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JHA For Steam Piping

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Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No.

TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00



Erection of piping
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

Document Acceptance Note

Procedure No.: BHEL/JHA 15

Name of Procedure: JHA on Erection of Piping

Submitted by: BHEL

Work Order No: CMM/MEQ/23-40-2-1024/PO-6055 DT- 31/03/2011

Name of Work: TG Plant Package

Name & Designation Signature

Reviewed by:
B.R. Chaudhari

Engineer SO/E (TG)

Reviewed by:
Indresh Yadav

Safety Officer (NPCIL)

Concurred by:
Ajay S. Naranje

Head (IS & F)

Approved by:
B.L. Sahu

Engineer ACE (TG)

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

JHA on Erection of Piping

Work Order No: CMM/MEQ/23-40-2-1024/PO-6055 DT-31/03/2011







Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

JHA on Erection of piping

1. Engineer - in – Charge : Shri Chandan kumar

2. Manpower required for the job : crane operator, rigger, signal man, welders, grinders,gas
Cutters and helpers.
3. PPE's required : Helmet, Safety shoe, Gloves, Reflective jacket, welder
shield, gas cutter shield and fall arrester etc.
4. Tools and tackles required : EOT Crane, Slings & D-Shackles, welding rectifires,gas
Cutting accesaries,lifting clamps, chain pulley blocks, jig &
Fixtures etc.
5. Authorization required : Safety Work Permit, Rigger authorization, welder
certification, crane operator & signal man authorization

Sl. Sequence of the Potential Hazards Protective measures to Action By

No. job be taken
01. Shifting of i) Toppling of i) Bhel yard area will be Site engineer
pipes & Hydra/crane capable of withstanding
loads of material and
spools from
machineries. It will be
bhel yard to level and maintained
site clear of any obstructions
for free movement of
man and machine.
Authorized personnel will
only operate the lifting
machineries under strict
ii) Fall of lifted ii) TPI certified lifting
material due to machineries, tools &
breakage of tackles of required sizes
sling/clamps or will be used for lifting of
failure of the crane any material. These will
be checked for their
healthiness and load
capacity before engaging
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

iii) Hand or foot gets iii) Work will be carried

trapped under the out under sincere
load while shifting supervision. Authorized
and placing or cut riggers only will be
injury due to hit by deployed. Suitable cover-
sharp edge blocks will be used
wherever required.
Suitable hand-gloves will
be used. Tag lines will be
used during material
iv) Electrocution iv) Electrical cables will
during shifting and be routed through
placing of materials channelled routes so that
crushing of the cables will
be avoided during plant &
machinery movement.
Overhead power cables
will not be taken across
any passageways of
vehicle movement.
02. Positioning of i) Accident due to i) Trained and authorized Site engineer
crane collision with signalman will be
personnel/equip deployed.

ii) Toppling of ii) Authorized crane

crane due to operator and riggers will
uneven loading. be deployed. It will be
ensured that no person is
standing near crane
movement area. Persons
engaged in material
handling should wear
PPE. Safe working load
and last date of test will
be displayed on the
crane. Third party
certified lifting
equipment’s only will be
deployed. Load within
SWL will be handled and
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

it will be ensured that

materials are loaded
evenly.150lux illumination
will be ensured.

iii) Collision of lifted iii) Before carrying of the

material with other lifting activity, the area
material resulting in will be kept clear from
material damage. obstruction. Signal man
will be deployed to alert
the crane operator.
03. Loading and ) Toppling of i) Single crane of required Site engineer
unloading Hydra/crane capacity is to be used for
loading unloading. Centre
pipes ,spools
of gravity of the load is to
and valves be ascertained before
lifting. Soil condition and
its evenness will be
checked before deploying
the crane. Material will
not be dragged.
ii) Fall of lifted ii) Lifting Load is to be
material due to carried within the SWL of
breakage of the certified lifting
sling/clamps or machineries and tools like
failure of the crane crane, slings and D-
shackles. TPI certified
lifting equipment’s only
will be deployed

iii) Hit to structure or iii) Ground clearance at

person front and rear sides of
the trailer will be checked
by sincere supervision.
The signalman himself
will be at safe and visible
point away from the
marching way of the
trailer. Proper
coordination among the
trailer driver, crane
operator and signalman
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

will be maintained.

iv) Hand or foot iv) The work will be

trapped under implemented as per
structural parts hit Lifting plan, Competent
by load, nips. riggers, Tag lines will be
used while material
handling. To control the
swing of the load from
safe distance; effective
communication between
riggers & Crane operator
will be implemented.
Suitable cover-blocks will
be used for stacking.
Material handling will be
carried out under sincere

v) Road accident v) The speed limit of

during shifting to 15km/hr will be
site by trailer maintained by the
drivers. Authorized
drivers only will be
engaged for
transportation. Red flag
and red lamp during
night time will be
provided at the protruded
ends. If required Goal-
post will be installed to
avoid oversized
Dimension Consignment
or Cranes while on
04. Stacking of Collapsing/sliding of Materials will be stacked Site engineer
pipes, spools material in such a manner so as to
permit their de-stacking
and valves
safely. Materials of
different sizes and types
will be kept segregated
using sleepers or cover
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

blocks of required type

and of adequate strength
in balanced manner.
Stacking will be made
with proper supervision
keeping clear
passageways for crane
and personal movement.
05 Shifting and i) Toppling of crane i) Ground will be made Site engineer
positioning compact. Wherever
required steel plate will
pipe, spools &
be placed for marching of
valve to exact the crane. The crane will
location be well positioned to lift
the load without
ii) Fall of lifted ii) Load is to be carried
material due to within the SWL of the TPI
breakage of certified lifting
sling/clamps/ D- equipment’s like crane,
shackles or failure of slings and D-shackles.
the crane These will be checked
every time before being
engaged for lifting.
Suitable packing will be
used at where the slings
come in contact with the
sharp edges of steel
structure. The erection
area will be barricaded to
restrict unauthorized
movement under lifting
iii) Falling down of iii) The material
material positioned by the crane
will be secured by
applying steel guy ropes
from all sides and anchor
bolt nuts will be
tightened before
releasing the lifting
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

iv) Fall of person iv) Fall arrestor set will be

during removal of provided on the column
lifting tackles from the ground level
before lifting it. After
securing the column the
person will climb on the
column on the rope/fixed
ladder and using fall
arrestor and full body
safety harness.

v) Fall of person and v) Scaffold will be erected

ergonomic hazard prior to erection of tie
during fit up of ties beams. The scaffold will
be checked by authorized
scaffold supervisor.

vi) Hit by swinging vi) The crane operator

load while handling will carefully lift and shift
the load at height within safe speed limit
with proper coordination
and authorized
signalman. Experienced
and authorized crane
operators will be
deployed. The swing load
will be controlled by
using taglines.

vi) Fall of ties/ vi) Beams will be secured

bracings/beams with temporary or
permanent bracings
before releasing the
lifting equipment’s.

vii) Fall of person vii) Full body double

while positioning the lanyard safety harness is
structural parts at to be used by the
height workers to work at height
on the scaffold or on the
erected structural parts.
Horizontal lifeline of steel
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

rope (8mm dia.) will be

provided for anchorage of
safety harness during
movement at height.
viii) The foundation of
each column will be
capable of withstanding
both vertical load and
also the additional
horizontal thrust, which is
developed as soon as
supports/props are
removed. Prior clearance
will be taken for the
readiness of the
viii) Collapse of viii) Before lifting of
structure structural parts it will be
checked to ensure that
loose materials/scraps
and hand tools are
removed from it. After
fixing the parts at height
the unused
materials/scraps will be
removed immediately
after fit-up. Over-lay
safety nets will be
provided underneath
where fit-up activity is to
be carried out.

x) Floor Opening. ix) Any floor to be

opened for piping job,
Prior to work the Permit
to work has to be filed at
NPCIL. The area has to
be hard barricaded,
Signage’s to be posted.
After completion of pipe
erection an appropriate
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

grating has to get fixed.

If grating is not available
suitable closing
arrangement will be
06 All Piping, i) Invisibility / poor i) Erection activity will be Site engineer
spool & visibility planned to start and be
ended within the day
time to avoid improper
Erection and illumination, shadow and
activities at failure of illumination due
height to power cut.

ii) Fall of material ii) Erection activities will

due to uncontrolled be stopped in case of
swing or hit to heavy wind.
personnel handling
at height

iii) Lightning iii) Erection activities and

height works will be
suspended during
inclement weather
07 Scaffolding i)Man & material i) Wear safety helmet Site engineer
for Piping may fall from height. wear safety harness and
anchor the same with

ii) Workers shall be given

toolbox talk regarding
safe material handling

iii) Lashing of tools will be


iv) Ensure medical check-

up, height pass and
physical fitness of the
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

ii)poor illumination v)During night work 20

lux illumination will be

ii)Scaffolding may vi)Scaffold will be

collapse installed by designated
scaffolders. The
scaffolder will ensure for
sole board, base plate
and adequate bracing,
mid rail, Handrail and

vii) Ensure placing of

bracing & for the stability
of scaffold.

viii) Tie’s will be ensured

for where additional
stability is required.
Stability of scaffold will
be confirmed by
inspected by assigned
scaffolder and tagging
system will be followed.

08 Arc-Welding i) Electrocution i) Insulated holder will be Site engineer


ii) Cable will be protected

and free from damage.

iii) The cable used will be

of rated current caring

iv) The welding m/c will

be double earthed.

v) The welding m/c

primary and secondary
cable will be protected
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

from mechanical damage

and insulation of
secondary cable will be
rectified on regular basis.
vi) Electrical supply will
be routed through

vii)All welding machine

will be switched off when
not in use.

vii) the supervisor will

strictly advice and
supervise that welding
operation will not be
carried out on wet, humid

viii) Welding machine will

be installed at whether
proof area.

ii) Fire hazard i) Hot work permit will be


ii) Prior to hot work, it

will be ensured no
combustible, explosive
near to the vicinity.

iii) Fire extinguisher will

be provided.

iv) The hot work area will

be barricaded.

v) Spatters contained will

be implemented by fire
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

09 Grinding i) Injury to person i) Grinding tool must have Site engineer

due to breaking of proper guards correctly
wheel. fitted.

ii) Grinder must be

unplugged before
replacement of disc.

iii) Use right disc for right


iv) Use appropriate PPE.

v) See the expiry date &

RPM on wheel.

ii) Eye injury due to vi) Required eye

flying grinding protection, goggles/
sparks. glasses face shield must
be worn.

vii) Fire blankets should

be installed properly &
adequately to contain all
grinding sparks within the
work area.

iii) Noise viii) Ear plug / muffs

should be used during
grinding operation.

10 Gas cutting i) Compressed gas i) Cylinders will be kept in Site engineer

cylinder hazards like a shed to protect from
fire and explosion direct sun light. Gas
for storing the gas cylinders will be kept in
cylinders. upright and chained.
Cylinders will be
segregated as EMPTY or
FULL and of contents like
Oxygen, LPG or N2 etc.
The cylinders will be
stored away from the
vicinity of flammable
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00


ii) While shifting ii) Cylinder will be

cylinder may fall/slip shifted with the help of
cylinder trolley tied with it
by means of chain. It will
not be tied at its Valve

iii) Leakage of gas iii) Hose will be

connected to the cylinder
with proper hose clamps.
The regulator will have
proper pressure gauges.
While fixing, the parts will
not be lubricated. The
cylinder will be fixed with
its valve cap while
shifting /storing.
Standard hose in sound
condition will be used.
Leakage will be checked
by soap water before
start of cutting activity.

iv) Fire and iv) Flashback arrestors

explosion during gas will be connected at the
cutting or welding both ends of both the
hose pipes. The gas
cylinder is kept tied in
upright position away
from any flammable
source. Removal of
combustible materials
from the vicinity will be
ensured. Cylinders will be
kept at enough safe
distance from actual
cutting & welding
activities. Fire
extinguishers and fire
buckets will be deployed
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

at the hot areas.

v) Health hazard due v) Safety goggles for gas

to UV rays and cutters will be provided.
smoke and hot Suitable leather hand
metallic body gloves and leather safety
shoes will be used. The
workshop will be provided
with proper ventilation.
11 PWHT i)Electrical i)The Electrical Heating Site engineer
Element will be protected
by insulation and heating
system will be provided
with healthy Earthing
system, Tripping system
and Emergency Stop
switching off system. The
PHWT technician will be
provided with Proximity
tester to check the
Electrical connection. The
PWHT Electrical zone will
be signage’s posted.

ii)Hot Surface ii) Un-Authorized Entrant

will be strictly forbidden
by cordon-off the area.
Caution “”HOT
SURFACE”” Sign board
will be posted. The
Authorized entrant who
will perform job at PWHT
area will be provided with
leather Hand-gloves.
iii)Housekeeping iii) The glass-wool,
Heating Insulation will be
collected separately and
will be removed on
regular basis.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. BHEL/JHA 15
TGPP for KAPP (3&4) Date: 31/03/2016
Rev No: 00

SL. JHA Checklist for Erection of Piping REMARK
1 Whether the pre job briefing/safety induction/medical test is done to all workers
2 Whether helmet, reflective jacket, safety boot, ear plug, hand gloves, mask are
provided to concerned workers?
3 Whether all lifting equipments & tackles have valid TPI certificates and are
checked for their healthiness and SWL before start of the activity?
4 Whether authorized technicians, operators, rigger and signalmen are deployed?
5 Whether material handling is carried out under strict supervision?
6 Whether tag lines are provided on the load to control the swing during material
7 Whether material is being properly loaded considering its weight, dimensions,
capacity of the carrier, centre of gravity of load?
8 Speed limit of 15km/hr will be maintained by the drivers.
9 Whether ground clearance has been checked prior to material handling?
10 Whether ground is checked for its compactness and evenness to allow safe crane
movement over it?
11 Whether erection area is barricaded to restrict unauthorized movement in it?
12 Are all the workmen at higher elevation wearing Full body safety harness with
provision of safe anchorage of the same?
13 Are all the signalmen provided with suitable communication devices?
14 Whether chain pulley block is fixed firmly to secured place with proper alignment
for supporting safe lifting?
15 Whether rigging and lacings are checked by experienced foreman?
16 Whether ‘Hot Work Permit’ is taken for hot work?
17 Has the work spot where hot work to be carried out, been cleared of any
18 Whether NPCIL approved JHA for welding, gas-cutting and grinding work is being
19 Whether adequate Illumination is provided?
20 Whether experienced supervision is ensured?

Checked by Authorized by

Signature: _____________ _____________

Name : _____________ _____________
Date : _____________ _____________

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