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Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics

The development and validation of a new coeliac disease quality

of life survey (CD-QOL)

*Center for Functional GI and Motility SUMMARY

Disorders, University of North Caro-
lina;  Division of Gastroenterology Background
and Hepatology, Department of
Previous studies on coeliac disease (CD)-related quality of life (QOL)
Medicine, University of North
Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel have been limited by their use of a ‘generic’ rather than coeliac disease-
Hill, NC, USA; àSection of Gastroen- specific assessment instruments.
terology and Hepatology, Department
of Medicine, Tulane University Health Aim
Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, To develop and psychometrically validate a new coeliac disease-specific
USA; §Celiac Disease Center at
Columbia University, New York, NY,
instrument, the CD-QOL.
USA; –Division of Digestive and Liver
Diseases, Department of Medicine, Methods
Columbia University, New York, NY, Through a series of focus groups, we elicited items from patients that
USA related to the specific nature of their disease and its impact on their
Correspondence to:
basic needs. Through expert review, cognitive debriefing with patients
Dr D. A. Drossman, Division of and pilot testing, a scale was developed, refined and administered to
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 387 patients on a gluten-free diet from both community-based support
4150 Bioinformatics Bldg. CB#7080,
groups and a tertiary care referral centre. Finally, a formal validation
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7080, study was conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the CD-
The final CD-QOL has 20 items across four clinically relevant subscales
Publication data
Submitted 19 October 2009 (Limitations, Dysphoria, Health Concerns, and Inadequate Treatment).
First decision 15 November 2009 The CD-QOL has high internal consistency, reliability, and psychometric
Resubmitted 20 November 2009 validation indicates both convergent and discriminate validity.
Accepted 10 December 2009
Epub Accepted Article 15 December Conclusions
The CD-QOL is a reliable and valid measure of coeliac disease related
QOL. As a new disease-specific instrument, it is likely to be a useful tool
for evaluating patients with this disorder.

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their disease and its impact. Next, these items were

reviewed by experts and other patients with CD. Then,
Coeliac disease is a chronic disorder that can impact a draft of the CD-QOL was developed, administered to
patients in many ways including their health-related additional patients, and further refined. Finally, a for-
quality of life (HRQOL). Several studies on HRQOL in mal validation study was conducted to assess the psy-
coeliac disease (CD) have been conducted, but show var- chometric properties of the CD-QOL.
iable results. In European studies, compared with the
general population, patients with coeliac disease suffer
Questionnaire development
a reduced HRQOL.1–4 Conversely, a Canadian survey
suggested that the HRQOL of those with coeliac disease Identification of CD-QOL question items. After
is similar to that of the general population.5 In the U.S., receiving approval from the Columbia University Insti-
studies have not focused on HRQOL in coeliac disease, tutional Review Board, subjects aged 18 years and older
but rather on its clinical spectrum and the patient’s per- with physician diagnosed coeliac disease (without
spective of its diagnosis and treatment.6, 7 Nonetheless, restrictions related to disease or symptom severity or
because at the time of these studies there was no coeliac duration) were recruited from a community-based coe-
disease-specific HRQOL instruments, each of these stud- liac disease support group (Westchester, NY) to partici-
ies used ‘generic’ assessment instruments. These generic pate in focus groups. Nineteen subjects expressed
functional status and symptom-based questionnaires interest and after eliminating those who did not have a
may not adequately capture those attitudes, perceptions confirmed diagnosis of coeliac disease, a total of 12 sub-
and needs that specifically relate to coeliac disease.8 jects participated. All subjects were Caucasian and most
This may result in findings that are less sensitive or (10 ⁄ 12) were women. Illness characteristics varied in
responsive to treatment. Furthermore, because of the terms of time since diagnosis (weeks to many years),
variable clinical presentation of individuals having this presenting symptoms (atypical symptoms such as
disease from asymptomatic to severely impaired, differ- peripheral neuropathy or infertility to classical symp-
ences in the results may also reflect the clinical hetero- toms of diarrhoea and weight loss), and duration of sup-
geneity of the populations studied. port group membership (first time to many years).
Accordingly, we developed a CD-specific QOL instru- Two focus groups containing five and seven patients
ment, the CD-QOL. The methodology was similar to that respectively were held consecutively on the same day.
used by our group to create other QOL measures.9–11 All subjects were told that the purpose of the focus
Furthermore, given the clinical heterogeneity of this group was to get a better idea of how coeliac disease
population, we focused on developing and standardiz- affected their ‘activities, capabilities, thoughts and feel-
ing a measure that has clinical relevance, by targeting ings’. Open-ended questions (‘scripted probes’) were
both those patients in the community who were mem- asked following the ‘needs-based’ model,9, 12 where
bers of local Coeliac disease support groups and patients questions relate to perceptions and concerns relating to
seeking treatment for their symptoms at a major referral the impact of the disease rather than to specific symp-
centre for coeliac disease. In this article, we report the toms or functional limitations. Specific domains of
results of a study to develop and assess the psychomet- interest were determined a priori based on expert opin-
ric properties of the CD-specific QOL measure (CD-QOL) ion. Examples of these questions included the following:
including conceptual and measurement model (subscale (1) ‘As you think about your disease, in what ways does
structure), reliability (internal consistency) and validity it affect you?’ (2) ‘How does your disease affect your
(content validity as well as convergent and discriminant day-to-day activities? Socializing? Thoughts and feel-
construct validity). ings?’ (3) ‘If you didn’t have your disease, how would
things be different?’ (4) ‘How does coeliac disease affect
the quality of your life?’ (5) ‘Is there anything else that
we didn’t discuss that you think is important about hav-
We sequentially followed steps to develop patient- ing coeliac disease?’ The responses from the focus
derived items for the instrument and then psychomet- groups were recorded and transcribed. We analysed
rically validated it (See Figure 1). First, through a ser- transcripts and identified 48 items related to living with
ies of focus groups, we elicited items from patients CD and broadly categorized them as related to health
that related to questions about the specific nature of care, coping, social life, diet, disease or health.

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Patient flow and participation in the item

19 subjects recruited for focus groups1 generation and reduction phase

7 ineligible: non
confirmed diagnosis

12 subjects in the 2 focus groups combined

48 items

Items reviewed by experts and redundant items eliminated

CDQOL version 1

Administration and cognitive debriefing to 7 subjects2 and 10 subjects3

CDQOL version 2

Testing on 44 subjects4

CDQOL version 3

387 Questionnaires and validating measures

administered (2383, 1174 and 325)

1. Westchester Support Group, 2. Suffolk County Support Group, 3. Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University,
4 . Central Long Island Support Group, 5. Northern Ohio Support Group.

Figure 1. Flow chart of questionnaire development and validation process. Initially, 48 disease-specific items were
generated by two focus groups. This was further refined to a 24-item final questionnaire (CD-QOL 3) which was then
administered to 387 subjects. See text for further details.

Scale development and refinement. Next, the 48 view where they discussed their thoughts and interpre-
items were reviewed by a group of medical profession- tation of each item. Items that were confusing were
als [four gastroenterologists (PHRG, LH, SDD, DAD) re-worded to form a refined preliminary scale.
and one nutritionist (AL)] experienced in working with Next, CDQOL version 2 was administered to 44 sub-
coeliac disease patients. Items that were redundant jects recruited from a third community-based support
and ⁄ or not ‘needs-based’ were eliminated. These steps group (Central Long Island, New York). For half of
resulted in 24 items. these items, a majority of patients (>50%) responded
We then transformed each item into a question with as moderately or significantly bothersome. These items
a 5-point Likert Scale response to form a preliminary were kept unchanged. For the remaining items, a
scale (CD-QOL Version 1), which was administered to an minority of patients (<50%) responded as moderately
additional cohort of seven patients from another or significantly bothersome. These items were reviewed
community-based support group (Suffolk County, and, if necessary, re-worded.
New York) and 10 patients with CD seen at the Colum- Finally, the 24-item CD-QOL Version 3 (See Appen-
bia University Celiac Center. After completing the dix), along with several validating measures (see
scale, subjects underwent a cognitive debriefing inter- below) was administered to 387 subjects. These

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subjects were recruited from the Columbia Celiac Dis- 3 = good, 4 = very good and 5 = excellent. Addition-
ease Center (n = 238), the Central Long Island Celiac ally, a proportion (n = 82) of the subjects completed
Support Group (n = 117) and the Northern Ohio Celiac several other standardized measures in order to obtain
Support Group (n = 32) (see Figure 1). psychometric validation.
(ii) Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18): This 18-item
questionnaire commonly used in research on patients
Factor analysis
with gastrointestinal disorders was used to quantify
Item reduction. Preliminary to the factor analysis, overall psychological distress. For each question,
we eliminated question items that performed poorly, responses ranged from 0 (not at all) to 18 (extremely).
as their retention in the instrument would adversely The scores were summed to derive a general severity
affect the scale’s ability to discriminate between differ- index (GSI), the most sensitive indicator of the respon-
ent groups and diminish chances of detecting impor- dent’s overall distress level. Subjects with GSI scores
tant changes that result from treatment. Items were greater than 59 are considered to have significant psy-
eliminated using the following criteria: (1) ceiling chological distress.13
effect of an item in which >60% of participants (iii) Sickness Impact Profile (SIP): a 136-item generic
responded ‘not at all’ and thus could not improve on measure of health-related functional status. Items are
the item; (2) any item that had > 5% missing data; (3) grouped into twelve categories; each category relates
any item that correlated poorly with the total scale to an aspect of daily living. An overall score (with all
(i.e., item-to-total correlation <0.40) and thus mea- 12 categories) is calculated.14
sured a different construct; (4) pairs of redundant (iv) IBS quality of life (IBS-QOL): This is a 34-item
items (i.e. an item-item correlation >0.70). validated, condition-specific measure of health-related
quality of life for IBS.15 The IBS-QOL was used to
assess gastrointestinal symptom-related health status
Identification of sub-scales. Next, exploratory factor
for subjects with coeliac disease.
analysis was performed to identify subscale structure.
(v) Pain: subjects were asked to rate their daily level
The number of factors suggested was based on eigen-
of abdominal pain using a Visual Analogue Scale
values, which reflect the amount of variance in all
(VAS) (100 mm; 0 = ‘none’, 100 = ‘very severe’).
variables explained by a single factor. By convention,
The daily scores averaged over 2 weeks were used to
we only included factors with eigen values greater
calculate an overall (two-week) average daily pain
than 1. Orthogonal or oblique rotations help define
clear loading patterns per item so that it can be easily
determined which items group with which factor. SAS
Psychometric validation process. The final step
version 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA) was
involved psychometric testing of the CD-QOL following
used to perform the factor analysis.
standardized procedures for construct validity.16 The
self-rated health, BSI, SIP, abdominal pain (VAS) and
Internal consistency reliability. Cronbach’s alpha was IBS-QOL scores were used to assess convergent validity.
used as a measure of internal consistency reliability. A Strengths of association were tested by calculating
high internal consistency suggests that the scale or correlation coefficients between the CD-QOL and these
subscales are measuring a single construct. Alpha val- measures at baseline. Correlations >0.4 were considered
ues should exceed 0.7 and preferably 0.9. to be strong. However, correlations of >0.7 would be
too high and redundant with the validating instrument.
Known groups validity was used to test the ability
Psychometric validation
of the CD-QOL to discriminate between groups varying
Psychometric validation measures. To achieve con- on known characteristics independent of the QOL mea-
struct validation, several psychosocial questionnaires sure. For each measure, subjects were categorized
were given: based on the distribution of the scores on each mea-
(i) Single-item HRQOL question: This question item sure into high, medium and low tertiles. Then, the
was given to all subjects. Each subject was asked ‘How average CD-QOL for each group was compared. We
would you rate your quality of life related to your ill- predicted that those with lower self-rated health,
ness?’ and this was scored as 1 = poor, 2 = fair, poorer daily function (SIP), higher psychological

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distress (BSI) and increased abdominal pain (VAS (see below). One item correlated poorly with the total
scale) would have a poorer CD-QOL. scale (i.e. item-to-total correlation <0.4) and one item
was considered redundant (item-item correlation >0.7).
These two items were sequentially included and then
excluded from the subsequent factor analysis (see
below). The factor solution that gave the highest inter-
nal consistency included one of these two questionable
A total of 387 patients completed the refined CD-QOL items. Thus, that item was retained with the other
scale as well as a single-question self-report of QOL. eliminated. In total, four items were eliminated yield-
In general, these subjects were middle-aged, Cauca- ing a final scale with 20 items (See Appendix).
sian, highly educated, women with a mean CD dura- The factor analysis was performed using a varimax
tion of almost 9 years. All subjects were diagnosed by rotation, which provided a solution with clear loading
a physician with coeliac disease. Most patients (72.4%) patterns for the items. The higher the factor loading,
had a confirmatory biopsy, whereas a minority of the higher the degree of association or correlation of
patients were diagnosed by serology alone (21.6%) or that particular item with the factor grouping. We set
by another or unknown method (6.0%). Nearly all 0.5 as meaningful and therefore all loadings over 0.5
patients were on a gluten-free diet (Table 1). are boldfaced (Table 2) to demonstrate the clustering
of relevant items in each factor. A four-factor solution
best fit the data, based on eigenvalues ‡1, indicating
Factor analysis results
the amount of total variance explained by each item.
Five items of the initial 24-item questionnaire met Cronbach’s alphas were then calculated for each fac-
criteria for elimination. Three of these items demon- tor, and for the items within each factor, to examine
strated ceiling effects and were eliminated because each item’s contribution to the factor and to ensure
they contributed little variance to the factor analysis that all items within each factor measured the same
construct. In one case, we omitted an item because of
its low correlation with the other items in that factor.
Table 1. Validation study population characteristics This omission increased the cronbach alpha, a measure
of reliability, for that factor from 0.60 to 0.73. The
N = 387 factors identified were reviewed by the investigators
Age (mean, s.d.) 48.3 years (15.8)
and by consensus were labelled based on their clinical
Caucasian 94.0% features: (1) Limitations, (2) Dysphoria, (3) Health
African American 0.8% Concerns, (4) Inadequate treatment (Table 2).
Hispanic 3.1%
Asian 0.8%
Other 1.3% Psychometric validation
Female 79.5% In addition to the 387 patients who completed both
Male 20.5% the CD-QOL scale and self-report of QOL, a sub-set
Self-reported gluten-free diet adherence also completed the SIP (n = 79), IBS-QOL (n = 82), BSI
No 0.8% (n = 68) and an abdominal pain diary (n = 69).
Yes, intermittent 7.4%
Yes, persistent 91.8%
Self-reported mode of Coeliac disease diagnosis
Blood test only 21.6%
Convergent validity. Correlations were performed
Biopsy 72.4% between the CD-QOL, the single HRQOL item and the
Other ⁄ unknown 6.0% psychometric measures. For each, there was a mild-
Years since diagnosis (mean, s.d.) 6.1 (10.1) moderate correlation that was in the expected direction
Recruitment sites and within the ideal correlation range (r2 range =
Central Long Island Support Group 30.2%
0.35–0.65): those with higher psychological distress
Northern Ohio Support Group 8.3%
Columbia University Celiac Disease 61.5% and abdominal pain had lower CD-QOL, whereas those
Center with higher self-rated QOL and IBS-QOL had higher
CD-QOL (Table 3).

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Table 2. Factor analysis of CD-QOL*

Rotated factor pattern

Health Inadequate
Limitations Dysphoria concerns treatment
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4

QOL1  QOL1: feel the disease is incurable 0.14461 )0.13143 0.09494 0.62469
QOL2 Feel limited by this disease 0.51078 0.28431 0.18372 0.48808
QOL3 Feel worried I will suffer from the disease 0.23420 0.38026 0.51674 0.46523
QOL4 Concerned disease will cause other health problems 0.14525 0.24921 0.80266 0.20790
QOL5 Worried about increased risk of cancer 0.13119 0.22806 0.77878 0.11916
QOL6 Feel socially stigmatized for having the disease 0.58396 0.41834 0.10586 0.20084
QOL7 Feel limited in eating meals w coworkers 0.65449 0.16012 0.08968 0.37092
QOL8 Feel unable to have special foods e.g. birthday 0.51265 0.15004 0.17260 0.40267
cake ⁄ pizza
QOL9 Feel diet insufficient treatment for my disease 0.05385 0.28950 0.15562 0.71990
QOL10 Feel not enough treatment for my disease 0.14296 0.34002 0.20718 0.66860
QOL11 Feel depressed because of my disease 0.36546 0.69978 0.12345 0.20576
QOL12 Feel frightened by having this disease 0.23087 0.70703 0.37660 0.15862
QOL13 Feel like don’t know enough about the disease 0.12597 0.60761 0.24723 0.07253
QOL14 Feel overwhelmed about having this disease 0.43722 0.72547 0.17000 0.12628
QOL16 Have trouble socializing b ⁄ c of my disease 0.72563 0.31001 0.02910 )0.02419
QOL17 Difficult travel ⁄ take long trips b ⁄ c disease 0.62780 0.25470 0.16947 0.20562
QOL19 Feel cannot live normal life b ⁄ o my disease 0.50817 0.44434 0.14486 0.42543
QOL21 Afraid to eat out because food may be 0.58394 0.14567 0.33606 0.26212
QOL22 Worried about increased risk of family member 0.45292 )0.03665 0.54993 0.06509
having coeliac
QOL23 Feel like I think about food all the time 0.53800 0.10527 0.31698 )0.08528
QOL24 Concerned that my long-term health will be 0.15515 0.27484 0.79027 0.24447

* Numerical values represent r or factor loadings, or the degree of association between a given question item and the factors
within which it is listed. A value of 0.5 or greater is considered a meaningful association and is boldfaced to demonstrate the
relevant items associated with each factor that was selected for the subscale.
  QOL1 is not in the final scale.

Known groups discriminant validity. For each of the included low (poor or fair self rating of QOL),
comparison measures, the sample distribution was medium (good) and high (very good and excellent)
examined and used to stratify subjects into three self-rated QOL. For the SIP, this included low (<1),
different groups. For the self report of QOL, this medium (1 to <5), and high (>5) daily function. For
the BSI, this included low (<48), medium (48–60) or
high (>60) psychological distress. For daily abdomi-
Table 3. Pearson’s Correlations between CD-QOL and
nal pain, this included low (<10), medium (10–25)
convergent measures
or high (>25) abdominal pain. For each of these
CDQOLSUM N R P-value measures, the mean CD-QOL of subjects in each
group (low, medium, and high) was compared. In all
IBS-QOL 82 0.62 <0.0001 cases, the mean CD-QOL scores were in the expected
SIP 79 )0.49 <0.0001
direction. Those with higher self-rating of health
BSI 68 )0.47 0.0002
Abdominal Pain 69 )0.36 0.003 had higher CD-QOL total scores as well as higher
Self-rated QOL 385 0.58 <0.0001 CD-QOL sub-scale scores. Likewise, those with less
daily impairment (SIP), lower psychological distress

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Table 4. CD-QOL scores stratified by scores on psychometric measures

Self-rated health P-values for comparisons

Poor Medium Good

N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. All 3 P vs. M P vs. G M vs. G

56 37.6 15.58 146 47.31 12.49 184 59.07 11.55 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

Daily function (Sickness impact profile) P-values for comparisons

Low (<1) Mid (1–<5) High (‡5)

N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. All 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 2 vs. 3

28 57.77 13.89 29 53.99 12.75 22 43.9 19.72 0.0074 0.3566 0.0022 0.0228

Psychological distress (Brief symptom inventory) category P-values for comparisons

Low (<48) Mid (48–59) High ‡60

N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. All 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 2 vs. 3

18 61.39 10.34 34 51.62 15.14 16 39.84 18.44 0.0004 0.0281 <0.0001 0.0115

Average daily abdominal pain (VAS) P-values for comparisons

Low (<10) Mid (10–<25) High (‡25)

N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. N Mean s.d. All 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 2 vs. 3

32 57.4 13.51 17 49.22 11.96 20 46.5 22.04 0.0472 0.0959 0.0208 0.6116

Values in bold have a significance level of P < 0.05.

(BSI) and less abdominal pain had higher CD-QOL in health services research and clinical trials. For
scores (Table 4). coeliac disease, the assessments have relied on generic
These findings are displayed graphically, first com- instruments (e.g. the Short Form-36), designed to
paring the CD-QOL overall score with the three psy- measure HRQOL across a wide variety of medical
chometric measures (Figure 2) and then comparing the conditions. As generic instruments do not assess the
overall score and the four subscale scores (Dysphoria, special states and concerns of patients living with
Limitations, Health Concerns, Inadequate Treatments) coeliac disease (e.g. treatment with a highly restrictive
with the single-item self-report of health measure (Fig- gluten-free diet), they may be insensitive and unre-
ure 3). sponsive to changes over time, particularly those that
may result from a therapeutic intervention.19
Accordingly, we used standard scale development
methods to develop a coeliac disease-specific QOL
Over the past two decades, there has been growing instrument, the CD-QOL. Factor analysis revealed a
interest in assessing the HRQOL of patients with diges- strong, clinically relevant four factor solution (coeliac
tive diseases,17, 18 especially for measuring outcomes disease related limitations, dysphoria, health concerns,

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CDQOL mean scores per categories of psychometric scales

Category low
Category medium
70 Category high
60 57.7 57.4

CDQOL score


Figure 2. CD-QOL Scores by 20

Daily Function, Psychological
Distress and VAS Abdominal 10
Pain. Subjects who reported
less daily impairment (SIP), 0
lower psychological distress SIP categories BSI categories VAS pain categories
(BSI) and less abdominal pain SIP: Low: <1, BSI: Low: <48, Pain: Low: < 10,
had higher CD-QOL scores. Med: 1 to <5, Med: 48 to <60, Med: 10 to <25,
High: 5 or greater High: 60 or more High: 25 or more

Celiac QOL overall and subscales by self-report of health,

100 100-point scale 4 factors
1: Poor (n = 56)
2: Medium (n = 146)
3: Good (n = 184)
70 64.4
100 point scale

60 57.5 56.2
50 47.3 45.9 46.4

40 37.6 36.1 36.3


30 25.4

Figure 3. CD-QOL Scores by
Self Report of Health. Subjects 10
with a higher self report of
health had higher overall 0
QOL sum QOL QOL QOL health QOL
CD-QOL scores as well as limitations dysphoria concerns inadequate
individual sub-scale scores. Overall Subscales treatment

and inadequate treatment) that shows face validity and distress (BSI) and increased abdominal pain (VAS
high internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha scale) all had lower CD-QOL overall scores and these
exceeded the recommended cutoff of 0.7). Notably, findings were retained for the four subscales.
psychometric testing revealed a high degree of con- The CD-QOL is not the first condition-specific
struct validity: the correlations between the CD-QOL, quality of life measure for CD. Recently, Hauser and
self report of HRQOL and the psychometric measures colleagues using similar methods developed The Celiac
were all in the expected direction and within the ideal Disease Questionnaire, CDQ.20 However, the key
range of 0.35–0.65, showing convergent validity. difference between the two instruments relates to their
Furthermore, the CD-QOL easily discriminated between underlying conceptual framework. The CDQ is more of
known groups: those with lower self rated health, a health status instrument that focuses on both physi-
poorer daily function (SIP), higher psychological cal (e.g. loose stools, urge, abdominal cramping) and

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psychological (depressed, happy) symptoms, as well as validitity (i.e. responsiveness), although we plan to do
impairments in daily function (sexual activities, work, this in future. Finally, although all subjects had physi-
recreation, etc.). These constructs can be readily cian-diagnosed coeliac disease, not all of them under-
obtained by using questionnaires that are primarily went duodenal biopsy and their response to gluten-
designed to obtain them. In addition, we have recently free diet was not ascertained. Thus, a proportion of the
shown that the physical symptoms of bowel dysfunc- population may not meet strict criteria for coeliac dis-
tion and pain are more related to the degree of emo- ease. Nonetheless, the population is representative of
tional distress than to the disease-based measures of patients diagnosed with coeliac disease who are
disease.21 Therefore, we employed a needs-based referred to a tertiary care centre for this disease.
model that is more proximate to the attitudes and per- In summary, using standardized scale development
ceptions of individuals with CD that relate to meeting methods, we developed the CD-QOL, a coeliac dis-
the basic needs of the condition (e.g. I have trouble ease-specific quality of life instrument. This instru-
socializing because of my disease).22 Needs-based ment showed high reliability and construct validity.
measures are more sensitive to changes over time and Unlike generic quality of life surveys and health sta-
therefore preferred for clinical trials.23, 24 While physi- tus measures, the condition-specific and needs-based
cal symptoms could impact patient needs, the scale CD-QOL considers the difficulties imposed by a strin-
did not include measures related to the physical impact gent gluten-free diet, which, in the United States, can
of CD patients because individuals in our population did be quite expensive and difficult to follow. This
not report these as salient concerns. This probably approach has not been taken by any other coeliac
reflects the changing nature of coeliac disease: whereas questionnaire. The CD-QOL is a valid measure of
in the past, patients were more likely to present with mal- health-related QOL for this condition and is likely to
absorptive symptoms such as severe diarrhoea and be a useful tool for evaluating patients on a gluten-
weight loss, today, patients tend to present with milder free diet with this disorder.
symptoms of diarrhoea and also pain.21, 25
There are some limitations to the study. First,
although we included a broad sub-set of patients from
both support groups and a tertiary care referral centre, Declaration of personal interests: Peter H. R. Green has
these findings may not be generalizable to undiag- served as a consultant for Alvine Pharmaceutical
nosed patients or patients outside the United States. In and Alba Therapeutics, and has received research
addition, as these data were assessed at one point in funding from Alba Therapeutics. Declaration of
time, we were not able to assess longitudinal construct funding interests: None.

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ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
D E V E L O P M E N T A N D V A L I D A T I O N O F T H E C D - Q O L 675

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CD-QOL Scale (final version) CD-QOL Survey
Please think about your life over the past month (30 days), and look at the statements below. Each statement has
five possible responses. For each statement, please fill in one box in each row that best describes your feelings.

Not Quite A great

at all Slightly Moderately a bit deal

1 2 3 4 5

1 I feel limited by this disease h h h h h

2 I feel worried that I will suffer from this disease h h h h h
3 I feel concerned that this disease will cause other health problems h h h h h
4 I feel worried about my increased risk of cancer from this disease h h h h h
5 I feel socially stigmatized for having this disease. h h h h h
6 I feel like I’m limited in eating meals with coworkers h h h h h
7 I feel like I am not able to have special foods like birthday h h h h h
cake and pizza
8 I feel that the diet is sufficient treatment for my disease h h h h h
9 I feel that there are not enough choices for treatment h h h h h
10 I feel depressed because of my disease h h h h h
11 I feel frightened by having this disease h h h h h
12 I feel like I don’t know enough about the disease h h h h h
13 I feel overwhelmed about having this disease h h h h h
14 I have trouble socializing because of my disease h h h h h
15 I find it difficult to travel or take long trips because of my disease h h h h h
16 I feel like I cannot live a normal life because of my disease h h h h h
17 I feel afraid to eat out because my food may be contaminated h h h h h
18 I feel worried about the increased risk of one of my family h h h h h
members having coeliac disease
19 I feel like I think about food all the time h h h h h
20 I feel concerned that my long-term health will be affected h h h h h

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 31, 666–675

ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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