospheres, using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques, epitaxially on a single-crystal substrate, or on nonsingle-crystal substrates, in microcrystalline, nanocrystalline or amorphous configuration, as is shown in Chapters 7 to 10.

    Under specific electrochemical conditions, an array of nanocrystalline silicon dendrites might be created starting from bulk silicon, with the formation of so-called porous silicon (PS) [16–18] that presents peculiar optical emission properties, suitable both for the fabrication of light-emitting diodes (LED) and chemical and biosensors.

    Liquid silicon has a metallic behavior and can be stirred by applying an electromagnetic field, with important consequences on its electronic properties after solidification. As an example, electromagnetic stirring is applied in magnetic Czochralski (MCz) growth [19–21] to control the convection flows in the melt, which are largely responsible for the inhomogeneous distribution of dopants and oxygen in the crystal, and, thus, to homogenize their content in the solid ingot. Oxygen, in turn, is one of the most important impurities in solid silicon, for its ability to getter metallic impurities when present in the form of submicrometric precipitates (internal gettering processes (see Chapters 3 and 4)) and to make the material less prone to stress-induced slip during high-temperature processes.

    Also, electromagnetic stirring might be applied in directional solidification processes used for the purification of metallurgical silicon in order to favor the segregation of carbon and other impurities [22], as will be shown in Chapter 2.

    1.3.2 Point Defects

    Under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, which are never achieved experimentally [23], silicon should contain an equal concentration of thermally generated intrinsic point defects, the self-interstitials and vacancies

    1.5 1.5

    Actually, the effective concentration of defects depends on a variety of homogeneous and heterogeneous recombination/trapping reactions at internal and external surfaces, developed during the growth of a silicon ingot and further heat treatments. Three different types of self-interstitials (tetrahedral, hexagonal and dumbbell) populating the crystal, each with peculiar properties, as their mobility and their charge states. Vacancies take five different charge states in the silicon bandgap, ranging from 0.05 eV above the valence band up to 0.7 eV. No gap states are associated with the dumbbell interstitial, which is stable in the Sii° state, while gap states are associated with the hexagonal and the tetrahedral ones [24]. Both defects, therefore, might be the origin of donors, acceptors or recombination states, depending on the Fermi level.

    Due to the large values of their formation enthalpies, which range around 2.4–3 eV for both vacancies and interstitials [25–27] their concentrations are small and very difficult to experimentally measure with classical density methods. Indirect methods like diffusivity measurements or positron annealing spectroscopy [28] are used for vacancies, while diffusivity measurements with interstitially diffusing impurities are used for self-interstitial concentration measurements [29].

    Point defects in silicon are easily produced by irradiation. As an example, isolated silicon vacancies and self-interstitials trapped at impurities are generated under irradiation with 1.5–3.0 MeV electrons at 4.2 K and have been identified by EPR spectra [30]. The fact that isolated interstitials could not be found experimentally motivated the conclusion that self-interstitials are mobile, migrating at long distances even at 4.2 K.

    It is also well known that point defects interact easily with impurities, with the formation of point defect–impurity complexes, which can be studied and identified with DLTS (deep level transient spectroscopy), TCS (thermally stimulated current) and EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) [31–34] techniques.

    1.3.3 Radiation Damage and Radiation Hardness

    It is known that MeV electron irradiation and ion implantation of silicon gives rise to similar defects, where the dominant irradiation defects are vacancy–oxygen pairs and the divacancy, associated with a shallow acceptor center at Ec–0.18 eV and to deeper centers, respectively [35]. Different defects are originated by neutron irradiation, where the damage is dominated by extended defects or defect clusters [36].

    Irradiation-induced point defects, point-defect complexes and defect clusters are the main results of the radiation damage, which is severely detrimental for the long-term behavior of both solar cells in space and for silicon detectors used to track the collision patterns in modern hadron colliders [37], see next section.

    The main effects on silicon detectors, which are segmented, small-sized pixel silicon diodes, are an increase of the leakage current, an increase of the depletion voltage, an increase in carrier trapping and inversion. This last problem is caused by the compensation of the donor doping concentration by dominant defects that behave as acceptors.

    As a long life associated with low radiation damage is required for silicon detectors in a hadronic collider, work has been done to improve the material stiffness while maintaining the highest device performance.

    It has been shown that radiation hardness is significantly improved by the presence of oxygen, which can be a native impurity in Czochralski silicon at a concentration of about 10¹⁸ at cm−3, and that could be implanted or diffused in float-zone silicon, which would be the preferred solution, as FZ silicon presents the better diode performances due to its intrinsic high resistivity and low recombination center content.

    We report in Figure 1.3 the results of neutron, meson and proton irradiation on the concentration of trap levels Neff and of the depletion voltage Vdep as a function of the fluence Φeq for standard float-zone detectors ([O] = 1 × 10¹⁵ at cm−3), oxygenated FZ silicon ([O] = 1 × 10¹⁷ at cm−3) and Cz silicon ([O] = 1 × 10¹⁸ at cm−3). It is very interesting to observe that in oxygenated silicon the damage looks systematically lower than in FZ silicon, caused by the higher stiffness of the oxygenated silicon.

    Figure 1.3 Effect of irradiation with neutrons, pions (light mesons) and 24-GeV protons on the concentration of trap levels and on the depletion voltage (Unpublished results from CERN's RD48 Collaboration).


    These results confirm the improved radiation hardness to protons of devices made with oxygenated high-resistivity FZ silicon observed by Li et al. [36], who showed that oxygenated silicon is advantageous in radiation hardness to gamma and proton irradiation, in terms of detector full depletion voltage degradation, as compared to the control samples. Instead, there is little improvement in radiation hardness to neutron irradiation, which has been attributed to the nature of neutron-induced damage that is dominated by extended defects or defect clusters.

    The higher radiation hardness of oxygenated silicon, which is maximum for Co⁶⁰ gamma irradiation, where the point-defect production is predominant, is still under debate, but has been recently associated with the suppression of strongly recombining vacancy-type midgap defects, labeled I defects, which are formed in large concentration in oxygen-lean silicon and that are primarily responsible for the n-type to p-type inversion [38] and by the concentration increase of the IO2 complex between interstitial silicon and an oxygen dimeric species [39].

    Point-defect complexes are generated with any kind of particle irradiation. As an example, by irradiation with MeV protons a vacancy–hydrogen pair has been proposed to be formed [40].

    Apart from the impact of light impurities, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and of their complexes with point defects on the radiation hardness of radiation detectors, the key role of point defects and of their complexes on the physical properties of silicon is well known. The study of their behavior was, in fact, one of the main subjects of basic and applied research in semiconductor physics over the last thirty years, with thousands of published papers and the establishment of defect-engineering technologies. The role of one of these complexes, the B–O complex, which involves interstitial boron, on the lifetime degradation of solar cells [41], will be discussed in depth in Chapter 3.

    1.4 Advanced Silicon Applications

    1.4.1 Silicon Radiation Detectors

    One of the most challenging questions of modern science is about the origin of our universe, the unification of the physical laws, the discovery of the Higg's boson and about the nature of the dark matter, which constitutes the major part of the universe itself. The experiments now running at the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider), after those which were carried out at the CERN's LEP and at the FermiLab's Tevatron Collider, are one of the most exciting attempts of how to approach these questions by the use of proton–proton collisions at energies of 3.5 TeV, (3.5 times higher than at the Tevatron) which correspond approximately to a temperature of 7 × 10²⁰ K, a temperature that occurred in the burning Universe less than one millisecond after the big bang. Incidentally, the possibility is under advanced study at the LHC to quadruple this energy in the next four–six years.

    In the LHC, proton–proton collisions generate subatomic particles (mesons, quarks, etc.) whose detection is uniquely possible by the use of arrays of suitable sensors, which not only should detect the event, but should track the particles traversing the detector, thus allowing a measure of the mass and the moment of the generated particles [37].

    Silicon has been demonstrated to be the material of choice for tracking detectors, which were already successfully used in the past CERN's experiments as well as at Tevatron, but that are actually the most sensitive part of the machine itself, because of the damage induced by the lattice collisions with high-energy particles (protons, neutrons, mesons) and γ- and X-rays.

    As the threshold energy for causing the knock out of a silicon atom from its regular lattice position, forming a vacancy and a self-interstitial, is only 25 eV, eight orders of magnitude lower than the energy of the incident protons in LHC experiments and the protons fluencies are very high (now above 3 × 10¹⁴ particles/cm² [42] and up to 10¹⁶ cm², in the future very high luminosity colliders [43]), the damage is unavoidable and the sensors must resist for the entire life of the LHC experiments (six months per year over a period of ten years) as their substitution would be exceedingly costly [44].

    Segmented 2D silicon detectors, used in most of the LHC experiments provide excellent submicrometric spatial resolution, while being cost effective, due to well-established very large scale integration (VLSI) technologies used in their fabrication. Radiation detectors have been traditionally fabricated on n-type, high-resistivity float-zone (FZ-Si) wafers, where the high resistivity allows the establishment of full depletion under reasonably low operating voltages.

    Since it has been experimentally proven, as shown in the last section, that oxygen improves the radiation hardness of silicon; detectors are nowadays made with oxygenated FZ silicon or with high-resistivity Czochralski silicon.

    Figure 1.4 shows the complex configuration of the Atlas experiment's detectors, while Figure 1.5 shows the fine details of one of the first collisions detected at the Atlas experiment.

    Figure 1.4 The large (see the person on the center bottom) toroidal magnet supporting the ATLAS experiment at the CERN's LHC in Geneva, aimed at the discovery of the Higgs boson and of supersymmetric particles. Also here, silicon detectors are central for monitoring the traces of the particles formed after a high-energy collision of protons. Reprinted with permission from CERN Courier. Copyright (2011) CERN Courier.


    Figure 1.5 One of the first collisions observed at the LHC's Atlas experiment. Reprinted with permission from CERN Courier. Copyright (2011) CERN Courier.


    With the foreseen increase of the luminosity, after the initial phase of the LHC experiments, a new form of silicon sensor whose fabrication makes use of micromachining technology as well as the standard processes of planar technology is requested to satisfy these new severe constraints.

    3D sensors, which might fulfill this request, have been fabricated using silicon. In this new configuration, the p+ and n+ electrodes penetrate through the silicon bulk, rather than being limited to the silicon wafer surface.

    The advantages of 3D design, compared with the traditional planar design, depend on the condition that here the electric field is parallel (rather than orthogonal) to the detector surface, the charge-collection distance can be several times shorter, the collection time considerably shorter, the spatial resolution higher and the voltage needed to extend the electric field throughout the volume between the electrodes (full depletion) an order of magnitude smaller, for 300 μm thick silicon [42]. This technology has many potential applications, for example in extreme radiation environments, luminosity monitors, and medical and biological imaging.

    1.4.2 Photovoltaic Cells for Space Vehicles and Satellite Applications

    Photovoltaic silicon cells have been used since the late 1950s as viable, efficient (today >24%) and long-lasting power sources for space vehicles and satellites [45]. A specific drawback of silicon solar cells in space is a loss of efficiency, which decreases down to 13% after 15 years, caused by the accumulated radiation dose and consequent radiation damage, which cannot be recovered, like in the case of detectors used in hadronic colliders.

    Detailed studies were carried out [46] both by artificial irradiation of silicon solar cells with monoenergetic particles typically present in space radiation (1-MeV electrons and low-energy protons) and by measuring the damage of solar cells carried out by satellites. The problem considered was that the electrons and protons of the Van Allen belt would cause radiation damage to silicon solar cells and a gradual reduction of the power output of solar power plants of satellites passing through the belt. One of the results of this study is that the radiation damage caused by monoenergetic electrons and by monoenergetic protons of various energies has less impact on n-type silicon solar cells than on the commonly used p-type cells.

    The damage associated with the irradiation with low-energy protons (150–270 keV) is clearly due to defects generated in the proximity of the p-n junctions, but it could be minimized by suitable protecting layers [47]. More recent results [48] of experiments carried out by irradiation with 1-MeV electrons, at temperature between 80 and 300 K of silicon-based and GaAs-based solar cells have shown that the silicon degradation is strongly temperature dependent, while it is almost temperature independent in GaAs solar cells. Meanwhile, it emerges that although the density of radiation-induced defects is larger in GaAs than in silicon; the defects in silicon are most effective recombination centers.

    1.4.3 Advanced Components Based on the Dislocation Luminescence in Silicon

    A different property of point defects in silicon is their ability to coalesce and form microscopic and macroscopic (extended) defects, under form of vacancy clusters and voids for vacancies and dislocation loops, extended interstitials and {311} defects for self-interstitials [49–51].

    The presence of dislocations in silicon is normally associated with the simultaneous presence of defect states [52–54], which behave at room temperature as minority-carrier recombination centers, with strong influence on the diffusion length Ld as can be seen, as an example in Table 1.1, which shows that Ld decreases with the increase of the dislocation density ND, where Ld = √Dτ, with D the diffusivity in μm²/s and τ the lifetime in seconds.

    Table 1.1 Effect of the dislocation density on the minority-carrier diffusion length LD of Cz silicon. The first column reports the initial value of LD, before any thermal treatment, without or with stress.


    For this reason the presence of dislocations and their formation during device processing must be prevented in microelectronic and photovoltaic devices. At low temperatures (12 K) dislocations present, instead, the typical photoluminescence spectrum reported in Figure 1.6, which calls for the occurrence of possibly useful radiative recombination processes.

    Figure 1.6 Typical PL spectrum of a dislocated (111)-oriented FZ silicon sample (T = 12 K,  ND = 10⁷ cm−2). The lines at 0.807, 0.877, 0.945 and 0.999 eV are conventionally labeled D1, D2, D3 and D4.


    This property suggested, in fact, the possible use of dislocations as light-emission sources in silicon-based devices, considering that the indirect character of the band to band (BB) transition in crystalline silicon and the systematic BB emission intensity decrease with increasing working temperature would preclude LED or lasing potentialities to bulk crystalline silicon [55].

    It was, however, shown that the dislocation luminescence intensity also quenches down on increasing the temperature, as is shown in Figure 1.7 for the case of the D1 line at 0.807 eV (λ = 1.55 am) which is the most intense among the other three, and the question that arises is whether the temperature-induced light-emission degradation would be intrinsic to the nature of dislocations or result from the interaction of dislocations with light impurities (O, N, H) and metallic impurities.

    Figure 1.7 Temperature dependence of the D1 line intensity.


    This further question stimulated a significant interest worldwide, aimed at the understanding the role of light impurities and metals on the dislocation luminescence. Among the wide literature available on this subject, the results of a years-long interlaboratory study could be cited [56], which succeeded in showing the key role of oxygen on the dislocation luminescence, the effect of specific dislocation generation procedures as well as the role of metallic impurities on the dislocation luminescence yield [57–64], leaving open, however, the issue concerning the real potential of dislocations as efficient light sources.

    Recent work has, instead, almost conclusively shown, on the one hand, that relatively efficient (0.1–1%), room temperature light-emitting devices could be manufactured using high-quality silicon substrates, proper impurity gettering and passivation techniques and sophisticated device fabrication procedures, capable minimizing the impurity-based nonradiative carrier recombination losses [65, 66].

    Also, it has been shown that dislocations might work as the active components of silicon-based light-emitting devices [67], see Figure 1.8, indicating that the thermal quenching of both the Band to Band (BB) and the dislocation photoluminescence is, in fact, induced by nonradiative carrier-recombination processes associated with the presence of residual metallic impurities in the substrate material [68, 69].

    Figure 1.8 (left) Schematic view of a p-n LED based on the emission at 1.55 μm generated by a dislocation network. (right) Electroluminescence spectrum at room temperature for a 2-mm deep dislocation network yielding an efficiency >0.3% for the line at 1.55 μm and ≅ 1% for the band to band (BB) line. The insert shows the influence of the distance between p-n junction and dislocation network. Figure on right reprinted with permission from [67]. Copyright 2009, Wiley-VCH.


    The conclusion, however, remains that silicon is a relatively poor room-temperature light emitter and that its BB emission occurs in a range of energies ( ∼ 1.1 eV), which is of little applicative interest. The peak energy of the D1 band of dislocations at ca. 0.810 eV would, instead, couple perfectly with the range of optical communications at 1.5μm, and, therefore, light-emitting devices based on the dislocation luminescence could be a viable alternative to the already used Er-doped III-V semiconductor devices, although still requiring adequate technological developments.

    An interesting property of dislocations, which looks like an ideal connection between dislocations and silicon nanowires, is their ability to induce a kind of local de-alloying in Si-Ge alloys, which has been experimentally proven by means of photoluminescence measurements at low temperatures (2–20 K) [70]. The samples used, consisted of a Si1−x-Gex (xGe = 0.34), 1 − μm thick, layer grown on a graded Si-Ge buffer layer, by low energy plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. After a rapid thermal annealing (T = 750–1000°C) for different times, the formation of Si-rich and Ge-rich nanowires along the dislocation core was evidenced by the setup of both the silicon dislocation luminescence, with the characteristic D1–D4 lines and the band to band (BB) luminescence of Ge.

    1.4.4 Silicon Nanostructures

    Silicon nanostructures, consisting of an assembly of nanometric objects with different dimensionalities, are a class of silicon-based materials with electronic and optical properties that depend on both their individual size and spatial distribution. The first identified silicon-based material with nanometric properties was porous silicon (PS) [71], the first also to show room-temperature photo- and electroluminescence in the visible. PS itself consists of an agglomerate of silicon nanowires, which might be formed by a kind of electrochemical synthesis [72]. One of the main problems of porous silicon is the extremely complex dependence of its luminescence on fabrication, storage and surface treatments [73]. In addition, about two decades after its discovery, the very origin of the luminescence of PS remains still unexplained. When PS is used for devices, other problems emerge, associated with its broad emission band, low external quantum efficiency and long recombination times, albeit the device performance might be definitely improved by the use of dedicated manufacturing techniques [74], with a potential tenfold increase of the peak emission intensity [75].

    The discovery of optoelectronic potentialities of nanometric silicon-based materials stimulated the interest towards nanometric structures different from that of PS, also in the prospective to develop silicon-based lasing devices [76] and a new generation of flash memories [77, 78]. The most recent attempts in this direction were devoted to silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2, for which a fairly efficient visible light emission is demonstrated and for which different preparation techniques, fully compatible with the microelectronic technology processes, are already available [79–83]. Also for this material, the origin of its luminescence, consisting typically in a broad Gaussian peak centered at 1.6 eV, much higher in intensity than that expected for bulk silicon, was not entirely understood for years. It is now well demonstrated that two mechanisms operate on silicon nanocrystals, a quantum confinement effect due to the size of the nanocrystals or an emission stimulated by surface defects, the one or the other prevailing, depending on the treatment of the nanocrystals [84].

    The potentialities of silicon nanostructures as the active substrates of the third-generation solar cells are discussed in full details in Chapter 10.

    Silicon nanowires are a different kind of silicon nanostructure, which are currently fabricated with a number of different techniques [85–88] and with a growing number of preliminary applications not only in microelectronics and photovoltaics.

    As an example, their use in lithium/sulfur rechargeable batteries is supposed to represent progress in safety and power density. In these batteries, the anode consists of an assembly of silicon nanowires grown on a stainless steel plate. Here, the silicon nanowires are used for their capacity to insert and extract lithium metal from their structure, without significant failures associated with a 400% volume change [89]. The specific energy of this cell is ∼ 350 Wh/kg, which is already higher than that of commercial Li-ion batteries (335 Wh/kg).

    The future application of silicon nanowires in electronic and optoelectronic devices will be, however, only possible if the growth of these nanostructures can be controlled in terms of size and localization in space. Albeit the full technological exploitation of silicon nanocrystals to solar cells, light-emitting diodes and flash memories is still far away, challenges and promises are in good balance.


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