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Pediatric Restorative Dentistry
Pediatric Restorative Dentistry
Pediatric Restorative Dentistry
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Pediatric Restorative Dentistry

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This book describes and discusses the different restorative options for managing carious lesions in children with primary and mixed dentition. The aim is to provide practitioners with thorough, up-to-date information that will improve their clinical practice. The opening chapters present a comprehensive overview regarding diagnosis of carious lesions, risk assessment, child behavior and development, and behavioral management. The importance of oral health promotion and prevention in controlling lesion progression and maintaining oral health is reviewed. The impact of various factors on clinician decision making is then explained in detail, examples including the type of dentition (primary versus permanent), the clinical and radiographic aspect of the dentine carious lesion (noncavitated or cavitated), and whether the lesion is associated with a developmental defect. Guidance is provided on selection of nonoperative versus operative interventions, and the restorative materials most frequently used in pediatric dentistry are fully described, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Readers will also find an informative series of cases, with explanation of the choices in terms of materials and approach.
Release dateSep 11, 2018
Pediatric Restorative Dentistry

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    Pediatric Restorative Dentistry - Soraya Coelho Leal

    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019

    Soraya Coelho Leal and Eliana Mitsue  Takeshita (eds.)Pediatric Restorative Dentistry

    1. Caries Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Exercise

    Soraya Coelho Leal¹  , Eliana Mitsue Takeshita¹, Renata O. Guaré² and Michele B. Diniz²


    Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Health Science, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil


    Pediatric Dentistry, Cruzeiro do Sul University, São Paulo, Brazil

    Soraya Coelho Leal


    Dental cariesChildDiagnosisCaries detection

    1.1 Introduction

    According to the principles of Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID), patients should be empowered through information in developing skills and be motivated to take care of their own oral health [1]. In the case of children, this task is delegated to parents/caregivers, who play an important role not only in the decision-making process but also in maintaining the oral health status of the child after treatment is concluded.

    As decisions related to the health of children are usually made by parents, it is mandatory that dental professionals do their very best to understand the family beliefs and the possible impact of the socioeconomic background and the parents’ level of education on the oral health of the child prior to focusing on the child’s dental needs. A successful treatment is related to a broader diagnosis, which includes the context in which the child lives.

    In this way, the child’s first dental appointment, except in case of emergency, is focused on collecting information about the child’s and his/her family profile, medical/dental history, and relevant data about oral hygiene and diet habits. This information and that collected during the clinical oral examination allows the dental professional to determine the child’s needs and to develop the best dental care plan.

    1.2 Patient’s Profile

    Undoubtedly, dental caries is the most prevalent chronic disease during childhood, affecting hundreds of thousands of children all over the world [2]. Although a decline of caries experience in children has been observed in the last decades in a number of countries, significant variations between and within countries exist [3]. A systematic review that aimed at assessing the evidence for the association between socioeconomic position—defined by own or parental educational or occupational background, or income—and caries prevalence, experience, or incidence concluded that a low socioeconomic position was associated with a greater chance of having carious lesions or caries experience [4]. Similar findings were reported by a systematic review of caries epidemiological studies carried out in Brazil between 1999 and 2010 that showed higher percentages of dental caries among the poorest and least educated people [5].

    Another important aspect in the discussion about dental caries in children is the parent’s level of education. The literature shows that caregivers with a higher education level, determined by having completed high school, were directly associated with a lower number of untreated decayed teeth among their children compared to caregivers who did not complete high school [6]. However, the number of years of parents at school required for influencing children’s oral health is not well established. For developing countries, there is evidence that mothers who had studied for less than 8 years are more likely to have children with higher levels of dental caries [7, 8].

    Additionally, the way families are structured seems to play an important role in childhood dental caries. A study conducted in the Netherlands concluded that family organization was associated to the occurrence of dental caries, indicating that the establishment of routines; the assignment of roles, abiding to rules; and the family’s ability to resolve problems are important variables to be considered when establishing a dental care plan for the child [9]. Moreover, there is indication that children from one-parent families have a higher chance to develop carious lesions than those from two-parent families [10].

    1.3 Understanding Dental Caries

    After having analyzed the child’s family context, the next step in the consultation process is to perform an oral examination. The assessment of dental caries is part of it and is essential for defining the child’s caries profile. But, before explaining the procedure in detail, it is important to define dental caries, as different definitions are being used in the literature.

    In the past, on the basis of the knowledge that was available at that time, dental caries was described as a transmittable infectious disease, in which Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) was the key element for the onset of the disease. However, studies using advanced molecular microbiology methods have shown that a consortium of multiple microorganisms, acting collectively, are responsible for the initiation and progression of dental caries [11, 12]. Even in the presence of a sugary-rich diet, a much broader spectrum of acidogenic microorganism is found in the biofilm [13]. Moreover, carious lesions have been detected in subjects without the presence of S. mutans but with elevated levels of S. salivarius, S. parasanguinis, and S. sobrinus [14].

    Yet with respect to the origin of microorganisms, it is important to realize that the acquisition of the oral microflora by the baby is a natural process and what is being transmitted to the child are the microorganisms, not the disease. Therefore, in this book, dental caries is defined as an imbalance of the population of microorganisms within the biofilm to an aciduric, acidogenic, and cariogenic microbiological community, mediated by a frequent intake of fermentable dietary carbohydrates. This imbalance will influence the demineralization and remineralization processes that might lead to a net mineral loss within dental hard tissues that, depending on time, can be detected clinically [15].

    The process described above is applicable to all teeth, primary or permanent, but considering the child’s age, a specific denomination is used to describe dental caries—the so-called early childhood caries (ECC). ECC is defined as a rampant manifestation of dental caries that affects infants and young children.

    According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry [16], ECC is characterized by the presence of one or more decayed (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing due to caries, or filled tooth surface in any primary tooth in a child up to 71 months of age. However, the situation can be severer, in cases that any sign of dental caries in smooth surfaces in children younger than 3 years old is observed (Fig. 1.1). In such cases, the disease is described as severe early childhood caries (sECC) and can also be observed in older children (Table 1.1).


    Fig. 1.1

    (a) Primary dentition of a child of 22 months of age presenting non-cavitated (superior canines) and cavitated carious lesions (all other teeth); (b) observe that the second primary molar is not yet erupted

    Table 1.1

    Description of severe early childhood caries according to the child’s age [16]

    A systematic review showed that inconsistencies in how to define ECC and the usage of a great variety of diagnostic criteria limit the understanding of the prevalence of ECC [17]. For example, although the presence of non-cavitated carious lesions should be recorded for detecting both ECC and sECC according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the recording of only dentin carious lesions in preschool children is still observed [18, 19]. Excluding these enamel carious lesions underestimates the prevalence of dental caries.

    Nevertheless, independently of the difficulties in comparing epidemiological surveys in which different assessment methodologies are used, evidence indicates that the dental community is not being able to neither reduce caries experience nor the number of untreated cavitated dentin carious lesions in children [20]. In Brazil, for example, the last national oral health survey showed that 53.4% of the children aged 5 years old had at least one decayed, missed, or filled tooth. What is even worse is the fact that 80% of the caries experience observed in these children was related to the d-component [21].

    1.4 Caries Detection

    Diagnosing dental caries is extremely relevant, as it is the basis for caries risk assessment, management, and the treatment decision-making process [23, 24]. However, it appears to be difficult to be performed by the dental professional, making it necessary to present the current evidence-based understanding for dental caries diagnosis.

    There is often confusion in the literature regarding the nomenclature used for caries detection, assessment, diagnosis, and management in everyday clinical practice. Caries detection is a process involving the recognition of changes in enamel and/or dentin and/or cementum, recognized as being caused by the caries process [25]. Carious lesion assessment is the evaluation of the characteristics of a carious lesion once it has been detected, such as severity (depth and superficial integrity), extent (enamel or dentin), and activity (active or inactive) [25]. Caries diagnosis is the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms [26], allowing the identification of the past or present occurrence of the caries disease [25]. On the other hand, caries management focuses on surgical and nonsurgical care and prevention [23].

    Knowing these concepts, let’s focus on caries detection. Visual/tactile examination of all tooth surfaces is the most commonly used method for carious lesion detection in clinical practice. This evaluation is based on the use of a dental mirror and a three-in-one syringe and requires good illumination and a clean/dry tooth surface [27]. The examination is based on the tooth surface integrity, texture, translucency/opacity, location, and color [28–30].

    Clinically, early carious lesion in enamel is initially seen as a white opaque spot and is characterized by being softer than the adjacent sound enamel and becomes increasingly whiter when being dried. The subsurface porosity caused by the demineralization gives the lesion a milky appearance. As these lesions are indicative of greater porosity in enamel, it is common that intrinsic or exogenous pigments penetrate into the lesion and change its color to brown or almost black [25, 31]. Depending on demineralizing factors, enamel carious lesions can develop into (micro)cavities. A micro-cavitation is a carious lesion whose surface has lost its original contour/integrity but without visually distinct cavity formation. Detecting such lesions is of paramount importance as they can be controlled by preventive measures.

    A cavitated carious lesion has a surface that is not macroscopically intact, with a distinct discontinuity or break in the surface integrity. When a cavity is present, it is often difficult to control the accumulation of biofilm within the cavity through oral hygiene procedures. So, treatment options for these situations normally involve invasive intervention [25], although larger dentin cavities in primary teeth have been treated successfully through removing the biofilm from within the cavity with toothbrush and toothpaste [32].

    A recent systematic review showed that visual examination has good overall performance and that the use of detailed and validated assessment systems seems to improve the accuracy of visual inspection [33]. Such systems like the ICDAS (International Caries Detection and Assessment System) [34], the CAST (Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment) instrument [35], and the Nyvad criteria [29] describe the characteristics of clinically relevant stages in the caries disease process, including enamel carious lesions. From these systems, ICDAS and CAST do not include the assessment of caries activity. If required, activity can be carried out separately. The Nyvad criteria encompass lesion activity, which is assessed by analyzing the superficial texture and shine of the carious lesion [29].

    A point of debate refers to how to perform the examination as probing with a sharp explorer is a questionable procedure, since it may cause surface defects, enlargements, and damage to dental surfaces and may result in an enamel carious lesion [36]. Therefore, it has been recommended for long to use the WHO probe (ball-ended with a sphere presenting 0.5 mm in the extremity) for evaluating the presence of discontinuities in enamel or micro-cavitations and to evaluate the enamel surface texture [37].

    Visual examination combined with radiographic examination is also a common strategy for carious lesion detection. The use of a bitewing radiography as an adjunct method to the clinical examination seems to be suitable for detecting more advanced carious lesions (extending well into dentin) and cavitated proximal lesions. However, radiography has limited validity for detecting enamel and small dentin carious lesions on occlusal surfaces [38]. This method has substantial validity on proximal surfaces, but it is technique-sensitive and unavoidably exposes the child to the hazards of ionizing radiation [37]. Therefore, the decision to take a radiograph depends on the reason why the patient is seeking dental treatment—whether it is a first visit, recall, or urgency—and the presence of clinical signs of dental caries [39].

    Finally, it is important to address caries activity. The assessment of a lesion activity is essential to define the patients’ treatment needs and to establish the most appropriate dental care plan. An active carious lesion is in full development and progression, with a net mineral loss over a specified period of time. An inactive carious lesion is not undergoing net mineral loss, meaning that the caries process is no longer progressing, being considered a scar of past disease activity [25]. Clinical conditions should be taken into consideration when assessing a tooth surface activity, such as visual appearance, tactile feeling, and potential for plaque accumulation [29, 40].

    An enamel lesion is likely to be active when the surface is whitish/yellowish opaque and chalky (with loss of luster). It feels rough when the tip of the probe is moved gently across the surface and the lesion is situated in a plaque stagnation area (pits and fissures, near the gingiva and in the approximal surface below the contact point). In dentin, an active lesion is soft or leathery on gently probing. An enamel lesion is likely inactive when the surface is whitish, brownish, or black. The enamel may be shiny and feels hard and smooth when the tip of a probe is moved gently across the surface, and it is typically located at some distance from the gingival margin on smooth surfaces. In dentin, an inactive lesion may be shiny and feels hard on gently probing [25, 29, 37] (Fig. 1.2).


    Fig. 1.2

    (a) Active enamel carious lesion near the gingival margin; (b) inactive enamel carious lesions at some distance from the gingival margin; (c) an active dentin carious lesion on the buccal surface of a primary canine; (d) inactive dentin carious lesion on occlusal and mesial surfaces of a second primary molar

    By recognizing the features described above, the professional will be able to properly detect a carious lesion and determine whether it is active or not. These are decisive factors to guide the professional toward an evidence-based approach, patient centered and focused on the formulation of individualized dental care plans.

    1.5 Caries Risk Assessment

    Minimal intervention dentistry (MID) is a philosophy of care that aims to preserve tooth tissue throughout a person’s life [41], focusing on the prevention and interception of the disease still in its early stages [42]. For this purpose, caries risk assessment (CRA) models have been developed and are advocated as the corner stone of a MID dental care plan, assisting the professional in determining the most appropriate interventions and individualized recall consultation strategies [43].

    CRA is performed by analyzing factors that are involved in the development and progression of the disease [44], aiming at estimating the probability that a new carious lesion will develop over a certain period of time [45]. To date, many different factors have been tested as predictors for carious lesion development. When only a single factor is taken into account, past caries experience has shown to be the most powerful one for caries prediction for all age groups, presenting higher accuracy in preschool children [46].

    The understanding that dental caries is a multifactorial disease led, over the last decades, to the development of different models for performing CRA (Table 1.2).

    Table 1.2

    Caries risk assessment models, description of their main characteristics, age group, and how results are presented

    These models are based on the analysis of a set of protective and pathological factors related to the onset of dental caries. The balance between protective factors (saliva and its components: fluoride, calcium, phosphate) and pathological factors (bacteria, frequency of ingestion of fermentable carbohydrates, and reduced salivary function) is the most important aspect in the equation between demineralization and remineralization [47]. It determines whether a lesion is likely to progress or arrest [48].

    As shown in Table 1.2, not all CRA models are applicable to all children, as some of them present specific forms for children of specific age groups. In contrast, as a common feature, they all include the findings retrieved from clinical assessment, but different thresholds are used. While white spots on smooth surfaces are assessed by CAMBRA [50], the CARIOGRAM [49] caries experience factor is based on the DMFS/dmfs. Another variable that is assessed by all models is the presence of visible plaque. Undoubtedly, the presence of enamel carious lesions and the presence of biofilm are factors related to caries activity [29]. If a child presents with active lesions and biofilm is not being frequently disorganized, the child, from a health perspective, is not at risk but already diseased [54]. If through preventive measures such lesions are inactivated, the child can be, then, allocated to a certain caries risk group. Moreover, it should be highlighted that patients are usually exposed to different caries risk factors during their lives [47]. A child, who is not at risk, may become at risk, for example, by the presence of an erupting permanent molar.

    Other frequently assessed variables in CRA models are the use of fluoride and dietary habits. It is not new that sugar consumption is likely to be a powerful caries risk indicator in persons who are not regularly exposed to fluoride [55] and that the higher a person is exposed to the risk factors, the higher the intensity of protective factors must be in order to reverse the caries process [56]. With respect to fluoride, questions aim to evaluate the sources to which the child is exposed to. Considering diet, NUS-CRA [53], and the OHRA [52], besides inquiring parents about snacks between meals, consumption of carbohydrates, and sugary beverages, they also assess months of breastfeeding [53] and continual bottle/sippy cup use with fluid other than water [52]. Although it is evident that the way to collect information about diet and fluoride differs among the CRA models, the fact that these two variables are assessed in all of them shows their importance in carious lesion development.

    CAMBRA [50] for younger children (0–5 years old) includes the assessment of mothers’ oral health, which is also evaluated by the OHRA [52], and the family’s social economical status, a factor also analyzed by the NUS-CRA model [53]. The evaluation of such variables is justified by the influence of mothers’ behavior and family’s profile in the development of the disease [5].

    The questionable aspect about CRA models refers to their validity. According to recent systematic reviews [46, 57], the scientific evidence on the validity of these models is weak and limited, especially for preschool age. Nevertheless, the application of standardized caries risk assessment models has excellent pedagogical value for family oral health education. They assist the professional in defining appropriate dental plan care and in establishing individualized return intervals.

    1.5.1 Final Considerations

    This book is about restorative procedures in children. However, it is important to highlight that the decision-making process with respect to the best restorative material to be used in a cavitated dentin lesion should be made taking in consideration a variety of factors such as child’s age, behavior, parents’ level of education, and family socioeconomic background. Moreover, it can only be performed after carrying out a careful caries diagnosis, as well as identifying the factors that are mostly contributing to the child’s oral health condition. Finally, a restorative treatment should not be implemented apart from a preventive program, as a restoration is placed to treat the sequela of the caries process, not to control the disease. Therefore, emphasis on oral health promotion and prevention will be given in the following chapters.



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