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Precolonial Period

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Precolonial Period

Filipinos often lose sight of the fact that the first period of the Philippine literary
history is the longest. Certain events from the nation’s history had forced lowland
Filipinos to begin counting the years of history from 1521, the first time written
records by Westerners referred to the archipelago later to be called “Las Islas
Filipinas”. However, the discovery of the “Tabon Man” in a cave in Palawan in
1962, has allowed us to stretch our prehistory as far as 50,000 years back. The
stages of that prehistory show how the early Filipinos grew in control over their
environment. Through the researches and writings about Philippine history, much
can be reliably inferred about precolonial Philippine literature from an analysis of
collected oral lore of Filipinos whose ancestors were able to preserve their
indigenous culture by living beyond the reach of Spanish colonial administrators.

The oral literature of the precolonial Filipinos bore the marks of the community.
The subject was invariably the common experience of the people constituting the
village-food-gathering, creature and objects of nature, work in the home, field,
forest or sea, caring for children, etc. This is evident in the most common forms
of oral literature like the riddle, the proverbs and the song, which always seem to
assume that the audience is familiar with the situations, activities and objects
mentioned in the course of expressing a thought or emotion. The language of
oral literature, unless the piece was part of the cultural heritage of the community
like the epic, was the language of daily life. At this phase of literary development,
any member of the community was a potential poet, singer or storyteller as long
as he knew the language and had been attentive to the conventions f the forms.

Thousands of maxims, proverbs, epigrams, and the like have been listed by
many different collectors and researchers from many dialects. Majority of these
reclaimed from oblivion com from the Tagalos, Cebuano, and Ilocano dialects.
And the bulk are rhyming couplets with verses of five, six seven, or eight
syllables, each line of the couplet having the same number of syllables. The
rhyming practice is still the same as today in the three dialects mentioned. A
good number of the proverbs is conjectured as part of longer poems with stanza
divisions, but only the lines expressive of a philosophy have remained
remembered in the oral tradition. Classified with the maxims and proverbs are
allegorical stanzas which abounded in all local literature. They contain homilies,
didactic material, and expressions of homespun philosophy, making them often
quoted by elders and headmen in talking to inferiors. They are rich in similes and
metaphors. These one stanza poems were called Tanaga and consisted usually
of four lines with seven syllables, all lines rhyming.
The most appreciated riddles of ancient Philippines are those that are rhymed
and having equal number of syllables in each line, making them classifiable
under the early poetry of this country. Riddles were existent in all languages and
dialects of the ancestors of the Filipinos and cover practically all of the
experiences of life in these times.

Almost all the important events in the life of the ancient peoples of this country
were connected with some religious observance and the rites and ceremonies
always some poetry recited, chanted, or sung. The lyrics of religious songs may
of course be classified as poetry also, although the rhythm and the rhyme may
not be the same.

Drama as a literary from had not yet begun to evolve among the early Filipinos.
Philippine theater at this stage consisted largely in its simplest form, of mimetic
dances imitating natural cycles and work activities. At its most sophisticated,
theater consisted of religious rituals presided over by a priest or priestess and
participated in by the community. The dances and ritual suggest that indigenous
drama had begun to evolve from attempts to control the environment. Philippine
drama would have taken the form of the dance-drama found in other Asian

Prose narratives in prehistoric Philippines consisted largely or myths, hero tales,

fables and legends. Their function was to explain natural phenomena, past
events, and contemporary beliefs in order to make the environment less
fearsome by making it more comprehensible and, in more instances, to make idle
hours less tedious by filling them with humor and fantasy. There is a great wealth
of mythical and legendary lore that belongs to this period, but preserved mostly
by word of mouth, with few written down by interested parties who happen upon

The most significant pieces of oral literature that may safely be presumed to have
originated in prehistoric times are folk epics. Epic poems of great proportions and
lengths abounded in all regions of the islands, each tribe usually having at least
one and some tribes possessing traditionally around five or six popular ones with
minor epics of unknown number.

Filipinos had a culture that linked them with the Malays in the Southeast Asia, a
culture with traces of Indian, Arabic, and, possibly Chinese influences. Their
epics, songs, short poems, tales, dances and rituals gave them a native Asian
perspective which served as a filtering device for the Western culture that the
colonizers brought over from Europe.
Ten Reasons Why Life Was Better In PreColonial Philippines

Let’s look at some of the compelling reasons why we think life was really better
during the pre-Spanish Philippines.

 Women Enjoyed Equal Status with Men.

During precolonial times, women shared equal footing with men in society. They
were allowed to divorce, own and inherit property, and even lead their respective
barangays or territories.

In matters of family, the women were for all intents and purposes the working
heads, possessing the power of the purse and the sole right to name their
children. They could dictate the terms of their marriage and even retain their
maiden names if they chose to do so.

During this time, people also traced their heritage to both their father and mother.
In fact, it could be said that precolonial Philippines was largely matriarchal, with
the opinions of women holding great weight in matters of politics and religion
(they also headed the rituals as the babaylans).

As a show of respect, men were even required to walk behind their wives. This
largely progressive society that elevated women to such a high pedestal took a
serious blow when the Spanish came. Eager to impose their patriarchal system,
the Spanish relegated women to the homes, demonized the babaylans as
satanic, and ingrained into our forefathers’ heads that women should be like
Maria Clara—demure, self-effacing, and powerless.

 Society Was More Tolerant Back Then.

While it could be said that our modern society is one of the most tolerant in the
world, we owe our open-mindedness not to the Americans and certainly not to
the Spanish, but to the precolonial Filipinos.

Aside from allowing divorce, women back then also had a say in how many
children they wanted. Sexuality was not as suppressed, and no premium was
given to virginity before marriage. Although polygamy was practiced, men were
expected to do so only if they could support and love each of his wives equally.
Homosexuals were also largely tolerated, seeing as how some of the babaylans
were actually men in drag.
Surprisingly, with the amount of sexual freedom, no prostitution existed during
the pre-colonial days. In fact, some literature suggests that the American
period—which heavily emphasized capitalism and profiteering—introduced
prostitution into the country on a massive scale.

 The People Enjoyed A Higher Standard Of Government.

The relationship of the ruler to his subjects was very simple back then: In return
for his protection, the people pay tribute and serve him both in times of war and

Going by the evidence, we could say that our ancestors already practiced an
early version of the Social Contract, a theory by prominent thinkers such as
Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau which espoused the
view that rulers owe their right to rule on the basis of the people’s consent.

Conversely, if the ruler became corrupt or incompetent, then the people had a
right to remove him. And that’s exactly the kind of government our ancestors had.
Although the datus technically came from the upper classes, he could be
removed from his position by the lower classes if they found him wanting of his
duties. Also, anyone (including women) could become the datu based on their
merits such as bravery, wisdom, and leadership ability.

 We Were Self-Sufficient.

In terms of food, our forefathers did not suffer from any lack thereof. Blessed with
such a resource-rich country, they had enough for themselves and their families.

Forests, rivers, and seas yielded plentiful supplies of meat, fish, and other
foodstuffs. Later on, their diet became more varied especially when they learned
to till the land using farming techniques that were quite advanced for their time.
The Banaue Rice Terraces is one such proof of our ancestors’ ingenuity.

What’s more, they already had an advanced concept of agrarian equity. Men and
women equally worked in the fields, and anyone could till public lands free of
charge. Also, since they had little-to-no concept of exploitation for profit, our
ancestors generally took care of the environment well.

Such was the abundance of foodstuffs that Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, the most-
successful Spanish colonizer of the islands, was said to have reported the
“abundance of rice, fowls, and wine, as well as great numbers of buffaloes, deer,
wild boar and goats” when he first arrived in Luzon.
 We Had Smoother Foreign Relations.

We’ve all been taught that before the Spanish galleon trade, the precolonial
Filipinos had already established trading and diplomatic relations with countries
as far away as the Middle East.

In lieu of cash, our ancestors exchanged precious minerals, manufactured

goods, etc. with Arabs, Indians, Chinese, and several other nationalities. During
this time period, many foreigners permanently settled here after marveling at the
beauty of the country and its people.

Out of the foreigners, it was the Chinese who were amazed at the precolonial
Filipinos the most, especially when it came to their extraordinary honesty.
Chinese traders often wrote about the Filipinos’ sincerity and said they were one
of their most trusted clientele since they did not steal their goods and always paid
their debts.

In fact, some Chinese—out of confidence—were known to simply leave their

items on the beaches to be picked up by the Filipinos and traded inland. When
they returned, the Filipinos would give them back their bartered items without
anything missing.

 Our Forefathers Already Possessed A Working Judicial And Legislative System.

Although not as advanced (or as complicated) as our own today, the fact that our
ancestors already possessed a working judicial and legislative system just goes
to show that they were well-versed in the concept of justice.

Life in precolonial Philippines was governed by a set of statutes, both unwritten

and written, and contained provisions with regards to civil and criminal laws.
Usually, it was the Datu and the village elders who promulgated such laws, which
were then announced and explained to the people by a town crier called the

The Datu and the elders also acted as de facto courts in case of disputes
between individuals of their village. In case of inter-barangay disputes, a local
board composed of elders from different barangays would usually act as an

Penalties for anyone found guilty of a crime include censures, fines,

imprisonment and death. Tortures and trials by ordeal during this time were also
common. Like we’ve said, the system was not perfect, but it worked.
 They Had The Know-how To Make Advanced Weapons.

A lantaka (rentaka in Malay), a type of bronze cannon mounted on merchant

vessels travelling the waterways of the Malay Archipelago. Its use was greatest
in precolonial Southeast Asia, especially in the Philippines, Malaysia, and
Indonesia. Via Wikipedia.

Our ancestors—far from being the archetypal spear-carrying, bahag-wearing

tribesmen we picture them to be—were very proficient in the art of war. Aside
from wielding swords and spears, they also knew how to make and fire guns and
cannons. Rajah Sulayman, in particular, was said to have owned a huge 17-feet-
long iron cannon.

Aside from the offensive weapons, our ancestors also knew how to construct
huge fortresses and body armor. The Moros living in the south for instance, often
wore armor that covered them head-to-toe. And yes, they also carried guns with

With all these weapons at their disposal and the fact that they were good hand-
to-hand combatants, you’d think that the Spanish would have had a harder time
colonizing the country. Sadly, the Spanish cleverly exploited the regionalist
tendencies of the precolonial Filipinos. This divide-and-conquer strategy would
be the major reason why the Spanish successfully controlled the country for
more than 300 years.

 Several Professions Already Existed.

Aside from being farmers, hunters, weapon-makers, and seafarers, the

precolonial Filipinos also dabbled—and excelled—in several other professions as

To name a few, many became involved in such professions as mining, textiles,

and smiting. Owing to the excellent craftsmanship of the Filipinos, locally-
produced items such as pots, jewelry, and clothing were highly-sought in other
countries. In fact, it is reported that products of Filipino origin might have even
reached as far away as ancient Egypt. Clearly, our ancestors were very skilled

 The Literacy Rate Was High.

Using the ancient system of writing called the baybayin, the precolonial Filipinos
educated themselves very well, so much so that when the Spanish finally arrived,
they were shocked to find out that the Filipinos possessed a literacy rate higher
than that of Madrid!

However, the high literacy rate also proved to be a double-edged sword for the
Filipinos once the Spanish arrived. Eager to evangelize and subjugate our
ancestors, the missionaries exploited the baybayin for their own ends, learning
and using it to translate their various works. Consequently, the precolonial
Filipinos became more easily susceptible to foreign influence.

 We Already Had An Advanced Civilization.

Contrary to foreign accounts, our ancestors were not just some backwards,
jungle-living savages. In reality, precolonial Philippines already possessed a very
advanced civilization way before the coming of the Spanish.

Our ancestors possessed a complex working society and a culture replete with
works of arts and literature. When the colonizers came, everything contradictory
to their own system had to go. Sculptures, texts, religious ceremonies, and
virtually anything else deemed obscene, evil or a threat to their rule were

Conclusively, we can only speculate what would have happened had our
ancestors never been colonized in the first place. Although the Spanish era (and
the American period by extension) did have their good points, would it have really
been worth it all in the end?

Precolonial Literature in the Philippines by one means or another gave us an
illustration from the past. It underscores on how our literature began in the
country which is the Philippines. From that point forward, we Filipinos do truly
have beautiful and awesome literature that we can some way or another be
pleased with. Philippines indeed, without a doubt a nation that is rich in custom
and tradition through having diverse characteristics. It was evident that each of
the tribes we have had their own specific manner of living which some way or
another make them stand-out from others. As what have aforementioned, their
folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives, indigenous rituals and mimetic dances
really affirmed our ties with our Southeast Asian neighbors. Even when their
lifestyle before was not the same as we have now, they really have these
techniques and ways on preserving their traditions for them to be able to pass it
from generation to another generation. The differing qualities and abundance of
Literature in the Philippines advanced next to each other with the nation’s history.
This can best be acknowledged in the sense that the nation’s precolonial cultural
traditions are very much abundant. Through these things, I can truly say that
Philippines is a home of diverse and unique culture, norms and tradition.

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