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BioMed Research International

Volume 2017, Article ID 7431301, 10 pages

Research Article
Factors Associated with Dental Pain in Mexican
Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years

Mauricio Escoffié-Ramirez,1,2 Leticia Ávila-Burgos,2

Elena Saraí Baena-Santillan,3 Fernando Aguilar-Ayala,1 Edith Lara-Carrillo,4
Mirna Minaya-Sánchez,5 Martha Mendoza-Rodríguez,3
María de Lourdes Márquez-Corona,3 and Carlo Eduardo Medina-Solís3,4
Faculty of Dentistry, Autonomous University of Yucatan, Merida, YUC, Mexico
Health Systems Research Centre, National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, MOR, Mexico
Academic Area of Dentistry of Health Sciences Institute, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Pachuca, HGO, Mexico
Advanced Studies and Research Center in Dentistry “Dr. Keisaburo Miyata”, School of Dentistry,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, MEX, Mexico
Faculty of Dentistry, Autonomous University of Campeche, Campeche, CAM, Mexico

Correspondence should be addressed to Carlo Eduardo Medina-Solı́s;

Received 19 December 2016; Revised 25 April 2017; Accepted 11 May 2017; Published 8 June 2017

Academic Editor: Evandro Piva

Copyright © 2017 Mauricio Escoffié-Ramirez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Objective. To identify dental pain prevalence and associated factors in Mexican schoolchildren. Methods. This cross-sectional study
included 1,404 schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years from public schools in the city of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexico. Data were
collected through a questionnaire that addressed sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors, eating and dental hygiene habits,
and behavior variables. The dependent variable was self-reported dental pain in the 12 months prior to the survey. Data were
analyzed using nonparametric statistics and a binary logistical regression model. Results. Dental pain prevalence among the studied
children was 49.9%. The variables associated in the final model (𝑝 < 0.05) were younger mother’s age, higher socioeconomic level,
absence of an automobile in the home, fried food, fruit intake, lower tooth brushing frequency, never having used mouthwash or
not knowing about it, and parents/guardians with regular to high levels of knowledge about oral health and a regular or good/very
good perception of their child’s oral health. Conclusions. One in two children in the study had experienced dental pain in the twelve
months prior to the survey. The association of socioeconomic variables with dental pain suggested inequalities among the children
in terms of oral health.

1. Introduction population) and untreated caries of the primary dentition was

the tenth (9% of world population). Severe tooth loss was the
Oral disorders such as dental caries and periodontal disease 36th most prevalent condition, affecting 2% of the world’s
are worldwide public health problems. The “Global Burden population [1–4]. A number of studies from around the
of Oral Conditions in 1990–2010” report showed that oral world state that 60–90% of schoolchildren suffer from dental
conditions continue to be highly prevalent, affecting about caries [5]. In Latin America, dental caries is among the most
3.69 billion people. In this report, untreated dental caries in frequent untreated health conditions among preschoolers,
the permanent dentition was identified as the most common schoolchildren, and adolescents, who have limited access to
of all the evaluated disorders, having the highest worldwide restorative dental treatment. In Mexico, dental caries is the
disease load, affecting 35% of all age groups. Severe periodon- primary public oral health problem; for example, at 12 years
titis was the sixth most prevalent condition (11% of world of age between 70 and 85% of schoolchildren exhibit caries in
2 BioMed Research International

the permanent dentition, with a high prevalence of untreated need for oral health maintenance strategies, including better
cases. Dental caries is also the main cause of dental death in information on dental caries prevention, to reduce the risk of
various age groups, presenting a serious challenge to the oral disorders [19].
healthcare system due to high care costs [6]. Most orofacial pain is due to dental disorders, and acute
Oral and dental diseases can cause pain, suffering, func- pain is generally caused by oral conditions, particularly dental
tional deterioration, and diminished quality of life. The caries and periodontitis. However, pathological processes are
high cost of treatment constitutes a substantial burden to not necessarily the sole or sufficient cause of this kind of pain.
the national health system and for individual households. Pain perception can be modulated by cognitive factors such
Families often opt to pay directly for dental care in an effort as knowledge, beliefs, and expectations, which in turn can be
to maintain adequate oral health among household members. influenced by the social, economic, and cultural environment
In developed countries, oral health treatment represents from
of affected individuals. Here we aimed to identify the factors
5 to 10% of health expenses. This treatment is unavailable
associated with dental pain as an oral health indicator in
or extremely limited in many developing countries, where
schoolchildren, aged 6 to 12 years in the state of Hidalgo,
affected teeth are often not treated or merely extracted,
making them the main source of pain [7–9]. For decision- Mexico.
makers in different countries, especially in the “developing”
ones where the burden of disease is high, it is necessary 2. Materials and Methods
to consider oral health as a priority and having recent
epidemiological data is essential. 2.1. Study Design and Sample Selection. This cross-sectional
The experience of pain, considered a normal consequence study was focused on schoolchildren attending primary
of organ or system disorders, is a ubiquitous public health schools in the city of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo. Previously
concern. Untreated dental caries generally leads to dental published portions of the methodology explain the use of
pain. Although dental pain can seriously affect peoples’ daily oral health assistants [20] and oral health services at some
life, negatively affecting quality of life, few epidemiological time in the past [21]. Study design and implementation
studies on oral health include questions on dental pain. Oro- met WHO recommendations for oral health epidemiological
facial pain, and especially dental pain, can cause sleep loss, studies [22]. Sample size was calculated based on a smallest
diminished work effectiveness or academic performance, estimated proportion (prevalence) of 35%; a 95% confidence
absence from school or work, weight loss, and avoidance of level; 3% accuracy; and a 10% no answer rate. The estimated
certain foods. Some researchers treat it as a predictor of dental sample population was 1,554 schoolchildren. In the first
health service use (usually curative or emergency) [10, 11]. In stage, a random selection was made of 15 of the 93 public
this type of care, teeth receive nonregressive treatments that primary schools in the city. In the second stage, a random
can predispose them to loss over time; it can also raise the sample was taken from these schools’ enrollment lists to
probability of an edentulous old age [12, 13]. choose potential study participants. The chosen students’
Health needs can be identified through either subjective parents/guardians were invited to participate in the study
self-reporting of symptoms, diseases, injuries, and disabilities and study objectives explained to them. A questionnaire was
or a normative method applied by trained health personnel in given to those who accepted, and, after reading, they were
a health clinic [8, 14]. Indicators based on self-reported health asked to sign an informed consent form. Reminders were
perception have been shown to be good predictors of oral sent to the parents/guardians who had accepted to participate
health. An additional advantage is that data for these indi- every 7 days after they were given the questionnaire; they
cators can be collected from large groups, along with data for were reminded a maximum of three times. The response rate
other indicators in population groups. This facilitates corre- was 73.8% (𝑛 = 1,158) after the first, 87.8% (𝑛 = 1,376) after
lation of health variables with other variables of interest, such the second, and 93.8% (𝑛 = 1,470) after the third reminder.
as socioeconomic level, sociodemographic aspects, residence, Inclusion criteria were (a) enrollment in one of the primary
oral health habits, and education level [15, 16]. Self-reported schools in the study and (b) age between 6 and 12 years.
dental and orofacial pain are good oral health indicators Exclusion criteria were (a) parent report of a disease that
because they are related to the presence of dental diseases, could affect child oral health and/or (b) parent/guardian not
such as caries, periodontal disease, and temporomandibular signing informed consent form. Final sample size was 1,404
joint disorders. Among children, odontogenic pain preva- schoolchildren.
lence ranges from 5 to 33% [17] and is frequently related
to carious injury on the surface of one or more teeth [18]. 2.2. Data Collection and Variables. Data were collected
Dental pain can also be used by dentists to make decisions; through a questionnaire answered at home by the schoolchil-
for example, in schoolchildren it can be a symptom of the dren’s parent/guardian. The questionnaire was divided into
seriousness of the carious injury. Dental pain has even been sections that allowed the collection of sociodemographic,
used to explore the impact of pain on the psychosocial wellbe- socioeconomic, food habits, oral health habits, oral appear-
ing of the child patient and the parents [19]. Schoolchildren ance satisfaction, and oral health services use data. Question-
can experience pain from caries in primary and permanent naires were distributed and recovered through the schools.
teeth. Due to lack of awareness, however, parents usually The schoolchildren’s self-report of dental pain was the studied
associate dental pain with primary teeth, thinking that once variable. This was measured using the question “In the last
a tooth exfoliates the pain will disappear. This highlights the twelve months, has your child experienced any pain/discomfort
BioMed Research International 3

in the mouth, teeth or gums?” Results were measured with a occurred because similarity was higher and therefore had
dichotomous scale: 0 = no and 1 = yes. greater correlation, among schoolchildren from the same
A total of eight independent sociodemographic variables school; that is, the clusters were distinctly different [23]. The
were used: age of schoolchild in years (0 = 6-7 yrs.; 1 = model fit was evaluated with the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic
8–10 yrs.; 2 = 11-12 yrs.); sex of schoolchild (0 = female; 1 [24]. All statistical analyses were run with the Stata ver. 13
= male); head of household (0 = mother; 1 = father; 2 package.
= other); mother’s and father’s ages in years (continuous
format); mother’s and father’s education level (0 = primary; 1 2.4. Ethical Aspects. This methodology met study subject
= middle; 2 = high; 3 = Bachelor’s or higher); health insurance protection guidelines and relevant Helsinki ethical regu-
coverage (0 = uninsured, 1 = IMSS/ISSSTE, 2 = PEMEX, lations. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics
SEDENA, SEMAR, 3 = private, 4 = Seguro Popular); and and Research Committee of the Autonomous University of
automobile in household (0 = yes; 1 = no). Four schoolchild the State of Hidalgo (Universidad Autónoma del Estado
oral health variables were measured: brushing frequency (0 de Hidalgo [UAEH]) and the committees of the National
= at least once a day; 1 = less than once a day); toothpaste Institute of Public Health (UAEH Institutional Ethical Review
use (0 = at least once a day; 1 = less than once a day); dental Committee code: UAEH-DI-ICSA-ODO-CF-016). Written
floss use (0 = at least once a week; 1 = never, do not know); consent was obtained from all the patients/guardians.
and mouthwash use (0 = at least once a week; 1 = never,
do not know). Parent/guardian variables included brushing
frequency (0 = at least once a day; 1 = less than once a day) 3. Results
and perception of schoolchild’s oral health condition (0 =
3.1. Sample Characteristics. The 1,404 schoolchildren in the
bad/very bad; 1 = regular; 2 = good/very good).
sample had a mean age of 8.96 ± 1.99 years and 49.9%
Using a polychoric correlation as part of a principal com-
were female (Tables 1 and 2). The participant’s mothers had
ponents analysis, three different interrelated groups of vari-
a mean age of 34.8 ± 6.1 years, and fathers’ mean age was
ables were formed. The first group encompassed two variables
37.7 ± 6.32 years. In 77.6% of the participating families, the
indicating socioeconomic position, one referring to housing
father was head of the household. The largest proportion
characteristics (e.g., wall, roof, and floor building materials,
of mothers (36.8%) had completed some or all of middle
presence/absence of a kitchen, bathroom characteristics, and
school, while the largest proportion of fathers (32.5%) had
number of bedrooms) and the other to household appli-
completed some or all of high school. Most (51.8%) of the
ances (e.g., refrigerator, stove, television, and telephone).
participating families had public sector health insurance,
A second group consisted of three variables addressing
through either the IMSS (Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social)
frequency of candy, fried foods, and fruit consumption. The
or ISSSTE (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los
third group was one variable on parent/guardian knowledge
Trabajadores del Estado). Most (85.7%) of the schoolchildren
of schoolchild oral health. After generating the principal
brushed their teeth at least once per day and always used
component for each of these six (continuous) variables,
toothpaste (90.9%). However, most had never used/did not
the socioeconomic condition indices were categorized into
know about dental floss (80.6%) or mouthwash (71.8%).
quartiles, while the food intake and oral health knowledge
Parent/guardian brushing frequency was largely “at least
indices were categorized into tertiles. Depending on the
once per day” (89.4%), and the majority (45.2%) reported
variable, the first indicated the lowest level and the last the
their child’s oral health to be “regular.” Half (49.9%) of the
highest level.
schoolchildren were reported to have had dental pain at some
time during the twelve months prior to the study.
2.3. Statistical Analysis. After cleaning the database, we
performed a descriptive analysis of the studied variables,
estimating frequencies and percentages for each category of 3.2. Bivariate Analysis of Reported Pain versus Independent
qualitative variable. The quantitative variables were analyzed Variables. Of the half of the children who reported to have
by calculating the mean and standard deviation (SD). In had dental pain, the largest proportion were male, affiliated
the bivariate analysis, contingency tables were generated for with the Seguro Popular system, located in the lowest socioe-
the dental pain dependent variable with each independent conomic level in terms of housing characteristics, and lived in
variable and the Pearson 𝜒2 -type test of independence households without an automobile (Table 3). Unexpectedly,
run. Mann-Whitney 𝑈 tests for independent samples were the highest dental pain prevalence was observed in the
applied for mother’s and father’s age. These were fitted to a highest socioeconomic level based on domestic appliances.
binary logistical regression multivariate model to estimate Of the schoolchildren with reported dental pain, a larger
the strength of association between the dependent and proportion had high fried food intake and low fruit intake
independent variables. Results were expressed as an odds (Table 4). These children also had lower brushing frequency
ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI 95%). Statistical and toothpaste use values. An unexpected result was that
significance for 𝑝 values was set at <0.05. Only those variables those who used dental floss and mouthwash at least once
with 𝑝 < 0.25 in the bivariate model were considered in a week had a higher dental pain frequency than those who
the multivariate model. In response to correlation between did not use these hygiene tools. Dental pain was also more
groups (school variable cluster), confidence intervals were frequent among the schoolchildren with a parent/guardian
calculated with robust Huber-White standard deviations. This who reported lower brushing frequency, had a regular or high
4 BioMed Research International

Table 1: Sociodemographic and socioeconomic data for schoolchil- Table 2: Risk indicator (diet, oral health habits, and behavior)
dren aged 6 to 12 years in dental pain survey. distribution among schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years in dental pain
Variables 𝑛 %
Age Variables 𝑛 %
6-7 yrs. 409 29.1 High calorie food intake
8–10 yrs. 609 43.4 Candies
11-12 yrs. 386 27.5 Low 470 33.5
Sex Moderate 466 33.2
Female 701 49.9 High 468 33.3
Male 703 50.1 Fried food
Head of household Low 471 33.5
Mother 241 17.2 Moderate 467 33.3
Father 1090 77.6 High 466 33.2
Other 73 5.2 Fruit
Mother’s education level Low 469 33.4
Primary 137 9.8 Moderate 473 33.7
Middle 517 36.8 High 462 32.9
High 493 35.1 Oral health habits
Bachelor’s or higher 257 18.3 Brushing frequency
Father’s education level At least once a day 1204 85.7
Primary 125 9.2 Less than once a day 200 14.3
Middle 365 26.8 Toothpaste use
High 443 32.5 At least once a day 1276 90.9
Bachelor’s or higher 430 31.5 Less than once a day 128 9.1
Health insurance Dental floss use
Uninsured 433 30.8 At least once a week 273 19.4
IMSS/ISSSTE 727 51.8 Never, do not know of it 1131 80.6
PEMEX/SEDENA/SEMAR 68 4.8 Mouthwash use
Private 49 3.5 At least once a week 396 28.2
Seguro Popular 127 9.1 Never, do not know of it 1008 71.8
SEL (household appliances) Parent oral health knowledge and habits
1st quartile 351 25.0 Brushing frequency
2nd quartile 352 25.1 At least once a day 1255 89.4
3rd quartile 351 25.0 Less than once a day 149 10.6
4th quartile 350 24.9 Knowledge of oral health
SEL (housing characteristics) Sufficient 468 33.3
1st quartile 356 25.3 Regular 468 33.3
2nd quartile 354 25.2 Insufficient 468 33.3
3rd quartile 345 24.6 Perception of child’s oral health
4th quartile 349 24.9 Very bad/bad 158 11.3
Automobile in home Regular 635 45.2
Yes 893 63.6 Good/very good 611 43.5
No 511 36.4
𝑛 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 ± 𝑠𝑑
Mothers’ age 1404 34.89 ± 6.06 decreased (ORA = 0.98; CI 95% = 0.96–0.99) (Table 5).
Father’s age 1363 37.72 ± 6.32 Schoolchildren in the top quartile of housing characteristics
(NSE) had a lower probability (ORA = 0.98; CI 95% =
0.96–0.99) of experiencing dental pain than those in lower
oral health information level, and perceived their child’s oral quartiles. Living in a home with no automobile increased
health as being bad/very bad or regular. the probability of experiencing dental pain by 49% compared
to the children in homes with automobiles. In contrast to
3.3. Logistical Regression Multivariate Model. Our multivari- children with low reported fried food intake, those with
ate model results revealed that, for each year of increase in a high intake had a 2.34% (CI 95% = 1.42–3.88) greater
mother’s age, the possibility of dental pain in the schoolchild probability of dental pain, and those with moderate intake
BioMed Research International 5

Table 3: Bivariate analysis of sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables for schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years in dental pain survey.

Variables No pain 𝑛 = 704 (50.1%) Pain 𝑛 = 700 (49.9%) 𝑝 value∗

6-7 yrs. 210 (51.3) 199 (48.7)
8–10 yrs. 296 (48.6) 313 (51.4) 0.601
11-12 yrs. 198 (51.3) 188 (48.7)
Female 375 (53.5) 326 (46.5)
Male 329 (46.8) 374 (53.2)
Head of household
Mother 131 (54.4) 110 (45.6)
Father 537 (49.3) 553 (50.7) 0.356
Other 36 (49.3) 37 (50.7)
Mother’s education level
Primary 63 (46.0) 74 (54.0)
Middle 242 (46.8) 275 (53.2)
High 260 (52.7) 233 (47.3)
Bachelor’s or higher 139 (54.1) 118 (45.9)
Father’s education level
Primary 56 (44.8) 69 (55.2)
Middle 168 (46.0) 197 (54.0)
High 225 (50.8) 218 (49.2)
Bachelor’s or higher 226 (52.6) 204 (47.4)
Health insurance
Uninsured 235 (54.3) 198 (45.7)
IMSS/ISSSTE 358 (49.2) 369 (50.8)
PEMEX/SEDENA/SEMAR 39 (57.4) 29 (42.6) 0.010
Private 25 (51.0) 24 (49.0)
Seguro Popular 47 (37.0) 80 (63.0)
SEL (household appliances)
1st quartile 205 (58.4) 146 (41.6)
2nd quartile 170 (48.3) 182 (51.7)
3rd quartile 170 (48.4) 181 (51.6)
4th quartile 159 (45.4) 191 (54.6)
SEL (housing characteristics)
1st quartile 150 (42.1) 206 (57.9)
2nd quartile 167 (47.2) 187 (52.8)
3rd quartile 179 (51.9) 166 (48.1)
4th quartile 208 (59.6) 141 (40.4)
Automobile in home
Yes 489 (54.8) 404 (45.2)
No 215 (42.1) 296 (57.9)
Mean ± sd Mean ± sd
Mothers’ age 35.47 ± 6.15 34.30 ± 5.91 0.0001∗∗
Fathers’ age 37.97 ± 6.36 37.48 ± 6.28 0.0436∗∗

Pearson 𝜒2 test; ∗∗ Mann-Whitney test.

had an 87% (CI 95% = 1.30–2.69) greater probability. High once per day had 2.31 times greater probability of having
(ORA = 0.61; CI 95% = 0.42–0.88) and moderate (ORA = 0.68; dental pain than those who brushed at least once per day.
CI 95% = 0.48–0.97) fruit intake decreased the probability A parent/guardian perception of good/very good (ORA =
of experiencing dental pain compared to those with low 0.34 CI 95% = 0.19–0.62) and regular (ORA = 0.39 CI 95% =
intake. Schoolchildren who brushed their teeth less than 0.19–0.80) child oral health lowered the possibility of dental
6 BioMed Research International

Table 4: Bivariate analysis of risk indicators (diet, oral health habits, and behavior) among schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years in dental pain

Factors No pain 𝑛 (%) Pain 𝑛 (%) 𝑝 value∗

High calorie food intake
Low 230 (48.9) 240 (51.1)
Moderate 244 (52.4) 222 (47.6) 0.502
High 230 (49.2) 238 (50.8)
Fried food
Low 268 (56.9) 203 (43.1)
Moderate 230 (49.2) 237 (50.8) <0.001
High 206 (44.2) 260 (55.8)
Low 207 (44.1) 262 (55.9)
Moderate 247 (52.2) 226 (47.8) 0.005
High 250 (54.1) 212 (45.9)
Oral health habits
Brushing frequency
At least once a day 640 (53.2) 564 (46.8)
Less than once a day 64 (32.0) 136 (68.0)
Toothpaste use
At least once a day 662 (51.9) 614 (48.1)
Less than once a day 42 (32.8) 86 (67.2)
Dental floss use
At least once a week 121 (44.3) 152 (55.7)
Never, do not know of it 583 (51.5) 548 (48.5)
Mouthwash use
At least once a week 157 (39.7) 239 (60.3)
Never, do not know of it 547 (54.3) 461 (45.7)
Parent oral health knowledge and habits
Brushing frequency
At least once a day 656 (52.3) 599 (47.7)
Less than once a day 48 (32.2) 101 (67.8)
Knowledge of child’s oral health
Sufficient 285 (60.9) 183 (39.1)
Regular 218 (46.6) 250 (53.4) <0.001
Insufficient 201 (42.9) 267 (57.1)
Perception of child’s oral health
Very bad/bad 46 (29.1) 112 (70.9)
Regular 325 (51.2) 310 (48.8) <0.001
Good/very good 333 (54.5) 278 (45.5)

Pearson 𝜒2 test.

pain compared to a bad/very bad perception. Surprisingly, in Mexico. The frequently observed relationship between
parent/guardian nonuse of mouthwash lowered (ORA = 0.46; dental pain and dental caries in this age group makes it an
CI 95% = 0.27–0.78) child probability of having dental pain important variable. Identifying dental pain in schoolchildren
in contrast to those who used it at least once per week. can be a good indicator of the need for curative or emergency
treatment, an estimator of the proportion of people who may
4. Discussion use oral health services in the future, and therefore a key
datum in planning oral health service needs.
To our knowledge, our study is one of the first to address Half (49.9%) of the studied schoolchildren had experi-
the prevalence of and factors associated with dental pain enced dental pain in the twelve months prior to the survey,
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Table 5: Multivariate analysis of dental pain in schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years in dental pain survey.

Variables OR CI 95% 𝑝 value

Mother’s age 0.98 0.96–0.99 0.019
NSE (housing characteristics)
1st to 3rd quartile (−) 1∗
4th quartile (+) 0.52 0.30–0.92 0.026
Automobile in home
Yes 1∗
No 1.49 1.14–1.93 0.003
Fried food intake
Low 1∗
Moderate 1.87 1.30–2.69 0.001
High 2.34 1.42–3.88 0.001
Fruit intake
Low 1∗
Moderate 0.68 0.48–0.97 0.033
High 0.61 0.42–0.88 0.009
Brushing frequency
At least once a day 1∗
Less than once a day 2.31 1.51–3.53 0.000
Mouthwash use
At least once a week 1∗
Never, do not know of it 0.46 0.27–0.78 0.004
Knowledge of child’s oral health
Sufficient 1∗
Regular 2.09 1.43–3.04 0.000
Insufficient 2.72 1.55–4.77 0.000
Perception of child’s oral health
Very bad/bad 1∗
Regular 0.39 0.19–0.80 0.011
Good/very good 0.34 0.19–0.62 0.000
Note: Model fitted to variables in table; ∗ reference category; model fit: Hosmer-Lemeshow 𝜒2 (8) = 9.42; 𝑝 = 0.3081.

and different variables were associated with its presence. This pain believed that the causes were beyond their control,
prevalence is higher than the 35.7% reported for schoolchil- due to genetics, attributed to health problems intrinsic to
dren from private and public schools in Brazil [10, 25] but childhood, or just random [30].
similar to the 47.6% reported for schoolchildren in Uganda The positive impact of greater mother’s age on dental pain
[26]. Higher prevalences have been reported in people 10 may be due to the information and experience older mothers
years of age and older in Chad (64.1%) [27]; in eight-year-old have accumulated throughout their lives. This coincides
children in Sri Lanka (49% [self-reported] to 53% [reported with a study in the United Kingdom indicating that greater
by parents]) [28]; and in eight- to ten-year-old children mother’s age favorably affects child cognitive, behavioral, and
in Western Cape, South Africa, in the two months prior health condition [31].
to the study (70%) [29]. These differences in dental pain Describing the association between an individual’s pain
prevalence can be attributed to various causes, including the and their socioeconomic level (based here on the socioe-
development context in different countries and locations, conomic variables remaining in the final model: housing
disease level variations between the studied populations, characteristics and automobile in household) can be quite
health system response to a population’s oral health needs, complex since socioeconomic position is a multifactorial
and the methodologies used in each study. construct [32]; however, a number of hypotheses have been
In a previous study on parent/guardian influence and reported to plausibly explain this association [33]. In school-
responsibility for child health, parents acknowledged the age children, dental pain is largely of odontogenic origin.
benefits of brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Even so, Addressing the causes of dental pain in Mexico can be
the parents of children that had experienced caries and dental problematic since the public health system offers only limited
8 BioMed Research International

coverage for oral health treatments. The private sector is the dental treatment, which can cause discomfort identified by
only source of adequate treatment, although this requires the child as dental pain, even though it is transitory and forms
substantial out-of-pocket expenditure. part of a dental therapeutic procedure.
Fried food intake was associated with a greater possibility Parents are vital to child development because they are
of dental pain in the studied schoolchildren. A possible responsible for seeking timely treatment for any disorders
explanation for this is the greater presence of dentobacterial that might occur in the child. Oral health is a component
plaque caused by intake of fried, high carbohydrate foods of overall good health since it can affect taste, mastication,
between regular meals. This in turn can directly affect teeth speech, and facial expression [45]. Identifying the factors
and gums exposed for long periods [34]. In conjunction that influence the association between parent perception and
with poor oral health practices, this could explain the greater child oral health could help primary care givers and oral
possibility of dental pain in this group of children. A number health service providers (e.g., health promotors, dentists) to
of studies document the effects of sweet and salty snacks on understand why schoolchildren do not receive early attention
dental caries, one of the main causes of dental pain [35]. for dental problems at home or with a general dentist. This is
Mitigating the effect of poor health habits can be done by particularly important because this association often results
promoting greater physical activity, higher fruit and vegetable in children requiring more invasive treatments [46]. Parent
intake, and school breakfasts [36]. Although programs pro- perceptions of their child’s oral health condition as good/very
moting healthy habits do exist in Mexico, schoolchildren are good or regular were associated with a lower dental pain
exposed to a number of nutritional risks, such as purchasing frequency than the most affected group. Perhaps clinical
power, skipping a meal (usually breakfast), and junk food conditions (e.g., color and structure) and symptoms influence
for sale near schools [37]. Indeed, the most prevalent diet parent perception, motivating them to make the decision
among schoolchildren in Mexico is one of fruit, salty fried to seek preventative and/or curative care, thus anticipating
snacks, candy, and pastries [38]. In the present results, the problems such as dental caries [47].
schoolchildren who consumed fruit had a decreased proba- The present study has three main limitations. The first
bility of developing dental pain, which may be explained by is that, due to its cross-sectional design, the temporality
a healthier lifestyle, including a lower intake of cariogenic between variables is not accurate (temporality ambiguity),
foods [39]. This coincides with a study done in the United potentially causing reversed directions, and representing
States indicating that people with more severe caries also had a possible inherent bias. Information selection bias (i.e.,
poor oral hygiene and consumed high levels of sugars and fats memory) is the second limitation; dental pain was explored
and low levels of fruits and vegetables [40]. Further research over a 12-month period prior to the survey, affecting memory
is needed in Mexico to better understand the relationship accuracy, be it in the individual or in cooperation with the
between lifestyle and oral health. parent/guardian-child. The third limitation is that the study
Brushing of teeth mechanically removes and disorganizes does not include all of the schoolchildren in the region,
dental biofilm, limiting its ability to cause disease. It is meaning it is not representative of the state’s overall school
the most cost effective dental care instruction, is widely population. Future research should now address the source(s)
recommended for maintaining oral health, and is a habit of dental pain in schoolchildren.
best inculcated at an early age [41]. In the present results,
lower brushing frequency was associated with the presence 5. Conclusions
of dental pain, which can be explained by a lower frequency
of caries (and therefore dental pain) in those children with Overall, dental pain prevalence in the sampled population
better oral hygiene habits. Mouthwash is normally seen as was high: 1 in every 2 children had experienced dental pain
a positive addition to oral hygiene [42], but in the present in the 12 months prior to the survey. Among the diverse
results dental pain frequency was lower in the schoolchildren factors affecting this prevalence, socioeconomic condition
whose parents stated they did not use mouthwash or did not (housing characteristics and presence of an automobile in the
know about it; no explanation is immediately apparent for home) suggested the presence of inequalities in oral health
this result. status and access to dental care among the studied children.
Health literacy is the “ability to obtain, process and under- Future studies should now evaluate the response of oral health
stand information” and the services needed to make adequate services to people with dental pain.
health decisions [43]. Some studies have documented a
relationship between health knowledge and clinical results Conflicts of Interest
[44], but few have addressed the association between health
knowledge and oral health [43]. Parental attitudes can have The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
direct repercussions on child oral health, as demonstrated in
a study showing that limited oral health knowledge among Authors’ Contributions
parents was associated with negative attitudes towards oral
health, low frequency of healthy behaviors, and worse oral Mauricio Escoffié-Ramirez, Leticia Ávila-Burgos, Elena Saraı́
health in children [44]. The present results, however, sug- Baena-Santillan, and Carlo Eduardo Medina-Solı́s were
gested an association between dental pain in schoolchildren involved in the design and development of the study, did
and high to regular knowledge of oral health practices among the analysis of the data, and wrote the first draft of the
parents. These parents may more readily take their child for manuscript. Fernando Aguilar-Ayala, Edith Lara-Carrillo,
BioMed Research International 9

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