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HJ Series Designers Manual Eng 2014

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Waterjets provide propulsion by pumping high velocity water through an intake and nozzle. They offer advantages over conventional propulsion but may not be suitable for all vessels.

The main components are the intake, impeller, casing, nozzle and steering system.

Advantages include shallow draft, maneuverability and the ability to operate in shallow or weedy waters.


The HamiltonJet Promise

Total Waterjet Solutions
General Description • With experience spanning six decades, Please understand this Designer’s Manual
HamiltonJet provides a totally integrated is a guide only. It is still very important
Performance Calculations • waterjet propulsion solution to the marine you work closely with HamiltonJet
industry. From initial enquiry through the representatives who can provide you with
Propulsive Efficiency • lifespan of a vessel, HamiltonJet offers a
comprehensive customer support package
in-depth and specific performance analysis,
case study reviews and quality advice and
that is second to none.
Engine & Gearbox Selection • We want your waterjet vessel to be the
We suggest you fill out and submit the
HJ Series Dimensions • most successful it can be. To achieve this
HamiltonJet will work with you through every
Application Questionnaire form found at the
back of the HJ Series sales brochure or at:
stage of the project.
Scope of Supply • Waterjet propulsion offers many advantages

over conventional and alternative forms

Installation Guidelines • of marine propulsion. However, it must be
acknowledged that waterjets may not be
Driveline Requirements • the best solution for your vessel, so it is
important you receive the best advice.
Control Systems • This Designer’s Manual for HJ Series
Waterjets is part of the commitment we
Material Specifications • make to all our valued customers. It will help
guide you in making informed decisions about
your vessel’s propulsion system by answering
several key questions...
• Are waterjets a viable option?
• If so, what size waterjet will I need?
• How much room will it require in the hull?
• What is supplied with the waterjet?
• How is the waterjet installed?
• What are the driveline requirements?
• What are the control system

Page 2
HJ Series General Description
HamiltonJet waterjets are an advanced marine A steerable nozzle deflects the jetstream to port Designed and manufactured to international
propulsion system suitable for a wide variety of and starboard, providing powerful and responsive standards, each HamiltonJet HJ Series waterjet
high and low speed applications. The waterjet steering. Steering is actuated via an inboard uses corrosion resistant materials which are
utilises a highly developed water pump to mounted tiller. Several different steering control further protected by a system of sacrificial
generate a high velocity jet of water which, when systems are available depending on the jet anodes*. The units are supplied factory tested
expelled out the stern of a vessel, generates a model, ranging from rotary cable controls to fully as a complete package with integral steering and
thrust force in the opposite direction to push the integrated electronic control systems. reverse control systems.
vessel forward.
A split-duct astern deflector is mounted aft of Installation is simplified with an aluminium
The waterjet mounts inboard at the stern, the steering nozzle, providing an infinite range intake block supplied with each jet. This is fixed
drawing water through an intake fixed to the of ahead, zero-speed and astern manoeuvring. in the hull to form the correct jet inlet shape
hull bottom. The intake is protected by a screen Control for the deflector is integrated within the and provide a mounting flange for the jet unit
which, at planing speeds, is largely self-cleaning. waterjet package through a hydraulic control assembly. Intake can be either the standard 5o
An intake screen rake is optional for improved system, which includes a jet unit mounted and (positions the jet at 5 to the hull bottom to allow
cleaning ability. driven hydraulic powerpack (JHPU) and oil cooler close direct drive coupling of the engine) or with
integral with the waterjet intake, eliminating the some jet models an optional 0 intake is available.
The jet unit passes through the transom via a need for an external cooling supply. This positions the jet parallel to the hull bottom,
circular seal and water is discharged directly aft allowing a reduced engine installation height
through the outlet nozzle. All thrust forces are When the waterjet is running, full steering is when using a drop-centre gearbox.
transmitted through the intake base to the hull available, regardless of the astern deflector
(not transmitted to either the transom or the position, i.e. regardless of vessel speed or The intake block is welded into aluminium hulls,
engine via the driveshaft). direction. By working reverse and steering in bolted into steel hulls or moulded into GRP or
unison, a resultant thrust can be obtained in any wooden hulls. The GRP version eliminates the
direction giving 360° manoeuvring. need for boat builders to mould a thick GRP
STEERING TILLER ASTERN block, saving time and money.
DEFLECTOR HamiltonJet HJ Series waterjets are normally
DRIVESHAFT TRANSOM SEAL driven by a high speed marine diesel engine and For many applications a reduction gearbox is not
may be used in both planing and displacement necessary as the waterjet may be directly driven
craft. They may also be used as high speed by a large number of common marine engines.
boost propulsion in certain situations. With The engine should be left-hand rotation (anti-
its computer aided hydrodynamic design, the clockwise when looking on the flywheel).
HamiltonJet waterjet provides high propulsive
efficiencies, at least equivalent to propeller Extensively tested in both HamiltonJet’s
systems at planing speeds of 25+ knots. Any Hydrodynamic Test Facility and operational
number of jets can be employed without loss of vessels, the HamiltonJet HJ Series waterjet is an
propulsive efficiency as there is no additional ideal propulsion system for a wide range of work
appendage drag. and patrol boats, and pleasure craft, requiring
proven performance and reliability.

STEERING * The HJ212 waterjet does not include sacrificial anodes, so is unsuitable for prolonged or consistent use in a salt water
NOZZLE environment. We recommend using the HJ213 waterjet for vessels predominantly used in salt water.
Page 3
HJ Series Performance Calculations
Performance of any marine vessel depends on several key To help guide you through the calculations shown on the following pages we will use an example vessel
factors and how they affect each other. These factors include... with the following specifications...
• Hull resistance • Waterline Length: 12.0m • Beam: 4.2m • All Up Laden Weight: 12,000kg • Max. Speed @ AUW: 35 knots
• Engine power at different rpm levels Note: For simplicity, other aspects of hull design that can have a significant influence on a vessel’s hull resistance and
• Size and number of propulsors thus performance and propulsion selection are not taken into account in the calculations included in this Designer’s
Manual. These include hull deadrise angle, longitudinal centre of gravity and windage. HamiltonJet will consider these
factors during its Application Engineering process, so final jet selection may differ from any conclusions made here.
At HamiltonJet we can accurately predict vessel performance
using specialist computer software, provided the information
we receive from the designer, builder and engine supplier is Number and Size of Waterjet Required
accurate to the finished vessel. For any new vessel built to be Knowing the maximum displacement of your vessel, use the chart below to identify
propelled by HamiltonJet waterjets, we will provide a detailed the options for size and number of waterjets you will need. Eg: our vessel’s maximum
performance prediction to assist with waterjet sizing, engine & displacement will be 12,000kg, so our waterjet options are triple or quad HJ241s, triple
gearbox selection and hull modifications that may be required. It HJ274s, twin or triple HJ292s, twin HJ322s or HJ364s, or a single or twin HJ403 waterjets.
can also assist with diagnosing performance problems when the
boat is in operation to reduce costs and time involved. Note: In general smaller high speed vessels will use single or twin waterjets of a larger size than
triple waterjets of a smaller size. It may also be an option to use triple or quadruple HJ series
While any prediction made is no guarantee of a vessel’s end waterjets rather than twin units of the larger HM series. Consult your HamiltonJet Distributor to
performance, HamiltonJet’s application engineering experience discuss all options and the advantages / disadvantages of each.
is well proven in the field. Unlike some other propulsion
system manufacturers, we apply a number of safeguards Maximum Recommended Displacement
in our calculations to counter the possibility of the (high speed craft)
finished vessel being outside preliminary design
lbs (x 1000) 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117
specifications. This ensures the vessel is still able to
achieve its desired performance. HJ212/213
1 2
1 / 2 / 3 3/4
2 3 1 = Single waterjet
1/2 = Single or twin waterjets
Anyone considering using HamiltonJet waterjets for their
HJ241 2 = Twin waterjets
1 2 2/3 3 3/4
high speed vessel (over 25 knots) can complete some /
2 2/3 = Twin or triple waterjets
preliminary performance calculations themselves. By 3 = Triple waterjets

HJ274 3/4 = Triple or quad waterjets

1 2 2/3 3 3/4
using basic information you can get a general idea of /

number and size of waterjets required for your vessel,


and the engine power required to reach certain speeds. 1 /

2 2/3 3 3/4

Please note all waterjet sizing calculations done from

the information provided on the following pages do not
HJ322 1 1/2 2 2/3 3 3/4

take into account other factors influencing waterjet

selection such as efficiency, cavitation resistance,
HJ364 1 1/2 2 2/3 3 3/4

bollard pull and manoeuvrability requirements.

HJ403 1 1/2 2 2/3 3 3/4

Note: calculations for multi-hull, slower speed or displacement

speed vessels are somewhat more complicated and will need kgs (x 1000) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
specialist input from HamiltonJet and the boat designer to Each block indicates maximum recommended displacement range.
make an accurate prediction. Note: Multiply weight ranges shown by 2 to get Maximum Recommended Displacement for slow speed craft.
Page 4
HJ Series Performance Calculations
Power Required Per Waterjet Understanding the Risk of Over Loading
Knowing the speed required at maximum displacement of your vessel, Waterjet propulsion is more sensitive to weight changes in a vessel than
use the diagram below to calculate the approximate Power to Weight Ratio other forms of propulsion. In many cases this can be a major advantage
required for the speed and length of the vessel. in speed and efficiency, however if the weight is significantly increased
it can result in poor speed performance, inability to get on the plane and
Note: this table is an approximate guide to boat speed only, and does not consider
variations in hull parameters which directly affect hull resistance – you must unsuitability of waterjet propulsion.
consult HamiltonJet for more accurate assessment. The first step to avoiding this issue is to determine if the bottom loading
limit of your vessel makes it suitable for planing with waterjet propulsion.
Speed Guide Table for High Speed Craft The Monohull Bottom Loading Limit diagram below can give you an
(Use to determine required Power/Weight Ratio)
indication of this.
If the boat is suitable for planing it becomes important the designer and
builder are fully aware that any increase in AUW during the build will
increase bottom loading and push the vessel towards the overladen area.
Not only could this make the vessel unsuitable for planing but it will also
40 mean the initial waterjet sizing may no longer be applicable.
Boat Speed - knots

Monohull Bottom Loading Limit

35 (Planing Speed Vessels)
700 143


Bottom Loading Limit (lbs/ft2)

Bottom Loading Limit (kg/m2)
600 123

500 102
No guarantee
No guarantee of boat
of boat
speed is implied 400 82
speed is implied

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 300 61
19.7 23.0 26.2 29.5 32.8 36.0 39.4 42.6 46.0 49.2 52.5 55.8 59.0 62.3 65.6 68.9 72.2 75.5 78.7 82.0
Suitable for Planing
Hull Length Water Line (LWL) - m/ft 200 41

100 This graph is to be used as a guide only. It assumes an 20

Power Required per Waterjet appropriate length to beam ratio for a planing vessel.

Power to Weight Ratio (kW/T or hp/T) x AUW (Tons) 0 0

= 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of Waterjets 16.4 32.8 48.2 65.6 82.0 96.4
Waterline Length (m or ft)
Using our example 12m vessel and the requirement of 35 knots, we need at least 52kW / 70hp
per tonne to achieve this speed. In theory with a 12 tonne hull this would calculate to 630kW
/ 840hp total power or 360kW / 420hp per waterjet in a twin jet vessel. However, because our AUW (kg or lbs)
Loading (kg/m2 or lbs/ft2) =
bottom loading calculation (see graph at right) is well within 100kg/m2 of the overladen line, we LWL x BPX (m2 or ft2)
will likely require more power to achieve speed. As a rule of thumb in this situation add 10hp/T.
Page 5
HJ Series Propulsive Efficiency
Making the Most Efficient Selection
HJ Series Thrust Curve Envelopes
By using the calculations from the previous pages you 32 7200
will have determined likely waterjet size options for Note: Use as a general guide only. Other
your vessel, and from this have an idea of the engine For high Propulsive Efficiency (PC), factors must be considered –
Laden Boat Speed should lie within consult HamiltonJet.
power you will require. Now you can look more closely
28 the coloured area. Note that PC 6300
at propulsive efficiency to further narrow down your improves with boat speed so the
waterjet selection options. highest efficiency is at the right
hand edge of each area.
In general, propulsive efficiency is affected by the size
of the propulsor – larger is more efficient with the same 24 5400
engine power input. However, it is important to consider
other design factors of any propulsion system which can
directly affect its efficiency at certain vessel speeds. 20 4500

Thrust (lbsf)
For example, some propulsion systems are designed to

Thrust (kN)
operate most efficiently at speeds above 40 knots, while
others perform best below 20 knots. In these situations 3600
the high speed propulsor will be less efficient at lower
boat speeds, while the low speed propulsor may not
even be capable of achieving much higher speeds. In
the case of waterjets, intake and impeller/pump design 12 2700
has a major influence on efficiency of the waterjet unit
at particular speeds. What’s more, because waterjets
do not have any underwater appendages increasing
8 1800
hull drag as speed increases, waterjets become more
efficient as vessel speed increases - particularly
when directly compared with conventional propeller
propulsion systems. 4 900
HamiltonJet waterjets are designed to operate most
efficiency in the 25-45 knot speed range, but still
exhibit excellent efficiency above and below this range 0 0
when sized and powered appropriately. In certain 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54
cases HamiltonJet waterjets have been found to be Laden Boat Cruising Speed (Knots)
more efficient than larger sized units from other
manufacturers, due largely to the specific design of that The HJ Series Thrust Curve Envelopes diagram (above) shows the optimal efficiency range for
waterjet for the operating conditions of the vessel and HamiltonJet HJ waterjets in high speed vessels. Knowing the bare hull resistance of your
the speed required. vessel at maximum laden boat speed, you can use the diagram to check that thrust required
per waterjet is consistent with the approximate size waterjet calculated earlier.

Page 6
HamiltonJet Engine / Gearbox Selection

Thrust Required per Waterjet HJ Series Power / RPM Curves

Bare Hull Resistance (no appendages)
= Power (hp)
Power (kW)
Number of Waterjets 1000 1341
Jet Model Maximum Power RPM
(kW / hp) (Maximum)
In the case of our example boat, HamiltonJet’s hull resistance HJ212/213 260 / 350 3950-4500
900 1207
software calculates that a laden weight of 12,000kg requires 23kN HJ403 HJ241 260 / 350 3250-4000
(4,700lbsf) of thrust to achieve a speed of 35 knots - which fits with HJ274 330 / 440 2930-3300
the single HJ403 option. For twin waterjets this translates to 11.5kN 800 HJ292 400 / 540 2650-3000 1073
(2,355lbsf) per jet, which is borderline for the HJ292 option but fits well HJ322 500 / 670 2550-2800
in the HJ322 optimum efficiency thrust curve envelopes. HJ364 670 / 900 2300-2500
700 939
HJ403 900 / 1200 2240-2400
To narrow down waterjet selection options further you can look HJ364
Input RPM subject to suitable cavitation limits –
at cost and space considerations of single versus twin drivelines, lower RPM figure is preferred. Higher power inputs
600 805
manoeuvring advantages of multiple waterjets, and the duties the will restrict input RPM range.

boat will be performing (eg: towing, pushing etc). Also, consider the
likelihood of the boat ending up heavier than predicted and the need 500 670
for additional power and a larger water size to counter this.
400 536
Engine & Gearbox Matching HJ274
Now use the Power / RPM Curves diagram (right) to match the power
required per jet to the waterjet size options to determine suitable HJ241 HJ212 / 213 402
power / rpm specifications for engine and gearbox options.
200 268
Engine Selection Notes:
In many cases HJ Series waterjets can be directly driven by a high 100 134
speed diesel engine, without the need for a gearbox. However,
some engine and vessel combinations may require the use of a
0 0
gearbox to reduce RPM into the jet. This allows for a coarser pitch • • • • • • • • •
impeller match, which in turn improves the margins over cavitation, 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000 3400 3800 4200
as well as improving the vessel’s acceleration and low speed bollard
pull. A gearbox is also useful to allow running of the engine without RPM (at Waterjet)
driving the waterjet (neutral), for “Backflushing” (reverse rotation to
clear debris), or for diverting engine power to another appliance. Note: Waterjet selection is determined by a range of hull and operational factors, most
importantly vessel size and displacement (weight), and not necessarily by matching the
Each HJ Series waterjet is fitted with an impeller specifically above specifications to the desired engine power/RPM curve. In all cases you should
matched to the engine/gearbox combination used. Consult consult HamiltonJet for assistance with waterjet selection.
HamiltonJet for further information regarding engine matching.

Page 7
HJ Series Dimensions

Jet Model A B C D E F G Intake Block Dry Weight Entrained Water

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / lbs) (kg / lbs) (kg / lbs)
HJ212 450.3 221.2 762 609 440 386 450 7 / 15.4 75 / 165 17 / 37
HJ213 413 249 762 609 420 386 450 7 / 15.4 84 / 185 17 / 37
HJ241 424 284 829 705 491 431 502 10 / 22 104 / 229 26 / 57
HJ274 570 302 1100 710 548 470 608 22 / 48.5 152 / 335 35 / 77
HJ292 681 330 1180 750 550 495 608 26.4 / 58 187 / 412 45 / 99

OPTION HJ322 866 371 1380 835 637 550 680 37 / 82 260 / 573 62 / 137
HJ364 937 420 1634 901 701 621 747 62 / 137 408 / 899 79 / 174
HJ403 1053 474 1723 1080 752 690 803 72 / 159 641 / 1407 110 / 243

NOTES: a – HJ212 “A” dimension is to the end of a splined shaft. May be close coupled.
Layout and dimensions shown are indicative only for initial design purposes, based on jets with standard 5° intake block which facilitates
close direct drive coupling of the engine. Consult HamiltonJet for more detailed information.

Page 8
HJ Series Dimensions

Jet Model A B C D E F G Intake Block Dry Weight Entrained Water

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / lbs) (kg / lbs) (kg / lbs)

OPTIONAL HJ274 570 270 1000 670 617 470 608 16 / 35 152 / 335 35 / 77
HJ292 681 290 1072 715 620 495 608 19 / 42 187 / 412 45 / 99
HJ322 866 320 1250 796 720 550 680 28 / 62 260 / 573 62 / 137
HJ364 937 360 1410 860 765 621 747 42 / 92.6 408 / 899 79 / 174
(Available with selected HJ403 1053 400 1466 1027 837 690 803 46 / 101 638 / 1407 110 / 243
HJ waterjets only)
NOTES: Layout and dimensions shown are indicative only for initial design purposes, based on jets with optional 0° intake block which positions
the jet parallel to the hull bottom. Consult HamiltonJet for more detailed information.

Page 9
HJ Series Scope of Supply Rev
Standard Supply (All Waterjet Models)
• Waterjet Base Unit (”Wet-Run”)
Engine Throttle
• Intake Block with Screen & Installation Kit (to suit Control Lever
aluminium, GRP, wood or steel hulls)
• Transom Seal Kit
• Coupling Flange (to suit specified driveline)
• Impeller to suit engine Power/RPM & Gearbox (if fitted)
• JHPU - Jet Mounted Hydraulic Power Unit (excluding HJ212)
• Astern Deflector
• Hydraulic Reverse Cylinder (excluding HJ212)
• Reverse Control Actuation Assembly (for HSRX, HSRC or
HFRC - see page 10)
• Steering Assembly (JT Steering Nozzle, Shaft and
Steering Tiller)
• Complete set of Anodes (excluding HJ212)
• Product Manuals (for Waterjet and Control System)
Marine Engine

Standard Supply (HJ292 – HJ403 only)

• Tie Rod Kit (for multi-jet installations)
• Helm Pump
Not Supplied by HamiltonJet
• Steering Cylinder
• Marine Engine
• Steering Cylinder Mounting Bracket
• Gearbox (if required)
• Steering Sender Gearbox Jet Mounted
• Driveshaft Driveshaft
• Steering Position Indicator (if required) Hydraulic Pump
Unit (JHPU)
Options in Lieu of Standard Supply
• Waterjet “Dry-Run” Base Unit
• Power Steering (HJ364 – HJ403 only) Product
• Boost Jet Option (no Reverse Assembly and/or Intake Block
Manuals (standard 50 option shown)
Steering Assembly)
• blue ARROW® Electronic Control System (HJ292 – HJ403)
• MECS Electronic Control System (HJ364 – HJ403)

Page 10
verse Deflector Helm Pump Additional Extras (Required to Complete Installation) Additional Extras (Not Necessarily
Control Lever & Wheel Essential to Complete Installation)
• Cable or Hydraulic Steering Kit (HJ212 - HJ274 only)
• Helm Wheel • Intake Screen Rake
• Engine Throttle Control Levers • Inspection Hatch Extension
• Ahead/Astern Control Lever/s • Sand Trap
• Tie Rod Kit (HJ213 – HJ274 multi-jet installations) • Special Tools Kit
NOTE: Additional extras can be supplied by HamiltonJet if required • Certification (ABS, Lloyds, BV, DNV etc)
• Reverse Senders
Tie Rod • Reverse Position Indicators
(connects steering tillers in
multi-jet installations)
Steering & Reverse
Position Indicators

Steering Tiller
Steering Cylinder
Bearing Housing
Screen Rake
Steering Bracket
Coupling (fits inside jet intake)

Transom Plate

Inspection Hatch

Reverse Deflector

Reverse Control
Mechanism JT Steering Nozzle
Reverse Cylinder
Inspection Hatch Anodes
(internal & external) Page 11
HJ Series Installation
This section briefly explains how the jet is With the astern deflector
mounted in the hull. Detailed installation assembly removed, the
Intake bolted to intake block jet can be assembled from
drawings are available on request and are with blind studs. inside the hull (HJ212-HJ322)
also included in the Product Manual which or from outside the hull
(HJ364-HJ403) onto the
comes with the jet. intake block.
Intake block – fibreglassed into
GRP or wooden hull, welded into
metal hull.

Transom seal plate through bolted

Typical Jet Installation (Aluminium Hull Arrangement Shown)

Intake Block
The Intake Block forms an inlet in the hull bottom onto which the base For steel hulls the aluminium intake must be electrically isolated
of the jet intake fixes, allowing water to pass from under the hull up into from the steel hull to prevent corrosion. This is easily achieved using
the jet. All propulsive thrust loads are gaskets and bushes supplied by HamiltonJet. Contact HamiltonJet for
transferred into the hull via the Intake more detailed instructions.
Block, not the transom.
For jets on the hull centre line (single
jet or centre jet of triple jet installation) An area large enough for the jet transom seal plate
the intake block when fitted forms a flat to bolt against has to be carefully prepared at 95o ±1o
area aft in the hull bottom. A triangular (or 90° ±1o for 0° intake block
shaped fairing has to be constructed option) to the intake block/hull
by the boat builder to provide a smooth bottom. A hole large enough
transition from the original vee hull form to the flat area of the intake for the aft of the jet to pass
block. The length of this fairing depends on the deadrise angle of the hull through is cut in this prepared
bottom. transom area.

For jets outside the hull centre line (twin jets or outside jets of triple jet After removal of the reverse deflector, jet models HJ212-HJ322 are fitted
installation) the Intake Block (and jet) always mount flush to the hull from inside the hull and bolted onto the intake block. The transom plate
bottom at the deadrise angle. is fitted over an O-Ring seal on the jet flange Vessel’s Transom
and bolted to the transom. Finally, the
Note: Minimum distance between waterjet centrelines will depend on hull deadrise astern deflector is refitted. HJ364/HJ403
Transom Plate
angle. Consult your HamiltonJet Distributor for details. waterjets are fitted from outside the hull
without removing the reverse deflector. A
For aluminium hulls a marine grade aluminium intake block is supplied, Header Ring
rubber seal is compressed between the jet’s Transom Seal
ready to weld into an opening cut into the hull bottom.
transom flange and a header ring, expanding
For wooden & GRP hulls the intake block supplied with the jet can be taped the seal to press against the transom plate.
into the hull mould or fixed into an opening cut in a wooden or existing GRP Note: All hardware for intake and transom
hull for the boat builder to fibreglass over. mounting is supplied.
HJ364 - HJ403 transom seal shown at right
Page 12
HJ Series Driveline Requirements
Requirements of the Driveline
• It must accommodate parallel and angular misalignment plus allow axial movement.
• It must transmit the torque input to the jet with an acceptable life expectancy. (It does not have to transmit thrust loads).
• Torsional flexibility may be required – especially with diesel engines.

Engineering Checks Required jet thrust
bearing will
not stand
All driveline component suppliers (including engine and jet suppliers) must be consulted with full driveline details to ensure excessive loads
suitability and compatibility of components. caused by adaptors
and belt pulleys over-
hanging the jet coupling
Checks Must Include… Consult… flange or by rigid drivelines
which do not accommodate
misalignment caused by engine
• Critical Speed Check for whirling of jet main shaft HamiltonJet movement. There is a limit to the
weight that can be supported on the
• Critical Speed Check for whirling of drive shaft Driveshaft supplier driveshaft.
• Engine to Jet alignment HamiltonJet
• Torsional Vibration Analysis Engine supplier (waterjet details necessary for this
analysis are given in the relevant Waterjet Product Manual).

Recommended Driveline Systems

Jet Unit Coupling
Depending on the distance required between the engine and waterjet jet coupling flange and to the engine flywheel (via Offset Angles Equal
coupling flange, there are four recommended systems for coupling the an adaptor plate or torsionally flexible element). Ao

engine to the jet. A


Length is limited by the weight which can be

Yokes in Same Plane
allowed at the jet coupling (refer Critical Speed
1. Double Element Torsionally Flexible Drive Shaft Engine Flywheel
Check). with adaptor

Use this type with support bearings such as the “Centaflex GZ” type
illustrated. The engine is located in-line with the jet and can be flexibly 3. Double Constant Velocity Joint (Alternative)
mounted with this type of
coupling. Jet Unit Coupling
Coupling Adaptor
A driveshaft with twin CV joints can be used with the same comments
Tortionally Flexible Coupling
above being applicable.
Length is limited by the weight
allowable at the jet coupling 4. Long Driveshaft
Tortionally Flexible Coupling Flywheel

(refer Critical Speed Check). Pedestal Support Bracket

Where the driveshaft length, Jet Unit Coupling Fixed Lineshaft (optional)
Single element couplings are not Centering Support Bearing
and thus weight, exceeds that
suitable. Flywheel
allowable at the jet coupling,
a fixed lineshaft supported in Double Universal Slip-jointed Driveshaft
2. Double Universal Slip-Jointed Driveshaft pedestal bearings can be used in Jet Unit
(Misalignment Absorbing Coupling)
Engine / Gearbox
The usual method of coupling the engine to the waterjet is via a double conjunction with either universal
universal slip-jointed driveshaft (Cardan Shaft). It bolts directly to the driveshafts or torsionally flexible couplings.

Page 13
HJ Series Control System Options
Steering Control Reverse Control
The JT steering nozzle deflects water flow at the jet through an arc of ±27° HamiltonJet supplies a hydraulic reverse control system as standard on all
and the steering loads are relatively light. In most installations a manual HJ Series waterjets (excluding the HJ212), with the type of control system
hydraulic system is recommended, though for smaller jets a heavy duty determined by waterjet model…
rotary, rack & pinion or cable system may be sufficient. Larger waterjet
• HSRX (Hydraulic Servo Reverse Control) for HJ213 – HJ274
models, particularly in multi-jet installations, may require a power-
Provides exponential positioning control of the astern deflector.
assisted hydraulic steering system. Between 1 and 2 turns of the helm
Exponential positioning control allows for fine control of the actuating
wheel from lock to lock is recommended for most waterjet models. A
cylinder where it is most needed – ie: around the “zero speed” position –
greater number of turns will reduce steering sensitivity during slow speed
and fast control where accurate positioning is not as critical – ie: when
manoeuvring. For HJ212 – HJ274 waterjet models the steering cylinder is
the deflector is fully raised or lowered.
mounted inboard on the transom, while for HJ292 – HJ403 waterjets the
steering cylinder is mounted inboard on the waterjet. • HSRC (Hamilton Synchronised Reverse Control) for HJ292 – HJ322
Steering Wheel Provides “follow up” positioning control of the astern deflector. The
Hydraulic Steering (Optional extra) deflector’s movement is synchronised with the control lever movement
– the control lever position indicates deflector position and a separate
Steering operation is by a wheel
position indicator is not necessary.
directly driving a hydraulic pump
Second Station Helm
mounted at the helm. Hydraulic (dual station only) • HFRC (Hamilton Follow-up Reverse Control) for HJ364 – HJ403
line is required to interconnect Provides unsynchronised “follow-up” positioning control of the astern
the helm pump to a hydraulic deflector. This means the control lever can be moved quickly and the
cylinder mounted inboard on the deflector will follow at its own speed to find the required position. The
jet. The hydraulic steering cylinder Hydraulic Tubing operator can pre-set reverse lever position prior to engine start, then
is connected to the steering tiller Interconnecting Line (not supplied) at start up the deflector will immediately move to the correct position.
(dual station only)
arm which in turn operates the What’s more, unlike synchronised controls the system cannot be
steering deflector. A steering strained or forced by the operator.
position indicator gauge and a jet
mounted sender unit are supplied Jet Steering Cylinder Electronic Control Systems
as standard for HJ292 – HJ403
Jet Steering Tiller • blue ARROW® Control System for HJ292 – HJ403
waterjet models.
A complete waterjet and controls package, incorporating single
View Looking Aft on Transom
or twin waterjet units, jet control interfaces, engine throttle and
This angle to be the same as
deadrise angle For multiple waterjets, gang gearbox interfaces, together with helm station devices. blue ARROW®
control of steering is achieved features multiple levels of redundancy, independent smart backup and
by using swivel ended tie- comprehensive diagnostics, making it very safe and reliable.
rod(s) to interconnect the
Steering Action • MECS (Modular Electronic Control System) for HJ364 – HJ403
tiller arms. An adjustable
A high level certifiable electronic control system for operating up to 5
length tie-rod is supplied (one
waterjets. It is very reliable and flexible for number of waterjets and
with twin jets; two with triple
helm stations. Offers additional interfaces such as Dynamic Positioning
Jet mounts flush with jets) to facilitate accurate
hull deadrise angle Deadrise Angle and Voyage Data Recording.
centering of the jets.
Page 14
HJ Series Material Specifications
HJ212 HJ213 HJ241 HJ274 HJ292 HJ322 HJ364 HJ403
Materials used in the Impeller Size (mm/in) 215 / 8.5 215 / 8.5 240 / 9.49 270 / 10.5 290 / 11.4 320 / 12.6 360 / 14.17 400 / 15.75
manufacture of HamiltonJet
No. of Impeller Options 7 14 12 20 15 17 18 15
waterjets are selected based
on the particular qualities they Impeller Range (kW) 1.8-4.1 1.8-5 3.7-7.5 6.5-13 10-21.5 15-36 21-57 42-90
provide in terms of weight, Impeller Rotation Left-hand only (anti-clockwise looking at engine flywheel)
durability and strength, corrosion
resistance, ease of manufacture Steering Steerable JT Type Nozzle with Inboard Tiller
and handling, and cost reduction. Ahead/Astern Split Duct Type Deflector
The main casings of the waterjet Thrust Bearing Angular Contact Ball Type Spherical Roller Type
is cast from LM6 Marine Grade Tail Bearing Water Lubricated Cutless Rubber Type
Aluminium, which is very strong
Shaft Seal Face Type Mechanical Seal
and durable for its weight and can
be easily and accurately cast and Transom Seal O-Ring Type Compressed Rubber Type
machined. Intake Screen Steel Bars Flush-Mounted Aluminium Bars
All parts moving in the water flow Inspection Hatch Inboard
and subject to higher risk of wear Water Offtake(s) 3/4” BSP Inboard 1 -1/4” BSP Outboard 1” BSP Outboard
from water-bourne particulates
are manufactured from high Paint Finish Gloss Anti-foul Undercoat or Gloss Anti-foul
quality stainless steel. This Corrosion Protection None Cathodic with internal and external anodes
includes the mainshaft, impeller,
wear ring and bearing sleeve. Mainshaft Material 431 SS SAF 2205 Stainless Steel (UNS S 31803 to ASTM A276)
Casing Material Cast LM6 Marine Grade Aluminium Alloy to BS1490-1970
The wear ring is electrically
isolated from the aluminium Impeller Material Cast CF8M Stainless Steel to ASTM A743-80a
casings through the use of Hydraulic Steering Optional Accessory Manual Hydraulic Power
Micarta and rubber insulators
Ahead/Astern Control Manual HSRX HSRC HFRC
to ensure no corrosion occurs in
this area through electrolysis. Electronic Controls None blue ARROW blue ARROW or MECS
Corrosion prevention is also Mounting Conventional Inboard Mount on Intake Block
supported by an extensive
network of sacrificial anodes Transom Angle at Jet 95° ± 2° 9 5°±1° for Standard 5° Intake Block 90°±1° for Optional 0° Intake Block
made from zinc and in some Intake Block Available to suit Aluminium, GRP and Steel Hulls
cases aluminium. Coupling Flange To suit ELBE, GWB, Hardy Spicer or AquaDrive (Consult HamiltonJet for option details)
Fastening Kit Complete kit of nuts, bolts, washers etc in type 316 Stainless Steel and Silicon Sealant
Manuals Product Manual only Product Manual + Control System Manual

Page 15
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Your local HamiltonJet Distributor is…

Cover: blue ARROW Rescue, Christchurch, New Zealand. Twin HamiltonJet HJ322 waterjets.

Caxton / 05.13 / 6K

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