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Acín-Carrera, M. José Marques, M. Carral, P. Álvarez, A. M - Impacts of Land-Use Intensity On Soil Organic Carbon Content

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and Management
Soil Use and Management, December 2013, 29, 547–556 doi: 10.1111/sum.12064

Impacts of land-use intensity on soil organic carbon

content, soil structure and water-holding capacity
 L V A R E Z 2 , C. L OP
M. A C IN -C A R R E R A 1 , M. J O S E M A R Q U E S 2 , 3 , P. C A R R A L 2 , A. M. A  E Z 1 , B. M A R T IN -L OP
 EZ1 &
 EZ 1
J. A. G O N Z AL
Social-ecological Systems Lab, Department of Ecology, c/Darwin, 2. Universidad Aut
onoma de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria de
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain, 2Department of Geology and Geochemistry, c/Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 7. Universidad
onoma de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain, and 3DesertNet-International, Hamburg
University, Hamburg, Germany

The impact of land-use intensity is evaluated through changes in the soil properties in different areas
of the traditional central Spanish landscape. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content, bulk density,
aggregate stability and water-holding capacity (WHC) in the topsoil of active and abandoned
vineyards, livestock routes (LR) and young Quercus afforested areas were analysed. These different
types of land use can be interpreted as having a gradient of progressively less impact on soil functions
or conservation. As soil use intensity declines, there is an increase in SOC content (from 0.2 to 0.6%),
WHC (from 0.2 to 0.3 g H2O per g soil) and aggregate stability (from 4 to 33 drop impacts). Soils
beneath vines have lost their upper horizon (15 cm depth) because of centuries-old tillage
management of vineyards. Except for an increase in bulk density (from 1.2 to 1.4 g/cm3), there were
no differences in soil characteristics 4 yr after the abandonment of vine management. LR can be
considered sustainable uses of land, which preserve or improve soil characteristics, as there were no
significant differences between topsoil from LR and that from a 40-yr-old Quercus afforested area.
SOC content, one of the main indicators for soil conservation, is considered very low in every case
analysed, even in the more conservative uses of land. These data can be useful in understanding the
slow rate of recovery of soils, even after long-term cessation of agricultural land use.

Keywords: Livestock routes, abandoned lands, vineyards, soil organic carbon, soil structure,
agricultural policies

food safety and animal welfare standards (reforms since 2004–

2005). Currently, there is a new proposal to reform the
The current situation of degraded agricultural soils in southern Common Agricultural Policy with three main goals: viable
Europe is due in part to the variety of agricultural policies food production, sustainable management of ecosystems and
implemented in the last 30 yr that have gone through different balanced territorial development. To develop this new vision
stages. The first objective of European policies was ‘to increase of improving the management of agro-ecosystems, farmers
productivity, by promoting technical progress and ensuring should be involved in preserving environmental landscapes,
the optimum use of the factors of production, in particular and policy makers must base their decisions on scientific
labour’ (Treaty of Rome, 1957). In the nineties, policies knowledge. Quantitative information, from both observations
focused on the creation of set-aside payments to withdraw and modelling, is needed. Particularly, local data on the
land from production; as a consequence, between 10 and 20% current state of soil conservation would provide the
of agricultural lands in the Euro-Mediterranean countries were information needed to understand how different soil
abandoned (Grove & Rackham, 1996). The last ‘single farm properties change over time and under different land uses,
payments’ were subject to conditions relating to environment, compared with their unaltered original conditions.
As a consequence of these European agricultural policies,
Correspondence: M. Jose Marques. E-mail: countries with semi-arid climates are currently a mosaic of
Received September 2012; accepted after revision March 2013 abandoned and used lands, whose detailed conservation

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science 547
548 M. Acın-Carrera et al.

states are usually unknown. The most common types of land or recovery processes, which can be ultimately the result of
uses are tillage-managed and fallow lands. Soil tillage is an random climatic processes related to the amount, duration
intensive use of land that can lead to a loss of productivity and intensity of rainfalls or droughts. Despite a number of
in the medium-to-long-term depending on fertilizer rates studies focusing on the soil cover by re-establishment of
(Marton et al., 2011) and therefore, promote land vegetation, information is generally lacking on the
abandonment (Barbero et al., 2012). There is extensive corresponding changes to soil physical properties (Deuchars
literature about the impact of tillage on soil structural et al., 1999).
stability (Abid & Lal, 2009) and its ability to oxidize organic Another use, which is in decline but is certainly culturally
matter (Martınez Mena et al., 2002) rapidly the first years relevant to the Mediterranean landscape, is the reserve of
and more slowly thereafter (Balesdent et al., 2000). This land for the annual migration of livestock for only a few
literature is generally in good agreement regarding the weeks each year, which, therefore, can be considered an
negative consequences of this practice like the reduction in extensive use of land. Despite the worldwide presence of
physical protection of soil organic carbon (SOC) within livestock routes (LR), also known as drove roads,
stable aggregates, and the subsequent exposure of bare soil international studies are difficult to find. Some are related to
to rainfall and drying (Balesdent et al., 1998). Particularly, cultural aspects (Cazorla Montero et al., 2004; Herzog et al.,
Denef et al. (2007) highlighted the importance of the 2005), ecosystem connectivity (Couvreur et al., 2005) and
conservation of soil structure through the protection of their relationship with biodiversity (Bunce et al., 2004), but,
microaggregates occluded in macroaggregates as a long-term again, none regarding the consequences of this extensive use
carbon-stabilization factor in forests or agricultural land on soil characteristics.
with less intensive tillage. A review of the processes through Discovering how land is conserved under different soil use
which soil degradation by tillage may affect different intensities is the main objective of this study; as it provides
environmental aspects – soil organic carbon, soil structure, information about several soil properties considered by the
drainage, water-holding capacity, extreme water logging or European Environmental Agency in the improvement of the
drought – can be found in Holland (2004) for different soils management of water resources and ecosystems (Jones et al.,
and climate conditions in Europe and Lal (2005) for 2012). The evolution of soil characteristics under different
different areas around the world. There is also agreement on uses over time can be assessed using its soil organic carbon
the importance of aggregation in facilitating water (SOC) incorporation rate and its related ability to hold
infiltration; providing adequate habitat space for soil moisture (Rawls et al., 2003). Both may be considered key
organisms; adequate oxygen supply to roots and soil factors to reduce the impacts of intense rainfall and
organisms; and preventing soil erosion (Franzluebbers, droughts, which are projected to become more frequent and
2002). There is no consensus on the impact of tillage on severe in future (Solomon et al., 2007).
runoff and infiltration of water into the soil; while some In this context, this study analyses the status of agricultural
authors show that infiltration rate increases (Logsdon et al., soils located in an area in economic decline as an example of
1990; Matula, 2003), others have found that the annual degraded agricultural regions of southern Europe. It focuses
balance is negative (McGarry et al., 2000; Ruiz-Colmenero on three different land uses: (i) intensively cultivated soils,
et al., 2011); climatic conditions and rainfall characteristics represented by active vineyards; (ii) extensive soil
may introduce high variability in this issue. management, represented by the LR; and (iii) abandoned
Land abandonment is also frequent in southern European agricultural soils. All of these are compared with a
landscapes owing to either lack of productivity or to obtain conservative use of soil, represented by nearby young
eligibility for environmental aid, particularly in the process afforested areas. The influence of the land-use intensity on soil
of restructuring and converting vineyards.1 The study of the characteristics is evaluated through variations in SOC
consequences of soil abandonment is worthy, as time can content, structural stability, infiltration rate and water-
play for or against the trend of soil recovery (Blanco-Canqui holding capacity, as compared amongst the above-mentioned
& Lal, 2008) because the gains, losses and interactions land uses. These variables are measured in the top soil layer
between living organisms, soil, organic carbon, water and up to 15 cm, where tillage practices produce dramatic changes
nutrients depend on the prevalence of degradation processes in soil organic content (Balesdent et al., 2000; Hernanz et al.,
2002) and soil aggregation (Denef et al., 2007).
The implementation of the Common Market Organization led to
the application of the abandonment procedure. From 2008/2009
Materials and methods
until 2010/11 inclusive, this common market structure allowed wine
producers to receive a permanent abandonment premium. The most Study area
affected country has been Spain, with an overall reduction close to
50,000 ha (Source: OIV Global Economic Survey. March 2012 The study area is situated in a section of the traditional LR called Ca~
nada Real Conquense, in central Spain, between Las

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management, 29, 547–556
Land-use intensity 549

Pedro~neras (39º27′11″N/2º40′47″W) and Socuellamos (39º17′

Sampling procedure
36″N/ 2º47′55″W) (Figure 1). This LR consists of a 75
-m-wide corridor that crosses the central Iberian plateau, During the spring and summer of 2011, a linear path of
and it is of particular relevance as it is still used for 7 km was selected that included three different land uses: (i)
migratory activities of livestock, including beef cattle, bulls intensively cultivated soils, represented by active vineyards;
and Merino sheep (Oteros-Rozas et al., 2012). The altitude is (ii) extensive soil management, represented by the LR; and
between 714 and 677 m.a.s.l., the average annual (iii) abandoned agricultural soils. Each of these was
temperature is 24 °C and the average annual rainfall is ca. compared with a conservative use of soil, three isolated
470 mm (Source: National Meteorological Agency, 25 yr patches with young Quercus ilex rotundifolia (growing since
data, the seventies), to be used as a control treatment. The age of
Figure 2 shows the characteristics of the dominant soil in this afforested area was given by the peasants and confirmed
the study area. Although it cannot be considered an using the extrapolation method proposed by Gea et al.
undisturbed native soil, it is located in a place without (2007) based on the measurement of the trunk diameter at
current signs of agricultural use. As a result of the breast height of 100 trees selected randomly from the three
homogeneous geomorphological characteristics of this area, forest patches. The time of vineyard abandonment was
conformed from a shallow lacustrine carbonate depositional found to be at least for 4 yr, according to the vine growers.
system (Peropadre & Melendez, 2004), the above-ground Ten sampling sites were selected for each land use. One
horizons described in this pit are expected to be similar to topsoil sample (up to 15 cm depth) was collected at each
those of the rest of sampling sites. It is a basic soil (pH site, resulting in 10 different plots representing these uses.
between 7.4 and 8), classified as a Calcic Luvic (Arenic) Because of the scarcity of the control treatment, it was not
(FAO/IUSS/ISRIC, 2006). possible to take 10 different forest samplings but 10 samples

Cañada Real Conquense

Land use type
Afforested area
Cañada (Livestock route)
Abandoned land
Soil pit
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2

Drove Road

Figure 1 Study area location and sampling sites.

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management, 29, 547–556
550 M. Acın-Carrera et al.

Ap Loamy Sand
0–15 cm 7.5 YR 5/6 Dark brown
Sandy loam
Bt1 7.5 YR 4/6 Dark brown
15–35 cm

Bt2 Sandy loam

35–60 cm 2.5 YR 4/6 Brown

Loamy Sand
7.5 YR 6/4. Brown. With
silica edges. Colour 7.5 YR
Ck 8/2 Light pink.

60–125 cm

> 125 cm

Figure 2 Soil pit of the dominant soil in the

area. Soil profiles, depths, textures and
Munsell soil colours of soil horizons.

were taken from the three different afforested areas Soil aggregate stability was determined using the water-
described above (Figure 1). drop test (Imeson & Vis, 1984). The number of water drops
(CND) needed to break down 10 dry macro-aggregates
(4–4.8-mm-diameter wire mesh) per sampling site was
Sample treatment and methods
counted, with 100 replicates per land use.
Every soil sample was air-dried and sieved to a 2 mm The infiltration rate was measured using a disc
diameter; the variables of this study were evaluated using 5 infiltrometer (Perroux & White, 1988). This method was used
analysis replicates of each of the 10 samples per land use. with one single pressure of 3 cm height in the Mariotte
Textural analyses were carried out (Bouyoucos, 1936) based column, equivalent to 0.3 kPa suction; this allowed
on a USDA system (silt from 0.05 to 0.002 mm). Soil pH infiltration through macropores up to 500 lm but not
(1:2.5) was measured by electrometric methods. SOC content through soil fissures (Greenland, 1977; Reeves et al., 1980).
was estimated by the loss on ignition method (LOI method, Data were analysed statistically with the STATISTICA
Schulte & Hopkins, 1996), as a strong linear relationship has software program. The probability level (P-value) at which
been demonstrated between LOI and SOC (R2), which ranges the null hypothesis was rejected was set at P < 0.05.
from 0.94 to 0.98 (Konen et al., 2002). In this method, the Significant differences between treatments were tested using
combustion temperature was maintained at 360 °C, avoiding Tukey HSD or LSD planned comparisons tests whenever the
the destruction of any inorganic carbonates that may be ANOVA was significant. Spearman’s correlations were also
present in the sample because of the calcareous nature of the carried out to establish relationships between variables.
studied soil. Soil bulk density was estimated using the volume
of mercury displaced by 2–3-cm-diameter soil clods (Jonston,
1945). The water mass was determined from permanent Results and discussion
wilting point to field capacity by rewetting samples of sieved
The physical and chemical characteristics of soils in the
soil (<2 mm). Each sample was carefully submerged in a water
different land uses are stated in Table 1. It was observed that
tank for 4 h. The samples were then removed, permitting
soils that are, or have ever been, intensively managed until 4 yr
drainage by gravity for 3 h. The gravimetric soil moisture was
ago present the same textural class as the Bt1 horizon in the pit
determined at field capacity (pF 2.54), and at the permanent
of the dominant soil: sandy loam (Figure 2). We attribute this
wilting point (pF 4.2) using a pressure membrane extractor
change in cultivated areas to the loss of their topsoil layer
system (Richards, 1941). Finally, the samples were oven-dried
because of a centuries-old tradition in soil tillage, which mixed
at 105 °C for 24 h to obtain the dry weight.

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Land-use intensity 551

Table 1 Mean and standard deviation of topsoil variables in the different land uses. The data of the representative soil type correspond to the
topsoil of the pit described in the Figure 1. The depth of topsoil layer (Ap) was 15 cm

soil Vineyard Abandoned Livestock route Forest
Soil variables type (n = 2) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10)

% Clay 9.3  3.3 14.8  2.1a 14.5  4.3a 9.0  4.6b 9.7  2.4b
% Silt 6.1  2.0 9.7  2.3a 8.5  2.7a 9.3  2.1a 8.7  1.9a
% Sand 84.6  4.3 75.5  3.4a 77.0  6.8a 81.7  6.0b 81.6  3.4b

Textural class Loamy sand Sandy loam Sandy loam Loamy sand Loamy sand

pHH2O 7.7  0.2 8.2  0.3a 8.1  0.2a 8.0  0.2a 7.4  0.2b
pHKCl 7.2  0.1 7.5  0.1a 7.3  0.2b 7.4  0.1b 6.8  0.2c
Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.3  0.1 1.2  0.2a 1.6  0.2b 1.4  0.1c 1.2  0.1a

Different letters indicate significant differences between land uses.

±Std. Dev. b
40 ±Std. Err.
0.6 Mean

CND index (N)

SOC (%)

b 20 b
0.3 a
0.2 a 10
0.1 a

0.0 0

a 0.36
a b
100 0.32
Soil moisture (g/g)
Infiltration (mm/h)

b a
80 0.28 a

60 0.24

40 0.20

20 0.16
Figure 3 Means and standard deviations of
soil organic carbon (SOC) content, aggregate
0 0.10
stability (counting number of drops, CND), Active Livestock Active Livestock
infiltration rate and gravimetric soil moisture vineyard route vineyard route
at field capacity in the four different land Abandoned Afforested Abandoned Afforested
uses. vineyard area vineyard area

soil layers at different depths. On the contrary, the upper A high SOC content in a soil suggests fertility (Sikora &
horizon is preserved on the soils from the afforested area and Stott, 1996) and provides soil with buffering capacity, high
the LR. In these less intensive soil uses, there are organic biodiversity, good structure and effective carbon
inputs from litter or animal faeces, and soils are protected by sequestration, amongst other characteristics. Soils with SOC
the permanent spontaneous vegetation cover throughout the content below 1% can be considered degraded (Imeson
year. Significant differences are shown in Figure 3. et al., 2006). In this study, SOC content in arable lands was

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management, 29, 547–556
552 M. Acın-Carrera et al.

below the 1% limit, although this low content can be et al., 2000). In any case, these figures confirm the critical
considered the typical value for these agricultural lands in threshold for SOC content in topsoils of southern Europe; as
southern Europe (Zdruli et al., 2004). SOC ranged from 0.2 stated by Zdruli et al. (2004), up to 74% of topsoil (0–30 cm
to 0.3% on the vineyard’s soils (Figure 3), and after 4 yr of depth) shows <2% of organic carbon.
abandonment, there was not a significant increase in SOC In short, after 40 yr of Quercus tree cover, the calculated
content; nevertheless, it was higher than 0.5% in the soils recovery of SOC can be as low as 0.15 Mg/ha/y. The low
from the LR and forests. Other similar topsoils under rates of SOC recovery found in this study are because of a
Mediterranean climatic conditions experienced an increase in low net primary productivity in these degraded soils that
SOC content from 0.9 to 1.4% after 15 yr of no tillage may be caused by their low organic matter content, water
(Alvaro-Fuentes et al., 2009). imbalance and frequent droughts. The literature shows a
There is some evidence that abandonment of agricultural wide range of variability in the results of the impact of
land and the subsequent regeneration of scrubland or forests afforestation on soil carbon and the corresponding
through secondary succession may return C storage to pre- sequestration rates. This is the consequence of different
agricultural levels, although the rate of recovery depends on methods, soil depths, vegetation, climate, soil type and
the time under consideration and whether the land was previous land use. Examples of relative gains of 0.6 Mg C
previously used for crops or pasture (Guo & Gifford, 2002). per ha per yr can be found in humid oak forests after 80 yr
In this study, when soil is under forests or is extensively used of afforestation (Jenkinson, 1971), also moderate gains of
as a LR, the SOC content averages 9.3–11.4 Mg/ha. It is 0.3 Mg C per ha per yr in forest or woody vegetation
necessary to point that these figures refer to the first 15 cm of establishment after some period of agricultural use (Post &
soil, to compare them with other values in the literature Kwon, 2000). There are also low increases such as 0.016 Mg
having different reference depths (usually 1 m), the estimation C per ha per yr in some cases in a review of more than 200
of SOC distribution found by Jobbagy and Jackson (2000) can afforested sites around the world (Paul et al., 2002), and
be used. These authors analysed the SOC content variations even decreases by 0.09 Mg C per ha per yr in warm
with climate and soil texture at different soil depths using temperate areas after grazing exclusion and growing of
more than 2700 soil profiles in the world. According to their shrub oaks (Brejda, 1997). In a recent meta-analysis
results, the 40% of all SOC content in the top 1 m is contained reviewing 25 studies in different scenarios in Mediterranean
in the uppermost 20 cm in temperate grasslands and crops; climates, Hoogmoed et al. (2012) found no evidence for
this amount increases up to 48% in temperate evergreen substantial changes in soil carbon, across three decades of
forests. Following these estimates, we could state that the SOC afforestation.
content in the first metre in the afforested or LR soil described Changes in SOC are also slow after abandonment of
in this study would be between 23 and 29 Mg/ha. These values vineyards. Novara et al. (2013) estimated that 40–60 yr are
are far from those described for mature forests in the area. necessary to multiply the SOC content by 1.5–1.6 on semi-
For instance, Rodrıguez Murillo (2001) reviewed SOC arid abandoned vineyards in the first 15 cm of soil depth.
concentration in Spain under the main types of land uses from Following this trend, much more time would be needed to
the topsoil to 75 cm depth and found a very high variability achieve soil carbon stocks of undisturbed native forest within
(CV~70%). This author found SOC concentrations in soils this phytoclimatic environment, which are reported in the
under broadleaved forests and bushlands from 94 to 113 Mg/ literature ranging from 6.5 to 9.9% SOC in the topsoil at 0–
ha. This means that in the forest use after 40 yr the soil has 10 cm soil depth (Fern andez-Ondo~ no et al., 2010).
recovered a considerably low amount of SOC. This is not The aggregate resistance to drop impacts (CND, Figure 3)
unusual as a wide review carried out in the Mediterranean is a good indicator of soil structural stability. Figure 3 shows
climate region of Australia shows no evidence of changes in the structural stability of topsoil samples of intensively
SOC content three decades after afforestation in different soil cultivated soils, both in the past (abandoned) or current
depths up to 30 cm (Hoogmoed et al., 2012). (active vineyards). Soil disruption after tillage does impact
The results of this study also show that intensive use of land aggregate stability in active vineyards; while aggregates broke
(vineyards, active or abandoned) maintains SOC content at up after receiving an average of only four drop impacts
rates of ca. 2.3 and 4.6 Mg/ha, respectively. These contents (CND = 4.3  1.7, n = 100), the situation improved
are also low compared with the SOC concentrations in soils significantly in the abandoned vineyards, where it took up to
under vineyards and olive groves recorded by Rodrıguez nine impacts (9.4  8.7) to achieve the total destruction of the
Murillo (2001), which were 43  29 and 40  28 Mg C per aggregate. Although these soils have not yet regained their
ha, respectively. Regarding these differences, it is worth to structural stability, the higher variability may indicate a trend
mention that when different carbon stocks are compared, it is of recovery in some places. Soil aggregate stability increased
necessary to take into account bulk density variation and in the LR, a land use that can be observed as having an
depth because if the compared volumes are too shallow, intermediate level of human impact, because CND is three
ploughed-SOC storage can be underestimated (Balesdent times as high when compared with active tillage in vineyards

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management, 29, 547–556
Land-use intensity 553

(13.7  7.5). The afforested cover is clearly a positive use to 100

preserve or improve soil structure, as its aggregates needed 33 Active vineyard
drops for total decay (32.9  20.3). Figure 4 clearly shows Abandoned vineyard
the differences between treatments considering the percentage Livestock route
of survival aggregates in the four land uses. 70 Afforested area
In this study, 4 yr may be a sufficient time lapse to 60

perceive signs of soil structure recovery. Goulet et al. (2004) 50
reported a period of 9 yr of soil cover to observe such
changes. Marques et al. (2009) did not find structural
changes after 2 yr of cover crops in vineyards, although in
that study the CND index was higher (eight drops). All these 20
figures are in the range of those observed along a catena of 10
soils and vegetation in a semi-arid environment (<300 mm/y 0
annual rainfall), as Cant on et al. (2009) found an average 0 2 4 5 7 9 10 12 14
CND between 13 and 55. Minutes
Soil structure variations have been frequently found as the
Figure 5 Average water infiltration in the different land uses (n = 9).
cause of infiltration variability (Valentin & Bresson, 1992), The disc infiltrometer was prepared to allow infiltration through soil
particularly in vineyards (Leonard & Andrieux, 1998). Soil pores of <500 lm.
infiltration rates in limestone are highly variable in
Mediterranean environments (Calvo-Cases et al., 2003), and
it is not uncommon to find <15 mm/h infiltration rates values. Arguably, in an intact forest soil, there is a well-
(Cerda, 1997; Martınez-Mena et al., 1998; Chamizo et al., developed plant cover and root system providing a diverse
2012). soil porous structure with large and continuous pores, which
Figure 5 shows the infiltration rates in the different land facilitate water transport through the soil, even though they
uses, each of which was carried out during the summer constitute only a very small fraction of the total porosity
under dry soil conditions. Soils used for vineyards showed (Cameira et al., 2003). The afforested area and the LR,
higher infiltration rates as a result of recent tillage, which which are considered less intensive use of land, showed an
was more evident in the first minutes of the process; soil infiltration rate beginning with 20–25 mm/h and stabilized at
infiltration through macropores is four times higher than in 7–11 mm/h, as evidenced by the curve, which was elongated
the other land uses (from 60 to 80 mm/h), with stabilization and showed little variation with time, these values are close
taking place at 35 mm/h. The abandonment of vineyards cut to those found in the above-mentioned literature in similar
the infiltration rate by half; it began with 30 mm/h and uses in Mediterranean environments.
stabilized at 17 mm/h. Although we expected to find higher The history of tillage in vineyards has lead to an increase
infiltration rates in the less intensive uses, we found lower in soil porosity that eventually increases infiltration rates.
Nevertheless, it is worth to mention that after a period of
time, depending on meteorological conditions, the lack of
100 plant or residue cover in tilled soil exposed to high
90 intensity rainfall often results in poor aggregation,
% of surviving aggregates

80 compaction, crusting and decrease in infiltration

70 (Franzluebbers, 2002).
60 In this study, there is no relationship between soil
50 structure and infiltration rate. Higher infiltration rate is not
40 always an indicator of soil conservation. Soil permeability is
30 closely related to the pore space, which in turn depends on
20 the bulk density, and we found significant differences in this
10 variable due more to variations in pore space than to
- differences in soil texture. The lower values found in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Number of drops afforested soils and vineyards (1.2 g/cm3) may be because of
different causes, in the forests because of an increase in SOC
Active vineyard Abandoned vineyard
content and root systems and in the active vineyard because
Livestock route Afforested area
of recent tillage. Tillage operations are very frequent in this
Figure 4 Percentage of survival aggregates using the counting region, with the resulting lower bulk density being only
number of drops test at different land use sites. n = 10 samples per temporary (Franzluebbers, 2002). In fact, tillage may lead to
site and 10 aggregates per sample. further compaction when soil is no longer used, as it is

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management, 29, 547–556
554 M. Acın-Carrera et al.

shown in the bulk density value in the abandoned lands Acknowledgements

(1.6 g/cm3). The compaction observed in the soils of the LR
Financial support for this research was provided by the
(1.4 g/cm3) is arguably because of the passage of livestock
Spanish Ministry of the Environment (Project 079/RN08/
and people.
02.1) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
The gravimetric soil moisture is generally assumed to be
(Projects CGL2011-30266 and CGL-2008-04296).
independent of bulk density and to be mainly related to
texture. The different topsoil textures in this study could
explain the variations of water content. We expected to find References
higher soil moisture in sandy loam textures (vineyards) than
Abid, M. & Lal, R. 2009. Tillage and drainage impact on soil
in loamy sand textures (afforested land and LR). To the
quality: II. Tensile strength of aggregates, moisture retention and
contrary, gravimetric soil moisture at field capacity was
water infiltration. Soil & Tillage Research, 103, 364–372.
higher in loamy sand textures (Figure 3; F = 3.6; P < 0.05). Alvaro-Fuentes, J., Cantero-Martinez, C., Lopez, M.V., Paustian,
Moreover, the available water in these different land uses K., Denef, K., Stewart, C.E. & Arrue, J. 2009. Soil aggregation
soil moisture between field capacity, and permanent wilting and soil organic carbon stabilization: effects of management in
point in sieved soils (<2 mm; mean  standard deviation) semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. Soil Science Society, 73,
was 18  6.5% for vineyards, 16  2.34% in soils after 1519–1529.
abandonment, 22  7% in the LR and 23  8% in the Balesdent, J., Besnard, D., Arrouays, D. & Chenu, C. 1998. The
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