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Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology and Management (ICACTM)

In Association with Novateur Publications IJRPET-ISSN No: 2454-7875

ISBN No. 978-81-921768-9- 5
February, 23rd and 24th, 2018
Dept. Management Science, Dr.BabasahebAmbedkarMarathwada UniversitySawarakarMahavidyalaya
Aurangabad, Maharashtra Contact : 9370779589

Principal, Beed, Maharashtra
Contact: 9850815271,

ABSTRACT • Alfa rhythm. 8–12 Hz. Detected during relaxation,

This paper presents a study related to awareness about especially with eyes closed.
concepts of Electroencephalography (EEG) and it’s one • Beta rhythm. 12–30 Hz. Detected during active thinking
type of artifact i.e. Eye-Blink Artifact. This is one form of or high concentration.
Ocular Artifact. To study brain functioning and problems • Theta rhythm. 3–7.5 Hz. Correlates with drowsiness
if any, Neurologists uses Electroencephalography and agitation.
technique. But while recording brain signals, noise •Gama rhythm. 30 Hz or higher.[3]
(Artifact) gets induced and became part of EEG
recording. This creates problems for Nero Experts to
analyse and interpret it and hence it is necessary to
remove such artifact from recordings. Ocular artifact
related to Eye movement is in existence which may also
resemble to disordered pattern. One can detect and
remove this using Wavelet Function available.Sub
sampling and multi resolution analysis of signal is the
key idea for identifying typical trendy pattern of
required frequency band and nullifying their impact.
Discrete Wavelet Transform provides sufficient
information both for analysis and synthesis of the
original signal.
MODWT, IMODWT and MODWTMRA are the wavelet
functions used to localise required pattern and remove
from the signal. Fig 1: Brain waves
Purpose of the Electroencephalography
KEYWORDS: Electroencephalography, Artifact,  To identify and evaluate the cause of seizures
Ocular,Modwt, Imodwt, Modwtmra  To aid in the diagnosis of intracranial (within the
skull) lesions, such as an abscess or tumour.
INTRODUCTION  To evaluate brain wave activity in people with
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a valuable measure of brain or spinal cord infections (such as
the brain’s electrical function. Electrodes are placed on meningitis or encephalitis); head injury; and
the head i.e. scalp surface.Underlying electrical activity psychiatric conditions
of brain structure is carried by conductive material.Such  To diagnose a stroke and determine the extent of
activities are recorded in the form of graphics which is damage that has occurred
actually difference in voltages from two sites of the  To diagnose Alzheimer's disease, certain
brain.[1] EEG displays the continuous and changing psychoses, a sleep disorder called narcolepsy,
voltage fields as per the different locationson the scalp. and other disorders that influence brain activity
Thus EEG has capability to display both normal and  To monitor brain wave activity during surgery
abnormal electrical activity of the brain. Hence it has  To help evaluate sleep disorders
profound application in the field of Neurology and  To diagnose a coma
Clinical Neurology.  To confirm brain death[1]
Brain Waves :Brain wavesare commonly sinusoidal.  EEG can also be used in intensive care units for
Normally they are measured from peak to peak and brain function monitoring:
ranges from 0.5 to 100 microvolts in amplitude.[2] 1. To monitor for non-convulsive
The frequency of brain waves can differ based on the seizures/non-convulsive status
state of the person being monitored. These brain waves epileptics
are categorized into 5 brain rhythms based on their 2. To monitor the effect of
frequency. sedative/anaesthesia in patients in
•Delta rhythm. 3.5 Hz or lower. Detected during deep medically induced coma (for treatment

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Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology and Management (ICACTM)
In Association with Novateur Publications IJRPET-ISSN No: 2454-7875
ISBN No. 978-81-921768-9- 5
February, 23rd and 24th, 2018
of refractory seizures or increased
intracranial pressure)
3. To monitor for secondary brain damage
in conditions such as subarachnoid
haemorrhage (currently a research


The electrical signals of brain activities are
weak, so real EEG is susceptible to various non-neural
physiological unwanted signals. Such noises are termed
as Artifact in Neuroscience. The most severe
artifactincludes eye movement (Electrooculography Fig 2: EOG types[6]
(EOG)) and muscle movement (Electromyography
(EMG)) artifact. These undesired signals can complicate WAVELET ANALYSIS
EEG data or can be misread as the physiological Wavelets are used in analyzing the
phenomena of interest. Thus, eliminating the effects of signalaccording to scale.It provides the time-frequency
artifact and extracting the most relevant information representation.Wavelet algorithms are capable to
from brain activities are key challenges for researchers. process data at differentscale or resolution. For studying
EEG interpretation procedure needs to know or find out signal with its gross features, it is needed to look at a
characteristics of the artifact that differ from those of the signal with a large a window. Similarly, for small and
signal of interest, i.e., signals generated by activity in the minute features, we look at asignal with a small window.
brain. A few such possibilities are as follows:[4] The wavelet analysis procedure is to adopt a wavelet
 The artifact known to be in a limited frequency prototype function, called an analyzingwavelet or mother
range can be removed by frequency filtering. wavelet. Temporal analysis is performed with a
 The artifact of discrete frequencies can be contracted, high-frequency versionof the prototype
removed by notch filtering. (50 Hz or its wavelet, while frequency analysis is performed with a
harmonics) dilated, low-frequency versionof the same wavelet.
 The artifact limited to certain time slot, e.g. Eye Because the original signal or function can be
Blink (Ocular) can be removed by observation represented in terms of a wavelet expansion (using
and removal of particular time slot where the coefficients in a linear combination of the wavelet
artifact appears. functions), data operations canbe performed using just
the corresponding wavelet coefficients.[7]
Noiseless clean EEG data will help to interpret and Discrete Wavelet Transform uses filters of
diagnose the disorder in a faster way with minimized different cut off frequencies which are used to analyse
time and efforts. the signal at different scales. The signal is passed
through a series of high pass filters to analyse the high
OCULAR ARTIFACT frequencies, and it is passed through a series of low pass
filters to analyse the low frequencies. DWT employs two
The human eye generates an electrical dipole sets of functions, called scaling functions and wavelet
caused by a positive cornea and negative retina. Eye functions, which are associated with low pass and
movement and blink change the dipole causing an highpass filters, respectively. The decomposition of the
electrical signal known as an EOG. The shape of the EOG signal into different frequency bands is simply obtained
waveform depends on the direction of eye movement. A by successive highpass and lowpass filtering of the time
fraction of EOG spread across thescalp and is super domain signal. We can also analyse the image at different
imposed on EEG. Voltage changes generated by eye frequency bands, and reconstruct the original image by
movements and blinks produce large electrical potential using only the coefficients that are of a particular band.
around the eyes known as Electrooculogram (EOG). The resolution of the signal, which is a measure of the
Electrooculogram (EOG) is a non-cortical activity that amount of detail information in the signal, is changed by
spread across the scalp and contaminates EEG. Ocular the filtering operations, and the scale is changed by
Artifact is a collective term used to describe number of upsampling and downsampling operations. Subsampling
contaminating voltage potentials caused by eye a signal corresponds to reducing the sampling rate, or
movement and blinks.[5] removing some of the samples of the signal. [8]


Data used is ‘eyeblink-256.mat’ file. This file
includes Eye blink EEG Recording from eight electrodes
for thirty seconds. Sampling rate is 256 Hz. Electrode
position used are FP1, FP2, C3, C4, O1, O2, vEOG,
hEOGand correspond respective to the columns of Data
Matrix. For e.g.(:,1) gives recording for Channel FP1.

100 | P a g e
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology and Management (ICACTM)
In Association with Novateur Publications IJRPET-ISSN No: 2454-7875
ISBN No. 978-81-921768-9- 5
February, 23rd and 24th, 2018
Eye blinks are represented by Low Frequency channel data. One function was customised to visualise
signal (<4 Hz) with high amplitude. It is mainly located data with required trend to be analysed.
on the front electrodes with low propagation.[9]

FIG 5: EEG with trend

This short slot of signal was decomposed into
six bands using MODWT (Maximum Overlap Discrete
Wavelet transform). Sixth level decomposition gives
trend of frequency range up to 4 Hz. Output of MODWT
contains seven rows. First six rows contain wavelet
Fig 3: Eye Blink Signal detailed coefficients and seventh row is approximation
In the above figure it is easy to manually trace eye blink
artifact or trendy pattern in the particular electrode. CONCLUSION
Trend detection in signal is an important pre-processing Electroencephalography (EEG) Signal contains
step. variety of artifact. In the said paper, only one type of
Wavelet finds useful application in detecting ocular artifact (Eye Blink) is considered. Basically
such trendy pattern and hence can be used in Ocular artifact from the same source have particular trend
artifact detection. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is which can be located and detected using Wavelet. This
used to localize the trend information. Then it gives experiment can be extended further for other types of
coefficients corresponding to particular frequency band Ocular artifact such as Eye Roll, Raising Eyebrows, which
of interest. In this case Eye Blink artifact is below four also needs to be detected and removed. Further it can be
hertz. When DWT is applied, it split up the Input signal considered for other artifact, removal of which will
into Low Frequency (LP) and High Frequency (HF) sub provide much cleaner EEG data. Such noiseless EEG data
bands, which are known as Approximation and Detailed will be used by Neuro Experts to study it in effective and
Sub Bands respectively. For subsequent levels, faster way.
Approximation Sub band is again split into Sub bands,
yielding narrower subband. REFERENCES
1) William O. Tatum, IV, “Handbook of EEG
2) M.Teplan,“Fundamentals of EEG Measurement,”
Measurement Science Review , vol.2
3) K Vijayalakshmi ,Appaji M Abhishek ,”Spike
Detection in Epileptic Patients EEG Data using
Template Matching Technique”, International
Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 2
4) SudhakarMarella, “ EEGArtifacts”
5) Ajayhakkumar, ” Research perspective in
biomedical signal processing”
Fig 4: DWT[10]
6) An Introduction to Wavelets -Amara Graps
7) Wavelet Tutorial RobiPolikar
In the used datasampling frequency is 256 Hz , so it
8) NamrathaDcruz, “ Removal of Artifacts in EEG by
needed to use DWT up to six levels. This will yield 5-8 Hz
Averaging and Adaptive Algorithms”
as Detailed Coefficients and 0-4 Hz as Approximation
9) ECE 501 Dr. Hang, ‘One Stage Filtering:
Coefficients. To remove trend set approximation
Approximation and Details Discrete Wavelet
coefficient obtained in the last level to Zero and then
reconstruct the signal using Inverse maximal overlap
discrete wavelet transform (imodwt) Function.

When data is loaded in Matlab, it is originally
with eight channels. So it is first converted to FP1

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