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HMA Evaluation at Different Aggregate Gradations

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Evaluation of Malaysian hot-mix asphalt properties at different aggregate gradations

Article  in  Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences · July 2012


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7 authors, including:

Asmah Hamim Nur Mustakiza Zakaria

National University of Malaysia University of Nottingham


Nur Izzi Md. Yusoff Mohd Rosli Hainin

National University of Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(7): 9-14, 2012
ISSN 1991-8178

Evaluation of Malaysian Hot-Mix Asphalt Properties at Different Aggregate Gradations

Asmah Hamim, 1Suzielah Ahmad, Mustakiza Zakaria, 1Mohamed Ali Hamuda Abgulgadir, 1Nur Izzi
Md. Yusoff, 2Mohd. Rosli Hainin and 1Riza Atiq Abdullah OK Rahmat
Sustainable Urban Transport Research Centre Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering Faculty of
Engineering and Built Environment Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor Malaysia
Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Skudai, Johor Malaysia

Abstract: The properties of coarse and fine aggregates used in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures
significantly affect the performance of the highway pavements in which they are used. The selection of
aggregate gradation for use in HMA pavement is important to pavement performance. This study was
conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of aggregate gradation on HMA according to JKR
specification/1988 and JKR specification/rev. 2005. The laboratory tests carried out to determine the
properties of aggregates included sieve analysis, the Los Angeles Abrasion Test, Aggregate Impact
Value and Aggregate Crushing Value. A Resilient Modulus Test and Static Creep Test were also
carried out to determine the performance of HMA by using Materials Testing Apparatus. In general,
the aggregate gradation of Mixture 2, which follows JKR specification/rev. 2005, is better than the
aggregate gradation of Mixture 1, which follows JKR specification/1988.

Key words: hot-mix asphalt, aggregates, creep, Marshall Stability and Flow.


Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) is defined as a complex mixture composed of bituminous binders and mineral
aggregate. The bitumen, black or dark brown in colour, acts as an adhesive, gluing the aggregate into a dense
mass and waterproofing the aggregate particles. The mineral aggregate, when bound together, acts as a stone
framework to give strength and toughness to the composite system. HMA performance is affected by the
individual properties of both aggregate and bitumen and the interaction between them (Reubush, 1999).
HMA contains a significant amount of mineral aggregate, approximately 95% by weight and 85% by
volume (Liu and You, 2011). The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) defines aggregate as a
granular material of mineral composition such as sand, gravel, shell, slag, or crushed stone, with a cementing
medium to form mortar or concrete, or alone as in base course or railroad ballast. Aggregates for HMA are
usually classified by size as coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, or mineral fillers. ASTM also defines coarse
aggregates as particles retained on a No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve, fine aggregate as that passing through a No. 4 sieve
(4.75 mm) and mineral filler as material with at least 70 per cent passing through a No. 200 (75 µm) sieve
(ASTM, 2003).
Aggregate gradation is the most important property of HMA, as well as stiffness, stability, durability,
workability, fatigue resistance and resistance to moisture damage. Aggregate grading is the distribution of
particle size expressed as a percentage of the total weight. Grading is determined by passing the aggregate
through a series of sieves stacked with progressively smaller holes from top to bottom, and weighing the
material retained on each sieve. The gradation of an aggregate is normally expressed as the percentage passing
through various sieve sizes (Robert et al., 1996).
The large increase in the number of vehicles and the volume of heavy traffic on the roads has consequently
increased the tire pressure and axle loads imposed on the pavement structure. Hence, there is a need to enhance
asphalt pavement mixtures that may prone to rutting and cracking to withstand the increase in loading, mitigate
the adverse effects on pavement performance and reduce the occurrence of premature rutting. Therefore, the
selection of aggregate gradation for use in HMA pavement is important to pavement performance (White et al.,
2006). The proper gradation of aggregates is strongly affected by the mix properties such as air voids, stability
and resistance to permanent deformation.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of aggregate gradation on HMA according to
Malaysian Public Works Department specification; namely JKR specification (ACW14, 1988) and JKR
specification (ACW14, 2005). This study also aims to vary aggregate gradation in the HMA mixtures to
determine the effects on HMA criteria such as stability, density and strength. The laboratory tests carried out to
determine the properties of the aggregates included sieve analysis, the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (LAAT),
Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) and Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV). A Resilient Modulus Test and Static
Creep Test were also carried out to determine the performance of HMA by using Materials Testing Apparatus

Corresponding Author: Sustainable Urban Transport Research Centre Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering Faculty
of Engineering and Built Environment Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(7): 9-14, 2012

(MATTA). Samples were prepared by means of the Marshall Design method, in accordance with Malaysian
Public Work Department Specifications.

2. Experimental Design:
2.1 Bitumen:
Penetration grade 80/100 bitumen was used in this study, supplied from one source in order to ensure the
consistency of the original bitumen properties. Basically, this pen-grade bitumen has been used extensively for
bituminous pavement in Malaysia.

2.2 Aggregates:
In this study, two commonly used aggregates were prepared; namely fine and coarse aggregates. All testing
was conducted based on the “JKR Standard Specification for Road Works”. A sieve analysis was made of each
range, and then a quantity of aggregate of the selected blend was prepared into several sizes by the sieve
method. Other aggregate properties measured included the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (LAAT), Aggregate
Impact Value (AIV) and Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV). Details of the results are discussed in the following


3.1 Aggregate Mechanical Property Test:

Four different tests were conducted to determine the mechanical properties of the aggregates. All results
must be within the range of the JKR specifications.

3.1.1 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Aggregate:

This test is done to determine the aggregate absorption of the asphalt. Water absorption by the aggregate
can define the ability of the aggregate to absorb asphalt. Table 1 shows the results of the specific gravity and
absorption of the aggregates. The testing results show that the average value of specific gravity is 2.634 for both

Table 1: The Specify Gravity and Absorption of the Aggregates

Sample Weight of Weight of Saturated Absorption S.G.
Number sample in sample in Surface-Dry, (C-A)/A A/(C-B)
air (gm.) water (gm.) SSD (gm.)
1 1000 624.3 1005.1 0.51 2.63
2 1000 625.7 1004.2 0.42 2.64
Average 0.46 2.634

3.1.2 Sieve Analysis:

The gradation of an aggregate is normally expressed as the total percentage passing through various sieve
sizes. Tables 2 and 3 show the gradation of the aggregates for both mixtures. From the result, Mixture 1, mixed
according to JKR/1988, has 55% fine aggregate and 38% coarse aggregate of the total weight, while Mixture 2,
mixed according to the JKR/rev. 2005 specification, has 44% coarse aggregate and 55% fine aggregate. In
addition, Mixture 1 has a higher percentage of mineral filler than Mixture 2.

Table 2: The Gradation of the Aggregate for JKR/1988

Sieve No. Minimum Maximum Passing Retaining
20 100 100 100 0
14 80 95 87.5 12.5
10 68 90 79 8.5
5 52 72 62 17
3.35 45 62 53.5 8.5
1.18 30 45 37.5 16
0.425 17 30 23.5 14
0.15 7 16 11.5 12
0.075 4 10 7 4.5
Pan 0 0 0 7

Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(7): 9-14, 2012

Table 3: The Gradation of the Aggregate for JKR/rev. 2005

Sieve No. Minimum Maximum Passing Retaining
20 100 100 100 0
14 90 100 95 5
10 76 86 81 14
5 50 62 56 25
3.35 40 54 47 9
1.18 18 34 26 21
0.425 12 24 18 8
0.15 6 14 10 8
0.075 4 8 6 4
Pan 0 0 0 6

3.1.3 Los Angeles Abrasion Test:

The Los Angeles Abrasion Test is primarily a measure of the resistance of aggregate to degradation by
abrasion and impact. The average value obtained from this test is 21.4%, as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Values from the Los Angeles Abrasion Test

Specimen 1 2

Weight of aggregate
5000 5000
before test, A (gm.)

Weight of aggregate
3933 3927
after test, B (gm.)

Loss, X = A-B 1067 1073

% Loss = (X/A)*100% 21.34 21.46

Average Loss (%) 21.4

3.1.4 Aggregate Crushing Value Test:

The crushing value is the ability of the aggregate to withstand crushing due to loading. The higher the
crushing value, the greater the crushability of the aggregate. The average crushing value of the aggregates for
both mixtures is 25.56%. Table 5 shows the results of the aggregate crushing value.

Table 5: Aggregate Crushing Value

Specimen Initial Mass (A) Final Mass (B) ACV = (B/A)*100
1 2730 725 26.56
2 2728 670 24.56
Average (%) 25.56

3.1.5 Aggregate Impact Value Test:

The aggregate impact value test measures the resistance of aggregate subjected to sudden loading, such as
that inflicted by heavy vehicles. Table 6 shows that the average aggregate impact value for both mixtures is
10.18%, which is within the JKR specification.

Table 6: Impact Test Values

Weight of Weight of Aggregate
Sample No. AIV = (B/A)*100% Average AIV (%)
Aggregate, A Passing 2.36mm, B
1 650 65.7 10.12
2 645 66 10.23

3.1.6 Comparison with JKR Specifications:

The results obtained from the aggregate mechanical property test show that the aggregate is of good quality
according to the specified requirements used in this research. Also, the results show that all the physical
properties of the aggregate are suitable for the mix design. Table 7 shows a comparison between the JKR
specifications and the results obtained from the tests.

Table 7: Comparison between JKR Specifications and Obtained Results

JKR Specification, JKR Specification, Result
1988 2005 Obtained
Bulk Specific Gravity - - 2.634
Absorption, % 2 Max. 2 Max. 0.46
LA Abrasion, % 30 Max. 25 Max. 21.4
Aggregate Crushing Value, % 30 Max. 30 Max. 25.56
Aggregate Impact Value, % 30 Max. 30 Max. 10.18

Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(7): 9-14, 2012

3.2 Optimum Asphalt Content:

This stage was conducted by using MATTA apparatus and the Marshall Design method. The results of the
Marshall Design method are used to plot the required graphs to determine the optimum asphalt content in the
mix. The required graphs to determine the optimum asphalt content percentage are: 1) Bulk density vs asphalt
content; 2) Air voids (VTM) vs asphalt content; and 3) Resilient modulus vs asphalt content. The graphs for
bulk density, resilient modulus and voids in total mix (VTM) for Mixture 1 and Mixture 2 are given in Figure 1.
In these figures it can be seen that bulk density and voids decrease with an increasing percentage of asphalt. The
resilient modulus value of Mixture 1 is higher than the resilient modulus value of Mixture 2, at 580 MPa and
374 MPa respectively. This could be attributed to the higher asphalt content, mineral filler and coarse structure
of Mixture 1 compared to Mixture 2. The optimum asphalt content of Mixture 1 is 5.5% and for Mixture 2 is

3.3 Mix Performance Analysis:

A comparison of the two types of mixture was conducted in this stage. The static creep test and Marshall
Stability test were carried out to evaluate both types of mixture.

3.3.1Static Creep Test:

This test involves the application of a static load to the sample for a specified time and temperature, and the
subsequent deformation of the sample is then measured. The results of this test are shown in Table 8. For
Mixture 1, the value of the creep modulus is 29 MPa and the permanent strain is 7601 µ€, and the corresponding
values for Mixture 2 are 38.1 MPa and 6856 µ€. This shows that Mixture 2, permanent deformation occurred at
a lower strain. This also means that Mixture 2, which follows the JKR/rev. 2005 specification, would have the
best resistance to rutting in a road pavement. However, Mixture 1, which follows the JKR/1988 specification,
requires a higher strain for permanent deformation to occur compared to Mixture 2. This could be attributed to
the greater amount of mineral filler, the percentage of particular sizes of aggregate and the low mechanical
interaction between the asphalt and aggregate.

Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(7): 9-14, 2012

Fig. 1: Selection of optimum asphalt binder contents for Mixture 1 and Mixture 2

Table 8: Results of Static Creep Test for Both Mixtures

Creep Modulus Value (MPa)
Sample No.
Mixture 1 Mixture 2
1 39.68 44.9
2 18.36 31.3
Average 29.02 38.1

3.3.2 Marshall Stability Test:

Stability is the ability of the asphalt pavement mixture to resist deformation from imposed loads. Stability is
dependent upon both internal friction and cohesion. Frictional resistance increases with the gradation and
surface toughness of the aggregate particles. The results of the Marshall Stability test are showed in Table 9.
The Marshall Stability values for Mixture 1 and Mixture 2 are 14.15 kN and 15.32 kN respectively. This shows
that Mixture 2 has a higher value of Marshall Stability than Mixture 1, and the flow for Mixture 2 is also higher
than for Mixture 1.

Table 9: Marshall Stability Results for Both Mixtures

Marshall Stability Value
Sample No. Mixture 1 Mixture 2
Marshall Stability Flow Value Marshall Stability Flow Value
1 14.8 2.2 16.8 3.19
2 13.5 2.81 13.8 4.13
Average 14.15 2.5 15.32 3.66

Based on the analysis presented, the following conclusions can be made:

 The indirect tensile strength of Mixture 1 is higher than Mixture 2. This indicates that Mixture 1 has higher
values of resilient modulus at failure indirect tensile strength under a static load. This would further imply that
Mixture 1 appears to be capable of withstanding larger tensile strains prior to cracking (internal resistance).
 The Marshall Stability value of Mixture 2 is higher than Mixture 1. The reasons behind these results are that
the asphalt and dust content is higher in Mixture 1 than Mixture 2.
 For the static creep test, the results indicate that the value of permanent strain of Mixture 1 is higher than
Mixture 2. This could be attributed to the higher mineral filler content, the percentage of particle sizes of the
aggregate and the low mechanical interaction between the asphalt and the aggregate.
 In general, the aggregate gradation of Mixture 2, which follows JKR specification/rev. 2005, is better than
the aggregate gradation of Mixture 1, which follows JKR specification/1988. This could be due to the mineral
filler and particle size of the aggregate. In addition, the higher asphalt content of Mixture 1 provides a higher
resilient modulus and lower values of the Marshall Stability and creep modulus. Another reason could be that
there is too much asphalt cement in the mixture, causing a loss of internal friction between the aggregate
particles and the asphalt cement. This may lead to high permanent deformation.


American Society for Testing and Materials, 2003. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Volume 04.03, Road
and Paving Materials; Vehicle-Pavement Systems. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(7): 9-14, 2012

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