DRD'S' 920937-9407 02-03
DRD'S' 920937-9407 02-03
DRD'S' 920937-9407 02-03
These machines are of a new design that entails the following differences from older machines. The chang-
es do not apply to machines with combi-attachments or top-lift with pileslope.
1. The electrical system is equipped with a separate KDU for the top-lift, component number 791. The KDU
communicates with ECU 2 via a CAN bus.
2. The main valve of the top-lift is fed by a variable hydraulic pump.
The main valve is common for all of the top-lift’s functions.
3. The length adjustment of the top-lift is manoeuvred by means of a hydraulic motor and chain.
4. The top-lift rotation brake is manoeuvred completely hydraulically.
ContChamp DRD-S 02-03
Technical Handbook Contents Group 00 P. 1
Group 00
Safety regulations..................................................................... 2
General...................................................................................... 6
Design – Overview .............................................................. 6
Component units ................................................................ 7
Supplementary books ......................................................... 9
Replacement system – Spare parts ................................... 9
Tools ................................................................................... 9
Tightening torques.............................................................. 10
System of units ................................................................. 12
ContChamp DRD-S Safety regulations 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 2
It is important that you read the instruction Safety regulations aimed at reducing the
manual. risk of personal injury and damage to
Incorrect handling can lead to personal injury or dam- loads or other property.
age to products and/or property. Therefore, read the in-
struction book very carefully before operating the truck. Intended of use
The instruction manual contains important information z The truck may only be used for the purpose for
about your Kalmar truck, about the operation of the which it was intended, namely, to lift and transport
truck, about safety during operation and about the goods, the weight of which does not exceed the
truck's daily maintenance. In addition, you will find use- maximum permitted load capacity of the truck.
ful information that will make operations easier for you z The truck may not, without specific permission
in your daily work. from Kalmar, be modified or re-built so that its func-
The instruction manual must always be kept in the ma- tion or performance is altered.
chine. If the manual should be lost, a replacement must z The truck may not be driven on public highways if
be immediately obtained. Never use a machine with a it has not been adapted to comply with national
missing instruction manual. road safety regulations.
Ask your foreman/group leader if there is anything in Operator requirements
the manual that you do not understand or if you feel that z The truck may only be driven by operators who
information is missing in any area. have been specially trained and who have the
company's authority to do so.
The symbol is used on our products in certain z Laws and other regulations relating to driving li-
cases and then refers to important information con- cence, operator ID, log book, etc., must be fol-
tained in the instruction manual. Make sure that warn- lowed at all times.
ing and information symbols are always clearly visible z The operator must be aware of and follow all local
and legible. Replace symbols that have been damaged safety regulations.
or painted over.
z It is always the responsibility of the operator to en-
In this instruction manual warnings are inserted that sure that the truck has approved fire extinguishing
apply to your own safety. Warnings point out the risk of equipment in accordance with currently applicable
accident that can cause personal injury. regulations.
Operation of the truck is prohibited:
z If any of the fitted safety equipment, such as rear
WARNING! view mirrors, headlights, reversing alarm (option-
al), does not function correctly.
Warns of the risk of serious personal injury, pos- z If there is a fault with the brakes, steering or lift
sible death and/or serious damage to product or equipment.
property if the regulations are not followed.
z If it has been repaired, modified or adjusted with-
out the approval of the work supervisor.
For technical warnings, that point out the risk of break z If the truck is fitted with tyres not approved by
down, the word IMPORTANT is used: Kalmar.
Emergency exit
If the doors should not open in an emergency, open the
rear window for emergency exit.
A rear window that can be opened is standard on ma- KL749
Continued from previous page must be emptied into the tank, with the help of the
Operating regulations special accumulator evacuation valve.
z Before starting, make sure that the cab is locked z Handle batteries and junction boxes with great
care. The batteries must always be protected over
in the rear-most position by means of the latches, the poles and connections.
one on each side. The latches must be secured
with spring pins. (Applies to manually moveable z Always rectify any damage or wear and tear that
cabs). can risk personal safety or that can affect the func-
tions of the truck or its service life.
z Before starting, always check to ensure that no-
body is in the way of the truck or its equipment. z Avoid touching oils and greases. Avoid inhaling
exhaust and oil fumes.
z The operator must always face the direction of op-
eration and take particular care in areas where z Always use steps and handrails when entering or
persons or other vehicles are likely to appear in leaving the machine - Never jump!
the vicinity. If visibility is limited by the load, the op- To avoid the risk of slipping, tread only on anti-slip
erator should operate the truck in reverse. surfaces. If the anti-slip protection has become
z It is prohibited to walk or stand underneath raised worn, loose or in any way less effective, it should
be replaced.
forks or other equipment, whether they are loaded
or not. z Welding painted steel produces poisonous gas-
ses. Paint should therefore be stripped before
z It is prohibited to transport passengers on the welding, good ventilation ensured and/or face
truck outside the cab or on the load. Passengers mask with filter used.
may be transported inside the cab only on condi-
tion that it is equipped with a fixed passenger z Mobile phones used in the cab must always have
seat. fixed connections to the machine’s electrical sys-
tem, with a fixed antenna outside the machine,
z It is prohibited to lift people if the truck is not mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s
equipped with an approved lift cage. instructions. This will avoid interference with the
z It is prohibited to exceed the load capacity of the machine’s important electronic functions.
truck. See capacity plate and loading diagram.
Operating with attachments
z It is prohibited to transport loads in the raised po-
sition as this entails a risk of the truck tipping. All z The operator must always take the effect of the
transportation shall take place with the load in the wind into account when handling containers.
transport position. Avoid lifting with a wind strength in excess of 12
m/s (27 mph/40 feet per second).
z The operator must adapt the speed of the truck to
the character of the load, conditions of visibility, z Always drive carefully so as to avoid attachments
the character of the roadway/surface, etc. colliding with pillars, cables, etc.
z The operator shall avoid powerful acceleration z Carefully study the "Lift methods" section of the
and braking when turning. In addition, the opera- instruction manual.
tor shall always moderate the speed of the truck z The tensile strength of the top pane can be seri-
when turning so as to avoid the risk of lateral skid- ously weakened by exposure to elements that
ding or tipping. contain: Aromatic hydrocarbon, ketone, esters or
z The operator shall take particular care when oper- chlorinated hydrocarbon.
ating in the vicinity of electrical power lines, via- Regularly check the surface condition of the top
ducts, quay-sides, ramps, gates/doors etc. pane and clean only with screen wash or other
mild cleaning fluid. After cleaning, rinse thorough-
z Safety belts must always be worn, if fitted. In the ly with warm water. It is prohibited to modify or in
event of the truck tipping, always remain in the cab any other way make alterations to the top pane.
and grip the steering wheel securely. Never try to Immediately replace damaged top panes that
jump out of the cab. show signs of cracking or scratching.
z The parking brake can also be used as an EMER-
GENCY BRAKE. However, having been used for
emergency braking, the brake linings must be
checked and replaced if necessary. If the parking
brake has been mechanically released, it must
always be reset in order for the truck to regain the CE marking
parking brake function. All trucks and equipment (though not thoses fitted on
Interrupted operation, parking the truck or intended as spare parts) supplied from Ka-
lmar are CE marked, which indicates that they comply
z Always check that the gear lever is in the neutral with the requirements of the EU Machine Safety Direc-
position before turning the ignition key to restart or tive. In addition, each truck has a so called, “EU Dec-
to reset an emergency stop. laration of Conformity” which is the legal proof that the
z Never leave the operator's cab without applying truck complies with the “health and safety” require-
the parking brake (ON position). ments laid down in the Machine Safety Directive, the
z Always remove the ignition key if the truck is to be EMC directive (electro-magnetic compatibility) and the
left unattended. LVD directive (electrical equipment).
Other important points to remember
z The truck's hydraulic system includes high pres- Vibration standard
sure hydraulic accumulators. Always be extremely The truck complies with and is below the limits for vi-
careful when working with the hydraulic system
and avoid being unnecessarily close to the hy- bration standard EN 13059.
draulic equipment, lines and hoses. Before work-
ing on the hydraulic system, the accumulators
ContChamp DRD-S Safety regulations 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 4
Safety regulations
z Only authorized and qualified personnel may z Never run hands or fingers along any tubes,
work with the safety system. (ECS-system) pipes or hoses whilst investigating for possible
z If the overload safety system override function leaks as some of these lines (diesel fuel, hydrau-
has been used, there is a risk of forward tipping. lic, steering, etc.) operate at extremely high
The truck should be operated with extreme care pressures and even the most minute of leaks
to prevent accidents. can cause oil or fluid to penetrate the skin.
z Great care must be exercised at all times when z Under no circumstances may compressed air be
driving the machine. Always remember the great used to remove a hydraulic piston from its cylin-
height and width of the machine so that collision der.
with beams, cables etc. is avoided z Always attend to damage and wear that may be
z It is prohibited to start lifting a container if the of significance to the performance and useful life
warning light TWIST-LOCK UNLOCKED (red) is of the truck or to the safety of the personnel.
lit or if any of the warning lights TWIST-LOCK z Follow the safety rules whenever carrying out
LOCKED (green) or ALIGNMENT (orange) are service work on the air conditioner. The refriger-
extinguished. N.B. the ALIGNMENT warning ant is injurious to the skin and eyes. Only author-
light goes out once the lift has begun. ized service personnel may repair the system.
z If the safety system warning lamps are not func- z The truck’s hydraulic system includes high pres-
tioning, the system must be immediately re- sure hydraulic accumulators. Before working on
paired. To use a truck with faulty warning lamps the hydraulic system, the accumulators must be
is a great safety risk. emptied into the tank, with the help of the special
z Do not drive the truck with load raised high accumulator evacuation valve. Also valve B for
above the ground, since the truck may overturn. emergency pressure to servo system must be
The transport of heavy loads must be carried out opened.
with the load as close to the truck as possible, z Never carry out any service work on the boom or
i.e. with the boom retracted and lowered as far attachment when the engine is running.
as possible without obstructing vision, see pic-
ture below.
Design – Overview
Kalmar DRD420–450 model S diesel trucks are of sturdy design
for particularly heavy duty handling of 20-40' loaded containers.
They are built around a chassis which has high strength and tor-
sional stiffness and an extremely low centre of gravity.
The operator’s cab is provided with vibration isolation and sound
insulation and offers excellent all-round visibility.
There are many adjustments that can be made to the operator's
driving position. The position of the seat, back support and firm-
ness of the driving seat can be adjusted in a number of ways.
The trucks are equipped with a sliding cab. This puts the operator
in an exceptional position to superwise the top lift attachment and
offers excellent accessibility to the transmission and hydraulic
pumps. The engine is easily accessible through a removable run-
ning board.
To special order, the trucks are equipped with hydraulically pow-
ered sliding cab.
Component units
z Sound-insulated operator’s cab with excellent all-round visibil-
ity. The non-slip, substantial steps provide convenient access
to the cab. As an optional extra, a hydraulically movable cab
is available.
z ECS-system which controls the electric servo circuits and also
overload protection system. (With electronic balance, module
60 or 52, the loading conditions are indicated on a display on
the ECS-terminal in the operator’s cab.)
z Engine - Volvo TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE six-cylinder, four-
stroke, turbocharged diesel engine with direct injection and
thermostatically controlled water cooling.
Supplementary books
In addition to the Instruction Manual and the Technical Hand-
book, the following books are delivered with every truck.
Kalmar offers a wide range of tools for truck maintenance work.
For further information, please contact Kalmar's service depart-
ContChamp DRD-S General 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 10
Tightening torques
(According to Kalmar K Standards 20060.0001)
The tightening torques are applicable to steel bolts and nuts tight-
ened with a torque wrench under the following conditions:
Surface treatment
Condition Lubriation
Bolt Nut
1 untreated untreated oiled
bright galvanised untreated
2 bright galvanised bright galvanised dry or oiled
bright galvanised bright galvanised
3 hot-dip galvanised bright galvanised dry or oiled
System of units
The SI system of units is employed in this handbook:
The conversion factors are as follows:
megapascal bar Kilogram-force per Pound-force
square centimetre, per square
kpf/cm² inch,
Atmosphere, at psi
1 10 10,2 145
0,1 1 1,02 14.5
0,098 0,98 1 14.2
Newton- Kilogram force-metre Pound-force foot
meter kgf m lbf ft
1 0,102 0.74
9,81 1 7.23
1 1,36 1.34
0,735 1 0.986
ContChamp DRD-S 02-03
Technical Handbook Contents Group 10 P. 1
Group 10
Chassis and cab
Specification .............................................................................. 2
Chassis...................................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Chassis............................................................................ 3
Support jacks................................................................... 3
Operator’s cab................................................................. 4
Steering column .............................................................. 9
Hydraulics control unit ................................................... 10
Service ............................................................................... 11
Changing the fresh air filter ........................................... 11
Check and lubrication of brake pedal ............................ 11
Windscreen wipers ........................................................ 12
Air conditioning unit ................................................................. 13
Description ......................................................................... 13
Service ............................................................................... 16
Checking the air conditioning unit ................................. 16
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 10 P. 2
Air conditioner
z Cab unit
Circulated air flow 500-600 m3/h
Electric power consumption approx. 350 W
z Compressor
Max. speed 4000 r/min
Refrigerant R134a *)
Electric power consumption approx. 50 W
Oil capacity Zexel PAG SP-20 1.5 dl
z Condenser
Electric power consumption 250 W
The chassis consists of:
z A unit construction frame built up around two box- sections for
best possible strength.
z Mountings for the drive axle, steered axle, telescope-boom,
lifting cylinders and transmission.
z The necessary counterweights to provide a very low centre of
gravity. Moreover, the steered axle is designed to serve as an
additional counterweight.
The hydraulic oil tank and the fuel tank are produced as separate
units and are bolted to the side of the chassis. The tanks have a
low profile, which contributes to the good visibility.
Support jacks
Certain machines are equipped with support jacks to increase
the capacity in the third container row, see group 20.
ContChamp DRD-S Operator’s cab 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 4
Operator’s cab
The operator’s cab is a separate structure and rests on the chas-
sis on rubber dampers. The operator’s seat, steering wheel and
hydraulic control levers can be adjusted for best possible operator
comfort. Effective insulation minimises the vibrations and sound
level in the cab.
The standard heating system consists of a fan and heater for
heating the air in the cab by recirculation. Fresh air is drawn in
through a ventilation air filter. Full air conditioning, with cooling,
heating and dehumidification, is available to special order.
3 1 4 5 2 6
4 3 2 1
L 0
4 5
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Gear selector 6. Control lever and control panel for hydraulic functions
FORWARD/NEUTRAL/REVERSE 1/2/3/4 7. Electrical central unit with fuses and relays
2. Lever DIRECTION INDICATORS/HORN 8. Brake pedals, normal driving brake
FRONT WIPERS/MAIN BEAM 10. Accelerator pedal
3. Instrument panel 11. Steering wheel adjustment
4. Steering wheel panel 12. Servo circuit breaker
5. Starting switch 13. Parking brake
ContChamp DRD-S Operator’s cab 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 6
21 22 23
37 38 39
35 36
33 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 52 53
24 47 48 49 50 51
54 55 56 60 59 KL582
4 3 2 1
L 0
1 2 3
4 5
57 58 64 61 62 63
21. Pressure gauge, gearbox oil pressure 40. Spare
22. Fuel gauge 41. Spare
23. Temperature gauge, engine coolant temperature 42. Warning lamp, battery charging
24. Switch, working lights 43. Warning lamp, low engine oil pressure
25. Switch, working lights 44. Warning lamp, low gearbox oil pressure
26. Switch, working lights 45. Warning lamp, low brake pressure
27. Switch, flashing beacon (accumulator pressure)
28. Switch, hazard warning lights 46. Warning lamp, low engine coolant level
29. Switch, driving lights 47. Indicating lamp, preheating
30. Spare 48. Warning lamp, high engine coolant temperature
31. Spare 49. Warning lamp, high gearbox oil temperature
32. Spare 50. Spare
33. Spare 51. Warning lamp, parking brake ON
34. Switch, compressor air conditioning 1) 52. Spare
35. Control, recirculation/fresh air 53. Spare
36. Control, defrost/cab 54. Spare (Green lamp TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED)
37. Switch, fan 55. Spare (Orange lamp ALIGNMENT)
38. Control, heat 56. Spare (Red lamp TWIST-LOCKS UNLOCKED)
39. Control, cold 1) 57. Spare (LOCK/UNLOCK TWIST-LOCKS)
58. Spare (LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20-40')
59. Indicating lamp, headlights
60. Indicating lamp, direction indicators
61. ECS terminal
62. Switch, windscreen wiper, rear
KL675 63. Switch, windscreen wiper, roof
64. Spare
65. Fuses
66. Hour meter
1) Optional
ContChamp DRD-S Operator’s cab 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 7
1 2a 3 4 Joy-stick functions
2b 1. Tilt 1)
2. a. Locking of tilt 1)
b. Locking of levelling1)
3. Rotation
4. Side shift
5. Vertical lift 1)
6. Boom OUT/IN
5 6 7. Levelling 1)
8. Length adjustment 20'–40'
9. Unlocking of twist-locks
7 8 9 10
Switch functions
13. Rotation limiting
15. AUT = Automatic locking of
twist-locks. The parking brake must
be OFF
MAN = Manual locking of
twist-locks (spring-back)
Unlocking off twist-locks,
see Joy-stick function 9 above
17. Stop at 30' and 35' 1)
18. Cab movement horizontal/vertical1)
19. Support jacks DOWN/UP 1)
20a. Red lamp, the support jacks have
left the upper position 1)
20b. Green lamp, support jacks down 1)
1) Optional
Button 17 for the connection and disconnection of N.B. When operating a machine
which is equipped with hydraulic-
the 30' and 35' stops ally moveable cab, the doors should
The position gives crawling speed the whole time during ex- be closed or the cab in its rear posi-
tension and retraction. In order to by-pass the 30' stop press tion otherwise all functions will be
and thereafter . The next stop will be 35'. broken.
It is practical to connect in once the 30' position has been
ContChamp DRD-S Operator’s cab 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 8
Lamp panel on the boom
Container handling
A. Twist-locks locked, green
B. Alignment, orange
C. Twist-locks unlocked, red
Engagement and
WARNING! of servo circuits KL 1407
Steering column
Surrounding the steering column are multi-function levers for
gear changing, indicators, windshield wipers, etc., as well as the
instrument panel with the ECS terminal. At the very foot of the
steering column is the steering valve (Orbitrol), activated by the
steering wheel via an angled gear. The steering column is
equipped with an adjustment knob for the alteration of steering
wheel height and rake.
4 3 2 1
L 0
1 1 2 3
4 5
1. Gear lever 5
2. Multi-function lever
3. ECS terminal
4. Steering wheel adjustment
5. Angled gear
6. Orbitrol steering valve
Column steering
ContChamp DRD-S Operator’s cab 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 10
KL 1407
1 2 3 4
1. Control lever
2. Connection and disconnection of servo cir-
3. Control switches for attachment
4. Switch for overriding of safety system (for
use in emergency situations only). Affects
both overload protection and container con-
1. Check and tighten the locking screws 3, so that the brake ped-
1 2 al is securely fitted in the console.
2. Lubricate the brake pedal shaft through the nipples 2.
1. Brake pedal
2. Lubricating nipple
3. Locking screw
4. Shaft
ContChamp DRD-S Operator’s cab 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 10 P. 12
Windscreen wipers
The wiper arms are fixed to the wiper motor shafts via conical
splines. The shafts are manufactured of hardened steel and the
wiper arm mounting of soft, pressed metal. When fitting, the nuts
must be tightened so hard that the splines are pressed well into
the mounting and function as a carrier.
1. Remove the wiper arms by loosening the nuts and thereafter
tapping and carefully rocking the arms to and fro.
1. Check to ensure that the splines on the motor shaft are free
from the softer material from the wiper arm mounting.
1 If this is not the case, clean the splines so that they can
pressed fully into the wiper arm mounting.
2. Fit the wiper arms onto the motor shafts and tighten the nuts
to a torque of 16-20 Nm.
Hold the wiper arm to take up the torque pressure so that it is
not transferred to the motor, which could result in damage
The nuts must be tightened sufficiently hard, otherwise
the shafts may start to slip inside the wiper arm mounting,
resulting in damage.
15 16
12 14
1. Heating control
2. Heat exchanger
3. Vapourizer
4. Expansion valve
5. To condenser
6. To compressor 11
7. Heating valve
8. From engine 13
9. To engine
10. Fan
11. Fan
12. Fan control
13. Fresh air filter
14. Air disperser
15. Control defrost/cab
16. Defroster outlet
7 A B
6 1
The air conditioning system is driven by the compressor. This
performs as a pump, drawing cold, low-pressure gas from the
evaporator, compressing it and thereby raising its temperature,
and discharging it at high pressure to the condenser.
The compressor is driven by V-belts directly from the diesel en-
gine. Switching between operation and idling is controlled by an
electro-magnetic clutch which, in turn, is controlled by a thermo-
stat whose sensor is located between the fins of the evaporator
coil. The thermostat switches off the compressor at low tempera-
tures, to prevent icing of the evaporator.
The function of the condenser is to convert the hot high-pressure
gas from the compressor into liquid form. The tubes and fins of
the condenser coil absorb heat, which is then removed by the air
delivered by the fan.
The temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser varies from
about +50°C to +70°C. The pressure varies between 12 and 20
bar, depending on the ambient temperature and the flow of air
through the condenser. When the refrigerant is condensed into
liquid form, it is transferred under pressure to the liquid receiver/
filter dryer.
Expansion valve
The expansion valve throttles the flow and passes an optimised
quantity of refrigerant that the evaporator is capable of evaporat-
The expansion valve is also the part of the circuit which separates
the high- pressure side from the low-pressure side. The refriger-
ant flows to the expansion valve under high pressure and leaves
it under low pressure.
The amount of refrigerant which passes the evaporator varies,
depending on the thermal load. The valve operates from ’fully
open’ to ’fully closed’ and in-between searches for a point to give
optimum evaporation.
The heat necessary for evaporating the refrigerant is extracted
from the cab air which is circulated by a fan through the evapora-
tor coil. The cab air is thus cooled, and is distributed and returned
to the cab.
In the evaporator, the refrigerant reverts to the gaseous state and
returns to the compressor suction, thereby completing the cycle.
ContChamp DRD-S Air conditioning unit 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 10 P. 16
If the unit is used very little during cold and dry winter periods, the
compressor should be run for a few minutes every week, to lubri-
cate the rubber hoses, couplings, seals and shaft seal.
RD 1,5
RD 1,5
L GL 1,5
M SV 1,5
H RD 1,5
1 4 4
BR 1,5
30 87
2 GL 1,5 85 86 BR 1,5
BR 1,5
VT 1,5
1. Fan switch
2. Cooler on/off
3. Anti-freeze thermostat
4. Resistor
5. Fan motor
6. Indicator lamp – cold (in push button)
7. High-/low-pressure monitor
8. Relay
9. Condenser fan
10. Compressor
ContChamp DRD-S 02-03
Technical Handbook Contents Group 20 P. 1
Group 20
Electrical system
Specifications.............................................................. 2 ECU 3
Electrical system......................................................... 3 Functions ............................................................... 66
Description ............................................................... 3 Circuit board .......................................................... 67
Checking the electrolyte level of the batteries .... 5 Module 54 Tilt ........................................................ 68
Fuses .................................................................. 5 Module 56 Cab movement..................................... 69
Relays ................................................................. 6 Module 61 Support jacks ....................................... 71
Bulbs ................................................................... 7 Diagrams
Starting from another battery .............................. 8 Gearchanging systems .......................................... 73
Air operated operator’s seat................................ 8 Components, A38630.0100 and A38630.0200...... 77
ECS-system ECS overview ........................................................ 78
Overview .................................................................. 9 Electrical diagram explanations ............................. 79
Terminal ................................................................ 10 Cable markings...................................................... 80
Menu structure .................................................. 10 Component list
Operating menues ............................................ 11 Electrical diagrams ECS top lift – page
Error messages................................................. 15 A24925.2000 - 1, 2, 3 A24925.2200 - 1
Service menues ................................................ 20 A24927.2000 - 1, 2 A24927.2200 - 1, 2
ECU-processor unit................................................ 22 A24929.2000 - 1, 2
Transmission data kit ........................................ 23 Electrical diagram, truck body.................... A08334.1000
Engine data kit .................................................. 23 Electrical diagram, inner, standard ............ A08333.1000
ECU 1 El-servo, singel ECU (S) ............................ A38630.0100
Functions................................................................ 24 El-servo, double ECU (S) .......................... A38630.0200
Circuit board........................................................... 26 Diagram attachment, 4 pages..............A38414.0100,1-4
01 Automatic gear changing ............................. 27 Feed ................................... A38414.0100, 1/4
04 Lever steering .............................................. 28 Indication ............................ A38414.0100, 2/4
07 Monitoring .................................................... 31 Servo .................................. A38414.0100, 3/4
Working lights ..................... A38414.0100, 4/4
ECU 2 Cable to twist-locks .................................... A38636.0100
Functions................................................................ 33 Cable feed KDU 791 .................................. A38415.0100
Circuit board........................................................... 34
Installation, boom ................................................... 35
Electric servo.......................................................... 36
Control lever...................................................... 37
Pressure sensors right and left lift cylinders ..... 41
Lift - regeneration - lower .................................. 42
Boom extension - regeneration......................... 45
Rotation............................................................. 49
Twist-locks ........................................................ 51
Side-shift ........................................................... 53
Length adjustment 20-40’ ................................. 54
Module 50 Mechanical Overload Protection .......... 56
Module 51 Vertical lift for Module 50...................... 59
Module 52 Vertical lift + Balance for Module 50..... 60
Module 57 Hydraulic Balance ................................ 61
Module 59 Limitation Height/
LC-distance for Module 50/60 ................................ 62
Module 60 Electronic Overload Protection............. 63
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 20 P. 2
The system voltage is 24V and the supply is taken from two 12V
IMPORTANT! batteries connected in series and charged by an alternator
Always open the main switch when- across electronic rectifying and voltage stabilisation circuits.
ever work is to be carried out on the .
electrical system, if the truck is to
remain idle for some time and when- The negative and positive poles are both connected across a
ever welding work is to be carried out main switch. The negative pole is then connected to the chassis.
on the truck. Warning lamps and instruments are clearly arranged on the in-
strument panel. The central electrical unit with fuses and relays
is located on the lower section of the cab’s rear wall.
1. Main switch
2. 24 V battery
3. Running lights
4. Rear lights
5. Rotating warning light
ContChamp DRD-S Electrical system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 4
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15
Engine electrics
ContChamp DRD-S Electrical system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 5
B Miscellaneous fuses
A Main switch
B Main fuse, boom (1x25 A)
D Main fuse for truck electrical system
Fitted on the engine, 2x50 A
A KL593A
ContChamp DRD-S Electrical system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 6
305 Reversing light
314 Parking brake, disengagement
315 High power (Starting switch)
316 Wiper motor, front
320 Electric stop (ECS 07) 1)
322 Coolant level (ECS 07) 1)
323 Pulse relay, direction indicators
328 Gear shift (ECS 01) 1)
330 Starting block
331 Propulsion forward
332 Propulsion reverse
334 Clutch release (ECS 01) 1)
367 Lever steering (ECS 04) 1)
322-1 Coolant level
322-2 Coolant level (ECS 07) 1)
399 Spare
321-1 Intermittent relay wiper front
321-2 Intermittent relay wiper rear 1)
960 Reversing interlock
1) Optional equipment
KL 1541
ContChamp DRD-S Electrical system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 7
KL 1542
Description Watts Base
Instruments 3 BA7s
Indicating lamps 1,2 W2x4,6d
Cab lighting 10 S8,5
Rear lights, red 5 BA15s
Brake lights 21 BA15s
Direction indicators 21 BA15s
Position lights 5 SV8,5
Driving lights (full/dipped beam) 75/70 P43t-38
Reversing lights, white 70 PK22s
Working lights 70 PK22s
Hazard beacon 70 PK22s
ContChamp DRD-S Electrical system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 8
Air operated operator’s seat
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Overview Group 20 P. 9
LC-distance 1)
70 PC/Printer 1)
KL621b-c Optional equipment
The ECS:
– monitors the engine and gearbox to ensure reasonable
operating conditions
– monitors the components in the system, e.g., sensors, to
ensure their correct function
– provides torque controlled automatic gear changing
– interrupts hydraulic functions when overload of the steer-
ing axle occurs
– controls the regeneration function for boom extension and
lift cylinders
– controls vertical lift, balance, pile slope etc.
If a fault occurs:
– a red warning lamp blinks on the terminal
– an error message appears on the terminal display
– The ECS limits the functions of the truck in different ways
depending on the seriousness of the fault. Certain func-
tions are monitored on two levels, where level 2 limits the
functions of the truck. See the error messages on the ter-
minal display on the following pages.
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 10
Terminal functions
1. Arrow left is used to scroll between the different menus.
8 7 2. Arrow right is used to scroll between the different menus.
3. R is used to reset the display after an error message. All er-
rors, with the exception of certain level 2 errors can be reset
by pressing this button. The red warning lamp is then extin-
guished. The lamp begins to blink again after 3-10 minutes,
depending on the fault, if it has not been rectified.
4. - is used to decrease a value.
5. + is used to increase a value.
4 3 2 1
L 0
new values when setting up and calibrating the system.
Access to the service menus also requires the use of special
1 2 3
codes, that are separately obtainable from Kalmar.
4 5
7. A red warning light blinks in the event of an error and is ex-
tinguished when reset by pressing button 3.
8. The terminal display has 4 lines with space for 20 characters
on each line. Graphical presentation of operating menus and
R error messages.
1 2 3
Menu structure
4 5
There are three types of menu:
1. Operating menus
6 The operating menus are accessible to the operator. The
menus that can be selected depend on how the truck is
equipped and are determined in SETUP. All operating men-
us are part of a connected loop. Use arrow RIGHT/LEFT to
move around the loop. The loop also contains:
1.a Overload indicator
Depends on the selected overload protection, module 50/
2. Error messages
Displayed automatically and have priority over other menus.
3. Service menus
The operating menu loop always contains the KALMAR IN-
DUSTRIES SERVICE main menu.The service sub-menus
under this main menu require access to codes that can be
found on a special list from Kalmar. If ENTER is pressed by
mistake in the service menu and the ENTER CODE menu is
displayed, return to the operating menu by pressing ENTER.
For further information, refer to the respective headings.
1. 1.
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 11
Operating menus
The menus that are displayed on the terminal depend on the
modules with which the truck’s ECS is equipped. The overview
below shows the possible combinations. Use either arrow
RIGHT/LEFT to switch between menus. All operating menus are
01 Automatic gear changing in a connected loop.
07 Monitoring
50 Mechanical overload protection system Access to the sub-menus under the service menu requires an ac-
60 Electronic overload protection system cess code. If ENTER CODE is displayed by mistake, return to the
operating menu by pressing ENTER.
1 10
5 9
7 8
3 b 3. Normal operating condition,
module 50 + module 01
a. 1750rpm Engine speed, r/min
b. F3 Current gear
c. 14 km/h Current speed
4. Normal operating condition,
4 b
module 50 + module 01 + module 07
c a. 1750rpm Engine speed, r/min
d b. F3 Current gear
c. 4 km/h Current speed
d. Fuel level. The tank is full when the indicator is filled to
the right.
5 5.
Red lamp blinks
The steering axle is overloaded.
It is not possible to switch to other menus until the overload
is rectified.
7 7. a. 75 °C Engine coolant temperature
b. 3.8 bar Engine oil pressure
8 8. a. 75 °C Gearbox oil temperature
b. 3.8 bar Gearbox oil pressure
9. a. 24.5 v Battery voltage
b b. 75 °C Hydraulic oil temperature
10. a. 28756:21.54h Total operating time, tim: min. sek.
10 b. 130h Time to next service, tim
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 13
2 1
3 1
01.07.60 8
9 7
1 6
3 4
7. a. 75 °C Gearbox oil temperature
b. 3.8 bar Gearbox oil pressure
8 a
9. a. 28756:21.54 h.Total operating time, h: min. sec.
b b. 130h Time to next service, h
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 15
Error messages
In order of priority. If two faults occur at the same time, the termi-
nal displays the fault with the highest priority. Error messages al-
ways have a higher priority than normal menus.
01 = Automatic gear changing
Errors 01-08 are level 2 errors and cannot be reset prior to the
04 = Lever steering
fault being rectified.
06 = Mini Steering
The first two figures to the left of the menu pictures show to which
07 = Monitoring
module the error message relates.
50 = Mechanical overload protection
(These figures do not appear on the display)
60 = Electronic overload protection
01, 07 04
04. Gear lever not functioning.
Engine speed reduction.
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
07 06
06. Coolant temperature extremely high.
Engine speed reduction.
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
07 08
08. Gearbox oil temperature extremely high.
Engine speed reduction.
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 16
07 13
13. High gearbox oil temperature.
Check oil level and top up as required.
07 18
18. Faulty signal from gearbox oil pressure sensor.
Operation possible.
Contact service.
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 17
07 28
28. Warning! Low brake pressure.
Contact service as soon as possible.
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 18
60 51
51. Communication with ECU 3 broken.
Contact service as soon as possible.
60 54
54. Faulty signal from length sensor.
Stop as soon as possible and check the sensor wire.
Contact service if the fault remains.
50, 60 56
56. Faulty signal from hydraulic pressure sensors for left lift cyl-
inder. (There is a sensor in both feed and return lines)
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
50, 60 57 57. Faulty signal from hydraulic pressure sensors for right lift cyl-
inder. (There is a sensor in both feed and return lines)
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 19
50 58
58. Faulty analog signal from joystick.
All boom functions are interrupted.
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
60 61
61. System fault.
Load curve is missing.
Stop as soon as possible and contact service.
60 62 62. Each one of the Module 60 errors will activate error menu 62.
When error menu 62 is activated:
Warning lamp on the ECS-terminal lights up
Service menus
All service sub-menus are accessible from the main KALMAR IN-
DUSTRIES SERVICE menu, thereafter, a code must be regis-
tered. There are four different codes, codes 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Detailed descriptions of SETUP, of the modules in ECU1.
Code 2 leads to the INITIATION of the El-servo in ECU 2.
found in the separate
ECS SERVICE Handbook Code 3 leads to the CALIBRATION of module 60 in ECU 2.
Contact Kalmar Code 4 leads to the DIAGNOSIS menu.
Definition of terms:
SETUP is the setting of the basic values of the machine, defining,
for example, the modules with which the machine is equipped.
This determines which operational menus then appear.
INITIATION is the basic setting of the different modules’ parame-
CALIBRATION is the individual adjustment of the max. and min.
values of the different modules’ signals. Calibration is unique for
each machine.
The illustrations below and on the following page provide an over-
view of all available service menus. All of them are accessed from
Code 1
S E T U P I N I T I A T I O N MO D U L E 0 4
2 0 0 ( + / - ) I N J E C T I ON MO T O R AN D
T I ME T O N E X T S E R V I C E I N I T I A T I O N MO D U L E 0 1 A C C E L E R A T O R P E D AL
1 2 14 1 2 3
5 4
11 6
4 10 9 8 7
12 1 2 7 1 2
11 3
10 4 6 3
9 5
8 7 6 5 4
7 1 2
6 MODULE 04 3
Service menus
KL722-C 5 4
under Code 1
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook Terminal Group 20 P. 21
Code 2 Code 3
Code 4
19 20 1 2 3 15 16 1 2 3
18 4 14 4
17 5
15 7 6
14 9 8 11 7
13 12 11 10 10 9 8
10 1 2 3
8 5
7 6
Service menus
under Codes 2, 3 & 4
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook ECU - Processor Unit Group 20 P. 22
ContChamp DRD-S ECS 02-03
Technical Handbook ECU - Processor Unit Group 20 P. 23
ECU 1 functions
ECU Signal LED Function Module
Pin 01 04/06 07
40 Analogue IN 1. 0-10V Steering lever/Mini-steering signal A x
42 Analogue IN 2. 0-10V Accelerator pedal 2 x
64 Analogue IN 3. 0-10V Wheel return wheel position, steering axle x
65 Analogue IN 4. 0-10V -
66 Analogue IN 5. 0-10V -
67 Analogue IN 6. 0-10V Servo motor throttle return x
52 Analogue IN 7. 0-10V Accelerator pedal 1 x
LE1 Should always be lit,indicating a LE39 shows communication from the terminal
5V feed from the voltage and since ECU 1 is “slave” under ECU 2, LE39
transformer should be extinguished.
LE29 Not used LE40 shows communication to the terminal
LE30 Not used and should blink on all ECUs. If it lights contin-
LE39, LE40 show communication with the ECS ter- uously or is extinguished, the program will not
minal. (Applies to the ECU that is connected to start, i.e., something is wrong, for example, the
the terminal). EPROM or electrical supply.
The system
Prevents the gears from being engaged if engine revolutions
exceed 1100 rpm
Prevents changing between forward and reverse gears if the
speed of the truck exceeds 3 kpm
Locks the present gear if the signal from the prop shaft rev-
olution sensor is incorret or absent
Reduces engine revolutions when changing to a higher gear
so that the speed of the truck remains constant
Disengages the gearbox if the operator brakes and the
speed of the truck is lower than 3 kph
Provides the required engine revolutions based on the posi-
tion of the accelerator pedal
Continually shows the currently engaged gear on the ECS
terminal display
The point at which the gearbox changes gear is optimized to the
truck’s transmission equipment. The torque in the torque convert-
er initiates the change of gear. The system changes to a lower
gear when the torque is higher than a pre-programmed value -
and vice versa.
The operator can limit gear changes from 4 to 3, 2 or 1 by moving
the gear selector to the corresponding position. If the selector is
in the 2nd gear position, the system changes automatically be-
tween 1st and 2nd gears.
1. Injection pump motor
2. Electronic accelerator pedal
3. Sensor, gearbox disengagement
4. Sensor, engine revolutions
5. Sensor, propeller shaft revolutions
Fitting and adjustment, see group 40
04 Lever Steering
4ab 5
See electric diagrams.
The lever steering module is an electrical system for the steering
2 of the truck by means of a linear steering lever. The steered wheel
deflection is inversely proportional to the speed of the truck, i.e.,at
low speeds, the steered wheel deflection is greater than at higher
1 speeds. The system is available with or without wheel return.
With the wheel return system, when the operator releases the le-
ver the steered wheels return to a central position.
6 The steering valve is electronically controlled with one magnet for
right and one for left. This feeds the flow of hydraulic fluid to and
from the steering cylinder. The magnets receive analogue signals
from ECU 1.
The standard steering wheel is equipped with two inductive sen-
sors that sense any movement of the steering wheel. The sen-
sors are used to disconnect the lever steering function if the
operator is faced with an emergency situation. As soon as the
standard steering wheel is used, the lever steering disconnects.
This satisfies the
relevant safety requirements for a wheel-return system.
The sensor that returns the wheels to a central position is located
under a hood adjacent to the steering axle’s left hand king pin.
The lever steering module includes a steering lever console .
9 24031
Module 06 Mini-Steering
The Mini steering module is an electrohydraulical system for
N.B. comfortable steering of the truck with the arm on the armrest. The
Module 06 Mini-steering has a great deal in steered wheels follow the position of the Mini steering device. If
common with Module 04 Lever steering. the operator releases the Mini steering device, both the steering
See section 04 Lever steering. device and the steered wheels remain in the set position.
The standard steering wheel is equipped with inductive sensors
that sense the movement of the steering wheel. The sensors dis-
connect the Mini steering if the operator is faced with an emer-
gency situation and starts using the standard steering wheel.
When the Mini steering is disconnected, the lamp in switch 2, see
below, is extinguished.
3 6
1. Mini steering device
2. Direction switch F/N/R. The lamp in the switch is alight when
the lever steering is activated
Forwards position = F. Centre position = N
2 Backwards position = R
b 3. Signal horn
1 4
a 4. Switches for gear changing, a=UP, b=DOWN
(Excluded if the truck is equipped with module 01 Automatic
gear changing) Press 4a to shift gears 1-2-3-(4) (once for
every gear) and 4b to shift down. The gear changing always
5 starts with gear 1 on starting and after the direction switch
has passed the N position.
5. Switch for activating Mini steering
Condition: The truck speed must not exceed 3 kph. If the
speed exceeds 3 kph it not possible to activate the Mini
steering. The lamp in switch 2 is alight when the Mini steer-
ing is activated
6. Extra function
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 1 02-03
Technical Handbook 07 - Monitoring Group 20 P. 31
Module 07 Monitoring
See electrical diagrams.
The monitoring module checks that the engine and gearbox op-
erate within reasonable limits and thereby prevents a major
breakdown from occurring. The module also monitors the correct
function of the different system components, such as sensors,
Values, such as oil pressure and temperature, that are of vital im-
portance when it comes to wear and tear and the risk of break-
down, are monitored on two levels. A red warning lamp lights and
an error message appears on the terminal display. If the reason
for the fault is not rectified, the system limits the truck’s functions.
The most serious faults lead to a reduction in engine revolutions.
10 11
8 1 6 5 7 9
ECU 2 Functions
Pin no. Signal LED Function
8 Digital IN I/O LE14 Working lights, top-lift
9 ” LE17 Control lever, side-shift Right (15)
10 ” LE20 Control lever, side-shift Left (16)
11 “ LE23 Control lever, vertical lift
31 “ LE13 Control lever, twist-locks release (8-9)
32 “ LE16 Twist-locks locking/Auto
33 “ LE19 Control lever, doors OK
34 “ LE22 Warning for overloading of steering axle
55 “ LE15 Sensor, activating stop at 30-35’
56 “ LE18 Sensor, activating locking, tilt
57 “ LE21 Overload, mechanical system
58 “ LE24 By-pass connection of safety system
2 Digital OUT PNP I/O LE6 Activating top-lift/loading of hydraulic pump
24 “ LE10 Indication of alignment, on steering wheel panel
25 “ LE7 Indication of twist-locks released, on steering wheel panel
26 “ LE8 Indication of twist-locks locked, on steering wheel panel
48 “ LE9 Regeneration BOOM OUT
49 “ LE11 Regeneration LIFT
50 “ LE12 Blocking valves, lift cylinders
22 Digital OUT PNP/NPN
46 “ Buzzer, overload and warning of overloaded steering axle
40 Analogue IN 0-10V Boom length
42 “ Control lever LIFT/LOWER P1
64 “ Pressure sensor, right lift cylinder, piston side (mod 60)
65 “ Pressure sensor, right lift cylinder, piston rod side (mod 60)
66 “ Control lever, BOOM OUT/IN P2
67 “ Control lever, ROTATION P3
52 “ Boom angle Min=2V, Max=8V
43 Analogue IN 4-20 mA Pressure sensor, right lift cylinder, piston side (mod 57) +
Pressure sensor, left lift cylinder, piston rod side
(mod 52, 60)
63 “ Pressure sensor, left lift cylinder, piston side (mod 50, 60)
27 Analogue IN 0-196 OHM End position BOOM OUT (mechanical system)
28 “ End position BOOM ANGLE (mechanical system)
51 “ Separate bottom lift (disconn. of tw-locks and 20-40’ funct.)
6 Analogue IN 70-120°C
7 “ -20-120°C
30 By-pass of rotation stop
53 “ 70-120°C
1 Analogue OUT pwm PNP1 LE5 Boom IN
3 I1 Boom LIFT
4 I2 Boom LOWER
5 “ PNP4 LE4 Boom OUT
35 Pulse transmitter 1
59 Pulse transmitter 2
36 Digital IN Rotation stop, counter-clockwise
60 Digital IN Rotation stop, clockwise
23 Battery plus 24V
13 Battery plus 24V
37, 70, 12 Battery minus
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Circuit board Group 20 P. 34
LE1 Should always be lit,indicating a LE39 shows communication from the terminal and
5V feed from the voltage transformer should always blink.
LE40 shows communication to the terminal and
A Extra circuit board should blink on all ECUs. If it lights continuously
B Switches, all should be in the ON postion or is extinguished, the program will not start,
i.e., something is wrong, for example, the
EPROM or electrical supply.
KL1533b KL1534
The el-servo system includes:
Control lever functions for boom movement
All attachment functions
Overload protection
Cab movement
Support jacks
The references in the following descriptions relate to components
in the el-servo diagrams (diagrams marked S), if nothing to the
contrary is stated.
El-servo (S) A38630.0100 (ECU 2)
El-servo (S) A38630.0200 (ECU2 + ECU 3)
Control lever
The control lever regulates electrical signals which operate elec-
trohydraulic converters which in turn feeds hydraulic servo pres-
sure to the main valve sections.
The plus feed from the control unit is delivererd via sliding shoes
when manoeuvring the machine.
T1 Side shift
1=Left, 2=Right
T2 Unlocking of twist-locks
T3 1=Locking of tilt
2=Locking of levelling
T4 Vertical lift
P1 Lift/Lower
P2 Boom out/in
P3 Rotation
P4 Tilt (Optional)
The converter is a electrically controlled pressure reducing valve
for the remote control of hydraulic functions. The output signal is
a porportional hydraulic servo pressure which is used to control
the spools of the main valves.
The converter consists of a solenoid and a pilot valve. It is con-
nected to the main valve spool actuator block.
The solenoid exerts a proportional force on the pilot valve. The
end of the unit is provided with a vent screw and a pushbutton for
emergency manual operation.
The control pressure output delivered by the pilot valve to the
spool actuator of the main valve is practically proportional to the
input current.
The pilot valve is closed in the neutral position.
1. Vent screw
2. Push button, manual operation
3. Solenoid
4. Pilot valve
5. Main valve
6. Spool actuator
7. Control current
8. Inlet servo pressure
9. Return servo pressure
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 39
5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S2
1. Control lever 6. CAN bus for communication between ECUs 1-2-3
2. D sub-contact for control lever(S42) 7. Relays
3. Cable (S33) S2. 70 pole contact for ECU2 (S2)
4. Connectors for ECU2 under operator’s seat
5. Earth connections
Technical Handbook
ContChamp DRD-S
Cable S33 of the el-servo system
KL 1547
Group 20 P. 40
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 41
Sensor in the feed line to left lift cylinder. Pressure sensors right and left lift cylinders
Out signal: 4-20 mA N.B. The pressure sensors are different for different modules.
(768-10 and 11 are identical. 768-12, 13 and 14 are identical)
See also the el-servo diagrams (S).
Module 50 Module 57
See el-servo diagram (S)
S7 1. Control lever used for LIFT, P1 gives a 5-9V analogue signal
via 42.8, via cable S33 to X55.1
2. ANA IN S2.42. No indication in ECU2 for analogue IN sig-
3. ANA OUT S2.03. 24V, varies with lever position.
4. X63.1
5. Main valve converter S7.1 opens for servo pressure.
Simultaneous feed of servo pressure to S7.8
6. Main valve sections S7.1 and S7.8 opens for LIFT
1. DIG IN S2.7. LE19 lit, which means:
Cab in rear position
If the cab is in the forward position, doors closed
With remote control - contact OK
Twist-locks either LOCKED or RELEASED
Signal from 791. Control: DIAGNOS, menu 4(8)
X69 No front overload, no steering axle overload. (Module 50:
LE21 shall be lit. Module 60: No overload indication on the
Regeneration, LIFT
See el-servo diagram (S)
1. 24V to X62.8
2. Connector X69.8, see illustration
Module 50
Conditions for regeneration:
Connects when pressure in lift circuit <85 Bar
Disconnects when pressure is approx. 185 Bar
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 43
Modules 50,52,60
14. DIG OUT S2.49. LE11 lit (Lever movement >50%)
15. X62.8
16. X69.8
17. Regeneration valves S14, right and left, open and regenera-
tion starts.
The regeneration starts with a time-delay which is set in the
SET UP EL-SERVO ECU 2, see Technical Handbook ECS
18. Earth signal back via X69.2
19. S62.2 to earth
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 44
S7 S7.2 See el-servo diagram (S)
X69 No alignment indication from attachment, LE14 extin-
Dead man’s grip activated, LE19 lit.
No front overload, no steering axle overload (Module 50:
LE21 extinguished. Module 60: No overload indication on the
Emergency lowering
In the event of an electrical fault that leads to the blocking valves
on the lift cylinders being unable to be opened, i.e., the boom
cannot be lowered, there is an emergency lowering function.
On the solenoid S15 for the blocking valves (right and left lift cyl-
inders) there is a knob, A in the illustration. Pull this straight out
and turn it one quarter turn and the boom will slowly lower.
S15 A
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 45
See el-servo diagram (S)
1. Control lever used to BOOM OUT, P2 gives a 5-9 V analogue
signal via S42.4, via cable S33 to X55.2
2. ANA IN S2.66.
S7 3. ANA OUT S2.05. LE4 lights depending on voltage.
4. X63.4
5. Main valve converter S7.3 opens for servo pressure.
Simultaneous feed of servo pressure to S7.6.
6. Main valve sections S7.3 and S7.6 opens for BOOM OUT.
1. DIG IN S2.33, LE19 lit.
Safety system not by-passed (S37)
No front overload. (Module 50: LE21 lit. Module 60: no over-
load indication on the display).
1. 24V to X62.8
2. Connector X69.7, see illustration.
Module 50
Conditions for regeneration:
Connects when the pressure in lift circuit <85 Bar
Disconnects when the pressure is approx. 185 Bar
3. Pressure sensor 768-12.3 for lift cylinder feed IN=24 V, see
4. Pressure sensor 768-12.2 OUT=4-20 mA, corresponds to 0-
250 bar pressure in the lift circuit.
5. X69.5.
6. X62.5.
KL1418c 7. ANA IN S2.63 (No indication)
(cont’d p.14 next page)
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 47
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 48
See diagram S.
1. Control lever used for BOOM IN, P2 gives a 5-1 V analogue
S7 signal via S42.4, via cable S33)
2. X55.2.
3. ANA IN S2.66.
4. ANA OUT S2.01. LE5 lit
5. X63.3.
6. Main valve converter S7.4 opens for servo pressure.
Simultaneous feed of servo pressure to S7.5.
7. Main valve sections S7.4 and S7.5 opens for BOOM IN.
Rotation clockwise
See el-servo diagram (S)
Electrical diagram attachments
(A38414.0100 Top-lift)
LE19 lit.
No front overload. (Module 50: LE21 extinguished. Module
60: No overload indication on the display).
Rotation anti-clockwise
1. P3 signal 5-1 V out via S42.11.
2. X55.3.
3. ANA IN S2.67 (no indication)
4. ANA OUT S2.2 (LE6 lit)
5. X62.10.
6. X69.10.
7. Activate solenoid valve top-lift S73 (loading of hydraulic
8. Signal from ECU 2 via CAN bus to KDU Attachment 791.
9. DIG OUT 791.2.3 to 6009
REF OUT 791.2.17 to 6009.
LE19 lit.
No front overload. (Module 50: LE21 extinguished. Module
60: No overload indication on the display).
In attachment function descriptions, the term CAN bus
occurs. The CAN bus in question effects communication,
in the form of a digital pulse stream, between the ECU 2
and 791 computers. These signals cannot be measured
without advanced specialised equipment.
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 50
Feed, sensor
1. DIG OUT from 791.2.11 to X402.1, X403.1 and 404.1.
7202L 7202R
2. Earthing reference REF OUT from 791.2.38 to X402.2,
X403.2 and 404.2.
7203L 7203R
Indicator, ALIGNMENT
1. Signal from 7202R to X403.3 to X403.3.
2. DIG IN 791.2.40.
3. Signal from 7203R to X403.6 to X402.6.
4. DIG IN 791.2.26.
5. Signal from 7202L to X404.3 to X402.7.
KL1535 6. DIG IN 791.2.13.
7. Signal from 7203L to X404.6 to X402.10.
8. DIG IN 791.2.27.
9. Points 1-8 satisfied, gives DIG OUT 791.2.29 to X405.2.
10. Indicator lamp ALIGNMENT lit.
Signal from 791 via CAN bus to ECU 2.
Control: DIAGNOS 4(8).
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 51
Twist-locks, release
1. Control lever switch T2 used.
2. 24 V to S42.20.
3. X55.10.
4. DIG IN S2.31, LE13 lit.
Condition: Signal for alignment from 791. Control: DIAGNOS
menu 4(8). Or by-pass of safety system with S37 (DIG IN
S2.58, LE24 lit) and no side-shift, i.e., no signal in to S2.09
(LE17 extinguished) or S2.10 (LE20 extinguished).
5. DIG OUT S2.2, LE6 lit.
6. X62.10
7. X69.10.
8. Activate solenoid valve, top-lift (loading of hydraulic pump).
9. Signal from ECU 2 via CAN bus to 791.
10. DIG OUT from 791.2.23 to 6039.
REF OUT from 791.2.37 to 6039.
11. Hydraulic feed to twist-lock cylinder that turns the twist-locks
to the open position.
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 52
Side-shift left
1. Control lever switch T1 is used for side-shift left.
X69 2. 24 v to S42.14.
3. X55.7.
4. DIG IN S2.10, LE20 lit.
Condition: S2.11 - LE23 extinguished, or S2.56 - LE18 lit,
and S2.31 - LE13 extinguished.
5. DIG OUT S2.2, LE6 lit.
6. X62.10.
7. X69.10.
8. Activate solenoid valve top-lift (loading of hydraulic pump).
9. Signal out from ECU 2 via CAN bus to 791.
10. DIG OUT 791.2.31 to 6020
REF OUT 791.2.35 to 6020
11. 6020 opens for hydraulic feed to the side-shift cylinder. Side-
KL701-D shift left.
Side-shift right
1. Control lever switch T1 is used for side-shift right.
6021 2. 24 v to S42.16.
6020 3. X55.8.
4. DIG IN S2.09, LE17 lit.
Condition: S2.11 - LE23 extinguished, or S2.56 - LE18 lit,
and S2.31 - LE13 extinguished.
5. DIG OUT S2.2, LE6 lit.
6. X62.10.
7. X69.10.
8. Activate solenoid valve, top-lift (loading of hydraulic pump).
9. Signal out from ECU 2 via CAN bus to 791.
10. DIG OUT 791.2.30 to 6021
REF OUT 791.2.34 to 6021
11. 6021 opens for hydraulic feed to the side-shift cylinder. Side-
shift right.
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 54
6. T4 depressed.
7. Signal out to S42.19.
8. X55.9.
9. DIG IN S2.11, LE23 lit.
10. DIG OUT S2.2. LE6 lit.
11. X62.10
12. X69.10
13. Activate solenoid valve, top-lift (loading of hydraulic pump).
6019 14. Signal out from ECU 2 via CAN bus to 791.
6018 15. Conditions: Signal twist-locks released. Control: DIAGNOS
Or signal for bypass connection of safety system with S37
(DIG IN S2.58, LE 24 lit)
16. DIG UT 791.2.4 to 6018
REF UT 791.2.18 to 6018
17. 6018 opens for hydraulic feed to the cylinder, length adjust-
ment OUT begins.
Length adjustment IN
1. Control lever switches T1 + T4 are used.
2. T1 to the left.
3. Signal out to S42.14.
4. X55.7.
5. DIG IN S2.10, LE20 lit.
6. T4 depressed.
KL727-D 7. Signal out to S42.19.
8. X55.9.
9. DIG IN S2.11, LE23 lit.
10. DIG OUT S2.2. LE6 lit.
11. X62.10
12. X69.10
13. Activate solenoid valve, top-lift (loading of hydraulic pump).
14. Signal out from ECU 2 via CAN bus to 791.
15. Conditions: Signal twist-locks released. Control: DIAGNOS
Or signal for bypass connection of safety system with S37
(DIG IN S2.58, LE 24 lit)
16. DIG OUT 791.2.5 to 6019
REF OUT 791.2.19 to 6019
17. 6019 opens for hydraulic feed to the cylinder, length adjust-
ment IN begins.
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook Elservo Group 20 P. 55
S72 S4
768-12. Pressure sensor, feed line left See page 58 S24. Sensor, BOOM OUT
lift cylinder (page 41) S20. Sensor, steering axle overload S72. Relay box, relays for determina-
S21. Sensor, boom angle tion inner or outer boom position
See servo diagram (S) S22. Sensor, end position boom angle
S2. ECU2 S23a. Sensor, boom inner position
S4. ECS terminal S23b. Sensor, boom outer position
Module 50 Mechanical Overload Protection
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook 50 Mechanical Overload Protection Group 20 P. 57
Overload indicator
Regeneration operates on the LIFT and BOOM OUT functions
and is a system that leads return fluid from the piston sides of the
4 lift and extension cylinders directly back to the cylinder feed. The
system is activated at hydraulic pressures lower than 8.5 MPa
and considerably increases the piston speed by increasing the
flow of hydraulic fluid. More rapid boom movement can thereby
be achieved on an unloaded machine. The greatest load which
will still allow the regeneration system to be activated is, for ex-
1. Chassis ample, an empty container in the first row. With a greater load,
2. Angle-iron activator, activates sensor LIFT and BOOM OUT function as normal.
Play > 5 mm sensor breaks The regeneration starts with a time delay which is set in the SET-
3. Hinged linkage UP EL-SERVO menus, see Technical Handbook ECS SERVICE
4. Steering axle
S20. Inductive sensor for overload
End position damping
End position damping reduces the speed of LIFT/LOWER and
BOOM OUT/IN functions in order to reduce jolting at stop posi-
Sensors 22 for boom angle and 23a+b for boom extension are ac-
tivated before the end positions. The system feeds out less cur-
rent to the main valves which provide a reduced hydraulic flow
and thereby, a reduction in speed.
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook 50 Mechanical Overload Protection Group 20 P. 58
See servo diagram (S) See page 65 S71 Switch, height limitation
S2.ECU 2 S16 Angle sensor system by-pass
S4.ECS-terminal S17 Length sensor
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 2 02-03
Technical Handbook 60 Electronic Overload Protection Group 20 P. 63
S2 2 S
1. ECU 1
See servo diagram (S)
2. ECU 2
3. ECU 3
4. ECS terminal
Overload indicator
Under normal circumstances, the overload protection system
functions as a balance and gives a continual read-out of the size
and position of the load.
L-TP 4.22M = The distance between the front edge of the wheels
and the centre of gravity of the load.
23.5 T = Actual load in tons.
X = Load indicator, fills the display to the right for 0-100% loads.
When the load indicator reads full, the system interrupts opera-
Y X tion due to forward overload. There remains a safety margin of
approx. 33% (remaining counter-weight). The red warning lamp
lights continuously, the warning buzzer sounds continuously and
the LIFT, LOWER and BOOM OUT functions are interrupted. Of
these, it is possible to make a by-pass connection to the LOWER
function using the switch on the side of the hydraulic console in
Load the cab.
Area with 33% safety Load X, along the whole of the load curve corresponds to maxi-
remaining mum reading (100%) on the load indicator X (on the ECS termi-
nal display).
X Load curve
Steering axle overload
Y = Indicator for steering axle load, fills the display to the left for
95-100% of permitted load. When the indicator reads full, i.e.,
Distance with a load of 33 or 43 tons, depending on the type of machine,
centre of drive axle - centre of load
the red warning lamp on the ECS terminal blinks and the buzzer
sounds intermittently.
The regeneration function operates on the LIFT and BOOM OUT
functions and is a system that directs the return flow of hydraulic
fluid from the piston sides of the lift and extension cylinders, di-
rectly back to the cylinder feed. The system is activated at hy-
draulic pressures lower than 8.5 MPa and considerably increases
the piston speed by increasing the flow of hydraulic fluid. This
means that much more rapid movement is possible with the ma-
chine not under load. The greatest load that permits the regener-
ation system to be activated is, for example, an empty container
on the first row. With a greater load, the LIFT and BOOM OUT
functions operate normally.
The regeneration starts with a time delay which is set in the SET-
UP EL-SERVO menus, see Technical Handbook ECS SERVICE
S16 S17
S16. Angle sensor 768-10. Pressure sensor, feedline right lift cylinder
S17. Length sensor 768-11. Pressure sensor, returnline right lift cylinder
S18. Regeneration valve 768-12. Pressure sensor, feedline left lift cylinder
768-13. Pressure sensor, return left lift cylinder
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 3 02-03
Technical Handbook Functions Group 20 P. 66
ECU 3 Functions
ECU Signal Size LED Function
8 Digital IN 1 I/O LE14 Parking brake (Remote control)
9 Digital IN 2 I/O LE17
10 Digital IN 3 I/O LE20
11 Digital IN 4 I/O LE23
31 Digital IN 5 I/O LE13
32 Digital IN 6 I/O LE16 Cab movement, FORWARD
33 Digital IN 7 I/O LE19 Cab movement, BACK
34 Digital IN 8 I/O LE22 Cab movement, front and back end positions
55 Digital IN 9 I/O LE15
56 Digital IN 10 I/O LE18
57 Digital IN 11 I/O LE21 Remote control
58 Digital IN 12 I/O LE24 Support jacks, change load curve
2 Digital OUT 1 PNP I/O LE6
24 Digital OUT 2 PNP I/O LE10
25 Digital OUT 3 PNP I/O LE7
26 Digital OUT 4 PNP I/O LE8
48 Digital OUT 5 PNP I/O LE9
49 Digital OUT 6 PNP I/O LE11
50 Digital OUT 7 PNP I/O LE12 24 V feed to switch for support jacks
22 Digital OUT 1 PNP NPN
46 Digital OUT 2 PNP NPN
40 Analogue IN 1 0-10V
42 Analogue IN 2 0-10V Lever TILT P4
64 Analogue IN 3 0-10V
65 Analogue IN 4 0-10V
66 Analogue IN 5 0-10V
67 Analogue IN 6 0-10V
52 Analogue IN 7 0-10V
43 Analogue IN 1 0-23mA
63 Analogue IN 3 0-23mA
27 Analogue IN 1 0-196ohm
28 Analogue IN 2 0-196ohm
51 Analogue IN 3 0-196ohm
6 Analogue IN 1 70..120°C
7 Analogue IN 2 -20..120°C
30 Analogue IN 3 -20..120°C
53 Analogue IN 4 70..120°C
1 Analogue UT PWM PNP 1 LE5 TILT OUT
3 Analogue UT PWM PNP 2 LE3 TILT IN
4 Analogue UT PWM PNP 3 LE2
5 Analogue UT PWM PNP 4 LE4
47 Analogue UT PWM PNP/NPN 1 LE38 Cab movement, FORWARD
69 Analogue UT PWM PNP/NPN 2 LE36 Cab movement, BACK
35 Pulse sensor 1
59 Pulse sensor 2
60 Counter
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 3 02-03
Technical Handbook Circuit Board Group 20 P. 67
LE1 Should always be lit, indicates 5V feed to ECU3 LE39 Should be extinguished
from the voltage transformer LE40 indicates communication to the terminal and
LE29 Not used should blink.
LE30 Not used If it lights continuously or not at all, the program
will not start, i.e., something is wrong, for exam-
ple, the EPROM or power supply
Module 54 Tilt
1. 10V feed from S3.45 (ECU3) to connector S55.14
2. Via cable S33 to S42.3
3. Reference voltage 10V from ECU 3 S3.44 to connector
4. Via cable S33 to S42.1
5. Signal from D sub-contact S42.2 to S55.4
6. ANA IN 2 S3.42
Tilt - OUT
7. Control lever P4 is moved downwards
8. If ANA IN 2 is 5-10V supplies ANA OUT S3.1. LE5 lit
9. S59.1
10. Via S29.13 to top-lift E56.37
11. To E46.11. The attachment tilts outwards
P4 Tilt - IN
12. Control lever P4 is moved upwards
13. If ANA IN 2 is 0-5V supplies ANA OUT S3.3. LE3 lit
14. S59.2
15. Via S29.14 to top-lift E56.38
16. To E46.12. The attachment tilts inwards
ContChamp DRD-S ECU 3 02-03
Technical Handbook 56 Cab movement Group 20 P. 69
Technical Handbook
ContChamp DRD-S
7 7
2 4
56 Cab movement
6 6 (H37)
6.1-2 6.3-4
1. Hydraulic cylinder
2. Linkage system
3. Support jack
4. Bolt, fastening torque 2350 Nm
5. (oiled bolt)
6.1-2 Inductive sensor, support jacks up,
right and left
6.3-4 Inductive sensor, support jacks down,
right and left
Support jacks
Technical Handbook
ECU 3 ContChamp DRD-S
61 Support jacks
Support jacks
Group 20 P. 72
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Gear changing systems Group 20 P. 73
Cable colours
Svart = Black
Grå = Grey
Röd = Red
Blå = Blue
Gul = Yellow
Grön = Green
Brun = Brown
Vit = White
Rosa = Pink
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Gear changing systems Group 20 P. 74
KL 1564
Clark 36000/40000
Manual electrical gear-changing system
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Gear changing systems Group 20 P. 75
Cable colours
Svart = Black
Grå = Grey
Röd = Red
Blå = Blue
Gul = Yellow
Grön = Green
Brun = Brown
Vit = White
Rosa = Pink
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Gear changing systems Group 20 P. 76
Clark 36000/40000
Automatic electrical gear-changing
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Component Lists Group 20 P. 77
El-servo (S)
1. Central electrical unit
2. ECU2
3. ECU3
4. ECS terminal
5. PC connection (beside connectors under seat)
7. Main valve
5. BOOM IN 2
7. LOWER 2
8. LIFT 2
8. Buzzer connected to the warning lamp on the display
Continuous tone for forward overload
Intermittent tone for steering axle overload warning
9. CAN bus, beside ECU 2 under seat
10. Relays
1. Overload and red warning lamp
2, 3. Warning, overload steered axle
ECS Diagrams
The following pages contain the diagrams for the current circuits
in the ECS. Those diagrams that apply to a specific machine, are
combined in certain ways, depending on the modules with which
the machine is equipped. See the table below.
Module 01 = Automatic gear changing
Module 04 = Lever steering
Module 06 = Mini-steering
Module 07 = Monitoring
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Diagram explanations Group 20 P. 80
Cable markings
All cables are marked with a number for identifying the terminal
points as follows:
Cable Destination
271 (657)
From To
P = Pressure Block component
T = Temperature 27 657
η = Coolant level
o = Fuel level Connection 1
on block 27
If the cable has a connector strap, e.g., a common cable for supp-
lying several functions, a capital letter is added to the cable num-
V = ON/OFF ber.
G = Variable sensor
Cable Destination
103A (26.1)
From Connection 1
block 10 on block 26
Connection 3 To block 26
on block 10
ContChamp DRD-S 02-03
Technical Handbook Contents Group 30 P. 1
Group 30
Specifications ............................................................................ 2
Engine ....................................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
General............................................................................ 3
Cooling system................................................................ 5
Fuel system ..................................................................... 7
Lubrication system ........................................................ 10
Combusting air system.................................................. 12
Service ............................................................................... 14
Coolant quality............................................................... 14
Lubrication oil quality..................................................... 14
Draining the water from the fuel tank ............................ 14
Inspection of air cleaner and changing
the filter element............................................................ 14
Changing the oil and oil filter ........................................ 15
Checking V-belt tension ................................................ 15
Checking and adjusting the valve clearances ............... 16
Changing the fuel filters................................................. 16
Preventive maintenance on turbo-charger .................... 17
Maintenance of exhaust-gas cleaner ............................ 17
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 2
The engine TWD1031VE or TWD1231VE is a 6-cylinder, inline,
4-stroke diesel engine with overhead valves. The engine is turbo-
charged, i.e. combustion air is supplied under pressure. As a re-
sult, the quantity of fuel injected can be increased, which
increases the engine output. The turbocharger is driven by the
exhaust gases and uses energy that would otherwise be lost .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Fan hub
2. Twin fuel filters of throw-away 8 9 10 11 12
type 16
13 14 15
3. Lift eyelet
4. Gear driven coolant pump
5. Air cooled exhaust manifold
6. Turbo-charger
7. Lift eyelet
8. Coolant pipe, inlet
9. Pump coupling guard
10. Smoke limiter
11. Injection pump
12. Fuel pipes for tank
13. Relay for inlet manifold
14. Intercooler
15. Cable iron
16. Coolant pipe, outlet
17. Flywheel housing, SAE 1
18. Starter motor
19. Crankcase ventilation
20. Full-flow oil filters of
spin-on type
21. Oil cooler
22. Vibration damper
23. Automatic belt tensioner
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Fan hub
8 9 12 10 11
2. Twin fuel filters of throw-away
3. Lift eyelet
4. Gear driven coolant pump
5. Air cooled exhaust manifold
6. Turbo-charger 13 14 15 16
7. Lift eyelet
8. Coolant pipe, inlet
9. Pump coupling guard
10. Smoke limiter
11. Injection pump
12. Fuel pipes for tank
13. Relay for inlet manifold
14. Intercooler
15. Cable iron
16. Coolant pipe, outlet
17. Flywheel housing, SAE 1
18. Starter motor
19. Crankcase ventilation
20. Full-flow oil filters of
spin-on type
21. Oil cooler
22. Vibration damper
23. Automatic belt tensioner
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:
z Coolant pump
z Radiator
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler
z Gearbox oil cooler
1. Cooler
2. Coolant pump
3. Thermostat housing
4. Oil cooler
ContChamp DRD-S Engine 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 6
Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pump. This then
delivers fuel at high pressure to the injectors which supply the fuel
in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.
Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. Excess fuel flows through
the injection pump before returning to the tank, thus cooling the
fuel in the fuel chamber of the pump, which contributes to more
uniform distribution of the fuel to the various cylinders.
1. Fuel filter
2. Spill valve
3. Injector
4. Injection pump
5. Feed pump
6. Fuel tank
7. Suction strainer
Fuel filter
Injectors - each with a nozzle holder and a nozzle. When the fuel
pressure has risen to the preset value, the needle will lift and at-
omised fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber through
accurately calibrated holes in the nozzle sleeve .
ContChamp DRD-S Engine 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 9
Lubrication system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
pump in the oil sump. All lubricating oil flows through a double full-
flow filters.
The lubricating oil is cooled in an externally mounted tubular oil
cooler by the engine coolant.
The lubricating system includes the following main components:
Oil pump - of gear type, which draws oil through a coarse strainer
that arrests larger particles. The pump delivers oil through the lu-
bricating oil filters to the various passages of the lubricating sys-
Piston cooling - reduces substantially the piston temperature
which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.
Cooling is controlled by a piston cooling valve which shuts off the
cooling oil supply at low engine speeds. This ensures that the lu-
bricating oil flow will be a maximum when the engine is started
and when it is running at idling speed. The valve also restricts the
pressure of the piston cooling oil at high engine speeds, to make
more oil available for lubrication.
Piston cooling
1. Oil filter
2. By-pass valve
3. By-pass valve for oil cooler
4. Reducing valve
5. Oil cooler
6. Oil pump
7. Piston cooling valve
8. Oil under pressure to the lubrication
9. Oil under pressure for piston
Reducing valve - located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return
excess oil back to the sump.
Oil filter - of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter pa-
per. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a by-
pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open if
the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filters are of disposable type and
should be scrapped after use.
Crankcase ventilation - prevents pressurising of the crankcase
and collects fuel vapour, steam and other gaseous products of
combustion. Crankcase ventilation is provided by a pipe connect-
ed to the crankcase inspection cover on the right-hand side of the
engine, between the starter motor and the oil filter.
Lubrication system
ContChamp DRD-S Engine 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 12
1. Particle ejector
2. Air filter
3. Pressure drop indicator
Air cleaner
ContChamp DRD-S Engine 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 13
The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
from the engine.
In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply during combustion
so allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
ducing fuel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
creasing durability and reducing oil consumption.
Inlet manifold heater
Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows
across an electrically heated starting element. This has a high
1. Exhaust gases to the engine silencer rating of 3 kW and heats the intake air sufficiently for the engine
2. Exhaust gases from the engine to start at low ambient temperatures. The heater element is ener-
3. Air to the engine intercooler gised when the starting key is turned to the heating position. Suit-
4. Intake air from the air filter able preheating time is about 50 seconds.
ContChamp DRD-S Engine 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 14
Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-
N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system con-
tains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seriously im-
pairs the cooling capacity.
1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil.
2. Clean the area round the filters and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canisters, which are of dispos-
able type.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filters, wait until the oil
has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the filters
are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seals with oil.
6. Fit the new filters and tighten them - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at the filters.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.
Valve clearances
Engine TWD1031VE TWD1231VE
4. Check that the new filters are perfectly clean and that the
seals are in good condition.
5. Fit the new filter canisters and tighten them by hand until the
seal is in contact with the seating surface. Then tighten them
a further half a turn.
ContChamp DRD-S Engine 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 17
1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition, i.e.
Never run the engine with the air inlet that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are worn
or exhaust pipes disconnected from and that hose connections are not defective, which would al-
the turbocharger, since personnel low oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side and be
could then sustain injuries. entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high exhaust
gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine shaft
bearing. If corrective action is then not taken, the turbo-
charger may break down.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
IMPORTANT! 3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
Adjustments on the injection pump are vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
to be performed by authorized person- incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbocharg-
nel only. er speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine output.
4. Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventila-
tion. If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may
force oil into the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
6. Clean with high-pressured water (0.3 MPa max.) from the ex-
haust side.
Group 40
Transmission, drive axle,
Specification .............................................................................. 2
Transmission ............................................................................. 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Torque converter ............................................................. 3
Gearbox........................................................................... 3
Oil circuit.......................................................................... 5
Service ................................................................................. 6
Oil level check ................................................................. 6
Changing gearbox oil and filter........................................ 6
Checking pressures in the Clark 36000 gearbox ............ 7
Drive axle................................................................................... 8
Description ........................................................................... 8
WDB-system ................................................................. 11
Parking brake system.................................................... 12
Service ............................................................................... 13
Changing the drive-axle oil............................................ 13
Parking brake – initial adjustment ................................. 14
Compensation of lining wear ......................................... 14
Torque converter
The most important components of the torque converter are the
pump impeller, turbine wheel and stator. Engine power is trans-
IMPORTANT! mitted mechanically to the pump impeller. The impeller starts an
The machine must not be run at stall oil flow in the torque converter, and is comparable to a centrifugal
speed longer than 30 seconds at a time. pump which draws oil into the centre and discharges it at the pe-
The torque converter will otherwise riphery.
overheat, causing damage to the seals The turbine wheel is located opposite the pump impeller and is
and thus necessitating expensive over-
haul. connected to the torque converter output shaft. The oil enters the
turbine wheel at the periphery and is discharged at the centre.
The stator is located between the pump impeller and the turbine
wheel, at their inside diameter. The function of the stator is to
guide the flow of oil from the inside diameter of the turbine wheel
back to the inside diameter of the pump impeller in the best pos-
sible way.
Torque conversion takes place in the oil circuit of the torque con-
verter. When the load on the truck increases, i.e. when the torque
required increases, the turbine wheel slows down in relation to
the pump impeller, and the oil flowing through the stator then in-
creases the torque.
The output torque gradually increases as the speed of the output
shaft decreases and is a maximum when the output shaft and
thus also the turbine wheel are stationary, i.e. are stalled, see
Technical data.
The gearbox is of constant-mesh type. Gear-changing is carried
out by clutch plates for the various gears being hydraulically ac-
The valve body mounted on the side of the gearbox includes
spool valves which guide the oil flow to the various clutches. The
spools are activated in turn by solenoid valves. These are activat-
ed electrically by the gear selector in the cab. As an optional extra
an automatic gear changing system is available. See Group 20.
The gearbox has four ratios in each direction and is also provided
with disengagement, which is actuated by the brake pedal and
comes into operation at a certain brake pressure.
ContChamp DRD-S Transmission 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 4
1ST =
2ND =
3RD =
4TH =
1. Pump impeller
2. Turbine wheel
3. Stator
4. Charging pump
5. Suction tube
6. From engine
7. Clutch plates
Oil circuit
The function of the oil is:
– to transmit the engine output to the gearbox. The torque
converter can multiply the engine torque by up to three
times, but at the expense of the speed rotation.
– to apply the clutches in the gearbox.
– to dissipate the heat from the torque converter.
– to lubricate the gearbox and the torque converter.
– transport any solid particles to the filter.
When the engine is running, the oil pump draws oil through a suc-
tion strainer from the gearbox sump and then delivers it through
a fine filter to a pressure regulating valve.
The regulating valve delivers oil at the right pressure to the gear-
box valve body, which actuates the clutch plates for Forward/Re-
verse and 1st/2nd/3rd/4th. The clutches use only a small
proportion of oil delivered by the pump. The remainder is fed
through the torque converter circuit to the oil cooler, and returns
to the gearbox for lubrication.
1. Converter
2. Oil cooler
3. Converter safety valve
4. Lube manifold
5. Automatic clutch release valve
6. Suction from transmission sump
7. Filter
8. Clutch pressure regulating valve
9. For
10. Direction selector valve
11. Rev
12. Speed selector valve
13. Pump
In the event of gearbox damage, always replace the oil
cooler – the damage may have been caused by the oil
cooler being faulty.
1. Suction strainer
2. Drain plug
1. Converter "out"
2. Clutch pressure port
3. 4th clutch pressure port
4. Fwd clutch
5. Rev clutch
6. Low (1st) speed clutch pressure port
7. 3rd speed clutch pressure port
1. Planet holder
2. Insert axle with sun wheel
3. Planet wheel
4. Axle end
5. Ring wheel
6. Ring wheel hub
7. Wheel hub
ContChamp DRD-S Drive axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 10
1. Crown wheel
2. Radial roller bearing
3. Pinion
4. Tapered roller bearings for axial thrust
5. Parking brake assembly
6. Brake cylinder
7. Brake disc
Differential assembly
ContChamp DRD-S Drive axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 11
The wet disc brake system is maintenance free, being immune to
wear. Neither are the brakes prone to the fading which normally
occurs under tough operating conditions. Furthermore, adjust-
ment of the brakes is not required.
The brakes consist of a series of stationary and rotary discs ar-
ranged alternately. The stationary discs are anchored (splined) to
the brake housing. The friction discs fit between the stationary
discs and revolve with the wheel hub. Hydraulic pressure sup-
plied by the accumulator when the brake pedal is operated moves
a large hydraulic piston outwards which in turn pushes the discs
together to slow the rotation of the re-volving friction discs. This
slows the motion of each wheel hub and stops the vehicle.
The system is fully enclosed, thereby effectively excluding all dirt
and contamination.
A cooling circuit is provided to dissipate the heat produced when
braking. The cooling circuit uses fluid from the general hydraulic
system, which means that the total volume of hydraulic fluid in the
truck participates in the cooling process.
Wet-disc brake
ContChamp DRD-S Drive axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 12
Parking brake
ContChamp DRD-S Drive axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 13
To assure that the wheel ends of planetary axles with a
common wheel end/housing bowl oil level are initially
lubricated, fill each wheel end directly with oil before ve-
hicle is put back into operation. DO NOT FILL THE AXLE
1. Drive the truck forward until the oil drain plug on one of the
wheel hub reductions is at its lowest point of travel.
2. Remove the oil plug and drain the oil. Refit the plug.
3. Repeat the procedure on the other wheel.
4. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the differential and
drain the oil. Refit and tighten the drain plug.
5. Fill each reduction with fresh oil. The level indicator shall be
horizontal as shown on figure. Remove the filler plug and top
up with oil. Refit and tighten the filler plug Volume: See Spec-
6. Remove the level plug from the differential and fill the differen-
tial with oil. Refit and tighten the level plug. Volume: See spec-
7. Check that the oil level is up to the level holes. Top up as
WARNING! 1. Ensure that the spring cap (3) is fully engaged in the
housing (1).
After emergency braking the brake 2. Loosen the parking brake.
pads has to be checked and replaced if 3. Turn the nut (11) against the washer (12).
4. Apply the parking brake.
5. Turn the spring cap (3) until the total clearance between the
disc and the lining (2) is 0.5 mm.
6. Loosen the parking brake.
7. Back up the nut (11) and lock it with the pin (13). The brake is
now ready for operation.
Group 60
Steered axle
Specifications ............................................................................ 2
Steered axle .............................................................................. 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Service ................................................................................. 4
Replacement of steering cylinder .................................... 4
Replacement of knuckle pin bearings ............................. 4
Replacement of steering wheel bearings ........................ 6
Miscellanous.................................................................... 7
Inspection of dismountable rims...................................... 8
Safety test when changing tyres ................................... 10
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 60 P. 2
Tightening torques
1. Pivoted joint
2. Rubber element
3. Steering cradle
4. Upper bearing
5. Knuckle pin
6. Lower bearing
7. Steering cylinder
8. Wheel axle
9. Link lever
ContChamp DRD-S Steered axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 4
5. Fit the new cylinder and coat the mounting bolts with LOC-
6. Connect the piston rod ends to the link levers. Secure the pivot
spindles by means of the locking washers.
1. Jack up the steered wheel end of the truck and block it up in a
safe manner.
1. Steering cylinder
2. Remove the retaining ring from the steered wheel and remove
2. Locking washer the wheel.
3. Spindle A trolley with a rest for holding the wheel securely will be
4. Mounting bolt, lock with LOCTITE needed for handling purposes.
5. Steering cradle
3. Secure a sling around the hub neck and lift until the hub is held
in position.
Use a trolley, pallet truck or the like provided with a rest.
5. Release the tabs of the tab washer. Remove the upper bear-
ing nut and remove the tab washer and plain washer.
1. Pack the outer races of the bearings with grease and press
them into the steering cradle.
Note that these are taper bearings. Fit the inner races so that
the larger inside diameter faces outwards.
A round plate should be made for each bearing size for press-
ing in the races. A heavy hammer can then be used to ham-
mer the plate for driving in the race. Don’t hammer the
bearings directly since they may not enter straight and may
become jammed in the housing.
4. Make sure that the contact surface of the wheel axle is clean
and in proper contact with the knuckle pin.
Insert the knuckle pin, fit the spacer and lower bearing inner
race (packed with grease), and fit the bearing nut.
5. Fit the upper bearing inner race (packed with grease), the
plain washer and the tab washer in position. Grease the tab
washer to ensure that it will not be damaged by the bearing
6. Tighten the lower bearing nut, see Data, and secure it with a
split pin.
7. Tighten the upper bearing nut, see Data. Release the lifting
device as the nut is tightened to ensure that the lifting device
does not prevent tightening.
1. Jack up the steered wheel end of the truck and block it up in a
safe manner.
2. Remove the retaining ring from the steered wheel and remove
the wheel.
Note. A trolley with a rest for holding the wheel securely will be
needed for handling purposes.
5. Remove the tab washer, locknut and bearing nut. The plain
washer is loose.
6. Remove the hub off the wheel axle by means of the hand
truck. The inner race of the outer bearing will accompany the
7. Withdraw the inner race of the inner bearing from the wheel
1. Pack the outer races of the bearings with grease and press
them into the hub.
Note that these are taper bearings. Fit the inner races so that
the larger inside diameter faces outwards.
A round plate should be made for each bearing size for press-
ing in the races. A heavy hammer can then be used to ham-
mer the plate for driving in the race. Don’t hammer the
bearings directly since they may not enter straight and may
become jammed in the housing.
2. Press a new seal into the hub. Use a suitable round plate for
this purpose. Tapping the seal itself with a hammer will dam-
age it.
4. Tap the inner race of the inner bearing onto the wheel axle, us-
ing a suitable tube. Pack the inner race with grease.
5. Lift the hub onto the axle, fit the inner race of the outer bearing
position and pack it with grease.
6. Fit the plain washer and bearing nut with the flat surface facing
inwards. Tighten the bearing nut, see Data.
7. Fit the tab washer and locknut. Grease the tab washer to pre-
vent damage by the nut. Tighten the locknut and lock both the
bearing nut and the locknut with the tabs.
8. Pack the outer bearing with grease, pack the bearing cover
with grease and fit it into position. Top up with grease through
the grease nipple.
The steered wheel alignment is not adjustable. If the link levers
have been deformed so that the wheel alignment has been dis-
turbed, the link levers must be replaced.
1. Steering cylinder The orientation of the link levers must be correct, since they
2. Wheel axle will otherwise be damaged by the wheels when the steering
3. Link lever movements are large. The correct orientation of the levers is
shown in the figure.
ContChamp DRD-S Steered axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 8
5 4
1. Lock ring
2. Beadseat
3. 45° surface on the beadseat or loose flange
4. Lock ring groove
5. Rim bead
6. O-ring
7. Support ring
Inspection procedure
1. Dismantle the rim according to the standard procedures, see
also Safety instructions when working with tyres, group 00.
2. Carefully clean the outside of the rim beadrim bead by using
a wire brush.
3. The wear of the lock ring on the rim bead outside diameter can
produce a mark A. The mark is located between the ends of
the lock ring, see picture.
4. Measure the depth of the wear at this point using av straight
A edge and feeler gauge. If the wear exceeds 0,5 mm, the
wheel, the lock ring, and the beadseat or loose flange must be
discarded and replaced with new .
5. If a wear mark is not possible to find, measure the circumfer-
ence of the rim bead using a measuring tape.
6. Calculate the diameter D = Circumference/3.14
7. If the diameter is below the minimum specified, the wheel, the
lock ring and the beadseat or loose flange must be discarded.
Information on the minimum diameter of your rim bead can be
recieved from Kalmar.
ContChamp DRD-S Steered axle 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 10
Magnetic examination
1. Dismantle the loose componentes of the wheel
2. Clean area A on the the wheel totally for paint residue by us-
ing shot blasting.
3. Carry out magnetic examination by using e.g.:
Equipment: Yoke Tiede
Technique:a. Electricity AC
b. Contrast paint
Test medium:a. Wet
b. colour (E-G- Tiede ferrolux)
4. If no cracks are indicated in the magnetic examination, the test
is completed and the wheel approved. In case cracks are indi-
cated, carry out the penetrance test.
Penetrance test
1. Clean area B with cleaning fluid, part.no. 923626.0668.
2. Spray penetrance on the cleaned area and let the sprayed
area dry for approximately 10 minutes
Penetrance: Part no. 923626.0669
B 3. Clean off the penetrance by using cleaning fluid (Part.no.
923626.0668). All excessive penetrance should be removed.
4. Wipe off the cleaning fluid with a cloth, the remaining pene-
trance must evaporate.
5. Spray developer on the area B.
Developer: Part.no 923626.0670
6. Let the sprayed area dry for 1-2 hours.
7. Inspect the lock ring groove visually.
8. If the marked area B shows no linear or dot shaped cracks the
wheel is approved.
9. If the marked area B shows linear or dot shaped cracks, the
wheel must be rejected.
Group 70
Hydraulic system
Specifications .............................................................................2
Main hydraulics ..........................................................................3
Description ............................................................................3
Overview ..........................................................................3
Electro-hydraulic servo system, principles .......................3
Working hydraulics, feed..................................................4
Servo circuits..................................................................10
Lift ..................................................................................11
Boom extension .............................................................13
Service ................................................................................15
Hydraulic fluid.................................................................15
Hydraulic oil filter............................................................15
Breather filter..................................................................15
Hydraulic fluid filter for the servo hydraulics...................16
Hydraulic fluid filter for the brake cooling circuit.............16
Steering system........................................................................17
Description ..........................................................................17
Steering valve ................................................................18
Priority valve...................................................................20
Brake system............................................................................22
Description ..........................................................................22
Brake system ................................................................22
Cooling circuit.................................................................23
Main components of the brake system ..........................23
Brake system, feed ........................................................24
Hydraulic accumulators..................................................26
Accumulator charging valve ...........................................27
Hydraulic brake pedal ....................................................28
Parking brake .................................................................29
Parking brake valve........................................................29
Service ................................................................................30
Accumulators, checking the pre-charging pressure .......30
Hydraulic oil cooler.........................................................31
Adjusting the WDB brake system...................................33
Cab movement .........................................................................34
Tilt, attachment.........................................................................34
Hydraulic pumps.......................................................................35
Description ..........................................................................35
Variable axial piston pump .............................................35
Vane pump.....................................................................36
Service ................................................................................37
Setting the variable pumps.............................................37
Main valve ................................................................................39
Description ..........................................................................39
Service ................................................................................40
Hydraulic cylinders ...................................................................41
Service ................................................................................41
Repairs to leaking hydraulic cylinders............................41
Lifting cylinder ................................................................42
Telescoping cylinder, main boom...................................43
Damping cylinders, attachment......................................44
Hydraulic diagram, component list ......................................45
Hydraulic diagram, standard (H) ....................... A23056.0400
Hydraulic diagram, separate brake system tank (H)
..................................................................... A23056.0500
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2
The numbers in the text preceded by an H, for example, H13, re-
fer to the hydraulic system diagram. The numbering in the differ-
ent illustrations is common with the hydraulic system diagram.
The hydraulic system consists of the following sub-systems:
z Working hydraulics that include:
– Servo hydraulics that supply pressure to the electro-hy-
draulic servo system
– Extension and retraction of the boom
– Lift and lowering of the boom
z Attachment hydraulics (see group 80)
– Rotation of the yoke (hydraulic motor)
– Length adjustment of top-lift (hydraulic motor)
– Side-shift of top-lift
– Locking/release of twist-locks
z Foot brake system
– WDB system, hydraulically controlled, oil-cooled multiple
brake discs with external cooling
z Parking brake system, disk brake on the drive axle's ingoing
axle, spring activated with hydraulic release.
z Steering system
S2 S3
Numbering corresponds with the
hydraulic system diagram (H)
1. Hydraulic tank
14 15 2. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
3. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
13 16 47 5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
6. Non-return valve
7. High pressure filter
8. Steering system
12 10. Priority valve, STEERING, residual flow
11. Filter, servo circuit
11 13. Main valve
8 25 14. Converter, EXTENSION
15. Converter, LIFT
7 7 7 16. Main valve
21. Accumulator charge valve
22. Accumulator
21 29 23. Accumulator discharge valve
6 6 6 6 25. Valve for servo pressure
27 (Emergency lowering)
26. Filter, cooling circuit, brake system
41 27. Oil cooled brake discs
3 5 23
2 29. Service brake valve
34. Parking brake valve
1 41. Hydraulic oil cooler
KL1336-D 47. Main valve, attachment
(Hydraulic diagram, attachment)
For the following items,
see Electro-servo system (S)
S2 ECU 2
S3 ECU 3
S7.1-2 Converter LIFT
S7.3-4 Converter EXTENSION
S32 Control lever Hydraulic system, standard system, principal
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 5
Numbering corresponds with the
S2 S3 hydraulic system diagram (H)
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
14 15 SERVO
S7.3-4 S7.1-2 3. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT,
5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYS-
13 16 47 6. Non-return valve
7. High pressure filter
8. Steering system
10. Priority valve, STEERING, residual
22 34 flow to SERVO, MAIN VALVES
25 11. Filter, servo circuit
13. Main valve
11 14. Converter, EXTENSION
8 15. Converter, LIFT
10 41 29 16. Main valve
21. Accumulator charge valve
7 7 7 22. Accumulator
26 27
23. Accumulator discharge valve
25. Valve for servo pressure
45 (Emergency lowering)
6 6 6 6 26. Filter, cooling circuit, brake system
21 23
27. Oil cooled brake discs
29. Service brake valve
34. Parking brake valve
2 3 5 41. Hydraulic fluid cooler, brake system
43. Hydraulic fluid tank, brake system
1 43 44. Fixed hydraulic pump, cooling circuit
for working hydraulics
45. Hydraulic fluid cooler, working
For the following items, 47. Main valve, attachment
see Electro-servo system (S) (Hydraulic diagram, attachment)
S2 ECU 2
S3 ECU 3
S7.1-2 Converter LIFT
S7.3-4 Converter EXTENSION Hydraulic system, system with
S32 Control lever separate tank for brake system, principle
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 6
2a 2b
1 KL 1579
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Double, variable hydraulic pump, LIFT, EXTENSION, STEERING SYSTEM, SERVO
3. Double, variable hydraulic pump, LIFT, EXTENSION, TOP LIFT
4. -
5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
The hydraulic fluid in the separate tank for the brake sys-
tem must never contain any additives.
43 2a
2b 3a
KL 1563
3a 3b
2a 2b
10 6
A 7
3a 3b
2a 2b
10 6
A 7
40. Solenoid valve, disconnection of pump
H3b feed to LIFT and EXTENSION
during transportation Working hydraulics,
42. Solenoid valve, loading of pump H3b separate tank for
for feeding attachment brake system,
signal circuits
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 10
10a 15 22
1 16
1. Hydraulic tank
10a. Pressure regulator valve SERVO, 30-35 bar
11. Filter, servo circuit
13. Main valve
14. Converter, EXTENSION
15. Converter, LIFT
16. Main valve
22. Accumulator
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
Servo circuit
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 11
Both lift cylinders are, on the piston side, provided with valve
blocks (H17) which contain blocking valves.
When the lift cylinder is in the bottom position and the lift lever is
768-11,13 not touched, the blocking piston is held in the closed position by
spring pressure as well as by blocking pressure through the
solenoid valve. When lifting, hydraulic fluid is fed to the inlet VA,
the piston opens and releases fluid through port C+ to the lift cyl-
inder. Opening pressure is 2.5 bar.
The valve holds the load by means of fluid pressure from the lift
cylinder to port C+. The pressure is choked as blocking pressure
and presses the piston towards the closed position.
(S14)H17d The blocking valves prevent communication between lift cylin-
ders, which, in turn, prevents any twisting of the boom with
uneven loads.
The lift cylinders are connected in parallel and are fed from both
main valves with the combined capacity from the hydraulic sys-
tems four variable pumps.
13 17
Numbering corresponds with the
hydraulic system diagram (H)
1. Hydraulic tank
13. Main valve
16. Main valve
17. Valve block, lift cylinders
18. Lift cylinders
Lift system
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 12
D Draining to tank
C+ Feed to lift cylinder
C- Return from lift cylinder
e T Tank return
f VA Feed from pumps
f a c
e d
a a
Hydraulic fluid
The hydraulic-fluid tank is located on the right-hand side of the
Check the fluid level on the fluid sight-glass, with all hydraulic pis-
tons in the bottom positions.
Top up the hydraulic fluid as necessary. See the Specification for
the oil grades.
If the truck has an oil-cooled wet disc brake system, any hydraulic
oil used for topping-up should contain 6% of Lubrizol additive
which is necessary for good performance of the brake system.
The additive is not consumed during normal operation and must
only be added at oil change and refill. Lubrizol may be ordered
from Kalmar Service department.
Systems with separate tank for the brake system:
The hydraulic fluid for the brake system must never
contain any additives.
1. Clean the outside of the filter and the area around it.
2. Place a vessel under the filter to collect any spillage.
3. Empty the filter bowl by unscrewing the drain plug.
4. Unscrew the filter bowl.
5. Slide off the filter cartridge.
6. Replace the two O-rings between the filter head and the filter
The O-rings are included with the filter cartridge.
Moisten the O-rings with hydraulic fluid prior to fitting.
7. Remove the filter cartridge from its packaging and immedia-
tely fit it.
1. Filter head 8. Clean the filter bowl carefully and half fill it with hydraulic fluid.
2. By-pass valve, 7 bar opening pressure
3. O-ring 9. Screw back the filter bowl in position.
4. O-ring 10.Start the engine to purge the system of air, and check that the
5. Filter cartridge filter does not leak.
6. Filter bowl
7. Drain plug
Breather filters
IMPORTANT! Two breather filters on top of the hydraulic tank protect the hy-
The filter has an arrow on it indicating draulic liquid from impurities as air needs to enter and leave the
the direction of the flow. The filter must tank. The filters are of spin-on type.
therefore be fitted so that the arrow
points in the direction of the flow.
ContChamp DRD-S Main hydraulics 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 16
Steering system
The steering system is fed from hydraulic pump 2.
A priority valve ensures that the steering valve always has suffi-
cient fluid. The residual flow goes to the working hydraulics.
From the ORB2 connection on the priority valve there is always a
certain signal pressure in communication with the steering
valve's pressure connection. As soon as the steering wheel is
moved, this, via the steering cylinder circuit, will give a load signal
LS back to the priority valve (LSO-connection), which shifts posi-
tion and feeds out sufficient pump capacity to the steering valve.
The pressure in the steering system is determined by a relief
valve in the priority valve (10d).
1. Hydraulic tank
8. Steering valve ORBITROL
9. Steering cylinder
10. Priority valve
Steering system
ContChamp DRD-S Steering system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 18
Steering valve
The steering valve is of the closed-centre, non-reaction type with
a load signal connection to the priority valve. The load signal en-
sures load-dependent control of the flow from the priority valve to
the steering valve. The closed-centre feature means that the
valve shuts off the flow between the pump and the tank when the
valve is in the neutral position. This is necessary to enable a sig-
nal pressure to be connected to the steering valve.
The steering valve consists of a gear pump and a distribution
valve. When the steering valve is turned, fluid is supplied from the
steering pump across the gear pump to the distribution valve,
which ensures that the flow will be supplied to the port corre-
sponding to the direction in which the steering valve has been
turned. The gear pump ensures that the flow supplied to the cyl-
inder will be proportional to the angle through which the steering
wheel has been turned. If the flow from the steering pump should
cease, the steering valve will automatically perform as a manual
pump, i.e. some degree of emergency control will still be availa-
A valve block with built-in double shock and suction valves is con-
nected to the steering valve. The shock valves opening at 280
bar, prevent pressure surges caused by blows against the
steered wheels from being propagated to the steering valve. The
suction valves open to prevent vacuum on the opposite side of
the piston, which could lead to cavitation.
1. Steering valve
2. Valve block
3. Double shock valve with suction valve
4. Check valve
Steering valve
ContChamp DRD-S Steering system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 20
Priority valve
The priority valve apportions the flow of fluid from the pump H2
so that a sufficient flow always goes to the steering valve.
The priority valve is built into a valve block that also contains the
pressure regulator valve for the servo system.
Steering valve H8-LS is fed with a dynamic load signal, a flow of
2-3 l/min. continually circulates from the priority valve connection
H10-LSO to the control valve. When the steering wheel is turned
this flow is shut off and pressure builds up. The pressure acti-
vates pump H2 and resets priority valve H10c for feeding of the
steering valve H8 (P).
When the steering wheel is not turned, all the flow from the pump
goes to main valve of the working hydraulics, H13, with the ex-
ception of a minor flow that feeds the servo system via pressure
reduction valve H10a.
The pressure reduction valve H10d is adjustable and determines
the steering pressure.
Priority valve
ContChamp DRD-S Steering system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 21
g h b
H10.Priority valve
a. Pressure regulator valve SERVO, 30-35 bar
b. Valve, feed for working hydraulics
10 c. Priority valve, feed for steering system
d. Overflow valve, setting of steering pressure
e. Non-return valve
b f. Restriction
g. Restriction
h. Non-return valve
i. Shuttle valve
a h e BR ACC Connection, reserve servo pressure from
c P1 Feed, working hydraulics
ORB 1 Feed, steering valve, with lever steering
ORB 2 Feed, steering valve, with normal steering
LSO Connection, load signal from steering valve
f i LSP Connection, load signal cab movement valve
P Connection, pump pressure
d T Tank connection
P2 Feed, servo system, 30 bar
60CC Connection, load signal, pumps
80CC Connection, load signal main valves and pumps
Cooling circuit
When the accumulators are charged, oil is fed to the cooling oil
cavities in the drive axle. A by-pass valve between the supply and
return lines ensures that the cooling oil pressure will not exceed
1,5 bar, in order to protect the drive axle.
The feed is carefully cleaned through filters. The hydraulic fluid is
cooled by means of a fluid cooler. Machines with a separate tank
for the brake system have one hydraulic fluid cooler for the wor-
king hydraulics and one for the brake system.
1. Hydraulic tank
Alternative 43 for system with separate tank
5. Hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
21. Accumulator charging valve
22. Accumulators
23. Accumulator evacuation valve
24. Safety valve
26. Cooling circuit filter
The hydraulic system is connected to membrane type accumula-
tors which are pre-charged with nitrogen (100 bar). The mem-
brane is forced upward causing the pressure of the nitrogen in
increase as the accumulator becomes charged with hydraulic flu-
id. When the hydraulic system requires power from the accumu-
lator, the membrane presses fluid back into the system.
The accumulator is fitted at the top with a connection for testing
22 the pressure of the nitrogen, and for refilling nitrogen with the aid
of special filling equipment. Contact KALMAR spare parts.
Part. No. 923120–0542.
The pressurized fluid from the accumulator is utilized to power
the driving brake and parking brake systems.
A special valve (25) can be used to provide reserve servo pres-
sure to the working hydraulics.
An evacuating valve 23 is fitted between the accumulator and res-
KL591 ervoir. This valve shall be used to relieve the accumulator of pres-
sure before carrying out any work on the hydraulic syste m.
At the same time, the valve for reserve servo pressure (25)
25 24 23 should be opened.
22. Accumulator
23. Accumulator evacuation valve
24. Safety valve
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
1. Connection
2. Seal
3. Membrane
4. Safety plate
5. Steel bottle
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 27
1. To brake system
2. Accumulator
3. Charging pressure adjusting
4. Pilot valve
5. Main valve
6. Check valve
7. To cooling circuit
8. Tank connection
9. Accumulator connection
10. Pump connection
1. Brake line
2. Neutral position adjustment
3. To tank
4. From accumulator
Brake pedal
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 29
Parking brake
The parking brake consists of a disc brake with a brake cylinder
on the drive axle input shaft. The brake is applied by a heavy
spring in the brake cylinder.
The parking brake can also be used as an EMERGENCY
BRAKE. During emergency braking, the brake linings are sub-
jected to very heavy wear. The linings should therefore be
changed after any emergency braking operation.
The parking brake is released by hydraulic pressure being sup-
plied to the cylinder to counteract the spring force. All supply is
controlled by a manual valve which is open when the parking
brake is released.
When the parking brake is applied, the flow of oil to the brake cyl-
inder is interrupted and the oil in the cylinder is discharged to the
tank. The brake is then applied by the spring.
If the accumulator pressure should drop below 115 bar, the warn-
ing lamp low BRAKE PRESSURE will light up on the instrument
Parking brake valve
The parking brake valve is a direct-acting, three-way pressure-re-
ducing valve. The pressure output is continuously variable, al-
though for practical use in the parking brake system, the valve
can be regarded as an ON/OFF valve.
To prevent inadvertent application of the parking brake, the lever
is provided with a latch which must be raised before the lever can
be moved.
1. Hydraulic tank
21. Accumulator charge valve
29. Foot brake valve
30. Foot brake cylinder
32. Parking brake cylinder
Parking brake system
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 30
25 24 23
22. Accumulator
23. Accumulator evacuation valve
24. Safety valve
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 31
KL 1575
Machines with a separate tank for braking system have one hy-
draulic fluid cooler for the braking system and one for the working
hydraulics, see illustration below and hydraulics diagram..
KL 1573
Numbering in common with the hydraulics diagram
21. Accumulator charge valve
26. Filter, cooling circuit brake system
41. Hydraulic fluid cooler, brake system
44. Hydraulic pump, hydraulic fluid cooler
41 working hydraulics
45. Hydraulic fluid cooler, working hydraulics
KL 1572
ContChamp DRD-S Brake system 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 33
Cab movement
Cab movement is a hydraulic system that uses the flow from hy-
draulic pump 2. The start and stop of the cab's movement are
dampened, which is controlled by the ECS system. For further in-
formation see description in group 20.
The principle hydraulic system component is a variable control
valve (37) that feeds a hydraulic motor (38). The rotation of the
motor is transmitted to the cab via a chain.
Tilt, attachment (optional extra)
Trucks equipped with forward tilt are fitted with an additional sec-
tion to the cab movement control valve. The same feed as for cab
movement is used. For further information see the description in
group 20.
1 T
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Variable hydraulic pump
10. Valve block (priority valve)
13. Main valve
37. Control valve, cab movement
38. Hydraulic motor
T = Tilt cylinder
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic pumps 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 35
14 7 1 6 13 3 2 5 8 16 4 6
11 12 15
18 19
17 17
18 18
19 19
2 2
Vane pump
The pumps for ATTACHMENT (H4) and BRAKE SYSTEM (H5)
are of the vane type and driven from take-offs on the variable
pumps (H2 and H3).
These pumps consist of a pump casing and a pump unit, and are
1. Replaceable cartridge assembly, includes cam of simple design. A rotor in the pump unit comprises a number of
ring, rotor, vanes, pins and sideplates vanes fitted in radial slots. The rotor is driven by a shaft and ro-
2. Front and rear sideplates tates in a cam ring. The rotor vanes follow the profile of the cam
3. Ball bearing ring, and each vane performs two cycles – each comprising one
4. Front sideplate, is lamped axially by discharge suction stroke and one delivery stroke – per revolution. The fluid
pressure to reduce internal leakage flows radially through the pump unit.
5. Double shaft seal
6. Drain hole The vanes are forced outwards towards the cam ring by centrifu-
7. Vane, is urged outward at suction ramp by pin gal force and by thrust pins which are subjected to the same pres-
force and centrifugal force sure as the pump delivery pressure. This ensures that the vanes
8. Cam ring will always be in contact with the cam profile. An fluid film pre-
9. Suction ramp where unloaded ramp moves out vents the vanes from coming into metallic contact with the cam
10. Working vane on in or arc seals discharge pres- profile. In the same way, an fluid film prevents metallic contact
sure from the suction port with the side plates.
12. Discharge ramp where unloaded vane
moves in Since the vanes, ports and pressures are balanced diametrically,
13. Pin cavity is at a steady pressure slightly higher the net load on the rotor is pure torque caused by the pumping
than at discharge port action. Sturdy shaft bearings carry the forces caused by the
14. Lub side holes, lubricate the sideplate surfaces pump drive.
15. Pressure pins, force the vanes outward
16. Vanes
Vane pump
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic pumps 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 37
Main valve
The main valve is a load-sensing, pressure-compensated direc-
tional control valve of modular type. In the hydraulic system there
are two units, each one comprising:
z Inlet section
5 z Control section
z Combined control and outlet section
The inlet section is provided with a shunt valve and a main pres-
9 sure limiting valve.
4 The main pressure limiting valve is pilot-controlled and opens the
connection to the tank by moving the spool when the preset pres-
3 sure is reached.
2 The outlet section has a tank connection and connection for the
7 load-sensing signal.
The valve spools are spring-centered and controlled by hydraulic
servo pressure.
5 6
1. Shunt valve
2. Main pressure limiting valve
3. Control spool
4. Load signal valve
5. Tank connection
6. Supply from pump
7. Inlet section
8. Control section
9. Control/outlet section
10. Check valve
ContChamp DRD-S Main valve 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 40
Main valve
The main valves are of precision type and must be handled with
great care to safeguard their good performance. The following
rules apply to service work:
1. Sealing ring
2. Backing rings
3. Guide rings
4. Piston head
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic cylinders 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 42
Lifting cylinder
1. The lifting cylinder is provided with bearings at both ends. The
piston rod lug is threaded into the piston rod and locked with
2. The cylinder head and the cylinder tube are provided with
mounting flanges joint together with hexagon-headed
2 1. Lifting cylinder
6 2. Cylinder pipe
7 3. Bearing
8 4. Retaining ring
5. Piston rod
6. Seal kit
7. Guide
8. Piston seal
9. Guide
10. O-ring
11. Back-up ring
12. Piston rod seal
13. Wiper
14. Spacer
15. Cylinder head
6 5 16. Screw
10 17. Nut
11 18. Bracket
14 19. Grease nipple
16 9
12 9
4 18
Lifting cylinder
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic cylinders 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 43
1. Cylinder
2. Cylinder pipe
3. Piston rod pipe
4. Seal kit
5. Guide
6. Piston seal
7. Guide
16 8. O-ring
9. Piston rod seal
17 10. Wiper
11. Back-up ring
12. Cylinder head
13. Bolt
14. Bracket
15. Bolt
16. Bearing
3 17. Retaining ring
7 4
Telescoping cylinder
ContChamp DRD-S Hydraulic cylinders 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 44
9 5
Damping cylinder
ContChamp DRD-S Diagrams 02-03
Technical Handbook Component list Group 70 P. 45
1. Hydraulic tank
2. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT, EXTENSION, STEER-
3. Double variable hydraulic pump, LIFT, EXTENSION
4. Fixed hydraulic pump, ATTACHMENT
5. Fixed hydraulic pump, BRAKE SYSTEM
6. Check valve
7. High pressure filter
8. Steering valve ORBITROL
9. Steering cylinder
10. Priority valve, STEERING, residual flow to SERVO, MAIN
a. Pressure regulator valve SERVO, 30-35 bar
b. Valve, feed working hydraulics
c. Priority valve, feed steering system
d. Overflow valve, setting of steering pressure
11. Filter, servo circuit
12. –
13. Main valve
14. Converter, LIFT/LOWER
15. Converter, BOOM OUT/IN
16. Main valve
17. Valve block, left and right lift cylinders
a. Blocking valve
b. Solenoid valve, control of blocking valve
c. Shock valve, 280 bar
d. Solenoid valve, control of regeneration
e. Regeneration valve
18. Lift cylinder, left and right
19. Valve block at extension cylinder
a. Lowering brake valve with pressure compensated throttling
b. Solenoid valve, control of regeneration valve
c. Regeneration valve
20. Extension cylinder
21. Accumulator charge valve
22. Accumulator
23. Accumulator discharge valve
24. Safety valve 210 bar
25. Valve for reserve servo pressure
26. Filter, cooling circuit, brake system
27. Oil cooled brake discs
28. Non-return valve, 1.5 bar, safety valve for drive axle cooling
29. Service brake valve
30. Brake cylinder
31. Sensor, disengagement
32. Sensor, brake lights
33. Sensor, low brake pressure (accumulator pressure)
34. Parking brake valve
35. Sensor, indicator lamp parking brake ON and seat buzzer
36. Parking brake cylinder
37. Control valve, cab movement
38. Hydraulic motor, cab movement
39. Control valve Lever steering/Mini steering
40. Solenoid valve, disconnection of pump H3b when transport-
41. Hydraulic oil cooler
42. Solenoid valve, activation of pump H3b for feed to the top-lift
43. Separate tank for brake system
44. Fixed hydraulic pump for working hydraulics cooling circuit
45. Hydraulic fluid cooler for working hydraulics cooling circuit
ContChamp DRD-S 02-03
Technical Handbook Contents Group 80 P. 1
Group 80
Telescope-boom with
rotator, attachment
Specification .............................................................................. 2
Boom with rotator ..................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Telescope boom.............................................................. 3
Rotator............................................................................. 4
Damping/Forward tilt ....................................................... 5
Service ................................................................................. 6
Checking lubrication ........................................................ 6
Checking boom fixtures,
extension boom and fixed boom ..................................... 6
Checking the sliding plates.............................................. 6
Top lift........................................................................................ 8
Description ........................................................................... 8
Top-lift ............................................................................ 8
Twist-locks ................................................................... 10
24 V feed ....................................................................... 11
Service ............................................................................... 12
Indicating lamps ............................................................ 12
Alignment control........................................................... 12
Safety interlocking system............................................. 12
Checking of ALIGNMENT indicating lamps and
electrical interlocking system......................................... 12
Adjustment and lubrication of sliding plates .................. 13
Control of twist-lock lifting pins ...................................... 14
Inductive sensors .......................................................... 14
Chain adjustment .......................................................... 15
Bleeding the damping cylinders .................................... 16
Setting the resistance of the damping cylinders............ 16
Manoeuvre control valve, setting the pressure.............. 17
Hydraulic diagram, component list ..................................... 18
Hydraulic diagram, top lift without tilt ................. A40853.0100
Hydraulic diagram, top lift with tilt ...................... A40853.0200
ContChamp DRD-S Specifications 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 80 P. 2
Telescope boom
The telescope-boom of the ContChamp is made of highly resist-
ant steel of a very sturdy design. The number of welds has been
kept to a minimum to ensure the highest possible strength.
The boom comprises the following:
– Fixed boom
– Extension boom
– Extension cylinder.
The extension boom runs inside the fixed boom on greased slid-
ing plates made of Robalon. The extension boom is provided with
a mounting attachment for the rotator.
The fixed boom’s attachments are provided with bearings. Cables
and hydraulic hoses run on a trailer chain on the outside of the
1 2 49
1. Fixed boom
2. Extension boom
3. Rotator mounting
49. Damping cylinder
Telescope boom
ContChamp DRD-S Boom with rotator 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 4
The rotator consists of an upper and lower yoke, connected to
each other by a gear wheel and a powerful roller bearing, which
facilitates the rotation of the lower yoke in relation to the upper
The rotation function is described in greater detail in group 20,
under El-servo.
It is possible to rotate the attachment through +195°–105° with
the help of hydraulic motors, steered by the control lever. The ro-
tation brake prevents undesired rotation. When the hydraulic mo-
tors for rotation are activated by the control lever, servo pressure
is fed to the brake, which then releases and rotation can begin.
The over-centre valve (50) provides controlled rotation by pre-
venting the load from moving of its own momentum resulting in
faster rotation than that of the hydraulic motors.
KL 1552
ContChamp DRD-S Boom with rotator 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 5
Damping/Forward tilt
The suspension of the rotating yoke is equipped with two hydraul-
ic cylinders (49) the function of which is to dampen uncontrolled
swinging. The cylinders are filled with fluid that, when the yoke
moves, must pass a throttle-check valve (51), which determines
the degree of damping. The damping system is a passive system.
As an optional extra, a system is available with forced steering of
damping cylinders, known as Forward Tilt. The cylinders are then
fed from main valve section 47a, see hydraulic diagram, top lift.
Certain special handling operations require the ability to be able
to lock the forward tilt. The system is then equipped with stop val-
ves 59 (6012 on the top lift circuit diagram).
KL 1557
ContChamp DRD-S Boom with rotator 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 6
Checking lubrication
Check regularly that hoses and connections are undamaged.
Also check that the lubricant actually reaches the point of lubrica-
Checking boom fixtures, extension boom and
fixed boom
1. Check all parts for damage or wear. Check the sliding surfac-
es and sliding plates especially.
Checking the sliding plates
The sliding plates are positioned at the front of the inner surface
No service work on boom and of the fixed boom and at the rear of the outer surface of the ex-
attachment is allowed when tension boom. The sliding plates are so positioned that they ab-
the engine is running. sorb both vertical and lateral forces. The fixed boom has six
sliding plates at the front end. Each plate is fitted with a grease
nipple which is accessible from the outside. The extension boom
has four sliding plates at its rear end. These plates are also fitted
with a grease nipple, accessible from the inside. All sliding plates
are fitted with shims to ensure a perfect fit between the sliding
1 3 2
1. Fixed boom
2. Extension boom
3. Sliding plates
3 3
3 3
3 2 1 3
Position of sliding-plates
ContChamp DRD-S Boom with rotator 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 7
1. If the sliding plates are worn on one side, the boom will be ex-
posed to torsional stress. Therefore it is important to check the
plates regularly.
2. The maximum difference in thickness allowed is 2 mm. If this
value is exceeded, the plates have to be dismounted and
plained or replaced.
ContChamp DRD-S Top-lift 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 8
For a detailed function description, see group 20, El-servo.
The top-lift is adjustable for 20-40' containers and is constructed
of welded steel profiles that run within each other on sliding
plates made of Robalon. The top lift is controlled electro-hydrau-
lically from the operator's cab and has a main valve with three
TATION. See separate hydraulic diagram.
Extension is achieved via a hydraulic motor and two chains.
Two hydraulic cylinders provide 800 mm side-shift.
1 2 55 3
KL 1553
769 55
52 5
1. Chain, left
2. Chain tensioner, left
3. Chain, right
4. Chain tensioner, right
5. Sliding plates
48. Hydraulic motor
51. Hydraulic cylinder, SIDE-SHIFT
769. Sensor, end-position damping
Top lift
ContChamp DRD-S Top-lift 02-03
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 9
KL 1558
Twist locks
A spring loaded contact pin and an inductive sensor at each twist
lock are used to control and check the alignment. An electrical
locking system prevents twisting of the twist locks before they
7202/ have fully entered the container locking holes. When all four con-
tact pins are depressed, the ALIGNMENT lamp lights up on the
boom. Only then is it permissible to lock the twist-locks.
Locking and indicating the twist-lock position
On each side of the top-lift there is a locking cylinder that, via a
rod, turns the front and rear 90° in the containers locking hole.
Two inductive sensors on each side monitor whether the twist-
locks are locked or released. See illustration below. The activator,
3, activates the sensor at respective end positions. The distance
between activator and sensor at the end position should be 2-3
mm. Sensor 7205 activates the green TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
lamp which indicates that both sides of the top-lift are locked onto
the container which is thereby ready to be lifted. When lifting, the
ALIGNMENT lamp is extinguished, i.e., the alignment signal
ceases which prevents accidental release of the twist-locks dur-
ing lifting. The electrical locking device also prevents lifting if the
twist-locks are not released or turned 90° in the container’s lock-
ing hole.
7204 3 7205 54
2 1
1. Main switch
2. Main fuse
3. Coupling, at rear of boom
4. See electrical installation ECS boom, see group 20
24 V feed of top-lift
ContChamp DRD-S Top-lift 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 12
Indicating lamps
The top lift has a set of three indicating lamps for container han-
B. Orange middle: ALIGNMENT
(The lamp will be extinguished at lifted container)
Alignment control
A spring-loaded contact pin and an inductive sensor at each
twist-lock is used for alignment control. The top-lift is fully aligned
onto the container when all pins have been depressed and the
distance between each pin and sensor have decreased to 4–5
mm. Then the indicating lamp ALIGNMENT lights up and the
twist-locks are ready for locking.
Lamp panel
ContChamp DRD-S Top-lift 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 13
If any split or fracture is discovered then the lifting pin
must be immediately replaced.
Inductive sensors
The inductive sensors control the various functions of the con-
tainer attachments.
The sensors are of the type PNP – positive/negative/positive, the
last P indicating that the sensor produces a positive signal when
activated. The sensor is activated when a magnetic object gets
closer than approx 8 mm from the top of the sensor.
The sensor has two light diodes, one Green and one Yellow (or
Red), which can be used for checking of the sensor function.
Yellow – indicates 24 V plus and minus feed to the sensor
Green – minus signal from the sensor.
Inductive sensor
ContChamp DRD-S Top-lift 02-03
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 15
Chain, adjustment
15/16 17/18
1. The chain tension is controlled by two sets of plate springs
and adjusting nuts.
2. The chain play should be max 10-15 mm at retracted attach-
ment, when pressing with the thumb.
3. Adjust if needed with adjusting nuts. Lock with locknuts.
4. After 1–2 years or if the adjustment is fully utilized, remove a
link from the chain.
5. If the chain is slipping over the gear wheel, check the lubri-
cation, specially the fixed beam bottom surface, see section
Adjustment and lubrication of sliding plates.
Bleeding the damping cylinders
1. Set the boom in its lowest position.
2. Allow the engine to idle.
3. Carefully loosen the hose connection to one of the damping
cylinders until hydraulic fluid starts to leak out.
First air-free fluid will come from the connection and thereaf-
ter, fluid mixed with air. Re-tighten the connection once air-
free fluid again starts to flow.
4. Repeat this bleeding process for all four connections.
5. Run the boom up to its highest position and then down again.
6. Repeat the complete bleeding process once more.
1. The main pressure limitation valve (5) shall be set at the same
pressure as the overall system pressure, i.e., 250 bar.
1 2 3 4 2. The pressure of the manoeuvre sections shall be set sepa-
rately for each section. Adjust the adjustment screws (6)
The pressure shall be:
ROTATION, section 1: 150 bar
SIDE-SHIFT, section 2: 160 bar
B LENGTH ADJUSTMENT, section 3:120 bar
A TWIST-LOCKS, section 4: 250 bar
(overall system pressure)
5 6
5. Main pressure limitation valve
6. Adjustment screws, individual pressure
setting of manoeuvre sections
ContChamp DRD-S Top-lift 02-03
Technical Handbook Diagrams Group 80 P. 18
Group 90
Periodic supervision
General survey
To extend the service life of the truck and to prevent the risk of
faults causing injury to personnel or damage to equipment, the
truck must be subjected to regular periodic supervision.
3 4 5
1 24
6, 7
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 5
Item Description Interval No. of Remarks
No. operating hours lub.
200 600 1000 points
1 Boom mounting L 2
2 Slide plates, boom L Manually pump grease while the boom is
moved slowly outwards and inwards to its
end positions
3 Rotator mounting L 2
4 Tilt cylinders L 4
5 Rotator reduction gear x C xx 4 Check the level. Top up the red point on the
(Brake and planetary gear) sight glasses 2)
x) First oil change at warranty service
xx) Thereafter oil change every 1000 h
6 Rotator bearing L 4 2 nipples on each side
1 2 1
KL 1553a
b 4 4
KL 1553
4 4 5
KL 1555a
7 6 6 7
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 7
1 Sliding surfaces, length adjustment L Brush onto all sliding surfaces with the in
the fully extended position
2 Sliding surfaces, side-shift L Brush onto all sliding surfaces with the top-
lift fully side-shifted in both directions
3 Planetary gear C x 1 Level check, fill to the red spot on the
a. Venting/Topping up sight glass. Oil volume 2.4 litres.
x First oil change - guarantee service
b. Sight glass
x Then, oil change every 1000 hours
c. Magnetic plugg, oil drainage
4 Cylinders, side-shift L 4
5 Chains L 2
6 Locking cylinders, twist-locks L 4 Check that the sensors are free from
grease and that the sensor faces are
7 Lifting pin twist connection L x 4 Dismantle the twist-locks every 2000 h.
8 Lifting pin L x 4 Check for wear. If necessary, change
components accordingly. Clean and
pack with grease. Same procedure
should be used if damage to the twist-
locks is suspected. See group 80.
9 Contact pin L 4 Lubricate with grease
Check that the sensors are free from
grease and that the sensor faces are
L = Lubricate
C = Check
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 8
Coolant z Level z
Wheels z Damages z
Tyre pressure
1 MPa
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 9
2 Radiator Clean the fins of the radiator with Note! Do not usehigh-pressure.
water and detergent
10 Steered and driven wheels Tighten the wheel nuts. Inspect See Group 40 resp 60 Specifica-
tyres and rims for possible dam- tions
11 Drive axle and propeller shaft Tighten bolt joints. Check for See Group 40 Specifications
Always attend to any damage, wear or faults that are im-
portant to the performance of the truck
and its service life or the safety of the personnel.
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 10
5 Telescope boom and attachment Check that the hose guide runs
freely and that the hoses are in
good condition.
Always attend to any damage, wear or faults that are im-
portant to the performance of the truck
and its service life or the safety of the personnel.
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 11
7 Batteries Check.
Always attend to any damage, wear or faults that are im-
portant to the performance of the truck
and its service life or the safety of the personnel.
ContChamp DRD-S Periodic supervision 02-03
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 12
IMPORTANT! Use EP universal grease to NLGI Grade 2 with 3–5% molyb-
Any deviations from the above table must denum disulphide additive for all lubrication points, including
be supported by written approval from wheel bearings.
Kalmar Service. Grease for Plastic plates
Use grease recommended by Kalmar. Ordered from Kalmar’s
Spares department.
0,65 kg cartridge for grease gun Art. no 923110.0360
5 kg can Art. no 923595.0003
Coolant for air conditioning unit
ZXL100 Seltec PAG oil