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Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry - South Asian Edition

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Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry - South Asian Edition

Book · July 2013


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1 author:

Velayutham Gopikrishna
Sri Ramachandra University


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Art and Science of
A South Asian Edition

US Editors
Harald O Heymann, DDS, MEd
Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry
The University of North Carolina, School of Dentistry
Chapel Hill, NC
Edward J Swift, Jr, DMD, MS
Professor and Chair, Department of Operative Dentistry
The University of North Carolina, School of Dentistry
Chapel Hill, NC
André V Ritter, DDS, MS
Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Operative Dentistry
The University of North Carolina, School of Dentistry
Chapel Hill, NC

Adaptation Editor
V Gopikrishna, MDS, FISDR
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Thai Moogambigai Dental College
Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute University
Chennai, INDIA

A division of
Reed Elsevier India Private Limited

Prelims.indd iii 24/06/13 4:40 PM

Brief Contents

Contributors vii
List of Reviewers ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii

Chapter 1 Clinical Significance of Dental Anatomy, Histology, Physiology and Occlusion 1

Chapter 2 Dental Caries: Etiology and Clinical Characteristics 25

Chapter 3 Dental Caries: Risk Assessment and Management 49

Chapter 4 Patient Assessment, Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 73

Chapter 5 Infection Control 91

Chapter 6 Pain Control for Operative Dentistry 103

Chapter 7 Instruments and Equipment for Tooth Preparation 111

Chapter 8 Preliminary Considerations for Operative Dentistry 133

Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation and Pulp Protection 159

Chapter 10 Fundamental Concepts of Enamel and Dentin Adhesion 179

Chapter 11 Restoring Contacts and Contours 203

Chapter 12 Introduction to Composite Restorations 225

Chapter 13 Class III and IV Direct Composite Restorations 241

Chapter 14 Class I, II, and VI Direct Composite Restorations and Other Tooth-colored Restorations 255

Chapter 15 Indirect Tooth-colored Restorations 277

Chapter 16 Noncarious Lesions and Their Management 293


Prelims.indd xv 24/06/13 4:40 PM

xvi Brief Contents

Chapter 17 Additional Conservative Esthetic Procedures 303

Chapter 18 Dentin Hypersensitivity 333

Chapter 19 Introduction to Amalgam Restorations 339

Chapter 20 Class I and II Amalgam Restorations 361

Chapter 21 Complex Amalgam Restorations 389

Chapter 22 Dental Cements 403

Chapter 23 Direct Gold Restorations 419

Chapter 24 Class II Cast Metal Restorations 429

Index 469

Prelims.indd xvi 24/06/13 4:40 PM


Clinical Significance of Dental Anatomy, Histology,
Physiology and Occlusion

“Success in life is founded upon attention to the smallest the function of teeth; class traits are the characteris-
of things… rather than to the largest of things…” tics that place teeth into functional categories. Be-
—BOOKER T WASHINGTON cause the diet of humans consists of animal and plant
foods, the human dentition is called omnivorous.
A thorough understanding of the histology, physiol-
ogy, and occlusal interactions of the dentition and Incisors
supporting tissues is essential for the restorative den-
tist. Knowledge of the structures of teeth (enamel, The incisors are located near the entrance of the oral
dentin, cementum, and pulp) and their relationships cavity and function as cutting or shearing instru-
to each other and to the supporting structures is nec- ments for food (see Fig. 1.1). From a proximal view,
essary, especially when treating dental caries. Proper the crowns of these teeth have a relatively triangular
tooth form contributes to healthy supporting tissues.
The relationships of form to function are especially Canine Molars
noteworthy when considering the shape of the dental Incisors Premolars
arch, proximal contacts, occlusal contacts, and man-
dibular movement.

Teeth and Supporting Tissues

Humans have primary and permanent dentitions.
The primary dentition consists of 10 maxillary and
10 mandibular teeth. Primary teeth exfoliate and are
replaced by the permanent dentition, which consists
of 16 maxillary and 16 mandibular teeth.
Incisors Premolars
Canine Molars
Classes of Human Teeth:
Form and Function Fig. 1.1 Maxillary and mandibular teeth in maximum
intercuspal position. The classes of teeth are incisors,
Human teeth are divided into classes on the basis of canines, premolars, and molars. Cusps of mandibular teeth
form and function. The primary and permanent den- are one-half cusp anterior of corresponding cusps of teeth in
titions include the incisor, canine, and molar classes. the maxillary arch. (From Logan BM, Reynolds P, Hutchings
The fourth class, the premolar, is found only in the RT: McMinn’s color atlas of head and neck anatomy, ed 4,
permanent dentition (Fig. 1.1). Tooth form predicts Edinburgh, Mosby, 2010).

Chapter 01.indd 1 25/06/13 12:51 PM

2 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

shape, with a narrow incisal surface and a broad cer- (TMJ), which serves as the fulcrum during function.
vical base. During mastication, incisors are used to These teeth have a major role in the crushing, grinding,
shear (cut through) food. and chewing of food to the smallest dimensions
suitable for swallowing. They are well suited for this
task because they have broad occlusal surfaces and
Clinical Notes
multirooted anchorage (Fig. 1.2).
Incisors are essential for the proper esthetics of the
smile, facial soft tissue contours (e.g. lip support),
and speech (phonetics). Clinical Notes
Premolars and molars are important in maintaining the
Canines vertical dimension of the face (see Fig. 1.1).

Canines possess the longest roots of all teeth and are

located at the corners of the dental arch. They func-
Structures of Teeth
tion in the seizing, piercing, tearing, and cutting of
food. From a proximal view, the crown also has a tri- Teeth are composed of enamel, the pulp–dentin
angular shape, with a thick incisal ridge. The anatom- complex, and cementum (see Fig. 1.2). Each of these
ic form of the crown and the length of the root make structures is discussed individually.
these teeth strong, stable abutment teeth for a fixed or
removable prosthesis.

Clinical Notes
4 7
Canines not only serve as important guides in occlu-
sion because of their anchorage and position in the 8
dental arches but also play a crucial role (along with
the incisors) in the esthetics of smile and lip support
(see Fig. 1.1). 6

3c 5
Premolars serve a dual role:
(1) They are similar to canines in the tearing of
food. 10
(2) They are similar to molars in the grinding of
food. 3a 9
The occlusal surfaces of the premolars present a
series of curves in the form of concavities and con- 3b 12
vexities that should be maintained throughout life for
correct occlusal contacts and function.
Clinical Notes 1

Although less visible than incisors and canines, pre-

molars still can play an important role in esthetics. Fig. 1.2 Cross-section of the maxillary molar and its
supporting structures. 1, enamel; 1a, gnarled enamel; 2,
dentin; 3a, pulp chamber; 3b, pulp horn; 3c, pulp canal;
Molars 4, apical foramen; 5, cementum; 6, periodontal fibers in
periodontal ligament; 7, alveolar bone; 8, maxillary sinus;
Molars are large, multicusped, strongly anchored 9, mucosa; 10, submucosa; 11, blood vessels; 12, gingiva;
teeth located nearest to the temporomandibular joint 13, striae of Retzius.

Chapter 01.indd 2 25/06/13 12:51 PM


Dental Caries: Etiology and
Clinical Characteristics

“You don’t know how much you know… • Pathologic factors (i.e. those favoring demineraliza-
Until you know how much you don’t know…” tion)
This chapter presents basic definitions, terminologies • Protective factors (i.e. those favoring remineraliza-
and information on dental caries, and clinical charac- tion).2
teristics of the caries lesion in the context of clinical Individuals in whom the balance tilts predomi-
operative dentistry. nantly toward protective factors (remineralization)
are much less likely to develop dental caries than
Definition those in whom the balance is tilted toward patholog-
ic factors (demineralization). Understanding the bal-
Dental caries is defined as a multifactorial, transmis- ance between demineralization and remineralization
sible, infectious oral disease caused primarily by the is the key to caries management.
complex interaction of cariogenic oral flora (biofilm)
with fermentable dietary carbohydrates on the tooth Clinical Notes
surface over time.
It is essential to understand that caries lesions, or cavi-
tations in teeth, are signs of an underlying condition,
an imbalance between protective and pathologic factors
Demineralization – favoring the latter. In clinical practice, it is very easy
Remineralization Balance to lose sight of this fact and focus entirely on the re-
storative treatment of caries lesions, failing to treat the
underlying cause of the disease (Table 2.1). Although
Traditionally, the tooth-biofilm-carbohydrate interac- symptomatic treatment is important, failure to identify
tion has been illustrated by the classical Keyes-Jordan and treat the underlying causative factors allows the dis-
diagram.1 However, dental caries onset and activity ease to continue.
are, in fact, much more complex than this three-way
interaction, as not all persons with teeth, biofilm, and
consuming carbohydrates will have caries over time.
Several modifying risk and protective factors influ-
Etiology of Dental Caries
ence the dental caries process, as will be discussed
Dental caries is a disease that is dependent on the
later in this chapter (Fig. 2.1).
complex inter-relationships between the following
At the tooth surface and sub-surface level, dental
five critical parameters:
caries results from a dynamic process of attack
(demineralization) (Figs. 2.2 and 2.3) and restitution i Biofilm
(remineralization) of the tooth matter. This cycle is ii Tooth habitat
summarized in Box 2.1. iii Diet
The balance between demineralization and rem- iv Saliva
ineralization has been illustrated in terms of: v Oral hygiene.


Chapter 02.indd 25 25/06/13 12:52 PM

42 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

Table 2.6
Clinical characteristics of normal and altered enamel
Hydrated Desiccated Surface texture Surface hardness
Normal enamel Translucent Translucent Smooth Hard
Hypocalcified enamel Opaque Opaque Smooth Hard
Noncavitated caries Translucent Opaque Smooth Softened
Active caries Opaque Opaque Cavitated Very soft
Inactive caries Opaque, dark Opaque, dark Roughened Hard

Table 2.7
Clinical significance of enamel lesions
therapeutic treatment
Plaque biofilm Enamel structure (e.g. remineralization,
antimicrobial, pH
Normal enamel Normal Normal Not indicated Not indicated
Hypocalcified enamel Normal Abnormal, but not weakened Not indicated Only for esthetics
Noncavitated caries Cariogenic Porous, weakened Yes Not indicated
Active caries Cariogenic Cavitated, very weak Yes Yes
Inactive caries Normal Remineralized, strong Not indicated Only for esthetics

Location These lesions usually are observed on the Box 2.3

facial and lingual surfaces of teeth. They can also Remineralization mechanism of a
occur in the proximal surfaces but are difficult to white spot lesion (WSL)
detect. The supersaturation of saliva with calcium and phosphate
Remineralization mechanism The remineralization ions serves as the driving force for the remineralization
mechanism of white spot lesion (WSL) is summa- process
rized in Box 2.3.
Noncavitated enamel lesions retain most of the original
crystalline framework of the enamel rods, and the etched
crystallites serve as nucleating agents for remineralization
Clinical Notes
• Care must be exercised in distinguishing white spots
Calcium and phosphate ions from saliva can penetrate
of noncavitated caries from developmental white spot
the enamel surface and precipitate on the highly reactive
hypocalcifications of enamel.
crystalline surfaces in the enamel lesion
• Noncavitated (white spot) caries partially or totally
disappears visually when the enamel is hydrated
(wet), whereas hypocalcified enamel is affected less by The presence of trace amounts of fluoride ions during this
drying and wetting (Table 2.6). remineralization process greatly enhances the precipitation
• Hypocalcified enamel does not represent a clinical
of calcium and phosphate, resulting in the remineralized
problem except for its esthetically objectionable
enamel becoming more resistant to subsequent caries
attack because of the incorporation of more acid-resistant
• Injudicious use of an explorer tip can cause actual cav-
itation in a previously noncavitated area, requiring, in
most cases, restorative intervention.
• Noncavitated enamel lesions sometimes can be seen Remineralized (arrested) lesions can be observed
on radiographs as a faint radiolucency that is limited clinically as intact, but discolored, usually brown or black,
to the superficial enamel. spots (Fig. 2.25). The change in color is presumably caused
• When a proximal lesion is clearly visible radiographi- by trapped organic debris and metallic ions within the
cally, the lesion may have advanced significantly, and enamel. These discolored, remineralized, arrested caries
histologic alteration of the underlying dentin probably areas are intact and are more resistant to subsequent caries
already has occurred, whether the lesion is cavitated attack than the adjacent unaffected enamel. They should
or not (Fig. 2.26). not be restored unless they are esthetically objectionable

Chapter 02.indd 42 25/06/13 12:52 PM

CHAPTER 2 Dental Caries: Etiology and Clinical Characteristics 45

a b
Tubule Sclerotic dentin formation occurs ahead of the
demineralization front of a slowly advancing lesion
and may be seen under an old restoration.
Sclerotic dentin is usually shiny and darker in
color but feels hard to the explorer tip. By contrast,
normal, freshly cut dentin lacks a shiny, reflective
surface and allows some penetration from a sharp ex-
A plorer tip.
The apparent function of sclerotic dentin is to wall
1 2 3
off a lesion by blocking (sealing) the tubules.
The permeability of sclerotic dentin is greatly re-
duced compared with normal dentin because of the
decrease in the tubule lumen diameter.24
2. Reaction to a moderate-intensity attack
B The second level of dentinal response is to moderate-
12 3 intensity irritants by forming reparative dentin.
Fig. 2.28 Normal and carious dentin. A, As dentin grows, Mechanism of reparative dentin formation
odontoblasts become increasingly compressed in the The mechanism of reparative dentin formation is ex-
shrinking pulp chamber, and the number of associated plained in Flowchart 2.1.
tubules becomes more concentrated per unit area. The more
recently formed dentin near the pulp (a) has large tubules Infected dentin contains a wide variety of pathogenic materials
with little or no peritubular dentin and calcified intertubular or irritants, including high acid levels, hydrolytic enzymes,
dentin filled with collagen fibers. Older dentin, closer to bacteria, and bacterial cellular debris
the external surface (b), is characterized by smaller, more
widely separated tubules and a greater mineral content in
intertubular dentin. Horizontal lines indicate predentin;
diagonal lines indicate increasing density of minerals; darker The pulp may be irritated sufficiently from high acid levels
horizontal lines indicate densely mineralized dentin and or bacterial enzyme production to cause the formation (from
undifferentiated mesenchymal cells) of replacement odontoblasts
increased thickness of peritubular dentin. B, Carious dentin
(secondary odontoblasts)
undergoes several changes. The most superficial infected
zone of carious dentin (3) is characterized by bacteria filling
the tubules and granular material in the intertubular space.
As bacteria invade dentinal tubules, if carbohydrates are These cells produce reparative dentin (reactionary dentin) on
available, they can produce enough lactic acid to remove the affected portion of the pulp chamber wall (see Figs. 2.28B )
peritubular dentin. Pulpal to (below) the infected dentin is
a zone where the dentin appears transparent in mounted Flowchart 2.1 Mechanism of reparative dentin formation
whole specimens. This zone (2) is affected (not infected)
carious dentin and is characterized by loss of mineral in
the intertubular and peritubular dentin. Many crystals can Clinical Notes
be detected in the lumen of the tubules in this zone. The
crystals in the tubule lumen render the refractive index of • This dentin is different from the normal dentinal ap-
the lumen similar to that of the intertubular dentin, making position that occurs throughout the life of the tooth by
primary (original) odontoblasts.
the zone transparent. Normal dentin (1) is found pulpal to
• The structure of reparative dentin varies from well-
(below) transparent dentin.
organized tubular dentin (less often) to very irregular
atubular dentin (more often), depending on the sever-
ity of the stimulus.
Hypermineralized areas may be seen on radio- • Reparative dentin is an effective barrier to diffusion of
material through the tubules and is an important step
graphs as zones of increased radiopacity (often S-
in the repair of dentin.
shaped following the course of the tubules) ahead of • Severe stimuli also can result in the formation within
the advancing, infected portion of the lesion. This re- the pulp chamber of unattached dentin, termed pulp
pair occurs only if the tooth pulp is vital. stones, in addition to reparative dentin.
• The pulpal blood supply may be the most important
Sclerotic dentin Dentin that has more mineral con- limiting factor for the pulpal responses.
tent than normal dentin is termed sclerotic dentin.

Chapter 02.indd 45 25/06/13 12:52 PM


Dental Caries:
Risk Assessment and Management

“There are no such things as incurables…

There are only things for which man has not yet found
a cure…”

Dental caries is a multifactorial medical disease proc-

ess, and the caries lesions are the expression of that
disease process involving the patient as a whole. It is
critical to remember that clinicians treat the entire pa-
tient and not just individual teeth and caries lesions
(Fig. 3.1). Equally important in the management of
caries as a disease entity is the ability to individual-
ize caries treatment or interventions for each patient.
To do this, the clinician must formulate a caries risk
assessment profile that is based on the patient’s risk
factors currently present.

Surgical Model of Caries

Historically, dentistry has used a surgical model for
the management of dental caries, which mainly in-
volved the biomechanical removal of caries lesions
and the restoration of the resultant tooth preparation
to form and function with a restorative material.
Management of caries disease by a surgical model
consisted of waiting until cavitations were detected
and treating the cavitations with restorations.
Eventually, it became apparent that dealing only
with the end result of the disease and not addressing
its etiology for each individual patient was not suc- Fig. 3.1 Acute, rampant caries in both anterior (A) and
cessful in controlling the caries disease process. posterior (B) teeth.


Chapter 03.indd 49 25/06/13 12:53 PM

60 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

weeks. Chlorhexidine may be used in combination Box 3.1

with other preventive measures in high-risk patients. Mechanism of remineralization action of ACP-CPP
Clinical Notes
Casein phosphopeptide (CPP) is a milk-derived protein that
The traditional approach is the use of chlorhexidine binds to the tooth’s biofilm and is used to stabilize ACP
(CHX) mouthwash, varnish, or both, along with pre-
scription fluoride toothpaste. When using this approach,
ACP is a reactive and soluble calcium phosphate
it may be prudent to use toothpaste free from sodium
lauryl sulfate (SLS), which causes the foaming action in compound that releases calcium and phosphate ions to
dentifrices. Although data are equivocal, evidence dem- convert to apatite and remineralize the enamel when it
onstrates that SLS reduces the ability of CHX to reduce comes in contact with saliva38
plaque formation.31
Remineralization products use CPP as a vehicle and
maintains a supersaturation state of ACP at or near the tooth
2. Xylitol Xylitol is a natural five-carbon sugar
obtained from birch trees. It seems to have several
mechanisms of action to reduce the incidence of
caries. Clinical Notes
• Xylitol keeps the sucrose molecule from binding
• Gum, lozenges, and topically applied solutions con-
with MS. taining CPP-ACP have been reported to remineralize
• S. mutans cannot ferment (metabolize) xylitol, so white spots.39 ,40
no acid is produced. • Some of these products contain other caries-preventive
• Xylitol reduces MS by altering the metabolic path- agents such as fluoride (e.g. GC Tooth Mousse Plus, GC
ways. Asia).
• Finally there is some suggestion that xylitol may
enhance remineralization and help arrest dentinal Mounting evidence indicates that CPP-ACP com-
caries.32 ,33 plexes (Fig. 3.6), when used regularly, are effective
in enamel remineralization.41–44 The evidence base for
Clinical Notes ACP is not as strong as that for xylitol, but extensive
clinical trials are ongoing, and the evidence that is
• It is usually recommended that a patient chew a piece available is supportive.
of xylitol gum for 5–30 minutes after eating or snack-
• Chewing any sugar-free gum after meals reduces the IX. Probiotics
acidogenicity of plaque because chewing stimulates
salivary flow, which improves the buffering of the pH The fundamental concept of probiotics is to inocu-
drop that occurs after eating.34 late the oral cavity with bacteria that will compete
• Reductions in caries rates are greater, however, when with cariogenic bacteria and eventually replace them.
xylitol is used as the sugar substitute.35,36
• Its efficacy is dose related, so care must be taken to rec-
ommend products with adequate dose levels. Current
protocols suggest chewing two pieces of gum contain-
ing a total of 1 gram of xylitol three to six times per
day, preferably after meals and snacks.

VIII. Calcium and Phosphate Compounds

A relatively new group of products, called amorphous
calcium-phosphates (ACP) in conjunction with ca-
sein phosphopeptide (CPP), have become commer-
cially available and have the potential to remineral-
ize tooth structure.37 The mechanism of action of the Fig. 3.6 CPP-ACP remineralizing compound (GC Tooth
ACP-CPP compounds is shown in Box 3.1. Mousse, GC Asia).

Chapter 03.indd 60 25/06/13 12:53 PM


Patient Assessment, Examination,
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

“In your thirst for knowledge… Table 4.1

be sure not to drown in all the information…”
Steps in patient assessment and management
Reasons for seeking care
This chapter provides an overview of the process Medical and dental histories
through which a clinician completes patient assess- Clinical examination for the detection of abnormalities
ment, clinical examination, diagnosis, and treatment Establishing diagnosis
plan for operative dentistry procedures.
Assessing risk
Any discussion of diagnosis and treatment must
Determining prognosis
begin with an appreciation of the role of the dentist
in helping patients maintain their oral health. This Treatment plan
role is summarized by the Latin phrase primum non
nocere, which means ‘do no harm’. This phrase rep-
resents a fundamental principle of the healing arts Research that provides information on treatments
over many centuries. that work best in certain situations is expanding the
The success of operative treatment depends heav- knowledge base of dentistry and has led to an interest
ily on an appropriate plan of care, which, in turn, is in translating the results of that research into practice
based on a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s activities and enhanced care for patients.
reasons for seeking care and on a systematic assess- Systematic reviews emerging from the focus on
ment of the patient’s current conditions and risk for evidence-based dentistry will provide practitioners
future problems. This information is then combined with a distillation of the available knowledge about
with the best available evidence on the approaches various conditions and treatments.
to manage the patient’s needs so that an appropriate As evidence-based dentistry continues to expand,
plan of care can be offered to the patient. professional associations will become more active in
The collection of this information and the deter- the development of guidelines to assist dentists and
minations based on these findings should be compre- their patients in making informed and appropriate
hensive and occur in a stepwise manner. These steps decisions.
are shown in Table 4.1.
Patient Assessment
Evidence-based Dentistry
General Considerations
Definition Evidence-based dentistry is defined as the Clinical examination is the ‘hands-on’ process of
“conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current observing the patient’s oral structures and detecting
best evidence in making decisions about the care of signs and symptoms of abnormal conditions or dis-
individual patients”.1 ease.


Chapter 04.indd 73 25/06/13 12:54 PM

CHAPTER 4 Patient Assessment, Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 79

probing is the Community Periodontal Index of Treat-

ment Needs (CPITN) probe having a 0.5mm sphere at
the tip (Fig. 4.6).

Clinical Notes
• It cannot be overemphasized that the explorer must not
be used to determine a ‘stick’, or a resistance to with-
drawal from a fissure or pit.
• This improper use of a sharp explorer has been shown
to irreversibly damage the tooth by turning a sound,
remineralizable subsurface lesion into a possible cav-
Fig. 4.4G Non-hereditary hypocalcified areas on facial itation that is prone to progression.5-8 The use of the
surfaces. These areas may result from numerous factors dental explorer for this purpose was found to fracture
but do not warrant restorative intervention unless they are enamel and serve as a source for transferring pathogen-
esthetically offensive or cavitation is present. ic bacteria among various teeth.9,10 Therefore, the use
of a sharp explorer in diagnosing pit-and-fissure caries
is contraindicated as part of the detection process.
Role of Explorer Caries lesions can be detected by
visual changes in tooth surface texture or color or in
tactile sensation when an explorer is used judiciously 2. Radiographic examination Proximal surface car-
to detect surface roughness by gently stroking across ies is usually diagnosed radiographically13 (Fig. 4.7A).
the tooth surface. The recommended instrument for When caries has invaded proximal surface enamel

Occlusal Protocol ***

ICDAS code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Definitions Sound tooth surface; First visual change Distinct visual change Localized enamel Underlying dark Distinct cavity with Extensive distinct
no caries change in enamel; seen only in enamel; seen when breakdown with no shadow from dentin, visible dentin; frank cavity with dentin;
after air drying (5 after air drying or wet, white or colored, visible dentin or with or without cavitation involving cavity is deep and
sec); or hypoplasia, colored, change “thin” “wider” than the underlying shadow; localized enamel less than half of a wide involving more
wear, erosion, and limited to the confines fissure/fossa discontinuity of breakdown tooth surface than half of the tooth
other noncaries of the pit and fissure surface enamel,
phenomena area widening of fissure

Histologic depth Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F
was 90% in the outer was 50% inner enamel with 77% in dentin with 88% into dentin with 100% in dentin 100% reaching inner
enamel with only 10% and 50% into the 1/3 dentin
into dentin outer 1/3 dentin

Sealant/restoration Sealant optional Sealant optional Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may DIAGNOdent may caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for low risk be helpful be helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed

Sealant/restoration Sealant optional Sealant recommended Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may DIAGNOdent may be caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for moderate risk be helpful helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed

Sealant/restoration Sealant recommended Sealant recommended Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may be DIAGNOdent may be caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for high risk * helpful helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed
Sealant/restoration Sealant recommended Sealant recommended Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may be DIAGNOdent may be caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for extreme risk ** helpful helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed
* Patients with one (or more) cavitated lesion(s) are high-risk patients. ** Patients with one (or more) cavitated lesion(s) and xerostomia are extreme-risk patients.

*** All sealants and restorations to be done with a minimally invasive philosophy in mind. Sealants are defined as confined to enamel. Restoration is defined as in dentin. A two-surface restoration is defined as a
preparation that has one part of the preparation in dentin and the preparation extends to a second surface (note: the second surface does not have to be in dentin). A sealant can be either resin-based or glass
ionomer. Resin-based sealants should have the most conservatively prepared fissures for proper bonding. Glass ionomer should be considered where the enamel is immature, or where fissure preparation is not
desired, or where rubber dam isolation is not possible. Patients should be given a choice in material selection.

Fig. 4.5 International caries detection and assessment system (ICDAS) chart showing visual caries detection. (From Jenson
L, Budenz AW, Featherstone JD, et al: Clinical protocols for caries management by risk assessment, J Calif Dent Assoc
35:714, 2007).

Chapter 04.indd 79 25/06/13 12:54 PM


Instruments and Equipment for
Tooth Preparation

“A man who works with his hands is a … Labourer Design

A man who works with hands and his brain is
a … Craftsman Most hand instruments, regardless of their use, are
A man who works with his hands and his brain and his composed of three parts – blade, shank and handle
heart is an … Artist.” (Fig. 7.2):
1. Blade
The blade is the working end of the instrument and is
Hand Instruments for Cutting connected to the handle by the shank.
For many noncutting instruments, the part corre-
Removal and shaping of tooth structure are essential sponding to the blade is termed nib.
aspects of restorative dentistry. Modern high-speed The end of the nib, or working surface, is known
equipment has eliminated the need for many hand as face.
instruments for tooth preparation. Nevertheless,
hand instruments remain an essential part of the ar-
mamentarium for restorative dentistry.
The early hand-operated instruments with their
large, heavy handles (Fig. 7.1) and inferior (by present
standards) metal alloys in the blades were cumber-
some, awkward to use, and ineffective in many situ-
ations. Among his many contributions to modern
dentistry, G V Black is credited with the first accept-
able nomenclature for and classification of hand in-
struments.1 His classification system enabled dentists
and manufacturers to communicate more clearly and
effectively about instrument design and function.
Modern hand instruments, when properly used,
produce beneficial results for the operator and the
patient. Some of these results can be satisfactorily
achieved only with hand instruments and not with
rotary instruments.

Terminology and Classification

Classification Fig. 7.1 Designs of some early hand instruments. These
instruments were individually handmade, variable in
The hand instruments used in the dental operatory design, and cumbersome to use. Because of the nature of
may be categorized in Box 7.1.1 the handles, effective sterilization was a problem.


Chapter 07.indd 111 25/06/13 12:57 PM

126 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

Clinical Notes reinforces the cutting edge and reduces the likelihood
for the edge of the blade to fracture.
Runout is the more significant term clinically because
it is the primary cause of vibration during cutting and Clearance angle The clearance angle eliminates
is the factor that determines the minimum diameter of rubbing friction of the clearance face, provides a stop
the hole that can be prepared by a given bur. Because of to prevent the bur edge from digging into the tooth
runout errors, burs normally cut holes measurably larger structure excessively, and provides adequate flute
than the head diameter. space or clearance space for the chips formed ahead
of the following blade. An increase in the clearance
angle causes a decrease in the edge angle.
Bur Blade Design
The actual cutting action of a bur (or a diamond) occurs Clinical Notes
in a very small region at the edge of the blade (or at the
point of a diamond chip). In the high-speed range, this • The three angles cannot be varied independently of
effective portion of the individual blade is limited to no each other.
• Carbide burs normally have blades with slight negative
more than a few thousandths of a centimeter adjacent
rake angles and edge angles of approximately 90 degrees.
to the blade edge. Figure 7.22 is an enlarged schematic • Their clearance faces either are curved or have two sur-
view of this portion of a bur blade. Several terms used faces to provide a low clearance angle near the edge and
in the discussion of blade design are illustrated. a greater clearance space ahead of the following blade.
Each blade has two sides—the rake face (toward
the direction of cutting) and the clearance face—and II. Diamond Abrasive Instruments
three important angles—the rake angle, the edge an-
gle, and the clearance angle. The second major category of rotary dental cutting in-
struments involves abrasive cutting rather than blade
Rake angle The rake angle is the most important cutting. Abrasive instruments are based on small, an-
design characteristic of a bur blade. A rake angle is gular particles of a hard substance held in a matrix
said to be negative when the rake face is ahead of the of softer material. Cutting occurs at numerous points
radius (from cutting edge to axis of bur), as illustrated where individual hard particles protrude from the
in Figure 7.22. For cutting hard, brittle materials, a matrix, rather than along a continuous blade edge.
negative rake angle minimizes fractures of the cutting
edge, increasing the tool life. Terminology
Edge angle Carbide bur blades have higher hardness Diamond abrasive instruments consist of three parts
and are more wear-resistant, but they are more brittle (Fig. 7.23):
than steel blades and require greater edge angles
1. Metal blank
to minimize fractures. Increasing the edge angle
2. Powdered diamond abrasive
3. Metallic bonding material that holds the dia-
mond powder onto the blank.
Rake The diamonds employed are industrial diamonds,
angle To axis of bur
either natural or synthetic, that have been crushed to
powder, then carefully graded for size and quality.
The shape of the individual particle is important
because of its effect on the cutting efficiency and du-
Edge angle
rability of the instrument, but the careful control of
particle size is probably of greater importance.
Rake The diamonds generally are attached to the blank
face Clearance by electroplating a layer of metal on the blank while
holding the diamonds in place against it.
Clearance face
Direction of rotation
Diamond instruments currently are marketed in myr-
Fig. 7.22 Bur blade design. Schematic cross-section viewed iad head shapes and sizes (Table 7.4) and in all of the
from shank end of head to show rake angle, edge angle, and standard shank designs. Most of the diamond shapes
clearance angle. parallel those for burs (Fig. 7.24).

Chapter 07.indd 126 25/06/13 12:57 PM


Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation and
Pulp Protection

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious… Conventional Preparation

Success is the natural consequence of consistently
applying the basic fundamentals.” In the past, most tooth preparations were precise pro-
—JIM ROHN cedures, usually resulting in uniform depths, particu-
lar wall forms, and specific marginal configurations.
In the past, most restorative treatments were for car- Such precise preparations are still required for amal-
ies, and the term cavity was used to describe a car- gam, cast metal, and ceramic restorations and may be
ies lesion that had progressed to the point that part considered conventional preparations. Conventional
of the tooth structure had been destroyed. The tooth preparations require specific wall forms, depths, and
was cavitated (a breach in the surface integrity of the marginal forms because of the properties of the re-
tooth) and was referred to as a cavity. Likewise, when storative material.
the affected tooth was treated, the cutting or prepa-
ration of the remaining tooth structure (to receive a
restorative material) was referred to as cavity prepa-
Modified Preparation
ration. Currently, many indications for treatment are The use of adhesive restorations, primarily composites
not related to carious destruction, and the prepara- and glass ionomers, has allowed a reduced degree of
tion of the tooth no longer is referred to as cavity precision of tooth preparations. Many composite res-
preparation, but as tooth preparation. torations may require only the removal of the defect
Much of the scientific foundation of tooth prepara- (caries, fracture, or defective restorative material) and
tion techniques was presented by Black.1 Modifica- friable tooth structure for tooth preparation, without
tions of Black’s principles of tooth preparation have specific uniform depths, wall designs, retentive fea-
resulted from the influence of: 2–6 tures or marginal forms. This simplification of proce-
• Concepts professed by Bronner, Markley, J Stur- dures results in a modified preparation and is possible
devant, Sockwell, and C Sturdevant. because of the physical properties of the composite
• Improvements in restorative materials, instru- material and the strong bond obtained between the
ments, and techniques. composite and the tooth structure (Table 9.1).
• Increased knowledge and application of preventive Much of this chapter presents information about
measures for caries. the conventional tooth preparations because of the
specificity required. The fundamental concepts relat-
ing to conventional and modified tooth preparation
Tooth Preparation are the same:
Tooth preparation is defined as the mechanical alter- 1. All unsupported enamel tooth structures are
ation of a defective, injured, or diseased tooth such normally removed.
that placement of restorative material re-establishes 2. Fault, defect, or caries is removed.
normal form and function, including esthetic correc- 3. Remaining tooth structure is left as strong as
tions, where indicated. possible.


Chapter 09.indd 159 25/06/13 1:08 PM

CHAPTER 9 Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation and Pulp Protection 165

ii. These enamel rods are buttressed on the Class V Preparations

preparation side by progressively shorter
rods whose outer ends have been cut off Preparations on the gingival third of the facial or lin-
but whose inner ends are on sound dentin gual surfaces of all teeth are termed class V.
(Fig. 9.5B). Because enamel rods usually Class VI Preparations
are perpendicular to the enamel surface,
the strongest enamel margin results in a Preparations on the incisal edges of anterior teeth or
cavosurface angle greater than 90 degrees the occlusal cusp tips of posterior teeth are termed
(see Fig. 9.4). class VI.
2. An enamel margin composed of full-length rods
that are on sound dentin but are not buttressed Stages of Tooth Preparation
tooth-side by shorter rods also on sound dentin
is termed strong. Generally, this margin results The tooth preparation procedure is divided into two
in a 90 degree cavosurface angle. stages, each with several steps. Each stage should be
3. An enamel margin composed of rods that do not thoroughly understood, and each step should be accom-
run uninterrupted from the surface to sound den- plished as perfectly as possible. The stages are present-
tin is termed unsupported. Usually, this weak ed in the sequence in which they should be followed if
enamel margin either has a cavosurface angle consistent, ideal results are to be obtained. The stages
less than 90 degrees or has no dentinal support. and steps in tooth preparation are listed in Box 9.1.

Classification of Tooth Preparations Initial Tooth Preparation Stage

Initial tooth preparation involves the extension of the
Classification of tooth preparations according to the
external walls of the preparation at a specified, limited
diseased anatomic areas involved and by the associ-
depth so as to provide access to the caries or defect and
ated type of treatment was presented by Black.1 These
to reach peripheral sound tooth structure. The place-
classifications were designated as class I, class II, class
ment and orientation of the preparation walls are de-
III, class IV, and class V. Since Black’s original classi-
signed to resist fracture of the tooth or restorative mate-
fication, an additional class has been added, class VI.
rial from masticatory forces principally directed with
the long axis of the tooth and to retain the restorative
Class I Preparations
material in the tooth (except for a class V preparation).
All pit-and-fissure preparations are termed class I.
These include preparations on: Step 1: Outline Form and Initial Depth
1. Occlusal surfaces of premolars and molars The first step in initial tooth preparation is determin-
2. Occlusal two-thirds of the facial and lingual sur- ing and developing the outline form while establish-
faces of molars ing the initial depth.
3. Lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors.
Box 9.1
Class II Preparations Steps of tooth preparation
Preparations involving the proximal surfaces of pos- Initial tooth preparation stage
terior teeth are termed class II. Step 1: Outline form and initial depth
Step 2: Primary resistance form
Step 3: Primary retention form
Class III Preparations
Step 4: Convenience form
Preparations involving the proximal surfaces of an-
Final tooth preparation stage
terior teeth that do not include the incisal angle are Step 5: Removal of any remaining infected dentin or old
termed class III. restorative material (or both), if indicated
Step 6: Pulp protection, if indicated
Class IV Preparations Step 7: Secondary resistance and retention forms
Preparations involving the proximal surfaces of an- Step 8: Procedures for finishing external walls
Step 9: Final procedures—cleaning, inspecting, desensi-
terior teeth that include the incisal edge are termed
class IV.

Chapter 09.indd 165 25/06/13 1:08 PM

166 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

Definition Factors
Establishing the outline form means: In determining the outline form of a proposed tooth
preparation, certain conditions or factors must first
1. Placing the preparation margins in the positions
be assessed. These conditions affect the outline form
they will occupy in the final preparation except
and often dictate the extensions.
for finishing enamel walls and margins.
i. The extent of the caries lesion, defect, or faulty
2. Preparing an initial depth of 0.2–0.5mm pul-
old restoration affects the outline form of the
pally of the DEJ position or 0.8mm pulpally to
proposed tooth preparation because the objec-
normal root-surface position (no deeper initially
tive is to extend to sound tooth structure except
whether in the tooth structure, air, old restora-
in a pulpal direction.
tive material, or caries unless the occlusal enam-
ii. Esthetic considerations not only affect the
el thickness is minimal, and greater dimension
choice of restorative material but also the design
is necessary for the strength of the restorative
of the tooth preparation in an effort to maximize
material) (Fig. 9.6).
the esthetic result of the restoration.
iii. Correcting or improving occlusal relationships
also may necessitate altering the tooth preparation
The three general principles on which outline form is
to accommodate such changes, even when the in-
established regardless of the type of tooth preparation
volved tooth structure is not faulty (i.e. a cuspal
being prepared are as follows:
form may need to be altered to effect better occlu-
1. All unsupported or weakened (friable) enamel sal relationships).
usually should be removed. iv. The desired cavosurface marginal configuration
2. All faults should be included. of the proposed restoration affects the outline
3. All margins should be placed in a position to form. Restorative materials that need beveled
allow finishing of the margins of the restoration. margins require tooth preparation outline form

0.75 mm

0.2 mm

0.5 mm CEJ


0.75 - 0.8 mm
0.2 mm

Fig. 9.6 Initial tooth preparation stage for conventional preparations. A,
B, and C, Extensions in all directions are to sound tooth structure, while
maintaining a specific limited pulpal or axial depth regardless of whether
end (or side) of bur is in dentin, caries, old restorative material, or air. C 0.2 mm DEJ
The dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) and the cementoenamel junction (CEJ)
are indicated in B. In A, initial depth is approximately two-thirds of 3mm
bur head length, or 2 mm, as related to prepared facial and lingual walls,
but is half the No. 245 bur head length, or 1.5 mm, as related to central
fissure location.

Chapter 09.indd 166 25/06/13 1:08 PM

CHAPTER 9 Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation and Pulp Protection 167

extensions that must anticipate the final cavo- 2/

3 1/
surface position and form after the bevels have Primary
been placed. groove
Cusp tip
Generally, the typical features of establishing proper 2/
outline form and initial depth are: 1/
1. Preserving cuspal strength Primary groove
2. Preserving marginal ridge strength Mandibular groove
3. Minimizing faciolingual extensions
4. Connecting two close (<0.5mm apart) defects or groove
tooth preparations
5. Restricting the depth of the preparation into dentin.
Outline form and initial depth for pit-and-fissure 1/ to 2/ –
2 3 Consider capping
lesions 2/ or
3 more – Recommend capping
Outline form and initial depth in pit-and-fissure
preparations are controlled by three factors: Fig. 9.7 Rule for cusp capping: If extension from a primary
1. Extent to which the enamel has been involved groove toward the cusp tip is no more than half the distance,
by the carious process no cusp capping should be done; if this extension is one
2. Extensions that must be made along the fissures half to two thirds of the distance, consider cusp capping;
to achieve sound and smooth margins if the extension is more than two-thirds of the distance,
3. Limited bur depth related to the tooth’s original usually cap the cusp.
surface (real or visualized if missing because of
disease or defect) while extending the preparation
to sound external walls that have a pulpal depth of
approximately 1.5–2mm and usually a maximum
depth into dentin of 0.2mm (see Fig.9.6A and B).
Rules for establishing outline form for pit-and-fissure
tooth preparation
1. Extend the preparation margin until sound
tooth structure is obtained, and no unsupported
or weakened enamel remains. Fig. 9.8 A, Enameloplasty on area of imperfect coalescence
2. Avoid terminating the margin on extreme emi- of enamel. B, No more than one-third of the enamel
nences, such as cusp heights or ridge crests. thickness should be removed.
3. If the extension from a primary groove
includes one half or more of the cusp incline, them, they should be joined to eliminate a weak
consideration should be given to capping the enamel wall between them.
cusp. If the extension is two thirds, the cusp- 7. Extend the outline form to provide sufficient
capping procedure is most often the proper access for proper tooth preparation, restoration
procedure (Fig. 9.7) to remove the margin from placement, and finishing procedures (see step 4:
the area of masticatory stresses. convenience form).
4. Extend the preparation margin to include all of
the fissure that cannot be eliminated by appro-
priate enameloplasty (Fig. 9.8). Definition Enameloplasty is a prophylactic procedure
5. Restrict the pulpal depth of the preparation that involves the removal of a shallow, enamel develop-
to a maximum of 0.2mm into dentin. To be as mental fissure or pit to create a smooth, saucer-shaped
conservative as possible, the preparation for an surface that is self-cleansing or easily cleaned (Fig. 9.8).
occlusal surface pit-and-fissure lesion to be re-
stored with amalgam is first prepared to a depth
of 1.5mm, as measured at the central fissure. 1. A fissure may be removed by enameloplasty if one
6. When two pit-and-fissure preparations have less third or less of the enamel depth is involved, with-
than 0.5mm of sound tooth structure between out preparing or extending the tooth preparation.

Chapter 09.indd 167 25/06/13 1:08 PM


Fundamental Concepts of Enamel and
Dentin Adhesion

“Imagination is the beginning of creation…you imagine Waals). This would involve the chemical bond-
what you desire… ing to the inorganic component (hydroxyapa-
You will what you imagine and at last …you create
tite) or organic components (mainly type I col-
what you will.”
lagen) of tooth structure.
3. Diffusion adhesion: Interlocking between mo-
bile molecules, such as the adhesion of two pol-
Basic Concepts of Adhesion ymers through diffusion of polymer chain ends
across an interface. This would involve the pre-
cipitation of substances on the tooth surfaces to
which resin monomers can bond mechanically
The word adhesion comes from the Latin adhaerere or chemically.
(‘to stick to’). Adhesion is defined as the state in 4. A combination of the previous three mecha-
which two surfaces are held together by interfacial nisms.
forces, which may consist of valence forces, or in-
terlocking forces or both (The American Society for Criteria for Optimal Adhesion
Testing and Materials [Specification D 907]).1
For good adhesion to take place, five fundamental at-
Adhesive is a material, frequently a viscous fluid
tributes which are required are illustrated in Fig. 10.1.
that joins two substrates together by solidifying, re-
sisting separation and transferring a load from one
surface to the other. Adhesive strength is the measure Indications for Adhesive Dentistry
of the load-bearing capacity of an adhesive joint.2
The availability of new scientific information on the
etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of carious lesions
Mechanisms of Dental Adhesion and the introduction of reliable adhesive restorative
materials have substantially reduced the need for ex-
In dentistry, bonding of resin-based materials to tooth
tensive tooth preparations. Adhesive techniques also
structure is a result of four possible mechanisms:3
allow more conservative tooth preparations, less reli-
1. Mechanical adhesion: Interlocking of the ad-
ance on macro-mechanical retention, and less remov-
hesive with irregularities in the surface of the
al of unsupported enamel. With improvements in
substrate, or adherend. This would involve the
materials, indications for resin-based materials have
penetration of adhesive resin and formation of
progressively shifted from the anterior segment only
resin tags within the tooth surface.
to posterior teeth as well.
2. Adsorption adhesion: Chemical bonding be-
Adhesive restorative techniques currently are used
tween the adhesive and the adherend; the forces
for the following indications:
involved may be primary valence forces (ionic
and covalent) or secondary valence forces (hy- 1. Restore class I, II, III, IV, V, and VI carious or
drogen bonds, dipole interaction, or van der traumatic defects


Chapter 10.indd 179 25/06/13 1:10 PM

186 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

Classification of Dentinal Adhesives Table 10.2

Abbreviations commonly used in dentin/enamel
We can divide the chronology of development of adhesion literature and in this chapter
dentinal adhesives into historical and current op- Abbreviation Chemical name
tions (Table 10.1). A complete listing of the chemi- Bis-GMA Bisphenol-glycidyl methacrylate
cal names mentioned in this chapter is provided in
EDTA Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid
Table 10.2.
GPDM Glycerophosphoric acid dimethacrylate
HEMA 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate
I. Historical Strategies 10-MDP 10-Methacryloyloxy decyl dihydrogen
i. First Generation (1965) phosphate
4-META 4-Methacryloxyethyl trimellitate
Surface-active co-monomer NPG-GMA26,56
MMEP Mono (2-methacryloxy) ethyl phthalate
Mechanism of action
NPG-GMA N-phenylglycine glycidyl methacrylate
Theoretically, this co-monomer could chelate
PENTA Dipentaerythritol penta-acrylate
with calcium on the tooth surface to generate wa-
ter-resistant chemical bonds of resin to dentinal
calcium.57,58 Phenyl-P 2-(Methacryloxy) ethyl phenyl hydrogen
Brand Name
Cervident (S S White Burs, Inc, Lakewood, NJ)
Bond Strength
Only 2–3 MPa.59
ii. Second Generation (1978)
Clinical result
Cervident had poor clinical results when used to re- Chemical
store noncarious cervical lesions without mechanical It was a phosphate-ester material (phenyl-P and hy-
retention.60 droxyethyl methacrylate [HEMA] in ethanol).
Mechanism of action
It was based on the polar interaction between nega-
tively charged phosphate groups in the resin and
TABLE 10.1
positively charged calcium ions in the smear layer.59
Classification of dentinal adhesives Brand names
1. Historical strategies: 1. Clearfil Bond System F (Kuraray Co, Ltd, Osaka,
i. First generation (1965)
ii. Second generation (1978)
2. Scotchbond (3M EPSE Dental Products, St. Paul,
iii. Third generation (1984)
2. Current strategies: 3. Bondlite (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA)
i. Etch and rinse adhesives
4. Prisma Universal Bond (DENTSPLY Caulk, Mil-
a. Three step—etch and rinse adhesive (fourth
ford, DE).
b. Two step—etch and rinse adhesive (fifth Bond strength
generation) Only 1–5 MPa.4,43
ii. Self-etch adhesives
a. Two component—self-etch adhesive (sixth Clinical result
generation) The in vitro performance of second-generation adhe-
— Two step—two component—self-etch sives after 6 months was unacceptable.61 The bonding
adhesive material tended to peel from the dentin surface after
— One step—two component—self-etch water storage.61,62 The in vivo performance of these
adhesive materials was found to be clinically unacceptable 2
b. Single component—one step—self-etch years after placement in cervical tooth preparations
adhesive (seventh generation)
without additional retention.63,64

Chapter 10.indd 186 25/06/13 1:10 PM

CHAPTER 10 Fundamental Concepts of Enamel and Dentin Adhesion 187

iii. Third Generation (1984) Clinical result

Clinical results were mixed, with some reports of good
performance and some reports of poor performance.63,64
It was a phosphate-based material containing HEMA
and a 10-carbon molecule known as 10-MDP, which
included long hydrophobic and short hydrophilic
II. Current Strategies for Resin–Dentin
components.57 Bonding
Mechanism of action i. Etch and Rinse Adhesives
1. The concept of phosphoric acid-etching of den- Concept
tin before application of a phosphate ester-type The smear layer is considered to be an obstacle that
bonding agent was introduced by Fusayama must be removed to permit resin bonding to the
et  al in 1979.65 Clearfil New Bond (Kuraray, underlying dentin substrate.42 The next generation
Japan) was the only third generation bonding of dentin adhesives was introduced for use on acid-
agent to follow the etched dentin philosophy. etched dentin.66 The clinical technique involves
2. Most of the other third-generation materials were simultaneous application of an acid to enamel and
designed not to remove the entire smear layer but, dentin, this method was originally known as the
rather, to modify it and allow the penetration of total-etch technique. Now more commonly called
acidic monomers, such as phenyl-P or PENTA. etch-and-rinse technique, it was the most popular
strategy for dentin bonding during the 1990s and
Brand names remains somewhat popular today (Fig. 10.11).
1. Clearfil New Bond (Kuraray Co, Ltd, Osaka, Mechanism of action
Japan) Box 10.2 explains the mechanism of action of etch-
2. Scotchbond 2 (3M ESPE Dental Products) and-rinse adhesives.

Acid-Etching + Rinsing Primer/Adhesive + Composite

Dentin Smear Layer Etched Dentin with

Prepared with Bur Exposed Collagen Fibers

Dentin Adhesive

Hybrid Layer


Fig. 10.11 Bonding of resin to dentin using an etch-and-rinse technique.

Chapter 10.indd 187 25/06/13 1:10 PM


Class III and IV
Direct Composite Restorations

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Indications

Class III and IV direct composite restorations are
mainly indicated in the:
Class III and IV Direct Composite
1. Restoration of caries lesions (class III and IV)
Restorations 2. Anterior enamel and/or dentin crown fractures
(class IV)
This chapter presents information about class III and
IV direct composite restorations (Fig. 13.1).



Fig. 13.1 Direct composite restorations before and after. A and B, Class III. C and D, Class IV.


Chapter 13.indd 241 25/06/13 1:56 PM

CHAPTER 13 Class III and IV Direct Composite Restorations 251





Fig. 13.14 Class IV tooth preparation and restoration. A, Extraoral view, minor traumatic fracture. B, Intraoral view.
C, Fractured enamel is roughened with a flame-shaped diamond instrument. D, The conservative preparation is etched,
while adjacent teeth are protected with Mylar strip. E–F, Contouring and polishing the composite. G, Intraoral view of the
completed restoration. H, Extraoral view.

Chapter 13.indd 251 25/06/13 1:56 PM


Additional Conservative
Esthetic Procedures

“Beauty is harmony of all parts, in whatsoever subject I. Shape or Form

it appears, fitted together with such proportion and
connection, that nothing could be added, diminished The shape of teeth largely determines their esthetic
or altered…. but for the worse.” appearance. To achieve optimal dental esthetics, it is
—LEON BATTISTE ALBERTE (1610) imperative that natural anatomic forms be achieved.
Subtle variations in shape and contour produce very
Significant improvements in tooth-colored restora- different appearances.
tive materials and adhesive techniques have resulted
in numerous conservative esthetic treatment possi- Cosmetic Contouring
bilities. This chapter presents conservative esthetic
Minor modification of existing tooth contours, some-
procedures in the context of their clinical applica-
times referred to as cosmetic contouring, can effect
a significant esthetic change. Reshaping enamel by
rounding incisal angles, opening incisal embrasures,
Artistic Elements and reducing prominent facial line angles can pro-
duce a more youthful appearance (Fig. 17.1).
In conservative esthetic dentistry certain basic artis-
Illusion of Shape
tic elements must be considered to ensure an optimal
esthetic result. These elements include the following: Prominent areas of contour on a tooth typically are
highlighted with direct illumination, making them
1. Shape or form
more noticeable, whereas areas of depression or dimin-
2. Symmetry and proportionality
ishing contour are shadowed and less conspicuous.
3. Position and alignment
4. Surface texture Illusion of narrowness
5. Color Compared with normal tooth contours (Fig. 17.2A),
6. Translucency. a tooth can be made to appear narrower by position-

Fig. 17.1 Cosmetic contouring. A,

Anterior teeth before treatment. B,
By reshaping teeth, a more youthful
appearance is produced.


Chapter 17.indd 303 25/06/13 2:14 PM

322 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry



Fig. 17.24 Macroabrasion. A, Outer surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth are unesthetic because of superficial enamel defects.
B and C, Removal of discoloration by abrasive surfacing and polishing procedures. D, Completed treatment revealing
conservative esthetic outcome.

defects or areas of intrinsic discoloration

Veneers (Fig. 17.27).
ii. Full veneers: Full veneers are indicated for
Definition A veneer is a layer of tooth-colored ma-
the restoration of generalized defects or ar-
terial that is applied to a tooth to restore localized
eas of intrinsic staining involving most of
or generalized defects and intrinsic discolorations
the facial surface of the tooth (Figs. 17.25
and17-28). Full veneers can be further sub-
divided based on the preparation design
Indications (Fig. 17.27) as:
Common indications for veneers include teeth with a. Window preparation
facial surfaces are as follows (Fig. 17.26): b. Butt joint incisal preparation
• Tooth malformation c. Incisal overlap preparation.
• Discolored teeth 2. Based on the type of material employed, veneers
• Abraded or eroded facial surfaces can be classified as:
• Faulty restorations. i. Directly applied composite veneer
ii. Processed composite veneer
iii. Porcelain or pressed ceramic veneer.
Types of veneers
3. Based on the mode of fabrication veneers can be
1. Based on the extent of the tooth involved, ve- classified into:
neers can be classified as: i. Direct veneers
i. Partial veneers: Partial veneers are in- a. Direct partial veneers
dicated for the restoration of localized b. Direct full veneers

Chapter 17.indd 322 25/06/13 2:14 PM

326 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

Clinical Notes 2. Etched Porcelain Veneers

• Although two appointments are required for indirect Concept

veneers, chair time is reduced because much of the The preferred type of indirect veneer is the etched
work has been done in the laboratory. porcelain (i.e. feldspathic) veneer. Porcelain veneers
• Excellent results can be obtained when proper clinical etched with hydrofluoric acid are capable of achiev-
evaluation and careful operating procedures are fol- ing high bond strengths to the etched enamel via a
lowed. resin-bonding medium.27–29 Etched porcelain veneers
• Indirect veneers are attached to the enamel by acid
are highly esthetic, stain resistant, and periodontally
etching and bonding with light-cured resin cement.
Clinical procedure
1. No-prep Veneers
Step 1: Preoperative considerations
One approach being used for indirect veneers is to i. A consult appointment is always recommended
place them on teeth with no tooth preparation. for shade selection, intraoral photographs, and
impressions for diagnostic models and occlusal
No-prep veneers are best used when teeth are inherent-
ii. An incisal reduction index is always recommend-
ly undercontoured, when interdental spaces or open
ed to accurately gauge the amount of incisal re-
incisal embrasures are present, or when both condi-
duction during the preparation of teeth for etched
tions exist. Example of successful no-prep veneers fol-
porcelain veneers (Fig. 17.30B through H).
lowing these guidelines is seen in Figure 17.29.
Step 2: Instrumentation
The veneer preparation is made with a tapered,
Clinical Notes rounded-end diamond instrument. A diamond with
• No-prep veneers can be problematic because of the fol- a tip diameter of 1.0–1.2 mm is recommended.
lowing reasons: Step 3: Clinical considerations
○ First, no-prep veneers are inherently made thinner
and, consequently, are more prone to fracture, espe- i. The intraenamel preparations are made to a
cially during the try-in phase. depth of approximately 0.5–0.75 mm midfacial-
○ Second, for indirect no-prep veneers, interproximal ly, diminishing to a depth of 0.3–0.5 mm along
areas are difficult to access for proper finishing.
the gingival margins, depending on enamel
○ Third, if case selection is not done properly and the
teeth are already of normal contour, the resulting ve-
neers inevitably will be overcontoured. ii. Veneer interproximal margins should be located
just facial to the proximal contacts.


Fig. 17.29 No-prep veneers placed on maxillary anterior teeth. A, Before treatment. B, Immediately after placement of the
no-prep veneers. (Courtesy of Dr Patricia Pereira).

Chapter 17.indd 326 25/06/13 2:14 PM

CHAPTER 17 Additional Conservative Esthetic Procedures 327





Fig. 17.30 (continued)

Chapter 17.indd 327 25/06/13 2:14 PM

328 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry





Fig. 17.30 (continued)

Chapter 17.indd 328 25/06/13 2:14 PM

CHAPTER 17 Additional Conservative Esthetic Procedures 329





Fig. 17.30 (continued)

Chapter 17.indd 329 25/06/13 2:14 PM


Introduction to Amalgam Restorations

“To study the phenomena of disease is to sail an

uncharted sea…
While to study patients without books is not to go to
sea at all…”.

Dental amalgam is a metallic restorative material
composed of a mixture of silver-tin-copper alloy and
mercury. The unset mixture is pressed (condensed)
into a specifically prepared undercut tooth form and
contoured to restore the tooth’s form and function.
When the material hardens, the tooth is functional
again, restored with a silver-colored restoration
Fig. 19.1 Clinical example of an amalgam restoration.
(Fig. 19.1). Amalgam has been the subject of intense
(From Hatrick CD, Eakle WS, Bird WF: Dental Materials:
research and has been found to be safe and beneficial Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental
as a direct restorative material.1–8 Hygienists, ed 2, St. Louis, 2011, Saunders).

Terminology Box 19.1

Amalgam technically means an alloy of mercury (Hg) Classification of amalgam

with any other metal. Dental amalgam is an alloy 1. Based on copper content
made by mixing mercury with silver–tin dental amal- i. Conventional or low copper alloy
gam alloy (Ag-Sn). In dentistry, it is common to use ii. High copper alloy
a. High copper admixed alloy
the term amalgam to mean dental amalgam.
b. High copper unicompositional alloy
2. Based on amalgam alloy particle geometry and size
Composition i. Lathe-cut alloy
a. Regular-cut
Amalgam alloy is a silver–tin alloy to which varying b. Fine-cut
amounts of copper (Cu) and small amounts of zinc c. Microfine-cut
(Zn) have been added. ii. Spherical alloy
iii. Admixed alloy
3. Based on zinc content
Classification i. Zinc containing alloy
The major approaches to the classification of amal- ii. Zinc-free alloy
gams are shown in Box 19.1: 4. New amalgam alloys


Chapter 19.indd 339 25/06/13 2:17 PM

CHAPTER 19 Introduction to Amalgam Restorations 343

Box 19.2
Basic setting reaction of amalgam
Alloy particles of amalgam Dental amalgam
+ +
Mercury Unreacted alloy particles
Since the original mixture contains a large excess of
silver–tin alloy particles, only a minor portion of the
outside of the particles is consumed during the reaction
with mercury

The unreacted portion of the original amalgam alloy par-

ticles remains as residual alloy particles, reinforcing the
final structure

Fig. 19.4 Scanning electron microscopic view of tin–

The reaction products form a matrix surrounding the mercury (Sn-Hg) (2) crystals that occur in a matrix of
residual alloy particles set low-copper amalgams. Note the blade-like crystals
that penetrate amalgam and touch each other to create a
continuous matrix (arrow). (Courtesy of D F Taylor, School
of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC).

Table 19.2
Phases of amalgam Clinical Notes
Silver–tin phase  (Gamma) Ag3Sn
The tin-mercury gamma-2 phase (2) is the weakest
Silver–mercury phase 1 Ag2Hg3 phase in dental amalgam and is responsible for the cor-
Tin–mercury phase 2 Sn7-8Hg rosion process.
Copper–tin phase  (Epsilon) Cu3Sn
Copper–tin phase  (Eta) Cu6Sn5
II. High Copper Amalgam
High-copper amalgams set in a manner similar to
low-copper amalgams except that tin–mercury reac-
Box 19.3 tions are suppressed by the preferential formation of
Setting reaction of conventional low copper copper–tin phases instead.
amalgam alloy
i. High Copper Admixed Alloy
Ag3Sn + Hg Ag2Hg3 + Sn8Hg + Unreacted Ag3Sn
 1 2 In high copper admixed alloys the reaction takes
place in two steps (see Box 19.4). There is elimina-
tion of gamma-2 phase, which is the weakest phase.

• This process produces penetrating corrosion that

generates a porous and spongy amalgam with mini- Box 19.4
mal mechanical resistance. Two key features of this Setting reaction of high-copper admixed alloy
degradation process are: Step 1
i. The corrosion-prone character of the tin–mer- Ag3Sn + Ag-Cu + Hg Ag2Hg3 + Sn8Hg + Ag3Sn + Ag-Cu
cury phase gamma-2 phase(g2).  1 2
ii. The connecting path formed by the blade-like Step 2
geometry of the crystals. Both these are elimi- Sn8Hg + Ag-Cu Ag2Hg3 + Cu6Sn5 + Unconsumed
Ag-Cu and Ag2Hg3
nated by the use of more copper in the initial 2 1 

Chapter 19.indd 343 25/06/13 2:17 PM


Class I and II
Amalgam Restorations

“Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, 3. Is in an area that will have heavy occlusal con-
but to turn it into glory”. tacts
—WILLIAM BARCLAY 4. Cannot be well isolated
5. Extends onto the root surface
Amalgam is used for the restoration of many carious 6. Will become a foundation for a full coverage res-
or fractured posterior teeth and in the replacement toration
of failed restorations. If properly placed, an amalgam 7. Is in a tooth that serves as an abutment for a re-
restoration provides many years of service.1–6 This movable partial denture.
chapter presents the techniques and procedures for
class I and II amalgam restorations (Fig. 20.1). Class Contraindications
I restorations restore defects on the occlusal surface
of posterior teeth, the occlusal thirds of the facial and Although amalgam has no specific contraindications
lingual surface of molars, and the lingual surfaces of for use in class I and II restorations, relative contrain-
maxillary anterior teeth. Class II restorations restore dications for use include:
defects that affect one or both of the proximal sur- 1. Esthetically prominent areas of posterior teeth.
faces of posterior teeth. 2. Small to moderate class I and II defects that can
be well isolated.
Amalgam is indicated for the restoration of a class I Advantages
and II defect when the defect: Primary advantages are the ease of use and the sim-
1. Is not in an area of the mouth where esthetics is plicity of the procedure. The placing and contour-
highly important ing of amalgam restorations are generally easier than
2. Is moderate to large those for composite restorations.7,8


Fig. 20.1 Clinical examples of class I and II amalgam restorations. A, Class I amalgam in the occlusal surface of the first
molar. B, Class II amalgams in a premolar and molar.


Chapter 20.indd 361 25/06/13 2:22 PM

366 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

No. 245 bur

b a

⬎1.6 mm
mm Correct Correct Incorrect



Fig. 20.5 The direction of the mesial and distal walls is influenced by the remaining thickness of the marginal ridge as
measured from the mesial or distal margin (a) to the proximal surface (i.e. imaginary projection of proximal surface) (b).
A, Mesial and distal walls should converge occlusally when the distance from a to b is greater than 1.6mm. B, When the
operator judges that the extension will leave only 1.6mm thickness (two diameters of No. 245 bur) of marginal ridge (i.e.
premolars) as illustrated here and in Fig.20.4B and C, the mesial and distal walls must diverge occlusally to conserve ridge-
supporting dentin. C, Extending the mesial or distal walls to a two-diameter limit without diverging the wall occlusally
undermines the marginal ridge enamel.

Step 3: Extension towards central fissure are extended, if necessary, to remove enamel under-
• The bur’s orientation and depth are maintained while mined by caries.21
extending along the central fissure toward the mesial
pit, following the DEJ (see Fig. 20.4E). Clinical Notes
• When the central fissure has minimal caries, one
pass through the fissure at the prescribed depth The strongest and ideal enamel margin should be com-
provides the desired minimal width to the isthmus. posed of full-length enamel rods attached to sound den-
tin, supported on the preparation side by shorter rods,
Ideally, the width of the isthmus should be just
also attached to sound dentin (Fig. 20.6).
wider than the diameter of the bur.

Clinical Notes Step 6: Enameloplasty (if required)

When the remaining fissure is no deeper than one-
It is well established that a tooth preparation with a nar- quarter to one-third the thickness of enamel, enam-
row occlusal isthmus is less prone to fracture.19,20

Step 4: Extension towards opposing marginal ridge

(if required)
• If the fissure extends farther onto the marginal a
ridge, the long axis of the bur should be changed to
establish a slight occlusal divergence to the mesial
wall if the marginal ridge would be otherwise un-
dermined of its dentinal support. Dentin
• Figure 20.5 illustrates the correct and incorrect A B
preparation of the mesial and distal walls.
Fig. 20.6 A and B, The ideal and strongest enamel margin
Step 5: Facial and lingual wall extension (if required) is formed by full-length enamel rods (a) resting on sound
The remainder of any occlusal enamel defects is in- dentin supported on the preparation side by shorter rods,
cluded in the outline, and the facial and lingual walls also resting on sound dentin (b).

Chapter 20.indd 366 25/06/13 2:22 PM

CHAPTER 20 Class I and II Amalgam Restorations 367

80° 100°

Fig. 20.7 Enameloplasty. A, Developmental defect at terminal end of fissure. B, Fine-grit diamond stone in position to
remove the defect. C, Smooth surface after enameloplasty. D, The cavosurface angle should not exceed 100 degrees, and the
margin–amalgam angle should not be less than 80 degrees. Enamel external surface (e) before enameloplasty.

eloplasty is indicated. Enameloplasty (see chapter 9) pal floor) is best accomplished using a discoid-type
refers to eliminating the developmental fault by re- spoon excavator or a slowly revolving round carbide
moving it with the side of a flame-shaped diamond bur of appropriate size (Fig. 20.8).
stone, leaving a smooth surface (Fig. 20.7A through
C). The surface left by enameloplasty should meet the Clinical Notes
tooth preparation wall, preferably with a cavosurface
angle no greater than approximately 100 degrees; this • Using the largest instrument that fits the carious area is
would produce a distinct margin for amalgam of no safest because it is least likely to penetrate the tooth in
an uncontrolled manner.
less than 80 degrees (Fig. 20.7D).
• When removing infected dentin, the excavation should
be stopped when the tooth structure feels hard or firm
II. Final tooth Preparation (i.e. the same feel as sound dentin). This situation of-
ten occurs before all lightly stained or discolored den-
The final tooth preparation includes:
tin is removed.22
1. Removal of remaining defective enamel and • A sharp explorer or hand instrument is more reliable
infected dentin on the pulpal floor than a rotating bur for judging the adequacy of removal
Removal of the remaining infected dentin (i.e. car- of infected dentin. These instruments should be used ju-
diciously, however, in areas of possible pulpal exposure.
ies that extends pulpally from the established pul-



Section of

Fig. 20.8 A and B, Removal of dentinal caries is accomplished with round burs (A) or spoon excavators (B). C and D, The
resistance form may be improved with a flat floor peripheral to the excavated area or areas.

Chapter 20.indd 367 25/06/13 2:22 PM


Complex Amalgam Restorations

“Simplicities are enormously complex”.


Complex posterior restorations are used to replace

any missing structure of teeth that have fractured,
have severe caries involvement, or have existing re-
storative material. These restorations usually involve
the replacement of one or more missing cusps and
require additional means of retention. This chapter
describes the use of dental amalgam for complex di-
rect posterior restorations.

Complex posterior amalgam restorations should be
considered when large amounts of tooth structure are Fig. 21.1 Mesio-occluso-disto-lingual (MODL) complex
missing and when one or more cusps need capping amalgam tooth No.16.
(Fig. 21.1).1–4 Complex amalgams can be used as:

1. Definitive Final Restoration forces (see Chapter 24). When conventional reten-
tion features are not adequate because of insufficient
Usually, a weakened tooth is best restored with a remaining tooth structure, the retention form can be
properly designed indirect (usually cast) restoration enhanced by using pins, slots, and elective groove ex-
that prevents tooth fracture caused by mastication tensions (Fig. 21.2).


Fig. 21.2 Maxillary second premolar weakened by extensive caries and by the small fracture line extending mesiodistally
on the center of the excavated dentinal wall. A, Minikin pins placed in the gingival floor improve resistance form after
amalgam has been placed. B, Restorations polished.


Chapter 21.indd 389 25/06/13 2:33 PM

CHAPTER 21 Complex Amalgam Restorations 391

2. Resistance form: Resistance form is more diffi- Types of Pins

cult to develop than when preparing a tooth for a
cusp-capping onlay (skirting axial line angles of There are three types of pins for pin retained amal-
the tooth) or a full crown. The complex amalgam gam restorations (Fig. 21.5):
restoration does not protect the tooth from frac- 1. Self-threading pins
ture as effectively as an extracoronal restoration. 2. Cemented pins
3. Friction locked pins.

Pin Retained Amalgam Restorations

I. Self-threading Pins
Definition: A pin-retained restoration is defined as • The most frequently used pin type is the self-
any restoration requiring the placement of one or threading pin.
more pins in dentin to provide adequate resistance • The pin-retained amalgam restoration using self-
and retention forms. threading pins originally was described by Going
in 1966.18
• The diameter of the prepared pinhole is 0.0015–
0.004 inch smaller than the diameter of the pin
1. Pins are used whenever adequate resistance (Table 21.1).
and retention forms cannot be established with • The threads engage dentin as the pin is inserted,
slots, locks, or undercuts only.5 thus retaining it. The elasticity (resiliency) of den-
2. The pin-retained amalgam is an important ad- tin permits insertion of a threaded pin into a hole
junct in the restoration of teeth with extensive of smaller diameter.19
caries or fractures.6 • A general guideline for pinhole depth is 2mm.
3. Amalgam restorations including pins have sig- • The Thread Mate System (TMS) (Coltène/
nificantly greater retention compared with res- Whaledent Inc., Mahwah, NJ) is the most widely
torations using boxes only or restorations rely- used self-threading pin.
ing solely on bonding systems.7
Thread Mate System (TMS)
Disadvantages Types
• Gold-plated stainless steel pins
1. Preparing pinholes and placing pins may create
• Titanium pins.
craze lines or fractures and internal stresses in
dentin.8–10 They are popular because of their:
2. Pin retention increases the risk of perforating • Versatility
into the pulp or the external tooth surface. • Wide range of pin sizes
3. The use of pins decreases the tensile strength of • Color-coding system
pin-retained amalgam restorations.11–17 • Greater retentiveness.

3.0 mm
2.0 mm 2.0 mm

2.0 mm
3.0 mm 3.0 mm


Fig. 21.5 Three types of pins. A, Cemented. B, Friction-locked. C, Self-threading.

Chapter 21.indd 391 25/06/13 2:33 PM

392 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

II. Cemented Pins

1. In 1958, Markley described a technique for re- Restorative
storing teeth with amalgam and cemented pins
using threaded (or serrated) stainless steel pins.
2. They are cemented into pinholes prepared
0.001–0.002 inch (0.025–0.05mm) larger than
the diameter of the pin.
3. The cementing medium may be any standard
dental luting agent. Fig. 21.6 The complete width of the threads of self-
threading pins does not engage dentin.
III. Friction Locked Pins
1. In 1966, Goldstein described a technique for the Pin Placement Factors and Techniques
friction-locked pin. Pin Size
2. The diameter of the prepared pinhole is 0.001
inch (0.025mm) smaller than the diameter of The four sizes of TMS pins which are available
the pin. (Fig. 21.7), with their corresponding color-coded
4. The pins are tapped into place, retained by the drills are (Table 21.1):
resiliency of the dentin. 1. Minikin (0.019 inch [0.48mm]): They are usu-
5. They are two to three times more retentive than ally selected to reduce the risk of dentin crazing,
cemented pins. pulpal penetration, and potential perforation.
2. Minim (0.024 inch [0.61mm]): The Minim pins
Clinical Notes usually are used as a backup in case the pin-
hole for the Minikin is over-prepared or the pin
• The self-threading pins are the most retentive of the threads strip dentin during placement and the
three types of pins (Fig. 21.6), being three to six times Minikin pin lacks retention.
more retentive than cemented pins.20–22 3. Regular (0.031 inch [0.78mm]): They are of the
• Neither the cemented nor friction-locked pins are used
largest diameter, and are rarely used because
a significant amount of stress and crazing, or

Table 21.1
The Thread Mate System (TMS) pins
Drill Pin length
Total pin
Color Pin diameter diameter extending
Name Illustration (not to scale) length
code (inches/mm)* (inches/ from dentin
mm)* (mm)
Regular (standard) Gold 0.031/0.78 0.027/0.68 7.1 5.1

Regular (self-shearing) Gold 0.031/0.78 0.027/0.68 8.2 3.2

Regular (two-in-one) Gold 0.031/0.78 0.027/0.68 9.5 2.8

Minim (standard) Silver 0.024/0.61 0.021/0.53 6.7 4.7

Minim (two-in-one) Silver 0.024/0.61 0.021/0.53 9.5 2.8

Minikin (self-shearing) Red 0.019/0.48 0.017/0.43 7.1 1.5

Minuta (self-shearing) Pink 0.015/0.38 0.0135/0.34 6.2 1

*1mm = 0.03937 inch

Chapter 21.indd 392 25/06/13 2:33 PM


Class II Cast Metal Restorations

“You arrive at precision… 3. Palladium–silver alloys

When you become precise in your technique…”. 4. Base metal alloys (most commonly used).

The cast metal restoration is an indirect restoration

Clinical Notes
that involves numerous steps and dental materials,
with meticulous attention to detail. Typically, a den- • The American Dental Association (ADA) Specification
tal laboratory is involved, and the dentist and the lab- No. 5 for dental casting gold alloys requires a mini-
oratory technician must be devoted to perfection. The mum total gold-plus-noble-metals content of 75 weight
high degree of satisfaction and service derived from a percent (wt%). Such traditional high-gold alloys are
unreactive in the oral environment and are some of
properly made cast metal restoration is a reward for
the most biocompatible materials available to the re-
the painstaking application required.1 storative dentist.2 However, their usage has drastically
Definitions reduced due to the increasing cost of gold and other
noble alloys.
1. The class II inlay is an intracoronal cast metal • Each of the alternatives to high-gold alloys have asso-
restoration that involves the occlusal and proxi- ciated problems of reduced performance, most com-
mal surfaces of a posterior tooth. monly related to :
2. The partial onlay is a cast metal restoration that ○ Decreased tarnish resistance
○ Decreased burnishability.3
involves the occlusal and proximal surfaces of
○ Higher incidences of post-restorative allergy, most
a posterior and covers and restores at least one often exhibited by irritated soft tissue adjacent to the
but not all of the cusp tips of a posterior tooth. restoration.
3. The class II onlay is a cast metal restoration that
involves the occlusal and proximal surfaces of a
posterior tooth and caps all of the cusps.
Cast Metal Alloys i. Large Restorations
1. When proximal surface caries is extensive, the
Cast metal restorations can be made from a variety
cast metal inlay is an alternative to amalgam or
of casting alloys. Their high compressive and tensile
composite when the higher strength of a casting
strengths are especially valuable in restorations that
alloy is needed.
rebuild most or all of the occlusal surface.
2. The cast metal onlay is often an excellent alter-
At present, four distinct groups of alloys are in use
native to a crown for teeth that have been greatly
for cast restorations:
weakened by caries or by large, failing restora-
1. Traditional high-gold alloys (ADA specification tions but where the facial and lingual tooth sur-
No. 5) faces are relatively unaffected by disease or in-
2. Low-gold alloys jury.


Chapter 24.indd 429 25/06/13 2:50 PM

432 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

preparation for cast metal inlays and onlays. Table 24.1

The recommended burs are: Clinical steps in tooth preparation of a class II inlay
i. No. 271 bur (Brasseler USA, Inc)
I. Initial preparation
ii. No. 169L bur (Brasseler USA, Inc).
a. Occlusal step
2. A slender, fine-grit, flame-shaped diamond in- Step 1 Orienting the bur
strument is used to place the marginal bevels. Step 2 Occlusal punch cut
The recommended diamond is: Step 3 Occlusal extension
No. 8862 bur (Brasseler USA, Inc). Step 4 Dovetail retention
Step 5 Occlusal outline form
The tooth preparation for a class II inlay is sum- b. Proximal box
marized in Table 24.1. Step 1 Proximal ditch preparation
Step 2 Proximal box preparation
Step 3 Planing of the walls
Step 4 Placement of retention grooves
Clinical Notes
II. Final preparation
• The sides and end surface of the No. 271 bur meet a. Removal of infected carious dentin and pulp protection
in a slightly rounded manner so that sharp, stress- Step 1 Inspection
inducing internal angles are not formed in the Step 2 Removal of infected caries
preparation.4 Step 3 Removal of old restorative material
• The burs used to develop the vertical walls are orient- Step 4 Pulp protection with light cure GIC
ed to a single ‘draw’ path, usually the long axis of the Step 5 Lining with calcium hydroxide (if required)
tooth crown, so that the completed preparation has no b. Preparation of bevels and flares
undercuts (Fig. 24.1C). Step 1 Preparation of occlusal bevel
• The gingival-to-occlusal divergence of these preparation Step 2 Beveling the axio-pulpal line angle
walls may range from 2 to 5 degrees per wall from the Step 3 Preparing the secondary lingual flare
line of draw. If the vertical walls are unusually short, a Step 4 Beveling the gingival margin
maximum of 2 degree occlusal divergence is desirable Step 5 Preparing the secondary facial flare
to increase retention potential. As the occlusogingival
height increases, the occlusal divergence should in-
crease because lengthy preparations with minimal diver- I. Initial Preparation
gence (more parallel) may present difficulties during the
seating and withdrawal of the restoration.
A. Occlusal Step
• Recommended dimensions and configurations of the Step 1: Orienting the bur
burs to be used are shown in Figure 24.1B. The No. 271 carbide bur is held parallel to the long
axis of the tooth crown.


4 Tooth
271 8862

A B 0.8 mm 0.5 mm
C x
Fig. 24.1 A, Proposed outline form for disto-occlusal preparation in a maxillary premolar. B, Dimensions and configuration
of No. 271, No. 169L, and No. 8862 instruments. C, Conventional 4 degree divergence from line of draw (line xy).

Chapter 24.indd 432 25/06/13 2:50 PM

CHAPTER 24 Class II Cast Metal Restorations 433

Clinical Notes Step 2: Occlusal punch cut

Enter the fossa or pit closest to the involved marginal
• The bur should be rotating at high speed (with air- ridge, using a punch cut to a depth of 1.5mm to estab-
water spray) before application to the tooth and should lish the depth of the pulpal wall (Fig. 24.2A and B).
not stop rotating until it is removed; this minimizes
perceptible vibration and prevents breakage or chip-
ping of the bur blades. Clinical Notes
• A general rule is to maintain the long axis of the bur
parallel to the long axis of the tooth crown at all times In the initial preparation, this specified depth should
(Fig. 24.2B and C). not be exceeded, regardless of whether the bur end is in
• For mandibular molars and second premolars whose dentin, caries, old restorative material, or air.
crowns tilt slightly lingually, this rule dictates that the
bur should also be tilted slightly (5–10 degrees) lin-
Step 3: Occlusal extension
gually to conserve the strength of the lingual cusps
(Fig. 24.2D).
Maintaining the 1.5mm initial depth and the same
bur orientation, the dentist extends the preparation



Maxillary molar





Mandibular molar
A 271



E F G Correct H Incorrect

Fig. 24.2 A and B, Bur after punch cut to a depth of 1.5mm. C, For maxillary posterior teeth, the long axis of the bur should
parallel the long axis of the tooth crown (line yz). D, For molar and second premolar teeth of mandibular dentition, the long
axis of the bur should tilt slightly lingually to parallel the long axis of the tooth crown (line wx). E and F, Extending the
mesial wall, taking care to conserve dentin that supports marginal ridge (s). G, The marginal bevel can provide additional
extension. H, Improper extension that has weakened the marginal ridge.

Chapter 24.indd 433 25/06/13 2:50 PM

452 Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry

3. When the material has set, the dentist removes the

Restorative Techniques for Cast interocclusal record and inspects it for complete-
Metal Restoration ness. When held up to a light, areas where the ad-
jacent unprepared teeth have penetrated through
The restorative technique for a cast metal restoration the material should be seen (Fig. 24.18D).
can be divided into the following stages as shown in
Table 24.4.
II. Custom Temporary Restoration
I. Interocclusal Record Between the time the tooth is prepared and the cast
The maximum intercuspation interocclusal record metal restoration is delivered, it is important that the
can be made from one of several commercially availa- patient be comfortable and the tooth be protected and
ble bite registration pastes. The most commonly used stabilized with an adequate temporary restoration.
bite registration pastes are composed of heavily filled The custom temporary restoration should satisfy the
polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) impression materials. Sev- following requirements:
eral materials are available in cartridge systems that 1. It should be nonirritating and protect the pre-
automatically mix the base and accelerator pastes to- pared tooth from injury.
gether as they are expressed through a special dispos- 2. It should protect and maintain the health of the
able mixing tip (Fig. 24.18A). periodontium.
3. It should maintain the position of the prepared,
Technique adjacent, and opposing teeth.
1. The mixed impression material is dispensed 4. It should provide for esthetic, phonetic, and
directly onto the prepared teeth and their op- masticatory function, as indicated.
ponents, and then the patient closes the mouth 5. It should have adequate strength and retention
completely (Fig. 24.18B, C). to withstand the forces to which it will be sub-
2. The dentist observes teeth not covered by the jected.
bite registration paste to verify that teeth are in Temporaries can be fabricated by two methods:
maximum intercuspation.
1. Direct technique: Intraorally directly on the pre-
pared teeth.
TABLE 24.4 2. Indirect technique: Extraorally outside of the
Stages of laboratory fabrication of a mouth using a postoperative cast of the pre-
cast metal restoration pared teeth.
I. Interocclusal record
II. Custom temporary restoration
Clinical Notes
III. Final impression
i. Tissue retraction The indirect technique is not as popular as the direct
ii. Polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) impression technique because of the increased number of steps and
a. Tray selection complexity in the former.
b. Impression technique
IV. Working cast and dies
V. Wax pattern Technique for Direct Temporary Restoration
VI. Spruing, investing casting, finishing, seating, The direct temporary technique involves forming the
adjusting and polishing the casting temporary restoration directly on the prepared tooth
VII. Trying in the casting (Fig. 24.19).
i. Preparing the mouth
ii. Seating the casting and adjusting proximal Advantages
contacts 1. The direct technique involves fewer steps and
iii. Occluding the casting
materials because no postoperative impression
iv. Improving marginal adaptation
and gypsum cast are required.
VIII. Cementation 2. It is much faster than the indirect technique.

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CHAPTER 24 Class II Cast Metal Restorations 453



Fig. 24.18 Maximum intercuspation interocclusal record made with polyvinyl siloxane bite registration paste. A, One
of many commercially available bite registration materials used in this technique. B, Using a cartridge dispenser and a
disposable automixing tip, the base and accelerator pastes are automatically mixed and applied to the prepared teeth,
their neighbors, and the opposing teeth. C, Have the patient close into maximum intercuspation position. Be sure that the
adjacent unprepared teeth are touching in their normal relationships. D, Remove the maximum intercuspation interocclusal
record carefully after it has set, and inspect it for completeness. Areas where the adjacent, unprepared teeth have penetrated
through paste should be seen.

Disadvantages 2. Step 2: Trial-fitting seats the preoperative im-

pression onto teeth to verify that it seats com-
1. There is a chance of locking hardened tempo-
rary materials into small undercuts on the pre- pletely.
3. Step 3: The temporary material is mixed, fol-
pared tooth and the adjacent teeth.
lowing the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. The marginal fit may be slightly inferior to the
Temporary materials that use automixing
indirect technique.
tips are especially convenient (Fig. 24.19C).
3. It is more difficult to contour the temporary res-
The dentist places the material into the pr-
toration without the guidelines offered by the
eoperative impression in the area of the pre-
postoperative cast.7
pared tooth, taking care not to entrap any air
Technique (Fig. 24.19D).
1. Step 1: Forming the temporary restoration di- 4. Step 4: The impression is placed on teeth, and
rectly on the prepared tooth requires the preop- the dentist ensures that it seats completely (Fig.
erative impression. 24.19E). Most temporary systems recommend

Chapter 24.indd 453 25/06/13 2:50 PM

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