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Pad-Mounted Transformer Fusing Philosophies

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Fusing Equipment

Reference Data COOPER POWER

Effective March 2015
TD132004EN Supersedes R240-000-1 December 2010

Pad-mounted transformer fusing

General Current sensing Bay-O-Net fuse –
This document was created as a supplement (353C--)
to Eaton's Cooper Power™ series products
standard catalog sections. The fusing philosophies Step 1. Inrush – Selected fuse’s minimum melt
described in this document have been used should withstand 12 x transformer full
for many years to create fuse selection and load current for .1 seconds.
coordination tables for Eaton's Cooper Power Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum
series fuses used in pad-mounted transformer melt should withstand 3 x transformer
applications. The information provided in full load current for 10 seconds (optional
this document is meant as a guide only. The requirement for transformers.)
equipment specifier has the ultimate responsibility
for the fuse selection as well as fuse coordination. Step 3. Loading Recommendation: Minimum
There are typically options to consider when melt of the selected fuse at 300 seconds
making those selections and it is therefore shall be at least 3 to 4 times transformer
important that the selection criteria behind rated current.
published tables is understood. Please contact
3 x rated current for tin elements (353C4
your Eaton representative for any questions
thru 12)
related to this document.
4 x rated current for copper elements
Dual sensing (358C--), dual (353C14 thru 17)
element (108C--) & high amp This allows for twice (normal) nameplate
Bay‑O-Net (361C--) rating continuously.
Step 4. Select a fuse to satisfy Steps 1, 2, and 3.
Step 1. Inrush – Selected fuse’s minimum melt
should withstand 12 x transformer full 38 kV Bay-O-Net Fuse - (380C--)
load current for .1 seconds.
Step 1. Inrush – Selected fuse's minimum melt
Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum should withstand 12 x transformer full
melt should withstand 3 x transformer load current for .1 seconds.
full load current for 10 seconds (optional Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse's minimum
requirement for transformers). melt should withstand 3 x transformer
Step 3. Long-time Loading–Recommendation: full load current for 10 seconds (optional
Selected fuse provides approximately requirement for transformers).
200% of transformer full load for 2 hours Step 3. Loading Recommendation: Minimum
and 160% of transformer full load for 7 melt of the selected fuse at 300 seconds
hours with: shall be at least 2 to 3 times transformer
1. Transformer preloaded to 75% of rated current
nameplate 2.5 x rated current for (380C06 thru 12)
2. Outside ambient temperature of 35 °C
2 x rated current for (380C14)
(Examination of calculated long-time
curves at 2 and 7 hours will indicate Step 4. Select a fuse to satisfy Steps 1, 2, and 3.
where the selected fuse will melt, per
initial conditions as a percent of load.)
Step 4. Select fuse to satisfy Steps 1, 2, and 3.
Reference Data TD132004EN Pad-mounted transformer fusing philosophies
Effective March 2015

Current sensing cartridge fuse – (718C--, (A general rule of thumb for impedances single- and three-
phase, when values are not known, they can be found on
719C--) the last page.)
Step 1. Inrush – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should withstand B. Place the family of minimum melting curves for the
12 x transformer full load current for .1 seconds. backup underoil (ELSP) current limiting fuse directly on
top of (one on one) the total clearing of the chosen
Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should Bay-O-Net fuse curve.
withstand 3 x transformer full load current for 10 seconds
(optional requirement for transformers.) C. Select an ELSP fuse whose minimum melt curve
crosses the maximum clear curve of the bay-o-net fuse
Step 3. Loading Recommendation: Minimum melt of the at a time-current relationship (crossover) that is greater
selected fuse at 300 seconds shall be at least 3 to 4 times than the calculated maximum thru fault (step one).
transformer rated current.
This ensures that the current limiting fuse is only
3 x rated current for tin elements (718C--, 719C thru 12) subjected (melt) to a current that would represent
4 x rated current for copper elements (718C, 719C16 – 18) a failed transformer (current greater than maximum
secondary fault). The first current limiting fuse that meets
This allows for twice (normal) nameplate rating this criterion is then the smallest ampere rated current
continuously. limiting fuse that can be selected. Any ampere rated fuse
Step 4. Select fuse to satisfy Steps 1, 2, and 3. larger will also coordinate properly.
D. Lookup the minimum interrupting current for the current
Dual sensing cartridge fuse – (628C--, limiting fuse chosen in Step 3 (minimum interrupting
629C--, 722C--, 723C--) currents are listed on the individual spec sheets found in
your protective equipment catalog).
Step 1. Inrush – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should withstand
12 x transformer full load current for .1 seconds. E. Re-examine the crossover point of the current limiting
fuse to the expulsion fuse (do step 2 over again).
Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should
withstand 3 x transformer full load current for 10 seconds Crossover point of the two fuses should also be at a
(optional requirement for transformers.) current magnitude that is equal to or greater than the
minimum interrupting current of the current limiting fuse.
Step 3. Loading Recommendation: Minimum melt of the
selected fuse at 300 seconds shall be at least 4 times This ensures that the current limiting fuse is only
transformer rated current. subjected (melt) to a current that it can clear by itself.
Step 4. Faults in excess of interrupting capacity of cartridge fuse are F. Re-examine the crossover point of the current limiting
cleared by backup device. fuse to the expulsion fuse (as done in step E).
Step 5. Select a fuse to satisfy Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. Crossover point of the two fuses should also be at
a current magnitude that is less than the maximum
Current sensing cartridge fuses with sec- interrupting rating of the Bay-O-Net fuse assembly.
ondary breakers – (718C--, 719C--) This ensures that the Bay-O-Net fuse will interrupt all
secondary fault currents below the maximum thru fault
Step 1. Inrush – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should withstand and up to where the two fuses cross (Bay-O-Net Clear
12 x transformer full load current for .1 seconds. and ELSP Minimum Melt TCC curves).
Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should G. To complete the coordination between backup current
withstand 3 x transformer full load current for 10 seconds limiting fuses and Bay-O-Net fuses, the chosen
(optional requirement for transformers.) Bay-O-Net fuse’s maximum clear current must be
Step 3. Fuse Must Coordinate with Secondary Breaker – equal to or less than 90% of the current limiting fuse’s
The minimum melt curve of the cartridge fuse should lie to minimum melt current at 300 seconds.
the right of the total operating curve of the selected breaker ELS in Bay-O-Net – (oil immersed full-range
when converted to the same base (secondary breaker
operating curve must be converted to the primary side clearing current-limiting fuse)
of the transformer – Ratio = transformer primary voltage/
transformer secondary voltage). Step 1. Inrush – Selected “full range clearing” current limiting fuse
(ELS) minimum melt should withstand 12 x transformer full
Step 4. Select fuse to satisfy Steps 1, 2, and 3. load current for .1 seconds and 25 x transformer full load
Backup current-limiting fuse with Bay-O-Net current at .01 seconds.
fuse – (ELSP in series with Bay-O-Net fuse) Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should
withstand 3 x transformer full load current for 10 seconds
Step 1. Select the low current clearing Bay-O-Net fuse (358C--) per (optional requirements for transformers.)
the philosophy set down in section Current Sensing (353C--) Step 3. Loading Recommendations: Percent of overload
Dual Sensing (358C--), Dual Element (108C--) and High Amp protection is based on the fuse’s long-time minimum melt
Bay-O-Net (361C--), 38 kV Bay-O-Net (380C--). current (4 to 8 hour minimum melt) considering maximum
Step 2. Select a current limiting fuse that will coordinate with the top oil temperature divided by transformer rated current.
selected Bay-O-Net fuse. Determination of percent of overload protection is done as
A. Calculate the maximum thru fault for the particular
transformer as follows: A. Determine long-time melting current of selected fuse (4
to 8 hours) in 25 °C oil – given on right hand corner of
Maximum Thru Fault = Full Load Current of the Transformer x 100 minimum melt TCC curves.
Z% Impedance of the Transformer

Pad-mounted transformer fusing philosophies Reference Data TD132004EN
Effective March 2015

B. Determine top oil temperature of the transformer (given Example: 4 hour minimum melt of 15.5 kV, 25c NX fuse
by customer, utility, etc…). – 35 amps
C. De-rate the selected fuse (Step 3) for maximum top 1. Dry well application 35 amp less 12% -- 31 amps
oil temperature (Step 2B) using the long-time melting new minimum melt.
current (Step 1B) as follows: .24% per every degree C 2. For a top oil temperature of 110 °C
above 25 °C. 110 ° - 25 ° = 85 °C x .2 = 17%
(Example: For fuse operation in 3. 4 hour minimum melt (de-rated for application) 31
100 °C oil -- 100 °C - 25 °C = 75 °C x .24% - 18%; 4 to 8 amps less 17% for top oil.
hour melt current of the selected fuse, 4 to 8 hours, in
100 °C oil.) 4. 4 hour minimum melt – 26 amps (full de-ration for
application and top oil).
D. Using the de-rated value of melting current for the
selected fuse (Step 3B), divide by the nameplate rating E. Using the fully de-rated value of melting current for the
of the transformer (full load current). The resulting selected fuse (Step 4B) divide by the nameplate rating of
number x 100 yields the percent of load required to melt the transformer (full load current). The resulting number
the selected fuse at maximum oil temperature (top oil x 100 yields the percent of load required to melt the
temperature determined by user–de-rated), 4 to 8 hours. selected fuse at maximum expected ambient conditions,
4 to 8 hours.
E. Chosen values for “percent of load” required to melt the
fuse at maximum oil temperature will vary from utility to F. Chosen values for “percent of load” required to melt the
utility, depending on the particular transformer loading fuse at maximum temperature conditions will vary from
philosophies and determined top oil temperatures. utility to utility, manufacturer to manufacturer. Common
Commonly used levels of overload protection (melting values listed in tabular form are 140 to 200% and 200 to
are 140-200% and 200 to 300% at maximum except oil 300%. Again, fuse size is temperature dependent based
temperatures). on percent of de-ration.
F. To ensure that the fuse will not be damaged by long-time G. To ensure that the fuse will no be damaged by long-time
heating effects. Selected fuse should not be allowed heating effects. Selected fuse should not be allowed to
to see a continuous current more than 80% (.8) of that see a continuous current more than 80%. (.8) of that
calculated current that will cause it to melt including de- calculated current that will cause it to melt including
ration. duration (Step 5B).
Step 4. Select a fuse to meet Steps 1, 2, and 3. Step 4. Select a fuse that meets Steps 1 and 2.

Current-limiting fuse in dry well canister Standard transformer impedances used to

(air) calculate maximum thru fault
Single-Phase Impedances
Step 1. Inrush – Selected full range clearing (or general purpose) Transformer Sizes Single-Phase Impedances
current limiting fuse’s minimum melt should withstand (kVA) (%)
12 x transformer full load current for .1 seconds and 25 x 10 1.90
transformer full load current at .01 seconds.
15 1.90
Step 2. Cold Load – Selected fuse’s minimum melt should
25 1.90
withstand 3 x transformer full load current for 10 seconds
(optional requirements for transformers). 37.5 1.90
Step 3. Loading Recommendations: Percent of overload 50 1.90
protection is based on the fuse’s long-time minimum melt 75 1.90
current (4 to 8 hour melt) considering maximum operating
temperature, divided by transformer rated current. 100 2.00

A. Lookup the 4 hours melting current on (TCC curves) of 267 2.60

the fuse chosen to meet the electrical considerations 250 4.00
(initial Step 3).
333 5.00
B. De-rate the melting current at 4 hours by 12% for dry
500 6.00
well canister application. (4 hour minimum melt less
Three-Phase Impedances
C. Determine top oil temperature of the transformer, (given Transformer Sizes Single-Phase Impedances
by customer – utility etc…). (kVA) (%)

D. Using the de-rated melting current for the chosen fuse 75 1.60
(Step 2, B), de-rate this value further .2% per every °C 112.5 1.80
rise of the transformer’s top oil temperature above
25 °C (TCC curves are based at 25 °C). 150 2.00
225 3.00
300 3.50
500 4.00
750 and up 5.75 3
Reference Data TD132004EN Pad-mounted transformer fusing philosophies
Effective March 2015

1000 Eaton Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122
United States

Eaton's Cooper Power Systems Division

2300 Badger Drive
Waukesha, WI 53188
United States

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All Rights Reserved trademarks of Eaton in the U.S. and other series transformer fuse product
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