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MGI Smart Cities Full Report

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Some key takeaways from the document are that it discusses smart cities and how digital technologies can help make cities more livable. It also provides background information on the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), its research methodology and focus areas.

The purpose of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) is to develop a deeper understanding of the evolving global economy through research. MGI aims to provide leaders in business, public and social sectors with facts and insights to base management and policy decisions on.

MGI's current research focuses on six themes: productivity and growth, natural resources, labor markets, the evolution of global financial markets, the economic impact of technology and innovation, and urbanization.



JUNE 2018
Since its
About MGIfounding in 1990, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has sought to develop a
deeper understanding of the evolving global economy. As the business and economics
research arm of McKinsey & Company, MGI aims to provide leaders in the commercial,
public, and social sectors with the facts and insights on which to base management and
policy decisions.

MGI research combines the disciplines of economics and management, employing the
analytical tools of economics with the insights of business leaders. Our “micro-to-macro”
methodology examines microeconomic industry trends to better understand the broad
macroeconomic forces affecting business strategy and public policy. MGI’s in-depth reports
have covered more than 20 countries and 30 industries. Current research focuses on six
themes: productivity and growth, natural resources, labor markets, the evolution of global
financial markets, the economic impact of technology and innovation, and urbanization.
Recent reports have assessed the digital economy, the impact of AI and automation on
employment, income inequality, the productivity puzzle, the economic benefits of tackling
gender inequality, a new era of global competition, Chinese innovation, and digital and
financial globalization.

MGI is led by three McKinsey & Company senior partners: Jacques Bughin,

Jonathan Woetzel, and James Manyika, who also serves as the chairman of MGI.
Michael Chui, Susan Lund, Anu Madgavkar, Jan Mischke, Sree Ramaswamy, and
Jaana Remes are MGI partners, and Mekala Krishnan and Jeongmin Seong are MGI
senior fellows.

Project teams are led by the MGI partners and a group of senior fellows, and include
consultants from McKinsey offices around the world. These teams draw on McKinsey’s
global network of partners and industry and management experts. Advice and input to
MGI research are provided by the MGI Council, members of which are also involved in
MGI’s research. MGI council members are drawn from around the world and from various
sectors and include Andrés Cadena, Sandrine Devillard, Richard Dobbs, Tarek Elmasry,
Katy George, Rajat Gupta, Eric Hazan, Eric Labaye, Acha Leke, Scott Nyquist, Gary Pinkus,
Sven Smit, Oliver Tonby, and Eckart Windhagen. In addition, leading economists, including
Nobel laureates, act as research advisers to MGI research.

The partners of McKinsey fund MGI’s research; it is not commissioned by any business,
government, or other institution. For further information about MGI and to download reports,
please visit

Copyright © McKinsey & Company 2018

JUNE 2018

Jonathan Woetzel | Shanghai

Jaana Remes | San Francisco
Brodie Boland | Washington, DC
Katrina Lv | Shanghai
Suveer Sinha | Mumbai
Gernot Strube | Munich
John Means | Washington, DC
Jonathan Law | New York
Andrés Cadena | Bogotá
Valerie von der Tann | Berlin

Cities are home to more than half of the world’s population, and they are expected to add another
2.5 billion new residents by 2050. They face increasing environmental pressures and infrastructure
needs—and growing demands from residents to deliver a better quality of life and to do so at a
sustainable cost.

Smart technologies can help cities meet these challenges, and they are already enabling the next wave
of public investment. It all starts with data. Cities, in all their complexity and scope, generate oceans of
it. Finding the insights in all that data helps municipal governments respond to fluid situations, allocate
resources wisely, and plan for the future. Furthermore, putting real-time information into the hands
of individuals and companies empowers them to make better decisions and play a more active role
in shaping the city’s overall performance. As cities get smarter, they become more livable and more
responsive—and today we are seeing only a glimpse of what technology could eventually do in the
urban environment.

This report builds on a multiyear body of McKinsey Global Institute work exploring urbanization
and technology. The research was led by Jonathan Woetzel, an MGI director based in Shanghai;
Jaana Remes, an MGI partner based in San Francisco; and Valerie von der Tann, a McKinsey
engagement manager based in Berlin. Brodie Boland, a McKinsey associate partner based in
Washington, DC; Katrina Lv, a McKinsey partner based in Shenzhen; Suveer Sinha, a McKinsey
partner based in Mumbai; Gernot Strube, a McKinsey senior partner based in Munich; John Means, a
McKinsey partner based in Washington, DC; Jonathan Law, a McKinsey partner based in New York; and
Andres Cadena, a McKinsey senior partner based in Bogotá, all provided invaluable support. The project
team included Jose Pablo Garcia, Brennan Hicks, Nils Köster, Will Kwon, Chase Mizzell, Sephiat Oniyangi,
Ananya Tandon-Verma, Lorenz Wiedemann, and Kathy Yang.

We wish to thank Robert Muggah, co-founder of the Igarapé Institute, who challenged our thinking and
provided valuable feedback and guidance throughout the research. We are also grateful for the helpful
suggestions provided by Stephen Goldsmith, the Daniel Paul Professor of the Practice of Government at
Harvard’s Kennedy School; Abha Joshi-Ghani, director for knowledge and learning at the World Bank;
and Jed Kolko, chief economist at Indeed.

This project benefited immensely from the expertise and contributions of many McKinsey colleagues who
shared their time. We thank Tera Allas, Philip Arejola, Tucker Bailey, Stefan Biesdorf, Shannon Bouton,
Bede Broome, Julius Bruch, Ben Cheatham, Michael Chui, Penny Dash, Tyler Duvall, Moira Goulmy,
Maurice Hage-Obeid, Eric Hannon, Nicolaus Henke, Ruth Heuss, Dirk John, Samvit Kanoria,
James Kaplan, Aayush Killa, Stefan Knupfer, Elena Kuznetsova, Jürgen Laartz, Abdulkader Lamaa,
Susan Lund, Jan Mischke, Kunal Modi, Manuel Möller, Timo Möller, Jan Tijs Nijssen, Jesse Noffsinger,
Anselm Ott, Shannon Peloquin, Guy Perry, Jonathan Fantini Porter, Rakhi Rajani, Kristin-Anne Rutter,
Gundbert Scherf, Yakov Sergienko, Vivien Singer, Suveer Sinha, Mukund Sridhar, Sebastian Stern,
Jennifer Sternberg, Rupert Stützle, Humayun Tai, Helga Vanthournout, Sri Velamoor, Francois le Vu,
Amy Wagner, Dominik Wee, Raffael Winter, and Yu Yang.

We are particularly grateful to the many McKinsey colleagues in offices around the world who are “city
ambassadors” for this research. They include Shihab Hamati and Chandrasekhar Panda in Abu Dhabi;
Jop Weterings in Amsterdam; Louis Chambers in Auckland; Pat Subpa-asa in Bangkok; Sara Amaro
and Marc Castillo in Barcelona; Lisa Cheng in Beijing; Malte Otremba in Berlin; Luis Miguel Lopez
and Juan David Muñoz in Bogotá; Vince Jeong, Sebastian Parot, and Ben Singer in Boston;
Nicole Grzmot and Gustavo Marteletti in Buenos Aires; Irfaan Imamdin in Cape Town; Nick Lilovich,
Kiran Pookote, and Joe Weston in Chicago; Signe Skak and Karoline Toft-Petersen in Copenhagen;
Nicolas Charara and Ralph El Hachem in Dubai; Christian Fielitz and Nicolas Pörschke in Hamburg;
Lauri Mikkola in Helsinki; Jonathan Kuo-Yanagawa and Alex Lau in Hong Kong; Gian Adhity in Jakarta;
Sephiat Oniyangi in Lagos; Sandeep Anantharaman and Julia Shelley in London; Peter Blanchard and
Warner Sallman in Los Angeles; Amalia Toro in Medellín; David Bailey, Meaghan Bruce, and Vik Selvaraja
in Melbourne; Luz Flores in Mexico City; Alexey Charkov, Dmitry Chechulin, Alexander Nugaev,
and Boris Timerbulatov in Moscow; Ketav Mehta and Shaurya Taparia in Mumbai; Adrian Mertens,
Dennis Muchira, and Amandla Ooko-Ombaka in Nairobi; Zubin Nagpal and Amy Tsui in New York;
Osanne Delcourt and Edouard Maurel in Paris; Aayush Killa and Gautam Narayan for Pune and Jaipur;
Elisa Adler and Marcos Adler in Rio de Janeiro; Kathy Yang in San Francisco; Clara Purroy for Santander;
Mafalda Barros and Gonzalo Blanco in Santiago; Christian Gut and Bruno Santos in São Paulo;
Sam Kurland and Scott Nazarian in Seattle; Ryun Ha in Seoul; Will Lin and Tony Zhou in Shanghai;
Hanyue Xiao in Shenzhen; Ben Goh and Duncan Kauffman in Singapore; Niklas Berglind and Raoul Joshi
in Stockholm; Justin Chan and Kai Graylee in Sydney; Shira Eting and Omer Rosenblum in Tel Aviv;
Shun Chokki and Masahiro Nakagawa in Tokyo; Nirvana Champion, Sufanah Hamza, and Marissa Ng in
Toronto; Georg Wachter and Isabella Susnjara in Vienna; and Tian Zou for Yinchuan.

We wish to thank global research company ResearchNow SSI for the collaboration on conducting a
survey on smart city adoption with some 20.000 residents across 50 cities around the world. We also
thank Ookla, the company behind Speedtest, for providing valuable data on fixed and mobile download
and upload speeds in each of these cities.

This report was produced by MGI executive editor Lisa Renaud; editorial production manager
Julie Philpot; and senior graphic designers Marisa Carder and Patrick White. We also thank our
colleagues Tim Beacom, Nienke Beuwer, Cathy Gui, Deadra Henderson, Richard Johnson,
Lauren Meling, Rebeca Robboy, and Margo Shimasaki for their valuable contributions and support.

This report contributes to MGI’s mission to help business and policy leaders understand the forces
transforming the global economy and prepare for the next wave of growth. As with all MGI research,
this work is independent, reflects our own views, and has not been commissioned by any business,
government, or other institution. We welcome your comments on the research at

Jacques Bughin
Director, McKinsey Global Institute
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

James Manyika
Director and Chairman, McKinsey Global Institute
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
San Francisco

Jonathan Woetzel
Director, McKinsey Global Institute
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

June 2018
© Hero Images/Getty Images

Page vi
Executive summary
Page 1

Making commutes shorter 1. A turning point for smart cities

and more efficient
Page 21

2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Page 33

3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Improving energy efficiency
and sustainability Page 73

100 4. Making smart cities work

Page 97

Putting people in the center Page 113

Page 137
After a decade of experimentation, smart cities are entering a new phase. Although they are only one
part of the full tool kit for making a city great, digital solutions are the most powerful and cost-effective
additions to that tool kit in many years. This report analyzes dozens of current applications and finds that
cities could use them to improve some quality-of-life indicators by 10–30 percent. It also finds that even
the most cutting-edge smart cities on the planet are still at the beginning of their journey.

ƒƒ Smart cities add digital intelligence to existing urban systems, making it possible to do more with less.
Connected applications put real-time, transparent information into the hands of users to help them
make better choices. These tools can save lives, prevent crime, and reduce the disease burden. They
can save time, reduce waste, and even help boost social connectedness. When cities function more
efficiently, they also become more productive places to do business.

ƒƒ MGI assessed how dozens of current smart city applications could perform in three sample cities with
varying legacy infrastructure systems and baseline starting points. We found that these tools could
reduce fatalities by 8–10 percent, accelerate emergency response times by 20–35 percent, shave the
average commute by 15–20 percent, lower the disease burden by 8–15 percent, and cut greenhouse
gas emissions by 10–15 percent, among other positive outcomes.

ƒƒ Our snapshot of deployment in 50 cities around the world shows that wealthier urban areas are
generally transforming faster, although many have low public awareness and usage of the applications
they have implemented. Asian megacities, with their young populations of digital natives and big urban
problems to solve, are achieving exceptionally high adoption. Measured against what is possible
today, even the global leaders have more work to do in building out the technology base, rolling out
the full range of possible applications, and boosting adoption and user satisfaction. Many cities have
not yet implemented some of the applications that could have the biggest potential impact. Since
technology never stands still, the bar will only get higher.

ƒƒ The public sector would be the natural owner of 70 percent of the applications we examined. But
60 percent of the initial investment required to implement the full range of applications could come
from private actors. Furthermore, more than half of the initial investment made by the public sector
could generate a positive return, whether in direct savings or opportunities to produce revenue.

ƒƒ The technologies analyzed in this report can help cities make moderate or significant progress toward
70 percent of the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet becoming a smart city is less effective as an
economic development strategy for job creation.

ƒƒ Smart cities may disrupt some industries even as they present substantial market opportunities.
Customer needs will force a reevaluation of current products and services to meet higher expectations
of quality, cost, and efficiency in everything from mobility to healthcare. Smart city solutions will
shift value across the landscape of cities and throughout value chains. Companies looking to enter
smart city markets will need different skill sets, creative financing models, and a sharper focus on
civic engagement.

Becoming a smart city is not a goal but a means to an end. The entire point is to respond more effectively
and dynamically to the needs and desires of residents. Technology is simply a tool to optimize the
infrastructure, resources, and spaces they share. Few cities want to lag behind, but it is critical not to get
caught up in technology for its own sake. Smart cities need to focus on improving outcomes for residents
and enlisting their active participation in shaping the places they call home.
Smart cities use data and technology
to make better decisions.
Smart applications in eight domains affect multiple aspects of the quality of life



Health Safety


WATER Cost of
Environment living



Social Jobs

The result?
A more efficient, responsive, and sustainable city . . .

. . . that delivers better outcomes for the people who call it home

30–300 30–40% 8–15% 15–30 25–80 20–35%

lives saved each fewer crime lower disease minutes shaved liters of water faster emergency
year in a city of incidents burden off the daily saved per person response times
5 million commute per day
© Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images

viii McKinsey Global Institute 


Until recently, city leaders thought of smart technologies primarily as tools for becoming
more efficient behind the scenes. Sensor data and high-tech command centers promised a
revolutionary new way to manage complex operations and automate infrastructure systems.

Now technology is being injected more directly into the lives of residents. Smartphones have
become the keys to the city, putting instant information about transit, traffic, health services,
safety alerts, and community news into millions of hands.

After a decade of trial and error, municipal leaders are realizing that smart city strategies
start with people, not technology. “Smartness” is not just installing digital interfaces in
traditional infrastructure or streamlining city operations. It is about using technology and
data purposefully to make better decisions and deliver a better quality of life.

Quality of life has many dimensions, from the air residents breathe to how safe they feel
walking the streets. Dozens of digital applications address these kinds of practical and very
human concerns. We find that cities could improve some key quality-of-life indicators by
10–30 percent—numbers that translate into lives saved, reduced crime, shorter commutes,
a lower health burden, and carbon emissions averted. Our research also examines the
deployment progress made so far in dozens of cities around the world. It finds that even the
most advanced cities still have a long way to go in building the fundamentals, implementing
all of the available applications, and achieving wide adoption.

While good management is central to smart cities, municipal governments cannot do

everything themselves. Companies and residents play an active role in shaping a city’s
performance. Many smart city innovations are revenue-producing ventures from private-
sector companies, and private actors could provide roughly 60 percent of the initial
investment required to deploy the full range of current tools.

Centuries ago, Adam Smith observed that the actions of many self-interested parties
combine to create larger benefits to society. Today a similar kind of “invisible hand” is at work
in smart cities. When a company sees a revenue-producing opportunity to offer mobility
services, residents in underserved neighborhoods suddenly have new ways to get to work.
When a resident looks at real-time traffic data and decides to set out at a less busy time, she
avoids adding another car to the road that would worsen congestion for everyone. Millions
of individual decisions and actions add up, making the city as a whole more productive and
responsive. But just as governments sometimes need to address the externalities caused
by Adam Smith’s invisible hand, municipal leaders must choreograph the activity in a smart
city, responding to unintended consequences and ensuring that everyone benefits.

The need is clear. Cities face unprecedented pressures as populations boom and
infrastructure systems are stretched. Although cities concentrate societal problems, they
are also the world’s best laboratories for solutions. Digital intelligence gives them a fresh set
of tools for doing more with less.


Smart cities put data and digital technology to work with the goal of improving the quality of
life. More comprehensive, real-time data gives agencies the ability to watch events as they
unfold, understand how demand patterns are changing, and respond with faster and lower-
cost solutions.
In particular, smart technologies change the nature and economics of infrastructure. They
reduce the cost of gathering information about usage patterns—and with an unprecedented
volume of data points in hand, city governments, employers, and residents can find new
ways to optimize existing systems. Some smart solutions both respond to demand and
involve the public in shaping it. They encourage people to use transit during off-hours, to
change routes, to use less energy and water and to do so at different times of day, and to
reduce strains on the healthcare system through preventive self-care. The result is not only a
more livable city but also a more productive place for businesses to operate.

Three layers work together to make a smart city hum (Exhibit E1). First is the technology
base, which includes a critical mass of smartphones and other sensors connected by
high-speed communication networks, as well as open data portals. Sensors take constant
readings of variables such as traffic flow, energy consumption, air quality, and many other
aspects of daily life and put information at the fingertips of those who need it.

The second layer consists of specific applications. Translating raw data into alerts, insight,
and action requires the right tools, and this is where technology providers and app
developers come in. Perhaps the best way to grasp what a smart city can be is to look at
the full sweep of currently available applications (Exhibit E2). Tools are available in multiple
domains: security, mobility, health, energy, water, waste, economic development and
housing, and engagement and community.

The third layer is public usage. Many applications succeed only if they are widely adopted
and manage to change behaviors. A number of them put individual users into the driver’s
seat by giving them more transparent information they can use to make better choices.

Exhibit E1

Smart cities add digital intelligence to the urban world and use it to solve public problems
and achieve a higher quality of life.

Three layers of

Adoption and usage,

often leading to better
decisions and
behavior change

Smart applications
and data analysis

The tech base includes

networks of connected
devices and sensors

(physical and social)

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute

2 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

Exhibit E2

Our research looked at dozens of smart applications that will be relevant for cities through 2025.

Security Healthcare Mobility

Predictive policing Telemedicine Real-time public transit
Real-time crime mapping Remote patient monitoring
Digital public transit payment
Gunshot detection Lifestyle wearables
Autonomous vehicles
Smart surveillance First aid alerts
Predictive maintenance of
Emergency response Real-time air quality information
transportation infrastructure
Infectious disease surveillance
Intelligent traffic signals
Body-worn cameras
Data-based public health
Congestion pricing
Disaster early-warning interventions: Maternal and child
systems health Demand-based microtransit
Personal alert applications Data-based public health Smart parking
interventions: Sanitation and
Home security systems E-hailing (private and pooled)
Data-driven building Car sharing
Online care search and scheduling
Bike sharing
Integrated patient flow
Crowd management
management systems Integrated multimodal information
Real-time road navigation
Parcel load pooling
Smart parcel lockers
Building automation systems
Home energy automation
systems Water consumption
Home energy consumption
tracking Leakage detection and control

Smart streetlights Smart irrigation

Dynamic electricity pricing Water quality monitoring
Digital tracking and payment
Distribution automation for waste disposal
Optimization of waste
collection routes

Economic development Engagement and

and housing community
Digital business licensing and Local civic engagement
permitting applications
Digital business tax filing Local connection platforms
Online retraining programs Digital citizen services
Personalized education
Local e-career centers
Digital land-use and building
Open cadastral database
Peer-to-peer accommodation

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 3
MGI gathered evidence and assessed how smart city applications could affect various
quality-of-life dimensions: safety, time and convenience, health, environmental quality,
social connectedness and civic participation, jobs, and the cost of living. We considered
how effective these tools would be in distinct types of urban settings, assuming
aspirational levels of adoption and best-in-class effectiveness based on case studies and
research reports.

We applied several criteria in deciding which tools to evaluate. First, they must be digital
or data-based technologies. Second, they must be commercially available and already
deployed in real-world settings. If they have only been piloted, large-scale rollout by 2025
of the Sustainable
must be feasible. Third, they must help solve a public problem. And finally, cities need to
have a role to play, even in indirect ways such as encouraging adoption or setting regulation.
Goals can be
advanced In many dimensions, we find that smart technologies could improve key indicators by
10–30 percent from the time they are introduced (Exhibit E3).1 The needle may be moving
already in cities that have implemented some of these tools, although all have room for
additional improvement. The wide range of outcomes reflects the fact that applications
perform differently from city to city, depending on factors such as legacy infrastructure
systems and on baseline starting points. Nearly half of the applications affect more than
one aspect of the quality of life. Intelligent traffic signals, for instance, not only improve
mobility but also lower emissions and make roads safer. We also find that using the current
generation of smart city applications effectively could help cities make significant or
moderate progress toward meeting 70 percent of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Applications can help cities fight crime and improve other aspects of
public safety
While public safety encompasses everything from emergency response times to effective
safety inspections, anxiety about crime may be the foremost issue for residents of cities with
high levels of violence. Technology is not a quick fix for crime, but agencies can use data to
deploy scarce resources and personnel more effectively.

Up to Cities that deploy a range of applications to their maximum effect could reduce fatalities

from homicide, road traffic, and fires by 8–10 percent. In a city with the population and
crime profile of Rio, this could mean saving some 300 lives each year. Predictive policing,
real-time crime mapping, and gunshot detection have the greatest impact on preventing
lives saved
deaths. Incidents of assault, robbery, and burglary could be lowered by 30–40 percent,
each year with predictive policing, real-time crime mapping, and home security systems making
the biggest difference. Optimized dispatching and synchronized traffic lights could cut
emergency response times by 20–35 percent. On top of these metrics are the incalculable
benefits of giving residents freedom of movement and peace of mind.

ƒƒ Crime and policing. Digital tools are revolutionizing urban policing. Real-time crime
mapping, for instance, utilizes statistical analysis to highlight patterns, while predictive
policing goes a step further, anticipating crime to head off incidents before they occur.
When incidents do occur, applications such as gunshot detection, smart surveillance,
and home security systems can accelerate law enforcement response. But smart
technologies in policing have to be deployed in a way that protects civil liberties and
avoids criminalizing specific neighborhoods or demographic groups.

These projections assume aspirational levels of adoption for each application and best-in-class effectiveness
based on case studies and research reports.

4 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

Exhibit E3

Smart city applications can improve some key quality-of-life indicators by 10 to 30 percent.

Potential improvement through current generation of smart city applications, from time of implementation

Commute time
Time spent interacting with
Disease burden healthcare and government
8–15% 45–65%

Time and
Health convenience Fatalities
GHG emissions
10–15% Crime incidents
Water consumption
20–30% Environ-
Emergency response
Unrecycled waste
mental Safety time
10–20% 20–35%

connectedness and Cost of
civic participation living
Citizens feel connected to … Jobs Citizen expenditures
… their local community Formal 1–3%
15 percentage points employment

… their local
25 p.p.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

ƒƒ Emergency response. Seconds count when lives are at stake, making it critical to
speed first responders to the scene of emergencies. Smart systems can optimize call
centers and field operations, while traffic signal preemption gives emergency vehicles a
clear driving path. A city with an already low response time of eight minutes could shave
off almost two minutes. A city starting with an average response time of 50 minutes
might be able to trim that by more than 17 minutes.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 5
ƒƒ Traffic safety. Some applications designed to improve mobility shift drivers to safer
modes of transportation. We estimate that e-hailing can reduce traffic fatalities by more
than 1 percent by reducing impaired driving. Widespread adoption of autonomous
vehicles could one day make traffic safer, but many technical and real-world challenges
will have to be met before that future becomes a reality.

Smart city technologies can make daily commutes faster and less frustrating
Tens of millions of people in cities as diverse as Jakarta, Bangalore, Rio, Nairobi, Seoul, and
Atlanta begin and end every workday fuming in traffic or piling onto overcrowded buses and
trains. Improving the daily commute is critical to the quality of life.

By 2025, cities that deploy smart mobility applications could cut commuting times by
15–20 percent on average, with some people enjoying even larger reductions. The potential

30 MIN
associated with each application is highly variable, depending on each city’s density,
existing transit infrastructure, and commuting patterns. In a city like New York, smart
technologies save the average commuter almost 15 minutes a day. In a developing city with
shaved off average more grueling commutes, workers might gain 20 to 30 minutes every day.
daily commute
ƒƒ Public transit. In general, cities with extensive, well-used transit systems benefit from
applications that streamline the experience for riders. Using digital signage or mobile
apps to deliver real-time information about delays enables riders to adjust their routes
on the fly. Installing IoT sensors on existing physical infrastructure can help crews
perform predictive maintenance, fixing problems before they turn into breakdowns
and delays. Collecting and analyzing data on public transit usage and traffic can also
help cities make better decisions about modifying bus routes, installing traffic signals
and turn lanes, adding bike lanes, and allocating infrastructure budgets. Many urban
transit systems, such as those in Houston and London, are starting to go ticketless with
digital payment systems. Some are going a step further by offering flat-rate mobility
subscriptions that cover multiple modes of transportation. Helsinki’s Whim mobile app,
for instance, charges a monthly fee for unlimited use of any type of public transportation,
plus a certain amount of taxi and ride-sharing use.

ƒƒ Traffic mitigation. Applications that ease road congestion are more effective in cities
where driving is prevalent or where buses are the primary mode of transit. Intelligent
syncing of traffic signals could reduce average commutes by more than 5 percent in
developing cities where most people travel by bus. Real-time navigation alerts drivers
to delays and helps them choose the fastest route. Smart parking apps point them
directly to available spots, eliminating time spent fruitlessly circling city blocks. Moscow
implemented a variety of intelligent traffic management tools, which it combined with
major investment in public transit and new parking policies. Since 2010, a million more
private cars have been added to its roads, but average travel speeds through the city are
still up by 13 percent.

Cities can be catalysts for better health

The sheer density of cities makes them a critical if currently underutilized platform for
addressing health. Recognizing that the role of technology in healthcare is broad and
evolving by the day, we analyze only digital applications that offer cities room to play a role.
We quantify their potential impact on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), the primary metric
used by the World Health Organization to convey the global disease burden. It combines the
effects of mortality and morbidity into a single number, reflecting not only years of life lost to
early death but also productive and healthy life lost to disability or incapacity.

If cities deploy the applications included in our analyses to their fullest effect, we see the
potential to reduce DALYs by 8–15 percent, depending on each location’s starting point and
its underlying public health challenges.

6 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

ƒƒ Improved chronic disease treatment. Applications that help prevent, treat, and
monitor conditions could make the biggest difference in the developed world. Remote
patient monitoring systems, which take a proactive and preventive approach to
treatment, have the potential to reduce the health burden in high-income cities by more
than 4 percent. These systems use digital devices to take vital readings, then transmit
them securely to doctors in another location for assessment. This data can alert both
patient and doctor when early intervention is needed, heading off complications
and hospitalizations.

ƒƒ The use of data to fight preventable diseases. Cities can use data and analytics to
identify demographic groups with elevated risk profiles and target interventions more
precisely. So-called mHealth interventions can send out lifesaving messages about
vaccinations, sanitation, safe sex, and adherence to antiretroviral therapy regimens. In
low-income cities with high infant mortality rates, data-based interventions focused on
maternal and child health alone could reduce DALYs by more than 5 percent. Developing
cities can also achieve a 5 percent reduction by using infectious disease surveillance
systems to stay a step ahead of fast-moving epidemics, as public health officials did
during the 2016 Zika outbreak that spread from Rio to Miami.

ƒƒ New ways to engage with patients. Technology can empower people to take charge
of their own health, preventing disease rather than treating it after the fact. Louisville,
Kentucky, for example, collected data from sensors attached to the inhalers used by
asthma patients. This information is synthesized on a digital platform with personalized
guidance about the precautions individuals can take. Telemedicine, which provides
clinical consultations by videoconference, decreases the barriers to seeking treatment. It
can be lifesaving in low-income cities with doctor shortages.

Smart cities can deliver a cleaner and more sustainable environment

As urbanization, industrialization, and consumption grow, environmental pressures multiply.
While technology is only one option for addressing these issues, it can be a powerful one.
Overall, our analysis finds that deploying a range of applications to the best reasonable

LITERS extent could cut emissions by 10–15 percent, lower water consumption by 20–30 percent,
and reduce the volume of solid waste per capita by 10–20 percent.
potential water
saved per person, ƒƒ Greenhouse gas emissions. In a city where structures are the major source of
per day emissions, building automation systems can lower emissions by just under 3 percent if
adopted in most commercial buildings and by an additional 3 percent if adopted in most
homes. Another application with significant potential is dynamic electricity pricing, which
allows utilities to charge more when demand peaks. By reducing consumption and
shifting the load to off-peak periods, it reduces the power sector’s use of backup “peaker
plants” that produce more emissions. E-hailing and demand-based microtransit could
significantly reduce emissions if fuel-efficient fleets offset more polluting alternatives.
Intelligent traffic signals, congestion pricing, and other mobility applications also cut
emissions from traffic.

ƒƒ Air quality. Some of the energy-saving and mobility applications described above could
improve air quality as a secondary benefit. To tackle this issue more directly, cities can
install air quality sensors. They do not automatically address the causes of pollution, but
they can identify the sources and provide the basis for further action. Beijing reduced
deadly airborne pollutants by roughly 20 percent in less than a year by closely tracking
the sources of pollution and regulating traffic and construction accordingly. Sharing real-
time air quality information with the public via smartphone apps enables individuals to
take protective measures, potentially reducing negative health effects by 3–15 percent,
depending on current pollution levels.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 7
ƒƒ Water conservation. Water consumption tracking, which pairs advanced metering with
digital feedback messages, can nudge people toward conservation. It could reduce
consumption by 15 percent in a higher-income city where residential water usage is
high, although its effectiveness depends on whether it is paired with a pricing strategy.
In many parts of the developing world, the biggest source of water waste is leakage from
pipes. Deploying sensors and analytics can cut those losses by up to 25 percent.

ƒƒ Solid waste reduction. As low-tech recycling programs reach the limits of what they
can do, technology could further reduce the volume of unrecycled solid waste. Digital

130 KG/
tracking and payment for waste disposal, for instance, charges users for exactly for
the amount and type of trash they throw away. But this type of application should be
considered alongside other policy initiatives, particularly in developing economies where

household budgets are tight and a great deal of informal recycling already takes place.

annual reduction Smart cities can create a new type of digital urban commons and enhance
social connectedness
in unrecycled
Community is hard to quantify, but MGI surveyed urban residents to determine if digital
solid waste
applications can have an impact. Before using these applications, just 13 percent reported
feeling connected to their local government and 24 percent said they felt connected to their
local community. Our analysis suggests that the use of digital apps and platforms could
nearly double the share of residents who feel connected to the local community, and nearly
triple the share who feel connected to local government.

New channels for the public to communicate with local officials could make city
governments more responsive. Many city agencies maintain an active presence on social
networks, and others have developed their own interactive citizen apps. In addition to
disseminating information, these channels create vehicles for residents to report concerns,
collect data, or weigh in on planning issues. Paris has implemented a participatory budget,
inviting anyone to post project ideas and then holding online votes to decide which ones
merit funding.

Cities can be anonymous and impersonal places, and technology is often blamed for
making daily life even more isolating. But some digital platforms facilitate interaction in
the real world. Digital platforms such as Nextdoor invite neighborhoods to form online
communities. They can strengthen ties between neighbors, mobilize action on specific
issues, and provide support during emergencies. Applications like Meetup help users
form groups with common interests, such as hobbies or sports, then organize offline get-
togethers. Most applications that foster person-to-person connections are private-sector
endeavors, but they can transform the way residents experience life in the city.

Smart city technologies do not create or destroy large numbers of jobs, but they
can make local labor markets more efficient
Many local officials want to know if becoming a smart city will lead to an infusion of
high-paying tech jobs or accelerate a wave of automation. Our analysis finds that smart
technologies can play a role in making local job markets more efficient, supporting local
business growth, and building skills that make people more employable.

We estimate that a range of smart city technologies could have a slightly positive net impact
on employment, boosting it by 1–3 percent by 2025. This number combines the direct,
indirect, and induced job effects stemming from several developments. First, smart city
technologies will directly eliminate some jobs, such as administrative and field jobs in city
government, while creating others such as maintenance roles, driving jobs, and temporary
installation jobs. Second, e-career centers and digital hiring platforms can have a modest
positive impact by creating more efficient mechanisms for hiring and drawing more
unemployed and inactive people into the workforce. Third, data-driven formal education and

8 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

online retraining programs can enhance a city’s pool of skills. Finally, digitizing government
functions such as business licensing, permitting, and tax filing can free local enterprises
from red tape, contributing to a more efficient and entrepreneurial business climate.

Smart cities can slightly lower the cost of living

Many of the world’s most dynamic and desirable cities have serious housing shortages,
driving up rents and home prices. Expanding the supply of housing can bring down those
costs. In many places, bureaucracy bogs down land acquisition, environmental studies,
design approvals, and permitting. Digitizing these processes can remove risks and delays,
encouraging more construction. In addition, most cities have a surprising amount of
land sitting idle that could be suitable for infill housing. Creating open-source cadastral
databases can help to identify land parcels for development.

Smart applications produce savings in other areas, such as encouraging more efficient
usage of utilities and the healthcare system. Home security systems, personal alert devices,
and lifestyle wearables involve consumer purchases, but they offer value that many are
willing to pay for. Mobility applications offer new value as well, although e-hailing may
encourage people to take more rides than they once did. However, e-hailing and other
sharing applications make it possible for some people to forgo private vehicle ownership.

Some residents are concerned that smart cities will become gentrified technology hubs
where they are eventually priced out. But the applications we analyzed can deliver quality-
of-life benefits without causing harm to the average person’s wallet. In fact, we estimate that
the average person could save as much as 3 percent on current annual expenditures.

We took a snapshot of progress and deployment in 50 cities around the world, choosing a
geographically broad sample of places with a reputation for being smart or stated ambitions
to be. The selection includes a mix of high- and low-income locations as well as cities of
varying density, infrastructure quality, and size. We analyzed each city’s three layers of
“smartness”: its technology base, the applications it has introduced, and public adoption.
Our intention is not to crown the world’s smartest city but to show the full sweep of activity
under way around the globe. The results show that even the most cutting-edge smart cities
on the planet have more work to do.

High-income cities are continuing to build out the underlying technology base,
while developing cities face a disadvantage
Among the cities with the most advanced technology bases are Singapore, New York,
Seoul, Stockholm, and Amsterdam. All have ultra-high-speed communication networks
and are in the process of launching 5G services. Seoul, for example, has some of the
fastest Internet speeds in the world and an extensive LPWA network. These cities have also
expanded their sensor base beyond what most of their global peers have achieved.

All cities have more upside potential. Even the most advanced cities are only about two-
thirds of the way toward achieving what constitutes a fully comprehensive technology base
today in terms of the extent of sensors and devices, the quality of communication networks,
and the presence of open data portals (Exhibit E4). In general, cities across North America,
Europe, China, and East Asia have relatively strong tech bases, as do select cities in the
Middle East. But those in Latin America, Africa, and India lag behind, particularly in installing
the sensor layer, the most capital-intensive element. Furthermore, there is a sharp contrast
in smartphone penetration. Four high-income cities are in countries where smartphone
penetration exceeds 90 percent, but seven low-income cities on our list are in countries
where the penetration rate is 60 percent or lower. Most cities have open data portals. The
handful of developing cities that do not could jump-start progress by creating them, since

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 9
they make raw information available for private-sector innovation that does not require
public investment.

Exhibit E4

Cities in Europe, North America, China, and East Asia have the most developed
technology bases, while those in Latin America, Africa, and India lag behind.

Strength of smart city technology base Components of technology base

Maximum of 37 points
Sensor Communication Open data portal

North America Asia-Pacific

New York City 24.4 Singapore 25.0
San Francisco 20.9 Seoul 24.3
Chicago 20.3 Shanghai 20.5
Seattle 18.9 Melbourne 20.2
Austin 18.6 Hong Kong 20.2
Boston 18.3 Beijing 19.6
Los Angeles 17.6 Shenzhen 18.8
Toronto 16.6 Auckland 18.3
Yinchuan 18.1
Europe Sydney 17.7
Stockholm 24.0 Tokyo 14.8
Amsterdam 22.3 Bangkok 13.8
Copenhagen 20.9 Mumbai 8.8
Barcelona 20.8 Jakarta 8.1
Helsinki 20.0 Pune 6.4
Vienna 18.5 Jaipur 2.7
London 17.7
Santander 17.4 Latin America
Moscow 16.3 São Paulo 13.0
Berlin 15.9 Buenos Aires 10.5
Hamburg 15.7 Santiago 10.4
Paris 15.5 Bogotá 9.7
Bristol 13.7 Medellín 9.2
Rio de Janeiro 8.8
Middle East and Africa Mexico City 7.9
Abu Dhabi 18.4
Dubai 17.3
Tel Aviv 15.1
Cape Town 10.7
Nairobi 6.4
Lagos 3.2

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

ES and report
McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary
North American and Asian cities lead the way in application rollout
We gauged each city’s progress in implementation using a checklist of current smart
applications to see how many have been rolled out (Exhibit E5). We use a weighted
composite of city-wide implementation as well as pilot programs.

Mobility has been a top priority for most cities, but those places with the highest number of
applications implemented overall—New York, Los Angeles, London, Singapore, Shenzhen,
and Seoul—have branched out into multiple domains. Extending the focus beyond mobility
is what gets a city closer to setting off a virtuous circle of benefits. Some cities have not
yet implemented the applications with the greatest potential to address some of their
priority issues.

ƒƒ Mobility rollout. Mobility is clearly the emphasis in European cities, which tend to have
more modest implementation in other domains. Private-sector e-hailing services are
available in all of the cities, although pooled versions of these services are not. Bike- and
car-sharing applications are also present in almost all of these cities. By contrast, few
places have adopted demand-based microtransit, predictive maintenance of public
transit, or congestion pricing.

ƒƒ Security rollout. Security applications have vaulted to the top of the priority list for
cities with high crime rates, such as Rio, Cape Town, Mexico City, and Chicago. A clear
majority of cities have at least piloted smart surveillance, real-time crime mapping, and
outfitting police officers with body-worn cameras. Almost half are not yet using or even
piloting digital applications to speed the dispatch of first responders to emergencies, and
very few are conducting data-driven building inspections.

ƒƒ Health rollout. North American cities tend to lead the way in smart healthcare
applications. By contrast, the major cities of Africa, which have much to gain from
applying technology to their public health challenges, lag far behind. Most cities have
some air quality monitoring sensors in place, and telemedicine is being widely piloted.
Yinchuan, for instance, has embedded digital healthcare services into its purpose-built
smart communities. While most cities have full-scale infectious disease surveillance
systems, a substantial number of developing cities do not. More than half of the cities we
analyzed are not using data-based public health interventions.

ƒƒ Utilities rollout. Cities with robust technology bases are doing more with utilities
applications. Dubai has equipped its electricity network with smart meters and has
achieved high adoption of home automation systems and behavior-based electricity
consumption tracking. North American, Asian, and European capitals are in the
forefront, while Latin American cities lag far behind.

ƒƒ Economic development, housing, and community engagement rollout. Urban

residents across the world have access to some kind of platform for making in-person
connections. Cities are in varying stages of digitizing government, including their
citizen-facing services. In the United States, Boston, Seattle, and other cities have
developed 311 apps for nonemergencies such as reporting nuisances, potholes, and
graffiti. Barcelona has created a digital platform that offers residents a way to weigh in
on decision making. Although personalized learning platforms could play a large role in
education and job retraining, this area remains largely unexplored.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 11
Exhibit E5

The cities deploying the greatest numbers of applications overall are moving forward
in all domains.

Deployment of smart city applications Applications

Maximum of 55 points
Mobility Security Utilities Healthcare
Economic development, housing, and community

North America Asia-Pacific

New York City 34.5 Seoul 33.0
Los Angeles 34.5 Singapore 32.0
San Francisco 32.5 Shenzhen 31.0
Chicago 30.0 Beijing 27.0
Austin 29.0 Tokyo 27.0
Seattle 28.0 Shanghai 26.5
Boston 27.0 Hong Kong 26.5
Toronto 26.0 Sydney 26.5
Melbourne 26.0
Europe Auckland 26.0
London 34.5 Yinchuan 20.5
Moscow 30.5 Mumbai 20.0
Amsterdam 30.0 Pune 20.0
Hamburg 29.0 Jaipur 19.5
Helsinki 28.0 Jakarta 16.5
Vienna 27.0 Bangkok 16.0
Paris 26.5
Barcelona 25.5 Latin America
Stockholm 25.0 Santiago 25.0
Berlin 24.5 Buenos Aires 25.0
Copenhagen 23.0 Mexico City 24.0
Bristol 23.0 São Paulo 23.5
Santander 22.5 Rio de Janeiro 22.0
Bogotá 18.5
Middle East and Africa Medellín 17.0
Dubai 30.5
Abu Dhabi 28.0
Tel Aviv 22.5
Cape Town 21.5
Nairobi 15.5
Lagos 13.5

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

ES and report

12 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

Our survey shows that a handful of Asian megacities are standouts in
awareness and usage
Given the shift toward more people-centric smart cities, it is important to take stock of how
residents feel about the technologies already at work in their environment. MGI conducted
online surveys in all of the cities we analyzed.2 Respondents were asked about their
awareness of the applications in their city, whether they have used them, and how satisfied
they were with the experience (Exhibit E6).

Asian cities are the strongest performers in awareness, usage, and satisfaction, while
European cities lag. Positive adoption and awareness appear correlated with having a young
population. While it is impossible to generalize about age, it seems that a greater share of
the young population not only accepts a more digital way of doing things but expects it—and
demands a seamless experience. Overall, people are most aware of and most likely to have
used mobility applications, while applications related to utilities have less visibility.


Using technology to transform urban environments in a more meaningful way will require
new thinking about governance. Technology is only as effective as the entity that puts it
to work.

Combine smart planning with asset development to get the most out of
the system
Smart city technologies help cities get more out of their assets, whether they have extensive
legacy systems or are building from scratch. There is no getting around the need to invest in
physical assets and maintenance, but smart technologies can add new capabilities as core
components are upgraded.

Infrastructure investment once locked cities into capital-intensive and extremely long-term
plans based on a static snapshot of how they expected demand to evolve. Now, using the
right combination of traditional construction and smart solutions, they can respond more
dynamically to how demand is changing. Governments can make more flexible, data-
driven investments with shorter planning cycles. If population growth surges in a far-flung
neighborhood, adding a new subway or bus line with the accompanying fleet expansion
may take years. By contrast, a privately operated on-demand minibus service could be up
and running much faster.

Smart city applications become more effective when paired with low-tech measures and
complementary policy moves. Reducing private car use is a priority in Seoul, for example.
In addition to implementing smart mobility solutions, the city is reallocating street lanes to
pedestrians and bicycles, and strictly limiting parking spots in new public buildings.

Because these surveys were conducted online, the sample by its nature does not include offline populations.
The survey results for cities with relatively low smartphone penetration must be interpreted in that light.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 13
Exhibit E6

MGI surveyed local residents about the applications implemented in their cities.
Combined awareness, usage, and satisfaction scores
Maximum of 30 points
Components of citizen experience National smartphone
penetration below 60%
Awareness Usage Satisfaction

North America Asia-Pacific

San Francisco 20.7 Beijing 24.2
Seattle 19.4 Shanghai 23.2
New York City 17.9 Shenzhen 23.2
Chicago 17.8 Jaipur 21.9
Austin 16.9 Mumbai 21.9
Los Angeles 16.3 Pune 20.5
Boston 15.7 Jakarta 19.1
Toronto 15.5 Yinchuan 18.9
Singapore 18.9
Europe Hong Kong 17.7
Moscow 16.8 Seoul 16.2
Paris 16.6 Bangkok 14.4
Vienna 15.7 Auckland 10.2
Helsinki 15.3 Sydney 9.8
Barcelona 15.2 Melbourne 9.2
London 15.0 Tokyo 3.8
Stockholm 13.7
Amsterdam 12.2 Latin America
Copenhagen 11.8 Medellín 17.8
Berlin 11.5 Santiago 17.3
Bristol 10.9 Mexico City 15.9
Hamburg 10.6 Bogotá 15.5
Santander 9.7 São Paulo 14.3
Rio de Janeiro 12.5
Middle East and Africa Buenos Aires 11.7
Dubai 16.6
Cape Town 15.1
Nairobi 14.5
Tel Aviv 14.4
Lagos 13.7
Abu Dhabi 10.5

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute survey and analysis

ES and report

14 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

Embrace an open approach to support innovation and private-
sector participation
City government does not have to be the sole funder and operator of every type of service
and infrastructure system. While implementing most of the applications we examined would
fall to the public sector, the majority of the initial investment could come from private actors
(Exhibit E7). Public financing may be reserved for only those public goods that must be
provided by the government. Furthermore, more than half of the initial investment that needs
to be made by the public sector would generate a positive financial return, which opens the
door to partnerships.

It makes sense to identify areas where city agencies can step back and make room for
private-sector companies, state-owned utilities, universities, foundations, and nonprofits
to play a role. Adding more actors to the mix is a positive, since it increases adoption and
share of initial
applies more creativity to the available data. Cash-strapped municipal governments may
investment that
need to enlist multiple partners, but the natural owner should add value such as expertise
could come from
and capabilities, not just capital.
private actors
When private-sector innovations spring up organically, the role of government may involve
regulating, convening key actors, offering subsidies, or changing purchasing decisions.
Rather than taking a master-planning approach, some cities position themselves as
ecosystems, creating consortia and even physical collaboration spaces. Amsterdam Smart
City, for example, is a public-private partnership that brings together municipal agencies,
educational institutions, nonprofits, private-sector companies, and startups.

Exhibit E7

The public sector would be the natural owner of most applications, but the majority of investment could come from
private actors—and even many public-sector applications can generate returns.

Share of investment
More private


No direct
financial return 45

55 Positive
More public 70 financial return


Number of Share of
applications investment1

1 Energy, water, waste utilities, public transport operators, and hospitals assumed public for this quantification, although this differs around the world.
NOTE: Autonomous vehicles excluded; technology has not been deployed at scale and required investment by 2025 not yet clear.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

ES and report
McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 15
Put people at the center of everything, and use technology to unite the city
Technology can change the relationship between municipal governments and the people
they serve. Constituents can engage in two-way conversations with public officials and
agencies via social media and interactive mobile apps. Cities can use technology to take
the pulse of public opinion on a wide range of issues, using public feedback as the basis for
making continuous improvements to the system. To that end, smart city efforts need to be
transparent and accountable to the public. Engaging residents from the outset, not just after
specific applications suddenly appear, can secure community buy-in.

Smart cities also raise questions of equity. Most (though not all) applications require
smartphones or work best with them, so bringing more of the population online is a priority.
The needs of all demographics and neighborhoods should be on the agenda when cities
choose which programs to pursue. There is an exciting opportunity to use technology
to serve aging populations, for example. Cities such as Singapore and Tokyo are using
applications such as remote patient monitoring and telemedicine to help seniors age
at home.

Technology may have the potential to be alienating, but cities can turn that on its head
by actively looking for ways to use it in the service of building real-world community and
personal connection. They may be able to use social networks to facilitate volunteering,
mentoring, parenting support, and community activities on a much wider scale, for example.

Add the skills and create the latitude to innovate across city agencies
Getting smart doesn’t happen by itself. Cities need to give their agencies the leeway to
innovate. Adding civic tech talent, at least in selective areas, is a top priority for municipal
governments. Even if they rely on external providers, they have to be able to understand
and direct the programs in detail. Many places have started by adding new roles such as
chief digital officer or establishing cross-disciplinary smart city units. Boston, for example,
has established an analytics unit, while Chicago has built a data science team. Over time,
however, the effort to become smart must permeate every aspect of government.

In a digital world, city agencies need the latitude to make bolder decisions and to
experiment, learn, and recalibrate. Smart cities such as Copenhagen approach that
challenge by testing applications in pilot districts or living laboratories. In Kigali, Vision City is
a tech-enabled district with free Wi-Fi, solar-powered streetlights and mobile networks, and
new housing units complete with automation systems.

Get cybersmart to address privacy and security risks

Increased surveillance and data-driven policing raise concerns about “big brother” always
watching and the potential to inhibit political dissent. Governments and private-sector
players now hold and share sensitive personal data, making it critical to establish thoughtful
protocols and safeguards about its handling and protection.

Experts worldwide are concerned about cybersecurity vulnerabilities in smart cities. The
Internet of Things provides extensive “surface area” for hackers to attack. Compromised
security systems, medical monitors, and self-driving cars could pose life-and-death risks,
and the consequences could be severe if bad actors shut down a city’s power grid or water
supply. Cities need to prioritize their most sensitive assets and surround them with the most
rigorous defense mechanisms. Mission-critical IoT applications should have high levels of
security before they are adopted on a large scale. Cities will have to develop cybersecurity
expertise, and stay abreast of the constantly evolving threat environment. They will need
to prepare for how to respond to breaches—including not only technical remediation but
how they will maintain calm and how they will communicate. IoT firms and mobile app

16 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

developers must prioritize cybersecurity at every stage rather than patching safeguards
onto completed tools after the fact.3


Smart cities open up new business opportunities—and not only for technology firms. They
will also reshape value chains and force companies to adapt. To set strategies, company
leaders need to address key questions: How does the evolution of smart cities affect
my current offerings? What kind of value shifts and opportunities will this create across
my industry? And what type of approaches and capabilities does it take to succeed in
these markets?

Adapt current offerings to meet smart city needs

Companies in multiple industries are already beginning to alter their existing product and
service lines to suit changing urban markets. These include drugstore chains that are
becoming telemedicine providers and real estate developers that are integrating automation
systems, sensors, and mobility options into their properties.

Autonomous vehicles are not yet fixtures on the road, but carmakers are already adding
features such as real-time road navigation and smart parking to the current generation of
vehicles. Commercial trucks, too, will need to be able to connect to systems such as load
pooling and urban consolidation centers. Although it is posting explosive growth in cities
worldwide, e-hailing has relatively limited penetration with certain audiences—and new
vehicle concepts could help e-hailing break through with them.

Prepare for value shifts and unexpected competitors

Land values are likely to shift as cities become smart, affecting real estate in multiple ways.
Some formerly congested, polluted, or crime-ridden areas could become more livable, while
new transit options could raise values in suburbs and exurbs. Older properties that lack
smart features may not hold their value in the same way they once did, and developers have
to weigh the costs of retrofitting them. Data can change the way properties are utilized as
well as the way they are valued, and effective use of geospatial data will become a source of
competitive advantage.

As cities get smarter, mobility has become a much more crowded playing field, with
companies from different industries competing for a market with rapidly shifting value.
Customer-facing mobility platforms such as Didi and Uber are big bets on the future,
and now traditional automakers and even public transit operators are entering this
space by offering multimodal platforms or their own ride-sharing services. Several major
manufacturers are launching their own on-demand services using custom-designed fleets
of minibuses. How automakers will respond when autonomous transportation services
eventually break through remains to be seen. They may make and sell the required fleets,
operate them as a service for other companies and cities, or successfully position their own
mobility platforms.

Smart applications can play a role in shifting healthcare systems from treating illness
to preventing it. Many healthcare applications aim to prevent diseases before they
occur, engage patients in maintaining their own wellness, and reduce the likelihood of
complications and hospitalizations. This trend could bring a huge upside for payors.
Smart applications such as integrated patient flow management systems can improve the
utilization of hospitals and specialized equipment without compromising on availability
for patients. Convenient telemedicine options can absorb many patients with minor or

For more on cybersecurity, see James Kaplan, Beyond cybersecurity: Protecting your digital business, Wiley,
2015; and "Six ways CEOs can promote cybersecurity,", August 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 17
routine complaints, taking pressure off traditional healthcare facilities. New technologies in
healthcare also bring in new entrants from the tech sector.

Adapt your approach and capabilities

Early smart city offerings were sometimes criticized as “throwing” off-the-shelf technology
systems at cities. Today officials are savvier and not easily impressed with cookie-cutter
approaches. Companies will need a detailed understanding of each city’s context, including
its problems, decision-making process, and regulatory landscape. Most sales organizations
are not yet equipped with these types of capabilities. They may need to add urbanists,
sociologists, and other specialists to broaden their thinking.

Companies also need to make the right contacts in each city. Even firms that have worked
with municipal purchasing departments in the past must engage at a higher level with
mayors, city planners, and other decision makers. It will take time to win their trust by
proposing mutually beneficial partnerships and engaging thoughtfully about their city’s
needs. Working with cash-strapped cities often calls for thinking outside the box about how
to monetize the solutions they need. Tech companies active in the smart cities space are
also increasingly offering financing to cities.

Smart cities have many vocal constituencies and stakeholders. The broader public, whether
direct customers or not, can be affected by a company’s offerings. City residents and the
officials who represent them often have a great deal to say about smart solutions that shape
their environment. Companies have to consider not only how their offerings perform but how
they affect the public sphere in order to win and maintain a mandate to operate.


Some cities are starting their transformations with inherent advantages such as wealth,
density, and existing high-tech industries. But even places that lack these ingredients
can set themselves apart with vision, good management, a willingness to break with
conventional ways of doing things, and a relentless commitment to meeting the needs
of residents. There are many blank canvases for the private sector, nonprofits, and
technologists to fill—and above all, individuals should be empowered to shape the future of
the cities they call home.

18 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

© Didier Marti/Moment/Getty Images

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 19
© Toby Hancock/Moment/Getty Images

20 McKinsey Global Institute Executive summary

Mobile apps alert an office worker to subway delays but assure him that the day’s air
quality is good. So he decides to walk to work, racking up thousands of steps to stay fit in
the process. An entrepreneur applies for a business license and is pleased to find not only
a simple digital form with fast approval but ample city data that helps her identify a good
location for her storefront. A middle-aged woman worried about her aging father living alone
is reassured to learn that local healthcare providers can monitor his diabetes and video
chat with him in his home. He has also joined a social network where he connects with his
neighbors and learns about get-togethers for local seniors. A young couple dials up an
instant door-to-door ride to get home safely after a night of celebration.

Smartphones are the new keys to the city. They are an interface anyone can use to tap into
a wealth of instant information about transit, vital services, alerts, and community news, and
they generate a stream of data themselves. The river of information is continuously fed by a
layer of sensors embedded throughout the physical environment. These sensors capture
troves of data in real time and feed it into analytics systems that run complex city operations
and infrastructure systems, sometimes making instant remote adjustments that require no
human intervention at all. As millions of individual actors use data to make better decisions
for themselves, the effects add up, causing the city as a whole to become more productive
and responsive. Less time is wasted in transit and queues, and health and safety improve.
Energy, resources, space, and investment are utilized more efficiently.

The way we navigate through the urban world looks very different than it did even a decade
ago—and odds are that it will change even more dramatically in the decade to come. After
years of experimentation, cities are becoming smarter. The leading cities have absorbed
early lessons about what works, and they are moving out of the pilot stage.

The technology itself is no longer a constraint. Rapid advances in smartphone penetration,

connectivity, the Internet of Things, analytics, and machine learning have paved the way
for a flurry of innovation. The range of new applications is constantly expanding, and their
capabilities are becoming more sophisticated. Yet when any new technology is introduced,
adoption, with all of the behavior change and organizational change it entails, takes time.
This points to the likelihood that cities will continue to get smarter in deeper and more far-
reaching ways in the years ahead.

What sets apart this next stage of smart cities is a sharper focus on people. City leaders
are realizing that the concerns of residents and workers have to be at the heart of any
technology strategy. Years of groundwork could soon pay off, and cities could be on
the brink of creating more meaningful improvements in the well-being of the people who
inhabit them.

This chapter provides the context needed to understand smart cities: what they are, how
they work, and the technologies on which they run. Digital intelligence gives cities a fresh
set of tools for improving the quality of life in practical, tangible ways. A wide range of
applications now exists to make cities not only more efficient and productive but also more
responsive and livable.
What does it really mean to be a “smart city”? For years, the definition—and even the end
goal—remained fuzzy.4 The term has been used to describe cities that are environmentally
sustainable, those with a concentration of knowledge workers, and places with smoothly
functioning infrastructure and entrepreneurial economies. Over time, the idea of creating
digitally connected cities moved to the forefront.

Today those concepts are converging. Smart cities are being redefined as places where
different actors employ technology and data to make better decisions and achieve a better
quality of life.5 City agencies can use data to respond to fluid situations and to plan more
accurately for the future. Better-informed companies and individuals can make decisions
that translate into more efficient use of resources for the city overall.

Cities around the world face daunting infrastructure challenges, but smart city technologies
change the nature and economics of infrastructure. Technology reduces the physical and
transaction costs of gathering information on usage patterns. With an unprecedented
volume of data points in hand, cities can get more out of their existing infrastructure
systems. Adequate investment in building and maintaining sound physical infrastructure
still matters, but adding an overlay of intelligence enables cities to expand the capacity
and lifespan of existing assets. Even if new construction is needed, embedding smart
technologies from the outset can make the investment go further. Smart systems also
speed up the metabolism of city government, giving agencies the ability to watch events
as they unfold, understand how demand patterns are changing, and respond with faster
and often lower-cost solutions. Cities can make data-driven investments with shorter
planning cycles.

All of this leads to higher quality of life in cities. Quality of life has many dimensions, from
whether people breathe clean air to whether they feel safe as they walk down the street. This
report examines how much better off residents could be if cities added an intelligence layer
to take advantage of the full range of smart solutions available today. Specifically, we aim
to quantify the progress cities could achieve in a wide range of people-oriented priorities:
safety, time and convenience, health, environmental quality, social connectedness and civic
participation, jobs, and cost of living.

Three layers work together to make a smart city hum (Exhibit 1). First is the technology base,
the building blocks that have to be in place before a city can deploy applications at any kind
of scale. The technology base includes high-speed communication networks, a critical
mass of smartphones, open data portals, and sensors. Second are the specific applications
and tools themselves. The third and most crucial layer is user adoption and experience.
Below we define each of these layers, and Chapter 3 looks at how they have developed to
date in 50 cities around the world.

See Vito Albino, Umberto Berardi, and Rosa Maria Dangelico, “Smart cities: Definitions, dimensions, and
performance,” Journal of Urban Technology, volume 22, number 1, 2015, which tracks the evolution of the
The International Telecommunication Union proposed the following definition: “A smart sustainable city is an
innovative city that uses information and communication technologies and other means to improve quality of
life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs
of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, and environmental aspects.” See Smart
sustainable cities: An analysis of definitions, ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities, 2014.

22 McKinsey Global Institute 1. A turning point for smart cities

Exhibit 1

Smart cities add digital intelligence to the urban world and use it to solve public problems
and achieve a higher quality of life.

Three layers of

Adoption and usage,

often leading to better
decisions and
behavior change

Smart applications
and data analysis

The tech base includes

networks of connected
devices and sensors

(physical and social)

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute


Before a city can become smart, it has to be connected. The underlying digital infrastructure
has to be in place, including a network of data-collecting sensors and devices,
comprehensive broadband and wireless networks, and platforms on which data can be
stored and shared.

Because many applications require that individuals transmit and receive data on the go,
smartphones are a critical component of a smart city. There are now five billion mobile users
worldwide, and smartphones account for the majority of subscriptions.6 The number of
global smartphone users has been projected to hit 6.1 billion by 2020, driven by continuing
growth in developing economies.7 Smartphones are more common in cities than national
penetration rates suggest, but the digital divide still persists in both high- and low-income
cities. While offline populations can still benefit from some smart city applications running
in the background (such as intelligent signals that help the flow of traffic), they do not have
access to the full range of smart city programs. This is a particular concern for aspiring
smart cities in South Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

With the rapid build-out of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of “dumb” inanimate objects
have become “smart”—that is, they have been outfitted with sensors and actuators and

The mobile economy 2017, GSMA, 2017.
Ericsson mobility report, November 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 23
connected to the Internet.8 The IoT is now at work all around us. RFID tags in packages track
cargo shipments, GPS systems guide drivers to their destinations, and smart thermostats
turn off heat and air conditioning when rooms are unoccupied. Adoption has accelerated
as the costs of IoT sensors, processing power, and cloud storage have steadily fallen.
According to one estimate, the number of connected IoT devices exceeded the world’s
population in 2017—and the total is projected to mushroom from 8.4 billion in 2017 to
20.4 billion by 2020.9

A city with strong communication networks can quickly and securely transmit the data
collected by smartphones and other sensors. Cities around the world are prioritizing faster
fixed and mobile broadband speeds and decreased latency, which are needed to support
projected number
ever-growing data usage by residents as well as the development of higher-bandwidth
of connected IoT
applications. At the same time, less bandwidth-intensive smart city applications can benefit
devices worldwide
from the rollout of low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN), which allow broad deployment
by 2020 of sensors with much lower operating costs. Free Wi-Fi throughout a city is especially useful
for visitors but also helps residents who do not have access to unlimited mobile data.

Open data platforms are the last crucial ingredient of the technology base. Smart
technologies run on data—and cities, with their immense scale and complexity, generate
endless streams of it. They create huge volumes of data on traffic flow, public transit
systems, energy demand, crime incidents, waste disposal, noise, weather patterns,
outbreaks of infectious disease, and countless other aspects of daily life. Yet this data only
becomes useful once it is made available to actors who can build smart applications out of
it. Open data platforms do exactly that. They come in multiple forms, from centralized open
data portals to specialized real-time travel information platforms. They allow for safe storage
and adequate access to the different data sources that power a smart city, and they can
provide the raw material for ongoing innovation.


Turning raw data into alert, action, and insight requires the right tools. This is where
technology providers and app developers come in. They continue to create a wide array of
specific applications touching on every aspect of urban life. In some cases, data feeds into
analytics systems that can remotely adjust, move, or control objects and complex systems,
with no human involvement required. In others, the key is creating easy-to-use interfaces so
that individual users and city employees can access information and act on it.

Smart cities still require a leap of imagination—and perhaps the best way to grasp the full
picture of what they can be is to consider the full range of smart technologies that they are
deploying today. This report focuses on dozens of key applications in various domains
of urban life: security, mobility, health, energy, water, waste, economic development and
housing, and engagement and community (Exhibit 2). The technical appendix of this report
contains a full definition of each tool.

For a comprehensive discussion of IoT technologies and their potential uses in a variety of settings, see The
Internet of Things: Mapping the value beyond the hype, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2015.
Forecast from Gartner Inc., February 2017.

24 McKinsey Global Institute 1. A turning point for smart cities

Exhibit 2

Our research looked at dozens of smart applications that will be relevant for cities through 2025.

Security Healthcare Mobility

Predictive policing Telemedicine Real-time public transit
Real-time crime mapping Remote patient monitoring
Digital public transit payment
Gunshot detection Lifestyle wearables
Autonomous vehicles
Smart surveillance First aid alerts
Predictive maintenance of
Emergency response Real-time air quality information
transportation infrastructure
Infectious disease surveillance
Intelligent traffic signals
Body-worn cameras
Data-based public health
Congestion pricing
Disaster early-warning interventions: Maternal and child
systems health Demand-based microtransit
Personal alert applications Data-based public health Smart parking
interventions: Sanitation and
Home security systems E-hailing (private and pooled)
Data-driven building Car sharing
Online care search and scheduling
Bike sharing
Integrated patient flow
Crowd management
management systems Integrated multimodal information
Real-time road navigation
Parcel load pooling
Smart parcel lockers
Building automation systems
Home energy automation
systems Water consumption
Home energy consumption
tracking Leakage detection and control

Smart streetlights Smart irrigation

Dynamic electricity pricing Water quality monitoring
Digital tracking and payment
Distribution automation for waste disposal
Optimization of waste
collection routes

Economic development Engagement and

and housing community
Digital business licensing and Local civic engagement
permitting applications
Digital business tax filing Local connection platforms
Online retraining programs Digital citizen services
Personalized education
Local e-career centers
Digital land-use and building
Open cadastral database
Peer-to-peer accommodation

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 25
We employed several criteria to determine which applications to include in this report. First,
they must be digital or data-based technologies. We therefore exclude technologies that
improve performance without providing data for better decision-making, such as shifting
city fleets to less polluting electric vehicles. Second, they must be commercially available
and already deployed in real-world settings. If they have only been piloted, large-scale rollout
by 2025 must be feasible. Third, they must help solve a problem in the public domain, such
as urban mobility, sustainability, or security. And finally, cities need to have a role to play,
even if it is an indirect role such as encouraging adoption, setting regulation, or convening
key actors.


What makes a city smart is not surrounding residents with technology, installing digital
interfaces into infrastructure systems, or streamlining municipal operations to save money.
Being smart requires people to adopt and use these technologies productively in the day-to-
day life and business of the city.

In the next generation of smart cities, residents are not merely the passive recipients
of services. They are active participants in shaping how their city operates and uses its
resources. In many cases, they put residents in the driver’s seat by giving them more
transparent real-time information on which they can act.

Technology is already shaping the way people interact with the urban environment. Some of
the most striking changes have occurred in urban mobility. People now routinely use traffic
apps to navigate around gridlock. Transponders in their cars automatically deduct the cost
of tolls, eliminating the need to stop and pay. Smart parking apps guide them straight to
available spots, saving time spent fruitlessly circling. In some pioneering cities, riders simply
wave their phones to pay transit fares. From anywhere in the city, people can summon a ride
with the touch of a button instead of getting behind the wheel when impaired.

Many smart city applications succeed only if they are widely adopted—and if they manage
to change behaviors. User experience thus becomes a crucial success factor, and as
the public becomes increasingly digitally savvy, expectations for a seamless experience
continue to grow. The interfaces themselves need to be engaging and intuitive. Good design
is an important aspect of the smart city experience.


The first smart city initiatives were launched more than a decade ago, with technology
companies blazing the trail. IBM introduced the concept of a “Smarter Planet” in 2008, and
the company’s Smarter Cities initiative grew into a division offering hardware, software, and
digital services to city governments. One of its well-publicized early projects was a high-tech
command center in Rio that integrates data from more than 30 municipal and state agencies
under one roof, with hundreds of screens monitoring transportation, water, energy, security,
and other key operations.10 Cisco was another early mover, developing digital platforms and
solutions that have since been integrated into cities from Songdo to Barcelona to Kansas
City. The company is now supplying technology to support ambitious national plans to
make cities smarter across both China and India. Major global tech firms, industrial giants,
and telecoms have become providers of smart city systems and services. The roster has
continued to grow over time as utilities, real estate developers, car manufacturers, and other
firms spot opportunities to play a role.

Natasha Singer, “Mission control, built for cities,” New York Times, March 3, 2012; “Rio operations center,”
C40 Cities blog, December 16, 2012. Also see the center’s YouTube channel at:

26 McKinsey Global Institute 1. A turning point for smart cities

Policy makers around the world have embraced the smart cities concept and put funding
into initiatives and pilot programs. China highlighted smart city development as one of
the major economic priorities in its 12th Five-Year Plan (covering 2011–15), and more than
500 cities across the country have already developed strategies or launched pilot projects.
The EU’s Horizon 2020 initiative, a €77 billion research and innovation program established
in 2013, made smart cities an important part of the agenda. Soon after, India announced
plans to create 100 smart cities. The US Department of Transportation launched a smart
city challenge in 2015, encouraging cities across the country to submit innovative plans and
compete for grant money. Around the world, governments have partnered with private-
sector companies to create purpose-built smart cities from the ground up (see Box 1,
“Smart from the start: The greenfield development approach”).

The story of early smart city development has led many people to think that smart cities are
simply local government agencies purchasing software to operate subway and security
systems. But the reality has evolved into something broader and more collaborative. City
governments do not have to provide every type of application and service themselves.
There is room for private-sector companies, state-owned utilities, universities, foundations,
and nonprofits to contribute. The ecosystem has become more intricate over time, with
the degree and mix of private-sector participation varying from city to city. Technology is
reconfiguring traditional roles and divisions of labor—and in a smart city, people and private
companies actively participate.

This shift is particularly evident in new types of mobility systems. Many startups have
launched city-based bike-sharing programs, sometimes with major corporate sponsorship
as part of the business model. Traditional taxi services have been upended by the rapid
growth of e-hailing services offered by Didi, Uber, Lyft, Ola, Yandex, and Grab. These
services have already had a more dramatic impact on the way people navigate cities around
the world than many transit applications or planned initiatives. Ford recently acquired
Chariot, an on-demand minibus service that cities can add to expand commuting options
along routes that are underserved by public transit. Private-sector firms have also created a
number of digital platforms that change the way residents experience city life. Social media
and peer-to-peer platforms such as Nextdoor and Meetup provide new ways to form social
connections in a city.

In some cases, digital innovation by the private sector got ahead of regulation. The
rapid spread of digital platforms such as Uber and Airbnb, for example, has had major
implications for the life of cities—and many have been slow to clarify their regulatory stances.
Issues such as drone management and how sensor data will be used and protected
similarly need regulatory attention.

Residents themselves are ultimately the most important actors. Many smart city initiatives
funded and launched by governments or the private sector succeed or fail based on
whether enough individual users engage with them. Cities can implement new mobile apps
for getting around, handling trash, conserving energy, and communicating with government
agencies. But these systems only work with ongoing participation and cooperation.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 27
Box 1. Smart from the start: The greenfield development approach
Cities that have evolved organically over centuries project, still in the planning and approval
or even millennia can be challenging to retrofit stage, calls for self-driving cars and other
with technology. Urban planning mistakes of the integrated mobility options; walkable, mixed-
past, such as sprawl, may be deeply rooted, and use neighborhoods with affordable housing
creaky legacy infrastructure is hard to overhaul. and open spaces; and sustainable design
Bold rebuilding projects have high price tags and to minimize energy consumption, waste,
impose disruption on existing residents. and emissions.

These realities have led some governments, ƒƒ Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin
private-sector companies, and investors to try Salman Al-Saud announced a $500 billion
a radical approach: building entirely new smart investment to develop NEOM, which is
cities from the ground up. This affords the envisioned as an innovative new urban
luxury of a blank canvas and the opportunity to ecosystem on the Red Sea coast. Construction
bake technology into every aspect of the built has already begun, with the first phase
environment—although the capital requirements expected to be completed in 2025. NEOM is
are formidable. These projects can build housing conceived as zero-emissions zone that will
at scale and incorporate forward-thinking urban further wind and solar energy technologies
planning. Some rapidly urbanizing developing and also focus on how smart cities can deploy
countries are pursuing greenfield strategies to robotics to handle repetitive tasks.
ease the pressure on established cities where
ƒƒ In the UAE, Masdar City is a master-planned
population growth has outstripped housing supply
live-work community with an emphasis on
and strained infrastructure systems.
sustainability. An investment zone designed
Below is a small sample of greenfield projects to attract a clean-tech innovation cluster,
rising around the globe: it is powered entirely by renewable energy
and includes high-performance, low-
ƒƒ With gleaming buildings and green spaces,
carbon buildings.
South Korea’s Songdo development is
highly energy efficient, highly digital, and ƒƒ Along the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor,
highly surveilled. Household waste is sucked Dholera is being billed as India’s first and largest
directly from homes and whisked through a smart, sustainable greenfield city. As it takes
network of tunnels to processing centers for shape, digital fiber is being embedded into
sorting and treatment, eliminating the need for roads, and tens of thousands of sensors are
garbage trucks. being installed and connected with a central
operations center.1 With smart infrastructure,
ƒƒ In Arizona, an investment group including Bill
integrated transit networks, and a new
Gates is backing Belmont, a planned smart
international airport and logistics hubs, Dholera
city outside Phoenix that will consist of some
is eventually meant to house a population
80,000 homes plus commercial and open
of two million. The government is offering
space. The entire community will be wired with
incentives to attract anchor industries.
high-speed networks and sensors, and its
streets and traffic signals will be designed to The empty capacity in some of these cities raises
accommodate autonomous vehicles. questions. If you build it, will they come? Will
residents be happy with the privacy trade-offs
ƒƒ Toronto has entered a public-private
involved in such highly surveilled places? The years
partnership with Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs
ahead will determine whether engineered smart
subsidiary to turn a large parcel on the city’s
cities take on a more human face and evolve into
waterfront into a futuristic community. The
vibrant, genuine communities.

Yinchuan special report: Smart cities, report from the TM Forum Smart City InFocus event, November 2016,

28 McKinsey Global Institute 1. A turning point for smart cities

Early smart city initiatives tended to involve discrete uses of technology without an
overarching goal beyond “getting smarter.” Now, with the benefit of the lessons learned,
cities can aspire to do more. This report aims to contribute to that goal by providing a fact
base for decision makers, including which smart applications address their priorities and
what kind of impact they can achieve.

Many early projects were driven by providers selling solutions to cities that wanted to
establish their high-tech bona fides and be on the cutting edge. But choosing a solution
before prioritizing the problems did not always work, and off-the-shelf solutions did not
consistently take into account each city’s idiosyncrasies and the local context. These tools
improved efficiency in certain areas, but some lacked relevance to the most urgent day-to-
day problems residents want solved.

When some early initiatives fell short of expectations, some skeptics dismissed the vision
behind the smart city concept as marketing hype. Others began asking whether smart cities
would truly serve the interests of residents and raising concerns about whether technology
would produce surveillance states and sterile places. Others urged caution about inviting
technology providers into urban management, concerned that profit motives could distort
civic priorities.11

The first wave of smart city innovation did produce promising results in areas from energy
conservation to urban policing. Box 2, “Restoring mobility to Moscow,” highlights just one of
many success stories.

Some early efforts also illuminated the barriers and complexities that will need to be
addressed to bring about change on a larger scale. Many officials report anxiety about
making large-scale commitments to a certain generation of tools when technology never
stops advancing, for instance. Others struggled to move smart city projects from pilot
programs to city-wide initiatives. City agencies also realized success would require adding
new roles and capabilities (such as analytics skills) to their workforces. In some cases,
progress was inhibited by fragmented decision-making power and operational responsibility
across layers of government and multiple agencies.

Cities are not alone in discovering the hard way that creating an intelligent ecosystem is
not as simple as installing a new system and flipping the switch.12 Many other individual
businesses and sectors of the economy are experiencing growing pains as they feel their
way through digital transformations. Adding intelligence to complex environments that have
evolved organically over many years has proven challenging—and managing to use that
intelligence to effect meaningful change is even harder.

The novelty of the applications themselves tends to dominate much of the coverage of smart
cities. Developers are indeed making rapid advances and designing increasingly clever
digital solutions. But applications in and of themselves seldom deliver easy fixes to complex
urban problems. They are most effective when they are part of a holistic program to achieve

For a sampling of critical perspectives, see Steven Poole, “The truth about smart cities: ‘In the end, they will
destroy democracy,’” The Guardian, December 17, 2014; Adam Greenfield, Against the smart city, Do, 2013;
Paul Marks, “City of dreams,” New Scientist, volume 236, issue 3156, December 2017; Mariana Valverde,
“Tech companies should not plan our cities,” CityLab blog, February 1, 2018, available at
Anjana Ahuja, “Smart cities might not be such a bright idea,” Financial Times, November 22, 2017; and
Philippe Mesmer, “Songdo, ghetto for the affluent,” Le Monde, May 29, 2017.
Recent MGI research reviewed historical rates of adoption for 25 previous technologies over the past 60 years
and found that the time from commercial availability to 50 percent adoption was typically five to 16 years, and
achieving 80 percent adoption took anywhere from eight to 28 years. See Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce
transitions in a time of automation, McKinsey Global Institute, December 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 29
a specific outcome for residents. The benefits can be amplified when cities combine high-
tech tools with complementary policies and investment in traditional infrastructure systems.

Today officials around the world have renewed ambitions to make their cities smarter, and
their optimism is mirrored in the private sector. Software developers continue to produce
a remarkable wave of innovative applications. Not only is there growing participation from
telecom operators, construction and infrastructure companies, real estate developers,
and mobility providers, but companies in unexpected industries are getting into the game
by offering new types of innovative services in urban markets. Cities are absorbing best
practices and developing stronger digital muscles. Ultimately, city leaders also realize urban
environments are under more pressure than ever before—and technology is their best
option for doing more with less and finally making some headway on urban problems that
seemed intractable. Although cities concentrate societal problems, they are also the world’s
best laboratories for solutions.

Box 2. Restoring mobility to Moscow

In 2011, Moscow confronted a crisis: its roads the metro system. In addition to detecting unusual
had reached capacity, leading to some of the crowds and abandoned items, it includes facial
worst gridlock in the world. In response, the recognition capabilities to identify criminals.
city government developed a comprehensive Trains run at frequent intervals at peak times, and
transportation plan. Its strategy for future the system provides passengers with real-time
construction projects to add traffic and transit information about arrivals. As a result of these
capacity would be guided by data and efforts, some Muscovites have shifted away from
complemented by the launch of an intelligent driving to taking public transit. The number of full-
transport system.1 fare trips taken annually increased from 1.9 billion
in 2010 to 2.8 billion in 2017.
Controlling thousands of traffic cameras, road
detectors, and traffic lights, the system monitors The city intends to be responsive to residents’
traffic in real time so that accidents and disruptions concerns and requests. In addition to the
can be handled immediately. At the same time, thousands of suggestions and complaints fielded
Moscow made major changes to its parking by two service centers, the city fields comments
policies and invested heavily in modernizing its and questions through social media. It has also
subway and bus service. The results have been developed a transportation app to help people
impressive. Although the city has added a million plan routes, pay for parking, and find bike rentals; it
private cars since 2010, average travel speeds has been downloaded millions of times.
through the city have increased by 13 percent.
Having succeeded in restoring mobility to a
Moscow has used data to improve the passenger gridlocked population, Moscow is now aiming to
experience and shape its transit investment, remain a global leader in mobility. It is continuing
adding new routes when necessary. In addition to to apply analytics to transit data and passenger
monitoring roads, the intelligent transport system feedback as it looks for ways to improve the
collects data on how passengers get on and off system, and it is experimenting with innovations
buses and where routes bog down. This kind of such as wearable ticketing technology and
information has been used to develop new bus pushing personalized route information to
routes based on real-life commuting patterns, individual metro passengers. The city also has
eliminating line changes for thousands of workers. plans to phase in more electric vehicles over time
The city also installed a smart closed-circuit to improve air quality.
television system to ensure passenger safety in

For more detail, see McKinsey’s interview with Moscow Deputy Mayor for Transport Maksim Liksutov, “Building smart transport
in Moscow,”, January 2018.

30 McKinsey Global Institute 1. A turning point for smart cities


A decade of experimentation has yielded promising results as well as valuable lessons about
how to implement digital technologies in urban settings. As cities manage these programs
more effectively, they could realize substantial benefits. The next chapter examines what
kind of results cities could achieve with the current generation of applications, looking at
seven quality-of-life dimensions: safety, time and convenience, health, environmental quality,
social connectedness and civic participation, jobs, and cost of living.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 31
© Ariel Skelley/DigitalVision/Getty Images

32 McKinsey Global Institute 1. A turning point for smart cities

Becoming a smart city is not a goal in and of itself. Smartness is simply a tool to help cities
better serve the people who live and work in them. It is therefore important to understand
how that tool can improve the quality of life. MGI undertook an extensive effort to gather
evidence and assess what kind of impact cities could achieve by 2025 with the current
generation of smart city applications.

Quality of life has multiple dimensions, so we looked at aspects that can be influenced by
smart city applications and quantified with some metrics: safety, time and convenience,
health, environmental quality, social connectedness and civic participation, jobs, and cost
of living. These priorities are broad, but they encompass practical and very human concerns
such as street crime, the time it takes to get to and from work, and clean air.

We took the list of applications introduced in Chapter 1 and quantified their potential impact
on these seven quality-of-life dimensions (Exhibit 3). This involved looking at concrete
metrics such as minutes saved on the daily commute, fatalities averted, and reduction in
water consumption. Our analysis assumed aspirational but realistic adoption rates, and it
drew on impact cases and a set of assumptions vetted by industry experts, urban planners,
technologists, and academics.13

Because the impact of each application varies so widely from city to city, we estimated the
impact of these technologies in three distinct types of urban settings (Exhibit 4). We assume
that our high-income city has extensive legacy infrastructure, while our lower-income cities
have infrastructure gaps and lagging development indicators. These sample cities vary in
many other ways. The top public health concern in the higher-income city, for instance, is
chronic diseases, while the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the poorest city are
preventable diseases. We note the distinguishing characteristics that influence our findings
as we discuss each quality-of-life dimension in this chapter.

The three urban settings used in this report are not archetypes against which every other
city will neatly match up, nor do they demonstrate the entire range of possible outcomes.
But they do show how baselines and context can influence results. These estimates will not
translate precisely to other cities, and officials considering various applications will need to
conduct further analysis that takes the local context into account.

Our estimates measure the potential impact achievable with each application, and they assume that no other

smart city technologies have been implemented at the time. When considering the cumulative impact of all
applications on a particular aspect of the quality of life, we have adjusted for overlaps between applications to
avoid double-counting.
Exhibit 3

Smart city applications have significant potential to improve the quality of life in urban settings.

Almost 60 data-driven smart city applications spanning eight domains …

Security Healthcare Mobility Energy Water Waste Economic Engage-

develop- ment and
ment community

… improve outcomes in multiple quality-of-life dimensions

Health burden reduced
(DALYs1 averted)

Time and convenience Environmental quality

▪ Shorter commutes ▪ GHG emissions averted
▪ More efficient interactions ▪ Waste reduced
with government and ▪ Water consumption reduced

Social connectedness
Safety and civic participation
▪ Lives saved Connections to local
▪ Fewer crime incidents community and local
▪ Faster emergency response government strengthened

Cost of living Jobs

1 DALY = Disability-adjusted life years, metric for burden of disease from mortality and morbidity.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

34 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Exhibit 4

We calculated the impact of each smart application in three distinct urban settings.

 Low
 Medium
 High
City 1 City 2 City 3
(eg, New York City, (eg, Rio de (eg, Lagos or
Baseline characteristics London, or Tokyo) Janeiro) Johannesburg)

Income   
Fatalities rate   
Crime incidents rate   
Average emergency
response time   
Average commute time   
Average time in govern-
ment and healthcare   
Overall disease burden
per capita   
GHG emissions
per capita   
Water consumption
per capita   
Unrecycled waste
per capita   
Formal employment rate   
Average annual
household expenditures   
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis


Cities that use smart technologies effectively can make significant progress in quality-of-life
dimensions such as time saved, health and safety outcomes, environmental impact, and
social connectedness and civic participation, improving some key metrics by 10–30 percent
(Exhibit 5). These issues directly touch tens of millions of lives. Across our three city
settings, we found that smart technologies can reduce fatalities by 8–10 percent, accelerate
emergency response times by 20–35 percent, shave the average commute time by
15–20 percent, reduce the disease burden by 8–15 percent, lower greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 10–15 percent, and reduce water consumption by 20–30 percent.

These numbers capture what is possible to achieve from the time of implementation until the
applications are deployed to maximum effect. The needle may already be moving in cities
that have deployed these tools, although most still have ample room to build on their early
gains. The positive effects can be significantly enhanced if cities pair smart technologies

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 35
with supportive regulations, successful urban planning policies, and investment in hard
infrastructure, with benefits that go above and beyond our estimates.

The wide range of projected outcomes reflects the reality that any application’s effectiveness
is shaped by the context in which it is deployed. These tools perform differently depending
on baseline factors such as current commute times or prevalence of diseases as well as on
characteristics of the supporting infrastructure systems. Although these results reflect the
possibilities in three sample locations, other cities could have results that fall above or below
these ranges.

Compared to the scale of impact in time saved, health and safety outcomes, and
environmental impact, smart city applications have a more limited impact on jobs and the
cost of living. While digital tools can help cities create a more productive business climate,
the quality of life, not the economy, is the primary reason to adopt smart city technologies.

Many applications improve the quality of life in more than one way
Nearly half of the smart city applications we analyzed have a positive impact on more than
one aspect of the quality of life. Mobility applications are primarily designed to reduce
commute times, for instance, but tools such as intelligent traffic signals and congestion
pricing also contribute to decreasing GHG emissions and reducing road fatalities. Some,
like car sharing, could save residents money by enabling them to forgo vehicle ownership.
In healthcare, telemedicine can have multiple kinds of impact: it saves patients travel
and waiting time; it may also save them money; and it can improve health outcomes by
increasing access to medical care in underserved communities. Data-driven building
inspections can improve the efficiency of city operations while mitigating many risks,
including fire safety hazards and exposure to lead.

Awareness of these co-benefits can help officials demonstrate the full positive impact
of smart city applications on different constituencies—and articulating the benefits for
residents is central to securing their buy-in and participation. Public adoption and behavior
change determine whether applications such as home energy consumption tracking create
real impact, and for residents, their own savings may be the selling point.

Officials also need to be aware that some applications may have a positive impact on one
dimension but negative impact elsewhere. E-hailing, for instance, can save lives since it
provides a safer alternative than driving for people who are impaired. But depending on
usage patterns, it could increase average commute times by adding vehicles to the roads
and worsening congestion.

Some applications disproportionately benefit affluent residents, but others can

improve life for disadvantaged groups
While we sought to quantify the effect of smart city applications on the average urban
resident, it was clear that the benefits are not always shared equally. Municipal officials
will need to keep these effects in mind to create a balanced portfolio of applications. (See
Chapter 4 for more on this topic.)

If the individual user bears some of the cost, an application is more likely to be used by
affluent residents. The affluent are better positioned to purchase smart tech such as
lifestyle and personal alert wearables, home security systems, home automation systems
with virtual assistants, and e-hailing rides. They are better able to absorb the effects
of congestion pricing and dynamic electricity pricing. To counter this effect, cities may
consider subsidizing the cost of applications that rely on individual investment or enlisting
partners to provide low-cost versions.

36 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Exhibit 5

Smart city applications can improve some key quality-of-life indicators by 10 to 30 percent.

Potential improvement through current generation of smart city applications, Low High
from time of implementation
Many metrics improve
by 10–30%
Fatalities averted (homicides, road
deaths, fire deaths) 8–10

Crime incidents prevented (assaults,

Safety robberies, burglaries, auto thefts) 30–40

Emergency response time reduced


Commute time saved

Time and
convenience Time saved in interactions with
government and the healthcare system1 45–65

Disease burden reduced (DALYs2

Health averted) 8–15

GHG emissions averted


Environ- Unrecycled waste reduced

mental quality %

Water consumption reduced


Share of residents who feel connected

Social to the local community 15–20
connected- Percentage points
ness and civic Share of residents who feel connected
participation to the local government 20–30
Percentage points

Formal employment increased3

Jobs 1–3

Average annual expenditures reduced

Cost of living 1–2

1 Includes time spent traveling, filling out and submitting forms, collecting necessary paperwork, and waiting to receive services. Does not include time spent
with healthcare providers receiving services.
2 Disability-adjusted life years, metric for burden of disease from mortality and morbidity.
3 Additional jobs per 1,000 working-age citizens. Includes direct job effect as well as approximation for indirect and induced jobs.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 37
Other applications, however, focus specifically on disadvantaged groups. Public health
interventions, data-driven building inspections, and gunshot detection, for example, can
improve the health and safety of those in more precarious circumstances. Digital platforms
for engaging with public officials have a leveling effect, giving more people a voice in
local decision making. (See Chapter 4 for further discussion of data-driven outreach
for local government services for people in need and specialized applications that help
disadvantaged groups.)

Using the current generation of smart solutions effectively could help cities make significant
or moderate progress toward meeting 70 percent of the Sustainable Development Goals,
although the actual results are highly dependent on implementation. They can make
the biggest contributions toward meeting the SDGs concerning health and well-being;
clean water and sanitation; decent work and economic growth; sustainable cities and
communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; and peace, justice,
and strong institutions.


Up to Responding effectively to matters of life, death, and trauma is the most fundamental

function of city government—and anxiety about crime can be the foremost issue affecting
the quality of life in many of the world’s cities. This is particularly true in cities across
Latin America and the Caribbean with shockingly high homicide rates.14 While offering
lives saved
real potential, technology will not erase crime. It cannot solve the underlying structural
per year issues of concentrated disadvantages, gender-based violence, or social and economic
disaffection that often drive crime and victimization. But it can help authorities make better
data-informed decisions about how to deploy scarce resources and personnel in the most
effective way. Police patrols cannot be everywhere, for instance, but predictive analytics can
deploy them in the right place at the right time.

Public safety is not just about crime, however. It also encompasses managing traffic to avoid
accidents, responding quickly to emergencies, and conducting reliable building inspections,
among other priorities. Data and digital tools can help local authorities perform these
functions more effectively, often saving lives and deterring criminal activity in the process.

Understanding the potential impact and how it varies across cities

We analyzed a range of applications to understand their potential to reduce crime and
improve safety. While urban safety has many dimensions, we focused on three specific
outcomes: fatalities (that is, homicides, road traffic deaths, and fire deaths), crime incidents
(limited to assaults, robberies, burglaries, and auto thefts), and emergency response times.

Our findings show that deploying a range of smart technologies could help to reduce
fatalities by 8–10 percent and lower crime incidents by 30–40 percent. In a city with five
million inhabitants and a high crime rate, this can translate into as many as 300 lives saved
per year. By optimizing emergency call dispatching and synchronizing traffic lights for
emergency vehicles, cities can cut emergency response times by 20–35 percent. Exhibit 6
examines the potential impact associated with each application. However, it is important to
note that public safety is an area where data is scarce. More hard evidence based on real-
world experience in diverse urban settings is needed.

See, for example, Robert Muggah, “Latin America’s murder epidemic,” Foreign Affairs, March 2017, and

“The rise of citizen security in Latin America and the Caribbean,” in Alternative pathways to sustainable
development: Lessons from Latin America, Gilles Carbonnier, Humberto Campodónico, and Sergio Tazanos
Vázquez, eds., Brill, 2007. We gratefully acknowledge Robert Muggah for sharing his expertise on this topic.

38 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Exhibit 6

Safety Security Mobility Energy

City 1 City 2 City 3

Low baseline fatalities, High baseline fatalities, High baseline fatalities,
low share from traffic; high share from traffic; medium share from
concentrated crime; rapid dispersed crime; medium traffic; concentrated
emergency response emergency response (eg, crime; slow emergency
(eg, New York City) Rio de Janeiro) response (eg, Lagos)

% decrease in addressed fatalities1 by application3

Gunshot detection 3.7 1.4 2.4

Predictive policing 2.9 4.9 5.5

Real-time crime mapping 2.3 3.8 4.2

Personal alert applications 0.6 0.7 0.4

0.5 0.1 1.8
building inspections
E-hailing (private and pooled) 1.1 1.4 0.2

Congestion pricing 0.8 1.3 1.0

Intelligent traffic signals 0.7 0.9 0.5

Crime incidents2
% decrease in incidents by application3

Predictive policing 9.7 14.4 11.1

Home security systems 9.6 13.8 16.3

Real-time crime mapping 8.5 13.4 10.5

Smart surveillance 5.4 5.6 5.1

Personal alert applications 4.3 4.9 3.3

Smart streetlights 4.3 5.6 4.9

Emergency response
% decrease in average emergency response time by application3
Emergency response
15.2 20.5 23.0
Personal alert devices 1.9 1.1 1.3

Smart surveillance 1.3 6.8 4.3

Real-time crime mapping 0.6 4.1 2.2

Gunshot detection 0.6 0.6 1.1

Home security systems 0.4 0.5 0.6

Intelligent traffic signals4 10.2 9.9 6.9

1 Includes fatalities from intentional homicides, road traffic deaths, and fire deaths only.
2 Includes assaults, robberies, burglaries, and auto thefts only.
3 Overlaps not considered.
4 Includes emergency vehicle preemption technology.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 39
The baselines cities must address are also highly variable. Security issues reflect factors
such as physical layout, income levels, inequality, and social cohesion. In New York, for
instance, authorities currently respond to 667 crime incidents per 100,000 residents, a rate
that is four times higher in Rio. New York experiences 7.4 fatalities per 100,000 residents.
Lagos has ten times as many, including large shares from traffic accidents and fires. There
is similar variation in baseline emergency response times. In a city where traffic flows well,
first responders may arrive at the scene of an emergency in less than ten minutes. But it
may take them close to an hour in a gridlocked city lacking a well-organized road system.
In addition to influencing how governments prioritize smart city programs, these variables
affect the size of the potential benefit. Cities that start from a lower baseline have much more
room for improvement.

Our analysis suggests that gunshot detection, predictive policing, real-time crime mapping,
and e-hailing have the most significant potential to prevent deaths. Real-time crime
mapping, predictive policing, and home security systems appear to have the highest
likelihood of reducing the overall number of crime incidents.

Using technology to create a safer urban environment could yield indirect benefits that are
not captured in hard metrics. Because smart streetlights and surveillance can deter crime,
residents in more dangerous cities can take back their streets and make full use of public
spaces they once avoided. The gains are more intangible: freedom of movement, freedom
from fear, and peace of mind. Over time, safer communities are better able to attract new
residents and businesses—and conversely, even the perception that a city is unsafe can
harm its economic prospects. Tourism may take a hit if a crime spike receives international
media coverage, but it may climb if a city gets crime under control and wins a reputation as a
safe place to visit.

Crime and policing

The smart technologies available to law enforcement and criminal justice authorities
continue to evolve rapidly in capabilities and sophistication. Digital tools are revolutionizing
urban policing and helping authorities do more with less. Data is at the heart of it all. Major
cities around the world now have high-tech command centers that facilitate seamless,
real-time information collection and sharing across agencies. Taken together, the tools we
analyzed tackle crime from three angles: predicting and preventing incidents, accelerating
response times, and helping to solve crimes after they occur.

At the cutting edge of current public safety technologies are applications such as passive
audio surveillance, passive weapon detection, crowdsourced crime alerts, and tools that
detect threats in large crowds. These types of applications are helping both local police
reduction in
and security agencies stay ahead of terrorism, an area where traditional security measures
crime incidents
alone generally are not enough (see Box 3, “Technology and the worst-case scenarios”). In
addition, community-based social media platforms enable users to notify their neighbors
about street violence, robberies, and other crime incidents so they can take precautions.

Real-time crime mapping and predictive policing are two of the applications with the biggest
potential impact in our analysis. While the former utilizes statistical analysis to highlight high-
crime areas using retrospective data (often to support hot-spot policing strategies), the latter
goes a step further, anticipating crime before it happens to head off incidents in advance.
Predictive policing helps cities position patrols by location and time of day so that they can
be proactive instead of reactive.

The state of Rio de Janeiro, for example, recently implemented its first crime mapping
system, ISPGeo, which digitizes, standardizes, and disseminates geospatial and temporal
data. The platform’s introduction has forced better data sharing between military and
civil police. It also feeds information into the CrimeRadar mobile app, which makes crime

40 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
levels transparent to the public and helps people navigate the city.15 Several years ago,
Santa Cruz, California, started applying algorithms of cumulative crime data to predict
the exact locations and times when thefts were likely and deploy officers accordingly. In
the first six months of this program, burglaries dropped by 14 percent, and auto thefts
fell by 4 percent.16 Similar types of crime forecasting systems are up and running around
the world.17

When incidents do occur, smart technologies can enable faster and more effective police
response. Applications such as gunshot detection, new and more sophisticated types of
surveillance, and home security systems can quickly alert law enforcement to crimes in progress.

After the fact, most crimes now leave some type of digital footprint. Tools such as
surveillance footage, facial recognition, digital forensics, advanced data sharing, and
situational awareness platforms can help police solve cases and bring perpetrators to
justice. One issue that plagues many cities across the developing world (and some in the
developed world) is a high rate of police shootings. Body-worn cameras have been highly
touted as a solution for deterring excessive use of force and fatal shootings, although the
evidence regarding their effectiveness is mixed.18 Regardless, police adoption of body-
worn cameras has the potential to bring at least the perception of greater accountability,
representing a step toward repairing a community’s trust in the criminal justice system.

Each city’s current crime patterns influence which applications could be most effective
there. For example, our analysis finds gunshot detection technology could lower fatalities
by up to 4 percent in urban areas where guns are easier to obtain and crime hotspots are
relatively concentrated. However, gunshot detection is of little relevance in cities with strict
gun control, and it is less effective in those with relatively dispersed crime patterns. In these
cases, real-time crime mapping technology and predictive policing seem to achieve bigger
drops in both homicides and other types of crime. Similarly, personal alert devices and
smart street lighting have a low objective impact in terms of reducing crime occurrence, but
they have a high subjective impact in making people feel safer. Cities may choose to deliver
on both fronts.

Smart technologies have to be deployed in a way that protects civil liberties—a critical
concern as their capabilities grow more powerful and middle-income countries race to
adopt the latest digital tools for policing. As more agencies develop large centralized
databases, they run the risk that individuals could be caught up erroneously or that
surveillance could be deployed for political purposes. Police agencies need appropriate
training and oversight systems to prevent abuse of these tools. Data privacy standards
and cybersecurity protocols will be critical for protecting against breaches. Encrypting,
stamping, and safeguarding footage taken from body-worn cameras in a certified cloud
environment could protect it from being altered or hacked, for instance. (See Chapter 4 for
further discussion of cybersecurity issues.) More comprehensive surveillance could produce
even more dramatic reductions in crime, but societies need to have deeper conversations
about the privacy trade-offs.

Sarah Griffiths, “CrimeRadar is using machine learning to predict crime in Rio,” Wired, August 18, 2016.
Stephen Goldsmith, Digital transformation: Wiring the responsive city, Center for State and Local Leadership
at the Manhattan Institute, June 2014.
Robert Muggah, “Does predictive policing work?” CipherBrief, December 2016.
A year-long study in Rialto, California, found that cameras were highly effective in reducing police use of force;
see Barak Ariel, William A. Farrar, and Alex Sutherland, “The effect of police body-worn cameras on use
of force and citizens’ complaints against the police: A randomized controlled trial,” Journal of Quantitative
Criminology, volume 31, issue 3, September 2015. But other studies have not found comparable results. See,
for example, Barak Ariel et al., “Report: Increases in police use of force in the presence of body-worn cameras
are driven by officer discretion,” Journal of Experimental Criminology, volume 12, issue 3, September 2016;
and David Yokum, Anita Ravishankar, and Alexander Coppock, Evaluating the effects of police body-worn
cameras: A randomized controlled trial, The Global (twice): Lab @ DC, Executive Office of the Washington,
DC, Mayor, working paper, October 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 41
Technology has to be applied in a way that avoids criminalizing specific neighborhoods or
demographic groups. In fact, there is concern that next-generation systems using artificial
intelligence systems may acquire biases based on race, gender, or other characteristics.
These applications are not substitutes for well-trained officers patrolling neighborhoods
they know well and forming relationships with residents. Authorities need more community
engagement to solve crimes, and they cannot afford to alienate the people they serve.

Emergency response

Minutes count when lives are at stake, making it critical to speed the arrival of first
responders to the scene of a crime, fire, accident, or medical emergency. While the setup
of emergency operations varies from city to city, technology has become essential to all the

MIN critical phases, from call centers to the field to the hospital admissions process.

time shaved off Applications such as call center optimization (which enables quicker processing through
emergency more accurate triage and digital call routing), field operations optimization (which speeds
response dispatch of emergency vehicles), and traffic signal preemption (which gives them a clear
driving path) can yield substantial impact. Newer emergency call systems have enhanced
GPS capabilities to pinpoint the location of callers using mobile phones; they are also
designed to be more secure from hackers and more resilient when call volume spikes. Some
enable callers to submit video, images, and text to dispatchers so that first responders can
have a clear picture of what to expect at the scene of an emergency.

Traffic safety and other preventive measures

Smart technologies can reduce traffic accidents. Some applications designed with an
eye toward improving mobility have the secondary effect of reducing harm. E-hailing, for
example, provides a safe and convenient alternative to getting behind the wheel of a car. We
estimate that it can reduce traffic fatalities by more than 1 percent in some cities where the
rate of traffic fatalities is high, primarily by cutting down on driving while drunk or otherwise
impaired.19 Removing cars from the road through applications such as congestion pricing
can decrease the likelihood of pedestrian and cyclist accidents, while improving traffic flow
with intelligent signals can decrease risky driving at intersections. But the biggest potential
breakthrough could occur if autonomous (self-driving) vehicles become technically and
commercially feasible and are adopted at sufficient scale (see Box 4, “A fast and furious
transformation of urban mobility,” later in this chapter, for more on this topic).

Applications that improve code inspection and enforcement (such as fire safety standards)
can also have an impact. New Orleans, for instance, applied analytics to US Census Bureau
data and came up with a plan to distribute smoke alarms to residences deemed to be
at high risk.20 Chicago has a small team of food safety inspectors covering thousands of
restaurants. The city has created an algorithm to predict which ones are most likely to be
in violation of health codes and deploy those inspectors more effectively. Chicago officials
created the algorithm using open-source tools and shared it on GitHub, inviting users to
improve the model and making it available to other cities. Washington, DC, has since used
it to establish its own data-driven restaurant safety inspections.21 Chicago’s public health

For more evidence on this point, see, for example, Frank Martin-Buck, Driving safety: An empirical analysis
of ridesharing’s impact on drunk driving and alcohol-related crime, University of Texas at Austin, November
2016. Although it is not included in our sizing, wireless ignition interlock systems are another application that
prevents impaired driving. This technology can be used to screen previous DUI offenders or commercial
drivers, who must pass a Breathalyzer test to activate their vehicle. Authorities are notified if they fail or try to
circumvent the device.
Katherine Hillenbrand, “Predicting fire risk: From New Orleans to a nationwide tool,” Data-Smart City Solutions
tool-846, Ash Center at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, June 2016,
Julian Spector, “Predictive policing comes to restaurants,” Atlantic, January 7, 2016.

42 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Box 3. Technology and the worst-case scenarios
After warning signs are missed, a terrorist attack leaves reduce the risk of fires.3 Similar efforts are under way to
hundreds dead. A hurricane unleashes catastrophic develop systems that will give residents more warning of
flooding and a chaotic evacuation. Wildfires roar into a impending tornadoes.
city, leaving residents only minutes to escape. These
Thousands of calls for help can strain a city’s resources
nightmare scenarios are hard to contemplate, but no city
and first responders to the limit in an emergency,
government can afford to be caught flat-footed when
and a lack of information sharing across agencies
lives are on the line. Preparedness, prevention, and quick
and neighboring jurisdictions can hamper efforts.
response can minimize the toll of a black swan event
Command centers with big data dashboards and data
or natural disaster—and technology can help on all of
visualization tools can help authorities monitor rapidly
these fronts.
evolving situations, allocate help where it is needed, and
The most effective strategy for dealing with a terrorist coordinate multiple agencies. Drones are increasingly
attack is stopping it before it takes place. Cities such being used to survey damage over large areas, while
as Beijing, Chicago, London, Santiago, and Singapore robots are beginning to assist with search-and-rescue
have installed extensive networks of cameras to monitor efforts. In the United States, AT&T was recently named
their streets for suspicious behavior. Now that social to build FirstNet, an interoperable network to improve
media platforms make it easier than ever for bad actors communication among first responders.
to organize, it has become vital for law enforcement
In emergencies, people now stay glued to their
to monitor these communications for warning signals.
smartphones. Where cities once relied on the news media
Researchers have built algorithms that can analyze
to inform communities in peril, they now supplement
social media posts to detect plots and identify people
those efforts by using social media channels such as
who may have been radicalized.1 But the trend toward
Facebook and Twitter. The flow of information runs two
increased surveillance raises concern about “big brother”
ways, with the public providing real-time digital updates
always watching and the potential use of these tools to
that can help authorities assess damage and deploy
undermine civil liberties and inhibit free expression.
resources. Cities can crowdsource data gleaned from
Cities now have to treat major public gatherings as Twitter, Waze, or specially designed websites and mobile
potential targets. Police departments can use stationary apps to piece together a picture of which evacuation
cameras, drones, and facial recognition technology to routes are passable, where power is out, and whether
scan for threats in crowds and at transit stations. Machine specific shelters are full. During the aftermath of Hurricane
learning is beginning to be able to isolate an individual Harvey, the city of Houston worked with a local group of
voice from crowd noise. After the 2013 Boston Marathon civic-minded technology volunteers to share a Google
bombing, investigators sifted through a flood of footage, Sheet on social media so that residents who needed
using video analytics to identify the perpetrators. Sensors rescue or knew of someone in trouble could report
can also detect threats such as explosives, radiation, and their exact location and specific need. This data was
biological agents. converted into a crowdsourced Google map that both
first responders and the “Cajun navy” of volunteer boat
When it comes to natural disasters, giving the public
owners used to fan out across the metro area.4
as much warning as possible can enable people to
take precautionary measures or evacuate if necessary. Some of the biggest tech platforms have unveiled
Advances in storm-tracking satellites and weather- emergency tools, such as Facebook’s Safety Check
prediction modeling have dramatically improved the and Nextdoor’s Urgent Alert. Google has a dedicated
accuracy of early predictions about the paths storms crisis response team that integrates information about
will take.2 Mexico and Japan have implemented early- emergency needs, resources, and donations into maps,
warning systems for earthquakes that can give residents alerts, sites, and other tools to help affected communities
seconds or even minutes to get to the safest nearby spot. and relief agencies. Airbnb’s Open Homes program
Some new early-warning systems will cause elevators activates the company’s host community and has
to stop and open at the nearest floor so people are provided free short-term accommodations to people
not trapped, send alerts to hospital operating rooms, displaced by disaster.
and shut down the flow of natural gas in pipelines to

Catherine Caruso, “Can a social-media algorithm predict a terror attack?” MIT Technology Review, June 16, 2016.
See, for example, Peter Bauer, Alan Thorpe, and Gilbert Brunet, “The quiet revolution of numerical weather prediction,” Nature, volume 525,
September 2015; and Alan Burdick, “Our weather-prediction models keep getting better, and Hurricane Irma is the proof,” The New Yorker,
September 2017.
Shelby Grad and Rong-Gong Lin II, “Mexico got early warning before deadly earthquake struck. When will California get that system?” Los
Angeles Times, September 8, 2017.
Chris Bosquet, “Data-driven emergency response: Learning from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma,” Data-Smart City Solutions blog, Ash Center at
McKinsey Global
the Harvard InstituteSchool ofSmart
Kennedy cities: Digital
Government, solutions
October for a more livable future
3, 2017. 43
department has also partnered with the University of Chicago to create an analytics-based
approach to identify structures where children may be exposed to lead paint.22


Time is a precious commodity, and in looking at how to save time for the average urban
resident, we focus largely on the daily commute. Some digital applications can streamline
interactions with the government (such as paying taxes and registering vehicles) and with
the healthcare system. But these effects are much smaller since these interactions are not
frequent, regular occurrences for the average person. Commuting takes up such a large
proportion of the average person’s day that it is by far the most effective place to look for
time savings.

Commutes are also a major determinant of quality of life. As urban populations soar, traffic
often slows to a crawl, and transit infrastructure may be stretched to the limit. Studies
have shown that longer daily commutes are correlated with lower life satisfaction and even

MIN/DAY increased risk of anxiety, poor fitness, obesity, high blood pressure, and other physical
maladies.23 These findings come as no surprise to millions of commuters in cities as diverse
potential time as Jakarta, Bangalore, Rio, Nairobi, Seoul, and Atlanta—people who begin and end every
saved on the workday fuming in traffic or piling onto overcrowded buses. The poorest residents tend to
average commute have the most grueling commutes, since high housing costs force many of them to live on
the periphery.

Cities can seize on the current wave of innovation in mobility to address not only commuting
times but also other aspects of the experience, such as comfort, price, and equitable
access. Beyond mobility applications, growing private-sector acceptance of telecommuting
may free greater numbers of workers from the strictures of traveling to an office every day.
Providing more efficient, less stressful commutes and more options will give people greater
choice about where to live and empower them to take back more of their day, removing a
drag on the local economy’s productivity in the bargain.

Understanding the potential impact and how it varies across cities

By 2025, cities that deploy a full range of intelligent mobility applications have the potential
to cut average commuting times by 15–20 percent, with some workers enjoying even more
substantial reductions. For the average commuter, this translates into getting back 15–30
minutes every workday—or two to four full days every year.

Exhibit 7 shows the potential impact of each application in three different cities, including a
dense high-income city with extensive existing transit infrastructure and two lower-income
cities with infrastructure gaps of varying severity. It shows that the potential impact of each
application is highly variable, depending on each city’s starting point in terms of congestion,
the extent and quality of existing transit infrastructure, and the predominant mode of
commuting. Baseline starting points vary dramatically. In a high-income city with a well-
utilized metro and organized road traffic, the average commute may take 45 minutes each
way. That figure skyrockets to almost an hour and a half each way in a sprawling developing
city where there is no metro, many people take minibuses, and traffic is gridlocked.

Eric Potash et al., “Predictive modeling for public health: Preventing childhood lead poisoning,” Proceedings
of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Sydney,
Australia, August 10–13, 2015.
See, for example, Margo Hilbrecht, Bryan Smale, and Steven E. Mock, “Highway to health? Commute time
and well-being among Canadian adults,” World Leisure Journal, volume 56, number 2, 2014; Christine M.
Hoehner, Carolyn E. Barlow, Peg Allen, and Mario Schootman, “Commuting distance, cardiorespiratory
fitness, and metabolic risk,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, volume 42, number 6, June 2012;
and Alois Stutzer and Bruno S. Frey, “Stress that doesn’t pay: The commuting paradox,” The Scandinavian
Journal of Economics, volume 110, issue 2, June 2008.

44 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Exhibit 7

Time and convenience Mobility Healthcare Engagement and community

City 1 City 2 City 3

Medium commute times; Medium commute times; Long commute times;
subway is primary mode; bus is primary mode; bus is primary mode;
medium congestion; low medium congestion; high high congestion; low bus
bus occupancy bus occupancy occupancy
(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)

Commute time
% decrease in average commute time by application1
Real-time public transit
5.2 2.5 3.8
Predictive maintenance of
2.3 1.4 1.1
transit system
Intelligent traffic signals 2.2 5.5 4.9

Smart parking 2.1 2.7 0.6

Real-time road navigation 1.0 2.6 3.0

Demand-based microtransit 0.6 2.7 2.9

Bike sharing 0.5 0.4 0.1

Congestion pricing 0.4 1.0 1.6

Digital payment in
0.2 3.1 0.6
public transit
Smart parcel lockers 0.2 0.5 0.3

Parcel load pooling 0.1 0.3 0.6

Integrated multimodal
0 0.5 0.4
Car sharing -0.1 -0.3 -0.1
-0.1 -1.2 -2.2
(private and pooled)3

Time spent interacting with government and healthcare system

% reduction in time spent by application4
Digital administrative
28 61 27
citizen services
Telemedicine 10 3 11
Online care search
4 1 3
and scheduling
Integrated patient flow
3 1 4
management systems

1 Overlaps not considered.

2 Includes informal buses.
3 E-hailing assumes 50% private, 50% pooled.
4 Includes time spent traveling, filling out and submitting forms, collecting necessary paperwork, and waiting to receive services. Does not include time spent
with healthcare providers receiving services. Overlaps not considered.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 45
In general, cities that already have extensive and well-utilized transit systems benefit most
from applications that streamline the experience for riders, such as real-time status updates.
Predictive maintenance is particularly helpful with metro systems, since one nonfunctional
car can hold up many behind it. Digital payment systems are effective with high-occupancy
buses, so that passengers fumbling for the exact fare no longer hold up everyone else.
In cities where driving is more prevalent, the biggest benefit comes from applications
that decrease road congestion, such as intelligent traffic signals and smart parking. By
encouraging individuals not to drive their own cars, applications such as congestion pricing
and demand-based microtransit reduce the overall number of vehicles on the road. But
smart technologies can only do so much if the city is fully gridlocked and does not have
sufficient roads or public transit alternatives. In those cases, it is critical for cities to develop
multipronged mobility strategies and invest in foundational systems.

It should be noted that the time savings above is a conservative estimate. Extending our
time frame out a bit further, to 2030, we see potential for cities to make even greater strides
than case studies have demonstrated to date. A few currently available applications (such
as demand-based microtransit and smart parcel lockers) have been piloted only at small
scale or have room for better implementation. Additional benefits may unfold in unexpected
ways over time. Reduced congestion, for example, may allow some workers to move
farther away from work to areas with more affordable housing. Urban mobility is entering a
period of dramatic change and innovation (see Box 4, “A fast and furious transformation of
urban mobility”).

We find that some of the most highly publicized smart mobility applications have relatively
limited impact on average commute times, though they touch other aspects of daily
life. Congestion pricing, for example, can ease peak-time traffic, but it generally pushes
people to take slower modes of transit. Its notable impact is not in time savings but rather
in reduced noise, pollution, and traffic accidents. E-hailing may actually add vehicles and
increase congestion.24 But it frees riders from the stress of driving themselves, lets them
focus on activities that would not be possible when they are driving, and offers a safer
alternative for people who are impaired or too tired to drive. Bike and car sharing generally
have low adoption potential for commuting outside the city core or as “last-mile” solutions
to complement transit. But bike sharing may encourage physical activity, while car sharing
could reduce the cost of living for those who choose not to buy their own vehicles.

Public transit
Most dense cities in advanced economies have subway or light rail systems built decades
ago. Many have become overburdened over time—and adding new lines or additional cars
is an expensive proposition. In New York, for example, almost half of all commuters take the
subway to school or work.25 But the system is showing its age. Delays have been worsening
in recent years due to breakdowns, deferred maintenance, and the sheer time it takes to
load and unload passengers at every stop.26

Smart city technologies can stretch transit investment, helping cities get more out of
their existing assets or embedding intelligence into expansions and new assets. Adding
IoT sensors to existing infrastructure can help crews perform predictive maintenance on
equipment, fixing problems before they turn into breakdowns and delays. Collecting and
analyzing data on public transit usage and traffic can also help cities make better decisions

There is limited data on this point, but see, for example, Regina R. Clewlow and Gouri Shankar Mishra, The
adoption, utilization, and impacts of ride-hailing in the United States, Institute of Transportation Studies,
University of California-Davis, October 2017.
US Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2016.
See, for example, Emma G. Fitzsimmons, Ford Fessenden, and K. K. Rebecca Lai, “Every New York City
subway line is getting worse. Here’s why,” New York Times, June 28, 2017.

46 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
about modifying bus routes, installing traffic signals and turn lanes, adding bike lanes, and
determining infrastructure budgets.

Real-time information about routes and arrival times can be delivered on digital signage
or via mobile apps. This enables riders to make adjustments on the fly; if they can see that
there is a long wait for the next express train, for example, they may hop on a local train
that stops on the same platform or transfer to another line. Offering information about
multiple modes of transit in one view gives people even greater ability to avoid delays
and find the fastest route before they even set out. Helsinki, for example, uses the Whim
smartphone app, which allows users to enter a destination, find the fastest route there by
any combination of transportation modes, and pay for the trip in one transaction.27

Many existing transit systems are going ticketless with integrated digital payment systems.
The Transport for London system, for example, accepts contactless payment; riders can
simply tap their Oyster smartcards, specially designated bank cards, or mobile phones at
Underground turnstiles or upon boarding buses. This required investment in new payment
infrastructure, but it reduces the ongoing costs of revenue collection.28 Other cities have
turned to mobile ticketing; riders can simply pay within Houston’s new METRO Q app,
for example.29

Technology can help to ease gridlock. Intelligent syncing of traffic signals, for example, is
meant to prevent backups at intersections. Real-time navigation alerts drivers to accidents,
construction, and congestion and helps them choose the fastest route. Smart parking apps
point them directly to available spots, eliminating time spent fruitlessly circling city blocks—
an effect that reduces congestion for everyone. Applications such as congestion pricing aim
to ease traffic by discouraging driving altogether, particularly during rush hour. Smart parcel
lockers and load pooling (which dynamically matches available truck capacity with delivery
needs) can cut down on the number of trucks clogging streets.

Cities in which buses are the primary mode of public transit also stand to gain from these
traffic measures. A substantial share of the population relies on buses in many developing
cities, but explosive population growth, combined with poor-quality roads and too few traffic
signals, can make this a daunting proposition. In Bogotá, for example, the Transmilenio
and conventional bus system together account for more than 60 percent of motorized
commutes, while only 20 percent are in private cars—and on average, it takes people more
than an hour to slog through traffic and get to work.30

Having sufficient access to good public transit alternatives is a prerequisite for applications
that encourage people to shift away from private vehicles to other modes of transportation.
With these in place, mode-shifting applications can have multiple layers of impact: not
only reducing commute times but simultaneously improving air quality and reducing
GHG emissions. Cities could create some of these alternatives, adding new options to
complement existing transit infrastructure. Demand-based microtransit, which matches
riders with similar routes on mini shuttles, is just one of the options. It could prove to
be more viable and cost-effective than building out traditional infrastructure systems in
underserved neighborhoods—particularly if services are coordinated city-wide to maximize
routing efficiency.

Nanette Barnes, “Helsinki hopes this app will make people ditch their cars,” MIT Technology Review,
November 2017.
“Redesigning the public transportation experience: London’s contactless card system,”,
October 2017.
Julian Spector, “Houston gives transit riders a quicker way to pay,” CityLab blog, February 29, 2016.
Camila Rodriguez et al., Bogotá’s bus reform process: Accessibility & affordability effects, lessons learnt &
alternatives to tackle informal services, World Bank, August 2016.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 47
Box 4. A fast and furious transformation of urban mobility
New forms of shared mobility, including car sharing, protection from malicious hacking, liability issues, and
e-hailing, and pooled e-hailing, have already taken off in safety, particularly as these vehicles are introduced
cities around the world. We have therefore included them in unpredictable real-world settings alongside human
among the smart city applications in our projections. drivers and pedestrians. The net impact on commute
But they are merely a sign of even bigger things to come. times will likely be modest, as improvements to flow
Autonomous vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, are combined with additional congestion if the public
are now beginning to hit the road in reality. Self-driving embraces this form of mobility. Even if travel times do
taxis are already cruising the streets of Singapore, and not decrease, however, the quality of the experience
they are being piloted in many other places. Flying cars may improve if commuters do not have focus on
and taxis are even on the horizon. the road but are freed to read, work, or entertain
themselves. Especially when combined with sharing
Several key trends—not only shared mobility platforms
and electrification, autonomous vehicles stand to be a
but also electric vehicles, low-cost batteries, the Internet
disruptive force in urban mobility.
of Things, and ultimately autonomous vehicles—are
converging. As a result, urban mobility is likely to have a It is impossible to predict exactly how these changes will
radically new look in just ten to 15 years. play out and change the lives of urban residents. Much
of the impact depends on private-sector innovation,
Cities at the forefront of these trends will be able to
ongoing technical improvements, and national or state-
harness these technologies to offer seamless mobility
level regulation. But cities do not have to watch the
that takes people from door to door on demand,
future of mobility unfold passively. They can decide how
combining high-quality public transit with self-driving
autonomous vehicles might fit into an integrated mobility
shared vehicles. Electric vehicles are already gaining
plan that includes traditional public transit and road
traction as battery prices fall and charging infrastructure
infrastructure, perhaps bringing private-sector partners
is built out, and they would become more prevalent in
into the effort.
this kind of ecosystem. Shared vehicles are used more
intensively, which improves the economics of electric City leaders can also decide to push things even further
vehicles—a critical development, since they could be one by, for example, encouraging ride sharing, mandating
of the biggest keys to containing GHG emissions. Cities night deliveries, or allocating dedicated lanes for
might be able to maintain or reduce the total number of autonomous cars. Individual cities will make their own
vehicles on the road even as populations increase.1 choices about what kind of future to pursue. Cities on
one end of the spectrum may exercise caution or resist
Widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles will be
change, while others could take bold leaps such as
harder to achieve in developing cities due to a variety of
banning private vehicles from the urban core. They have
barriers: poor road infrastructure, the variety of vehicles
a wide variety of policy tools at their disposal: they can
and pedestrians on the road, and more chaotic traffic
set mandates, incentives, subsidies, and standards; they
conditions. The residents of higher-income cities where
can convert government fleets; and they can support the
development has led to sprawl seem likeliest to embrace
build-out of vehicle-charging infrastructure. Cities would
autonomous vehicles—and in fact, self-driving cars may
do well to engage with the public as they map out their
enable further expansion of suburbs and exurbs. Dense,
implementation path and address concerns regarding
high-income cities seem to be the best laboratories
safety, employment, and affordability.
for implementing a vision of seamless mobility across
multiple modes of transportation. Ultimately, widely adopted autonomous driving
technology could offer a more comfortable, pleasant, and
Autonomous vehicles could have a bigger impact on
affordable way for urban residents get from Point A to
safety than on commuting times. Our analysis suggests
Point B—and because ubiquitous self-driving cars could
that they could potentially decrease road traffic fatalities
operate at optimal speeds, they could eventually reduce
by as much as 25 percent by 2025, since cameras
commute times further. Every year more than a million
and computers are not subject to the same kinds of
lives are lost globally in traffic accidents, most of them due
distractions that cause human mistakes. But many
to human error. If self-driving cars live up to their promise,
challenges must be addressed for autonomous vehicles
they could greatly reduce those losses.
to reach that potential. These include software bugs,

An integrated perspective on the future of mobility, McKinsey & Company and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, October 2016, explores various
scenarios for adoption.

48 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Time spent interacting with government and healthcare services
Although city residents spend far more time commuting, they may still be in for a frustrating
experience when they have to deal with government agencies or the healthcare system.
In both cases, it is not uncommon to have to wait for hours on end for services that could
be better organized. People across the world spend an average of 10–40 hours per year
traveling to government and healthcare facilities, collecting and filling out forms, and waiting
to be seen. According to a 2015 US study, the average healthcare visit took 121 minutes—
only 20 of which were spent with physicians.31

Digital citizen services can help reduce this unproductive time in government services. Cities
can create easy-to-use online portals allowing people to apply for driver’s licenses, register
their vehicles, and interact with agencies without the in-person hassle. This is especially
helpful in cities with many layers of bureaucracy and red tape.

In healthcare, telemedicine can make it more convenient for people to do routine checks
and handle minor ailments, reducing the strain on emergency rooms and formal doctor’s
offices. When the barriers to preventive care and early treatment are lowered, more patients
may seek treatment before their conditions worsen. Integrated patient flow management
systems can help hospitals efficiently connect patients with the right facilities and available
beds, while online care search and scheduling gives users a convenient and transparent
method of booking appointments that work for them.


Health challenges are hardly unique to cities—after all, illness is illness, whether it happens
to someone living in an urban area or a rural area. Similarly, technology has just as much life-
changing potential for rural patients as it does for urban populations. But we consider health
to be an essential and promising area for smart city innovation.

Cities amplify certain health risks, such as air and noise pollution, contamination, and
outbreaks of communicable disease. They are also microcosms of broader issues of
inequality. Most have top-flight doctors and hospitals but major disparities in access to care.
Furthermore, health issues linked to poor nutrition, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, and
other risk factors tend to be prevalent among the urban poor.

On the flip side of those issues, the sheer density of cities makes them a vital if currently
underutilized platform for addressing health. When planned and governed well, cities can
provide an environment that enables millions of people to live longer, healthier, and more
productive lives. They can experiment with new interventions, aggregate large volumes of
data, and deploy new technologies at scale—and they have room to be more nimble and
innovative than national governments. Indeed, places such as Singapore, Songdo, and
Yinchuan have built capabilities for remote patient monitoring and telemedicine, making
more seamless healthcare part of the urban fabric.

Today the contours of each nation’s healthcare system set boundaries on the role that
local governments can play. But even in countries where city governments have no formal
role, it makes sense to view health through an urban lens. Cities are and always have
been laboratories for public health innovation. Every government can play some role
in the transition to a more digital, wellness-oriented, and patient-centered approach to
healthcare—whether they provide funding, drive adoption of new technologies, establish
incentives, or create a supportive regulatory environment. Even if municipal authorities limit
their role to convening key players and ensuring that the public receives essential messages,

Kristin N. Ray, “Opportunity costs of ambulatory medical care in the United States,” The American Journal of

Managed Care, August 2015.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 49
they will help to determine whether the promise of digital technology in healthcare eventually
translates into better outcomes.

A wave of digital innovation is transforming every aspect of healthcare, from medical

research and clinical care to the way patients navigate the system. Even high-income
countries where cutting-edge treatments are available have barely scratched the surface
of everything big data, analytics, and machine learning can do to transform medicine. A
recent MGI report found that the US healthcare sector, for example, has captured only
10–20 percent of the digital potential identified five years earlier.32 Doctors are just beginning
to use clinical support tools to assist in diagnosis and prevent adverse drug interactions. The
possibilities are even more exciting as medical researchers apply machine learning tools to
massive patient data sets to accelerate the search for cures and move toward personalized
medicine. All of this may seem to be beyond the scope of what cities can influence, but it is
possible for them to play a role in areas such as gathering and sharing data.

Understanding the potential impact and how it varies across cities

Recognizing that the role of technology in healthcare is broad and evolving by the day, we
confine our analysis to digital applications that offer cities room to play a role in improving
public health, expanding access to services, and improving the quality of care. As in other
areas, taking a holistic look at the full set of tools available to improve health among city
residents is likely to lead to the best outcomes.

Our analysis quantifies the potential associated with various applications in terms of
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), the primary metric used by the World Health
Organization to convey the global burden of disease. It combines the effects of mortality
reduction in
and morbidity into a single number, reflecting not only a year of life lost to early death but
disease burden
also the effects of productive and healthy life lost to disability or incapacity, with the number
weighted by the severity of the health burden.33 Reducing DALYs is a proxy for reducing the
disease burden and extending healthy, productive lifespans. Baseline DALYs vary sharply
from city to city, depending on factors such as their level of economic development, the
quality of available care, and access to care. The baseline DALY metric might stand at just
above 100 per person in a high-income city, but it can be three times higher in a poor city
struggling with different types of public health risks.

If cities deploy the applications included in our analyses to their fullest effect, we see
potential to reduce DALYs by 8–15 percent, depending on each location’s current starting
point and its underlying issues. Exhibit 8 shows the estimated impact of specific healthcare
applications in cities with varying income levels and different health challenges. Because
many applications have co-benefits in multiple dimensions, the ultimate impact on health
may not be obvious. For example, bike sharing can lower transportation costs for many
people, but the health trade-offs vary by city. Where there is high disease burden from low
physical activity, and where air is clean and streets are safe, bike sharing may be positive for
health. But if outdoor air quality is poor, or if cyclists are frequently hit by cars, bike sharing
may actually have a negative impact on health. In our analysis of three cities, bike sharing
has a roughly neutral impact on health.

Improved chronic disease treatment

In higher-income cities where the top causes of DALYs are so-called lifestyle diseases, the
biggest potential lies in smart applications that prevent, treat, and monitor these conditions.
In the United States, for instance, the US Centers for Disease Control estimates that roughly
half of the adult population is living with one or more long-term chronic conditions such

The age of analytics: Competing in a data-driven world, McKinsey Global Institute, December 2016.

For details on how the WHO calculates this metric, see


50 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
as diabetes, kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. These not
only take an incalculable human toll, accounting for seven out of every 10 deaths, but they
account for the majority of the nation’s healthcare spending.

Exhibit 8

Health Healthcare Security Mobility Water

% reduction in DALYs
in different cities by
City 1 City 2 City 3
Low overall disease Low overall (mixed) High overall disease
burden, with high share disease burden; medium burden, with high share
of chronic diseases; high access to care; medium of communicable
access to care; low infant infant mortality diseases; low access to
mortality (eg, Rio de Janeiro) care; high infant mortality
(eg, New York City) (eg, Lagos)

Remote patient monitoring 4.3 3.4 1.4

Lifestyle wearables 1.0 0.6 0.1

Telemedicine 0.7 2.0 2.0

Data-based health interventions:
0.4 1.5 5.1
Maternal and child health
First aid alert applications 0.2 0.2 0

Infectious disease surveillance 0.2 0.7 5.0

Real-time air quality information 0.1 0.2 0.8

Data-based health interventions:
0 0.1 0.5
Sanitation and hygiene

Emergency response optimization 0.1 0.4 0.3

Data-driven building inspections 0.1 0.2 0.1

Predictive policing 0.1 0.6 0

Real-time crime mapping 0.1 0.5 0

Gunshot detection 0.1 0.2 0

Congestion pricing 0 0.1 0

Demand-based microtransit 0 0 0.2

Water quality monitoring 0 0 0.5

1 Overlaps not considered.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Remote patient monitoring and care systems take a more proactive and preventive
approach to treating chronic conditions, and they have a larger potential impact in high-
income cities than any other type of application we analyzed, reducing DALYs by more than
4 percent in a high-income city (and by more than 3 percent in a middle-income city with

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 51
more mixed disease burdens). These systems use digital devices to take vital readings,
then transmit them securely to doctors in another location for assessment. They can alert
both patient and doctor when early intervention is needed, potentially heading off more
serious complications and avoiding hospitalizations. Patients gain freedom from constant
office visits, which in turn relieves pressure on health facilities. These applications can
make all the difference in quality of life for elderly patients who want to continue living at
home independently and provide peace of mind for their family members. Places including
Singapore and Tokyo are expanding the use of these types of applications specifically with
an eye to their aging populations.

The use of data to fight preventable diseases

Data and digital tools can be harnessed to address some of the fundamental public health
challenges facing the developing world. The level of mortality and morbidity caused by
infectious and parasitic disease in a country like Nigeria is six times higher than that of the
leading cause of death in the United States (cardiovascular disease). Tens of millions of
deaths and serious illnesses each year can be attributed to preventable causes such as
malnutrition, lack of immunizations, inadequate maternal and early childhood care, unsafe
sex, and inadequate water and sanitation systems that can spread infectious disease.

Cities can substantially reduce the risks of preventable and easily treatable illnesses
by using big data and advanced analytics to shape public health interventions. Small
subpopulations often account for a large share of certain conditions. Analytics can identify
potential reduction
demographic groups with elevated risk profiles so that interventions can be targeted more
in DALYs in a
precisely. Having identified the right target audiences, authorities can reach large numbers
low-income city
of people in a highly effective, low-cost way through text messaging, which does not
with high childhood require a smartphone or Internet access. So-called mHealth interventions can disseminate
mortality lifesaving messages about vaccinations, sanitation, diabetes self-management, and safe
sex as well as medication reminders for patients on antiretroviral therapy and other types of
public health campaigns. This approach is valuable in any city, but it could have an outsized
impact in the poorest developing cities. In particular, our analysis finds that data-based
interventions focused on maternal and child health—such as sending at-risk mothers timely
reminders about pre- and postnatal care—can reduce DALYs by more than 5 percent in a
city with high childhood mortality rates. This type of approach is already producing results:
a recent randomized control study found that timely SMS reminders increased childhood
immunization rates in Kenya—and the effect was even larger when combined with small
monetary incentives.34

Big data is dramatically improving infectious disease surveillance, and we estimate that low-
income cities could reduce DALYs by another 5 percent by implementing these systems.
Health officials can stay a step ahead of fast-moving epidemics by tracking new cases in
real time. This may involve monitoring social media, Internet searches, and even cellphone
usage—and the tools are becoming more sophisticated. During the 2016 Zika outbreak,
experts in epidemiology, technology, and public health teamed up to capture location
intelligence and analyze it with data visualizations and mapping tools as the disease spread
throughout Rio and eventually made its way to Miami. Users of the mWater mobile app,
an open-source tool being used in countries around the world, test for contamination in
drinking water sources, then upload the findings to a global water database for mapping.

Dustin G. Gibson et al., “Mobile phone-delivered reminders and incentives to improve childhood immunization

coverage and timeliness in Kenya (M-SIMU): A cluster randomized controlled trial,” The Lancet Global Health,
volume 5, number 4, April 2017. A review of reviews found that the majority of text-messaging interventions
were effective for addressing diabetes self-management, weight loss, physical activity, smoking cessation,
and medication adherence for antiretroviral therapy; see Amanda K. Hall, Heather Cole-Lewis, and Jay M.
Bernhardt, “Mobile text messaging for health: A systematic review of reviews,” Annual Review of Public
Health, volume 26, March 2015.

52 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Improved clinical care and a better patient experience
Telemedicine harnesses the power of the Internet to provide clinical consultations by
videoconference. These systems can be lifesaving in rural communities, but they also have
relevance in low-income cities that have inadequate access to healthcare (provided that a
baseline level of communication infrastructure is present). In many middle- and low-income
cities, there are simply too few doctors for the size of the population—including very few
specialists. In these settings, telemedicine has the potential to reduce DALYs by roughly
2 percent. These systems are best suited for more routine health issues, but they can also
improve clinical decision making as doctors in one city are able to consult with specialists
anywhere in the world. China, for example, is developing telemedicine as part of its strategy
for addressing disparities in access to care. Hospitals and clinics in smaller cities can be
connected to highly specialized hospitals in major urban centers and in other countries. In
Zhejiang Province, the Ningbo Cloud Hospital offers video consultations with a network of
providers across the region.35 Telemedicine also has relevance in high-income cities, where
usage can relieve pressure on overburdened traditional healthcare systems.

Technology can also play a role in improving the patient experience. Applications such as
online provider searches, online scheduling, and home care management are making it
more convenient and seamless for patients to navigate the system. Seniors with medical
conditions can benefit not only from remote patient monitoring but also from specialized
ride-sharing apps and new types of on-demand home care services. Advances in
integrated patient flow management systems, which track patients through their hospital
journey and monitor hospital bed and lab capacity, can help providers guide patients to the
right facilities at the right time, reducing waits.

Patient engagement and wellness

The potential for digital tools to spur behavior change and build healthier communities is
less appreciated but also profound. Technology can do much more than remake systems
that treat the sick. It can also be harnessed to empower people to take charge of their
own health, reducing the disease burden rather than treating it after the fact. Wearable
devices that track physical activity have gained acceptance and have received the greatest
attention, but this is an area ripe for more innovation. The advent of more connected
devices and healthcare apps can give individuals information and support to make healthier
choices about nutrition, alcohol, smoking cessation, drug use, regular preventive care,
and adherence to doctor’s orders for existing conditions. This kind of approach could be
critical as rapidly growing developing cities embrace Western-style convenience food
and experience soaring rates of obesity and diabetes as a result. China is now nearing the
US rate of diabetes prevalence, and the number of adults living with diabetes in Africa is
expected to double to almost 41 million people by 2045.36

Louisville, Kentucky, illustrates one way that cities can put data into patients’ hands so they
can act on it. Our discussion of air quality later in this chapter describes how data from
sensors placed throughout a city can give authorities the evidence they need to address
pollution through policy and enforcement. Louisville took a slightly different approach,
collecting data from sensors attached to the inhalers used by asthma patients. Patients can
access this information on a digital platform to get personalized guidance about controller

See, for example, China’s digital transformation: The Internet’s impact on productivity and growth, McKinsey
Global Institute, July 2014; and Wu Yan, “Smart healthcare changes Chinese lives, but challenges remain,”
China Daily, March 7, 2016.
See Limin Wang et al., “Prevalence and ethnic pattern of diabetes and prediabetes in China, 2013,” Journal
of the American Medical Association, volume 317, number 24, June 2017; and IDF global diabetes atlas,
International Diabetes Federation, eighth edition, 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 53
medication and what sets off their attacks, while the aggregated data is also analyzed by the
city to identify specific local environmental triggers.37

Behavioral change is notoriously hard to bring about, and it will not happen without a
catalyst. Cities have a major opportunity to play that role. In addition to expanding access to
care, they can try to create a wellness system enabled by technology rather than a system
that treats disease only after the fact. They are uniquely positioned to aggregate data on
the environmental, social, and cultural factors that influence health and illness—and to use
that information to shape urban planning, local regulations, and budget priorities. Forward-
thinking city leaders worldwide have been putting new emphasis on making streets more
bike- and pedestrian-friendly, delivering health and nutrition programs in schools, expanding
parks, and bringing better food choices to underserved neighborhoods. Now the ubiquity
of mobile phones and digital connectivity gives them an entirely new suite of options for
encouraging healthier choices and pointing residents to resources.



Over the past three decades, the world’s urban population has been rising by an average of
65 million people a year—a pace never before seen in history. By 2050, cities are projected
to add another 2.5 billion people, with nearly 90 percent of the increase concentrated in Asia
of the world's
and Africa.38 But as urbanization, industrialization, and consumption grow, environmental
GHG emissions are
pressures multiply. Environmental degradation can have a cascading effect on residents’
generated by cities
physical health and their quality of life—as well as on the long-term sustainability of the
city itself.

Cities in India and China have recently experienced well-publicized episodes of choking
smog, but air pollution hangs over cities worldwide. One recent global study estimated that
outdoor air pollution causes more than three million premature deaths each year.39 In many
places, garbage collection and disposal systems cannot keep up with the volume of waste
being generated. And environmental issues arise throughout the world, independent of
geographies or GDP. Water shortages have hit Cape Town and São Paulo but also places
like Atlanta and Sydney. One 2017 report found that 95 percent of London’s population was
exposed to air pollution that exceeded the limits recommended by the WHO by more than
50 percent.40 It is possible to turn things around, however. Los Angeles, for example, was
once notorious for smog but achieved dramatic improvements, not only in pollution levels
but also in child asthma rates.

Cities around the world are also coming to grips with the fact that they are major
contributors to climate change—and highly vulnerable to its effects. Urban areas consume
over two-thirds of the world’s energy and generate roughly 70 percent of its greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions.41 Many regions are experiencing the early effects of climate change, and
the risks of rising sea levels are especially acute for coastal megacities. One global survey
found that majorities in 40 nations view climate change as a serious risk, with respondents
in 19 countries listing it as their top concern.42 While many national governments have been
slow to respond to the scale of the challenge, cities have taken the lead, responding to their
constituents’ concerns about the future awaiting the next generation.

Air Louisville project: See also Arthur Allen, “How bourbon and big data are
cleaning up Louisville,” Politico, November 16, 2017.
Urban world: Mapping the economic power of cities, McKinsey Global Institute, March 2011; World
urbanization prospects, 2014 revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
J. Lelieveld et al., “The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale,”
Nature, volume 525, September 2015.
“Every person in London now breathes dangerous levels of toxic air,” World Economic Forum blog, October 6,
“Why cities?” C40 Cities,
Climate change seen as top global threat, Pew Research Center, July 2015, based on a 40-country survey of
45,000 respondents conducted in spring 2015.

54 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Understanding the potential impact and how it varies across cities
Our analysis looks specifically at how digital tools can help to improve a city’s carbon
footprint and air quality as well as reducing unrecycled waste and water consumption.
We find that deploying a range of applications to the best reasonable extent could, on
average, cut greenhouse gas emissions by 10–15 percent, lower water consumption
by 20–30 percent, and reduce the amount of unrecycled solid waste per capita by 15–
20 percent. Depending on a city’s characteristics, this could mean 30–130 fewer kilograms
of unrecycled waste per person each year and 25–80 liters of water saved per person
every day. Exhibit 9 shows how each of the applications we considered could contribute to
these outcomes.

Despite this significant impact potential, technology should be seen as one part of a tool
kit for addressing environmental issues. For some cities, the more immediate priority may
be regulation or modernizing physical infrastructure. When it comes to lowering emissions,
for example, shifting to a cleaner mix of fuel sources for energy generation and mandating
tighter energy-efficiency standards in buildings are the most powerful levers.43

Most smart city applications that affect emissions hinge on private adoption and changing
behaviors. Technology can make a big difference, although some cities in the developing
world still have work to do in areas such as measuring water consumption. The odds of
success improve if cities not only roll out tools to track consumption but also complement
them with strategies such as public awareness campaigns, pricing strategies, and
supportive regulation.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Our analysis looks at greenhouse gas emissions, measured in kilograms of carbon dioxide
equivalent per capita per year, estimating the size of reductions cities can realistically expect
to achieve by deploying smart city applications. This effort will also have another positive
potential reduction
effect: helping to reduce air pollution, which directly impacts health (see Box 5, “Air quality:
in GHG emissions
Interlocking effects, interlocking solutions”).

GHG emissions come from three major sources in cities: buildings, transportation, and
waste. In general, the most effective ways smart city technologies can help lower emissions
involve lowering electricity consumption (particularly by eliminating wasteful consumption)
and changing transportation patterns. The impact a city can achieve by using specific
applications depends on its existing mix of fuel sources and whether most of its current
emissions are generated by buildings, vehicles, or waste.

In cities where structures are the source of most emissions, building automation systems
can lower emissions by just under 3 percent if adopted in most commercial buildings and
by another 3 percent if adopted in most homes. Both of these cases depend on adoption
by private actors. A great deal of energy is wasted in homes and commercial buildings alike
simply by heating, cooling, and lighting empty rooms. Building automation systems address
these inefficiencies by incorporating features such as smart thermostats, smart appliances,
and optimized lighting that use timers or detect when someone is present. Singapore, for
instance, is beginning to scale up the way intelligent buildings are managed. Its Building and
Construction Authority is establishing a smart portal that can monitor energy use across an
entire portfolio of 30 buildings, using machine learning to flag waste and send messages
to facility managers to take corrective action.44 Smart home automation systems can now
be integrated with security systems and voice-activated personal assistants that can run
timers, play music, and search the Internet; they may also be controlled with mobile apps.

Focused acceleration: A strategic approach to climate action in cities to 2030, C40 Cities and McKinsey
Center for Business and Environment, November 2017.
“Singapore’s big IoT push is on smart buildings,” GovInsider blog, September 6, 2016,

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 55
Exhibit 9

Environmental quality Energy Mobility Waste Water

City 1 City 2 City 3

High per capita emissions, Low per capita emissions Low per capita emissions,
primarily from structures; high from mixed sources; low primarily from transport;
carbon intensity of grid carbon intensity of grid medium carbon intensity of
electricity (eg, New York City) electricity (eg, Rio de Janeiro) grid electricity (eg, Lagos)

GHG emissions
% decrease by application1
Building automation systems 2.9 1.4 0.9
Home energy automation
2.8 1.0 1.2
Dynamic electricity pricing 0.8 5.0 2.2
Distribution automation
0.6 0.5 0.5
Energy consumption tracking 0.4 0.2 0.3

Smart streetlights 0.1 0.1 0.1

Demand-based microtransit2 0.8 0.2 0.6

Intelligent traffic signals 0.7 0.8 0.8

Congestion pricing 0.5 0.6 0.7

Integrated multimodal
0.3 0.6 0.5
Smart parking 0.3 0.6 0.5

Smart parcel lockers 0.2 0.6 0.6

Bike sharing 0.1 0.3 0.4

Parcel load pooling 0 0.2 0.6

Real-time public transit 0.4
0 0.5
E-hailing (private and pooled)4 0 -0.2 0 1

Car sharing 0 -0.1 0

Digital tracking and payment
0.4 0.8 0.8
for waste disposal
Waste collection route
0 0 0
Water consumption tracking 0.1 0.5 0.3

Leakage detection and control 0 0.1 0.1

1 Overlaps not considered.

2 Assumes demand-based microtransit vehicle have emissions of 179 g CO2 per km, which is common for many light commercial vehicles today. Dotted bar
shows additional potential if these vehicles were fully electric and powered by a low-carbon-intensity grid.
3 Includes informal buses.
4 Assumes e-hailing fleet is a 50/50 mix of the average private vehicle today and hybrid vehicles. Dotted bars show range of impact depending on emissions
profile of e-hailing fleet. The low-end estimate assumes emissions profile is similar to the average private car in the city today (very low electrification); the
high-end estimate assumes fully electric fleet, powered by a low-carbon-intensity grid.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

56 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Exhibit 9

Environmental quality Waste Water

% reduction in water consumption by application1
City 1 City 2 City 3
High water consumption Medium water consumption Low water consumption
baseline; low leakage baseline; high leakage baseline; very high leakage
(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)
Water consumption
14.5 5.3 2.5
Building automation
1.7 1.1 0.5
Leakage detection
1.4 17.4 24.0
and control

Smart irrigation 0.3 0.3 0.2

% reduction in unrecycled waste by application1
City 1 City 2 City 3
High unrecycled Medium unrecycled Low unrecycled
waste baseline; low waste baseline; high waste baseline;
recycling rate recycling rate high recycling rate
(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)
Digital tracking and
18 15 11

1 Overlaps not considered.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Dynamic electricity pricing could reduce emissions by less than 1 percent or up to 5 percent
in our three locations, depending on the share of clean energy sources and whether the bulk
of the city’s emissions come from electricity consumption. Unlike traditional flat-rate pricing,
which charges customers for each unit of electricity consumed, dynamic pricing relies on
more sophisticated meters to monitor usage more precisely and charge consumers higher
prices when demand peaks, reflecting increased generation costs during those periods.
Various pricing schemes can achieve this, but the ultimate goal is to encourage overall
conservation and shift the load to off-peak periods. In doing so, the power sector can
reduce usage of “peaker plants,” which tend to have higher emissions. If combined with a
carbon tax, dynamic electricity pricing could achieve even greater reductions in emissions.

Adoption of these energy applications may eventually set the stage for more distributed
energy generation, with neighborhoods or clusters of buildings banding together to form
microgrids. When these sources are connected to a utility’s distribution network, they
can add capacity and provide backup during outages. They can also minimize electricity
losses along transmission lines and accommodate more renewable energy sources—a
development that could one day sharply amplify progress on curbing emissions.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 57
Several applications developed to improve urban mobility have positive secondary effects
on reducing the emissions (and local pollution) generated by vehicles. Those with the largest
potential effect involve reducing overall vehicle traffic and shifting to a higher share of cleaner
vehicles. If demand-based microtransit or e-hailing fleets are predominantly hybrid or
electric vehicles, for example, fewer miles will be driven by higher-emission private vehicles.
Delivery load pooling, for example, can reduce overall freight traffic in a city. Congestion
pricing discourages the use of private vehicles and encourages public transit ridership.
Intelligent traffic lights, which are designed to smooth the flow of traffic, have the additional
benefit of minimizing the time vehicles spend idling. Taken together, mobility applications
can reduce GHG emissions by 3–8 percent.

Water conservation
Cities can use technology to make their use of water more efficient—and this goal is
becoming critical as populations grow and global warming threatens to cause more
prolonged droughts. Water is a highly underpriced commodity in many places, and raising
its price could have a substantial impact on demand.45 This approach does not necessarily

See, for example, Kalpana Kochhar et al., Is the glass half empty or half full? Issues in managing water

challenges and policy instruments, International Monetary Fund, June 2015.

Box 5. Air quality: Interlocking effects, interlocking solutions

Many people take the air they breathe for granted. But particulate comes from sources such as road dust and
that’s not possible in places like Beijing, Delhi, Lima, and construction, while fine particulate is primarily from
Riyadh. Fumes and pollutants from industrial sites, diesel combustion. The latter is particularly dangerous, since it
engines, and the burning of coal combine to form a thick, can be inhaled deeply into the lungs.
dusty haze that hangs over many of the world’s major
Cities may have entirely different rationales in mind when
urban centers—and the residents of rapidly growing low-
they deploy some of the energy-saving and mobility
income cities pay the heaviest price.
applications explored in this report, but they could wind
On a short-term basis, poor air quality can dry out and up improving air quality as a secondary benefit. We
irritate the eyes, nose, and throat; cause headaches, estimate that these applications could lower average
congestion, and coughing; and trigger allergies and annual PM2.5 concentrations by some 3–6 percent.
asthma attacks. Longer-term exposure is linked to lung
Cities that want to make a conscious effort to improve air
diseases such as asthma and emphysema, certain types
quality can opt for another type of application: real-time
of cancer, nerve and organ damage, and even birth
information about air quality based on connected sensors
defects.1 Air pollution is one of the world’s most serious
throughout the city that capture real-time readings
public health threats. One study found that annual deaths
about the extent, sources, and daily fluctuations of
from air pollution in Africa increased by 36 percent from
pollution levels.
1990 to 2013.2
Cities can act on this evidence in multiple ways to reduce
In addition to toxic fumes such as nitrogen dioxide,
pollution, and although these choices are informed
which is a byproduct of burning fuel, air pollution
by data, the solutions themselves do not always
contains particulate matter such as dust and soot. WHO
involve technology. Local officials can temporarily shut
air quality guidelines measure concentrations of both
down plants and facilities that are heavy polluters, for
coarse particulate (PM10, or particles between 2.5 and
example. When Santiago took these types of steps,
10 micrometers in size) and fine particles (PM2.5, with
the city was able to bring down PM10 concentrations
particle sizes of less than 2.5 micrometers). Coarse
by some 20 percent.3 Beijing has similarly achieved

Many studies have documented these effects. See, for example, C. Arden Pope III et al., “Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-
term exposure to fine particulate air pollution,” Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 287, number 9, March 2002.
Rana Roy, The cost of air pollution in Africa, OECD Development Centre, working paper number 333, September 2016.
Jamie Mullins and Prashant Bharadwaj, Effects of short-term measure to curb air pollution: Evidence from Santiago, Chile, University of
California, San Diego, March 2013.

58 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
require technology, but it could be rendered more effective if digital tools are used to make
pricing and consumption more transparent.

Water consumption tracking, which involves advanced metering coupled with digital
feedback messages to the consumer, can increase awareness and nudge people toward
steps such as installing drought-resistant landscaping and taking shorter showers. These
applications can achieve reductions of approximately 15 percent in higher-income cities. In
potential water
developing cities, where baseline residential consumption is lower to begin with, we find the
conservation per
potential to be more modest but still significant.
The biggest source of water waste in cities of the developing world is not residential behavior
but rather leakage from pipes. In places where this is an issue, deploying sensors and
analytics to detect losses and optimize pump pressure can achieve large savings, on the
order of 15–25 percent.46

Smart irrigation technology can optimize water use in gardens, parks, and other public
spaces. The application adjusts for variables such as weather, soil conditions, plant needs,

These systems can also notify relevant departments to undertake repairs quickly, but this is excluded from our
impact number.

a roughly 20 percent reduction in deadly airborne In addition to public information about air quality,
pollutants less than a year after it began closely tracking private apps such as Plume (which pairs devices with
the sources of pollution and regulating traffic and smartphones) offer users hyperlocal information and
construction accordingly. behavioral advice. Especially in cities where solid fuels
are often burned indoors for heat and energy, the health
Governments might also undertake more ambitious and
burden from indoor pollution may be just as significant
longer-term interventions. Some involve heavy capital
as that from outdoor air pollution. Real-time information
investment, such as expanding public transit to take more
about air quality can help individuals respond both in
private vehicles off the road. Others involve new types
and outside of the home, whether they change outdoor
of regulation, such as fuel and filtering standards. The
running paths, install range hoods in their kitchens, or
ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, for example, are
dissuade family members from smoking. We estimate
southern California’s largest source of both air pollution
that this information can help reduce the negative health
and emissions. They achieved dramatic reductions after
effects from air pollution by 3–15 percent in the three
the 2006 introduction of a clean air plan that required
cities we analyzed, which could contribute to lowering the
cargo ships to shut down diesel engines and phased out
total disease burden by up to 1 percent. In some Asian
the oldest and most polluting diesel trucks. Now they are
and Middle Eastern cities where air pollution accounts for
seeking to go further with a new plan to gradually phase
more than 10 percent of the city’s disease burden, real-
out all diesel trucks and shift to zero-emissions cargo-
time information could deliver even higher impact.
handling equipment by 2020—moves that will require an
estimated $14 billion in public and private funding.4 Just as energy-saving and mobility applications could
have spillover effects on air quality, air quality applications
In addition to facilitating measures to decrease pollution
would have spillover effects on both GHG emissions and
levels, real-time air quality information can be used in
health outcomes. These types of multifaceted effects
another important way: to mitigate negative health effects.
show the importance of thinking holistically about what it
People who are aware of air pollution levels can take
means to be a smart city and measuring outcomes in a
their own protective measures. They may decide to wear
broader and more dynamic way.
masks, move their exercise indoors, or change their route
to work. Those with asthma may decide not to go out
at all.

Tony Barboza, “L.A., Long Beach ports adopt plan to slash air pollution and go zero-emissions,” Los Angeles Times, November 2, 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 59
and changing sunlight patterns. While its impact is small on average, it can be an important
tool in cities with chronic water shortages, and it is already being deployed by places from
Tel Aviv to Barcelona. Despite their large impact on GHG emissions, building automation
systems have a relatively limited impact on water consumption.

Solid waste reduction

Our research considers unrecycled municipal solid waste, measured in kilograms per day
per capita. It includes solid waste generated by both residential homes and commercial
buildings, including organic matter, paper, plastic, metal, glass, and more.

KG/YEAR Waste causes a literal mountain of problems for many cities. With little local landfill space
potential reduction left, cities such as New York pay to ship their garbage elsewhere. But costs are mounting,
in unrecycled and other sites are becoming reluctant to serve as dumping grounds. Many of the world’s
waste per person recyclables once made their way to China, for example, but the country limited foreign
waste imports in 2017. Some cities have reduced the volume of solid waste they generate by
implementing effective recycling programs. As these programs reach the limits of what they
can do in certain cities, technology could yield further reductions.

Digital tracking and payment for waste disposal enables cities to charge households for
the exact weight and type of trash they throw away. Seoul, for instance, has introduced
such an RFID-based “pay-as-you-throw” system in its larger apartment blocks; it even
sends residents electronic updates about their consumption. It has the potential to reduce
the amount of unrecycled municipal solid waste generated per capita by 10–20 percent if
implemented at scale—while reducing GHG emissions in the bargain. The opportunity for
improvement is largest in cities where current wastage is high and where recycling rates
(formal and informal) are low.

But capturing this potential may not be easy in many cities. First and foremost, a city needs a
fully functioning, formal waste collection process and enforced laws around illegal dumping.
In addition, digital tracking and payment systems must be coupled with programs that
give people viable alternatives for disposing of waste (such as city composting programs).
Otherwise, cash-strapped households may resort to discarding waste in private or public
areas illegally. Especially in developing economies, mandating that manufacturers use more
recyclable and biodegradable materials in their products and eliminate excessive packaging
could yield more impact.


Ubiquitous smartphones and the advent of massive social media platforms have
transformed the way billions of users communicate. These technologies, which make it
possible to interact with people anywhere in the world, are now being applied to connect
people within their immediate communities and to facilitate getting people together face-
to-face. We confine our analysis to those platforms and applications that work on the local
level, either to connect residents with local government or to make person-to-person
connections with other local residents.

A sense of community cannot be quantified, but MGI conducted a survey to determine if

digital applications seem to affect individuals’ sense of connectedness in a positive way
(Exhibit 10).47 This is a central issue for smart cities, given concerns about the potentially
isolating effects of constantly engaging with technology. Respondents started from a low
baseline: just 13 percent reported feeling connected to their local government (though
36 percent said this is important to them), and 24 percent reported feeling connected to

This was an online survey of 900 respondents spanning 50 cities, with a representative sampling of ages and


60 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
their local community (though 44 percent said this is important to them). But our analysis
shows that the use of digital apps and platforms could markedly increase those numbers.
The share of users in our survey who felt more connected to local government after using
these channels increased by some 25 percentage points, and the share who felt more
connected to their community improved by some 15 percentage points. Furthermore, half
of respondents said they think these applications will become more important to them in
the future.

Exhibit 10

Social connectedness and civic participation

Analysis of survey responses shows that using smart apps and platforms can make people feel more connected to
community and to local government.

Impact of digital platforms for making local connections Impact of local citizen engagement applications
% feeling connected to their local community % feeling connected to their local government

17 41 23 36



Baseline Impact of local Resulting Baseline Impact of Resulting

connection baseline local citizen baseline
platforms engagement

SOURCE: 2018 McKinsey Global Institute survey on social connectedness (n = 900); McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Technology is of course not the be-all-end-all way to respond to alienation or loneliness. In

fact, one of six respondents who used dating apps reported feeling less connected. But
thoughtful and creative use of digital platforms within cities could use virtual communities to
strengthen the bonds of community in the real world.

Applications connecting the public to local government

The development of new digital channels for the public to communicate with local officials
could make cities more responsive to the concerns of their residents and change the
nature of civic participation. Most city governments long ago established websites to make
residents aware of the services available to them and to post information and even extensive
open data sets. Social media now enables them to go a step further. Many now maintain an
active presence on the most popular social networks, interacting with individuals in real time.

In addition to disseminating information, these channels also empower citizens to talk back.
This may entail bringing neighborhood safety issues to the attention of relevant agencies or
weighing in on economic development plans. Governments once made pronouncements,

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 61
but now residents can engage in two-way conversations with public officials and agencies.
This is the first step toward engaging residents in making their own cities better.

Beginning in the 1990s, a number of cities established nonemergency 311 telephone

hotlines for lodging complaints, making maintenance requests, or finding information
about services and regulations. Many of them subsequently established 311 websites and
disseminated their own 311 smartphone apps. New York City, for example, established a
311 call center in 2003. By 2016, the service was handling 36 million interactions with the
public each year; nearly half of those take place on digital channels, including texts, the
mobile app, and social media channels.48 Many other cities, including Austin, Los Angeles,
Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and Toronto, have similarly shifted 311 nonemergency service
requests to mobile apps. A company called SeeClickFix has created an open-source app
that any city can customize and deploy; it is now used for citizen reporting in hundreds
of communities, including many smaller cities.49 These types of channels help residents
request assistance with mundane issues such as potholes, graffiti, broken streetlights, and
dangerous intersections. But in a bigger sense, they give cities millions of ears to the ground.
As these interactions grow in number and scale, they yield valuable crowdsourced data that
can be mined for patterns, predictions, and prioritization.

Dynamic two-way communication not only gives cities a better picture of their residents’ key
concerns. It can also draw people into the policy-making process. In the past, governments
would gauge public opinion on certain issues by allowing a few hours of comment at town
increased share of
halls or by conducting surveys. But citizens of Seoul, one of the most wired cities in the
residents who feel
world, can weigh in on proposed municipal policies with the mVoting mobile app. This opens
connected to local
the process to millions of voices, taking a more accurate pulse and even inviting the public
government after to post their own proposals. Paris has implemented a participatory budget, inviting citizens
using apps to post project ideas and then holding an online vote so the public can decide which ones
merit funding. Cities can also expand participation by holding open data hackathons to
solve civic problems. Map Kibera, for example, invites the residents of Nairobi to contribute
to an open data mapping project.

Platforms that enhance civic participation can be implemented with relatively little
investment by cities. But they could yield substantial intangible benefits in terms of
crowdsourcing better decisions and making people feel that their voices are being heard.

The effectiveness of these applications and initiatives can vary depending on their exact
purpose—and on whether local governments are really prepared to respond to what they
hear. If local agencies ask for input and then do not follow through and deliver, the entire
experience could leave residents feeling even more disconnected. Cities may need to
keep their interactions very practical and limit them to areas where they have the resources
to respond.

Person-to-person applications
Another major category of applications helps urban residents connect with one another.
Cities can be anonymous and impersonal places, and technology is often blamed
for making daily life even more isolating. But some digital platforms have a hyperlocal
focus, and they can facilitate person-to-person interaction in the community. Increasing
communication among neighbors could have numerous benefits, including better quality of
life, increased safety, and the ability to organize when local issues warrant action.

Digital platforms such as Nextdoor invite neighborhoods to form online communities

through message boards and conversations. These sometimes revolve around simple

City of New York website, “About NYC311.”
Alissa Walker, “The app you’ve never heard of that’s making your city better,” Gizmodo, July 14, 2016.

62 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
chatting, but they can strengthen ties between neighbors. They also provide a forum
for sharing information about missing pets, concerns about local schools, and crime
warnings—and they can be invaluable in emergencies. Applications like Meetup enable
people to join groups with common interests, such as hobbies or sports, then organize
local in-person outings and get-togethers. A whole range of dating apps have changed
the way urban singles meet potential partners. Most applications that foster person-to-
person connections are private-sector endeavors. They require no involvement from local
government, but officials can listen in to stay on top of residents’ concerns. These channels
can transform the way some residents experience life in the city.


As smart cities continue to evolve, many local government officials keep coming back to
a key question: How will a more digitized urban environment affect jobs? Specifically, they
often want to know if becoming a smart city will lead to an infusion of high-paying tech
jobs—or whether it means accelerating a wave of automation that will reduce employment.

Our analysis finds that smart solutions are likely to have a relatively modest impact on
employment. In short, they should not be thought of primarily as a job creation strategy.
However, certain applications can play a role in making local job markets more efficient,
building skills that make people more employable, and encouraging the formalization of
small businesses.

We estimate that deploying a range of smart city technologies could have a positive impact
on formal employment of 1–3 percent by 2025 (Exhibit 11). This number combines the
direct, indirect, and induced job effects stemming from several developments: the creation
potential increase
and elimination of some roles as a direct result of smart city technologies; more efficient
in formal
job matching and increased employment of independent workers through digital hiring
platforms; better attainment of skills through data-driven formal education and online
retraining programs; and the digitization of government services for businesses. Increasing
the supply of more skilled labor seems poised to create the biggest near- to medium-term
impact, while digitizing government services for businesses may have a large impact on
formalizing previously informal work. We examine these trends below.

Jobs directly created or eliminated by smart city technologies

As cities roll out many of the technologies profiled in this report, they will become more
efficient and seamless environments—and this shift could automate some of the functions
provided by government employees and other local workers.

Digital platforms and software can handle and possibly automate many back-office and
citizen-facing administrative tasks. Some field jobs could similarly be phased out. Shifting
to smart meters, for example, eliminates the need for utility workers to make the rounds
reading electricity and water meters. Instituting touchless digital payments in a subway
system eliminates the need to keep ticket or token booths staffed. Cities could opt to
institute these technologies and reduce the size of the workforce to save tax dollars or
lower utility bills, or they could reassign the affected workers to more productive areas,
even adding new types of personalized services. Each city will make its own decisions
about what to do with this capacity, and the choice may be affected by its relationship with
municipal employee unions. These shifts may ultimately be productive, but dislocations
would obviously be painful for the individuals involved.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 63
Exhibit 11


% increase in employment by lever1

City 1 City 2 City 3

High baseline formal Medium baseline formal Low baseline formal
employment; low informal employment; high informal employment; high informal
employment; long job employment; short job employment; medium job
search times; short time search times; long time search time; medium time
required to start a business required to start a business required to start a business
(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)

Skilled labor supply

Personalized education 0.5 0.9 0.4

Online retraining programs 0.1 0.3 0.3

Labor market efficiency

E-career centers 0.4 0.2 0.3

Digital job platforms 0 0.1 0.1

New job demand

Driving jobs 0.1 0.3 0.3

Maintenance/repair jobs 0 0.1 0.1

High-tech jobs
0 0 0
(including cybersecurity)

Other ongoing jobs 0 0 0

Field jobs 0 0 0

Administrative jobs -0.6 -0.3 -0.3

Temorary installation jobs 0.1 0.1 0.1

Local business growth

Digital business licensing

0.3 1.3 0.7
and permitting
Digital land-use and
0.1 0.2 0.3
building permitting

Digital business tax filings 0 0.1 0

1 Overlaps not considered.

2 Includes peer-to-peer accommodation and car sharing from digital platforms.
3 Includes new driving jobs in e-hailing and demand-based microtransit.
4 Per year over five years; assumes jobs installing smart city systems are temporary.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

64 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Conversely, some smart city applications could add a limited number of jobs. Introducing
on-demand and flexible transportation options could add driving jobs. Using sensors and
analytics to signal when infrastructure systems need preventive maintenance only works
with enough repair crews to act on the data.

The installation of smart city applications itself creates work, but this is a relatively limited
and temporary effect. Although many applications require a sensor layer, smart city
applications generally require limited capital expenditure. If spread out over a decade, the
installation of smart city applications would increase the number of full-time-equivalent jobs
in a city by less than 1 percent per year.

Perhaps counterintuitively, becoming a highly digital smart city is not a direct pathway
to adding significant numbers of high-paying, high-tech jobs in areas such as software
engineering, data analytics, and cybersecurity. In many cases, it does not take a huge staff
to operate these technology systems or sort through the data they capture. The tech jobs
associated with some applications do not even need to be physically located in the city itself.
A city can turn to a third-party provider located elsewhere to operate a gunshot detection
system, for example. No single application can build out a strong technology industry. A
city’s reputation for “smartness” may catch the eye of tech talent and tech companies, but
the core of its appeal will be strong connectivity, technology-friendly policies, and a high
quality of life (which smart city technologies can improve).

Digital job platforms can make labor markets more efficient and make
independent work more readily available
Previous MGI research has focused on the potential for online talent platforms to improve
job matching and draw more people into the labor force.50 These applications have a greater
impact in places with higher baseline unemployment.

Digital marketplaces for labor services fall into two main categories. First are websites and
applications that match individuals with employers seeking to fill traditional jobs. Digital
platforms gather a much wider universe of candidates and work opportunities than has
ever been possible before, then use powerful search capabilities to make better and faster
matches. Most of the innovation in this category has come from private-sector companies
that have built successful business models around technology in hiring. The biggest of these
platforms—including LinkedIn, Indeed,, CareerBuilder, and others—have
already attracted hundreds of millions of individual users and many of the world’s largest
corporations. While the best-known sites tend to focus on professionals and are national
or even international in scope, more specialized hiring marketplaces can work for individual
industries, specific types of jobs, and local geographies.

Cities themselves have an opportunity to partner with tech providers, industry groups,
and social-sector organizations to create their own digital job sites and e-career centers.
This type of strategy could help to make local job markets more efficient and even form
part of a strategy to build and support industry clusters. One example that illustrates what
is possible is Pure Michigan Talent Connect, which aggregates regional job listings and
training opportunities. Its Pathfinder tool helps users compare the demand for specific
occupations and the wages associated with them. Cities can choose to focus their e-career
centers or digital job-matching strategies on groups that have a difficult time finding
employment on their own. In Los Angeles, the JobsLA e-career center offers not only job
listings but also free online courses and resources for job seekers from disadvantaged
groups. Boston’s Civic Tech and Data Collaborative built data-driven tools and a job-

A labor market that works: Connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age, McKinsey Global Institute,
June 2015.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 65
matching algorithm to scale up the city’s SuccessLink program to match young people with
summer employment.51

The second major type of job platform focuses on independent work. Freelancing is an age-
old concept, but the digital marketplaces of the gig economy make it possible for individuals
to plug in quickly and connect with customers who need their services. Didi, Lyft, and Uber
have expanded rapidly in urban markets by dynamically matching drivers and passengers
on demand through mobile apps, building large contingent workforces in the process.
While e-hailing services have garnered the most extensive press coverage, the same
model has been applied to all manner of services, from translation and web development
to household chores, food delivery, child care, and dog walking. These types of digital
marketplaces exist not only for labor services but also for renting out assets. People can
rent out spare rooms on peer-to-peer accommodation platforms or put their cars to work on
car-sharing platforms.

Taken together, both types of digital hiring platforms would have a modest impact on
the total number of jobs in the average city by 2025, although they would create a more
transparent and efficient environment for hiring while adding new alternatives that could help
the unemployed and inactive populations into the workforce. By creating faster matches,
online talent platforms that fill traditional jobs shorten the duration of unemployment. They
may also facilitate matches that would not have otherwise been made. Depending on
the share of the unemployed population that regains employment in a typical year and a
45 percent assumed reduction in average job search time, this could boost employment by
up to 0.4 percent. Digital hiring platforms also improve the odds of putting the right person
into the right role, which would have additional positive implications for productivity and job
satisfaction. By creating flexible part-time opportunities, the digital marketplaces of the gig
economy can draw more of the inactive population (including the long-term unemployed)
into the labor force. They can also give part-timers, caregivers, students, and seniors the
opportunity to earn extra income.52

In the longer term, the push toward digitizing the labor market is generating troves of data on
the positions that employers are filling, the skills required, and the avenues that lead to more
fulfilling work. Community colleges, companies, and policy makers can use this information
to shape curricula and training courses accordingly.

Increased supply of skilled labor through personalized education

Every student is unique, but most educational systems take a one-size-fits-all approach that
funnels everyone along the same track. One of the great hopes of the digital revolution is
that it will eventually lead to a revolution in education—and this is an area in which cities have
substantial leeway to innovate. Education systems are data-rich environments, but most are
not capturing all of the potentially useful data points and putting them to work to improve
learning outcomes.

Technology can expand access to education, more accurately track students’ mastery of
subject matter, and complement traditional classroom instruction. At the heart of this vision
is the concept of personalized learning, which adjusts the style, content, sequencing, and
pace of instruction to meet the needs and goals of each student.53 A number of private
companies specializing in education technology have developed software that uses big

Alex Torpey, “Employing youth: Building a summer jobs program with young people,” Living Cities blog,
August 30, 2016,
Estimate rely on previous methodologies developed by MGI in previous studies. See A labor market that
works: Connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age, June 2015; and Independent work: Choice,
necessity, and the gig economy, October 2016.
See, for example, Future-ready learning: Reimagining the role of technology in education, 2016 National
Education Technology Plan, Office of Educational Technology, US Department of Education, January 2016.

66 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
data and analytics to improve student assessments and create adaptive lessons that ensure
students master one concept before they move on to more challenging material.

The potential is not limited to primary and secondary schools. Data can give colleges and
universities much greater insight into faculty performance, course progression, and how
students fare in the labor market after graduation.54 Some institutions are beginning to apply
data to the way they operate, particularly with regard to student retention and completion
rates. In the United States, the University Innovation Alliance—a consortium that includes
Arizona State University, Purdue University, and the University of Texas at Austin, among
others—aims to scale up the use of predictive analytics to identify struggling students so
that institutions can provide more support before they fall far behind and drop out.55

As economies continue to digitize, demand for certain professions will ebb and flow. Many
midcareer workers will need access to lifelong learning and effective short-term training
programs to help them change paths when they are displaced.56 Scaling up retraining
programs to help millions of midcareer workers gain marketable new skills and find their way
into new occupations will be critical to managing disruption of this scope. Online retraining
programs could be part of the solution, along with the use of digital hiring platforms (as
mentioned above) to ensure that labor markets are as efficient and fluid as possible.

The use of interactive digital technology in both education and workforce training has
far-reaching potential. Its economic impact would be highest in cities where educational
attainment is correlated with much higher employment levels.

From an educational outcomes standpoint, we do not assume that digital technologies

will be the most impactful tool by 2025. Bigger short-term gains may come from
professionalizing the teaching profession, adopting best practices from around the globe,
and expanding access to lifelong learning. However, education technology is a fast-moving
field. Urban leaders, education providers, and companies worried about finding the skills
they need cannot ignore its potential to improve upward mobility and ease the strains of
labor market churn. Cities with large disadvantaged populations may be able to harness
digital learning to address long-standing equity issues, connecting students with higher-
quality instruction, global resources, and more support.

Digitization of government services for businesses

All businesses have to navigate the rules and regulations that bring them into contact with
the government. Yet the burden can weigh disproportionally on small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) with fewer resources. Digitizing functions such as business licensing,
permitting, and tax filing can reduce some of the red tape facing startups and small
enterprises. One of São Paulo’s key goals in getting smart has been to digitize the process
of registering a new business, with the goal of reducing the time involved from 128 days to
less than a week.57 By decreasing the barriers involved in starting a business, and by saving

For further discussion, see From bricks to clicks: The potential of data and analytics in higher education, UK
Higher Education Commission, January 2016.
University Innovation Alliance, See also Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, “Colleges are using big data to
identify when students are likely to flame out,” Washington Post, June 14, 2015; Nicola Jenvey and Brendan
O’Malley, “Are universities making the most of their big data?” University World News, issue 398, January
2016; and John Gill, “How big data is helping to close the student retention gap,” Times Higher Education
blog, April 2017.
Previous MGI research has estimated that in roughly 60 percent of occupations, at least one-third of the
constituent activities could be automated, implying that developed and developing economies alike could see
large-scale workplace transformations in the years ahead. It is impossible to predict how rapidly companies
will adopt technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, but MGI’s research outlined
several scenarios. The current trend line points to fewer than 10 million people worldwide needing to switch
occupational categories by 2030. But anywhere from 75 million to 375 million could be affected in scenarios
assuming faster technology adoption and social acceptance. Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce transitions in
a time of automation, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2017.
Angelica Mari, “São Paulo mayor outlines smart city plan,” ZDNet, June 7, 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 67
SMEs the overhead costs of dealing with complex procedures, these applications can
contribute to a more innovative, entrepreneurial business climate.

This matters because SMEs account for a large share of employment around the world.
In cities where bureaucracy discourages business creation and formalization, these
applications could boost SME jobs. We see potential for an increase of up to 1.5 percent
in formal-sector employment. Beyond adding jobs, formalization has other benefits.
According to the ILO, becoming a formal business can reduce the risk of closure or having
to pay bribes and can increase access to financial services and different markets. Formal
enterprises tend to be more productive than informal ones, and employees benefit from
higher wages and better working conditions.58 But it is important to note that digitizing
business-facing services should be just one element in a broader strategy to encourage
startups and enable SMEs to thrive. Policy moves such as reducing the number of permits
needed, offering technical assistance and mentoring, and connecting entrepreneurs with
investors can be part of the overall play.


Housing and utilities today represent roughly one-quarter of household consumption
globally. The cost of housing and associated spending has been climbing significantly
in the United States and Western Europe, as well as in many large cities in the emerging
potential reduction
world.59 Many of the world’s most dynamic and desirable cities face serious housing
in cost of living
shortages. As a result, rents and home prices have been rising far faster than incomes.
Previous MGI research has estimated that some 330 million urban households currently
live in substandard housing or stretch to pay housing costs that exceed 30 percent of their
incomes, and that this number could rise to 440 million households by 2025 if current trends
are not reversed.60 The issue affects everyone from slum residents living on the margins to
middle-income households.

Most housing is built by the private sector, but there are ways for cities to use technology
to bring down the cost of development. This can have a substantial impact in cities where
extensive bureaucracy slows land acquisition, environmental studies, design approvals,
and permitting. Delays and inefficiencies increase the risk premium associated with building
projects, which are passed along to renters and would-be homeowners—and they prevent
some projects from being undertaken at all. Digitizing and automating the land-use and
permitting process can reduce this risk. In addition, most cities have a surprising amount
of land sitting idle, including vacant lots in the urban core where infill housing could be built.
Creating open-source cadastral databases can help identify land parcels for development.
Expanding the supply of housing can bring down costs, making the city more accessible to
people who want to live there.

Peer-to-peer accommodation platforms may have the opposite effect. If long-term rental
units are converted to accommodations for tourists and other short-term visitors, the
housing supply may shrink, and renters could be squeezed.61 Some city regulators have
banned or restricted platforms like Airbnb in response to these concerns. But at the same
time, these platforms may enable some residents, such as seniors whose assets are tied up
in their home, earn extra income by renting out spare rooms.

Koos van Elk and Jan de Kok, Enterprise formalization: Fact or fiction? commissioned by the International
Labour Organization (ILO) and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), May 2014.
Urban world: The global consumers to watch, McKinsey Global Institute, April 2016.
A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge, McKinsey Global Institute, October 2014.
One recent study found that a 10 percent increase in Airbnb listings led to a 0.42 percent increase in rents
and a 0.76 percent increase in house prices. See Kyle Barron, Edward Kung, Davide Prosperio, The sharing
economy and housing affordability: Evidence from Airbnb, updated January 2018, available at SSRN:

68 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
Smart city applications in other domains can also improve the quality of some low-
cost housing by reducing commute times for residents of outlying areas or making
neighborhoods safer. But when it comes to making housing more affordable across the
board, the most important initiatives in the next decade may not be smart city applications.
Moves such as releasing public land for development or implementing zoning changes
could make a difference, as could more efficiency, best practices, and technology use in the
construction sector.62

Exhibit 12

Cost of living

% change in average annual expenditure1

City 1 City 2 City 3

High baseline cost of living; Medium baseline cost of Low baseline cost of living;
short land development living, land development long land development
approval process; high approval process, and approval process; low
vehicle ownership vehicle ownership vehicle ownership
(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)
 Energy  Water
Effects of dynamic electricity
pricing, home automation, -0.8 -0.8 -0.8
home energy and water
consumption tracking
 Healthcare
Effects of remote monitoring,
telemedicine, online care -0.7 -0.4 0
search, lifestyle wearables,
integrated patient flow

 Mobility
-0.3 0 0.1
Effects of e-hailing, car and bike
sharing, congestion pricing

 Housing
Effects of digital land use and
-0.3 -2.4 -2.6
building permitting, open
cadastral databases, peer-to-
peer accommodation platforms

 Security
Effects of home security 0.2 0.5 1.1
systems, personal safety

1 Overlaps not considered.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Housing affordability: A supply-side tool kit for cities, McKinsey Global Institute, October 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 69
Smart city applications can produce savings in other aspects of urban life. They can bring
down costs by encouraging more efficient use of utilities and the healthcare system, for
example. Home energy automation systems can lower electricity bills, while telemedicine
enables people to handle routine checks and minor illnesses without visiting a doctor’s
office or hospital. Cost savings can be an important incentive for adoption of applications
such as these, which require public acceptance and behavior change to work. Behavior-
based electricity consumption tracking, for example, allows users to determine how much
they pay for their electricity—and therefore what impact they have on GHG emissions.

New products such as home security systems, personal safety devices, and lifestyle
wearables require individuals to make purchases, but they offer benefits that many people
are willing and able to pay for. Mobility applications can offer new value as well. E-hailing
is convenient and even safer in instances when people are impaired, although it may
encourage people to take more rides than they once did in traditional taxis, increasing
expenditures. Bike sharing adds another pleasant mobility option (in the right kind of urban
setting), but it may also encourage spending. However, depending on current vehicle
ownership rates, these and other sharing applications may make it possible for more urban
residents to go carless altogether, producing what could be significant savings on the costs
of private vehicle ownership (not only vehicle purchases but also the ongoing costs of fuel,
parking, insurance, and maintenance).

All in all, we estimate that smart city technologies could potentially help residents reduce
their current cost of living expenditures by 1–3 percent. A resident of a high-income city
could save nearly $500 annually.

Some residents have concerns about smart cities becoming gentrified technology hubs
where they are eventually priced out. But the smart city applications we analyzed can deliver
significant quality-of-life benefits without causing harm to the average person’s wallet. In
fact, we estimate costs for the average person would remain within 1 percent of current
annual expenditures (Exhibit 12, above).

Smart technologies cannot be a “great equalizer,” nor can they solve housing crises in the
absence of broader strategies. Cities will need to monitor not only costs, but how different
groups are affected. See Chapter 4 for further discussion of smart urban technologies and
equity issues.


Using smart city applications to unlock significant progress in these quality-of-life

dimensions ultimately results in a more responsive, productive, and livable city. But actually
capturing this potential is not easy or automatic. The next chapter examines where 50
aspiring smart cities around the world stand today in their journeys.

70 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
© Andy Sotiriou/Photodisc/Getty Images

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 71
© Christopher Chan/Moment/Getty Images

72 McKinsey Global Institute 2. The measurements that matter: The potential impact on people
A decade ago, the concept of frictionless, futuristic cities with maximum efficiency and
minimal environmental impact captured the imagination. Today cities are still a long way
from realizing that vision. Adding intelligence to complex environments that have evolved
organically over many years has proven challenging—and managing to use that intelligence
to effect meaningful change in the quality of life is even harder.

Yet many cities have taken clear steps forward in their use of technology. This chapter
aims to gauge where 50 of them stand in their journey today (Exhibit 13). All of them have a
reputation for being smart or stated ambitions to be. We chose a broad and diverse set of
cities spanning every region of the world. The selection includes a mix of high- and low-

Exhibit 13

We selected 50 cities from around the globe to assess their deployment.

City size (million inhabitants) <3 3–10 10–15 >15

The Americas Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific

and Africa

 Austin  New York City  Abu Dhabi  Lagos  Auckland  Pune

 Bogotá  Rio de Janeiro  Amsterdam  London  Bangkok  Seoul
 Boston  San Francisco  Barcelona  Moscow  Beijing  Shanghai
 Buenos Aires  Santiago  Berlin  Nairobi  Hong Kong  Shenzhen
 Chicago  São Paulo  Bristol  Paris  Jaipur  Singapore
 Los Angeles  Seattle  Cape Town  Santander  Jakarta  Sydney
 Medellín  Toronto  Copenhagen  Stockholm  Mumbai  Tokyo
 Mexico City  Dubai  Tel Aviv  Melbourne  Yinchuan
 Hamburg  Vienna
 Helsinki

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute CityScope database

income locations, small cities and megacities. Density, infrastructure quality, and other
indicators also vary widely.

Our intention is not to crown “the world’s smartest city.” This assessment is not exhaustive,
nor should it be interpreted as a ranking. Instead, we aim to show the full sweep of activity
under way around the globe and examine which kinds of cities are making progress in
deployment, with the aim of uncovering best practices and implications. It is our hope that
this kind of visibility will highlight best practices and spur momentum.

Exhibit 14

Our snapshot of deployment looked at three areas: Strength of technology base, number and extent of applications,
and public usage and satisfaction.

Public adoption

Awareness Usage Satisfaction

Economic development,
Mobility Utilities housing, and

Security Health

Technology base
Open data portal

Communication layer

Sensing layer

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

74 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

MGI analyzed each of these cities for three layers that together reflect “smartness”: their
technology base, the number of applications they are using in various domains, and public
adoption (Exhibit 14). First, we consider whether each city has the fundamentals in place
to support a variety of applications—in essence, whether the urban environment has been
equipped with the necessary digital central nervous system. Second, we determine how
many applications on our checklist have been implemented in each city to date, whether in
pilot programs or full-scale deployments. This reflects each city’s readiness to adopt new
ways of doing things and its ability to execute. Third, we incorporate the perspective of the
public, since residents are the animating force behind the smart city vision. MGI conducted
an extensive survey in all 50 focus cities to assess whether respondents are aware of the
applications around them, whether they have used them personally, and whether they are
satisfied with the experience.

To evaluate each city's technology base and applications, we relied on local government
sources, published case studies, academic research, media accounts, interviews with
experts and service providers, and central databases. We gathered data between October
2017 and January 2018, then validated our findings with local McKinsey colleagues in each
of the 50 cities in March 2018. The results provide a snapshot of deployment progress as of
January 2018, although the picture in all cities is continuously changing.

MGI’s findings indicate that even the most cutting-edge and ambitious smart cities on the
planet still have a long way to go. The best case it is possible to achieve today is still a goal in
the distance rather than reality on the ground. Many cities have not yet implemented some
of the applications that could have the biggest impact on their priority issues. No city is as
smart as it can be—and since technology does not stand still, the bar will only continue to
get higher.

The overall results indicate that the political framework governing a city does not determine
its ability to become smarter. Cities with more centralized governments can mandate
change, but those in democratic societies often have more open ecosystems and
electorates demanding responses to the issues that affect their lives. Wealthier cities are
clearly in a better position to build comprehensive communication and sensor networks,
but it does not necessarily follow that every high-income city also has the drive to implement
all the possible applications out there. Nevertheless, higher-income cities as a group are
generally transforming faster (Exhibit 15).

We also see an interesting pattern of low public awareness and usage in some high-
income cities with older populations. This could be influenced by multiple factors:
contentment with the way things already function, resistance to change, high expectations
for technology, a less-than-intuitive user experience in the applications themselves, or a
lack of communication and public buy-in. By contrast, we see striking levels of awareness
and usage in Chinese cities. The fortunes of emerging economies will be shaped by what
happens in their cities—and Asia, with its young population of digital natives and big
urban problems to solve, appears poised to carry the torch for the smart city movement in
the future.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 75
Exhibit 15

Higher-income cities are generally further along in their journeys.

Africa Asia-Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East North America

Combined score (maximum of 110 points)


New York City
Shenzhen Singapore

65 Seoul San Francisco

Los Angeles
Shanghai Chicago
60 Austin London Seattle
Hong Kong
Helsinki Moscow Amsterdam
55 Vienna Stockholm Boston
Barcelona Paris
Yinchuan Copenhagen Toronto
50 Santiago Sydney Hamburg Abu Dhabi
Mumbai São Paulo Melbourne
Tel Aviv
45 Cape Town
Santander Berlin
Jaipur Bristol
Pune Mexico City Buenos
40 Medellín Bogotá Tokyo
Rio de Janeiro Bangkok Jakarta




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 100 105 110
GDP per capita, 2015
$ thousand

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute CityScope database

76 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Smart cities run on data. Before a city can deploy applications, it has to be able to generate,
capture, and analyze enormous volumes of data in complex infrastructure systems and
settings that are often teeming with millions of people. The technology base consists of
three elements, all of which support the applications of today as well as those to be added in
the future.

ƒƒ First, cities need a layer of sensors and devices throughout the physical environment.
Smartphones are an important element; they act as mobile sensors as their owners
move through the city with them. Phones generate location and other data, and they are
the most common means for users to interact with applications. Other crucial elements
include air and water quality sensors, surveillance cameras, and waste receptacle
sensors. Our analysis looks at sensor density per household or per capita.

ƒƒ Second, cities need robust communication networks. These include broadband and
mobile networks with high down- and upload speed as well as low latency.63 Another
aspect for residents and visitors is free public Wi-Fi coverage across a city. Lastly, as
billions more sensors and smart devices need to be wired into the Internet of Things,
low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN) with unlicensed and licensed technologies
(such as LoRa and narrowband IoT) provide some of the necessary connectivity.

ƒƒ Third, open data portals are important platforms for innovation.64 City governments
hold reams of potentially valuable data in their infrastructure systems, public records,
and the environment. Many cities around the world now make significant amounts of
their information public, from restaurant health inspections to school performance and
neighborhood crime statistics. Converting data sets into standardized, sharable formats
and making them available on easy-to-use public portals gives external developers the
raw material for making applications—and in particular, provides the fuel that “trains”
analytics and AI systems, enabling them to perform more sophisticated functions. Open
data also supports greater transparency, accountability, and civic engagement.

Exhibit 16 shows the development of each of these layers in all 50 cities. Among the cities
with the most advanced technology bases are Singapore, New York, Seoul, Stockholm,
and Amsterdam. All have ultra-high-speed communication networks and are in the process
of launching 5G services. Seoul, for example, has some of the fastest Internet speeds in
the world and an extensive LPWA network. These cities have also expanded their sensor
base beyond what most of their global peers have achieved. New York and Stockholm, for
example, have rolled out smart water meters—an application that has yet to achieve the
same penetration globally as smart energy meters due to lower return on investment.65 New
York and Seoul were also early adopters of smart waste compactors.

Our assessment of communication speeds is based on aggregated and averaged Speedtest Intelligence
mobile and fixed broadband data from Q2 and Q3 2017. Mobile data is based on “modern devices,” which
includes all mobile test results taken on devices that are identified as being capable of achieving the fastest
speeds available in a market.
For a more in-depth discussion, see Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid data,
McKinsey Global Institute, October 2013.
See, for example, “Smart water meter market will surpass $2 billion globally in 2020,” IHS Markit blog,
December 12, 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 77
Exhibit 16

Cities in Europe, North America, China, and East Asia have the most developed
technology bases, while those in Latin America, Africa, and India lag behind.

Strength of smart city technology base Components of technology base

Maximum of 37 points
Sensor Communication Open data portal

North America Asia-Pacific

New York City 24.4 Singapore 25.0
San Francisco 20.9 Seoul 24.3
Chicago 20.3 Shanghai 20.5
Seattle 18.9 Melbourne 20.2
Austin 18.6 Hong Kong 20.2
Boston 18.3 Beijing 19.6
Los Angeles 17.6 Shenzhen 18.8
Toronto 16.6 Auckland 18.3
Yinchuan 18.1
Europe Sydney 17.7
Stockholm 24.0 Tokyo 14.8
Amsterdam 22.3 Bangkok 13.8
Copenhagen 20.9 Mumbai 8.8
Barcelona 20.8 Jakarta 8.1
Helsinki 20.0 Pune 6.4
Vienna 18.5 Jaipur 2.7
London 17.7
Santander 17.4 Latin America
Moscow 16.3 São Paulo 13.0
Berlin 15.9 Buenos Aires 10.5
Hamburg 15.7 Santiago 10.4
Paris 15.5 Bogotá 9.7
Bristol 13.7 Medellín 9.2
Rio de Janeiro 8.8
Middle East and Africa Mexico City 7.9
Abu Dhabi 18.4
Dubai 17.3
Tel Aviv 15.1
Cape Town 10.7
Nairobi 6.4
Lagos 3.2

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

ES and report
78 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment
The leading cities took different routes to build world-class digital infrastructure. Stockholm
benefited from a national initiative to expand broadband and replace conventional meters
with smart meters. Singapore has always made a modern, seamless business environment
a national priority, and its drive to build cutting-edge communication networks was an
outgrowth of that mindset. It was one of the first places in the world to be blanketed with
free Wi-Fi. In other cases, cities have taken innovative approaches on their own. New York
has forged creative business partnerships, such as the consortium behind its LinkNYC
public Wi-Fi. These kiosks, which also provide charging stations and information portals
connecting people to social services, offer a vehicle for advertising revenue to offset the
capital costs. Google funded free Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces across San Francisco and
has recently expanded similar efforts in emerging economies from India to Mexico.66

Looking at each element of the tech base reveals other standouts. Santander has been
installing thousands of RFID trackers on waste bins. Copenhagen is notable for taking an
innovative approach to its open data portal. Developed in partnership with Hitachi, the
City Data Exchange makes it possible for businesses and residents to submit information
to supplement available public data. It also serves as a marketplace, enabling the city
to monetize some of the information it gathers. Users can purchase or subscribe to key
data sets, then put them to work in building innovative city services. San Francisco has
also managed to build a strong technology base, with a strong broadband and LPWA
infrastructure and a dense network of smart energy and water meters.

Among the 50 cities we examined, those across North America, Europe, China, and East
Asia have relatively strong tech bases, as do select cities in the Middle East. But cities in
Latin America, Africa, and India are lagging behind—particularly in installing the sensor
layer, which is the most capital-intensive aspect of smart city development. Furthermore,
there is a sharp contrast in the extent of smartphone penetration.67 Four high-income cities
are in countries where smartphone penetration exceeds 90 percent, but eight low-income
cities on our list are in countries where the penetration rate is 60 percent or lower. It is also
interesting to note that the size of a city does not correlate with the strength of its tech base.
Some smaller cities, such as Stockholm, Austin, and Santander, score relatively well.

Most of our 50 cities have open data portals, although Bangkok, Jaipur, Lagos, Mumbai,
Mexico City, Santiago, and Yinchuan are exceptions. Building these portals could help
lower-income cities jump-start their transformation. Since public data often fuels private-
sector innovation, open data portals can pave the way for applications that do not require
public investment.

All cities have more upside potential. Even the most advanced cities are only about two-
thirds of the way toward achieving what constitutes a fully comprehensive technology base
today. Most cities continue to have network weaknesses, gaps in coverage, and persistent
digital divides that leave certain disadvantaged districts and demographic groups offline.
The work of installing sensors in all of the potentially useful spots for data collection across
entire cities is far from complete.

Julia Love, “Google brings free wifi to Mexico, first stop in Latin America,” LiveMint, March 14, 2018.

Due to a lack of comparable global data on city-level smartphone penetration, we have relied on national

smartphone penetration rates as a proxy. It should be noted, however, that smartphones are more prevalent in
urban areas.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 79
We gauged each city’s progress in implementation using our checklist of current smart
applications to see how many have been rolled out. These applications span multiple
domains and are commercially available today. They are already being used somewhere
in the world, at least as a pilot, with some being widely adopted. Each city’s total score
is a weighted composite of full city-wide implementation as well as pilot programs and
limited deployments.

The results are only a snapshot in time, since cities continue to deploy new technologies.68
But they do provide a valuable picture of the current scope of smart city activity worldwide
as well as a sense of which cities have strong momentum. Six of the seven cities with the
strongest application rollout are in North America and Asia–Pacific (Exhibit 17). This review
also reveals that many cities are not implementing some of the tools with high potential
for impact.

As the results in the previous section show, Latin American cities as a group lag in the
development of their tech base, particularly with regard to installing sensor networks. This
limits their ability to implement certain types of applications, especially in the utilities domain.
But the region’s cities seem able to use what they do have to introduce a variety of less
sensor-intensive applications.

Mobility has been the entry point and the first area of focus for most cities. This is a logical
place to begin, since it has a huge impact on the quality of life and the productivity of the
local economy. When millions of people share a limited space, their ability to move and
circulate freely is critical to the way they experience the city. Rio, one of the first cities to
commit to becoming smart, was famously an exception to this road map. It began by
focusing on security, since concerns about crime were similarly constraining the way people
move throughout the city.69

While every city has been active in mobility, some have also pushed forward in other
selective areas (Exhibit 18). Vienna, for instance, is a leader in introducing healthcare
applications, including mobile apps that connect patients to the nearest doctor or pharmacy
and offer tools for users or home care nurses to log vital signs. But the cities with the highest
number of applications implemented overall—New York, Los Angeles, London, Seoul,
Singapore, and San Francisco—have branched out into multiple domains. Extending the
focus beyond mobility is what sets apart well-rounded smart cities and gets them closer to
setting off a virtuous cycle of benefits.

Our examination of the applications deployed in each city was conducted primarily in December 2017 and
January 2018.
See, for example, Christopher Gaffney and Cerianne Robertson, “Smarter than smart: Rio de Janerio’s flawed
emergence as a smart city,” Journal of Urban Technology, April 2016.

80 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Exhibit 17

The cities deploying the greatest numbers of applications overall are moving forward
in all domains.

Deployment of smart city applications Applications

Maximum of 55 points
Mobility Security Utilities Healthcare
Economic development, housing, and community

North America Asia-Pacific

New York City 34.5 Seoul 33.0
Los Angeles 34.5 Singapore 32.0
San Francisco 32.5 Shenzhen 31.0
Chicago 30.0 Beijing 27.0
Austin 29.0 Tokyo 27.0
Seattle 28.0 Shanghai 26.5
Boston 27.0 Hong Kong 26.5
Toronto 26.0 Sydney 26.5
Melbourne 26.0
Europe Auckland 26.0
London 34.5 Yinchuan 20.5
Moscow 30.5 Mumbai 20.0
Amsterdam 30.0 Pune 20.0
Hamburg 29.0 Jaipur 19.5
Helsinki 28.0 Jakarta 16.5
Vienna 27.0 Bangkok 16.0
Paris 26.5
Barcelona 25.5 Latin America
Stockholm 25.0 Santiago 25.0
Berlin 24.5 Buenos Aires 25.0
Copenhagen 23.0 Mexico City 24.0
Bristol 23.0 São Paulo 23.5
Santander 22.5 Rio de Janeiro 22.0
Bogotá 18.5
Middle East and Africa Medellín 17.0
Dubai 30.5
Abu Dhabi 28.0
Tel Aviv 22.5
Cape Town 21.5
Nairobi 15.5
Lagos 13.5

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

ES and report

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 81
Exhibit 18

Cities around the world are most active in mobility but are not implementing all of the possible tools in any area.

Application rollout by domain

% of maximum points in applications index scoring (average across all cities)


57 60
38 42

Utilities Security Healthcare Economic Mobility

housing, and
Energy 44%
Waste 18%
Water 21%

% of global survey 15 17 21 30 36
reporting usage

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Deployment of mobility applications

Mobility represents the first powerful wave of the smart city movement, with a flurry of
activity on both the supply side and the demand side. This is where we see the greatest
number of applications being developed and then introduced into real-world settings
(Exhibit 19). The most widely adopted smartphone apps, e-hailing and real-time road
navigation, require no up-front investment from cities and offer consumers direct
convenience. In the case of e-hailing, consumers adopted these services not only for their
convenience but because of the cost savings relative to traditional taxi services.

E-hailing has had a rapid and dramatic effect on urban mobility. It is available in all of the
cities we assessed (although pooled e-hailing is not as widely available). Digital mobility
networks have assumed roughly the same role that taxis have long played in cities—and
some traditional taxi companies and networks of companies have responded by developing
their own mobile apps so that passengers can more easily summon rides. The explosive
growth of private-sector ride-hailing companies has been remarkable. Founded less than a
decade ago, Uber now operates in more than 600 cities worldwide, accounting for 10 million
trips per day. Didi operates in more than 400 cities across China and provides more than
20 million rides per day. The company recently raised $4 billion in new funding for overseas
expansion.70 Lyft and Ola, too, serve hundreds of cities in their domestic markets and are
moving into more cities around the world.

James Crabtree, “Didi Chuxing took on Uber and won. Now it’s taking on the world,” Wired, February 9, 2018;
and “China ride-sharing firm Didi raises $4 billion for global push,” Reuters, December 20, 2017.

82 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Riding the wave of e-hailing, many smaller companies have ventured into models such as
bike and scooter sharing. These types of applications are present in almost all of our cities.
Thanks to the ubiquity of GPS-based tools (such as Google Maps, Moovit, and Waze) on
smartphones, people in most cities have access to real-time information that instantly maps
the fastest driving route based on current traffic conditions or shows options using different
modes of travel.

Exhibit 19

A number of mobility applications have been widely implemented around the globe,
but others are still in limited use.

Rollout status of mobility applications

Number of cities (out of 50)

Scaled Piloted/moderate rollout Very low rollout or not available

Private e-hailing 50

Bike sharing 37 10 3

Sharing/ Car sharing 33 8 9

driving Autonomous vehicles 34 16

Pooled e-hailing 24 10 16

Demand-based microtransit 4 14 32

Real-time road navigation 49 1

Integrated multimodal info 48 2

Digital payment in public

44 3 3

Traffic Intelligent traffic signals and

25 22 3
management vehicle preemption
and data
services Real-time public transit info 35 9 6

Smart parking 7 35 8

Predictive maintenance of
2 12 36
transit infrastructure

Congestion pricing 5 4 41

Smart parcel lockers 12 21 17

Urban cargo
Parcel load pooling and
7 15 28
urban consolidation centers

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 83
By contrast, most cities have yet to employ applications such as predictive maintenance
of public transit. A handful of cities, including London and Melbourne, have adopted this
approach, but many more could use these systems to reduce downtime and delays.
Intelligent traffic signals have been at least piloted in most cities. Since they are one of the
applications that can make the biggest impact on commute times, cities can accelerate
progress by expanding their usage. Smart parking is also quite effective, but most cities
would need to build out the required sensors and digital payment systems.

Although it is one of the most highly publicized applications, congestion pricing has been
implemented at scale in only a handful of cities; it is being piloted (and debated) in a number
of others.

Singapore originally pioneered a congestion pricing scheme, albeit without digital

technology, in the 1970s and reinforced it with vehicle quotas and tax policy. The city
remains committed to innovation in mobility; it has formed a consortium of partners for
research and development projects to accelerate the rollout of autonomous cars and buses.
Like Singapore, London uses technology to orchestrate multiple transportation modes
through one central authority. Thousands of developers use Transport for London’s open
data portal, which feeds into hundreds of mobile apps.

North American, European, and Asian cities are leading the charge in mobility, while Indian
cities and some South American cities trail behind. Mobility is clearly the emphasis in
European cities, which tend to have more modest implementation in other domains.

Deployment of safety and security applications

Cities in the developing world generally lag behind wealthier cities in the number of
applications implemented in most domains. But because many of them have high rates
of violent crime, security applications have vaulted to the top of the priority list. Cities
such as Rio and Cape Town are in the vanguard of those implementing safety and
security applications.

At least some basic form of crime mapping is now a standard feature for police departments
all over the world (Exhibit 20). Thirteen cities on our list link this information to real-time maps
that residents can access. Almost half of the cities are at least piloting predictive policing,
while seven are already using it at scale. A majority of cities have at least piloted programs
to outfit police officers with body-worn cameras. In terms of broader safety and security
measures, half of all the cities in our analysis have set up systems (either piloted or scaled)
to provide early warnings of disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, storms, and floods.
Around half have introduced digital applications to speed the dispatch of first responders to
the scene of emergencies.

The cities that have implemented the greatest number of security and safety applications
overall are New York, Los Angeles, Rio, San Francisco, and Boston. New York, in particular,
is noteworthy for its creative approach to financing security technology. The city’s police
department partnered with Microsoft to develop its Domain Awareness System, which is
now marketed to other cities; New York receives 30 percent of the profit from those sales.

84 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Exhibit 20

While smart surveillance and predictive policing have been at least piloted in most cities,
gunshot detection and data-driven building inspections are less prevalent.

Rollout status of safety and security applications

Number of cities (out of 50)

Scaled Piloted/moderate rollout Very low rollout or not available

Real-time crime 13 37

Smart surveillance 11 35 4

Body-worn cameras 13 23 14

Disaster early-
17 16 17
warning systems

Predictive policing 7 22 21

Safety and
Emergency response
security 7 20 23
Crowd management 16 6 28

Home security
9 11 30
Personal alert
13 7 30

Gunshot detection 6 2 42

Data-driven building
4 2 44

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Deployment of healthcare applications

North American cities tend to lead the way in the implementation of smart healthcare
applications. By contrast, the major cities of Africa, which have much to gain from applying
technology to their public health challenges, are lagging far behind.

Most cities have environmental monitoring sensors in place that can alert authorities and
the public alike to hazards such as poor air quality, although these tools build on relatively
few sensors in less than one third of cities. Digital tools to connect patients with the right
healthcare provider and help with scheduling and patient flow management have been
introduced in most cities (Exhibit 21).

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 85
Exhibit 21

Telemedicine pilots are under way around the globe, and more than half of the cities examined have
infectious disease surveillance.

Rollout status of healthcare applications

Number of cities (out of 50)

Scaled Piloted/moderate rollout Very low rollout or not available

Telemedicine 9 39 2

Online care search and

24 22 4

Real-time air quality information 7 31 12

Infectious disease surveillance 30 4 16

Lifestyle wearables 17 17 16
Remote monitoring applications
5 23 22
and medication adherence tools

Data-based population health

13 9 28

First aid alerts 7 3 40

Integrated patient flow

1 7 42
management systems

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

More than half of the cities in our sample have full-scale infectious disease surveillance
systems, with others in pilot stages. Fewer have moved to data-based public health
interventions. These are notable omissions in many poor cities where the applications could
pave the way for lifesaving interventions.

Many cities have piloted remote monitoring of patients and real-time telemedicine, but
relatively few places have scaled up these applications. Yinchuan, for instance, has
embedded digital healthcare services into its purpose-built smart communities. Residents
can subscribe to a smart health service and receive wearable devices for checking
indicators such as blood pressure and blood sugar. Doctors call for a follow-up if they see
anything amiss, and patients can consult with doctors online. Each patient’s data is stored
on a digital platform, and the records can be accessed during consultations.71 Singapore,
with its aging population, is using technology to deliver healthcare in the home for seniors,
including remote monitoring, tele-rehab, and video consultations. In New York, one of the
city’s largest hospitals is partnering with Walgreens to introduce private telemedicine kiosks
in its Duane Reade drugstores throughout the city. Health is an integral part of the smart city
strategy in Vienna, where universities and pharmaceutical companies have teamed up in a
public-private partnership, HealthHub Vienna, to develop an e-health startup ecosystem.

Li Tao, “City on the edge of the Gobi Desert is China’s smartest,” South China Morning Post, May 5, 2017; and
Lim Yan Liang, “Yinchuan leads the way in using tech to improve daily life,” Straits Times, June 2, 2017.

86 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Deployment of utilities applications
Utilities (energy, water, and waste) are natural places for cities to realize efficiencies.
Infrastructure investment has been falling short in many parts of the world for years, and
cash-strapped cities with aging or inadequate systems find themselves with daunting
backlogs.72 Now many are turning to smart city technologies in the hope of doing more with
less (Exhibit 22). In some cases, this involves getting more capacity and life out of existing
systems. In others, it involves building new infrastructure with technology embedded from
the start to ensure the highest level of efficiency. Smart utilities have the added bonus of
helping cities create cleaner, healthier, and more pleasant environments while tackling
sustainability goals.

Most cities on our list have some type of dynamic electricity pricing scheme in place. Many
are also implementing smart streetlights, which not only save energy but make public
spaces safer at night and provide useful platforms for additional smart tools, such as air
quality monitors, surveillance cameras, and Wi-Fi hotspots. One of the cities with the
highest usage rates for home energy automation is Austin, where the local utility subsidizes
consumer purchases of smart thermostats and other devices.73

Looking at the extent of deployment in each city, North American, Asian, and European
cities are in the forefront. As a group, Latin American cities lag far behind. It takes a dense
sensor base to add intelligence to extensive pipe networks, electrical grids, commercial
buildings, residential buildings, and waste receptacles dotted across a city. Generally, cities
that have successfully built a robust technology base are those implementing a variety of
applications for utilities. Santander, for example, has installed a dense network of waste bin
sensors that connect with onboard GPS systems in garbage trucks. Smart LED lights in
public spaces brighten only when someone is nearby. A pilot program using smart water
meters enlists residents in managing their own water use through a smartphone app.

Dubai, Stockholm, and Vienna piloted utilities applications in “living lab” districts before
scaling them up. Dubai partnered with Schneider Electric and SAP to test its applications
in a special zone dubbed the “Dubai Silicon Oasis” before extending them across the city.
The district has been a testing ground for applications such as smart irrigation systems.
Dubai has also largely rolled out smart energy meters and achieved high adoption of home
automation systems and behavior-based electricity consumption tracking. As part of
the EU-funded Grow Smarter project in the Slakthus area, Stockholm is testing building
automation systems and smart energy applications in both newly built and retrofitted
structures. The Aspern Smart City in Vienna is one of the largest energy-efficiency
demonstration projects in Europe, involving several municipal organizations, the local utility,
research institutions, and industry players. Technical solutions for the future of energy are
tested here, in a new urban development with real end consumers.

For more on this topic, see Bridging global infrastructure gaps, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2016.

Power partner thermostats: Rebates & incentives, Austin Energy,



McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 87
Exhibit 22

Cities have focused most of the activity in utilities on energy applications.

Rollout status of utilities applications

Number of cities (out of 50)

Scaled Piloted/moderate rollout Very low rollout or not available

Distribution automation
13 28 9

Dynamic electricity pricing 11 28 11

Home energy consumption

19 18 13
Smart streetlights 10 22 18

Building automation systems 1 28 21

Home energy automation

8 18 24

Leakage detection and

4 19 27

Water consumption tracking 0 17 33

Water quality monitoring 3 12 35

Smart irrigation 4 10 36

Waste collection route

5 16 29
Digital tracking and payment
2 6 42
for waste disposal

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Deployment of economic development, housing, and community

engagement applications
This broad category encompasses an assortment of applications that make important
aspects of urban life more connected and seamless—in other words, bringing more of the
good things the city has to offer to the resident’s front door. Many digital tools now exist
to help residents engage with their government, access job training and opportunities,
and make personal connections with one another. These areas have great possibilities for
creating a sense of belonging in the impersonal environs of a city, but they are relatively
underdeveloped. However, it is becoming increasingly important to counter the potentially
isolating effects of technology through applications that promote connections, pathways,
and engagement (Exhibit 23).

No strong regional trends are apparent in this area, much of which is heavily dependent on
using or replicating the kind of social media platforms created by private-sector companies.
Urban residents anywhere in the world have access to at least some kind of platform for making
in-person connections, whether with neighbors, potential dates, or people who share similar
interests. Local governments appear to be doing well in piloting efficiency fixes, but there is a lag in
the use of technology to transform important areas such as the educational system.

88 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

Exhibit 23

Almost all cities offer at least basic citizen engagement tools, but online retraining and personalized education are
less common.

Rollout status of economic development, housing, and community applications

Number of cities (out of 50)

Scaled Piloted/moderate rollout Very low rollout or not available

Local connection platforms 50

accommodation platforms

Digital administrative
14 34 2
Economic citizen services
Local civic engagement
housing, and 9 37 4
Local e-career center 12 22 16

Online retraining programs 8 11 31

Personalized education 2 8 40

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Cities are in varying stages of digitizing government, including their citizen-facing

services—a process that can make interactions more streamlined and less frustrating.
As part of that process, many local government agencies and officials are engaging with
constituents online. In some cases, they have created official channels on popular social
media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Others, including Shanghai and Singapore,
have developed their own mobile apps for accessing information and city services at the
touch of a button. In the United States, cities including Boston, Los Angeles, and Seattle
have developed city apps for 311 nonemergency requests; residents can use them to report
issues such as nuisances, potholes, and graffiti.

Barcelona has gone a step further by creating Decidim.Barcelona, a digital platform for civic
participation. It offers users a way to weigh in on city council decisions, make proposals,
join discussion groups, and receive follow-up communications about their concerns. The
city is also increasing transparency by inviting citizens to flag any improprieties in municipal
contracts posted online. Moscow similarly developed the Active Citizen app to invite the
public to directly weigh in on urban planning and transit decisions.

Following the model of large-scale hiring platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster,
cities such as Los Angeles have built their own digital platforms for local hiring. The JobsLA
e-career center offers not only job listings but also free online courses and resources for job
seekers from disadvantaged groups. There is increasing recognition of the role personalized
learning platforms could play in improving education and expanding access to job retraining.
Many private efforts (including notable initiatives such as Khan Academy) are under way, but
few cities have implemented these types of technologies in public school classrooms.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 89
Cities become truly smart only when they are responsive to the needs of people. Many of
the earliest projects were chosen because cities were sold on the technology itself; the
public experience was secondary to the promised efficiencies. But the thinking around
smart cities is evolving, with a new push to engage in two-way dialogue and respond to the
concerns of residents.

Given this shift, it is important to take stock of how residents feel about the technologies and
digital tools already at work in their environment. To gauge their sentiment, MGI conducted
surveys in all 50 of the cities on our list. Because these surveys were conducted online, it
should be noted that the sample by its nature does not include offline populations. In some
of the cities, such as Seoul, Singapore, and Dubai, smartphone penetration approaches
100 percent. But owning a smartphone is not as common in cities like Jaipur or Lagos.
The results of our survey for cities with relatively low smartphone penetration have to be
interpreted in that light. Most (though not all) smart city applications require smartphones
or at least work best in combination with them. Smartphone penetration largely determines
what share of the population can access the benefits of many applications, and bringing
more of the population online is becoming an even more urgent priority for cities where it
is limited.

The sample pool was chosen to create a representative age distribution that matched each
city’s population. Respondents were asked about their awareness of the applications in
their city, whether they have had personal interactions with the applications, and their level
of satisfaction with the experience. We scored only those applications actually available in
each city, so a location with relatively few has the potential to achieve the same scores as
one with many apps at work. We compared how respondents in different cities responded
to the same application, so a city would not be penalized for having a greater number that
are inherently less “sexy.” We asked only those respondents who stated that they have used
a certain application about their satisfaction with it. Satisfaction scores therefore do not
represent the satisfaction level of the broader population with available range of applications;
instead they reflect how actual users of the applications available in a city rate their user
experience. We weighted satisfaction responses, with scores increasing along the scale
depending on whether respondents were “somewhat,” “very,” or “extremely” satisfied. The
results are shown in Exhibit 24.

Positive adoption and awareness seem correlated with having a young population. While it
is impossible to generalize about age, it does raise the possibility that younger people are
not only accepting of a more digital way of doing things but have come to expect it—and
to demand a seamless experience. Overall, people were most aware of and most likely to
have used mobility applications, while those related to utilities are less visible. Interestingly,
applications like e-government services, government presence on social media, and
civic engagement tools are among the best-known and most used applications but also
among those with the lowest satisfaction. People seem to want to be able to interact with
government and perform task such as filing taxes online, but the user experience (and
perhaps the follow-up) has room for improvement.

The results show Asian cities excelling in awareness, usage, and satisfaction, with the
public making smart city applications part of their daily routines. By contrast, Australian and
several European cities lag behind in awareness and usage. One explanation for this could
be resistance to change. Another reason could be that people are largely satisfied with how
their traditional infrastructure systems function and do not see a dramatic improvement from
smart city applications. This could also hold true in Tokyo, which scored in the bottom tercile
of all 50 cities for all applications in awareness and usage. Because the city already has such
comprehensive and efficient public transit, applications for car-based mobility, for instance,

90 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

are not as relevant to the public. Differing cultural attitudes regarding the importance of
privacy and data security could further explain why many Europeans seems less interested
in using smart city applications than their peers in Asia and North America.

Exhibit 24

MGI surveyed local residents about the applications implemented in their cities.
Combined awareness, usage, and satisfaction scores
Maximum of 30 points
Components of citizen experience National smartphone
penetration below 60%
Awareness Usage Satisfaction

North America Asia-Pacific

San Francisco 20.7 Beijing 24.2
Seattle 19.4 Shanghai 23.2
New York City 17.9 Shenzhen 23.2
Chicago 17.8 Jaipur 21.9
Austin 16.9 Mumbai 21.9
Los Angeles 16.3 Pune 20.5
Boston 15.7 Jakarta 19.1
Toronto 15.5 Yinchuan 18.9
Singapore 18.9
Europe Hong Kong 17.7
Moscow 16.8 Seoul 16.2
Paris 16.6 Bangkok 14.4
Vienna 15.7 Auckland 10.2
Helsinki 15.3 Sydney 9.8
Barcelona 15.2 Melbourne 9.2
London 15.0 Tokyo 3.8
Stockholm 13.7
Amsterdam 12.2 Latin America
Copenhagen 11.8 Medellín 17.8
Berlin 11.5 Santiago 17.3
Bristol 10.9 Mexico City 15.9
Hamburg 10.6 Bogotá 15.5
Santander 9.7 São Paulo 14.3
Rio de Janeiro 12.5
Middle East and Africa Buenos Aires 11.7
Dubai 16.6
Cape Town 15.1
Nairobi 14.5
Tel Aviv 14.4
Lagos 13.7
Abu Dhabi 10.5

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute survey and analysis

ES and report
McKinsey Global Institute
Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 91
City governments and app developers will need to consider how to drive adoption by
focusing on designing an intuitive, enjoyable user experience and considering what
incentives might be effective. Among those respondents who do use applications,
satisfaction is fairly high across all cities—and since usage seems to be correlated with
satisfaction, it implies that there is an increasing return to smart city development.


Looking at overall deployment, many cities appear to be in one of three stages (Exhibit 25).
Their initial efforts are guided by a vision and fueled by enthusiasm as early efforts start
to yield tangible results. But it takes time and investment to put the fundamentals in place
and build new systems that can support broader and more meaningful change. Once
cities solidify their tech base and improve their capabilities, their scope of activity widens
dramatically and their programs gain sophistication. In a handful of cities, technology has
begun to permeate more and more aspects of urban life. When a strong tech base supports
a wide variety of applications and public adoption and satisfaction deepen, cities begin to
see positive feedback loops and growing benefits.

Exhibit 25

Smart cities begin their evolution with a vision, solidify the fundamentals, then apply technology to more and more
aspects of the city.

% of maximum possible points in scoring

Emerging Strong tech base enables Becoming

with implementation of smarter
enthusiasm more applications across all layers

Technology Technology Technology

base base base

Application Citizen Application Citizen Application Citizen

rollout adoption rollout adoption rollout adoption

Examples Pune Copenhagen New York City

Santiago Barcelona Singapore

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Early results generate momentum

The smart city journey often starts with articulating a vision and goals, then a period
of piloting and experimentation. Even limited programs may be met with enthusiasm if
residents begin to see signs of progress on some of the big, persistent problem that shape
the quality of life. Positive early results can generate momentum for pushing through
the work of building out fundamental systems, capturing more data, and developing
new capabilities.

Many developing cities are in this early stage of the journey. Some of them must overcome
gaps in backbone digital infrastructure. Furthermore, these cities have bigger digital divides;

92 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

the lowest-income segments of the population struggle to afford the basics, let alone
smartphones. Technology could help developing cities make tremendous progress on
critical issues such as reducing the burden of preventable illnesses, but governments often
face difficult choices between many other funding priorities.

Yet our survey results imply that the concept of smart cities increasingly resonates with
urban residents across the developing world. Pune, for instance, still needs faster, more
comprehensive, and more reliable communication networks and more smart meters. Its
overall rollout of applications is low relative to that of other global cities. But as an active
participant in India’s national smart city mission since 2015, Pune has already made some
impressive strides. It is the only Indian city we assessed with its own open data portal,
which was launched in 2016 to support more evidence-based policy making. In addition
to installing environmental sensors, the city is expanding the number and reach of smart
applications run through its central command center. Google chose Pune as the site of a
project to roll out 150 hotspots at railroad stations, and the city will soon have an extensive
public Wi-Fi network. The public seems to acknowledge these efforts and share the
government’s enthusiasm; scores for usage and satisfaction were high among the local
smartphone users we surveyed. This may be an indication of what a real difference even
limited programs can make in the lives of residents.

Although it is higher on the income ladder, Santiago, too, has a relatively weak tech base
that has affected the pace of its transformation. Its smart city efforts often involve outside
partners, such as Chilectra, an energy company that is installing smart meters, and a
network of think tanks, universities, and entrepreneurs. In addition to implementing a
number of smart mobility and traffic management solutions, Santiago also has an above-
average rollout of applications in healthcare, including infectious disease surveillance and
pilot projects for better serving remote neighborhoods with telemedicine. It earned strong
usage scores among our survey respondents.

A strong tech base dramatically increases the upside potential for

implementing more applications
Once cities have robust fundamentals in place and develop more sophisticated capabilities,
they can think bigger, and their possibilities widen. Dense cities with strong political will
and solid momentum can implement more applications, expand the ecosystem, and boost
public adoption and satisfaction.

Copenhagen, for example, has built a solid tech base, with fast broadband and mobile
connections, notable city data exchange, and smart energy meters. The city has
established incubators such as the Copenhagen Solutions Lab and Energylab Nordhavn,
which are dedicated to accelerating smart city initiatives and collaborating with public
and private partners. Copenhagen has set a clear and ambitious goal: it aims to become
the world’s first carbon-free capital by 2025. It has therefore focused its smart city
implementation efforts on areas such as utilities and mobility, but it still has room to expand
into other domains such as healthcare.

Barcelona, too, has significant momentum. Its tech base is solid, with a noteworthy open
data portal, a good air quality sensor network, and widespread public Wi-Fi. Application
rollout has been strong in mobility but slower in areas such as security. People are largely
aware of the applications deployed around them, but usage is low (although satisfaction
is good among users). Barcelona has long been known as one of Europe’s leading
smart cities, but it recently felt a course correction was needed so that all of its data and
dashboards could be put to more effective use. The city released a revised strategic
technology plan with a focus on creating an open-source sensor network. The city will retain

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 93
control of the platform but will use this shift to break down data silos that had formed.74 The
usage results in our survey suggest that Barcelona’s residents may not be fully on board
yet. The city is making privacy, data sovereignty, and data security core elements of its
approach to address some of their concerns—and, as noted above, it is experimenting with
applications that invite the public to weigh in on policy-making issues, using technology to
increase civic engagement.

When all three layers work together, multiple aspects of the city
become smarter
When cities develop a world-class tech base, implement dozens of applications across
multiple domains, and succeed in weaving them into everyday life for millions of people, they
begin to fire on all cylinders. A few cities around the world are entering this phase—although
even this select group has much more potential to capture.

One standout is New York City. Its tech base includes very high rollout of LPWAN
technologies, water quality sensors, and smart water meters. Its new civic tech program,
NYCx, will transform Governors Island into a test bed for 5G and other advanced
connectivity technologies. The city’s excellent open data portal makes a vast amount of
data available on many different metrics; its ease of access for developers has produced a
flourishing mobile app ecosystem. New York is one of the cities with the greatest number
of applications deployed overall, and it has notable activity in health and in government,
community, and housing. The city has also achieved relatively high public awareness,
usage, and satisfaction.

New York has effectively managed the process of becoming smarter. Its Office of
Technology and Innovation reports directly to the mayor, and a Technology Leadership
Council brings in tech industry experts and community leaders. Individual city departments
have added significant digital capabilities, and the city has become more innovative in
infrastructure delivery. While New York’s efforts are becoming more focused on how to
improve residents’ experience, it will be challenging to meet their growing expectations—
and particularly to address their impatience to see better performance from the city’s
traditional infrastructure systems.

Singapore, too, is a global top performer. The prime minister has championed a vision of
a more digital Singapore and established an entire government department to pursue its
Smart Nation initiative and coordinate interagency efforts. Singapore has outlined clear
goals for its smart city initiatives and posts regular, detailed reports about whether it is hitting
those targets. With some of the world’s fastest and most extensive digital infrastructure in
place, Singapore has also made it a priority to digitize many government services, which
have become easier and faster for users. Singaporeans can take advantage of a wide
variety of mobile apps for everything from accessing health records to paying for parking
to reporting emergencies. The government is also pursuing innovations such as health and
fitness wearables that double as payment devices for public transit, and it has established
an aggressive timeline for introducing autonomous buses and on-demand shuttles into the
city’s mobility plans by 2022.


All cities face their own complexities and problems. But wherever they stand today, their
progress in the future depends on smart management and execution. Chapter 4 describes
some shared principles and best practices and explores the larger societal questions that
cities will face. It also discusses the opportunities and potential disruptions facing the private
sector as the urban world is digitized.

Ross Tieman, “Barcelona: Smart city revolution in progress,” Financial Times, October 25, 2017.

94 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment

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McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 95
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96 McKinsey Global Institute 3. Where cities stand: A snapshot of deployment


Making a city smart requires all hands on deck: city leadership and public employees,
private-sector companies, and residents of all ages and from all neighborhoods.

Digital solutions are only one part of the full tool kit for making a city great.75 But they are the
most powerful and cost-effective additions to that tool kit in many years. Smart technologies
on their own cannot solve all the bad planning of the past, severe housing shortages, or
the absence of fundamental infrastructure and essential services. Yet if they are deployed
along with forward-looking policies, thoughtful urban planning, and investment in traditional
infrastructure, cities could begin to dent problems that once seemed intractable.

City government has a dual role to play. It has to execute some intelligent solutions on its
own, and it has to orchestrate and enable the evolution of a broader ecosystem. Since
governments cannot do everything, it often makes sense to turn to companies and
institutions that have the necessary capabilities or to let the private sector handle solutions
that offer revenue potential. But governments are in a unique position to choreograph
all of this activity: providing and tracking data, bringing stakeholders together, ensuring
communication and coordination, and addressing unintended consequences.

For companies, smart cities represent major business opportunities, given that some of
the world’s urban markets are larger than entire nations. In order to partner with cities and
operate effectively there, companies will need to adopt the mindset of serving people, not
just a market. They may be able to find new business models by looking for specific ways to
help cities deliver better quality of life. Even companies that are not smart city providers may
be affected by the way urban ecosystems evolve, and they may need to alter the way they
do business in response.

Above all, the people who live and work in a city should play a role in shaping its future.
Digitization is shifting power to consumers in industry after industry, and the same pattern
is emerging in smart cities. Many technologies put more information into the hands of
users who make choices and hold city government accountable for results. Some of these
solutions work only if people are willing to participate and change the way they do things—
and progress could accelerate in the years ahead as a generation of digital natives comes
into its own.


The progress that can be achieved with each smart city application depends on the
economic, geographic, and social features of the setting where it is used. Yet there’s another
determining factor: good management. Technology is only as effective as the entity that
puts it to work.

Some cities start with inherent advantages such as wealth, density, or existing high-tech
industries. But even places that lack these ingredients can set themselves apart with vision,
good management, a willingness to break with conventional ways of doing things, and a
relentless commitment to meeting the needs of residents. Today many cities are conducting
interesting experiments but still tinkering at the margins. Using technology to transform

For a holistic discussion not solely focused on technology, see How to make a city great, McKinsey &

Company, September 2013.

urban environments in a more meaningful way will require new thinking, particularly in the
areas discussed below.

Combine smart technologies and planning with asset development to get the
most out of the system
Smart technologies can change the nature of infrastructure, giving cities the ability to do
more with less. For cities with extensive legacy systems, this means getting more capacity
and lifespan out of their existing assets. For low-income cities that still need to address gaps
in fundamental services, this is an opportunity to build smart from the start and make real
strides in development. All cities now have a range of more flexible alternatives to expand
and enhance their delivery of infrastructure and services.

The wheels of government have historically turned slowly, but smart cities can move faster.
Traditional infrastructure decisions such as building new roads or power plants locked cities
into capital-intensive and extremely long-term plans based on a static snapshot of how they
expected demand to evolve. Now cities can become more responsive to how demand is
actually changing. They can make data-driven investment with shorter planning cycles—and
because smart technologies and digital platforms make it possible to disaggregate demand,
infrastructure assets and systems no longer need to be so highly centralized.

This applies to many types of service delivery. Public transit has generally involved top-down
decisions, long investment cycles, and expensive fleets with fixed schedules and routes. If
population growth surges in a far-flung neighborhood, adding a new subway or bus line with
the accompanying fleet investments may take years. By contrast, a privately operated on-
demand minibus service could be up and running much faster. It can take years for a public
or quasi-public utility to build a new power plant, and the decision will shape its business
for decades. Now technology makes it possible to introduce smart grids, microgrids, and
distributed energy generation. When demand is tracked more precisely, electricity can be
priced dynamically. Building a large-scale hospital is a major undertaking, but telemedicine
and patient flow management of community care is a faster and less capital-intensive way to
expand healthcare services.

Though cities can now move faster, many are still pursuing long-term contracts. Since
technology is always evolving, technology infrastructure needs to be modular and scalable
as a city grows, and it needs to be more easily replaced or upgraded as underlying
needs evolve. This may be an important shift in procurement, contract design, and
vendor management.

In addition to responding to demand, some smart solutions involve residents in shaping

it. They encourage people to use transit at off-hours, to change routes, to use less energy
and water and to do so at different times of day, and to reduce strains on the healthcare
system through preventive self-care. They may even invite individuals to participate on
the supply side: by adding rooftop solar panels and selling power back to the grid, for
instance, or putting their personal vehicle to use in part-time e-hailing work. Apps and
interactive platforms that invite anyone to gather data and report problems give cities
millions of additional data points and eyes on the street. Boston enlists the public through its
StreetBump app, using drivers’ smartphone accelerometers and GPS to crowdsource road
condition data and geo-locate potholes—a much faster and more affordable method than
tasking city engineers with visual inspections of hundreds of miles of roads. These are only
a few of the ways in which smart cities tilt the power and the responsibility of creating a high-
functioning environment toward the public.

Smart technologies are not a panacea for urban problems, but they can accelerate
progress—particularly if they are paired with complementary policies and investment in
hard infrastructure. Seoul, for example, is working toward the goal of making private car

98 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

ownership unnecessary. In addition to implementing smart mobility solutions, the city is
taking steps such as reallocating street lanes to pedestrians and bicycles and strictly limiting
the number of parking spots in new public buildings.

New York City offers a cautionary tale about the limits of smart technology. The city now
delivers real-time status updates to transit riders via digital signage and has plans to offer
contactless digital payment across different modes of transit. But that is not enough to
overcome the aging and deterioration of the subway system, where chronic delays have
become a major source of stress for residents and workers.76 There is no getting around
the need for hard assets and maintenance. Smart technologies cannot compensate for
inadequate infrastructure investment, but they can help investment go further by adding
new capabilities as core components are upgraded.

Embrace an open systems approach to support innovation and investment

Most cities have limited financial resources, personnel, and expertise at their disposal—but
city government does not have to be the sole funder and operator of every type of service
and infrastructure system. While implementing most of the applications we examined would
fall to the public sector, the majority of the initial investment could come from private actors
(Exhibit 26). Public financing may be reserved for only those public goods that must be
provided by the government. Furthermore, more than half of the initial investment that needs
to be made by the public sector would generate a positive financial return, which opens the
door to partnerships. Cities may enlist multiple partners, not only for purchasing and setting
up systems but for ongoing operational management.

Exhibit 26

The public sector would be the natural owner of most applications, but the majority of investment could come from
private actors—and even many public-sector applications can generate returns.

Share of investment
More private


No direct
financial return 45

55 Positive
More public 70 financial return


Number of Share of
applications investment1

1 Energy, water, waste utilities, public transport operators, and hospitals assumed public for this quantification, although this differs around the world.
NOTE: Autonomous vehicles excluded; technology has not been deployed at scale and required investment by 2025 not yet clear.

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

See “MTA delays: How did the subway get so bad?” New York Times, February 20, 2018; Brian M. Rosenthal,
Emma G. Fitzsimmons, and Michael LaForgia, “How politics and bad decisions starved New York’s subways,”
New York Times, November 18, 2017; and Emma G. Fitzsimmons, “Cuomo declares state of emergency for

ES and report
New York City subways,” New York Times, June 29, 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 99
It makes sense to identify those areas where city agencies can step back and make room
for other players, including private-sector companies, state-owned utilities, universities,
foundations, and nonprofits. Adding more actors to the mix is a positive, since it increases
adoption and applies more creativity to the available data. Abu Dhabi introduced
telemedicine services through a joint venture with Medgate, a Swiss telemedicine provider.
Mexico City’s early earthquake warning system is the product of the CIRES Center, a
nonprofit institution, and SkyAlert, a startup that delivers alerts to users via a mobile app
that generates revenues through advertising and subscriptions. Singapore’s Smart Nation
initiative incubates many pilots, with the eventual goal of turning some over to the private
sector or instituting user fees.

In cases where smart city innovations come from private-sector companies, the role of
government may involve creating the right regulatory environment, convening key actors,
offering subsidies, or changing government purchasing decisions. National governments
can also play a role in areas such as convening city leaders, highlighting best practices that
can be replicated, providing funding, and encouraging data sharing and interoperability
standards across cities.

Encouraging innovation by external actors typically starts with making government data
open source and easily accessible, but some cities take that further by creating consortia,
partnerships, and even physical collaboration spaces. Amsterdam Smart City, for example,
is a public-private partnership that defines itself as an innovation platform. It brings together
municipal agencies, educational institutions, nonprofits, private-sector partners, and
startups to tackle projects along broad themes such as smart energy, mobility, and livability.
Barcelona used public funding to reinvent a former industrial site as @22Barcelona, a space
for startups to develop new apps and tools. The initiative has since drawn private investment
from Cisco.77 Other cities are partnering with tech firms and real estate companies to create
large-scale smart developments and districts.

Put people at the center of everything, and use technology to unite the city
“Becoming a smart city” is not a goal but a means to an end. The entire point is to respond
more effectively and dynamically to the needs and desires of residents. Technology is simply
a tool to optimize the infrastructure, resources, and spaces they share. Every city wants to
cultivate a reputation for being on the cutting edge, but it is critical not to get caught up in a
technologists’ vision that is detached from the real people who live and work there. To that
end, smart city efforts need to be transparent and accountable to the public (see Box 6, “Will
smart cities be equitable cities?”).

Smart city strategies should be rooted in what residents want. Engaging the public from the
outset, not just after specific applications suddenly appear, can secure community buy-in
and make the transformation feel like natural evolution rather than change imposed from on
high. Toronto is holding community engagement events including neighborhood meetings,
local pop-ups, and roundtable workshops as its Sidewalk Labs project gets under way.
Hackathons can crowdsource innovations, and cities can even use new modeling and
visualization tools to preview plans and design concepts. This type of approach is not
always sufficient to create consensus, but it is a start.

Many smart city applications work only if numerous people participate and change
their decisions. Yet there is a delicate balance to strike in encouraging behavior change
while avoiding the “nag factor.” Residents will quickly grow dissatisfied if they are pinged
with frequent reminders or nudged purely with punitive measures such as fees and
penalties. Sticks have to be balanced with carrots. To encourage wider adoption of

Laura Adler, “How Barcelona brought the Internet of Things to life,” Data-Smart City Solutions blog, Ash
Center, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, February 18, 2016.

100 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

certain applications, cities may need to create incentives, regulations, or public awareness
campaigns. In Buenos Aires, the allGreenup app engages users by awarding them points
for sharing a vehicle; these points can be exchanged for rewards and discounts from
associated businesses. Another key will be focusing on the user experience in mobile
apps. The private sector realized long ago that customer-facing digital interfaces have to
be seamless and intuitive—and as populations become more tech-savvy over time, their
expectations only grow. Public-facing applications should be compelling and even fun
to use.

Technology can change the relationship between municipal governments and the people
they serve. Governments once made pronouncements, but now constituents can engage
in two-way conversations with public officials and agencies via social media and interactive
mobile apps. When cities digitize government, open their data, and publicly track progress
on the goals they have set, citizens are in a better position to hold government accountable.

Cities can use technology to take the pulse of public opinion on a wide range of issues,
enabling residents to weigh in on many planning decisions. They can also use public
feedback as the basis for making continuous improvements to the system. Mexico City,
for example, had no route map of the city’s many unofficial microbuses (peseros), which
transport millions of people every day. The Laboratorio para la Cuidad created an app that
turned mapping the routes into a competitive game that engaged thousands of riders in the
project of compiling data on their routes.78

Decision makers will need to think about how to maintain and enhance cities’ character as
they become more digitized and as many aspects of urban life become automated. There
is a concern that smart cities, and especially purpose-built smart cities, could be sterile
and generic. That is not inevitable if the technology is used thoughtfully and unobtrusively.
The interfaces must be engaging and intuitive—and emphasizing good design in the user
experience is critical. The public good is the entire motivation for getting smarter, and people
want to like the soul of the places they call home. Diversity, quirks, and spontaneity help to
define a great city.

Technology may have the potential to be alienating, but cities can turn that on its head
by actively looking for ways to use it in the service of building real-world community and
personal connection. They may be able to use social networks to facilitate volunteering,
mentoring, parenting support, and community activities on a much wider scale, for example.

Add the skills and create the latitude to innovate across city agencies
Introducing new technology systems is only step one. Using them to maximum effect is
another thing entirely. It is no surprise that smart city technologies did not bring about
transformative change on a large scale in their first decade of implementation. Industry after
industry has experienced a similar phenomenon. Once new technologies are introduced,
legacy companies still have to develop the necessary capabilities and change existing
organizational structures and procedures before they see real productivity gains.79

Digital transformation takes time and work for any organization—and it can be particularly
challenging for municipal bureaucracies, many of which have layers of regulation and a
history of favoring rules over innovation. Incumbent stakeholders both inside and outside of
government may fight to preserve the status quo. But digitization is often a powerful force for
changing old structures and ways of doing things.

Julia Cooke, “The impossible possible city: How Mexico City’s urban innovation lab tackles the city’s
challenges,”, April 18, 2018
See Solving the productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization, McKinsey Global
Institute, February 2018.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 101
Box 6. Will smart cities be equitable cities?
A smart city is not automatically an equitable city unless services frequently so they can be prioritized for shelter
its leaders take care to make it so. Some critics assert and services.
that the entire push to make cities smart is mainly about
A Dublin-based social enterprise, Addressing the
making life more convenient for the affluent. Young and
Unaddressed, has used geolocation codes to provide
digital-savvy populations are natural users of these
addresses for more than 20,000 dwellings in 13 informal
technologies, but older and poorer demographic groups
settlements in Kolkata, giving residents a legal identity
on the wrong side of the digital divide may be left out
that enables access to biometric identification cards
of the benefits—and left feeling that they have little say
linked to social services, voting cards, ration cards, and
in the direction their city is taking. But cities cannot be
more. It has even worked with local councilors to update
truly smart without broad adoption. Being inclusive is
data on local wards, given location codes to amenities
not only a social goal but also a driver of results, since
like water supply points and toilets to understand
the benefits of smart systems multiply as more people
service provision gaps, and successfully petitioned
use them.
Google Maps to include slum lanes in its mapping
If a city is able to capitalize on its reputation for and navigation.
smartness, there may also be a risk that gentrification
Smart technologies can also be used to help people
will push out some existing residents. But cities have
with disabilities navigate the urban environment. In
to serve the entirety of their populations. The needs of
Singapore, the Green Man+ initiative allows someone
marginalized groups and disadvantaged neighborhoods
with a senior or disability concession card to tap the
should be on the agenda when cities choose which
card on a reader so that signals give them more time to
applications and programs to pursue. Initiatives to
cross at crosswalks. The Wayfindr app helps visually
increase digital literacy and improve the penetration
impaired travelers navigate the London Underground
and affordability of internet access and smartphones
transit network. It accesses their location on their
are also important to ensuring access to the benefits of
smartphones and gives them precise audio instructions
smart city solutions.
to find their way on twisting pathways and escalators.
Some cities are partnering with private- and social-
There is an exciting opportunity to use technology
sector players to deploy applications specifically
to serve the elderly—an area that is ripe for more
designed to level the playing field for the most
public- and private-sector innovation. Social media
vulnerable. It is now possible to use data to reach out to
networks, video chats, and even virtual reality can
people who may be eligible for social services but might
help keep seniors more connected, perhaps drawing
otherwise fall through the cracks for a variety of reasons.
them into programs such as mentoring and tutoring
Immigrants, who predominantly settle in major cities that can build cross-generational bonds. Specialized
when they move to a new country, often fall into e-career platforms may be able to match retirees
this category due to language barriers and a lack with opportunities to utilize their skills. Applications
of familiarity with available government services. such as remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and
Technology can help to bridge the language gap and specialized e-hailing and on-demand services may help
connect immigrants with the information and assistance more seniors age at home.
they need to integrate successfully.1
Several global agencies have efforts under way to create
New York City’s new Public Engagement Unit uses standards and guidelines for inclusive city design, such
integrated, interagency data platforms and mobile apps as the Smart Cities for All tool kit launched in 2017 by
to coordinate door-to-door outreach to residents who G3ict, an initiative launched by the UN Global Alliance
may be in need of assistance but not being currently for ICT and Development. The initiative proposes global
reached by government services. California’s Santa standards on digital inclusion, a model procurement
Clara County recently partnered with the Economic policy drawing on international accessibility standards,
Roundtable to release a predictive analytics tool for and a database of smart technology initiatives bridging
identifying homeless individuals who are expected the digital divide.
to be in greatest distress and likely to use public

For more on migration, integration, and the role of cities, see People on the move: Global migration’s impact and opportunity and Europe’s
new refugees: A road map for better integration outcomes, McKinsey Global Institute, December 2016.

102 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

To become smarter, city governments need to add civic tech talent, at least in selective
areas. Amsterdam is taking an active role in developing talent by launching the Amsterdam
Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions with a consortium of private-sector partners.
The institute not only educates tech talent with an urban focus but fosters the development
and commercialization of new applications.

Even if municipal agencies rely on external providers to install and operate new systems,
they have to be able to understand, direct, and monitor these programs in detail. This
includes learning how to design requests for proposals for smart city applications and
adapting procurement procedures for greater flexibility. Cities are often bound to source
exactly what is defined in a public tender, but they often cannot know up front what kind of
features are available in brand-new applications.

At least in the early stages, many cities have started their efforts by adding new roles
such as chief digital officer or establishing cross-disciplinary smart city units. Boston, for
example, established an analytics unit, while Chicago built a data science team. Singapore
created an entire government office to pursue its Smart Nation initiative. Over time, however,
the effort to become smart cannot stay segregated in one department. It needs to permeate
every aspect of the day-to-day workings of government.

A smart municipal government manages a river of data that flows in from many sources.
It uses that information to shape the activities of both government agencies and external
actors, all of which need to communicate and collaborate. At the same time, smart cities
free public employees and agencies from obsolete procedures and give them latitude to
make bolder decisions.80 London has emerged as a leader in urban mobility in part because
it has one strong central agency (Transport for London) with a comprehensive mandate and
the authority to drive change in traffic management, transit networks, and bike sharing.

Bureaucracies have historically been inflexible, but in a digital world, city agencies need
the ability to test, learn, adjust, and recalibrate. Some smart cities, such as Copenhagen,
approach that challenge by using pilot districts or living laboratories to develop and test out
new applications. In Kigali, Vision City is a tech-enabled district where the city is rolling out
free Wi-Fi, solar-powered streetlights and mobile networks, and new housing units complete
with automation systems. In the United Kingdom, Bristol is offering city experimentation
as a service, opening up its digital infrastructure to both local and international
technology developers.

Get cybersmart to prepare for new types of privacy and security risks
As technology becomes more deeply embedded into the fabric of cities worldwide, it is
important to consider the kind of future we are building and what could be gained or lost
along the way. Making smart cities more people-centric includes taking to heart the public’s
concerns about how their environment is changing.

Almost 60 years ago, E. B. White wrote, “New York will bestow the gift of loneliness
and the gift of privacy.” Today there are cameras everywhere in the urban environment,
and technologies such as facial-recognition software are being introduced. The simple
pleasure of walking city streets in anonymity is disappearing. It is possible to track anyone’s
movements, whether for marketing or more nefarious purposes.

The trend toward increased surveillance and data-driven policing raises concern about “big
brother” always watching and the potential use of these tools to undermine civil liberties
and inhibit political dissent. Furthermore, the use of predictive analytics in policing risks

For a deeper discussion of how city government needs to transform, see Stephen Goldsmith and Neil

Kleiman, A new city O/S: The power of open, collaborative, and distributed governance, Ash Center for
Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University and Brookings Institute Press, 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 103
criminalizing specific neighborhoods or demographic groups. Police agencies need training
and oversight systems to prevent abuses.

Governments hold tremendous amounts of highly personal data, and they are gathering
more all the time. But now it may be shared with private-sectors partners without residents’
consent or placed on public platforms. The pushback in favor of privacy has been strong
in Europe, but similar advocacy efforts are not always present in developing nations.81
Governments need to establish protocols for how city agencies handle and share data
and safeguards for protecting the most sensitive data. Employees and the public alike
need to be aware of the sensitivity of the data they touch. Another priority is ensuring that
surveillance and data-gathering programs are conducted with transparency and are subject
to democratic control. Putting a chief privacy officer in charge of these efforts city-wide
can help.

Experts worldwide are increasingly concerned about cybersecurity vulnerabilities in smart

cities. The threats are both international and hyperlocal. Hackers have struck London
hospitals, and Atlanta’s city government was recently hit with a ransomware attack. The
millions of sensors that make up the Internet of Things provide much more “surface area”
that is vulnerable to hackers, and interoperability enables damage to spread. Compromised
security systems, medical monitors, and self-driving cars could pose life-and-death risks.
Drones are also a growing area of concern. The potential consequences could be even
more severe if bad actors infiltrate and shut down a city’s power grid or water supply—and
cyberresilience is necessary to keep vital systems online.

Smart city applications are often designed to solve a specific problem, but not with an eye
to every possible risk or misuse. Much of the new technology comes from small startups,
and IP addresses are often accessible on mobile apps and wearables used by individuals.
Mission-critical IoT applications should have high levels of security before they are adopted
on a large scale. Cities need to prioritize their most sensitive assets and surround them with
the most rigorous defense mechanisms.

One barrier to date has been the lack of industry-wide security standards for the IoT. To
advance solutions, the US federal government convened a working group that recently
released a report proposing definitions and standards to meet the current threats.82 Cities
will have to develop cybersecurity expertise, build in safeguards from the outset, and stay
abreast of the constantly evolving threat environment. They will need to prepare for how to
respond to breaches—which includes not only the technical remediation but how they will
maintain calm and how they will communicate.83 IoT firms and app developers themselves
need to prioritize cybersecurity at every stage. It is not enough to patch safeguards onto
completed tools at the end of development.


Smart cities create new business opportunities—and not only for technology companies.
They are a canvas inviting innovation and new business models from players in many other
industries as well.

For more on privacy issues, see Brian Nussbaum, “Smart cities: The cybersecurity and privacy implications
of ubiquitous urban computing,” Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society blog, February 9,
2016; and Adam Schwartz, “‘Smart cities,’ surveillance, and new streetlights in San Jose,” Electronic Frontier
Foundation blog, February 13, 2017.
Interagency report on status of international cybersecurity standardization for the Internet of Things (IoT),
Interagency International Cybersecurity Standardization Working Group, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, US Department of Commerce, February 2018.
For more on cybersecurity, see James Kaplan, Beyond cybersecurity: Protecting your digital business, Wiley,
2015; and "Six ways CEOs can promote cybersecurity,", August 2017.

104 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

They will also reshape value chains and force companies to adapt. Retailers and logistics
firms will be affected by new modes of transit, changing transportation policies, and
innovations such as smart parcel lockers and urban consolidation centers. Drugstore
chains are becoming telemedicine providers, and car companies are becoming ride-sharing
operators. Social media networks have become important platforms for communication and
coordination in the wake of disasters. Companies in any industry could consider providing
microtransit to their employees as a benefit or altering their working hours to accommodate
congestion pricing mandates.

To set their strategies, company leaders across industries need to address key questions:
How does the evolution of smart cities affect my current offerings? What kind of value shifts
and opportunities will this create across my industry? And what type of approaches and
capabilities does it take to be successful in these markets? Below, we consider how these
answers are playing out in some specific industries.

Adapting current offerings to meet smart city needs

Companies in multiple industries are already beginning to alter their existing product and
service lines to suit changing urban markets—from utilities that are rolling out smart meters
and introducing dynamic pricing schemes to real estate developers that are integrating
automation systems, sensors, and mobility options into their properties.

Telecom operators can lay the foundations for smart cities

Comprehensive communication networks are at the heart of any smart city’s technology
base. It takes extensive 5G and LPWA networks to accommodate applications that require
high bandwidth and low latency (such as autonomous vehicles) as well as applications
that need only low bandwidth but rely on long-distance connections and low energy
consumption. These networks require substantial capital investment, but the exponentially
rising number of IoT devices is increasing the market for cellular connectivity.

Going beyond the communications layer, some telecoms have been using their relationships
with local governments to branch into partnerships that are focused on more generalized
smart technology implementation. Funded by a grant from the European Union, Telefónica,
for instance, drove the installation of 12,000 sensors in Santander—sensors that are
connected to Telefónica’s communications backbone, securing long-term utilization of the
company’s network. Vodafone is supplying many law enforcement authorities with body-
worn cameras, a technology that requires high bandwidth because it entails live-streaming
tremendous amounts of video data to operations centers. Other telecoms are offering
solutions such as smart parking and waste management systems. Furthermore, telecom
operators are offering their residential customers smart home hardware or smart features
embedded in routers, integrating new features into broadband subscriptions.

Automakers can optimize their vehicle portfolios for smart urban mobility
Although it is posting explosive growth in cities worldwide, e-hailing has relatively limited
penetration with certain audiences—and new vehicle concepts could help the concept
break through with them. Most commuters, for example, find e-hailing too expensive to
use regularly. Many business travelers who could afford it want to work on the ride but
find it impossible using pooled options. The right kind of shared minibuses, with space for
storage, Wi-Fi, folding work desks, and privacy screens or headrests, could work for these
segments. At the same time, families with children as well as elderly and disabled riders
would be more likely to take more flexible vehicles with easy entry, generous storage space,
and seats that can be reconfigured.84 For its upcoming on-demand microtransit service

Russell Hensley, Asutosh Padhi, and Jeff Salazar, “Cracks in the ridesharing market—and how to fill them,”

McKinsey Quarterly, July 2017.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 105
Moia, Volkswagen has designed an all-new electric vehicle concept to bridge the gap
between taxis, shuttle vans, and buses. Other automakers are expected to follow suit.

In addition, the concept of vehicle personalization is likely to change. In the past, car
manufacturers could achieve compelling margins through personalized hardware such as
alloy wheels. But shared-mobility providers will look for more durable, standardized models
that can withstand wear and tear from passengers. Digital means of personalizing the car
for passengers, such as seamlessly integrating their smart devices and “digital identity” or
offering value-added services, will assume greater importance.

Lastly, vehicles will also need to help drivers navigate the new urban environment. Many
new vehicles already feature real-time road navigation and smart parking, and these types
of offerings will continue to evolve. Commercial trucks, too, will need to be able to tap into
smart city systems such as load pooling and urban consolidation centers.

Infrastructure providers can use smart technologies to optimize the way they
operate assets
Smart technologies can yield massive improvements in efficiency and capacity for
infrastructure providers. They provide detailed, real-time information on how assets are
being used, enabling infrastructure providers to plan and manage capacity more effectively.
Smart city applications can smooth the use of public assets over time, either by enabling
real-time pricing schemes or by giving users a better view of current utilization. Congestion
pricing, integrated multimodal information, and real-time traffic information minimize
overutilization of the current road network, thus reducing the need for new construction.
Competitive advantage will thus shift from those who can quickly build basic infrastructure
at scale to those who can provide more intelligent infrastructure.

In addition, predictive maintenance solutions let operators detect fault patterns and send
early warnings before systems fail. They minimize costly downtime, preventing incidents
such as power outages, water-main breaks, and transit disruptions. The Hamburg Port
Authority feeds data from building sensors and from shipping and container companies
into a SAP-enabled big data platform. This helps determine what kind of preventive and
predictive maintenance is needed to manage an extensive network of roads, bridges, and
waterfront structures, ensuring the smooth flow of traffic in and out of the port.

On the revenue side, smart city technologies can help infrastructure providers implement
new, more dynamic pricing models and optimize incidental revenues. Parking operators can
dynamically manage utilization and pricing across multiple garages, while airport operators
can track passenger footfall to refine physical layouts, guiding more travelers to shops and
optimizing advertising placement.

Prepare for value shifts and unexpected competitors

Smart cities will also create fundamental shifts in multiple industries. As value chains are
redrawn, some companies will find new opportunities—and others will come face-to-face
with new disruptive challenges to their business models.

The value of properties will shift across urban markets

Land values are likely to shift as cities become smarter. Smart mobility applications such
as e-hailing, on-demand minibuses, and eventually autonomous cars could raise land
values in areas that are not well served by conventional forms of public transportation.
Some formerly congested, polluted, or crime-ridden areas could become more livable,
creating opportunities for investment and development. Conversely, investors, owners, and
tenants may begin to factor in the cost of installing smart features into decisions regarding
where to purchase, live, or work. Buildings or areas that are hard to upgrade may become
less attractive.

106 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

Data can change the way properties are utilized as well as the way they are valued. There
is now an abundance of geospatial data on pedestrian patterns, traffic, crime, school
performance, land use, and much more, and effective use of this data will become a source
of competitive advantage. Retailers and other types of companies can use this information
to fine-tune their location decisions. Value in real estate investing may shift from those
with access to privileged deal flows to those who can draw on data to make the most
sophisticated decisions about exactly which properties to buy.

The combination of even more granular sensor data on the way people use spaces plus the
growth of the sharing economy can support new leasing models, disrupting the standard
annual or multiyear leasing system. WeWork, for example, is starting to take on occupancy
risk, providing space as a service instead of providing a fixed amount of space for a
fixed time. Sensor-fed software lets the company track precisely how people use desks,
conference rooms, and amenities—and use that information to maximize overall utilization.
The rapid growth of peer-to-peer accommodation platforms such as Airbnb is similarly
based on the idea of increasing utilization of residential real estate. Their rapid growth is
challenging traditional hotels.

These trends could increase overall utilization metrics across a city’s various classes of
real estate. The result would be less empty commercial space and underused residential
space, increasing overall density. Cities will be able to get more out of every building and
the associated infrastructure assets. For real estate developers, these changes provide
new differentiating factors for buildings. Those that allow tenants or owners to maximize
utilization will be of greater value than those that have not implemented smart technologies.
Large tenants, such as retailers and major corporate entities, will be able to come to the
table with a more sophisticated, evidence-based understanding of how their customers and
employees live and work. As a result, they may come to expect more customized designs
and greater flexibility. Real estate developers, owners, and operators will need to be more
adaptive than in the past.

In addition to changing the dynamics for existing real estate players, smart cities have also
attracted entirely new players. A number of technology firms have become involved in
developing large-scale smart districts. Siemens, for example, is one of the largest investors
in the Aspern Smart City Research project and has assumed the role of lead property
developer in partnership with the local utility. Situated on the outskirts of Vienna, it is one of
Europe’s largest energy-efficiency demonstration projects. Other players moving into real
estate development include Huawei and Alphabet. The Sidewalk Labs project on Toronto’s
waterfront is Alphabet’s venture into real estate as well as a test bed for new technologies.

Urban mobility will change dramatically in the years ahead

As cities get smarter, mobility has become a much more crowded playing field, with
companies from different industries competing for a market in which value is rapidly shifting.
For decades, car manufacturers and public transit companies owned the interface to the
customer, intermediated only by dealerships. But the rise of digital mobility services and
eventually autonomous driving is expanding the value chain, enabling companies to assume
new roles.

Tech players like Didi and Uber are operating customer-facing mobility platforms, which
may not be fully profitable yet but promise high future margins. But traditional automakers
and even public transit operators are also pushing into this space by offering multimodal
platforms or their own ride-sharing services. Several major manufacturers are launching
their own on-demand services using custom-designed fleets of minibuses. To complement
the city’s existing transit network, Berlin’s public transportation provider is piloting its
own ride-sharing van service through a public-private partnership. When autonomous
transportation services eventually break through, it remains to be seen whether automakers

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 107
will simply make and sell the required fleets, operate them as a service for other companies
and cities, or successfully position their own mobility platforms to move into the highest-
margin part of the value chain.

The tremendous volumes of data captured by vehicle systems also open the door to new
business models.85 Insurers, for example, should find that behavioral data from sensors
embedded in cars provides them with much more direct information about an individual’s
driving patterns and risk than his or her educational attainment, age, or make of car. Gas
stations and hospitality providers can buy top results in navigation systems and display
targeted coupons, while retailers and other businesses could offer their customers
ride-sharing trips. McKinsey estimates that the value of vehicle data could be as large
as $450 billion to $750 billion by 2030, creating a new revenue stream and cost savings
potential for manufacturers.86

Smart city approaches to healthcare could shift the focus toward disease
prevention and rationalize the way facilities are utilized
Applications such as infectious disease surveillance and data-based population health
interventions aim to prevent diseases before they occur. Lifestyle wearables engage users
in maintaining their own wellness. Remote monitoring can help patients manage chronic
conditions more proactively, reducing the likelihood of complications and hospitalizations.
These types of smart applications can play a role in shifting healthcare systems from treating
illness to preventing it. This trend could bring a huge upside for payors, reducing the need
for many costly treatments. In many countries, payors already offer incentives for consumer
adoption of smart healthcare applications such as lifestyle wearables.

Smart applications can also make the broader healthcare system more efficient and
effective. They can minimize information asymmetries and reduce overcharging and
overtreatment by hospitals. Applications such as integrated patient flow management
systems can improve the utilization of hospitals and specialized equipment without
compromising on availability for patients. Convenient telemedicine options can absorb many
patients with minor or routine complaints, taking pressure off traditional healthcare facilities
and further holding down costs.

New technologies in healthcare also bring up new entrants from the tech sector: The
Alphabet venture Verily, for instance, develops technologies for disease treatment and
health management, partnering with academic institutions like Stanford University and the
University of California to analyze health data and predict the outcomes of hospital visits.
Using AI technologies, tech players could approach payors, take on the risk of groups of
patients, and share the upside if they succeed in lowering healthcare costs.

Adapt your approach and capabilities

Smart cities have many vocal constituencies and stakeholders. Members of the broader
public, whether direct customers or not, can be affected by a company’s offerings. They,
and the officials who represent them, often have a great deal to say about smart solutions
that shape their environment. Companies have to consider not only how their offerings
perform but how they affect the public sphere in order to win and maintain a mandate
to operate.

ƒƒ Look for productive roles in the ecosystem. Many smart cities are ecosystems of
players from a variety of industries, and companies may need to develop a greater
willingness and capacity to partner with other players. Some companies manufacture

The age of analytics: Competing in a data-driven world, McKinsey Global Institute, December 2016.
See Monetizing car data: New service business opportunities to create new customer benefits, McKinsey &
Company, September 2016; and Accelerating the car data monetization journey, McKinsey Center for Future
Mobility, March 2018.

108 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

smart city products or components, while others provide digital platforms, integrate
systems, or even orchestrate activity across the broader ecosystem with a network
of partners. In the United States, for example, AT&T has set up the AT&T Smart Cities
Strategic Alliance, which includes partners such as Cisco, IBM, and Intel. The alliance
provides a range of smart solutions to cities including Atlanta, Dallas, and Portland.

An ecosystem requires not only cooperation but also technical compatibility. Real estate
developers, for example, often struggle with integrating smart technologies from different
vendors. Currently, no universal interface for smart home and building automation
systems has emerged, and compatibility will be important for expanding adoption.

ƒƒ Adopt creative business and financing models. Working with chronically cash-
constrained cities often calls for thinking outside the box about how to monetize the
solutions they need, and some companies are changing their business models. In the
past, many applications involved selling to city governments, but today B2C and B2B
business models are growing more common. Traditionally, a manufacturer such as Ford
might have obtained a city contract to provide vehicles. Now the company is offering its
Chariot on-demand microtransit in multiple US cities and in London direct to consumers.
Its business model is also branching into B2B, offering private employee shuttle service
to enterprises. In theory, the company could eventually also return to a B2G model by
partnering with city-owned public transit providers to operate parts of their network.

Tech companies active in the smart cities space increasingly offer financing to cities.
Cisco, for example, has created a $1 billion program with its own capital as well as
private equity and pension funds to help cities finance the purchase of Cisco solutions
and complementary technology. Cities can take advantage of financing options that
include traditional leases and loans, consumption-based “as-a-service” financing, and
concession financing. Siemens is similarly taking creative approaches. For the university
hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, the company installed lighting and HVAC systems
without any investment from the hospital, which will pass along the energy savings
generated by this solution. In other cases, smart city projects present opportunities
to generate advertising revenue and branding. The technology and media company
Intersection builds on revenue from advertisers to offer cities free “Links” kiosks to
expand public Wi-Fi.

ƒƒ Engage the constituencies. No two cities are alike. The analysis in Chapter 2 shows
just how dramatically the impact of a certain technology can vary when technology
is deployed in cities with different income levels, infrastructure, physical layout, and
baseline starting points. Each city also has its own goals for smart city programs. While
a city like Rio might prioritize security aspects, a city like Copenhagen might optimize for
carbon-neutrality goals. Successful companies have an intimate understanding of the
cities where they want to operate and are able to show how their solutions will add real
value to people’s lives.

When introducing a new product or service in urban markets, companies need to ask
themselves how their offering could affect all of the stakeholders in a city—potential
negative consequences included. Companies that launch disruptive new business
models before engaging with the local community in advance run the risk of a regulatory
or legal backlash. This scenario has already occurred with companies offering e-hailing,
scooter sharing, and peer-to-peer accommodation platforms, to name just a few. An
ongoing and constructive dialogue with city officials can help companies avoid having
their business model curtailed.

ƒƒ Add the right skills and revisit your organizational structure. Companies will need
to set themselves up for learning each city’s context, including how the city government

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 109
makes decisions and what the regulatory landscape looks like. They also need to
establish trusted relationships with different stakeholders, engaging thoughtfully
with them over the longer term about how to meet their city’s needs. Traditional sales
organizations are often not equipped with these types of capabilities. Boston’s Smart
City Playbook implores companies, “Stop sending us salespeople,” and elaborates on
city officials’ fatigue with glossy sales brochures that fail to address the problems that
really matter to their city.

Companies may need to add urban planners, sociologists, designers, and other
specialists to broaden their thinking, as some of the leading technology players in the
smart city arena have done. At its Center of Competence for Cities in London, Siemens
employs a diverse set of experts, from architects and urban planners to public finance
specialists. Two regional branches in Washington, DC, and Shanghai are geared to the
nuances of local markets.

In forming new multidisciplinary teams, some larger companies may fail to coordinate
their go-to-market approaches—and as a consequence, different business divisions
of the same company may approach cities with uncoordinated pitches. Getting this
right involves an often-painful process of enforcing guidelines about mandates and
responsibilities. It also requires setting up aligned incentives between city teams and
business divisions.


Smart cities are already enabling the next wave of public investment around the world.
Digital technologies can make infrastructure systems and city operations hum, doing
more with less. They may also alter urban life in more profound and personal ways, some
intended and others not. City governments will have to find the right combination of
technologies, investment, policies, and partners to suit their own starting points and their
own residents’ priorities. They will also have to step back and leave ample room for private-
sector innovation to fill in some of the blanks. Smart cities are hotbeds of innovation, and
there is still plenty of room for all comers to add to this grand experiment. Cities never stop
reinventing themselves—and urban technologies will only accelerate the pace of change.

110 McKinsey Global Institute 4. Making smart cities work

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McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 111
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112 McKinsey Global Institute 


The appendix provides details on key assumptions, calculations, and data sources used in
our research. It comprises the following topics:

1. Definition of smart city technologies

2. Smart city applications included in our analysis

3. Approach to quantifying the potential impact of smart city technologies

4. Where cities stand: a snapshot of current progress

5. Methodology and assumptions for calculating investments required


This report examines dozens of technologies in the domains of security, healthcare,
energy, water, waste, mobility, economic development and housing, and engagement and
community. We applied several criteria to determine which technologies to include:

ƒƒ They must be digital and/or data-based technologies. This excludes technologies that
improve performance without providing data for better decision making (such as shifting
city fleet to less polluting electric vehicles).

ƒƒ They must be commercially available and already deployed in real-world settings. If they
have only been piloted, large-scale rollout must be feasible by 2025.

ƒƒ They must help address a public problem in a city. Purely private solutions are excluded.
Home security solutions are therefore included, since they relate to public safety and
crime prevention, but connected kitchen appliances are not.

ƒƒ Cities need to have a role to play, even if it is an indirect role such as encouraging
adoption, setting regulation, or convening key actors.

A few key technologies are changing the urban landscape but do not fall within our definition
of smart city technologies. One of these is the electrification of vehicles, which is not digital
or data-based. While electric vehicles are not included comprehensively in our report, we do
consider some indirect potential (for example, the additional impact if e-hailing or demand-
based microtransit fleets move to electric vehicles). Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are also
considered qualitatively but not quantitatively. AVs have the potential to transform urban
mobility, but the time frame and policy responses are highly uncertain—and furthermore,
the world lacks concrete examples of how cities will look after AVs are widely adopted. We
also exclude computer-assisted medical diagnostic tools. These tools hold extraordinary
promise, but cities are unlikely to play a substantial role.
ƒƒ Body-worn cameras: Wearable audio, video, or photographic recording systems,
typically used by police officers to record incidents and police operations.

ƒƒ Crowd management: Technology to monitor and, where necessary, direct crowds to

ensure safety.

ƒƒ Data-driven building inspections: The use of data and analytics to focus inspections
on buildings with the greatest potential risks (for example, prioritizing commercial
buildings for fire code inspections and homes for lead inspections).

ƒƒ Disaster early-warning systems: Technology designed to predict and mitigate the

effects of natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and wildfires.

ƒƒ Emergency response optimization: The use of analytics and technology to optimize

emergency response call processing and field operations, such as the strategic
deployment of emergency vehicles.

ƒƒ Gunshot detection: Acoustic surveillance technology that incorporates audio sensors

to detect, locate, and alert police agencies to gunfire incidents in real time.

ƒƒ Home security systems: Security systems that monitor homes and alert users,
emergency response services, or both to unusual activity.

ƒƒ Personal alert applications: Applications that respond to emergencies by alerting

emergency response services, loved ones, or both. Devices (such as personal safety
wearables, car crash detectors, and fall alert systems) may transmit location and
voice data.

ƒƒ Predictive policing: The use of big data and analytics (including social media
monitoring) to predict where and when crimes are likely to happen with greater precision.
These systems are used to deploy police patrols and target prevention efforts.

ƒƒ Real-time crime mapping: Technology used by law enforcement agencies to map,

visualize, and analyze crime incident patterns. Information and intelligence gathering
serves as a management tool for allocating resources effectively and creating
accountability among officers.

ƒƒ Smart surveillance: Intelligent monitoring to detect anomalies based on visual feeds

including facial recognition, smart closed-circuit TVs, and license plate recognition.

ƒƒ Autonomous vehicles: Vehicles outfitted with sensors and software to operate
themselves; full self-driving capability (level 4) is achieved when human intervention is not
expected to take control at any point.

ƒƒ Bike sharing: Public-use bicycles, either in docking hubs or free-floating, to provide an

alternative to driving, public transit, and private bike ownerships. This option can bridge
the first-mile / last-mile segment when public transit does not take a commuter from door
to door.

ƒƒ Car sharing: Access to short-term car use without full ownership; can be round-trip
(station-based), one-way (free-floating), peer-to-peer, or fractional.

ƒƒ Congestion pricing: Fees for private car usage in certain areas, during times of peak
demand, or both.

114 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

ƒƒ Demand-based microtransit: Ride-sharing services with fixed routes, fixed stops,
or both, often supplementing existing public transit routes. Algorithms use historical
demand to determine routes, vehicle size, and trip frequency. May include options to
reserve seats.

ƒƒ Digital public transit payment: Digital and touchless payment systems in public
transportation that allow for prepayment and faster boarding. Includes smart cards and
mobile payments.

ƒƒ E-hailing (private and pooled): Real-time ordering of point-to-point transportation

through a mobile device. Pooled e-hailing involves matching separately called rides with
compatible routes dynamically to increase vehicle utilization (that is, local optimization of
real-time demand).

ƒƒ Integrated multimodal information: Real-time information about price, time, and

availability of transportation options across many modes.

ƒƒ Intelligent traffic signals: Improvement of overall traffic flow through dynamic

optimization of traffic lights and speed limits, leading to higher average speeds on roads
and less frequent stop-and-go conditions. Includes traffic light preemption technology,
which gives priority to emergency vehicles, public buses, or both.

ƒƒ Parcel load pooling: Online matching of demand for deliveries with the available supply
of trucking capacity. By maximizing vehicle utilization, fewer trucks make a greater
number of deliveries.

ƒƒ Predictive maintenance of transportation infrastructure: Sensor-based monitoring

of the condition of public transit and related infrastructure (such as rails, roads, and
bridges) so that predictive maintenance can be performed before breakdowns and
disruptions occur.

ƒƒ Real-time public transit information: Real-time information about arrival and departure
times for public transportation modes, including informal bus systems.

ƒƒ Real-time road navigation: Real-time navigation tools for choosing driving routes, with
alerts for construction, detours, congestion, and accidents. Largely applies to those
driving alone or in a car pool.

ƒƒ Smart parcel lockers: On-site drop boxes at locations where people can pick up
packages using individual access codes sent to their mobile devices.

ƒƒ Smart parking: Systems that guide drivers directly to available spaces; can also
influence demand through variable fees.

ƒƒ Data-based public health interventions for maternal and child health: The use of
analytics to direct highly targeted health interventions for at-risk populations (in this case,
identifying expectant and new mothers to drive educational campaigns about pre- and
post-natal care).

ƒƒ Data-based public health interventions for sanitation and hygiene: The use
of analytics to direct highly targeted interventions, such as understanding where to
increase rainfall absorption capacity or collecting crowdsourced data on gaps in
sanitation systems.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 115
ƒƒ First aid alerts: Technologies that alert bystanders trained in CPR so that cardiac arrest
victims receive prompt and critical care.

ƒƒ Infectious disease surveillance: Data collection, analysis, and response to prevent

spread of infectious and epidemic diseases. Includes awareness and vaccine
campaigns (for example, for HIV / AIDS).

ƒƒ Integrated patient flow management systems: Real-time hardware and software

solutions that provide visibility into where patients are in the system to improve hospital
operations and coordinate utilization on a city or multiple-facility level.

ƒƒ Lifestyle wearables: Wearable devices that collect data on lifestyle and activity metrics
and inform the wearer; may promote exercise or other aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

ƒƒ Online care search and scheduling: Tools that assist in selecting payors and providers
with financial and clinical transparency.

ƒƒ Real-time air quality information: Sensors to detect and monitor the presence of air
pollution (outdoor, indoor, or both) in real time. Individuals can view the information online
or on a personal device and choose to modify their behavior accordingly.

ƒƒ Remote patient monitoring: The collection and transmission of patient data for analysis
and intervention by a health-care provider in another location (for example, monitoring
vitals or blood glucose readings). Includes medication adherence technologies that
assist patients in taking medications as recommended by their healthcare provider.

ƒƒ Telemedicine: Virtual patient and physician interaction through audiovisual technology.

ƒƒ Building automation systems: Systems that optimize energy and water use in
commercial and public buildings by leveraging sensors and analytics to manually or
automatically eliminate inefficiencies. Includes optimized lighting and HVAC as well as
features such as access / security control and parking information.

ƒƒ Distribution automation systems: Different types of smart grid technologies, including

FDIR, M&D, Volt/Var, and substation automation, to optimize energy efficiency and the
stability of the power grid.

ƒƒ Dynamic electricity pricing: Dynamic adjustment of electricity prices to shave peak-

time demand and reduce electricity generation cost. By reducing peak demand, cities
can reduce the number of power plants that operate during peak hours.

ƒƒ Home energy automation systems: Optimization of home energy consumption using

smart thermostats, programmable and remote controllable electronic devices (smart
home), and standby electricity control.

ƒƒ Home energy consumption tracking: Tracking of residential electricity consumption

with feedback delivered to the user via mobile app, email, or text to increase user
awareness and encourage conservation. Also allows utility companies to measure
electricity use remotely.

ƒƒ Smart streetlights: Connected and sensor-equipped energy-efficient streetlights

(including LED) that optimize brightness and reduce maintenance needs. Smart
streetlights can be equipped with speakers, gunshot detection sensors, and other
features to enhance functionality.

116 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

ƒƒ Leakage detection and control: Remote monitoring of pipe conditions using
sensors, and control of pump pressure to reduce or prevent water leakage. The early
identification of leaks can prompt follow-up actions from relevant city departments and
utility companies.

ƒƒ Smart irrigation: Optimization of irrigation using analysis of information such as local

weather, soil conditions, plant type, and so forth to eliminate unnecessary watering.

ƒƒ Water consumption tracking: Feedback (via mobile app, email, text, and so forth) on a
resident’s water consumption to increase awareness and reduce consumption. Smart
water meters allow utility companies to measure consumption remotely, reducing labor
costs for manual meter reading. It also enables the potential for dynamic pricing.

ƒƒ Water quality monitoring: Real-time monitoring of water quality (in mains, rivers,
oceans, and so forth) with alerts delivered to the public via channels such as mobile app,
email, text, or website. This warns the public against consuming or coming into contact
with contaminated water and prompts cities and utilities to follow up promptly.

ƒƒ Digital tracking and payment for waste disposal: Digitally enabled pay-as-you-throw
systems; includes feedback (via mobile app, email, text, and so forth) delivered to users
to increase awareness and reduce waste.

ƒƒ Waste collection route optimization: The use of sensors inside trash bins to measure
trash volume and direct the routes of garbage trucks. This application keeps garbage
trucks from traveling to trash bins with little waste volume.

Economic development and housing

ƒƒ Digital business licensing and permitting: Digitized process (such as an online portal)
for businesses to obtain operating licenses and permits.

ƒƒ Digital business tax filing: Channel for businesses to complete tax filing online.

ƒƒ Digital land-use and building permitting: Digitization and automation of the

application process for land-use and construction permitting, reducing approval time
and increasing transparency.

ƒƒ Local e-career centers: Online platforms for posting jobs openings and candidate
profiles; may use algorithms to match compatible candidates with available jobs.
Reduces job-hunting time and increases net new employment.

ƒƒ Online retraining programs: Lifelong learning opportunities delivered in digital format,

especially to help individuals who are unemployed or at risk of becoming unemployed
gain new skills.

ƒƒ Open cadastral database: Complete database of land parcels in the city, open to the
public; enables a more efficient land market by creating transparency of available land
and lowering the cost of land parcel registration.

ƒƒ Peer-to-peer accommodation platforms: Digital marketplaces where individual hosts

can list and rent out short-term accommodations.

ƒƒ Personalized education: The use of student data to identify individuals who

need additional attention or resources; potential to tailor learning environments for
individual students.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 117
Engagement and community
ƒƒ Digital citizen services: Digitization of citizen-facing government administrative
services such as income tax filing, car registration, or applying for unemployment
benefits. Includes digitization of the user journey as well as back-end support functions
as needed.

ƒƒ Local civic engagement applications: Public engagement in city affairs through digital
apps. May include reporting nonemergency nuisances and maintenance needs (for
instance, reporting broken streetlights via a 311 app), giving input on policy decisions,
participating in digital city initiatives (such as open data hackathons), and interaction with
city officials and departments on social networks.

ƒƒ Local connection platforms: Websites or mobile apps that help people connect with
and potentially meet others in their community. May be used to find people with similar
interests and hobbies, to connect with neighbors, and so on.


Chapter 2 estimates the potential impact of a wide range of smart city technologies on
various quality-of-life dimensions. While there are many variables at work, this exercise
is meant to convey a sense of the size of the benefits at stake and how the impact may
differ across different types of urban settings. We focused on metrics that directly affect
city residents and on areas where we believe smart technologies could have a clear,
attributable impact.

We estimated the potential for improving baseline metrics through effective use of each
technology, looking at what is feasible by 2025. We assumed aspirational but realistic
adoption levels that varied by cities' initial conditions.

Our impact estimates draw on publicly available case studies, industry reports, and
research papers as well as McKinsey’s own data sets and case studies. We consulted with
internal and external experts in all domains to set our assumptions and verify the feasibility of
our findings.

We researched baseline metrics and estimated the impact of these technologies in three
distinct types of urban settings. They vary widely—not only in income level but also in
characteristics such as energy mix, the comprehensiveness of existing infrastructure
systems, crime levels, commuting times and patterns, and the prevalence of certain types of
diseases. These three cities are not meant to be archetypes against which every other city
can match up neatly, nor do they demonstrate the entire range of potential outcomes. But
they do show how baselines and a given city’s own context can influence results. Officials
should not assume that these estimates will apply in their own city without conducting
further analysis that takes their own context into account.

Three metrics were selected to measure safety:

ƒƒ Fatalities (number per 100,000 residents): This metric does not consider all deaths. It
focuses exclusively on three specific types of fatalities: intentional homicides, road traffic
deaths, and fire deaths.

ƒƒ Crime incidents (number per 100,000 residents): Incidents included are assaults
(including sexual assaults), robberies, burglaries, and auto thefts. Burglaries involve
unlawful entry into a building or residence, while robberies do not.

118 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

ƒƒ Emergency response time (minutes per emergency call): This is the time that elapses
from the moment an emergency call is received to the moment first responders arrive
on the scene. This accounts for time spent in the call center as well as in the field and
includes calls to the police, fire department, and paramedics.

We began by considering the starting point in each of the three sample cities. Exhibit A1
illustrates how widely these can vary, looking specifically at baseline fatality rates.

Exhibit A1


Cities 1, 2, and 3 have sharply varying baseline fatality rates and leading causes of death.
Breakdown of addressed fatalities1

Fire deaths Road traffic deaths Intentional homicides

City 1 City 2 City 3

(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Johannesburg)

 Low fatalities baseline  High fatalities baseline  High fatalities baseline

 Low share from road traffic  High share from road traffic  Medium share from road
deaths deaths traffic deaths
 High geographic  Low geographic  High geographic
concentration of crime concentration of crime concentration of crime

10 1 11



Baseline 7.4 55.1 71.2

Fatalities per 100,000
citizens per year

1 Includes fatalities from intentional homicides, road traffic deaths, and fire deaths only.
NOTE: Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

SOURCE: UNODC Global Study on Homicide; FBI Uniform Crime Reporting; NYC DOT; Crime Stats SA; WHO; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

We estimated how each technology could influence each metric. Fatalities and crime
incidents, for example, can be reduced in a number of ways: allocating law enforcement
resources more effectively, deterring crime with surveillance and better lighting, improving
traffic safety, providing the public with information about dangerous areas, and inspecting
buildings more effectively. Emergency response times can be reduced through faster
and more accurate transmission of emergency locations, as well as call center and field
operations optimization.

Estimates were based on observed case studies, research reports and papers, and expert
input. We adjusted our estimates to single out the impact attributable to the technology
itself. For example, results from randomized control trials were assumed to be 100 percent
Smart cities attributable to the technology. Results from manufacturer case studies were assumed to
mc 0525Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future
McKinsey Global Institute 119
be 70 percent attributable to the technology to account for unrelated factors such as police
force size or implementation biases.

In the case of emergency response time, a minimum threshold was set for each city based
on geographical layout and transport infrastructure. These minimums were 6.5 minutes
in City 1, 10 minutes in City 2, and 7.5 minutes in city 3. Realistically, average emergency
response times would not be able to dip below these thresholds without significant
infrastructural changes.

In addition to the baseline, many other factors were considered when calculating impact for
each application, including:

ƒƒ Geographic concentration of crime

ƒƒ Share of homicides by firearm

ƒƒ Share of road traffic deaths related to alcohol use

ƒƒ Percentage of assaults by strangers

ƒƒ Road congestion levels

Time and convenience

We looked at two metrics to measure time and convenience for the public: time spent
commuting (minutes per person per workday) and time spent interacting with government
and the healthcare system (hours per person per year). While commuting is a regular
occurrence that eats up a portion of most days for the average worker, people interact with
government and healthcare services less frequently—but when they do, they may encounter
frustrating processes with long waits.

We developed a baseline for time in commute by considering the baseline length of the
average commute and which modes of transport dominate in each of the three sample cities
(Exhibit A2). Those who walk to work or work from home are not included.

For each application, we considered multiple avenues for reducing commute times:

ƒƒ Decreasing congestion by removing vehicles from the road

ƒƒ Decreasing congestion by improving traffic flow

ƒƒ Reducing time spent searching for parking

ƒƒ Reducing time spent waiting for public transit

ƒƒ Reducing breakdowns and delays in public transit

ƒƒ Choosing a faster route and/or mode

In addition to considering the dominant modes of commuting in each city, we considered

the following variables when calculating impact:

ƒƒ Current congestion levels

ƒƒ Percent of congestion contributable to commercial vehicles (B2B and B2C)

ƒƒ Average public transportation waiting time

ƒƒ Average bus occupancy

120 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

ƒƒ Existing parking and traffic signal infrastructure

We focused on estimating the major impact we expect to be realized over the next five to
ten years. We did not consider potential second- and third-order effects (such as whether
decreased congestion would actually start to encourage more people to drive). Similarly,
we did not factor in whether faster commutes would encourage more people to move
farther away from the city center. Our calculation of commute time saved is a quality-of-life
improvement that may eventually take other forms.

Exhibit A2


The predominant transportation mode in each city influences its average commuting time.
Breakdown of time of transportation to school or work1

Drove alone Bus or trolley Railroad or ferry Motorcycle

Carpooled Streetcar, subway Bicycle Taxi

City 1 City 2 City 3

(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)

 Medium commute time  Medium commute time  High commute time

baseline baseline baseline
 Subway is primary mode  Bus is primary mode  Bus is primary mode
 Medium congestion  Medium congestion  High congestion
 Low bus occupancy  High bus occupancy  Low bus occupancy

21 31 6
4 2 16 6
0 25 4 22
1 1
61 62

Baseline 89 100 174

Minutes per citizen
per workday

1 Excludes those who work from home or walk to work.

NOTE: Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

SOURCE: American Community Survey (2016); Oyeyinka (2017); Oshlookman (2016); Plano Diretor de Transporte Urbanos da Região Metropolitana do Rio
de Janeiro; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

We also excluded any additional benefits that could be achievable if the digital applications
are paired with significant infrastructure investments. For example, our estimate for the
impact of smart parking does not include the benefits that could be achieved by building
additional parking space or redesigning existing parking infrastructure. In most of our
applications, there is significant potential to create even greater benefits by pairing smart
technologies with complementary urban policies and investment.

Time spent in government processes refers to administrative activities that require

individuals to interact with government agencies, such as filing tax returns, renewing drivers’
licenses, and applying for benefits. We considered the time spent in the following tasks:

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 121
ƒƒ Collecting necessary paperwork

ƒƒ Traveling to and from government agencies

ƒƒ Physically waiting in government facilities

ƒƒ Filling out and submitting forms

The time saved calculation is made under the assumption that there is an achievable
“ideal” time for some tasks (for example, that travel and waiting time should be minimal if
most processes can be completed online). Other tasks will take time proportional to the
complexity of the task. Time spent collecting necessary paperwork can be simplified, but
residents in cities with more complex process requirements will still spend more time on this.

For waiting time in healthcare services, we considered the time spent:

ƒƒ Finding a physician and scheduling appointments

ƒƒ Traveling to and from healthcare facilities

ƒƒ Filling out forms

ƒƒ Sitting in waiting rooms

We did not consider the time elapsed scheduling and receiving appointments, nor did we
consider reductions in the number of facility visits through improved health.

The DALY (disability-adjusted life year) is the metric we used to measure health. It is a single
number that combines the burden of mortality and morbidity (nonfatal health problems) of a
disease. It is the primary metric used by the World Health Organization to access the global
burden of disease. It is the sum of years of life lost (YLL) and years lost due to disability
(YLD), which includes a weight factor that reflects the severity of the disease.87 Exhibit A3
shows the wide variation in causes of mortality and morbidity in our three sample cities.

We estimated the impact for each application by evaluating the individual drivers of health
improvements. For example, remote patient monitoring was broken down into four components:

ƒƒ Increased quality of life from improved care management

ƒƒ Reduced years of life lost from chronic disease

ƒƒ Reduced years of life lost from deaths in intensive care units

ƒƒ Increased quality of life for the elderly due to fewer falls

Each driver was then applied to the affected DALYs category and population. Finally, impact
estimates were determined by drawing on several sources of data:

ƒƒ Medical studies (used directly whenever available)

ƒƒ Case studies from health institutions or manufacturers: Documented evidence from

hospitals, device manufacturers, or WHO on the impact of technology

ƒƒ Interviews with doctors and health experts

For more information about how DALYs are calculated, see the WHO’s definition at

122 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

Exhibit A3


The drivers of disease burden differ across cities.

Breakdown of disease burden
Disability-adjusted life years per person, expressed in days

Non-communicable Communicable Injuries

City 1 City 2 City 3

(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)

 Low overall disease burden  Low overall disease burden  High overall disease
 High chronic disease  Mixed disease burden burden
burden  Low air pollution  High communicable
 Low air pollution  Medium level of physician disease burden
 High level of physician access  Medium air pollution
access  Medium infant mortality rate  Low level of physician
 Low infant mortality rate access
 High infant mortality rate

Cardiovascular Cardiovascular
17.6 10.3 and parasitic 111.6
diseases diseases

Cancer 16.7 Cancer 7.4 40.3

Mental and Mental and

substance 13.2 substance 7.2 40.3
use disorders use disorders

Neurological Unintentional Unintentional

8.0 5.4 21.6
conditions injuries injuries

Musculoskeletal Intentional Cardiovascular

7.8 5.2 12.9
diseases injuries diseases

Respiratory Musculoskeletal Nutritional

6.5 3.4 12.5
diseases diseases deficiencies

Unintentional Respiratory Congenital

6.3 3.1 8.6
injuries diseases anomalies

Diabetes Maternal
5.1 and parasitic 3.0 8.0
mellitus conditions
Mental and
Digestive Neonatal
4.1 2.9 substance 7.8
diseases conditions
use disorders
Intentional Neurological
3.6 2.9 blood, immune 7.7
injuries conditions

Baseline 106 106 309

DALYs (expressed
in days) per capita

NOTE: Not to scale.

SOURCE: World Health Organization: 2015 Disease burden and mortality estimates; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 123
In addition to the baseline differences in disease burden, other city characteristics drive
differences in impact, including:

ƒƒ The availability of doctors

ƒƒ Daily average and peak PM2.5 levels (measures of air quality and pollution)

ƒƒ Infant mortality rate

ƒƒ Levels of physical activity

Environmental quality
Three metrics were chosen to represent environmental quality: GHG emissions (kg CO2e per
capita per year), water consumption (liters per capita per day), and unrecycled waste (kg per
capita per day). These metrics capture usage of limited natural resources and contribution to
climate change.

The GHG emissions baseline was built using data from the C40 Global Protocol for
Community-Scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC) data. We used the basic reporting
level, which covers emissions from stationary, in-boundary transportation, and in-
boundary generated waste.88 Data from the World Bank was also used to determine the
fuel mix and resulting emissions factor (average kg CO2e per kWh) for each city. Exhibit A4
shows the wide variations in emissions sources in different cities. This factor, along with
the city’s energy mix, influences the effectiveness of various strategies and tools for
reducing emissions.

Impact on the GHG emissions baseline was calculated for applications in several domains:

ƒƒ Energy: The stationary emissions baseline was further categorized into sub-baselines
by energy type (fuel or electricity) and use case (residential, commercial, industrial, street
lighting, water utilities, and other). For each application, changes in both energy demand
and emissions factor were considered for the affected sub-baselines. The impact of
energy applications on non-stationary emissions was assumed to be negligible.

ƒƒ Water: Water contributes to GHG emissions in two ways. The first is by producing
wastewater, which generates greenhouse gases. The second is by consuming electricity
for the operation of the water system, which produces GHG emissions when generated.
We assume a percentage decrease in water consumption would translate to an equal
percentage decrease in GHG emissions from wastewater and, in case of leakage, an
equal percentage decrease in GHG emissions from electricity consumption.

ƒƒ Waste: Waste contributes to GHG emissions in two ways. The first is through
landfill and incineration. The second is through the emissions produced by waste
collection vehicles. We assumed a percentage decrease in waste would translate to
an equal percentage decrease in GHG emissions from landfill and incineration and,
in case of collection vehicles, an equal percentage decrease in GHG emissions from
collection vehicles.

ƒƒ Mobility: The primary way in which vehicles contribute to GHG emissions is through
traveling distances. For each application that affect vehicle-kilometers traveled, we
calculated the change in emissions by considering changes in passenger-kilometers
traveled by mode, average vehicle occupancy and utilization, and average emission
factor by mode. Applications that affected commercial vehicle-kilometers were
treated similarly, but calculated at a parcel level rather than passenger level. We

For additional information on this data set, see the C40 GPC dashboard

124 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

assumed each city’s current public transportation infrastructure was capable of
accommodating additional passengers switching from other modes, without having to
run additional vehicles.

ƒƒ Vehicles also contribute to GHG emissions through stalling. Applications that reduced
stalling time were also attributed a reduction in GHG emissions, as observed in
case studies.

Exhibit A4

Environmental quality

The main sources of GHG emissions vary by city, with transport sources accounting for a larger share in lower-
income cities.
Breakdown of GHG emission source1
Stationary Transport Waste

City 1 City 2 City 3

(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Mexico City)
 High per capita GHG  Low per capita GHG  Low per capita GHG
emissions baseline emissions baseline emissions baseline
 Emissions primarily from  Emissions from mixed  Emissions primarily from
stationary sources sources transport sources
 High carbon intensity of  Low carbon intensity of grid  Medium carbon intensity of
grid electricity electricity grid electricity
14 16



Baseline 6,043 2,661 3,386

Kg CO2e per
capita per year

1 Including emission from all types of energy consumption as well as waste, which generates methane gas as it decomposes.
NOTE: Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

SOURCE: C40 database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

The water consumption baseline is focused on urban water, which excludes water usage
in agriculture and industry. This baseline is split into leakage and difference sources of
water use by households and businesses (Exhibit A5). For each category, we calculated the
percent reduction opportunity and added them together to derive the total impact.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 125
Exhibit A5

Environmental quality

While many high-income cities have baseline residential water consumption, the biggest cause of water waste in
many developing cities is leakage.
Breakdown of daily water consumption
Leakage Residential buildings Non-residential buildings Outdoor and others

City 1 City 2 City 3

(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)

 High water consumption  Medium water consumption  Low water consumption

baseline baseline baseline
 Low leakage  High leakage  Very high leakage
4 7 4 5 2
17 11

27 58


Baseline 444 301 90

Liters per person
per year

NOTE: Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

SOURCE: OECD; NYC Department of Environmental Protection; Lagos Water Corporation; Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; Sistema Nacional de
Informações sobre Saneamento; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

The baseline for waste in each city measures unrecycled municipal waste, which excludes
construction and industrial waste. This baseline was built by considering the split by
category: organic, plastic, paper, glass, metal, and others (Exhibit A6). A recycling rate was
applied to remove any plastic, paper, glass, or metal waste that was recycled. For cities
that have a high informal recycling rate, industry experts were consulted to provide a net
recycling rate estimate of 90 percent.

To calculate the potential for reducing waste, we considered two levers: a decrease in
consumption, and an increased recycling rate. A maximum realistic recycling rate of
95 percent was used as a cap. A minimum for each waste category was also used to reflect
the difficulty of achieving waste reductions past a certain threshold. These minimums were
calculated using the lowest quartile of global waste generation by category.

126 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

Exhibit A6

Environmental quality

The baseline level of unrecycled municipal solid waste varies across cities.
Breakdown of municipal solid waste by source
Organic Recyclable Non-recyclable Others, unclassified

City 1 City 2 City 3

(eg, New York City) (eg, Rio de Janeiro) (eg, Lagos)

 High unrecycled waste  Medium unrecycled waste  Low unrecycled waste

baseline baseline baseline
 Low recycling rate1  High recycling rate1  High recycling rate1

5 4
16 7 9

30 57


Baseline 2.1 0.8 0.4

Kg per capita
per day

1 Includes both formal and informal recycling.

NOTE: Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

SOURCE: World Bank; OECD; expert interviews; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Social connectedness and participation

ƒƒ A feeling of connectedness is of course difficult to quantify. In order to establish a proxy,
MGI conducted a survey of 900 people in cities across Europe, North America, and
Australia. It included questions to understand the following:

ƒƒ Demographic information, including age, sex, and city of residence

ƒƒ How connected respondents feel to their local community (on a six-point scale from
“very disconnected” to “very connected”)

ƒƒ How connected respondents feel to their local government (on a six-point scale from
“very disconnected” to “very connected”)

ƒƒ How important these two aspects of connection are to respondents

ƒƒ Which local connection platforms respondents currently use or have used in the past,
if any

ƒƒ Which citizen engagement applications respondents currently use or have used in the
past, if any

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 127
We considered those who reported a 5 (connected) or 6 (very connected) as feeling
“connected.” Those who reported a 1 (very disconnected), 2 (disconnected), 3 (slightly
disconnected), or 4 (slightly connected) were considered as feeling “not connected.”

We found that 24 percent of those surveyed feel connected to their local community, and
13 percent feel connected to their local government. Sixty-two percent currently use or
have used a local connection platform, and 54 percent currently use or have used a citizen
engagement application.

Local connection platforms include those used for the following purposes:

ƒƒ To connect with/meet neighbors

ƒƒ To connect with/meet people with similar interests or hobbies

ƒƒ To date new people

ƒƒ To facilitate volunteering or build engagement with a religious community

Citizen engagement applications include those used for the following purposes:

ƒƒ Reporting nonemergency incidents

ƒƒ Following political processes online

ƒƒ Participating in digital city initiatives

ƒƒ Using digital channels to express opinions to local decision makers

We performed a logistic regression to determine how the use of smart technologies affected
reported feelings of connectedness (binary). The use of smart technologies was defined
broadly to include both current and past use of connection applications for any of the
above purposes.

Controlling for demographics, our analysis found that the use of smart technologies had
a statistically significant impact on reported feelings of connectedness. Assuming an
aspirational adoption rate of 100 percent, our findings show that local connection platforms
can increase the percentage of those who feel connected to their local community from
24 percent to some 41 percent. Similarly, local citizen engagement applications can
increase the percentage of those who feel connected to their local government from
13 percent to roughly 36 percent.

The metric used to measure jobs is formal employment per 100,000 working-age residents.
This allows us to capture the effects of both decreasing unemployment and increasing labor
force participation.

We looked at four main avenues for affecting employment:

ƒƒ Skilled labor supply: Increasing the skill and employability of individuals to fill open jobs in
the city

ƒƒ Labor market efficiency: Increasing transparency of available jobs to facilitate faster and/
or new job matches

ƒƒ New job demand: Creating or destroying specific positions as a result of

implementing applications

128 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

ƒƒ Local business growth: Reducing red tape for local businesses to encourage
formalization of jobs and increased profitability

The effects of new job demand are shown at a job category level rather than an application
level. This shows the aggregate impact of many applications that may each have a small
impact individually. All job effects measured look only at ongoing jobs, both full-time and
part-time. The exception is temporary installation jobs, where we assume the total number
of installation jobs are spread out evenly over five years.

For each job effect, employment multipliers of 1.4 to 2.8 are used to account for the direct,
indirect, and induced effects beyond the initial job impact. The multiplier used depends
on which sector is affected most for each application or job category. The range was
established by looking at average international employment multipliers by sector.

Impact across cities can vary depending on many factors, including:

ƒƒ Unemployment rate

ƒƒ Average job search times

ƒƒ Educational attainment of population

ƒƒ Employment by occupation, such as taxi drivers, bus drivers, cybersecurity analysts,

and local government employees

ƒƒ Percent of employment from small and medium-size enterprises

ƒƒ Time required to start a business and to prepare/pay business taxes

ƒƒ Number of physical assets such as hospitals, schools, subway stations, and

commercial buildings

Cost of living
Average annual expenditures per capita (in US dollars) is the metric used to measure cost
of living. This does not represent average income; rather, it represents the ongoing costs
required to live in the city.

The baseline expenditure in each city varies in terms of overall magnitude, as well as the
distribution of spending across categories. The primary expenditures affected by smart city
applications include:

ƒƒ Utilities

ƒƒ Housing (shelter)

ƒƒ Security (including home equipment, personal products)

ƒƒ Transportation (including vehicle purchases, fuel, public transportation)

ƒƒ Healthcare

Other costs may not be directly affected by these technologies, including food, apparel,
and entertainment.

For each application, we considered which category would be affected and to what degree.
The impact varies across cities due to differing characteristics, including:

ƒƒ Distribution of spending across categories

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 129
ƒƒ Time required to register property

ƒƒ Interest rates for land developers

ƒƒ Amount of vacant land zoned for residential developments

ƒƒ Vehicle ownership rates

ƒƒ Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of total healthcare costs

ƒƒ Share of population with chronic conditions


Our work examines the progress made toward smart city deployment in 50 cities globally.
We selected cities that have a reputation for being smart or stated ambitions to be, as
indicated by citations in more than 25 sources (including independent smart city indexes,
published studies, and media articles) or as confirmed in expert interviews. Source counts
were then ranked relative to the range found within each region in order to create a globally
representative set of cities. The selection includes a mix of high- and low-income locations,
middle-size cities and megacities. Density, infrastructure quality, and other indicators also
vary widely across the set.

We focus on a set of indicators that combine to form a compelling proxy for progress in
smart city deployment. We assess cities in three areas: the strength of their technology
base; the number and extent of applications implemented; and public awareness, usage,
and satisfaction with the applications.

When evaluating the technology base and applications, figures were obtained from local
government sources, published case studies, academic research, media accounts, expert
interviews, interviews with service providers, and central databases. Data was gathered
between October 2017 and January 2018. To ensure the accuracy of our data, we validated
our findings with local McKinsey colleagues in each of the 50 cities in March 2018.

Public adoption data was collected through online surveys of some 380 residents in each
city (conducted in December 2017). For each metric, we assigned points to measure
deployment progress and calculated scores for each city. We also aggregated the
technology base, application rollout, and adoption scores into a composite score (weighted
30:50:30) to identify correlations between overall deployment progress and city indicators
such as GDP per capita we obtained from the MGI CityScope database. These results do
not constitute a ranking, and we caution against simplistic interpretations such as “City A is
‘smarter’ than City B.” Adequate smart city deployment is a highly individual choice for each
city, and starting points vary sharply. Our purpose is to outline global and regional patterns
in smart city deployment, identify best practices, and highlight how much potential still
remains uncaptured worldwide. Given data limitations and the speed at which technology is
moving, this benchmark should be considered a snapshot in time that will surely evolve.

Technology base
To measure each city’s technology base, we considered indicators for the sensor network in
place, the speed and extent of a city’s communication networks, and the availability of open
data portals (Exhibit A7).

130 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

Exhibit A7

To assess the strength of each city’s technology base, we analyzed its sensing and communication layers and
evaluated its open data portal.

Technology base

Sensing layer Communication layer Open data portal

 Penetration of smart water and  Availability and extent of LPWAN  Extent of data available
energy meters infrastructure (unlicensed and  Ease of access
 Density of water and air quality licensed technologies)  Frequency of updates
sensors  Availability and extent of public  Support for developers
 Density of publicly accessible Wi-Fi
surveillance cameras  Broadband and mobile up- and
 Number of waste capacity sensors download speeds
 Smartphone and PC penetration  Latencies

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

For each metric, cities were assigned 0, 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, or 100 percent
of the maximum points, with thresholds roughly guided by the quartiles of our sample
(except LPWA networks and open data portals, where we used more precise gradations).

In the sensing layer, we considered data on national smartphone and PC penetration from
the Google Connected Consumer Survey. Both devices are important prerequisites for
using smart city applications. Because smartphones are critical for individuals to interact
with applications, we scored smartphone penetration with a maximum of 4 points and
PC penetration with a maximum of 2 points. Furthermore, we considered the number of
smart water and energy meters, as well as the density of water and air quality sensors, by
assigning maximum scores of 1 point each. Since surveillance cameras can enable multiple
smart city applications, we included these with a maximum possible 4 points per city. To
standardize results, we considered the number of sensors per households (total population
used for standardizing surveillance cameras) per city, with household data taken from MGI’s
CityScope database. Furthermore, we included the absolute number of waste capacity
sensors a city has in place with a maximum of 1 point.

To assess each city’s communications networks, we included aggregated and averaged

Speedtest Intelligence data from Q2 and Q3 2017 provided by Ookla and scored each
metric with a maximum 1 point. We considered the extent of public Wi-Fi with a maximum
possible 4 points. The same was applied to LPWA networks, where we checked for the
availability and scope of both unlicensed and licensed technologies.

Finally, we evaluated the availability and quality of city data provided through either city-
specific or national open data portals. We considered the extent of data available, the
frequency of updates, and the ease of access and support for developers. A maximum
score of 4 points was possible.

McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 131
We looked for the deployment of 55 applications in each city (Exhibit A8).

Exhibit A8

In each of the 50 cities on our list, we assessed whether the following applications are piloted, available at scale, or
not available.

Applications assessed

Economic development, housing,

engagement Healthcare Mobility

 Digital administrative citizen  Data-based population health  Autonomous vehicles

services interventions  Bike sharing
 Local citizen engagement  First aid alerts  Car sharing
applications  Infectious disease surveillance  Congestion pricing
 Local connection platforms  Integrated patient flow  Demand-based microtransit
 Local e-career centers management systems  Digital payment in public transit
 Online retraining programs  Lifestyle wearables  Integrated multimodal info
 Peer-to-peer accommodation  Online care search and scheduling  Intelligent traffic signals and vehicle
platforms  Real-time air quality monitoring preemption
 Personalized education  Real-time telemedicine  Parcel load pooling and urban
 Remote monitoring applications consolidation centers
and medication adherence tools  Pooled e-hailing
 Predictive maintenance of transport
 Private e-hailing
Security Utilities
 Real-time road navigation
 Real-time public transit info
 Body-worn cameras  Behavior-based water consumption
 Smart parcel lockers
 Crowd management tracking
 Smart parking
 Data-driven building inspections  Building automation systems
 Disaster early-warning systems  Digital tracking and payment for
 Emergency response optimization waste disposal
 Gunshot detection  Distribution automation systems
 Home security systems  Dynamic electricity pricing
 Personal alert applications  Home energy consumption tracking
 Predictive policing  Home energy automation systems
 Real-time crime mapping  Leakage detection and control
 Smart surveillance  Smart streetlights
 Smart irrigation
 Water quality monitoring
 Waste collection route optimization

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

We included applications known to already exist within cities, not technologies still in
development. A city’s score for each application was determined by the extent of its rollout
(1 point for wide-ranging availability, 0.5 points for pilots or limited rollouts, and 0 points
for applications that are not available or very limited). Based on these thresholds, suitable
requirement levels were defined for each application. For most applications, we analyzed
availability through published results found on city websites, on provider websites, and
through media searches.

Some applications in our assessment rely on consumer hardware that can be bought
everywhere in the world. Thus, we based our scoring not on availability of applications, but
on comparative share of users among respondents in our surveys. These include behavior-
based electricity consumption tracking (only for cities where smart energy meters are

132 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

available), home energy automation, behavior-based water consumption tracking (only for
cities where smart water meters are available), and home security systems.

For real-time air quality information and water quality monitoring, we base our scoring on
the number of respective sensors as measured in the technology base. For distribution
automation systems, we calculated national spending on distribution automation
per kilometer of electricity network based on figures from the McKinsey NRG Expert
report 2017, assigned scoring from 0-1 per city based on level of spending, and then
adjusted those scores to account for variations in national-to-city spending based on
expert interviews.

Public adoption
To evaluate public adoption of smart city applications, we conducted online surveys in all 50
of the cities on our list. Respondents were asked about their awareness of the applications
that exist in their city, whether they have had personal interactions with these applications,
and their level of satisfaction with the experience (Exhibit A9).

Exhibit A9

We conducted surveys in all 50 cities to ask residents about their experience with the smart city applications
available in their city.

Public adoption

Respondents were asked

▪ Do you know if the application is available in your city? (Awareness)
▪ Have you used this application? (Usage)
▪ If yes, how satisfied are you? (Satisfaction)

engagement Healthcare Mobility Security Utilities

 Bike sharing  Behavior-based  Lifestyle  Home security  Digital

 Car sharing water consumption wearables systems administrative
 Digital payment in tracking  Online care search  Personal alert citizen services
public transit  Home energy and scheduling applications  Online retraining
 Integrated automation  Real-time air programs
multimodal systems quality information  Peer-to-peer
information  Home energy  Telemedicine accommodation
 Real-time road consumption platforms
navigation tracking
 Smart parcel
 Smart parking

SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Surveys were programmed and conducted through the provider ResearchNow SSI.89 In
each city, our samples included approximately 380 respondents, representing the national
distribution of age groups 18–33, 34–55, and over 55; they also reflected a balanced
distribution of gender and income levels. If surveyed populations slightly deviated from the
targeted age distributions, scores were weighted to ensure representation.


McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 133
Because the surveys were conducted online, it should be noted that the sample by its
nature does not include offline populations. The results of our survey for cities with relatively
low smartphone penetration have to be interpreted in that light (i.e., the population in our
sample might be more tech-savvy than the broader population, and public adoption might
be overrated in these cities).

To accurately gauge awareness and satisfaction in our survey, we asked only about
applications that both generate public perception and require direct participation for the
application to be successfully adopted (e.g., local civic engagement apps). Applications
such as leakage detection and control apps were not included because the public does
not have to be aware of nor use the application directly for it to be effective. In each city, we
adapted the questionnaire locally by translating it to the national language(s) and giving city-
specific examples for applications existing in each.

We scored only those applications known to be available in each city, as measured by our
application scoring assessment, so that locations with relatively few apps had the potential
to achieve the same scores as cities with many applications at work. We also accounted
for the varying inherent attractiveness of applications by comparing how respondents in
different cities responded to the same app. Satisfaction responses were weighted with
scores increasing along the scale depending on whether respondents were “somewhat,”
“very,” or “extremely” satisfied. We asked only those respondents who stated that they
have used a certain application about their satisfaction with it. Satisfaction scores therefore
do not represent the satisfaction level of the broader population with available range of
applications; instead they reflect how actual users of the applications available in a city rate
their user experience. This has to be kept in mind when comparing across cities, as they
vary sharply in number of applications available.

Results were then split by the three age groups and scored by the response rates per
application between awareness, usage, and satisfaction. For awareness and usage,
response rates were ordered from highest (most aware and used) to lowest. Scores were
assigned depending on which tercile each city’s response rate fell into for each application
(i.e., the top tercile received maximum points vs. bottom tercile receiving no points). Next,
satisfaction was scored nominally rather than relatively. If a city’s survey sample was
60 percent satisfied with a given application, for example, that app would receive 60 percent
of its possible score. As a last step, results were aggregated for each city, per application,
and weighted according to the city’s natural age distribution.

134 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix

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McKinsey Global Institute Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future 135
© Paul Burns/Blend Images/Getty Images

136 McKinsey Global Institute Appendix


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Smart cities: Turning opportunity into October 2016

An integrated perspective on the future of
Voices on Infrastructure reality (December 2017) AN INTEGRATED PERSPECTIVE
mobility (October 2016)
Turning opportunity In a world where technology is increasingly This report explores how existing social,
into reality
December 2017 ubiquitous, it seems every city is a smart city. economic, and technological trends are
However, building a smart city means more converging to disrupt mobility at the local level.
than hardware deployment. It is about using
technology to deliver better outcomes for

Bridging global infrastructure gaps The age of analytics: Competing in a data-

(June 2016) driven world (December 2016)
Global infrastructure systems are straining to Big data’s potential just keeps growing.
meet demand, and the spending trajectory Taking full advantage means companies must
will lead to worsening gaps. But there are incorporate analytics into their strategic vision
solutions to unlock financing and make the and use it to make better, faster decisions.
sector more productive.

The Internet of Things: Mapping the value Urban world: Cities and the rise of the
beyond the hype (June 2015) consuming class (June 2012)
If policy makers and businesses get it right, MGI explores the phenomenon of urban
linking the physical and digital worlds could growth, the one billion people in rapidly
generate up to $11.1 trillion a year in economic growing cities who will become consumers
value by 2025. by 2025, and how these consumers will affect
demand not only for individual products but
also for infrastructure.
E-book versions of selected MGI reports are available at MGI’s website,
Amazon’s Kindle bookstore, and Apple’s iBooks Store.
Download and listen to MGI podcasts on iTunes or at
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Contents page images: © my life/Moment/Getty Images, Westend61/Getty
Images, Ariel Skelley/DigitalVision/Getty Images.
Infographic by Patrick White.
McKinsey Global Institute
June 2018
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