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4-Protecție La Supratensiune, Surse de Alimentare Și Întrerupătoare de Protecție

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Surge protection, power supplies,

and device circuit breakers
2019 / 2020
Terminal blocks Interface technology and switching
• Terminal blocks devices
• Electronic switching devices and motor
1 5
• Measurement and control technology
• Monitoring
• Relay modules
• System cabling for controllers

Sensor/actuator cabling Automation

and connectors • PLCnext Technology
• Sensor/actuator cabling • Industrial cloud computing
2 6 • Software
• Cables and lines
• Connectors • PLCs and I/O systems
• Functional safety
• Industrial communication technology
• HMIs and industrial PCs
• Lighting and signaling

Marking systems, tools, Charging technology for

and mounting material electromobility
• Marking and labeling • Charging technology for electromobility
3 7
• Tools
• Installation and mounting material

Surge protection, power PCB terminal blocks

and PCB connectors
supplies, and device Use our E-paper for quick product selection.
circuit breakers
4 • Surge protection and interference Web code: #1517
suppression filters
• Power supplies and UPS
• Protective devices

You will find the latest information including all the

Find out more new products directly in the product area of our
with the web code
For detailed information, use the web codes provided in this
brochure. Simply enter # and the four-digit number in the search
field on our website.

Web code: #1234 (example)

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Table of contents

Illustrated product range overview 4

Access the right product more quickly from here

The comprehensive solution for the control cabinet

Surge protection and interference suppression filters 8

Power supplies and UPS 224

Device circuit breakers 358

Technical information 402

Index 418
Illustrated product range overview
Access the right product more quickly from here

Surge protection for the power supply

Type 1+2 combined lightning current Type 1+2 combined lightning current Type 1+2 combined lightning current Type 2 surge protective device
and surge arrester and surge arrester and surge arrester VALVETRAB SEC Page 54

Type 2 surge protective devices Type 3 device protection Surge protection for NEMA systems Isolating spark gap
for PCB mounting PLUGTRAB SEC / PT Page 82 VALVETRAB US Page 90 FLASHTRAB ISG Page 102

Surge protection for measurement and control technology Surge protection for information technology

DIN rail modules Special systems Page 125 For networks Page 166 MAINTRAB Page 88
TERMITRAB complete Page 116 LSA-PLUS modules Page 126 For interfaces Page 168 TERMITRAB complete Page 170

Surge protection for transceiver systems EMC solutions Monitoring of SPDs


For mobile phone networks Page 200 For radio and television sets Mains interference filters with ImpulseCheck Page 212
For video communication Page 201   Page 204 integrated surge protection Page 208
Interference suppression filters Page 211

Illustrated product range overview
Access the right product more quickly from here

Test devices Power supplies

CHECKMASTER 2 Page 218 QUINT POWER with NFC Page 234 TRIO POWER Page 254 UNO POWER Page 266
QUINT POWER Page 242 TRIO CrossPowerSystem Page 262
with protective coating Page 246
QUINT POWER < 100 W Page 248
DC/DC converters Redundancy modules

MINI POWER Page 276 STEP POWER Page 278 QUINT DC/DC converters with NFC Page 288 QUINT ORING Page 302
QUINT DC/DC converters Page 292 QUINT S-ORING Page 304
QUINT DC/DC converters, QUINT DIODE Page 306
with protective coating Page 296 TRIO DIODE Page 308
MINI DC/DC converters Page 298 UNO DIODE, STEP DIODE Page 309
UPS for the control cabinet

QUINT DC UPS QUINT/TRIO AC UPS Energy storage for UPS with integrated energy storage
QUINT UPS Page 316 QUINT UPS Page 330 QUINT UPS Page 334 QUINT UPS Page 344
QUINT CAP Page 346
Device circuit breakers

UPS with integrated power supply Electronic circuit breakers Thermomagnetic circuit breakers Thermal circuit breakers
MINI UPS Page 350 CBM, CBMC Page 372 CB-TM Page 311 TCP Page 400
TRIO UPS Page 354 PTCB Page 378 UT 6-TMC Page 394 Fuse terminal blocks, see Catalog 1
CB, ECP, EC-E Page 382 TMC Page 395
For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 5
The comprehensive solution for the control cabinet

Easy planning, intuitive installation

COMPLETE line is a system comprising Your advantages at a glance:

technologically leading and coordinated – Intuitive handling, thanks to the uniform
hardware and software products, consulting design, look, and function
services, and system solutions that help you – Time savings across the entire engineering
optimize your processes in control cabinet process, thanks to consistent software
manufacturing. Engineering, purchasing, support
installation, and operation become – Reduced logistics costs with standardized
significantly easier for you. accessories and reduced variety of parts
– Optimized processes in control cabinet
manufacturing, thanks to custom services
and innovative manufacturing solutions

The comprehensive solution for the control cabinet

Comprehensive product portfolio Intuitive handling Time savings across the entire
With COMPLETE line, we offer a complete Thanks to the simple, intuitive handling engineering process
product portfolio of technologically leading of the coordinated hardware components The PROJECT complete planning and
products. These include: you will save time during installation, startup, marking software supports the entire control
– Controllers and I/O modules and maintenance. Push-in connection cabinet manufacturing process. The program
– Power supplies and device circuit breakers technology enables you to wire applications features an intuitive user interface and
– Terminal blocks and distribution blocks quickly – without using tools. The broad, enables the individual planning, automatic
– Relay modules and motor starters technologically leading product portfolio checking, and direct ordering of terminal
– Signal conditioners will always provide you with the right product strips.
– Safety technology for standard or special applications.
– Surge protection
– Heavy-duty connectors

Reduced logistics costs Optimized processes in control Additional information

Reduced variety of parts, thanks to cabinet manufacturing Find our more about COMPLETE line
standardized marking, bridging, and testing From engineering through to manufacturing, and your comprehensive solutions for the
accessories. The COMPLETE line system COMPLETE line supports you in making control cabinet. Visit our website:
coordinates products, design, and accessories your control cabinet production as efficient
in a way that you benefit from maximum as possible. Thus creating a customized
reusability and thus reduce your logistics concept for optimizing your processes in
costs. control cabinet manufacturing.
Our terminal strip production helps you
to flexibly manage peak order times or to
supply your control cabinet production with
fully assembled DIN rails just-in-time.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 7
Surge protection and interference suppression filters

Damage caused by surge voltages

Basics 10
The number of electrical devices damaged
or destroyed by surge voltages is increasing
year on year. This can prove expensive in Surge protection for the power supply 14
terms of repairs and downtimes. In an
industrial environment, the hazards are not Selection guide 20
just restricted to systems and devices. Applications 24
Building technology applications and even
residential buildings may be affected. Type 1+2 combined lightning current and surge arrester 34
Type 1+2 special combined lightning current and surge arrester 42
Interference voltages Type 2 surge protective device 53
Switching operations triggered mechanically Type 3 device protection 82
or electronically generate pulse-like and Surge protection for NEMA systems 90
high-frequency interference voltages. These
voltages spread in an unimpeded manner Isolating spark gap 102
across the cable network. All the devices
Surge protection for measurement and 104
within this cable network are affected. Data
control technology
errors, uncontrolled functions, and system
Selection guide 108
crashes can result, with electronic and data
processing devices at particular risk. Applications 110
Protection for current loops 116
 Your web code: #0142 Protection for digital signals 128
Protection for resistance-dependent measurements 143
Single-stage protective devices 148
Protection for Ex applications 152

Surge protection for information technology and 160

Selection guides 162
Applications 164
Protection for data interfaces 166
Protection for fieldbus systems 170
Protection for telecommunications interfaces 186

Surge protection for transceiver systems 194

Selection guide 196

Applications 198
Protection for antenna systems 200
Protection for TV and radio systems 204

Interference suppression filters 206

ImpulseCheck 212

Lightning current measurement 214

Test devices 218

Accessories for surge protection 222

Surge protection and interference suppression filters

Surge voltage – What is it?

Lightning discharge Electrostatic discharge The resulting protection concept takes

It is above all lightning strikes (lightning Electrostatic discharge (ESD) occurs if into account all the interfaces of the power
electromagnetic pulse, LEMP) that have the exposed conductive parts with different supply unit as well as those for data and
greatest potential for damage among all the electrostatic potential approach each other telecommunications. This is the only way
causes of occurrence. and result in a charge exchange. A sudden to comprehensively and effectively protect
They cause transient overvoltages that charge exchange leads to a brief surge all the end devices, for example, within a
can extend across great distances and are voltage. This presents a hazard, especially data network, production plant or building
often associated with high-amplitude surge for sensitive electronic components. installation. Combining high-quality protective
currents. Surge voltage – What are the effects? devices with innovative arrester technology,
Even the indirect effects of a lightning Regardless of what causes a surge voltage, surge protective devices ensure a high degree
strike can lead to a surge voltage of several the consequences are the same: of system availability and safety in all areas
kilovolts and result in a surge current of tens – Device destruction of electrical engineering.
of thousands of amperes. In spite of the very – System downtimes
brief duration, such an event can lead to
total failure or even the destruction of the
– Total failure of controllers  Your web code: #1133
entire system. Device failure or defects caused by surge
Switching operations voltages are more frequent than expected.
Switching operations (switching For non-private systems the consequences
electromagnetic pulse, SEMP) can generate of a failure are generally much more serious,
induced surge voltages that spread to supply such as downtimes or data loss. The failure
lines. In the case of large switch-on currents of a device or a machine that is used in a
or short circuits, very high currents can flow professional environment often leads to costs
within a few milliseconds. These short-term that are many times higher than repairing
current changes can lead to transient the defective device.
Surge voltage – How can you provide
correct protection?
Effective surge protection starts with
assessing the potential risk and identifying all
the devices within the item to be protected.
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
The protective circle principle

Surge protection for power supplies

Surge protection for MCR technology

A clear illustration of the lightning The protective circle must include all
protection zone concept is the protective electrical and electronic transmission lines
circle. in the following areas:
An imaginary circle is drawn around the – Power supply
object to be protected. A surge protective – Measurement and control technology
device should be installed at all points where – Information technology
cables intersect this circle. – Transceiver systems
The area within the protective circuit
is therefore protected in such a way that
conducted surge voltage couplings are

Surge protection for information technology

Surge protection for transceiver systems

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 11
Surge protection and interference suppression filters

Surge protection for power supplies Type 3 device protection This is an arrester that satisfies both test
Type 1+2 combined lightning current Type 3 surge protective devices are classifications.
generally installed immediately upstream In the case of a special combined lightning
and surge arrester
of the end device to be protected. Due to current and surge arrester, such as the
Type 1+2 surge protective devices must
satisfy the most stringent requirements in differing installation environments, type 3 FLT-SEC-T1+T2, however, a voltage-switching
SPDs are available in a very wide range spark gap (type 1+2 SPD) is coordinated
terms of amplitude and specific energy from
of designs. directly with a voltage-limiting varistor
surge currents, as they are supposed to
protect against the effects of direct lightning – Devices for DIN rail mounting (type 2 SPD) that is connected in parallel.
– Devices for installation in sockets, cable Two autonomous protective devices ensure
strikes. In the typical installation environment
ducts, and underfloor systems optimum response behavior, the best possible
of the main distribution, the demand placed
on the short-circuit current rating is also – Attachment plug for sockets system protection, and a long service life
for the components.
often very high. In order to be able to meet Combined lightning current and surge
these requirements, powerful technology is arrester or special combined lightning
required, such as spark gap technology. current and surge arrester?
Lightning currents are simulated with
Type 2 surge protective device
Type 2 surge protective devices are surge currents in the 10/350 μs pulse shape.
Switching surge voltages and remote lightning
generally installed in sub-distributions or
strikes are simulated with surge currents
machine control cabinets. These SPDs must
be able to discharge induced surge voltages in the 8/20 μs pulse shape.
As per the requirements of product
from indirect lightning strikes or switching
standard IEC 61643-11, a type 2 SPD
operations but not handle direct lightning
strikes. As such, the energy input is must only be able to discharge 8/20 pulses.
A type 1 SPD is designed for 8/20 μs pulses
significantly reduced. In any case, induced
as well as 10/350 μs pulses. In this sense,
surge voltages caused by switching operations
are often very dynamic. Here, a technology every type 1 SPD is also a type 2 SPD.
The fact that a type 1 SPD satisfies test
with fast response behavior stands up to
classification II is a redundant piece of
the test, e.g., varistor technology.
information and does not constitute an
additional qualification. These types of SPDs
are often referred to as combined lightning
current and surge arresters (type 1+2 SPDs).

Surge protection and interference suppression filters

Surge protection for MCR technology Surge protection for information Surge protection for transceiver
The range of different applications presents technology systems
a particular challenge to surge protection In the area of information technology, Typical areas of application in the field
for measurement and control technology. the various interfaces operate with low of transceiver systems are the antenna
Different signal types, interfaces, and fieldbus signal levels at high frequencies. This makes connections of television and radio receivers,
systems require a tailor-made product and them particularly sensitive to surge voltages video communication, and mobile phone
a wide product range. Various protective and can lead to the destruction of electronic systems. Antenna cables which extend
circuits are therefore available that are components in IT systems. The surge beyond a building and are usually very long,
specially optimized for the application. protective devices must therefore also have plus the antennas themselves, are directly
Primarily, a distinction is made between high-quality signal transmission behavior, exposed to atmospherical discharge.
two signal types: independent closed loops as otherwise, malfunctions can be expected Surge voltages can even reach the sensitive
and signals with a common reference in the data transmission. interfaces of transceiver systems via this
conductor or a shared return conductor. Possible interfaces include the following: cable path.
The independent closed loops are – Ethernet
often designed so that they are isolated – Serial interfaces
from the ground potential for immunity – Telecommunications interfaces
to interference.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 13
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Clear insight into the system How does ImpulseCheck work? Benefit from digital added value
ImpulseCheck is the world’s first intelligent ImpulseCheck enables the continuous The cloud-based evaluation of measured
assistance system for surge protection in monitoring of SPDs. Thanks to external data enables the direct use of new digital
the field of mains protection. The module sensor cables, the system can be easily services. Status messages regarding surge
allows you to measure the state of health installed or retrofitted in both new and protection can be displayed on any
of every single protective device via cloud existing systems. It takes just a few simple web-enabled device. For example, you
connection and provides new digital services. steps to attach up to 4 sensors to the can configure custom notifications for
connecting cables of the monitored SPD. various events in PROFICLOUD or create
Optimum protection for sensitive
Surge currents with a very high time standard-compliant status reports at the
resolution are captured on each channel. push of a button.
In many cases, SPDs can limit surge
Both high-frequency events and sustained Thanks to the ongoing further
voltages and discharge surge currents
currents are measured reliably. development of new and existing devices
without your system sustaining any damage.
Electromagnetic interference is detected, for PROFICLOUD as well as the platform
Depending on the number, duration, and
allocated a time stamp, and transmitted itself, it will be possible to network a wide
amplitude of the surge currents, SPDs may
to PROFICLOUD. Important parameters range of applications and services in the
be pushed to their very limits and fail. Other
are evaluated and indicated from the signal future.
faults in the electrical installation, such as
curves for surge current events. In addition,
short circuits or ground faults, can also
the remote indication contact of the
contribute to the failure of SPDs. A failure
monitored SPD can be evaluated.  Your web code: #2095
is indicated by a status indicator on the
For Phoenix Contact SPDs, the actual
SPD itself and additional remote signaling,
load is determined at all times based on
if necessary.
the recorded events. The determined
The current, actual load on the SPDs
status (green, yellow, red) is displayed in
can only be determined by performing an
PROFICLOUD as well as on the device
electrical test on the individual modules.
itself. This allows you to respond proactively
However, this is laborious and only provides
before an SPD actually fails.
an insight into the state of the SPDs at
the time of testing.

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Keeping the pulse of your system Status reports at the push of a button Benefit from digital added value
Benefit from predictive maintenance: Depending on the system type, the and services
thanks to real-time measurement of IEC 62305-3 standard requires that surge The cloud-based analysis of measured
electromagnetic interference and surge protective devices are tested at specific values enables completely new automated
currents, you can continuously monitor intervals. Thanks to the real-time monitoring, processes. Combine the values from surge
the condition of the system and the surge you know the SPD’s state and can generate voltage events in the cloud with local weather
protection. This makes the remaining status reports at any time at the push of a data or location information, for example.
service life expectancy (state of health) button – even between the predetermined Use this information for your logistics or
of the protective devices transparent, test intervals. This provides you with all the export the data for your own evaluation.
so that maintenance services become necessary information, whenever you
more predictable. need it.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 15
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Safe Energy Control (SEC) range Protection for life Efficiency in control cabinet
The surge protective devices in the SEC The high-quality products in the SEC manufacturing
product range represent an easy-to-install range are particularly durable thanks to Plan your control cabinets more efficiently
product range which combines maximum their high, laboratory-tested quality. This is and easily with the SEC range. Installation
performance and superior durability. demonstrated by international certificates. is cost-effective and space-saving, thanks to
Electronic consumers are reliably protected Even in the most lightning-prone location the uniform compact design of the surge
and maintenance costs are reduced. The in the world, the surge protective devices protective devices, which do not need a
surge protective devices are characterized in the SEC product range will provide backup fuse. The world's smallest type 2
by their easy, cost-effective, and space-saving protection for decades to come. protective device and the world’s first type 3
installation. surge protection with Push-in connection
technology are emblematic of this.
Uninterrupted protection for your  Your web code: #0143
Ensure uninterrupted system operation
by using surge protective devices from the
SEC range. By using technologically leading
spark gaps and products with safe disconnect
device, you can implement a consistent and
safe protection concept. The type 1, 2, and
3 surge protective devices are all pluggable.
Testing and maintenance work is therefore
made much easier.

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

New spark gaps Type 1+2 combined lightning current The power package
The newly developed spark gaps in the and surge arrester with integrated Maximum discharge capacity in an
type 1 arresters are isolated and extremely arrester backup fuse extremely compact design. And all for
powerful thanks to the use of technology The FLT-SEC-HYBRID... combines surge continuous voltages up to 440 V. The ideal
with no line follow current. This increases protection and a backup fuse in a single type 1+2 combined lightning current and
the durability of the components in your connector. It is no longer necessary to install surge arrester for use in industry and
system. a separate arrester backup fuse. This saves wind turbine generators.
space and reduces installation costs.

Lightning and surge protection Ultra narrow Powerful type 3 device protection
Reliable protection and minimal installation With an overall width of just 12.5 mm per The world’s first type 3 surge protective
effort, thanks to the narrowest coordinated channel, the type 2 surge protective devices device with Push-in fast connection
combination or true type 1 spark gaps and provide outstanding protection in a minimum technology provides optimum protection
type 2 varistor arresters. amount of space – they can be used up to for industrial power supply.
315 A in the branch without a backup fuse.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 17
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 1+2 combined lightning current Type 1+2 combined lightning current Type 2 surge protection for higher
and surge arrester for harsh industrial and surge arrester for lightning nominal voltages
environments protection level III and IV With VAL-MS..., corresponding arresters
With a rated voltage of 800 V AC, The VAL-MS T1/T2 ... varistor-based are available for power supplies with higher
a discharge capacity of 35 kA per channel, combination protective devices meet the supply voltages, such as in wind turbine
and a robust housing design, POWERTRAB requirements of lightning protection class III generators or when discharge currents
is ideal for harsh industrial environments and IV and also provide the voltage protection > 30 kA per channel are required.
and use in 690 V IT networks, such as level of a type 2 surge protective device.
in wind turbine generators.

Type 3 device protection in an Type 3 device protection as an Surge protection for LED lights
extremely compact design attachment plug The surge protective devices for LED
Ideal for protecting end devices, type 3 The MAINTRAB device protection range applications are specifically designed for
device protection is used in deep installation is very easy to retrofit in existing installations. street, tunnel or object lighting. Different
boxes, cable ducts or underfloor systems. Versions are available as simple adapters versions are available for protection class I
for mains sockets or with additional signal and II.

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Surge protection with integrated Surge protection for 60 mm system Surge protection for photovoltaic
arrester backup fuse technology systems
VAL-CP-MCB... are combinations of VAL-CP-MOSO... are type 2 surge The product range comprises individual
type 2 surge protection with integrated, protective devices with integrated, surge- components for all types of photovoltaic
surge-proof circuit breakers as arrester proof arrester backup fuse for installation systems, from 600 V DC up to 1500 V DC.
backup fuses. on 60 mm system technology.

Type 3 surge protection for I/Os and Surge protection for DC current Surge protection for printed-circuit
controllers sources boards
TTC type 3 is based on the narrow 6 mm VALVETRAB-SEC DC is the surge The PRINTRAB series enables powerful
TERMITRAB complete range. It protects protection solution for power supplies with type 2 surge protection in a confined space.
the 24 V power supply of end devices such linear operating characteristics. Two Installed directly on the PCB, it provides
as I/Os or controllers against surge voltages different circuit versions for various nominal protection for single-phase applications in
from the field. voltages provide protection for all common very small devices. There are numerous
DC applications. areas of application, such as the future 5G
communication system or inverters.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 19
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Selection guide
The selection matrix indicates the 230/400 V systems | Standard applications
corresponding surge protective device
for commonly used network types. IEC test classification / EN type
Network type
Classification according to IEC test I / T1 II / T2 III / T3 +
classification / EN type is simplified here.
Detailed information can be found on 

230 / 400 V
the relevant product page. L1  
Further application recommendations L2
are available on request. L3  


230 / 400 V


L2  
L3 


 

230 V
N  

PE 

230 V

 
 

230/400 V systems | Special installation requirements

IEC test classification / EN type
Network type
I / T1 II / T2 III / T3 +

230 / 400 V


L2 
N  

 

230 / 400 V

L1 

 
 


L1  
230 V

N 

Note PE
Products bearing this stamp 
(plug elements) can be tested 


230 V



Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Surge protective device (SPD) Order No. Page

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-350/25-FM 2905421 37
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-264/25-FM + FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM 2905871 + 2905472 34
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3S-350/25-FM 2905470 42
VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350-FM 2905340 54
PLT-SEC-T3-3S-230-FM 2905230 82
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-350/25-FM 2905419 37
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-264/25-FM 2905871 34
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3C-350/25-FM 2905469 42
VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350-FM 2905339 54
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1S-350/25-FM 2905415 39
FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-264/25-FM + FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM 2801615 + 2905472 34
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-1S-350/25-FM 2905466 43
VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350-FM 2905333 55
PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM-PT 2907928 83
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-350/25-FM 2905414 39

FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-264/25-FM 2801615 34

FLT-SEC-T1+T2-1C-350/25-FM 2905465 44

Surge protective device (SPD) Order No. Page

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-264/50-FM Where Iimp = 50 kA in L-N mode of protection 2909589 40

VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350/40-FM Where In = 40 kA in N-PE mode of protection 2909635 54
VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350VF-FM Free of leakage current 2909590 54
VAL-CP-MCB-3S-350/40/FM Combination with MCB 2882750 74

VAL-CP-MOSO 60-3S-FM Combination with MCB for 60 mm rail system 2804403 75

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-264/50-FM Where Iimp = 50 kA in L-N mode of protection 2907390 40

VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350VF-FM Free of leakage current 2909591 54
VAL-CP-MCB-3C-350/40/FM Combination with MCB 2882776 74

VAL-CP-MOSO 60-3C-FM Combination with MCB for 60 mm rail system 2804416 75

FLT-SEC-P-T1-1S-264/50-FM Where Iimp = 50 kA in L-N mode of protection 2907388 41

VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350VF-FM Free of leakage current 2909592 55
VAL-CP-MCB-1S-350/40/FM Combination with MCB 2882763 74
BLT-T2-1S-320-UT Universal mounting 2906101 76
MNT-1 D Attachment plug 2882200 88
BLT-T3-230-A Universal mounting (audible) 1038841 86
BLT-SKT-230-A Universal mounting (audible) 1038842 86

FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-264/50-FM Where Iimp = 50 kA in L-N mode of protection 2907387 41

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 21
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Selection guide
The selection matrix indicates the Other network types
corresponding surge protective device
for commonly used network types. IEC test classification / EN type
Network type
Classification according to IEC test I / T1 II / T2 III / T3 +
classification / EN type is simplified here.

Detailed information can be found on L1

690 V
400 /
the relevant product page. L2

Further application recommendations N
are available on request. PE 

690 V
400 /
 

L2 


960 V
554 /

400 V
 
L2 

PE 

690 V
500 -


120 V
N 

DC systems
IEC test classification / EN type
Network type
I / T1 II / T2 III / T3

24 V

48 V

DC source

DC+/- 
DC-/+ 
120 V


220 V

380 V

Products bearing this stamp 

(plug elements) can be tested 

DC source

with CHECKMASTER 2. L+ 

PE 


Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Surge protective device (SPD) Order No. Page

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-440/35-FM 2908264 35
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-440/25-FM + FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-FM 2907260 + 2907262 34
VAL-SEC-T2-4+0-440-FM TN-S only 1076468 53
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-440/35-FM 2905988 35
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-440/25-FM 2907260 34
VAL-SEC-T2-3C-440-FM 2909968 53
PWT 100-800AC-FM 2800531 52

VAL-MS 750/30/3+0-FM 2920272 65

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-440/35-FM 2905988 35
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-440/25-FM 2907260 34
VAL-SEC-T2-3C-440-FM 2909968 53
PWT 100-800AC-FM 2800531 52

VAL-MS 750/30/3+0-FM 2920272 65

VAL-US-120/65/1+1-FM 2910356 93
VAL-SEC-T2-1S-175-FM 2905348 57
PLT-SEC-T3-120-FM-PT 2907927 83

Surge protective device (SPD) Order No. Page

VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1V-FM 2801533 48

VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-48DC-FM 2907865 58
VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-48DC-FM Free of leakage current 1033786 59
PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-PT 2907925 82
VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1V-FM 2801533 48
VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-48DC-FM 2907865 58
VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-48DC-FM Free of leakage current 1033786 59
PLT-SEC-T3-60-FM-PT 2907926 83
VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-120DC-FM 2907874 58
VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-120DC-FM Free of leakage current 1033788 59
PLT-SEC-T3-120-FM-PT 2907927 83
VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-220DC-FM 2907875 58
VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-220DC-FM Free of leakage current 1033789 59
PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM-PT 2907928 83
VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-380DC-FM 2907876 58
VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-380DC-FM Free of leakage current 1033790 59
VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2801164 50
VAL-MS 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2800641 73
VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2801161 50
VAL-MS 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2800627 73
VAL-MB-T1/T2 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905640 51
VAL-MS 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 1033725 73

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 23
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 1 protection for the power supply with integrated arrester backup fuse


Branch wiring in the TN-C network



Ord.No: 2905968

Ord.No: 2905968

Ord.No: 2905968
T1 T2 + T1 T2 + T1 T2 +

264/25 264/25 264/25


L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

Technical characteristics
mm² mm²
Typical installation location Upstream or downstream of the circuit breaker of low-voltage 35 35
distribution boards with large load currents
Table 1: Connecting cables

Lightning protection level I, II, III, IV

Umax Imax
Lightning protection zone LPZ 0A  LPZ 1
AC 250 V 1A
AC 125 V (UL) 1 A (UL)
Coordination Coordination with type 2 protective devices from the SEC range DC 125 V 0.2 A
is guaranteed
DC 30 V 1A
Connecting cables – Refer to the adjacent tables for the required conductor 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm²
cross sections.
– The connection to the main grounding rail (S) is mandatory Table 2: Remote signaling data
(see figure).
– For S, use a cross section of at least 16 mm². If this
connection (S) is to be equal to the connection to the
protective conductor (SPEN) in the application, use a cross
section of at least 35 mm² for SPEN.
– If the supply line cross section is greater than 35 mm²,
make sure that the surge protection connecting cables (SL)
are protected against ground faults and short circuits.
Recommendation: use temperature-stable cables for SL,
e.g., XLPE/EPR-insulated cables.
– Lay the connecting cables as short as possible, without
loops, and with the largest possible bending radii.

Backup fuses – Can be used without backup fuse in branch wiring

– The integrated overcurrent protection is selective in relation
to upstream F1 fuses ≥ 400 A gG

Products in the catalog Page 34

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 1 protection for the power supply


Branch wiring in the TN-C network



Ord.No: 2905422

Ord.No: 2905422

Ord.No: 2905422
T1 T1 T1
350/35 350/35 350/35


L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

F1 F2 S L = SN SPE(N) S)
Technical characteristics
A gG A gG mm² mm² mm²
Typical installation location Where the cable enters the building or in the pre-meter or 40 6 6 16
post-meter area 50 6 6 16
63 6 6 16
Lightning protection level I, II, III, IV 80 10 10 16
100 10 10 16
Lightning protection zone LPZ 0A  LPZ 1 125 16 16 16
transition 160 16 16 16
Coordination Coordination with type 2 protective devices from the SEC range 200 25 25 16
is guaranteed
250 35 35 16
Connecting cables – Refer to the adjacent tables for the required conductor 315 35 35 16
cross sections.
400 ≤ 250 Conductor cross sections according to
– The connection to the main grounding rail (S) is mandatory
selected F2 fuse, see above
(see figure). ≥ 500 ≤ 315
– For S, use a cross section of at least 16 mm². If this
Table 1: Branch wiring
connection (S) is to be equal to the connection to the
protective conductor (SPEN) in the application, use a
cross section of at least 16 mm² for SPEN. F1 SL SPE(N) S)
– Lay the connecting cables as short as possible, without A gG mm² mm² mm²
loops, and with the largest possible bending radii.
40 6 6 16

50 10 10 16
63 10 10 16
80 16 16 16
Backup fuses – Can be used without backup fuse in branch wiring up to
315 A gG 100 25 16 16
– If the surge protection fuse needs to be selective in relation 125 35 16 16
to the upstream installation, a separate F2 backup fuse
is required. Once the F2 backup fuse has tripped, Table 2: Through wiring
surge protection is no longer in place for the system.
– Can be used without backup fuse in through wiring up to
Umax Imax
125 A gG
AC 250 V 1A
AC 125 V (UL) 1 A (UL)
DC 125 V 0.2 A
Products in the catalog Page 35
DC 30 V 1A
0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm²

Table 3: Remote signaling data

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 25
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 1+2 protection for the power supply


Branch wiring in the TN-S network






Ord.No: 2905471

Ord.No: 2905471

Ord.No: 2905471
Ord.No: 2905473

Ord.No: 2905346

Ord.No: 2905346
Ord.No: 2905346
T1 T2 T2 T1 T2 T2 T1 T2 T2 T1 T2
350/100 350 350/25 350 350/25 350 350/25



L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

F1 F2 SL = S N SPE(N) S)
Technical characteristics
A gG A gG mm² mm² mm²
Typical installation location Where the cable enters the building in the post-meter area 40 6 6 16
50 6 6 16
Lightning protection level I, II, III, IV 63 6 6 16
80 10 10 16

Lightning protection zone LPZ 0A  LPZ 2 100 10 10 16

transition 125 16 16 16
160 16 16 16
Coordination Coordination with type 3 protective devices from the SEC range
is guaranteed 200 25 25 16

Connecting cables – Refer to the adjacent tables for the required conductor 250 35 35 16
cross sections. 315 35 35 16
– The connection to the main grounding rail (S) is mandatory
400 ≤ 250 Conductor cross sections according to
(see figure).
selected F2 fuse, see above
– For S, use a cross section of at least 16 mm². If this ≥ 500 ≤ 315
connection (S) is to be equal to the connection to the
Table 1: Branch wiring
protective conductor (SPE) in the application, use a
cross section of at least 16 mm² for SPE.
– Lay the connecting cables as short as possible, without F1 SL SPE(N) S)
loops, and with the largest possible bending radii. A gG mm² mm² mm²
40 6 6 16

50 10 10 16
63 10 10 16
Backup fuses – Can be used without backup fuse in branch wiring up to 80 16 16 16
315 A gG
100 25 16 16
– If the surge protection fuse needs to be selective in relation
to the upstream installation, a separate F2 backup fuse 125 35 16 16
is required. Once the F2 backup fuse has tripped, surge
protection is no longer in place for the system. Table 2: Through wiring
– Can be used without backup fuse in through wiring up to
125 A gG Umax Imax

AC 250 V 1A
AC 125 V (UL) 1 A (UL)
Products in the catalog Page 42 DC 125 V 0.2 A
DC 30 V 1A
0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm²

Table 3: Remote signaling data

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 2 protection for the power supply


Branch wiring in the TN-S network




Ord.No: 2905346

Ord.No: 2905346
Ord.No: 2905347

Ord.No: 2905346
T2 T2 T2 T2
264 350 350 350


L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

F1 F2 S L = SN SPE
Technical characteristics
A gG A gG mm² mm²
Typical installation location In sub-distributions or level distributions upstream 25 6 6
of the RCD 32 6 6
Lightning protection zone LPZ 0B  LPZ 1 40 6 6
transition LPZ 1  LPZ 2 50 6 6
63 6 6
Coordination Coordination with type 1 and type 3 protective devices from
the SEC range is guaranteed 80 10 10
100 10 10
Connecting cables – Refer to the adjacent tables for the required conductor
cross sections. 125 16 16
– For backup fuses > 200 A in relation to PVC-insulated 160 16 16
copper cables, it is not possible to clamp a sufficient cross 200 25 25
section for short circuits and ground faults. Special measures 250 25 25
must therefore be implemented in this area to ensure that 315 25 25
the connecting cables are protected against short circuits
400 ≤ 250 25 25
and ground faults. Use spacers to prevent the cables from
touching each other or touching conductive components. ≥ 500 ≤ 315 25 25
Use cables with increased temperature stability
(e.g., XLPE/EPR-insulated cables). Table 1: Branch wiring
– Lay the connecting cables as short as possible, without
loops, and with the largest possible bending radii. F1 S L = SN SPE
A gG mm² mm²
25 6 6
32 6 6
Backup fuses – Can be used without backup fuse in branch wiring up to 40 6 6
315 A gG 50 10 10
– If the surge protection fuse needs to be selective in relation 63 10 10
to the upstream installation, a separate F2 backup fuse Table 2: Through wiring
is required. Once the F2 backup fuse has tripped,
surge protection is no longer in place for the system.
– Can be used without backup fuse in through wiring up to Umax Imax
63 A gG
AC 250 V 1A
AC 125 V (UL) 1 A (UL)
DC 125 V 0.2 A
DC 30 V 1A
Products in the catalog Page 54
0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm²

Table 3: Remote signaling data

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 27
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 2 protection for the power supply


Branch wiring in isolated

DC voltage systems

Ord.No: 2907879

Ord.No: 2907879
T2 T2
220DC 220DC

DC +/- DC +/-
DC -/+ DC -/+

Technical characteristics Prospective short-

circuit current SL/mm² F2 backup fuse
Typical installation location Main and sub-distribution ISCCR

> 200 A 4 6 20 A
Lightning protection zone LPZ 0B  LPZ 1  200 A
transition LPZ 1  LPZ 2 4 6 -

Coordination Coordination with type 3 SPDs from the SEC range Table 1: Backup fuses for UN ≤ 220 V DC
is guaranteed.
Connecting cables – For branch wiring, the connecting cables and conductor Prospective short-
cross sections only have to be designed for short circuits circuit current SL/mm² F2 backup fuse
and ground faults. S/mm²
– For through wiring, the operating and overload current
must also be taken into consideration.  100 A 4 6 -
– Lay the connecting cables as short as possible, without > 100 A 4 6 10 A
loops, and with the largest possible bending radii.
> 200 A 4 6 20 A

Table 2: Backup fuses for UN ≤ 400 V DC

Backup fuses – Refer to the adjacent tables for the required conductor
cross sections.
Umax Imax
Products in the catalog Page 58
AC 250 V 1A
AC 125 V (UL) 1 A (UL)
DC 125 V 0.2 A
DC 30 V 1A
0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm²

Table 3: Remote signaling data

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 3 protection for the power supply

Through wiring and branch wiring
in the TN-S network

2 PE 6 2 PE 6


Ord.No: 2907920

Ord.No: 2907920
T3 T3

24 24

1 PE 5 1 PE 5



Technical characteristics Umax Imax

Typical installation location Upstream of the end device to be protected AC 250 V 0.5 A
DC 125 V 0.2 A
Lightning protection zone LPZ 1  LPZ 2 DC 75 V 0.5 A
transition LPZ 2  LPZ 3 0.2 mm² ... 2.5 mm²
Coordination Coordination with type 2 protective devices from the SEC range Table 1: Remote signaling data
is guaranteed
Connection – Max. conductor cross section 4 mm² rigid and 2.5 mm²
– The maximum load current IL is 26 A for through wiring

Backup fuses – AC: can be used without backup fuse in branch wiring
up to 32 A gG
– DC: can be used without backup fuse for prospective
short-circuit currents up to 250 A DC

Products in the catalog Page 82

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 29
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 2 protection for the power supply


Branch wiring in the TN-S network

L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

Technical characteristics
A gG mm² mm²
Typical installation location In sub-distributions or level distributions upstream of the RCD 63 10 10
80 10 10
Lightning protection zone LPZ 0B  LPZ 1 100 16 16
transition LPZ 1  LPZ 2 125 16 16
Coordination Coordination with type 1 and type 3 protective devices from 160 25 25
the SEC range is guaranteed 200 25 25
Connecting cables – Refer to the adjacent tables for the required conductor 250 35 2 x 16
cross sections.
> 250 35 2 x 16
– For backup fuses > 250 A in relation to PVC-insulated
copper cables, it is not possible to clamp a sufficient cross Table 1: Branch wiring
section for short circuits and ground faults. Special measures
must therefore be implemented in this area to ensure that
the connecting cables are protected against short circuits Umax Imax
and ground faults. Prevent the cables from touching each
other or touching conductive components, e.g., by using AC 250 V 2 A
spacers, or use cables with increased temperature stability DC 250 V 0.05 A
(e.g., XLPE/EPR-insulated cables).
0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm²
– Lay the connecting cables as short as possible, without
loops, and with the largest possible bending radii. Table 2: Remote signaling data

Backup fuses – Can be used without backup fuse in branch wiring

– The integrated overcurrent protection is selective in relation
to upstream F1 fuses ≥ 63 A gG

Products in the catalog Page 74

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Type 1 protection for the power supply


Installation in TN-S network


32825 Blomberg, Germany



Ord.No: 1074741
T1 T2
TEST 255/7,5

N Erfüllt alle
Anforderungen zur
Installation von
L1 Überspannungsschutz

L3 DIN VDE 0100-534

UN : 230/400 V AC
L3 UC : 255 V AC
Up : 1,5kV(L-N)
PE 2,0kV(L-PE)
Iimp : 7,5/30 kA T1
In : 20/80 kA T2


6 18


Network Order No.

Technical characteristics Surge protective device (SPD)
Typical installation location In the grid-side wiring space of meter cabinets with 40 mm TN-S / TT FLT-SEC-ZP-3S-255/12,5 1032207
busbar system
TN-C FLT-SEC-ZP-3C-255/12,5 1032204
Lightning protection level III, IV
Table 1: Products for lightning protection equipotential bonding
in accordance with lightning protection levels III and IV
Lightning protection zone LPZ 0A  LPZ 1
Network Order No.
Coordination Coordination with type 2 protective devices from the SEC range Surge protective device (SPD)
is guaranteed
TN-S / TT FLT-SEC-ZP-3S-255/7,5 1074741
Connecting cables – If an external lightning protection system is present,
it is imperative that the separate connecting cable (S) TN-C FLT-SEC-ZP-3C-255/7,5 1074739
is connected to the main grounding rail (see figure). Table 2: Products for equipotential bonding for
– For S, use a cross section of at least 16 mm². supply via overhead lines
– For busbar systems without PE/PEN rail, use one of the
terminal points for the separate protective conductor
– Use a cross section of at least 16 mm².

Backup fuses – Can be used without backup fuse up to 250 A gG

Products in the catalog Page 45

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 31
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Protection for 24 V potential distribution

TTC type 3 surge protection and

PTCB overcurrent protection


6 1.1

5 3.1

4 3.2


1 2 3 4

24V 2.2

1 13

2 14

3 2.1

Technical characteristics

Typical installation location – At the 24 V potential distribution

– Branch wiring to PTCB device circuit breakers

Lightning protection zone LPZ 1  LPZ 2

transition LPZ 2  LPZ 3
Connection – Max. conductor cross section 4 mm² rigid and 2.5 mm²
– Max. load current IL is 6 A for through wiring
Backup fuse in – Without additional backup fuse
branch wiring (for short-circuit currents ≤ 60 A)
– Max. 10 A, when combined with electronic circuit breakers

Products in the catalog Page 85

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 33
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Integrated combination of spark gap
without line follow current and
surge-proof fuse
– Can be used without separate backup
fuse, thanks to integrated overcurrent
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– 440 V versions satisfy TOV requirements
for use in IT systems 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN 2-conductor system; L, PEN
– Can be inserted with innovative push-pull
locking mechanism
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV
 
for 264 V and 2.5 kV for 440 V versions
– Optical, mechanical status indicator L1 L2 L3 12 14 L 12 14
– With floating remote indication contact 11 FM 11 FM
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 264 ... 440 ... 264 ... 440
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-C) 400/690 V AC (TN-C) / 240 V AC (TN-C) 400 V AC (TN) /
400 V AC (IT) 400 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-PEN L-PEN / L-PE L-PEN L-N / L-PE / L-PEN / N-PE (4+0)
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 264 V AC 440 V AC 264 V AC 440 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 106.8 mm / 167 mm / 74.5 mm 35.5 mm / 167 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description UC Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

264 V AC FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-264/25-FM 2905871 1 FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-264/25-FM 2801615 1
440 V AC FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-440/25-FM 2907260 1 FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-440/25-FM 2907259 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-PEN FLT-SEC-H-T1-264/25-P 2905968 1 FLT-SEC-H-T1-264/25-P 2905968 1
L-N/L-PE/L-PEN/N-PE (4+0) FLT-SEC-H-T1-440/25-P 2907261 1 FLT-SEC-H-T1-440/25-P 2907261 1
Wiring bridge, 35 mm²
6-pos. MPB 18/1-6/35 2908705 10 MPB 18/1-6/35 2908705 10
8-pos. MPB 18/1-8/35 2908704 10 MPB 18/1-8/35 2908704 10
Wiring bridge, 35 mm²
8-pos. FLT-SEC-H MPB-3+1 2910501 1 FLT-SEC-H MPB-3+1 2910501 1
A 3+1 circuit can be implemented when the products are A 3+1 circuit can be implemented when the products are
used in conjunction with the 8-pos. wiring bridge: used in conjunction with the 8-pos. wiring bridge:
FLT-SEC-H MPB-3+1 (2910501) and FLT-SEC-H MPB-3+1 (2910501) and
FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM (2905472) or FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM (2905472) or
FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-FM (2907262). FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-FM (2907262).

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Spark gap has no line follow current
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– Satisfies TOV requirements for use in
IT systems
– Pluggable
– Low voltage protection level of 2.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, PE(N)

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
specified.  
12 14 L1 L2 L3 12 14
11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L3 PE(N)

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 400/690 V AC (TN-S) / 400/690 V AC (TN-C) /
400/690 V AC (TT) 400 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PE / L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 440 V AC 440 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 35 kA / 35 kA / 100 kA 35 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 35 kA / 35 kA / 100 kA 35 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 50 kA / 50 kA / - 50 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 4.5 kV / ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 50 kA / 50 kA / 100 A 50 kA
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA 50 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 400 A (gG) 400 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 142.4 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 106.8 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-440/35-FM 2908264 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-440/35-FM 2905988 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PE/L-PEN/N-PE (4+0) FLT-SEC-P-T1-440/35-P 2905989 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-440/35-P 2905989 1
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-P 2907263 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 35
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Spark gap has no line follow current
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– Satisfies TOV requirements for use in
IT systems
– Pluggable
– Low voltage protection level of 2.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 2-conductor system, L, PE(N) N-PE spark gap

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
specified.  

L 12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 400 V AC (TN) / 400 V AC (TN - only N-PE) /
400 V AC (IT) 400 V AC (TT - only N-PE)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / L-PEN / N-PE (4+0) N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 440 V AC 440 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 35 kA 100 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 35 kA 100 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 50 kA -
Protection level Up ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 50 kA 100 A
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA -
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 400 A (gG) -

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-440/35-FM 2905987 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-FM 2907262 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PE/L-PEN/N-PE (4+0) FLT-SEC-P-T1-440/35-P 2905989 1
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-P 2907263 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Spark gap has no line follow current
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– Pluggable
– High continuous voltage of 350 V AC for
230/400 V AC networks with high voltage
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the  
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C)
240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC 350 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 50 kA / 50 kA / - 50 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 50 kA / - / 100 A 50 kA
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA 50 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 142.4 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 106.8 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-350/25-FM 2905421 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-350/25-FM 2905419 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 1
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 37
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Spark gap has no line follow current
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– Pluggable
– High continuous voltage of 350 V AC for
230/400 V AC networks with high voltage
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact 4-conductor system; L1, L2, N, PE 3-conductor system; L1, L2, PEN
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the  
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L1 L2

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C)
240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC 350 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 50 kA / 50 kA / - 50 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 50 kA / - / 100 A 50 kA
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA 50 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 106.8 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 71.2 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-2S-350/25-FM 2905418 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-2C-350/25-FM 2905416 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 1
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


3-conductor system; L, N, PE 2-conductor system; L, PEN N-PE spark gap

  

12 14 12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM 11 FM


Technical data Technical data Technical data

I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2

240 V AC (TN-S) / 240 V AC (TN-C) / 240 V AC (TN - only N-PE) /
240 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT - only N-PE)
350 V AC 350 V AC 350 V AC
25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA 100 kA
25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA 100 kA
50 kA / 50 kA / - 50 kA -
≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
50 kA / - / 100 A 50 kA 100 A
≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
50 kA 50 kA -
315 A (gG) 315 A (gG) -

71.2 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm

2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
3 ... 2 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-1S-350/25-FM 2905415 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-350/25-FM 2905414 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM 2905472 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 1

FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 39
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Spark gap has no line follow current
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– Pluggable
– High lightning impulse current of 50 kA
per position
– Low voltage protection level of 2.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
specified.  
12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C)
240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 264 V AC / 264 V AC / 350 V AC 264 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 50 kA / 50 kA / 100 kA 50 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 50 kA / 50 kA / 100 kA 50 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 100 kA 100 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 50 kA / - / 100 A 50 kA
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA 50 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 500 A (gG) 500 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 142.4 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 106.8 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-264/50-FM 2909589 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-264/50-FM 2907390 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN FLT-SEC-P-T1-264/50-P 2907391 5 FLT-SEC-P-T1-264/50-P 2907391 5
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


3-conductor system; L, N, PE 2-conductor system; L, PEN N-PE spark gap

  
12 14 12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM 11 FM


Technical data Technical data Technical data

I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2

240 V AC (TN-S) / 240 V AC (TN-C) / 240 V AC (TN - only N-PE) /
240 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT - only N-PE)
264 V AC / 264 V AC / 350 V AC 264 V AC 350 V AC
50 kA / 50 kA / 100 kA 50 kA 100 kA
50 kA / 50 kA / 100 kA 50 kA 100 kA
100 kA 100 kA -
≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
50 kA / - / 100 A 50 kA 100 A
≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
50 kA 50 kA -
500 A (gG) 500 A (gG) -

71.2 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm

2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
3 ... 2 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-P-T1-1S-264/50-FM 2907388 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-264/50-FM 2907387 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM 2905472 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

FLT-SEC-P-T1-264/50-P 2907391 5 FLT-SEC-P-T1-264/50-P 2907391 5

FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 41
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 special combined lightning
current and surge arrester H H
– Directly coordinated combination of
type 1 spark gap without line follow
current and type 2 varistor arrester
– Particularly suitable for maximum
protection of sensitive devices in harsh
– Pluggable
– High continuous voltage of 350 V AC for
230/400 V AC networks with high voltage
fluctuations 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
 
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
12 14 12 14
Notes: N PEN
11 FM 11 FM
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection

PE L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I + II, T1 + T2 I + II, T1 + T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C)
240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC 350 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 25 kA (264 V AC) / - / 100 A (350 V AC) 25 kA (264 V AC)
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA (264 V AC) 25 kA (264 V AC)
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 142.4 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 106.8 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 2.5 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Type 1+2 special combined lightning current and surge arrester

FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3S-350/25-FM 2905470 1 FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3C-350/25-FM 2905469 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 1 FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 1
L-N/L-PEN VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 1 VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 1
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


4-conductor system; L1, L2, N, PE 3-conductor system; L1, L2, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE

  

12 14 12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L1 L2 PE L

Technical data Technical data Technical data

I + II, T1 + T2 I + II, T1 + T2 I + II, T1 + T2

240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C) 240 V AC (TN-S) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT)
L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN L-N / L-PE / N-PE
350 V AC 350 V AC 350 V AC
25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA
25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA 25 kA 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 kA
≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV
25 kA (264 V AC) / - / 100 A (350 V AC) 25 kA (264 V AC) 25 kA (264 V AC) / - / 100 A (350 V AC)
≤ 25 ns / - / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns / - / ≤ 100 ns
25 kA (264 V AC) 25 kA (264 V AC) 25 kA (264 V AC)
315 A (gG) 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

106.8 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 71.2 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 71.2 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm

2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
3 ... 2 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-SEC-T1+T2-2S-350/25-FM 2905468 1 FLT-SEC-T1+T2-2C-350/25-FM 2905467 1 FLT-SEC-T1+T2-1S-350/25-FM 2905466 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 1 FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 1 FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 1

VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 1 VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 1 VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 1
FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 43
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 special combined lightning
current and surge arrester H H
– Directly coordinated combination of
type 1 spark gap without line follow
current and type 2 varistor arrester
– Particularly suitable for maximum
protection of sensitive devices in harsh
– Pluggable
– High continuous voltage of 350 V AC for
230/400 V AC networks with high voltage
fluctuations 2-conductor system; L, PEN N-PE spark gap
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
 
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
12 14 12 14
Notes: PEN N
11 FM 11 FM
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I + II, T1 + T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 240 V AC (TN-C) / 240 V AC (TN - only N-PE) /
240 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT - only N-PE)
Mode of protection L-PEN N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC 350 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 25 kA 100 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 25 kA 100 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 25 kA (264 V AC) 100 A
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA (264 V AC) -
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) -

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm 35.6 mm / 95.2 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 13 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 3 ... 2 3 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Type 1+2 special combined lightning current and surge arrester

FLT-SEC-T1+T2-1C-350/25-FM 2905465 1 FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM 2905472 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 1
L-N/L-PEN VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 1
N-PE FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
T1+T2 combined lightning current new new
and surge arrester
– Complete module for direct mounting
on 40 mm busbar systems
– Fits in every distribution board, thanks to
extremely narrow overall width of just
47 mm
– Spark gap has no line follow current
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– Low voltage protection level of
1.5 kV L-N/N-PE and 2 kV L-PE 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
– Test button for electrical status indicator
– Tool-free and secure attachment to 5
and 10 mm thick rails, thanks to universal
 
– Satisfies all requirements for the installation
of surge protection in accordance with
DIN VDE 0100-534 SPD L2 & SPD L2 &

N L1 L2 L3 PE 6 PEN L1 L2 L3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 3S...12,5 ... 3S...7,5 ... 3C...12,5 ... 3C...7,5
IEC test classification I + II, T1 + T2 I + II, T1 + T2 I + II, T1 + T2 I + II, T1 + T2
Nominal voltage UN 230/400 V AC (TN-S) / 230/400 V AC (TN-S) / 230/400 V AC (TN-C) 230/400 V AC (TN-C)
230/400 V AC (TT) 230/400 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 255 V AC 255 V AC 255 V AC 255 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 12.5 kA / 12.5 kA / 50 kA 7.5 kA / 7.5 kA / 30 kA 12.5 kA 7.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA / 20 kA / 80 kA 20 kA / 20 kA / 80 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 A 25 kA / 25 kA / 100 A 25 kA 25 kA
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 250 A (gG) 250 A (gG) 250 A (gG) 250 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 47 mm / 223.2 mm / 110.7 mm 47 mm / 223.2 mm / 110.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / - 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / -
UL connection data AWG - -
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Iimp = 12.5 kA FLT-SEC-ZP-3S-255/12,5 1032207 1 FLT-SEC-ZP-3C-255/12,5 1032204 1
Iimp = 7.5 kA FLT-SEC-ZP-3S-255/7,5 1074741 1 FLT-SEC-ZP-3C-255/7,5 1074739 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 45
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Seamless pluggability (even for N/PE
spark gap)
– Secure hold of plugs in the event of
high lightning current loads and strong
vibration, thanks to new latching
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE
contact (3+1 circuit) (4+0 circuit)
– Mechanical coding of all slots
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the 12 14 12 14
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection 11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2 L3 N L1 L2 L3 N

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...335 ...335
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-S)
240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 335 V AC / 335 V AC / 264 V AC 335 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 12.5 kA / 12.5 kA / 50 kA 12.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 12.5 kA / 12.5 kA / 50 kA 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 50 kA 50 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 2 kV / ≤ 1.7 kV ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.6 kV (30 kA - 8/20 µs)
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 160 A (gG) 160 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 77.5 mm 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 77.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description UC Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB-MS, varistor-based lightning current arrester

with remote indication contact 335 V AC VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+1-FM 2800183 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/4+0-FM 2800644 1
without remote indication contact 335 V AC VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+1 2800184 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/4+0 2800645 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
335 V AC L-N/L-PEN VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5 ST 2800190 10 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5 ST 2800190 10
N-PE F-MS-T1/T2 50 ST 2800191 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE 2-conductor system; L, N, PEN

  

12 14 12 14 L 12 14
11 FM 11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2 L3 L N N / PEN

Technical data Technical data Technical data

...335 ...335 ...335
I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
240/415 V AC (TN-C) 240 V AC (TN-S) / 240 V AC (TN-C, TN-S) /
240 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT)
335 V AC 335 V AC / 335 V AC / 264 V AC 335 V AC
12.5 kA 12.5 kA / 12.5 kA / 50 kA 12.5 kA
12.5 kA 12.5 kA / 12.5 kA / 50 kA 12.5 kA
50 kA 50 kA 50 kA
≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.6 kV (30 kA - 8/20 µs) ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 2 kV / ≤ 1.7 kV ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.6 kV (30 kA - 8/20 µs)
≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
160 A (gG) 160 A (gG) 160 A (gG)

53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 77.5 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 77.5 mm 17.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 77.5 mm

1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
10 ... 2 10 ... 2 -
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 -
250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+0-FM 2800188 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+1-FM 2800186 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+0-FM 2801042 1

VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+0 2800189 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+1 2800187 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+0 2801041 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5 ST 2800190 10 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5 ST 2800190 10 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5 ST 2800190 10

F-MS-T1/T2 50 ST 2800191 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 47
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Universal pluggability
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
– Mechanical coding of all slots
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
2-conductor system; L, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
 

L 12 14

11 FM


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 60 V AC (TN) 60 V AC (TN-S)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PEN / (L+) - (L-) / (L-) - PE / (L+) - PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE / (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE

Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 75 V AC / 100 V DC 75 V AC / 100 V DC

Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 12.5 kA 12.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 12.5 kA 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 30 kA 30 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 0.4 kV ≤ 0.4 kV / ≤ 0.8 kV / ≤ 0.4 kV / ≤ 0.4 kV / ≤ 0.4 kV / ≤ 0.8 kV

Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 160 A (gG) 160 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 77.5 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 77.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB-MS, varistor-based lightning current arrester

with remote indication contact VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+0-FM 2801240 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1V-FM 2801533 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+0 2801241 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1V 2801532 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/N-PE/(L+) - (L-)/(L+) - PE VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5 ST 2801242 10 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5 ST 2801242 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H
– Universal pluggability
– Suitable for 19" applications with
rackmount systems
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
– Mechanical coding of all slots 2-conductor system; L, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the 
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
L 12 14 RTN L 12 14
11 FM 11 FM


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN - V AC / -48 V DC 60 V AC (TN-S) / -48 V DC
Mode of protection L-PEN / (L+) - (L-) / (L-) - PE / (L+) - PE L-N / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 75 V AC / 100 V DC 75 V AC / 100 V DC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 12.5 kA 12.5 kA 12.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 12.5 kA 12.5 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 30 kA 30 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 0.4 kV ≤ 0.4 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 160 A AC (gG) 160 A AC (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 77.1 mm / 89.2 mm 70.6 mm / 40.6 mm / 98.1 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 - mm² / - mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards EN 61643-11/A11 -
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 - mm² / - mm² / 24 ... 20
UL connection data AWG - 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1.5 A / 1 A (30 V DC) 1.5 A / 1 A (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/O-FM 2906282 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1/1U/FM 2909629 6
without remote indication contact VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/O 2906281 12

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/N-PE/(L+) - (L-)/(L+) - PE VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5 ST 2801242 10 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5 ST 2801242 10
VALVETRAB, base element
VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS BE/1+1/1U/FM 2909628 1
VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 49
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current new
and surge arrester H H
– Double terminal block for safe and easy
equipotential bonding connection
– Screw shafts with raised domes to ensure
safe working
– Main connections with extended
insertion funnels for increased resistance
to creepage
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– Visual display for checking the status Pluggable lightning and surge protection Pluggable lightning and surge protection
directly on the device for PV applications up to 1000 V DC for PV applications up to 1000 V DC
– Pluggable signal connection for remote
status signaling
– Compact design for space-saving
installation 12 14 12 14

Notes: 11 FM 11 FM

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the

technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection

L+ L– +/- 6 6 +/-

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 600DC ... 1000DC ... 600DC
IEC test classification PV I / II, T1 / T2 PV I / II, T1 / T2 PV I / II, T1 / T2
Mode of protection (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UCPV 720 V DC 1050 V DC 1170 V DC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.6 kV ≤ 3.5 kV ≤ 3.5 kV / ≤ 3.2 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current ISCPV 2000 A 2000 A 2000 A
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 50539-11 EN 50539-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2801164 1
VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2801161 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/3+V-FM/32 1044182 32
VALVETRAB ...PV, without FM contact
VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V 2801163 1
VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V 2801160 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/3+V/32 1044183 32

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
600 V DC (L+) - (L-)/(L+) - G/(L-) - G VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV-ST 2801165 1
1000 V DC (L+) - (L-)/(L+) - G/(L-) - G VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV-ST 2801162 1 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV-ST 2801162 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester
– Double terminal block for safe and easy
equipotential bonding connection
– Screw shafts with raised domes to ensure
safe working
– Main connections with extended
insertion funnels for increased resistance
to creepage
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– Visual display for checking the status One-piece lightning and surge protection One-piece lightning and surge protection
directly on the device for PV applications up to 1000 V DC for PV applications up to 1500 V DC
– Pluggable signal connection for remote
status signaling
 
– Compact design for space-saving
installation 12 14 12 14
Notes: 11 FM 11 FM
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection

+/- -/+ +/- -/+

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 600DC ... 1000DC ... 1500DC
IEC test classification PV I / II, T1 / T2 PV I / II, T1 / T2 PV I / II, T1 / T2
Mode of protection (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UCPV 800 V DC 1000 V DC 1500 V DC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 6.25 kA 6.25 kA 6.25 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.9 kV ≤ 3.3 kV ≤ 4.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current ISCPV 2000 A 2000 A 2000 A
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 71.2 mm / 120 mm / 65.5 mm 71.2 mm / 120 mm / 65.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG - mm² / 2.5 ... 2 - mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 14 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards EN 50539-11 EN 50539-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 5 V DC ... 30 V DC 250 V AC / 5 V DC ... 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 5 mA DC ... 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 5 mA DC ... 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MB-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2906292 1 VAL-MB-T1/T2 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905640 1
VAL-MB-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905638 1
VALVETRAB ...PV, without FM contact
VAL-MB-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V 2906293 1 VAL-MB-T1/T2 1500DC-PV/2+V 2905641 1
VAL-MB-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V 2905639 1

Accessories Accessories
The product is also suitable for applications in PV systems
with a max. short-circuit current ISCPV = 15 kA (in accordance
with EN 50539-11:2013).

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 51
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 1+2 combined lightning current
and surge arrester H H
– Series connection from the high-capacity
varistor and gas-filled surge arrester
– Free of leakage current, suitable for use
in the pre-meter area
– High TOV resistance for use in IT systems
and in the event of repetitive current peaks,
e.g., triggered by frequency inverters
– Satisfies the installation requirements
for use in wind turbine generators in
accordance with CLC/TS 50539-22 2-conductor system, L, PE/PEN 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PE/PEN
– Encapsulated die-cast housing for direct
assembly on mounting plates
– Suitable for use in harsh industrial
 
– High lightning impulse current of 35 kA 12 22 12 22
per position L1 L2 L3

– Multi-stage status monitoring via remote 11 21 FM 11 21 FM

indication contact
– Visual status indicator on the device
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
PE / PEN / PE / PEN /

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification I / II, T1 / T2 I / II, T1 / T2
Nominal voltage UN 690 V AC / 690 V AC /
554/960 V AC (TN-C) / 554/960 V AC (TN-C) /
690 V AC (IT) 690 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-PE L-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 800 V AC 800 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 35 kA 35 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 35 kA 35 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 100 kA 100 kA
Residual voltage at 5 kA ≤ 2.2 kV ≤ 2.2 kV
Protection level Up ≤ 4.5 kV ≤ 4.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 50 kA 50 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 400 A (gG at 2x 50 mm²) 400 A (gG at 2x 50 mm²)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 56 mm / 191 mm / 280 mm 176 mm / 191 mm / 280 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 16 ... 50 mm² / 16 ... 50 mm² / 6 ... 1/0 16 ... 50 mm² / 16 ... 50 mm² / 6 ... 1/0
UL connection data AWG 1/0 ... 6 1/0 ... 6
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact 2x N/C contacts, 1-pos. 2x N/C contacts, 1-pos.
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
UL connection data AWG 24 ... 12 24 ... 12
Max. operating voltage 30 V AC / 30 V DC 30 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 1.5 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1.5 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PWT 35-800AC-FM 2800419 1
POWERTRAB, incl. mounting set
PWT 100-800AC-FM 2800531 1

Accessories Accessories
Mounting set for connecting three lightning current arresters
of type PWT 35-800AC-FM
PWT CCT-SET 2800532 1
Mounting set for connecting four lightning current arresters
of type PWT 35-800AC-FM
PWT CCT-SET 4 2905613 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device new
– Varistor arrester with a low leakage
– High-performance gas-filled surge
arrester for N/PE protection
– Version with high nominal discharge
current of 40 kA in the N-PE path
– For systems with more stringent safety
– Extremely narrow design, just 12 mm
per position, including for 400/690 V AC 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, PE(N)
systems (4+0 circuit)
– Pluggable
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV
for 230/400 V AC systems or 1.9 kV
for 400/690 V AC systems PE 12 14 PEN 12 14
– Optical, mechanical status indicator 11 FM 11 FM
– With floating remote indication contact
as an option
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2

N L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 400/690 V AC (TN-S) / 400/690 V AC (TN-C) /
400 V AC (IT) 400 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 440 V AC 440 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 4 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV ≤ 1.9 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) /  25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) / 
50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse) 50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse)
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 49.2 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-4+0-440-FM 1076468 1 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-440-FM 2909968 1

Accessories Accessories

L-N/L-PEN VAL-SEC-T2-440-P 2909969 1 VAL-SEC-T2-440-P 2909969 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 53
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– Varistor arrester with a low leakage current
– High-performance gas-filled surge arrester
for N/PE protection
– Extremely narrow design, just 12 mm
per position
– Pluggable
– High continuous voltage of 350 V AC for
230/400 V AC networks with high voltage
– Low voltage protection level of 1.5 kV 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
– VF versions free of leakage current with
series connection from the varistor and
gas-filled surge arrester
 
– Version with high nominal discharge current
of 40 kA in the N-PE path for use at the N 12 14 PEN 12 14
system feed point 11 FM 11 FM
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
as an option
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the technical
data, this value is valid for all modes of protection specified.
PE L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 350 ... 350VF ... 350/40 ... ... 350 ... 350VF
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2 II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC 
(TN-S) / (TN-S) / (TN-S) / (TN-C) (TN-C)
240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC 
(TT) (TT) (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / L-N / L-PE / L-N / L-PE / L-PEN L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC / 350 V AC / 350 V AC / 350 V AC 350 V AC
350 V AC / 350 V AC / 350 V AC /
264 V AC 264 V AC 264 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 10 kA / 10 kA / 20 kA / 20 kA / 20 kA 10 kA
20 kA 40 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 20 kA / 20 kA / 40 kA / 40 kA / 40 kA 20 kA
40 kA 80 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
≤ 1.9 kV / ≤ 2.3 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV /
≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 25 ns ≤ 100 ns
≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns /
≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA (in case 50 kA 25 kA (in case 25 kA (in case of 315 A gG 50 kA
of 315 A gG of 315 A gG backup fuse) / 
backup fuse) /  backup fuse) /  50 kA (in case of 200 A gG
50 kA (in case 50 kA (in case backup fuse)
of 200 A gG of 200 A gG
backup fuse) backup fuse)
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) 200 A (gG) 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG) 200 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 49.2 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
UL connection data AWG 14 ... 2 (rigid) 14 ... 2 (rigid)
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350-FM 2905340 1 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350-FM 2905339 1
without remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350 2905345 1 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350 2905344 1
VALVETRAB SEC...VF, free of leakage current
with remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350VF-FM 2909590 1 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350VF-FM 2909591 1
with remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350/40-FM 2909635 1
without remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350/40 2909637 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


4-conductor system; L1, L2, N, PE 3-conductor system; L1, L2, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE

  

N 12 14 PEN 12 14 N 12 14

11 FM 11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L1 L2 PE L1

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 350 ... 350 ... 350 ... 350VF
II, T2 II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
240/415 V AC  240/415 V AC  240 V AC  240 V AC 
(TN-S) / (TN-C) (TN-S) / (TN-S) /
240/415 V AC  240 V AC  240 V AC 
(TT) (TT) (TT)
L-N / L-PE / L-PEN L-N / L-PE / L-N / L-PE /
350 V AC / 350 V AC 350 V AC / 350 V AC /
350 V AC / 350 V AC / 350 V AC /
264 V AC 264 V AC 264 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 10 kA / 10 kA /
20 kA
40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 20 kA / 20 kA /
40 kA
≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV /
≤ 1.9 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV / ≤ 2.3 kV /
≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
≤ 25 ns / ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns /
≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
25 kA (in case 25 kA (in case 25 kA (in case 50 kA
of 315 A gG of 315 A gG of 315 A gG
backup fuse) /  backup fuse) /  backup fuse) / 
50 kA (in case 50 kA (in case 50 kA (in case
of 200 A gG of 200 A gG of 200 A gG
backup fuse) backup fuse) backup fuse)
315 A (gG) 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG) 200 A (gG)

37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 25.4 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 25.4 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm

2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
14 ... 2 (rigid) 14 ... 2 (rigid) 14 ... 2 (rigid)
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-SEC-T2-2S-350-FM 2905338 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2C-350-FM 2905337 1 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350-FM 2905333 1

VAL-SEC-T2-2S-350 2905343 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2C-350 2905342 1 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350 2905341 1

VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350VF-FM 2909592 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 55
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– Varistor arrester with a low leakage
– High-performance gas-filled surge
arrester for N/PE protection
– Extremely narrow design, just 12 mm
per position
– Pluggable
– High continuous voltage of 175 V AC for
120/208 V AC networks with high voltage
fluctuations 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
– Low voltage protection level of 0.85 kV
for the L-N mode of protection and
0.95 kV for the N-PE mode of protection
 
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 N 12 14 PEN 12 14

11 FM 11 FM
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection

PE L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 175 ... 175
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 120/208 V AC (TN-S) / 120/208 V AC (TN-C)
120/208 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 175 V AC / 175 V AC / 150 V AC 175 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 0.85 kV / ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 0.95 kV ≤ 0.85 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) /  25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) / 
50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse) 50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse)
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 49.2 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
UL connection data AWG 14 ... 2 (rigid) 14 ... 2 (rigid)
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-SEC-T2-3S-175-FM 2905354 1 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-175-FM 2905353 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN VAL-SEC-T2-175-P 2905355 1 VAL-SEC-T2-175-P 2905355 1
N-PE VAL-SEC-T2-N/PE-175-P 2905356 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


4-conductor system; L1, L2, N, PE 3-conductor system; L1, L2, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE

  

N 12 14 PEN 12 14 N 12 14

11 FM 11 FM 11 FM

PE L1 L2 L1 L2 PE L1

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 175 ... 175 ... 175
II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
120/208 V AC (TN-S) / 120/208 V AC (TN-C) 120 V AC (TN-S) /
120/208 V AC (TT) 120 V AC (TT)
L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN L-N / L-PE / N-PE
175 V AC / 175 V AC / 150 V AC 175 V AC 175 V AC / 175 V AC / 150 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
≤ 0.85 kV / ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 0.95 kV ≤ 0.85 kV ≤ 0.85 kV / ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 0.95 kV
≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns / - / ≤ 100 ns
25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) /  25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) /  25 kA (in case of 315 A gG backup fuse) / 
50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse) 50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse) 50 kA (in case of 200 A gG backup fuse)
315 A (gG) 315 A (gG) 315 A (gG)

37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 25.4 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 25.4 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm

2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
14 ... 2 (rigid) 14 ... 2 (rigid) 14 ... 2 (rigid)
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-SEC-T2-2S-175-FM 2905351 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2C-175-FM 2905350 1 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-175-FM 2905348 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-SEC-T2-175-P 2905355 1 VAL-SEC-T2-175-P 2905355 1 VAL-SEC-T2-175-P 2905355 1

VAL-SEC-T2-N/PE-175-P 2905356 1 VAL-SEC-T2-N/PE-175-P 2905356 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 57
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– Varistor arrester with a low leakage
– Extremely narrow design, just 12 mm
per position
– High continuous voltage for linear DC
current sources with voltage fluctuations
– Pluggable
– Low protection level
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact 3-conductor system, DC+, DC-, PE 3-conductor system, DC+, DC-, PE
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 for 48 V DC and 120 V DC for 220 V DC and 380 V DC

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the  
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
PE 12 14 PE 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

DC +/- DC +/- DC +/- DC +/-

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...48 V... ...120 V... ...220 V... ...380 V...
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 48 V DC ... 60 V DC 100 V DC ... 120 V DC 200 V DC ... 220 V DC 350 V DC ... 400 V DC
Mode of protection (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 75 V DC 150 V DC 250 V DC 450 V DC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 0.9 kV / ≤ 0.5 kV ≤ 1.8 kV / ≤ 0.85 kV ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 0.2 kA (without backup fuse) /  0.2 kA (without backup fuse) /  0.2 kA (without backup fuse) /  0.1 kA (without backup fuse) / 
6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse) 6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse) 6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse) 6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse)

Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A) 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A) 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A) 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A)

Additional technical data

Maximum continuous operating voltage UC - 135 V AC (for operation in 264 V AC (for operation in -
safety lighting systems) safety lighting systems)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 25.4 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 25.4 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-48DC-FM 2907865 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-220DC-FM 2907875 1
VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-120DC-FM 2907874 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-380DC-FM 2907876 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
(DC+) - (DC-)/(DC+/DC-) - PE VAL-SEC-T2-48DC-P 2907877 1 VAL-SEC-T2-220DC-P 2907879 1
(DC+) - (DC-)/(DC+/DC-) - PE VAL-SEC-T2-120DC-P 2907878 1 VAL-SEC-T2-380DC-P 2907880 1
(DC+/DC-) - PE VAL-SEC-T2-GDT-400DC-P 1052632 1 VAL-SEC-T2-GDT-800DC-P 1052649 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device new new

– Free of leakage current to ground

– Extremely narrow design, just 12 mm
per position
– High continuous voltage for linear DC
current sources with voltage fluctuations
– Can be used in photovoltaic applications
in accordance with EN 50539-11
– Pluggable
– Low protection level
– Optical, mechanical status indicator 3-conductor system, DC+, DC-, PE 3-conductor system, DC+, DC-, PE
– With floating remote indication contact for 48 V DC and 120 V DC, for 220 V DC and 380 V DC,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 free of leakage current free of leakage current

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
specified. 12 14 12 14
11 11

+/L PE -/N +/L PE -/N

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...48 V... ...120 V... ...220 V... ...380 V...
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 40 V DC ... 60 V DC 100 V DC ... 120 V DC 200 V DC ... 220 V DC 350 V DC ... 400 V DC
Mode of protection (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 75 V DC 150 V DC 250 V DC 450 V DC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 0.9 kV / ≤ 1 kV ≤ 1.8 kV / ≤ 1.3 kV ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV
Response time tA
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 0.2 kA (without backup fuse) /  0.2 kA (without backup fuse) /  0.2 kA (without backup fuse) /  0.1 kA (without backup fuse) / 
6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse) 6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse) 6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse) 6 kA (for 20 A gG/B backup fuse)

Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A) 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A) 20 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 200 A) 10 A (gG / B at ISCCR > 100 A)

Additional technical data

Maximum continuous operating voltage UC - 135 V AC (for operation in 264 V AC (for operation in -
safety lighting systems) safety lighting systems)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm 37.3 mm / 97.9 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-48DC-FM 1033786 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-220DC-FM 1033789 1
VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-120DC-FM 1033788 1 VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-380DC-FM 1033790 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
(DC+) - (DC-)/(DC+/DC-) - PE VAL-SEC-T2-48DC-P 2907877 1 VAL-SEC-T2-220DC-P 2907879 1
(DC+) - (DC-)/(DC+/DC-) - PE VAL-SEC-T2-120DC-P 2907878 1 VAL-SEC-T2-380DC-P 2907880 1
(DC+/DC-) - PE VAL-SEC-T2-GDT-400DC-P 1052632 1 VAL-SEC-T2-GDT-800DC-P 1052649 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 59
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
VALVETRAB MS 230 / 320 H H
– Multi-channel type 2 protective device
– Type 2 surge protective device with
consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
– Mechanical coding of all slots
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE, 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE,
supply line supply from below supply line supply from above
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
specified.  

12 14 N L1 L2 L3
11 FM

FM 11

L1 L2 L3 N 14 12

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data VAL-MS 230 VAL-MS 320 VAL-MS 320
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-S) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 275 V AC / 275 V AC / 260 V AC 335 V AC / 335 V AC / 260 V AC 335 V AC / 335 V AC / 260 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.35 kV / ≤ 1.6 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.6 kV / ≤ 1.9 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi - / - / 100 A - / - / 100 A - / - / 100 A
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 125 A (gG) 125 A (gG) 125 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 71 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm 71 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 750 mA AC / 1 A DC 750 mA AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description UC Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB, multi-position surge protective device

without remote indication contact 275 V AC VAL-MS 230/3+1 2838209 1

with remote indication contact 275 V AC VAL-MS 230/3+1 FM 2838199 1
without remote indication contact 335 V AC VAL-MS 320/3+1 2859178 1
with remote indication contact 335 V AC VAL-MS 320/3+1/FM 2859181 1 VAL-MS 320/3+1/FM-UD 2856689 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN VAL-MS 230 ST 2798844 10
L-N/L-PEN VAL-MS 320 ST 2838843 10 VAL-MS 320-UD ST 2858315 10
N-PE F-MS 12 ST 2817990 10 F-MS 12-UD ST 2858328 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN 3-conductor system; L, N, PE

 

12 14 12 14
11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2 L3 L1 N

Technical data Technical data

VAL-MS 320 VAL-MS 230 VAL-MS 320
II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
240/415 V AC (TN-C) 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-S) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT)
L-PEN L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
335 V AC 275 V AC / 275 V AC / 260 V AC 335 V AC / 335 V AC / 260 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.35 kV / ≤ 1.6 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.8 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV
- - / - / 100 A - / - / 100 A
≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns
25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
125 A (gG) 125 A (gG) 125 A (gG)

53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.7 mm

1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
10 ... 2 10 ... 2
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact
0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
30 ... 14 30 ... 14
250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS 230/1+1 2804429 1

VAL-MS 230/1+1-FM 2804432 1
VAL-MS 320/3+0 2920230 1 VAL-MS 320/1+1 2804380 1
VAL-MS 320/3+0-FM 2920243 1 VAL-MS 320/1+1-FM 2804393 1

Accessories Accessories

VAL-MS 230 ST 2798844 10

VAL-MS 320 ST 2838843 10 VAL-MS 320 ST 2838843 10
F-MS 12 ST 2817990 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 61
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– DIN-rail-mountable protective devices
– Comprising base element and plug
– Free of leakage current
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
– Mechanical coding of all slots 2-conductor system; L, N, PEN
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 free of leakage current


L 12 14

11 FM


Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN) /
240/415 V AC (TT) /
230 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 10 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 20 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 125 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-MS 350 VF/FM 2856579 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MS 350VF 2856582 1

Replacement plug
L-N/L-PE/L-PEN VAL-MS 350 VF ST 2856595 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– Also suitable for industry solutions,

e.g., railway
– Discharge of lightning currents
(10/350) μs
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
contact For 2-conductor systems, L, N, PE For 3-conductor systems, L1, L2, L3, PE(N)
– Mechanical coding of all slots capable of carrying lightning current, capable of carrying lightning current,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 free of leakage current free of leakage current

12 14 PEN 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

L1 N L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 230 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PE / L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 335 V AC / 335 V AC / 260 V AC 350 V AC
Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 7 kA / 2.5 kA / 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 10 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.8 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi - / - / 100 A -/-
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 125 A (gG) 125 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.7 mm 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG - -
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG - -
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-MS 320 RW/1+1-FM/60 1050286 60 VAL-MS 350 VF-RW/3+0-FM/40 1050284 40

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN VAL-MS 320 RW ST 1050283 10 VAL-MS 350 VF-RW ST 1050280 10
N-PE F-MS 12 ST 2817990 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 63
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– For systems with harmonics, e.g.,

PV inverters, frequency converters
– Universal pluggability
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– Mechanical coding of all slots
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
3-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, PE
for supply systems with harmonics

12 14

11 FM

L1 L2 L3

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 400 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-PE / L-L
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 440 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 4 kV / ≤ 3.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 100 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 71 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG -
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG -
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 750 mA AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-MS 400/3+0/VF-FM 2910476 1
with remote indication contact VAL-MS 400/3+0/VF-FM/32 2909828 32

Replacement plug
L-N/L-PE/L-PEN VAL-MS 400 ST 2816399 10
L-PE (for IT systems without N F-MS 1100 ST 2909844 1
in series with a VAL-MS plug)

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– For power supplies with higher supply
voltages, such as wind power
– Universal pluggability
– Thermal disconnect device for each
individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
– Mechanical coding of all slots Free of leakage current, for nominal voltages 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 up to 690 V AC, e.g., rotor protection (554/960 V TN-C system)
for wind turbine generators
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the  
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
12 14 12 14 PEN PEN
11 FM 11 FM

L L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 400/690 V AC (TN-C) / 554/960 V AC (TN-C) /
690 V AC (IT) 690 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection L-PE / L-PEN L-PE / L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 800 V AC 760 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 15 kA 15 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 30 kA 30 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 5 kV ≤ 2.9 kV
Response time tA ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 100 A (gG) 100 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.7 mm 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG - 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG - 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 30 V DC 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC 1.5 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB MS, for mounting on NS 35

with remote indication contact VAL-MS 800/30 VF/FM 2805402 1 VAL-MS 750/30/3+0-FM 2920272 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MS 750/30/3+0 2920269 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-PE/L-PEN VAL-MS 750/30-ST 2920256 10 VAL-MS 750/30-ST 2920256 10
L-PE F-MS 2200/30 ST 2805392 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 65
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– Surge protection for individual assembly

– Optical, mechanical status indicator of
the plug
– Disconnect device in the plug
– Base element coding the first time a plug
is inserted
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
Choose the plug based on technical data.
Choose the base element corresponding to the required circuit For 24 and 48 V DC For 120/208 V grounded wye and
and remote signaling function: 120 V split-phase systems
- TN-C: X+0 - circuit
- TN-S, TT: X+1 - circuit
- IT: Y+0 - circuit
- X = Number of phases
- Y = Number of phases + if required, neutral conductor
 
The number of plugs required corresponds to the number before
the “+” in the circuit data, e.g., 3 plugs in a 3+1 circuit
When using a “+1” circuit, the F-MS 12 plug must be used between
N and PE. See page 71

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN (IEC) 60 V AC (TN) 120/208 V AC (TN)

Nominal voltage UN (UL) 60 V AC 120 V AC

Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 75 V AC / 100 V DC 150 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 15 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 0.55 kV ≤ 0.9 kV
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB surge protection plug

VAL-MS 60 ST 2807573 10 VAL-MS 120 ST 2807586 10

Accessories Accessories
Base element, with RI contact
1+0 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10
orthogonal 1+0 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12
1+1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1
2+0 VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1
orthogonal 2+0 VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1
3+1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 1
Base element, without RI contact
1+0 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10
orthogonal 1+0 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12
1+1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1
2+0 VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1
3+1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For 240/415 V TN and TT systems For 240/415 V TN and TT systems, For 240/415 V TN and TT systems
marking rotated 180° with significantly higher voltage fluctuations

  

Technical data Technical data Technical data

II, T2 II, T2 II, T2

240/415 V AC (TN) / 240/415 V AC (TN) / 240/415 V AC (TN) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT) /
230 V AC (IT)
230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC
275 V AC 275 V AC 385 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
≤ 1.35 kV ≤ 1.35 kV ≤ 1.8 kV

17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm

-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS 230 ST 2798844 10 VAL-MS 230-UD-ST 2858962 1 VAL-MS 230 IT ST 2807599 10

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10

VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12
VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1
VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1 VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1
VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1 VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1
VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1 VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1
VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM-UD 2858674 1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 1
VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1 VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1

VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10

VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12
VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1
VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1 VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1
VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1 VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1
VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 67
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– Surge protection for individual assembly

– Optical, mechanical status indicator of
the plug
– Disconnect device in the plug
– Base element coding the first time a plug
is inserted
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
Choose the plug based on technical data.
Choose the base element corresponding to the required circuit For IT systems with a voltage For 240/415 V TN and TT systems
and remote signaling function: of 230 V phase-phase with higher voltage fluctuations
- TN-C: X+0 - circuit
- TN-S, TT: X+1 - circuit
- IT: Y+0 - circuit
- X = Number of phases
- Y = Number of phases + if required, neutral conductor
 
The number of plugs required corresponds to the number before
the “+” in the circuit data, e.g., 3 plugs in a 3+1 circuit
When using a “+1” circuit, the F-MS 12 plug must be used between
N and PE. See page 71

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN (IEC) 240/415 V AC (TN) / 240/415 V AC (TN) /
240/415 V AC (TT) / 240/415 V AC (TT)
230 V AC (IT)
Nominal voltage UN (UL) 230 V AC 320 V AC
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 385 V AC 335 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.8 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB surge protection plug

VAL-MS 230 IT ST 2807599 10 VAL-MS 320 ST 2838843 10

Accessories Accessories
Base element, with RI contact
1+0 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10
orthogonal 1+0 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12
1+1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1
2+0 VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1 VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1
orthogonal 2+0 VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1 VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1
3+0 VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1 VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1
3+1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 1
4+0 VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1 VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1
Base element, without RI contact
1+0 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10
orthogonal 1+0 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12
1+1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1
2+0 VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1 VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1
3+0 VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1 VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1
3+1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For 240/415 V TN and TT systems For 240/415 V TN and TT systems For 400/690 V TN systems, 400 V IT systems,
with higher voltage fluctuations, with significantly higher voltage fluctuations 500 V IT systems, with higher voltage
marking rotated 180° fluctuations

  

Technical data Technical data Technical data

II, T2 II, T2 II, T2

240/415 V AC (TN) / 240/415 V AC (TN) / 400/690 V AC (TN) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT) / 500 V AC (IT)
230 V AC (IT)
320 V AC 400 V AC 500 V AC
335 V AC 440 V AC 600 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 15 kA
40 kA 40 kA 30 kA
≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.2 kV ≤ 2.7 kV

17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm

-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS 320-UD ST 2858315 10 VAL-MS 400 ST 2816399 10 VAL-MS 500 ST 2807609 10

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10

VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12

VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1
VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1
VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1 VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1
VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM-UD 2858674 1
VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1 VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1

VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10

VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12

VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1
VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1 VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 69
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– Surge protection for individual assembly

– Optical, mechanical status indicator of
the plug
– Disconnect device in the plug
– Base element coding the first time a plug
is inserted
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
Choose the plug based on technical data.
Choose the base element corresponding to the required circuit For 400/690 V TN systems, 400 V IT systems, For 24 V DC, 48 V DC with isolation monitoring,
and remote signaling function: 500 V IT systems free of leakage current
- TN-C: X+0 - circuit
- TN-S, TT: X+1 - circuit
- IT: Y+0 - circuit
- X = Number of phases
- Y = Number of phases + if required, neutral conductor
 
The number of plugs required corresponds to the number before
the “+” in the circuit data, e.g., 3 plugs in a 3+1 circuit
When using a “+1” circuit, the F-MS 12 plug must be used between
N and PE. See page 71

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN (IEC) 400/690 V AC (TN) / 5 V AC ... 48 V AC
500 V AC (IT)

Nominal voltage UN (UL) 400 V AC 48 V AC

Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 580 V AC 75 V AC / 100 V DC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 15 kA 10 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 30 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 1.4 kV
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB surge protection plug

VAL-MS 580-ST 2920434 10 VAL-MS 75 VF ST 2805318 10

Accessories Accessories
Base element, with RI contact
1+0 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10
orthogonal 1+0 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12
1+1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1
2+0 VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1
orthogonal 2+0 VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1
3+0 VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1
4+0 VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1
Base element, without RI contact
1+0 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10
orthogonal 1+0 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12
1+1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1
2+0 VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1
3+0 VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For 240/415 V TN and TT systems For 240/415 V TN and TT systems For 240/415 V TN and TT systems on a spark
with significantly higher voltage fluctuations, on a spark gap basis, gap basis, can only be used for N-PE,
free of leakage current can only be used for N-PE marking rotated 180°

  

Technical data Technical data Technical data

II, T2 II, T2 II, T2

240/415 V AC (TN) / 240/415 V AC (TN - only N-PE) / 240/415 V AC (TN - only N-PE) /
240/415 V AC (TT) / 240/415 V AC (TT - only N-PE) 240/415 V AC (TT - only N-PE)
230 V AC (IT)
350 V AC - V AC - V AC
350 V AC 260 V AC 260 V AC
10 kA 20 kA 20 kA
20 kA 40 kA 40 kA
≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV

17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm 17.5 mm / 52.4 mm / 55.3 mm

-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS 350 VF ST 2856595 10 F-MS 12 ST 2817990 10 F-MS 12-UD ST 2858328 10

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 10

VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 12
VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 1
VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 1
VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 1
VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 1
VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM-UD 2858674 1
VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 1

VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10 VAL-MS BE 2817741 10

VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 12
VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1 VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 1
VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 1
VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 1
VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 1 VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 71
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– Double terminal block for safe and easy

equipotential bonding connection
– Screw shafts with raised domes to ensure
safe working
– Main connections with extended
insertion funnels for increased resistance
to creepage
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– Visual display for checking the status One-piece surge protection
directly on the device for PV applications up to 1500 V DC
– Pluggable signal connection for remote
status signaling

– Compact design for space-saving
installation 12 14
11 FM

+/- -/+

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification PV II, T2
Mode of protection (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UCPV 1500 V DC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 4.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current ISCPV 2000 A
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 71.2 mm / 120 mm / 65.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG - mm² / 2.5 ... 35 mm² / 14 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards EN 50539-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 5 V DC ... 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1.5 A AC / 5 mA DC ... 1 A DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-MB-T2 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905646 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MB-T2 1500DC-PV/2+V 2905647 1

The product is also suitable for applications in PV systems
with a max. short-circuit current ISCPV = 15 kA (in accordance
with EN 50539-11:2013).

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device

– Type 2 surge protective device with

consistent pluggable design
– For insulated and single-sided grounded
PV applications
– Reliable contact, thanks to integrated
rotating latch
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With or without floating remote indication
contact Pluggable surge protection, Pluggable surge protection,
– Mechanical coding of all slots for PV applications up to 1000 V DC, for PV applications up to 1000 V DC,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 1 MPP tracker 3 MPP trackers


12 14
12 14
11 FM
11 FM

L+ L–
L+ L+ L+ PE L-

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 1500DC ... 1000DC ... 600DC ... 1000DC
IEC test classification PV II, T2 PV II, T2 PV II, T2 PV II, T2
Mode of protection (L+) - (L-) / (L+) (L+) - (L-) / (L+) (L+) - (L-) / (L+) (L+) - (L-) / (L+) - PE / (L-) - PE
- PE / (L-) - PE - PE / (L-) - PE - PE / (L-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UCPV 1500 V DC 1170 V DC 800 V DC 1170 V DC
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 30 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 5 kV ≤ 3.7 kV ≤ 2.7 kV ≤ 3.8 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current ISCPV 2000 A 2000 A 2000 A 2000 A
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.7 mm 89 mm / 98.57 mm / 64.7 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2 1.5 ... 35 mm² / 1.5 ... 25 mm² / 15 ... 2
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 50539-11 EN 50539-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage - / 30 V DC 125 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC 3 A AC / 3 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

with remote indication contact VAL-MS 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 1033725 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MS 1500DC-PV/2+V 1033708 1
with remote indication contact VAL-MS 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2800627 1 VAL-MS-CN 1000DC-PV/4+V-FM 2907820 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MS 1000DC-PV/2+V 2800628 1
with remote indication contact VAL-MS 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2800641 1
without remote indication contact VAL-MS 600DC-PV/2+V 2800642 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
1500 V DC (DC+) - (DC-)/(DC+) - G/(DC-) - G VAL-MS 1500DC-PV-ST 1033727 3
1000 V DC (L+) - (L-)/(L+) - G/(L-) - G VAL-MS 1000DC-PV-ST 2800624 1
600 V DC (L+) - (L-)/(L+) - G/(L-) - G VAL-MS 600DC-PV-ST 2800623 1
Base element
VAL-MS 4+V/BE/FM 2908725 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 73
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– Combinations of type 2 surge protective
devices with integrated arrester backup
– Overload of the surge protection results
in all-position disconnection from the
– Signaling to monitoring systems via
remote indication contact in the event
of an error
– Surge-proof arrester backup fuse tailored 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
to type 2 surge protective devices with integrated backup fuse with integrated backup fuse
– Type 2 surge protective device with
consistent pluggable design
 
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication for
14 12 14 12
all protective plugs
N L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 11 FM
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 11 FM

If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 3S-350 ... 1S-350 ... 3C-350
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C)
240/415 V AC (TT) 240 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC / 350 V AC / 264 V AC 350 V AC / 350 V AC / 264 V AC 350 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 30 kA 30 kA 30 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.5 kV / - / ≤ 1.7 kV ≤ 2.5 kV / - / ≤ 1.7 kV ≤ 2.5 kV
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi - / - / 100 A - / - / 100 A -
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 131.5 mm / 101 mm / 76 mm 114 mm / 101 mm / 76 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 4 ... 35 mm² / 4 ... 25 mm² / 18 ... 2 4 ... 35 mm² / 4 ... 25 mm² / 18 ... 2
Temperature range -25°C ... 60°C -25°C ... 60°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 60364-4-443 / IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 60364-4-443 /
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 250 V DC 250 V AC / 250 V DC
Max. operating current 2 A AC / 1 mA DC ... 50 mA DC 2 A AC / 1 mA DC ... 50 mA DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VALVETRAB compact, with an arrester backup fuse

3-phase VAL-CP-MCB-3S-350/40/FM 2882750 1 VAL-CP-MCB-3C-350/40/FM 2882776 1

1-phase VAL-CP-MCB-1S-350/40/FM 2882763 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN VAL-CP-350-ST-GY 2882718 10 VAL-CP-350-ST-GY 2882718 10
N-PE VAL-CP-N/PE-350-ST-GY 2882734 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
– Combinations of type 2 surge protective
devices with integrated arrester backup
– For 60 mm system technology
– Tool-free mounting on 5 and 10 mm thick
– Signaling to monitoring systems via
remote indication contact in the event
of an error
– Surge-proof arrester backup fuse tailored 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 4-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, PEN
to type 2 surge protective devices for 60 mm system technology for 60 mm system technology
– Type 2 surge protective device with
consistent pluggable design
 
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication L1 L2 L3 12 14 L1 L2 L3 12 14
for all protective plugs 11 FM 11 FM
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 240/415 V AC (TN-S) / 240/415 V AC (TN-C) /
240/415 V AC (TT) 240/415 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-PEN
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC / 350 V AC / 264 V AC 350 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 25 kA / 25 kA / 40 kA 25 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.5 kV / - / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 54 mm / 220 mm / 134 mm 54 mm / 220 mm / 134 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4 2.5 ... 25 mm² / 2.5 ... 16 mm² / 12 ... 4
Temperature range -25°C ... 55°C -25°C ... 55°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC) 250 V AC / 125 V DC (200 mA DC)
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 1 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-CP-MOSO 60-3S-FM 2804403 1 VAL-CP-MOSO 60-3C-FM 2804416 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-PEN VAL-CP-350-ST-GY 2882718 10 VAL-CP-350-ST-GY 2882718 10
N-PE VAL-CP-N/PE-350-ST-GY 2882734 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 75
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device new
for LED applications H
– Universal use for street, tunnel or object
– Flexible installation
– Fixed via integrated elongated holes
– Compact design
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– Connection in branch or through wiring
– Double or reinforced insulation

Nominal voltage up to 230 V Nominal voltage up to 277 V



L'  L' 



Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II / III, T2 / T3 II / III, T2 / T3
Nominal voltage UN 100 V AC ... 230 V AC (TN-S) /  100 V AC ... 277 V AC (TN-S) / 
100 V AC ... 230 V AC (TT) 100 V AC ... 277 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 305 V AC / 255 V AC / 255 V AC 320 V AC / 305 V AC / 305 V AC
Combination wave UOC L-N / N-PE 10 kV / 10 kV 10 kV
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 5 kA / 5 kA / 10 kA 5 kA / 5 kA / 10 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 10 kA / 10 kA / 20 kA 10 kA / 10 kA / 20 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.4 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / - / ≤ 100 ns
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 16 A (MCB B/C) 16 A (MCB B/C)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 36.5 mm / 56 mm / 34 mm 36.5 mm / 56 mm / 34 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / - 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / -
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

BLOCKTRAB, for universal mounting

BLT-T2-1S-305-UT 1078433 10 BLT-T2-1S-320-UT 2906101 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply


Nominal voltage up to 277 V



Technical data

II / III, T2 / T3
100 V AC ... 277 V AC

320 V AC
10 kV
5 kA
10 kA
≤ 1.3 kV
≤ 25 ns
16 A (MCB B/C)

36.5 mm / 56 mm / 34 mm
0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / -
-40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

BLT-T2-320-UT 2906100 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 77
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device
for PCB mounting

– Powerful type 2 surge protection

– Can be soldered directly onto the
printed-circuit board
– Very small footprint
– Low height matching standard PCB
– Available with remote indication contact
or visual status indicator as an option
– Safe mechanical disconnection in the
event of an overload 3-conductor system; L, N, PE 3-conductor system; L, N, PE
with visual status indicator with remote indication contact
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection




Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification II, T2 II, T2
Nominal voltage UN 230 V AC (TN) / 230 V AC (TN) /
230 V AC (TT) 230 V AC (TT)
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 350 V AC 350 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 5 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 1.8 kV / ≤ 1.8 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 1 kA 1 kA
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 16 A AC (MCB B/general purpose) 63 A (MCB C)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 24 mm / 15.7 mm / 25.3 mm 38.4 mm / 41 mm / 22.4 mm
Conductive path width ≥ 12 mm (2 OZ) / ≥ 8 mm (3 OZ) ≥ 28 mm (2 OZ) / ≥ 19 mm (3 OZ)
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact N/C contact
Max. operating voltage -/- 250 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current -/- 1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PRT-1S-350/5S 2908551 10 PRT-1S-350/20/R 2905977 20

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 79
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 2 surge protective device new new
for PCB mounting

Solderable surge protection

– Can be soldered directly onto the
printed-circuit board
– Very small footprint
– Low height matching standard PCB
– Available with remote indication contact
and/or visual status indicator
– Safe mechanical disconnection in the
event of an overload 1500 V DC applications, with visual indicator 1500 V DC and 690 V AC applications, with
and remote indication contact, visual indicator and remote indication contact,
Solderable base element, 1-pos. double insulation double insulation
– Pluggable
– Direct soldering and fixing onto the PCB
– Double insulation between the remote
signaling and main circuits R1 R1

– For 1500 V DC and 690 V AC applications

– Suitable for all T1 and T2 VAL-MS ... plugs
– Integrated remote indication contact
S1  S1 

Alarm Alarm

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification T2, T2 T2, T2
Nominal voltage UN 400 V AC (TN) / 400 V AC (TN) /
690 V AC (TN) / 690 V AC (TN) /
500 V AC (IT) 500 V AC (IT)
Mode of protection
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 680 V AC (single item) 550 V AC (single item)
Maximum continuous operating voltage UCPV 895 V DC (single item) 750 V DC (single item)
1790 V DC (2 serial connections) 1500 V DC (2 serial connections)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) µs 40 kA 40 kA
Protection level Up ≤ 2.7 kV (single item) / ≤ 2.25 kV (single item) /
≤ 4.5 kV (2 serial connections) ≤ 4.5 kV (2 serial connections)
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 25 kA 25 kA
Short-circuit current ISCPV - -
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 125 A (aR) 125 A (aR)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 18.8 mm / 44 mm / 41.9 mm 18.8 mm / 44 mm / 41.9 mm
Conductive path width ≥ 10 mm ≥ 10 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 50539-11 / IEC 61643-11 / IEC 61643-11 EN 50539-11 / IEC 61643-11 / IEC 61643-11
Remote indication contact normal/deterioration normal/deterioration
Max. operating voltage 30 V AC / 30 V DC 30 V AC / 30 V DC
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC 1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PRT-PV-P-1500/20-680 1026507 10 PRT-PV-P-1500/20-550 1013424 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Solder base element for VAL-MS... plugs

12 14

Technical data

I / II, T1 / T2

760 V AC
800 V DC

20 kA
40 kA

6000 A (DC)
250 A (gG)

20 mm / 88 mm / 53 mm

-40°C ... 85°C

IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / EN 50539-11
PDT contact
30 V AC / 30 V DC
1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-MS-BE-PCB-FM 1035864 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 81
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 3 device protection new
– Varistor-based type 3 surge protection
– For single and three-phase power supply
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Pluggable
– Through wiring
– Optical, mechanical status indicator
– With floating remote indication contact
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 5-conductor system; L1, L2, L3, N, PE 3-conductor system, L, N, PE or DC+, DC-, PE,
24 V nominal voltage
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
specified.  
L1 5 6 L 5 6 L
L2 7 8
L3 9 10

IN 11 OUT 12
14 FM
12 11
N 1 2
L2 N 1 2 N
PE 3 4 PE PE

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification III, T3 III, T3
Nominal voltage UN 230 V AC 24 V AC
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 264 V AC 34 V AC
44 V DC
Rated load current IL 26 A (30°C) 26 A (at 30°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 3 kA 1 kA
Combined surge UOC 6 kV 2 kV
Protection level Up L-N / L(N)-PE ≤ 1.4 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 0.2 kV / ≤ 0.6 kV
Response time tA L-N / L(N)-PE ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Short-circuit current rating ISCCR 1.5 kA AC 10 kA AC
0.25 kA DC (without additional backup fuse) / 
5 kA DC (for 20 A gG / B backup fuse)
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring not required 32 A (gG / B / C)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 35.4 mm / 90 mm / 74.5 mm 17.7 mm / 101 mm / 74.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
Remote indication contact N/C contact PDT contact
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 30 ... 12
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 125 V DC 250 V AC / 125 V DC
Max. operating current 3 A AC / 1 A DC (30 V DC) 0.5 A AC / 0.5 A DC (75 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB-SEC, consisting of plug and base element

Push-in connection technology PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-PT 2907925 5

Screw connection technology PLT-SEC-T3-3S-230-FM 2905230 1 PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-UT 2907916 5

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
PLT-SEC-T3-3S-230-P 2905236 1 PLT-SEC-T3-24-P-UT/PT 2907920 10
Base element
Push-in connection technology PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-PT 2907929 10
Screw connection technology PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-UT 2907924 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
new new new

3-conductor system, L, N, PE or DC+, DC-, PE, 3-conductor system, L, N, PE or DC+, DC-, PE, 3-conductor system, L, N, PE or DC+, DC-, PE,
60 V nominal voltage 120 V nominal voltage 240 V nominal voltage

  

L 5 6 L L 5 6 L L 5 6 L

12 12 12
14 FM 14 FM 14 FM
11 11 11

N 1 2 N N 1 2 N N 1 2 N

Technical data Technical data Technical data

III, T3 II / III,  T2 / T3 II / III,  T2 / T3

60 V AC 120 V AC 240 V AC
L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
80 V AC 150 V AC 264 V AC
80 V DC 150 V DC 240 V DC
26 A (at 30°C) 26 A (at 30°C) 26 A (at 30°C)
2 kA 5 kA 5 kA
4 kV 6 kV 6 kV
≤ 0.48 kV / ≤ 0.8 kV ≤ 0.75 kV (at UOC) / ≤ 0.85 kV ≤ 1.25 kV (at UOC) / ≤ 1.4 kV
≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
10 kA AC 10 kA AC 10 kA AC
0.25 kA DC (without additional backup fuse) /  0.25 kA DC (without additional backup fuse) /  0.25 kA DC (without additional backup fuse) / 
5 kA DC (for 20 A gG / B backup fuse) 5 kA DC (for 20 A gG / B backup fuse) 5 kA DC (for 20 A gG / B backup fuse)
32 A (gG / B / C) 32 A (gG / B / C) 32 A (gG / B / C)

17.7 mm / 101 mm / 74.5 mm 17.7 mm / 101 mm / 74.5 mm 17.7 mm / 101 mm / 74.5 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 30 ... 12 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 30 ... 12 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 30 ... 12
250 V AC / 125 V DC 250 V AC / 125 V DC 250 V AC / 125 V DC
0.5 A AC / 0.5 A DC (75 V DC) 0.5 A AC / 0.5 A DC (75 V DC) 0.5 A AC / 0.5 A DC (75 V DC)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLT-SEC-T3-60-FM-PT 2907926 5 PLT-SEC-T3-120-FM-PT 2907927 5 PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM-PT 2907928 5

PLT-SEC-T3-60-FM-UT 2907917 5 PLT-SEC-T3-120-FM-UT 2907918 5 PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM-UT 2907919 5

Accessories Accessories Accessories

PLT-SEC-T3-60-P-UT/PT 2907921 10 PLT-SEC-T3-120-P-UT/PT 2907922 10 PLT-SEC-T3-230-P-UT/PT 2907923 10

PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-PT 2907929 10 PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-PT 2907929 10 PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-PT 2907929 10

PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-UT 2907924 10 PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-UT 2907924 10 PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-UT 2907924 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 83
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 3 device protection
– For 48 V DC or 230 V IT power supply
– Pluggable
– Through wiring
– Optical status indicator via LED
– Tool-free plug replacement
– With floating remote indication contact
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2

For 48 V DC power supplies For 230 V AC power supplies,

3-conductor system, L1, L2, PE (IT systems)
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection
 

1 2 5 6
5 6

+ 12 (+) 11
~ ~
IN 11 (-) OUT 12

1 2
3 4 PE 3 4 PE

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification III, T3 III, T3
Nominal voltage UN - / 48 V DC 230 V AC
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE / (L+) - (L-) / (L+/L-) - PE L-L / L-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 60 V DC
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC L-N / L-PE -/- 275 V AC / 440 V AC
Rated load current IL 26 A (30°C) 16 A (60°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 500 A 3 kA
Combined surge UOC 1 kV (2 Ω) / 6 kV (12 Ω) 6 kV
Protection level Up ≤ 120 V -
Protection level Up L-N / L(N)-PE -/- ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV
Response time tA L-N / L(N)-PE ≤ 1 ns / ≤ 1 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Maximum backup fuse in acc. with IEC - 16 A (MCB B)
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 50 A (gG) 16 A (MCB B)

Maximum backup fuse for through wiring 25 A (gG) 16 A (MCB B)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 90 mm / 65.5 mm 17.7 mm / 90 mm / 65.5 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards EN 61643-11 / IEC 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MAINS-PLUGTRAB, consisting of a plug and base element

PT 2+1-S-48DC/FM 2817958 10 PLT-T3-IT-230-FM 2906450 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
PT 2+1-S-48DC-ST 2839648 10 PLT-T3-IT-230-P 2906451 1
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

PT-BE/FM 2839282 10 PT-BE/FM 2839282 10

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 3 device protection new
TERMITRAB complete

– Diode-based type 3 surge protection

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm H
– Same shape as PTCB electrical device D W
circuit breakers
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Pluggable
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
For 24 V DC power supplies

DC +/- 1 4 DC +/-

DC +/- 2 5 DC +/-

PE 3 6 PE

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification III, T3
Nominal voltage UN - / 24 V DC
Mode of protection (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+/DC-) - PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC
Rated load current IL 6 A (30°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 1 kA
Combined surge UOC 2 kV (2 Ω) / 6 kV (12 Ω)
Protection level Up -
(DC+) - (DC-) ≤ 0.09 kV (Uoc= 2 kV) / ≤ 0.2 kV (Uoc= 6 kV)
(DC+/DC-) - PE ≤ 0.7 kV
Response time tA
(DC+) - (DC-) ≤ 1 ns
(DC+/DC-) - PE ≤ 100 ns
Maximum backup fuse for branch wiring 6 A (gG)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete
Push-in connection technology TTC-6P-T3-24DC-PT-I 1027586 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6P-T3-24DC-UT-I 1027584 1

Replacement plug
1L-N & N-PE TTC-6P-T3-24DC-I-P 1027591 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 85
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 3 device protection new new
– Type 3 varistor-based surge protective
– For mounting in a fixed installation
– Audible fault indication
– Thermal disconnect device

For mounting in junction boxes, cable ducts, For mounting on standard

and underfloor systems ground contact sockets


! !




Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification III, T3 III, T3
Nominal voltage UN 230 V AC 230 V AC
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC L-N / L-PE -/- -/-
Rated load current IL - -
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs - -
Combined surge UOC 6 kV 6 kV
Protection level Up ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.5 kV
Response time tA L-N / L(N)-PE ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Maximum backup fuse in acc. with IEC 16 A (MCB B) 16 A (MCB B)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.5 mm / 31 mm / 36 mm 53 mm / 53 mm / 32 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG  mm² /  mm² / -  mm² /  mm² / -
Temperature range -20°C ... 70°C -20°C ... 70°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

BLOCKTRAB, for universal mounting

BLT-T3-230-A 1038841 10 BLT-SKT-230-A 1038842 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 3 device protection

BT-1S-230AC/... serves as device

protection in deep installation boxes
(in acc. with DIN 49073), cable ducts,
underfloor systems, and end devices.
– With double spring-cage terminal blocks
for tool-free conductor connection
– Side latches for easy fixing
– Optical or acoustic signaling of
For universal mounting, For universal mounting,
optical signaling acoustic signaling
If only one value is specified under mode of protection in the
technical data, this value is valid for all modes of protection

! !
230 V 230 V



Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification III, T3 III, T3
Nominal voltage UN 230 V AC 230 V AC
Mode of protection L-N / L-PE / N-PE L-N / L-PE / N-PE
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC L-N / L-PE 275 V AC / 440 V AC 275 V AC / 440 V AC
Rated load current IL 16 A (30°C) 16 A (30°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 3 kA 3 kA
Combined surge UOC 6 kV 6 kV
Protection level Up L-N / L(N)-PE ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.3 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV
Response time tA L-N / L(N)-PE ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Maximum backup fuse in acc. with IEC 16 A (MCB B) 16 A (MCB B)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 22.5 mm / 43 mm / 27.4 mm 22.5 mm / 43 mm / 26.2 mm
IEC connection data Rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 .. . 14 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 .. . 14
Temperature range -30°C ... 75°C -30°C ... 75°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

BLOCKTRAB, for universal mounting

230 V AC BT-1S-230AC/O 2800625 1 BT-1S-230AC/A 2803409 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 87
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Type 3 device protection

– Attachment plug in black or white

– For individual end devices
– With increased touch-proof protection
– Optical signaling of the surge voltage
function via LED
– For protecting the power supply and
signal lines
– Including required accessories
– Country-specific versions available
Attachment plug For telecommunications systems
with TAE connection

PE N L 3/5 2/4 PE N L

2 1

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data Mains protection Data protection
IEC test classification/EN type - / T3 / T3 C1
Nominal voltage UN 230 V AC 230 V AC
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC
L-N / L-PE 275 V AC / 360 V AC 275 V AC / 360 V AC
without reference direction - - 200 V DC
Combined surge UOC 4 kV 4 kV -
Nominal load current IL 16 A (30°C) 16 A (30°C)
Rated current - - 150 mA (25°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
without reference direction 3 kA (> 5x) 3 kA (> 5x) -
Core-Core / Core-Ground / Core-Shield - - 1 kA / 2.5 kA / -
Protection level Up
L-N / N-PE / L-PE ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV -
Core-Core / Core-Ground / Core-Shield -/-/- - ≤ 460 V (C2 - 1 kA) /
≤ 900 V (C2 - 2 kA) / -
Response time tA
L-N / L-PE ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns -
Core-Ground / Core-Shield / Shield-Ground -/-/- -
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Core-Core - - typ. 4 MHz
In a 75 Ω system Core-Shield - - -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 56 mm / 76 mm / 78 mm 63 mm / 103 mm / 78 mm
Temperature range -25°C ... 75°C -25°C ... 75°C
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / EN 61643-21 /

Ordering data Ordering data

can be used in
Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
the following:
MAINTRAB, attachment plug with signal lamp for plugging into
a socket, for device protection

black D, A, NL, E, S, FIN, TR MNT-1 D 2882200 1

white D, A, NL, E, S, FIN, TR MNT-1 D/WH 2882213 1
black D MNT-TAE D 2882381 1
white D MNT-TAE D/WH 2882394 1
black NL, E, I, S, FIN, TR
black B, F, CZ, SVK, PL MNT-NET B/F 2882226 1
black CH MNT-1 CH II 2882255 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For telecommunications systems For network and TV antennas/cables

with RJ12 connection and SAT systems, with F connector
and IEC adapter

3 4 2 5 PE N L PE N L

Technical data Technical data

Mains protection Data protection Mains protection Data protection
/ T3 C1 / T3 C2
230 V AC 230 V AC

275 V AC / 360 V AC 275 V AC / 360 V AC

- 200 V DC - 24 V DC
4 kV - 4 kV -
16 A (30°C) 16 A (30°C)
- 150 mA (25°C) - 1.5 A (25°C)

3 kA (> 5x) - 3 kA (> 5x) -

- 1 kA / 2.5 kA / - - - / 2.5 kA / 2.5 kA

≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV - ≤ 1.2 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV / ≤ 1.5 kV -

- ≤ 460 V (C2 - 1 kA) / - - / - / ≤ 700 V (C2 - 2 kA)
≤ 900 V (C2 - 2 kA) / -

≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns - ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns -
- ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns / - - - / - / ≤ 100 ns

- typ. 4 MHz - -
- - - typ. 2.5 GHz

63 mm / 103 mm / 78 mm 63 mm / 107 mm / 78 mm
-25°C ... 75°C -25°C ... 75°C
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / EN 61643-21 /

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MNT-TV-SAT D 2882284 1
MNT-TV-SAT D/WH 2882297 1

MNT-TELE E 2882417 1
MNT-TEL B/F 2882404 1 MNT-TV-SAT B/F 2882307 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 89
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Surge protection for new new
NEMA systems

VALVETRAB US – Single-phase
– Surge protection in accordance with
UL Listed type 1
– Just one connection terminal block
for GND
– Consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With floating remote indication contact 2-conductor system, DC+, DC-, 3-conductor system, DC+, DC-, G,
– Mechanical coding of all slots for (-) 48 V DC for (-) 48 V DC
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
Total width 17.8 mm Total width 35.6 mm
12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM


Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...48/40 ...48/65 ...48/40 ...48/65
UL type type 4 type 1 type 4 type 1
Nominal voltage UN 60 V DC 48 V DC 60 V DC 48 V DC
Mode of protection (DC+) - (DC-) (DC+) - (DC-) (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+) - G (DC+) - (DC-) / (DC+) - G
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) 100 V DC 100 V DC (DC+)-(DC-): 100 V DC (DC+)-(DC-): 100 V DC
(DC+)-G: 100 V DC (DC+)-G: 100 V DC
(DC-)-G: 200 V DC (DC-)-G: 100 V DC
Nominal discharge current In 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 40 kA 65 kA 80 kA 130 kA
Maximum surge current per phase 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 65 kA
Voltage protection rating (VPR) 400 V (DC+)-(DC-): 400 V
(DC+)-G: 400 V
(DC-)-G: 600 V
Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) - 5 kA - 5 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.8 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Standards/specifications UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 125 V AC 125 V AC
Max. operating current 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-48/40/1+0-FM 2910343 1 VAL-US-48/40/1+1V-FM 2910344 1
VAL-US-48/65/1+0-FM 2910345 1 VAL-US-48/65/1+1V-FM 2910346 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-48/40-P 2910333 1 VAL-US-48/40-P 2910333 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-48/65-P 2910328 1 VAL-US-48/65-P 2910328 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 91
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Surge protection for new new
NEMA systems

VALVETRAB US – Single-phase
– Surge protection in accordance with
UL Listed type 1
– Just one connection terminal block
for GND
– Consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With floating remote indication contact 2-conductor system, L, N/G, 2-conductor system, L, N/G,
– Mechanical coding of all slots single-phase single-phase
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
Total width 17.8 mm Total width 17.8 mm
12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...120/40 ...120/65 ...240/40 ...277/40 ...277/80 ...347/30
UL type type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
Nominal voltage UN 120 V AC  120 V AC  240 V AC 277 V AC  277/480 V AC  347 V AC
(Single-phase) (Single-phase) (Single-phase) (Single-phase) 400 V AC
Mode of protection L-N L-N / L-G L-N / L-G L-N / L-G L-N / L-G L-N / L-G
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) 175 V AC 175 V AC 385 V AC 385 V AC 385 V AC 580 V AC

Nominal discharge current In 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA

Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 40 kA 80 kA 30 kA
Maximum surge current per phase 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 40 kA 80 kA 30 kA
Voltage protection rating (VPR) 700 V 700 V 1500 V 1500 V 1500 V 2000 V

Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.8 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm 17.8 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Standards/specifications UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 125 V AC 125 V AC
Max. operating current 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-120/40/1+0-FM 2910348 1 VAL-US-277/40/1+0-FM 2910372 1
VAL-US-120/65/1+0-FM 2910355 1 VAL-US-277/80/1+0-FM 2910377 1
VAL-US-240/40/1+0-FM 2910361 1 VAL-US-347/30/1+0-FM 2910381 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1 VAL-US-277/40-P 2910338 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 1 VAL-US-277/80-P 2910331 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1 VAL-US-347/30-P 2910339 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
new new new

3-conductor system, L, N, G, 3-conductor system, L, N, G, single-phase, 3-conductor system, L, N, G,

single-phase gas-filled surge arrester between N-G single-phase, varistor between N-G

  
Total width 35.6 mm Total width 35.6 mm Total width 35.6 mm
12 14 12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM 11 FM


Technical data Technical data Technical data

...120/40 ...120/65 ...240/40 ...277/40 ...277/80 ...347/30
type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
120 V AC 120 V AC 240 V AC 277 V AC 277 V AC 347 V AC
400 V AC
L-N / L-G / N-G L-N / L-G / N-G L-N / L-G / N-G L-N / L-G / N-G L-N / L-G / N-G L-N / L-G / N-G
L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 385 V AC L-N: 385 V AC L-N: 385 V AC L-N: 580 V AC
L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 385 V AC L-G: 385 V AC L-G: 750 V AC L-G: 750 V AC
N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 264 V AC N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 385 V AC N-G: 580 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
80 kA 130 kA 80 kA 80 kA 160 kA 60 kA
40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 40 kA 80 kA 30 kA
L-N: 700 V L-N: 700 V L-N: 1500 V L-N: 1500 V L-N: 1500 V L-N: 2000 V
L-G: 1800 V L-G: 1500 V L-G: 2000 V L-G: 2000 V L-G: 2500 V L-G: 4000 V
N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 2000 V
200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA

35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm

10 ... 2 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
125 V AC 125 V AC 125 V AC
1 A AC 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-120/40/1+1-FM 2910349 1 VAL-US-240/40/1+1-FM 2910362 1 VAL-US-277/80/1+1V-FM 2910378 1

VAL-US-120/65/1+1-FM 2910356 1 VAL-US-277/40/1+1-FM 2910373 1 VAL-US-347/30/1+1V-FM 2910382 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1 VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1 VAL-US-277/80-P 2910331 1

VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 1 VAL-US-277/40-P 2910338 1 VAL-US-347/30-P 2910339 1

GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 1 GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 1

GDT-US-NG/80-P 2910332 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 93
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Surge protection for new new
NEMA systems

VALVETRAB US – Split-phase
– Surge protection in accordance with
UL Listed type 1
– Just one connection terminal block
for GND
– Consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With floating remote indication contact 3-conductor system, L1, L2, G, 4-conductor system, L1, L2, N, G,
– Mechanical coding of all slots split-phase split-phase
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
Total width 35.6 mm Total width 53.4 mm
12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2 L1 L2 N

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...120/40 ...120/65 ...240/40 ...120/40 ...120/65 ...240/40
UL type type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
Nominal voltage UN 120/240 V AC 120/240 V AC 240 V AC 120/240 V AC 120/240 V AC 240 V AC
(Split-phase) (Split-phase) (Split-phase) (Split-phase)
Mode of protection L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-N / L-G / L-L / L-N / L-G / L-L / L-N / L-G / N-G
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 750 V AC
L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 385 V AC L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 385 V AC
L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 385 V AC
N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 264 V AC N-G: 305 V AC
Nominal discharge current In 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 80 kA 130 kA 80 kA 120 kA 195 kA 120 kA
Maximum surge current per phase 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA
Voltage protection rating (VPR) L-L: 1200 V L-L: 1200 V L-L: 2500 V L-L: 1200 V L-L: 1200 V L-L: 2500 V
L-G: 700 V L-G: 700 V L-G: 1500 V L-N: 700 V L-N: 700 V L-N: 1500 V
L-G: 1800 V L-G: 1500 V L-G: 2000 V
N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V
Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Standards/specifications UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 125 V AC 125 V AC
Max. operating current 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-120/40/2+0-FM 2910351 1 VAL-US-120/40/2+1-FM 2910352 1
VAL-US-120/65/2+0-FM 2910357 1 VAL-US-120/65/2+1-FM 2910358 1
VAL-US-240/40/2+0-FM 2910364 1 VAL-US-240/40/2+1-FM 2910365 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1 VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 1 VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1 VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1
N-G GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 1
N-G GDT-US-NG/80-P 2910332 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Surge protection for new new
NEMA systems

VALVETRAB US – 3-phase wye

– Surge protection in accordance with
UL Listed type 1
– Just one connection terminal block
for GND
– Consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With floating remote indication contact 4-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, G, 4-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, G,
– Mechanical coding of all slots split-phase 3-phase wye
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
Total width 53.4 mm Total width 53.4 mm

12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...120/40 ...120/65 ...240/40 ...277/80 ...347/30
UL type type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
Nominal voltage UN 120/208 V AC 120/208 V AC 240 V AC 277/480 V AC (3-phase Wye) 347/600 V AC (3-phase Wye)
(Wye) (Wye) 240 V AC 400/690 V AC (3-phase Wye)
120/240 V AC 120/240 V AC
(Split-phase) (Split-phase)
Mode of protection L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC
L-N: 350 V L-N: 350 V L-N: 750 V L-G: 385 V AC L-G: 580 V AC
L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 385 V AC
N-G: 175 V N-G: 175 V N-G: 385 V
Nominal discharge current In 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 120 kA 195 kA 120 kA 240 kA 90 kA
Maximum surge current per phase 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 80 kA 30 kA
Voltage protection rating (VPR) L-L: 1200 V L-L: 1200 V L-L: 2500 V L-L: 2500 V L-L: 4000 V
L-N: 1200 V L-N: 1200 V L-N: 3000 V L-G: 1500 V L-G: 2000 V
L-G: 700 V L-G: 700 V L-G: 1500 V
N-G: 700 V N-G: 700 V N-G: 1500 V
Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm 53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 77.5 mm
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Standards/specifications UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 125 V AC 125 V AC
Max. operating current 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-120/40/3+0-FM 2910353 1 VAL-US-277/80/3+0-FM 1075896 1
VAL-US-120/65/3+0-FM 2910359 1 VAL-US-347/30/3+0-FM 2910383 1
VAL-US-240/40/3+0-FM 2910366 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1 VAL-US-277/80-P 2910331 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 1 VAL-US-347/30-P 2910339 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 95
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Surge protection for new new
NEMA systems

VALVETRAB US – 3-phase wye

– Surge protection in accordance with
UL Listed type 1
– Just one connection terminal block
for GND
– Consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With floating remote indication contact 5-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, N, G, 5-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, N, G,
– Mechanical coding of all slots 3-phase wye 3-phase wye
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
Total width 71.2 mm Total width 71.2 mm
12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2/HL L3 N L1 L2/HL L3 N

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...120/40 ...120/65 ...240/40 ...277/40
UL type type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
Nominal voltage UN 120/208 V AC (Wye) 120/208 V AC (Wye) 240/415 V AC (Wye) 277/480 V AC (Wye)

Mode of protection L-N / N-G / L-G L-N / N-G / L-G L-N / N-G / L-G L-N / N-G / L-G
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC
L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 385 V AC L-N: 385 V AC
L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 385 V AC L-G: 385 V AC
N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 264 V AC N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 305 V AC
Nominal discharge current In 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 160 kA 260 kA 160 kA 160 kA
Maximum surge current per phase 40 kA 65 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Voltage protection rating (VPR) L-L: 1200 V L-L: 1200 V L-L: 2500 V L-L: 2500 V
L-N: 700 V L-N: 700 V L-N: 1500 V L-N: 1500 V
L-G: 1800 V L-G: 1500 V L-G: 2000 V L-G: 2000 V
N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1200 V
Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Standards/specifications UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 125 V AC 125 V AC
Max. operating current 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-120/40/3+1-FM 2910354 1 VAL-US-240/40/3+1-FM 2910367 1
VAL-US-120/65/3+1-FM 2910360 1 VAL-US-277/40/3+1-FM 2910374 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1 VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1
L-N/L-G/N-G VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 1 VAL-US-277/40-P 2910338 1
N-G GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 1 GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 1
N-G GDT-US-NG/80-P 2910332 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
new new

5-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, N, G, 5-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, N, G,
3-phase wye 3-phase wye

 
Total width 71.2 mm Total width 71.2 mm
12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2/HL L3 N L1 L2 L3 N

Technical data Technical data

...277/80 ...347/30 ...277/40 ...277/80
type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
277/480 V AC (Wye) 347/600 V AC (Wye) 277/480 V AC 277/480 V AC
400/690 V AC (Wye)
L-N / N-G / L-G L-N / N-G / L-G L-L / L-N / L-G / N-G L-L / L-N / L-G / N-G
L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC
L-N: 385 V AC L-N: 580 V AC L-N: 750 V AC L-N: 750 V AC
L-G: 750 V AC L-G: 750 V AC L-G: 385 V AC L-G: 385 V AC
N-G: 385 V AC N-G: 580 V AC N-G: 385 V AC N-G: 385 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
320 kA 30 kA 160 kA 320 kA
80 kA 30 kA 40 kA 80 kA
L-L: 2500 V L-L: 4000 V L-L: 2500 V L-L: 2500 V
L-N: 1500 V L-N: 2000 V L-N: 1500 V L-N: 2500 V
L-G: 2500 V L-G: 4000 V L-G: 2000 V L-G: 1500 V
N-G: 1200 V N-G: 2000 V N-G: 1500 V N-G: 1200 V
200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA

71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm

10 ... 2 10 ... 2
UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
PDT contact PDT contact
30 ... 14 30 ... 14
125 V AC 125 V AC
1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-277/80/3+1V-FM 2910379 1 VAL-US-277/40/4+0-FM 2910375 1

VAL-US-347/30/3+1V-FM 1079099 1 VAL-US-277/80/4+0-FM 2910380 1

Accessories Accessories

VAL-US-277/80-P 2910331 1 VAL-US-277/40-P 2910338 1

VAL-US-347/30-P 2910339 1 VAL-US-277/80-P 2910331 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 97
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Surge protection for new new
NEMA systems

– Surge protection in accordance with
UL Listed type 1
– Just one connection terminal block
for GND
– Consistent pluggable design
– Disconnect device on each individual plug
– Optical, mechanical status indication
for the individual arresters
– With floating remote indication contact 2-conductor system, L, N/G, 3-conductor system, L1, L2, G,
– Mechanical coding of all slots single-phase for delta 3-phase corner-grounded delta
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
 
Total width 17.8 mm Total width 35.6 mm
12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ...240D/40 ...480D/30 ...600D/30 ...240D/40 ...480D/30 ...600D/30
UL type type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
Nominal voltage UN 240 V AC  480 V AC  600 V AC 240 V AC 480 V AC 600 V AC
(Single-phase) (Single-phase) (3-phase corner- (3-phase corner-
grounded delta) grounded delta)

Mode of protection L-G L-G L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G
Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) 275 V AC 580 V AC 750 V AC L-L: 550 V L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC
L-G: 275 V AC L-G: 580 V AC L-G: 750 V AC

Nominal discharge current In 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA

Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 40 kA 30 kA 30 kA 80 kA 60 kA 60 kA
Maximum surge current per phase 40 kA 30 kA 30 kA 40 kA 30 kA 30 kA
Voltage protection rating (VPR) 1000 V 2000 V 2500 V L-L: 1800 V L-L: 4000 V L-L: 4000 V
L-G: 1000 V L-G: 2000 V L-G: 2500 V

Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.8 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm 35.6 mm / 96.8 mm / 65.5 mm
UL connection data AWG 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
Standards/specifications UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
Remote indication contact PDT contact PDT contact
UL connection data AWG 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
Max. operating voltage 125 V AC 125 V AC
Max. operating current 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-240D/40/1+0-FM 2910368 1 VAL-US-240D/40/2+0-FM 2910369 1
VAL-US-480D/30/1+0-FM 2910384 1 VAL-US-480D/30/2+0-FM 2910385 1
VAL-US-600D/30/1+0-FM 2910388 1 VAL-US-600D/30/2+0-FM 2910390 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
L-L/L-G VAL-US-240D/40-P 2910337 1 VAL-US-240D/40-P 2910337 1
L-L/L-G VAL-US-480D/30-P 2910340 1 VAL-US-480D/30-P 2910340 1
L-L/L-G VAL-US-600D/30-P 2910341 1 VAL-US-600D/30-P 2910341 1

Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
new new new

4-conductor system, L1, L2, L3, G, 5-conductor system, L1, HL, L3, N, G, 5-conductor system, L1, HL, L3, N, G,
3-phase delta high-leg delta high-leg delta

  
Total width 53.4 mm Total width 71.2 mm Total width 71.2 mm

12 14 12 14 12 14

11 FM 11 FM 11 FM

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2/HL L3 N L1 L2/HL L3 N

Technical data Technical data Technical data

...240D/40 ...480D/30 ...600D/30 ...240HLD/40 ...480HLD/30
type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1 type 1
240 V AC  480 V AC  600 V AC 120/240 V AC (High-leg delta) 240/480 V AC (High-leg delta)
(3-phase (3-phase
delta) delta)

L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-L / L-G L-N (HL-N) / N-G / L-G (HL-G) L-N (HL-N) / N-G / L-G (HL-G)
L-L: 550 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 750 V AC L-L: 350 V AC L-L: 750 V AC
L-G: 275 V AC L-G: 580 V AC L-G: 750 V AC HL-L: 450 V AC HL-L: 750 V AC
L-N: 175 V AC L-N: 385 V AC
HL-N: 275 V AC HL-N: 580 V AC
L-G: 175 V AC L-G: 750 V AC
N-G: 305 V AC N-G: 385 V AC
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
120 kA 90 kA 90 kA 160 kA 120 kA
40 kA 30 kA 30 kA 40 kA 30 kA
L-L: 1800 V L-L: 4000 V L-L: 4000 V L-L: 1200 V L-L: 2500 V
L-G: 1000 V L-G: 2000 V L-G: 2500 V HL-L: 1500 V HL-L: 3000 V
L-N: 700 V L-N: 1500 V
HL-N: 1000 V HL-N: 2000 V
L-G: 1200 V L-G: 3000 V
N-G: 1200 V N-G: 1500 V
200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA

53.4 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm 71.2 mm / 98.7 mm / 65.5 mm

10 ... 2 10 ... 2 10 ... 2
UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4 UL 1449 Edition 4
PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact
30 ... 14 30 ... 14 30 ... 14
125 V AC 125 V AC 125 V AC
1 A AC 1 A AC 1 A AC

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

VAL-US-240D/40/3+0-FM 2910370 1 VAL-US-240HLD/40/3+1-FM 2910371 1 VAL-US-480HLD/30/3+1V-FM 2910387 1

VAL-US-480D/30/3+0-FM 2910386 1
VAL-US-600D/30/3+0-FM 2910391 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

VAL-US-240D/40-P 2910337 1 VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 1 VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 1

VAL-US-480D/30-P 2910340 1 VAL-US-240D/40-P 2910337 1 VAL-US-480D/30-P 2910340 1
VAL-US-600D/30-P 2910341 1
GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 99
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Feed-through terminal block and
equipotential bonding strip H
Feed-through terminal block
– For wiring mixed combinations of
lightning current and surge arresters
Equipotential bonding strip
– For main equipotential bonding in
accordance with DIN VDE 0100
– Also for lightning protection equipotential
bonding in accordance with DIN EN 62305

Feed-through terminal block Equipotential bonding strip

Total width 17.7 mm Total width 59 mm

Technical data Technical data
Electrical data
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 500 V AC -
Nominal current IN - -
Impulse discharge curr. Iimp (10/350) μs
Peak value 100 kA -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 89.8 mm / 65.5 mm 59 mm / 149 mm / -
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 ... 35 mm² / 0.5 ... 25 mm² / 20 ... 2 2.5 ... 95 mm² / mm² / -
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V-0 -
Test standards EN 60947-7-1 / IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 -

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Feed-through terminal block with biconnect connecting

terminal blocks as wiring aid for lightning current and
surge arrester applications.
DK-BIC-35 2749880 1
Equipotential bonding strip
PAS-1 2765615 1


Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Wiring bridges and marking materials

Marking material
– For clear and logical identification
– Can be marked with the MARKING system
or by hand using B-STIFT
Wiring bridges
– 1-phase with various numbers of positions

Wiring bridges Marking label for the

SEC product range

Total width 20 mm

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Wiring bridge, for wiring applications with lightning current

and surge arresters; these can be found on the website under
the corresponding items

2-pos. MPB 18/1- 2 2809209 10

3-pos. MPB 18/1- 3 2809212 10
4-pos. MPB 18/1- 4 2809225 10
5-pos. MPB 18/1- 5 2817864 10
6-pos. MPB 18/1- 6 2748564 10
8-pos. MPB 18/1- 8 2748577 10
9-pos. MPB 18/1- 9 2748580 10
12-pos. MPB 18/1-12 2748593 10
57-pos. MPB 18/1-57 2809238 1
Wiring bridge, 35 mm²
6-pos. MPB 18/1-6/35 2908705 10
8-pos. MPB 18/1-8/35 2908704 10
Continuous labels, can be marked with thermal transfer printers,
can be separated with a cutter, pitch as desired, strip length
up to 1000 mm,

1 roll = 40 m continuous, height: 20 mm EML (20XE)R 0803452 1

Color: yellow EML (20XE)R YE 0803453 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 101
Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply
Isolating spark gap and accessories

– Isolating spark gap for indirect

equipotential bonding
– Protection of insulating flanges
in pipelines
– Can be used in Ex protection zone 1
– Accessories for lightning current
absorbing connection

Spark gap

Ex:   

Technical data
Electrical data
Lightning protection class H
Lightning surge current Iimp (10/350) μs 100 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs 100 kA
Rated power-frequency withstand voltage UwAC 250 V AC
Rated DC withstand voltage UwDC 354 V DC
Rated impulse sparkover voltage Ur imp ≤ 1.25 kV
General data
Dimensions: length/housing diameter 100 mm +2 mm / 45.50 mm
Temperature range -20°C ... 60°C
Test standards IEC 62561-3 / EN 62561-3
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX DEKRA 14ATEX0050 X
ATEX  II 2 G Ex d IIC T6 Gb
 II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP 66/67
IECEx Ex d IIC T6 Gb
Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP66/67

Ordering data

Description Drill hole diameter Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Isolating spark gap for the Ex area

FLT-ISG-100-EX 2905579 1
Fixing bracket
11 mm
14 mm
18 mm
22 mm
26 mm
30 mm
33 mm
36 mm
39 mm
42 mm
48 mm
56 mm
62 mm
Mounting rail
11 mm
14 mm
18 mm
22 mm
26 mm
30 mm
33 mm
36 mm
39 mm
42 mm
Connecting cable, conductor cross section: 25 mm²,
conductor designation: H01 N2-D
Cable length: 100 mm
Cable length: 200 mm
Cable length: 300 mm


Surge protection and interference suppression filters
Surge protection for the power supply

Fixing bracket Mounting rail Connecting cable

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

FLT-ISG-BR-11 2905580 1
FLT-ISG-BR-14 2905581 1
FLT-ISG-BR-18 2905582 1
FLT-ISG-BR-22 2905583 1
FLT-ISG-BR-26 2905757 1
FLT-ISG-BR-30 2905758 1
FLT-ISG-BR-33 2905759 1
FLT-ISG-BR-36 2905760 1
FLT-ISG-BR-39 2905761 1
FLT-ISG-BR-42 2905762 1
FLT-ISG-BR-48 2905763 1
FLT-ISG-BR-56 2905764 1
FLT-ISG-BR-62 2905765 1

FLT-ISG-PL-11 2905584 1
FLT-ISG-PL-14 2905586 1
FLT-ISG-PL-18 2905587 1
FLT-ISG-PL-22 2905588 1
FLT-ISG-PL-26 2905745 1
FLT-ISG-PL-30 2905746 1
FLT-ISG-PL-33 2905747 1
FLT-ISG-PL-36 2905754 1
FLT-ISG-PL-39 2905755 1
FLT-ISG-PL-42 2905756 1

FLT-ISG-CA-100 2905589 1
FLT-ISG-CA-200 2905590 1
FLT-ISG-CA-300 2905591 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 103
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Surge protection in thin layers – Universal use Quick wiring

TERMITRAB complete The areas of application for TERMITRAB TERMITRAB complete is available
Starting from an overall width of 3.5 mm, complete are so diverse that they can be with conventional screw connection and
the TERMITRAB complete product range used in any industry. Thanks to the narrow innovative Push-in connection technology.
is a tailored product range for almost all overall width, starting from 3.5 mm, the It guarantees quick and easy installation
applications in measurement and control product range is ideal for process technology, in the control cabinet. At the same time,
technology. Depending on the type of signal as very often a high packing density is the Push-in connection technology enables
to be protected, with TERMITRAB complete required in the distribution cabinets. They mechanical wiring of the surge protective
you will find an ideally suited circuit version protect up to 572 signals on one meter, devices, within the scope of tomorrow’s
in the portfolio. which means that your systems can be made intelligent automation solutions.
smaller. The various approvals permit use
Signaling and disconnection
in onshore and offshore systems, e.g., for  Your web code: #0292
The mechanical status indicator functions
petrochemicals or wind power. The tailored
without additional auxiliary energy and
displays the disconnection of a protective TERMITRAB complete portfolio offers you
the widest range of features, and therefore
element in the event of an overload. This
an optimum product selection for your
means you are constantly informed of the
status and can replace the overloaded applications. This means you can reliably
protect your signals against surge voltages –
protective device.
from the field to the controller.
Remote signaling
Thanks to the remote signaling modules
that are available as an option, you can
decide whether and when you require this
feature. To monitor retrospectively, you can
easily align remote signaling modules to
protective devices that are already installed.
If a protective element is disconnected in
the event of an overload, the disconnect
device closes the monitoring channel
and group remote signaling is triggered.
The overloaded device is detected on site
by the status indicator – and that is purely
mechanically, without auxiliary energy.
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

The narrowest surge protection Innovative knife disconnection Optional visual remote signaling
Starting from an overall width of 3.5 mm, The integrated knife disconnection enables Up to 40 protective devices are visually
TERMITRAB complete is the world’s first the signal path to be broken up, e.g., to carry monitored with the optional remote signaling
surge protection solution for measurement out isolation measurements. An open signal modules. Add further protective devices
and control technology. path is easy to detect from the projecting easily to the monitoring system without
function screws. The screws are equipped additional wiring effort.
with overwind protection.

Plug in, remove, and test Tailored portfolio Versatile

For repeated tests, remove the plugs The portfolio ranges from single-stage, Certain applications require special
of multi-piece protective devices without one-piece protective devices to multi-stage tests and approvals. TERMITRAB complete
impedance. The signals are not interrupted pluggable versions. A range of voltage and meets the requirements of Underwriters
and the controllers do not immediately circuit versions that are optimized for Laboratories (UL). Furthermore, versions
detect an impedance change in the measuring different applications and various connection with ATEX, IEC Ex, and GL approvals are
circuit. Testing and documentation takes technologies complete the product range. available.
place in the CHECKMASTER 2. If a
replacement is required, the affected plug
is simply replaced without accessing the

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 105
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Intelligent and systematic surge Permanent and error-free installation Other surge protective devices
protection – PLUGTRAB PT-IQ The PLUGTRAB PT-IQ minimizes the PLUGTRAB PT are pluggable protective
The PLUGTRAB PT-IQ product range amount of wiring required. This is made devices without remote signaling, also with
is the first to offer predictive function possible by the DIN rail connector (TBUS), circuit versions for intrinsically safe signal
monitoring for surge protective devices which is easily clipped onto the DIN rail. circuits.
in the context of measurement and control A controller handles the distribution of The multi-level terminal blocks in the
technology. Boasting a whole range of the power supply and implements remote TERMITRAB or LINETRAB product ranges
additional features, the new surge protection signaling of all connected surge protective have an overall width of just 6.2 mm yet are
system is a real highlight from devices via the TBUS. All you have to do able to offer protection for up to four signal
Phoenix Contact. then is install the surge protective devices wires.
Always know what is happening – on the TBUS – and you’re done! The plug As they are installed directly on measuring
and base element are coded to avoid sensors, the SURGETRAB screw connection
Predictive monitoring
installation errors during replacement. modules are able to provide reliable
The individual components of the protective
devices are permanently monitored. When Limitless extension protection against transients even in EX i
and Ex d applications.
the performance limit has been reached as The controller monitors all arresters
The products in the COMTRAB modular
a result of frequent surge voltages, this is which are connected to the controller via
indicated by the yellow status symbol. The the TBUS. You can bridge the TBUS across range have been designed specifically for use
in marshaling distributors.
arrester continues to function and your DIN rails to monitor even more protective
system is still protected. However, replacement devices. After 28 protective devices, an
of the protective plug is recommended. This additional controller must be installed to  Your web code: #0144
ensures you are informed even earlier and supply voltage. Remote signaling can be
can replace your surge protection before performed from any controller in the system.
the protective plug is overloaded (red signal).
Furthermore, if you use the remote signaling
option, you can check how well your system
is being protected from anywhere and at any


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Group message Multi-stage remote signaling TBUS DIN rail connector

– Green: protective device OK Connect the remote signaling to the The DIN rail connector (TBUS) supplies
– Yellow: performance limit reached, controller that acts as a supply and remote voltage to the protection modules and
replacement recommended module (one-off connection operation). forwards the status of each individual arrester
– Red: protective device overloaded, The status is output according to the priority to the controller. You benefit from the
replace as red, yellow or green. This ensures you reduced wiring costs and can implement
always know what is happening and can surge protection quickly without errors.
always keep an eye on your system’s

For Ex zone 2 Special systems Easy selection

With the PLUGTRAB PT-IQ Ex protective Implement protection in the field directly With just a few clicks, our MCR configurator
devices, it is possible for the first time to at the measuring sensor with SURGETRAB helps you find the ideal protection for your
install protective devices with multi-stage screw connection modules. application. Refine the product selection
monitoring and remote signaling directly in further by defining additional properties.
Ex zone 2. The intrinsically safe protective If the quick search function does not find
circuits can be led up to Ex zone 0. a solution for your application, use the
advanced search to find more products.
You can access the MCR configurator using
the web code:
 Your web code: #1389

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 107
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Selection guide

Explanation of the IEC categories

LPZ Test category Test class

zone for SPD for SPD
in acc. with in acc. with
IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-11 1)

0/1 D1 I
0(4) mA ... 20 mA
1/2 C2 II
current loops
2/3 C1 III

Interface-based product selection

for surge protection
The STOP-IT (Selection of Protection 1)
for Information Technology) selection
guide provides support in choosing your 0(4) mA ... 20 mA 1)
surge protection solution for a variety of current loops with
additional interfaces in information and power supply cable
MCR technology.
 Your web code: #2079

Analog signal
0 V ...10 V 1)

DIN rail mounting

Push-in connection 1)

Screw connection ϑ Resistance-dependent
e.g., with Pt 100

1) Also available with screw connection

technology 1)

Common reference conductor: 1)

isolated from ground

U Digital input/

digital output
Common reference conductor:
Data for fault analysis in grounded directly 1)
accordance with IEC 61508
is available on the Internet.


Note Common reference conductor: 1)

Products bearing this stamp Digital output isolated from ground
(plug elements) can be tested > 600 mA
Common reference conductor: 1)
grounded directly


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Surge protective device Order No. Page



in mm



3.5 D1/C2/C1 2 TTC-3-1X2-24DC-PT 2907325 119

6.2 D1/C2/C1    2 TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I 2906750 116

17.5 D1/C2/C1    3 PT-IQ-1X2-24DC-PT 2801255 120

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 2 S-PT-1X2-24DC 2880668 125

6.2 D1/C2/C1    2 TTC-6P-1X2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906824 152

17.5 D1/C2/C1    2 PT-IQ-1X2-EX-24DC-UT 2801512 153

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 2 S-PT-EX-24DC 2800034 154

3.5 D1/C2/C1 3 TTC-3-2X1-24DC-PT 2907326 131

6.2 D1/C2/C1    3 TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906794 129

17.5 D1/C2/C1    3 PT-IQ-2X1+F-24DC-PT 2801248 133

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 4 S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 141

6.2 D1/C2/C1    3 TTC-6P-2X1-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906825 157

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 4 S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 141

3.5 D1/C2/C1 2 TTC-3-1X2-24DC-PT 2907325 119

6.2 D1/C2/C1   2 TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-PT-I 2908193 116

17.5 D1/C2/C1    2 PT-IQ-3-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801289 169

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 2 S-PT-1X2-24DC 2880668 125

6.2 D1/C2/C1    2 TTC-6P-2-HC-M-24DC-PT-I 2906755 136

6.2 D1/C2/C1   3 TTC-6P-3-24DC-PT-I 1061383 143

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 2 S-PT-EX-24DC 2800034 154

6.2 D1/C2/C1   3 TTC-6P-3-EX-24DC-UT-I 1064665 158

6.2 D1/C2/C1    3 TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906794 129

17.5 D1/C2/C1    5 PT-IQ-4X1+F-24DC-PT 2801272 133

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 5 S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 141

3.5 D1/C2/C1 3 TTC-3-2X1-24DC-PT 2907326 131

6.2 D1/C2/C1    3 TTC-6P-2X1-M-24DC-PT-I 2906753 128

17.5 D1/C2/C1    5 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-PT 2801271 133

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 5 S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 141

6.2 D1/C2/C1    3 TTC-6P-2-HC-M-24DC-PT-I 2906755 136

17.5 D1/C2/C1    5 PT-IQ-4X1+F-24DC-PT 2801272 133

> 17.5 D1/C2/C1 2 S-PT-EX-24DC 2800034 154

17.5 D1/C2/C1    5 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-PT 2801271 133

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 109
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Protection of a 0(4) ... 20 mA current loop

4 1 1 4

5 2 2 5
4...20 mA

4...20 mA
6 6
3 3

TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I
Suitable product 2906750 Suitable product 2906750
Page 116 Page 116

Protection of a 0(4) ... 20 mA current loop, intrinsically safe circuit

4...20 mA 1 4

+ –
2 5
4...20 mA

3 6

S-PT-EX-24DC TTC-6P-1x2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I
Suitable product 2800034 Suitable product 2906824
Page 154 Page 152

Protection of a 0(4) ... 20 mA current loop and additional power supply

4 1 1 4

+24 V
5 2 2 5
4...20 mA
4...20 mA
6 3 3 6

TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I TTC-6P-2X1-M-24DC-I
Suitable product 2906794 Suitable product 2906753
Page 129 Page 128


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Protection of a 0(4) ... 20 mA current loop

8 7 7 8

12 11 11 12
4...20 mA
10 9 9 10
4...20 mA
4 3 3 4

Suitable product 2801255 Suitable product 2801255
Page 120 Page 120

Protection of a 0(4) ... 20 mA current loop, intrinsically safe circuit

4...20 mA PLC
7 8

11 12
4...20 mA
9 10

3 4

Suitable product 2880671 Suitable product 2801512
Page 154 Page 153

Protection of a 0(4) ... 20 mA current loop and additional power supply

8 7 7 8
+24 V
12 11 11 12
4...20 mA
10 9 9 10
4 3 3 4

4...20 mA

Suitable product 2801248 Suitable product 2801248
Page 133 Page 133

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 111
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Protection of a digital I/O (24 V), reference conductor not grounded


1 2
5 6
7 8
11 12
9 10
3 4

Suitable product 2801272
Page 133

Protection of digital inputs (24 V), floating,

voltage protection level optimization between all wires by means of bridge



1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5
3 6

Suitable product 2906794
Page 129


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Protection of a digital I/O (24 V), reference conductor grounded


1 2
5 6
7 8
11 12
9 10
3 4

Suitable product 2801271
Page 133

Protection of digital inputs (24 V),

voltage protection level optimization between all wires via grounded DIN rail (ground potential)



1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5
3 6

Suitable product 2906753
Page 128

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 113
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Protection of a digital output (actuator)

1 4

+ –
2 5
˜ L-

3 6


Suitable product 2800034 Suitable product 2906755
Page 154 Page 136

Protection of digital inputs (24 V),

version with individual floating circuits



1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5
3 6

Suitable product 2906750
Page 116


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Protection of two-wire temperature measurement

1 4

+ –
2 5

3 6


Suitable product 2800034 Suitable product 2906755
Page 154 Page 136

Protection of four-wire temperature measurement

1 2
5 6
7 8
11 12
9 10
3 4

Suitable product 2801272
Page 133

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 115
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits
TERMITRAB complete

– Pluggable surge protection

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– With knife disconnection as an option
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring Double wire (loop), floating, Double wire (loop), floating, 3/6 connection
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 3/6 connection grounded directly, grounded directly, with knife disconnection,
e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC / 30 V DC / 55.2 V DC / 30 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 39 V AC 21 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (56°C) 600 mA (56°C) 160 mA (75°C) 600 mA (56°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 25 V ≤ 50 V ≤ 85 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 420 kHz typ. 940 kHz typ. 1.8 MHz typ. 940 kHz
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-PT-I 2908193 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-PT-I 2906815 1 TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I 2906750 1
48 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-PT-I 2908195 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-UT-I 2908192 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-UT-I 2906809 1 TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-UT-I 2906738 1
48 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-UT-I 2908194 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
12 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-I-P 2907839 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-I-P 2907840 1 TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-I-P 2907840 1
48 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-I-P 2907841 1
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

Double wire (loop), floating, 3/6 connection Double wire (loop), floating, 3/6 connection
grounded via gas-filled surge arrester, grounded via gas-filled surge arrester, with knife
e.g., for 4 ...  20 mA current loop disconnection, e.g., for 4 ...  20m A current loop

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6


Technical data Technical data

... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1
15 V DC / 30 V DC / 55.2 V DC / 30 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 39 V AC 21 V AC
600 mA (56°C) 600 mA (56°C) 160 mA (75°C) 600 mA (56°C)
0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA

5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

≤ 25 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
≤ 1.3 kV ≤ 1.3 kV ≤ 1.3 kV ≤ 1.3 kV
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)

typ. 420 kHz typ. 940 kHz typ. 1.8 MHz typ. 940 kHz
1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TTC-6P-1X2-F-12DC-PT-I 2908198 1
TTC-6P-1X2-F-24DC-PT-I 1065318 1 TTC-6P-1X2-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906790 1
TTC-6P-1X2-F-48DC-PT-I 2908200 1

TTC-6P-1X2-F-12DC-UT-I 2908196 1
TTC-6P-1X2-F-24DC-UT-I 1065317 1 TTC-6P-1X2-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906781 1
TTC-6P-1X2-F-48DC-UT-I 2908199 1

Accessories Accessories

TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-I-P 2907839 1
TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-I-P 2907840 1 TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-I-P 2907840 1
TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-I-P 2907841 1

TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1

TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 117
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits
TERMITRAB complete

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm

– With Push-in or screw connection
– With integrated mechanical status indicator
and knife disconnection as an option H H
– Optional remote signaling module monitors D W D W
up to 40 items, without additional wiring

Double wire (loop), floating, Double wire (loop), floating, 3/6 connection
3/6 connection grounded directly, grounded via gas-filled surge arrester, with knife
e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop disconnection, e.g., for 4 ...  20m A current loop

 

1 4
1 4
unprotected protected
unprotected protected
2 5
2 5

3 6
3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 700 V ≤ 1.3 kV
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 940 kHz typ. 940 kHz
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 69.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

Without status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-1X2-24DC-PT 2906804 1

With status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I 2906726 1 TTC-6-1X2-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906772 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

Without status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-1X2-24DC-UT 2906798 1

With status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-1X2-M-24DC-UT-I 2906713 1 TTC-6-1X2-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906764 1

Accessories Accessories
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits
TERMITRAB complete

– Overall width of just 3.5 mm

– With Push-in connection technology


Double wire (loop), floating,

e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops


1 4
unprotected protected
2 5

3 6

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 250 mA (70°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 45 V
(C3 - 30 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1000 V
(C3 - 100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 2.4 MHz
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 3.5 mm / 106 mm / 69.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 1.5 mm² / 24 ... 16
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

24 V DC TTC-3-1X2-24DC-PT 2907325 1

End cover
TTC-3-LCP 2908843 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 119
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits
– Multi-stage status monitoring
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– System supplied via DIN rail bus H
– Up to 28 protection modules per supply D W
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Plugs are coded Supply and remote signaling module Double wire (loop), floating,
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug connection 9/10 grounded directly,
for maintenance purposes e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop
– PT-IQ... base element with Push-in or
 
screw connection technology
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation

– Corresponding replacement plugs can be Power

found on our website 8 FM 7
10 FM
11 12
12 FM
9 10
3 4

DC + 1 2 DC + 3 4

DC – 5 6 DC –

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 48DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC - 30 V DC / 53 V DC /
21 V AC 37 V AC
Rated current - 1000 mA (40°C) 300 mA
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs - 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground - 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs - 20 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core - ≤ 55 V ≤ 90 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground - ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Resistance per path - 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D    
- for Push-in connection technology 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm
- for screw connection technology 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-3 / EN 60950-1 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 
EN 61000-6-3
Remote indication contact 2x N/C contacts via DIN rail connector
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 - mm² / - mm² / -
Max. operating voltage 30 V AC (50/60 Hz) / 50 V DC - -
Max. operating current 1 A (up to 50°C) -

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1
PLUGTRAB, with Push-in connection technology
5 V DC
12 V DC
24 V DC PT-IQ-1X2-24DC-PT 2801255 1
48 V DC PT-IQ-1X2-48DC-PT 2801257 1
PLUGTRAB, with screw connection technology
12 V DC
24 V DC PT-IQ-1X2-24DC-UT 2800976 1
48 V DC PT-IQ-1X2-48DC-UT 2800978 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology


Double wire (loop), floating, 2 double wires (loops), floating, 2 double wires (loops), floating,
connection 9/10 grounded via gas-filled connection 9/10 grounded directly, connection 9/10 grounded via gas-filled
surge arrester, e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop surge arrester, e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop

  

1 2 1 2
7 8 5 6 5 6
protected unprotected protected unprotected protected
11 12 3 4 3 4

9 10 9 10 9 10

3 4 7 8 7 8
11 12 11 12

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 24DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1
30 V DC / 30 V DC / 53 V DC / 6 V DC / 15 V DC / 30 V DC / 53 V DC /
21 V AC 21 V AC 37 V AC 4 V AC 10 V AC 21 V AC 37 V AC
1000 mA (40°C) 700 mA (50°C) 300 mA 700 mA (50°C) 700 mA (50°C) 700 mA (50°C) 300 mA
2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA

10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA

≤ 55 V - ≤ 55 V ≤ 90 V ≤ 25 V ≤ 35 V ≤ 55 V ≤ 90 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
≤ 1000 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 1000 V ≤ 1000 V ≤ 1000 V ≤ 1000 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω

17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm
17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91 mm / 77.5 mm
0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 /  IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 /  IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 / 
EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
via DIN rail connector via DIN rail connector via DIN rail connector
- mm² / - mm² / - - mm² / - mm² / - - mm² / - mm² / -
- - - -
- - -

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT-IQ-2X2+F-5DC-PT 2801260 1
PT-IQ-2X2+F-12DC-PT 2801262 1
PT-IQ-1X2+F-24DC-PT 2801256 1 PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-PT 2801263 1 PT-IQ-2X2+F-24DC-PT 2801264 1
PT-IQ-2X2+F-48DC-PT 2801266 1

PT-IQ-2X2+F-12DC-UT 2800985 1
PT-IQ-1X2+F-24DC-UT 2800977 1 PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-UT 2800980 1 PT-IQ-2X2+F-24DC-UT 2800981 1
PT-IQ-2X2-48DC-UT 2800986 1 PT-IQ-2X2+F-48DC-UT 2800987 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 121
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits

– Consistently pluggable signal circuit

– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug
for test and maintenance purposes
– Plugs can be tested with
CHECKMASTER 2 Double wire (loop), floating, Double wire (loop), floating,
Note: e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops
Base elements are grounded differently.
For PT .x.-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)  
Ex:   Ex:  
are connected directly to the mounting
For PT .x.+F-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)
7 8 7 8
are connected to the mounting foot via
a gas-filled surge arrester. 11 12 11 12


9 10 9 10
* *
3 4 3 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24AC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 6 V DC / 13 V DC / 28 V DC / 53 V DC / 40 V DC /
4 V AC 9 V AC 20 V AC 37 V AC 28 V AC
Rated current 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 20 kA (in total) 10 kA

Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 40 V ≤ 50 V ≤ 70 V ≤ 80 V ≤ 80 V
(C2 - 10 kV / (C2 - 10 kV / (C2 - 10 kV / (C1 - 1 kV / (C2 - 10 kV /
5 kA) 5 kA) 5 kA) 500 A) 5 kA)
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V
(C1 - 1 kV / (C1 - 1 kV / (C1 - 1 kV / (C1 - 1 kV / (C1 - 1 kV /
500 A with 500 A with 500 A with 500 A with 500 A with
PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 10 V ≤ 18 V ≤ 40 V ≤ 70 V ≤ 55 V
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V (with ≤ 450 V (with ≤ 450 V (with ≤ 450 V (with ≤ 450 V (with PT 1X2-BE)
PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE) PT 1X2-BE)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 50 Ω system typ. 1 MHz typ. 3 MHz typ. 4.5 MHz typ. 10 MHz typ. 8 MHz
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging

into base element PT
5 V DC PT 1X2- 5DC-ST 2856016 10
12 V DC PT 1X2-12DC-ST 2856029 10
24 V DC PT 1X2-24DC-ST 2856032 10
48 V DC PT 1X2-48DC-ST 2803658 10
24 V AC PT 1X2-24AC-ST 2856058 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 1X2-BE 2856113 10 PT 1X2-BE 2856113 10
Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 1X2+F-BE 2856126 10 PT 1X2+F-BE 2856126 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology


2 double wires (loops), floating, 2 double wires (loops), floating, Combination of double wire protection (floating)
e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops and single-phase power supply

 
Ex:   Ex:   

11(+) 12(+)
1 2 1 2

5 6 5 6

3 4 3 4
9 10 9 10
7(-) 8(-)
7 8 7 8 5 6

1 2
11 12 11 12
3 4

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 24AC Mains protection Data protection
C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1 D1
6 V DC / 13 V DC / 28 V DC / 40 V DC / 44 V DC / 40 V DC /
4 V AC 9 V AC 20 V AC 28 V AC 34 V AC 28 V AC
450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 6 A (30°C) 450 mA (45°C)
2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA - 2.5 kA

10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA - 20 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 20 kA 2 kA 20 kA (in total)

- ≤ 80 V ≤ 0.18 kV ≤ 80 V
(C2 - 10 kV / (C2 - 10 kV /
5 kA) 5 kA)
- - ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 0.55 kV ≤ 450 V
(C1 - 1 kV / 500 A (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
with PT 2X2-BE) with PT 2X2-BE)

≤ 10 V ≤ 18 V ≤ 40 V ≤ 55 V - ≤ 55 V
≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V (with ≤ 450 V (with - ≤ 25 V
PT 2X2-BE) PT 2X2-BE)

typ. 1 MHz typ. 3 MHz typ. 4.5 MHz typ. 8 MHz - typ. 8 MHz
2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω - 2.2 Ω

17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT 2X2- 5DC-ST 2838241 10

PT 2X2-12DC-ST 2838254 10
PT 2X2-24DC-ST 2838228 10

PT 2X2-24AC-ST 2838283 10 PT PE/S+1X2-24-ST 2819008 10

PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10 PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10

PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10 PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10
PT PE/S+1X2-BE 2856265 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 123
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits

– Protection of up to four signal wires

with an overall width of 6.2 mm
– Can be used in binary, analog, and
intrinsically safe circuits

Double wire (loop), floating, 2 double wires (loops), floating,

e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops

 
Ex:   Ex:  

7 8 7 8

5 6 5 6

3 4 3 4

1 2 1 2

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 36 V DC / 25 V AC 36 V DC / 25 V AC
Rated current 350 mA (40°C) 350 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 500 A 500 A
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 650 V ≤ 650 V
(C1 - 500 V / 250 A) (C1 - 500 V / 250 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 50 Ω system typ. 6 MHz typ. 6 MHz
Resistance per path 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 14 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 14
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 /  EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / 
EN 60079-26 / IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 EN 60079-26 / IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 09ATEX0051 X KEMA 09ATEX0051 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci typ. 1.3 nF typ. 1.3 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li < 1 µH < 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 350 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C) 350 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 36 V DC 36 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 3W 3W

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

24 V DC LIT 1X2-24 2804610 10 LIT 2X2-24 2804623 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits

– Easy assembly, directly on the field device

– Arresters in hexagonal tube with various
outer threads
– S-PT-1x2... installation in the signal path
For more information about Ex approvals, visit
For additional safety data, visit
Double wire (loop), floating,
e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops

1 BN

2 BL



Technical data
Electrical data
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 40 V DC / 28 V AC
Rated current 450 mA (55°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA (per path)
Maximum permitted short-circuit current at installation location 1A
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA (per path)
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 80 V
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 55 V
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V (Direct grounding)
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 33.5 mm / 33.5 mm / 137 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SURGETRAB, protective adapter for installation on

measuring sensors
Outer thread: M20 x 1.5 24 V DC S-PT-1X2-24DC 2880668 1
Outer thread: 1/2'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-1X2-24DC-1/2" 2882569 1
Outer thread: 3/4'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-1X2-24DC-3/4" 2882598 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 125
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits

– Space-saving LSA-PLUS connection

– Can be used in LSA-PLUS disconnect and
control strips or CT-TERMIBLOCK
– The CTM 10-MAG surge protection
magazine can be fitted with ten different
protective plugs

Double wire (loop), floating


1 1'


2 2'

Technical data
Electrical data ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 60DC
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / B2 / C1 / C2 / B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
C3 / D1 C3 / D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC ± 15 V DC / ± 30 V DC / 60 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 50 V AC
Rated current 380 mA AC 380 mA AC 380 mA AC
(25°C) (25°C) (25°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA 1 kA 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 25 V ≤ 45 V ≤ 160 V
(C3 - (C3 - (C3 - 100 A)
7.5 kV/100 A) 7.5 kV/100 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V
(C3 - (C3 - (C3 - 100 A)
7.5 kV/100 A) 7.5 kV/100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Resistance per path 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 9.5 mm / 21 mm / 53.5 mm
Temperature range -25°C ... 75°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

COMTRAB modular
12 V DC CTM 1X2- 12DC 2838597 10
24 V DC CTM 1X2- 24DC 2838513 10
60 V DC CTM 1X2- 60DC 2838568 10

Magazine, with grounding rail for accommodating up to
10 LSA-PLUS protective plugs (CTM...), for insertion in
CT-TERMIBLOCK or LSA-PLUS disconnect strip

CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5

Grounding plug
CTM EST 2838649 10
Screw terminal block, with disconnect contacts
for accommodating the CT and CTM protective plugs,
design: 10 double wires
CT-TERMIBLOCK 10 DA 0441711 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
TERMITRAB complete H
Remote signaling set
– Overall width of just 2 x 6.2 mm
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Floating remote indication contact
– Visual status indicator on the module
– Monitors up to 40 neighboring SPDs 4 + 1
10...36 V DC
– No SPD wiring necessary 5 - 2
– No programming necessary
Transceiver module for remote signaling
of TTC-6...-I products
Technical data
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 60°C
Test standards EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-3
Remote indication contact N/C contact
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Max. operating voltage 24 V AC / 36 V DC
Max. operating current 500 mA AC (peak) / 500 mA DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Remote signaling set

Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

Accessories new
TERMITRAB complete

Fuse carrier
– For standard 5 x 20 mm miniature fuses
– Can be combined with TTC screw versions
– Can also be used with pluggable TTC
products including knife disconnection
– Maximum space savings

Fuse carrier

Technical data
Electrical data
Max. operating voltage 60 V DC
Max. operating current 6.3 A (PV = 1.6 W)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 37 mm / 39 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 60947-7-3

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 127
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference
TERMITRAB complete U


– Pluggable surge protection

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– With knife disconnection as an option
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring 2-conductor with common reference potential, 2-conductor with common reference potential,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 3/6 connection grounded directly, 3/6 connection grounded directly,
e.g., for binary signals with knife disconnection, e.g., for binary signals

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC / 30 V DC / 53 V DC / 30 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 37 V AC 21 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (56°C) 600 mA (56°C) 220 mA (75°C) 600 mA (56°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - - - -
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Ground ≤ 25 V ≤ 45 V ≤ 80 V ≤ 45 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Asymmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 440 kHz typ. 960 kHz typ. 1.7 MHz typ. 960 kHz
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-PT-I 2908202 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-PT-I 2906816 1 TTC-6P-2X1-M-24DC-PT-I 2906753 1
48 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-PT-I 2908204 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-UT-I 2908201 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-UT-I 2906810 1 TTC-6P-2X1-M-24DC-UT-I 2906741 1
48 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-UT-I 2908203 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
12 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-I-P 2907842 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-I-P 2907843 1 TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-I-P 2907843 1
48 V DC TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-I-P 2907844 1
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

≃ ≃

2-conductor with common reference potential, 2-conductor with common reference potential,
3/6 connection grounded via gas-filled 3/6 connection grounded via gas-filled surge arrester,
surge arrester, e.g., for binary signals with knife disconnection, e.g., for binary signals

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6


Technical data Technical data

... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
D1 D1 D1
15 V DC / 30 V DC / 53 V DC / 30 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 37 V AC 21 V AC
600 mA (56°C) 600 mA (56°C) 220 mA (75°C) 600 mA (56°C)
0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA

- 5 kA - -
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

≤ 1.2 kV ≤ 1.3 kV ≤ 800 V ≤ 1.1 kV

(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)

- - - -
1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TTC-6P-2X1-F-12DC-PT-I 2908206 1
TTC-6P-1X2-F-24DC-PT-I 1065318 1 TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906794 1
TTC-6P-2X1-F-48DC-PT-I 2908209 1

TTC-6P-2X1-F-12DC-UT-I 2908205 1
TTC-6P-2X1-F-24DC-UT-I 1065319 1 TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906784 1
TTC-6P-2X1-F-48DC-UT-I 2908208 1

Accessories Accessories

TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-I-P 2907842 1
TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-I-P 2907843 1 TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-I-P 2907843 1
TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-I-P 2907844 1

TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1

TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 129
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference
TERMITRAB complete U


– Overall width of just 6.2 mm

– With Push-in or screw connection
– With integrated mechanical status indicator
and knife disconnection as an option H H
– Optional remote signaling module monitors D W D W
up to 40 items, without additional wiring

2-conductor with common reference potential, 3/6 connection 2-conductor with common reference potential,
grounded via gas-filled surge arrester, with or without status 3/6 connection grounded via gas-filled surge arrester,
indicator and knife disconnection, e.g., for binary signals with knife disconnection, e.g., for binary signals

 

1 4
1 4
unprotected protected
unprotected protected
2 5
2 5

3 6
3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground ≤ 45 V ≤ 1.1 kV
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Asymmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 960 kHz -
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 69.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

Without status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-2X1-24DC-PT 2906805 1

With status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-2X1-M-24DC-PT-I 2906729 1 TTC-6-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906776 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

Without status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-2X1-24DC-UT 2906799 1

With status indicator 24 V DC TTC-6-2X1-M-24DC-UT-I 2906716 1 TTC-6-2X1-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906767 1

Accessories Accessories
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference
TERMITRAB complete U

– Overall width of just 3.5 mm

– With Push-in connection technology


2-conductor with common reference potential,

e.g., for binary signals


1 4
unprotected protected
2 5

3 6

Technical data
Electrical data ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 250 mA (70°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core -
Core-Ground 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core -
Core-Ground ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 30 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Asymmetrical in the 150 Ω system -
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 3.5 mm / 106 mm / 69.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 1.5 mm² / 24 ... 16
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

24 V DC TTC-3-2X1-24DC-PT 2907326 1

End cover
TTC-3-LCP 2908843 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 131
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference
potential H

– Multi-stage status monitoring
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– System supplied via DIN rail bus H
– Up to 28 protection modules per supply D W
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Plugs are coded Supply and remote signaling module 2-conductor with common reference potential,
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug connection 9/10 grounded directly,
for maintenance purposes e.g., for binary signals
– PT-IQ... base element with Push-in or
 
screw connection technology
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation

– Corresponding replacement plugs can be Power

found on our website 8 FM 7


10 FM
11 12
unprotected   protected
12 FM
9 10
3 4

DC + 1 2 DC + 3 4

DC – 5 6 DC –

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC - 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current - 1000 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs - 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground - 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs - 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Ground - ≤ 55 V
(C3 - 25 A)
Resistance per path - 1.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm
Dimensions W/H/D    
- for Push-in connection technology 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm
- for screw connection technology 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-3 / EN 60950-1 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 / 
EN 61000-6-2
Remote indication contact 2x N/C contacts via DIN rail connector
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 - mm² / - mm² / -
Max. operating voltage 30 V AC (50/60 Hz) / 50 V DC - -
Max. operating current 1 A (up to 50°C) -

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1
PLUGTRAB, with Push-in connection technology
24 V DC PT-IQ-2X1-24DC-PT 2801247 1
48 V DC
PLUGTRAB, with screw connection technology
24 V DC PT-IQ-2X1-24DC-UT 2800787 1
48 V DC


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

≃ ≃ ≃


2-conductor with common reference potential, 4-conductor with common reference potential, 4-conductor with common reference potential,
connection 9/10 grounded via gas-filled connection 9/10 grounded directly, connection 9/10 grounded via gas-filled
surge arrester, e.g., for binary signals e.g., for binary signals surge arrester, e.g., for binary signals

  

1 2 1 2
7 8

5 6 5 6

7 8 7 8
11 12  
unprotected   protected unprotected 
protected unprotected 
11 12 11 12
9 10

3 4 9 10 9 10

3 4 3 4

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24DC ... 48DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
30 V DC / 21 V AC 53 V DC / 37 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 53 V DC / 37 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 53 V DC / 37 V AC
1000 mA (40°C) 300 mA 700 mA (50°C) 300 mA 700 mA (50°C) 300 mA
2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA

- - - - - -
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA

≤ 780 V ≤ 850 V ≤ 55 V ≤ 90 V ≤ 780 V ≤ 850 V

(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω

17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm

17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 109.3 mm / 77.5 mm
17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm
0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.5 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.5 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 /  IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 /  IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 / 
EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
via DIN rail connector via DIN rail connector via DIN rail connector
- mm² / - mm² / - - mm² / - mm² / - - mm² / - mm² / -
- - - -
- - -

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT-IQ-2X1+F-24DC-PT 2801248 1 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-PT 2801271 1 PT-IQ-4X1+F-24DC-PT 2801272 1

PT-IQ-2X1+F-48DC-PT 2801250 1 PT-IQ-4X1+F-48DC-PT 2801274 1

PT-IQ-2X1+F-24DC-UT 2800788 1 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-UT 2800982 1 PT-IQ-4X1+F-24DC-UT 2800983 1

PT-IQ-2X1+F-48DC-UT 2800790 1 PT-IQ-4X1-48DC-UT 2801219 1 PT-IQ-4X1+F-48DC-UT 2801220 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 133
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference Notes:
potential For approvals and dimensional drawing, visit

– Consistently pluggable signal circuit

– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part H
of the installation D W
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug
for test and maintenance purposes
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
Note: 2-conductor, with common reference potential,
Base elements are grounded differently. e.g., for binary signals
For PT .x.-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)
are connected directly to the mounting 
Ex: 
For PT .x.+F-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)
are connected to the mounting foot via 7 8

a gas-filled surge arrester.

11 12


9 10
3 4

Technical data
Electrical data ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 6 V DC / 13 V DC / 28 V DC /
4 V AC 9 V AC 20 V AC
Rated current 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - - -
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Ground ≤ 10 V ≤ 18 V ≤ 40 V
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical/asymmetrical in the 50 Ω system - / typ. 1 MHz - / typ. 3 MHz - / typ. 4.5 MHz
Resistance per path 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging

into base element PT
5 V DC PT 2X1- 5DC-ST 2856061 10
12 V DC PT 2X1-12DC-ST 2856074 10
24 V DC PT 2X1-24DC-ST 2856087 10
48 V DC
24 V AC
48 V AC
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

with bridge between connections 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 2X1-BE 2856139 10

with gas-filled surge arrester between connections 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 2X1+F-BE 2856142 10

Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

≃ ≃ ≃


2-conductor, with common reference potential, 4-conductor with common reference potential, 4-conductor with common reference potential,
e.g., for binary signals connection 9/10 grounded directly, connection 9/10 grounded via gas-filled
e.g., for binary signals surge arrester, e.g., for binary signals
  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

1 2 1 2
7 8
5 6 5 6
11 12 7 8 7 8

IN OUT IN 11 12 OUT IN 11 12 OUT

9 10
* 9 10 9 10
3 4 * *
3 4 3 4

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 24AC ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 24AC ... 48AC
C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1
40 V DC / 6 V DC / 13 V DC / 28 V DC / 53 V DC / 40 V DC / 77 V DC /
28 V AC 4 V AC 9 V AC 20 V AC 37 V AC 28 V AC 55 V AC
300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C) 300 mA (45°C)
2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA

- - - - - - -
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA (per path)

≤ 55 V (with PT 2x1-BE) ≤ 10 V ≤ 18 V ≤ 40 V ≤ 70 V ≤ 55 V ≤ 50 V (with PT 4X1+F-BE)

- / typ. 8 MHz - / typ. 1 MHz - / typ. 3 MHz - / typ. 6 MHz - / typ. 9 MHz - / typ. 8 MHz - / typ. 10 MHz
4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω 4.7 Ω

17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 - mm² / - mm² / -
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT 4X1- 5DC-ST 2838306 10

PT 4X1-12DC-ST 2838319 10
PT 4X1-24DC-ST 2838322 10
PT 4X1-48DC-ST 2858014 10
PT 2X1-24AC-ST 2856100 10 PT 4X1-24AC-ST 2838351 10
PT 4X1-48AC-ST 2804856 10

PT 2X1-BE 2856139 10 PT 4X1-BE 2839363 10 PT 4X1-BE 2839363 10

PT 2X1+F-BE 2856142 10 PT 4X1+F-BE 2839376 10 PT 4X1+F-BE 2839376 10

Accessories Accessories Accessories

SSA 3-6 2839295 10 SSA 3-6 2839295 10 SSA 3-6 2839295 10

SSA 5-10 2839512 10 SSA 5-10 2839512 10 SSA 5-10 2839512 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 135
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits
TERMITRAB complete
≃ ≃

– For use with high rated current

– One-piece or pluggable surge protection
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– With knife disconnection as an option
– Optional remote signaling module monitors 2-conductor, floating, pluggable, 2-conductor, floating, pluggable,
up to 40 items, without additional wiring e.g., for actuator circuits with knife disconnection,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 e.g., for actuator circuits

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected

2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 6 A (55°C) 6 A (55°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 5 kA 5 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 45 V ≤ 45 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 850 V ≤ 850 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 1 MHz typ. 1 MHz
Resistance per path 100 mΩ 100 mΩ
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete
Push-in connection technology 24 V DC TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-PT-I 2906817 1 TTC-6P-2-HC-M-24DC-PT-I 2906755 1
Screw connection technology 24 V DC TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-UT-I 2906811 1 TTC-6P-2-HC-M-24DC-UT-I 2906743 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-I-P 2907845 1 TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-I-P 2907845 1
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

≃ ≃


2-conductor, floating, one-piece, 2-conductor, floating, one-piece,

e.g., for actuator circuits with knife disconnection,
e.g., for actuator circuits

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected

2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

... 24DC ... 24DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
6 A (55°C) 6 A (55°C)
0.5 kA 0.5 kA

0.5 kA 0.5 kA
5 kA 5 kA
5 kA 5 kA

≤ 45 V ≤ 45 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
≤ 850 V ≤ 850 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)

typ. 1 MHz typ. 1 MHz

100 mΩ 100 mΩ

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TTC-6-2-HC-24DC-PT-I 2908439 1 TTC-6-2-HC-M-24DC-PT-I 2906731 1

TTC-6-2-HC-24DC-UT-I 2908438 1 TTC-6-2-HC-M-24DC-UT-I 2906719 1

Accessories Accessories

TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1

TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 137
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signal circuits with high rated current
≃ ≃

– Protective devices for higher nominal

– Consistently pluggable signal circuit
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to H H
the two-piece design D W D W
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug
for test and maintenance purposes 2-conductor, floating, free of leakage current, 2-conductor, with common reference potential,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 e.g., for actuator circuits remote signaling, e.g., for actuator circuits
– FM types with permanent and independent
monitoring by a diagnostics unit
 
* Note: If no protective plug is inserted,
there is no electrical connection. 1(+) 2(+)
1 2

3(-) 4(-)
3 4 IN OUT
* 11 J

12 5(+) 6(+)
5 6 J

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 120AC ... 230AC ... 60AC ... 120AC ... 230AC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC -/ -/ 100 V DC / 150 V DC / 275 V DC /
175 V AC 250 V AC 75 V AC 150 V AC 275 V AC
(50/60 Hz) (50/60 Hz) (50/60 Hz)
Rated current 6A 6A 26 A AC 26 A AC 26 A AC
(30°C) (30°C) (30°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 300 A 500 A 500 A 500 A 500 A
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Ground 3 kA 3 kA 2 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 8 kA 8 kA 4 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground ≤ 950 V ≤ 1.5 kV ≤ 300 V ≤ 550 V ≤ 900 V
(C2 - 1 kA) (C2 - 4 kV / (C2 - 4 kV / (C2 - 5 kV/ (C2 - 5 kV/
2 kA) 2 kA) 2,5 kA) 2,5 kA)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Ground ≤ 800 V ≤ 1.4 kV ≤ 200 V ≤ 380 V ≤ 650 V
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 61643-21 IEC 61643 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MAINS-PLUGTRAB, consisting of a plug and a base element

120 V AC PT 2X1-VF-120AC 2859327 10

230 V AC PT 2X1-VF-230AC 2805460 10
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging
into base element PT
60 V AC PT 2X1VA- 60AC-ST 2839172 10
120 V AC PT 2X1-VF-120AC-ST 2856799 10 PT 2X1VA-120AC-ST 2839185 10
230 V AC PT 2X1-VF-230AC-ST 2921365 10 PT 2X1VA-230AC-ST 2839198 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

PT-BE/FM 2839282 10 PT-BE/FM 2839282 10

Accessories Accessories
Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10 SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10 SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Isolated signal circuits
≃ ≃

– For use with high rated current

– For systems with high dielectric strength
or fine protection installed
– Installation location is directly where the
MCR cable enters the building H
– Consistently pluggable signal circuit D W
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part 2-conductor, coarse protection, 4-conductor, coarse protection,
of the installation e.g., for actuator circuits e.g., for actuator circuits
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug
for test and maintenance purposes
 
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
1 2
1 2

5 6
7 8
5 6

11 12
9 10
3 4
3 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 60 V DC / 48 V AC 60 V DC / 120 V AC
Rated current 2 A AC (80°C) 2 A AC (80°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - 10 kA
Core-Ground 20 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Ground ≤ 600 V ≤ 450 V
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA with PT 4-BE)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Ground ≤ 600 V ≤ 450 V (with PT 4-BE)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging

into base element PT
48 V AC PT 2-F-ST 2859000 10
110 V AC PT 4-F-ST 2858441 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

PT-BE/FM 2839282 10
Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 4-BE 2839402 10

Accessories Accessories
Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10 SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10 SSA 5-10 2839512 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 139
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference


– Protection of up to four signal wires

with an overall width of 6.2 mm
– Can be used in binary, analog, and
intrinsically safe circuits
For approvals and dimensional drawing, visit D W D W

Protection for two conductors Protection for four conductors

with a common reference potential with a common reference potential

 

7 8
7 8

5 6
5 6
3 4

3 4
1 2

1 2

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 36 V DC / 25 V AC 36 V DC / 25 V AC
Rated current 350 mA (40°C) 350 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 500 A 500 A
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 20 kA (in total) 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground ≤ 60 V ≤ 60 V
(C1 - 500 V / 250 A) (C1 - 500 V / 250 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Asymmetrical in the 50 Ω system typ. 6 MHz typ. 6 MHz
Resistance per path 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 14 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 14
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

LINETRAB LIT surge protection

24 V DC LIT 2X1-24 2804636 10 LIT 4X1-24 2804649 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference

– Easy assembly, directly on the field device

– Arresters in hexagonal tube with various
outer threads
– S-PT-4-EX installation in a separate
cable gland parallel to the signal cables

4-conductor with common reference potential,

intrinsically safe, encapsulated,
without decoupling resistance

Ex:  


+ –


/ BK


+ –


Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 36 V DC / 25 V AC
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 260 A
Core-Ground 10 kA
Maximum permitted short-circuit current at installation location 1 A (non-Ex)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 65 V
(C3 - 10 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1.1 kV
(C3 - 100 A)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 60 V
Core-Ground -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 28 mm / 28 mm / 79 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C (non-Ex)
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-1 / 
EN 60079-11 / EN 60079-31 / IEC 60079-0
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 09ATEX0028 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci 1.65 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 36 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 3W

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SURGETRAB protective adapter for installation on

measuring sensors for Ex protection zones
Outer thread: M20 x 1.5 24 V DC S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 1
Outer thread: 1/2'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-4-EX-24DC-1/2" 2800037 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 141
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Signals with common reference

– Space-saving LSA-PLUS connection

– Can be used in LSA-PLUS disconnect and
control strips or CT-TERMIBLOCK
– The CTM 10-MAG surge protection
magazine can be fitted with ten different
protective plugs

with common reference potential


1 1'


2 2'

Technical data
Electrical data ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 60DC
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / B2 / C1 / C2 / B2 / C1 / C2 /
C3 / D1 C3 / D1 C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC ± 15 V DC / ± 30 V DC / 60 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 50 V AC
Rated current 380 mA AC 380 mA AC 380 mA AC
(25°C) (25°C) (25°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA 1 kA 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - - -
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core - - -
Core-Ground ≤ 22 V ≤ 45 V ≤ 160 V
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Resistance per path 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 9.5 mm / 21 mm / 53.5 mm
Temperature range -25°C ... 75°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

COMTRAB modular, surge protection for a double wire with

coarse and fine protection and ohmic decoupling, DSL-compatible

12 V DC CTM 2X1- 12DC 2838584 10

24 V DC CTM 2X1- 24DC 2838500 10
60 V DC CTM 2X1- 60DC 2838542 10

Magazine, with grounding rail for accommodating
up to 10 LSA-PLUS protective plugs (CTM...), for insertion
in CT-TERMIBLOCK or LSA-PLUS disconnect strip

CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5

Grounding plug
CTM EST 2838649 10
Screw terminal block, with disconnect contacts
for accommodating the CT and CTM protective plugs,
design: 10 double wires
CT-TERMIBLOCK 10 DA 0441711 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Resistance-dependent measurements new
TERMITRAB complete ϑ ϑ

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm

– With Push-in or screw connection


2-conductor, floating, impedance-free, 3-conductor, floating, impedance-free,

e.g., for temperature measurement e.g., for temperature measurement


1 4
unprotected protected
1 4
unprotected protected 2 5

2 5

3 6
3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 5DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 5 V DC / 3 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 450 mA (80°C) 5 A (55°C) 5 A (55°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA - 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 45 V ≤ 100 V ≤ 68 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 600 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 965 kHz typ. 33 MHz typ. 60 MHz
Resistance per path 100 mΩ 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 69.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

5 V DC TTC-6P-3-5DC-PT-I 1061385 1
24 V DC TTC-6-2-24DC-PT 2906806 1 TTC-6P-3-24DC-PT-I 1061383 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

24 V DC TTC-6-2-24DC-UT 2906800 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
5 V DC TTC-6P-3-5DC-I-P 1061386 1
24 V DC TTC-6P-3-24DC-I-P 1061384 1
Fuse carrier
TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 50

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 143
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Resistance-dependent measurements

– Consistently pluggable signal circuit

– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug
for test and maintenance purposes
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
4-conductor, floating, impedance-free,
Note: e.g., for temperature measurement
Base elements are grounded differently.
For PT .x.-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)

are connected directly to the mounting
1 2
For PT .x.+F-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)
are connected to the mounting foot via
a gas-filled surge arrester. 5 6
7 8

11 12
9 10

* 4

Technical data
Electrical data ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 24AC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 6 V DC / 12.8 V DC / 27 V DC / 40 V DC /
4 V AC 9 V AC 19 V AC 28 V AC
Rated current 2 A (80°C) 2 A (80°C) 2 A (80°C) 2 A AC (80°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 720 A 690 A 365 A 187 A
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 30 V ≤ 40 V ≤ 50 V ≤ 85 V
(C1 - 1 kV/ (C1 - 1 kV/ (C1 - 500 V / (C1 - 500 V /
500 A) 500 A) 250 A) 250 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 500 V ≤ 450 V
(C2 - 10 kV / (C2 - 10 kV /
5 kA with 5 kA with
PT 4-BE) PT 4-BE)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 10 V ≤ 18 V ≤ 40 V ≤ 75 V
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V ≤ 450 V (with ≤ 450 V (with
PT 4-BE) PT 4-BE)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging

into base element PT
5 V DC PT 4- 5DC-ST 2839211 10
12 V DC PT 4-12DC-ST 2839237 10
24 V DC PT 4-24DC-ST 2839240 10
24 V AC PT 4-24AC-ST 2800078 1
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 4-BE 2839402 10

Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 4+F-BE 2839415 10

Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Resistance-dependent measurements

– Protection of up to four signal wires

with an overall width of 6.2 mm
– Can be used in binary, analog, and
intrinsically safe circuits
For approvals and dimensional drawing, visit
For additional safety data, visit

4-conductor, floating, impedance-free,

e.g., for temperature measurement

Ex:  

7 8

5 6
3 4

1 2

Technical data
Electrical data ... 12DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 18 V DC / 13 V AC 36 V DC / 25 V AC
Rated current 500 mA (40°C) 500 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 500 A 500 A
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 350 A 250 A
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 35 V ≤ 55 V
(C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 650 V ≤ 650 V
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 50 Ω system typ. 5 MHz typ. 7.7 MHz
Resistance per path 0Ω 0Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 14
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / 
EN 60079-26 / IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 09ATEX0051 X KEMA 09ATEX0051 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci typ. 6 nF typ. 2.5 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li < 1 µH < 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C) 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 18 V DC 36 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 550 mW 550 mW

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

12 V DC LIT 4-12 2804704 10
24 V DC LIT 4-24 2804678 10

DIN rail connector
ME 6,2 TBUS-2 1,5/5-ST-3,81KMGY 2969401 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 145
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Resistance-dependent measurements

– Easy assembly, directly on the field device

– Arresters in hexagonal tube with various
outer threads
– S-PT-4-EX installation in a separate
cable gland parallel to the signal cables

4-conductor with common reference potential,

intrinsically safe, encapsulated,
without decoupling resistance

Ex:  


+ –


/ BK


+ –


Technical data
Electrical data ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 36 V DC / 25 V AC
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 260 A
Core-Ground 10 kA
Maximum permitted short-circuit current at installation location 1 A (non-Ex)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs -
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 65 V
(C3 - 10 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1.1 kV
(C3 - 100 A)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 60 V
Core-Ground -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 28 mm / 28 mm / 79 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C (non-Ex)
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-1 / 
EN 60079-11 / EN 60079-31 / IEC 60079-0
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 09ATEX0028 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci 1.65 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 36 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 3W

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SURGETRAB protective adapter for installation on

measuring sensors for Ex protection zones
Outer thread: M20 x 1.5 24 V DC S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 1
Outer thread: 1/2'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-4-EX-24DC-1/2" 2800037 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 147
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Single-stage protective devices
TERMITRAB complete

– Fine surge protection for signal circuits

on electronic controllers H H
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm D W D W
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring

2-conductor 1-conductor
with common reference potential, with grounded reference potential
e.g., for binary signals

 

1 4
1 3
unprotected protected
2 5
unprotected protected

2 4
3 6 

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 12DC ... 12DC ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 60DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C3 C1 / C3 C3 C3 C3
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC / 30 V DC / 15 V DC / 30 V DC / 53 V DC / 75 V DC /
10 V AC 21 V AC 10 V AC 21 V AC 37 V AC 53 V AC
Rated current 6 A (55°C) 6 A (55°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - - - - - -
Core-Ground 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 300 A 150 A 90 A 60 A
Protection level Up
Core-Core - - - - - -

Core-Ground ≤ 25 V ≤ 45 V ≤ 22 V ≤ 50 V ≤ 80 V ≤ 110 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 18 A) (C3 - 12 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system - - - - - -
Asymmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 420 kHz typ. 960 kHz typ. 1.1 MHz typ. 1.7 MHz typ. 3.5 MHz typ. 4 MHz
Resistance per path 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 69.5 mm 6.2 mm / 92 mm / 69.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6-2XTVSD-12DC-PT 2906807 1
24 V DC TTC-6-2XTVSD-24DC-PT 2906808 1
TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-12DC-PT-I 2906847 1
24 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-24DC-PT-I 2906848 1
48 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-48DC-PT-I 2906849 1
60 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-60DC-PT-I 2906850 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-12DC-UT-I 2906829 1
24 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-24DC-UT-I 2906831 1
48 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-48DC-UT-I 2906832 1
60 V DC TTC-6-TVSD-C-60DC-UT-I 2906833 1

Accessories Accessories
End cover
TTC-6-LCP 2908729 50
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology




1 3

unprotected protected

2 4

Technical data
... 24DC ... 48DC ... 60DC
C3 C3 C3
30 V DC / 53 V DC / 75 V DC /
21 V AC 37 V AC 53 V AC
10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C)

150 A 90 A 60 A
- - -

≤ 50 V ≤ 80 V ≤ 110 V -
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 18 A) (C3 - 12 A)
- - -

typ. 1.7 MHz typ. 3.5 MHz typ. 4 MHz

- - -
100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ

6.2 mm / 92 mm / 69.5 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TTC-6-TVSD-D-24DC-PT-I 2906851 1
TTC-6-TVSD-D-48DC-PT-I 2906852 1
TTC-6-TVSD-D-60DC-PT-I 2906853 1

TTC-6-TVSD-D-24DC-UT-I 2906834 1
TTC-6-TVSD-D-48DC-UT-I 2906835 1
TTC-6-TVSD-D-60DC-UT-I 2906836 1


TTC-6-LCP 2908729 50

TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 149
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Single-stage protective devices
TERMITRAB complete

– Medium surge protection for signal circuits

on electronic controllers H H
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm D W D W
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring

1-conductor 2-conductor,
with grounded reference potential floating

 

1 3
1 3

unprotected protected
unprotected protected

2 4
 2 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 48DC ... 60DC ... 120AC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C2 / C3 C1 / C2 / C3
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 60 V DC / 75 V DC / 150 V DC / 30 V DC /
21 V AC 42 V AC 53 V AC 150 V AC 21 V AC
Rated current 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C) 10 A (60°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - - - - 2 kA
Core-Ground 2 kA 2 kA 2 kA 2.5 kA -
Protection level Up
Core-Core - - - - ≤ 80 V
(C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 80 V ≤ 150 V ≤ 190 V ≤ 380 V -
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system - - - - typ. 200 kHz
Asymmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 200 kHz typ. 650 kHz typ. 650 kHz typ. 1 MHz -
Resistance per path 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 92 mm / 69.5 mm 6.2 mm / 92 mm / 69.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

24 V DC TTC-6-MOV-C-24DC-PT-I 2906854 1 TTC-6-MOV-D-24DC-PT-I 2906859 1

48 V DC TTC-6-MOV-C-48DC-PT-I 2906855 1
60 V DC TTC-6-MOV-C-60DC-PT-I 2906857 1
120 V AC TTC-6-MOV-C-120AC-PT-I 2906858 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

24 V DC TTC-6-MOV-C-24DC-UT-I 2906837 1 TTC-6-MOV-D-24DC-UT-I 2906841 1

48 V DC TTC-6-MOV-C-48DC-UT-I 2906838 1
60 V DC TTC-6-MOV-C-60DC-UT-I 2906839 1
120 V AC TTC-6-MOV-C-120AC-UT-I 2906840 1

Accessories Accessories
End cover
TTC-6-LCP 2908729 50 TTC-6-LCP 2908729 50
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Single-stage protective devices
TERMITRAB complete

– Coarse surge protection, right at the

building entrance, with an MCR cable H H
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm D W D W
– With Push-in or screw connection
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring

1-conductor 2-conductor,
with grounded reference potential floating

 

1 3
1 3

unprotected protected
unprotected protected

2 4
 2 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24AC ... 110AC ... 24AC ... 60AC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 28 V DC / 36 V AC - / 130 V AC 28 V DC / 30 V AC - / 75 V AC
Rated current 1 A DC (60°C) 2 A (60°C) 1 A DC (60°C) 2 A (60°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA - -
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - - 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA - -
Protection level Up
Core-Core - - ≤ 800 V ≤ 800 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 900 V ≤ 900 V - -
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system - - typ. 25 MHz typ. 25 MHz
Asymmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 25 MHz typ. 25 MHz - -
Resistance per path 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ 100 mΩ
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 92 mm / 69.5 mm 6.2 mm / 92 mm / 69.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology

24 V AC TTC-6-GDT-C-24AC-PT-I 2906860 1 TTC-6-GDT-D-24AC-PT-I 2906862 1

60 V AC TTC-6-GDT-D-60AC-PT-I 2906863 1
110 V AC TTC-6-GDT-C-110AC-PT-I 2906861 1
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

24 V AC TTC-6-GDT-C-24AC-UT-I 2906842 1 TTC-6-GDT-D-24AC-UT-I 2906845 1

60 V AC TTC-6-GDT-D-60AC-UT-I 2906846 1
110 V AC TTC-6-GDT-C-110AC-UT-I 2906844 1

Accessories Accessories
End cover
TTC-6-LCP 2908729 50 TTC-6-LCP 2908729 50
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 151
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications
TERMITRAB complete

– One-piece or pluggable surge protection

– Tailored to the special requirements
of intrinsically safe circuits
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm
– With screw connection technology
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– With knife disconnection
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 Double wire (loop), floating, Double wire (loop), floating,
intrinsically safe, one-piece, intrinsically safe, pluggable,
e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop
 
Ex:    Ex:   

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC 30 V DC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 55 V ≤ 55 V
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1.4 kV ≤ 1.4 kV
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 940 kHz typ. 940 kHz
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 /  EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 / 
IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21 IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci negligible negligible
Maximum inner inductance Li negligible negligible
Maximum input current Ii 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C) 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 30 V DC 30 V DC
Maximum input power Pi - -

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

With knife disconnection 24 V DC TTC-6-1X2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906820 1 TTC-6P-1X2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906824 1

Without knife disconnection 24 V DC TTC-6P-1X2-EX-24DC-UT-I 1065312 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
TTC-6P-1X2-EX-24DC-I-P 2907831 1
Remote signaling set
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Separating plate
TTC-EX-PP 1011977 10 TTC-EX-PP 1011977 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications

– Tailored to the special requirements

of intrinsically safe circuits
– Multi-stage status monitoring
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– System supplied via DIN rail bus
– Up to 10 protection modules per supply
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to Double wire (loop), floating, 2 double wires (loops), floating,
the two-piece design connection 9/10 grounded directly, connection 9/10 grounded directly,
– Plugs are coded e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug  
Ex:    Ex:   
for maintenance purposes
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation
– Corresponding replacement plugs can be 1


found on our website 7

8 5 6
unprotected protected
11 12 3 4
unprotected protected
9 10 9 10

3 4 7 8

11 12

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 350 mA 350 mA
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2 kA 2 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1.3 kV ≤ 1.3 kV
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 1.1 MHz typ. 1.1 MHz
Resistance per path 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards EN 61643-21/A2 / IEC 61643-21/A2 / EN 61000-6-2 /  EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 
EN 61000-6-3/A1 EN 61000-6-3/A1
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX BVS 14 ATEX E 020 X BVS 14 ATEX E 020 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci negligible negligible
Maximum inner inductance Li negligible negligible
Maximum input current Ii 350 mA 350 mA
Maximum input voltage Ui 30 V DC 30 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 1.2 W 1.2 W

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MCR-PLUGTRAB, with screw connection technology

24 V DC PT-IQ-1X2-EX-24DC-UT 2801512 1 PT-IQ-2X2-EX-24DC-UT 2801513 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
24 V DC PT-IQ-1X2-EX-24DC-P 2801514 1 PT-IQ-2X2-EX-24DC-P 2801515 1
PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1 PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 153
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications

– Arresters in hexagonal tube with various

outer threads
– S-PT-EX(I)... installation in the signal
path feed-through
– S-PT-EX, S-PT-2xEX... installation in
a separate cable gland parallel to the
signal lines

Double wire (loop), intrinsically safe, Double wire (loop), floating,

e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops intrinsically safe, encapsulated,
without decoupling resistance
 
Ex:   Ex:  

1 BN

2 BL + –




Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 24DC ... 24DC ... 48DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 36 V DC / 25 V AC 53 V DC / 37 V AC
Rated current 350 mA (50°C) - -
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA 1 kA 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 260 A 170 A
Core-Ground 10 kA (per path) 10 kA 10 kA
Maximum permitted short-circuit current at installation location 350 mA 1 A (non-Ex) 1 A (non-Ex)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs - 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA (per path) 20 kA -
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V ≤ 65 V ≤ 90 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1.4 kV ≤ 1.1 kV ≤ 1.1 kV
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 50 V ≤ 60 V ≤ 80 V
Core-Ground ≤ 1.4 kV (Direct grounding) - -
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω - -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 33.5 mm / 33.5 mm / 137 mm 28 mm / 28 mm / 79 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 50°C -40°C ... 80°C (non-Ex)
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 /  EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-1 / 
EN 60079-26 / IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 EN 60079-11 / EN 60079-31 / IEC 60079-0
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 06ATEX0002 KEMA 09ATEX0028 X KEMA 09ATEX0028 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci 2 nF 1.65 nF 1.14 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li 1 µH 1 µH 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 350 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C) 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C) 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 30 V 36 V DC 53 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 3W 3W 3W

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SURGETRAB protective adapter for installation on

measuring sensors for Ex protection zones
Outer thread: M20 x 1.5 24 V DC S-PT-EX(I)-24DC 2880671 1 S-PT-EX-24DC 2800034 1
Outer thread: 1/2'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-EX(I)-24DC-1/2" 2882572 1 S-PT-EX-24DC-1/2" 2800035 1
Outer thread: 3/4'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-EX(I)-24DC-3/4" 2882585 1
Outer thread: M20 x 1.5 48 V DC S-PT-EX-48DC 2800053 1
Outer thread: 1/2'' 14 NPT 48 V DC S-PT-EX-48DC-1/2" 2800054 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology

2 double wires (loops), floating,

intrinsically safe, encapsulated,
without decoupling resistance

Ex:  



/ BK



Technical data
... 24DC ... 48DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
36 V DC / 25 V AC 53 V DC / 37 V AC
- -
1 kA 1 kA

260 A 170 A
10 kA 10 kA
1 A (non-Ex) 1 A (non-Ex)
20 kA 20 kA
- -

≤ 50 V ≤ 80 V
(C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A)
≤ 1.1 kV ≤ 1.1 kV
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)

≤ 50 V ≤ 80 V
- -
- -

28 mm / 28 mm / 79 mm
-40°C ... 80°C (non-Ex)
EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-1 / 
EN 60079-11 / EN 60079-31 / IEC 60079-0


1.65 nF 1.14 nF
1 µH 1 µH
500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C) 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C)
36 V DC 53 V DC
3W 3W

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

S-PT-2XEX-24DC 2800040 1
S-PT-2XEX-24DC-1/2" 2800041 1

S-PT-2XEX-48DC 2800038 1
S-PT-2XEX-48DC-1/2" 2800039 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 155
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications

– Tailored to the special requirements

of intrinsically safe circuits
– Consistently pluggable signal circuit
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug
for test and maintenance purposes 2 double wires (loops), intrinsically safe, 4-conductor, intrinsically safe, impedance-free,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loops e.g., for temperature measurements

 
Ex:    Ex:  

1 2 1 2

5 6
5 6
3 4
3 4
IN 9 10
9 10
7 8
7 8

11 12 11 12

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
Rated current 325 mA (40°C) 500 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2 kA 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 308 A
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 20 kA (in total) 20 kA (in total)
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 25 A) (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1 kV ≤ 1 kV
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 45 V ≤ 45 V
Core-Ground ≤ 1 kV ≤ 1 kV
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 50 Ω system typ. 4.5 MHz typ. 7 MHz
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω 0Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 /  EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / 
EN 60079-26 / IEC 61643-21 / IEC 60079-0 EN 60079-26 / IEC 61643-21 / IEC 60079-0
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 00ATEX1099 X KEMA 00ATEX1099 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci 1.3 nF 1.1 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li 1 µH 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 325 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C) 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 30 V DC 30 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 3W 850 mW (T4 / ≤ 80°C)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging

into base element PT
24 V DC PT 2XEX(I)-24DC-ST 2838225 10 PT 4-EX(I)-24DC-ST 2839253 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

24 V DC PT 2XEX(I)-BE 2839279 10 PT 4-EX(I)-BE 2839486 10

Accessories Accessories
Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10 SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10 SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications
TERMITRAB complete

– One-piece or pluggable surge protection

– Tailored to the special requirements
of intrinsically safe circuits
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm
– With screw connection technology
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– With knife disconnection
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 2-conductor with common reference potential, 2-conductor with common reference potential,
intrinsically safe, one-piece intrinsically safe, pluggable

 
Ex:    Ex:   

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC 30 V DC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core - -
Core-Ground ≤ 50 V ≤ 50 V
(C3 - 100 A) (C3 - 100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system - -
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 /  EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 / 
IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21 IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci negligible negligible
Maximum inner inductance Li negligible negligible
Maximum input current Ii 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C) 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 30 V DC 30 V DC
Maximum input power Pi - -

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

24 V DC TTC-6-2X1-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906821 1 TTC-6P-2X1-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906825 1

Accessories Accessories
Replacement plug
TTC-6P-2X1-EX-24DC-I-P 2907832 1
Remote signaling set
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Separating plate
TTC-EX-PP 1011977 10 TTC-EX-PP 1011977 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 157
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications
TERMITRAB complete

– Pluggable surge protection

– Tailored to the special requirements
of intrinsically safe circuits
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2

3-conductor, intrinsically safe, impedance-free,

e.g., for temperature measurements

Ex:  

1 4
unprotected protected
2 5

3 6

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 30 V DC
Rated current 5 A (55°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 0.5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 68 V
(C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 700 V
(C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 60 MHz
Resistance per path 0.1 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 / 
IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci negligible
Maximum inner inductance Li negligible
Maximum input current Ii 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 30 V DC
Maximum input power Pi -

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

24 V DC TTC-6P-3-EX-24DC-UT-I 1064665 1

Replacement plug
TTC-6P-3-EX-24DC-I-P 1064663 1
Remote signaling set
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1
Separating plate
TTC-EX-PP 1011977 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for measurement and control technology
Potentially explosive applications

– Arresters in hexagonal tube with various

outer threads
– S-PT-4-EX installation in a separate
cable gland parallel to the signal cables
– S-PT-EX... devices are approved for Ex i
and Ex d measuring probes

4-conductor with common reference potential,

intrinsically safe, encapsulated,
without decoupling resistance

Ex:  


+ –


/ BK


+ –


Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 36 V DC / 25 V AC
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 260 A
Core-Ground 10 kA
Maximum permitted short-circuit current at installation location 1 A (non-Ex)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs -
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 65 V
(C3 - 10 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 1.1 kV
(C3 - 100 A)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 60 V
Core-Ground -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 28 mm / 28 mm / 79 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C (non-Ex)
Test standards EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-1 / 
EN 60079-11 / EN 60079-31 / IEC 60079-0
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX KEMA 09ATEX0028 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci 1.65 nF
Maximum inner inductance Li 1 µH
Maximum input current Ii 500 mA (T4 / ≤ 75°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 36 V DC
Maximum input power Pi 3W

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SURGETRAB protective adapter for installation on

measuring sensors for Ex protection zones
Outer thread: M20 x 1.5 24 V DC S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 1
Outer thread: 1/2'' 14 NPT 24 V DC S-PT-4-EX-24DC-1/2" 2800037 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 159
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

Low signal levels at high frequencies DATATRAB DT – The all-round

require special protective circuits in data solution for protecting data interfaces
processing and telecommunications. The DATATRAB DT reliably protects high-speed
arresters must guarantee short response networks against damage caused by surge
times to quickly limit the surge voltages to voltages. DT-LAN-CAT.6+ supports various
safe values, without impairing signal quality. data protocols at very high transmission
In addition, the protective devices support speeds, such as Ethernet, Power over
system-specific connections, such as RJ45 Ethernet (PoE), ISDN, token ring, and DS1,
or D-SUB connectors, and all types of in a single device.
network topology. The housing has a ground connection
snap-on foot into which the ground connection
cover with equipotential bonding cable is
inserted. DATATRAB can be therefore used
either as an adapter or a DIN rail module
after removing the ground connection cover.

 Your web code: #0145


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

Versatile Speed Use

The DATATRAB product range can offer Used in EDP systems with a transmission Protective devices suitable for all common
a suitable protective device for many and speed of up to 10 Gbps (CAT6/CLASS Ea) applications including Ethernet, token ring,
varied applications. The protective devices and in telecommunications networks with ISDN, DS1, DSL, analog telecommunications,
are simply installed between the signal paths 50 Mbps (VDSL). RS-485, V.24, V.11, etc. are available.
with interfaces for RJ11/12, RJ45, D-SUB, The circuit breakers also support
or screw connection. Power over Ethernet (PoE+) in Mode A
and B versions.

The narrowest surge protection COMTRAB modular Other designs

Starting from a width of 3.5 mm, For protecting telecommunications Other application-specific protective
TERMITRAB complete is the world’s systems devices include:
narrowest surge protection solution for – Direct insertion in LSA-PLUS marshaling – Two-piece pluggable protective devices
MCR and fieldbus applications. panels in the PLUGTRAB product range
– Coarse protection magazines with – Combined adapters for the power supply
gas-filled surge arrester and MAINTRAB interfaces
– Modular miniature connectors with
combined coarse and fine protection
elements for optimum protection

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 161
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

Selection guide
Technology Interface Mounting type/
connection method
Explanation of the IEC categories
CAN bus/CANopen®
LPZ Test category Test class
zone for SPD for SPD
in acc. with in acc. with DeviceNet™
IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-11
0/1 D1 I
1/2 C2 II Gigabit Ethernet (1/10 GBase-T)
2/3 C1 III

FOUNDATION Fieldbus Ex (i)

INTERBUS Inline (analog I/Os) 1)

Interface-based product selection
for surge protection INTERBUS Inline (digital I/Os)
The STOP-IT (Selection of Protection
for Information Technology) selection INTERBUS remote bus
guide provides support in choosing your
surge protection solution for a variety of LON (Works) 1)

additional interfaces in information and

MCR technology. 1)
 Your web code: #2079



RS-422A, V.11, X.27, RS-423A 1)

DIN rail mounting

Push-in connection RS-485

Screw connection

Schuko plug-in connection RS-232-C/V.24

RJ45 plug-in connection
TTY, 0(4) - 20 mA 1)
RJ12 plug-in connection

TAE plug-in connection


Coaxial plug-in connection ADSL 2+, T-DSL- HDSL, VDSL,

analog phone LSA
D-SUB plug-in connection

1) Also available with screw connection /

DSL broadband (coax)
ISDN (S0 and S2M bus)

Note V V ISDN (Uk0)
Products bearing this stamp LSA
(plug elements) can be tested



Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

IEC category Protected Surge protective device (SPD) Order No. Page
D1/C2/C1 3 PT-IQ-3-HF-12DC-UT 2800786 176
T3 2 PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-UT 2905223 82
D1/C2/C1 3 PT-IQ-3-HF-12DC-UT 2800786 176
T3 2 PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-UT 2905223 82
D1/C2/C1 8 DT-LAN-CAT.6+ 2881007 166

C2/C1 24 x 8 D-LAN-19"-24 2838791 167

D1/C2/C1 8 DT-LAN-CAT.6+ 2881007 166

D1/C2/C1 4 PT 2X2-FF-ST + PT 4-BE 2800755 + 2839402 185

D1/C2/C1 2 TTC-6P-1X2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906824 152
T3 2 PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-UT 2905223 82
D1/C2/C1 4 PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-PT 2801263 121

D1/C2/C1 5 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-PT 2801271 133

5 DT-UFB-IB-RBI 2800055 183
5 DT-UFB-IB-RB0 2800056 183
D1/C2/C1 2 PT-IQ-1X2-48DC-PT 2801257 120
TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906756 171
D1/C2/C1 3
PT-IQ-3-PB-PT 2801286 172
C1 2 D-UFB-PB 2880642 179
2 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906828 181
4 PT 4-EX(I)-24DC-ST + PT 4-EX(I)-BE 2839253 + 2839486 156
D1/C2/C1 8 DT-LAN-CAT.6+ 2881007 166

D1/C2/C1 5 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801295 173

3 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906796 169
5 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801295 173
D1/C2/C1 5 DT-UFB-485/BS 2920612 173

C2/C1 9 DT-UFB-V24/S-9-SB 2803069 168

D1/C2/C1 3 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906796 169

D1/C2/C1 4 PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-PT 2801263 121

D1/C2/C1 4 DT-TELE-RJ45 2882925 186

D1/C2/C1 2 PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-PT 2801290 187

D1/C2/C1 2 CTM 1X2-110AC + CTM 10-MAG 2838539 + 2838610 190
D1/C2/C1 4 TAE-TRAB FM-NFN-AP 2749628 189

D1/C2/C1 & T3 2 MNT-TEL... / MNT-TAE 2882404 / 2882394 89

D1/C2/C1 2 C-TV-SAT 2856993 205
D1/C2/C1 & T3 2 MNT-TV-SAT D/WH 2882297 89
D1/C2/C1 2x2 CTM ISDN (2x) + CTM 10-MAG 2838555 + 2838610 191
D1/C2/C1 4 DT-LAN-CAT.6+ 2881007 166

D1/C2/C1 4 DT-TELE-RJ45 2882925 186

D1/C2/C1 2 PT 2-TELE 2882828 188

D1/C2/C1 2 CTM 1X2-110AC + CTM 10-MAG 2838539 + 2838610 190
D1/C2/C1 & T3 2 MNT-TEL... / MNT-TAE 2882404 / 2882394 89

D1/C2/C1 4 DT-TELE-SHDSL 2801593 186

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 163
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

Protection of PROFIBUS DP

PT-IQ-PTB-PT and PT-IQ-3-PB-PT Optional PT 5-HF-12DC-ST and PT 2X2-BE

2800768 and 2801286 2838775 and 2839208
Page 176 Page 173

Protection of PROFIBUS PA

PT 2XEX(I)-24DC and PT 2XEX (I)-BE

2838225 and 2839279
Page 156

Protection of CANopen®/DeviceNet™

Ord.No: 2907920
1 PE 5

2 PE 6


PT 3-HF-12DC-ST and PT 1X2-BE PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-PT PT 3-HF-12DC-ST and PT 1X2-BE

2858043 and 2856113 2907925 2858043 and 2856113
Page 169 Page 119 Page 169


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

Protection of an RS-485 interface

PT-IQ-PTB-PT and PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-PT Optional PT 5-HF-12DC-ST and PT 2X2+F-BE

2801296 and 2801295 2838775 and 2839224
Page 173 Page 173

Protection of an Ethernet interface (including PoE)

– 100Base-T
– 1000Base-T
– 10GBaseT

Page 166

Protection of a DSL interface



2882828 2882394
Page 188 Page 88

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 165
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
Ethernet/PROFINET networks
with twisted pair cabling H
– Suitable for category 6 high-speed data
– Secure data transmission up to 10 Gbps
– Protective adapter for eight signal paths
via RJ45 connector
– Can be installed in a control cabinet by
removing a ground connection adapter

For LAN interfaces (Class EA/CAT 6)

D-LAN-CAT.5-FP including PoE+ and ISDN S0 protection
– Suitable for category 5 data networks
– Secure data transmission up to 1 Gbps
– Protective adapter for eight signal paths
via RJ45 connector
1 2 3 6 OUT 4 5 7 8

– 19" rack for installation in storey
– Up to 24 ports with RJ45 connection
– Secure data transmission up to 1 Gbps
– Protection of all eight signal wires of
the data cable 1 2 3 6 IN 4 5 7 8
– Indirect grounding via a gas-filled surge
arrester in the housing Technical data
– Direct grounding via a connection on Electrical data
the housing IEC test classification/EN type
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC
B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1

Rated current ≤ 1.5 A (25°C)

Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 100 A
Core-Ground 2 kA (per signal pair)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 9 V (B2 - 1 kV / 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 900 V (B2 - 4 kV / 100 A)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤9V
Core-Ground ≤ 700 V
Input attenuation aE (typical) ≤ 1 dB (up to100 MHz/direct measuring)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Symmetrical -
General data
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C
Connection method RJ45
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 50173-1 / ISO/IEC 11801-Am.1

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DATATRAB adapter, protective adapter to be inserted into

the data line
DT-LAN-CAT.6+ 2881007 1
DATATRAB, for use in Ethernet, token ring, FDDI/CDDI
in acc. with Cat.D/CAT5 EN 50173 (1000Base-T)

24 ports
20 ports
16 ports
12 ports
8 ports
4 ports
Surge protection PCB as replacement or for retrofitting
in D-LAN-19"... products, incl. RJ45 female connector

4 ports


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications


For LAN interfaces (Class D/CAT 5) For data interfaces, with RJ45 connection
including PoE+ and ISDN S0 protection Class D/CAT5e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OUT 8
1 2 3 6 OUT 4 5 7 8


1 2 3 6 IN 4 5 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Technical data Technical data

B2 / C1 C1 / C2 / C3 / B3
± 5 V DC 6 V DC
- 1.5 A (25°C)

350 A 350 A
350 A 350 A
- 10 kA

≤ 35 V (C1 - 700 V/350 A) ≤ 50 V (C1 - 500 V / 250 A)

≤ 700 V (C1 - 700 V/350 A) ≤ 40 V (C1 - 500 V / 250 A (J2 ON))

≤ 25 V ≤ 20 V
≤ 750 V ≤ 30 V (J2 plugged)
≤ 1 dB (100 MHz/100 Ω) typ. 1 dB (≤ 100 MHz)

> 100 MHz > 100 MHz

-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 80°C

RJ45 RJ45
IEC 61643-21/A1 / GB/T 18802.21 / EN 61643-21/A1 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

D-LAN-CAT.5-FP 2800723 1

D-LAN-19"-24 2838791 1
D-LAN-19"-20 2880134 1
D-LAN-19"-16 2880147 1
D-LAN-19"-12 2880150 1
D-LAN-19"-8 2880163 1
D-LAN-19"-4 2880176 1

D-LAN-19"-D-P 2880192 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 167
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
V.24/RS-232 interfaces
– Connection: D-SUB 9
– For data and handshake cables
Pin assignment DT-UFB-V24/S-9-SB
– 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 Data lines
– 5                          Signal ground (Ground)

– Connection: Screw terminal blocks Protective adapter with 9-pos. D-SUB
– For high transmission speeds
– High discharge capacity
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
Pin assignment PT 3-HF-12DC: Total width 25 mm

– 7.11 Data lines 1 1

2 2
– 9      Signal ground (Ground) 3 3
– 3      4 4

Note: IN
6 6
7 7
PT .x.+F-BE: connections 9/10 (GND) 8 8
are connected to the mounting foot via 9 9

a gas-filled surge arrester. 5 5


– Connection: Push-in or screw connection Technical data
technology Electrical data
– For high transmission speeds IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / C3
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC / 10 V AC
– High discharge capacity Rated current ≤ 1 A (25°C)
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Ground ≤ 250 A
– Group message via supply and remote Core-GND ≤ 250 A
signaling module Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 5 kA
Protection level Up -
Pin assignment PT-IQ 3-HF-12DC Core-Core ≤ 55 V (C1 - 250 A)
– 7.11 Data lines Core-Ground ≤ 450 V (C1 - 250 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
– 9      Signal ground (Ground) In a 100 Ω system Symm. / asymm. (PE) typ. 2.5 MHz / -
– 3      In a 100 Ω system Symm. / asymm. (GND) typ. 2.5 MHz / typ. 1.3 MHz
In a 150 Ω system Symm. / asymm. (PE) typ. 2.5 MHz / -
TERMITRAB complete In a 150 Ω system Symm. / asymm. (GND) typ. 2.5 MHz / typ. 1.3 MHz
TTC-6P-3-HF... General data
Dimensions W/H/D 25 mm / 102 mm / 63.5 mm
– Pluggable surge protection Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm Connection method D-SUB-9
– Integrated mechanical status indicator Test standards DIN EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions Ordering data
– With knife disconnection
– Optional remote signaling module monitors Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

up to 40 items, without additional wiring DATATRAB adapter, protective adapter for inserting
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 into the data line for protecting the V.24 / RS-232 interface
with D-SUB-9 connector
Pin assignment of TTC-6P-3-HF... DT-UFB-V24/S-9-SB 2803069 1
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging
– 1,2 Data cables into base element PT
– 3    Signal ground (Ground)
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10

PLUGTRAB, consisting of a plug, base element, and DIN rail bus

Push-in connection technology

Screw connection technology

PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Push-in connection technology

Screw connection technology
Marking material
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications



Pluggable arrester with screw connection, 3-conductor protection for fieldbus and 3-conductor with common reference potential,
for three conductors, with common serial interface, connection 9/10 grounded 3/6 connection grounded via gas-filled
reference potential via gas-filled surge arrester surge arrester, pluggable

Total width 17.7 mm Total width 17.7 mm Total width 6.2 mm

1 4
7 8 unprotected protected
7 8
11 12  2 5
unprotected protected

IN OUT 11 12
9 10

3 6
3 4 9 10

3 4 

Technical data Technical data Technical data

C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
14 V DC / 9.8 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC
450 mA (45°C) 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (56°C)

10 kA 10 kA 5 kA
10 kA - 5 kA
20 kA 20 kA 10 kA
- -
≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 145 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 900 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 750 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)

typ. 60 MHz / - -/- -/-

typ. 60 MHz / - -/- -/-
-/- typ. 60 MHz / - typ. 60 MHz / -
-/- typ. 60 MHz / typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz / typ. 60 MHz

17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm

-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 85°C
Screw connection Screw connection Push-in connection
(in connection with the base element)
EN 61643-21/A1 / IEC 61643-21/A1 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 /  IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21
EN 61000-6-3

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT 3-HF-12DC-ST 2858043 10

PT 1X2+F-BE 2856126 10

PT-IQ-3-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801289 1
PT-IQ-3-HF+F-12DC-UT 2800995 1

TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906796 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1
PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1
ZBF ..., see page 223

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 169
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
RS-485 interfaces
TERMITRAB complete

– One-piece or pluggable surge protection

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm H
– With Push-in or screw connection D W
– Integrated mechanical status indicator
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– With and without knife disconnection
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring 3-conductor with common reference potential,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 3/6 connection grounded directly, one-piece


1 4
unprotected protected
2 5

3 6

Technical data
Electrical data ... 12DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC / 10 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 60 MHz
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906732 1
24 V DC
TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology
and knife disconnection
12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-M-12DC-UT-I 2906721 1
24 V DC
TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology,
without knife disconnection
12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-12DC-PT 1065316 1

Replacement plug
12 V DC
24 V DC


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications



3-conductor with common reference potential, 3-conductor with common reference potential, 3-conductor with common reference potential,
3/6 connection grounded via gas-filled 3/6 connection grounded directly, pluggable 3/6 connection grounded via gas-filled
surge arrester, one-piece surge arrester, pluggable

  

1 4 1 4
1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
unprotected protected
2 5 2 5
2 5

3 6 3 6
3 6


Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 12DC ... 24DC ... 12DC ... 12DC ... 24DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
15 V DC / 10 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (56°C) 600 mA (56°C) 600 mA (56°C)
0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA 0.5 kA

5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A) - ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A)

≤ 1.1 kV (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 1.1 kV (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 1.1 kV (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 1.1 kV (C3 - 25 A)

typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz
1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906778 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906756 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906796 1

TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906779 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906797 1

TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-12DC-UT-I 2906769 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-UT-I 2906744 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-UT-I 2906786 1

TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906770 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906787 1

TTC-6P-3-HF-F-12DC-PT-I 1065314 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-12DC-PT-I 1065313 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

TTC-6P-3-HF-12DC-I-P 2907846 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-12DC-I-P 2907846 1

TTC-6P-3-HF-24DC-I-P 2907847 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 171
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
RS-485 interfaces Notes:
Attenuation characteristics at H
– Connection: Push-in or screw connection
– For high transmission speeds
– High discharge capacity
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
Pin assignment PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC 5-conductor with common reference potential,
– 1,5 Data line pair 1T(A)/T(B) 9/10 connection grounded directly
– 7,11 Data line pair 2 R(A)/R(B)
–9 Signal ground (Ground)
–3 

– High transmission speed 1

– Fast response time 5 6
– High discharge capacity 7 8

– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 unprotected  protected
11 12
Pin assignment PT 5-HF...:

9 10
– 1,5 Data line pair 1T(A)/T(B)
3 4
– 7,11 Data line pair 2 R(A)/R(B)
–9 Signal ground (Ground) Technical data
–3 
Electrical data ... 5DC ... 12DC
Note: IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Base elements are grounded differently. Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 6 V DC / 4 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
For PT .x.-BE, connections 9/10 (GND) Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
are connected directly to the mounting Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA
foot. Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
For PT .x.+F-BE, connections 9/10 (GND) Protection level Up
are connected to the mounting foot via Core-Core ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A)
a gas-filled surge arrester. Core-Ground ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Symmetrical - -
In a 150 Ω system Symmetrical typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz
DATATRAB DT-UFB-485 General data
– Adapter type Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C
Connection method Screw connection Push-in connection
– 9-pos. D-SUB connection
– DIN rail mounting possible by removing Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 
EN 61000-6-3
the cap
Ordering data
Pin assignment DT-UFB-485:
– 3,8 Data line pair 1 T(A)/T(B) Description
Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
voltage UN
– 4,9 Data line pair 2 R(A)/R(B)
MCR-PLUGTRAB, consisting of a plug, base element,
– 2,7 Signal ground (Ground) and DIN rail bus, with screw connection technology
5 V DC PT-IQ-5-HF-5DC-UT 2800797 1
12 V DC PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC-UT 2800799 1
PLUGTRAB, with Push-in connection technology
5 V DC PT-IQ-5-HF-5DC-PT 2801291 1
12 V DC PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC-PT 2801293 1
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging
into base element PT
5 V DC
12 V DC
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10

Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10
DATATRAB adapter, protective adapter for inserting
into the data line

PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications


5-conductor with common reference potential, Pluggable arrester with screw connection, Protective adapter with 9-pos. D-SUB
9/10 connection grounded via gas-filled for five conductors, with common
surge arrestor reference potential

1 2 3 3

1 2
 5 6
8 8

5 6
7 8 2,7 2,7

unprotected  protected 11 12
11 12 4 4

9 10
9 10 * 9 9
3 4
3 4

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 5DC ... 12DC ... 5DC ... 12DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
6 V DC / 4 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC 5.2 V DC / 3.6 V AC 14 V DC / 9.8 V AC 12 V DC
600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) ≤ 380 mA (25°C)

10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA ≤ 5 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 20 kA (in total) ≤ 5 kA
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 10 kA

≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 30 V (C1 - 500 A)

≤ 900 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 900 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A with PT 2X2-BE) ≤ 700 V (C1 - 500 A)

- - typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 50 MHz

typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz - - -

-40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C

Screw connection Push-in connection Screw connection (in connection Screw connection (in connection D-SUB-9
with the base element) with the base element)
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 /  EN 61643-21/A1 / IEC 61643-21/A1 DIN EN 61643-21
EN 61000-6-3

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT-IQ-5-HF+F-5DC-UT 2800798 1
PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-UT 2800801 1

PT-IQ-5-HF+F-5DC-PT 2801292 1
PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801295 1

PT 5-HF- 5 DC-ST 2838762 10

PT 5-HF-12 DC-ST 2838775 10

PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10
PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10

DT-UFB-485/BS 2920612 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1
PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 173
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
V.11/RS-422 interfaces
– For high data transmission rates
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2
– 9/10 connections (GND) are connected
to the mounting foot via a gas-filled
surge arrester
– Connection: Push-in or screw connection
technology Pluggable arrester with screw connection, 5-conductor with common reference potential,
– For high transmission speeds for five conductors, with common 9/10 connection grounded via gas-filled
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling reference potential surge arrestor
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
1 2
Attenuation characteristics at
1 2
5 6 

5 6
7 8
IN OUT 7 8

11 12 unprotected  protected
11 12

9 10
* 9 10
3 4
3 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC
Rated current 450 mA (45°C) 600 mA (40°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground 20 kA (in total) 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A with PT 2X2-BE) ≤ 900 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Symmetrical typ. 60 MHz -
In a 150 Ω system Symm. / asymm. (GND) -/- typ. 60 MHz / typ. 60 MHz
General data
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 
EN 61000-6-3

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
voltage UN
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for inserting
in PT base element
12 V DC PT 5-HF-12 DC-ST 2838775 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10
PLUGTRAB, consisting of plug, base element,
and DIN rail bus with screw connection technology

PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-UT 2800801 1
PLUGTRAB, consisting of plug, base element,
and DIN rail bus with Push-in connection technology

PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801295 1

Accessories Accessories
PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1
Marking material ZBF ..., see page 223


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
TTY interfaces

– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 H
– 9/10 connections (GND) are directly D W
connected to the mounting foot
– Connection: Push-in or screw connection
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– Group message via supply and remote Two double wires (loops), floating, 2 double wires (loops), floating,
signaling module for 20 mA current loops connection 9/10 grounded directly,
Notes: e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop
Attenuation characteristics at

1 2

1 2
5 6  

5 6
3 4 unprotected protected
IN * OUT 3 4
9 10
9 10
7 8
7 8
11 12 
11 12

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC
Rated current 450 mA (45°C) 700 mA (50°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 55 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V (C1 - 1 kV / 500 A with PT 2X2-BE) ≤ 700 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 50 Ω system Symmetrical typ. 4.5 MHz -
General data
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-3 / 
EN 61000-6-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
voltage UN
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for inserting
in PT base element
24 V DC PT 2X2-24DC-ST 2838228 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10

PLUGTRAB, with screw connection technology
PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-UT 2800980 1
PLUGTRAB, with Push-in connection technology
PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-PT 2801263 1

Accessories Accessories
Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10
PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 175
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
PROFIBUS DP fieldbus system
– Multi-stage status monitoring
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– System supplied via DIN rail bus
– Up to 28 protection modules per supply
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Plugs are coded 3-conductor protection for fieldbus and serial 5-conductor with common reference potential,
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug interface, connection 9/10 grounded directly 9/10 connection grounded directly
for maintenance purposes
– PT-IQ...-UT base element with screw
 
connection technology
– PT-IQ...-PT base element with Push-in
connection technology
1 2
– Base element remains an integral part 

of the installation 7

8 5 6
unprotected protected
– Corresponding replacement plugs can be 11

12 7 8

found on our website unprotected  protected

11 12
9 10

9 10
3 4
3 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 5DC ... 12DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 6 V DC / 4 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC 6 V DC / 4 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs - - - -
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 40 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz
Resistance per path 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω 1.2 Ω
General data
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 /  IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 
EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB, with Push-in connection technology

5 V DC PT-IQ-3-PB-PT 2801286 1 PT-IQ-5-HF-5DC-PT 2801291 1
12 V DC PT-IQ-3-HF-12DC-PT 2801288 1 PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC-PT 2801293 1
PLUGTRAB, with screw connection technology
5 V DC PT-IQ-3-PB-UT 2800785 1 PT-IQ-5-HF-5DC-UT 2800797 1
12 V DC PT-IQ-3-HF-12DC-UT 2800786 1 PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC-UT 2800799 1

Accessories Accessories
PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1 PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1 PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
PROFIBUS DP fieldbus system
TERMITRAB complete

– One-piece or pluggable surge protection

– Overall width of just 6.2 mm H
– With Push-in or screw connection D W
– Integrated mechanical status indicator H
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal D W
– Coded plug versions
– With and without knife disconnection
– Optional remote signaling module monitors
up to 40 items, without additional wiring 3-conductor with common reference potential, 3-conductor with common reference potential,
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 3/6 connection grounded directly, one-piece 3/6 connection grounded directly, pluggable

 

1 4 1 4
unprotected protected unprotected protected
2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC / 10 V AC 15 V DC / 10 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (56°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs - -
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 25 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz
Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906732 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906756 1

TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology
and knife disconnection
12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-M-12DC-UT-I 2906721 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-UT-I 2906744 1
TERMITRAB complete, with Push-in connection technology,
without knife disconnection
12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-12DC-PT 1065316 1 TTC-6P-3-HF-12DC-PT-I 1065313 1

Accessories Accessories
Remote signaling set
Push-in connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 1
Screw connection technology TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 177
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
PROFIBUS DP fieldbus system Notes:
PLUGTRAB PT Attenuation characteristics at H
PT 5-HF...
– Protection for PROFIBUS (up to 12 Mbps),
in three- to five-conductor technology
– Cable shield connection with SSA... shield
fast connection
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation Pluggable arrester with screw connection,
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug for five conductors, with common
for test and maintenance purposes reference potential

– Direct use at the PROFIBUS interface
– Data transmission rate up to 12 Mbps
– Integrated termination resistor
7 8

11 12
9 10
3 4

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC
Rated current 450 mA (45°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 15 V
Core-Ground ≤ 15 V
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Symmetrical typ. 60 MHz
General data
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Connection method Screw connection
(in connection with the base element)
Test standards EN 61643-21/A1 / IEC 61643-21/A1

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
voltage UN
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for inserting
in PT base element
5 V DC PT 3-PB-ST 2858030 10
12 V DC PT 3-HF-12DC-ST 2858043 10
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 1X2-BE 2856113 10

DATATRAB, protective device for PROFIBUS DP applications
with up to 12 Mbps

Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications


Pluggable arrester with screw connection, PROFIBUS fine protection with D-SUB 9
for five conductors, with common
reference potential


2B 6 VP
5 6

7 2A 5 GND
11 1B 3 D(P)

9 10
* 1A 8 D(N)
3 4

Technical data Technical data

C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C3 / B2

450 mA (45°C) 250 mA (25°C)

10 kA 350 A
20 kA (in total) 350 A
20 kA 350 A

≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 25 V (C1 - 500 V / 250 A)

≤ 50 V (C3 - 25 A with PT 2X2-BE) ≤ 25 V (C1 - 500 V / 250 A)

≤ 25 V ≤ 14 V
≤ 25 V (with PT 2X2-BE) ≤ 14 V

typ. 60 MHz typ. 70 MHz

-40°C ... 85°C -20°C ... 75°C

Screw connection Screw connection & D-SUB-9
(in connection with the base element)
EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT 5-HF-12 DC-ST 2838775 10

PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10

D-UFB-PB 2880642 1

Accessories Accessories

SSA 3-6 2839295 10

SSA 5-10 2839512 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 179
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
PROFIBUS PA fieldbus system Notes:
For corresponding replacement plugs, visit

TERMITRAB complete
– One-piece or pluggable surge protection
– Tailored to the special requirements
of intrinsically safe circuits
– Overall width of just 6.2 mm H
– Integrated mechanical status indicator D W
– Impedance-neutral insertion and removal
– Coded plug versions
– With knife disconnection
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 3-conductor with common reference potential,
intrinsically safe, one-piece
– Tailored to the special requirements 
of intrinsically safe circuits Ex:   
– Multi-stage status monitoring
– Group message via supply and remote
1 4
signaling module
unprotected protected
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
2 5
– System supplied via DIN rail bus
– Up to 10 protection modules per supply
module 3 6
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design 
– Plugs are coded
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug Technical data
for maintenance purposes Electrical data ... 12DC ... 24DC
– Base element remains an integral part IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
of the installation Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 15 V DC 30 V DC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C)
PLUGTRAB PT 2XEX(I) Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 0.5 kA 0.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
– Tailored to the special requirements Core-Core 5 kA 5 kA
of intrinsically safe circuits Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
– Consistently pluggable signal circuit Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
protection Core-Core ≤ 145 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 150 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to Core-Ground ≤ 750 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 750 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Core-GND ≤ 80 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 80 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
the two-piece design Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
– Base element remains an integral part Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz
of the installation Resistance per path 1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω
General data
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 83.5 mm
for test and maintenance purposes Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2 Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 / 
IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21
Safety data
EC-type examination certificate in accordance with ATEX BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X
Maximum inner capacity Ci negligible negligible
Maximum inner inductance Li negligible negligible
Maximum input current Ii 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C) 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C)
Maximum input voltage Ui 15 V DC 30 V DC
Maximum input power Pi - -

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB complete, with screw connection technology

12 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-EX-12DC-UT-I 2906822 1
24 V DC TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906823 1
MCR-PLUGTRAB, with screw connection technology
24 V DC
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging
into base element PT
24 V DC
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

24 V DC


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications


3-conductor with common reference potential, Double wire (loop), floating, Double-wire protection
intrinsically safe, pluggable connection 9/10 grounded directly, for two intrinsically safe circuits
e.g., for 4 ... 20 mA current loop
  
Ex:    Ex:    Ex:   

1 2
1 4
unprotected protected
2 5 7 8 5 6

3 4
11 12 IN 9 10
unprotected protected 7 8
3 6 9 10

3 4
 11 12

Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 12DC ... 24DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
15 V DC 30 V DC 30 V DC / 21 V AC 30 V DC / 21 V AC
600 mA (40°C) 600 mA (40°C) 350 mA 325 mA (40°C)
0.5 kA 0.5 kA 2 kA 2 kA

5 kA 5 kA 10 kA 10 kA
5 kA 5 kA 10 kA 10 kA
10 kA 10 kA 20 kA 20 kA

≤ 145 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 150 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 60 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 45 V (C1 - 0.5 kV / 250 A)
≤ 1.1 kV (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 750 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 1.3 kV (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) ≤ 1 kV (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
≤ 95 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 80 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) - -

typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 1.1 MHz typ. 1.6 MHz
1.65 Ω 1.65 Ω 1.2 Ω 2.2 Ω

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 100 mm 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm 17.5 mm / 44.8 mm / 51.7 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 85°C
EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / EN 61643-21 /  EN 61643-21/A2 / IEC 61643-21/A2 / EN 61000-6-2 /  EN 61643-21 / EN 60079-0 / EN 60079-11 / 
IEC 60079-0 / IEC 60079-11 / IEC 61643-21 EN 61000-6-3/A1 EN 60079-26 / IEC 61643-21 / IEC 60079-0

BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X BVS 16 ATEX E 125 X BVS 14 ATEX E 020 X KEMA 00ATEX1099 X
negligible negligible negligible 1.3 nF
negligible negligible negligible 1 µH
400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C) 400 mA (T4 / ≤ 50°C) 350 mA 325 mA (T4 / ≤ 80°C)
15 V DC 30 V DC 30 V DC 30 V DC
- - 1.2 W 3W

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-EX-12DC-UT-I 2906826 1
TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906828 1

PT-IQ-1X2-EX-24DC-UT 2801512 1

PT 2XEX(I)-24DC-ST 2838225 10

PT 2XEX(I)-BE 2839279 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 181
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
INTERBUS remote bus Notes:
For approvals and dimensional drawing, visit H
– Surge protection system
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– System supplied via DIN rail bus
– Base element with screw connection
– High transmission speed Pluggable arrester with screw connection,
– Fast response time for five conductors, with common
– High discharge capacity reference potential
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2

– Adapter type
1 2
– 9-pos. D-SUB connection 

– For remote bus modules 5 6

– DIN rail mounting possible by removing 7 8

the cap unprotected  protected
11 12
– D-SUB cable included

9 10

Note: 3 4

PT .x.+F-BE: connections 9/10 (GND)

are connected to the mounting foot via Technical data
a gas-filled surge arrester. Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 6 V DC / 4 V AC
Rated current 600 mA (40°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 30 V (C3 - 25 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 900 V (C3 - 25 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Symmetrical -
In a 150 Ω system Symmetrical typ. 60 MHz
General data
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C
Connection method Screw connection

Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 

EN 61000-6-3

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
voltage UN
MCR-PLUGTRAB, consisting of a plug, base element,
and DIN rail bus, with screw connection technology

5 V DC PT-IQ-5-HF+F-5DC-UT 2800798 1
PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for plugging
into base element PT

PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10

DATATRAB adapter, protective adapter for inserting
into the data line

PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications


Pluggable arrester with screw connection, Protective adapter Protective adapter

for five conductors, with common for 5-conductor remote bus input for 5-conductor remote bus output
reference potential

1 2 7 7
7 7

5 6 I I
2 2 2 2

7 8 3 3 3 3
11 12 I I
6 6 6 6

9 10
* 1
1 1
3 4

Technical data Technical data Technical data

C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
5.2 V DC / 3.6 V AC 5.8 V DC 5.8 V DC
450 mA (45°C) ≤ 180 mA (25°C) ≤ 180 mA (25°C)

10 kA ≤ 5 kA ≤ 5 kA
10 kA ≤ 5 kA ≤ 5 kA
20 kA 10 kA 10 kA

≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 20 V (C1 - 500 A) ≤ 20 V (C1 - 500 A)

≤ 45 V (C3 - 25 A) ≤ 700 V (C1 - 500 A) ≤ 700 V (C1 - 500 A)

typ. 60 MHz ≥ 100 MHz ≥ 100 MHz

- ≥ 100 MHz ≥ 100 MHz

-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C

Screw connection (in connection with the base element) D-SUB-9 D-SUB-9

EN 61643-21/A1 / IEC 61643-21/A1 DIN EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21 DIN EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT 5-HF- 5 DC-ST 2838762 10

PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10

DT-UFB-IB-RB0 2800056 1 DT-UFB-IB-RBI 2800055 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 183
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
for various applications Attenuation characteristics at H
– Protection for fieldbus systems and signal
circuits with three- to five-conductor
– Cable shield connection using SSA...
shield fast connection
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug 5-conductor protection
for test and maintenance purposes for fieldbus and serial interface

Base elements are grounded differently.
For PT .x.-BE, connections 9/10 (GND)
1 2
are connected directly to the mounting
foot. 5 6

For PT .x.+F-BE, connections 9/10 (GND) 7 8

are connected to the mounting foot via IN OUT
a gas-filled surge arrester. 11 12

9 10
3 4

Technical data
Electrical data ... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 /
D1 D1 D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 5.2 V DC / 14 V DC / 28 V DC
3.6 V AC 9.8 V AC
Rated current 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA 20 kA (in total) 10 kA (with
PT 2X2+F-BE)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 10 kA 20 kA (in total) -

Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs

Core-Core ≤ 15 V ≤ 25 V -
Core-Ground ≤ 15 V ≤ 25 V (with -
PT 2X2-BE)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 100 Ω system typ. 60 MHz typ. 60 MHz typ. 70 MHz
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards EN 61643-21/A1 / IEC 61643-21/A1

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PLUGTRAB plug, with protective circuit for inserting

in PT base element
5 V DC PT 5-HF- 5 DC-ST 2838762 10
12 V DC PT 5-HF-12 DC-ST 2838775 10
24 V DC PT 5-HF-24DC-ST 2906002 1
32 V DC
PLUGTRAB base element, for mounting on NS 35

Bridge between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10

Gas-filled surge arrester between 3/4 () and 9/10 PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10

Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications



2 x 2-conductor protection 2 x 2-conductor protection

for 2-wire bus system for FOUNDATION Fieldbus

 
Ex:  Ex: 

1 2 1 2

5 6 5 6

7 8 3 4
11 9 10

9 10 7 8
3 4 11 12

Technical data Technical data

... 5DC ... 12DC ... 24DC
C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
D1 D1 D1
5.2 V DC / 13 V DC / 28 V DC / 36 V DC
3.6 V AC 9 V AC 19.8 V AC
450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 450 mA (45°C) 1.6 A
2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 1 kA

10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 100 A
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

20 kA 20 kA 20 kA -
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

≤ 15 V ≤ 25 V ≤ 45 V ≤ 75 V
- - - -

typ. 70 MHz typ. 70 MHz typ. 70 MHz -

2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 2.2 Ω 1Ω

17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm 17.7 mm / 45 mm / 52 mm

0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 - mm² / - mm² / -
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 EN 61643-21/A1

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PT 2X2-HF- 5 DC-ST 2839567 10

PT 2X2-HF-12 DC-ST 2839570 10
PT 2X2-HF-24 DC-ST 2839729 10
PT 2X2-FF-ST 2800755 10

PT 2X2-BE 2839208 10 PT 4-BE 2839402 10

PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 10 PT 4+F-BE 2839415 10

Accessories Accessories

SSA 3-6 2839295 10 SSA 3-6 2839295 10

SSA 5-10 2839512 10 SSA 5-10 2839512 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 185
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
DSL telecommunications
– Protection for two DSL ports
– Connection: RJ45 (RJ12/RJ11) and plug-in
screw terminal block (COMBICON)
– Alternatively, can be snapped onto a
DIN rail
– Protective circuit:
Coarse/fine protection combination
between all cables of signal wire pairs,
as well as common mode voltage coarse
protection between all signal wires and Attachment plug Attachment plug
ground for two VDSL interfaces (ports) for two SHDSL interfaces (ports)
– Separate ground connection line
– The adapter included enables conversion
 
from RJ45 to RJ11 and RJ12 (for contacting,
see circuit diagram) RJ 45

RJ 12
RJ 45

RJ 45

RJ 12
RJ 45
RJ 11
RJ 12

RJ 11

RJ 11
RJ 12

RJ 11


a1 2 3 4 2 3 4 a1 Aa 2 3 4 2 3 4 Aa

b1 3 4 5 3 4 5 b1 Ab 3 4 5 3 4 5 Ab
IN OUT unprotected protected
a2 1 2 3 1 2 3 a2 Ba 1 2 3 1 2 3 Ba

b2 4 5 6 4 5 6 b2 Bb 4 5 6 4 5 6 Bb

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 185 V DC / 130 V AC 185 V DC / 130 V AC
Rated current ≤ 380 mA (25°C) ≤ 380 mA (25°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core ≤ 5 kA ≤ 5 kA
Core-Ground ≤ 5 kA ≤ 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 250 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 250 V (C1 - 500 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 250 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 580 V (C1 - 500 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 100 Ω system Symmetrical typ. 50 MHz 25 MHz
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 25 mm / 102 mm / 63.5 mm 25 mm / 103 mm / 63 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
Connection method RJ45/COMBICON RJ45/COMBICON
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 ... 1.5 mm² / 28 ... 16
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DATATRAB, protective adapter for insertion in the data cable

DT-TELE-RJ45 2882925 1 DT-TELE-SHDSL 2801593 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
DSL telecommunications
– Multi-stage status monitoring
– Group message via supply and remote
signaling module
– Multi-stage, floating remote signaling
– System supplied via DIN rail bus
– Up to 28 protection modules per supply
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Plugs are coded Double wire (loop), floating,
– Impedance-neutral disconnection of plug connection 9/10 grounded directly,
for maintenance purposes e.g., for DSL applications
– PT-IQ...-UT base element with screw

connection technology
– PT-IQ...-PT base element with Push-in
connection technology
– Base element remains an integral part
of the installation 7
unprotected protected
– Corresponding replacement plugs can be 11

found on our website
9 10

3 4

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 / B2
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 180 V DC
Rated current 150 mA (25°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 2.5 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 290 V (C3 - 50 A)
Core-Ground ≤ 700 V (C3 - 50 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 150 Ω system typ. 25 MHz
Resistance per path 1.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 91.1 mm / 77.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 70°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 61000-6-2 / 
EN 61000-6-3
Remote indication contact via DIN rail connector

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-UT 2800769 1
Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-PT 2801290 1

Replacement plug
PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-P 2800782 1
PLUGTRAB, supply and remote signaling module

Screw connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 1

Push-in connection technology PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 187
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
DSL telecommunications Notes:
PT 2-TELE Attenuation characteristics at H
– For analog telecommunications
– Two-piece, pluggable
– Universal use
– High discharge capacity
– Plugs can be tested with CHECKMASTER 2

3-conductor protection for DSL (ISDN Uk0)

applications with common reference potential


7 8

IN 11 12 OUT

9 10

3 4

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 185 V DC / 130 V AC
Rated current 450 mA AC (45°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 10 kA
Core-Ground 10 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 18 kA
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 18 kA
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 300 V
Core-Ground ≤ 300 V
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Symmetrical in the 100 Ω system typ. 20 MHz
Resistance per path 2.2 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 90 mm / 65.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

consisting of plug and base element
PT 2-TELE 2882828 10

Replacement plug
PT 2-TELE-ST 2838733 10
Shield fast connection
For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
DSL telecommunications

– For surface mounting

– Three TAE6 slots
– For two N-coded and one F-coded end
– Suitable for ADSL and VDSL
– Main areas of application: phone terminals,
answering machines, modems, and fax

TAE outlet box (NFN) for VDSL


4 5 6
b2 3 2 1

4 5 6
3 2 1

4 5 6
La N
3 2 1

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Nominal voltage UN 60 V DC
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 185 V DC
Rated current 450 mA (≤ 40°C)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA
Core-Ground 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 250 V (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
Core-Ground ≤ 500 V (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Core ≤ 250 V
Core-Ground ≤ 450 V
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 600 Ω system Core-Core typ. 2 MHz
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 65 mm / 27 mm / 80 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C
Connection method Screw connection & TAE 6
Test standards DIN EN 61643-21 / IEC 61643-21

Ordering data

Description For country-specific use in Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TAE outlet box (NFN) with surge protection

for analog telecommunications interfaces

Surface-mounted socket D TAE-TRAB FM-NFN-AP 2749628 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 189
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
For telecommunications and
measurement and control interfaces
COMTRAB modular
– Space-saving LSA-PLUS connection
– Can be used in LSA-PLUS disconnect and
control strips or CT-TERMIBLOCK
– The CTM 10-MAG surge protection
magazine can be fitted with ten different
protective plugs

Double wire (loop), floating 2-conductor,

with common reference potential

 

1 1' 1 1'


2 2' 2 2'

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... 110AC ... 110AC
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 60 V DC / 125 V AC 60 V DC / 125 V AC
Rated current 380 mA AC (25°C) 380 mA AC (25°C)
Pulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) µs 1 kA 1 kA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Core 5 kA -
Core-Ground 5 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA 10 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Core ≤ 260 V (C3 - 100 A) -
Core-Ground ≤ 800 V (C3 - 100 A) ≤ 260 V (C3 - 100 A)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Resistance per path 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 9.4 mm / 21 mm / 52.4 mm 9.4 mm / 21 mm / 52.4 mm
Temperature range -25°C ... 75°C -25°C ... 75°C
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

COMTRAB modular, surge protection for a double wire

with coarse and fine protection and ohmic decoupling,
110 V AC CTM 1X2-110AC 2838539 10 CTM 2X1-110AC 2838526 10
180 V DC
COMTRAB modular, surge protection for the ISDN S0 interface

6 V DC

Accessories Accessories
Magazine, with grounding rail for accommodating
up to 10 LSA-PLUS protective plugs (CTM...),
for insertion in CT-TERMIBLOCK or LSA-PLUS disconnect strip

CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5 CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5

Grounding plug
CTM EST 2838649 10 CTM EST 2838649 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications

2-conductor, 2-conductor, coarse protection, 2-conductor, coarse protection,

with common reference potential with failsafe contact with failsafe contact and current protection

  

1 1' 1 1' 1 1'



2 2' 2 2' 2 2'


Technical data Technical data Technical data

B2 / C2 / C3 / D1 / C1 A2 / B1 / B2 / B3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 / D2 A2 / B1 / B2 / B3 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 / D2
± 6 V DC ± 180 V DC ± 180 V DC
1.5 A (25°C) 1.5 A (25°C) 120 mA (25°C)
1 kA 1 kA 1 kA

350 A - -
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

≤ 18 V (C3 - 7.5 kV/100 A) - -

≤ 700 V (C3 - 7.5 kV / 100 A, spike) ≤ 1 kV (C3 - 7.5 kV / 100 A, spike) ≤ 1 kV (C3 - 7.5 kV / 100 A, spike)

- - 5.5 Ω

9.5 mm / 21 mm / 53.5 mm 9.5 mm / 21 mm / 53.5 mm 9.5 mm / 21 mm / 53.5 mm

-25°C ... 75°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CTM 2X1-180DC-GS 2838636 10 CTM 2X1-180DC-GS-P 2838623 10

CTM ISDN 2838555 10

Accessories Accessories Accessories

CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5 CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5 CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5

CTM EST 2838649 10 CTM EST 2838649 10 CTM EST 2838649 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 191
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
LSA-PLUS coarse protection

– For use in CT-TERMIBLOCK or in

LSA-PLUS and LSA-PROFIL disconnect
and terminal strips

CT 10-2/2-GS
– For fitting with 20 two-electrode arresters
filled with inert gas
– Common mode voltage coarse protection
for 20 signal wires
For 10 double wires (loops) For 10 double wires (loops)
CT ...-2/2-GS/3E and 20 two-electrode GDTs and 10 three-electrode GDTs
– Fitted with up to 10 three-electrode
arresters filled with inert gas
 
– When the gas-filled arrester is triggered,
the potentials of the three connections
b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b8/b10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b8/b10
a-b- are equalized
– Coarse protection both in the normal
mode voltage branch and the common
mode voltage branch for 10 double wires
For dimensional drawings, see

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a8/a10 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a8/a10

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Coarse protection magazine, to accommodate

20 two-electrode gas-filled surge arresters, type H, unassembled,
model: 10 double wires
CT 10-2/2-GS 2765398 5
Coarse protection magazine, for 10 double wires
unassembled, for accommodating CT 10-2/2-GS/3E 2765408 5
10 three-electrode gas-filled surge arresters
assembled, with 10 three-electrode gas-filled 110 V AC CT 10-2/2-GS/3E-110AC 2920829 10
surge arresters

Accessories Accessories
2-electrode gas-filled surge arrester filled with inert gas,
type H, for use in CT 10-2/2-GS coarse protection magazine

48 V AC SVP 2E- 48AC 2788919 10

110 V AC SVP 2E-110AC 2765534 10
3-electrode gas-filled surge arrester filled with inert gas,
for use in CT 10-2/2-GS/3E coarse protection magazine

110 V AC SVP 3E-110AC 2765521 10


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for information technology and telecommunications
– Screw terminal block
– For COMTRAB protective plugs
– Automatically closing feed-through/
disconnect contacts
– Ground terminal blocks on both sides
with plug-in connection for the protective
plugs used
– Mounting on DIN rails in accordance
with EN 60715
For accommodating the CT and CTM Magazine for 10 CTM
protective plugs, with screw connection
Technical data Technical data
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 118 mm / 43 mm / 40.9 mm 112.5 mm / 21.8 mm / 44 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2...2.5 mm² / 0.2...2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12 - mm² / - mm² / -
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C -25°C ... 75°C
Degree of protection in acc. with IEC 60529/EN 60529 IP20 IP20
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V2 V-0

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CT-TERMIBLOCK 10 DA 0441711 10
Magazine, with grounding rail for accommodating
up to 10 LSA-PLUS protective plugs (CTM...),
for insertion in CT-TERMIBLOCK or LSA-PLUS disconnect strip

CTM 10-MAG 2838610 5

COMTRAB disconnect strip

– LSA-PLUS disconnect strip

– For COMTRAB protective plugs
– For up to 10 CTM plugs
For dimensional drawings, see

For accommodating the CT and CTM Ground rail for CTM protective plug
protective plugs, with LSA-PLUS connection

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

LSA-PLUS disconnect strip for accommodating the CTM and

CT 10 protection modules, model: 10 double wires

CT 10-TL 2765356 5
Ground rail for CTM protective plug when used in combination
with LSA-PLUS disconnect strip, model: 10 double wires

CT 1-10-ES 2765547 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 193
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

You won't lose reception with Cables with a coaxial structure and Thanks to interface-optimized surge
COAXTRAB therefore favorable EMC properties are protective devices, the COAXTRAB
Transceiver systems are generally primarily used in antenna systems. However, product range significantly increases safety
considered to be particularly susceptible the risk of surge voltage coupling in antenna for transceiver equipment. The aim of such
to surge voltages. Antenna cables which cables and potential transfer through to the safety measures is to increase the availability
extend beyond a building and are usually sensitive interfaces of transceiver systems and operability of the devices affected.
very long, plus the antennas themselves, is not eliminated.
are directly exposed to atmospherical  Your web code: #0146


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

Shielding Customized products Performance classes

Good shielding properties are vital for a Appropriate protective devices are The protective devices conform to
clean transmission. The robust metal housings available for all applications including SAT standards in all performance classes. This
provide ideal shielding properties and are receiver systems, mobile phones, and video applies for coarse protection in accordance
also suitable for use in harsh industrial monitoring. with Category D1, 10/350 μs and for fine
environments. The very low attenuation values ensure protection in accordance with Category C2
that data transmission is clean. and C1, 8/20 μs.

Connection technology
The right connection technology to suit
the application: F connector, TV connector,
type N, 7/16, BNC, SMA.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 195
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

Selection guide
The interface matrix indicates the Technology Interface Connection
suitable surge protective device for a technology
specific interface.
1) The PT-IQ-PTB-UT supply module Type N
(900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
is required in order to operate the
PT-IQ series.
Type N
supply) (900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

Explanation of the IEC categories WiMAX, LTE (2.4 ... 6 GHz) Type N

LPZ Test category Test class GSM, Industrial Wireless (2.4 GHz) Type SMA
zone for SPD for SPD
in acc. with in acc. with Satellite television
IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-11 Type F
(upstream of the antenna distributor)

0/1 D1 I Type F
Satellite television
1/2 C2 II (upstream of the SAT receiver or TV)
Type F + IEC
2/3 C1 III
Type IEC
Interface-based product selection Cable/terrestrial TV
for surge protection Type F + IEC
The STOP-IT (Selection of Protection
for Information Technology) selection
guide provides support in choosing your Video monitoring (coaxial connection) Type BNC
surge protection solution for a variety of Powe

additional interfaces in information and

MCR technology. Video monitoring (2-wire connection)
 Your web code: #2079

Screw connection

Schuko plug-in connection

Coaxial plug-in connection


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

IEC category Protected Surge protective device (SPD) Order No. Page

D1/C2/C3 2 CN-UB-280DC-3 2801050 / 2801051 200

D1/C2/C3 2 CN-UB-70-6 2803166 / 2803153 200

D1/C2/C3 2 CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25 2801057 / 2801056 202

D1/C2/C3 2 CN-LAMBDA/4-5.9 2838490 / 2800023 202

D1/C2/C3 2 CSMA-LAMBDA/4-2.0-BS-SET 2800491 202

D1/C2/C1 5x2 C-SAT-BOX 2880561 204

D1/C2/C1 2 C-TV-SAT 2856993 204

D1/C2/C3 & T3 2 MNT-TV-SAT 2882297 88

D1/C2/C1 2 C-TV/HIFI 2857002 204

D1/C2/C3 & T3 2 MNT-TV-SAT 2882297 88

D1/C2/C3 2 C-UFB-5DC/E 2782300 200

D1/C2/C3 2 C-UFB-5DC/E 75 2763604 200

D1/C2/C1 2 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-5DC-UT 2800798 173

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 197
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

Protection of video signals





2797858 2858043 and 2856113
Page 201 Page 168

Protection of the SAT antenna connection





28 80 561

In = 2,5 kA
Surge voltage protection

= 47 - 2200 MHz
Uc = 20 V DC


Page 204

Protection of the cable TV connection



Page 89


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

Protection of antenna signals




CN-UB-280DC-3-BB Optional CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25-BB

2801050 2801057
Page 200 Page 202

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 199
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems
Antenna systems

– For antennas with N and BNC connection

– High transmission capacities even for
frequencies up to 6 GHz
– Mounting plate enables fixed mounting,
e.g., in a control cabinet
– The protective adapters can also be used
in a 75 Ω system with 50 Ω BNC connectors
– For the CN-UB-280DC, the gas-filled
surge arrester can be replaced in case
of malfunction For GSM systems (0 - 3 GHz), grounded shield, For GSM systems (0 - 6 GHz), grounded shield,
connection: type N connection: type N
Attenuation characteristics at
 

6 6

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 280 V DC 70 V DC / 50 V AC
Rated current 5 A (25°C) 10 A

Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs

Core-Shield 20 kA 5 kA
Core-Ground 20 kA 5 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 20 kA 5 kA
Protection level Up
Core-Shield ≤ 900 V ≤ 800 V
(C1 - 1 kV/500 A) (C2 - 4 kV / 2 kA)
Core-Ground ≤ 900 V ≤ 800 V
(C1 - 1 kV/500 A) (C2 - 4 kV / 2 kA)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Asymmetrical in the 50 Ω system > 3 GHz > 6 GHz
Standing wave ratio SWR in a 50 Ω system typ. 1.15 (≤ 3 GHz) typ. 1.15 (≤ 6 GHz)
Permissible. RF power Pmax 700 W (VSWR = 1.1) 30 W (VSWR = 1.15)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 31 mm / 33.5 mm / - 24 mm / 24 mm / 50 mm
Temperature range -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 90°C
Degree of protection in acc. with IEC 60529/EN 60529 IP55 IP68
Connection method N connector 50 Ω N connector 50 Ω
Test standards IEC 61643-21/A1 / EN 61643-21/A1 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

COAXTRAB, protective adapter for antenna connections

Female-female CN-UB-280DC-3-BB 2801050 1 CN-UB-70DC-6-BB 2803166 1

Male-female CN-UB-280DC-3-SB 2801051 1 CN-UB-70DC-6-SB 2803153 1
COAXTRAB, as surge protection for coaxial cables,
connection via male and female connectors

BNC 50 Ω
BNC 75 Ω
BNC 50 Ω

Accessories Accessories
Mounting plate, for individual attachment to housing panels

straight CN-UB/MP 2818135 10 CN-UB/MP 2818135 10

angled CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 1 CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 1
Adapter, insertion loss <0.3 dB at 2.4 GHz

N (male) -> SMA (female) RAD-ADP-N/M-SMA/F 2917036 1 RAD-ADP-N/M-SMA/F 2917036 1

Adapter cable (pigtail)
0.3 m, N (female) -> SMA (male) RAD-PIG-EF316-N-SMA 2867694 1 RAD-PIG-EF316-N-SMA 2867694 1
0.5 m, N (female) -> RSMA (male) RAD-PIG-EF316-N-RSMA 2701402 1 RAD-PIG-EF316-N-RSMA 2701402 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

For TETRA systems (380 MHz - 470 MHz), For video systems, floating shield, For video systems, floating shield,
floating shield, connection: type N coarse protection, connection: BNC connection: BNC

  


Technical data Technical data Technical data

... 5DC/E ... 24DC/E ... 5DC/E 75
C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1
180 V DC / 130 V AC 180 V DC / 130 V AC 5 V DC 30 V DC 5 V DC
5A 3.5 A 185 mA (25°C) 185 mA (25°C) 185 mA
(25°C) (25°C) (25°C)

5 kA 5 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
5 kA 5 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
10 kA 10 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA

≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 25 V ≤ 50 V ≤ 25 V
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A)
≤ 500 V ≤ 500 V ≤ 500 V ≤ 500 V ≤ 500 V
(C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) (C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A) (C3 - 10 A)

typ. 1 GHz typ. 1 GHz typ. 90 MHz typ. 90 MHz typ. 80 MHz
typ. 1.2 (≤ 200 MHz) typ. 1.3 (≤ 150 MHz) -
300 W (VSWR = 1.1) 300 W (VSWR = 1.1) -

25.4 mm / 25.4 mm / 96 mm 25.4 mm / 25.4 mm / 80 mm 25.4 mm / 93 mm / -

-40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C -40°C ... 80°C
IP20 IP20 IP20
N connector 50 Ω BNC 50 Ω BNC 50 Ω BNC 50 Ω BNC 75 Ω
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CN-UB/E-BB 2817686 1
CN-UB/E 2763691 1 C-UB/E 2763701 10

C-UFB- 5DC/E 2782300 10

C-UFB- 5DC/E 75 2763604 10
C-UFB-24DC/E 2782313 10

Accessories Accessories Accessories

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 201
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems
Antenna systems

– For antennas with N and SMA connection

– High transmission capacities even for
frequencies up to 6 GHz
– Maintenance-free surge protection with
Lambda/4 technology
– Low protection level
Attenuation characteristics at

For TETRA systems (380 MHz - 470 MHz), For GSM systems (0.8 GHz - 2.25 GHz),
grounded shield, connection: type N grounded shield, connection: type N

 

λ/4 λ/4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1
Rated current 5 A (25°C) -
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Shield 20 kA 50 kA
Core-Ground 20 kA 50 kA
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 30 kA -
Protection level Up
Core-Ground ≤ 95 V (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) ≤ 5 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Core-Shield ≤ 95 V (C2 - 10 kV / 5 kA) ≤ 5 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A)
Frequency range 380 MHz ... 470 MHz 0.8 GHz ... 2.25 GHz
Standing wave ratio SWR in a 50 Ω system typ. 1.05 (≤ 1,15) typ. 1.2
Permissible. RF power Pmax ≤ 800 W ≤ 500 W
General data
Temperature range -40°C ... 90°C -40°C ... 85°C
Degree of protection in acc. with IEC 60529/EN 60529 IP68 IP68
Connection method N connector N connector 50 Ω
Test standards IEC 61643-21 IEC 61643-21/A1 / EN 61643-21/A1

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

COAXTRAB, protective adapter for antenna connections

with Lambda/4 technology
Female-female CN-LAMBDA/4-0.47-BB 2800021 1 CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25-BB 2801057 1
Male-female CN-LAMBDA/4-0.47-SB 2800022 1 CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25-SB 2801056 1
Surge protection for UMTS and quad-band GSM antenna,
with SMA plug and SMA coupling

Accessories Accessories
Mounting plate, for individual attachment to housing panels

straight CN-UB/MP 2818135 10

angled CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 1 CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 1
Adapter, insertion loss <0.3 dB at 2.4 GHz

N (male) -> SMA (female) RAD-ADP-N/M-SMA/F 2917036 1 RAD-ADP-N/M-SMA/F 2917036 1

Adapter cable (pigtail)
0.3 m, N (female) -> SMA (male) RAD-PIG-EF316-N-SMA 2867694 1 RAD-PIG-EF316-N-SMA 2867694 1
0.5 m, N (female) -> RSMA (male) RAD-PIG-EF316-N-RSMA 2701402 1 RAD-PIG-EF316-N-RSMA 2701402 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

For GSM systems (0.8 GHz - 2.25 GHz), For GSM and WiMAX systems (2.4 GHz - 5.9 GHz),
grounded shield, connection: SMA grounded shield, connection: type N

 

λ/4 λ/4

Technical data Technical data

C2 / C3 / D1 C2 / C3 / D1
2 A (25°C) 5 A (25°C)

6 kA 50 kA
6 kA 50 kA
6 kA 60 kA

≤ 5 V (C1 - 1 kV/500 A) ≤ 11 V (6 kV / 3 kA)

- ≤ 11 V (6 kV / 3 kA)
0.8 GHz ... 2.25 GHz 2.4 GHz ... 5.9 GHz
≤ 1.2 (0.8 GHz ... 2.25 GHz) typ. 1.1 (≤ 1.20 (2.4 GHz...5.9 GHz))
≤ 110 W (VSWR = 1.0) ≤ 500 W

-40°C ... 70°C -40°C ... 90°C

IP55 IP68
SMA connector N connector
IEC 61643-21/A1 / EN 61643-21/A1 IEC 61643-21

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CN-LAMBDA/4-5.9-BB 2838490 1
CN-LAMBDA/4-5.9-SB 2800023 1

CSMA-LAMBDA/4-2.0-BS-SET 2800491 1

Accessories Accessories

CN-UB/MP 2818135 10
CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 1 CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 1

RAD-ADP-N/M-SMA/F 2917036 1

RAD-PIG-EF316-N-RSMA 2701402 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 203
Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems
TV and radio systems Notes:
Attenuation characteristics at

– Protection for antenna inputs in satellite
receiver technology
– Use upstream of antenna distributor
or multi-switch
– Analog and digital SAT signals
– Terrestrial antenna signals
– Direct wall mounting supported

C-TV-SAT and C-TV/HIFI For antenna distributor or multi-switch,

– Protective adapter for antenna connections grounded shield, connection: F
– Use on broadband cable or SAT connection
– TV (IEC) or F connector


Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 20 V DC
Rated current 400 mA
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Shield 2.5 kA
Core-Ground -
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 10 kA
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Shield ≤ 80 V
Core-Ground -
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
In a 75 Ω system Symm. / asymm. (shield) - / > 2.5 GHz
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 144.9 mm / 31.5 mm / 71.5 mm
Temperature range -25°C ... 55°C
Degree of protection in acc. with IEC 60529/EN 60529 IP40
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 -
Connection method F connector
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 50083-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

COAXTRAB, protective device for antenna distributors/

multi-switches for insertion in the antenna line

C-SAT-BOX 2880561 1
surge protection adapter
F connector
TV connector

Adapter, to connect the C-SAT-BOX with antenna distributors
with a pitch of 20 mm (e.g. ASTRO, SPAUN)


Connection cable, to connect the C-SAT-BOX
with the antenna distributor, length: 0.2 m
KBL-SAT/20 2880985 5


Surge protection and interference filters
Surge protection for transceiver systems

For TV equipment and SAT systems,

grounded shield, connection: F or TV (IEC)

Technical data
F-connector TV connector
C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 C1 / C2 / C3 / D1
24 V DC 24 V DC
1.5 A (25°C) 1.5 A (25°C)

2.5 kA 2.5 kA

- -

≤ 600 V ≤ 600 V

- / > 3 GHz - / > 1 GHz

28 mm / 44 mm / 66 mm
-25°C ... 75°C
F connector PAL-TV (IEC 169-2)
IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / EN 50083

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

C-TV-SAT 2856993 1
C-TV/HIFI 2857002 1


For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 205
Surge protection and interference filters
Interference suppression filters

Reliable signals by means of Interference voltage filters for

interference suppression filters power supply units
with integrated surge protection Interference suppression filters limit
High-frequency interference can also be conducted high-frequency interference
caused by power electronics equipment. voltages. Devices used in data processing
Switching operations triggered mechanically or automation particularly benefit from a
or electronically generate pulse-like and clean power supply. The end result is safe
high-frequency interference voltages. operation and reliable measured results.
These voltages spread unimpeded across Thanks to the integrated surge protection,
the cable network. All the devices within surge pulses are effectively limited and surge
this cable network are affected. Data errors, currents are safely discharged.
uncontrolled functions, and system crashes
can result, with data processing devices
at particular risk.  Your web code: #0149


Surge protection and interference filters
Interference suppression filters

Mains interference filters – Operating Operating range of filters Interference suppression filters with
principle and range An attenuation curve diagram illustrates surge protection
the effective operating range of mains Interference suppression filters with
Filtering of symmetrical disturbance
interference filters. The relevant integrated surge protection have two tasks:
frequency-dependent attenuation can be they absorb transient overvoltages and also
read according to the symmetrical or limit high-frequency interference voltages
X - Interference voltages between the
asymmetrical filter circuit. and interference currents.
phase and neutral conductor are filtered.
Versions are available for the power
Filtering of asymmetrical disturbance supply and for signal circuits.
Y1,Y2 - The opposite grounded interference
voltages from phase to PE and from the
neutral conductor to PE are filtered.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 207
Surge protection and interference filters
Interference suppression filters
DIN-rail-mountable device protection
with interference suppression filter,
SFP filter
– Combined protective circuit for absorbing
transient surge voltages and high-frequency
interference voltages
– Thermal monitoring of the protective
– Disconnection status signaled via floating
remote indication contact
– Can be installed in industrial environments

20 A nominal current

Total width 112 mm

NO 14
COM 11
NC 12




Technical data
Electrical data ... 120AC ... 230AC
IEC test classification / EN type / SPD type (UL) - / T3 / 2CA - / T3 / -
Nominal voltage UN 120 V AC (TN) / 240 V AC (TN) /
120 V AC (TT - only in use 240 V AC (TT - only in use
with RCD) / with RCD) /
120 V AC (IT) 240 V AC (IT - only in use
with RCD)
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 150 V AC 264 V AC
Nominal load current IL 20 A (40°C) 20 A (40°C)
Combined surge UOC 6 kV (3 kA) 10 kV (5 kA)
Protection level Up ≤ 0.45 kV ≤ 1 kV
Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Maximum backup fuse in acc. with IEC 20 A (MCB B/general purpose) 20 A (MCB B/general purpose)
Input attenuation aI
Symmetrical 20 dB (≥ 100 kHz / 50 Ω) 20 dB (≥ 100 kHz / 50 Ω)
Asymmetrical 30 dB (≥ 1 MHz / 50 Ω) 30 dB (≥ 1 MHz / 50 Ω)
Inductance 2x 1 mH ±30% 2x 1 mH ±30%
(with current compensation) (with current compensation)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 112 mm / 86.6 mm / 79 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 2.5 mm² ... 6 mm² / 2.5 mm² ... 4 mm² / 14 ... 10
Temperature range -25°C ... 70°C -25°C ... 70°C
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V-0
Test standards IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Remote indication contact PDT contact

Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 26 ... 16
Max. operating voltage 250 V AC / 250 V DC
Max. operating current 1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SFP-TRAB, DIN-rail-mountable device protection TVSS

with integrated mains interference filter and visual signaling

Nominal current: 20 A 120 V AC SFP 1-20/120AC 2856702 1

Nominal current: 20 A 240 V AC SFP 1-20/230AC 2859987 1
SFP-TRAB, DIN-rail-mountable device protection
with integrated mains interference filter and visual signaling

Nominal current: 5 A 120 V AC

Nominal current: 10 A 120 V AC
Nominal current: 15 A 120 V AC


Surge protection and interference filters
Interference suppression filters


5 A nominal current 10 A nominal current 15 A nominal current

Total width 112 mm Total width 112 mm Total width 112 mm

NO 14 NO 14 NO 14
COM 11 COM 11 COM 11
NC 12 NC 12 NC 12




Technical data Technical data Technical data

- / T3 / 2CA - / T3 / 2CA - / T3 / 2CA

120 V AC (TN) / 120 V AC (TN) / 120 V AC (TN) /
120 V AC (TT - only in use with RCD) / 120 V AC (TT - only in use with RCD) / 120 V AC (TT - only in use with RCD) /
120 V AC (IT) 120 V AC (IT) 120 V AC (IT)

150 V AC 150 V AC 150 V AC

5 A (70°C) 10 A (60°C) 15 A (50°C)
6 kV (3 kA) 6 kV (3 kA) 6 kV (3 kA)
≤ 0.45 kV ≤ 0.45 kV ≤ 0.45 kV
≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
20 A (MCB B/general purpose) 20 A (MCB B/general purpose) 20 A (MCB B/general purpose)

20 dB (≥ 100 kHz / 50 Ω) 20 dB (≥ 100 kHz / 50 Ω) 20 dB (≥ 100 kHz / 50 Ω)

30 dB (≥ 1 MHz / 50 Ω) 30 dB (≥ 1 MHz / 50 Ω) 30 dB (≥ 1 MHz / 50 Ω)
2x 1 mH ±30% (with current compensation) 2x 1 mH ±30% (with current compensation) 2x 1 mH ±30% (with current compensation)

112 mm / 86.6 mm / 79 mm 112 mm / 86.6 mm / 79 mm 112 mm / 86.6 mm / 79 mm

2.5 mm² ... 6 mm² / 2.5 mm² ... 4 mm² / 14 ... 10 2.5 mm² ... 6 mm² / 2.5 mm² ... 4 mm² / 14 ... 10 2.5 mm² ... 6 mm² / 2.5 mm² ... 4 mm² / 14 ... 10
-25°C ... 70°C -25°C ... 70°C -25°C ... 70°C
V-0 V-0 V-0
IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

PDT contact PDT contact PDT contact

0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 26 ... 16 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 26 ... 16 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 0.14 mm² ... 1.5 mm² / 26 ... 16
250 V AC / 250 V DC 250 V AC / 250 V DC 250 V AC / 250 V DC
1 A AC / 1 A DC 1 A AC / 1 A DC 1 A AC / 1 A DC

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

SFP 1-5/120AC 2920667 1

SFP 1-10/120AC 2920670 1
SFP 1-15/120AC 2920683 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 209
Surge protection and interference filters
Interference suppression filters
Attenuation characteristics at H
– Combined protective circuit for absorbing
transient surge voltages and high-frequency
interference voltages
– With spring-cage connection
– Disconnection of signal circuits by
disconnect knife

Protection for two conductors

with a common reference potential

Total width 6.2 mm

1 3


2 4

Technical data
Electrical data
IEC test classification/EN type C1 / C3
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 38 V DC / 30 V AC

Rated current 500 mA (55°C)

Nominal discharge current In (8/20) µs
Core-Ground 350 A (per path)
Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) µs 700 A
Max. discharge current Imax. (8/20) µs 1.5 kA (per path)
Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs
Core-Ground ≤ 70 V (per path)
Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB)
Asymmetrical in the 50 Ω system typ. 60 kHz
Resistance per path 0.5 Ω
Inductance per path typ. 100 µH
Capacity per path typ. 130 nF
General data
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 ... 12
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Degree of protection in acc. with IEC 60529/EN 60529 IP20
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V-0
Test standards IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21

Ordering data

Description Voltage UN Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TERMITRAB, spring-cage terminal block with integrated

surge protection as a filter circuit and disconnect knives,
for mounting on NS 35
24 V AC TT-ST-M-SFP-24AC 2858946 10

Cover, for terminating a row of terminal blocks
TT-D-STTCO-BK 2858894 50


Surge protection and interference filters
Interference suppression filters
– Low-pass filters for nominal currents
of 1 to 10 A
– For single-phase circuits
– DIN rail module
Attenuation characteristics at

1 A / 3 A nominal current 6 A / 10 A nominal current

 
Total width 25 mm Total width 40 mm

1 3 1 3


2 4 2 4

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data NEF 1- 1 NEF 1- 3 NEF 1- 6 NEF 1-10
Rated voltage 240 V AC (L-N) 240 V AC (L-N) 240 V AC (L-N) 240 V AC (L-N)
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 264 V AC (L-N) / 264 V AC (L-N) / 264 V AC (L-N) / 264 V AC (L-N) /
264 V AC (L-PE) 264 V AC (L-PE) 264 V AC (L-PE) 264 V AC (L-PE)
Rated current 1 A (40°C) 3 A (40°C) 6 A (40°C) 10 A (40°C)
Maximum backup fuse in acc. with IEC 1 A (gL) 3 A (gL) 6.3 A (gL/C) 10 A (gL)
Inductance 2x 10 mH 2x 2.7 mH 2x 2.7 mH 2x 1.8 mH
Input attenuation aI
Symmetrical > 65 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz) > 55 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz) > 80 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz) > 80 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz)
Asymmetrical > 45 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz) > 35 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz) > 40 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz) > 40 dB (50 Ω / 1 MHz)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 25 mm / 79.4 mm / 84.15 mm 40 mm / 79.4 mm / 84.1 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 0.2 ... 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Temperature range -25°C ... 100°C (HMF) -25°C ... 100°C (HMF)
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V-2 V-2
Test standards IEC 60939-2 / EN 60939-2 IEC 60939-2 / EN 60939-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Nominal load
Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
current IL
FILTRAB, interference suppression filter for single-phase
current circuits, for mounting on NS 32 or NS 35...
1A NEF 1- 1 2794123 10
3A NEF 1- 3 2794110 10
6A NEF 1- 6 2783082 5
10 A NEF 1-10 2788977 5

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 211
Surge protection and interference filters

Clear insight into the system How does ImpulseCheck work? Benefit from digital added value
ImpulseCheck is the world’s first intelligent ImpulseCheck enables the continuous The cloud-based evaluation of measured
assistance system for surge protection in monitoring of SPDs. Thanks to external data enables the direct use of new digital
the field of mains protection. The module sensor cables, the system can be easily services. Status messages regarding surge
allows you to measure the state of health installed or retrofitted in both new and protection can be displayed on any web-
of every single protective device via cloud existing systems. It takes just a few simple enabled device. For example, you can configure
connection and provides new digital services. steps to attach up to 4 sensors to the custom notifications for various events in
connecting cables of the monitored SPD. PROFICLOUD or create standard-compliant
Optimum protection for sensitive
Surge currents with a very high time status reports at the push of a button.
resolution are captured on each channel. Thanks to the ongoing further development
In many cases, SPDs can limit surge
Both high-frequency events and sustained of new and existing devices for PROFICLOUD
voltages and discharge surge currents
currents are measured reliably. as well as the platform itself, it will be possible
without your system sustaining any damage.
Electromagnetic interference is detected, to network a wide range of applications and
Depending on the number, duration, and
allocated a time stamp, and transmitted to services in the future.
amplitude of the surge currents, SPDs may
PROFICLOUD. Important parameters are
be pushed to their very limits and fail. Other
evaluated and indicated from the signal
faults in the electrical installation, such as
curves for surge current events. In addition,  Your web code: #2095
short circuits or ground faults, can also
the remote indication contact of the
contribute to the failure of SPDs. A failure
monitored SPD can be evaluated.
is indicated by a status indicator on the
For Phoenix Contact SPDs, the actual
SPD itself and additional remote signaling,
load is determined at all times based on
if necessary.
the recorded events. The determined
The current, actual load on the SPDs
status (green, yellow, red) is displayed in
can only be determined by performing an
PROFICLOUD as well as on the device
electrical test on the individual modules.
itself. This allows you to respond proactively
However, this is laborious and only provides
before an SPD actually fails.
an insight into the state of the SPDs at
the time of testing.


Surge protection and interference filters
Intelligent assistance system Notes:
for surge protection ImpulseCheck is supplied without sensors. They must be ordered

ImpulseCheck IPCH
– Determination and display of remaining
service life (state of health) for each
monitored mode of protection in
– Multi-stage state of health signaling for
each monitored mode of protection
directly on the device
– Real-time measurement of surge
currents and detection of electromagnetic Evaluation and communication unit,
interference in order to diagnose problems for up to 4 sensors, Ethernet via RJ45
in the system
– Automatic calculation of amplitude,
charge, and specific energy
– Measurement of multiple pulses and
sustained currents







– Display and retrieval of waveforms for IN
4 2
individual recorded surge current events 6 3 SPD

– Cloud-based notification on status change IN/

+24 V
+24 V
of the monitored modes of protection ETH
24V DC
– Additional interface for integrating the  
SPD remote indication contact FE IN/OUT +24 V 0V

– Configuration of network connection

via local web server Technical data
– Power supply via screw connection or Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature (operation) -35°C ... 85°C
DIN rail connector Degree of protection IP20
– Easy installation, even when retrofitting, General technical data
thanks to separate sensor cable Mounting type DIN rail: 35 mm
Operating voltage 24 V DC (-15% ... +20%)
– Connection of up to 4 sensor cables, Detectable values (current strength) 100 A ... 40 kA
depending on the SPD circuit version Sampling rate 500 kHz
Maximum measuring period 1s
Connection designation 24 V supply
Connection method Screw terminal block
Conductor cross section rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm² / 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm² / 26 ... 14

Connection designation Remote signaling

Connection method Screw terminal block
Conductor cross section rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm² / 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm² / 26 ... 14

Connection designation Ethernet

Connection method RJ45
Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

IPCH-4X-PCL-TCP-24DC-UT 1045379 1

Sensor, with connecting cable length of:

1.5 m IPCH-SC-1.5 1045380 1

3.0 m IPCH-SC-3.0 1069191 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 213
Surge protection and interference filters
Lightning current measurement

Lightning strikes cause devastating damage Detecting lightning with the lightning The LM-S lightning current monitoring
to buildings and systems. It is practically monitoring system system consists of the following components:
impossible for employees to continuously The LM-S lightning monitoring system – Sensor
monitor exposed or large-scale systems, supports continuous monitoring. Lightning – Connecting cable
which means that damage is detected too events are detected, evaluated, and remotely – O/E module
late. monitored via network access. By consolidating – Evaluation unit
the system operating parameters and the
measuring data, the system provides a better
basis for making decisions regarding control
and maintenance.


Surge protection and interference filters
Lightning current measurement

Faraday effect as a reliable measuring Remote monitoring in real time Detection and evaluation
method The evaluation unit can be easily integrated The sensors are mounted on the lightning
The internal measuring principle of the into standard network systems via the RJ45 arrester cables. They record the magnetic
LM-S is based on the Faraday effect. Polarized Ethernet interface. The data acquired can field that occurs around the conductor due
light in a specific medium is rotated through be accessed and the system can be configured to the lightning surge current. The measured
a magnetic field over a defined length and via web interface, Modbus/TCP or OPC UA. result is transmitted via fiber optics to the
measured. The web interface is opened via the Internet O/E module of the evaluation unit, where
The higher the amperage (i) generated by browser on a PC connected to the system the optical signal is converted into an
a lightning strike the greater the magnetic using IP addressing. electrical signal. Based on the values obtained,
flux density (B) and, therefore, the rotation the evaluation unit determines the lightning
of the polarized light. characteristics with their typical parameters,
The lightning monitoring system detects including, for example, the maximum lightning
this change in the light signal and uses this as current strength, lightning current rate of
the basis for the corresponding measured rise, charge, and energy. These results can
value results. be forwarded to an available management
system via the Ethernet interface.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 215
Surge protection and interference filters
Lightning current measurement

– Optical sensor for measuring lightning

surge currents
– Subsequent mounting is possible
– Resistant to humidity
– Good UV resistance


Technical data
Detectable values
Maximum current strength 400 kA
FO interface
Connection method SC-RJ socket with push/pull connector, IP67
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 85°C
Degree of protection IP67

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

LM-S-LS-H 2800616 1

Evaluation unit

– Real-time analysis and exact time allocation

– Status and diagnostic indicators
– Communication via Ethernet
– Operation and configuration via web
interface, Modbus/TCP, and OPC-UA

Evaluation unit with O/E module O/E module (replacement part)

Technical data Technical data

Operating voltage 24 V DC ±4 V 3.3 V DC
Ethernet ports RJ45 -
Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps -
FO interface B-FOC (ST®) B-FOC (ST®)
Number of ports 3 3
Remote indication contact M12 D-coded -
Max. operating voltage 60 V DC -
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP20 IP20

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Evaluation unit with O/E module

LM-S-A/C-3S-ETH 2800618 1
Opto-electronic module
O/E module only LM-S-C-3LS 2800617 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Lightning current measurement
Assembled connecting cables

– Fiber optics for connecting LM-S sensors

to the O/E module
– Cable in robust conduit for installation
in harsh environments
– Ozone and UV resistant

Technical data
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 70°C

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Assembled FO cable
Length: 10 m FOC-ST:A-SJ:C-HB02/10 PR 1423846 1
Length: 13 m FOC-ST:A-SJ:C-HB02/13 PR 1426160 1

Connecting cable Notes:

The specified plug configuration (see ordering example) must be
used in order to use the connecting cable in the LM-S lightning
monitoring system.
– HCS cable for connecting LM-S sensors Recommended length: 10 to 200 m

to the O/E module

– Good UV resistance
– Good oil resistance

Connecting cable for LM-S

Ordering example for LM-S connecting Ordering data

cable with variable cable length:
Assembled connecting cable for the LM-S lightning monitoring Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
system, with a metal push-pull connector, a B-FOC plug,
and a cable length of 10 m. Connecting cable, variable
FOC-SJ:14-ST/HB02/... 1417723 1

Order No. Length [m]

Max. 200 m
1417723 /
FOC-SJ:14-ST/HB02 / 10.0
10.0 m ... 200 m = 1.0 m

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 217
Surge protection and interference filters
Test devices

CHECKMASTER 2 – The intelligent In industries where high demands

test device for surge protective devices are placed on system availability, the
Outdoor and indoor lightning protection CHECKMASTER 2 enables predictive
must be regularly tested in accordance with maintenance to be carried out on surge
normative requirements (IEC 62305) and protective devices. This provides additional
official regulations. A basic visual check is security for failure-critical systems.
not enough to identify damage to surge
protective devices. Only an electrical check  Your web code: #0147
using the CHECKMASTER 2 produces
meaningful results. The electrical check is
performed with the aid of a programmable
logic controller, a high-voltage source, and a
constant current source. During the check,
a program-controlled electrical test is
performed on all the relevant components
of the surge protective device. Thanks to
the integrated database for surge protective
devices, spark gaps, gas-filled surge arresters,
varistors, and suppressor diodes can be
checked automatically. Surge protective
devices that were previously damaged,
surge protective devices that are nearing
the electrical tolerance limits, and faulty
surge protective devices can be safely


Surge protection and interference filters
Test devices

Easy selection Convenient scanning Fast logging and easy data export
The CHECKMASTER 2 has a modular The barcodes on the surge protective The tests are documented in accordance
design. Corresponding test adapters are devices present a fast and error-free solution with IEC 62305. The CHECKMASTER 2
available for the various surge protective for entering items. Plant-specific ID codes saves all test results to the internal memory
devices. Further information about the test or user-defined designations can be entered with mains failure protection. The test reports
adapters required can be found on the via the color touch display or read from are available via USB stick for convenient
next page. individually created barcode labels. further processing in Office programs.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 219
Surge protection and interference filters
Test devices

– Modular test device for pluggable surge PA-CASE 2 transport case for test
protective devices from Phoenix Contact adapters
– Easy and tool-free changing of test adapters – Padded compartments for holding test
– Integrated programmable logic controller adapters for the CHECKMASTER 2
with high-voltage source and constant – Test adapters are not supplied as standard
current source with the PA-CASE 2
– Automatic and program-controlled testing
of surge protective devices Free software for updating the
– Easy operation by means of color touch CHECKMASTER 2 can be found in the
display with virtual keypad download area on the Phoenix Contact
– User interfaces: German, English homepage.
– Further languages available for download:
French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, The CHECKMASTER 2 is designed for use
Turkish, Russian in industrial environments (EMC: class A
– Barcode scanner for automatic product) and may not meet the requirements
identification of surge protective devices for radiated disturbance variables for use Nominal voltage UN
and for reading user-specific barcodes in residential areas. Temperature range
(e.g., plant identification codes)
– Plant identification codes can also be
entered using the virtual keypad Description
– USB interface for connecting standard Test device, for testing the correct function of surge protective
USB sticks devices from Phoenix Contact; test adapters must be ordered
– Easy transfer of test reports to Office
programs and easy system software Transport case, to hold four test adapters
update via USB stick
– No additional software required Test adapter, for testing the correct function of surge protective
– No data cable required devices from Phoenix Contact:
– Robust plastic transport case; PLUGTRAB PLT-SEC...UT/PT (width: 17.5 mm)
with removable lid
– Additional compartment for another PLUGTRAB PT/PLT (width: 17.5 mm)
PLUGTRAB PT/PLT (width: 35 mm)
test adapter PLUGTRAB UFBK/UAK
– Calibration certificate TERMITRAB complete

Test adapters are not supplied as standard

with the CHECKMASTER 2. The required
test adapters must be ordered separately.


Surge protection and interference filters
Test devices

Test device Transport case Test adapter

Total width 432 mm

Technical data
100 V AC ... 240 V AC
5°C ... 35°C

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CHECKMASTER 2 2905256 1

PA-CASE 2 2906272 1

CM 2-PA-SEC-HYBRID 2907889 1
CM 2-PA-FLT/VAL-CP/SEC 2905283 1

CM 2-PA-VAL-MS 2905265 1
CM 2-PA-PLT-UT/PT 1027866 1

CM 2-PA-PT/PLT 2905284 1
CM 2-PA-PT4/PLT3S 2907019 1
CM 2-PA-PT/A 2907891 1
CM 2-PA-TTC 2908707 1
CM 2-PA-CTM 2905282 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 221
Surge protection and interference filters
Accessories for surge protection
Feed-through terminal block
– For wiring mixed combinations of lightning
current and surge arresters
– As a system extension for FLASHTRAB
and VALVETRAB applications
– Practical wiring of all common applications

Feed-through terminal block

Technical data
Electrical data
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 500 V AC
Nominal current IN -
Impulse discharge curr. Iimp (10/350) μs
Peak value 100 kA
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 17.7 mm / 89.8 mm / 65.5 mm
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 ... 35 mm² / 0.5 ... 25 mm² / 20 ... 2
Temperature range -40°C ... 85°C
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V-0
Test standards EN 60947-7-1 / IEC 61643-11 / EN 61643-11

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Feed-through terminal block with biconnect connecting

terminal blocks as wiring aid for lightning current and
surge arrester applications.
DK-BIC-35 2749880 1

Equipotential bonding and

TRABTECH housings

Equipotential bonding strip

– For main equipotential bonding in
accordance with DIN VDE 0100
– Also for lightning protection equipotential
bonding in accordance with DIN EN 62305
TRABTECH housing
– Use in harsh environmental conditions
at the installation location
– Installation outdoors or indoors possible
Equipotential bonding strip

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Equipotential bonding strip

PAS-1 2765615 1


Surge protection and interference filters
Accessories for surge protection
Marking material

– For clear and logical identification

– The multi-section ZB strips can be easily
– Can be marked with the MARKING system
or by hand using B-STIFT

For terminal width 6.2 mm Marking label

for the SEC product range

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Marking labels, corresponding material can be found

on the website
Can be marked acc. to customer specifications ZBN 18 CUS 0825059 1
UniCard materials, can be marked with BLUEMARK,
corresponding material can be found on our website

UC-TM 6 GN 0818360 10
Zack marker strip, 5-section, unprinted,
corresponding material can be found on our website
5-section ZB 12:UNPRINTED 0812120 10
Continuous labels, can be marked with thermal transfer printers,
can be separated with a cutter, pitch as desired, strip length
up to 1000 mm,

1 roll = 40 m continuous, height: 20 mm EML (20XE)R 0803452 1

Color: yellow EML (20XE)R YE 0803453 1

Shield fast connection and

wiring bridges

– For connecting cable shielding to cable

terminal points
– Easy assembly

Wiring bridges
– 1-phase with various numbers of positions

Shield fast connection Wiring bridges

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Shield fast connection

For Ø 3-6 mm SSA 3-6 2839295 10
For Ø 5-10 mm SSA 5-10 2839512 10
Wiring bridge, for wiring applications with lightning current
and surge arresters; these can be found on the website
under the corresponding items

2-pos. MPB 18/1- 2 2809209 10

3-pos. MPB 18/1- 3 2809212 10
4-pos. MPB 18/1- 4 2809225 10
5-pos. MPB 18/1- 5 2817864 10
6-pos. MPB 18/1- 6 2748564 10
8-pos. MPB 18/1- 8 2748577 10
9-pos. MPB 18/1- 9 2748580 10
12-pos. MPB 18/1-12 2748593 10
57-pos. MPB 18/1-57 2809238 1
Wiring bridge, 35 mm²
6-pos. MPB 18/1-6/35 2908705 10
8-pos. MPB 18/1-8/35 2908704 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 223
Power supplies and UPS

For superior system availability

Power supplies and UPS
The product ranges differ with regard to
their design, performance, and functionality.
Select the ideal solution based on your Selection guides 226
– QUINT POWER – maximum functionality
– TRIO POWER – robust standard Power supplies 232
– UNO POWER – compact basic functionality QUINT POWER with SFB Technology 234
The product range is supplemented with QUINT POWER < 100 W 248
designs tailor-made for specific applications:
– MINI POWER for measurement and TRIO POWER 254
control technology UNO POWER 266
– STEP POWER for distribution boards
and flat control panels MINI POWER 276
Power supplies STEP POWER 278
Thanks to high-quality products featuring
leading technology, our QUINT, TRIO, UNO, DC/DC converters 286
MINI and STEP POWER product ranges
optimally equip you for international QUINT DC/DC converters 288
QUINT DC/DC converters, with protective coating 296

DC/DC converters MINI DC/DC converters 298

Change the voltage level, regenerate the
voltage at the end of long cables or enable Redundancy modules 300
the creation of independent supply systems
converters. QUINT S-ORING 304
Redundancy modules
A redundant power supply system is the TRIO DIODE 308
result of the parallel connection of two power
supply units. Optimize this solution with UNO DIODE 309
redundancy modules and the QUINT, TRIO,
UNO, and STEP diodes for superior system Accessories 310
Uninterruptible power supplies for the control cabinet 312
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
for the control cabinet
IQ Technology is the key to an intelligent Selection guide for QUINT DC UPS 314
energy supply solution. The UPS monitors
and optimizes the energy storage device. QUINT DC UPS 316
Avoid interruptions when working with the
Selection guide for AC UPS 328
intelligent UPS for non-stop energy.
 Your web code: #0150 TRIO AC UPS 332
Energy storage for QUINT UPS 334
Accessories 340
Selection guide for UPS modules 342
UPS module with integrated energy storage 344
UPS module with integrated power supply 350
Energy storage for TRIO UPS and MINI UPS 353


Power supplies and UPS
Product range overview

QUINT POWER, with SFB Technology, 1~

24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 10 A 24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 20 A + 24 DC / 40 A
Page 234 Page 235 Page 235 Page 238 Page 235
48 DC / 5 A 48 DC / 10 A
Page 241 Page 241
12 DC / 15 A
Page 240

QUINT POWER, with SFB Technology, 3~

24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 10 A 24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 40 A
Page 236 Page 237 Page 237 Page 237

QUINT POWER, with SFB Technology

1~ / 24 DC / 3.5 A
Page 242
1~ / 48 DC / 20 A 3~ / 48 DC / 20 A
Page 243 Page 244
1~ / 12 DC / 20 A
Page 243

QUINT POWER, with SFB Technology, with protective coating, 1~

1~ / 24 DC / 5 A CO 1~ / 24 DC / 10 A CO 1~ / 24 DC / 20 A CO 3~ / 24 DC / 20 A CO
Page 246 Page 247 Page 247 Page 247

QUINT POWER, with Push-in connection, < 100 W, 1~ QUINT POWER, with screw connection, < 100 W, 1~

24 DC / 1.3 A 24 DC / 2.5 A 24 DC / 3.8 A 24 DC / 1.3 A 24 DC / 2.5 A 24 DC / 3.8 A

Page 248 Page 249 Page 249 Page 250 Page 251 Page 251
12 DC / 2.5 A 12 DC / 7.5 A
Page 252 Page 253
5 DC / 5 A
Page 253


Power supplies and UPS
Product range overview


24 DC / 3 A 24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 5 A B+D 24 DC / 10 A 24 DC / 10 A B+D 24 DC / 20 A
Page 254 Page 255 Page 255 Page 256 Page 257 Page 257
48 DC / 5 A 48 DC / 10 A
Page 261 Page 261
12 DC / 5 A 12 DC / 10 A
Page 260 Page 261


24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 10 A 24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 40 A
Page 258 Page 258 Page 259 Page 259


TRIO CrossPower
IP67, 1~ IP67, 3~

~3 / 24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 20 A
Page 262 Page 264 Page 265


24 DC / 30 W 24 DC / 60 W 24 DC / 100 W 24 DC / 480 W 24 DC / 150 W 24 DC / 240 W 1~ / 24 DC / 90 W

Page 266 Page 266 Page 267 Page 268 Page 267 Page 267 Page 269
48 DC / 60 W 48 DC / 100 W 2~ / 24 DC / 90 W
Page 273 Page 273 Page 269
15 DC / 30 W 15 DC / 55 W 15 DC / 100 W
Page 272 Page 272 Page 273
12 DC / 30 W 12 DC / 55 W 12 DC / 100 W
Page 270 Page 270 Page 271
5 DC / 25 W 5 DC / 40 W
Page 271 Page 271


24 DC / 1.5 A ±15 DC / 1 A Ex 24 DC / 1.5 A Ex

Page 276 Page 277 Page 277
5 DC / 3 A
Page 277

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 227
Power supplies and UPS
Product range overview


24 DC / 0.5 A 24 DC / 0.75 A / FL 24 DC / 0.75 A 24 DC / 1.75 A 24 DC / 2.5 A 24 DC / 4.2 A

Page 278 Page 279 Page 279 Page 280 Page 280 Page 281
48 AC / 24 DC / 0.5 A 12 DC / 1.5 A / FL 12 DC / 1.5 A 12 DC / 3 A 5 DC / 6.5 A 24 DC / 100 W
Page 279 Page 284 Page 285 Page 285 Page 283 Page 281
12 DC / 1 A 12 DC / 5 A 48 DC / 2 A
Page 284 Page 285 Page 283
5 DC / 2 A 15 DC / 4 A 277 AC/24 DC / 3.5 A
Page 282 Page 283 Page 281

QUINT DC/DC converters, QUINT DC/DC converters,

Push-in connection screw connection

24 DC / 24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 24 DC / 10 A 24 DC / 24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 24 DC / 10 A
Page 288 Page 289 Page 290 Page 291
24 DC / 12 DC / 8 A
Page 289
24 DC / 48 DC / 5 A
Page 289

QUINT DC/DC converters QUINT DC/DC converters, with protective coating

48 DC / 48 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 24 DC / 5 A / CO 24 DC / 24 DC / 10 A / CO 24 DC / 24 DC / 20 A / CO 60-72DC / 24DC / 10 A / CO
Page 293 Page 292 Page 296 Page 296 Page 297 Page 297
12 DC / 24 DC / 5 A 60-72 DC / 24 DC / 10 A 96-110DC / 24DC / 10 A / CO
Page 293 Page 294 Page 297
12 DC / 12 DC / 8 A 96-110 DC / 24 DC / 10 A
Page 293 Page 295

UNO DC/DC converters MINI DC/DC converters

350-900 DC / 24 DC / 60 W 12-24 DC / 24 DC / 1 A AC power module

Page 274 Page 298 Page 299
48-60 DC / 24 DC / 1 A
Page 299
12-24 DC / 5-15 DC / 2 A
Page 298
12-24 DC / 48 DC / 0.7 A
Page 299


Power supplies and UPS
Product range overview

For frequency converters

2 AC / 1 DC / 24 DC / 20 A 600 DC / 24 DC / 20 A
Page 245 Page 245

Redundancy modules – QUINT

24 DC / 2x10 A 24 DC / 2x20 A 24 DC / 2x40 12-24 DC / 1x40 A 12-24 DC / 2x20 A

Page 302 Page 303 Page 303 Page 304 Page 306
12-24 DC / 1x40 A/VP 48 DC / 2x20 A
Page 305 Page 307
12-24 DC / 1x40 A/+
Page 305

Redundancy modules – TRIO - UNO - STEP

12-24 DC / 2x10 A 12-24 DC / 2x20 A 5-24 DC / 2x10 A 5-24 DC / 2x5 A

Page 308 Page 309 Page 309 Page 309

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 229
Power supplies and UPS
Product range overview


24 DC / 5 A / PN 24 DC / 10 A / PN 24 DC / 20 A / PN 24 DC / 40 A / PN 12 DC / 5 A / 24 DC / 10 A
Page 316 Page 317 Page 317 Page 317 Page 326
24 DC / 5 A / EIP 24 DC / 10 A / EIP 24 DC / 20 A / EIP 24 DC / 40 A / EIP
Page 318 Page 319 Page 319 Page 319
24 DC / 5 A / EC 24 DC / 10 A / EC 24 DC / 20 A / EC 24 DC / 40 A / EC
Page 320 Page 321 Page 321 Page 321
24 DC / 5 A / USB 24 DC / 10 A / USB 24 DC / 20 A / USB 24 DC / 40 A / USB
Page 322 Page 323 Page 323 Page 323
24 DC / 5 A 24 DC / 10 A 24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 40 A
Page 324 Page 325 Page 325 Page 325


1~ / 1 AC / 500 VA 1~ / 1 AC / 1 kVA 1~ / 1 AC / 750 VA

Page 330 Page 331 Page 332


24 DC / 10 A / 10 KJ 24 DC / 20 A / 20 KJ 24 DC / 120 WH 24 DC / 925 WH 24 DC / 13 Ah 24 DC / 26 Ah
Page 334 Page 334 Page 335 Page 335 Page 338 Page 338


24 DC / 1.3 Ah 24 DC / 3.4 Ah 24 DC / 7.2 Ah 24 DC / 12 Ah 24 DC / 38 Ah

Page 336 Page 336 Page 337 Page 337 Page 337

UPS with integrated QUINT, UNO, STEP energy storage

24 DC / 5 A / 1.3 Ah 24 DC /10 A / 3.4 Ah 24 DC / 60 W 24 DC / 3 A

Page 344 Page 344 Page 349 Page 348
12 DC / 4 A
Page 348


24 DC / 20 A 24 DC / 40 A 24 DC / 5 A / 4 KJ 24 DC / 5 A / 8 KJ
Page 345 Page 345 Page 346 Page 347


Power supplies and UPS
Product range overview

MINI UPS with integrated power supply and

energy storage

1~ / 24 DC / 2 A 24 DC / 1.3 Ah 24 DC / 0.8 Ah
Page 350 Page 353 Page 352
1~ / 12 DC / 4 A 12 DC / 2.6 Ah 12 DC / 1.6 Ah
Page 350 Page 353 Page 353

TRIO UPS with integrated power supply and

energy storage

1~ / 24 DC / 5 A 1~ / 24 DC / 10 A 3~ / 24 DC / 20 A
Page 354 Page 354 Page 355


24 DC / 1.3 Ah 24 DC / 3.4 Ah 24 DC / 7.2 Ah 24 DC / 12 Ah 24 DC / 38 Ah

Page 356 Page 356 Page 356 Page 356 Page 356

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 231
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

Leading technology and high quality – Preventive function monitoring: TRIO POWER –
Power supplies for superior system Comprehensive diagnostics are provided Robust standard functionality
availability through constant monitoring of all relevant The reliable supply of the loads under
Thanks to high-quality products featuring parameters (including the output voltage challenging ambient conditions is ensured by
leading technology, with our power supply and output current). This preventive function the power supply units, which feature an
solutions from the QUINT, TRIO, UNO, monitoring visualizes critical operating states, extremely robust electrical and mechanical
MINI, and STEP POWER product ranges, before errors can occur. Remote monitoring design. TRIO POWER supplies up to 1.5 times
you are optimally equipped to handle is performed by means of active switching the nominal current for five seconds with
competitors on an international scale. outputs and floating relay contacts. the dynamic boost. Loads with high starting
Functionality, performance class, and design currents can therefore be started without
are tailored to the demands of various Power reserves: other loads being affected by voltage dips.
different industries and always offer the – Easy system extension with static boost
ideal solution. with sustained power of up to 125%
– Start heavy loads with dynamic boost, Compact basic functionality
providing up to 200% power for 5 s
QUINT POWER – UNO POWER offers maximum energy
Maximum functionality efficiency thanks to its high efficiency of up
Cost-effective selective fuse protection Adaptable: to 94% and low idling losses below 0.3 W.
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic
with SFB Technology: The extremely high power density of up to
curves can be individually adjusted via
In order to trip miniature circuit breakers 500 W/dm3 enables a very compact design.
magnetically and quickly, power supplies must NFC Thanks to the wide range of products and
be able to supply several times the nominal the temperature range from -25°C to +70°C,
Connection technology:
current for a short period. SFB (Selective the devices support flexible use.
Fuse Breaking) Technology supplies six times – Free choice between Push-in connection
and screw connection for devices up to
the nominal current for 15 ms. Faulty current
paths are switched off selectively, the fault is
100 W  Your web code: #0151
located, and important system parts remain
in operation.


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

Power supplies - A comparison of the QUINT POWER TRIO POWER

advantages High-performance QUINT POWER The TRIO POWER power supplies
– QUINT POWER – maximum flexibility power supplies with SFB Technology ensure represent standard functionality, high quality,
up to 1000 W maximum system availability. and reliability. They are therefore perfect
– TRIO POWER – standard functionality The new QUINT POWER power supplies for use in machine building.
up to 1000 W < 100 W are the first to offer maximum – Robust design
– UNO POWER – compact basic system availability in the smallest size. – Reliable supply of loads with high switch-on
functionality up to 480 W All the devices in this range feature currents, thanks to the dynamic boost
preventative function monitoring and – Time savings during installation, thanks to
exceptional power reserves. Push-in connection technology


The UNO POWER power supplies offer MINI POWER power supplies in the The STEP POWER power supplies are
extremely compact basic functionality. electronics housing for measurement and particularly suited to distribution boards
– The wide range of products covers all control technology. and flat control panels.
common voltage levels – Maintenance-friendly connection – Maximum energy efficiency, thanks to
– Save energy, thanks to high efficiency and technology: coded COMBICON incredibly low idling losses and a high
low idling losses connectors degree of efficiency
– Compact design saves space in the control – Active function monitoring with switching – Flexible: snap onto the DIN rail or screw
cabinet output for remote monitoring of the onto a level surface
output voltage

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 233
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies –
Maximum functionality H
– Easy system extension with static boost
– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– SFB Technology selectively trips standard
circuit breakers; consumers connected
in parallel continue working
– High noise immunity, thanks to integrated
gas-filled surge arrester and a mains failure
buffer time of more than 20 ms
– Comprehensive signaling with preventive Power supply,
function monitoring 1 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic
curves can be set via NFC, available
     DNV GL  
pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1
(+) +
active +
(-) 13
OVP 14
Out 1
Out 2



Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Typical current consumption (in static boost) 1.7 A (100 V AC) / 1.5 A (120 V AC)
0.9 A (230 V AC) / 0.8 A (240 V AC)
1.6 A (110 V DC) / 0.7 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 14 A / < 0.3 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 28 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 38 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 3 W (230 V AC) / < 16 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 88.8% (120 V AC) /  typ. 89.2% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 30 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Configurable signal output Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
Signal options IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.7 kg / 36 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 930000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1, III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)
EN 61010-1, EN 60950-1
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/5 2904600 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 24 V DC, 10 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 40 A

     DNV GL  
     DNV GL   Ex: 

(+) + (+) + (+) +

active + active + active +
 PFC -  PFC -  PFC -
- - -
N - N - N -
(-) 13 (-) 13 (-) 13
OVP 14 OVP 14 OVP 14
Rem Rem Rem
SGnd SGnd SGnd
Out 1 Out 1 Out 1
Out 2 Out 2 Out 2


POut POut POut

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40% 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40% 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
3.4 A (100 V AC) / 2.8 A (120 V AC) 6.8 A (100 V AC) / 5.5 A (120 V AC) 10.6 A (100 V AC) / 10 A (120 V AC)
1.5 A (230 V AC) / 1.5 A (240 V AC) 2.8 A (230 V AC) / 2.7 A (240 V AC) 5.2 A (230 V AC) / 5.7 A (240 V AC)
3 A (110 V DC) / 1.3 A (250 V DC) 6 A (110 V DC) / 2.5 A (250 V DC) 10.2 A (110 V DC) / 5.6 A (250 V DC)
typ. 18 A / < 0.7 A2s typ. 11 A / < 0.4 A2s typ. 11 A / < 0.5 A2s
typ. 42 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 44 ms (230 V AC) typ. 28 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 29 ms (230 V AC) typ. 24 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 25 ms (230 V AC)

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
A1...A6 / B2...B6 / C1...C3 / Z1...Z6 A1...A16 / B2...B13 / C1...C6 / Z1...Z16 A1  A16 / B2  B25 / C1  C13 / Z1  Z16
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 3 W (230 V AC) / < 17 W (230 V AC) < 5 W (230 V AC) / < 32 W (230 V AC) < 4 W (230 V AC) / < 56 W (230 V AC)
typ. 92.5% (120 V AC) /  typ. 93.4% (230 V AC) typ. 92.4% (120 V AC) /  typ. 94% (230 V AC) typ. 95% (120 V AC) /  typ. 96% (230 V AC)
< 80 mVPP < 50 mVPP < 50 mVPP

DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator

Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

0.9 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm 1.3 kg / 70 x 130 x 125 mm 2.6 kg / 120 x 130 x 141 mm
alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / I IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 783000 h (40°C) > 673000 h (40°C) > 500000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -40°C -40°C

2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16
III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m) III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m) III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)

UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/10 2904601 1 QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/20 2904602 1 QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/40 2904603 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 235
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies –
Maximum functionality H
– Easy system extension with static boost
– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– SFB Technology selectively trips standard
circuit breakers; consumers connected
in parallel continue working
– High noise immunity, thanks to integrated
gas-filled surge arrester and a mains failure
buffer time of more than 20 ms
– Comprehensive signaling with preventive Power supply,
function monitoring 3 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic
curves can be set via NFC, available     DNV GL  
Ex: 
pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1
(-) +
L2  -
L3 -
(+) 13
OVP 14
Out 1
Out 2



Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ... +10%
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +10%
± 300 V DC -25% ... +30%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Typical current consumption (in static boost) 3x 0.53 A (400 V AC) / 3x 0.44 A (480 V AC)
2x 0.9 A (400 V AC) / 2x 0.66 A (480 V AC)
0.3 A ( 300 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 11 A / < 0.2 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 34 ms (3x 400 V AC) / typ. 50 ms (3x 480 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 4 W (480 V AC) / < 17 W (480 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 89% (400 V AC) /  typ. 87.5% (480 V AC)
Residual ripple < 30 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Configurable signal output Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
Signal options IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.6 kg / 36 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 914000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 2.4 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1, III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)
EN 61010-1, EN 60950-1
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/5 2904620 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

3 AC, 24 V DC, 10 A 3 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A 3 AC, 24 V DC, 40 A

 
(-) + (-) + (-) +
Inrush active + Inrush active + Inrush active +
L1 L1 L1
L2 limiter PFC - L2 limiter PFC - L2 limiter PFC -
- - -
L3 - L3 - L3 -
(+) 13 (+) 13 (+) 13
OVP 14 OVP 14 OVP 14
Rem Rem Rem
SGnd SGnd SGnd
Out 1 Out 1 Out 1
Out 2 Out 2 Out 2


POut POut POut

Technical data Technical data Technical data

3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ... +10% 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ... +10% 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ... +10%
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +10% 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +10% 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +10%
± 260 V DC ... 300 V DC -13% ... +30% ± 260 V DC ... 300 V DC -13% ... +30% ± 260 V DC ... 300 V DC -13% ... +30%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
3x 0.5 A (400 V AC) / 3x 0.41 A (480 V AC) 3x 0.99 A (400 V AC) / 3x 0.81 A (480 V AC) 3x 3 A (400 V AC) / 2x 3 A (400 V AC)
2x 1.1 A (400 V AC) / 2x 0.91 A (480 V AC) 2x 1.62 A (400 V AC) / 2x 1.37 A (480 V AC) 3x 2.6 A (480 V AC) / 2x 2.5 A (480 V AC)
0.7 A ( 260 V DC) / 0.6 A ( 300 V DC) 1.23 A ( 260 V DC) / 1.06 A ( 300 V DC) 2.5 A (± 260 V DC) / 2.2 A (± 300 V DC)
typ. 3 A / < 0.1 A2s typ. 2 A / < 0.1 A2s typ. 0 A / < 0 A2s
typ. 29 ms (3x 400 V AC) / typ. 26 ms (3x 480 V AC) typ. 33 ms (3x 400 V AC) / typ. 33 ms (3x 480 V AC) typ. 24 ms (3x 400 V AC) / typ. 25 ms (3x 480 V AC)

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
A1...A6 / B2...B6 / C1...C3 / Z1...Z6 A1...A16 / B2...B13 / C1...C6 / Z1...Z16 A1  A16 / B2  B25 / C1  C13 / Z1  Z16
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 5 W (480 V AC) / < 20 W (480 V AC) < 7 W (480 V AC) / < 33 W (480 V AC) < 5 W (480 V AC) / < 45 W (480 V AC)
typ. 93% (400 V AC) /  typ. 92.6% (480 V AC) typ. 93.9% (400 V AC) /  typ. 93.8% (480 V AC) typ. 95% (400 V AC) /  typ. 96% (480 V AC)
< 75 mVPP < 60 mVPP < 50 mVPP

DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator

Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP, 3AC OK IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP, 3AC OK IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP, 3AC OK

0.9 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm 1.1 kg / 70 x 130 x 125 mm 2.6 kg / 120 x 130 x 125 mm
alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / I IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 654000 h (40°C) > 638000 h (40°C) > 500000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -40°C -40°C

2.4 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2.4 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2.4 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16
III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m) III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m) III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)

UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/10 2904621 1 QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/20 2904622 1 QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/40 2904623 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 237
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies – new
Maximum functionality H
QUINT POWER with protective
The protective coating protects against
extreme ambient conditions, such as dust,
pollution, corrosive gases, and 100% humidity.
– Integrated decoupling MOSFET for 1+1
and n+1 redundancy
– Devices with protective coating and
IECEx approvals compliant with standards
IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-7, IEC 60079-11, Power supply,
and IEC 60079-15 may be installed in a 1 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A, plus version
potentially explosive area (zone 2)
– They are suitable for use in Class I, 
Ex:   
Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
– OVP (overvoltage protection) with L+ +
active +
SIL3 certification in accordance with  PFC -
IEC 61508 limits surge voltages to 30 V N- 13
– Wide temperature range from OVP
-40°C to +75°C SGnd
Out 1
Out 2
– Easy system extension, thanks to static
boost; starting of heavy loads, thanks to
dynamic boost
– SFB Technology selectively trips standard POUT

circuit breakers; consumers connected

in parallel continue working Technical data
– High noise immunity, thanks to integrated Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
gas-filled surge arrester and a mains failure 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40%
buffer time of more than 20 ms Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Typical current consumption (in static boost) 6.8 A (100 V AC) / 5.5 A (120 V AC)
– Comprehensive signaling with preventive 2.8 A (230 V AC) / 2.7 A (240 V AC)
function monitoring 6 A (110 V DC) / 2.5 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 10 A / < 0.3 A2s
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic Mains buffering (IN) typ. 36 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 36 ms (230 V AC)
curves can be set via NFC, available Output data
pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1 Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms)
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping A1...A16 / B2...B13 / C1...C6 / Z1...Z16
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 5 W (230 V AC) / < 30 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 92.7% (120 V AC) /  typ. 94.2% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 30 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Configurable signal output Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
Signal options IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.3 kg / 70 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 524000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 75°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1, III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)
EN 61010-1, EN 60950-1
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/20/+ 2904617 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 239
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies – new
Maximum functionality H
QUINT POWER, 1 AC, 12 V DC and
48 V DC
– Easy system extension with static boost
– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– SFB Technology selectively trips standard
circuit breakers; consumers connected
in parallel continue working
– High noise immunity, thanks to integrated
gas-filled surge arrester and a mains failure
buffer time of more than 20 ms Power supply,
– Comprehensive signaling with preventive 1 AC, 12 V DC, 15 A
function monitoring
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic
curves can be set via NFC, available
pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1 (+)
 PFC -
N -
(-) 13
OVP 14
Out 1
Out 2



Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Typical current consumption (in static boost) 2.4 A (100 V AC) / 1.9 A (120 V AC)
1.1 A (230 V AC) / 1.1 A (240 V AC)
2.2 A (110 V DC) / 1 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 15 A / < 0.6 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 55 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 56 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 12 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 15 A / 17.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms)
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping A1...A6 / B2...B6 / C1...C2 / Z1...Z6
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 4 W (230 V AC) / < 16 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 91.2% (120 V AC) /  typ. 92% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 70 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Configurable signal output Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
Signal options IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 749000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1, III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)
EN 61010-1, EN 60950-1
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/1AC/12DC/15 2904608 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
new new

Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 48 V DC, 5 A 1 AC, 48 V DC, 10 A

(+) + (+) +
active + active +
 PFC -  PFC -
- -
N - N -
(-) 13 (-) 13
OVP 14 OVP 14
Rem Rem
SGnd SGnd
Out 1 Out 1
Out 2 Out 2


POut POut

Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40% 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -18% ... +40%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
3.4 A (100 V AC) / 2.8 A (120 V AC) 6.8 A (100 V AC) / 5.5 A (120 V AC)
1.5 A (230 V AC) / 1.5 A (240 V AC) 2.8 A (230 V AC) / 2.7 A (240 V AC)
3 A (110 V DC) / 1.3 A (250 V DC) 6 A (110 V DC) / 2.5 A (250 V DC)
typ. 16 A / < 0.5 A2s typ. 11 A / < 0.4 A2s
typ. 43 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 43 ms (230 V AC) typ. 32 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 32 ms (230 V AC)

48 V DC 48 V DC
5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms) 10 A / 12.5 A / 15 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms)
A1...A6 / B2 / C1...C2 / Z1...Z6 A1...A13 / B2...B6 / C1...C3 / Z1...Z10
Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 3 W (230 V AC) / < 16 W (230 V AC) < 5 W (230 V AC) / < 28 W (230 V AC)
typ. 92.3% (120 V AC) /  typ. 93.5% (230 V AC) typ. 94% (120 V AC) /  typ. 95% (230 V AC)
< 70 mVPP < 70 mVPP

DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator

Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog
IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

1 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm 1.3 kg / 70 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 10
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 784000 h (40°C) > 676000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -40°C

2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16
III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m) III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)

UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/1AC/48DC/5 2904610 1 QUINT4-PS/1AC/48DC/10 2904611 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 241
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies –
Maximum functionality H
– Fast tripping of standard miniature circuit
breakers with dynamic power reserve SFB
(Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology with
up to 6 times the nominal current for
12 ms
– Reliable starting of heavy loads with the
static Power Boost power reserve with
up to 1.5 times the nominal current
– Preventive function monitoring Power supply,
– Flexible, thanks to input voltage ranges 1 AC, 24 V DC, 3.5 A
for AC and DC voltages
– Approved for semiconductor production 
Ex: 
in accordance with SEMI F47-0706

L (+)

N (-)

I < IN

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
90 V DC ... 350 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 1.4 A (120 V AC) / 0.8 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 20 A / < 2 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 80 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 3.5 A / 4 A / 15 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 3.5 W / 11 W
Efficiency > 88% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.5 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Plug-in screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 820000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
Medical standard IEC 60601-1, 2 x MOOP
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/ 3.5 2866747 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies –
Maximum functionality H H
QUINT POWER, 1 AC, 12 V DC and
48 V DC
– Fast tripping of standard miniature circuit
– Reliable starting of heavy loads
– Preventive function monitoring
– Flexible, thanks to input voltage ranges
for AC and DC voltages
– Approved for semiconductor production
in accordance with SEMI F47-0706: Power supply, Power supply,
12 V DC and 48 V DC, 5 A and 10 A 1 AC, 12 V DC, 20 A 1 AC, 48 V DC, 20 A
– Adjustable output voltage of 5 to 18 V DC,
or 30 to 56 V DC 
Ex:  

L (+) L (+)

active active

N (-) PFC N (-) PFC

I < IN I < IN
13 13
14 14

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
120 V DC ... 300 V DC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
90 V DC ... 350 V DC 90 V DC ... 300 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 2.4 A (120 V AC) / 1.4 A (230 V AC) 8.7 A (120 V AC) / 4.5 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 20 A / < 3.2 A2s < 15 A / < 1.6 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 40 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 40 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 22 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 12 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 5 V DC ... 18 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 30 V DC ... 56 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 20 A / 26 A / - 20 A / 22.5 A / 100 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / C2 / C4 / C6 B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / C2 / C4 / C6
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 6 W / 29 W 12 W / 74 W
Efficiency > 90% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 93% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output, relay contact LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.5 kg / 90 x 130 x 125 mm 3.3 kg / 180 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 14 - 10
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 600000 h (40°C) > 523000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
Medical standard IEC 60601-1, 2 x MOOP -
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT-PS/1AC/12DC/20 2866721 1 QUINT-PS/1AC/48DC/20 2866695 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 243
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies –
Maximum functionality H
– High system availability even in the event
of a permanent phase failure
– High surge strength of up to 6 kV, thanks
to integrated gas-filled surge arresters
– Fast tripping of standard miniature circuit
breakers with dynamic power reserve SFB
(Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology with
up to 6 times the nominal current for
12 ms Power supply,
– Reliable starting of heavy loads with the 3 AC, 48 V DC, 20 A
static Power Boost power reserve with
up to 1.5 times the nominal current 
Ex: 
– Preventive function monitoring
– Flexible, thanks to input voltage ranges
for AC and DC voltages
– Adjustable output voltage of 30 to L1 (+)
56 V DC L3 (-)

I < IN

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
Input voltage range 3x 320 V AC ... 575 V AC
2x 360 V AC ... 575 V AC
450 V DC ... 800 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 3x 2.1 A (400 V AC) / 3x 1.7 A (500 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 20 A / < 1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 25 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 35 ms (500 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 48 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 30 V DC ... 56 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 20 A / 22.5 A / 100 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / C2 / C4 / C6
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 24 W / 70 W
Efficiency > 93% (at 400 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 2.5 kg / 96 x 130 x 179 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 509000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
(3-wire + PE, star net), UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT-PS/3AC/48DC/20 2320827 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
Power supplies for
frequency inverters H H
for frequency inverters
– In the event of mains failure, the DC
intermediate circuit voltage of the inverter
continues to supply all connected 24 V
loads without interruption
– Maintenance-free buffer solution:
controlled machine stop in the event of
mains failure by using the existing capacity
in the frequency inverter or by using the Power supply with two separate input circuits Power supply,
kinetic energy of motors for frequency inverters 600 V DC, 24 V DC, 20 A
2 AC, 1 DC/24 V DC, 20 A
– Combined solution with a QUINT POWER  
power supply
– Standard solution with two TRIO POWER +
power supplies + +
- -

13 DC OK
14 DC OK

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC 600 V DC
600 V DC
Input voltage range 2x 360 V AC ... 575 V AC 450 V DC ... 840 V DC
450 V DC ... 840 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz - / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 2.5 A (400 V AC) / 2.1 A (500 V AC) 0.9 A (600 V DC)
0.9 A (600 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 85 A / < 1.5 A2s < 26 A / 0.8 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (400 V AC) typ. 15 ms (600 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (UIN ≥ 360 V AC / 480 V DC) 22.5 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (UIN > 475 V DC)
18 V DC ... 26 V DC (< 480 V DC) 22.5 V DC ... 28 V DC (UIN ≤ 475 V DC)
Output current / Power Boost / SFB (20 ms) 20 A / 26 A / 120 A 20 A / - / -
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping C6 / B16 -
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 11 W / 51 W 3.8 W / 45 W
Efficiency > 92% (600 V DC) /  > 90.5% (400 V AC) > 91% (With 600 V DC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP < 40 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, relay contact LED
Boost signaling LED, active switching output -
Signaling DCIN OK LED, active switching output -
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 2 kg / 120 x 130 x 125 mm 2 kg / 115 x 130 x 152.5 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10 0.5 - 6 mm² / 0.5 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10 - mm² / - mm² / -
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 860000 h (40°C) > 701000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 1.5 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT-PS/2AC/1DC/24DC/20 2320830 1 TRIO-PS/600DC/24DC/20 2866530 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 245
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
Power supplies for
extreme requirements

QUINT POWER with protective

The protective coating protects against
extreme ambient conditions, such as dust,
pollution, corrosive gases, and 100% humidity.
– Devices with ATEX approval conform to
standard EN 60079-15 and EN 60079-0
and may be installed in a potentially
explosive area (zone 2)
– They are suitable for use in Class I, Power supply,
Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D with protective coating,
– Conformance with railway standard 1 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A
EN 50155 
Ex:   
– OVP (overvoltage protection) limits surge
voltages to 32 V
– Wide temperature range from
-40°C to +70°C L (+)

– Fast tripping of standard miniature circuit N (-)

breakers with dynamic power reserve SFB
(Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology with DC OK
up to 6 times the nominal current for I < IN

12 ms 13
– Reliable starting of heavy loads with the
static Power Boost power reserve with
up to 1.5 times the nominal current Technical data
– Preventive function monitoring Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
– Flexible, thanks to input voltage ranges 110 V DC ... 250 V DC
for AC and DC voltages Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
90 V DC ... 410 V DC +5%

Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz

Current consumption (nominal load) 1.2 A (120 V AC) / 0.6 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / < 1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 55 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 55 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 5 A / 7.5 A / 30 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2 / B4 / C2
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 3 W / 15 W
Efficiency > 90% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 40 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.7 kg / 40 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Plug-in screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 635000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
Rail applications EN 50121-4 / EN 50155
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/ 5/CO 2320908 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

with protective coating, with protective coating, with protective coating,
1 AC, 24 V DC, 10 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A 3 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A
  
Ex:    Ex:    Ex: 

L (+) L (+) L1 (+)

active active

N (-) PFC N (-) PFC L3 (-)

I < IN I < IN I < IN
13 13 13
14 14 14

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC

110 V DC ... 250 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC
85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 3x 320 V AC ... 575 V AC
90 V DC ... 410 V DC +5% 90 V DC ... 410 V DC +5% 2x 360 V AC ... 575 V AC
450 V DC ... 800 V DC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
2.2 A (120 V AC) / 1.3 A (230 V AC) 5.1 A (120 V AC) / 2.3 A (230 V AC) 3x 1.6 A (400 V AC) / 3x 1.3 A (500 V AC)
< 15 A / < 1.5 A2s < 20 A / < 3.2 A2s < 20 A / < 3.2 A2s
typ. 36 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 36 ms (230 V AC) typ. 32 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 32 ms (230 V AC) typ. 28 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 43 ms (500 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%

18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

10 A / 15 A / 60 A 20 A / 26 A / 120 A 20 A / 26 A / 120 A
B2 / B4 / B6 / C2 / C4 B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / B16 / C2 / C4 / C6 B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / B16 / C2 / C4 / C6
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
9.1 W / 22 W 8 W / 40 W 11 W / 40 W
> 92.5% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 93% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 93% (at 400 V AC and nominal values)
< 50 mVPP < 30 mVPP < 40 mVPP

LED, active switching output, relay contact LED, active switching output, relay contact LED, active switching output, relay contact
LED, active switching output LED, active switching output LED, active switching output

1.1 kg / 60 x 130 x 125 mm 1.7 kg / 90 x 130 x 125 mm 1.5 kg / 69 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Plug-in screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 16 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 16 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 16 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10
IP20 / I IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 530000 h (40°C) > 520000 h (40°C) > 534000 h (40°C)
-40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
EN 50121-4 / EN 50155 EN 50121-4 / EN 50155 EN 50121-4 / EN 50155
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D (3-wire + PE, star net), UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/10/CO 2320911 1 QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/20/CO 2320898 1 QUINT-PS/3AC/24DC/20/CO 2320924 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 247
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies – new
Maximum functionality H
with Push-in connection, 1 AC, 24 V DC
– Preventive function monitoring indicates Push-in Technology
critical operating states before errors Designed by PHOENIX CONTACT

– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– High efficiency of up to 93.7% and long
service life, with low power dissipation
and low heat generation
– Space savings in the control cabinet, Power supply,
thanks to a narrow, slim-line design 1 AC, 24 V DC, 1.3 A, PT
– Easy tool-free wiring using Push-in NEC Class 2
connection technology 
Ex: 
Output power limited to 100 W N/-
– Specifically for applications that require L/+
1.2 PFC -

certification in accordance with UL 1310 3.1

“Class 2 outputs”


Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.46 A (100 V AC) / 0.37 A (120 V AC)
0.2 A (230 V AC) / 0.2 A (240 V AC)
0.4 A (110 V DC) / 0.17 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 14 A / < 0.1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 43 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 43 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 1.3 A / 1.625 A (≤ 40°C) / 2.6 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / -

Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes

Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.4 W (230 V AC) / < 3.1 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 89.2% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90.7% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 40 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Adjustable signal output SIG digital
Signal options POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.188 kg / 22.5 x 106 x 90 mm
Connection DIN rail mounting
Connection method Push-in technology
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1107000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1 III (≤ 2000 m)
UL approvals UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/1.3/PT 2909575 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
new new

Push-in Technology Push-in Technology


Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 24 V DC, 2.5 A, PT 1 AC, 24 V DC, 3.8 A, PT
NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
 
Ex:  Ex: 

1.1 1.1
N/- active
+ N/- active
1.2 PFC 2.2 1.2 PFC 2.2
L/+ - L/+ -
2.3 2.3
- -
3.1 3.1



Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40% 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
0.85 A (100 V AC) / 0.7 A (120 V AC) 1 A (100 V AC) / 0.83 A (120 V AC)
0.39 A (230 V AC) / 0.37 A (240 V AC) 0.46 A (230 V AC) / 0.44 A (240 V AC)
0.75 A (110 V DC) / 0.33 A (250 V DC) 0.91 A (110 V DC) / 0.4 A (250 V DC)
typ. 10 A / < 0.1 A2s typ. 13 A / < 0.18 A2s
typ. 54 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 54 ms (230 V AC) typ. 35 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 35 ms (230 V AC)

24 V DC 24 V DC
2.5 A / 3.125 A (≤ 40°C) / 5 A (≤60°C (5 s), Input <150 V AC Derating 3.8 A / - / 7 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / -
0.5%/V) / -
Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 1 W (230 V AC) < 1 W (120 V AC) / < 5 W (230 V AC) < 1 W (230 V AC) / < 6 W (230 V AC)
typ. 91.9% (120 V AC) /  typ. 92.6% (230 V AC) typ. 92.8% (120 V AC) /  typ. 93.7% (230 V AC)
< 40 mVPP < 45 mVPP

DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator

SIG digital SIG digital
POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%) POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%)

0.244 kg / 32 x 106 x 90 mm 0.296 kg / 45 x 106 x 90 mm

DIN rail mounting DIN rail mounting
Push-in technology Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 734000 h (40°C) > 690000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -40°C

3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV) IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16
III (≤ 2000 m) III (≤ 2000 m)
UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2, UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/2.5/PT 2909576 1 QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/3.8/PT 2909577 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 249
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies – new
Maximum functionality H
with screw connection, 1 AC, 24 V DC
– Preventive function monitoring indicates
critical operating states before errors
– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– High efficiency of up to 93.7% and long
service life, with low power dissipation
and low heat generation
– Space savings in the control cabinet, Power supply,
thanks to a narrow, slim-line design 1 AC, 24 V DC, 1.3 A, SC
NEC Class 2
QUINT POWER, NEC Class 2 
Output power limited to 100 W Ex: 
– Specifically for applications that require
certification in accordance with UL 1310 N/-
“Class 2 outputs” L/+
1.2 PFC -




Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.46 A (100 V AC) / 0.37 A (120 V AC)
0.2 A (230 V AC) / 0.2 A (240 V AC)
0.4 A (110 V DC) / 0.17 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 14 A / < 0.1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 43 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 43 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 1.3 A / 1.625 A (≤ 40°C) / 2.6 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / -

Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes

Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.4 W (230 V AC) / < 3.1 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 89.2% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90.7% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 40 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Adjustable signal output SIG digital
Signal options POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.188 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 90 mm
Connection DIN rail mounting
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1107000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16

Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1 III (≤ 2000 m)

UL approvals UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/1.3/SC 2904597 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
new new

Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 24 V DC, 2.5 A, SC 1 AC, 24 V DC, 3.8 A, SC
NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
 
Ex:  Ex: 

1.1 1.1
N/- active
+ N/- active
1.2 PFC 2.2 1.2 PFC 2.2
L/+ - L/+ -
2.3 2.3
- -
3.1 3.1



Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40% 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
0.85 A (100 V AC) / 0.7 A (120 V AC) 1 A (100 V AC) / 0.83 A (120 V AC)
0.39 A (230 V AC) / 0.37 A (240 V AC) 0.46 A (230 V AC) / 0.44 A (240 V AC)
0.75 A (110 V DC) / 0.33 A (250 V DC) 0.91 A (110 V DC) / 0.4 A (250 V DC)
typ. 10 A / < 0.1 A2s typ. 13 A / < 0.18 A2s
typ. 54 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 54 ms (230 V AC) typ. 35 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 35 ms (230 V AC)

24 V DC 24 V DC
2.5 A / 3.125 A (≤ 40°C) / 5 A (≤60°C (5 s), Input <150 V AC Derating 3.8 A / - / 7 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / -
0.5%/V) / -
Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 1 W (230 V AC) / < 5 W (230 V AC) < 1 W (230 V AC) / < 6 W (230 V AC)
typ. 91.9% (120 V AC) /  typ. 92.6% (230 V AC) typ. 92.8% (120 V AC) /  typ. 93.7% (230 V AC)
< 40 mVPP < 45 mVPP

DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator

SIG digital SIG digital
POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%) POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%)

0.244 kg / 32 x 99 x 90 mm 0.296 kg / 45 x 99 x 90 mm
DIN rail mounting DIN rail mounting
Screw connection Screw connection
0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14
0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14
0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 0.14 - 2.5 mm² / 26 - 14
IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 734000 h (40°C) > 690000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -40°C

3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV) IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16

III (≤ 2000 m) III (≤ 2000 m)
UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2, UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/2.5/SC 2904598 1 QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/3.8/SC 2904599 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 251
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
QUINT POWER power supplies – new
Maximum functionality H
with Push-in connection, 1 AC, 12 and
5 V DC Push-in Technology
– Preventive function monitoring indicates Designed by PHOENIX CONTACT

critical operating states before errors

– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– High efficiency of up to 93.7% and long
service life, with low power dissipation
and low heat generation Power supply,
– Space savings in the control cabinet, 1 AC, 12 V DC, 2.5 A, PT
thanks to a narrow, slim-line design NEC Class 2
– Easy tool-free wiring using Push-in
connection technology
Output power limited to 100 W L/+
1.2 PFC -

– Specifically for applications that require 3.1

certification in accordance with UL 1310
“Class 2 outputs” SIG


Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.44 A (100 V AC) / 0.35 A (120 V AC)
0.19 A (230 V AC) / 0.2 A (240 V AC)
0.4 A (110 V DC) / 0.17 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 11.3 A / < 0.1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 54 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 54 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 12 V
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 2.5 A / 3.125 A (≤ 40°C) / 4.5 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / -
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.5 W (230 V AC) / < 3 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 89.5% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90.9% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 30 mVPP
LED signaling DC OK, utilization indicator
Adjustable signal output SIG digital
Signal options POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.181 kg / 22.5 x 106 x 90 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
30 mm vertically
Connection method Push-in technology
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1060000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
Safety transformers for switched-mode power supply units EN 61558-2-16

Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1 III (≤ 2000 m)

UL approvals UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/1AC/12DC/2.5/PT 2904605 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
new new

Push-in Technology Push-in Technology


Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 12 V DC, 7.5 A, PT 1 AC, 5 V DC, 5 A, PT
NEC Class 2

1.1 1.1
N/- active
+ N/- active
1.2 PFC 2.2 1.2 PFC 2.2
L/+ - L/+ -
3.1 3.1



Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40% 110 V DC ... 250 V DC -20% ... +40%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz -10% ... +10% -
1 A (100 V AC) / 0.85 A (120 V AC) 0.38 A (100 V AC) / 0.32 A (120 V AC)
0.46 A (230 V AC) / 0.44 A (240 V AC) 0.16 A (230 V AC) / 0.17 A (240 V AC)
0.92 A (110 V DC) / 0.4 A (250 V DC) 0.35 A (110 V DC) / 0.15 A (250 V DC)
typ. 11.4 A / < 0.2 A2s typ. 11.5 A / < 0.2 A2s
typ. 48 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 48 ms (230 V AC) typ. 43 ms

12 V 5V
7.5 A / - / 12.75 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / - 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (≤ 60°C (5 s)) / -
Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 0.6 W (230 V AC) / < 7.1 W (230 V AC) < 0.5 W (230 V AC) / < 2.7 W (230 V AC)
typ. 91.5% (120 V AC) /  typ. 92.5% (230 V AC) typ. 89.5% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90.8% (230 V AC)
< 35 mVPP < 40 mVPP

DC OK, utilization indicator DC OK, utilization indicator

SIG digital SIG digital
POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%) POut > PThr (50%, 75%, 100%)

0.3 kg / 45 x 106 x 90 mm - / 22.5 x 106 x 90 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
30 mm vertically 30 mm vertically
Push-in technology Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
IP20 / II IP20 / -
> 671000 h (40°C) > 500000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -

3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV) IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
EN 61558-2-16 EN 61558-2-16

III (≤ 2000 m) III
UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2, UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units, ANSI/UL 121201 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/1AC/12DC/7.5/PT 2904607 1 QUINT4-PS/1AC/5DC/5/PT 2904595 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 253
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies –
Robust standard functionality H
– Space savings in the control cabinet,
thanks to the narrow design
– Reliable starting of dynamic loads with
the dynamic boost, which supplies up to
1.5 times the nominal current for
5 seconds
– High operational reliability, thanks to the
robust design
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to Power supply,
+70°C as well as device startup at -40°C 1 AC, 24 V DC, 3 A
(type-tested) NEC Class 2
– Maximum availability, thanks to high MTBF 
Ex: 
(mean time between failure)
– Active function monitoring with DC OK
LED and relay contact
– Time savings during installation, thanks to
the use of tool-free Push-in connection L/+ +
technology N/- -

TRIO POWER, NEC Class 2 13

Output power limited to 100 W
– Specifically for applications that require
certification in accordance with Technical data
UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2 Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
110 V DC ... 250 V DC
TRIO POWER, Bridge and Deck Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
99 V DC ... 275 V DC
Optimized for use on the ship's bridge Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 1.4 A (100 V AC) / 1 A (120 V AC)
0.6 A (230 V AC) / 0.7 A (240 V AC)
0.8 A (110 V DC) / 0.3 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 15 A / < 0.26 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 10 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 3 A / 4.5 A (1 s)

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1 W / < 10 W
Efficiency > 89% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, floating signal contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.35 kg / 30 x 130 x 115 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 2000000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/3/C2LPS 2903147 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Bridge and Deck

1 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A

Ex:  

+ +
L/+ + L/+ +
N/- - N/- -
- -
- -

13 13
14 14

Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

110 V DC ... 250 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC
100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
99 V DC ... 275 V DC 99 V DC ... 275 V DC
50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz
2.2 A (100 V AC) / 1.9 A (120 V AC) 2.2 A (100 V AC) / 1.9 A (120 V AC)
1.1 A (230 V AC) / 1.1 A (240 V AC) 1.1 A (230 V AC) / 1.1 A (240 V AC)
1.4 A (110 V DC) / 0.6 A (250 V DC) 1.4 A (110 V DC) / 0.6 A (250 V DC)
≤ 16 A / < 0.6 A2s ≤ 16 A / < 0.6 A2s
typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (230 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

5 A / 7.5 A (5 s) 5 A / 7.5 A (5 s)
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
< 1 W / < 16 W < 1 W / < 16 W
> 90% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 89% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
< 50 mVPP < 50 mVPP

LED, floating signal contact LED, floating signal contact

0.45 kg / 35 x 130 x 115 mm 0.45 kg / 35 x 130 x 115 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C), alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm
Push-in connection Push-in connection
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 1970000 h (40°C) > 1970000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/5 2903148 1 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/5/B+D 2903144 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 255
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies –
Robust standard functionality H
– Space savings in the control cabinet,
thanks to the narrow design
– Reliable starting of dynamic loads with
the dynamic boost, which supplies up to
1.5 times the nominal current for
5 seconds
– High operational reliability, thanks to
the robust design
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to Power supply,
+70°C as well as device startup at -40°C 1 AC, 24 V DC, 10 A
– Maximum availability, thanks to high MTBF 
Ex: 
(mean time between failure)
– Active function monitoring with DC OK
LED and relay contact
– Time savings during installation, thanks to
the use of tool-free Push-in connection L/+
technology N/- PFC -

TRIO POWER, NEC Class 2 13

Output power limited to 100 W
– Specifically for applications that require
certification in accordance with Technical data
UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2 Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
110 V DC ... 250 V DC
TRIO POWER, Bridge and Deck Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -10% ... +10%
Optimized for use on the ship's bridge Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 3.1 A (100 V AC) / 2.4 A (120 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 25 A / < 0.5 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (constant capacity)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 10 A / 15 A (5 s)

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 5.1 W (230 V) / < 25 W
Efficiency > 91% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 10 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, floating signal contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1 kg / 42 x 130 x 160 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1000000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/10 2903149 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Bridge and Deck Power supply,

1 AC, 24 V DC, 10 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A

 Ex: 

+ +
L/+ + L/+ +
active active
N/- PFC - N/- PFC -
- -
- -

13 13
14 14

Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

110 V DC ... 250 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC
100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC -10% ... +10% 99 V DC ... 275 V DC
50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10%
3.1 A (100 V AC) / 2.4 A (120 V AC) 5.6 A (100 V AC) / 4.3 A (120 V AC)
typ. 20 A / < 0.5 A2s ≤ 20 A / < 0.9 A2s
typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (230 V AC) typ. 10 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 15 ms (230 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
24 V DC ... 28 V DC (constant capacity) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

10 A / 15 A (5 s) 20 A / 30 A (5 s)
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
< 5.1 W / < 25 W < 5.7 W / < 44 W
typ. 90% (120 V AC) /  typ. 91.5% (230 V AC) > 93% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
< 20 mVPP < 30 mVPP

LED, floating signal contact LED, floating signal contact

1 kg / 42 x 130 x 160 mm 1.5 kg / 68 x 130 x 160 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C), alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm
Push-in connection Push-in connection
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 10 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 8
IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 1000000 h (40°C) > 1000000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/10/B+D 2903145 1 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/20 2903151 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 257
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies –
Robust standard functionality H H
– Space savings in the control cabinet,
thanks to the narrow design
– Reliable starting of dynamic loads with
the dynamic boost, which supplies up to
1.5 times the nominal current for
5 seconds
– High operational reliability, thanks to
the robust design
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to Power supply, Power supply,
+70°C as well as device startup at -40°C 3 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A 3 AC, 24 V DC, 10 A
– Maximum availability, thanks to high MTBF  
Ex:  Ex: 
(mean time between failure)
– Active function monitoring with DC OK
LED and relay contact
– Time savings during installation, thanks to L1 L1
+ +
the use of tool-free Push-in connection L2 + L2 +
technology L3 -
L3 -
- -

13 13
14 14

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
Input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ....+15% 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ....+15%
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +15% 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +15%
Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 50 Hz ... 60 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 3x 0.4 A (400 V AC) / 3x 0.3 A (500 V AC) 3x 0.6 A (400 V AC) / 3x 0.6 A (500 V AC)
2x 0.6 A (400 V AC) / 2x 0.5 A (500 V AC) 2x 1.1 A (400 V AC) / 2x 1.1 A (500 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 22 A / ≤ 0.25 A2s ≤ 26 A / ≤ 0.3 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (500 V AC) typ. 10 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (500 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 5 A / 7.5 A (5 s) 10 A / 15 A (5 s)

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1 W (400 V AC) / < 12 W (480 V AC) < 1.1 W (400 V AC) / < 22 W (480 V AC)
Efficiency > 91% (at 400 V AC and nominal values) > 92% (at 400 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple ≤ 20 mVPP ≤ 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, floating signal contact LED, floating signal contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.4 kg / 35 x 130 x 115 mm 0.9 kg / 42 x 130 x 160 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C), alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1300000 h (40°C) > 1200000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/5 2903153 1 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/10 2903154 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply,

3 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A 3 AC, 24 V DC, 40 A

 
Ex:  Ex: 

L1 L1
+ +
L2 + L2 +
L3 - L3 -
- -
- -

13 13
14 14

Technical data Technical data

3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC

2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ....+15% 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ....+15%
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +15%
50 Hz ... 60 Hz 50 Hz ... 60 Hz
3x 1.2 A (400 V AC) / 3x 1 A (500 V AC) 3x 1.9 A (400 V AC) / 3x 1.7 A (500 V AC)
2x 2.3 A (400 V AC) / 2x 1.9 A (500 V AC)
≤ 22 A / ≤ 0.5 A2s ≤  / ≤ 1.1 A2s
typ. 10 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (500 V AC) typ. 10 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (500 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

20 A / 30 A (5 s) 40 A / 60 A (5 s)
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
< 1.2 W (400 V AC) / < 38 W (480 V AC) < 14 W (400 V AC) / < 68 W (480 V AC)
> 93% (400 V AC) /  500 V AC typ. 93% (400 V AC) /  typ. 93.3% (480 V AC)
≤ 20 mVPP ≤ 50 mVPP

LED, floating signal contact LED, floating signal contact

1.5 kg / 65 x 130 x 160 mm 2.6 kg / 110 x 130 x 160 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C), alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm
Push-in connection Push-in connection
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 10 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 8 0.75 - 16 mm² / 0.75 - 10 mm² / 20 - 4
IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 1100000 h (40°C) > 1051000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/20 2903155 1 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/40 2903156 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 259
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies –
Robust standard functionality H
TRIO POWER 1 AC, 12 and 48 V DC
– Space savings in the control cabinet,
thanks to the narrow design
– Reliable starting of dynamic loads with
the dynamic boost, which supplies up to
1.5 times the nominal current for
5 seconds
– High operational reliability, thanks to
the robust design
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to Power supply,
+70°C as well as device startup at -40°C 1 AC, 12 V DC, 5 A
(type-tested) NEC Class 2
– Maximum availability, thanks to high MTBF 
Ex: 
(mean time between failure)
– Active function monitoring with DC OK
LED and relay contact
– Time savings during installation, thanks to
the use of tool-free Push-in connection L/+ +
technology N/- -

TRIO POWER, NEC Class 2 13

Output power limited to 100 W
– Specifically for applications that require
certification in accordance with Technical data
UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2 Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
110 V DC ... 250 V DC
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
99 V DC ... 275 V DC
Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 1.1 A (100 V AC) / 1 A (120 V AC)
0.6 A (230 V AC) / 0.6 A (240 V AC)
0.7 A (110 V DC) / 0.3 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 25 A / < 0.6 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 110 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 12 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 12 V DC ... 18 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 5A/-

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1 W (230 V) / < 10 W (230 V)
Efficiency > 86% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, floating signal contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.32 kg / 30 x 130 x 115 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 2900000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/12DC/5/C2LPS 2903157 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 12 V DC, 10 A 1 AC, 48 V DC, 5 A 1 AC, 48 V DC, 10 A

  

Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

+ + +
L/+ + L/+ + L/+ +
active active
N/- - N/- PFC - N/- PFC -
- - -
- - -

13 13 13
14 14 14

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

110 V DC ... 250 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC
100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10% 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
99 V DC ... 275 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC ±10% 99 V DC ... 275 V DC
50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±10%
2.2 A (100 V AC) / 1.9 A (120 V AC) 2.9 A (100 V AC) / 2.3 A (120 V AC) 5.6 A (100 V AC) / 5.4 A (120 V AC)
1.1 A (230 V AC) / 1.1 A (240 V AC) 1.2 A (230 V AC) / 1.2 A (240 V AC) 2.6 A (230 V AC) / 2.4 A (240 V AC)
1.3 A (110 V DC) / 0.6 A (250 V DC) 2.5 A (110 V DC) / 1.1 A (250 V DC) 5 A (110 V DC) / 2.2 A (250 V DC)
≤ 30 A / < 1.5 A2s  / < 0.3 A2s 20 A / < 0.7 A2s
typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (230 V AC) typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 15 ms (230 V AC) typ. 10 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 15 ms (230 V AC)

12 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1%

12 V DC ... 18 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 36 V DC ... 55 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 36 V DC ... 55 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

10 A / 15 A (5 s) 5 A / 7.5 A (5 s) 10 A / 15 A (5 s)
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
< 1 W (230 V) / < 15 W (230 V) typ. 4 W (120 V AC) / typ. 24.5 W (120 V AC) < 5.7 W (230 V) / < 44 W
> 89% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) typ. 90.5% (120 V AC) /  typ. 91% (230 V AC) > 93% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
< 50 mVPP < 20 mVPP < 50 mVPP

LED, floating signal contact LED, floating signal contact LED, floating signal contact

0.4 kg / 35 x 130 x 115 mm 0.9 kg / 42 x 130 x 160 mm 1.4 kg / 68 x 130 x 160 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C), alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C), alignable: horizontally 0 mm (≤ 40°C) 10 mm (≤ 70°C),
vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm
Push-in connection Push-in connection Push-in connection
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 10 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 8
IP20 / II IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 1700000 h (40°C) > 1200000 h (40°C) > 800000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 1.5 kV AC / 3 kV AC
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) - EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/12DC/10 2903158 1 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/48DC/5 2903159 1 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/48DC/10 2903160 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 261
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies – new
Robust standard functionality H
TRIO CrossPowerSystem, 3 AC,
24 V DC
– Fast startup, thanks to tool-free mounting
and automatic contacting
– Push-in connection enables quick and easy
connection of 24 V DC control voltages
– Reliable starting of heavy loads with
dynamic boost
– Electrically robust, thanks to high electric
strength Power supply,
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to 3 AC, 24 V DC, 5 A
+70°C, plus device startup at -40°C


1.1 2.1
L1 +
1.2 2.2
L2 +
1.3 2.3
L3 -

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
Input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ....+15%
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +15%
Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 3x 0.4 A (400 V AC) / 3x 0.3 A (500 V AC)
2x 0.6 A (400 V AC) / 2x 0.5 A (500 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 22 A / ≤ 0.25 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (500 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 5 A / 7.5 A (5 s)

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1 W (400 V AC) / < 12 W (480 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 91% (400 V AC)
Residual ripple ≤ 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, floating signal contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.7 kg / 36 x 160 x 159 mm
Connection Cross Power System
Connection method Snap-on connection
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1300000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-1 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL Listed UL 61010-2-201
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

EM-CPS-PS/3AC/24DC/5 1064922 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 263
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies – new
Robust standard functionality H
– Direct installation in the field possible
– Installation at the consumer reduces the
cable length, saves space in the control
cabinet, and results in lower power loss
– High operational safety, thanks to robust
die-cast aluminum housing
– High system availability, thanks to excellent
resistance to harmful environmental Power supply,
influences 1 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A
– Reliable starting of heavy loads with
dynamic boost
– Wide temperature range up to +85°C

-X1.1 -X2.2
L/+ active -
-X1.3 -X2.3
N/- PFC -
-X2 PE

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
110 V DC ... 250 V DC
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 10%
110 V DC ... 250 V DC 10%
Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz  5 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 5.6 A (100 V AC) / 4.3 A (120 V AC)
2.4 A (230 V AC) / 2.4 A (240 V AC)
4.9 A (110 V DC) / 2.1 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 20 A / < 0.9 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 10 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 15 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Output current / Dynamic Boost 20 A / 30 A (5 s)
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1.2 W (400 V AC) / < 38 W (480 V AC)
Efficiency > 91% (100 V AC) /  > 93% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple ≤ 20 mVPP
Signal options DC OK
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 3.7 kg / 148 x 304 x 120 mm
Connection alignable: 20 mm horizontally, 50 mm vertically above,
100 mm vertically below
Connection method S-coding (plug)
M17, 3 pin + PE (socket)
A-coding (plug)
Degree of protection / Protection class IP67 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > (40°C) > 1000000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 85°C (Derating >60°C: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-1 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals -
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

TRIO-PS-IP67/1AC/24DC/20 1039830 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
TRIO POWER power supplies – new
Robust standard functionality H
– Direct installation in the field possible
– Installation at the consumer reduces the
cable length, saves space in the control
cabinet, and results in lower power loss
– High operational safety, thanks to robust
die-cast aluminum housing
– High system availability, thanks to excellent
resistance to harmful environmental Power supply,
influences 3 AC, 24 V DC, 20 A
– Reliable starting of heavy loads with
dynamic boost
– Wide temperature range up to +85°C

-X1.1 -X2.1
L1 +
-X1.2 -X2.2
L2 -
-X1.3 -X2.3
L3 -
-X2 PE

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
Input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -20% ....+15%
2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC -10% ... +15%
Frequency range 50 Hz ... 60 Hz  5 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 3x 1.2 A (400 V AC) / 3x 1 A (500 V AC)
2x 2.3 A (400 V AC) / 2x 1.9 A (500 V AC)
4.9 A (110 V DC) / 2.1 A (250 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t ≤ 22 A / 0.5 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 10 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (500 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Output current / Dynamic Boost 20 A / 30 A (5 s)
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1.2 W (400 V AC) / < 38 W (480 V AC)
Efficiency > 93% (400 V AC) /  > 93% (500 V AC)
Residual ripple ≤ 20 mVPP
Signal options DC OK
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 3.7 kg / 148 x 304 x 120 mm
Connection alignable: 20 mm horizontally, 50 mm vertically above,
100 mm vertically below
Connection method S-coding (plug)
M17, 3 pin + PE (socket)
A-coding (plug)
Degree of protection / Protection class IP67 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > (40°C) > 1100000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 85°C (Derating > 60°C (3 AC): 2,5%/K /
> 50°C (2 AC): 2,5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-1 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals -
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

TRIO-PS-IP67/3AC/24DC/20 1039829 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 265
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
UNO POWER power supplies –
Compact basic functionality H H
– The wide range of products covers
all common voltage levels
– Maximum energy efficiency: save energy,
thanks to high efficiency and extremely
low idling losses
– Save space in the control cabinet,
thanks to extremely high power density
– 84 mm housing depth for devices up to
100 W, tailored to all standard 120 mm Power supply, Power supply,
control boxes 1 AC, 24 DC, 30 W 1 AC, 24 DC, 60 W
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
+70°C  
Ex:   Ex: 


Output power limited to 100 W
– Specifically for applications that require L + +
N - L
certification in accordance with N

UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2 –

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.8 A (100 V AC) / 0.4 A (240 V AC) 1.3 A (100 V AC) / 0.6 A (240 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 20 A / < 0.4 A2s < 30 A / < 0.5 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 115 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 85 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
Output current 1.25 A 2.5 A
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.3 W / < 5 W < 0.3 W / < 7 W
Efficiency typ. 87% (120 V AC) /  typ. 88% (230 V AC) typ. 88% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 60 mVPP < 30 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.15 kg / 22.5 x 90 x 84 mm 0.2 kg / 35 x 90 x 84 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1158000 h (40°C) > 785000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4A (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/ 30W 2902991 1 UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/ 60W 2902992 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 24 DC, 100 W 1 AC, 24 DC, 150 W 1 AC, 24 DC, 240 W

  

Ex:   Ex:  Ex: 

+ L +
L + N -
N –


Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz
2.1 A (100 V AC) / 0.95 A (240 V AC) 1.66 A (100 V AC) / 0.68 A (240 V AC) 2.69 A (100 V AC) / 1.08 A (240 V AC)
< 40 A / < 1.5 A2s < 50 A / < 0.8 A2s < 80 A / < 2 A2s
typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (230 V AC) typ. 10 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 10 ms (230 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%

4.2 A 6.25 A 10 A
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / No yes, with redundancy module / No
< 0.5 W / < 11 W < 1.2 W / < 9.7 W < 1.1 W / < 18.8 W
typ. 88% (120 V AC) /  typ. 89% (230 V AC) typ. 91% (120 V AC) /  typ. 94% (230 V AC) typ. 90% (120 V AC) /  typ. 93% (230 V AC)
< 30 mVPP < 40 mVPP < 50 mVPP


0.34 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm 0.5 kg / 37 x 130 x 125 mm 0.66 kg / 45 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / I
> 738000 h (40°C) > 868000 h (40°C) > 641000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/100W 2902993 1 UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/150W 2904376 1 UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/240W 2904372 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 267
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
UNO POWER power supplies – new
Compact basic functionality H
UNO POWER, 1 AC, 24 V DC, 480 W
– The wide range of products covers
all common voltage levels
– Maximum energy efficiency: save energy,
thanks to high efficiency and extremely
low idling losses
– Save space in the control cabinet,
thanks to extremely high power density
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to
+70°C Power supply,
– Active function monitoring with DC OK 1 AC, 24 DC, 480 W
LED and relay contact

1.2 2.1
L 2.2
active +
 PFC 2.4 -
1.1 OVP 3.2 14


Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC -15% ... +10%
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 5.4 A (100 V AC) / 4.4 A (120 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 20 A / < 1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 20 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Output current 20 A
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 4 W / < 36 W
Efficiency typ. 93% (120 V AC) /  typ. 94.6% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 100 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, floating signal contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1 kg / 59 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 24 - 10
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 500000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2.5 kV AC (routine test) / 4.43 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation IEC 61558-2-16, IEC 61010-2-201
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

UNO2-PS/1AC/24DC/480W 2910105 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
UNO POWER power supplies –
Compact basic functionality H H
UNO POWER, 1 AC and 2 AC,
24 V DC
– The wide range of products covers
all common voltage levels
– Maximum energy efficiency: save energy,
thanks to high efficiency and extremely
low idling losses
– Save space in the control cabinet,
thanks to extremely high power density
– Housing depth of 84 mm, tailored to Power supply, Power supply,
all popular 120 mm control boxes 1 AC, 24 DC, 90 W 2 AC, 24 DC, 90 W
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
+70°C  
Ex:  Ex:  


Output power limited to 100 W
– Specifically for applications that require + +
L L1/L
certification in accordance with N
– –
UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2 – –

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 2x 264 V AC ... 575 V AC
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 1.8 A (100 V AC) / 0.8 A (240 V AC) 0.55 A (400 V AC) / 0.48 A (500 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 40 A / < 1.5 A2s < 30 A / < 0.5 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (230 V AC) typ. 65 ms (400 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (500 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
Output current 3.75 A 3.75 A
Can be connected in parallel/series No / No No / No
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.5 W / < 12 W < 0.7 W / < 12 W
Efficiency typ. 88% (120 V AC) /  typ. 88% (230 V AC) typ. 89% (400 V AC) /  typ. 89% (480 V AC)
Residual ripple < 45 mVPP < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.34 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm 0.32 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1159000 h (40°C) > 828000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/90W/C2LPS 2902994 1 UNO-PS/2AC/24DC/90W/C2LPS 2904371 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 269
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
UNO POWER power supplies –
Compact basic functionality H H
UNO POWER, 1 AC, 5 to 12 V DC
– The wide range of products covers
all common voltage levels
– Maximum energy efficiency: save energy,
thanks to high efficiency and extremely
low idling losses
– Save space in the control cabinet,
thanks to extremely high power density
– Housing depth of 84 mm, tailored to
all popular 120 mm control boxes Power supply, Power supply,
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to 1 AC, 12 DC, 30 W 1 AC, 12 DC, 55 W
 
Ex:  Ex: 

L + +
N - L +
N –

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.8 A (100 V AC) / 0.4 A (240 V AC) 1.3 A (100 V AC) / 0.6 A (240 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 25 A / < 0.3 A2s < 30 A / < 0.5 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 110 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 90 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 12 V DC ±1% 12 V DC ±1%
Output current 2.5 A 4.6 A
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.3 W / < 4.6 W < 0.3 W / < 8 W
Efficiency typ. 86% (120 V AC) /  typ. 87% (230 V AC) typ. 87% (120 V AC) /  typ. 88% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 30 mVPP < 30 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.15 kg / 22.5 x 90 x 84 mm 0.2 kg / 35 x 90 x 84 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 953000 h (40°C) > 865000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4A (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched, 1-phase

UNO-PS/1AC/12DC/ 30W 2902998 1 UNO-PS/1AC/12DC/ 55W 2902999 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 12 DC, 100 W 1 AC, 5 DC, 25 W 1 AC, 5 DC, 40 W

  

Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

+ L + +
L + N - L +
N – N –
– –

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz ±5 Hz
2.19 A (100 V AC) / 1.13 A (240 V AC) 0.53 A (100 V AC) / 0.28 A (240 V AC) 0.8 A (100 V AC) / 0.4 A (240 V AC)
< 30 A / < 1.5 A2s < 30 A / < 0.5 A2s < 30 A / < 0.5 A2s
typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 85 ms (230 V AC) typ. 35 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 135 ms (230 V AC) typ. 30 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 120 ms (230 V AC)

12 V DC ±1% 5 V DC ±1% 5 V DC ±1%

8.3 A 5A 8A
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
< 0.4 W / < 12 W < 0.3 W / < 4.5 W < 0.3 W / < 7.5 W
typ. 88% (120 V AC) /  typ. 89% (230 V AC) typ. 85% (120 V AC) /  typ. 86% (230 V AC) typ. 84% (120 V AC) /  typ. 85% (230 V AC)
< 75 mVPP < 40 mVPP < 100 mVPP


0.34 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm 0.15 kg / 22.5 x 90 x 84 mm 0.21 kg / 35 x 90 x 84 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 500000 h (40°C) > 2174000 h (40°C) > 1201000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4A (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

UNO-PS/1AC/12DC/100W 2902997 1 UNO-PS/1AC/ 5DC/ 25W 2904374 1 UNO-PS/1AC/ 5DC/ 40W 2904375 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 271
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
UNO POWER power supplies –
Compact basic functionality H H
UNO POWER, 1 AC, 15 to 48 V DC
– The wide range of products covers
all common voltage levels
– Maximum energy efficiency: save energy,
thanks to high efficiency and extremely
low idling losses
– Save space in the control cabinet,
thanks to extremely high power density
– Housing depth of 84 mm, tailored to
all popular 120 mm control boxes Power supply, Power supply,
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to 1 AC, 15 DC, 30 W 1 AC, 15 DC, 55 W
 
Ex:  Ex: 

L + +
N - L +
N –

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
Frequency range (fN) 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10%
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.8 A (100 V AC) / 0.4 A (240 V AC) 1.3 A (100 V AC) / 0.6 A (240 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 30 A / < 0.3 A2s < 25 A / < 0.5 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 115 ms (230 V AC) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 90 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 15 V DC ±1% 15 V DC ±1%
Output current 2A 3.7 A
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.3 W / < 4.6 W < 0.3 W / < 7 W
Efficiency typ. 85% (120 V AC) /  typ. 86% (230 V AC) typ. 87% (120 V AC) /  typ. 88% (230 V AC)
Residual ripple < 40 mVPP < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.15 kg / 22.5 x 90 x 84 mm 0.21 kg / 35 x 90 x 84 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 911000 h (40°C) > 647000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4A (Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched, 1-phase

UNO-PS/1AC/15DC/30W 2903000 1 UNO-PS/1AC/15DC/ 55W 2903001 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 15 DC, 100 W 1 AC, 48 DC, 60 W 1 AC, 48 DC, 100 W

  

Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

+ + +
L + L + L +
N – N – N –
– – –

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10% 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 10%
2.19 A (100 V AC) / 1.13 A (240 V AC) 1.3 A (100 V AC) / 0.6 A (240 V AC) 2.2 A (100 V AC) / 1.1 A (240 V AC)
< 30 A / < 1.5 A2s < 30 A / < 0.5 A2s < 40 A / < 1.4 A2s
typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 85 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 90 ms (230 V AC) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 90 ms (230 V AC)

15 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1%

6.67 A 1.25 A 2.1 A
yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes yes, with redundancy module / yes
< 0.4 W / < 12 W < 0.4 W / < 7 W < 0.4 W / < 11 W
typ. 89% (120 V AC) /  typ. 89% (230 V AC) typ. 89% (120 V AC) /  typ. 89% (230 V AC) typ. 88% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90% (230 V AC)
< 75 mVPP < 35 mVPP < 40 mVPP


0.34 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm 0.21 kg / 35 x 90 x 84 mm 0.34 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 727000 h (40°C) > 1138000 h (40°C) > 1010000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4A (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4A (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

UNO-PS/1AC/15DC/100W 2903002 1 UNO-PS/1AC/48DC/ 60W 2902995 1 UNO-PS/1AC/48DC/100W 2902996 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 273
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
UNO POWER power supplies –
DC/DC converters H
UNO POWER, input up to 1000 V
– Connect directly to the PV string:
no need to supply an AC connection
– Robust and reliable at temperatures
from -25°C to +70°C
– Can also be used in small control boxes,
thanks to the compact design and high
degree of efficiency
– Simplified startup, thanks to LED function
monitoring DC/DC converter,
350 - 900 V DC, 24 V DC, 60 W


+ +
- -

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 350 V DC ... 900 V DC
Input voltage range 300 V DC ... 1000 V DC
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.19 A (350 V DC) / 0.07 A (1000 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 1 A / < 0.38 A2s
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Output current 2.5 A
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / No
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.5 W / < 6.5 W
Efficiency > 90%
Residual ripple < 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.3 kg / 55 x 90 x 84 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1160000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV DC (routine test) / 8 kV DC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations -
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL 1741
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched

UNO-PS/350-900DC/24DC/60W 2906300 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 275
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
MINI POWER power supplies –
For measurement and H
control technology
MINI POWER, 1 AC, 5 to 24 V DC
– Easy-to-maintain connection technology,
thanks to coded COMBICON
– Remote monitoring of output voltage
via switching output


– For supplying operational amplifiers Power supply,
1 AC, 24 V DC, 1.5 A,
MINI POWER EX DIN rail connector optional
Corresponds to standard EN 60079-15 
Ex: 
– Mounting in a potentially explosive area in
which category 3G equipment is required
(zone 2).
L 0V
– Output power limited to 100 W: 24V
Specifically for applications that require 13

certification in accordance with 14

UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC

Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz

Current consumption (nominal load) 0.75 A (120 V AC) / 0.45 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / 0.6 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 35 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 150 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) -

Output current / Power Boost 1.5 A / 2 A

Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 1.5 W / 6.5 W
Efficiency > 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 40 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, relay contact
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.25 kg / 35 x 99 x 95 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Plug-in screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 2789000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3 kV (routine test) / 4 kV (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

System power supply, primary-switched

MINI-SYS-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5 2866983 1

DIN rail connector (optional), for routing through the supply
voltage and data signal, two pieces are required per device

Color: green ME 17,5 TBUS 1,5/ 5-ST-3,81 GN 2709561 10


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply

1 AC, 5 V DC, 3 A 1 AC, ±15 V DC, 1 A 1 AC, 24 DC, 1.5 A
NEC Class 2 DIN rail connector optional
  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

L (+) L (+) L 0V
N (-) N (-) 24V

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
90 V DC ... 350 V DC 90 V DC ... 350 V DC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz
0.4 A (120 V AC) / 0.2 A (230 V AC) 0.6 A (120 V AC) / 0.4 A (230 V AC) 0.75 A (120 V AC) / 0.45 A (230 V AC)
< 15 A / 1.5 A2s < 35 A / 4 A2s < 15 A / 0.6 A2s
typ. 30 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 140 ms (230 V AC) typ. 30 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 150 ms (230 V AC) typ. 35 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 150 ms (230 V AC)

5 V DC ±1% ± 15 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%

4.5 V DC ... 5.5 V DC (> 5 V DC, constant capacity restricted) - -

3A/5A 1 A / 1.5 A 1.5 A / 2 A

Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
1W/5W 2W/8W 1.5 W / 6.5 W
> 73% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 80% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
< 40 mVPP < 30 mVPP < 40 mVPP

LED LED LED, relay contact

0.17 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 107 mm 0.25 kg / 45 x 99 x 107 mm 0.25 kg / 35 x 99 x 95 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 766000 h (40°C) > 500000 h (40°C) > 2789000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

3 kV (routine test) / 4 kV (type test) 3 kV (routine test) / 4 kV (type test) 3 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MINI-PS-100-240AC/ 5DC/3 2938714 1 MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1 2938743 1 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5/EX 2866653 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 277
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
STEP POWER power supplies –
For distribution boards and H
flat control panels
– Flexible assembly by simply snapping the
product onto the DIN rail or screwing it
onto an even surface
– Energy savings, thanks to maximum energy
efficiency and incredibly low no-load
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to
– Reliable supply, thanks to the high MTBF Power supply,
(mean time between failure) 1 AC, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
NEC Class 2
STEP POWER, 24 V DC, 0.5 A Ex: 
– Slim design with an overall width of just
18 mm (1 pitch)
L (+) +
STEP POWER, 24 V DC, 0.75 A N (-) -
– Meets standard EN 60335-1 for household
appliances, suitable for installation in
ventilation systems, for example
– Flat design with a depth of just 43 mm

STEP POWER, 48 V AC, 0.5 A Technical data

– Connection to 48 V AC operating networks
Input data
– Slim design with an overall width of just Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
18 mm (1 pitch) Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.28 A (120 V AC) / 0.13 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / < 0.1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 90 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Output current 0.5 A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.3 W / < 2.2 W
Efficiency > 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.07 kg / 18 x 90 x 61 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1567000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
Budgetary standard -
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4
(Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/0.5 2868596 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 24 V DC, 0.75 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 0.75 A 48 V AC, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
flat design, NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
 
Ex:  Ex:  

+ + L (+) +
L (+) + L (+) + N (-) -
N (-) – N (-) –
– –

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 48 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 43 V AC ... 52 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC 60 V DC ... 80 V DC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
0.3 A (120 V AC) / 0.25 A (230 V AC) 0.3 A (120 V AC) / 0.2 A (230 V AC) 0.5 A (43 V AC) / 0.45 A (48 V  AC)
< 15 A / < 0.1 A2s < 15 A / < 0.1 A2s < 10 A / < 0.1 A2s
typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 70 ms (230 V AC) typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 70 ms (230 V AC) typ. 15 ms (48 V  AC) / typ. 20 ms (52 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%

0.75 A 0.75 A 0.5 A
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 0.5 W / < 3.6 W 0.5 W / 3.6 W < 0.3 W / < 3.4 W
> 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 81% (for 48 V AC and nominal values)
< 75 mVPP < 75 mVPP < 30 mVPP


0.11 kg / 36 x 90 x 43 mm 0.11 kg / 36 x 90 x 61 mm 0.07 kg / 18 x 90 x 61 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 926000 h (40°C) > 926000 h (40°C) > 1860000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
IEC 60335-1 IEC 60335-1 -
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
(Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310 (Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/0.75/FL 2868622 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/0.75 2868635 1 STEP-PS/48AC/24DC/0.5 2868716 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 279
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
STEP POWER power supplies –
For distribution boards and H H
flat control panels
– Flexible assembly by simply snapping the
product onto the DIN rail or screwing it
onto an even surface
– Energy savings, thanks to maximum energy
efficiency and incredibly low no-load
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to
– Reliable supply, thanks to the high MTBF Power supply, Power supply,
(mean time between failure) 1 AC, 24 V DC, 1.75 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 2.5 A
NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
 
STEP POWER, NEC Class 2 Ex:  Ex: 
– Output power limited to 100 W:
Specifically for applications that require
certification in accordance with
UL 1310/508 Listed Class 2 + +
L (+) + L (+) +
N (-) – N (-) –
– –

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.6 A (120 V AC) / 0.3 A (230 V AC) 0.8 A (120 V AC) / 0.4 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / < 0.6 A2s < 15 A / < 0.6 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 150 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 22.5 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 22.5 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current 1.75 A 2.5 A

Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.7 W / 5 W < 0.7 W / 9.9 W
Efficiency > 89% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 86% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 60 mVPP < 80 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.19 kg / 54 x 90 x 61 mm 0.27 kg / 72 x 90 x 61 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1569000 h (40°C) > 1061000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4A UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T3C
(Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310 (Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/1.75 2868648 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/2.5 2868651 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 24 V DC, 100 W 1 AC, 24 V DC, 4.2 A 1 AC, 24 V DC, 3.5 A
NEC Class 2 Input up to 277 V AC, NEC Class 2
 
Ex:  Ex:  

+ + +
L (+) + L (+) + L (+) +
N (-) – N (-) – N (-) –
– – –

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 277 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 305 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
1.3 A (120 V AC) / 0.8 A (230 V AC) 1.3 A (120 V AC) / 0.8 A (230 V AC) 1.43 A (120 V AC) / 0.75 A (277 V AC)
< 15 A / < 1 A2s < 15 A / < 1 A2s < 40 A / < 2.8 A2s
typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 120 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 100 ms (230 V AC) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 160 ms (277 V AC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%

22.5 V DC ... 25 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 22.5 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 22.5 V DC ... 25 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

3.8 A 4.2 A 3.5 A

No / No Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 0.7 W / 11.8 W < 0.7 W / 13.2 W < 0.6 W / 11.5 W
> 88% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 88% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 88% (for 277 V AC and nominal values)
< 80 mVPP < 40 mVPP < 10 mVPP


0.33 kg / 90 x 90 x 61 mm 0.33 kg / 90 x 90 x 61 mm 0.3 kg / 90 x 90 x 61 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 897000 h (40°C) > 897000 h (40°C) > 1094000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)

3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4A UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4A NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
(Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310 (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/3.8/C2LPS 2868677 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/4.2 2868664 1 STEP-PS/277AC/24DC/3.5 2904945 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 281
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
STEP POWER power supplies –
For distribution boards and H
flat control panels
STEP POWER, 1 AC, 5 to 48 V DC
– Flexible assembly by simply snapping the
product onto the DIN rail or screwing it
onto an even surface
– Energy savings, thanks to maximum energy
efficiency and incredibly low no-load
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to
– Reliable supply, thanks to the high MTBF Power supply,
(mean time between failure) 1 AC, 5 V DC, 2 A
NEC Class 2

STEP POWER, 5 V DC, 2 A 

– Slim design with an overall width of just
18 mm (1 pitch)
L (+) +
STEP POWER, 5 V DC, 6.5 A N (-) -
– Adjustable output voltage of 4 to
6.5 V DC


– Adjustable output voltage of 10 to
16.5 V DC Technical data
Input data
STEP POWER, 48 V DC, 2 A Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
– Adjustable output voltage of 30 to 95 V DC ... 250 V DC
56 V DC Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.2 A (120 V AC) / 0.13 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / < 0.1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 110 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 5 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) -

Output current 2A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.4 W / < 2.6 W
Efficiency > 81% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 50 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.1 kg / 18 x 90 x 61 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1812000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310

Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched, 1-phase

STEP-PS/ 1AC/ 5DC/2 2320513 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 5 V DC, 6.5 A 1 AC, 15 V DC, 4 A 1 AC, 48 V DC, 2 A

  

Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

+ + +
L (+) + L (+) + L (+) +
N (-) – N (-) – N (-) –
– – –

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
0.5 A (120 V AC) / 0.3 A (230 V AC) 0.8 A (120 V AC) / 0.5 A (230 V AC) 1.3 A (120 V AC) / 0.8 A (230 V AC)
< 15 A / < 0.6 A2s < 15 A / < 0.6 A2s < 15 A / < 1.4 A2s
typ. 25 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 140 ms (230 V AC) typ. 27 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 120 ms (230 V AC) typ. 20 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 120 ms (230 V AC)

5 V DC ±1% 15 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1%

4 V DC ... 6.5 V DC (> 5 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 10 V DC ... 16.5 V DC (> 15 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 30 V DC ... 56 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

6.5 A 4A 2A
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 0.4 W / 8.1 W < 0.5 W / 8.6 W < 0.9 W / 9.6 W
> 80% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 87% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 90% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
< 50 mVPP < 55 mVPP < 30 mVPP


0.27 kg / 72 x 90 x 61 mm 0.27 kg / 72 x 90 x 61 mm 0.33 kg / 90 x 90 x 61 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 1111000 h (40°C) > 1134000 h (40°C) > 1048000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)

3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4A UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T3C UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T3C
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

STEP-PS/ 1AC/ 5DC/6.5 2868541 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/15DC/4 2868619 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/48DC/2 2868680 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 283
Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies
STEP POWER power supplies –
For distribution boards and H H
flat control panels
– Flexible assembly by simply snapping the
product onto the DIN rail or screwing it
onto an even surface
– Energy savings, thanks to maximum energy
efficiency and incredibly low no-load
– Wide temperature range from -25°C to
– Reliable supply, thanks to the high MTBF Power supply, Power supply,
(mean time between failure) 1 AC, 12 V DC, 1 A 1 AC, 12 V DC, 1.5 A
NEC Class 2 Flat design, NEC Class 2
 
STEP POWER, 12 V DC, 1.5 A Ex:  Ex: 
– Meets standard EN 60335-1 for household
appliances, suitable for installation in
ventilation systems, for example
L (+) + +
N (-) - L (+) +
N (-) –

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
Current consumption (nominal load) 0.26 A (120 V AC) / 0.13 A (230 V AC) 0.33 A (120 V AC) / 0.18 A (230 V AC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / < 0.1 A2s < 15 A / < 0.1 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 90 ms (230 V AC) typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 70 ms (230 V AC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 12 V DC ±1% 12 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) - -

Output current 1A 1.5 A

Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 0.4 W / < 2.8 W < 0.4 W / < 3.2 W
Efficiency > 83% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 20 mVPP < 75 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED LED
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.07 kg / 18 x 90 x 61 mm 0.07 kg / 36 x 90 x 43 mm
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1478000 h (40°C) > 1800000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
Budgetary standard - IEC 60335-1
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4
(Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310 (Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310
Limitation of harmonic line currents EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, primary-switched

STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/1 2868538 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/1.5/FL 2868554 1


Power supplies and UPS
Power supplies


Power supply, Power supply, Power supply,

1 AC, 12 V DC, 1.5 A 1 AC, 12 V DC, 3 A 1 AC, 12 V DC, 5 A
NEC Class 2 NEC Class 2
  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

+ + +
L (+) + L (+) + L (+) +
N (-) – N (-) – N (-) –
– – –

Technical data Technical data Technical data

100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC

85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC
95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC 95 V DC ... 250 V DC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz 45 Hz ... 65 Hz / 0 Hz
0.3 A (120 V AC) / 0.2 A (230 V AC) 0.6 A (120 V AC) / 0.3 A (230 V AC) 0.8 A (120 V AC) / 0.5 A (230 V AC)
< 15 A / < 0.1 A2s < 15 A / < 0.6 A2s < 15 A / < 0.6 A2s
typ. 15 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 70 ms (230 V AC) typ. 26 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 160 ms (230 V AC) typ. 27 ms (120 V AC) / typ. 120 ms (230 V AC)

12 V DC ±1% 12 V DC ±1% 12 V DC ±1%

- 10 V DC ... 16.5 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 10 V DC ... 16.5 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

1.5 A 3A 5A
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 0.4 W / < 3.2 W < 0.5 W / 6.4 W < 0.5 W / 8.6 W
> 84% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 85% (for 230 V AC and nominal values) > 87% (for 230 V AC and nominal values)
< 75 mVPP < 40 mVPP < 55 mVPP


0.11 kg / 36 x 90 x 61 mm 0.19 kg / 54 x 90 x 61 mm 0.27 kg / 72 x 90 x 61 mm

alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / II IP20 / II IP20 / II
> 1800000 h (40°C) > 1689000 h (40°C) > 1134000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating: 2.5%/K)

3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test) 3.75 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
IEC 60335-1 - -
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T3C
(Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310 (Hazardous Location), NEC Class 2 as per UL 1310 (Hazardous Location)
EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/1.5 2868567 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/3 2868570 1 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/5 2868583 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 285
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters

QUINT and MINI DC/DC converters QUINT POWER – Power reserves:

alter the voltage level, regenerate Maximum functionality – Easy system extension with static boost,
the voltage, or enable the creation Cost-effective selective fuse protection providing sustained power of 125%
of independent supply systems by with SFB Technology: – Start heavy loads with dynamic boost,
means of electrical isolation. SFB (Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology providing up to 200% power for 5 s
There are numerous fields of application trips standard circuit breakers reliably and
for DC/DC converters. On long supply lines, quickly with up to six times the nominal Adaptable:
they raise the voltage to compensate for current for 15 ms. Faulty current paths are Signaling thresholds and characteristic
voltage drops. In addition, they can convert switched off selectively, the fault is located, curves can be individually adjusted via NFC.
the DC voltage level present at the input and important system parts remain in
into a different voltage level at the output. operation. Connection technology:
This enables various voltage levels to be Free choice between Push-in connection
matched to one another. Preventive function monitoring: and screw connection for the new generation
DC/DC converters separate circuits Comprehensive diagnostics are provided of QUINT DC/DC converters.
from each other by means of electrical through constant monitoring of all relevant
isolation and protect sensitive consumers parameters, such as the input voltage, output
by decoupling them. Furthermore, grounded voltage, and output current. This preventive  Your web code: #0152
circuits are isolated from non-grounded monitoring visualizes critical operating states,
circuits. before errors can occur. Remote monitoring
Thanks to their wide input voltage range, is performed by means of active switching
DC/DC converters provide a regulated and outputs and floating relay contacts.
stable output voltage even in battery-backed
and unregulated supply networks.


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters

QUINT POWER QUINT POWER CO with protective MINI DC/DC converters –

The DC/DC converters with coating for extreme requirements For control technology
SFB Technology and preventive function The protective coating on these MINI DC/DC converters come into their
monitoring ensure maximum system DC/DC converters protects against dust, own in fields where modular electronics
availability. corrosive gases, and 100% humidity as housing has become the standard.
– Suitable for high power ratings with well as failure caused by corrosion-related – Maintenance-friendly connection
currents up to 20 A creepage currents and electrochemical technology with COMBICON coded
– They provide constant voltages as migration. connectors
the output voltage is regenerated even – OVP (overvoltage protection) limits – Active function monitoring with switching
at the end of long cables surge voltages to 32 V output for remote monitoring of the
– They support conversion to various – Wide temperature range from output voltage
voltage levels -40°C to +70°C

Voltage levels of QUINT DC/DC Voltage levels of QUINT DC/DC Voltage levels of MINI DC/DC
converters with 12 to 48 V DC converters with 60 to 110 V DC converters
The QUINT DC/DC converters alter The QUINT DC/DC converters alter The MINI DC/DC converters alter
the voltage level: the voltage level: the voltage level:
– Input voltages: – Input voltages: – Input voltages:
12 V DC (9 ... 18 V DC), 60 to 72 V DC (42 ... 96 V DC), 12 to 24 V DC (10 ... 32 V DC),
24 V DC (18 ... 32 V DC), 96 to 110 V DC (67 ... 154 V DC) 48 to 60 V DC (36 ... 75 V DC)
48 V DC (30 ... 60 V DC) – Output voltages: – Output voltages:
– Output voltages: 24 V DC (18 ... 29.5 V DC) 5 to 15 V DC (5 ...15 V DC),
12 V DC (5 ... 18 V DC), 24 V DC (22.5 ... 28.5 V DC),
24 V DC (18 ... 29.5 V DC), 48 V DC (30 ... 56 V DC)
48 V DC (30 ... 56 V DC)

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 287
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
QUINT DC/DC converters, new
with Push-in connection H
48 V DC input
– Electrical isolation: for setting up
independent supply systems
– Easy system extension with static boost
– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost Push-in Technology
– SFB Technology selectively trips standard Designed by PHOENIX CONTACT

circuit breakers; consumers connected

in parallel continue working
– Comprehensive signaling with preventive DC/DC converter
function monitoring 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, PT
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic
curves can be set via NFC, available
pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1
– Free choice between Push-in connection 1.1
+ +
and screw connection 1.2
- U  -
QUINT POWER with IECEx approval 3.1
– Devices compliant with standards 14
IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-7, IEC 60079-11, 3.3
and IEC 60079-15 may be installed in C 3.5
a potentially explosive area OUT2

– Suitable for use in Class I, Division 2 NFC

– OVP (overvoltage protection) limits surge
voltages to 32 V Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC -25% ... +40%
Typical current consumption (in static boost) 6.9 A (24 V)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 1 A / < 0.05 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 14 ms (24 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 24 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity)

Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 2 W / < 10 W
Efficiency typ. 92.2% (24 V DC)
Residual ripple < 10 mVPP
LED signaling Utilization indicator, DC OK, UIN OK
Configurable signal output Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog

Signal options IOut, UOut, POut, DC OK, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.6 kg / 36 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / Special with SELV input and output
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 500000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV DC (routine test) / 2 kV DC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1, EN 61010-1 III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m)

Explosive atmospheres IEC 60079-0 /  IEC 60079-7 /  IEC 60079-11 /  IEC 60079-15

UL approvals UL applied for, UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/5/PT 2910119 1


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
new new new

Push-in Technology Push-in Technology Push-in Technology


DC/DC converter DC/DC converter DC/DC converter

24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, PT 24 V DC / 12 V DC, 8 A, PT 48 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, PT

2.1 2.1 2.1

+ 1.1 2.2
+ 1.1 2.2
+ 2.3
+ + 2.3
+ + 2.3
+ +
- 1.2
- 1.2
- U 
- - U  - - U  -
3.1 3.1 3.1
13 13 13
3.2 3.2 3.2
14 14 14
3.3 3.3 3.3
Rem Rem Rem
3.4 3.4 3.4
SGnd SGnd SGnd
C 3.5 C 3.5 C 3.5
3.6 3.6 3.6


Technical data Technical data Technical data

24 V DC -25% ... +40% 24 V DC -25% ... +40% 48 V DC -40% ... +25%

14.5 A (24 V) 5.5 A (24 V) 3.3 A (24 V)
typ. 1.5 A / < 0.02 A2s typ. 3 A / < 0.02 A2s typ. 2.5 A / < 0.2 A2s
typ. 11 ms (24 V DC) typ. 17 ms (24 V DC) typ. 18 ms (48 V DC)

24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC
24 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity) 12 V DC ... 15 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity) 24 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity)

10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 8 A / 10 A / 16 A (5 s) / 48 A (15 ms) 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)

A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4 A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4 A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
< 5 W / < 18 W < 2 W / < 10 W <2W / < 8W
typ. 93.3% (24 V DC) typ. 91% (12 V DC) typ. 94% (24 V DC)
< 10 mVPP < 13 mVPP < 15 mVPP

Utilization indicator, DC OK, UIN OK Utilization indicator, DC OK, UIN OK Utilization indicator, DC OK, UIN OK
Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog

IOut, UOut, POut, DC OK, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP IOut, UOut, POut, DC OK, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP IOut, UOut, POut, DC OK, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

0.8 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 36 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 36 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Push-in connection Push-in connection Push-in connection
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / Special with SELV input and output IP20 / Special with SELV input and output IP20 / Special with SELV input and output
> 813000 h (40°C) > 500000 h (40°C) > 500000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C -40°C -40°C

1.5 kV DC (routine test) / 2 kV DC (type test) 2 kV DC (routine test) / 4 kV DC (type test) 2 kV DC (routine test) / 4 kV DC (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV) IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
III (≤ 2000 m), II (≤ 5000 m) III, II III, II

IEC 60079-0 /  IEC 60079-7 /  IEC 60079-11 /  IEC 60079-15 IEC 60079-0 /  IEC 60079-7 /  IEC 60079-11 /  IEC 60079-15 IEC 60079-0 /  IEC 60079-7 /  IEC 60079-11 /  IEC 60079-15
UL applied for, UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL 61010-2-201, UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL 61010-2-201, UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/10/PT 2910120 1 QUINT4-PS/24DC/12DC/8/PT 2910122 1 QUINT4-PS/48DC/24DC/5/PT 2910125 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 289
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
QUINT DC/DC converters, new
with screw connection H
QUINT POWER, 24 V DC input
– Electrical isolation: for setting up
independent supply systems
– Easy system extension with static boost
– Starting of heavy loads with dynamic boost
– SFB Technology selectively trips standard
circuit breakers; consumers connected
in parallel continue working
– Comprehensive signaling with preventive
function monitoring DC/DC converter
– Signaling thresholds and characteristic 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, SC
curves can be set via NFC, available
pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1
– Free choice between Push-in connection
and screw connection 1.1
+ 2.3
QUINT POWER with IECEx approval -
– Devices compliant with standards 3.1
IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-7, IEC 60079-11, 14
and IEC 60079-15 may be installed in 3.3
a potentially explosive area C 3.5
– Suitable for use in Class I, Division 2 OUT2

– OVP (overvoltage protection) limits surge NFC

voltages to 32 V
Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC -25% ... +40%
Typical current consumption (in static boost) 6.9 A (24 V)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 1 A / < 0.05 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 14 ms (24 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 24 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity)

Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Magnetic circuit breaker tripping A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 2 W / < 10 W
Efficiency typ. 92.2% (24 V DC)
Residual ripple < 10 mVPP
LED signaling Utilization indicator, DC OK, UIN OK
Configurable signal output Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog

Signal options IOut, UOut, POut, DC OK, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.6 kg / 36 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / Special with SELV input and output
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 500000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (startup type tested) -40°C
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV DC (routine test) / 4 kV DC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)
Overvoltage category in accordance with EN 62477-1, EN 61010-1 III, II

Explosive atmospheres IEC 60079-0 /  IEC 60079-7 /  IEC 60079-11 /  IEC 60079-15

UL approvals UL 61010-2-201, UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched

QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/5/SC 1046800 1


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters

DC/DC converter
24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, SC

+ 2.3
+ +
- U 
C 3.5


Technical data

24 V DC -25% ... +40%

13.8 A (24 V)
typ. 1.5 A / < 0.02 A2s
typ. 11 ms (24 V DC)

24 V DC
24 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity)

10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms)

A1 ... A4 / B2 / C1 ... C2 / Z1 ... Z4
Yes / yes
< 5 W / < 18 W
typ. 93.3% (24 V DC)
< 10 mVPP

Utilization indicator, DC OK, UIN OK

Relay contact 13/14, Out 1 digital, Out 2 digital/analog

IOut, UOut, POut, UIn OK, Operating hours, Temp. OK, OVP

0.8 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Screw connection
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 10
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / Special with SELV input and output
> 813000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

2 kV DC (routine test) / 4 kV DC (type test)

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 61010-2-201 (SELV)

IEC 60079-0 /  IEC 60079-7 /  IEC 60079-11 /  IEC 60079-15

UL 61010-2-201, UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/10/SC 1046803 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 291
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
QUINT DC/DC converters
QUINT POWER, 12 to 48 V DC input
– Support conversion to various voltage
– Constant voltage: output voltage
regenerated even at the end of long
– Electrical isolation: for setting up
independent supply systems
– SFB Technology: fast tripping of standard
circuit breakers, thanks to the dynamic DC/DC converter,
power reserve with up to 6 times the 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 20 A
nominal current for 12 ms
– Reliable starting of heavy loads thanks to 
Ex: 
the static Power Boost power reserve
with up to 125% of the nominal current
– Preventive function monitoring
+ +
- -
UIN>19,2 V

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC
Current consumption (Power Boost) 28 A (24 V, IBOOST)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 26 A / < 11 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 10 ms (24 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 120 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / B16 / C2 / C4 / C6
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 2.2 W / 39 W
Efficiency > 93%
Residual ripple < 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output
UIN signaling LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.7 kg / 82 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 554000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C derating, 2.5%/K,
startup at -40°C type-tested)
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
Insulation voltage input/output 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched

QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/20 2320102 1


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters


DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter,

12 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A 12 V DC/12 V DC, 8 A 48 V DC/48 V DC, 5 A

  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

+ +
- -
UIN>38,4 V


Technical data Technical data Technical data

12 V DC 12 V DC 48 V DC
15 A (12 V, IBOOST) 12 A (12 V, IBOOST) 7 A (48 V, IBOOST)
< 15 A / < 0.3 A2s < 6 A / < 0.6 A2s < 6 A / 0.3 A2s
typ. 3 ms (12 V DC) typ. 3 ms (12 V DC) typ. 10 ms (48 V DC)

24 V DC ±1% 12 V DC ±1% 48 V DC ±1%

18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 5 V DC ... 18 V DC (> 12 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 30 V DC ... 56 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

5 A / 6.25 A / 30 A 8 A / 10 A / 48 A 5 A / 6.25 A / 30 A
B2 / B4 / C2 B2 / B4 / C2 B2 / B4 / C2
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
2 W / 13.5 W 1.5 W / 11.8 W 2.7 W / 20 W
> 90% > 89% > 93%
< 75 mVPP < 20 mVPP < 20 mVPP

LED, active switching output LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
LED, active switching output LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
LED, active switching output LED, active switching output LED, active switching output

0.7 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm 0.8 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm 0.9 kg / 48 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 18 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 18 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
> 1005000 h (40°C) > 920000 h (40°C) > 872000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT-PS/12DC/24DC/ 5 2320131 1 QUINT-PS/12DC/12DC/8 2905007 1 QUINT-PS/48DC/48DC/5 2905008 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 293
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
QUINT DC/DC converters
QUINT POWER with wide-range
– Support conversion to various voltage
– Constant voltage: output voltage
regenerated even at the end of long
– Electrical isolation: for setting up
independent supply systems
– SFB Technology: fast tripping of standard DC/DC converter,
circuit breakers, thanks to the dynamic 60 - 72 V DC/24 V DC, 10 A
power reserve with up to 6 times the
nominal current for 12 ms 
Ex: 
– Reliable starting of heavy loads thanks to
the static Power Boost power reserve
with up to 125% of the nominal current
– Preventive function monitoring + +
- -
UIN > 0,8 x UN

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 60 V DC ... 72 V DC
Current consumption (Power Boost) 5.6 A (60 V DC) / 4.7 A (72 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 9 A / 0.64 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 10 ms (60 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 10 A / 12.5 A / 60 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2 / B4 / B6
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 4 W (UIN 60 V DC) / 24 W (UIN 60 V DC)
Efficiency > 91% (UIN 60 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC) / 
> 91% (UIN 72 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC)
Residual ripple < 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output
UIN signaling LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1 kg / 48 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Plug-in screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 765000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
Insulation voltage input/output 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched, dip-coated

QUINT-PS/60-72DC/24DC/10 2905009 1


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters


DC/DC converter,
96 - 110 V DC/24 V DC, 10 A

Ex: 

+ +
- -
UIN > 0,8 x UN

Technical data

96 V DC ... 110 V DC
3.5 A (96 V DC) / 3.1 A (110 V DC)
< 10 A / 0.37 A2s
typ. 10 ms (96 V DC)

24 V DC ±1%
18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

10 A / 12.5 A / 60 A
B2 / B4 / B6
Yes / yes
4 W (UIN 110 V DC) / 22 W (UIN 110 V DC)
> 92% (UIN 96 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC) / 
> 92% (UIN 110 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC)
< 20 mVPP

LED, active switching output, relay contact

LED, active switching output
LED, active switching output

0.9 kg / 48 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Plug-in screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / I
> 772000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT-PS/96-110DC/24DC/10 2905010 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 295
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
QUINT DC/DC converters
for extreme ambient conditions H H
QUINT POWER with protective
With ATEX approval for superior
system availability under extreme ambient
conditions, such as dust, dirt, corrosive
gases, and 100% humidity
– Devices compliant with standards
EN 60079-15 and EN 60079-0 may be
installed in a potentially explosive area
– Suitable for use in Class I, Division 2 DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter,
– OVP (overvoltage protection) limits surge with protective coating, with protective coating,
voltages to 32 V 24 V DC/24 V DC, 5 A 24 V DC/24 V DC, 10 A
– Temperature range from -40°C to +70°C,  
Ex:    Ex:   
Groups A, B, C, D

+ + +
+ + - -
- - -
- -
- UIN>19,2 V
UIN>19,2 V DC OK
I<IN 13

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC 24 V DC
Current consumption (Power Boost) 7 A (24 V, IBOOST) 14 A (24 V, IBOOST)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t typ. 15 A / < 0.5 A2s typ. 15 A / < 2.7 A2s
Mains buffering (IN) typ. 10 ms (24 V DC) typ. 12 ms (24 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

Output current / Power Boost / SFB (12 ms) 5 A / 6.25 A / 30 A 10 A / 12.5 A / 60 A

Magnetic circuit breaker tripping B2 / B4 / C2 B2 / B4 / B6 / C2 / C4
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) 2.4 W / 11.4 W 1.6 W / 24 W
Efficiency > 92% > 92%

Residual ripple < 20 mVPP < 20 mVPP

Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output LED, active switching output, relay contact
Boost signaling LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
UIN signaling LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.7 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm 0.9 kg / 48 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Connection method Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 890000 h (40°C) > 763000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C derating, 2.5%/K, -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C derating, 2.5%/K,
startup at -40°C type-tested) startup at -40°C type-tested)
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) 100% (at 25°C, non-condensing) 100% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
Insulation voltage input/output 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched, dip-coated

QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/ 5/CO 2320542 1 QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/10/CO 2320555 1


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters


DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter,

with protective coating, with protective coating, with protective coating,
24 V DC/24 V DC, 20 A 60 - 72 V DC/24 V DC, 10 A 96 - 110 V DC/24 V DC, 10 A
  
Ex:    Ex:  Ex: 

+ + +
+ + + + + +
- - - - - -
- - -
- - -
UIN>19,2 V UIN > 0,8 x UN UIN > 0,8 x UN
13 13 13
14 14 14

Technical data Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 60 V DC ... 72 V DC 96 V DC ... 110 V DC

28 A (24 V, IBOOST) 5.6 A (60 V DC) / 4.7 A (72 V DC) 3.5 A (96 V DC) / 3.1 A (110 V DC)
typ. 26 A / < 11 A2s < 9 A / 0.64 A2s < 10 A / 0.37 A2s
typ. 10 ms (24 V DC) typ. 10 ms (60 V DC) typ. 10 ms (96 V DC)

24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1%

18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 18 V DC ... 29.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted)

20 A / 25 A / 120 A 10 A / 12.5 A / 60 A 10 A / 12.5 A / 60 A

B2 / B4 / B6 / B10 / B16 / C2 / C4 / C6 B2 / B4 / B6 B2 / B4 / B6
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / yes
2.2 W / 39 W 4 W (UIN 60 V DC) / 24 W (UIN 60 V DC) 4 W (UIN 110 V DC) / 22 W (UIN 110 V DC)
> 92% > 91% (UIN 60 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC) /  > 92% (UIN 96 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC) / 
> 91% (UIN 72 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC) > 92% (UIN 110 V DC / UOUT 24 V DC)
< 20 mVPP < 20 mVPP < 20 mVPP

LED, active switching output, relay contact LED, active switching output, relay contact LED, active switching output, relay contact
LED, active switching output LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
LED, active switching output LED, active switching output LED, active switching output

1.7 kg / 82 x 130 x 125 mm 1 kg / 48 x 130 x 125 mm 0.9 kg / 48 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Screw connection Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 12 - 10 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / III IP20 / I IP20 / I
> 554000 h (40°C) > 765000 h (40°C) > 772000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C derating, 2.5%/K, -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
startup at -40°C type-tested)
100% (at 25°C, non-condensing) 100% (at 25°C, non-condensing) 100% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410 DIN VDE 0100-410
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/20/CO 2320568 1 QUINT-PS/60-72DC/24DC/10/CO 2905011 1 QUINT-PS/96-110DC/24DC/10/CO 2905012 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 297
Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters
MINI DC/DC converters
60 V DC input
– Support conversion to various voltage
– Constant voltage: output voltage
regenerated even at the end of long
– Electrical isolation: for setting up
independent supply systems
DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter,
12 - 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 1 A 12 - 24 V DC / 5 - 15 V DC, 2 A
MINI AC power module
– For connection upstream of MINI DC/DC  
converters Ex:  Ex: 
– The AC voltage of a transformer is rectified
and filtered


Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 12 V DC ... 24 V DC 12 V DC ... 24 V DC
Current consumption (nominal load) 2.6 A (12 V DC) / 1.3 A (24 V DC) 2.3 A (12 V DC) / 1.1 A (24 V DC)
Inrush current limitation at 25°C / I2t < 15 A / 1.8 A2s < 10 A / 0.2 A2s
Output data
Nominal output voltage (UN) 24 V DC ±1% 12 V DC ±1%
Setting range of the output voltage (USet) 22.5 V DC ... 28.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 5 V DC ... 15 V DC

Output current 1A 2A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / yes Yes / yes
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 1.2 W / < 5 W < 1 W / < 4.2 W
Efficiency > 83% (at 24 V DC and nominal values) > 88% (at 24 V DC and nominal values)
Residual ripple < 30 mVPP < 20 mVPP
Signaling DC OK LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.2 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 107 mm 0.2 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 107 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 2569000 h (40°C) > 2072000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> +60°C derating)
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (At +25°C, non-condensing)
Insulation voltage input/output 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
Safe isolation DIN VDE 0100-410, DIN VDE 0106-101 DIN VDE 0100-410, DIN VDE 0106-101
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

DC/DC converter, primary-switched

MINI-PS- 12- 24DC/24DC/1 2866284 1 MINI-PS- 12- 24DC/ 5-15DC/2 2320018 1


Power supplies and UPS
DC/DC converters


DC/DC converter, DC/DC converter, AC power module

12 - 24 V DC / 48 V DC, 0.7 A 48 - 60 V DC / 24 V DC, 1 A for MINI DC/DC converter

 
Ex:  Ex:  

NC (+)
~ NC
NC (-)

Technical data Technical data Technical data

12 V DC ... 24 V DC 48 V DC ... 60 V DC 10 V AC ... 42 V AC

3.2 A (12 V DC) / 1.6 A (24 V DC) 0.6 A (48 V DC) / 0.5 A (60 V DC) 6.5 A
< 10 A / 0.3 A2s < 15 A / 1.8 A2s < 45 A / 8 A2s

48 V DC ±1% 24 V DC ±1% 28 V DC ±1%

30 V DC ... 56 V DC (> 48 V DC, constant capacity restricted) 22.5 V DC ... 28.5 V DC (> 24 V DC, constant capacity restricted) -

0.7 A 1A 3A
Yes / yes Yes / yes Yes / No
< 1.5 W / < 4.5 W < 1.2 W / < 5 W < 0.04 W / < 6.9 W
> 87% (at 24 V DC and nominal values) > 85% (at 60 V DC and nominal values) > 95.7% (For 42 V AC and nominal values)
< 20 mVPP < 40 mVPP < 3.6 VPP

LED, active switching output LED, active switching output -

0.2 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 107 mm 0.2 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 107 mm 0.16 kg / 22.5 x 99 x 107 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 - mm² / - mm² / -
IP20 / III IP20 / II IP20 / III
> 1993000 h (40°C) > 1147000 h (40°C) > 18175000 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 70°C (> +60°C derating) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
≤ 95% (At +25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) 1 kV (routine test) / 1.5 kV (type test) -/-
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
DIN VDE 0100-410, DIN VDE 0106-101 DIN VDE 0100-410, DIN VDE 0106-101 -
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MINI-PS- 12- 24DC/48DC/0.7 2320021 1 MINI-PS- 48- 60DC/24DC/1 2866271 1 MINI-PS- 10- 42AC/15-60DC/3 2320199 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 299
Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules

Maximum availability due to QUINT ORING with ACB technology The QUINT S-ORING single-channel
redundancy modules doubles the service life of the redundant redundancy module provides maximum
To prevent errors influencing the load system: operational safety
in a redundant system and to increase As a result of asymmetries, the load is In combination with the fourth generation
operational reliability, the power supplies often supplied by one power supply unit, of the QUINT POWER power supplies,
must be decoupled from one another using while the other runs in no-load operation. the input voltage and decoupling section
a redundancy module. Phoenix Contact This results in a thermal overload of the are monitored continuously. The preventive
offers various solutions depending on the working power supply unit and thereby rapid function monitoring feature indicates all
requirements: aging. If the power supply unit is operated critical operating states of the redundant
at half the nominal current, it remains system.
Decoupling with diodes from the
QUINT, TRIO, UNO, and STEP ranges significantly cooler. ACB technology doubles the
The ACB technology of the QUINT ORING
If the power supplies are decoupled, service life
modules ensures symmetrical loading of the
a short circuit at the output of one of the The ACB (Auto Current Balancing)
power supplies or in the supply line from power supplies and thereby up to double technology ensures symmetrical loading
the service life of the redundant system.
the power supply to the diode no longer of the power supplies, thereby reducing the
has any effect on the load. Decoupling and monitoring by means operating temperature. This means up to
of the QUINT S-ORING active double the service life of the redundant
Decoupling, monitoring, and
redundancy modules system.
closed-loop control by means of the
QUINT ORING active redundancy The QUINT S-ORING active redundancy
modules consistently monitor the redundant
system, in combination with the new  Your web code: #0153
The QUINT ORING active redundancy
modules monitor the entire redundant QUINT POWER power supplies. The
QUINT S-ORING modules enable you to
solution, i.e., the power supply unit voltages,
guide the cable redundantly and separately
the wiring, decoupling, and the load current.
Critical operating states can therefore be to the load.
QUINT S-ORING with protective coating
detected at an early stage and redundancy
with OVP (overvoltage protection) protects
can be restored. E.g., incorrect wiring or
faulty cables are indicated. downstream consumers from surge voltages
greater than 30 V DC.


Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules

QUINT ORING for maximum system The QUINT S-ORING single-channel Redundancy module QUINT DIODE
availability redundancy module provides maximum – High system availability, thanks to the
Consistent monitoring of the redundant operational safety robust design
system, with energy savings of up to 70%. In combination with the fourth generation – Safe decoupling of power supplies
– ACB technology of the QUINT POWER power supplies, connected in parallel
– Two positive output terminals the input voltage and decoupling section – Flexible: nominal voltages of 12 V DC to
– Voltage limitation to < 32 V DC are monitored continuously. The preventive 48 V DC
(+Version) function monitoring feature indicates all
critical operating states of the redundant
– Separate cable guidance up to the load
– Voltage limitation to < 30 V DC/28.8 V DC
(VP/plus version)

TRIO DIODE redundancy module UNO DIODE redundancy module STEP DIODE redundancy module
– Safe decoupling of power supplies – Consistent redundancy up to the load – Space-saving: overall width of just 18 mm
connected in parallel – Flexible: nominal voltages of 5 V DC to – Consistent redundancy up to the load
– Quick and easy installation, thanks to 24 V DC – Flexible: nominal voltages of 5 V DC to
Push-in connection technology 24 V DC
– System compatible with TRIO POWER
power supplies

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 301
Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules
– Preventive function monitoring
– Continuous redundancy right through
to the load: the use of two Plus output
terminal blocks makes it possible to
devise a redundant wiring concept that
runs right through to the load
– Double the service life of the redundant
solution, thanks to even load distribution:
the ACB (Auto Current Balancing) Active redundancy module,
technology automatically and symmetrically with protective coating,
distributes the load current to two power 24 V DC, 2 x 10 A, 1 x 20 A
supplies operating in parallel 
Ex:   
– Save energy: decoupling is achieved with
MOSFETs and results in energy savings 13
of up to 70% compared to conventional 14 30 V AC/DC
diodes 23 100 mA
I...[A] 24
– OVP (overvoltage protection):
surge voltages are limited to 32 V
IN1 + +
IN2 + +
QUINT ORING, with protective Out

coating -
With ATEX approval for superior -

system availability under extreme ambient Technical data

conditions, such as dust, dirt, corrosive Input data
gases, and 100% humidity Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC
– Devices compliant with standards Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 28 V DC
Nominal current 2x 10 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
EN 60079-15 and EN 60079-0 may be 1x 20 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
installed in a potentially explosive area Maximum current 2x 15 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
– Suitable for use in Class I, Division 2 1x 30 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
Transient surge protection Varistor
Voltage drop, input/output 0.1 V (IOUT = 20 A)
Max. power dissipation (nominal load) 2 W (IOUT = 20 A)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.4 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 14 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 10
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage: input, output/housing 500 V
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Active redundancy module

QUINT-ORING/24DC/2X10/1X20 2320173 1


Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules


Active redundancy module, Active redundancy module

with protective coating, 24 V DC, 2 x 40 A, 1 x 80 A
24 V DC, 2 x 20 A, 1 x 40 A
 
Ex:    Ex: 

13 13
14 30 V AC/DC 14 30 V AC/DC
23 100 mA 23 100 mA
I...[A] 24 I...[A] 24

IN1 + + IN1 + +
IN2 + + IN2 + +
Out Out

- -
- -
- -

Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC
18 V DC ... 28 V DC 18 V DC ... 28 V DC
2x 20 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 2x 40 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
1x 40 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 1x 80 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
2x 26 A (-25°C ... 40°C) 2x 45 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
1x 52 A (-25°C ... 40°C) 1x 90 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
Varistor Varistor
0.2 V (IOUT = 40 A) 0.2 V (IOUT = 80 A)
8 W (IOUT = 40 A) 16 W (IOUT = 80 A)

0.6 kg / 38 x 130 x 125 mm 0.9 kg / 66 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 6
0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 6 0.5 - 35 mm² / 0.5 - 35 mm² / 2
IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

500 V 500 V
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT-ORING/24DC/2X20/1X40 2320186 1 QUINT-ORING/24DC/2X40/1X80 2902879 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 303
Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules
– Consistent redundancy: separate cable
guidance up to the consumer
– Preventive function monitoring
– Save energy: disconnection is implemented
with MOSFETs and therefore has very
low power dissipation
– Suitable for use in Class I, Division 2
QUINT S-ORING, VP version and Active redundancy module
plus version with ATEX approval, 12 - 24 V DC, 1 x 40 A
with protective coating
With protective coating for superior 
system availability under extreme ambient Ex: 
conditions, such as dust, dirt, corrosive
gases, and 100% humidity Analog
– Devices compliant with standards
EN 60079-15 and EN 60079-0 may be 13
30 V AC/DC
installed in a potentially explosive area 100 mA

QUINT S-ORING, VP version + +

– OVP (overvoltage protection):
In Out
surge voltages are limited to 30 V
- -
QUINT S-ORING, plus version
– OVP (overvoltage protection): Technical data
surge voltages are limited to 28.8 V
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 12 V DC ... 24 V DC
Input voltage range 8 V DC ... 30 V DC
Nominal current 40 A (-40°C ... 60°C)
Input current IStat. Boost / IDyn.Boost / ISFB 45 A (40°C) / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)

Transient surge protection Varistor

Voltage drop, input/output 0.1 V
Max. power dissipation (nominal load) 6.5 W (IOUT = 40 A)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.55 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 20 - 6
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 20 - 6
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage: input, output/housing 500 V DC
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Active redundancy module

QUINT4-S-ORING/12-24DC/1X40 2907752 1


Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules

Active redundancy module, Active redundancy module,

with protective coating, with protective coating,
12 - 24 V DC, 1x 40 A, VP 12 - 24 V DC, 1x 40 A, plus version
Ex: 

Analog Analog
control control

13 13
30 V AC/DC 30 V AC/DC
14 14
100 mA 100 mA

+ + + +

In OVP Out In OVP Out

- - - -

Technical data Technical data

12 V DC ... 24 V DC 12 V DC ... 24 V DC
8 V DC ... 27.5 V DC 8 V DC ... 26 V DC
40 A (-40°C ... 60°C) 40 A (-40°C ... 60°C)
45 A (40°C) / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms) 45 A (40°C) / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)

Varistor Varistor
0.1 V DC 0.1 V DC
6.5 W (IOUT = 40 A) 6.5 W (IOUT = 40 A)

0.4 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm 0.4 kg / 32 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components, alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically 50 mm vertically
Screw connection Screw connection
0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 20 - 6 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 20 - 6
0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 20 - 6 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 20 - 6
IP20 / III IP20 / III
-40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

500 V DC 500 V DC
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-S-ORING/12-24DC/1X40/VP 1043418 1 QUINT4-S-ORING/12-24DC/1X40/+ 2907753 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 305
Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules
QUINT DIODE diode modules
QUINT DIODE, 12 - 24 V DC and
48 V DC
– Robust design for currents of up to 60 A
– Continuous redundancy right through
to the load: the use of two Plus output
terminal blocks makes it possible to
devise a redundant wiring concept that
runs right through to the load.
– Consistent wiring with large conductor
cross sections, thanks to same size of Diode module,
input and output terminals 12 - 24 V DC, 2 x 20 A, 1 x 40 A
– Flexible: nominal voltages of 12 V DC to
48 V DC
– Devices compliant with standards
EN 60079-15 and EN 60079-0 may be
installed in a potentially explosive area + +
– Suitable for use in Class I, Division 2
+ +

- -

- -

Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 12 V DC ... 24 V DC
12 V DC ... 24 V DC
Input voltage range 10 V DC ... 30 V DC
10 V DC ... 30 V DC
Nominal current 2x 20 A (-40°C ... 60°C)
1x 40 A (-40°C ... 60°C)
Maximum current 2x 30 A (-40°C ... 40°C)
1x 60 A (-40°C ... 40°C)
Transient surge protection Varistor
Voltage drop, input/output 0.5 V
Max. power dissipation (nominal load) 10 W (IOUT = 20 A)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.75 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 10 - 6
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 10 - 6
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage: input, output/housing 500 V
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety, safety transformer EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Diode module
QUINT4-DIODE/12-24DC/2X20/1X40 2907719 1


Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules


Diode module,
48 V DC, 2x 20 A, 1x 40 A


+ +

+ +

- -

- -

Technical data

48 V DC
48 V DC
30 V DC ... 56 V DC
30 V DC ... 56 V DC
2x 20 A (-40°C ... 60°C)
1x 40 A (-40°C ... 60°C)
2x 30 A (-40°C ... 40°C)
1x 60 A (-40°C ... 40°C)
0.7 V
14 W (IOUT = 20 A)

0.75 kg / 50 x 130 x 125 mm

alignable: 5 mm horizontally, 15 mm next to active components,
50 mm vertically
Screw connection
0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 10 - 6
0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 10 - 6
IP20 / III
-40°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

500 V
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-DIODE/48DC/2X20/1X40 2907720 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 307
Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules
and STEP DIODE diode modules H
– Space-saving: overall width of just 35 mm
and 41 mm
– Safe decoupling of power supplies
connected in parallel
– Quick and easy installation, thanks to
Push-in connection technology
– System compatible with TRIO POWER
power supplies
Diode module,
12 ... 24 V DC, 2 x 10 A, 1 x 20 A
– Space-saving: overall width of just 22.5 mm
– Continuous redundancy right through 
to the load: the use of two Plus output
terminal blocks makes it possible to 2x10 A

devise a redundant wiring concept that ln1 + +

runs right through to the load
– Flexible: nominal voltages of 5 V DC to ln2 + +
24 V DC

– Space-saving: overall width of just 18 mm -
– Continuous redundancy right through
to the load: the use of two Plus output Technical data
terminal blocks makes it possible to Input data
Nominal input voltage range 12 V DC ... 24 V DC
devise a redundant wiring concept that
runs right through to the load Input voltage range 10 V DC ... 30 V DC
– Flexible: nominal voltages of 5 V DC to Nominal current 2x 10 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
1x 20 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
24 V DC Maximum current 2x 15 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
1x 30 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
Transient surge protection Varistor
Voltage drop, input/output 0.5 V
Max. power dissipation (nominal load) 5 W (IOUT = 10 A)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.4 kg / 35 x 130 x 115 mm
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage: input, output/housing 500 V
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety, safety transformer IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Redundancy module
TRIO2-DIODE/12-24DC/2X10/1X20 2907380 1


Power supply units and UPS
Redundancy modules


Diode module, Diode module, Diode module

12 ... 24 V DC, 2 x 20 A, 1 x 40 A 5 ... 24 V DC, 2 x 10 A, 1 x 20 A 5 - 24 V DC, 2x 5 A, 1x 10 A

  

2x20 A

ln1 + +
+ + + +
ln2 + +

+ + + +

Technical data Technical data Technical data

12 V DC ... 24 V DC 5 V DC ... 24 V DC 5 V DC ... 24 V DC

5 V DC ... 24 V DC
10 V DC ... 30 V DC 4.5 V DC ... 30 V DC 4.5 V DC ... 30 V DC
2x 20 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 2x 10 A (-25°C ... 55°C) 2x 5 A (-25°C ... 55°C)
1x 40 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 1x 20 A (-25°C ... 55°C) 1x 10 A (-25°C ... 55°C)
2x 25 A (-25°C ... 40°C) - -
1x 50 A (-25°C ... 40°C) - -
Varistor Varistor Transil diode
0.5 V 0.5 V 0.5 V
10 W (IOUT = 20 A) 5 W (IOUT = 10 A) 2.5 W (IOUT = 5 A)

0.4 kg / 41 x 130 x 115 mm 0.2 kg / 22.5 x 90 x 84 mm 0.1 kg / 18 x 90 x 61 mm

alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Push-in connection Screw connection Screw connection
0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 55°C derating : 2.5%/K)

500 V 500 V 500 V

Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

TRIO2-DIODE/12-24DC/2X20/1X40 2907379 1 UNO-DIODE/5-24DC/2X10/1X20 2905489 1 STEP-DIODE/5-24DC/2X5/1X10 2868606 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 309
Power supply units and UPS
Power supply accessories
Mounting on S7-300 rail

To supply a SIMATIC® S7-300 control

unit, QUINT POWER 2.5 A, 5 A, and 10 A
are mounted on the S7 rail using a
No further accessories are required for

Technical data Technical data

Dimensions W x H x D 74 / 130 / 11 mm 104 / 130 / 11 mm
Material Aluminum Aluminum

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Adapter for S7-300 rail mounting, for:

QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/3.5 QUINT-PS-ADAPTERS7/1 2938196 1
Adapter for S7-300 rail mounting, for:

Fan and potential distributor

With the standard power supply mounting
position, the temperature range increases
by 10 K (max. ambient temperature of 70°C),
when the mounting position is rotated,
position-dependent derating no longer
– Tool-free mounting
Potential distributor
Further modules can be found in Catalog 5, With screw connection and
Interface technology and switching devices 2 potential levels
Technical data Technical data
Dimensions W x H x D 41 / 27 / 42.2 mm 50 / 65.5 / 50 mm

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.


QUINT-PS/FAN/4 2320076 1
VARIOFACE module, with two busbars (P1, P2)
for potential distribution, per potential:
2 power terminal blocks/8 distributor terminal blocks VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/16 2315256 1
2 power terminal blocks/12 distributor terminal blocks VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/24 2315269 1
2 power terminal blocks/16 distributor terminal blocks VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/32 2315272 1
2 power terminal blocks/24 distributor terminal blocks VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/48 2903717 1


Power supply units and UPS
Power supply accessories
Universal wall adapter

Adapter for mounting on even surfaces

Technical data Technical data

Dimensions W x H x D 52 / 182 / 9 mm 25 / 130 / 17 mm
Material Steel, powder-coated Steel, powder-coated

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Universal wall adapter, for mounting the TRIO-PS (from 10 A),

directly on the wall
UWA 182/52 2938235 1
Universal wall adapter, for mounting the
power supplies directly on the wall
UWA 130 2901664 1

Pluggable thermomagnetic Notes:

circuit breakers For additional technical data, drawings, and accessories,
please visit

– Device circuit breakers for protecting

against overcurrents and short circuits
– SFB characteristic curve enables longer
cables and tripping times < 10 ms
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Further circuit breakers can be found
from page 359 onwards

Pluggable, SFB characteristic curve

Technical data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.3 mm / 90 mm / 77.3 mm
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker, pluggable, 1-pos.,
signal contact 1 PDT
0.5 A CB TM1 0.5A SFB P 2800835 1
1A CB TM1 1A SFB P 2800836 1
2A CB TM1 2A SFB P 2800837 1
3A CB TM1 3A SFB P 2800838 1
4A CB TM1 4A SFB P 2800839 1
5A CB TM1 5A SFB P 2800840 1
6A CB TM1 6A SFB P 2800841 1

Base element, for accommodating CB TM.../CB E... device
circuit breakers
With Push-in connection technology CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10
With screw connection technology CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 311
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies

The intelligent UPS system ensures fastest possible recharging and availability. Space-saving versions
superior system availability Reliable supply of the load is ensured by Our UPS versions with integrated energy
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) load prioritization. SOH (state of health) storage device or integrated power supply
continue to deliver power even in the event intelligent battery management indicates save space in the control cabinet.
of mains failure. An uninterruptible solution the remaining energy storage life and warns Selection guide
consists of three function units: of pending failure in good time.
Find the right UPS for your application
– Power supply
Extended load management based on the buffer time and load current
– UPS module The extended load management system from page 314.
– Energy storage
of the QUINT DC UPS consists of the
QUINT DC UPS following functions:
The first intelligent QUINT DC UPS – Energy monitoring – monitoring of input  Your web code: #0154
can be easily integrated into any established and output voltages and the associated
industrial network via various interfaces. currents
Your systems continue to be supplied with – A 24 V output of the UPS can be switched
uninterrupted power, even in the event on and off remotely
of mains failure. The battery management – PC shutdown function – reliable shutdown
system with IQ Technology and a very of the IPC in the event of mains failure
powerful battery charger ensures superior without data loss, and autostart of the
system availability. IPC when power returns
– Cold restart function – UPS startup even
IQ Technology and battery
without mains power
management system
Superior system availability is ensured 2-port switch
by continuous evaluation of the state of These uninterruptible power supplies can
charge (SOC) and by the intelligent battery be flexibly integrated into existing industrial
management system (BMS). It describes the networks using the built-in 2-port switch.
current state of charge and indicates the
Function blocks and device
remaining energy storage life. Connected
battery types are automatically detected
If the appropriate function block for your
and their remaining service life is maximized,
application is not available, you can create
thanks to an optimally adjusted charging your own custom function blocks using our
characteristic. Intelligent charging adapts
device descriptions.
the charging current, thereby ensuring the
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies

IQ Technology for an intelligent Industrial Ethernet Function blocks and device

UPS system The QUINT DC UPS can be easily descriptions
With its IQ Technology and the industry’s integrated into any Industrial Ethernet So that the QUINT DC UPS can be
strongest battery charger, the battery network via various interfaces: started up quickly and easily, we include
management system ensures superior system – PROFINET the corresponding function blocks for
availability. – EtherNet/IP™ the following engineering environments:
– Automatic battery detection: VRLA, – EtherCAT® – PC Worx
VRLA-WTR or LiFePO4 battery All network technologies are available – TIA Portal
technologies with different capacities in all four performance classes (5 A, 10 A, – Studio 5000
– IQ Technology: reliably determines the 20 A, and 40 A). – TwinCAT
remaining service life in months and If the appropriate function block for your
remaining buffer time in minutes application is not available, you can create
your own custom function blocks using our
device descriptions.

AC UPS UPS with integrated energy storage UPS with integrated power supply
The AC UPS delivers a pure sine curve Particularly space-saving and easy to The UPS module and power supply
at the output. The sine generated in battery retrofit, the UPS module and energy storage combined in one housing provides a
operation is synchronous with the mains device are combined in the same housing. space-saving solution. Only one energy
previously used for supply. – QUINT UPS: energy storage device storage device is required to complete
QUINT UPS with IQ Technology with lead AGM technology the UPS system.
– STEP UPS: LiPo-based energy storage – MINI UPS: for 24 or 12 V DC
– Optimum use of the buffer time (SOC)
device – TRIO UPS: for 24 DC
and preventive monitoring of the energy
storage device (SOH) – UNO UPS: energy storage with lead
AGM technology
TRIO AC UPS – QUINT BUFFER buffer module and
– Space-saving, as the UPS module and QUINT CAP: capacitor-based energy
energy storage are combined in one storage

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 313
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Selecting the energy storage for QUINT DC UPS

The new modular system for uninterruptible Your advantages

power supplies always offers the ideal solution Fast installation
for superior system availability. The various – Automatic detection of the energy storage
storage media feature a wide range of different device by QUINT UPS
properties: long service life or very long – Tool-free replacement during operation
buffer time, no maintenance or use at extreme
ambient temperatures. Whatever your Maximum availability
requirements, we offer the ideal energy – Constant communication with QUINT UPS
storage. for continuous monitoring and intelligent

Extremely long service life

– Optimum charging characteristic according
to the technology and ambient conditions

Buffer time Service life Service life Charging cycles Weight

Type Temperature
Typical At +20°C At +50°C At +20°C Standardized

UPS-CAP… < 5 min -40 ... 60°C > 20 years 5 years > 500.000 0.4 kg

UPS-BAT/LI-ION… > 40 min -20 ... 58°C 15 years 2 years 7000 0.45 kg

UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR… >5h -25 ... 60°C 12 years 1.5 years 300 1.3 kg

UPS-BAT/VRLA… >8h 0 ... 40°C 6 ... 9 years 1 year 250 1 kg

(Valve Regulated Lead Acid/
Wide Temperature Range)
– Maximum buffer times at extreme temperatures UPS-BAT/LI-ION...
– Pure lead AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) technology
– Long service life with
UPS-BAT/VRLA... long buffer times UPS-CAP (capacitor)
(Valve Regulated Lead Acid) – Light weight
– Lithium iron phosphate – Maximum service life
– Maximum buffer times technology – Maintenance-free
– Lead AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) double-layer capacitors


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Buffer times for QUINT DC UPS

Buffer times of energy storage devices with double-layer capacitors,

lithium iron phosphate and pure lead AGM technology
with wide temperature range
Select your UPS-BAT and UPS-CAP Buffer time

for 24 V DC applications here. Seconds Minutes Hours

10 15 30 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 45 50 1 2 3 5 8 10 15 20
Example: 20 A needs to be buffered


Load current
for 6 minutes. 2A 1+1 1+1

3A 1+1 1+1
Solution: 5A 1+1 1+1
UPS-BAT/LI-ION/24DC/120WH 7A 1+1 1+1

10 A 1+1 1+1 1+1

15 A 1+1 1+1

20 A
25 A
 1+1
1+1 1+1

30 A 1+1 1+1 1+1

35 A 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

40 A 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

Energy storage

1+1 … Two energy storage devices of the same capacity UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/13AH UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/26AH
are required in this case.
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C.

Buffer times of energy storage devices

with lead AGM technology

Select your UPS-BAT for 24 V DC Buffer time

applications here. Seconds Minutes Hours

10 15 30 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 45 50 1 2 3 5 8 10 15 20
Example: 20 A needs to be buffered

Load current

for 10 minutes. 2A 1+1 1+1

3A 1+1 1+1
Solution: 5A 1+1 1+1
UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/12AH 7A 1+1 1+1

10 A 1+1 1+1

15 A 1+1 1+1

20 A 1+1

25 A 1+1 1+1

30 A 1+1 1+1 1+1

35 A 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

40 A 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

Energy storage

1+1 … Two energy storage devices of the same capacity

are required in this case.
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 315
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for DC applications
QUINT DC UPS, 24 V DC with
PROFINET interface
The UPS modules for 5 to 40 A allow
you to create a custom solution combining
a power supply, UPS module, and energy
storage device.

Easy integration into PROFINET

– Via 2-port switch Uninterruptible power supply,
24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, PN
Intelligent battery management:
– Automatic detection of battery capacities 
Ex: 
and technologies
– Maximizes the remaining service life of Input
2.1 DC 24V
the energy storage device, thanks to an +
1.2 A B C


optimally adjusted charging characteristic UVD


– The very powerful battery charger 3.1
24V 20mA

maximizes system availability Battery

DC 24V 4.1
3.3 Alarm (DO)
+ C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5
Ready (DO)
Extended load management: 4.3 C
Remote (DI)

Energy monitoring – monitoring of input IF C 3.8

PS Boost (DI/AI)
Bat.-Start (DI)

and output voltages and the associated PN SGnd

PC shutdown function – reliable shutdown Technical data
of the IPC in the event of mains failure Input data
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
without data loss, and autostart of the IPC Fixed connect threshold 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
when power returns Current consumption IN / IMax / INo-Load / Icharge 5.1 A / 8.3 A / 105 mA / 1.9 A
Cold restart function – UPS startup even Power consumption PN / PMax / PNo-Load / PCharge 123 W / 213 W / 2.5 W / 44 W
Output data (mains operation)
without mains power Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.3 V DC)
Output voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOut = UIn - 0.3 V DC)
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Substantial power reserve: Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 155 W / 240 W (5 s)
– Static boost up to 125% for a sustained Output data (battery operation)
period Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
Output voltage range 19 V DC ... 32 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
– Dynamic boost up to 200% for 5 s Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
– SFB (Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 150 W / 240 W (5 s)
Energy storage
Charge characteristic curve IU0U
Comprehensive signaling via LEDs and Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
signal contacts: End-of-charge voltage (configurable) 27.6 V DC
Charging current (configurable) max. 1.5 A
– Load is being supplied by the energy Deep discharge protection (configurable) 19.2 V DC
storage device Battery technology VRLA, VRLA-WTR, LI-ION
– Energy storage device is being charged Nominal capacity (without additional charger) 0.8 Ah ... 30 Ah
Energy storage device connection in parallel Yes, 5 (observe line protection)
– An alarm is present Signaling
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green)
Configurable signal output OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
Channel 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
Interface PROFINET
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method power / signal Screw connection / Push-in technology
Power connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 85°C
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/PN 2906993 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply,

24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, PN 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 20 A, PN 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 40 A, PN

  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Input Output Input Output Input Output

DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V
+ + + + + +
1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
- A B C

- - A B C

- - A B C

t t t


3.1 3.1 3.1
24V 20mA 24V 20mA 24V 20mA
3.2 3.2 3.2
Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO)
DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1
+ C 3.4 + C 3.4 + C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5
Ready (DO) Ready (DO) Ready (DO)
4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6
C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI)
COM 3.7 COM 3.7 COM 3.7
PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI)
C 3.8 C 3.8 C 3.8
IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI)
3.9 3.9 3.9

Technical data Technical data Technical data

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC

22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
10.1 A / 16.3 A / 105 mA / 3.7 A 20.1 A / 31.2 A / 105 mA / 6.1 A 40.1 A / 51.2 A / 105 mA / 6.1 A
245 W / 386 W / 2.6 W / 92 W 475 W / 740 W / 2.6 W / 148 W 967 W / 1122 W / 2.6 W / 148 W

24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.5 V DC)

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -

24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)

19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC
3A 5A 5A
19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC
1.2 Ah ... 60 Ah 3 Ah ... 100 Ah 7 Ah ... 100 Ah
Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection)

DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green) Data (red, green) Data (red, green)
OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI

0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 40 x 130 x 125 mm 0.7 kg / 47 x 130 x 125 mm

Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/PN 2907068 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/PN 2907073 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/PN 2907079 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 317
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for DC applications
QUINT DC UPS, 24 V DC with
EtherNet/IP™ interface
The UPS modules for 5 to 40 A allow
you to create a custom solution combining
a power supply, UPS module, and energy
storage device.

Easy integration into EtherNet/IP™

– Via 2-port switch Uninterruptible power supply,
24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, EIP
Intelligent battery management:
– Automatic detection of battery capacities 
Ex: 
and technologies
– Maximizes the remaining service life of Input
2.1 DC 24V
the energy storage device, thanks to an +
1.2 A B C


optimally adjusted charging characteristic UVD


– The very powerful battery charger 3.1
24V 20mA

maximizes system availability Battery

DC 24V 4.1
3.3 Alarm (DO)
+ C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5
Ready (DO)
Extended load management: 4.3 C
Remote (DI)

Energy monitoring – monitoring of input IF C 3.8

PS Boost (DI/AI)
Bat.-Start (DI)

and output voltages and the associated EIP SGnd

Cold restart function – UPS startup even Technical data
without mains power Input data
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
Fixed connect threshold 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
Substantial power reserve: Current consumption IN / IMax / INo-Load / Icharge 5.1 A / 8.3 A / 105 mA / 1.9 A
– Static boost up to 125% for a sustained Power consumption PN / PMax / PNo-Load / PCharge 123 W / 213 W / 2.5 W / 44 W
Output data (mains operation)
period Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.3 V DC)
– Dynamic boost up to 200% for 5 s Output voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOut = UIn - 0.3 V DC)
– SFB (Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB
Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost
5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
120 W / 155 W / 240 W (5 s)
Output data (battery operation)
Comprehensive signaling via LEDs and Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
Output voltage range 19 V DC ... 32 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
signal contacts: Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
– Load is being supplied by the energy Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 150 W / 240 W (5 s)
storage device Energy storage
Charge characteristic curve IU0U
– Energy storage device is being charged Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
– An alarm is present End-of-charge voltage (configurable) 27.6 V DC
Charging current (configurable) max. 1.5 A
Deep discharge protection (configurable) 19.2 V DC
Battery technology VRLA, VRLA-WTR, LI-ION
Nominal capacity (without additional charger) 0.8 Ah ... 30 Ah
Energy storage device connection in parallel Yes, 5 (observe line protection)
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green)
Configurable signal output OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
Channel 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
Interface EtherNet/IP™
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method power / signal Screw connection / Push-in technology
Power connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 85°C
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/EIP 2906994 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply,

24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, EIP 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 20 A, EIP 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 40 A, EIP

  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Input Output Input Output Input Output

DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V
+ + + + + +
1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
- A B C

- - A B C

- - A B C

t t t


3.1 3.1 3.1
24V 20mA 24V 20mA 24V 20mA
3.2 3.2 3.2
Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO)
DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1
+ C 3.4 + C 3.4 + C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5
Ready (DO) Ready (DO) Ready (DO)
4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6
C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI)
COM 3.7 COM 3.7 COM 3.7
PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI)
C 3.8 C 3.8 C 3.8
IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI)
3.9 3.9 3.9

Technical data Technical data Technical data

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC

22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
10.1 A / 16.3 A / 105 mA / 3.7 A 20.1 A / 31.2 A / 105 mA / 6.1 A 40.1 A / 51.2 A / 105 mA / 6.1 A
245 W / 386 W / 2.6 W / 92 W 475 W / 740 W / 2.6 W / 148 W 967 W / 1122 W / 2.6 W / 148 W

24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.5 V DC)

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -

24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)

19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC
3A 5A 5A
19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC
1.2 Ah ... 60 Ah 3 Ah ... 100 Ah 7 Ah ... 100 Ah
Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection)

DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green) Data (red, green) Data (red, green)
OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
EtherNet/IP™ EtherNet/IP™ EtherNet/IP™

0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 40 x 130 x 125 mm 0.7 kg / 47 x 130 x 125 mm

Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/EIP 2907069 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/EIP 2907074 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/EIP 2907080 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 319
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for DC applications
QUINT DC UPS, 24 V DC with
EtherCAT® interface
The UPS modules for 5 to 40 A allow
you to create a custom solution combining
a power supply, UPS module, and energy
storage device.

Easy integration into EtherCAT® networks:

– Via 2-port switch
Uninterruptible power supply,
Intelligent battery management: 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, EC
– Automatic detection of battery capacities
and technologies 
Ex: 
– Maximizes the remaining service life of
the energy storage device, thanks to an Input
2.1 DC 24V
optimally adjusted charging characteristic +
1.2 A B C


– The very powerful battery charger UVD


maximizes system availability 3.1
24V 20mA

Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO)

DC 24V 4.1
Extended load management: +
Bat.-Mode (DO)
Ready (DO)
Energy monitoring – monitoring of input 4.3 C
Remote (DI)

and output voltages and the associated IF C 3.8

PS Boost (DI/AI)
Bat.-Start (DI)

currents EC SGnd

Cold restart function – UPS startup even

without mains power Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
Substantial power reserve: Fixed connect threshold 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
– Static boost up to 125% for a sustained Current consumption IN / IMax / INo-Load / Icharge 5.1 A / 8.3 A / 105 mA / 1.9 A
period Power consumption PN / PMax / PNo-Load / PCharge 123 W / 213 W / 2.5 W / 44 W
Output data (mains operation)
– Dynamic boost up to 200% for 5 s Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.3 V DC)
– SFB (Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology Output voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOut = UIn - 0.3 V DC)
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 155 W / 240 W (5 s)
Comprehensive signaling via LEDs and Output data (battery operation)
signal contacts: Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
Output voltage range 19 V DC ... 32 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
– Load is being supplied by the energy Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
storage device Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 150 W / 240 W (5 s)
– Energy storage device is being charged Energy storage
Charge characteristic curve IU0U
– An alarm is present Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
End-of-charge voltage (configurable) 27.6 V DC
Charging current (configurable) max. 1.5 A
Deep discharge protection (configurable) 19.2 V DC
Battery technology VRLA, VRLA-WTR, LI-ION
Nominal capacity (without additional charger) 0.8 Ah ... 30 Ah
Energy storage device connection in parallel Yes, 5 (observe line protection)
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green)
Configurable signal output OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
Channel 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
Interface EtherCAT®
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method power / signal Screw connection / Push-in technology
Power connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 85°C
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/EC 2906996 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply,

24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, EC 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 20 A, EC 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 40 A, EC

  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Input Output Input Output Input Output

DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V
+ + + + + +
1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
- A B C

- - A B C

- - A B C

t t t


3.1 3.1 3.1
24V 20mA 24V 20mA 24V 20mA
3.2 3.2 3.2
Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO)
DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1
+ C 3.4 + C 3.4 + C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5
Ready (DO) Ready (DO) Ready (DO)
4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6
C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI)
COM 3.7 COM 3.7 COM 3.7
PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI)
C 3.8 C 3.8 C 3.8
IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI)
3.9 3.9 3.9

Technical data Technical data Technical data

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC

22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
10.1 A / 16.3 A / 105 mA / 3.7 A 20.1 A / 31.2 A / 105 mA / 6.1 A 40.1 A / 51.2 A / 105 mA / 6.1 A
245 W / 386 W / 2.6 W / 92 W 475 W / 740 W / 2.6 W / 148 W 967 W / 1122 W / 2.6 W / 148 W

24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.5 V DC)

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -

24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)

19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC
3A 5A 5A
19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC
1.2 Ah ... 60 Ah 3 Ah ... 100 Ah 7 Ah ... 100 Ah
Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection)

DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green) Data (red, green) Data (red, green)
OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
EtherCAT® EtherCAT® EtherCAT®

0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 40 x 130 x 125 mm 0.7 kg / 47 x 130 x 125 mm

Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/EC 2907070 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/EC 2907076 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/EC 2907081 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 321
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for DC applications
QUINT DC UPS, 24 V DC with
USB interface
The UPS modules for 5 to 40 A allow
you to create a custom solution combining
a power supply, UPS module, and energy
storage device.

Intelligent battery management:

– Automatic detection of battery capacities
and technologies Uninterruptible power supply,
– Maximizes the remaining service life of 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, USB
the energy storage device, thanks to an
optimally adjusted charging characteristic 
Ex: 
– The very powerful battery charger
maximizes system availability Input
2.1 DC 24V
+ +
1.2 2.2
- A B C


Extended load management: UVD


Energy monitoring – monitoring of input 3.1
24V 20mA

and output voltages and the associated Battery

DC 24V 4.1
3.3 Alarm (DO)
currents +
Bat.-Mode (DO)
Ready (DO)
PC shutdown function – reliable shutdown 4.3 C
Remote (DI)

of the IPC in the event of mains failure IF C 3.8

PS Boost (DI/AI)
Bat.-Start (DI)

without data loss, and autostart of the IPC USB SGnd

when power returns

Cold restart function – UPS startup even Technical data
without mains power Input data
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
Fixed connect threshold 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
Substantial power reserve: Current consumption IN / IMax / INo-Load / Icharge 5.1 A / 8.3 A / 45 mA / 1.8 A
– Static boost up to 125% for a sustained Power consumption PN / PMax / PNo-Load / PCharge 121 W / 211 W / 1.1 W / 43 W
Output data (mains operation)
period Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.3 V DC)
– Dynamic boost up to 200% for 5 s Output voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOut = UIn - 0.3 V DC)
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
– SFB (Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 155 W / 240 W (5 s)
Output data (battery operation)
Comprehensive signaling via LEDs and Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
Output voltage range 19 V DC ... 32 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
signal contacts: Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
– Load is being supplied by the energy Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 150 W / 240 W (5 s)
storage device Energy storage
Charge characteristic curve IU0U
– Energy storage device is being charged Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
– An alarm is present End-of-charge voltage (configurable) 27.6 V DC
Charging current (configurable) max. 1.5 A
Deep discharge protection (configurable) 19.2 V DC
Battery technology VRLA, VRLA-WTR, LI-ION
Nominal capacity (without additional charger) 0.8 Ah ... 30 Ah
Energy storage device connection in parallel Yes, 5 (observe line protection)
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green)
Configurable signal output OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
Channel 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
Interface USB (Modbus/RTU)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method power / signal Screw connection / Push-in technology
Power connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 85°C
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/USB 2906991 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply,

24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, USB 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 20 A, USB 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 40 A, USB

  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Input Output Input Output Input Output

DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V
+ + + + + +
1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
- A B C

- - A B C

- - A B C

t t t


3.1 3.1 3.1
24V 20mA 24V 20mA 24V 20mA
3.2 3.2 3.2
Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO)
DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1
+ C 3.4 + C 3.4 + C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5
Ready (DO) Ready (DO) Ready (DO)
4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6
C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI)
COM 3.7 COM 3.7 COM 3.7
PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI)
C 3.8 C 3.8 C 3.8
IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI) IF Bat.-Start (DI)
3.9 3.9 3.9

Technical data Technical data Technical data

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC

22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
10.1 A / 16.3 A / 48 mA / 3.5 A 20.1 A / 31.2 A / 50 mA / 6.1 A 40.1 A / 51.2 A / 50 mA / 6.1 A
241 W / 384 W / 1.2 W / 90 W 474 W / 738 W / 1.3 W / 145 W 965 W / 1120 W / 1.3 W / 147 W

24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.5 V DC)

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -

24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)

19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC 19 V DC ... 32 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / - 960 W / 1080 W / -


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC
3A 5A 5A
19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC
1.2 Ah ... 60 Ah 3 Ah ... 100 Ah 7 Ah ... 100 Ah
Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection)

DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green) Data (red, green) Data (red, green)
OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
USB (Modbus/RTU) USB (Modbus/RTU) USB (Modbus/RTU)

0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 40 x 130 x 125 mm 0.7 kg / 47 x 130 x 125 mm

Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/USB 2907067 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/USB 2907072 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/USB 2907078 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 323
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for DC applications
The UPS modules for 5 to 40 A allow
you to create a custom solution combining
a power supply, UPS module, and energy
storage device.

Intelligent battery management:

– Automatic detection of battery capacities
and technologies
– Maximizes the remaining service life of Uninterruptible power supply,
the energy storage device, thanks to an 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A
optimally adjusted charging characteristic
– The very powerful battery charger 
Ex: 
maximizes system availability
Input Output
DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V
Extended load management: +
1.2 A B C


Energy monitoring – monitoring of input UVD


and output voltages and the associated 3.1
24V 20mA

currents Battery
DC 24V 4.1
3.3 Alarm (DO)
PC shutdown function – reliable +
Bat.-Mode (DO)
Ready (DO)
shutdown of the IPC in the event of mains 4.3 C
Remote (DI)

failure without data loss, and autostart of 3.8

PS Boost (DI/AI)
Bat.-Start (DI)
the IPC when power returns  3.9

Cold restart function – UPS startup even

without mains power Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
Substantial power reserve: Fixed connect threshold 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
– Static boost up to 125% for a sustained Current consumption IN / IMax / INo-Load / Icharge 5.1 A / 8.3 A / 45 mA / 1.8 A
period Power consumption PN / PMax / PNo-Load / PCharge 121 W / 211 W / 1.1 W / 43 W
Output data (mains operation)
– Dynamic boost up to 200% for 5 s Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.3 V DC)
– SFB (Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology Output voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOut = UIn - 0.3 V DC)
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 150 W / 240 W (5 s)
Comprehensive signaling via LEDs and Output data (battery operation)
signal contacts: Output voltage 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
Output voltage range 19 V DC ... 28 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.3 V DC)
– Load is being supplied by the energy Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / 10 A (5 s) / 30 A (15 ms)
storage device Output power PN / PStat. Boost / PDyn. Boost 120 W / 150 W / 240 W (5 s)
– Energy storage device is being charged Energy storage
Charge characteristic curve IU0U
– An alarm is present Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
End-of-charge voltage (configurable) 27.6 V DC
Charging current (configurable) max. 1.5 A
Deep discharge protection (configurable) 19.2 V DC
Battery technology VRLA, VRLA-WTR, LI-ION
Nominal capacity (without additional charger) 0.8 Ah ... 40 Ah
Energy storage device connection in parallel Yes, 5 (observe line protection)
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green)
Configurable signal output OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
Channel 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
Interface -
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method power / signal Screw connection / Push-in technology
Power connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 85°C
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5 2906990 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply,

24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 20 A 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 40 A

  
Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Input Output Input Output Input Output

DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V DC 24V 1.1 QUINT DC-UPS 2.1 DC 24V
+ + + + + +
1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
- A B C

- - A B C

- - A B C

t t t


3.1 3.1 3.1
24V 20mA 24V 20mA 24V 20mA
3.2 3.2 3.2
Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO) Battery 3.3 Alarm (DO)
DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1 DC 24V 4.1
+ C 3.4 + C 3.4 + C 3.4
4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO) 4.2 Bat.-Mode (DO)
- 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5
Ready (DO) Ready (DO) Ready (DO)
4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6 4.3 3.6
C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI) C Remote (DI)
COM 3.7 COM 3.7 COM 3.7
PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI) PS Boost (DI/AI)
3.8 3.8 3.8
Bat.-Start (DI) Bat.-Start (DI) Bat.-Start (DI)
SGnd  3.9
SGnd  3.9

Technical data Technical data Technical data

18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC

22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC 22 V DC  /  30 V DC
10.1 A / 16.2 A / 48 mA / 3.5 A 20.1 A / 31.4 A / 50 mA / 6.1 A 40.1 A / 51.2 A / 50 mA / 6.1 A
241 W / 384 W / 1.2 W / 90 W 474 W / 738 W / 1.3 W / 145 W 965 W / 1120 W / 1.3 W / 147 W

24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.5 V DC)

18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 18 V DC ... 30 V DC (UOUT = UIN - 0.4 V DC) 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / 720 W (5 s) 960 W / 1080 W / -

24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 24 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)

19 V DC ... 28 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 19 V DC ... 28 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.4 V DC) 19 V DC ... 32 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / 20 A (5 s) / 60 A (15 ms) 20 A / 25 A / 30 A (5 s) / 120 A (15 ms) 40 A / 45 A / 60 A (5 s) / 215 A (15 ms)
240 W / 300 W / 480 W (5 s) 480 W / 600 W / 720 W (5 s) 960 W / 1080 W / -


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC 27.6 V DC
max. 3 A max. 5 A max. 5 A
19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC 19.2 V DC
1.2 Ah ... 80 Ah 3 Ah ... 135 Ah 7 Ah ... 135 Ah
Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection) Yes, 5 (observe line protection)

DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green), DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow), SOC (red, green),
Data (red, green) Data (red, green) Data (red, green)
OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating) OptoMOS, switch contact (floating)
2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI 2x DO, 2x DI, 1x DI or AI
- - -

0.5 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm 0.6 kg / 40 x 130 x 125 mm 0.7 kg / 47 x 130 x 125 mm

Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology Screw connection / Push-in technology
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 8 - 6
0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1 mm² / 0.2 - 1 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
-25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
-40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C -40°C ... 85°C
≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing) ≤ 95% (at 25°C, non-condensing)

UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 61010-2-201,
UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location) Groups A, B, C, D T4 (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10 2907066 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20 2907071 1 QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40 2907077 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 325
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for DC applications Notes:
with dual output voltage The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the H
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 315. D W
The UPS module for two output voltages,
12 and 24 V DC, allows you to create a
custom solution combining a power supply,
UPS module, and energy storage device.
– Flexible and space-saving, thanks to two
output voltages in one device

Optimum use of the buffer time and

preventive monitoring of the energy storage
device: Uninterruptible power supply,
– Detects the current state of charge of 24 V DC/12 V DC, 5 A and 24 V DC, 10 A
the energy storage device and calculates
the remaining runtime
– Calculates the current life expectancy
of the energy storage device
DC 12V
Substantial power reserve: Input
DC 24V
DC 24V
– For mains and battery operation Data-Port
24V 0,2A

– Power Boost static power reserve Confirm

C 14

– Dynamic power reserve with SFB I < IN 
(Selective Fuse Breaking) Technology Battery 34

DC 24V Remote
Extensive signaling and parameterization:
– Floating relay contacts
– Data port (Modbus/RTU) Technical data
– Parameterization with memory module Input data
Input voltage 24 V DC
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
Max. current consumption 16 A
Output data (mains operation) 12 V DC 24 V DC
Nominal output voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC
Output voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
(UOUT = UIN - 0.5 V DC)
Efficiency (typ.) > 93% (Mains operation, > 98% (Mains operation,
with charged energy storage) with charged energy storage)

Output current with convection cooling

(Pmax = P12 V + P24 V = 360 W)
- Nominal output current IN (sustained period) 5 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 10 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
- SFB Technology (15 ms) - 60 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
- Power Boost IBoost (sustained period) 7.5 A (-25°C ... 40°C) 15 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
Output data (battery operation) 12 V DC 24 V DC
Nominal output voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC
Output voltage range - 19.2 V DC ... 27.6 V DC
(UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)
Output current with convection cooling
(Pmax = P12 V + P24 V = 360 W)
- Nominal output current IN (sustained period) 5 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 10 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
- SFB Technology (15 ms) - 65 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
- Power Boost IBoost (sustained period) 7.5 A (-25°C ... 40°C) 15 A (-25°C ... 40°C)
Energy storage
Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
End-of-charge voltage 24 V DC ... 29 V DC (temperature compensated)
Nominal capacity range 1.3 Ah ... 140 Ah
Max. charging current 0.2 A ... 2.88 A
Signaling LED, relay contact, interface/software
Interfaces IFS (Interface system data port)
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.6 kg / 35 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method Plug-in screw connection
Input/output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 16 - 12

Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C
Derating 60°C ... 70°C (2.5%/K)
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/12DC/5/24DC/10 2320461 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 327
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Selecting the energy storage for AC UPS

The new modular system for uninterruptible Your advantages

power supplies always offers the ideal solution Fast installation
for superior system availability. The various – Automatic detection of the energy storage
storage media feature a wide range of different device by QUINT UPS
properties: long service life or very long – Tool-free replacement during operation
buffer time, no maintenance or use at extreme Maximum availability
ambient temperatures. Whatever your – Constant communication with QUINT UPS
requirements, we offer the ideal energy for continuous monitoring and intelligent
storage. management
Extremely long service life
– Optimum charging characteristic according
to the technology and ambient conditions

Buffer time Service life Service life Charging cycles Weight

Type Temperature
Typical At +20°C At +50°C At +20°C Standardized

UPS-CAP… < 5 min -40 ... 60°C > 20 years 5 years > 500.000 0.4 kg

UPS-BAT/LI-ION… > 40 min -20 ... 58°C 15 years 2 years 7000 0.45 kg

UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR… >5h -25 ... 60°C 12 years 1.5 years 300 1.3 kg

UPS-BAT/VRLA… >8h 0 ... 40°C 6 ... 9 years 1 year 250 1 kg

Buffer times for QUINT AC UPS

Buffer times of energy storage devices with double-layer capacitors,

lithium iron phosphate and pure lead AGM technology
with wide temperature range
Select UPS-CAP, LI-ION, and Buffer time

UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR for your Seconds Minutes Hours

QUINT AC UPS/500 VA 0.2 0.4 2 8 15 20 40 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 40 45 50 1 2 3 5 8 10 15 20

(120/230 V AC applications) here. 15 W 1+1

Example: 125 W needs to be buffered 35 W 1+1 1+1

for one hour. 55 W 1+1 1+1

90 W 1+1 1+1

125 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/26AH 180 W 1+1 1+1

275 W 1+1 1+1

400 W 1+1 1+1

Energy storage

Select LI-ION and Buffer time

UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR for your Minutes Hours
QUINT AC UPS/1000 VA 2 3 4 5 8 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 9 10
(120/230 V AC applications) here.

100 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

Example: 400 W needs to be buffered 200 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
for three hours. 300 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

400 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
Solution: 500 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
2x UPS-BAT/LI-ION /24DC/924WH 600 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
700 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
800 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
900 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
1+1 … Two energy storage devices of the same capacity
are required in this case. Energy storage
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C. UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/13AH UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/26AH


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Buffer times for QUINT AC UPS

Buffer times of energy storage devices with lead AGM technology

Select UPS-BAT/VRLA for your Buffer time

QUINT AC UPS/500 VA Seconds Minutes Hours
(120/230 V AC applications) here. 0.2 0.4 2 8 15 20 40 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 40 45 50 1 2 3 5 8 10 15 20

15 W 1+1

Example: 125 W needs to be buffered 35 W 1+1
for one hour. 55 W 1+1

90 W 1+1

125 W 1+1 1+1
UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/12AH 180 W 1+1

275 W 1+1 1+1

400 W 1+1

Energy storage

Select UPS-BAT/VRLA for your Buffer time

QUINT AC UPS/1000 VA Minutes Hours
(120/230 V AC applications) here. 2 3 4 5 8 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 9 10

100 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

Example: 400 W needs to be buffered 200 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
for 30 minutes. 300 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

400 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
500 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
600 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
700 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
800 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
900 W 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

Energy storage
1+1 … Two energy storage devices of the same capacity
are required in this case.
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C.

Buffer times for TRIO AC UPS

with integrated energy storage
Buffer time
Minutes Hours

1 1.5 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 30 40 50 1 1.5
50 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

100 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

150 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

200 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

250 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

300 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

400 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

500 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

600 W 1+1 1+1 1+1

1+1 ... An additional energy storage device of the same capacity
(3.4 Ah) of type UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/3.4AH (2320306) or
QUINT-BAT/24DC/3.4AH (2866349) is required in this case.
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 329
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
QUINT UPS for AC applications Notes:
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the H
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 328. D W
The QUINT UPS for AC applications
delivers a pure sine curve at the output.
The sine generated in battery operation
is synchronous with the mains previously
used for supply. The QUINT AC UPS for
120 V AC/230 V AC with 400 W/500 VA
power can be combined with all UPS-CAP,
LI-ION, and UPS-BAT energy storage
Uninterruptible power supply,
Optimum use of the buffer time and 1 AC / 1 AC, 500 VA
preventive monitoring of the energy storage
device: 
Ex: 
– Detects the current state of charge of
the energy storage device and calculates
the remaining runtime Input AC
Output AC

– Calculates the current life expectancy 100..240V PE PE


120V 230V
of the energy storage device USB-Port
24V 0,03A Autonomic-
Data-Port F
Worldwide use: tmax[min] 

– Input voltages from 96 to 264 V AC Battery GND

– Storage of the level and frequency of the DC 24V


input voltage, in the event of mains failure,

the output is automatically supplied with
120 V AC/60 Hz or 230 V AC/50 Hz Technical data
– Manual voltage pre-selection possible General input data
Input voltage range 184 V AC ... 264 V AC
Frequency range 45 Hz ... 65 Hz
Maximum energy efficiency: Activation threshold Can be configured using UPS-CONF software
– Offline operation: 98% efficiency for Input data 120 V AC 230 V AC
Nominal input voltage 120 V AC -20% / +15% 230 V AC -20% / +15%
charged energy storage device Input voltage range AC 102 V AC ... 138 V AC 196 V AC ... 264 V AC
– Power factor cos phi 0.8 Nominal frequency 50 Hz ... 60 Hz 50 Hz ... 60 Hz
Max. current consumption 6.8 A 3.7 A
General output data
Extensive signaling and parameterization: Nominal power / Apparent power 400 W / 500 VA
– Switching outputs Derating > 50°C ... 70°C (2.5%/K)
Switch-over time < 10 ms
– USB interface Efficiency (typ.) > 98% > 98% (Mains operation)
– Data port Output data (mains operation) 120 V AC 230 V AC
– Parameterization with memory module Nominal output voltage 120 V AC 230 V AC
- Nominal output current (sustained period) 4.3 A ( -25°C ... 70°C ) 2.2 A ( -25°C ... 70°C )
- Power Boost (sustained period) 5.2 A ( -25°C ... 70°C ) 2.7 A ( -25°C ... 70°C )
Simplified startup: Output data (battery operation) 120 V AC 230 V AC
– The UPS can be switched on without a Nominal output voltage
- Nominal output current IN (sustained period)
120 V AC
4.3 A ( -25°C ... 50°C )
230 V AC
2.2 A ( -25°C ... 50°C )
power supply network (cold restart) - Power Boost IBoost (5 s) 5.2 A ( -25°C ... 50°C ) 2.7 A ( -25°C ... 50°C )
Energy storage
Nominal voltage UN 24 V DC
End-of-charge voltage 25 V DC ... 30 V DC (temperature compensated)
Nominal capacity range 3 Ah ... 200 Ah
Max. charging current 2A
Signaling LED, active switching outputs, interface/software
Interfaces IFS (Interface system data port), MINI-USB type B
General data
Classification according to IEC 62040-3 VFD-SS-311
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 2.2 kg / 125 x 130 x 125 mm
Connection method Screw connection
Input/output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 1.5 - 6 mm² / 1.5 - 4 mm² / 18 - 10

Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 10
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 50°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Recognized UL 1778

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT-UPS/ 1AC/ 1AC/500VA 2320270 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Uninterruptible power supply,

1 AC / 1 AC, 1 KVA


1.1 2.1
L  = L
Input 1.2 2.2 Output
N =  N
AC 1.3 2.3
=  3.1
+ 4.1 3.2
Battery 3.3
4.2 AC OK
1 DC - C
4.3 3.4
COM1 Ready
+ 4.4 3.6
Bat.-Start 230V
Battery 4.5 3.7
- Bat.-Start 120V
2 DC
4.6 3.8
COM2 Remote
Parallel 5.2 3.9

Technical data

90 V AC ... 264 V AC
45 Hz ... 65 Hz
Can be configured using UPS-CONF software
120 V AC 230 V AC
120 V AC -10% / +20% 230 V AC -20% / +15%
96 V AC ... 144 V AC 184 V AC ... 264 V AC
60 Hz ±5% 50 Hz ±5%
10.5 A 5.5 A

900 W / 1 kVA
> 50°C ... 60°C (2.5%/K)
0 ms
> 92% (120 V AC) > 94% (230 V AC)
120 V AC 230 V AC
120 V AC 230 V AC
8.3 A ( -25°C ... 70°C ) 4.3 A ( -25°C ... 70°C )
13 A ( -25°C ... 70°C ) 7 A ( -25°C ... 70°C )
120 V AC 230 V AC
120 V AC 230 V AC
8.3 A ( -25°C ... 70°C ) 4.3 A ( -25°C ... 70°C )
13 A ( -25°C ... 70°C ) 7 A ( -25°C ... 70°C )

2x 24 V DC
58 V (temperature compensated)
3.4 Ah ... 200 Ah

LED, active switching output

MINI-USB type B, lockable

5 kg / 290 x 130 x 125 mm
Screw connection
0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10

0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12

IP20 / I
-25°C ... 60°C (> 50°C Derating: 2.5%/K)

UL/C-UL Recognized UL 1778

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-UPS/1AC/1AC/1KVA 2320283 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 331
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
TRIO UPS for AC applications
The TRIO UPS for AC applications delivers
a pure sine curve at the output. The sine
generated in battery operation is synchronous
with the mains previously used for supply.
Supply AC loads reliably with the new
TRIO-UPS-2G uninterruptible power
supplies for the DIN rail.
– Space-saving: UPS module and energy
storage are combined in one housing
– Long buffer times with integrated VRLA Uninterruptible power supply, Uninterruptible power supply,
energy storage, can be extended with 1 AC / 1 AC, 750 VA 1 AC / 1 AC, 750 VA
additional energy storage
– USB interface for connection to higher- 
 Ex: 
level controllers, such as industrial PCs
– Startup from energy storage possible,
even without mains input Input N N Output Input N N Output

External Alarm External Alarm

energy + Bat.-Mode energy + Bat.-Mode
storage - Ready storage - Ready
Remote  C
3,4 Ah 3,4 Ah
12 V Bat.-Start 12 V Bat.-Start
3,4 Ah SGnd 3,4 Ah SGnd
12 V 12 V

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Input voltage range 184 V AC ... 264 V AC 96 V AC ... 138 V AC
Frequency range (fN) 45 Hz ... 55 Hz 55 Hz ... 65 Hz
Max. current consumption 3A 6A
General output data
Input fuse 10 A 400 V gRL 10 A 400 V gRL
General output data
Apparent power / Nominal power 750 VA / 600 W 750 VA / 600 W
Switch-over time < 10 ms < 10 ms
Efficiency > 95% (with charged energy storage device) > 95% (with charged energy storage device)
Classification according to IEC 62040-3 VFD-SS-311 VFD-SS-311
Output data (mains operation)
Nominal output voltage 230 V AC 120 V AC
Output current 3 A (750 VA) 6 A (750 VA)
Output data (battery operation)
Nominal output voltage 230 V AC 120 V AC
Output current 3 A (750 VA) 6 A (750 VA)
Form of output voltage Pure sine Pure sine
Energy storage
Accumulator type 2x Panasonic UP-VW1220P1 2x Panasonic UP-VW1220P1
Buffer period 20 min. (100 W) / 4 min. (300 W) / 1 min. (600 W) 20 min. (100 W) / 4 min. (300 W) / 1 min. (600 W)
LED signaling AC OK, Alarm, Battery Mode AC OK, Alarm, Battery Mode
Transistor switching output Alarm, Battery Mode, Ready Alarm, Battery Mode, Ready
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 5.7 kg / 210 x 170 x 136 mm 5.7 kg / 210 x 170 x 136 mm
Connection method Push-in connection Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection battery 0.2 - 10 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 8 0.2 - 10 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 8
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 206000 h (40°C) > 206000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -15°C ... 40°C (with charged energy storage device) -15°C ... 40°C (with charged energy storage device)

UL approvals - UL/C-UL Recognized UL 1778

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/1AC/230V/750VA 2905909 1 TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/1AC/120V/750VA 2905908 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
USB data cable

– For communication between the
uninterruptible power supply and the
UPS-CONF configuration software
– Can be locked in accordance with
UL requirements

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Data cable for communication between higher-level controllers

and uninterruptible power supplies

Cable length: 3 m MINI-SCREW-USB-DATACABLE 2908217 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 333
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Energy storage for QUINT UPS
Maintenance-free CAP UPS
– Double-layer capacitors
– Life expectancy: > 20 years (20°C),
> 5 years (50°C)
– Communication with QUINT UPS
– Integrated temperature sensor
– Works reliably, even in extreme ambient
temperatures from -40°C to +60°C

Maintenance-free energy storage, Maintenance-free energy storage,

24 V DC, 10 A, 10 kJ 24 V DC, 20 A, 20 kJ

 
Ex:  Ex: 

Input/ Input/
Output Output

mC mC

ϑ ϑ

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal capacity 0.1 Ah 0.2 Ah
Output data
Output voltage range 22 V DC ... 27 V DC 22 V DC ... 27 V DC
Output current 10 A 20 A
Output fuse 1x 25 A (internal) 2x 25 A (internal)
Can be connected in parallel/series No / No No / No
Buffer period 6 min. (1 A) / 33 s (10 A) 12 min. (1 A) / 33 s (20 A)
General data
Storage medium Double-layer capacitor Double-layer capacitor
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.7 kg / 126 x 130 x 126 mm 2.9 kg / 150 x 130 x 176 mm
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 60°C -40°C ... 60°C
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 60°C -40°C ... 60°C
Service life 20 years (20°C) 20 years (20°C)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Energy storage
UPS-CAP/24DC/10A/10KJ 2320377 1 UPS-CAP/24DC/20A/20KJ 2320380 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Energy storage for QUINT UPS
UPS-BAT/LI-ION for long service life
with long buffer times
– Lithium iron phosphate technology
– Works reliably, even in extreme ambient
temperatures from -20°C to +58°C
– Communication with QUINT UPS
– Integrated temperature sensor for
optimum charging
– Battery can be changed without tools
LI-ION energy storage, 120 Wh LI-ION energy storage, 924 Wh

 
Ex:  Ex: 

12V DC 24V
DC 12V Battery
mC mC DC 24V
DC 12V

Technical data Technical data

Input data/output data
Nominal input voltage 24 V DC 24 V
Nominal capacity 120 Wh 924 Wh
Output current 30 A 45 A
Output fuse 1x 30 A ATOF 32V (breaking capacity 1000 A) 2x 25 A ATOF 32V (breaking capacity 1000 A)
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No Yes / No
Buffer period 14 min. (20 A) 105 min. (20 A (20°C)) / 50 min. (40 A (20°C))

General data
Storage medium LI-ION, 120 Wh LI-ION, 924 Wh
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 2.9 kg / 135 x 202 x 110 mm 12.9 kg / 264 x 224 x 197 mm
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -20°C ... 58°C -25°C ... 58°C
Service life - 15 years (20°C)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, -
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Energy storage
UPS-BAT/LI-ION/24DC/120WH 2320351 1 UPS-BAT/LI-ION/24DC/924WH 2908232 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 335
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Energy storage for QUINT UPS
UPS BAT/VRLA for maximum
buffer times
– Lead AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat)
– Ambient temperatures from 0°C to +40°C
– Long buffer times for high currents
– Communication with QUINT UPS
– Integrated temperature sensor for
optimum charging
– Battery can be changed without tools VRLA energy storage, 1.3 Ah VRLA energy storage, 3.4 Ah

 
Ex:  Ex: 

Battery Battery
12V DC 24V 12V DC 24V

mC mC

12V 12V

Technical data Technical data

Input data/output data
Nominal input voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Nominal capacity 1.3 Ah 3.4 Ah
Output current 15 A 25 A
Output fuse 1x 15 A 1x 25 A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No Yes / No
Buffer period 20 min. (2 A) / 5 min. (5 A) 4.5 min. (20 A) / 3 min. (25 A)
General data
Storage medium Lead rechargeable battery module Lead rechargeable battery module
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.7 kg / 54 x 157 x 113 mm 3.3 kg / 85 x 191 x 110 mm
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
Service life 6 years ... 9 years (20°C) 6 years ... 9 years (20°C)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Energy storage
UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/1.3AH 2320296 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/3.4AH 2320306 1

Accessories Accessories
Fuse FUSE 15A/32V FK1 2908360 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2
Mounting set
Mounting set


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


VRLA energy storage, 7.2 Ah VRLA energy storage, 12 Ah VRLA energy storage, 38 Ah

  

Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Battery Battery
12V DC 24V 12V DC 24V
DC 12V Battery
mC mC mC DC 24V
DC 12V
12V 12V

Technical data Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
7.2 Ah 12 Ah 38 Ah
50 A 50 A 45 A
2x 25 A 2x 25 A 2x 25 A ATOF 32V
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
10 min. (20 A) / 3 min. (40 A) 22.5 min. (20 A) / 9 min. (40 A) 72 min. (20 A) / 35 min. (40 A)

Lead rechargeable battery module Lead rechargeable battery module Lead rechargeable battery module
5.9 kg / 135 x 202 x 110 mm 8.9 kg / 202 x 202 x 110 mm 26 kg / 330 x 221 x 197 mm
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
6 years ... 9 years (20°C) 6 years ... 9 years (20°C) -

UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/7.2AH 2320319 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/12AH 2320322 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/38AH 2320335 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 337
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Energy storage for QUINT UPS


temperatures from -25°C to +60°C
– Pure lead AGM technology
– Communication with QUINT UPS
– Integrated temperature sensor for
optimum charging

Energy storage Energy storage

with wide temperature range with wide temperature range
24 V DC, 13 Ah 24 V DC, 26 Ah
 
Ex:  Ex: 

DC 12V Battery DC 12V Battery

mC DC 24V mC DC 24V

DC 12V DC 12V

Technical data Technical data

Input data/output data
Nominal input voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Nominal capacity 13 Ah 26 Ah
Output current 45 A 45 A
Output fuse 2x 25 A ATOF 32V 2x 25 A ATOF 32V
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No Yes / No
Buffer period 50 min. (10 A) / 10 min. (40 A) 120 min. (10 A) / 30 min. (40 A)
General data
Storage medium Pure lead AGM Pure lead AGM
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 10.8 kg / 172 x 177 x 178 mm 21.6 kg / 358 x 174 x 169 mm
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C -25°C ... 60°C
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40°C ... 60°C -40°C ... 60°C
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1
GL approvals DNV GL (EMC A), ABS DNV GL (EMC A), ABS

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Energy storage
UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/13AH 2320416 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/26AH 2320429 1

Accessories Accessories
Fuse FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2
Mounting set BATTERY MOUNTING KIT 2320788 1 BATTERY MOUNTING KIT 2320788 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Mounting accessories

Battery mounting kit

– For attaching individual battery blocks
to a mounting plate
– Consists of four powder-coated metal
brackets and a fabric lashing strap

Battery mounting case

– Battery frame for universal wall or surface
mounting of battery blocks and electronics

 

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Mounting set

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 339
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Configuration software for
The UPS-CONF configuration software
can be downloaded free of charge from our
homepage. The IFS-USB-DATACABLE is
required in order to use the software.
Supported operating systems:
– Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
– Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit)
– Windows 8.1 (32 and 64-bit)
– Windows 10 (32 and 64-bit)
Minimum requirements:
– Display: 800 x 600, 256 colors
Ordering data
– Processor: 400 MHz, Pentium processor
or similar Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
– RAM: 96 MB
Configuration software for QUINT UPS, TRIO UPS,
UPS-CONF 2320403 1

Accessories for QUINT UPS


– For communication between the
uninterruptible power supply and the
UPS-CONF configuration software
– For storing the values you have configured
and quickly transferring them to other
uninterruptible power supplies
Memory module

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Programming adapter for configuring modules

with S-PORT interface
Cable length: 3 m IFS-USB-DATACABLE 2320500 1
Multi-functional memory module for the Interface system

- Flat design IFS-CONFSTICK 2986122 1

- Tall design IFS-CONFSTICK-L 2901103 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Accessories for QUINT UPS

– For Modbus communication with the
RS-232 interface
– Connection to the Phoenix Contact
COM server for Ethernet communication
– Communicate directly with higher-level
controllers, such as Phoenix Contact ILC
or RFC, or use as a gateway

– For direct communication with the ILC
from the Phoenix Contact Inline system Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Data cable for communication between higher-level controllers
– Open cable for flexible communication and QUINT UPS uninterruptible power supplies, cable length: 2 m

Modbus communication IFS-RS232-DATACABLE 2320490 1

QUINT UPS function blocks Direct communication IFS-MINI-DIN-DATACABLE 2320487 1
Flexible communication IFS-OPEN-END-DATACABLE 2320450 1
– For further processing of information
communicated via data cables
– For PC Worx software
– Free download at

Accessories for QUINT UPS


– For wireless communication between the
uninterruptible power supply and the
UPS-CONF configuration software

Bluetooth adapter

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Bluetooth programming adapter, with USB and

S-PORT interface

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 341
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies

Selection of UPS modules with integrated energy storage

or integrated power supply

To save space in the control cabinet or to

retrofit existing systems easily, UPS versions
with integrated energy storage (QUINT,
UNO, and STEP) or integrated power supply
(MINI and TRIO) are recommended.

Buffer times for UNO UPS and

Select your UPS solution here. Buffer time
Seconds Minutes Hours
Example: 2.5 A needs to be buffered
0.2 0.4 1 2 8 16 30 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 1 1.5 2 3
for 10 minutes:

0.5 A
Load current

1 A
STEP-UPS/24DC/24DC/3 1.5 A
2 A

2.5 A
3 A
4 A

UPS modules with integrated energy storage

The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C.

Buffer times for QUINT CAP

Select your UPS solution here. Buffer time

Seconds Minutes

Example: 5 A needs to be buffered 15 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 5

for 40 seconds: 1 A
Load current

2.5 A

5 A
QUINT4-CAP/24DC/10/8KJ 6.25 A
7.5 A
10 A
12.5 A

UPS modules with integrated energy storage


The data is based on an ambient temperature of +25°C.


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies

Buffer times for QUINT UPS and

Particularly space-saving: UPS module and
energy storage combined in one housing.
It’s just a case of connecting a power supply
upstream. Buffer time
Seconds Minutes Hours

Select your QUINT UPS or 0.2 0.4 0.5 1 1.5 2 4 6 8 16 30 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 1 2 3


0.5 A

Load current
Example: 5 A needs to be buffered 2A
for 20 minutes. 3 A

5 A
Solution: 7 A
QUINT-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/3.4AH 10 A
20 A
30 A
40 A

Energy storage
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C. QUINT4-BUFFER/24DC/40 QUINT-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/3.4AH

Buffer times for MINI UPS and

Particularly space-saving: UPS module
and power supply combined in one housing.
It's just a case of connecting an energy
storage device upstream.

Buffer times for MINI DC UPS

Buffer time
Select your MINI-BAT for your Minutes Hours
MINI UPS here. 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 45 50 1 2 3
0.5 A
Load current

Example: 1 A needs to be buffered

for 20 minutes. 1.5 A
2 A
Solution: Energy storage for: MINI UPS

Buffer times for TRIO DC UPS Buffer time

Select your energy storage device Seconds Minutes Hours
for your TRIO DC UPS here. 10 15 30 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 45 50 1 2 3 5 8 10 15 20

Load current

Example: 10 A needs to be buffered 2A

for 10 minutes. 3A
Solution: 7A
TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/24DC/10 and

10 A
20 A

Energy storage
The data is based on an ambient temperature of +20°C.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 343
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
UPS module with integrated
energy storage H H
QUINT-UPS is very easy to install in
existing systems. It's just a case of connecting
a 24 V DC power supply unit upstream and
the reliable UPS solution is complete.
– Advantages of using IQ Technology
– Minimal wiring effort
– Maintenance-free energy storage device
with lead AGM technology
Uninterruptible power supply Uninterruptible power supply
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply with integrated energy storage, with integrated energy storage,
can be found on page 343. 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 5 A, 1.3 Ah 24 V DC / 24 V DC, 10 A, 3.4 Ah
 
Ex:  Ex: 

Input Output Input Output

DC 24V DC 24V DC 24V DC 24V
Data-Port 24V 0,2A Data-Port 24V 0,2A
13 13
Confirm 14 Alarm Confirm 14 Alarm
23 tmax[min]
Bat.- Bat.-
24 Mode 24 Mode
I < IN
I < IN
34 Charge 34 Charge
R1 R1
DC 24V DC 24V
Remote Remote
 R2  R2

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Input voltage range 18 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 30 V DC
Max. current consumption 9.3 A (24 V DC) 18.6 A (24 V DC)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Output voltage range 19.2 V DC ... 27.6 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC) 19.2 V DC ... 27.6 V DC (UOUT = UBAT - 0.5 V DC)

Output current 5A 10 A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No Yes / No
Buffer period 50 min. (1 A) / 5 min. (5 A) 180 min. (1 A) / 10 min. (10 A)
Max. power dissipation (normal mode / buffer mode) 2.5 W / 3.3 W 3.1 W / 6.3 W

Efficiency > 97.1% (Mains operation, with charged energy storage) /  > 97.6% (Mains operation, with charged energy storage) / 
97.31% 96.41%
Signaling LED, relay contact, interface/software LED, relay contact, interface/software
Interfaces IFS (Interface system data port) IFS (Interface system data port)
General data
Storage medium Lead rechargeable battery module 1.3 Ah Lead rechargeable battery module, 3.4 Ah
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 2.2 kg / 88 x 138 x 125 mm 3.8 kg / 120 x 169 x 125 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715 horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontal 5 mm, vertical 50 mm alignable: horizontal 5 mm, vertical 50 mm
Connection method Plug-in screw connection Plug-in screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 16 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 20 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 16 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 806000 h (40°C) > 806000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -15°C ... 40°C -15°C ... 40°C
Service life 6 years ... 9 years (20°C) 6 years ... 9 years (20°C)
Latest startup 3 Months (0°C ... 20°C) 6 Months (0°C ... 20°C)
1 Months (30°C ... 40°C)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety, safety transformer EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508 UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/ 24DC/ 5/1.3AH 2320254 1 QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/ 24DC/10/3.4AH 2320267 1

Accessories Accessories
FUSE 15A/32V FKS ATO 2908361 2 FUSE 15A/32V FKS ATO 2908361 2


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Maintenance-free buffer module
The QUINT BUFFER is ideal for failures
lasting just seconds.
It combines an electronic switch-over
unit and a capacitor-based energy storage
device in the same housing.
– High system availability due to long
capacitor service life
– Maintenance-free due to electrolytic
– Thanks to soft start, can be used with Maintenance-free capacity module Maintenance-free capacity module
power supplies in the low power range 24 V DC / 20 A 24 V DC / 40 A
– Space savings, thanks to compact design
 
Notes: Ex:  Ex: 
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 343.
1.1 1.1
+ +
2.1 2.1
+ Inrush + Inrush
3.1 3.1
13 13
1.2 3.2 UIn OK 1.2 3.2 UIn OK
- 14 - 14
2.2 2.2
- -
= = 3.3 = = 3.3
C Ready C Ready
= = = =
Charge Discharge Charge Discharge
3.4 3.4
SGnd SGnd

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Input voltage range 22.5 V DC ... 30 V DC 22.5 V DC ... 30 V DC
Current consumption (idling/charging process/max.) 0.2 A / 0.6 A / 26 A 0.2 A / 0.8 A / 46 A
Connect threshold (fixed, variable) < 22 V DC, - < 22 V DC, -
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC (depending on the input voltage) 24 V DC (depending on the input voltage)
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 20 A / 25 A / - / - 40 A / 45 A / - / -
Can be connected in parallel/series No / No No / No
Buffer period 0.2 s (20 A) / 2 s (2 A) 0.2 s (40 A) / 2 s (4 A)
Maximum power dissipation for nominal condition <6W <9W
LED signaling UIN OK, Ready UIN OK, Ready
Transistor switching output Ready Ready
Floating signal contact UINOK UINOK
General data
Storage medium Electrolytic capacitor Electrolytic capacitor
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1 kg / 56 x 130 x 125 mm 1.2 kg / 72 x 130 x 125 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715 horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 10 - 6
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 6 mm² / 0.2 - 4 mm² / 30 - 10 0.5 - 16 mm² / 0.5 - 16 mm² / 10 - 6
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / Special application (SELV input voltage, IP20 / Special application (SELV input voltage,
hazardous voltages are generated in the device). hazardous voltages are generated in the device).

MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) 2497464 h (40°C) 2813895 h (40°C)

Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C -25°C ... 70°C
(> 40°C Derating: 1%/K / > 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) (> 40°C Derating: 0.56%/K / > 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage: input, output/housing 500 V 500 V
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations - -
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Buffer module, maintenance-free

QUINT4-BUFFER/24DC/20 2907913 1 QUINT4-BUFFER/24DC/40 2908283 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 345
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Maintenance-free buffer module Notes:
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the H
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 342. D W
QUINT CAP is ideal for cyclical failures
lasting up to 30 seconds. It combines an
electronic switch-over unit and a capacitor-
based energy storage device in the same
– Convenient PC shutdown
– Maintenance-free with a long service life
– Space savings, thanks to compact design
– Long buffer time, thanks to high memory
capacity Maintenance-free Ultra-CAP
capacity module
24 V DC, 5 A


1.1 2.1
+ +
Input 1.2
2.2 - Output
EMI Filter Soft Start 3.1 13
3.2 UIn OK
= = 3.3
= =
Charge Discharge Ready

Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 22.5 V DC ... 30 V DC
Current consumption (idling/charging process/max.) 0.1 A / 0.8 A / 7 A
Connect threshold (fixed, variable) < 22 V DC, -
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC
Output current IN / IStat. Boost / IDyn. Boost / ISFB 5 A / 6.25 A / - / -
Can be connected in parallel/series No / No
Buffer period 3 min. (1 A) / 1 min. (2.5 A) / 30 s (5 A)
Maximum power dissipation for nominal condition <3W
LED signaling UIN OK, Alarm, Ready
Transistor switching output Alarm, Ready
Floating signal contact UINOK
General data
Storage medium Double-layer capacitor
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.3 kg / 94 x 130 x 125 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / Special application (SELV input voltage,
hazardous voltages are generated in the device).

MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) 1301923 h (40°C)

Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C (> 40°C Derating: 1%/K)
Insulation voltage: input, output/housing 500 V
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Buffer module, maintenance-free

QUINT4-CAP/24DC/5/4KJ 2320539 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Maintenance-free Ultra-CAP
capacity module
24 V DC, 10 A


1.1 2.1
+ +
Input 1.2
2.2 - Output
EMI Filter Soft Start 3.1 13
3.2 UIn OK
= = 3.3
= =
Charge Discharge Ready

Technical data

22.5 V DC ... 30 V DC
0.1 A / 1 A / 13.5 A
< 22 V DC, -

24 V DC
10 A / 12.5 A / - / -
No / No
5 min. (1 A) / 1 min. (5 A) / 30 s (10 A)

UIN OK, Alarm, Ready

Alarm, Ready

Double-layer capacitor
1.6 kg / 118 x 130 x 125 mm
horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Screw connection
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 30 - 12
0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
IP20 / -

1387186 h (40°C)
-25°C ... 60°C (> 40°C Derating: 1%/K)

500 V
Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
IEC 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

QUINT4-CAP/24DC/10/8KJ 2320571 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 347
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
UPS module with integrated
energy storage H H
The STEP BAT energy storage device
is included when ordering the STEP UPS.
It can be re-ordered separately.
(See accessories on this page)
With the STEP-UPS/12DC/12DC/4/46WH, buffer times are double
those of the STEP-UPS/24DC/24DC/3/46WH. See page 342.
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply Uninterruptible power supply Uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 342.
with integrated battery module, with integrated battery module,
24 V DC/24 V DC, 4 A, 46WH 12 V DC/12 V DC, 4 A, 46WH

Input Output Input Output

DC 24V DC 24V DC 12V DC 12V

tmax Alarm tmax Alarm

[min] mC [min] mC
Bat.- Mode Bat.- Mode
Bat.- Charge Bat.- Charge
Battery Battery
R1 R1
Remote Remote
J R2 J R2

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC 12 V DC
Input voltage range 22.5 V DC ... 29.5 V DC 10 V DC ... 16.5 V DC
Max. current consumption 4.7 A 6A
Current consumption charging process 0.5 A 0.8 A
Input fuse 7 A (slow-blow, internal) 7 A (slow-blow, internal)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC 12 V DC
Output current standard operation 3A 4A
Output current Power Boost 4 A (0°C ... 35°C) 5 A (0°C ... 35°C)
Can be connected in parallel/series No / No No / No
Buffer period 90 min. (1 A) / 45 min. (2 A) / 30 min. (3 A) 180 min. (1 A) / 90 min. (2 A) / 60 min. (3 A)

Max. power dissipation (normal mode / buffer mode) 2 W / 3.8 W 1.2 W / 4.4 W

Efficiency > 98% (Mains operation, with charged energy storage) /  > 97.4% (Mains operation, with charged energy storage) / 
> 95% (Battery operation) > 92% (Battery operation)
Signaling Power OK LED LED
Signaling alarm LED, active transistor switching output LED, active transistor switching output
Signaling battery charge LED, active transistor switching output LED, active transistor switching output
Signaling battery mode LED, active transistor switching output LED, active transistor switching output
General data
Storage medium Lithium-ion Lithium-ion
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.51 kg / 108 x 90 x 71 mm 0.52 kg / 108 x 90 x 71 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715 horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Screw connection Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1401000 h (40°C) > 1997000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety, safety transformer EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1 UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

STEP-UPS/24DC/24DC/3/46WH 1081430 1 STEP-UPS/12DC/12DC/4/46WH 1082548 1

Accessories Accessories
Energy storage STEP-BAT/LI-ION/18.5DC/46WH 1081355 1 STEP-BAT/LIPO/18.5DC/1.4AH 2320364 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
UPS module with integrated
energy storage H
The energy storage is included when
ordering the UNO UPS.
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 342.

Uninterruptible power supply

with integrated rechargeable battery,
24 V DC/24 V DC, 60 W


1.1 2.1
+ +
Input 1.2 2.2 Output
– –


Technical data
Input data
Nominal input voltage range 24 V DC
Input voltage range 22.5 V DC ... 29.5 V DC
Max. current consumption 2.8 A
Current consumption charging process 0.3 A
Input fuse 5 A (electronic)
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC (SELV)
Output current standard operation 2.5 A
Output current Power Boost -
Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with redundancy module / No
Buffer period 45 min. (0.5 A) / 20 min. (1 A) / 8 min. (2 A)

Max. power dissipation (normal mode / buffer mode) 3W/-

Efficiency > 95% (Mains operation, with charged energy storage) / 

> 92% (Battery operation)
Signaling Power OK LED
Signaling alarm LED, active transistor switching output
Signaling battery charge -
Signaling battery mode LED, active transistor switching output
General data
Storage medium Lead rechargeable battery module
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1 kg / 110 x 90 x 84 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: 0 mm horizontally, 30 mm vertically
Connection method Screw connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 14
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 1900000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -15°C ... 50°C
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety, safety transformer EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

UNO-UPS/24DC/24DC/60W 2905907 1

Fuse FUSE 5A/32V FK-1 2908367 2

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 349
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
UPS module with integrated
power supply H H
MINI UPS 24 V DC and 12 V DC
The MINI UPS combines the power
supply and the UPS module in the same
housing in a particularly space-saving way.
With the MINI-DC-UPS/12DC/4, buffer times are double those
of the MINI-DC-UPS/24DC/2.
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 343.
UPS with integrated power supply, UPS with integrated power supply,
100 - 240 V AC / 24 V DC, 2 A 100 - 240 V AC / 12 V DC, 4 A

 
Ex:  Ex: 

t...[min] Remote t...[min] Remote

R1 R1
+ On/Off + On/Off
R2 R2

- Alarm - Alarm
Battery Bat. Mode Battery Bat. Mode
Charge Charge

L(+) - L(+) -
PS +24 V/2A PS +12 V/4A
N(-) + N(-) +

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Nominal input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
Input voltage range 85 V AC ... 264 V AC / 100 V DC ... 350 V DC 85 V AC ... 264 V AC / 100 V DC ... 350 V DC
Max. current consumption in normal mode 0.6 A / 0.85 A (230 V AC), 1.1 A / 1.5 A (120 V AC) 0.5 A / 0.65 A (230 V AC), 1.15 A / 1.35 A (120 V AC)

Input fuse 3.15 A (slow-blow, internal) 3.15 A (slow-blow, internal)

Reliable backup fuse, circuit breaker B6, B10, B16 B6, B10, B16
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC (available AC input voltage: 22.5 to 29.5 V DC, 12 V DC (available AC input voltage: 10 to 16 V DC,
unavailable AC input voltage: 27.9 to 19.2 V DC) unavailable AC input voltage: 13.6 to 9.6 V DC)

Output current 2A 4A
Can be connected in parallel/series No / yes No / yes
Buffer period 20 min. (2 A) 20 min. (4 A)
Max. power dissipation (idling / normal mode / buffer mode) 3.8 W / 10.1 W / 2.1 W 1.6 W / 10.5 W / 2.6 W

Efficiency > 83% > 82%

Signaling Power OK LED LED
Signaling alarm LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
Signaling battery charge LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
Signaling battery mode LED, active switching output LED, active switching output
General data
Storage medium External, battery 0.8 Ah / 1.3 Ah External, rechargeable battery 1.6 Ah / 2.6 Ah
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.45 kg / 67.5 x 99 x 107 mm 0.45 kg / 67.5 x 99 x 107 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715 horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method COMBICON plug-in screw connections COMBICON plug-in screw connections
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / II IP20 / II
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 753000 h (40°C) > 728000 h (40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV (routine test) / 4 kV (type test) 2 kV (routine test) / 4 kV (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Electrical safety, safety transformer EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV) EN 60950-1/VDE 0805 (SELV)
Electronic equipm. for electrical power installations EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV) EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV)
UL approvals UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

MINI-DC-UPS/24DC/2 2866640 1 MINI-DC-UPS/12DC/4 2866598 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 351
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Energy storage for MINI UPS Notes:
The buffer time associated with your solution is dependent on the H
load current. Exact details for each uninterruptible power supply
can be found on page 343. D W
MINI-BAT for maximum buffer times
– Lead AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat)
– Ambient temperatures from 0°C to +40°C

Energy storage, 24 V DC, 0.8 Ah

for MINI UPS 2 A

Technical data
Input data/output data
Nominal capacity 0.8 Ah
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC
Output current 5A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No
General data
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.9 kg / 67.5 x 99 x 107 mm
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 40°C
Service life 4 years (20°C)
Latest startup 6 months (20°C ... 30°C)
3 months (30°C ... 40°C)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Energy storage
MINI-BAT/24DC/0.8AH 2866666 1

Fuse FUSE 5A/32V FK-1 2908367 2


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


Energy storage, 24 V DC, 1.3 Ah Energy storage, 12 V DC, 1.6 Ah Energy storage, 12 V DC, 2.6 Ah
for TRIO UPS and MINI UPS 2 A for MINI UPS 4 A for MINI UPS 4 A

  

Technical data Technical data Technical data

1.3 Ah 1.6 Ah 2.6 Ah

24 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC
15 A 10 A 15 A
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

1.7 kg / 52 x 130 x 110 mm 0.9 kg / 67.5 x 99 x 107 mm 1.7 kg / 52 x 130 x 110 mm

IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
6 years ... 9 years (20°C) 4 years (20°C) 6 years ... 9 years (20°C)
6 months (20°C ... 30°C) 6 months (20°C ... 30°C) 6 months (20°C ... 30°C)
3 months (30°C ... 40°C) 3 months (30°C ... 40°C) 3 months (30°C ... 40°C)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

MINI-BAT/24DC/1.3AH 2866417 1 MINI-BAT/12DC/1.6AH 2866572 1 MINI-BAT/12DC/2.6AH 2866569 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

FUSE 15A/32V FKS ATO 2908361 2 FUSE 10A/32V FK1 2908364 2 FUSE 25A/32V FKS 2908363 2

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 353
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
UPS module with integrated
power supply


For the reliable supply of DC loads.
– Space-saving combination of UPS and
power supply in the same housing
– Long buffer times, thanks to a large
number of VRLA energy storage devices
– USB interface for connection to
higher-level controllers, such as
industrial PCs
– Startup from energy storage possible, UPS with integrated power supply, UPS with integrated power supply,
even without mains input 1 V AC / 24 V DC, 5 A 1 V AC / 24 V DC, 10 A
– Push-in connection
 
Ex:  Ex: 

2.1 + 2.1 +
L 1.1 2.2 + L 1.1 2.2 +
Input N 1.2 2.3 - Output Input N 1.2 PFC 2.3 - Output
1.3 2.4 1.3 2.4
PE = - PE = -
2.5 2.5
- -
= =
+ 4.1 + 4.1
External 4.2 3.1 External 4.2 3.1
- 3.2 - 3.2
Battery Alarm Battery Alarm
3.3 3.3
Bat.-Mode Bat.-Mode
3.4 Ready 3.4 Ready
 C 3.5
 C 3.5
3.6 3.6
Bat.-Start Bat.-Start
3.7 3.7
SGnd SGnd

Technical data Technical data

Input data
Input voltage range 100 V AC ... 240 V AC 100 V AC ... 240 V AC
110 V DC ... 250 V DC 110 V DC ... 250 V DC
Current consumption (nominal load) 1.6 A (240 V AC) / 3.3 A (100 V AC) 2 A (240 V AC) / 4.5 A (100 V AC)
0.7 A (250 V DC) / 1.8 A (110 V DC) 1.8 A (250 V DC) / 4 A (110 V DC)
Input fuse 6.3 A (slow-blow, internal) 6.3 A (slow-blow, internal)
Reliable backup fuse, circuit breaker B10 B10
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Setting range of the output voltage (in mains operation) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V constant capacity) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V constant capacity)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 5 A / 7.5 A 10 A / 15 A

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with diode module uncoupled / No yes, with diode module uncoupled / No
Buffer period to 2 h to 3 h
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 3 W (230 V AC) / < 19 W (230 V AC) < 3 W (230 V AC) / < 32 W (230 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 85% (120 V AC) /  typ. 90% (120 V AC) / 
typ. 87% (230 V AC) /  typ. 91% (230 V AC) / 
typ. 96% (Battery operation) typ. 96% (Battery operation)
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow) DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow)
Configurable signal output DC OK, Alarm, Bat.-Mode, Ready DC OK, Alarm, Bat.-Mode, Ready
Interfaces MINI-USB type B MINI-USB type B
General data
Battery technology VRLA VRLA
Charging current 0.2 A ... 1.5 A (-25°C ... 60°C) 0.2 A ... 3 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 0.75 kg / 60 x 130 x 115 mm 1.34 kg / 68 x 130 x 160 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715 horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 825726 h (230 V AC, at 40°C) > 1210518 h (230 V AC, at 40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 1.5 kV AC (routine test) / 3 kV AC (type test) 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
UL approvals UL Listed UL 61010, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, UL Listed UL 61010, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I,
Division 2, Groups A, B, C Division 2, Groups A, B, C

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/24DC/5 2907160 1 TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/24DC/10 2907161 1


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
UPS module with integrated
power supply


For the reliable supply of DC loads.
– Space-saving combination of UPS and
power supply in the same housing
– Long buffer times, thanks to a large
number of VRLA energy storage devices
– USB interface for connection to higher-
level controllers, such as industrial PCs
– Startup from energy storage possible,
even without mains input UPS with integrated power supply,
– Push-in connection 3 V AC / 24 V DC, 20 A

Ex: 

L1 2.1 +
2.2 +
Input L2 1.2 2.3 - Output
1.3 = -
L3 2.5
PE 1.4
+ 4.1 Bat.-Mode
External 4.2 3.4 Ready
 C 3.5

Technical data
Input data
Input voltage range 3x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC / 2x 400 V AC ... 500 V AC

Current consumption (nominal load) 3x 1.1 A (500 V AC) / 3x 1.3 A (400 V AC)
2x 1.9 A (480 V AC) / 2x 2.2 A (400 V AC)
Input fuse 6.3 A (slow-blow, internal)
Reliable backup fuse, circuit breaker B10
Output data
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC
Setting range of the output voltage (in mains operation) 24 V DC ... 28 V DC (> 24 V constant capacity)

Output current / Dynamic Boost 20 A / 30 A

Can be connected in parallel/series yes, with diode module uncoupled / No
Buffer period to 1.5 h
Max. power dissipation (no load/nominal load) < 3.6 W (400 V AC) / < 36 W (400 V AC)
Efficiency typ. 93% (400 V AC) / 
typ. 92% (480 V AC) / 
typ. 94% (Battery operation)
LED signaling DC OK (green), Alarm (red), Bat.-Mode (yellow)
Configurable signal output DC OK, Alarm, Bat.-Mode, Ready
Interfaces MINI-USB type B
General data
Battery technology VRLA
Charging current 0.5 A ... 3 A (-25°C ... 60°C)
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.71 kg / 88 x 130 x 160 mm
Mounting position horizontal DIN rail NS 35, EN 60715
Connection alignable: horizontally 0 mm, vertically 50 mm
Connection method Push-in connection
Input connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 4 mm² / 0.2 - 2.5 mm² / 24 - 12
Output connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 10 mm² / 0.2 - 6 mm² / 24 - 16
Signal connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 0.2 - 1.5 mm² / 24 - 16
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / I
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500) > 680194 h (400 V AC, at 40°C)
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (> 60°C Derating: 2.5%/K)
Insulation voltage input/output 2 kV AC (routine test) / 4 kV AC (type test)
Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
UL approvals UL Listed UL 61010, UL/C-UL Listed ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I,
Division 2, Groups A, B, C

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply, uninterruptible

TRIO-UPS-2G/3AC/24DC/20 2906367 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 355
Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies
Energy storage for TRIO UPS
UPS BAT/VRLA for maximum
buffer times
– Lead AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat)
– Ambient temperatures from 0°C to +40°C
– Long buffer times for high currents
– Integrated temperature sensor for
optimum charging
– Battery can be changed without tools
VRLA energy storage, 1.3 Ah VRLA energy storage, 3.4 Ah

 
Ex:  Ex: 

Battery Battery
12V DC 24V 12V DC 24V

mC mC

12V 12V

Technical data Technical data

Input data/output data
Nominal input voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Nominal capacity 1.3 Ah 3.4 Ah
Output current 15 A 25 A
Output fuse 1x 15 A 1x 25 A
Can be connected in parallel/series Yes / No Yes / No
Buffer period 20 min. (2 A) / 5 min. (5 A) 4.5 min. (20 A) / 3 min. (25 A)
General data
Storage medium Lead rechargeable battery module Lead rechargeable battery module
Weight / Dimensions W x H x D 1.7 kg / 54 x 157 x 113 mm 3.3 kg / 85 x 191 x 110 mm
Degree of protection / Protection class IP20 / III IP20 / III
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
Service life 6 years ... 9 years (20°C) 6 years ... 9 years (20°C)
UL approvals UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Energy storage
UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/1.3AH 2320296 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/3.4AH 2320306 1

Accessories Accessories
Fuse FUSE 15A/32V FK1 2908360 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2
Mounting set
Mounting set


Power supply units and UPS
Uninterruptible power supplies


VRLA energy storage, 7.2 Ah VRLA energy storage, 12 Ah VRLA energy storage, 38 Ah

  

Ex:  Ex:  Ex: 

Battery Battery
12V DC 24V 12V DC 24V
DC 12V Battery
mC mC mC DC 24V
DC 12V
12V 12V

Technical data Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
7.2 Ah 12 Ah 38 Ah
50 A 50 A 45 A
2x 25 A 2x 25 A 2x 25 A ATOF 32V
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
10 min. (20 A) / 3 min. (40 A) 22.5 min. (20 A) / 9 min. (40 A) 72 min. (20 A) / 35 min. (40 A)

Lead rechargeable battery module Lead rechargeable battery module Lead rechargeable battery module
5.9 kg / 135 x 202 x 110 mm 8.9 kg / 202 x 202 x 110 mm 26 kg / 330 x 221 x 197 mm
IP20 / III IP20 / III IP20 / III
0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C 0°C ... 40°C
6 years ... 9 years (20°C) 6 years ... 9 years (20°C) -

UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1, UL/C-UL Listed UL 508, UL/C-UL Recognized UL 60950-1,
UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D UL ANSI/ISA-12.12.01 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
(Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location) (Hazardous Location)

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/7.2AH 2320319 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/12AH 2320322 1 UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/38AH 2320335 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2 FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 2

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 357
Device circuit breakers

High-quality device circuit breakers

Basics 360
provide optimum system protection
Thermomagnetic and electronic device
circuit breakers are a key factor in maximizing Electronic circuit breakers 362
system availability. In the event of overload
and short-circuit currents, they selectively Multi-channel electronic circuit breakers 364
shut down the faulty circuit.
Single-channel electronic circuit breakers 366
Selection guide 368
 Your web code: #0156
Applications 369
CBM electronic circuit breakers 372
CBMC electronic circuit breakers 373
PTCB electronic circuit breakers 378

Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers 388

Selection guide and applications 390

CB TM pluggable thermomagnetic circuit breakers 390
TMC thermomagnetic circuit breakers 394

Thermal device circuit breakers 398

Selection guide and applications 399

TCP thermal circuit breakers 400


Device circuit breakers

Why device circuit breakers? Overload currents Selecting the right device circuit
Overload currents and short-circuit An overload current occurs if end devices breakers
currents occur unexpectedly. They cause receive a higher current than the intended The demands placed on optimum device
malfunctions and interrupt the operation rated current. Such situations can arise, for protection vary depending on where it is
of a system. Production downtimes and example, due to a blocked drive. Temporary deployed and how it is used. Device circuit
repair costs can often be an unfortunate starting currents from equipment are also breakers therefore work with a wide range
consequence. considered to be overload currents. The of technologies:
Minimize damage by protecting individual occurrence of these can be calculated in – Electronic
devices or device groups separately. In this principle, but nonetheless can vary depending – Thermomagnetic
way, end devices are optimally protected upon the equipment load at startup time. – Thermal
against damage or destruction. Unaffected These conditions must be taken into The differences lie in the tripping technology
system parts continue operating without account when selecting suitable fuses or and shutdown behavior. Characteristic curves
interruption, insofar as the overall process circuit breakers for such circuits. Safe clearly illustrate the shutdown characteristics
allows this. shutdown should occur in the second to of the various device circuit breakers.
lower minute range. Device circuit breakers are selected based
on the nominal voltage, nominal current,
Short-circuit currents
starting current of the end device, and the
Short circuits can occur in the event
of damage to the insulation between expected cable length between the circuit
breaker and consumer. The expected error
conductors which carry operating voltage.
situation (short circuit or overload) then
Typical protective devices for disconnecting
short-circuit currents include miniature determines the appropriate shutdown
circuit breakers with various tripping
Short-circuit currents are reliably  Your web code: #1253
disconnected in the millisecond range.


Device circuit breakers

The right protection for a circuit Device circuit breakers are easily accessible The length and cross section determine
The right choice of protective device when installed in the control cabinet. This the switch-off conditions for a device circuit
ensures the safe operation of electrical means they can be switched on again quickly breaker.
systems and high system availability. and easily after tripping. So as not to overload Cable resistance counteracts a short-circuit
Miniature circuit breakers protect power the power supply, a control cabinet should current. In the case of low-power voltage
distribution cables in buildings or systems. not be overpopulated. Sufficient air flow and sources, a short-circuit current can be
To protect the power supply line against cooling also reduces the number of false limited by the cable resistance to the extent
overload, they safely shut down in the event tripping events. that safety equipment no longer recognizes
of a short circuit in the end device. The Influence of cable lengths on this current as a short-circuit current. For
circuit breakers have a high switching example, in the case of miniature circuit
shutdown behavior
capacity of 6 kA upwards. breakers with C characteristic, the upper
The maximum cable lengths that can be
As the last protection stage for end used between a power supply unit and an tripping limit is significantly higher than the
devices, thermomagnetic and electronic nominal current. Delayed shutdown behavior
end device are defined by the following
circuit breakers offer the most effective in the event of a short circuit is highly likely
short-circuit and overload protection. – Maximum current of the power supply when using this safety equipment.
If individual consumers or small function Optimized protective devices with SFB
– Internal resistance of the circuit breaker
groups are protected individually, unaffected characteristic or active current limitation
– Cable resistance
system parts can continue operating in the The cable resistance is dependent on the detect that the nominal current has been
event of an error, insofar as the overall exceeded in good time.
cable length and conductor cross section.
process allows this.
To reduce the cable resistance, the general
A newly installed circuit is protected principle is to select the shortest cable paths
appropriately depending on the end device,
as early as the installation stage.
the cable length, and the conductor cross
section. The cables must be designed for the
expected operating current, but must also
be able to deal with any potential overload
and short-circuit currents. To provide the
graded protection of system areas, the
selectivity between the individual fuses or
protective devices must be maintained.
This ensures higher system availability as
only the faulty circuit is switched off.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 361
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

Electronic circuit breakers are used in The fault detection process works through Some electronic circuit breakers feature
conjunction with 24 V DC switched-mode the following steps: active current limitation. This function limits
power supply units. They are commonly used – Measurement: the short-circuit and overload currents,
in machine building, shipbuilding, systems All electrical variables are measured depending on the product range, to a value
manufacturing, and automation technology. continuously in order to monitor the that is 1.25 to 2 times that of the nominal
A combination of current analysis and fast current situation. current. This protects the power supply
tripping in the event of a fault avoids the risk – Analysis: against excessively high currents and prevents
of a switched-mode power supply unit The measured values are analyzed to a dip in the output voltage at the switched-
overload. The output voltage remains in place determine the appropriate course of mode power supply unit.
at the switched-mode power supply unit action. Another benefit of this electronic technology
and all other circuits can continue operating. – Classification: is the ability to virtually completely plan out
These circuit breakers are ideal for protecting The currents are evaluated and classified. the connected load of any DC power supply.
relays, programmable controllers, motors, – Protection and switching: In addition, longer cable paths between the
sensors and actuators, and valves, for example. Depending on the class of the analyzed power supply and load are possible without
Combining electronic circuit breakers with current, the load is started or shut down. negatively impacting the shutdown behavior.
a switched-mode power supply increases The rest of the system remains in operation
the availability of systems and machines. and unaffected.
At the heart of an electronic circuit – Signaling:
breaker are the semiconductor electronics, The operating states of all circuits are
which these days are generally supported transmitted continuously to the system
by intelligent software. The software operator. If an event occurs, it is detected
differentiates between operating currents immediately and reported.
and harmful currents, and transmits This approach minimizes the duration of
commands to the electronics very quickly. a voltage dip. Despite the event, the system
This is because it has to ensure that faults voltage remains stable. In the event of an
are detected and shut down as quickly as overload current or short circuit, the devices
possible while not shutting off an inrush are promptly switched off.
current or normal operating current.


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

The ideal device protection for every Optimum control of system states Easy startup
requirement Intelligent software is at the heart of Easy and tool-free direct insertion.
The product range for electronic circuit electronic circuit breakers. It continuously Push-in connection technology enables
breakers offers a complete portfolio of monitors the currents that are present and the easy and direct insertion of rigid and
devices. Whether the control cabinet has performs the following steps: flexible conductors without the need for
a modular or block design, the device circuit – Measurement great force. This saves time and costs during
breakers always provide the right protection. – Analysis installation. Intuitive device operation via
In addition, they can be adjusted flexibly – Classification single-button control, a potentiometer or
and therefore optimally adapted to the – Protection the nominal current assistant further
application. – Signaling simplifies startup.

Information at your fingertips Compatible with Industrie 4.0 Everything from a single source
wherever you are Within the scope of Industrie 4.0, To achieve high system availability,
The current status of device circuit breakers production and processes are becoming it is important to consider more than
is permanently indicated. Stay informed of increasingly networked. Data is exchanged just individual components. From the
the system status at all times, anywhere in between devices, and is monitored and system input voltage to the load voltage,
the world, thanks to the remote control controlled from mobile cockpits. When it the components must be coordinated
and remote signaling function. As soon as a comes to integration into complex networks, with each other. Phoenix Contact offers
status changes, this is immediately forwarded data interfaces, such as IO-Link, are playing the right products that will professionally
to the connected systems. This means that an increasingly important role – including protect the entire 24 V DC circuit.
the issue can also be diagnosed remotely. for device circuit breakers.
This reduces the number of service call-outs.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 363
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

Multi-channel electronic circuit CBMC compact device circuit breaker CBM highly functional device circuit
breakers With the compact device circuit breakers, breaker
Safely protect against overload and you can protect up to four circuits with a The CBM device circuit breakers protect
short-circuit currents in a space-saving way. single device. The product range offers four or eight channels. Both devices protect
Thanks to multi-channel device circuit versions where the nominal current can be nominal currents up to 10 A. A nominal
breakers, you can protect multiple circuits adjusted from 1 A to 4 A or 1 A to 10 A. current assistant helps you to correctly
with just one single device, even in confined The 1 - 4 A version provides optimum adjust the channels and makes installation
spaces. All channels can be individually protection for cables and sensors as well especially easy. The CBM has a reset input,
adjusted and can therefore be adjusted as as NEC Class 2 circuits by means of an so that disconnected channels can be switched
required to the connected consumers. adjusted internal output fuse. Devices with back on again remotely. Furthermore, the
An integrated electronic interlock secures reset input are also available. They enable device provides the option of indicating
and protects the parameters you have set remote restart. The integrated status output utilization over 80% via a signal output.
from unwanted changes. Push-in connection indicates the status of the system. Thanks to the active current limitation,
technology enables quick and tool-free The product range also includes devices the current does not exceed a certain
installation of the devices. with IO-Link interface. The interface offers threshold value in the event of a short circuit.
All devices constantly check the state comprehensive diagnostic options, so This reduces the load on the power supply,
of the individual channels. The multi-stage process-related data is always available at thereby preventing a voltage drop.
status indicator reliably informs you of the a glance. You can therefore see the set
current status of the circuits. An early warning nominal current, channel current or even
is also generated which indicates utilization the channel status of the device at all times,
over 80%. All devices also feature remote anywhere in the world.
signaling. Order the CBMC device circuit breakers
Thanks to electronic tripping in the event preconfigured. This means the devices will
of a short circuit, the faulty channels are be tailored precisely to your system. You can
switched off particularly quickly and precisely. decide whether the preprogrammed current
values can still be modified or whether they
are blocked. Blocked values ensure the safe
operation of your system. Specify all the
relevant features when ordering, so that you
can benefit from easier startup.


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

Incremental adjustment Fast connection Easy to configure

The multi-channel electronic circuit Easy and tool-free direct plug-in. Configuring the CBM could not be easier
breakers have fine nominal current grading. Push-in connection technology enables with the new nominal current assistant.
The CBM can be adjusted in increments easy and direct insertion of solid and It enables optimal adjustment of the
from 0.5 A to 10 A, the CBMC from 1 A stranded conductors without the need consumer currents.
to 4 A or 10 A, and set individually to the for great force.
nominal currents of the connected end

Analysis and signaling Very compact Can be ordered preconfigured

The currents flowing are constantly The CBMC protects four circuits against Order the CBMC device circuit breaker
monitored. As such, the CBM not only overload and short-circuit currents on that is already configured for your system.
provides the floating signal contact, but also just 36 mm. Thanks to adjustable nominal This means the device can be used immediately,
an 80% output. Consequently, you receive a currents of 1 A to 4 A or 10 A in a single without further configuration effort. The
message when at least one channel is heavily device, storage costs are reduced while preconfigured devices are also available with
overloaded. The disconnected channel can simultaneously increasing flexibility for fixed, preprogrammed nominal current
then be easily switched back on remotely system planning. values.
via the Reset IN signal input.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 365
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

Easy potential distribution Modular extension Individual adaptation

Single-channel electronic circuit breakers It couldn’t be easier. A system can be Systems and control cabinets can be
can be individually adapted to the required extended with additional device circuit pre-wired with base elements and individually
number of channels. The PTCB circuit breakers in no time at all. You can bridge the fitted with corresponding protective plugs
breakers offer fixed nominal current values power distribution, remote signaling or even on site. Should the demands on a consumer
as well as versions that can be adjusted on the auxiliary voltage for electronic circuit change in the meantime, you can simply
site from 1 to 8 A. The CB E1 circuit breakers breakers without this involving significant replace the relevant protective plug. Various
can be pre-wired with a base element and wiring effort. The uniform housing concept nominal currents are available depending
can be fitted with fixed nominal current as well as the bridgeability of the base on the application.
plugs on site. elements simplify installation.


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

Simple application setup Individual setup Flexible use

The PTCB device circuit breaker can be Everything is possible: the device circuit With adjustable current values on each
bridged to the CLIPLINE complete terminal breakers with individual setup offer unlimited device, the PTCB circuit breakers cover a
block range. With standard terminal blocks possibilities. No matter how many channels wide range of applications. You can even make
and accessories from the CLIPLINE complete need to be protected. Save on unnecessary modifications during startup. This means
system, new materials do not have to be channels and reduce the costs of your you can respond to changes in the application
qualified. This enables you to quickly and system – with the flexible PTCB device at any time. As a result, warehousing and
easily extend existing applications. circuit breaker for a wide variety of logistics costs are significantly reduced.

Transparent operating state More space in the control cabinet Active current limitation
The LED indicates the operating state Space-saving potential distribution can The active current limitation of electronic
of the product and the connected devices. be implemented quickly and easily with the circuit breakers restricts short-circuit and
The state is visualized via traffic light colors. PTCB. It is individually adjustable from 1 overload currents to a value that is 1.25 to
This clear indication allows you to intuitively to 8 amps, and provides reliable protection 2 times the nominal current. This protects
understand the operating state, which you against overload and short-circuit currents. the power supply against excessively high
can see at a glance. Thanks to the remote You benefit from reliable protection which currents and prevents the output voltage
signaling function, you can forward the takes up very little space. dipping at the switched-mode power supply
status to a remote control room. unit. In addition, longer cable paths between
the power supply and consumer are possible
without negatively impacting the shutdown

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 367
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

Selection guide

Multi-channel electronic circuit breakers


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
0.5 A ... 10 A 0.5 A ... 10 A 1 A ... 4 A 1 A ... 10 A 1 A ... 4 A 1 A ... 10 A
4 channels 8 channels 4 channels 4 channels 4 channels 4 channels
Adjustable Adjustable Can be ordered preconfigured Can be ordered preconfigured Adjustable Adjustable

Page 372 Page 372 Page 373 Page 373 Page 374 Page 375

With status & reset With electrical isolation IO-Link

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
1 A ... 4 A 1 A ... 10 A 1 A ... 8 A 1 A ... 4 A 1 A ... 10 A
4 channels 4 channels 4 channels 4 channels 4 channels
Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable

Page 374 Page 375 Page 375 Page 376 Page 377

Single-channel electronic circuit breakers


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
1A 2A 3A 4A 6A 8A
1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel
Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current

Page 378 Page 378 Page 379 Page 379 Page 379 Page 379


24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
1 A ... 3 A 1 A ... 4 A 1 A ... 8 A 1 A ... 10 A 1 A ... 12 A 0.5 A ... 12 A
1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel
Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current Fixed nominal current

Page 380 Page 381 Page 381 Page 382 Page 384 Page 386


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers



1 0,5 1
1 4
10 6

2 0,5 1
3 2
10 6


5 3 0,5 1
10 6

7 4 0,5 1
10 6
13 8
5 0,5 1

10 6

DC OK 14

0,5 1
I> 10 6

24-28V 80%
7 0,5 1

10 6
+ 1 8 0,5 1

10 6
Output DC 24V 20A
Input AC 100-240V

L L/+
N N/-


PE -

I>80% message


Page 372


1 1

+ + - - - 3
Output DC 24V 10A
2 4
13 +
UOut 3 1

13 2
SGnd 4
Out 1
Out 2
> 100% Boost 1

> 75%
> 50%


Input AC 100-240 V message
N/- L/+



Page 373

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 369
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers


CBMC with IO-Link interface



X1 X2
X21 X22



SF DBG X31 X32


X6 30 31
X01 X02
a1 b1

32 33
X03 X04
a2 b2

X05 X06

X07 X08

+ + 1
Output DC 24V 10A 1

2 4
UOut 1

13 2
14 L+

Out 1
Out 2
> 100% Boost
> 75%
> 50%



Input AC 100-240 V
N/- L/+



Page 376


1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1

+ +
Output DC 24V 10A 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Rem 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
Out 1
Out 2
> 100% Boost 1A 2A 2A 1A 4A
> 75%
> 50%
13 13 13 13 13

14 14 14 14 14

2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1


Input AC 100-240 V
N/- L/+



Page 378


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers


CBMC with CLIPLINE terminal blocks

1.1 1.1

+ +
Output DC 24V 10A 3.1 3.1

3.2 3.2

UOut F1 F2
Rem 1.2 1.2
Out 1
Out 2 2.2 2.2
> 100% Boost
> 75%
> 50%

13 13


NFC 2.1 2.1

Input AC 100-240 V
N/- L/+



Page 376


+ +
Output DC 24V 10A
F1 F2 F3 F4

Out 1
Out 2
> 100% Boost
> 75%
> 50%


Input AC 100-240 V
N/- L/+


CB E1...

Page 382

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 371
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
CBM electronic circuit breakers

– For protection against voltage dips caused

by overload and short circuit
– Adjustable from 0.5 - 10 A
– Integrated dynamic current limitation
– Supply of up to 80 A possible
– Slim design

For additional technical data, drawings, and accessories,
please visit DIN-rail-mountable, DIN-rail-mountable,
4-channel 8-channel

 
Ex:   Ex:  

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
Rated voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Rated current IN max. 40 A DC max. 80 A DC (for double supply IN+ with at least 2 x 6 mm²)

Rated current IN 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 10 A DC (adjustable per output channel) 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 10 A DC (adjustable per output channel)

Switch-on delay 0.1 s (per output channel) 0.1 s (per output channel)
Max. capacitive load 75000 µF (per channel at 24 V DC) 75000 µF (per channel at 24 V DC)
Internal output fuse 15 A DC (per output channel) 15 A DC (per output channel)
Active current limitation typ. 2.0 x IN (0.5 - 1 A) / typ. 2.0 x IN (0.5 - 1 A) /
typ. 1.5 x IN (2 - 10 A) typ. 1.5 x IN (2 - 10 A)
Load circuit
Shutdown time 0.02 s (> 1.3 x IN) / 30 s (1.1 ... 1.3 x IN) 0.02 s (> 1.3 x IN) / 30 s (1.1 ... 1.3 x IN)
Reset input
Input voltage range 7 V DC ... 30 V DC (Reset with falling edge) 7 V DC ... 30 V DC (Reset with falling edge)

General data
Dimensions W/H/D 41 mm / 130 mm / 121 mm 41 mm / 130 mm / 121 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 70°C (Startup at -40°C type-tested) -25°C ... 70°C (Startup at -40°C type-tested)
Standards/regulations EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-11/ EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-11/
EN 60068-2-78/ EN 60068-2-78/
Remote indication contact
DC operating voltage 0 V DC ... 30 V DC 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
DC operating current 1 mA DC ... 100 mA DC 1 mA DC ... 100 mA DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Circuit breaker
4-channel CBM E4 24DC/0.5-10A NO-R 2905743 1
8-channel CBM E8 24DC/0.5-10A NO-R 2905744 1

t t
s 1000 s 1000

0,5 ... 1 A 2 ... 10 A

100 100

10 10

1 1

0,1 0,1

0,01 0,01
0,5 1,5 0,5 2
x IN x IN
1,1 1,3 2 1,1 1,3 1,5

Tripping characteristic in the DC range Tripping characteristic in the DC range


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
CBMC electronic circuit breakers

– For protection against voltage dips caused

by overload and short circuit
– Adjustable in 1 A increments up to
max. 10 A
– Compact design
– Can be ordered pre-assembled, with fixed
or adjustable nominal currents

DIN-rail-mountable, DIN-rail-mountable,
4-channel, preconfigurable 4-channel, preconfigurable

 

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data
Rated voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Rated current IN max. 16 A DC (IN+) max. 40 A DC (IN+)
Rated current IN 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 A DC (adjustable or fixed per output channel) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 A DC (adjustable or fixed
per output channel)
Switch-on delay 0.1 s (per output channel) 0.1 s (per output channel)
Max. capacitive load 30000 µF (depending on the current setting and 45000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available) the short-circuit current available)
Internal output fuse 4 A DC (per output channel) 15 A DC (per output channel)
Active current limitation - -
Load circuit
Shutdown time ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) / ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN) 1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm 36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C -25°C ... 60°C
Standards/regulations EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/ EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/
EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/UL 508/UL 2367/ EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/UL 2367/UL 508
UL 1310
Remote indication contact
DC operating voltage 0 V DC ... 30 V DC 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
DC operating current 100 mA DC 100 mA DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Circuit breaker
4-channel CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A NO-C 2908713 1 CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A NO-C 2908716 1

Order key for the device circuit breaker: Order key for the device circuit breaker:
CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A NO-C CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A NO-C
Order No. Adjustability Channel Channel Channel Channel Order No. Adjustability Channel Channel Channel Channel
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
2908713 / ADJ / 1 / 3 / 1 / 4 2908716 / ADJ / 1 / 5 / 8 / 10

ADJ – adjustable Select the current value in amperes individually ADJ – adjustable Select the current value in amperes individually
for each channel for each channel

FIX – not adjustable 1 ... 4 FIX – not adjustable 1 ... 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 373
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
CBMC electronic circuit breakers

– For protection against voltage dips caused

by overload and short circuit
– Adjustable in 1 A increments up to 36 98
max. 10 A
– Compact design 1 1

– Various versions with electrical isolation


or status output and reset input 2 4

3 1


Notes: 2

For additional technical data, drawings, and accessories, 4

please visit DIN-rail-mountable,

4-channel, max. 4 A/channel



Technical data
Electrical data
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Rated current IN max. 16 A DC (IN+)
Rated current IN 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 A DC (adjustable per output channel)

Switch-on delay 0.1 s (per output channel)

Max. capacitive load 30000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available)
Internal output fuse 4 A DC (per output channel)
Active current limitation -
Load circuit
Shutdown time ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C
Standards/regulations EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/
EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/UL 508/UL 2367/
UL 1310
Remote indication contact
DC operating voltage 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
DC operating current 100 mA DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Circuit breaker, four-channel

N/O contact remote signaling CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A NO 2906031 1
Status and reset CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A S-R 1065727 1
Electrically isolating

t 1000



0,5 1 1,2 2
x IN
Tripping characteristic in the DC range


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

DIN-rail-mountable, DIN-rail-mountable,
4-channel, max. 8 A/channel 4-channel, max. 10 A/channel
Electrical isolation


Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC
max. 32 A DC (IN+) max. 40 A DC (IN+)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 A DC (adjustable per output channel) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 A DC (adjustable per output channel)

0.1 s (per output channel) 0.1 s (per output channel)

45000 µF (depending on the current setting and 45000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available) the short-circuit current available)
15 A DC (per output channel) 15 A DC (per output channel)
- -

≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) / ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN) 1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)

36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm 36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm
-25°C ... 60°C -25°C ... 60°C
EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178 EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/
EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/UL 2367/UL 508

0 V DC ... 30 V DC 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
100 mA DC 100 mA DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A NO 2906032 1

CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A S-R 1065729 1
CBMC EG4 24DC/1-8A NO 1065730 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 375
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
CBMC electronic circuit breakers,
with IO-Link interface

– For protection against voltage dips caused

by overload and short circuit
– Adjustable in 1 A increments up to 36 98
max. 10 A
– Compact design 1 1

– Suitable for NEC Class 2 applications


– Comprehensive control and analysis 2 4



options by means of IO-Link interface L+


Notes: 4

For additional technical data, drawings, and accessories, 1
4-channel, max. 4 A/channel

please visit 2


Technical data
Electrical data
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Rated current IN max. 16 A DC (IN+)
Rated current IN 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 A DC (adjustable per output channel)

Switch-on delay 0.1 s (per output channel)

Max. capacitive load 30000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available)
Internal output fuse 15 A DC (per output channel)
Active current limitation -
Load circuit
Shutdown time ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C
Standards/regulations EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/
EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/UL 508/UL 2367/
UL 1310

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Circuit breaker, four-channel

CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A+ IOL 2910410 1

t 1000



0,5 1 1,2 2
x IN
Tripping characteristic in the DC range


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

4-channel, max. 10 A/channel


Technical data

24 V DC
max. 40 A DC (IN+)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 A DC (adjustable per output channel)

0.1 s (per output channel)

40000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available)
15 A DC (per output channel)

≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /

1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)

36 mm / 90 mm / 98 mm
-25°C ... 60°C
EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/
EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/UL 2367/UL 508

Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A IOL 2910411 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 377
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
PTCB electronic circuit breakers new

– For protection against voltage dips caused

by overload and short circuit
– Fixed nominal current values
– Narrow design, just 6 mm wide
– Suitable for NEC Class 2 applications
– Can be bridged to the CLIPLINE complete
terminal block range 105,8 6,2

DIN-rail-mountable, 1-channel,



Technical data
Electrical data ...1A... ...2A...
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Rated current IN 24 A DC (Total current input)
Rated current IN 1 A DC (Rated current output) 2 A DC (Rated current output)

Switch-on delay -
Max. capacitive load 15000 µF (depending on the 20000 µF (depending on the
available short-circuit current) available short-circuit current)

Internal output fuse 4 A DC

Load circuit
Shutdown time ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 55.6 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C
Standards/regulations EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/
EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/UL 508/UL 2367/
UL 1310
Remote indication contact
DC operating voltage 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
DC operating current 100 mA DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Circuit breaker, single-channel
1A PTCB E1 24DC/1A NO 2909902 1
2A PTCB E1 24DC/2A NO 2909903 1

t 1000



0,5 1 1,2 2
x IN
Tripping characteristic in the DC range


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
new new

DIN-rail-mountable, 1-channel, DIN-rail-mountable, 1-channel,

fixed fixed

 

Technical data Technical data

...3A... ...4A... ...6A... ...8A...
24 V DC 24 V DC
24 A DC (Total current input) 24 A DC (Total current input)
3 A DC (Rated current output) 4 A DC (Rated current output) 6 A DC (Rated current output) 8 A DC (Rated current output)

- -
20000 µF (depending on the 20000 µF (depending on the 30000 µF (depending on the 35000 µF (depending on the
available short-circuit current) available short-circuit current) available short-circuit current) available short-circuit current)

4 A DC 15 A DC

≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) / ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN) 1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 55.6 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 55.6 mm

-25°C ... 60°C -25°C ... 60°C
EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/ EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/
EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/UL 508/UL 2367/ EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/UL 508/UL 2367
UL 1310

0 V DC ... 30 V DC 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
100 mA DC 100 mA DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PTCB E1 24DC/3A NO 2909904 1

PTCB E1 24DC/4A NO 2909906 1
PTCB E1 24DC/6A NO 2909908 1
PTCB E1 24DC/8A NO 2909910 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 379
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
PTCB electronic circuit breakers, new

– For protection against voltage dips caused

by overload and short circuit
– Adjustable in 1 A increments up to
max. 8 A
– Narrow design, just 6 mm wide
– Suitable for NEC Class 2 applications
– Can be bridged to the CLIPLINE complete 105,8 6,2

terminal block range

DIN-rail-mountable, 1-channel,

adjustable up to max. 3 A


Technical data
Electrical data
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Rated current IN 24 A DC (Total current input)
Rated current IN 1 / 2 / 3 A DC (adjustable)

Switch-on delay -
Max. capacitive load 20000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available)
Internal output fuse 4 A DC
Active current limitation -
Load circuit
Shutdown time ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 55.6 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 60°C
Standards/regulations EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/
EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/UL 508/UL 2367/
UL 1310
Remote indication contact
DC operating voltage 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
DC operating current 100 mA DC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Circuit breaker, single-channel

PTCB E1 24DC/1-3A NO 2909909 1

t 1000



0,5 1 1,2 2
x IN
Tripping characteristic in the DC range


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
new new

DIN-rail-mountable, 1-channel, DIN-rail-mountable, 1-channel,

adjustable up to max. 4 A adjustable up to max. 8 A

 

Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC
24 A DC (Total current input) 24 A DC (Total current input)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 A DC (adjustable) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 A DC (adjustable)

- -
20000 µF (depending on the current setting and 35000 µF (depending on the current setting and
the short-circuit current available) the short-circuit current available)
4 A DC 15 A DC
- -

≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) / ≤ 10 ms (for short circuit > 2.0 x IN) /
1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN) 1 s (1.2 ... 2.0 x IN)

6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 55.6 mm 6.2 mm / 105.8 mm / 55.6 mm

-25°C ... 60°C -25°C ... 60°C
EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/ EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-3/EN 60068-2-78/EN 50178/
EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/UL 508/UL 2367 EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27/UL 508/UL 2367

0 V DC ... 30 V DC 0 V DC ... 30 V DC
100 mA DC 100 mA DC

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

PTCB E1 24DC/1-4A NO 2908261 1 PTCB E1 24DC/1-8A NO 2908262 1

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 381
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
Pluggable electronic circuit breakers

– Device circuit breakers for protecting

against voltage dips caused by overloads 90
and short circuits 45 12,3
– Integrated active current limitation
– Remote control possible
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Snap-in function for secure hold and

easy removal
– Plug coding possible 1 N/O contact

– Slim design
When used in combination with the base elements (Order No. 
2800929 or 2801305), the products also satisfy UL 508. The figure shows the complete module consisting Total width 12.3 mm
of a base element and plug
For additional technical data, drawings, and accessories, Technical data
please visit
Electrical data
Operating voltage 24 V DC
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Active current limitation typ. 1.25 x IN
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -25°C ... 50°C (non-condensing)
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area)
Standards/regulations UL 2367/UL 508/EN 61000-6-3/EN 61000-6-2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Electronic circuit breaker, 1-pos.
1A CB E1 24DC/1A NO P 2800901 1
2A CB E1 24DC/2A NO P 2800902 1
3A CB E1 24DC/3A NO P 2800903 1
4A CB E1 24DC/4A NO P 2800904 1
6A CB E1 24DC/6A NO P 2800905 1
8A CB E1 24DC/8A NO P 2800906 1
10 A CB E1 24DC/10A NO P 2800907 1

Bridge plug, 0 volt distribution
CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1
Base element
With Push-in connection technology CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10
With screw connection technology CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10
For the PCB CB S-BE 2905067 30
Plug-in bridge, for cross connections in the bridge shaft For FBS ..., see page 396


Switching time [s]



0 1 2 3
Multiples of IN

Tripping characteristic


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

1 N/C contact 1 x Status OUT + 1 x Reset IN 1 x Status OUT + 1 x Control IN

  

Total width 12.3 mm Total width 12.3 mm Total width 12.3 mm
Technical data Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
Depends on the product variant selected Depends on the product variant selected Depends on the product variant selected

See tripping characteristic See tripping characteristic See tripping characteristic

typ. 1.25 x IN typ. 1.25 x IN typ. 1.25 x IN

-25°C ... 50°C (non-condensing) -25°C ... 50°C (non-condensing) -25°C ... 50°C (non-condensing)
IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area)
UL 2367/UL 508/EN 61000-6-3/EN 61000-6-2 UL 2367/UL 508/EN 61000-6-3/EN 61000-6-2 UL 2367/UL 508/EN 61000-6-3/EN 61000-6-2

Ordering data Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

CB E1 24DC/1A NC P 2800915 1 CB E1 24DC/1A S-R P 2800908 1 CB E1 24DC/1A S-C P 2800922 1

CB E1 24DC/2A NC P 2800916 1 CB E1 24DC/2A S-R P 2800909 1 CB E1 24DC/2A S-C P 2800923 1
CB E1 24DC/3A NC P 2800917 1 CB E1 24DC/3A S-R P 2800910 1 CB E1 24DC/3A S-C P 2800924 1
CB E1 24DC/4A NC P 2800918 1 CB E1 24DC/4A S-R P 2800911 1 CB E1 24DC/4A S-C P 2800925 1
CB E1 24DC/6A NC P 2800919 1 CB E1 24DC/6A S-R P 2800912 1 CB E1 24DC/6A S-C P 2800926 1
CB E1 24DC/8A S-R P 2800913 1 CB E1 24DC/8A S-C P 2800927 1
CB E1 24DC/10A S-R P 2800914 1 CB E1 24DC/10A S-C P 2800928 1

Accessories Accessories Accessories

CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1 CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1 CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1

CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10 CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10 CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10

CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10 CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10 CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10
CB S-BE 2905067 30 CB S-BE 2905067 30 CB S-BE 2905067 30
For FBS ..., see page 396 For FBS ..., see page 396 For FBS ..., see page 396

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 383
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
Pluggable electronic circuit breakers

– Device circuit breakers for protecting Stop point

typ. 1,1 x l N 1,8 x l N
against voltage dips caused by overloads 4

Switching time [s]

and short circuits
– Integrated active current limitation 10

– Remote control possible 10


– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to

the two-piece design 10
– Snap-in function for secure hold and 1
easy removal
– Plug coding possible With reset input and status output
– Slim design 0,01
0 1 2 IK 3
Multiples of IN 
For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a Ex:  
complete data sheet, please visit Total width 12.5 mm
LINE (+)

1 11 13
GND (-)

Control Unit

14 12 2

Technical data
Electrical data
Operating voltage 24 V DC
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Switch off Typ. 1.8 x IN
Active current limitation active
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 50°C (non-condensing)
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area)
Standards/regulations UL 2367/UL 508/CSA 22.2

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Electronic circuit breaker, can be plugged into TMCP base,
signaling via LED
1A ECP-E 1A 0900113 5
2A ECP-E 2A 0900210 5
3A ECP-E 3A 0900317 5
4A ECP-E 4A 0900414 5
6A ECP-E 6A 0900618 5
8A ECP-E 8A 0900812 5
10 A ECP-E 10A 0901002 5
12 A ECP-E-12A 0900126 5

Spring lock, for mechanical locking in the case
of overhead mounting, 1-pos.
SPRING-LOCK 0713009 10
Modular socket, 2-position, for holding two circuit breakers,
each with a single position
TMCP SOCKET M 0916589 10
Socket termination elements, can be plugged in both left and
right, contain the connections for the reset inputs/group request


Signal bridge, pluggable, for bridging group signaling
when there is a free slot on the TMCP SOCKET M socket

TMCP SB 0916602 6


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers

With control input and group request With reset input and group request

 
Ex:   Ex:  
Total width 12.5 mm Total width 12.5 mm
On/Off On/Off
LINE (+) LINE (+)
1 11 13

1 11 13

GND (-) GND (-)

Control Unit

Control Unit

<I <I
14 12 2

14 12 2

Control Reset
LOAD (+) LOAD (+)

Technical data Technical data

24 V DC 24 V DC
Depends on the product variant selected Depends on the product variant selected

See tripping characteristic See tripping characteristic

Typ. 1.8 x IN Typ. 1.8 x IN
active active

0°C ... 50°C (non-condensing) 0°C ... 50°C (non-condensing)

IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area)
UL 2367/UL 508/CSA 22.2 UL 2367/UL 508/CSA 22.2

Ordering data Ordering data

Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

ECP-E2-1A 0900139 5 ECP-E3 1A 0912041 5

ECP-E2-2A 0900236 5 ECP-E3 2A 0912042 5
ECP-E2-3A 0900333 5 ECP-E3 3A 0912043 5
ECP-E2-4A 0900430 5 ECP-E3 4A 0912044 5
ECP-E2-6A 0900634 5 ECP-E3 6A 0912046 5
ECP-E2-8A 0900838 5 ECP-E3 8A 0912048 5
ECP-E2-10A 0900100 5 ECP-E3 10A 0912050 5
ECP-E2-12A 0900207 5 ECP-E3 12A 0912052 5

Accessories Accessories

SPRING-LOCK 0713009 10 SPRING-LOCK 0713009 10

TMCP SOCKET M 0916589 10 TMCP SOCKET M 0916589 10


TMCP SB 0916602 6 TMCP SB 0916602 6

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 385
Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
EC-E1 and EC-E4 electronic
circuit breakers

– Selective protection of all load circuits Stop point

typ. 1,1 x l N 1,8 x l N
at switched-mode power supply units 4

Switching time [s]

– A combination of active electronic current
limitation in the event of short circuit 10

and overload shutdown ensures that the 10


circuit breaker can respond to overloads

faster than the switched-mode power 10
supply unit 1
– The residual current is always limited to
1.3 - 1.8 times the nominal current With signal contact as N/C contact
or N/O contact
Notes: IK
0 1 2 3
For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a
complete data sheet, please visit Multiples of IN 
Ex:  
Total width 12.5 mm

EC-E 1 ...

1 3

Line+ LOAD+

14 13 2

Technical data
Electrical data
Operating voltage 24 V DC
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Fuse type electronic
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.5 mm / 83 mm / 80 mm
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 ... 16 mm² / 0.5 ... 16 mm² / 20 - 6
Flexible conductor cross section with ferrule 0.5 ... 10 mm²
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 50°C (non-condensing)
Degree of protection IP20 (Housing)
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V0

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Electronic circuit breaker, signal contact: 1 N/O contact

0.5 A EC-E1 0,5A 0903022 6

1A EC-E1 1A 0903023 6
2A EC-E1 2A 0903024 6
3A EC-E1 3A 0903025 6
4A EC-E1 4A 0903026 6
6A EC-E1 6A 0903028 6
8A EC-E1 8A 0903029 6
10 A EC-E1 10A 0903030 6
12 A EC-E1 12A 0903031 6
Electronic circuit breaker, signal contact: 1 N/C contact

0.5 A EC-E4 0,5A 0903040 6

1A EC-E4 1A 0903032 6
2A EC-E4 2A 0903033 6
3A EC-E4 3A 0903034 6
4A EC-E4 4A 0903035 6
6A EC-E4 6A 0903036 6
8A EC-E4 8A 0903037 6
10 A EC-E4 10A 0903038 6
12 A EC-E4 12A 0903039 6

Continuous plug-in bridge, 500 mm long, isolated,
can be cut to length, for potential distribution
FBST 500-PLC BU 2966692 20
Nominal current: 32 A FBST 500-PLC RD 2966786 20
FBST 500 TMC-N GY 0901028 10
Screwdriver SZS 0,6X3,5 1205053 10


Device circuit breakers
Electronic circuit breakers
EC-E electronic circuit breakers

– Selective protection of all 24 V DC Stop point

typ. 1,1 x l N 1,8 x l N
load circuits at switched-mode power 4

Switching time [s]

supply units
– A combination of active electronic current 10

limitation in the event of short circuit 10


and overload shutdown ensures that the

circuit breaker can respond to overloads 10
faster than the switched-mode power 1
supply unit
– The residual current is always limited to With reset input and status output
1.3 - 1.8 times the nominal current 0,01
0 1 2 IK 3
Multiples of IN 
For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a Ex:  
complete data sheet, please visit Total width 12.5 mm

EC-E ...

1 3

Line+ LOAD+

Status 23 Reset 22 2

Technical data
Electrical data
Operating voltage 24 V DC
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Fuse type electronic
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.5 mm / 83 mm / 80 mm
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.5 ... 16 mm² / 0.5 ... 16 mm² / 26 - 6
Flexible conductor cross section with ferrule 0.5 ... 10 mm²
Ambient temperature (operation) 0°C ... 50°C (non-condensing)
Degree of protection IP20 (Housing)
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V0

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Electronic circuit breaker, with reset input

0.5 A EC-E 0,5A DC24V 0903041 6

1A EC-E 1A DC24V 0903042 6
2A EC-E 2A DC24V 0903043 6
3A EC-E 3A DC24V 0903044 6
4A EC-E 4A DC24V 0903045 6
6A EC-E 6A DC24V 0903046 6
8A EC-E 8A DC24V 0903047 6
10 A EC-E 10A DC24V 0903048 6
12 A EC-E 12A DC24V 0903049 6

Continuous plug-in bridge, 500 mm long, isolated,
can be cut to length, for potential distribution
FBST 500-PLC BU 2966692 20
Nominal current: 32 A FBST 500-PLC RD 2966786 20
FBST 500 TMC-N GY 0901028 10

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 387
Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers

Branch out Individually adjustable Modular expansion possible

The device circuit breakers provide reliable The CB TM device circuit breakers reliably The UT6-TMC device circuit breakers
protection even in systems with long cable protect loads against overload currents and provide optimum basic protection. Thanks
paths. Together with the SFB Technology* short-circuit currents. Thanks to numerous to their thermomagnetic characteristic curve,
of the QUINT POWER power supplies, different protective plugs, a large range is which is available in various nominal currents,
the special SFB tripping characteristic of available which enables you to configure the they reliably protect loads and cables against
the CB device circuit breakers ensures fast necessary protection according to your overload currents and short-circuit currents.
shutdown in the event of an error. This requirements.
combination offers maximum protection
against overload and short-circuit currents.
*) SFB - Selective Fuse Breaking, selective



Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers


Fast shutdown
15 x lN
12 x lN M1 characteristic curve
10 x lN SFB characteristic curve
6 x lN
4 x lN
F1 characteristic curve
2 x lN

Electronic characteristic

1 x lN


SFB tripping characteristic Electrical isolation Simple feed-in

Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers Certain sectors of industry place Feed-in to the UT6-TMC is simple,
with the SFB tripping characteristic* provide more stringent requirements on safety. thanks to the double bridge shaft. Systems
maximum overcurrent protection – even in Thermomagnetic circuit breakers featuring can also be extended quickly and easily.
large systems with long cable paths. electrical isolation enable you to satisfy You can use standard accessories from the
*SFB = Selective Fuse Breaking, selective these requirements. This is because the CLIPLINE complete portfolio, and do not
shutdown power path is physically isolated in the event need to qualify new materials.
of a fault. As a result, the application is
reliably protected against unwanted

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 389
Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers

Selection guide


50 V DC 28 V DC 65 V DC
277 V AC 240 V AC 250 V AC
0.5 A ... 16 A 0.5 A ... 16 A 0.2 A ... 16 A
Page 391 Page 394 Page 395


CB TM1 and UT 6

+ +
Output DC 24V 10A


F1 F2

F3 F4
Out 1
Out 2
> 100% Boost
> 75%
> 50%

NFC Status

Input AC 100-240 V
N/- L/+



Page 311 Page 394


Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers
Pluggable thermomagnetic
circuit breakers

– Device circuit breakers for protecting

against voltage dips caused by overloads
and short circuits
– SFB characteristic curve enables longer
cables and tripping times < 10 ms
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Snap-in function for secure hold and
easy removal
– Plug coding possible Pluggable, SFB characteristic curve, Pluggable, SFB characteristic curve,
– Slim design 1-pos. 2-pos.

 
Total width 12.3 mm Total width 24.6 mm
Technical data Technical data
Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA IEC UL / CUL CSA
Rated voltage 50 V DC 50 V DC - 80 V DC 80 V DC -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic See tripping characteristic
Fuse type SFB SFB
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn - / 600 A (50 V DC) - / 600 A (80 V DC)
Switching cycles, max. 6000 (at 1 x In) 6000 (240 V AC/1 x In)
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area)
Standards/regulations EN 60934/UL 1077/UL 508/CSA 22.2 EN 60934/UL 1077/UL 508/CSA 22.2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker, pluggable, 1-pos.,
signal contact 1 PDT
0.5 A CB TM1 0.5A SFB P 2800835 1 CB TM2 0.5A SFB P 2800868 1
1A CB TM1 1A SFB P 2800836 1 CB TM2 1A SFB P 2800869 1
2A CB TM1 2A SFB P 2800837 1 CB TM2 2A SFB P 2800870 1
3A CB TM1 3A SFB P 2800838 1 CB TM2 3A SFB P 2800871 1
4A CB TM1 4A SFB P 2800839 1 CB TM2 4A SFB P 2800872 1
5A CB TM1 5A SFB P 2800840 1 CB TM2 5A SFB P 2800873 1
6A CB TM1 6A SFB P 2800841 1 CB TM2 6A SFB P 2800874 1
8A CB TM1 8A SFB P 2800842 1 CB TM2 8A SFB P 2800875 1
10 A CB TM1 10A SFB P 2800843 1 CB TM2 10A SFB P 2800876 1
12 A CB TM1 12A SFB P 2800844 1 CB TM2 12A SFB P 2800877 1
16 A CB TM1 16A SFB P 2800845 1 CB TM2 16A SFB P 2800878 1

Accessories Accessories
Bridge plug, 0 volt distribution
CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1 CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1
Base element
With Push-in connection technology CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10 CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10
With screw connection technology CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10 CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10
For the PCB CB S-BE 2905067 30 CB S-BE 2905067 30

Switching time [s]

0,5...6 A 8...16 A
1000 90
45 12,3
45 24,6





1 2 4 6 10 20 40 100 2 4 6 10 20 40 100
Multiples of IN
Tripping characteristic in the DC range The figure shows the complete module consisting The figure shows the complete module consisting
of a base element and plug of a base element and plug

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 391
Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers
Pluggable thermomagnetic
circuit breakers

– Device circuit breakers for protecting

against voltage dips caused by overloads
and short circuits
– Medium-blow and fast-blow tripping
– 1- and 2-pos. circuit breakers
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Snap-in function for secure hold and
easy removal Pluggable, M1 characteristic curve, Pluggable, M1 characteristic curve,
– Plug coding possible 1-pos. 2-pos.
– Slim design
 
Total width 12.3 mm Total width 24.6 mm
Technical data Technical data
Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA IEC UL / CUL CSA
Rated voltage 240 V AC 277 V AC - 240 V AC 277 V AC -
Rated voltage 50 V DC 50 V DC - 80 V DC 80 V DC -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic See tripping characteristic
Fuse type normal blow normal blow
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn 300 A (240 V AC) / 600 A (50 V DC) 400 A (240 V AC) / 600 A (80 V DC)
Switching cycles, max. 6000 (at 1 x In) 6000 (240 V AC/1 x In)
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area)
Standards/regulations EN 60934/UL 1077/UL 508/CSA 22.2 EN 60934/UL 1077/UL 508/CSA 22.2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker, pluggable,
signal contact 1 PDT
0.5 A CB TM1 0.5A M1 P 2800846 1 CB TM2 0.5A M1 P 2800879 1
1A CB TM1 1A M1 P 2800847 1 CB TM2 1A M1 P 2800880 1
2A CB TM1 2A M1 P 2800848 1 CB TM2 2A M1 P 2800881 1
3A CB TM1 3A M1 P 2800849 1 CB TM2 3A M1 P 2800882 1
4A CB TM1 4A M1 P 2800850 1 CB TM2 4A M1 P 2800883 1
5A CB TM1 5A M1 P 2800851 1 CB TM2 5A M1 P 2800884 1
6A CB TM1 6A M1 P 2800852 1 CB TM2 6A M1 P 2800885 1
8A CB TM1 8A M1 P 2800853 1 CB TM2 8A M1 P 2800886 1
10 A CB TM1 10A M1 P 2800854 1 CB TM2 10A M1 P 2800887 1
12 A CB TM1 12A M1 P 2800855 1 CB TM2 12A M1 P 2800888 1
16 A CB TM1 16A M1 P 2800856 1 CB TM2 16A M1 P 2800889 1

Accessories Accessories
Bridge plug, 0 volt distribution
CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1 CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1
Base element
With Push-in connection technology CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10 CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10
With screw connection technology CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10 CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10
For the PCB CB S-BE 2905067 30 CB S-BE 2905067 30

Switching time [s]

0,5...6 A 8...16 A
1000 90
45 12,3
45 24,6





1 2 4 6 10 20 40 100 2 4 6 10 20 40 100
Multiples of IN
Tripping characteristic The figure shows the complete module consisting The figure shows the complete module consisting
Gray: DC range, blue: AC range of a base element and plug of a base element and plug


Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers
Pluggable thermomagnetic
circuit breakers

– Device circuit breakers for protecting

against voltage dips caused by overloads
and short circuits
– Medium-blow and fast-blow tripping
– 1- and 2-pos. circuit breakers
– Maximum ease of maintenance, thanks to
the two-piece design
– Snap-in function for secure hold and
easy removal Pluggable, F1 characteristic curve, Pluggable, F1 characteristic curve,
– Plug coding possible 1-pos. 2-pos.
– Slim design
 

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA IEC UL / CUL CSA
Rated voltage 50 V DC 50 V DC - 80 V DC 80 V DC -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic See tripping characteristic
Fuse type fast blow fast blow
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn - / 600 A (50 V DC) - / 600 A (80 V DC)
Switching cycles, max. 6000 (at 1 x In) 6000 (240 V AC/1 x In)
General data
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area)
Standards/regulations EN 60934/UL 1077/UL 508/CSA 22.2 EN 60934/UL 1077/UL 508/CSA 22.2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker, pluggable,
signal contact 1 PDT
0.5 A CB TM1 0.5A F1 P 2800857 1 CB TM2 0.5A F1 P 2800890 1
1A CB TM1 1A F1 P 2800858 1 CB TM2 1A F1 P 2800891 1
2A CB TM1 2A F1 P 2800859 1 CB TM2 2A F1 P 2800892 1
3A CB TM1 3A F1 P 2800860 1 CB TM2 3A F1 P 2800893 1
4A CB TM1 4A F1 P 2800861 1 CB TM2 4A F1 P 2800894 1
5A CB TM1 5A F1 P 2800862 1 CB TM2 5A F1 P 2800895 1
6A CB TM1 6A F1 P 2800863 1 CB TM2 6A F1 P 2800896 1
8A CB TM1 8A F1 P 2800864 1 CB TM2 8A F1 P 2800897 1
10 A CB TM1 10A F1 P 2800865 1 CB TM2 10A F1 P 2800898 1
12 A CB TM1 12A F1 P 2800866 1 CB TM2 12A F1 P 2800899 1
16 A CB TM1 16A F1 P 2800867 1 CB TM2 16A F1 P 2800900 1

Accessories Accessories
Bridge plug, 0 volt distribution
CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1 CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 1
Base element
With Push-in connection technology CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10 CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10
With screw connection technology CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10 CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10
For the PCB CB S-BE 2905067 30 CB S-BE 2905067 30

Switching time [s]

0,5...6 A 8...16 A
1000 90
45 12,3
45 24,6





1 2 4 6 10 20 40 100 2 4 6 10 20 40 100
Multiples of IN
Tripping characteristic in the DC range The figure shows the complete module consisting The figure shows the complete module consisting
of a base element and plug of a base element and plug

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 393
Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic circuit breakers Notes:
UT 6-TMC ... For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a
complete data sheet, please visit

– Thermomagnetic circuit breakers feature

a compact design, large-surface marking
options, and a double plug-in bridge shaft
– With bridge shafts enabling them to be
bridged together easily
– 12.3 mm compact design
– High level of system availability, thanks to
their reclosure function and clear status
– Eleven nominal current levels can be DIN-rail-mountable
selected from 0.5 A to 16 A
– Clear assignment of the relevant circuit
breaker, thanks to the large center
marking area Total width 12.3 mm
Technical data
Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA
Rated voltage 240 V AC 240 V AC -
Rated voltage 28 V DC 28 V DC -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Fuse type Normal blow (M1)
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn 200 A (240 V AC) / 400 A (28 V DC)
Switching cycles, max. 6000 (at 1 x In)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.3 mm / 85.5 mm / 89.5 mm
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 10 mm² / 0.2 ... 10 mm² / 24 - 8
Flexible conductor cross section with ferrule 0.25 ... 6 mm²
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP40 (Actuation area) /
IP20 (Connection area)
Standards/regulations EN 60934/UL 1077/CSA 22.2/EAC

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker, for mounting on NS 35...

0.5 A UT 6-TMC M 0,5A 0916603 6

1A UT 6-TMC M 1A 0916604 6
2A UT 6-TMC M 2A 0916605 6
4A UT 6-TMC M 4A 0916606 6
5A UT 6-TMC M 5A 0916607 6
6A UT 6-TMC M 6A 0916608 6
8A UT 6-TMC M 8A 0916609 6
10 A UT 6-TMC M 10A 0916610 6
12 A UT 6-TMC M 12A 0916611 6
15 A UT 6-TMC M 15A 0916612 6
16 A UT 6-TMC M 16A 0916613 6

Plug-in bridge, red Number of positions
2 FBS 2-6 3030336 50
3 FBS 3-6 3030242 50
4 FBS 4-6 3030255 50
5 FBS 5-6 3030349 50
10 FBS 10-6 3030271 10
20 FBS 20-6 3030365 10
Switching time [s]

<7A 7A





1 2 4 6 8 12 20 50 1 2 4 6 8 12 20 50
Multiples of IN
Tripping characteristic
Gray: DC range, blue: AC range


Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic circuit breakers

– Available with fast-blow and medium-blow

characteristic curve for various nominal
current strengths
– Single or two-pos. main current path
1) Main contact
For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a
complete data sheet, please visit


Total width 12.5 mm
Technical data
Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA
Rated voltage - - -
Rated voltage 65 V DC - -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Fuse type Fast blow (F1)
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn - / 2500 A (32 V DC)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.5 mm / 82.5 mm / 96 mm
Connection method Screw connection
Connection data rigid / flexible / AWG 0.2 ... 6 mm²1) / 0.2 ... 4 mm² / 24 - 10
Flexible conductor cross section with ferrule 0.25 ... 4 mm²
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area) /
IP20 (Connection area)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker, with universal foot for
mounting on NS 32... or NS 35...
TMC 1 F1 100 0,2A 0914015 6

TMC type key Type Main current paths Characteristic curve Auxiliary contact versions Nominal current

TMC 1 = Single-pos. F1 = Therm. 1.05 - 1.4 IN, 100 = Single-pos.: 1 N/O contact 0.2 A 2.5 A
The type key indicates the unique 2 = Two-pos. mag. 2 - 4 IN DC (fast-blow), 200 = Single-pos.: 1 N/C contact 0.3 A 3A
3 = Three-pos. Only for DC applications 120 = Two-pos.: 1 N/O contact, 0.4 A 4A
structure of the product. M1= Therm. 1.05 - 1.4 IN, 1 N/C contact 0.5 A 5A
mag. 6 - 12 IN AC, 122 = Three-pos.: 1 N/O contact, 0.6 A 6A
7.8 - 15.6 IN DC 2 N/C contacts 0.8 A 8A
(medium-blow) 1A 10 A
1.5 A 12 A
2A 16 A

Ordering example: The ordering data for a TMC with 1-pos. main current path, medium-blow characteristic curve, one N/O contact,
and a nominal current of 2 A is:

TMC 1 M1 100 2A

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 395
Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers
Base element and plug-in bridges

Base elements
– For accommodating CB TM.../CB E....
device circuit breakers
– DIN rail module
– With bridge shafts
– Systematic structure with 1-channel
base elements possible
Can be loaded with up to 41 A if two bridges are connected
for the supply. 1-pos., with screw or For the PCB
Push-in connection technology

Technical data Technical data

Electrical data ... PT-BE ... UT-BE
Rated surge voltage 4 kV 2.5 kV -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 12.3 mm / 90 mm / 46.7 mm 12.3 mm / 34.8 mm / 36.4 mm
Connection method Push-in connection Screw connection Solder connection
Ambient temperature (operation) -30°C ... 60°C -30°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Actuation area) IP30 (Plug-in area with plugged-in device) /
IP00 (Connection area)
Flammability rating in accordance with UL 94 V0 V0 V-0
Standards/regulations IEC 60947-7-1 DIN EN 50155/IEC 60068-2

Ordering data Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt. Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Base element
With Push-in connection technology, CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 10 CB S-BE 2905067 30
1 x 6 mm² input/2 x 4 mm² output
With screw connection technology, CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 10
1 x 10 mm² input/1 x 10 mm² output

Accessories Accessories
Plug-in bridge, red Number of positions
2 FBS 2-6 3030336 50
3 FBS 3-6 3030242 50
4 FBS 4-6 3030255 50
5 FBS 5-6 3030349 50
10 FBS 10-6 3030271 10
20 FBS 20-6 3030365 10
50 FBS 50-6 3032224 10
Plug-in bridge, blue Number of positions
2 FBS 2-6 BU 3036932 50
3 FBS 3-6 BU 3036945 50
4 FBS 4-6 BU 3036958 50
5 FBS 5-6 BU 3036961 50
10 FBS 10-6 BU 3032198 10
20 FBS 20-6 BU 3032208 10
50 FBS 50-6 BU 3032211 10
Plug-in bridge, gray Number of positions
2 FBS 2-6 GY 3032237 50
3 FBS 3-6 GY 3032240 50
4 FBS 4-6 GY 3032279 50
5 FBS 5-6 GY 3032266 50
10 FBS 10-6 GY 3032253 10


Device circuit breakers
Thermomagnetic device circuit breakers

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 397
Device circuit breakers
Thermal device circuit breakers

Thermal overload protection Function and design Areas of application

Thermal device circuit breakers provide Thermal device circuit breakers are Typical areas of application for thermal
optimum protection against overload for normally tripped via a bimetal strip. In the device circuit breakers are sensors and
inductive loads in power distribution systems. event of a fault, the bimetal heats up and actuators in systems. These include: motors,
The integrated switching function of the disconnects the circuit. As a rule: the higher heating elements and fans, and devices with
device circuit breakers enables them to be the overload, the faster the thermal device a high starting current. Thermal device
switched on again immediately, thereby circuit breaker trips. The devices can be circuit breakers have a maximum voltage
minimizing downtimes in the system. switched on again at any time. Thermal device range of 250 V AC or 65 V DC.
circuit breakers are available as pluggable


Device circuit breakers
Thermal device circuit breakers

Selection guide


32 V DC 65 V DC
250 V AC
5 A ... 40 A 0.25 A ... 10 A
Page 400 Page 401



+ +
Output DC 24V 10A

1.0 2.0 4.0 2.0
Out 1 F1 F2 F3 F4
Out 2
> 100% Boost
> 75%
> 50%


Input AC 100-240 V
N/- L/+



Page 400

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 399
Device circuit breakers
Thermal device circuit breakers
TCP thermal circuit breakers Notes:
1) If the fuse is faulty, the downstream circuit is not off load.
Attention: The reset button must not be obstructed.
During installation, please leave enough room for using button.
– The pluggable thermal miniature circuit
For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a
breaker combines the protective mechanism complete data sheet, please visit
of an automotive flat-type fuse with the You can find a wide selection of fuse terminal blocks in Catalog 1
advantages of a circuit breaker
– In the event of an error, the time-sensitive
search for a suitable replacement fuse is
eliminated, thanks to the reclosure function
– The area of application extends to the
protection of integrated circuits in all
battery and onboard systems with up to For fuse holder
32 V DC
– Fits in all fuse holders designed for
flat-type fuse-links in accordance with

ISO 8820-3 (DIN 72581-3) Total width 6 mm
– A version with screw or spring-cage Technical data
connection is used as a basic terminal Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA
block Rated voltage 32 V DC - -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Fuse type Slow-blow
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn ≤ 50 A (300 switch-offs)
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 6 mm / 20.3 mm / 24 mm
Height 17 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C ... 85°C
Degree of protection IP30 (Actuation area)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Single-pos., thermal circuit breaker, for fuse holders
in acc. with ISO 8820-3
5A TCP 5/DC32V 0700005 50
7.5 A TCP 7,5/DC32V 0700007 50
10 A TCP 10/DC32V 0700010 50
15 A TCP 15/DC32V 0700015 50
20 A TCP 20/DC32V 0700020 50
25 A TCP 25/DC32V 0700025 50
30 A TCP 30/DC32V 0700030 50
40 A TCP 40/DC32V 0700040 50

Fuse terminal block, with spring-cage connection,
max. nominal current of 30 A, for mounting on NS 35...
ST 4-FSI/C 3036372 50
with LED display for 12 V DC, 1.7 mA1) ST 4-FSI/C-LED 12 3036495 50
with LED display for 24 V DC, 1.9 mA1) ST 4-FSI/C-LED 24 3036505 50
Fuse terminal block, with screw connection,
max. nominal current of 30 A, for mounting on NS 35...
UK 6-FSI/C 3118203 50
with LED display for 12 V DC, 1.7 mA1) UK 6-FSI/C-LED12 3001925 50
with LED display for 24 V DC, 1.9 mA1) UK 6-FSI/C-LED24 3001938 50
Fuse terminal block, with Push-in connection,
max. nominal current of 25 A, for mounting on NS 35...
PT 6-FSI/C 3212166 50
with LED display for 6 - 12 V DC, 0.31 - 0.95 mA PT 6-FSI/C-LED 12 3212169 50

with LED display for 12 - 30 V DC, 0.31 - 0.95 mA PT 6-FSI/C-LED 24 3212172 50

4 4
10 10
Switching time [s]

5A 7,5 A - 30 A
3 3
10 10

102 10

-40°C -40°C
10 10
+23°C +23°C

1 1

+85°C +85°C
0,1 0,1
0,4 1 2 4 10 20 0,4 1 2 4 10 20
Multiples of IN
Tripping characteristic


Device circuit breakers
Thermal device circuit breakers
TCP thermal circuit breakers Notes:
1) If the fuse is faulty, the downstream circuit is not off load.
When mounted in rows, the nominal device current can be limited
to just 80% or must be overdimensioned accordingly.
– The reclosable thermal circuit breaker
For further technical data, drawings, and accessories, and a
is available in nine nominal current levels complete data sheet, please visit
ranging from 0.25 to 10 A
– The integrated switching function enables
immediate reclosure and thus ensures the
availability of the system
– Compact design
– A version with screw or spring-cage
connection is used as a basic terminal
block Can be plugged into a fuse terminal block
– Potential distribution possible by means
of bridges
Total width 8.2 mm
Technical data
Electrical data IEC UL / CUL CSA
Rated voltage 250 V AC - -
Rated voltage 65 V DC - -
Nominal current IN Depends on the product variant selected
Switch-off time See tripping characteristic
Fuse type Slow-blow
Rated short-circuit switching capacity Icn -
General data
Dimensions W/H/D 8.2 mm / 64 mm / 88.5 mm
Ambient temperature (operation) -20°C ... 60°C
Degree of protection IP40 (Actuation area)

Ordering data

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Thermal miniature circuit breaker, can be plugged
into UK 6 FSI/C or ST 4-FSI/C fuse terminal block
0.1 A TCP 0,1A 0712107 20
0.25 A TCP 0,25A 0712123 20
0.5 A TCP 0,5A 0712152 20
1A TCP 1A 0712194 20
2A TCP 2A 0712217 20
3A TCP 3A 0712233 20
4A TCP 4A 0712259 20
6A TCP 6A 0712275 20
8A TCP 8A 0712291 20
10 A TCP 10A 0712314 20

Fuse terminal block, with spring-cage connection,
max. nominal current of 30 A, for mounting on NS 35...
ST 4-FSI/C 3036372 50
with LED display for 12 V DC, 1.7 mA1) ST 4-FSI/C-LED 12 3036495 50
with LED display for 24 V DC, 1.9 mA1) ST 4-FSI/C-LED 24 3036505 50
Fuse terminal block, with screw connection,
max. nominal current of 30 A, for mounting on NS 35...
UK 6-FSI/C 3118203 50
with LED display for 12 V DC, 1.7 mA1) UK 6-FSI/C-LED12 3001925 50
with LED display for 24 V DC, 1.9 mA1) UK 6-FSI/C-LED24 3001938 50
Fuse terminal block, with Push-in connection,
max. nominal current of 25 A, for mounting on NS 35...
PT 6-FSI/C 3212166 50
with LED display for 6 - 12 V DC, 0.31 - 0.95 mA PT 6-FSI/C-LED 12 3212169 50

Response [s]

10 with LED display for 12 - 30 V DC, 0.31 - 0.95 mA PT 6-FSI/C-LED 24 3212172 50

0,25 - 4 A with LED display for 24 - 48 V DC, 0.31 - 0.95 mA PT 6-FSI/C-LED 48 3212175 50
3 6 - 10 A



0,8 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 30
Multiples of IN
Tripping characteristic

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 401
Technical information
General installation notes

Installation notes for of low-voltage control cabinets (switchgear Cable routing

surge protective devices and controlgear assemblies) can also be Cables on which transient surge
used for this, which satisfy the requirements currents or transient surge voltages can
General information for protective conductors that are set out occur are referred to as “unprotected
The “Installation notes for electricians” in DIN VDE 0100-540. cables”. “Protected cables” are cables for
must be observed when installing and which safety precautions have been taken
operating surge protective devices (SPDs). Grounding of equipment
against surge currents and surge voltages.
Installation, startup, and periodic inspections Protection class I equipment has a
PE connection. This equipment must be To prevent capacitive or inductive
of surge protective devices may only be interference, protected cables must not be
carried out by appropriately qualified connected to the PE conductor of the
laid directly parallel to unprotected cables.
specialist personnel. The relevant country- protected circuit.
Some equipment for MCR technology, Interference from unprotected cables can
specific regulations must be observed. be reduced effectively by maintaining an
IT, and telecommunications has a
Connecting surge protective devices appropriate distance or implementing
PE connection or a connection for the
Some surge protective devices can functional ground conductor. This equipment suitable shielding measures.
be connected with the “branch wiring” If the crossing of unprotected and
is often connected to grounded metal
connection method as well as the protected cables is unavoidable, the cables
parts. In addition, it must be connected to
“V-wiring” connection method. the PE connection of the associated surge should always cross at a right angle. When
The required conductor cross section it comes to planning cabling systems, the
protective device via the shortest possible
for the connection of surge protective professional installation of cables, and the
route. For multi-stage surge protective
devices depends on the selected connection devices, the PE connection on the side of physical separation and shielding between
method and the overcurrent protective unprotected and protected cables, the
the surge protective device marked “OUT”
devices. The installation notes for surge relevant basic electrical engineering standards
(protected) is used for this (see figure:
protective devices therefore contain ground connection). must be observed along with lightning
detailed tables with cross section data protection and EMC standards.
For surge protective devices that only
for the conductors. have a DIN rail contact, the grounding cable Installation direction of surge
Detailed information regarding the coming from the equipment is connected protective devices
maximum permissible backup fuse is to the grounded DIN rail of the surge Some surge protective devices for
provided for every surge protective device protective device. MCR technology, IT, and telecommunications
based on the connection method. The contain multi-stage protective circuits.
tables in the installation notes also contain Equipotential bonding
These surge protective devices are marked
information indicating whether additional Overvoltages of any kind can cause
dangerous voltage differences. The voltage “IN” (unprotected) and “OUT” (protected).
F2 fuses are required. To enable multi-stage surge protective
All surge protective devices must be differences within electrical systems and
devices to provide optimum protection,
connected to the PE rail (or grounding between conductive (accessible) parts
should be as low as possible. This is why the installation direction must be observed.
rail) using at least one PE conductor. Unprotected cables (i.e., conductors where
For surge protective devices to achieve standards require equipotential bonding
surge voltages or surge currents are
an optimum level of protection, the systems to be set up on a cross-plant basis
and conductive (accessible) parts to be expected) are connected to the “IN”
connecting cables to the protected circuit (unprotected) side of a surge protective
and the corresponding PE rail (or grounding integrated into the equipotential bonding.
device. Those cables (and equipment) to
rail) should be as short as possible and Equipotential bonding systems that are set
up incorrectly can reduce the protective be protected against surge voltages and
have the lowest possible impedance. surge currents are connected to the “OUT”
The protective effect is further increased effect of surge protective devices. Surge
(protected) side of a surge protective device.
if the surge protective device is connected protective devices can only provide
optimum protection in conjunction with The shorter the distance between the
to metal conductive and grounded parts surge protective device and the equipment
in the respective control cabinet via the an equipotential system that has been
to be protected, the better the protective
shortest possible route using an additional properly implemented in compliance with
standards. effect.
PE conductor. Housing or structural parts

1 3
2 N
OUT Electronics

2 4
L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3


F1 F2
1 3
PE Electronics

2 4
Application example ②
Type 1 surge protective device for protecting Incorrect
three-phase TN/TT systems with 5 conductors;
connected in branch wiring Ground connection


Technical information
Overvoltage limiting components

Follow current extinguishing Maximum permissible backup fuses Testing surge protective devices
capability Detailed information regarding the Many surge protective devices from
During normal operation of electrical maximum permissible backup fuse is Phoenix Contact are pluggable and can be
systems, surge protective devices are in provided by the manufacturer for almost tested. They consist of a base element and
the high-impedance state (megaohm range). every surge protective device. The value a pluggable protective component. This
When overvoltages occur, surge protective of this fuse is based on the fuse that was enables convenient and informative electrical
devices switch to the low-impedance state used for the type testing of the surge testing as part of regular maintenance
(milliohm range). After an overvoltage protective device (in accordance with activities. The protective component can
abates or a surge current is transmitted, DIN EN 61643). In energy systems, fuses also be replaced quickly in the event of
surge protective devices must automatically that have a nominal current value lower a fault.
return to a high-impedance level. In addition, than the nominal current value for the To achieve high system availability,
surge protective devices must automatically “maximum permissible backup fuse” are system operators must regularly inspect
extinguish follow currents that occur – usually selected. When it comes to the and maintain their electrical system.
without the aid of upstream overcurrent selection of backup fuses, the system Regular testing and maintenance is required
protective devices (fuses, miniature circuit planner should always be consulted. by legislators, supervisory authorities,
breakers). Surge protective devices must This means that – depending on the and professional associations based on
therefore be selected so that the follow actual installation location – a fuse with the system type.
current extinguishing capability is high sufficiently high impulse durability can be Lightning protection systems consist of
enough for the intended installation selected, whose tripping behavior is also external and internal lightning protection.
location. selective in relation to upstream overcurrent Specialist knowledge is required in order
Various surge protection components protective devices. Based on the selected to carry out professional testing of lightning
are used in surge protective devices. fuse, suitable conductor cross sections protection systems. For this reason, various
Varistors and suppressor diodes are free must be selected for the connection of standards require this testing to be carried
of follow current. In the case of spark gaps surge protective devices. out by a lightning protection expert.
and gas discharge tubes (GDTs), follow The testing of lightning protection systems
Surge protective devices with
currents may form depending on the general integrated overcurrent protective includes the testing of surge protective
technical conditions in question. devices. Electrical testing is required in
In energy systems, type 1 lightning current order to reliably assess whether surge
Detailed information regarding the
arresters with spark gaps are commonly maximum permissible backup fuse is not protective devices are functioning properly.
used as the first protection stage. Further The CHECKMASTER 2 test device enables
provided for surge protective devices with
developments in the field of spark gap comprehensive and fully automated electrical
integrated overcurrent protective device
technology have made it possible to improve (fuse, miniature circuit breaker). Instead, testing of pluggable surge protective devices
the operating characteristics of spark gaps and standard-compliant documentation of
the maximum permissible short-circuit
to such an extent that follow-current-free the test results.
current at the installation location is
spark gaps now represent state-of-the-art specified.
technology. Follow-current-free spark gaps
In addition, detailed information regarding
can also be used in power supply systems
suitable conductor cross sections for the
with high prospective short-circuit currents, connection of surge protective devices
without any danger of follow currents
is provided.
forming after surge voltages or surge
currents have been discharged.
Gas discharge tubes have a very
limited capacity for extinguishing follow
currents. This is why gas discharge tubes
are predominantly used between conductors
where the voltage difference is only
very small. In low-impedance grounded
energy circuits, gas discharge tubes are
predominantly used between N and PE,
but not on their own between L and N or
L and PE. In circuits for MCR technology,
IT, and telecommunications applications,
voltages and short-circuit currents are
often so low that gas discharge tubes can
also be used between any conductors.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 403
Technical information
General installation notes

Surge protection – The reverse voltage UR of a suppressor

components diode is the highest voltage that the
diode can safely block.
– A current of 1 mA flows through the
General information suppressor diode at the breakdown
All surge protective devices (SPDs) contain voltage UB. Above the breakdown
surge protection components. A distinction voltage UB, the operating range starts
is made between voltage-switching and in which the suppressor diode limits
voltage-limiting components. Spark gaps overvoltages effectively.
and gas discharge tubes (GDTs) are – The maximum clamping voltage UC is
voltage-switching components. Varistors the highest voltage which can occur at
Disc varistor

and suppressor diodes are voltage-limiting the suppressor diode in the event of a Varistor-based surge protective devices
components. surge current pulse Ipp (10/1000) μs. can be used in type 1, type 2, and type 3
surge protective devices. Unlike suppressor
diodes, varistors have a comparatively high
stray capacitance. Due to their relatively
high stray capacitance, varistors are not
suitable for circuits with high-frequency
Suppressor diodes Varistors signals. Varistors are mainly used to provide
surge protection for (low-frequency)
energy circuits.
If varistors encounter frequently
reoccurring surge voltage or surge
current pulses, they age faster. Temporary
overvoltages can also cause premature
aging. The effects of aging can cause
varistors to allow leakage currents to
Suppressor diode flow through. Leakage currents can
cause varistors to heat up. To prevent
Suppressor diodes are semiconductor
an impermissibly high temperature rise,
components with PN junctions that have a
varistor-based surge protective devices
large cross-sectional area. Their operating
in energy circuits are equipped with
behavior is also non-linear and dependent
thermal disconnect devices as a general
on the voltage. Suppressor diodes with
Block varistor with thermal disconnect device rule. The disconnect device disconnects
bidirectional characteristic curves are
the varistor from the supply voltage when
commonly used in surge protective devices. Varistors (variable resistors) are a defined limit temperature is exceeded.
However, suppressor diodes with a voltage-dependent resistors with very
unidirectional characteristic curve are also non-linear operating behavior. The
used. disc-shaped components are produced
Suppressor diodes are predominantly from powdery metal oxide granules in
used in surge protective devices for MCR a sintering process. The PN junctions form
technology, IT, and telecommunications. during the sintering process on the surface
Due to their relatively low stray capacitance, of the metal oxide granules. The nominal
suppressor diodes are also suitable for voltage of a varistor disc depends on the
circuits with high-frequency signals (into thickness of the actual varistor disc. The
the MHz range). surge current discharge capacity essentially
When it comes to the characteristic depends on the surface area of the varistor
curves of suppressor diodes, a distinction disc. A high discharge capacity for surge
is made between the following currents is achieved by varistor discs with
characteristics: a large surface area or by varistor discs
that are connected in parallel.


Gas discharge tubes (GDTs)

Gas discharge tubes are voltage-switching

They usually have two or three electrodes.
The electrodes are arranged in a hermetically
U/I characteristic curve of a suppressor diode 10
A 10
encapsulated ceramic or glass tube. The
Explanation: I space between the electrodes is filled with
UR = Reverse voltage
UB = Breakdown voltage
U/I characteristic curve of metal oxide varistors inert gas (e.g., argon, neon).
UC = Clamping voltage
A = High-impedance operating range When the strike voltage is reached,
Ipp = Surge current pulse
IR = Reverse current
B = Low-impedance operating range/threshold range a gas discharge tube immediately switches


Technical information
Overvoltage limiting components

The discharge capacity of gas discharge follow currents are limited effectively or
tubes is highly scalable and is based on the even prevented completely. Line-follow-
size of the electrode and housing. This is current-free spark gaps can therefore be
why gas discharge tubes are used in type 1 used in AC systems with follow currents
surge protective devices, as well as type 2 of up to 100 kA (RMS), for example. This
and type 3 surge protective devices. makes it easy to use spark gaps in power
supply systems with high prospective
short-circuit currents.

Gas discharge tube

from the high-impedance state to the

low-impedance state. The strike voltage
is not a constant voltage value. It depends
on the rate of rise of the voltage at the
electrodes of the gas discharge tube.
The lowest strike voltages are reached
at DC voltage and at voltages with a low Spark gaps
rate of rise (static response behavior).
Overvoltages with a fast rate of rise result
in a delayed response and an increased Spark gaps are voltage-switching
strike voltage (dynamic response behavior). components. They usually consist of an
arrangement of two (main) electrodes or
the series connection of several individual
electrodes. Triggered spark gaps include
additional trigger circuits and auxiliary
electrodes, where appropriate. Unlike gas
discharge tubes, spark gaps are not
hermetically encapsulated, but are usually
partially encapsulated. The space between
the electrodes is filled with ambient air.
When overvoltages are discharged or surge
currents transmitted, hot ionized gases are
produced inside spark gaps. The ionized
gases are cooled down by the partial
encapsulation of the spark gaps. Controlled
1200 pressure equalization with the ambient
V 10 kV/ms
VS/UZ atmosphere is possible. Spark gaps

1 kV/ms
Spark gaps have a high or even very
100 V/ms
100 V/s
high discharge capacity for surge currents. Decoupling elements
400 They can transmit high-energy lightning
200 currents in a non-destructive way. This is Multi-stage surge protective devices for
102 104 106 108 V/s 1010
why spark gaps are predominantly used as MCR technology, IT, and telecommunications
dv/dt type 1 lightning current arresters in energy often contain decoupling elements between
circuits. the individual protection stages. As a rule,
Ignition curve of a gas discharge tube
Static response behavior Modern spark gaps are usually equipped ohmic resistors are used as decoupling
Dynamic response behavior with a trigger circuit. By using trigger elements. The operating currents flowing
circuits, it is possible to achieve controlled through the resistors must not exceed the
Following “ignition”, an electric arc response behavior and a low voltage nominal current value for the maximum
forms between the electrodes of the gas protection level. The voltage protection permissible backup fuse of the surge
discharge tube. Most gas discharge tubes level of modern triggered spark gaps is protective device. Where necessary,
for protecting low-voltage systems have so low that effective protection can be appropriate measures must be taken to
an electric arc voltage in the voltage range provided for sensitive electronic equipment. protect surge protective devices with
between 10 and 30 V DC. Due to the These days it is possible to influence the decoupling elements against overcurrents
relatively low electric arc voltage, the follow response behavior and operating behavior or short-circuit currents.
current extinguishing capability of gas of spark gaps in a targeted manner. This
discharge tubes is relatively low. This is allows varistor-based type 2 surge protective
why they must not be used on their own devices to be installed directly parallel to
between L-N or L-PE in AC power supply triggered type 1 spark gaps. An additional
systems. The series connection of a gas decoupling distance is not required.
discharge tube and a varistor is suitable for When it comes to modern spark gaps,
use between L-N and between L-PE. the electric arc voltage is so high that
For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 405
Technical information
Explanation of terms

Explanation of terms Direct lightning strike Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

Lightning strike impacting directly a Degradation of the performance of
component of the network. equipment, a transmission channel or
Arc voltage Ubo Note: Examples of components of the system caused by an electromagnetic
The instantaneous value of the voltage network are: conductor, tower, substation disturbance; such as a malfunction or
on a discharge path (arc discharge) during equipment, etc. failure of an item of electrical or
an arresting process. – Source: IEV 614-03-39 electronic equipment.
Arrester Discharge of static electricity, Emitter
Arrester is an old term, see “Surge electrostatic discharge (ESD) Device, equipment or system which
protective device (SPD)” Transfer of electric charge between gives rise to voltages, currents or
bodies of different electric potential in electromagnetic fields that can act as
Associated equipment proximity or through direct contact. electromagnetic disturbances.
Electrical device that contains both Note: An emitter can be natural or
intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe Disturbance variable artificial in origin.
circuits and is designed in such a way that Electromagnetic phenomenon that – Source: IEV 161-01-23
the non-intrinsically safe circuits cannot can degrade the performance of a device,
adversely affect the intrinsically safe equipment or system, or adversely affect Equipment to be protected
circuits. living or inert matter. All equipment within a physical structure
– Source: DIN EN 60079-11 – Source: IEV 161-01-05 or an area which requires surge protection/
lightning protection.
Asymmetrical voltage, common Electrical fast transient/burst
mode voltage (EFT/B) Equipotential bonding
The voltage between each conductor Fast transient electrical disturbance In order to achieve equipotentiality,
and a specified reference point, usually variable/burst. electrical connections must be established
reference ground or reference frame. – Source: DIN EN 61000-4-4 between conductive parts.
– Source: IEV 161-04-09 – Source: DIN VDE 0100-200
Electrically skilled person
Burst of pulses or oscillations An electrically skilled person is someone Equipotential bonding conductor
A sequence of a limited number of who, because of their professional training, Electrically conductive connections
distinct pulses or an oscillation of limited skills, experience, and their knowledge of used to create equipotential bonding.
duration. relevant standards, can assess any required – Source: DIN VDE 0100-200
– Source: DIN EN 61000-4-4 operations and recognize any possible
dangers. Equipotential bonding strip
Combined surge Note 1: When considering a person’s Strip that is part of the equipotential
Pulse that is characterized by a specific professional training, several years’ bonding system, used for the electrical
peak voltage value (UOC) and waveform in experience in the relevant field can also connection of a number of conductors
the off-load state, and by a specific peak be taken into account. for the purpose of equipotential bonding.
current value (ICW) and waveform in the Note 2: The German legislature entrusts – Source: DIN VDE 0100-200
short-circuit state. social security institutions (e.g., DGUV,
Note 1: The peak voltage value, the German Social Accident Insurance Equipotential bonding system
peak current value, and the waveform Institutions) to provide mandatory Interconnection of conductive parts
with which a SPD is tested depend on regulations for “safe working”. providing equipotential bonding between
the internal resistance of the hybrid – Source: DIN VDE 0100-200, those parts.
generator Zf and the impedance of the DIN VDE 0105-100 – Source: DIN VDE 0100-200
test object.
Note 2: The internal resistance of Electromagnetic compatibility External lightning protection
hybrid generators for testing type 2 SPDs (EMC) External lightning protection is part of
is 2 ohms. Ability of equipment or a system to a lightning protection system consisting
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic of an air termination system, a down
environment without introducing conductor system, and a grounding
Coupling intolerable electromagnetic disturbances arrangement.
Interaction between circuits, in which to anything in that environment. – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
energy is transferred from one circuit to – Source: DIN EN 61000-1-2
the other. Follow current extinguishing
– Source: DIN EN 61000-4-4 Electromagnetic disturbance capability Ifi
Any electromagnetic phenomenon Prospective short-circuit current that
Degradation in performance which may degrade the performance of can be independently interrupted by the
An undesired departure in the equipment, a transmission channel or SPD without resulting in disconnection.
operational performance of any device, system. Note:
equipment or system from its intended According to installation standard
performance. Electromagnetic environment HD 60364-5-534, Ifi must be equal to
Note: The term “degradation” can Totality of electromagnetic phenomena or greater than ISCCR.
apply to temporary or permanent failure. existing at a given location. – Source: DIN EN 61643-11
– Source: DIN EN 61000-4-4 – Source: DIN EN 61000-1-2
Follow current If
Peak current value supplied by the
electrical power system and flowing
through the SPD after a discharge process.
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11


Technical information
Explanation of terms

Ground conductor Impulse withstand voltage Lightning equipotential bonding (EB)

Conductor which provides a conductive Highest peak value of impulse voltage Equipotential bonding to the LPS of
path, or part of the conductive path, of prescribed form and polarity which separated metal parts, by direct connection
between a given point in a network, system does not cause disruptive discharge of or connection via surge protective devices,
or equipment and a ground-electrode insulation under specified conditions. to reduce potential differences caused
network. Note 1: by lightning current.
– Source: DIN VDE 0100-200 The impulse withstand voltage is equal to – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
or greater than the rated surge voltage.
Ground electrode Note 2: Lightning overvoltage
A ground electrode is a conductive A 1.2/50 μs surge voltage pulse is used to Transient overvoltage at any point of
part, which may be embedded in a specific test the surge withstand capability. the system due to a specific lightning
conductive medium, e.g., concrete or – Source: DIN EN 60664-1 discharge.
coke, in electric contact with the Earth. – Source: DIN EN 60664-1
– Source: DIN VDE 0100-200 Indirect lightning strike Transient overvoltage at any point of
Conductive part or group of Lightning strike that does not impact the system due to a direct lightning strike
conductive parts in intimate contact with directly any part of the network but that or an indirect lightning strike.
and providing an electrical connection to induces an overvoltage in that network. – Source: IEV 442-09-12
ground. – Source: IEV 614-03-40
– Source: EN 61557-1 Lightning protection (LP)
Insertion loss Complete system used to protect
Ground flash Attenuation resulting from the insertion physical structures – including their
Electrical discharge originating from of the surge protective device into a internal systems and contents and any
the atmosphere between a cloud and the transmission system. The attenuation is persons inside – against the effects of
ground, consisting of a single lightning the ratio of the power delivered to that lightning. This generally consists of the
stroke component or several lightning part of the system following the surge lightning protection system (LPS) and
stroke components. protective device, before insertion of the safety precautions against LEMP (SPM).
– Source: DIN EN 62305-1 surge protective device, to the power – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
delivered to that same part of the system
Ground, local ground after insertion of the surge protective Lightning protection system (LPS)
Part of the Earth which is in electric device. The insertion loss is generally Complete system used to reduce
contact with a ground electrode and the expressed in decibels (dB). physical damage to a structure due to
electric potential of which is not necessarily – Source: DIN EN 61643-21 direct lightning strikes.
equal to zero. Note: A lightning protection system
– Source: DIN VDE 0100-200 Insulation coordination consists of both external and internal
Mutual correlation of insulation lightning protection.
Grounding characteristics of electrical equipment – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
Making an electric connection between taking into account the expected
a given point in a network, system or in micro-environment and other influencing Lightning strike near a physical
equipment and a local ground. stresses. structure
– Source: DIN VDE 0100-200 – Source: DIN EN 60664-1 Lightning that strikes so close to a
physical structure that is to be protected
Grounding arrangement Interference suppression that it can generate dangerous
Part of the external lightning protection Measure to reduce or avoid the overvoltages.
system which discharges lightning current electromagnetic disturbance variables – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
to ground and then distributes it from that occur.
there. Lightning strike to a
– Source: DIN EN 62305-1 Interference voltage physical structure
All the electrical connections and devices Voltage produced between two points Lightning that directly strikes a physical
involved in the grounding of a network, on two separate conductors by an structure that is to be protected.
system or equipment. electromagnetic disturbance variable, – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
– Source: IEV 195-02-20 measured under specified conditions.
– Source: IEV 161-04-01 Lightning surge current Iimp
Grounding system Current peak value of a discharge surge
Overall system comprising the Internal lightning protection current through a SPD with a specified
grounding arrangement and the Part of the lightning protection system charge Q and specified energy W/R in
equipotential bonding network. consisting of lightning equipotential a specified time.
– Source: DIN EN 62305-4 bonding and/or electrical insulation of Note: Pulse shape 10/350
external lightning protection. – Source: DIN EN 61643-11
Immunity – Source: DIN EN 62305-1
The ability of a device, equipment or Maximum continuous operating
system to perform without degradation Intrinsically safe circuit voltage UC
in the presence of an electromagnetic Circuit, in which any spark or any Maximum r.m.s. value of the voltage
disturbance variable. thermal effect produced in the conditions that can continuously be applied to the
– Source: DIN EN 61000-4-4 specified in this standard, including normal mode of protection of the SPD.
operation and specified fault conditions, Note: The value for UC, which falls
is not capable of causing ignition of a within the scope of this standard, can
given explosive gas atmosphere. exceed 1000 V.
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11
Intrinsically safe equipment
An electrical device in which all circuits
are intrinsically safe.
– Source: DIN EN 60079-11

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 407
Technical information
Explanation of terms

Maximum discharge surge Pulse SPD disconnect device

current Imax An abrupt variation of short duration Device for disconnecting a SPD or part
Peak current value flowing through the of a physical quantity followed by a rapid of a SPD from the electrical power system
SPD with pulse shape 8/20 and amplitude return to the initial value. in the event of a SPD failure.
corresponding to the manufacturer’s – Source: IEV 161-02-02 Note: This device does not need to
information. Imax is equal to or greater have insulating properties. It is supposed
than In. r.m.s. withstand voltage to prevent a permanent fault in the system
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 Highest r.m.s. value of a voltage which and is used to indicate a SPD failure.
does not cause disruptive discharge of Disconnect devices can be implemented
Mode of protection insulation under specified conditions. internally (integrated) or externally
Intended current path between the – Source: DIN EN 60664-1 (in accordance with the manufacturer’s
connection terminal blocks which includes specifications). More than one disconnect
one or more protective elements, e.g., Rated surge voltage, device can be used, e.g., an overcurrent
between: rated impulse withstand voltage Uw disconnect device and a thermal disconnect
– The conductors Impulse withstand voltage value assigned device.
– Conductor to ground by the manufacturer to the equipment or These functions can be performed in
– Conductor to neutral to a part of it, characterizing the specified a single unit or in separate units.
– Neutral to ground withstand capability of its insulation – Source: DIN EN 61643-11
against overvoltages.
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 Note: For the purposes of this standard, Spike
Nominal discharge current In only the impulse withstand voltage between A unidirectional pulse of relatively
Peak current value flowing through conductor and ground is considered. short duration.
the SPD with pulse shape 8/20 μs. – Source: DIN EN 62305-1, – Source: IEV 161-02-04
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 DIN EN 60664-1
Status indicator
Nominal load current IL, nominal Residual current device (RCD) Device that indicates the operating state
current IN A switching device or associated devices of a SPD or part of a SPD.
Maximum r.m.s. value of the nominal designed to disconnect from the electrical – Source: DIN EN 61643-11
current, which can flow to an ohmic load power system when the leakage current
that is connected to the protected or residual current exceeds a given value Surge current (10/350) μs
output of the SPD. under specified conditions. Surge current pulse (lightning current
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 – Source: DIN EN 61643-11 pulse) with a virtual rise time of 10 μs and
a decay time to half-value of 350 μs.
Off-load voltage UOC Residual voltage Ures – Source: IEC 62305-1
Off-load voltage of the hybrid generator Peak voltage value that occurs while
at the test object terminal point. discharge surge current is flowing via the
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 connection terminal blocks of the SPD. 100

– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 I

Overvoltage ( %)

Any voltage having a peak value Separation distance 60

exceeding the corresponding peak value Distance between two conductive parts
of maximum steady-state voltage at at which no dangerous sparking can occur.
normal operating conditions. – Source: DIN EN 62305-3 30

– Source: DIN EN 60664-1 Short-circuit current ICW

Overvoltage category Prospective short-circuit current of 0
10 350

Numeral defining a transient overvoltage the hybrid generator at the test object t ( us)

condition. terminal point. 10/350 µs surge current pulse in acc. with IEC 60060-1

– Source: DIN EN 60664-1 Note: When a SPD is connected to

the hybrid generator, current lower than Surge current (8/20) μs
Potentially susceptible equipment ICW flows through the test object. Surge current pulse with a virtual rise
Device, equipment or system whose – Source: DIN EN 61643-11 time of 8 μs and a decay time to half-value
performance can be degraded by an of 20 μs.
electromagnetic disturbance. Short-circuit current rating ISCCR – Source: IEC 60060-1
Note: Influence on function may be Maximum prospective short-circuit
in the form of: current of the electrical network for
– Functional disturbance which the SPD is rated in conjunction 100

– Reduction in function with its specified disconnect device. I


– Source: DIN EN 61643-11 ( %)

– Malfunction
– Failure Sparkover voltage of a 50

– Source: IEV 161-01-24 voltage-switching SPD

The sparkover voltage or the strike
Protected equipment voltage is the highest voltage value at which 10

Equipment within a physical structure the impedance of a voltage-switching SPD 0

that is protected by lightning protection/ abruptly decreases. 20 t ( us)

surge protection measures. – Source: DIN EN 61643-11 8/20 µs surge current pulse in acc. with IEC 60060-1
– Source: DIN EN 62305-4


Technical information
Explanation of terms

Surge protective device (SPD) Transient overvoltage

Device intended to limit transient Overvoltage with a duration of a
overvoltages and divert surge currents. few milliseconds or less, oscillatory or
Contains at least one non-linear non-oscillatory, usually highly damped.
voltage-limiting component. – Source: IEV 614-03-14
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11,
DIN EN 62305-4 Transient
Safety equipment that contains at least Irregular and relatively short positive
one non-linear component and is intended and/or negative voltage or current changes
to limit overvoltages and divert pulse between two steady states.
– Source: DIN VDE 0100-534 Transient
Pertaining to or designating a
Surge voltage (1.2/50) μs phenomenon or physical quantity
Surge voltage pulse with a virtual rise which varies between two consecutive
time of 1.2 μs and a decay time to steady states during a time interval
half-value of 50 μs. short compared to the timescale
– Source: IEC 60060-1 of interest.
– Source: DIN EN 61000-4-4

Voltage protection level Up
( %)
Maximum voltage that can occur at
the connection terminal blocks of the
SPD while loaded with a pulse of specific
50 voltage steepness and a discharge surge
current of specified amplitude and
Note: The voltage protection level is
part of the manufacturer’s information.
The voltage protection level must not
t ( us) be exceeded by:
1.2/50 µs surge voltage pulse in acc. with IEC 60060-1 – The measured clamping voltage
Switching overvoltage determined from the front-of-wave
Transient overvoltage at any point impulse sparkover voltage (if applicable)
of the system due to a specific switching and the measured clamping voltage
operation or fault. determined from the residual voltage
– Source: DIN EN 60664-1 measurement up to In and/or up to Iimp
in accordance with test classification II
Symmetrical voltage, differential and/or test classification I
mode voltage – The measured clamping voltage up to
The voltage between any two of a
specified set of active conductors. UOC, determined with a hybrid pulse
– Source: IEV 161-04-08 for test classification III
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11
Temporary overvoltage (TOV)
Overvoltage at power frequency of
relatively long duration.
– Source: DIN EN 60664-1
Total discharge surge current Itotal
Current that flows through the ground
connection of a multi-position SPD when
testing the total discharge surge current.
Note 1: This test is performed to
examine the total loads that occur when
current simultaneously flows through
several modes of protection of a
multi-position SPD.
Note 2: Itotal is of particular significance
for test classification I SPD types which
are used for the purpose of lightning
equipotential bonding in accordance with
the IEC 62305 series of standards.
– Source: DIN EN 61643-11
Total grounding resistance RA
Resistance between the main grounding
terminal or grounding rail and ground.
– Source: EN 61557-1

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Technical information

Quality in quantity

CE marking on the electromagnetic compatibility of

CE marking was introduced as an important devices and systems as a basic prerequisite
instrument for the free movement of goods for the error-free operation of machines
and services within the single European and systems. As an international leader in
market. By applying the mark to a product, the field of surge protection, Phoenix Contact
the manufacturer confirms its compliance has extensive expertise in EMC. This
with all EU directives applicable to this expertise and the experience gained over
product. The EU directives describe the many years in the development and
product characteristics with regard to application of industrial interface and
device safety and the avoidance of risks. communication technology have resulted in
They have been incorporated in national an extremely high standard of quality for our
legislation. Compliance with the requirements products when it comes to electromagnetic
is a condition for placing the product compatibility. Our independent laboratory,
on the market within the EU. Phoenix Testlab, was founded in order to
Where applicable, our products currently share this expertise with other companies.
fall within the scope of the following Phoenix Testlab GmbH is an accredited
Integrated management system directives in particular: service company, which carries out EMC
The objective of the Phoenix Contact – 2014/35/EU testing in compliance with European standards.
integrated management system is to integrate Electrical equipment designed for use At Phoenix Testlab, devices are also tested
all requirements pertaining to products, within certain voltage limits with regard to their electrical safety, mechanical
processes, and the organization. (Low Voltage Directive) influences, and their behavior in relation to
Statutory and regulatory requirements, – 2014/30/EU environmental influences.
as well as those of international standards Electromagnetic compatibility Phoenix Testlab is also a notified body in
and our customers, are met and, in some (EMC Directive) accordance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
cases, even exceeded in all phases of the – 2014/32/EU and Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
product lifecycle. Measuring instruments 2014/53/EU. As a certification body (TCB,
The Phoenix Contact management system – 2006/42/EC FCB, and RCB), Phoenix Testlab is also able
is monitored by internationally recognized Safety of machinery to approve these products for the markets
independent bodies each year to ensure (Machinery Directive) in the USA, Canada, and Japan.
that quality, environmental protection, – 2014/34/EU
energy efficiency, and occupational safety Equipment and protective systems Standards and regulations
have been integrated in conformance with intended for use in potentially explosive All relevant standards and regulations are
the relevant requirements. Certification in atmospheres (ATEX Directive) used as the basis for the development and
accordance with international standards – 2014/53/EU maintenance of our products.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and Radio equipment (RED) International standards are subject to
BS OHSAS 18001 is the result of our – 2011/65/EU continuous changes as a result of harmonization
corporate philosophy of meeting the needs Restriction of the use of certain and new developments. In line with this
of our customers, staff, and environment as hazardous substances process, the current version of all standards
best as possible. This serves as the basis for (RoHS Directive) that are relevant to our products is documented
innovative products with the familiar high – 2012/19/EU in the product area on our website at
Phoenix Contact quality standard, actively Waste electrical and electronic equipment
practiced environmental protection through (WEEE Directive)
efficient production and products that The standards used as the basis for the Online product information service
conserve resources, and responsibility in aforementioned directives have been at the on the world wide web
the field of occupational health and safety. heart of our development standard for some Phoenix Contact is continuously extending
It goes without saying that we integrate time as a way of ensuring compliance with its product range.
all further requirements of standards, European directives. The numbers of the Within the scope of our product monitoring
international approvals or special customer directives indicate their version at the time obligation, all products are subject to an
requirements into our company processes. of publication. In the event of changes to improvement process.
The result of this system is a building directives and/or standards, our products The Internet is an ideal platform to quickly
block for the success of the Phoenix Contact will undergo conformity assessment again communicate new product developments
Group as well as its products and services. in good time and a new declaration of and improvements to the market.
conformity will be issued promptly. The You can quickly access the relevant
current declarations for each product can Phoenix Contact website for your region
also be found in our download area. via There you will
Among the aforementioned European always find an up-to-date overview of
directives, the EMC Directive plays a products, solutions, and services from
particularly important role. It uses a directive Phoenix Contact. This includes technical
enshrined in national legislation as the basis documents such as data sheets and user
for defining electromagnetic compatibility manuals, current driver and demo software,
as a fundamental device property. European and a direct link to the relevant contact
legislation therefore places great emphasis person.
Technical information

Touch protection



Back of hand safety

Example: pressure actuation Touch-proof Back of hand safety

The accident prevention regulations The most important thing is that an area In the field of connection technology,
BGV A 2 issued by the German employer’s formed by an even envelope curve 30 mm in Phoenix Contact offers a wide range of
liability insurance association for precision radius must surround the live parts. This area products which are touch-proof or can
mechanics and electrical engineering apply must be touch-proof, i.e., the live parts be protected against contact by means
to the operators of electrical systems and of the electrical device must not be within of covers. Depending on the conditions,
are aimed at the prevention of electrical reach of the VDE test finger in accordance all of this must be taken into account when
accidents by means of special safety with IEC 60529/DIN VDE 0470-1 (test selecting the individual types of terminal
requirements. finger). blocks and accessories.
These regulations contain specifications Back of hand safety is specified for the
regarding the safety distances for work, “rest of the area” up to 100 mm around the
operation, and occasional handling in the operating element. Back of hand safety
proximity of “live parts” in low-voltage means that when a force of 50 N is applied
systems up to 1000 V ~ or 1500 V –. to a ball with a diameter of 50 mm, this
– Work with live parts is only permitted does not come into contact with the live
once they have been de-energized. parts of the equipment. No special measures
Operation in the proximity of live parts for ensuring contact safety are stipulated
is only permitted if these parts are outside this area.
de-energized or are protected against Note: systems and equipment that are
direct contact (§ 6). The following safety operated with PELV up to 25 V ~ or 60 V –
measures apply when working in the are considered to be protected against
proximity of live parts: “direct contact”.
– Provision of the de-energized state for According to § 5, Subsection 4 of the
the duration of the work BGV A 2 regulations, there is no need to
– Ensure shock protection is in place in test the condition of the system prior to
the form of covers or barriers during initial startup if the company has confirmation
the work from the manufacturer or installer that the
– Assurance that proximity limits will not electrical systems and equipment conform
be violated (§ 7). to BGV A 2. The confirmation required
The term “occasional handling” has been relates to systems and equipment that have
introduced for the operation of elements been installed and are ready for operation
such as pushbuttons, rocker arms or rotary and can only be issued by the installer or
buttons in the proximity of live parts. installation company. The manufacturer of
According to VDE 0105-1, this is covered the electrical equipment can only issue a
by “operation with partial protection against confirmation that products have been
direct contact”. produced in accordance with the relevant
Detailed specifications for “occasional electrotechnical DIN VDE regulations
handling” can be found in DIN VDE 0106-100. stipulated in BGV A 2. The installer must bear
This specifies to what degree live parts in this in mind when selecting the equipment
the proximity of operating elements are to to be used.
be protected against contact. The basis for
this is the definition of a “protection area
for occasional handling”; this is the area into
which the user must reach in order to
handle the machine.

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 411
Technical information

Quality features of insulating housings

Thermoplastics of the components used or other restrictive Thermoplastics: polyester, PBT
The majority of our insulating housing parameters. We use the semi-crystalline thermoplastic
is made from thermoplastic materials. At very low temperatures, this means that polyester in non-reinforced and fiberglass-
Roughly speaking, these can be divided into any form of mechanical load on the plastic reinforced variants for special applications
amorphous and semi-crystalline substances. components must be avoided (e.g., mounting which require increased dimensional and
Thermoplastics are processed using the of products on/removal of products from the form stability.
efficient and environmentally-friendly injection DIN rail, actuation of terminal points, locking/ In addition to the high operating
molding process. They have good recycling ejection of relays from bases, prizing out of temperature, the material is characterized by
properties and can be re-used. We use many plug-in bridges, bending of cables and lines, excellent mechanical strength and hardness.
materials that are modified in different ways etc.), as there is always an associated risk of Polyester does not absorb moisture from its
to meet the demanding requirements of damage. Unless otherwise indicated, it is surroundings. Therefore, PBT is particularly
electrical and electronic modules, devices, recommended that you carry out the specified suitable for strips, for example, that are
and systems with regard to their mechanical, mounting/operational tasks in a temperature soldered onto PCBs and are subsequently
thermal, and electrical properties. range from -10°C to +40°C. required to pass a burn-in test where they
are subjected to the influence of heat. As per
Behavior of plastics under the Flammability characteristics of UL 94, PBT has a flammability rating of V2
influence of temperature (operating plastics (UL 94) to V0.
temperatures, mechanical influences) The flammability tests for plastics have
Plastics undergo a process referred to as been defined by the Underwriters Laboratory Thermoplastics: polycarbonate, PC
thermal aging when they are subjected to (USA) in regulation UL 94. This applies to all Polycarbonate combines many advantages
heat over long periods. This process causes areas of application, particularly in electrical such as rigidity, impact strength, transparency,
changes in the mechanical and electrical engineering. A horizontal or vertical test is dimensional stability, good insulation
properties of the material. External influences carried out at the test laboratory to determine properties, and resistance to heat.
such as radiation and additional mechanical, the flammability of the plastic material with The amorphous material only absorbs
chemical, and electrical stresses amplify this a naked flame. In order of increasing flame- moisture to a very limited degree, and is used
effect. Special tests on samples can yield retardant behavior, the evaluation classes for items such as large, rigid electronic
characteristic data which provides a good are HB, V2, V1, V0, and 5V. Test results are component housings.
means of drawing comparisons between recorded on “yellow cards” and are published In its transparent form, polycarbonate
different plastics. However, applying these annually in the Recognized Component is particularly suitable for use as a material
characteristics to an evaluation of molded Directory. for cover profiles or marking materials.
plastic parts is only possible to a limited extent, PC has good resistance properties
and can only give the designer a rough guide Thermoplastics: against mineral acids, saturated aliphatic
when it comes to selecting a plastic material. non-reinforced polyamide, PA hydrocarbons, gasoline, greases, and oils.
This catalog uses the following assessment We use the modern, semi-crystalline This material is not very resistant to
criteria: the RTI value in accordance with insulation material, polyamide, which is solvents, benzene, alkalis, acetone, and
UL746B/ANSI 746 B (elec. based on electric now an essential component in electrical ammonia. Strain cracks may result from
strength) and the Ti value in accordance engineering and electronics. It has long contact with certain chemicals.
with IEC 60216-1 (based on a 50% reduction occupied a leading position and is authorized As per UL 94, PC has a flammability rating
in tensile strength after 20,000 hours). for use by the relevant approval authorities of V2 to V0.
IEC 60947-7-1/EN 60947-7-1 specifies such as the CSA, NEMKO, KEMA, PTB,
a permissible temperature increase of 45 K SEV, UL, VDE, etc. Thermoplastics:
for terminal blocks under nominal load. Polyamide has excellent electrical, polycarbonate fiber-reinforced, PC-F
Phoenix Contact terminal blocks satisfy mechanical, chemical, and other properties Compared to non-reinforced materials,
this requirement. even at high operating temperatures. Brief fiber-reinforced polycarbonates feature
The properties of plastics are not only peak temperatures of up to approximately greater rigidity and impact strength, and have
affected by the influence of heat as described 200°C are permitted as a result of heat aging a higher operating temperature. Otherwise,
above; they also undergo changes as a result stabilization. Depending on the type (PA 4.6, their properties are largely the same as those
of cold influences. When subjected to cold as 6.6, 6.10, etc.), its melting point is in the of non-reinforced polycarbonate.
well as low levels of humidity, plastics become region of 215°C to 295°C.
increasingly brittle with the result that they Polyamide absorbs moisture from its
are no longer capable of withstanding the surroundings, on average 2.8%. However,
same mechanical loads. As the table on the this moisture is not crystallization water
right shows, the plastics concerned can in the plastic itself, but chemically bonded
be used down to a temperature of -40°C, H O groups in the molecular structure.

but only without a mechanical load. As far This makes the plastic flexible and resistant
as the products presented in the catalog are to breakage, even at temperatures as low
concerned, it is the ambient temperature as -40°C. As per UL 94, PA has a flammability
specified in each case that is to be regarded rating of V2 to V0.
as definitive for operation. Regardless of the
plastics used, this may be subject to further
restrictions (e.g., limited to -20°C) as a result


Technical information

Thermoplastics: ABS The characteristic thermal properties

We use the thermoplastic molding provide good dimensional stability at both
compound ABS for products which must low and high temperatures. Products made
have good impact and notched impact from ABS can be coated with metallic
properties in addition to high mechanical surfaces, e.g., nickel.
stability and rigidity. The products are As per UL 94, the molding compound used
characterized by their resistance to has a flammability rating of HB to V0.
chemicals and stress cracking due to their
special surface quality and hardness.

Properties Unit/level Polyamide Polyester Polycarbonate Polycarbonate ABS


Operating temperature RTI */** °C  105  105  125  120  80

Minimum temperature (without mechanical load) °C -40 -40 -40 -40 -40
Electric strength IEC 60243-1/DIN VDE 0303-21 kV/cm 600 400 > 300 850
Resistance to creepage IEC 60112/DIN VDE 0303-1 CTI...M 550 225 175 200
CTI... 600 225 175 175 600
Tropical and termite resistance Good Good Good
Specific contact resistance
 cm 1012 1016 > 1016 > 1014 1014
IEC 60093/VDE 0303 Part 30; IEC 60167/VDE 0303 Part 31

Surface resistance
 1010 1013 > 1014 1013
IEC 60093/VDE 0303 Part 30; IEC 60167/VDE 0303 Part 31

Flammability rating UL 94 V2-V0 V0 V2-V0 V0 HB-V0

* As per UL 746 B/ANSI 746 B (elec.) ** Minimum value

Dimensions EMC: Class A product: Note:

Dimensions: Width/Height/Depth In accordance with statutory regulations, Subject to changes that serve the purpose
our products are indicated with this footnote of technical progress.
D if they are intended for use in industrial
H environments. This means that the permitted
W H limit values for residential applications may
D be exceeded in the event of conducted and
The dimensions “Width/Height/Depth” are emitted disturbance variables. In such cases,
defined as follows for all DIN-rail-mountable the operator may have to take additional safety
products: measures in order to ensure electromagnetic
– Width: measurement taken along the compatibility in residential applications.
DIN rail
– Height: measurement taken across the
DIN rail
– Depth: measurement taken starting from
the mounting plate and including the
NS 35/7,5 DIN rail (EN 60715)
The width, height, and depth never change,
even if the products shown in this catalog
happen to be photographed from two different
perspectives (horizontal or vertical).
To make things easier for you, one of the
two symbols shown above has been included
next to each product photo:

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 413
Technical information

Connection cross section

The rated cross section of terminal blocks flexible (fine-stranded). designed to allow copper wires to be
must be specified by the manufacturer in These values can be found in the connected to them untreated. “Special
accordance with IEC 60947-7-1. The rated product-specific technical data. treatment” or the use of ferrules – both
cross section is the maximum conductor The rated connection capacity of permitted in accordance with IEC 60947-7-1
cross section that can be connected in solid, Phoenix Contact terminal blocks usually – is not required. If ferrules are nevertheless
multi-stranded or fine-stranded versions exceeds standard requirements, which specify used to protect flexible conductors against
subject to specific thermal, mechanical, and that it must only be possible to connect one splicing, the connection capacity of the
electrical requirements. conductor with one of the two next smallest flexible conductor is generally reduced by
The manufacturer must also specify the cross sections, excluding the rated cross one level.
rated connection capacity, i.e., the area section (standardized for the cross section
of connectable conductors as well as the range from 0.2 to 35 mm2).
number of conductors which can be connected In addition, conductors with a rated cross
simultaneously and the necessary preparation section can usually be wired with ferrules
of the conductor ends. The conductors can with plastic sleeve.
be rigid (solid or multi-stranded) or Phoenix Contact terminal blocks are

Structure and dimensions of connecting cables

Cross Solid Multi-stranded Fine-stranded American Wire Gauge [AWG]
Diameter Number Diameter Number Diameter Number Gauge no. Rigid wires Flexible wires
max. of wires max. of wires max. of wires
dimension dimension (minimum dimension (guide
number) value)
[mm2] AWG [ mm] [circ. mils] [mm2] [ mm] [circ. mils] [mm2]
0.2 0.5 1 – – – – 24 0.51 404 0.21 – – –
0.5 0.9 1 1.1 7 1.1 16 20 0.81 1022 0.52 0.97 1111 0.56
0.75 1.0 1 1.2 7 1.3 24 18 1.02 1620 0.82 1.16 1600 0.82
1 1.2 1 1.4 7 1.5 32 (17) 1.15 2050 1.04 – – –
– – – – – – – 16 1.29 2580 1.31 1.50 2580 1.32
1.5 1.5 1 1.7 7 1.8 30 (15) 1.45 3260 1.65 – – –
– – – – – – – 14 1.63 4110 2.08 1.85 4100 2.09
2.5 1.9 1 2.2 7 2.3 50 (13) 1.83 5180 2.63 – – –
– – – – – – – 12 2.05 6530 3.31 2.41 6500 3.32
4 2.4 1 2.7 7 2.9 56 (11) 2.30 8230 4.17 – – –
– – – – – – – 10 2.59 10380 5.26 2.95 10530 5.37
6 2.9 1 3.3 7 3.9 84 (9) 2.91 13100 6.63 – – –
– – – – – – – 8 3.26 16510 8.37 3.73 16625 8.48

Tightening torque of terminal block screws

IEC 60947-1/EN 60947-1, modified, Extract from IEC 60947-1/EN 60947-1, Table 4
Table 4 specifies tightening torques for The IEC torque and the recommended torque for Phoenix Contact terminal blocks are specified
screw connections based on the screw size
Head screw with slot
for electrical and mechanical type tests. Thread
Torque Recommended
tightening torque
[Nm] [Nm]
M2.5 (M2.6) 0.4 0.4 - 0.5
M3 0.5 0.5 - 0.6
M3.5 0.8 0.8 - 1.0
M4 1.2 1.2 - 1.5

Current carrying capacity

Standard IEC 60947-7-1/EN 60947-7-1/ Test currents in accordance with IEC 60947-7-1/EN 60947-7-1, Table 5
DIN VDE 0611-1 specifies the test currents
for the individual conductor cross sections Rated cross section [mm2] 0.2 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16
listed in the adjacent table. The corresponding
currents are listed with the connection data Test current [A] 4 6 9 13.5 17.5 24 32 41 57 76

for the individual terminal blocks. The type

tests of terminal blocks are based on this


Technical information

Certification authorities and marks

Country Country Country

Certification authorities and approvals Explosion protection Marine classification societies
code code code

j IECEE CB Scheme
(in combination with certifying body)
) International
Electrotechnical Commission
International DNV GL - MARITIME DE

CENELEC Certification Agreement
CCA (CCA inspection report)
(in combination with certifying body)
X ATEX Directive EU Bureau Veritas FR

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) CA
C Canadian Standards Association (CSA) CA
x Lloyd's Register of Shipping GB


Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
- CSA approval for the USA -
& Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
- CSA approval for the USA -
US m Nippon Kaiji Kyokai JP

, z
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
combined logo combined logo Polski Rejestr Statków PL
- CSA approval for Canada and the USA - - CSA approval for Canada and the USA -

 
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) US
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) US
y Russian Maritime Register of Shipping RU

 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)

CA  Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
d Korean Register of Shipping KR
a a
- UL approval for Canada - - UL approval for Canada -

 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)

combined logo
US  Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
combined logo
l American Bureau of Shipping US
u u
- UL approval for the USA and Canada - - UL approval for the USA and Canada -


f FM Approvals US
 Registro Italiano Navale IT

 Eurasian Conformity EAEU

. FM Approvals
- FM approval for Canada -

 DEKRA Certification B.V. NL

/ FM Approvals
- FM approval for the USA and Canada -

K Österreichischer Verband für

AT Eurasian Conformity for Ex-products EAEU

s Eurofins Electrosuisse Product Testing AG

SEV certification scheme
s Korean Certification Mark for Ex-products KR

Verband Deutscher

Elektrotechniker e.V. (VDE)
– Approval of drawings
– Reports with production monitoring
 National Institute of Metrology,
Standardization and Industrial Quality

 
National Supervision and Inspection
Berufsgenossenschaft (BG)
DE Center for Explosion Protection and CN
GS – Geprüfte Sicherheit (tested safety)
Safety of Instrumentation

 Intertek ETL Listed

- Approval for the USA -
 Corp. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo
Tecnólogico del Sector Eléctrico

 Intertek ETL Listed

- Approval for Canada -

 Intertek ETL Listed

- Approval for the USA and Canada -

T TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH DE

 China Compulsory Certification CN

 Korean Certification Mark KR

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 415
Technical information

Dimensioning of clearances

Schematic for determining clearances Rated surge voltages for equipment that is directly supplied
by the low-voltage network (extract from Table 1)

Nominal voltage of the Nominal voltage of the power supply Conductor-neutral conductor Rated surge voltage 2)
power supply system 1) (mains) as per IEC 60038 3) voltage derived from the total [V]
nominal AC voltage or nominal DC
Three-phase Single-phase Overvoltage category 4)

[V] [V] [V] I II III IV

50 330 500 800 1500
Rated surge voltage Overvoltage 100 500 800 1500 2500
according to Table 1 category 150 800 1500 2500 4000
120 to 240
230/400 277/480 300 1500 2500 4000 6000
400/690 600 2500 4000 6000 8000
1000 1000 4000 6000 8000 12000
1) Refer to Annex B for application in existing deviating low-voltage networks and their nominal voltages.
Minimum clearance L Pollution
as per Table 2 degree 2) Equipment with this rated surge voltage may be used in systems according to IEC 60364-4-443.

3) The slash, i.e., /, indicates a three-phase four-conductor system. The lower value is the conductor-to-neutral-conductor voltage,
whereas the higher value is the conductor-to-conductor voltage. When only one value is specified, it refers to a three-phase
three-conductor system, and indicates the conductor-to-conductor voltage.
Multiply L with altitude
> 2000 m
correction factor as 4) Refer to for an explanation of overvoltage categories.
above sea
per Table A2

Surge Rating
acc. to
Minimum clearances for transient overvoltages (extract from Table 2)
test case A
Required impulse Condition A Condition B
withstand voltage 1) 5) Non-homogeneous field (refer to 3.15) Homogeneous field (refer to 3.14)
Yes Pollution degree 6) Pollution degree 6)
1 2 3 1 2 3
Clearance L [kV] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
0.33 2) 0.01 0.2 3) 4) 0.8 4) 0.01 0.2 3) 4) 0.8 4)
0.40 0.02 0.02
0.5 2) 0.04 0.04
0.60 0.06 0.06
0.80 2) 0.10 0.10
1.0 0.15 0.15
1.2 0.25 0.25 0.2
1.5 2) 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3
2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.45 0.45
2.5 2) 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.6 0.6
3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.8
4.0 2) 3 3 3 1.2 1.2 1.2
5.0 4 4 4 1.5 1.5 1.5
6.0 2) 5.5 5.5 5.5 2 2 2
8.0 2) 8 8 8 3 3 3
10 11 11 11 3.5 3.5 3.5
12 2), 14 14 14 4.5 4.5 4.5
15 18 18 18 5.5 5.5 5.5
20 25 25 25 8 8 8
25 33 33 33 10 10 10
30 40 40 40 12.5 12.5 12.5
40 60 60 60 17 17 17
50 75 75 75 22 22 22
Altitude correction factors 60 90 90 90 27 27 27
(extract from Table A.2) 80 130 130 130 35 35 35
100 170 170 170 45 45 45
1) This voltage is:
Altitude Normal air pressure Multiplication factor – For function insulation: the highest surge voltage expected for the clearance
for distances – For basic insulation, if influenced directly or considerably by transient overvoltages from the low-voltage network:
[m] [kPa] the rated surge voltage of the equipment
– For a different basic insulation: the highest surge voltage possible in the circuit.
2000 80.0 1.00 2) Preferred values

3000 70.0 1.14 3) For PCBs, the values of pollution degree 1 are applicable, except that no deviation below the value of 0.04 mm is permitted,

4000 62.0 1.29 as specified in Table 4.

4) Minimum clearances for pollution degrees 2 and 3 are based on the corresponding creepage distances.
5000 54.0 1.48
This resistance is reduced due to the effects of humidity.
6000 47.0 1.70 5) Values can be interpolated for parts or circuits within equipment that are subjected to surge voltages.
7000 41.0 1.95 6) The distances for pollution degree 4 are equal to those for pollution degree 3, except that the minimum clearance is 1.6 mm.

8000 35.5 2.25

9000 30.5 2.62
10000 26.5 3.02
15000 12.0 6.67
20000 5.5 14.50


Technical information

Dimensioning of creepage distances

Schematic for determining Single-phase three or two-conductor AC or DC voltage Three-phase four or three-conductor AC voltage systems
systems (extract from Table 3 a) (extract from Table 3 b)
creepage distances
Nominal voltage Nominal
Voltages for Table 4 Voltages for Table 4
of the power voltage of
Nominal supply system the power
For conductor- For conductor- For Insulation for conductor
mains voltage of (mains) *) supply
to-conductor to-ground conductor- to ground
the power supply system
insulation 1) insulation 1) to-conductor
(mains) *) Three-phase Three-phase
Three-conductor insulation four-conductor three-conductor
All systems systems systems with systems
center point grounded All systems grounded non-grounded 1)
[V] [V] [V] neutral or conductor
Rated 12.5 12.5 – conductor 2) grounded
AC/DC voltage 24 25 –
25 [V] [V] [V] [V]
30 32 – 60 63 32 63
42 50 – 110/120/127 125 80 125
48 150 **) 160 – 160
50 **) 208 200 125 200
Minimum 60 63 – 220/230/240 250 160 250
Pollution Insulation
creepage distance K 300 **) 320 – 320
degree material 30-60 63 32
as per Table 4
100 **) 100 – 380/400/415 400 250 400
110 125 – 440 500 250 400
120 480/500 500 320 500
150 **) 160 – 575 630 400 630
220 250 – 600 **) 630 – 630
Clearance 110-220 250 125 660/690 630 400 630
Pollution degree 1
L 220-240 720/830 800 500 800
300 **) 320 – 960 1000 630 1000
220-440 500 250 1000 **) 1000 – 1000
600 **) 630 – 1) Conductor-to-ground insulation levels for non-grounded

Yes No 480-960 1000 500 systems or those grounded through impedance correspond
1000 **) 1000 – to conductor-to-conductor insulation levels as the operating
Yes K<L 1) Conductor-to-ground insulation levels for non-grounded voltage of every conductor to ground can, in practice, reach the
Increase K
K<L acc. to conductor-to-conductor voltage. This is based on the fact that
to L systems or those grounded through impedance correspond
case A the actual voltage to ground is determined by the insulation
to conductor-to-conductor insulation levels as the operating
voltage of every conductor to ground can, in practice, reach the resistance and capacitive reactance of each conductor to ground.
Therefore, a low (but permissible) insulation resistance of a
conductor-to-conductor voltage. This is based on the fact that
conductor can practically ground this and raise the two others
the actual voltage to ground is determined by the insulation
No No Yes to conductor-to-conductor voltage to ground.
resistance and capacitive reactance of each conductor to ground. 2) For equipment designed for use in three-phase four-conductor
Increase K Therefore, a low (but permissible) insulation resistance of a
conductor can practically ground this and raise the two others and three-phase three-conductor systems, grounded as well
Creepage distance K to L acc. to as non-grounded, only the values for three-conductor systems
case A to conductor-to-conductor voltage to ground.
*) Refer to 2.2.1 for correlation with the rated voltage. may be used.
**) These values correspond to the values in Table 1. *) Refer to 2.2.1 for correlation with the rated voltage.
**) These values correspond to the values in Table 1.

Creepage distances to prevent failures occurring due to creepage (extract from Table 4)
Minimum creepage distances 1) This voltage is:

Printed circuits a) For function insulation:

Voltage 1) the working voltage.
Pollution degree Pollution degree
b) For basic and additional
1 2 1 2 3 insulation of a circuit supplied
r.m.s. value
directly by the low-voltage
All insulation material All insulation material All insulation material Insulation material group Insulation material group network: either the voltage
groups groups except III b groups selected from Table 3 a or 3 b
I II III I II III 2) on the basis of the rated voltage
[V] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] of the equipment or the rated
insulation voltage.
10 0.025 0.04 0.08 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.00 1.00 1.00 c) For basic and additional
12.5 0.025 0.04 0.09 0.42 0.42 0.42 1.05 1.05 1.05 insulation of systems, equipment,
16 0.025 0.04 0.10 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.10 1.10 1.10 and internal circuits which are not
20 0.025 0.04 0.110 0.48 0.48 0.48 1.20 1.20 1.20 supplied directly from the mains:
25 0.025 0.04 0.125 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 the highest r.m.s. value of the
32 0.025 0.04 0.140 0.53 0.53 0.53 1.30 1.30 1.30 voltage that, within the bounds
40 0.025 0.04 0.16 0.56 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 of the rated data, can occur in
50 0.025 0.04 0.18 0.6 0.85 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 the system, the equipment or the
63 0.040 0.63 0.20 0.63 0.9 1.25 1.6 1.8 2.0 internal circuit, when supplied with
80 0.063 0.10 0.22 0.67 0.95 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.1 rated voltage and in the case of the
100 0.10 0.16 0.25 0.71 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 most unfavorable combination of
125 0.16 0.25 0.28 0.75 1.05 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.4 operating conditions.
160 0.25 0.4 0.32 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.0 2.2 2.5
200 0.40 0.63 0.42 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.5 2.8 3.2 2) With pollution degree 3,
250 0.56 1.0 0.56 1.25 1.8 2.5 3.2 3.6 4.0 insulation material group III b
320 0.75 1.6 0.75 1.6 2.2 3.2 4.0 4.5 5.0 is not recommended for use
400 1.0 2.0 1.00 2.0 2.8 4.0 5.0 5.6 6.3 if voltages are greater than 630 V.
500 1.3 2.5 1.30 2.5 3.6 5.0 6.3 7.1 8.0
630 1.8 3.2 1.80 3.2 4.5 6.3 8.0 9 10.0
800 2.4 4.0 2.40 4.0 5.6 8.0 10.0 11 12.5
1000 3.2 5.0 3.20 5.0 7.1 10 12.5 14 16.0
1250 4.20 6.3 9 12.5 16 18 20
1600 5.60 8 11 16 20 22 25
2000 7.50 10 14 20 25 28 32
2500 10 12.5 18 25 32 36 40
3200 12.5 16 22 32 40 45 50
4000 16 20 28 40 50 56 63
5000 20 25 36 50 63 71 80
6300 25 32 45 63 80 90 100
8000 32 40 56 80 100 110 125
10000 40 50 71 100 125 140 160

For further information and full technical data, visit PHOENIX CONTACT 417

Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page

CB TM1 4A SFB P 2800839 311 CT 10-2/2-GS 2765398 192 ECP-E2-12A 0900207 385
CB TM1 5A F1 P 2800862 393 CT 10-2/2-GS/3E 2765408 192 ECP-E2-1A 0900139 385
CB TM1 5A M1 P 2800851 392 CT 10-2/2-GS/3E-110AC 2920829 192 ECP-E2-2A 0900236 385
CB TM1 5A SFB P 2800840 311 CT 10-TL 2765356 193 ECP-E2-3A 0900333 385
ADAPTER KOAX TYP F 2880972 204 CB TM1 6A F1 P 2800863 393 CT-TERMIBLOCK 10 DA 0441711 193 ECP-E2-4A 0900430 385
CB TM1 6A M1 P 2800852 392 CTM 10-MAG 2838610 193 ECP-E2-6A 0900634 385
CB TM1 6A SFB P 2800841 311 CTM 1X2- 12DC 2838597 126 ECP-E2-8A 0900838 385
CB TM1 8A F1 P 2800864 393 CTM 1X2- 24DC 2838513 126 ECP-E3 10A 0912050 385
BATTERY MOUNTING CASE 2320458 339 CB TM1 8A M1 P 2800853 392 CTM 1X2- 60DC 2838568 126 ECP-E3 12A 0912052 385
BATTERY MOUNTING KIT 2320788 339 CB TM1 8A SFB P 2800842 391 CTM 1X2-110AC 2838539 190 ECP-E3 1A 0912041 385
BLT-SKT-230-A 1038842 86 CB TM2 0.5A F1 P 2800890 393 CTM 2X1- 12DC 2838584 142 ECP-E3 2A 0912042 385
BLT-T2-1S-305-UT 1078433 76 CB TM2 0.5A M1 P 2800879 392 CTM 2X1- 24DC 2838500 142 ECP-E3 3A 0912043 385

BLT-T2-1S-320-UT 2906101 76 CB TM2 0.5A SFB P 2800868 391 CTM 2X1- 60DC 2838542 142 ECP-E3 4A 0912044 385
BLT-T2-320-UT 2906100 77 CB TM2 10A F1 P 2800898 393 CTM 2X1-110AC 2838526 190 ECP-E3 6A 0912046 385
BLT-T3-230-A 1038841 86 CB TM2 10A M1 P 2800887 392 CTM 2X1-180DC-GS 2838636 191 ECP-E3 8A 0912048 385
BT-1S-230AC/A 2803409 87 CB TM2 10A SFB P 2800876 391 CTM 2X1-180DC-GS-P 2838623 191 EM-CPS-PS/3AC/24DC/5 1064922 262

BT-1S-230AC/O 2800625 87 CB TM2 12A F1 P 2800899 393 CTM EST 2838649 126 EML (20XE)R 0803452 101
CB TM2 12A M1 P 2800888 392 CTM ISDN 2838555 191 EML (20XE)R YE 0803453 101
CB TM2 12A SFB P 2800877 391
CB TM2 16A F1 P 2800900 393
C-SAT-BOX 2880561 204 CB TM2 16A M1 P 2800889 392
C-TV-SAT 2856993 205 CB TM2 16A SFB P 2800878 391
C-TV/HIFI 2857002 205 CB TM2 1A F1 P 2800891 393
C-UB/E 2763701 201 CB TM2 1A M1 P 2800880 392
C-UFB- 5DC/E 2782300 201 CB TM2 1A SFB P 2800869 391 D-LAN-19"-12 2880150 167 F-MS 1100 ST 2909844 64
C-UFB- 5DC/E 75 2763604 201 CB TM2 2A F1 P 2800892 393 D-LAN-19"-16 2880147 167 F-MS 12 ST 2817990 71
C-UFB-24DC/E 2782313 201 CB TM2 2A M1 P 2800881 392 D-LAN-19"-20 2880134 167 F-MS 12-UD ST 2858328 71
CB 1/10-1/10 UT-BE 2801305 396 CB TM2 2A SFB P 2800870 391 D-LAN-19"-24 2838791 167 F-MS 2200/30 ST 2805392 65

CB 1/6-2/4 PT-BE 2800929 396 CB TM2 3A F1 P 2800893 393 D-LAN-19"-4 2880176 167 F-MS-T1/T2 50 ST 2800191 46
CB E1 24DC/10A NO P 2800907 382 CB TM2 3A M1 P 2800882 392 D-LAN-19"-8 2880163 167 FBS 2-6 3030336 394
CB E1 24DC/10A S-C P 2800928 383 CB TM2 3A SFB P 2800871 391 D-LAN-19"-D-P 2880192 167 FBS 2-6 BU 3036932 396
CB E1 24DC/10A S-R P 2800914 383 CB TM2 4A F1 P 2800894 393 D-LAN-CAT.5-FP 2800723 167 FBS 2-6 GY 3032237 396

CB E1 24DC/1A NC P 2800915 383 CB TM2 4A M1 P 2800883 392 D-UFB-PB 2880642 179 FBS 3-6 3030242 394
CB E1 24DC/1A NO P 2800901 382 CB TM2 4A SFB P 2800872 391 DK-BIC-35 2749880 100 FBS 3-6 BU 3036945 396
CB E1 24DC/1A S-C P 2800922 383 CB TM2 5A F1 P 2800895 393 DT-LAN-CAT.6+ 2881007 166 FBS 3-6 GY 3032240 396
CB E1 24DC/1A S-R P 2800908 383 CB TM2 5A M1 P 2800884 392 DT-TELE-RJ45 2882925 186 FBS 4-6 3030255 394

CB E1 24DC/2A NC P 2800916 383 CB TM2 5A SFB P 2800873 391 DT-TELE-SHDSL 2801593 186 FBS 4-6 BU 3036958 396
CB E1 24DC/2A NO P 2800902 382 CB TM2 6A F1 P 2800896 393 DT-UFB-485/BS 2920612 173 FBS 4-6 GY 3032279 396
CB E1 24DC/2A S-C P 2800923 383 CB TM2 6A M1 P 2800885 392 DT-UFB-IB-RB0 2800056 183 FBS 5-6 3030349 394
CB E1 24DC/2A S-R P 2800909 383 CB TM2 6A SFB P 2800874 391 DT-UFB-IB-RBI 2800055 183 FBS 5-6 BU 3036961 396

CB E1 24DC/3A NC P 2800917 383 CB TM2 8A F1 P 2800897 393 DT-UFB-V24/S-9-SB 2803069 168 FBS 5-6 GY 3032266 396
CB E1 24DC/3A NO P 2800903 382 CB TM2 8A M1 P 2800886 392 FBS 10-6 3030271 394
CB E1 24DC/3A S-C P 2800924 383 CB TM2 8A SFB P 2800875 391 FBS 10-6 BU 3032198 396
CB E1 24DC/3A S-R P 2800910 383 CBM E4 24DC/0.5-10A NO-R 2905743 372 FBS 10-6 GY 3032253 396
CB E1 24DC/4A NC P 2800918 383 CBM E8 24DC/0.5-10A NO-R 2905744 372 EC-E 0,5A DC24V 0903041 387 FBS 20-6 3030365 394
CB E1 24DC/4A NO P 2800904 382 CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A IOL 2910411 377 EC-E 1A DC24V 0903042 387 FBS 20-6 BU 3032208 396
CB E1 24DC/4A S-C P 2800925 383 CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A NO 2906032 375 EC-E 2A DC24V 0903043 387 FBS 50-6 3032224 396
CB E1 24DC/4A S-R P 2800911 383 CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A NO-C 2908716 373 EC-E 3A DC24V 0903044 387 FBS 50-6 BU 3032211 396

CB E1 24DC/6A NC P 2800919 383 CBMC E4 24DC/1-10A S-R 1065729 375 EC-E 4A DC24V 0903045 387 FBST 500 TMC-N GY 0901028 386
CB E1 24DC/6A NO P 2800905 382 CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A NO 2906031 374 EC-E 6A DC24V 0903046 387 FBST 500-PLC BU 2966692 386
CB E1 24DC/6A S-C P 2800926 383 CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A NO-C 2908713 373 EC-E 8A DC24V 0903047 387 FBST 500-PLC RD 2966786 386
CB E1 24DC/6A S-R P 2800912 383 CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A S-R 1065727 374 EC-E 10A DC24V 0903048 387 FLT-ISG-100-EX 2905579 102

CB E1 24DC/8A NO P 2800906 382 CBMC E4 24DC/1-4A+ IOL 2910410 376 EC-E 12A DC24V 0903049 387 FLT-ISG-BR-11 2905580 103
CB E1 24DC/8A S-C P 2800927 383 CBMC EG4 24DC/1-8A NO 1065730 375 EC-E1 0,5A 0903022 386 FLT-ISG-BR-14 2905581 103
CB E1 24DC/8A S-R P 2800913 383 CHECKMASTER 2 2905256 221 EC-E1 10A 0903030 386 FLT-ISG-BR-18 2905582 103
CB PT BRIDGE 2801014 382 CM 2-PA-CTM 2905282 221 EC-E1 12A 0903031 386 FLT-ISG-BR-22 2905583 103

CB S-BE 2905067 396 CM 2-PA-FLT/VAL-CP/SEC 2905283 221 EC-E1 1A 0903023 386 FLT-ISG-BR-26 2905757 103
CB TM1 0.5A F1 P 2800857 393 CM 2-PA-PLT-UT/PT 1027866 221 EC-E1 2A 0903024 386 FLT-ISG-BR-30 2905758 103
CB TM1 0.5A M1 P 2800846 392 CM 2-PA-PT/A 2907891 221 EC-E1 3A 0903025 386 FLT-ISG-BR-33 2905759 103
CB TM1 0.5A SFB P 2800835 311 CM 2-PA-PT/PLT 2905284 221 EC-E1 4A 0903026 386 FLT-ISG-BR-36 2905760 103

CB TM1 10A F1 P 2800865 393 CM 2-PA-PT4/PLT3S 2907019 221 EC-E1 6A 0903028 386 FLT-ISG-BR-39 2905761 103
CB TM1 10A M1 P 2800854 392 CM 2-PA-SEC-HYBRID 2907889 221 EC-E1 8A 0903029 386 FLT-ISG-BR-42 2905762 103
CB TM1 10A SFB P 2800843 391 CM 2-PA-TTC 2908707 221 EC-E4 0,5A 0903040 386 FLT-ISG-BR-48 2905763 103
CB TM1 12A F1 P 2800866 393 CM 2-PA-VAL-MS 2905265 221 EC-E4 10A 0903038 386 FLT-ISG-BR-56 2905764 103

CB TM1 12A M1 P 2800855 392 CN-LAMBDA/4-0.47-BB 2800021 202 EC-E4 12A 0903039 386 FLT-ISG-BR-62 2905765 103
CB TM1 12A SFB P 2800844 391 CN-LAMBDA/4-0.47-SB 2800022 202 EC-E4 1A 0903032 386 FLT-ISG-CA-100 2905589 103
CB TM1 16A F1 P 2800867 393 CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25-BB 2801057 202 EC-E4 2A 0903033 386 FLT-ISG-CA-200 2905590 103
CB TM1 16A M1 P 2800856 392 CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25-SB 2801056 202 EC-E4 3A 0903034 386 FLT-ISG-CA-300 2905591 103

CB TM1 16A SFB P 2800845 391 CN-LAMBDA/4-5.9-BB 2838490 203 EC-E4 4A 0903035 386 FLT-ISG-PL-11 2905584 103
CB TM1 1A F1 P 2800858 393 CN-LAMBDA/4-5.9-SB 2800023 203 EC-E4 6A 0903036 386 FLT-ISG-PL-14 2905586 103
CB TM1 1A M1 P 2800847 392 CN-UB-280DC-3-BB 2801050 200 EC-E4 8A 0903037 386 FLT-ISG-PL-18 2905587 103
CB TM1 1A SFB P 2800836 311 CN-UB-280DC-3-SB 2801051 200 ECP-E 1A 0900113 384 FLT-ISG-PL-22 2905588 103

CB TM1 2A F1 P 2800859 393 CN-UB-70DC-6-BB 2803166 200 ECP-E 2A 0900210 384 FLT-ISG-PL-26 2905745 103
CB TM1 2A M1 P 2800848 392 CN-UB-70DC-6-SB 2803153 200 ECP-E 3A 0900317 384 FLT-ISG-PL-30 2905746 103
CB TM1 2A SFB P 2800837 311 CN-UB/E 2763691 201 ECP-E 4A 0900414 384 FLT-ISG-PL-33 2905747 103
CB TM1 3A F1 P 2800860 393 CN-UB/E-BB 2817686 201 ECP-E 6A 0900618 384 FLT-ISG-PL-36 2905754 103

CB TM1 3A M1 P 2800849 392 CN-UB/MP 2818135 200 ECP-E 8A 0900812 384 FLT-ISG-PL-39 2905755 103
CB TM1 3A SFB P 2800838 311 CN-UB/MP-90DEG-50 2803137 200 ECP-E 10A 0901002 384 FLT-ISG-PL-42 2905756 103
CB TM1 4A F1 P 2800861 393 CSMA-LAMBDA/4-2.0-BS-SET 2800491 203 ECP-E-12A 0900126 384 FLT-SEC-H MPB-3+1 2910501 34
CB TM1 4A M1 P 2800850 392 CT 1-10-ES 2765547 193 ECP-E2-10A 0900100 385 FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-264/25-FM 2801615 34



Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page

FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-440/25-FM 2907259 34 LIT 4-24 2804678 145 PRT-1S-350/20/R 2905977 78 PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-UT 2800769 187
FLT-SEC-H-T1-264/25-P 2905968 34 LIT 4X1-24 2804649 140 PRT-1S-350/5S 2908551 78 PT-IQ-2X1+F-24DC-PT 2801248 133
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-264/25-FM 2905871 34 LM-S-A/C-3S-ETH 2800618 216 PRT-PV-P-1500/20-550 1013424 80 PT-IQ-2X1+F-24DC-UT 2800788 133
FLT-SEC-H-T1-3C-440/25-FM 2907260 34 LM-S-C-3LS 2800617 216 PRT-PV-P-1500/20-680 1026507 80 PT-IQ-2X1+F-48DC-PT 2801250 133

FLT-SEC-H-T1-440/25-P 2907261 34 LM-S-LS-H 2800616 216 PT 1X2+F-BE 2856126 122 PT-IQ-2X1+F-48DC-UT 2800790 133
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-264/50-FM 2907387 41 PT 1X2- 5DC-ST 2856016 122 PT-IQ-2X1-24DC-PT 2801247 132
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-350/25-FM 2905414 39 PT 1X2-12DC-ST 2856029 122 PT-IQ-2X1-24DC-UT 2800787 132
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1C-440/35-FM 2905987 36 PT 1X2-24AC-ST 2856058 122 PT-IQ-2X2+F-12DC-PT 2801262 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1S-264/50-FM 2907388 41 ME 17,5 TBUS 1,5/ 5-ST-3,81 GN 2709561 276 PT 1X2-24DC-ST 2856032 122 PT-IQ-2X2+F-12DC-UT 2800985 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-1S-350/25-FM 2905415 39 ME 6,2 TBUS-2 1,5/5-ST-3,81KMGY 2969401 145 PT 1X2-48DC-ST 2803658 122 PT-IQ-2X2+F-24DC-PT 2801264 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-264/50-P 2907391 40 MINI MCR-SL-V8-FLK 16-A 2811268 124 PT 1X2-BE 2856113 122 PT-IQ-2X2+F-24DC-UT 2800981 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-2C-350/25-FM 2905416 38 MINI-BAT/12DC/1.6AH 2866572 353 PT 2+1-S-48DC-ST 2839648 84 PT-IQ-2X2+F-48DC-PT 2801266 121

FLT-SEC-P-T1-2S-350/25-FM 2905418 38 MINI-BAT/12DC/2.6AH 2866569 353 PT 2+1-S-48DC/FM 2817958 84 PT-IQ-2X2+F-48DC-UT 2800987 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-350/25-P 2905422 37 MINI-BAT/24DC/0.8AH 2866666 352 PT 2-F-ST 2859000 139 PT-IQ-2X2+F-5DC-PT 2801260 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-264/50-FM 2907390 40 MINI-BAT/24DC/1.3AH 2866417 353 PT 2-TELE 2882828 188 PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-PT 2801263 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-350/25-FM 2905419 37 MINI-DC-UPS/12DC/4 2866598 350 PT 2-TELE-ST 2838733 188 PT-IQ-2X2-24DC-UT 2800980 121

FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-440/35-FM 2905988 35 MINI-DC-UPS/24DC/2 2866640 350 PT 2X1+F-BE 2856142 134 PT-IQ-2X2-48DC-UT 2800986 121
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-264/50-FM 2909589 40 MINI-PS- 10- 42AC/15-60DC/3 2320199 299 PT 2X1- 5DC-ST 2856061 134 PT-IQ-2X2-EX-24DC-P 2801515 153
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-350/25-FM 2905421 37 MINI-PS- 12- 24DC/ 5-15DC/2 2320018 298 PT 2X1-12DC-ST 2856074 134 PT-IQ-2X2-EX-24DC-UT 2801513 153
FLT-SEC-P-T1-3S-440/35-FM 2908264 35 MINI-PS- 12- 24DC/24DC/1 2866284 298 PT 2X1-24AC-ST 2856100 135 PT-IQ-3-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801289 169

FLT-SEC-P-T1-440/35-P 2905989 35 MINI-PS- 12- 24DC/48DC/0.7 2320021 299 PT 2X1-24DC-ST 2856087 134 PT-IQ-3-HF+F-12DC-UT 2800995 169
FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-FM 2905472 39 MINI-PS- 48- 60DC/24DC/1 2866271 299 PT 2X1-BE 2856139 134 PT-IQ-3-HF-12DC-PT 2801288 176
FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-350/100-P 2905473 37 MINI-PS-100-240AC/ 5DC/3 2938714 277 PT 2X1-VF-120AC 2859327 138 PT-IQ-3-HF-12DC-UT 2800786 176
FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-FM 2907262 36 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5/EX 2866653 277 PT 2X1-VF-120AC-ST 2856799 138 PT-IQ-3-PB-PT 2801286 176

FLT-SEC-P-T1-N/PE-440/100-P 2907263 35 MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1 2938743 277 PT 2X1-VF-230AC 2805460 138 PT-IQ-3-PB-UT 2800785 176
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-1C-350/25-FM 2905465 44 MINI-SCREW-USB-DATACABLE 2908217 333 PT 2X1-VF-230AC-ST 2921365 138 PT-IQ-4X1+F-24DC-PT 2801272 133
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-1S-350/25-FM 2905466 43 MINI-SYS-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5 2866983 276 PT 2X1VA- 60AC-ST 2839172 138 PT-IQ-4X1+F-24DC-UT 2800983 133
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-2C-350/25-FM 2905467 43 MNT-1 CH II 2882255 88 PT 2X1VA-120AC-ST 2839185 138 PT-IQ-4X1+F-48DC-PT 2801274 133

FLT-SEC-T1+T2-2S-350/25-FM 2905468 43 MNT-1 D 2882200 88 PT 2X1VA-230AC-ST 2839198 138 PT-IQ-4X1+F-48DC-UT 2801220 133
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3C-350/25-FM 2905469 42 MNT-1 D/WH 2882213 88 PT 2X2+F-BE 2839224 123 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-PT 2801271 133
FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3S-350/25-FM 2905470 42 MNT-NET B/F 2882226 88 PT 2X2- 5DC-ST 2838241 123 PT-IQ-4X1-24DC-UT 2800982 133
FLT-SEC-T1-350/25-P 2905471 42 MNT-TAE D 2882381 88 PT 2X2-12DC-ST 2838254 123 PT-IQ-4X1-48DC-UT 2801219 133

FLT-SEC-ZP-3C-255/12,5 1032204 45 MNT-TAE D/WH 2882394 88 PT 2X2-24AC-ST 2838283 123 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-PT 2801295 173
FLT-SEC-ZP-3C-255/7,5 1074739 45 MNT-TEL B/F 2882404 89 PT 2X2-24DC-ST 2838228 123 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-12DC-UT 2800801 173
FLT-SEC-ZP-3S-255/12,5 1032207 45 MNT-TELE E 2882417 89 PT 2X2-BE 2839208 123 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-5DC-PT 2801292 173
FLT-SEC-ZP-3S-255/7,5 1074741 45 MNT-TV-SAT B/F 2882307 89 PT 2X2-FF-ST 2800755 185 PT-IQ-5-HF+F-5DC-UT 2800798 173

FOC-SJ:14-ST/.../.../... 1417723 217 MNT-TV-SAT D 2882284 89 PT 2X2-HF- 5 DC-ST 2839567 185 PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC-PT 2801293 172
FOC-ST:A-SJ:C-HB02/10 PR 1423846 217 MNT-TV-SAT D/WH 2882297 89 PT 2X2-HF-12 DC-ST 2839570 185 PT-IQ-5-HF-12DC-UT 2800799 172
FOC-ST:A-SJ:C-HB02/13 PR 1426160 217 MPB 18/1- 2 2809209 101 PT 2X2-HF-24 DC-ST 2839729 185 PT-IQ-5-HF-5DC-PT 2801291 172
FUSE 5A/32V FK-1 2908367 349 MPB 18/1- 3 2809212 101 PT 2XEX(I)-24DC-ST 2838225 156 PT-IQ-5-HF-5DC-UT 2800797 172

FUSE 10A/32V FK1 2908364 353 MPB 18/1- 4 2809225 101 PT 2XEX(I)-BE 2839279 156 PT-IQ-PTB-PT 2801296 120
FUSE 15A/32V FK1 2908360 336 MPB 18/1- 5 2817864 101 PT 3-HF-12DC-ST 2858043 169 PT-IQ-PTB-UT 2800768 120
FUSE 15A/32V FKS ATO 2908361 344 MPB 18/1- 6 2748564 101 PT 3-PB-ST 2858030 178 PTCB E1 24DC/1-3A NO 2909909 380
FUSE 25A/32V ATOF 2908366 336 MPB 18/1- 8 2748577 101 PT 4+F-BE 2839415 144 PTCB E1 24DC/1-4A NO 2908261 381

FUSE 25A/32V FKS 2908363 353 MPB 18/1- 9 2748580 101 PT 4- 5DC-ST 2839211 144 PTCB E1 24DC/1-8A NO 2908262 381
MPB 18/1-12 2748593 101 PT 4-12DC-ST 2839237 144 PTCB E1 24DC/1A NO 2909902 378
MPB 18/1-57 2809238 101 PT 4-24AC-ST 2800078 144 PTCB E1 24DC/2A NO 2909903 378
MPB 18/1-6/35 2908705 101 PT 4-24DC-ST 2839240 144 PTCB E1 24DC/3A NO 2909904 379
GDT-US-NG/40-P 2910342 93 MPB 18/1-8/35 2908704 101 PT 4-BE 2839402 139 PTCB E1 24DC/4A NO 2909906 379
GDT-US-NG/80-P 2910332 93 PT 4-EX(I)-24DC-ST 2839253 156 PTCB E1 24DC/6A NO 2909908 379
PT 4-EX(I)-BE 2839486 156 PTCB E1 24DC/8A NO 2909910 379
PT 4-F-ST 2858441 139 PWT 100-800AC-FM 2800531 52
NEF 1- 1 2794123 211 PT 4X1+F-BE 2839376 135 PWT 35-800AC-FM 2800419 52
NEF 1- 3 2794110 211 PT 4X1- 5DC-ST 2838306 135 PWT CCT-SET 2800532 52
NEF 1- 6 2783082 211 PT 4X1-12DC-ST 2838319 135 PWT CCT-SET 4 2905613 52
NEF 1-10 2788977 211 PT 4X1-24AC-ST 2838351 135
IFS-BT-PROG-ADAPTER 2905872 341 PT 4X1-24DC-ST 2838322 135
IFS-CONFSTICK 2986122 340 PT 4X1-48AC-ST 2804856 135
IFS-CONFSTICK-L 2901103 340 PT 4X1-48DC-ST 2858014 135
IFS-MINI-DIN-DATACABLE 2320487 341 PT 4X1-BE 2839363 135
IFS-OPEN-END-DATACABLE 2320450 341 PA-CASE 2 2906272 221 PT 5-HF- 5 DC-ST 2838762 173 QUINT-ORING/24DC/2X10/1X20 2320173 302
IFS-RS232-DATACABLE 2320490 341 PAS-1 2765615 100 PT 5-HF-12 DC-ST 2838775 173 QUINT-ORING/24DC/2X20/1X40 2320186 303
IFS-USB-DATACABLE 2320500 340 PLT-SEC-T3-120-FM-PT 2907927 83 PT 5-HF-24DC-ST 2906002 184 QUINT-ORING/24DC/2X40/1X80 2902879 303
IPCH-4X-PCL-TCP-24DC-UT 1045379 213 PLT-SEC-T3-120-FM-UT 2907918 83 PT 6-FSI/C 3212166 400 QUINT-PS-ADAPTERS7/1 2938196 310

IPCH-SC-1.5 1045380 213 PLT-SEC-T3-120-P-UT/PT 2907922 83 PT 6-FSI/C-LED 12 3212169 400 QUINT-PS-ADAPTERS7/2 2938206 310
IPCH-SC-3.0 1069191 213 PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM-PT 2907928 83 PT 6-FSI/C-LED 24 3212172 400 QUINT-PS/12DC/12DC/8 2905007 293
PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM-UT 2907919 83 PT 6-FSI/C-LED 48 3212175 401 QUINT-PS/12DC/24DC/ 5 2320131 293
PLT-SEC-T3-230-P-UT/PT 2907923 83 PT PE/S+1X2-24-ST 2819008 123 QUINT-PS/1AC/12DC/20 2866721 243

PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-PT 2907925 82 PT PE/S+1X2-BE 2856265 123 QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/ 3.5 2866747 242

PLT-SEC-T3-24-FM-UT 2907916 82 PT-BE/FM 2839282 138 QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/ 5/CO 2320908 246
PLT-SEC-T3-24-P-UT/PT 2907920 82 PT-IQ-1X2+F-24DC-PT 2801256 121 QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/10/CO 2320911 247
PLT-SEC-T3-3S-230-FM 2905230 82 PT-IQ-1X2+F-24DC-UT 2800977 121 QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/20/CO 2320898 247
KBL-SAT/20 2880985 204 PLT-SEC-T3-3S-230-P 2905236 82 PT-IQ-1X2-24DC-PT 2801255 120 QUINT-PS/1AC/48DC/20 2866695 243
PLT-SEC-T3-60-FM-PT 2907926 83 PT-IQ-1X2-24DC-UT 2800976 120 QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/ 5/CO 2320542 296
PLT-SEC-T3-60-FM-UT 2907917 83 PT-IQ-1X2-48DC-PT 2801257 120 QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/10/CO 2320555 296
PLT-SEC-T3-60-P-UT/PT 2907921 83 PT-IQ-1X2-48DC-UT 2800978 120 QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/20 2320102 292
LIT 1X2-24 2804610 124 PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-PT 2907929 82 PT-IQ-1X2-EX-24DC-P 2801514 153 QUINT-PS/24DC/24DC/20/CO 2320568 297
LIT 2X1-24 2804636 140 PLT-SEC-T3-BE-FM-UT 2907924 82 PT-IQ-1X2-EX-24DC-UT 2801512 153 QUINT-PS/2AC/1DC/24DC/20 2320830 245
LIT 2X2-24 2804623 124 PLT-T3-IT-230-FM 2906450 84 PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-P 2800782 187 QUINT-PS/3AC/24DC/20/CO 2320924 247
LIT 4-12 2804704 145 PLT-T3-IT-230-P 2906451 84 PT-IQ-1X2-TELE-PT 2801290 187 QUINT-PS/3AC/48DC/20 2320827 244



Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page

QUINT-PS/48DC/48DC/5 2905008 293 TCP 25/DC32V 0700025 400 TTC-6-MOV-C-120AC-UT-I 2906840 150
QUINT-PS/60-72DC/24DC/10 2905009 294 TCP 30/DC32V 0700030 400 TTC-6-MOV-C-24DC-PT-I 2906854 150
QUINT-PS/60-72DC/24DC/10/CO 2905011 297 TCP 40/DC32V 0700040 400 TTC-6-MOV-C-24DC-UT-I 2906837 150
QUINT-PS/96-110DC/24DC/10 2905010 295 TMC 1 F1 100 0,2A 0914015 395 TTC-6-MOV-C-48DC-PT-I 2906855 150
QUINT-PS/96-110DC/24DC/10/CO 2905012 297 S-PT-1X2-24DC 2880668 125 TMCP CONNECT LR 0916592 384 TTC-6-MOV-C-48DC-UT-I 2906838 150
QUINT-PS/FAN/4 2320076 310 S-PT-1X2-24DC-1/2" 2882569 125 TMCP SB 0916602 384 TTC-6-MOV-C-60DC-PT-I 2906857 150
QUINT-UPS/ 1AC/ 1AC/500VA 2320270 330 S-PT-1X2-24DC-3/4" 2882598 125 TMCP SOCKET M 0916589 384 TTC-6-MOV-C-60DC-UT-I 2906839 150
QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/ 24DC/ 5/1.3AH 2320254 344 S-PT-2XEX-24DC 2800040 155 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/12DC/10 2903158 261 TTC-6-MOV-D-24DC-PT-I 2906859 150

QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/ 24DC/10/3.4AH 2320267 344 S-PT-2XEX-24DC-1/2" 2800041 155 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/12DC/5/C2LPS 2903157 260 TTC-6-MOV-D-24DC-UT-I 2906841 150
QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/12DC/5/24DC/10 2320461 326 S-PT-2XEX-48DC 2800038 155 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/10 2903149 256 TTC-6-TVSD-C-12DC-PT-I 2906847 148
QUINT4-BUFFER/24DC/20 2907913 345 S-PT-2XEX-48DC-1/2" 2800039 155 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/10/B+D 2903145 257 TTC-6-TVSD-C-12DC-UT-I 2906829 148
QUINT4-BUFFER/24DC/40 2908283 345 S-PT-4-EX-24DC 2800036 141 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/20 2903151 257 TTC-6-TVSD-C-24DC-PT-I 2906848 148

QUINT4-CAP/24DC/10/8KJ 2320571 347 S-PT-4-EX-24DC-1/2" 2800037 141 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/3/C2LPS 2903147 254 TTC-6-TVSD-C-24DC-UT-I 2906831 148
QUINT4-CAP/24DC/5/4KJ 2320539 346 S-PT-EX(I)-24DC 2880671 154 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/5 2903148 255 TTC-6-TVSD-C-48DC-PT-I 2906849 148
QUINT4-DIODE/12-24DC/2X20/1X40 2907719 306 S-PT-EX(I)-24DC-1/2" 2882572 154 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/5/B+D 2903144 255 TTC-6-TVSD-C-48DC-UT-I 2906832 148
QUINT4-DIODE/48DC/2X20/1X40 2907720 307 S-PT-EX(I)-24DC-3/4" 2882585 154 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/48DC/10 2903160 261 TTC-6-TVSD-C-60DC-PT-I 2906850 148

QUINT4-PS/1AC/12DC/15 2904608 240 S-PT-EX-24DC 2800034 154 TRIO-PS-2G/1AC/48DC/5 2903159 261 TTC-6-TVSD-C-60DC-UT-I 2906833 148
QUINT4-PS/1AC/12DC/2.5/PT 2904605 252 S-PT-EX-24DC-1/2" 2800035 154 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/10 2903154 258 TTC-6-TVSD-D-24DC-PT-I 2906851 149
QUINT4-PS/1AC/12DC/7.5/PT 2904607 253 S-PT-EX-48DC 2800053 154 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/20 2903155 259 TTC-6-TVSD-D-24DC-UT-I 2906834 149
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/1.3/PT 2909575 248 S-PT-EX-48DC-1/2" 2800054 154 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/40 2903156 259 TTC-6-TVSD-D-48DC-PT-I 2906852 149

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/1.3/SC 2904597 250 SFP 1-10/120AC 2920670 209 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/5 2903153 258 TTC-6-TVSD-D-48DC-UT-I 2906835 149
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/10 2904601 235 SFP 1-15/120AC 2920683 209 TRIO-PS-IP67/1AC/24DC/20 1039830 264 TTC-6-TVSD-D-60DC-PT-I 2906853 149
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/2.5/PT 2909576 249 SFP 1-20/120AC 2856702 208 TRIO-PS-IP67/3AC/24DC/20 1039829 265 TTC-6-TVSD-D-60DC-UT-I 2906836 149
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/2.5/SC 2904598 251 SFP 1-20/230AC 2859987 208 TRIO-PS/600DC/24DC/20 2866530 245 TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-I-P 2907839 116

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/20 2904602 235 SFP 1-5/120AC 2920667 209 TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/1AC/120V/750VA 2905908 332 TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-PT-I 2908193 116
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/20/+ 2904617 238 SPRING-LOCK 0713009 384 TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/1AC/230V/750VA 2905909 332 TTC-6P-1X2-12DC-UT-I 2908192 116
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/3.8/PT 2909577 249 SSA 3-6 2839295 223 TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/24DC/10 2907161 354 TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-I-P 2907840 116
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/3.8/SC 2904599 251 SSA 5-10 2839512 223 TRIO-UPS-2G/1AC/24DC/5 2907160 354 TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-PT-I 2906815 116

QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/40 2904603 235 ST 4-FSI/C 3036372 400 TRIO-UPS-2G/3AC/24DC/20 2906367 355 TTC-6P-1X2-24DC-UT-I 2906809 116
QUINT4-PS/1AC/24DC/5 2904600 234 ST 4-FSI/C-LED 12 3036495 400 TRIO2-DIODE/12-24DC/2X10/1X20 2907380 308 TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-I-P 2907841 116
QUINT4-PS/1AC/48DC/10 2904611 241 ST 4-FSI/C-LED 24 3036505 400 TRIO2-DIODE/12-24DC/2X20/1X40 2907379 309 TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-PT-I 2908195 116
QUINT4-PS/1AC/48DC/5 2904610 241 STEP-BAT/LI-ION/18.5DC/46WH 1081355 348 TT-D-STTCO-BK 2858894 210 TTC-6P-1X2-48DC-UT-I 2908194 116

QUINT4-PS/1AC/5DC/5/PT 2904595 253 STEP-BAT/LIPO/18.5DC/1.4AH 2320364 348 TT-ST-M-SFP-24AC 2858946 210 TTC-6P-1X2-EX-24DC-I-P 2907831 152
QUINT4-PS/24DC/12DC/8/PT 2910122 289 STEP-DIODE/5-24DC/2X5/1X10 2868606 309 TTC-3-1X2-24DC-PT 2907325 119 TTC-6P-1X2-EX-24DC-UT-I 1065312 152
QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/10/PT 2910120 289 STEP-PS/ 1AC/ 5DC/2 2320513 282 TTC-3-2X1-24DC-PT 2907326 131 TTC-6P-1X2-F-12DC-PT-I 2908198 117
QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/10/SC 1046803 291 STEP-PS/ 1AC/ 5DC/6.5 2868541 283 TTC-3-LCP 2908843 119 TTC-6P-1X2-F-12DC-UT-I 2908196 117

QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/5/PT 2910119 288 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/1 2868538 284 TTC-6-1X2-24DC-PT 2906804 118 TTC-6P-1X2-F-24DC-PT-I 1065318 117
QUINT4-PS/24DC/24DC/5/SC 1046800 290 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/1.5 2868567 285 TTC-6-1X2-24DC-UT 2906798 118 TTC-6P-1X2-F-24DC-UT-I 1065317 117
QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/10 2904621 237 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/1.5/FL 2868554 284 TTC-6-1X2-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906772 118 TTC-6P-1X2-F-48DC-PT-I 2908200 117
QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/20 2904622 237 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/3 2868570 285 TTC-6-1X2-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906764 118 TTC-6P-1X2-F-48DC-UT-I 2908199 117

QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/40 2904623 237 STEP-PS/ 1AC/12DC/5 2868583 285 TTC-6-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I 2906726 118 TTC-6P-1X2-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906790 117
QUINT4-PS/3AC/24DC/5 2904620 236 STEP-PS/ 1AC/15DC/4 2868619 283 TTC-6-1X2-M-24DC-UT-I 2906713 118 TTC-6P-1X2-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906781 117
QUINT4-PS/48DC/24DC/5/PT 2910125 289 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/0.5 2868596 278 TTC-6-1X2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906820 152 TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-PT-I 2906750 116
QUINT4-S-ORING/12-24DC/1X40 2907752 304 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/0.75 2868635 279 TTC-6-2-24DC-PT 2906806 143 TTC-6P-1X2-M-24DC-UT-I 2906738 116

QUINT4-S-ORING/12-24DC/1X40/+ 2907753 305 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/0.75/FL 2868622 279 TTC-6-2-24DC-UT 2906800 143 TTC-6P-1X2-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906824 152
QUINT4-S-ORING/12-24DC/1X40/VP 1043418 305 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/1.75 2868648 280 TTC-6-2-HC-24DC-PT-I 2908439 137 TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-I-P 2907845 136
QUINT4-UPS/1AC/1AC/1KVA 2320283 331 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/2.5 2868651 280 TTC-6-2-HC-24DC-UT-I 2908438 137 TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-PT-I 2906817 136
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10 2907066 325 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/3.8/C2LPS 2868677 281 TTC-6-2-HC-M-24DC-PT-I 2906731 137 TTC-6P-2-HC-24DC-UT-I 2906811 136

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/EC 2907070 321 STEP-PS/ 1AC/24DC/4.2 2868664 281 TTC-6-2-HC-M-24DC-UT-I 2906719 137 TTC-6P-2-HC-M-24DC-PT-I 2906755 136
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/EIP 2907069 319 STEP-PS/ 1AC/48DC/2 2868680 283 TTC-6-2X1-24DC-PT 2906805 130 TTC-6P-2-HC-M-24DC-UT-I 2906743 136
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/PN 2907068 317 STEP-PS/277AC/24DC/3.5 2904945 281 TTC-6-2X1-24DC-UT 2906799 130 TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-I-P 2907842 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/10/USB 2907067 323 STEP-PS/48AC/24DC/0.5 2868716 279 TTC-6-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906776 130 TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-PT-I 2908202 128

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20 2907071 325 STEP-UPS/12DC/12DC/4/46WH 1082548 348 TTC-6-2X1-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906767 130 TTC-6P-2X1-12DC-UT-I 2908201 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/EC 2907076 321 STEP-UPS/24DC/24DC/3/46WH 1081430 348 TTC-6-2X1-M-24DC-PT-I 2906729 130 TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-I-P 2907843 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/EIP 2907074 319 SVP 2E- 48AC 2788919 192 TTC-6-2X1-M-24DC-UT-I 2906716 130 TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-PT-I 2906816 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/PN 2907073 317 SVP 2E-110AC 2765534 192 TTC-6-2X1-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906821 157 TTC-6P-2X1-24DC-UT-I 2906810 128

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/20/USB 2907072 323 SVP 3E-110AC 2765521 192 TTC-6-2XTVSD-12DC-PT 2906807 148 TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-I-P 2907844 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40 2907077 325 SZS 0,6X3,5 1205053 386 TTC-6-2XTVSD-24DC-PT 2906808 148 TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-PT-I 2908204 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/EC 2907081 321 TTC-6-3-HF-12DC-PT 1065316 170 TTC-6P-2X1-48DC-UT-I 2908203 128
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/EIP 2907080 319 TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906778 171 TTC-6P-2X1-EX-24DC-I-P 2907832 157

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/PN 2907079 317 TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-12DC-UT-I 2906769 171 TTC-6P-2X1-F-12DC-PT-I 2908206 129

QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/40/USB 2907078 323 TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906779 171 TTC-6P-2X1-F-12DC-UT-I 2908205 129
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5 2906990 324 TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906770 171 TTC-6P-2X1-F-24DC-UT-I 1065319 129
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/EC 2906996 320 TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-EX-12DC-UT-I 2906822 180 TTC-6P-2X1-F-48DC-PT-I 2908209 129
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/EIP 2906994 318 TAE-TRAB FM-NFN-AP 2749628 189 TTC-6-3-HF-F-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906823 180 TTC-6P-2X1-F-48DC-UT-I 2908208 129
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/PN 2906993 316 TCP 0,1A 0712107 401 TTC-6-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906732 170 TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906794 129
QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/USB 2906991 322 TCP 0,25A 0712123 401 TTC-6-3-HF-M-12DC-UT-I 2906721 170 TTC-6P-2X1-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906784 129
TCP 0,5A 0712152 401 TTC-6-FC-UT 1054762 127 TTC-6P-2X1-M-24DC-PT-I 2906753 128

TCP 1A 0712194 401 TTC-6-FMRS-PT 2907811 127 TTC-6P-2X1-M-24DC-UT-I 2906741 128

TCP 2A 0712217 401 TTC-6-FMRS-UT 2907810 127 TTC-6P-2X1-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906825 157
TCP 3A 0712233 401 TTC-6-GDT-C-110AC-PT-I 2906861 151 TTC-6P-3-24DC-I-P 1061384 143
TCP 4A 0712259 401 TTC-6-GDT-C-110AC-UT-I 2906844 151 TTC-6P-3-24DC-PT-I 1061383 143
RAD-ADP-N/M-SMA/F 2917036 200 TCP 5/DC32V 0700005 400 TTC-6-GDT-C-24AC-PT-I 2906860 151 TTC-6P-3-5DC-I-P 1061386 143
RAD-PIG-EF316-N-RSMA 2701402 200 TCP 6A 0712275 401 TTC-6-GDT-C-24AC-UT-I 2906842 151 TTC-6P-3-5DC-PT-I 1061385 143
RAD-PIG-EF316-N-SMA 2867694 200 TCP 7,5/DC32V 0700007 400 TTC-6-GDT-D-24AC-PT-I 2906862 151 TTC-6P-3-EX-24DC-I-P 1064663 158
TCP 8A 0712291 401 TTC-6-GDT-D-24AC-UT-I 2906845 151 TTC-6P-3-EX-24DC-UT-I 1064665 158

TCP 10/DC32V 0700010 400 TTC-6-GDT-D-60AC-PT-I 2906863 151 TTC-6P-3-HF-12DC-I-P 2907846 171
TCP 10A 0712314 401 TTC-6-GDT-D-60AC-UT-I 2906846 151 TTC-6P-3-HF-12DC-PT-I 1065313 171
TCP 15/DC32V 0700015 400 TTC-6-LCP 2908729 148 TTC-6P-3-HF-24DC-I-P 2907847 171
TCP 20/DC32V 0700020 400 TTC-6-MOV-C-120AC-PT-I 2906858 150 TTC-6P-3-HF-F-12DC-PT-I 1065314 171



Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page

TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-PT-I 2906796 169 VAL-MB-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2906292 51 VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2801164 50 VAL-US-277/40-P 2910338 92
TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-12DC-UT-I 2906786 171 VAL-MB-T2 1500DC-PV/2+V 2905647 72 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O 2905650 49 VAL-US-277/40/1+0-FM 2910372 92
TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-24DC-PT-I 2906797 171 VAL-MB-T2 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905646 72 VAL-MS-T1/T2 BE/O-FM 2905652 49 VAL-US-277/40/1+1-FM 2910373 93
TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-24DC-UT-I 2906787 171 VAL-MS 60 ST 2807573 66 VAL-MS/1+1-BE 2920528 66 VAL-US-277/40/3+1-FM 2910374 96

TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-EX-12DC-UT-I 2906826 181 VAL-MS 1000DC-PV-ST 2800624 73 VAL-MS/1+1-BE/FM 2920531 66 VAL-US-277/40/4+0-FM 2910375 97
TTC-6P-3-HF-F-M-EX-24DC-UT-I 2906828 181 VAL-MS 1000DC-PV/2+V 2800628 73 VAL-MS/2+0-BE 2804584 66 VAL-US-277/80-P 2910331 93
TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-PT-I 2906756 171 VAL-MS 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2800627 73 VAL-MS/2+0-BE/FM 2805321 66 VAL-US-277/80/1+0-FM 2910377 92
TTC-6P-3-HF-M-12DC-UT-I 2906744 171 VAL-MS 120 ST 2807586 66 VAL-MS/3+0-BE 2881816 67 VAL-US-277/80/1+1V-FM 2910378 93

TTC-6P-T3-24DC-I-P 1027591 85 VAL-MS 1500DC-PV-ST 1033727 73 VAL-MS/3+0-BE/FM 2881803 67 VAL-US-277/80/3+0-FM 1075896 95

TTC-6P-T3-24DC-PT-I 1027586 85 VAL-MS 1500DC-PV/2+V 1033708 73 VAL-MS/3+1-BE 2838885 66 VAL-US-277/80/3+1V-FM 2910379 97
TTC-6P-T3-24DC-UT-I 1027584 85 VAL-MS 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 1033725 73 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM 2838898 66 VAL-US-277/80/4+0-FM 2910380 97
TTC-EX-PP 1011977 152 VAL-MS 230 IT ST 2807599 67 VAL-MS/3+1-BE/FM-UD 2858674 67 VAL-US-347/30-P 2910339 93

VAL-MS 230 ST 2798844 67 VAL-MS/4+0-BE/FM RN. 2906484 67 VAL-US-347/30/1+0-FM 2910381 92

VAL-MS 230-UD-ST 2858962 67 VAL-SEC-T2-120DC-P 2907878 58 VAL-US-347/30/1+1V-FM 2910382 93
VAL-MS 230/1+1 2804429 61 VAL-SEC-T2-175-P 2905355 56 VAL-US-347/30/3+0-FM 2910383 95
VAL-MS 230/1+1-FM 2804432 61 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-175-FM 2905348 57 VAL-US-347/30/3+1V-FM 1079099 97
UC-TM 6 GN 0818360 223 VAL-MS 230/3+1 2838209 60 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350 2905341 55 VAL-US-48/40-P 2910333 90
UK 6-FSI/C 3118203 400 VAL-MS 230/3+1 FM 2838199 60 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350-FM 2905333 55 VAL-US-48/40/1+0-FM 2910343 90
UK 6-FSI/C-LED12 3001925 400 VAL-MS 320 RW ST 1050283 63 VAL-SEC-T2-1S-350VF-FM 2909592 55 VAL-US-48/40/1+1V-FM 2910344 90
UK 6-FSI/C-LED24 3001938 400 VAL-MS 320 RW/1+1-FM/60 1050286 63 VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-120DC-FM 2907874 58 VAL-US-48/65-P 2910328 90

UNO-DIODE/5-24DC/2X10/1X20 2905489 309 VAL-MS 320 ST 2838843 68 VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-220DC-FM 2907875 58 VAL-US-48/65/1+0-FM 2910345 90
UNO-PS/1AC/ 5DC/ 25W 2904374 271 VAL-MS 320-UD ST 2858315 69 VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-380DC-FM 2907876 58 VAL-US-48/65/1+1V-FM 2910346 90
UNO-PS/1AC/ 5DC/ 40W 2904375 271 VAL-MS 320/1+1 2804380 61 VAL-SEC-T2-2+0-48DC-FM 2907865 58 VAL-US-480D/30-P 2910340 98
UNO-PS/1AC/12DC/ 30W 2902998 270 VAL-MS 320/1+1-FM 2804393 61 VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-120DC-FM 1033788 59 VAL-US-480D/30/1+0-FM 2910384 98

UNO-PS/1AC/12DC/ 55W 2902999 270 VAL-MS 320/3+0 2920230 61 VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-220DC-FM 1033789 59 VAL-US-480D/30/2+0-FM 2910385 98
UNO-PS/1AC/12DC/100W 2902997 271 VAL-MS 320/3+0-FM 2920243 61 VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-380DC-FM 1033790 59 VAL-US-480D/30/3+0-FM 2910386 99
UNO-PS/1AC/15DC/ 55W 2903001 272 VAL-MS 320/3+1 2859178 60 VAL-SEC-T2-2+F-48DC-FM 1033786 59 VAL-US-480HLD/30/3+1V-FM 2910387 99
UNO-PS/1AC/15DC/100W 2903002 273 VAL-MS 320/3+1/FM 2859181 60 VAL-SEC-T2-220DC-P 2907879 58 VAL-US-600D/30-P 2910341 98

UNO-PS/1AC/15DC/30W 2903000 272 VAL-MS 320/3+1/FM-UD 2856689 60 VAL-SEC-T2-2C-175-FM 2905350 57 VAL-US-600D/30/1+0-FM 2910388 98
UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/ 30W 2902991 266 VAL-MS 350 VF ST 2856595 71 VAL-SEC-T2-2C-350 2905342 55 VAL-US-600D/30/2+0-FM 2910390 98
UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/ 60W 2902992 266 VAL-MS 350 VF-RW ST 1050280 63 VAL-SEC-T2-2C-350-FM 2905337 55 VAL-US-600D/30/3+0-FM 2910391 99
UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/100W 2902993 267 VAL-MS 350 VF-RW/3+0-FM/40 1050284 63 VAL-SEC-T2-2S-175-FM 2905351 57 VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/16 2315256 310

UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/150W 2904376 267 VAL-MS 350 VF/FM 2856579 62 VAL-SEC-T2-2S-350 2905343 55 VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/24 2315269 310
UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/240W 2904372 267 VAL-MS 350VF 2856582 62 VAL-SEC-T2-2S-350-FM 2905338 55 VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/32 2315272 310
UNO-PS/1AC/24DC/90W/C2LPS 2902994 269 VAL-MS 4+V/BE/FM 2908725 73 VAL-SEC-T2-350-P 2905346 42 VIP-2/SC/PDM-2/48 2903717 310
UNO-PS/1AC/48DC/ 60W 2902995 273 VAL-MS 400 ST 2816399 69 VAL-SEC-T2-380DC-P 2907880 58 VIP-CAB-FLK16/FR/FR/0,14/0,5M 2900154 124

UNO-PS/1AC/48DC/100W 2902996 273 VAL-MS 400/3+0/VF-FM 2910476 64 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-175-FM 2905353 56 VIP-CAB-FLK16/FR/FR/0,14/1,0M 2900155 124
UNO-PS/2AC/24DC/90W/C2LPS 2904371 269 VAL-MS 400/3+0/VF-FM/32 2909828 64 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350 2905344 54 VIP-CAB-FLK16/FR/FR/0,14/2,0M 2900156 124
UNO-PS/350-900DC/24DC/60W 2906300 274 VAL-MS 500 ST 2807609 69 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350-FM 2905339 54
UNO-UPS/24DC/24DC/60W 2905907 349 VAL-MS 580-ST 2920434 70 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-350VF-FM 2909591 54
UNO2-PS/1AC/24DC/480W 2910105 268 VAL-MS 600DC-PV-ST 2800623 73 VAL-SEC-T2-3C-440-FM 2909968 53 ZB 12:UNPRINTED 0812120 223
UPS-BAT/LI-ION/24DC/120WH 2320351 335 VAL-MS 600DC-PV/2+V 2800642 73 VAL-SEC-T2-3S-175-FM 2905354 56 ZBN 18 CUS 0825059 223
UPS-BAT/LI-ION/24DC/924WH 2908232 335 VAL-MS 600DC-PV/2+V-FM 2800641 73 VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350 2905345 54
UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/13AH 2320416 338 VAL-MS 75 VF ST 2805318 70 VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350-FM 2905340 54

UPS-BAT/VRLA-WTR/24DC/26AH 2320429 338 VAL-MS 750/30-ST 2920256 65 VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350/40 2909637 54

UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/1.3AH 2320296 336 VAL-MS 750/30/3+0 2920269 65 VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350/40-FM 2909635 54
UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/12AH 2320322 337 VAL-MS 750/30/3+0-FM 2920272 65 VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350VF-FM 2909590 54
UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/3.4AH 2320306 336 VAL-MS 800/30 VF/FM 2805402 65 VAL-SEC-T2-4+0-440-FM 1076468 53

UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/38AH 2320335 337 VAL-MS BE 2817741 66 VAL-SEC-T2-440-P 2909969 53

UPS-BAT/VRLA/24DC/7.2AH 2320319 337 VAL-MS BE/1+1/1U/FM 2909628 49 VAL-SEC-T2-48DC-P 2907877 58
UPS-CAP/24DC/10A/10KJ 2320377 334 VAL-MS BE/2+0/1U/FM 2907037 66 VAL-SEC-T2-GDT-400DC-P 1052632 58
UPS-CAP/24DC/20A/20KJ 2320380 334 VAL-MS BE/FM 2817738 66 VAL-SEC-T2-GDT-800DC-P 1052649 58

UPS-CONF 2320403 340 VAL-MS-BE-PCB-FM 1035864 81 VAL-SEC-T2-N/PE-175-P 2905356 56

UT 6-TMC M 0,5A 0916603 394 VAL-MS-CN 1000DC-PV/4+V-FM 2907820 73 VAL-SEC-T2-N/PE-264/40-P 2909636 53
UT 6-TMC M 10A 0916610 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV-ST 2801162 50 VAL-US-120/40-P 2910335 92
UT 6-TMC M 12A 0916611 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V 2801160 50 VAL-US-120/40/1+0-FM 2910348 92

UT 6-TMC M 15A 0916612 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2801161 50 VAL-US-120/40/1+1-FM 2910349 93

UT 6-TMC M 16A 0916613 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/3+V-FM/32 1044182 50 VAL-US-120/40/2+0-FM 2910351 94
UT 6-TMC M 1A 0916604 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/3+V/32 1044183 50 VAL-US-120/40/2+1-FM 2910352 94
UT 6-TMC M 2A 0916605 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5 ST 2800190 46 VAL-US-120/40/3+0-FM 2910353 95

UT 6-TMC M 4A 0916606 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+0 2801041 47 VAL-US-120/40/3+1-FM 2910354 96

UT 6-TMC M 5A 0916607 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+0-FM 2801042 47 VAL-US-120/65-P 2910330 92
UT 6-TMC M 6A 0916608 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+1 2800187 47 VAL-US-120/65/1+0-FM 2910355 92
UT 6-TMC M 8A 0916609 394 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/1+1-FM 2800186 47 VAL-US-120/65/1+1-FM 2910356 93

UWA 130 2901664 311 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+0 2800189 47 VAL-US-120/65/2+0-FM 2910357 94

UWA 182/52 2938235 311 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+0-FM 2800188 47 VAL-US-120/65/2+1-FM 2910358 94
VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+1 2800184 46 VAL-US-120/65/3+0-FM 2910359 95
VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/3+1-FM 2800183 46 VAL-US-120/65/3+1-FM 2910360 96
VAL-CP-350-ST-GY 2882718 74 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/4+0 2800645 46 VAL-US-240/40-P 2910336 93
VAL-CP-MCB-1S-350/40/FM 2882763 74 VAL-MS-T1/T2 335/12.5/4+0-FM 2800644 46 VAL-US-240/40/1+0-FM 2910361 92
VAL-CP-MCB-3C-350/40/FM 2882776 74 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5 ST 2801242 48 VAL-US-240/40/1+1-FM 2910362 93
VAL-CP-MCB-3S-350/40/FM 2882750 74 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+0 2801241 48 VAL-US-240/40/2+0-FM 2910364 94

VAL-CP-MOSO 60-3C-FM 2804416 75 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+0-FM 2801240 48 VAL-US-240/40/2+1-FM 2910365 94

VAL-CP-MOSO 60-3S-FM 2804403 75 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1/1U/FM 2909629 49 VAL-US-240/40/3+0-FM 2910366 95
VAL-CP-N/PE-350-ST-GY 2882734 74 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1V 2801532 48 VAL-US-240/40/3+1-FM 2910367 96
VAL-MB-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V 2905639 51 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/1+1V-FM 2801533 48 VAL-US-240D/40-P 2910337 98

VAL-MB-T1/T2 1000DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905638 51 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/O 2906281 49 VAL-US-240D/40/1+0-FM 2910368 98

VAL-MB-T1/T2 1500DC-PV/2+V 2905641 51 VAL-MS-T1/T2 48/12.5/O-FM 2906282 49 VAL-US-240D/40/2+0-FM 2910369 98
VAL-MB-T1/T2 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM 2905640 51 VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV-ST 2801165 50 VAL-US-240D/40/3+0-FM 2910370 99
VAL-MB-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V 2906293 51 VAL-MS-T1/T2 600DC-PV/2+V 2801163 50 VAL-US-240HLD/40/3+1-FM 2910371 99


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