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Analysis and Simulation of EEG Brain Signal Data Using Matlab

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Chapter 4

Analysis and simulation of EEG Brain Signal Data using


Electroencephalogram (EEG) remains a brain signal processing technique that

let gaining the appreciative of the difficult internal machines of the brain and irregular
brain waves ensures to be connected through articular brain disorders. The analysis of
brain waves shows a significant part in the diagnosis of dissimilar brain syndromes.
MATLAB delivers a cooperative graphical user interface (GUI) letting users to
openly and interactively route their high density EEG dataset then additional brain
signal information dissimilar methods like independent component analysis (ICA) and
time/frequency analysis (TFA). In addition to fixed averaging methods. The research
work resolve display dissimilar brain signals through associating, analysing then
simulating datasets which is before encumbered in the MATLAB software to practice
the EEG signals. The human brain is one of the greatest composite structures in the
creation. Currently many technologies are to record brain waves then
electroencephalography (EEG) remains one of them. This remains one of the brain
signals processing technique that permits attainment the thoughtful of the difficult
internal mechanisms of the brain and abnormal brain waves have shown to be
associated with particular brain disorders.


Creusere et al (2012), “Assessment of subjective brain wave form quality from

EEG brain replies via time space frequency analysis”, page 2704-2708. Theories give
details herein and research work is the problem of quantifying changes in the
perceived quality of signals by directly measuring the brain wave responses of human
subjects using EEG technique. Ideas taken on from this research work are that has
preferred an approach constructed on time space frequency analysis of EEG wave
form set for detecting different brain disorders.

Jutgla et al (2012)” Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease from EEG by means of

synchrony measures in optimized frequency bands”, page 4266-4267. Theories give
details herein research work is the EEG is considered as a promising diagnostic tool
for analysing brain disorders symptoms because of its non-invasive safe and easy to
use properties. EEG has the potential to complement or replace some of the current
tradition diagnostic techniques. Ideas taken from this research work are EEG datasets
of the patients with different brain disorders symptoms have been collected to
diagnosis the seizures symptoms related to the patients.

Sosa et al (2011) reported in theories give details herein research work is the
operational procedures of EEGLAB and efficiency of EEG signal processing for
students and professionals to perform and analysis of the EEG signals. Its use as a
starting point for the comparison of different brain signal processing algorithms. Ideas
taken from this research work are Capabilities of EEGLAB for diagnosis purpose and
basic explanation of the working procedure of that tool for signal processing such as –
loading the dataset, plotting techniques to get the proper result, etc.

Bhattacharya et al (2011) theories give details herein research work Presented

the information about EEGLAB software for Brain-computer interface (BCI) is an
emerging technology which aims to convey people's intentions to the outside world
directly from their thoughts. Ideas taken from this research work are the Feature
learning of EEG to the classification among frequencies in tribunals and within
recording locations. Methods to allow users to remove data channels, artifacts by
accepting or rejecting visually.

Michalopolous et al (2011) reported that the Characterization of evoked and

induced activity in EEG and assessment of intertrail variability”, page 978-988.
Theories give details herein research work is the brain reply to an internal or external
experience is poised through the superposition of suggested and persuaded brain
activity which reproduces dissimilar brain mechanisms involved. Caminiti (2010)
reported that the identification of different brain activities through EEG assessment
procedure. Ideas taken from this research work are identifying brain activities for
diagnostic purposes and provide useful tools for brain computer interfaces through
insight on the activation of different brain channels

Ye Yuan (2010) theories give details herein research work; EEG dataset is
collected after analysing the entire length of the EEG recording the patient frequently
for long time to detect traces of different human brain activities. Ideas taken from this
research work are change of the structure of different brain activities during seizures
is observed by the change of embedding dimension of EEG signals if the human brain
is considered as a nonlinear dynamic system.

Duque Grajales J.E., Múnera Perafán A., Trujillo Cano D., Urrego Higuita
D.A., Hernández Valdivieso A.M.(2009),” System for Processing and Simulation of
Brain Signals”, Page 340-345. Theories give details herein research work has
presented the methodology used to develop a system useful in the simulation of brain
signals. It has been described in detail the procedure in the modelling of EEG signals
and insight brain signals recorded during surgical procedures. Ideas taken from this
research work are processing and simulation of brain signals from different signal
processing models which allows going deep into the study of brain function during
sleeping and pathological situations and facilitated the assessment of the effect of
different drugs in different brain disorders.


Signal processing is the supporting technology for the generation, conversion,

also understanding of data. On dissimilar phases of period, human brain responds
contrarily. All these brain signals castoff for several purposes so that it is conceivable
to train the functionalities of brain suitably by creating, converting and interpreting
the collected signal. This progression is acknowledged as brain signal processing.

4.3.1 Brain Waves and EEG

The study of brain waves shows a significant part in the analysis of dissimilar
brain disorders. Brain is fabricated of billions of brain cells named neurons, which use
electricity to interconnect with each other. Wallace et al (2012) reported that the
permutation of millions of neurons distributing the signals simultaneously to create an
massive volume of electrical movement in the brain, can be perceived by consuming
complex medical tools such as an EEG which processes electrical levels over areas of
the scalp. Michalopolous et al (2011) reported that the electroencephalogram (EEG)
recording is a suitable tool for learning the functional state of the brain and for

analysing certain syndromes. The mixture of electrical movement of the brain is
usually called a brainwave pattern because of its wave-like nature.

4.3.2 Overview of EEG Signals

EEG signals contain more relevant information about brain disorders and
different types of artifacts. Signals in the form of dataset are already loaded to the tool
so that it will be using those signals to plot the data and visualization of the time-
frequency domain plots which can be displayed all together. Basically the work will
be monitoring the EEG signals according to the placement of electrodes which are
called montages. After that the research work will observe the EEG signals to
recognize and eliminate different disease related artifacts. Then unwanted signal will
be subtracted by differential amplifier. Finally the work will proceed for the signal
filtering based on the different types of brainwave frequencies to diagnosis and
simulate variety of brain disorders by using MATLAB.

Figure 4.1 Overview of the EEG Signal Processing Technique


4.4.1 Study of Existing EEG Hardware Techniques

Steps involved in the existing techniques: the electrodes are placed on the
brain by wires and electrical activities of the brain are recorded in a computer. It will
display the movement as a sequence of wavy lines drained as an image on the
computer screen. Patients need to lie down and close their eyes during the recording.
The recording might be motionless since there should be time to permit the patient for
widening and repositioning. Different things will be done by the patient during the
test to record the brain activity at that time. Such as taking breathe deeply and rapidly
for few minutes and looking at a bright, flashing light for checking the stimulation.
After recording the brain activities like the above mentioned process brain disorder
symptoms will be detected.

4.4.2. Requirement Analysis Functional Requirements

This research technique will provide the solution for the patients who will be
able to see their brainwaves while using this software called MATLAB; and then 2.
User will be able to see the data related to the processed brainwave signal. There are
different research techniques and features are defined as follows: EEG montages:
Montage means the location of the electrodes. EEG can also be examined with a
bipolar montage or a referential one. Bipolar means to use two electrodes on the scalp
on all the sides and reference electrode for one side of the brain. The referential
montage means only having a common reference electrode in both the side of the
brain. Channels: The electrical activity of the brain is conducted by wires from the
scalp and electrodes are placed by using EEG machine. The inputs to the hardware
EEG machine are then used to combine a montage, which is an exact organization or
array of electrodes that show the EEG signal. Sensitivity: Amplitude is the magnitude
of the EEG activity which is measured in microvolts (µV). It is determined by
measuring the brainwave deflection in millimetres (mm) at specified machine
sensitivity (µV /mm). Filtering: Low- pass filtering is used for smoothening the
brainwaves and high-pass filtering is used for sharpening the brainwaves in order to
make the signals more clearly to the viewer. Frequency Sweeping: Sweeping basically
reduces the complexity towards analysing the brainwaves for EEG signal processing.
It is possible for the new user and can also use these techniques and features with the
data through MATLAB for brain signal processing and other purposes. Non-Functional Requirements

There are two non-functional requirements used in this research work first one
is the performance analysis for the MATLAB software tool which is efficient in
analysing and processing the signals in a proper way so it will be easier for the user to
observe the signals properly. Then the second one is the reliability checking tool used
for analysing the EEG signals, removing and recognizing the artifacts to process the
signal datasets.

42 Background Design Requirements

EEG signal processing in built plug-ins under MATLAB environment, while

looking at all the possible technologies, libraries, platforms that will use in this
research work; it has seen that the most convenient programming language for this
work is inbuilt plug-ins which work under MATLAB environment.


In this research work it has encompassed several features. Such by means of

EEG montages; Montage capitals the location of the electrodes. The EEG can also be
observed with a bipolar montage or a referential one. Bipolar means that just to use
two electrodes on the scalp on all the sides and for reference electrode one side of the
brain. The referential montage means only having a common reference electrode in
both the sides of the brain. In this part, we will be presenting how brainwaves will
differ according to the placement of electrodes.

i) Right Montages: Patient information has composed conferring to electrodes that

are located in the right side of the brain, so it will show the waves related to the right
side of the brain based on time-frequency analysis.

ii) Left Montages: Patient information has composed conferring to electrodes that are
located in the left side of the brain, so it will show the waves related to the right side
of the brain based on time-frequency analysis.

iii) Both Side Montages: Patient information has composed conferring to electrodes
that are located in the left and right side of the brain, so it will show the waves related
to the right side of the brain based on time-frequency analysis.

4.5.1 EEG Channels

The electrical activity of the brain is conducted by wires from the scalp and
electrodes are placed by using EEG machine. The inputs to the hardware EEG
machine are then castoff to comprise a montage, which is an exact preparation or
array of electrodes that show the EEG signal. In this research the work is dealing with
basically 20 channels of the brain because EEG hardware machine deals with only 20
channels of the brain. Each channel basically compares input data taken based on
placement of the two electrodes. Upward deflection of the wave is defined as negative
and occurs when the first input data is negative with respect to the second input data
or second input data is positive with respect to the first input data. A descending
refraction of the brainwave is clear as positive then follows once first input data is
positive with deference to second input data or then second input data is negative with
respect to first input data.

4.5.2. Sensitivity

Amplitude is the magnitude of the EEG activity which is measured in

microvolts (μV). It is determined by measuring the brainwave deflection in
millimetres (mm) at specified machine sensitivity (μV /mm). The work have analysed
the brainwaves according to the collected sensitivity values of the patients, EEG
procedures are performed at a sensitivity rate of 7 μV /mm, such that a 10 mm
deflection of waves signifies amplitude of 70 μV.

This work ensure the dignified sensitivity values as 10 μV /mm, 15 μV /mm,

20 μV /mm, 30 μV /mm, 50 μV /mm because it is easier to determine the brainwave
patters with these values.

4.5.3 Filtering

Low- pass filtering is used for smoothening the brainwaves and high-pass filtering is
used for sharpening the brainwaves in order to make the signals more clearly to the
viewer. According to the patients EEG hardware data collected, this research work
have shown two types of filtering technique options such as – Low – pass frequency
filters and High- pass frequency filters For the low – pass frequency filters generally
setting the maximum range is till 1Hz and for high – pass frequency filters setting the
maximum range is till 70Hz because this the standard limit of filters.

4.5.4. Frequency Sweeping

Sweeping basically reduces the complexity towards analysing the brainwaves

for EEG signal processing. At last this work will sweep the signal to reduce the
complexity for the visualization of the brainwaves. Nolan et al (2009) reported that in
this work will resolve using linear frequency extensive and it requires a stable rate of
frequency per interval. Essentially it is dignified as Hz/sec.


Figure 4.2 System architectural designs

4.7.1 Procedures

i) Dissimilar EEG signals are composed as a form of dataset in the MATLAB;

ii) Load the data into the software for brain signal processing and then practice the

iii) Remove and select the particular features for different EEG datasets;

iv) Classify the datasets conferring to the product features such as- montages,
channels, sensitivity, filtering and sweeping

v) Check the difference of dissimilar brain waves based on their characteristics,

vi) Select the specific montages such as – left side montage, right side montage or
both side montages to check change in different brainwaves.

vii) Then select the channels out of 20 channels for viewing more detailed waveforms.

ix) By fixing the sensitivity values of the collected EEG data it will be setting filtering
range of the signals for high frequency (50 - 70 Hz) or for low frequency (0.1 - 1 Hz);
then it will change the values of sweeping also according to the data.

x) At last it will get the final EEG signal in waveform.

4.7.2 Flow chart



The figure 4.3 shows the options for checking the exiting patient’s records by
selecting the first option and for diagnosis of different brainwaves forms selecting the
second option.

Figure 4.3 Sample results and other records page Figure 4.4 Brainwaves pattern

The figure 4.4 displays the result obtained by the changes made in montage module
just by selecting right montage of the brain and different frequencies of brainwaves
can be easily determined.

Figure 4.5 Signals and frequency variation

The above figure 4.5 displays the report of the test generated according to various
data which are collected from patients and they have been imported in to the program
so that it will be easier to undergo many changes according to different modules.
4.8.1 Testing

Table 4.1 different patient’s data of montages

5.6014109e-001 6.9510397e-004 2.5127513e-001 4.3194860e-001 4.3065287e-001
8.8967125e-001 2.3849760e-002 1.2872483e-001 7.4064020e-001 3.9102021e-001
Table 4.2 different patient’s data of brain channels
4.8976380e-001 1.9324533e-001 8.9589157e-001 9.9089650e-002
3.4878481e-001 4.5134058e-001 2.4090500e-001 7.1504501e-001
Table 4.3 different patient’s data of brain sensitivity
5.7083843e-001 9.9685021e-001 5.5354157e-001 5.1545845e-001
5.7161573e-001 1.2218915e-001 6.7116623e-001 5.9958555e-001
Table 4.4 different patient’s data of signal filtering
1.5194708e-001 3.9710884e-001 3.7472247e-001 1.3111471e-001
8.8665840e-002 8.3825559e-001 5.8471862e-001 9.4810874e-001
Table 4.5 different patient’s data of signal sweeping
4.3390472e-002 6.9162515e-001 9.7898547e-001 2.8326790e-001
2.6296403e-001 6.8056620e-001 2.3365315e-001 4.5642536e-001

The overall research work consists of five modules which were completed in
their respective time frame. The implementation and functionalities procedures
seemed a daunting task, but were successfully completed to achieve the desired
objective. After the successful implementation of test results, this research work can
be applicable for monitoring alertness, coma and brain death; testing drug effects;
investigating sleep disorders; Investigating mental disorders; Locating areas of
damage following head injury, stroke and tumour and Monitoring the brain


The above mentioned research work has clearly demonstrated the concepts
about open source plug-ins, running under the platform MATLAB environment and
its ability to process biophysical data by different ways such as using simplicity of its
command line language or using the many MATLAB functions and the methodology
related to the analysis of the brain signal processing through MATLAB software
toolbox. It has been described in detail, the procedure in the modelling of EEG signals
and insight brain signals recorded during surgical procedure.


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