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Document Classification: Controlled Disclosure

Title: DISTRIBUTION STANDARD Reference: 34-1191
Revision: 0
Total pages: 39

Review date: FEBRUARY 2011


Signed Signed Signed Signed

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Senior Engineer MV/LV SC Chairman for TESCOD CMDT for MD (Dx)

Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Keywords ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................. 4
3 Definitions and abbreviations....................................................................................................... 5
4 Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Statutory Requirements ........................................................................................................ 5
4.2 Environmental considerations ............................................................................................... 6
4.3 Performance and operability requirements ............................................................................ 6
4.4 Insulation co-ordination and bonding ................................................................................... 89
4.5 Structures ........................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Conductors ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.7 Clearances ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.8 Crossings ........................................................................................................................... 23
4.9 Marking and labelling ...................................................................................................... 2930
4.10 Visual inspection testing and hand over requirements ....................................................... 30
4.11 Particular requirements for 33 kV overhead reticulation. .................................................... 32
Annex A Impact assessment ....................................................................................................... 36

JFScholtz/Feb’08 (Rev 0) to ensure traceability

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Distribution Standard Reference: 34-1191
Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
General information and requirements for Page: 2 of 39
overhead lines up to 33kV

The Distribution Standard is a multi-part document whose total structure is defined in Part 0. This part
of the Distribution Standard consists of the following sections under the general title Medium Voltage
34-1191, Section 0: General - General information and requirements for overhead lines up to 33kV
34-1192, Section 1: Light conductors - Particular requirements for overhead lines up to 33 kV with
conductors up to Hare conductor
34-1193, Section 2: Heavy conductors - Particular requirements for overhead lines up to 33 kV with
conductors larger than Hare and up to Kingbird conductor
34-225, Section 3: Auxiliary equipment - Particular requirements for auxiliary equipment and structures
up to 33 kV
34-453, Section 4: SWER - Particular requirements for 19kV Single Wire Earth Return (SWER)
overhead reticulation
34-1198 & 34-1197, Section 5: Rural reticulation protection
The notices in Part 0 of the Distribution Standard are also applicable to this part.
Any recommendations for corrections, additions or deletions to this standard should be sent to:
The Power Plant Technologies Development Manager
Industry Association Resource Management
Private Bag X1074
Telephone (011) 871-2416
Fax (011) 871-2352

Revision history
This edition cancels and replaces edition no. 0 of specification no. SCSASABE7.

Date Rev. Clause Remarks

Feb’99 1 Original issue.
Dec’07 A - Compiled By: B McLaren
- Specify reasons for revision.
Clause no. Document was repacked.
Feb’08 0 Document approved.

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Distribution Standard Reference: 34-1191
Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
General information and requirements for Page: 3 of 39
overhead lines up to 33kV


This document has been seen and accepted by:

Name Designation
MN Bailey Corporate Manager Divisional Technology
V Singh Power Plant Technology Development
B McLaren Senior Engineer

This specification shall apply throughout Eskom Holdings Limited, its divisions, subsidiaries and
entities wherein Eskom has a controlling interest.

Development team
B Hill, R Theron, B McLaren

This section of Part 4 of the Distribution Standard has been prepared to establish and promote uniform
designs for medium voltage (MV) overhead distribution systems.
This section of the Distribution Standard has been prepared to establish and promote uniform designs
for MV overhead distribution systems. The requirements in this section (0) are often related to
separate standards and procedures. In these cases the most pertinent extracts and tables have been
included in the relevant Part.

Wayleaves, Environmental impact , Insulation coordination, Overhead line structures, Wood poles,
Stays and anchors, Insulators, Conductors, Clearances, Crossings, Telkom, Inspections, Marking and

1 Scope
This part of the Distribution Standard covers the construction of bare wire MV overhead reticulation
systems using wood-poles. These systems are normally fed from HV/MV substations and may be
used to supply individual customers at MV or individual customers at LV through a step-down
substation and LV network.

The objective of the standard is to ensure that all Eskom MV reticulation systems are built utilizing the
specified standard structures and materials. The standardized materials are fully specified in
SCSPVAAT6 - Distribution Standard Part 9 (Buyers guide)

This Section (0) sets out the design rationale, standard practices and requirements for all MV
overhead reticulation lines up to 33 kV using Hare / Oak and smaller conductors.

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Distribution Standard Reference: 34-1191
Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
General information and requirements for Page: 4 of 39
overhead lines up to 33kV

2 Normative references
Parties using this document shall apply the most recent edition of the documents listed below:

ANSI/IEEE 18:1992, Standard for shunt power capacitors.

ANSI/IEEE C57.15: 1986, Standard requirements terminology and test-code for step-voltage and
induction-voltage regulators.

DTC 0106, Rev.1: Specification for concrete poles.

ESKASAAN0: Rev.0, Standard for the labelling of high voltage equipment.

SANS 60815: 1986, Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions.

NRS 027:1994, Distribution transformers — Completely self-protecting type for rated a.c.voltages up
to and including 33 kV.

NRS 033:1996, Guidelines for the application, design, planning and construction of medium voltage
wood-pole overhead lines above 1 kV and up to and including 22 kV.

NRS 043:1997, Code of Practice for the joint use of a pole route for power and telecommunication

SCSPVABA5: Rev.0, Test procedure — MOV surge arresters (Draft).

SCSASAAL9: Rev.1, Distribution Standard — Part 2, Earthing, Section 1 — MV and LV reticulation


DSP_34-1647: Rev.0, Specification for creosote treated wood-poles, cross-arms and spacer blocks.

Dsp0035: Rev.3, Current carrying compression fittings for overhead reticulation systems.

SCSASAAM0: Rev.0, Distribution Standard — Part 0, Structure, definitions, abbreviations and


DISSCAAO1: Rev.2, Specification for conventional stay planting, percussion stay and rock anchor
installation testing.

SCSPVAAT6: Rev.0, Distribution Standard — Part 9, Buyers’ Guide.

SCSASABF5: Rev.0, Distribution Standard — Part 4, MV reticulation, Section 4: 33 kV overhead

reticulation for conductors up to Hare/Oak (Particular requirement)

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Distribution Standard Reference: 34-1191
Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
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overhead lines up to 33kV

3 Definitions and abbreviations

For the purpose of this specification the definitions and abbreviations in SCSASAAM0 and the
following apply:

4 Requirements
4.1 Statutory Requirements
The requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993, (OHS Act) and all
subsequent amendments and regulations shall be observed and adhered to except where exemption
has been obtained from the Chief Factories Inspector.

If any text or drawings in the standard are in conflict with the OHS Act and no exemption has been
obtained, the OHS Act requirements shall take precedence over the standard.

4.1.1 Telkom requirements

All power line projects shall be submitted to Telkom in the prescribed manner. (Ref. OHS Act). In view
of the time factor involved in the submission and approval of plans it is strongly recommended that the
proposed layout be clearly shown on acceptable plans and discussed with Telkom Regional
representatives in the very early stage of the project. If Telkom wish to share the infrastructure they
should be allowed to do so in terms on NRS 043.

4.1.2 Other Statutory requirements

Other statutory bodies from whom permission may have to be obtained are:

a) National roads,

b) Provincial roads,

c) Forestry (SAFCOL and Dept. of Economic Affairs, Environment and tourism),

d) Civil aviation,

e) TLCs, and

f) Any other statutory body that may be considered a stakeholder.

4.1.3 Wayleave and Servitude agreements

Power lines that traverse private property shall have wayleave and servitude agreements signed with
the property owner.

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Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
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4.2 Environmental considerations

4.2.1 Environmental impact assessment
The Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act No. 73 of 1989) and Eskom’s environmental
procedures require that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall be carried out for all major
and sensitive network expansions. A scoping exercise shall be carried out for minor extensions.

4.2.2 Bird friendly structures

While every effort has been made to ensure that all structures in the standard are bird friendly, some
structures suit certain situations better than others do. Staggered vertical configuration offers relatively
safe perching for raptors however it is not ideal near known visiting places of white storks whereas the
intermediate T configuration has proved to be very safe in vulture areas.

As a general guide staggered vertical (perching), intermediate T (perching) and H pole suspension
(perching and mid span collision) structures are considered most bird friendly. Typical examples of
pole top configurations are given in drawing D-DT-0311. The EIA shall take these possible structure
configurations into account when making a recommendation although the best solution shall always be
a line route that avoids sensitive areas.

4.2.3 Conductor visibility enhancement

Conductor marking devices shall be installed on conductors to make the conductors more visible if the
line route crosses ecologically sensitive areas with a high occurrence of birds that are prone to
mid span collisions.

4.2.4 Conductor jumper contact insulation

Jumpers for auxiliary structures and line equipment shall be made from conductor that is covered with
a suitable insulating material to minimize the risk of birds being electrocuted. Terminations shall be
shrouded in particularly sensitive areas and if insulating jumper material is bared for the purpose of
applying earths, these bared areas shall be staggered vertically to ensure that simultaneous contact of
two bared sections by a bird is not possible.

The application of this covered jumper shall in no way reduce the safety clearances that shall be
observed. For safety considerations these conductors shall be treated as if they were bare.

4.3 Performance and operability requirements

4.3.1 General
a) Overhead lines shall be designed to ensure that the desired line performance for a particular area
is achievable. Devices such as reclosers, sectionalises, fused disconnectors and solid
disconnectors are devices that may be employed to provide a practical system in support of the
performance targets. The local area Protection and Plant Engineering specialist sections and any
other involved party shall be consulted before the placement of devices or modifications to ensure
optimisation of the network.

b) The above devices are costly and it shall be the responsibility of the line designer to ensure that
this requirement is considered to ensure that the most appropriate, cost effective solutions are

c) System protection shall be in accordance with the philosophy detailed in SCSASAAP1.

4.3.2 Downstream auto-reclosers, auto-sectionalizers and switching points

The application of auto-reclosers and auto-sectionalises is a strategic choice that has to be weighed
up against the economic implications. Line length, the number of consumers and the installed

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Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
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capacity are generally the most important considerations. The following factors shall also be
considered when placing additional auto-reclosers and auto-sectionalisers:

a) lines performing poorly due to lightning. The installation of an additional sectionalising point may be
justified to improve the line performance and reduce nuisance outages to upstream customers;

b) a local knowledge of forests, sugar cane fields, irrigation systems, hills, thick vegetation and areas
prone to high winds, pollution etc. may provide sufficient justification for the application of a further
sectionalising point; and

c) additional switching points shall be provided in the MV line to facilitate the operation of the MV
system. The positions of the switching points shall be determined after considering the number of
customers affected, demand, and accessibility. These switching points may either be solid or fuse
links in accordance with local area philosophies.

4.3.3 System configuration

The exact layout of the new distribution system will depend on what exists in the area and what
additional loads are to be supplied. Planning, following the guidelines in the Distribution Standard, will
determine the conductor size for new lines.

The main considerations for system configuration shall be based on the following:

a) the use of auto-reclosers at the supply substation to protect MV lines and isolate the MV line from
the system in the case of a permanent fault;

b) the use of fuses to isolate T-offs downline from the main feeder protection and in-line auto-
reclosers / auto-sectionalisers;

c) the installation of individual 20A MV type ‘K’ fuses for transformers connected to the main MV line;

d) the group-fusing of transformers connected to T-offs with not more than 500 kVA of installed
transformer capacity for each fuse, depending on physical limitations;

e) the installation of downline auto-reclosers if the line load exceeds 5MVA or the line length exceeds
80 km; and

f) the installation of sectionalizers if the line load exceeds 3MVA or the line length exceeds 40 km.

4.3.4 Fuse selection considerations

Fuse selection shall be on the basis that continuous and transient load characteristics shall have a
negligible impact on the fuse performance. Several criteria relating the full load rating of the
distribution transformer to the transient in-rush currents can be followed, e.g. the 10 ms/100 ms
criterion (fuse curve slower than 10 ms at 25 × rated transformer current and slower than 100 ms at 12
× rated transformer current) or the fuse derating factor of 1,6 × the rated in-zone transformer full-load
current. Adopting the 10 ms/100 ms approach, table 4.3.4-1 gives the minimum fuse link ratings
recommended for application to individual and groups of transformers:

Table 4.3.4 — Minimum fuse link ratings for 11 kV and 22 kV

1 2 3 4 5

Minimum 11 kV 22 kV

Rating Individual Group Individual Group

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Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
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30 K ± 500 kVA ± 450 kVA ± 1 MVA ± 850 kVA

20 K ± 350 kVA ± 300 kVA ± 600 kVA ± 500 kVA

10 K ± 175 kVA ± 150 kVA ± 350 kVA ± 300 kVA

The following aspects are relevant with regard to the minimum ratings in Table 4.4.1:

a) A derating factor of approximately 1,2 is recommended for group fuses to account for excitation
current composition.

b) The smaller the fuse link rating, the more efficient the fuse in terms of earth fault detection and the
easier the fuse-protection co-ordination; at the same time the fuse will be more prone to transient
current deterioration effects. Transient insensitivity for fuses is attained with a characteristic
resembling that of a 25 K fuse. In order to minimise nuisance operations, 20 K and 30 K fuses are
recommended. K-type fuses (and the inclusion of the 10 K) are recommended to allow for the
appropriate fuse/fuse co-ordination applications discussed in the next section.

c) Where fuse/fuse co-ordination is applicable, the maximum clearing time of the downstream fuse
closest to the fault shall be less than about 75 % of the minimum melting time of the upstream
fuse. This requirement inherently sets an upper fault current limit for successful fuse/fuse co-
ordination, this margin being a function of the I t energy capabilities of the fuses in question. The
fuse co-ordination selections in Table 4.3.4-2 are recommended, considering the spread of fault
currents for earth and phase faults as well as the ratings of devices protected:

Table 4.3.4-2— Recommended fuses for fuse/fuse co-ordination

1 2 3

Upstream Downstream Max. current

30 K 20 K ± 500 A

30 K 10 K ± 1050 A

20 K 10 K ± 550 A

The following constraints apply to the fuse/fuse co-ordination practices:

a) High fault current conditions may result in both fuse elements experiencing damage and thereby
resulting in a loss of fuse/fuse co-ordination. This is also true for protection / fuse co-ordination in
this time region (<70 ms to 100 ms), with the provision that the recloser will normally initiate a
successful reclose under such conditions.

b) The higher the upstream (i.e. “section-fuse”) fuse rating, the higher the probability of
protection/section-fuse loss of co-ordination at low fault levels. While the use of section-fuses
enables lower system capital expenditure, extensive systems with rapid phase fault current drop-
off (and non-effectively earthed systems) may incur larger operating costs and customer disruption
due to nuisance tripping.

4.4 Insulation co-ordination and bonding

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Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
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Unless otherwise stated, insulation co-ordination and bonding shall be performed in accordance with
Table 5.1 below. It is advisable however for the owner of the network to specifically state his
requirements so that they match the philosophy employed on the rest of the network.

Table 4.4.1 - Insulation co-ordination and bonding guide

1 2 3
Lightning activity (strikes/km /year)
Pollution level Low (2 or less) High ( more than 2)
• No bonding of insulator • Provide a 500 mm gap between the BIL downwire
required and lowest/nearest MV insulator
(Few / no
• No BIL downwire required • No bonding between insulators is required unless
pollution related
vertical or staggered vertical bonding is required
incidents) • Use a 1,2 MV BIL
• Use a 300 kV BIL

• Bond between insulators • Provide a 500 mm gap between the BIL down wire
High/very high
and the lowest/nearest MV insulator
• No BIL downwire required
• Bond between insulators
pollution related • Use a 1,2 MV BIL
incidents) • Use a 300 kV BIL

NOTE 1 — Refer to annex B for details of lightning strike activities in South Africa

4.4.1 General
Insulation co-ordination is achieved when the insulation strengths of all components of the electricity
system are adequate to withstand the electrical stresses of service within selected reliability margins.

Switching transients are usually ignored.

The three conditions that system components are designed to meet are.

a) To withstand indefinitely the normal and maximum system operating voltages at supply frequency.

b) To withstand temporary supply frequency overvoltages up to the rated short duration power
frequency withstand voltage.

c) To withstand lightning impulse overvoltages up to the rated withstand level.

B.2 Design considerations for supply frequency voltages and overvoltages

The design, material and specific creepage length of phase insulators influence the performance of a
system in terms of B.1 (a) and (b). SANS 60815 shall be used as the guide for the selection of phase

4.4.2 Design considerations for lightning impulse overvoltages

CSIR and TRI studies that have concluded the effect of lightning on the performance of overhead
powerlines can be minimised if the following basic insulation co-ordination philosophies are adopted.

4.4.3 Direct strikes

Direct strikes to an unshielded line nearly always cause flashover to earth of one or more conductors
at the pole closest to the strike. If insulation levels are low, flashover may occur at several structures
while if the levels are high, flashover may occur at only one structure and severe impulse voltage may
be transmitted to terminal equipment.

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Section 0: General Revision: 0
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4.4.4 Induced voltages

Induced voltages rarely exceed 200 kV with a maximum order of 250 kV. As the induced voltages in
different phases are of similar amplitude and identical waveshape, flashovers between phases are not
expected. Flashover to ground will occur if the insulation strength to ground is below that of the
induced voltage.

4.4.5 Pole and cross-arm damage

Most damage to line equipment is caused by the power arc that develops after flashover (0,85
probability) however surges and flashover may also cause damage, especially to poles. The type and
extent of damage that occurs depends on factors such as the moisture content and the arc penetration
into the wood. Wood poles and cross-arms suffer the least damage when the arc can be restricted to
the surface of the wood where superficial splintering may occur. This is achieved by not having a
wood path gap in the earth wire of greater than 500mm and applying circumferential strapping at the
termination points of the earth wire on either side of the gap.

4.4.6 Bonding
The practice of electrically connecting all the hardware and insulator ‘dead’ ends is known as bonding.

In polluted environments small leakage currents may cause the burning of unbonded cross-arms and
poles. Bonding the ‘dead’ ends of phase insulators and stay wires can prevent this. In the case of the
longer cross-arms being used the bonding wire will also act as a BIL wire and prevent cross-arm
splitting. Separate bonding designs are provided for all applicable structures. See D-DT-0310.

4.4.7 Stay insulators

The insulation values of the conventional porcelain stay insulator are low. They may be considered as
adding value to the system only in terms of providing protection to the public against leakage currents
and providing very little additional surge insulation. For this reason strain structures are not fitted with
BIL downwires. To achieve a high BIL on a strain structure glass fibre stay insulators shall be used, or
stays fitted in such a way that there is a suitable wood path in series.

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Section 0: General Revision: 0
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4.4.8 Insulation co-ordination and line performance

Typically, the following performance can be expected from lines insulated as follows: High BIL lines. (1 MV to 2 MV)

a) Low incidence of flashover and protection operations.

b) High stress on terminal equipment

c) Infrequent extended outages due to pole and cross-arm damage. Low BIL lines (<200 kV)

a) High incidence of flashover and protection operations.

b) Lower stress on terminal equipment

c) Few extended outages due to pole or cross-arm damage. BIL 300 kV

a) Induced surges will not flashover

b) Stress on terminal equipment reduced

c) Moderate protection operations

d) Little or no pole and cross-arm damage

The insulation which provides the best overall performance in a high lightning area has been proved
on test sites to be between 200 kV BIL and 300 kV BIL. This allows direct strikes to flashover while
containing induced surges. This BIL is achieved in the following way:

a) On suspension/intermediate structures by the application of a BIL downwire and a 500 mm wood

path; and

b) On stayed structures this is due to the BIL of the long rod insulator, stay insulators and the position
of the stays. On these structures the stay is acts as the BIL downwire.

4.4.9 Surge arresters and BIL

22 kV equipment installed on MV lines has a BIL rating of 150 kV and is protected by surge arresters.

If there are a number of surge arresters in close proximity on the line it effectively reduces the BIL of
that line and the design of insulation for a reticulation line thus falls into two categories.

a) Townships or areas protected from lightning affects by a relatively high density of surge arresters

In these areas,structures, of which the maximum BIL is that of the insulator (170 kV), may be used
i.e. Concrete or conductive structures. Wood poles need not have a BIL wire.
b) Sparsely populated, high lightning rural areas with long lines and few surge arresters

In these areas co-ordinated wood pole structures with 300 kV BIL will perform better in high
lightning conditions. The application of down wires will reduce the BIL from 1,2 kV to the desired
levels. The incidence of pole damage will be greatly reduced if the practice is employed.
Table 4.4.9-1 Insulation co-ordination and bonding guide

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Section 0: General Revision: 0
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1 2 3
Lightning activity (strikes/km /year)
Pollution level Low (2 or less) High ( more than 2)
• No bonding of insulator • Provide a 500 mm gap between the BIL downwire
required and lowest/nearest MV insulator
(Few / no
• No BIL downwire required • No bonding between insulators is required unless
pollution related
vertical or staggered vertical bonding is required
incidents) • Use a 1,2 MV BIL
• Use a 300 kV BIL

• Bond between insulators • Provide a 500 mm gap between the BIL down wire
High/very high
and the lowest/nearest MV insulator
• No BIL downwire required
• Bond between insulators
pollution related • Use a 1,2 MV BIL
incidents) • Use a 300 kV BIL

1. Refer to table B2 below for details of lightning strike activities in South Africa
2. The isochronic graphs are somewhat generalized and it is possible to find a relatively high
lightning incidence pocket within a low rated area. The insulation co-ordination and bonding of a line
shall take cognizance of performance requirements. In a contract situation the ultimate owner of the
network shall decide what insulation co-ordination and bonding practice should be employed.

The number of strikes (Ns) to a line may be calculated as follows:

Ns = Ng (28 H 0.6 + W) * L * 10-3 strikes per year
-2 -1
Ng = ground flash density (km yr )
L = line length (km)
H = average tower height (m)
W = line width (m)
The ground flash densities for various stations is set out in table B2 below. The value Ng may also be
calculated from thunder days (Td) obtained from table 3 of the climate statistics supplied by the
Weather Bureau.
Ng = 0,04 Td1,25

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Part 4: Medium voltage reticulation Type: DSP
Section 0: General Revision: 0
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Table 4.4.9-2 - Lightning ground flash density

The values supplied in the table below are representative of the number of lightning ground
flashes per km2 per year. (With acknowledgement to the C.S.I.R.).

Aberdeen 1.8 East London 1.6 Ladybrand 7.5 Richards Bay 5.2

Albertina 0.5 Edenvale 5.6 Ladysmith (N ) 9.0 Richmond ( N ) 8.0

Alexandria 0.8 Elliot 4.2 Laingsburg 0.6 Riversdale 0.2

Aliwal North 5.3 Empangeni 4.1 Lichtenberg 5.5 Roedtan 4.9

Aranos 1.6 Ermelo 9.0 Loskop 4.3 Rustenberg 8.1

Aroab 1.7 Eshowe 5.3 Louis Trichdardt 1.5 Sabie 3.2

Barberton 7.5 Evander 8.5 Luderitz 0.4 Satara 1.5

Beaufort West 1.7 Flagstaff 4.9 Lydenburg 5.0 Schweizer Reneke 5.6

Belfast 7.3 Fort Beaufort 1.4 Machadodorp 8.7 Scottburgh 3.0

Benoni 7.5 Fraserburg 1.3 Mafikeng 5.6 Senekal 4.7

Bergville 6.3 George 1.5 Malmesbury 0.1 Sishen 3.4

Bethal 8.6 Georgedale 5.6 Mandini 3.4 Skukuza 2.3

Bethlehem 6.4 Germiston 7.5 Margate 1.8 Somerset West 0.8

Bethulie 3.3 Giants Castle 13.0 Marikana 6.9 Springbok 0.6

Bloemfontein 5.2 Gobabeb 0.2 Matatiele 6.6 Springs 7.5

Bloemhof 4.8 Gobabis 2.6 Middelburg ( C ) 3.3 Standerton 7.6

Blyderivierspoort 4.5 Golden Gate 6.4 Middelburg ( T ) 4.6 Stanger 3.5

Boksburg 7.5 Grabouw 0.2 Molteno 1.6 Stellenbosch 0.3

Brakpan 7.5 Graaff-Reinet 2.5 Montagu 0.2 Steytlerville 1.7

Brandvlei 0.9 Grahamstown 1.4 Mooirivier 6.9 Sutherland 0.9

Brits 8.0 Greytown 5.5 Moeeslay 0.5 Swakopmund 0.5

Bultfontein 3.6 Groblersdal 5.1 Murraysberg 1.9 Tarkastad 3.4

Burgersdorp 3.3 Harding 5.5 Naboomspruit 6.0 Thabazimbi 2.1

Butterworth 0.9 Harrismith 9.4 Nelspruit 2.7 Theunissen 5.2

Cala 5.2 Heidelberg ( C ) 8.0 Nossop 2.2 Touwsrivier 0.3

Caledon 0.2 Heilbron 5.8 Noupoort 7.4 Tsumeb 4.0

Calvinia 0.7 Hermanus 0.1 Nylstroom 7.4 Tzaneen 4.1

Cape Town 0.3 Hluhluwe 6.0 Ohrigstd 7.0 Umtata 3.0

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Carletonville 7.5 Hoedspruit 2.8 Oshakati 4.2 Uniondale 0.6

Carnavon 1.1 Humansdorp 1.1 Oudtshoorn 2.3 Upington 2.2

Carolina 9.0 Irene 7.2 Paarl 0.5 Utrecht 9.0

Cathcart 1.6 Jagersfontein 2.2 Petrus Steyn 4.4 Ventersdorp 5.6

Cedara 8.0 Johannesburg 7.5 Pietermaritzburg 7.0 Vereeniging 7.5

Ceres 0.2 Jozini 5.6 Pietersburg 3.6 Victoria West 1.4

Christiana 6.4 Keetmanshoop 1.2 Pietretief 11.7 Villiersdorp 0.4

Colenso 7.8 Kempton Park 7.5 Piketberg 0.2 Vredendal 0.2

Colesberg 3.0 Keiskammahoek 2.0 Pongola 6.3 Vryburg 3.0

Cradock 5.8 Kimberley 4.8 Port Alfred 1.4 Vryheid 8.9

De Aar 2.5 King William’s Town 1.1 Port Elizabeth 0.9 Walvis Bay 0.2

Delareyville 5.4 Klerksdorp 7.0 Potchefstroom 7.0 Warmbad 7.5

Donnybrook 8.5 Knysna 0.4 Potgietersrus 3.4 Welkom 5.0

Doornfontein 7.3 Komatipoort 2.6 Pretoria 7.5 Willowmore 1.5

Dordrecht 2.6 Kroonstad 5.8 Prieska 3.0 Windhoek 2.3

Douglas 4.0 Krugersdorp 7.0 Prince Albert 0.6 Witbank 7.5

Dundee 9.2 Kuruman 3.0 Queenstown 5.2 Zeerust 4.2

Durban 4.4 Ladismith ( C ) 0.4 Reddersburg 6.4

4.5 Structures
4.5.1 Structures selection
Accepted distribution phase/phase voltage levels in this standard are 11 kV, 22 kV and 33 kV. 11 kV
overhead lines are built to 22 kV specifications. The additional BIL achieved by the use of 22 kV
insulation greatly improves the general performance of 11 kV lines in lightning at a marginal extra cost.

33 kV has been introduced with the dual purpose of better load transfer with relatively small
conductors and the derivative, 19 kV serves as the standard single wire earth return (SWER) voltage.
33 kV lines are built using 33 kV insulation and 22 kV structures that have sufficient clearances to
accommodate the higher clearance requirements.

A structure selection guide is included as annex to sections 2 and 3 of Part 4 of the Distribution
Standard to assist the user to select the most appropriate family of structures based on the type of
conductor and the terrain. Four categories of terrain are used for each conductor type. Structure
strength tables are also set out as an annex to these sections to give the user a guide of what
parameters may be used in the design of the line.

4.5.2 Phase/phase and three-phase distribution

The structure designs and strength tables are for three-phase or two-phase (phase/phase) distribution
systems. The phase/phase designs are optimised on the assumption that they will remain
phase/phase. If an upgrade strategy is to be adopted on a line, phase/phase structures may not be

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used and three-phase structures of which only two phases are conductored must be used. In this
case the three-phase structure designs and strength tables shall be used with either the centre or
bottom phases not being conductored. The initial construction shall ensure that the upgrade exercise
will not require the removal or moving of any existing stays, equipment or conductor ties.

4.5.3 Practical design and operator safety

While the standard is configured to provide flexibility for the designer, the designer shall always take
operational practices and operator safety into account when adding auxiliary equipment to a structure.
The structure shall not be cluttered with auxiliary equipment in such a way that safety clearances are
compromised or that it is unsafe or difficult to operate equipment on that structure.

Some structure configurations are not practically compatible (i.e. vertical intermediate and 4,5m x-arm
H-pole suspension) and should only be used adjacent to each other with due consideration of the
effect on the conductors. It is good practice to utilise strain structures when changing between very
different pole top configurations.

4.5.4 Poles
Wood poles shall be used as the standard pole for overhead lines. Concrete poles may be used for
special applications.

a) Concrete poles are conductive to lightning surges and shall not be used in exposed rural areas with
high lightning incidence. They are also more expensive than wood poles.

b) Concrete poles shall be manufactured in accordance with DTC 0106 and designed in accordance
with drawings D-DT-0001 to D-DT-0007 which can be found in SCSPVAAT6;

c) Wood-poles shall have a fibre strength of at least 55 MPa and shall be in accordance with
DSP_34-1647, Rev 0.

d) 75 MPa poles may be used on condition the mechanical loading of the poles is calculated and
approved by a suitably qualified engineer.

e) CCA treated wood-poles shall not be used for rural lines. CCA treated wood-poles shall only be
used in urban applications; and

f) CCA treated wood cross-arms may be used in rural lines.


1. Concrete and wood-poles of the same height are not interchangeable without considering the stresses and stiffness
of both for compression loads.

2. If poles are taken into an area where the mean annual equilibrium moisture content of timber is less than 100
grams/kg, the poles shall be stored for at least 6 months after arrival. Where the mean annual equilibrium
moisture content of timber is less than 80 grams/kg, the poles shall be stored for one year prior to use. In
situations where the above recommendations are impractical, the line configuration shall be designed to
ensure that problems caused by pole twisting are minimized.

4.5.5 Selection of wood pole sizes

Power line structures are considered optimised when the full capacity of the pole is optimised. I.e. the
wind, weight, maximum electrical and level ground spans are similar.

When selecting pole sizes for a level terrain the above may be applied but undulating terrain may
require the wind, weight electrical spans to be longer than the level ground spans. In all cases the
smallest pole that meets all the required parameters shall be selected.

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4.5.6 Span lengths

The most efficient line design utilizes the maximum span lengths permissible for a specific construction
type over the actual terrain. Maximum span lengths for standard construction types are set out in the
structure strength tables of the various sections. Span lengths are determined as follows:

a) Maximum span length is the lesser of the actual ground clearance span, electrical span, wind span
and weight span. This is restricted by the strength of the poles and cross arms used and depends
on the combinations and configuration of MV, LV and Telkom conductors used. The maximum
span lengths for single circuit lines under certain limiting conditions are set out in the structure
strength tables. The strengths for multi-circuit structures shall be calculated individually.

b) When changing between different configurations, the phasing shall be in accordance with
D-DT-0311 and the maximum spacing span permitted shall be the same as that of the lower of the
two adjacent structures;

c) Windspan values are based on pole strength and the soil foundations will be adequate in type 1
soils. If this is not the case and poor soil is suspected, individual calculation shall be done using the
bearing pressures received from actual tests. This is particularly important when construcing heavy
conductor 3-phase lines.

4.5.7 Phasing
Phasing on all pole top configurations shall be in accordance with drawing D-DT-0311 — “Phase
configurations for standard pole top designs”

NOTE — The phase configuration is as viewed from the normal source substation i.e. looking from the
source substation towards the structure in question.

4.5.8 Stays and anchors

Stays provide stability for line structures and shall impose as little crippling load as possible on the
supporting poles. It is therefore advantageous considering both cost and structural strength to have as
few stays as possible on a structure. For angle structures the use of a bisector stay imposes the least
crippling load but sometimes the use of the bisector stay only makes stringing difficult and dangerous.
Construction or stringing stays, if left in place, shall be slackened off slightly once the stringing
operation is complete. Fully stayed structures are used in reticulation lines to add long term stability.
On flat, even terrain the distance between these points may be as long as five kilometres while in
rugged terrain it may be advantageous to reduce this distance considerably.

The standard MV stay assembly is 96kN. This assembly is adequate for all stayed structures. The
number of stays used for each structure may vary to suit the structure type, conductor size and line
deviation angle. When 600 deviation is exceeded on an H-pole structure, bisector stays must be fitted
to both uprights.

Power installed stays may be used in suitable soils if the strength criterion is met.

The most cost effective stay assembly shall be used. This may be conventional, rock or percussion.

Struts shall be fitted with anti-climbing devices.

4.5.9 Planting of poles, stays and backfilling of holes

Planting of poles, stays and backfilling of holes shall be in accordance with DISSCAAO1, Rev 2.
Table 4.5.9-1 gives planting depths of concrete and wood poles.

Table 4.5.9-1 — Planting depths of equivalent concrete and wood poles

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1 2 3 4 5

Concrete poles Wooden poles

Length(class) Planting Length Tip dia. Planting

depth depth

m mm m mm mm

4 (1 kN) 800 5 80 1000

7 (4 kN) 1300 7 120 1300

9 (6 kN) 1500 9 140 1500

10 (8 kN) 1800 10 160 1700

10 (Transformer pole) 1800 10( Transformer pole) 180 1700

11 (8 kN) 1800 11 140/180 1800

12 160/200 2000

13 160/200 2200

14 180 2200

16 180 2200

18 180 2400

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4.5.10 Assumptions used for the calculation of MV structure parameters Mechanical considerations
The following assumptions shall be made when calculating structure strengths: General
a) The wind pressure is 700 Pa.

b) The separation distance between two adjacent stay rods is 1,5 m

c) A safety factor of 2,5 is used for all hardware.

d) A safety factor of 2,7 is used for temporary forces acting on a structure.

e) A safety factor of 4,5 is used for continuous forces acting on a structure.

f) Wind force and wind induced tensions are temporary loads.

g) Conductor, hardware and pole masses are permanent loads.

h) Conductor EDT is a permanent load.

i) The weight of a Field Services person is 100kg (785N).

j) The minimum span length is 50 m. If span lengths are calculated to be less than 50 m, then the
structure is exceeding the design limit. Conductors
a) The projected conductor area is equal to 60 % of the conductor diameter * L.

k) The maximum conductor tension @ –5 °C and 700Pa wind is 40% UTS.

l) The EDT is 20% UTS. Insulators
a) The post insulator length is 300 mm.

b) The rod penetration depth for post insulators is 50 mm for a threaded rod and 35 mm for a swivel

c) The post insulator weight is 5 kg.

d) The distance from the pole to the base of the insulator is 70 mm when a swivel spindle is used.

e) The distance between the base of the L-bracket and the pole top is 50 mm.

f) The long rod insulator length is 450 mm

g) The long rod insulator weight is 2 kg.

h) For the vertical strain structure (0° to 5°), the insulator has an angle of 10° to the horizontal plane. Structures
a) A wooden pole has a taper of 5 mm/m.

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b) Wooden cross-arms have no taper.

c) The average weight of a wooden pole is 300 kg.

d) The average weight of a wooden cross-arm is 20kg/m

e) The cross-arm diameters are 120mm (2,5m), 140mm (3,5m), 160mm (4,5m).

f) The ultimate bending stress of a wooden pole is 55 MPa.

g) The Young’s modulus of a wooden pole is 10000 MPa.

q)h)The projected area that the wind pressure is acting on is 60 % of the pole diameter multiplied by Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
the pole length.

r)i) The average diameter of the pole is equal to the diameter of the pole at a height of 2/3 of the
crippling length, measured from ground level.

s)j) The maximum design load that a swivel spindle can take is 40 kg (392 N).

t)k) The maximum design moment capacity of the threaded rod is 150 Nm.

u)l) For H-poles, the total transverse force is divided equally between the transverse reaction forces.

p) The distance between the cross-arm and the stay wires is 70 mm

4.5.11 Electrical span length

The relationship between the maximum span length and spacing has been determined from the
following formula:

Required spacing = L (4cos4×+1)+C

Where: L = span length in km

C = minimum required clearance phase to phase (m)

× = angle between conductors from horizontal

(for a horizontal config. × = 0°and for a vertical config. × = 90°)

and where C = 0,4 m for 22 kV

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4.6 Conductors
4.6.1 Conductor selection
Bare conductors shall be used for MV overhead reticulation. The structures have been designed for
conductors up to Hare (Oak). Conductors shall be predominantly ACSR types, Squirrel, Fox, Mink and
Hare. AAAC conductor types, Acacia, 35, Pine and Oak conductors shall only be used in high marine
pollution areas. Magpie and single strand 1350 MPa steel wire may be used for very low load spurs as
a cost-effective alternative. Magpie dead-end fittings are the same size as those for Squirrel but are
not interchangeable. Steel conductors require armour rods to allow fixing onto a post insulator. The
conductor choice shall be based on the least life-cycle cost of transferring power. Information on the
recommended conductors is given in Table 4.6.1-1.

4.6.2 Conductor tensions

An Eskom computer program, RSAT, is available on Eskom’s internal WEB and the Internet. This
program shall be used to produce sag and tension tables.

Cigre studies are proving that the most effective way to determine tensions in undamped conductors is
by considering the tension divided by mass per unit length constant or ‘C’ value. In accordance with
this study, RSAT utilises a ‘C’ value of 1425 for ACSR and AAAC conductors. Lines constructed using
the information in these tables will not require dampers. Extra strength ACSR ‘C’ value is set at 2712
and steel wire at 2242. These ‘C’ values have been chosen to reduce the risk of conductor fatigue
without using dampers. If lines are designed for special applications exceeding these ‘C’ values,
damping shall be considered. Over and above the ‘C’ values RSAT design tensions are limited to the
OHS Act design limits of 40 % of UTS on final tension and 50 % of UTS for initial tension (stringing).

4.6.3 Joints and connections

All joints and connections shall be the compression type and shall comply with the requirements of
DSP0035, Rev 3:

Only persons who have passed Eskom approved compression jointing training and have proof of this
are permitted to perform this work on the Eskom network.
No joints shall be placed in crossing spans.

Joints shall, as far as possible, be made in the middle third of a span. No joint shall be placed within
20m of a structure.

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Table 4.6.1-1 - Conductor properties

Conductor Stranding Coppe Mechanical properties Coeff. Electrical
r properties
Code and wire dia. Equiv. Overall Total Mass Breaking Final of linear DC res. Rating
Name Area Dia. Area Load Modulus expansion @ 20°C @ 75°C

mm mm2 mm mm2 kg/km kg GPa 10-6 / °C Ohm/km A

Table A1 - ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) - Extra Strong

Magpie 3/4/2,118 6,65 6,35 24,71 139,7 1893 133,76 13,68 2,707 78

Table A2 - ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced

Squirrel 6/1/2,11 12,9 6,33 24,48 85,2 818 80,4 19,31 1,3677 110
Fox 6/1/2,79 22,58 8,37 42,8 149 1340 80,4 19,31 0,7822 155
Mink 6/1/3,66 38,71 10,98 73,65 257 2230 80,4 19,31 0,4546 215
Hare 6/1/4,72 64,52 14,16 122,48 427 3670 80,4 19,31 0,2733 290

Table A3 - AAAC (Aluminium Conductor Aluminium Alloy reinforced)

Acacia 7/2,08 13 6,24 23,79 65 682 61 23 1,39 110
35 7/2,77 22 8,31 42,18 115 1210 61 23 0,785 155
Pine 7/3,61 38 10,83 71,65 196 2060 61 23 0,462 215
Oak 7/4,65 63 13,95 118,9 325 3400 61 23 0,279 290

Table A4 - Galvanized Steel Wire

3/3,35 3/3,35 – 7,35 26,44 215 2910 191 11,52 7,4 41
1/3.66 1/3.66 - 3.66 10.52 83 1431 196 11,52

4.7 Clearances
4.7.1 Clearances on a structure Shared structures
The minimum clearances for shared services on a structure are:

a) Telkom to ground ......................................................... 4,3 m

b) Telkom to low voltage ................................................... 0,9 m

c) Telkom to medium voltage ........................................... 1,5 m

NOTE – The clearance requirement dimensions refer to all structures in townships (See D-DT-0348).
For further details refer to NRS043.

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overhead lines up to 33kV Telkom working near live bare conductors

Telkom employees are not permitted to work on a power line structure that carries any live power
conductors unless they have completed the basic training as specified in the Training Module supplied
to Telkom by Eskom or any other acceptable training courses as described in NRS043.

This is a minimum requirement and may well be supplemented in future by a Telkom training
department manual.

4.7.2 Supply authority working on - Minimum clearances for bare overhead conductors
The minimum clearances for bare overhead conductors are stipulated in the OHS Act and are included
in table 4.7.2-1.

Table 4.7.2-1 — Minimum clearances for bare MV overhead lines

1 2 3 4 5 6


Maximum To ground To ground Above roads To To buildings and

rated phase outside inside and railway communication structures not
to phase townships townships lines lines and other forming part of
voltage power lines power lines

( kV r.m.s.) m m m m m

1,1 or less 4,9 5,5 6,1 0,6 3,0

7,2 5,0 5,5 6,2 0,7 3,0
12 5,1 5,5 6,3 0,8 3,0
24 5,2 5,5 6,4 0,9 3,0
33 5,3 5,5 6,6 1,0 3,0

1 Clearances above water (dams, rivers etc.) will, as a general rule, be as given in column 2. However, if the water is used
for recreational or commercial purposes, the users may require a greater clearance.
2 In terms of an exemption obtained from the chief inspector, auxiliary equipment such as transformers, reclosers and
sectionalisers may be mounted 4,0 m above ground. While the clearance value applies to the bushings of the equipment, for
ease of application and consistency this measurement will in all cases apply to the base of the equipment.

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4.7.3 Clearance for shared services on Eskom structures Midspan clearance
The minimum midspan clearance for shared services on Eskom structures shall be:

a) not less than 0,2 m between insulated LV power cables and telecommunication cables;

b) not less than 1,5 m between bare MV power conductors and telecommunication cables at the worst
conditions of sag; and

c) for Telkom ground clearances.

1) over roads ...............................................................6,1 m;
2) along roads in towns, ...............................................3,7 m; and

3) along roads outside towns, .......................................3,0 m.

Clearances shall be determined for a minimum power conductor temperature of 50 °C and a swing angle co rresponding to a
wind pressure of 700 Pa. In applications where the power conductor may operate at a temperature above 50°C, that
temperature shall be used to calculate the sag and clearances of the power conductor. In the case of telecommunication lines a
maximum temperature of 30°C shall be used for the T elkom sag calculation.

4.7.4 Live bare conductor

Only authorised live line personnel shall be permitted to work on live, bare conductors.

4.8 Crossings
Crossings shall comply with section 20 of the Electrical Machinery Regulations of the OHS Act
(see SCSASAAM0) and the requirements set out in annex B.

Design of crossings of proclaimed roads, railway lines, tramways and important

communication lines with a power line

NOTE – This annex has been extracted from a pre-publication copy of NRS 033

4.8.1 Scope
This annex covers overhead power line crossings of proclaimed roads, railway lines, tramways and
important communication lines, and shall be read in conjunction with the undermentioned regulations.

4.8.2 Regulations and figures (sketches) Regulations
Regulations 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 22 as stated in the Electrical Machinery Regulations of the
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)

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overhead lines up to 33kV Figures Conductor fully armoured

Figure 4.8.22-1 — Helically formed, armoured, road crossing twin tie for vertically mounted pin or
post insulator

Figure 4.8.22-2 — Helically formed arcing horn for horizontally mounted long rod insulator

Figure 4.8.22-3 — Helically formed arcing horn for horizontally mounted disc insulator

Figure 4.8.22-4 — Crossing with strain structures on both sides Ties

10 kN Insulator
Figure D.5 — Crossing with an intermediate structure on one side, and a strain structure on the other

Figure D.6 — Crossing with intermediate structures on both sides.

Conductor fully armoured

10 kN Insulator

Figure 4.8.22-1 — Helically formed, armoured, road crossing twin tie for vertically mounted pin
or post insulator

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Refer to assembly dwgs.

Helically Formed dead end

Helically Formed arcing horn

Not preferred in bird sensitive areas

Figure 4.8.22-2 Helically Formed arcing horn for horizontally mounted long rod insulator

Refer to assembly dwgs.

Helically Formed dead end

Helically Formed arcing

Not preferred in bird sensitive areas

Figure 4.8.22-3 Helically Formed arcing horn for horizontally mounted disc insulator Purpose
The sketches listed above depict the most common crossing configurations. Should other
configurations be used, it shall be borne in mind that the main purpose of applying the above-
mentioned precautions at crossings is to ensure that flashovers to overhead line conductors and
hardware, adjacent to the crossing, will not jeopardise the integrity of the crossing span. The crossing
span conductors shall not be lower than 4,5 m above ground in case of a broken phase conductor in a
span other than the crossing span as stipulated in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

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Cognisance of these precautionary requirements, and the Regulations detailed in E.2.1 above, shall
be taken into account when designing every crossing.

4.8.3 Arcing horns Helically formed arcing horns.
As shown in drawings figures, these shall be fitted to strain insulators in a crossing span
where the conductor is terminated with a helically formed dead end on a thimble clevis fitting. The
reason for fitting arcing horns at such terminations is that, should a flashover occur, it is very likely that
there will be arcing to the thimble groove, causing damage to one or more strands of the helically
formed tie. Damage of this nature could result in the immediate burn down of the crossing span
conductor, or give rise to a potentially dangerous situation because of the weakened helically formed
tie. (See D.5.4, structure type B, alternative 2). The placement of arcing horns however has the
undesirable effect of encouraging additional flashovers to take place at the crossing structure as the
BIL has been reduced. Arcing horns are not environmentally friendly and should not be used in rural
areas inhabited by large raptors or perching birds. If arcing horns are used in an area which may
occasionally be visited by large birds, the arcing horns should be mounted horizontally, facing outward. Alternative, bolted or compression type dead ends.

These can be used without fitting arcing horns, as a flashover with these fittings will result in arcing to
the body of the clamp, with little or no damage to the conductor. (See D.5.4, structure type B,
alternative 1).

4.8.4 Structures Where there are strain structures on either side of the crossing, intermediate structures without
any special precautions can be erected beyond the crossing (see D.5.4). Where there is one strain structure at the crossing, special precautions shall be taken on the
first three intermediate structures on the opposite side of the crossing (see D.5.5). Where there are no strain structures at the crossing, special precautions shall be taken on the
first three intermediate structures on both sides of the crossing. (see D.5.6).

Telkom Road

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Stays if required

B = strain with arcing horns or bolted strain clamp.

C = intermediate with no additional protection.

Figure D.4 — Crossing with strain structures on both sides

Telkom Road


B = strain with arcing horns or bolted strain clamp.

C = intermediate with no additional protection.
A = intermediate with road crossing ties

Figure D.5 — Crossing with an intermediate structure on one side and a strain structure
on the other side

Telkom Road


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C = intermediate with no additional protection.

A = intermediate with road crossing ties

Figure D.6 — Crossing with intermediate structures on both sides Requirements for strain structures (B) in figures D.4 and D.5
a) Alternative 1: Bolted type conductor strain clamps or compression dead-end fittings.
1) Single conductor per phase
2) Single strain insulator string or long rod per phase
3) No arcing horns.

b) Alternative 2: With helically formed conductor dead-ends on thimble clevis fitting.

1) Single conductor per phase
2) Single strain insulator string or long rod per phase
3) Fit arcing horns to live end of insulators.

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overhead lines up to 33kV Requirements for intermediate structures (C) in figures D.4, D.5 and D.6
a) Alternative 1: With rigid post or pin insulators.

1) Use 4 kN (minimum) insulators

2) Use standard helically formed top groove tie.


b) Alternative 2: With suspension insulators.

1) No additional protection required Requirements for intermediate structures (A) in figures D.5 and D.6
a) Alternative 1: With rigid post or pin insulators.

1) Use 10 kN (minimum) insulators

2) Use special helically formed road crossing twin tie in accordance with figure D.1. or,

b) Alternative 2: With suspension insulators.

1) Fit armour rods or arcing horns to live end of insulators.


if suspension insulators are used, the following “broken conductor” formula shall be used to calculate
the clearance:

D = (d 2 + 3 pl/ 8 )


d = sag under healthy conditions

p = length of insulator assembly

l = length of the crossing span

D = final sag under broken conductor conditions

4.9 Marking and labelling

4.9.1 General
General requirements regarding marking and labelling are given in ESKASAAN0.

It is a requirement of the OHS Act that all controlling apparatus shall be permanently marked or
labelled so as to identify the system or part of the system on the electrical machinery which it controls,
and, where such control apparatus is accessible from the front and back, these markings shall be on
both the front and the back.

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4.9.2 Labelling of equipment

All pole-mounted equipment (i.e. Isolators, airbreaks, sectionalizers, circuit-breakers, transformers)
shall be labelled. The requirements are set out in ESKASAANO.

4.10 Visual inspection testing and hand over requirements

4.10.1 General
To ensure the safe and reliable operation of an urban distribution system, visual inspections shall be
made and electrical tests performed, before and after energizing. The results of the inspections and
tests shall be recorded.

4.10.2 Visual Inspections

A visual inspection of specified items shall be made. A list of the items to be inspected is given in
Annex F. The list is in the form of questions and the answer to these questions shall be in the
affirmative before the line may be energized.

4.10.3 Electrical tests

Earth resistance tests at transformers and auxiliary structures shall be carried out as described in
SCSASAAL9, Distribution Standard, Part 2. (Earthing standard). A general guide is to perform this
test after the insulation test.

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MV reticulation — Visual inspection record sheet

E.1 General YES NO N/A

1 Does the installation correspond with the layout drawing?
2 Have the necessary statutory approvals been attained?

E.2 MV Lines

1 Does the MV configuration used suit the job?

2 Are all the clearances in accordance with the drawings and OHS
Act ?
3 Are the conductors correctly bound to the insulators?
4 Are the stay insulators fitted?
5 Are the poles plumb and correctly compacted?
6 Are the insulators sound?
7 Is the conductor correctly tensioned?
8 Is the line hardware correctly fitted?

E.3 Pole-mounted equipment

E.3.1 Transformers YES NO N/A
1 Is the transformer installation labelled correctly?
2 Are MV surge arresters fitted correctly?
3 Are MV surge arresters earthed correctly?
4 Is the transformer tank earthed correctly?
5 Is the earth lead securely fixed to the pole?
6a Drop-out fuses: are the fuses correctly labelled ?
6b Drop-out fuses: are the fuses correctly aligned?
6c Drop-out fuses: do the fuse elements have the correct ratings?
6d Drop-out fuses: do the fuses operate correctly ?
6e Drop-out fuses: are the insulators sound ?
7a Transformer: are the bushings sound?
7b Transformer: is the transformer free from oil leaks?
7c Transformer: is the tap changer in the correct position and locked?
7d Transformer: is the unit mounted level and secured on the platform?
7e Transformer: is the phasing correct?

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MV reticulation — Visual inspection record sheet

E3 Pole-mounted equipment(continued)
E.3.2 Isolators/A.B.switch YES NO N/A
1 Are the insulators sound ?
2 Is the equipment aligned correctly (open and close) ?
3 Is the arcing horn alignment correct?
4 Is the equipment mounted to the manufacturer’s specification?
5 Are the locking mechanisms (if fitted) operable?
6 Is the footplate for hand-operated gang-isolators installed and
correctly earthed?
7 Does the earthing conform to requirements?

E.3 Pole-mounted equipment (continued)

E.3.4 P.M.B. / Sectionalizers YES NO N/A
1 Is the equipment mounted to the manufacturer’s specification?
2 Are the insulators sound?

E.4 Earth resistance test results

1 Attach the results of the earth resistance tests performed at transformer and auxiliary
structures in accordance with SCSASAAL9

4.11 Particular requirements for 33 kV overhead reticulation.

4.11.1 Introduction
This section of the Distribution Standard has been prepared to establish and promote uniform designs
for MV overhead distribution systems with particular reference to phase to phase and three-phase,
33 kV reticulation for conductors not greater than Hare/Oak.

The requirements of this section are particular to 33 kV overhead lines and are integral to those
stated in DSP_34-1191. A working knowledge of the requirements in DSP_34-1191 is required
in order to apply this section.

It will be noted that 33 kV lines are similar in many ways to 22 kV lines and that most of the structures
used for 22 kV lines are also used for 33 kV lines. The insulators, and in some cases the pole
insulation co-ordination, being the only major difference between the two line voltages.

Single-wire earth return (SWER) as described in DSP_34-453 (Section 4 of Part 4) can be connected
directly to 33 kV lines which are sourced from a substation with a solidly earthed neutral. The user is
referred to DSP_34-453 for further information.

4.11.2 Scope

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This sub section sets out the standard practices and particular requirements for all 33 kV reticulation
lines utilizing Hare/Oak and smaller conductors.

The standard does not contain the actual structure drawings unless they are only particular to 33 kV
lines. The general arrangement drawings refer to detailed assembly drawings which in turn refer the
material or Buyers’ Guide drawings.

4.11.3 Structure selection General
In addition to the requirements set out in 4.5 of SCSASAAM0, a structure selection guide and structure
strength parameter tables are provided in the annexes of this standard. Structure selection for 33 kV reticulation lines

A structure selection guide is included as annex A to assist the user to select the most appropriate
family of structures based on the conductor type choice and terrain. Four categories of terrain are
used for each conductor type. The strength tables set out in annex A give the user a guide of the
parameters that may be used in the design of the line. Insulators
The insulators for 33 kV lines differ from those used on 22 kV lines in respect of the creepage distance
and the impulse voltage withstand. A 25 mm/kV 22 kV insulator will have a creepage of 16,6 mm/kV
when used at 33 kV hence it is essential that 33 kV lines are constructed using approved 33 kV
insulators. Structure basic insulation level

The impulse withstand voltage of 33 kV insulators is higher than that for 22 kV insulators. This means
that the desired structure basic insulation level is more easily achieved than on 22 kV structures.

Strain structures, without a post insulator supporting a jumper, will have a minimum BIL of 250 kV and
those with a post insulator will have a minimum BIL of 200 kV. This is considered to be sufficient BIL
for most high lightning areas. Refer to annex A of DSP_34-1191 for further information. Direct connected SWER

The 33 kV line source substation must be configured correctly for SWER to directly be connected off a
33 kV line. The user is referred to DSP_34-453 for further information. 33 kV line equipment

The structures listed in the drawing annex have been designed for both 22 kV and 33 kV equipment.
The 33 kV equipment is specified on the Buyers’ Guide sheets in SCSPVAAT6 as referenced by the
general arrangement drawings.

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overhead lines up to 33kV Overhead earth wires

This standard does cater for overhead earth wires on 33 kV lines. These will only be required in
circumstances where the flashover due to direct strikes is required to be reduced to a level in line with
the load requirements. The expense of overhead earth wires needs to be weighed against the
advantages offered and 33 kV lines with overhead earth wires should only be constructed after
approval by the local regional management of SACS and Engineering.

The reader is referred to the SAIEE publication “Insulation co-ordination for overhead distribution lines
from 1 kV to 36 kV” by C T Gaunt, A C Britten, H J Geldenhuys.

4.11.4 Conductor clearances Phase-to-earth
A clearance of 430 mm (minimum) is required between phase and earth for all 33 kV structures. All
structures in the standard that are suitable for 33 kV are designed for this clearance. Construction
resources shall ensure that this minimum clearance is applied to all structures. Phase-to-phase
The minimum phase-to-phase clearance used for 33 kV lines is 500 mm. The structures are designed
for this clearance. This phase-to-phase clearance is also used in calculations to establish the
maximum electrical span for a particular structure.

4.11.5 Structure selection guide

The following table sets out the recommended structure applications.
Specific strength tables are included Section 2.

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Table 12.1 Structure selection guide.

Structure Selection Guide

Conductor Type
3.66Steel Squirrel/Fox Mink Hare
Undulating retic lines

Undulating retic lines

Undulating retic lines

Undulating retic lines

Formal townships

Formal townships

Formal townships
Rural townships

Level Retic lines

Rural townships

Level Retic lines

Rural townships

Level Retic lines

Rural townships

Level Retic lines

<Structure type

Configurational Family, i.e.

Drawing Numbers
How the pole top hardware is configured

17-- for 3 phase

13-- for phase to phase
Staggered Vertical (600mm spacing) Int 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1710 1711 1712
Vertical (600mm spacing) Str. 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1713 1714 1715 1716

Delta (600mm stud) Int 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1730

Delta / 1,3m Steel x-arm Str. 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 1733 1734 1735 1736
T-Frame / 2m Steel Susp 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1740 1741
Delta / 2m Steel X-arm Str. 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 1743 1744 1746
Delta / 2,5m Wooden X-arm Str. 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 1747 1748 1749
Delta / 4,5m Wooden X-arm Susp 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 1750
Delta / 4,5m Wooden X-arm Str. 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1753 1754 1756
H-Pole (3,5m X-arm) Str. 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1763 1764 1766
H-Pole (2 x 3,5m X-arm) Str. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1767 1768 1769
H-Pole (4,5m X-arm) Susp 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1770 1771
H-Pole (4,5m X-arm) Str. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1773 1764 1776
H-Pole (2 x 4,5m X-arm) Str. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1777 1778 1779
Trips Str. 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1783 1784

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Annex A

Impact assessment
Impact assessment form to be completed for all documents.
1 Guidelines
o All comments must be completed.
o Motivate why items are N/A (not applicable)
o Indicate actions to be taken, persons or organisations responsible for actions and deadline for
o Change control committees to discuss the impact assessment, and if necessary give feedback to
the compiler of any omissions or errors.
2 Critical points
2.1 Importance of this document. E.g. is implementation required due to safety deficiencies,
statutory requirements, technology changes, document revisions, improved service
quality, improved service performance, optimised costs.
Comment: To provide for standardised implementation of overhead line technologies.
2.2 If the document to be released impacts on statutory or legal compliance - this need to be
very clearly stated and so highlighted.
Comment: The MV standard has a significant bearing on compliance with the OHS Act.
2.3 Impact on stock holding and depletion of existing stock prior to switch over.
Comment: No impact.
2.4 When will new stock be available?
Comment: Not applicable.
2.5 Has the interchangeability of the product or item been verified - i.e. when it fails is a
straight swop possible with a competitor's product?
Comment: Not applicable.
2.6 Identify and provide details of other critical (items required for the successful
implementation of this document) points to be considered in the implementation of this
Comment:To implemented in a phased release together with associated documents contemplated in
part 4.

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Annex A
2.7 Provide details of any comments made by the Regions regarding the implementation of
this document.
Comment: (N/A during commenting phase)
3 Implementation timeframe
3.1 Time period for implementation of requirements.
Comment: Not applicable.
3.2 Deadline for changeover to new item and personnel to be informed of DX wide change-
Comment: To run concurrently with negotiated standard reconfiguration.
4 Buyers Guide and Power Office
4.1 Does the Buyers Guide or Buyers List need updating?
Comment: Not applicable
4.2 What Buyer’s Guides or items have been created?
Comment: None.
4.3 List all assembly drawing changes that have been revised in conjunction with this
Comment: Not applicable.
4.4 If the implementation of this document requires assessment by CAP, provide details
under 5
4.5 Which Power Office packages have been created, modified or removed?
Comment: None.
5 CAP / LAP Pre-Qualification Process related impacts
5.1 Is an ad-hoc re-evaluation of all currently accepted suppliers required as a result of
implementation of this document?
Comment: Not applicable.
5.2 If NO, provide motivation for issuing this specification before Acceptance Cycle Expiry
Comment: Not applicable.

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Annex A
5.3 Are ALL suppliers (currently accepted per LAP), aware of the nature of changes contained
in this document?
Comment: Not Applicable.
5.4 Is implementation of the provisions of this document required during the current supplier
qualification period?
Comment: No.
5.5 If Yes to 5.4, what date has been set for all currently accepted suppliers to comply fully?
Comment: Not applicable.
5.6 If Yes to 5.4, have all currently accepted suppliers been sent a prior formal notification
informing them of Eskom’s expectations, including the implementation date deadline?
Comment: No.
5.7 Can the changes made, potentially impact upon the purchase price of the
Comment: No.
5.8 Material group(s) affected by specification: (Refer to Pre-Qualification invitation schedule
for list of material groups)
Comment: None.
6 Training or communication
6.1 State the level of training or communication required to implement this document. (E.g.
none, communiqués, awareness training, practical / on job, module, etc.)
Comment: None.
6.2 State designations of personnel that will require training.
Comment: Not Applicable.
6.3 Is the training material available? Identify person responsible for the development of
training material.
Comment: Not applicable.
6.4 If applicable, provide details of training that will take place. (E.G. sponsor, costs, trainer,
schedule of training, course material availability, training in erection / use of new
equipment, maintenance training, etc).
Comment: Not applicable.

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Annex A
6.5 (continued) Was Training & Development Section consulted w.r.t training requirements?
7 Special tools, equipment, software
7.1 What special tools, equipment, software, etc will need to be purchased by the Region to
effectively implement?
Comment: None.
7.2 Are there stock numbers available for the new equipment?
Comment: Not Applicable.
7.3 What will be the costs of these special tools, equipment, software?
8 Finances
8.1 What total costs would the Regions be required to incur in implementing this document?
Identify all cost activities associated with implementation, e.g. labour, training, tooling,
stock, obsolescence
Impact assessment completed by:
Name: Bruce McLaren
Designation: IARC custodian

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