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Proceedings of

In Association with “The Institution of Engineers (India)” and IJRPET
February 12th, 2016



Solwat Kimyanand Bharat

Abstract- in past few years, lot of research is performed in both industries and academics into the development of CDMA. In DS-SS CDMA
multiple signal channels occupy the same frequency band being distinguished by the use of different spreading codes. Digital cellular
telephone system and personal communication system uses CDMA communication. In this project direct sequence spread spectrum
principle based code division multiple access (CDMA) transmitter and receiver is implemented in VHDL for FPGA. The transmitter module
mainly consists of data generator, programmable chip sequence generator (PN sequence generator), direct digital frequency synthesizer
(DDFS), BPSK modulator blocks. The receiver modular mainly consists of BPSK demodulator, programmable chip sequence generator (PN
sequence generator), matched filters, threshold detector blocks. Modelsim Altera 13.1 tool will be used for functional and logic verification
at each block. The Xilinx synthesis technology of Xilinx ISE 9.2i tool will be used for synthesis of transmitter and receiver on FPGA
Spartan 3E. A transmitter and Receiver components have been designed individually using Bottom-up approach. The designs then are
combined and defined by component declaration and port mapping. This project concentrates on application of VHDL simulation and FPGA
compiler to Wireless Data components.

Index Terms- DS-SS, BPSK modulator and demodulator, DSSS, FPGA, PN sequence generator.

I. INTRODUCTION cost-sensitive consumer electronic applications. The five-

member family offers densities ranging from 100,000 to 1.6
Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS- million system gates. Because of their exceptionally low
CDMA) technique allows improved privacy and cost, Spartan -3E FPGAs are ideally suited to a wide range
security, increased capacity. Also it is spectrally of consumer electronics applications, including access,
efficient and high quality digital cellular system. VHDL home networking, display/projection, and digital television
implementation of DS-CDMA transmitter and receiver equipment.
has been proposed in this project.
This project implements DS-CDMA transmitter and
receiver through VHDL. Every mobile handset and every Multiple Access method allows many simultaneous users to
wireless base station operates on the same frequency use the same fixed bandwidth frequency spectrum. For
spectrum .For the discrimination of one conversation from mobile phone systems the total bandwidth is typically 50
the other, every handset broadcast a unique code sequence MHz, which is split in half to provide the forward and
is called as pseudo noise code. Here pseudo noise code is reverse links of the system. Sharing of the spectrum is
generated by using two six bit LFSRs. Code signal is called required in order to increase the user capacity of any
as chip signal. The chips modulated by the carrier using a wireless network. FDMA, TDMA and CDMA are the three
digital modulation technique BPSK. The carrier is major methods of sharing the available bandwidth to
generated using discrete digital frequency synthesizer. multiple users in wireless system. Among these multiple
access techniques CDMA provides less interfered and more
CDMA base stations must be able to discriminate this different secured type communication hence is more important. A.
code sequences in order to distinguish one transmission from Frequency Division Multiple Access
other. This discrimination is accomplished by means of a In Frequency Division Multiple Access available
matched filter. A matched filter is a filter whose frequency bandwidth is subdivided into a number of narrower band
spectrum is exactly designed to match the frequency spectrum channels. Each user gets a unique frequency band for
of the input signal. Here matched filter generating the pseudo transmitting and reception. During a call, no other user
noise code, generated noise code is correlated with the received can use the same frequency band. Each user is allocated
code and detecting original data. a forward link channel (from the base station to the
mobile phone) and a reverse channel (back to the base
In the recent years the CDMA on FPGA platform has station), each being a single way link. The transmitted
attracted attention of academic research and industry. The signal on each of the channels is continuous allowing
Spartan TM-3E family of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays analog transmissions. The channel bandwidth used in
(FPGAs) is specifically broadband designed to meet the most FDMA systems is typically low (30 kHz) and
needs of high volume, channel only support a single user.

Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, V.V.P.I.E.T, Solapur

Proceedings of
In Association with “The Institution of Engineers (India)” and IJRPET
February 12th, 2016

CDMA: direct sequence (DS)

A. Frequency hopping spread spectrum
The signal is broadcasted over a random series of radio
frequencies, hopping from one frequency to another
frequency at fixed intervals a receiver, hopping between
frequencies in synchronization with the transmitter picks
up the message.
B. Direct sequence spread spectrum
DS-CDMA is achieved by spreading the data signal by a
pseudo random noise sequence (PN code), which has a chip
Fig. 1 FDMA
rate higher than the bit rate of the data. The PN code
B. Time Division Multiple Access sequence is a sequence of ones and zeros (called chips),
which alternate in a random fashion. The PN code used to
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) divides the
spread the data can be of two main types. A short PN code
available spectrum into multiple time slots, by giving
(typically 10-128 chips in length) can be used to modulate
each user a time slot in which they can transmit or
each data bit. The short PN code is then repeated for every
receive TDMA systems Transmit data in a buffer and
data bit allowing for quick and simple synchronization of
burst method, thus the transmission of each channel is
the receiver. Alternatively a long PN code can be used. In
non-continuous. The input data to be transmitted is
DS-CDMA the spreaded signal is modulated by a RF
buffered over the previous frame and burst transmitted at
carrier. For the modulation, various modulation techniques
a higher rate during the time slot for the channel. TDMA
can be used, but usually some form of phase shift keying
cannot send an analog signal directly due to the
buffering required, thus is only used for transmitting. (PSK) like binary phase shift keying (BPSK), differential
binary phase shift keying (D-BPSK), quadrature phase shift
C. Code Division Multiple Access keying (QPSK), or minimum shift keying (MSK) is
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a spread employed.
spectrum technique that uses neither frequency channels
nor time slots. With CDMA, the narrow band message
(typically digitized voice data) is multiplied by a large
bandwidth signal that is a pseudo random noise code
(PN code). All users in a CDMA system use the same
frequency band and transmit simultaneously. The
transmitted signal is recovered by correlating the
received signal with the PN code used by the transmitter.

Fig. 3 Direct sequence signals

CDMA technology was originally developed by the
military during World War II. Researchers were In DS-CDMA the data signal is directly modulated by
spurred into looking at ways of communicating that a digital, discrete time, discrete valued code signal
would be secure and work in the presence of from this direct multiplication that the direct sequence
jamming. Some of the properties that have made CDMA gets its name.
CDMA useful are:
Anti-jam and interference rejection AND IMPLEMENTATION
Information security
Accurate Ranging A. Specifications
1. Type of PN Sequence: Gold Code
2. LFSR Size: Two 7 bit LFSRs in case of
Gold Sequence
3. PN Sequence Length: 127 in case of gold sequence
4. Maximum no. of communication Links: 63 in case
of gold sequence
5. Type of Correlator: Matched Filter.
Fig. 2 Types of Multiple Access Schemes. 6. Type of Signal Synthesis: LUT based direct
digital frequency
8. Type of demodulation: Coherent BPSK
Based on the modulation method the CDMA demodulation
technique can be classified into three categories. B. Synthesis
CDMA: frequency hopping (FH) 9. Phase Resolution in DDFS : 5.625

Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, V.V.P.I.E.T, Solapur

Proceedings of
In Association with “The Institution of Engineers (India)” and IJRPET
February 12th, 2016

10. Threshold Type adjustable: Constant Threshold

11. Front end Design Entry : VHDL
12. Backed Synthesis : Xilinx Spartan III FPGA
13. Tools used while developing, testing,
implementing and programming the CDMA
transmitter and receiver blocks. Simulation -
Modelsim ALTERA 13.1 Edition Synthesis - Xilinx
Synthesis Technology (XST) of Xilinx ISE
C. CDMA Transmitter
In CDMA transmission user data is spreaded by a PN
sequence and then modulated using BPSK
modulation where in the carrier is generated using
digital frequency synthesizer principle .Then the
modulated signals from different users are combined
and transmitted.

Fig.6. the flow chart of the PN generator

gold codes.

Fig.4. Block diagram of multiple user CDMA transmitters

The main blocks of CDMA transmitter are listed


1) Clock distributor
2) PN sequence generator
3) Signal spreader
4) BPSK modulator

Fig.5 Block diagram of CDMA transmitter.

A. Clock Distributer
The clock distributor derives different clock signals
from master clock, which are required for Spread
spectrum signal generation.

B. PN Sequence Generation
PN sequence generator is the important block of DS-
CDMA communication system. The PN sequence generator
can be implemented using LFSRs to generate several types
of PN sequences. Two types of PN sequence generators
implemented in this project. They are ML sequences and
Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, V.V.P.I.E.T, Solapur

Proceedings of
In Association with “The Institution of Engineers (India)” and IJRPET
February 12th, 2016

bit is “0”. For this we use XOR gate controlled inverter

LFSR based maximal length sequence produce the action. The spreaded chip signal is used for modulation
maximum possible length sequence. For n bit size shift by BPSK modulator.
registers the PN sequence length will be 2n-1 bit. Here 6
bit LFSR is implemented. Length of ml sequence E. BPSK Modulator
generated is 63.Number of communication links that can The BPSK modulator produces the band pass spread
be supported is 63. spectrum signal which is suitable for transmission
from the spreaded signal. The BPSK modulator is
C. Gold Sequence Generator implemented using pure digital architecture. The
Length of gold sequence generated is 127 Number of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis (DDFS) technique
communication links supported is a 63.Correlation property with phase shifting provision is used for the signal
of gold sequences is better than ml sequences and hence generation.
they are more preferred.
D. Signal Spreader The CDMA receiver gets its input from the transmitter
The function of signal spreader is to generate PN section and recovers the data using matched filter. The
sequence when the information bit is “1”. and generate matched filter can distinguish the PN sequence and the
the complement of the PN sequence if the information passes the data to the respective user

Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, V.V.P.I.E.T, Solapur

Proceedings of
In Association with “The Institution of Engineers (India)” and IJRPET
February 12th, 2016

H. Matched filter
Matched filter based correlator is used for receiving
the DS-CDMA signals. The correlator accepts the 128
demodulator outputs and multiplies with 128 length
PN sequence which is a sequence of +1 and -1. The
outputs of multipliers are accumulated to produce the
correlator output. The magnitude of the correlator
output peaks whenever exact match occurs between
the PN sequence and BPSK demodulator outputs. The
Fig.7: Block diagram of CDMA Receiver output of the matched filter is given to the threshold
detector, for detecting the information bits.
The receiver performs the following steps to extract I. Threshold detector
the Information: The threshold detector compares the magnitude of the
Demodulation correlator output with the threshold value. If the
Accumulation magnitude of the correlator output is higher than the
Scaling threshold value, then it raises a flag indicating that one
Serial to parallel conversion Multiplying and bit is detected. If the sign of the correlator output is
dispreading Threshold device positive, then it will be interpreted as “1”. Otherwise it
A. BPSK demodulator
will be declared as “0”. The detected information bit.
BPSK demodulator receives the DS-CDMA signals.
The BPSK demodulator produce 15 (-7 to 7) digital
words, unlike in conventional BPSK demodulator V. RESULT
which produces only two symbols (“1” and “0”). This
A. Simulation Result
is necessary due to the low power spectral density of
DS-CDMA signals and it is only possible to detect the
information bits after correlation.
B. Multiplier
Multiplies the incoming signal with the LO output.
The multiplication is performed in 2s complement and
the 15 bit result is given to the accumulator.
C. Local oscillator
The Local oscillator produces 6 bit signed bits
representing the COS signal. The same principle
DDFS which is used in transmitter is used in the
D. Accumulator
Functions as integrator in the analog equivalent. The
accumulator accumulates the outputs of multiplier for
one symbol duration and outputs at the beginning of
next symbol.
E. Scaling device
The scaling device accepts the output of accumulator
and scales its value to 4 bit signed number range, i.e., Fig.8.Simulation Result for Transmitter.
-7 to +7. This is done in order to reduce the complexity
at the correlator and even at the hardware
implementation level.

F. Serial to parallel converter

The serial to parallel converter accepts the outputs of
the BPSK demodulator and produces parallel vector
with an array of 128 words. This parallel 128 words
constitute the most recent 128 outputs of the BPSK
demodulator. This becomes input to the correlator.

G. PN sequence generator
In the receiver side the complete PN sequence is
required every time for correlating with the outputs of
BPSK demodulator it is provided as a parallel vector.
Also “1” of PN sequence is provided as +1 and “0” is
provided as -1, which is the required form for
correlator. Fig.9. Simulation result for Cdma System.

Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, V.V.P.I.E.T, Solapur

Proceedings of
In Association with “The Institution of Engineers (India)” and IJRPET
February 12th, 2016

any communication links. System developed is

implemented with 127 gold code sequence;
Implementation with variable length sequence can
also be done. The developed DS CDMA system
provides efficient area utilization on FPGA. This is
obtained by implementing scaling process in receiver

This project can be further extended to implement

multiple transmitters and receiver’s system .It can be
implemented with different modulation techniques and a
comparative analysis can also be made. Various
techniques can also be implemented to improve the
multipath interference effect. The concept can be
extended to design the Global Positioning System which
is CDMA system. Frequency hopping spread spectrum
Fig.10.RTL schematic of CDMA system technique can also be implemented and compared.


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Organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, V.V.P.I.E.T, Solapur

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