Recommondation by Xyz
Recommondation by Xyz
Recommondation by Xyz
Sub: 2x700 MW KAPP (3&4) – Compliance report against investigation report for accident of serious nature
Dear Sir,
Please find point wise compliance/action report of investigation report for accident of serious nature:
9(i) During the pre-employment & regular During pre employment & medical examination
medical examination workers should be worker are being brieifed & asked regarding
counseled / encouraged to disclose the health disease of workers are working at height
information about disease such as fits pron area are not having any health disease such
etc. Before joining the duty workers as fits.
should be prompted to disclose
information on disease by stressing upon
hazard and risks involved due to not
reporting of pre-existing disease. To
create awareness on this various
platforms such as induction safety
training, First aid training, Pep Talks etc.
need to be used.
9(ii) All immediate supervisors are to be All line man Enginner/Supervisor has asked to
advised to ask their workers about their workers for health condition regarding fits,
health condition before assigning work height fobia etc before assigning work such as
such as work at height. work in height.
9(iii) Anchoring of double lanyard of safety All line man Enginner/Supervisor has instructed
belt while working at height should be to workers regarding proper usage of safety belt
stressed upon regularly to workers while working at height and in pep talk also.
during safety training, Pep Talks/Pre-
job briefing. Enforcement of proper
usage of safety belt while working at
height should be done by front line
Engineers & Supervisors.
9(iv) Scaffolding pattern should be changed We are filling the JHA checklist of scaffolding
in such a way that built-in ladders are in and daily inspection is being carried out by
line to facilitate ascending /descending competent scaffolder and safety officer and
to avoid the unnecessary risk involved maintain a record.
in inadvertent man movement or
Separate ladders should be provided to
access the scaffolding and working
9(v) A drive should be initiated to identify During the height pass test NPCIL first aider and
the workmen who have the history of safety officer check the workers health condition
any disease such as fits etc. and cancel then they issue height pass number for allowing
the height work pass for them. height work.
With regards
Construction Manager
Attachement :
Pep talk record
Workers attendence record
Scaffolding Inspection record
Cancel height pass record
Dear Sir,
With reference to your mail we have jointly inspect lifting machine and tackles which was inform to NPCIL safety
office also at that time. Some of lifting machine and tackles found unfit during testing that equipment were removed
from site.
It is to certified that we are using physically fit and third party tested lifting machine and tackles only at BHEL KAPP
With Regards
Construction Manager