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2 Soils in India and Natural Vegetation of India - 15638765

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1 Mark Questions (MCQ)

1. Why is laterite soil used in Goa and Kerala for the construction of houses? Semester-I 2021
(a) It become hard when dry
(b) This soil is generally coarse in texture and poors in nature
(c) It has more of clay contest in it
(d) It looks beautiful when used in buildings
Ans (a) It become hard when dry

2. Why are the foothills of Himalayas prime to excessive soil erosion? Semester-I 2021
(a) absence of crop cover (b) Too much of development of transportation
(c) Large scale deforestation in past (d) Tourists are spreading pollutants in rivers
Ans (c) Large scale deforestation in past

3. The productive functions of forests include: Semester-I 2021

(a) Habitat for the wildlife
(b) Control the water flow
(c) Provide various products such as timber, fuel, wood, leaves, etc
(d) Producing oxygen
Ans (c) Provide various products such as timber, fuel, wood, leaves, etc

4. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? Semester-I 2021

(a) Babool - Tropical evergreen forest (b) Sandalwood - Tropical deciduous forest
(c) Cinchona - Mountain forest (d) Sal Tidal forest
Ans (b) Sandalwood - Tropical deciduous forest

5. Name the type of Natural Vegetation that is found in the windward side of the Western Ghats.
Semester-I 2021
(a) Tropical Evergreen (b) Tropical Deciduous
(c) Mangrove Forest (d) Mountain Forest
Ans (a) Tropical Evergreen

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of desert vegetation? Semester-I 2021

(a) Short named growth of vegetation (b) Thick fleshy stems
(c) Broad leaves (d) Long and deep roots
Ans (c) Broad leaves

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7. Why do we need forest conservation? Semester-I 2021

(a) Forests provide food for growing population
(b) Forests helps in earning foreign exchange
(c) Forests help in maintaining ecological balance
(d) Forests look beautiful
Ans (c) Forests help in maintaining ecological balance

8. During which month do we celebrate Van Mahotsav every year in India? Semester-I 2021
(a) In December to February time period" (b) In July to September time p period
(c) In March to May time period (d) In November to January time period
Ans (b) In July to September time period

9. What is the term used in describe the growing of trees in various parts of the country?
Semester-I 2021
(a) Re afforestation (b) Deforestation
(c) Accuracy (d) Afforestation
Ans (d) Afforestation

1 Mark Questions (VSA)

1. Under what rainfall conditions are the tropical rainforests found? 2003
Ans Tropical rainforests are found in areas where annual rainfall is more than 200 cm.

2. What are two main characteristics of the trees found in tropical evergreen forests? 2002
Ans Two characteristics of the trees in tropical evergreen forests are as follows:
(i) They do not shed their leaves throughout the year.
(ii) These are hard, fine-grained and durable.

3. Name one state in India which mostly has red soils. 2002
Ans Jharkhand is a state in India, which mostly has red soils.

4. Mention two characteristics of red soils. 2002

Ans Two characteristics of red soils are as follows:
(i) They are red in colour due to high iron content.
(ii) Their colour may vary from yellow to brown as percentage of iron varies.

5. Name the vegetation type found in saline environment under tidal influence. 2001
Ans Mangrove forest is the vegetation type found in saline environment under tidal influence.

6. Name the most important tree associated with type of vegetation you have named above. 2001
Ans Sundari is the most important tree associated with mangrove vegetation.

7. How does the soil of the Ganga-Yamuna plain differ from that of central Maharashtra? 2000
Ans Ganga-Yamuna plain is made up of alluvial soil, which is transported by rivers whereas central
Maharashtra is made up of black regur soil which is made up of weathered volcanic rocks.

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8. Which soil is found suitable for coffee cultivation in Karnataka ? 2000

Ans Laterite soil is suitable for coffee cultivation in Karnataka.

9. Name the type of soil found on the summit of the Eastern Ghats. 2000
Ans Laterite soil is found on the summits of the Eastern Ghats.

10. Name the soil known for its self-ploughing quality and capacity to hold moisture. Name one cash
crop for which it is most suited. 2000
Ans Black soil is known for its self-ploughing quality and capacity to hold moisture. Cotton is the most
suited cash crop for this soil.

2 Marks Questions
1. With reference to methods of prevention of soil erosion answer the following. Semester-I 2021
(i) Name the method used to prevent soil erosion by running water?
(a) Terrace farming (b) Strip cropping
(c) Shelter belts (d) Leaving the land fallow
Ans (a) Terrace farming
(ii) Name the method used to prevent soil erosion by wind.
(a) Contour ploughing (b) Strip cropping
(c) Plugging of gullies (d) Use of fertiliser
Ans (b) Strip cropping

2. (i) Name the soil that is found in Central Deccan Plateau? Semester-I 2021
(a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil
(c) Red soil (d) Laterite soil
Ans (a) Black soil
(ii) How is the soil named by you (i) above formed?
(a) Formed by the deposition of silt brought down by river.
(b) Formed by the weathering of laterite rocks.
(c) Formed by the weathering of metamorphic rocks.
(d) Formed by the weathering of metamorphic rocks.
Ans (c) Formed by the weathering of metamorphic rocks.

3. Name the soil that possess the following characteristics Semester-I 2021
(i) Soil is generally confined to river basins
(a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil
(c) Red soil (d) Laterite soil
Ans (b) Alluvial soil
(ii) Soil that becomes infertile because of desilication
(a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil
(c) Red soil (d) Laterite soil
Ans (d) Laterite soil

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4. (i) Name the parent rock that contributes to the formation of red soil. 2020
(ii) How does this soil get its 'red' colour?
Ans (i) Metamorphic rocks and old crystalline rocks are the most common parent materials that
contribute to the formation of red soil.
(ii) The colour of the soil is red due to iron oxide content in it.

5. Name the following: 2020

(i) A soil that occurs in-situ and is good for cotton crop.
(ii) Soil that is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall.
Ans (i) Black soil is the soil that occurs in-situ and is good for cotton crop. It is due to high temperature
and heavy rainfall.
(ii) Khadar soil is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall.

6. State two ways by which forests help in protecting the environment. 2020
Ans Two ways by which forests help in protecting the environment are
 After oceans, forests are the world's largest storehouses of carbon. These absorb harmful
greenhouse gases that produce climate change.
 It provide habitats to the lot of wild animals and birds.

7. With reference to Tropical Deciduous forests answer the following questions: 2020
(i) Name two states where it is found.
(ii) Name two important trees found in this forest.
Ans (i) Tropical Deciduous forests are found in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
(ii) Teak and Sal are important trees found in these forests.

8. (i) Name the Indian soil which is formed due to the weathering of basic igneous rocks. 2020
(ii) Name two states of India where this type of soil is found.
Ans (i) Black soil has been formed by weathering of the parent rock material found in Deccan Plateau i.e.
igneous rocks and is called regur soil.
(ii) It is found in the Deccan trap (Basalt lava region) and covers the plateau areas of Saurastrian
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Malwa of Madhya Pradesh, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Northern Karnataka,
parts of Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh and also along the valleys of the Godavari and Krishna rivers.

9. Name the following. 2019

(i) An important transported soil of India.
(ii) Soil that is rich in iron oxide.
Ans (i) Alluvial soil is an important transported soil of India.
(ii) Red and yellow soils are rich in iron oxide.

10. Give two reasons to explain as to why we need to conserve our forest resources. 2019
Ans We need to conserve forest resources because :
• Forests are an important part of the Earth's climate. It is primarily because of the presence of a
variety of plants which due to their high density produce massive amount of oxygen and enables
other organisms to breathe.
• Forests provide home to diverse animals and plant species which not only provide biodiversity on

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the Earth, but each species has an important role in the ecosystem.

11. (i) Mention two conditions required for the growth of Littoral Forest. 2019
(ii) State one characteristic feature of the forest found in the Nilgiri Hills.
Ans (i) Littoral forests are specialised tropical type of vegetation that grows in coastal areas where the
saline sea water encroaches at the time of high tides and fresh water of rivers continuously mixes
with the saline water. So, these can survive in salty as well as in fresh water. These forests occur
in areas receiving 100 to 150 cm rainfall and have temperatures ranging between 25°C to 27°C.
(ii) Forests found in the Nilgiri Hills are also known as monsoon forests. These forests spread over
the region receiving rainfall between 70 to 200 cm.

12. (i) Why does alluvial soil differ in texture? 2018

(ii) State two cash crops that grow well in alluvial soil.
Ans (i) Alluvial soil differs in texture, as it is formed by the deposition of sediments by rivers. The alluvial
soil which gets deposited in the upper reaches of the river is coarse and dry, while extremely fine
and moist alluvial soil is deposited at lower reaches of the river.
(ii) Sugarcane and jute are major cash crops which grows well in this soil.

13. With reference to black soil answer the following. 2018

(i) Name one important crop which grows in this soil.
(ii) Give one chemical property of this soil.
Ans (i) The important crop which grows in this soil is cotton.
(ii) The chemical property of the black soil is that it is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium.

14. (i) Name an area in India where Tropical Monsoon forest is found. 2018
(ii) How is this forest of great commercial value to India?
Ans (i) The tropical monsoon forest is found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Western Ghats
and the Coastline of peninsular India and also in Assam region of North-East India.
(ii) The tropical monsoon forests contain several tree species of great commercial significance for
example, teak, Indian rosewood, etc.

15. With reference to littoral forest, answer the following questions. 2018
(i) Why do the trees in this forest grow aerial roots?
(ii) Name one area in India where this forest is found.
Ans (i) Littoral forests refer to trees that grow at shore region. In such regions, soil is accumulated with
salt and cannot be aerated as normal soils, so trees grow upwards. Such roots are called as aerial
roots and they are adventitious in nature.
(ii) Littoral forests or tidal forests are found in delta regions and along the marshy coasts.
Sunderbans in West Bengal is one of the areas in India where littoral forests are found.

16. Mention two differences between Alluvial Soil and Black Cotton Soil. 2017
Ans Two differences between alluvial soil and black cotton soil are
(i) Alluvial soils are coarse in nature and contain Kankar, pebbles and gravels. But black cotton soil
are fine grained in texture with more than 60% clay. They do not contain gravel or sand.
(ii) Alluvial soils are very fertile on the whole. But black soils are low of fertility in uplands.

17. Name an area in India in which each of the following processes take place. 2017

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(i) Sheet erosion (ii) Gully erosion

Ans (i) Sheet erosion-Himalayan foothills, over the North-Eastern parts of the peninsula.
(ii) Gully erosion-Chambal ravines
18. How do trees in the tropical desert forests adapt themselves to the dry climate? 2017
Or Which region of India have desert vegetation? How are they adapted to climate?
Ans The regions of tropical desert are Kutch, Saurashtra, Rajasthan and dry part of Deccan. Due to lack
of moisture the trees growing here have very small leaves and long plant roots penetrating deep
into the soil and spreading in a radial pattern in search of water. Leaves are small and thick to
minimise loss of water.

19. Name the tree as per its characteristics given below 2017
(i) The wood is hard and suitable for ship building.
(ii) The stilt roots are underwater during high tide.
Ans (i) The wood is hard and suitable for ship building-Sundari
(ii) The stilt roots are underwater during high tide-Mangrove vegetation

20. What is soil erosion? Mention two steps that could be taken to prevent soil erosion. 2016
Ans Soil erosion is the removal of top soil by different agents of weathering such as wind, water etc. The
contour bunding and afforestation are the two important measures to prevent soil erosion.

21. Mention two similarities between red soil and laterite soil. 2016
Ans Similarities between red soil and laterite soil are as follows
(i) Both the soils contains iron oxide hence are red in colour.
(ii) Both the soils are mainly found in highland region.

22. (i) Name the forest which is commercially most important in India. 2016
(ii) Name two trees which grow in this forest.
Or Name the economically most important vegetation belt of India. 2001
Ans (i) Tropical Moist Deciduous forests are commercially the most important forest of India.
(ii) The two most important trees of this forest are Sal and Teak.

23. (i) Name the forests which grow on the wind ward slope of the Western Ghats. 2016
(ii) Why do such forests grow in this region?
Ans (i) Tropical evergreen forests grow on the wind ward slope of the Western Ghats.
(ii) Such forests grow in this region because of the favourable climatic condition such as rainfall is
more than 250 cm, average annual temperature is between 25°C and 27°C and humidity exceeds
77%, prevails here.

24. State the characteristic of each of the soils named below that makes them most suitable for crop
cultivation : 2015
(i) Black soil (ii) Red soil
Ans Characteristics of the soils which make them most suitable for crop cultivation are:
(i) Black soil Black soil retain moisture and become sticky when wet. This property of retaining
moisture and releasing it when required during dry period is very useful crops of lava tracts of
Maharashtra, this soil is most suitable for cotton cultivation.
(ii) Red soil Red soils are rich in potash and iron and with application of proper fertilisers this soil
becomes suitable for crops like wheat, rice, millets and sugarcane.

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25. State the geographic term for each of the following processes : 2015
(i) The process by which soluble minerals dissolve in rainwater and percolate to the bottom, leaving
the top soil infertile.
(ii) The process by which rainwater, flowing in definite paths, removes the top soil, thus causing deep
cuts to the surface of the land.
Ans Geographical terms for the following processes :
(i) The process by which soluble minerals dissolve in rainwater and percolate to the bottom, leaving
the top soil infertile-Leaching.
(ii) The process by which rainwater, flowing in definite paths, removes the top soils, thus causing
deep cuts to the surface of the land-Gully erosion/Rill erosion.

26. State two characteristics of Tropical Deciduous forests. 2015

Ans Following are the two characteristics of Tropical Deciduous forests :
(i) They are found in the areas of average temperature of about 27°C.
(ii) These forests shed their leaves for about 6-8 weeks during the month of March/April.

27. State two reasons why Tropical Evergreen forests are difficult to exploit. 2015,2012
Ans Tropical Evergreen forests are difficult to exploit due to following reasons:
(i) As these forests receive more rainfall, they have very dense undergrowth, which makes it hard to
cut them.
(ii) Lack of transport facility inside such difficult terrain make them difficult to be exploited.

28. State any two methods of controlling soil erosion. 2014

Ans The two methods of controlling soil erosion are as follows:
(i) Planting more trees and stopping indiscriminate felling of trees.
(ii) Terrace farming checks erosion in hilly areas.

29. Mention two differences between alluvial soils and red soils. 2014,2005
Ans Differences between alluvial soils and red soils are as follows:

30. Write two reasons why monsoon deciduous forests are commercially more valuable than other
types of forest. 2014
Ans Monsoon deciduous forests are commercially more valuable because
(i) they yield valuable timber and other forest products.
(ii) they are not very dense, therefore, are easily accessible for commercial use.

31. How do forests 2014

(i) have a favourable effect on the climate of the region?
(ii) act as a flood control measure?

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Ans (i) Forests moderate the temperature of the region and help in bringing rain to it.
(ii) The roots of plants and trees firmly hold the soil particles, which prevents displacement of the
top layer of soil.

32. State two differences between bhangar and khadar. 2013,2008

Ans The two differences between bhangar and khadar are as follows:

33. Name the process by which laterite soil is formed. Mention one disadvantage of this soil. 2013
Or Explain the formation of laterite soil. Why is laterite soil not suitable for cultivation? 2008, 2003
Ans Laterite soil is formed by leaching. Leaching is a process by which the nutrients of top soil are
washed away. One disadvantage of this soil is that, it is very acidic in nature and cannot retain
moisture due to which it is not suitable for cultivation.

34. Mention two main characteristics of tropical rainforests. 2013

Ans The two main characteristics of tropical rainforests are as follows:
(i) Trees are dense and evergreen and do not shed leaves in any particular season.
(ii) The thick ground cover has climbers and epiphytes.

35. Briefly explain two reasons for forests being an important natural resource. 2013
Ans Forests are an important natural resource because
(i) they moderate the temperature and help in bringing rain as well as purifying air.
(ii) they provide timber and other forest products.

36. State two methods of controlling soil erosion caused by running water. 2012
Ans Soil erosion caused by running water can be controlled by
(i) planting trees (ii) terrace farming

37. Mention two differences in the alluvial soils of the Northern plains and the alluvial soils on the
coastal plains of India. 2012
Ans The two differences in the alluvial soils of the Northern plains and the alluvial soils on the coastal
plains of India are
(i) The alluvial soil of the Northern plains is lighter in colour than that on the coastal plains.
(ii) The alluvial soil of the Northern plains is more porous and less clayey than that on the coastal

38. Give two characteristics of tidal forests. 2012

Ans Two characteristics of tidal forests are as follows:
(i) They have breathing roots, which act as respiratory organs.
(ii) Trunks of these trees are supported by stilt like roots, helping the plants to survive in the shifting
mud of coastal regions.

39. Name two states in India where regur soil is found. In what way does regur soil help agriculture?

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Ans Regur soil is found in Gujarat and Maharashtra. It is moisture retentive and rich in iron, potash,
lime, calcium, magnesium and humus, which is very helpful for agriculture.

40. Mention two main characteristics of laterite soils. 2011, 2007

Ans Two characteristics of laterite soils are as follows:
(i) They lack in nutrition due to leaching.
(ii) They are not moisture retentive and coarse in texture.

41. What are 'Tidal forests'? Name two typical trees found there. 2011
Ans The forests that grow in delta regions of Ganga, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna and Cauvery are
called 'tidal forests'. Sundari and hintal are two typical trees found here.

42. Name the soil which 2010

(i) covers the summits of the Eastern Ghats.
(ii) makes up the delta of the river Ganga.
(iii) is the most suitable for the cultivation of cotton.
(iv) is sticky when wet and cracks when dry.
Ans (i) Laterite soil.
(ii) Alluvial soil.
(iii) Black or Regur soil.
(iv) Black or Regur soil.

43. What is soil conservation? How does reafforestation help in soil conservation? 2010
Ans Soil conservation is an effort made by man to prevent or reduce the rate of destructive erosion of
soil by taking preventive measures. It maintains the fertility and productivity of land.
Reafforestation is planting of two saplings in place of one felling tree, in areas which are deforested,
thus saving the soil from erosion caused by both water and wind.

44. Name the soil which is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternate wet and
dry periods. Name two states where this type of soil is found. 2010, 2009, 2003
Ans Laterite soil is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternate wet and dry
periods. This type of soil is found in Karnataka and Odisha.

45. Write any two characteristics of red soils. 2009

Ans Two characteristics of red soils are:
(i) These are rich in potash and iron..
(ii) These soils are suitable for cultivation of wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, pulses, tobacco and

46. Give one difference between the following 2008

(i) Khadar soil and Bhangar soil
(ii) Sheet erosion and Wind erosion
Ans (i) Refer to ans 32 on page no. 36.
(ii) Sheet erosion occurs by water due to heavy rain washing away the even top surface of the soil,
while wind erosion occurs on extensive flat lands due to blowing of wind during the dry season.

47. Name an area of black soil in India. Mention any two crops grown in this soil. 2007

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Ans The Deccan plateau is an area of black soil in India. Cotton and tobacco are two crops grown in this

48. Why is laterite soil unsuitable for the cultivation of crops? Name an area in India where this soil is
found. 2005
Ans Laterite soil is unsuitable for cultivation of crops because it is acidic in nature and it is unable to
retain moisture. This soil is found mainly on the summits of the Western and Eastern Ghats.

49. Define leaching. In which region, South of the Tropic of Cancer, can one find soil formed by
leaching? 2003
Ans The process in which the nutrients of the topsoil are washed away, thereby making the topsoil
infertile, is called leaching. The regions where this soil can be found are the summits of the
Western and Eastern Ghats.

50. Explain the origin of the black soil. Name two states in India which have black soil. 2002
Ans Black soil is formed by the weathering of the Deccan trap, which was formed by solidification of
lava generated by volcanic activity. It is found in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

51. Mention two advantages of black soils. 2002

Ans The two advantages of black soils are as follows:
(i) It retains moisture and is highly fertile.
(ii) It contains lime, alumina, iron, potash, magnesium carbonates and calcium, which are very useful
for cultivation of crops like cotton, sugarcane, etc.

52. Name of one region in India for each of the following 2001
(i) Tropical evergreen forest (ii) Thorn and scrub forest
Ans (i) Tropical evergreen forest-Western Ghats
(ii) Thorn and scrub forest-Rajasthan, Haryana, Kutch of Gujarat and Western Punjab.

3 Marks Questions
1. With reference to Alluvial Soil answer the following: 2020
(i) What are the two types of Alluvial Soil?
(ii) Name an area where Alluvial soil is found.
(iii) Name two crops that grow well in this soil.
Ans (i) Alluvial soil can be classified into two groups on the basis of its age which are
• Khadar It is light in colour and is made up of newer deposits.
• Bhangar It is the older alluvium and is composed of lime nodules or kankar and its composition is
(ii) The entire Northern Plains including parts of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar (almost entirely),
Chandigarh, Delhi (almost entirely), Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab,
Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are made of alluvial soil. (iii) Two cash
crops which grow well in alluvial soil are sugarcane and cotton.

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2. (i) Define the term 'Residual' soil. 2020

(ii) Name two crops that are grown on laterite soil.
(iii) Name two important agents of soil erosion.
Ans (i) Residual soil can be defined as a soil material which is the result of weathering and decomposition
of rocks that has not been transported from its original place.
(ii) The two crops that are grown on laterite soil are tea and rubber.
(iii) The agents of soil erosion are the same as of other types of erosion i.e. water, ice, wind and

3. Briefly explain the following: 2020

(i) Why are Tropical Evergreen forests called "Evergreen"?
(ii) Why is afforestation essential in the cities that have Iron and Steel industries?
(iii) How do forests act as a source of income for the people.
Ans (i) The regions of Tropical Evergreen forests receive heavy rainfall throughout the year. As there is no
particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves at the same time. Thus, the forests always
appear green. This is the reason due to which they are called Evergreen forests.
(ii) Afforestation is essential in and around iron and steel industries because it provides a clean
environment as trees take up carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
(iii) Forests provide important sources of income to many rural people. Forest products such as
bushes and fuel wood are gathered and traded at local and regional markets. Forests also provide
the raw materials for artisan and processing activities.

4. Give a reason for each of the following: 2020

(i) The Tropical Deciduous forest is commercially the most important forest belt in India.
(ii) Tropical Evergreen forests occur on the windward side of Western Ghats.
(iii) It is very difficult to move through tidal forests.
Ans (i) Tropical Decidious forests are the most commercially important tropical forest type found in India.
They contain important timber providing trees such as teak and Sal. The trees are located in
forests which are readily accessible by various transport methods.
(ii) The Tropical Evergreen forests grow on the windward side of the Western Ghats because this
region receives heavy rainfall above 250 cm annual.
(iii) In the Tidal forests, they are usually found in the backwaters of the seas or Estuaries where one or
many rivers can join together and enter into the sea, They are muddy due to the soil erosion and
the silt carried by the rivers and their tributaries downstream which causes difficulty in moving
through tidal forest.

5. Give a geographical reason for each of the following. 2019

(i) Terrace farming is an ideal soil conservation method for hilly regions.
(ii) Dry farming is preferred in areas with red soil.
(iii) Wind is a common agent of soil erosion in arid regions.
Ans (i) Terrace farming is an ideal soil conservation method for hilly regions as in this farming technique,
step-like terraces are built on slopes. They prevent water run off from rushing downhill and
carrying away the soil.
(ii) Red soil is found in the low rainfall areas of India. Thus, dry farming is done in this soil because this
Farming does not need much water.
(iii) Wind erosion is active in arid and semi-arid areas which are devoid of vegetative cover. Soil
erosion by wind is performed through wind picking up soil particles and carrying them away, and
through abrasion. Soil erosion by wind is common in Rajasthan and the adjoining areas of Haryana,

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Punjab and Gujarat.

6. Briefly answer the following. 2019

(i) Mention one way in which man is responsible for soil erosion.
(ii) How can deepening of the river bed help in preventing soil erosion?
(iii) Mention a physical characteristic of laterite soil.
Ans (i) Faulty practice of farming like faulty ways of ploughing, shifting cultivation, etc done by man is
responsible for soil erosion.
(ii) Deepening of the river bed help in preventing soil erosion as by deepening of river beds, the bed
could hold more water during heavy rainy season and water would get more space to flow easily
without breaching the embankment and near by areas.
(iii) The laterite soil is compact, reddish or yellowish-red in colour and turns black on exposure to the

7. (i) Give two reasons to explain as to why the Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for
commercial purpose. 2019
(ii) Name any two trees found in Tropical Evergreen Forests.
Ans (i) Two reasons for difficulty in exploiting Tropical Evergreen Forests for commercial purpose are as
• Tropical Evergreen Forests do not occur in pure stands i.e. main canopy do not consist of single
• The forests are dark and dense, so it is difficult for commercial exploitation.
(ii) Gurjan, Ebony, Rosewood, etc are found in Tropical Evergreen Forests.

8. Briefly explain each of the following. 2019

(i) The trees in the Tropical Desert Forest have stunted growth.
(ii) There is a gradual increase in the forest cover in India in recent times.
(iii) The trees in Monsoon Deciduous forests, shed their leaves for about 6-8 weeks during March and
Ans (i) These forests have stunted growth because they receive low or scanty rainfall, due to low
humidity and high temperature.
(ii) There is a gradual increase in the forest cover in India in recent times due to the work of central
government in the direction to increase the forest cover areas in the country by formulating
different policies and programmes.
(iii) As deciduous plants lose their leaves to conserve water or to better survive winter weather
conditions, they must regrow new foliage during the next suitable growing seasons. Thus, these
shed their leaves for about 6-8 weeks during March and April after which new leaves grow on

9. Give one geographical reason for each of the following. 2018

(i) Red soil requires irrigation. (ii) Afforestation prevents soil from getting eroded.
(iii) Laterite soil is red in colour.
Ans (i) Red soil is a type of soil that develops in a warm, temperate, moist-climate and generally derived
from crystalline rock. That is why red soil requires irrigation.
(ii) Trees reduce the rate of erosion by protecting the soil from the impact of rain and also binding soil
to sloping land with their roots. Thus, afforestation prevents soil from getting eroded.
(iii) Laterite soil is made up of high level of iron oxides in the form of minerals like goethite and
haematite. Thus, it appears red in colour.

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10. (i) What is soil erosion? 2018

(ii) Mention two causes of soil erosion in India.
Ans (i) Soil erosion is a displacement of the upper layer of soil by the dynamic activity of erosion agents
like water, ice, snow, wind, plants, animals and humans.
(ii) The two causes of soil erosion in India are:
(iii) Laterite soil is red in colour.
● Running Water It is the prime factor of soil erosion as it disturbs the agricultural pattern.
• Deforestation Removal of forest cover which functions as a binder of the top layer of the soil
with increasing land demand have resulted in enhancing extent of soil erosion.

11. (i) Name a state in India where thorn and scrub forest is found. 2018
(ii) Give two ways by which the trees that are found here have adapted to the climate.
Ans (i) The thorn and scrubs forests are found in regions where the rainfall is less than 70 cm.
Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and Deccan are the major states where thorn and scrub forests are
(ii) The thorn and scrub forest trees have long tapering roots which go deep to tap water. The trees
are stunted as there is no enough rain for tree growth. The thorny branches reduce loss of water
by transpiration. The fleshy leaves prevent loss of water by evaporation. The wax on the leaves
closes pores. Therefore, the thorn trees and scrubs can survive in the arid climate.

12. (i) Give two ways in which forests are important. 2018
(ii) Mention one forest conservation method followed in India.
Ans (i) The two ways in which forests are important are:
• Forests Help us Breathe They release oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide.
• People Lives in Forests Some 300 million people live in forests worldwide and their survival
depends almost on the forests.
(ii) To conserve the forest in India, one can follow the method of regulating and planing the cutting
of trees and checking over forest clearance for agricultural habitation purpose.

13. What is soil conservation? State a method of soil conservation in the 2017
(i) Arid and Semi-Arid Region. (ii) River valleys prone to flood.
Ans Soil conservation is an effort, made by man to prevent soil erosion to retain the fertility of the soil.
It includes all those measures which help in protecting the soil from erosion and exhaustion.
Methods of Soil Conservation
(i) Soil conservation in arid and semi-arid region Methods of soil conservation in the overgrazing of
forests and grassland by animal grazing especially by goats and sheep should be checked,
separate grazing grounds should be provided. Belts of trees and shrubs should be planted to
check the velocity of wind and thus prevent wind erosion.
(ii) River valleys prone to flood Soil erosion by floods can be checked by constructing dams or
barrages over such rivers which are responsible for flood.

14. Name the soil which 2017

(i) is good for cultivation of sugarcane.
(ii) is acidic in nature
(iii) occurs exsitu.
Ans (i) Black soil is good for cultivation of sugarcane.
(ii) Black soil is acidic in nature.
(iii) Alluvial soil occurs exsitu.

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15. Explain why the forest cover in India is shrinking? 2017

Ans The forest cover in India is shrinking as a consequences of indiscriminate cutting down of the trees.
This deforestation has brought complete deterioration of flora and fauna of our country. The main
reasons of deforestation are
(i) It is a consequence of indiscriminate cutting down of the trees due to Jhooming (or slash and
burn) practices to clear the forests for cultivation and construction purposes.
(ii) There is uncontrolled and unauthorised cutting down of trees by unscrupulous timber merchants
for the purpose of trade.

16. Name the natural vegetation found in the following regions 2017
(i) The Western slopes of the Western Ghats
(ii) The Nilgiris
(iii) Western Rajasthan
Ans (i) The Western slopes of the Western ghats-Tropical evergreen forest
(ii) The Nilgiris-Mountain forests
(iii) Western Rajasthan-Desert and semi-desert vegetation and scrub and thorn forests.

17. Give a geographical reason for each of the following. 2016

(i) Alluvial soil differs in texture.
(ii) Black soil does not get leached.
(iii) Khadar is more fertile than Bhangar.
Ans (i) Alluvial soil differs in texture because they are formed by the silt deposited by rivers. Hence,
known as Khadar (new alluvium) and Bhangar (old alluvium).
(ii) Black soil does not get leached because black soil in India found mainly in Deccan Trap which has
moderate rainfall and moderate temperature.
(iii) Khadar is more fertile than Bhangar as new layers of soil and sediments are deposited year after
during monsoon floods. year

18. Define the following. 2016

(i) Sheet erosion (ii) Soil conservation
(iii) In-situ soils
Ans (i) Sheet erosion is the removal of top layer of soil due to heavy rains as water carries away the top
surface layer of soil.
(ii) Refer to ans 13 on page no. 41.
(iii) In-situ soils are those soils which are formed in their original position by breaking up of parent
rocks They include black soil, red soil etc.

19. To which type of forest do the following trees belong? 2016

(i) Hintal and Sundari
(ii) Rosewood and Ebony
(iii) Deodar and Chir Pine

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20. Give three reasons for rapid depletion of forest resources in India in the past. 2016
Ans Three reasons for the depletion of forest resources in India in the past are as follows
(i) Jhum Cultivation is the slash and burn technique to clear the forests for cultivation and
construction process.
(ii) The uncontrolled cutting down of trees by timber merchants for the purpose of trade.
(iii) Due to rapid population growth and the demand for more food, forest have been cleared.

21. Define the following: 2015

(i) Pedogenesis (ii) Humus
(iii) Bhangar
Ans Definitions of the following terms:
(i) Pedogenesis. It is the science and study of the processes that lead to the formation of soil.
(ii) Humus The decomposed form of plant remains, animal manure and dead animals is called
(iii) Bhangar It is the soil that consists of older alluvium of clayey composition and is dark in colour.
These soils are coarse in nature and contain kankar (lime nodules), pebbles and gravels.

22. Give a geographic reason for each of the following: 2015

(i) Alluvial soil is extremely fertile.
(ii) Need for soil conservation. 2014
(iii) Reafforestation should be practised extensively.
Ans Geographical reasons for the following:
(i) Alluvial soil is extremely fertile Because it is rich in potash and humus, and respond very well to
irrigation and manuring. They are good for both rabi and kharif crops.
(ii) Need for soil conservation Soil is our most precious resource. Conserving soil is important to our
national economy as productive soil ensures prosperity in agriculture, industrial development
and general economic development.
(iii) Reafforestation should be practiced extensively It should be practiced extensively because
forests are our national heritage, providing us vast varieties of flora and fauna. Reafforestation
also helps in controlling soil erosion and denudation in catchment areas like rivers, lakes and

23. Identify the tree as per its characteristics mentioned below : 2015
(i) It yields wood that is hard and scented and is usually found in high altitudes.
(ii) It is generally found in deltaic regions and is used to make boats.
(iii) The furniture made from the wood of this tree is generally the most expensive.
Ans Trees as per the characteristics mentioned below :
(i) Deodar It yields hard, scented wood and is usually found in the high altitudes of Himachal
Pradesh and Kashmir.
(ii) Sundari It is found in deltaic region and is used to make boats.
(iii) Sandalwood Most expensive furniture are made from its wood.

24. Differentiate between afforestation and deforestataion. State a disadvantage of deforestation.

2015, 2003
Ans Afforestation stands for the establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was
no forest. While deforestation is a contrary process which results in the depletion of forest cover
due to indiscriminate cutting down of the trees.
Disadvantage of deforestation It badly affects the physical and climatic conditions of the country

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And drastically deteriorates the general environment of both rural and urban areas.

25. Give a geographical reason for the following 2014

(i) Different regions in India having different kinds of soil.
(ii) Black soil being suitable for growth of cotton.
(iii) The conservation of soil as a natural resource.
Ans (i) Different regions in India have different kinds of soil because they have different parent
materials and climatic conditions.
(ii) Black soil is suitable for cotton cultivation because it is moisture retentive and highly fertile.
(iii) Refer to ans 22 (ii) on page no. 43.

26. Name the soil which 2014

(i) is good for the cultivation of cashew nuts.
(ii) covers almost all of West Bengal
(iii) is a result of leaching.
Ans (i) Laterite soil is good for the cultivation of cashew nuts.
(ii) West Bengal is part of Indo-Gangetic plain which is rich in alluvial soil.
(iii) Laterite soil is formed as a result of leaching.

27. Give one important use of each of the following types of trees 2014
(i) Sundari (ii) Sandalwood
(iii) Rosewood
Ans (i) Sundari wood is suited for making boats.
(ii) Sandalwood is used for making medicine, handicrafts and perfume.
(iii) Rosewood is used for making expensive furniture.

28. Name the natural vegetation largely found in the following regions 2014
(i) The delta of the Ganga river (ii) The windward side of the Western Ghats
(iii) The Deccan plateau
Ans (i) Tidal forests. (ii) Tropical evergreen forests.
(iii) Deciduous monsoon forests and scrub/thorn forests.

29. Differentiate between Transported soil and In-situ soil, quoting a suitable example for each. 2013

30. With reference to red soils in India, answer the following questions 2013
(i) Name two states where it is found.
(ii) State two advantages of this type of soil.
(iii) Mention two important crops grown in this soil.
Ans (i) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are two states where red soil is found.
(ii) The two advantages of red soil are as follows:
(a) It has high iron oxide content and potash.
(b) It is porous and easily crumbles.
(iii) Rice and millets are two important crops grown in this soil.

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31. Name the tree, the timber of which could be used for the following 2013
(i) A soft and white timber used for making toys and matchboxes.
(ii) A hard durable timber used for ship building and furniture making.
(iii) A sweet smelling timber, which yields ar oil, used for handicrafts.
Ans (i) Semul. (ii) Teak. (iii) Sandalwood.

32. (i) Name one region in India for each of the following 2013
(a) Tidal forest (b) Thorn and scrub
(ii) Explain why thorn and scrub forests are found in the above mentioned region.
Ans (i) (a) Tidal forest-Ganga delta.
(b) Thorn and scrub forest-North-West parts of India.
(ii) Thorn and scrub forests are found in the above region because these areas get less than 70 cm of
rainfall and average temperature of 25°C to 27°C.

33. Mention any three characteristics of black soil which make the soil fertile. 2012,2008
Or Mention 2 charactirestics of black soil. Why is this soil agriculturally important?
Ans The three characteristics of black soil, which make the soil fertile are as follows:
(i) It is rich in iron, potash, lime, calcium, alumina and magnesium carbonates.
(ii) It is moisture retentive and has self ploughing quality.
(iii) It is fine grained in structure.

34. Give geographical reasons for the following 2012

(i) Laterite soil is not suitable for cultivation. (ii) Red soil is red in colour.
(iii) Khadar soils are preferred to bhangar soils.
Ans (i) Laterite soil is lacking in fertility due to the leaching away of nutrients, also it is not moisture
(ii) Red soil is red in colour due to presence of iron.
(iii) Khadar soils are preferred because they are more fertile due to being replenished every year by

35. Mention three reasons, why forests must be conserved. 2012

Ans Forests must be conserved because:
(i) they check soil erosion. (ii) they help maintaining the ecological balance of the region.
(iii) they help in preventing floods.

36. Name any three trees found in monsoon deciduous forests and state one use of each of these trees.
Ans Sal, teak and myrobalan are three trees found in monsoon deciduous forest.
Their uses are as follows:
(i) Sal is useful for railway sleepers. (ii) Teak is used for house construction and furniture.
(iii) Myrobalan provide material for tanning leather.

37. State the difference between alluvial soils found in the lower courses and the upper courses of
rivers. 2011
Ans Alluvial soil found in the lower courses of rivers is fine in texture, moist and rich in humus whereas
alluvial soil found in the upper courses is drier, porous and sandy as well as being coarser in texture.

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38. Name two important agents of erosion. For each, state one method of controlling the erosion
caused. 2011,2007
Ans Wind and running water are two important agents of erosion. Erosion by wind can be controlled by
planting a shelter belt of tress and shrubs perpendicular to the wind direction. Erosion by running
water can be controlled by terracing and contour ploughing.

39. Name the type of forests found in the Western part of the Western Ghats. Give two reasons why
these forests are so named. 2011
Ans Tropical evergreen forests are found in the Western part of the Western Ghats. These forests are
called evergreen because they do not have any particular season to shed leaves and thus, remain
green throughout the year. The second reason is that they grow in the tropical region of India and
thus, are named 'tropical'.

40. Mention three methods for the conservation and development of forests in India. 2011
Ans Three methods for the conservation and development of forests in India are as follows:
(i) Checking indiscriminate deforestation. (ii) Afforestation by planting trees.
(iii) Banning the practice of shifting cultivation by tribals and reafforestation.

41. Name the process by which laterite soil is formed. What climatic conditions are responsible for its
formation? 2010
Ans Refer to ans 33 on page no. 36 and 44 on page no. 38.

42. Give reasons for the following 2010

(i) Black soil is largely found in the Deccan trap region.
(ii) Khadar is more fertile than Bhangar.
(iii) Soil erosion by wind is common in arid regions.
Ans (i) The reason is that it is 'in-situ' and formed by the weathering of lava origin rocks spread over
large areas of the Deccan trap region.
(ii) It is because Khadar has fine particles of clay whereas Bhangar contains kankars or small rock
(iii) The arid regions receive no rainfall or very scanty rainfall and are also devoid of vegetation cover.
In the absence of vegetation, soil becomes loose and easy to move by high velocity winds.

43. What is conservation of soil ? Name any two farming techniques which help in soil
conservation. 2009
Ans Refer to ans 13 on page no. 41.

44. Explain the following terms 2009

(i) Transported soil (ii) In-situ (iii) Humus
Ans (i) When soil is carried from the place of its origin to another place by degrading agents, it is called
transported soil.
(ii) When the soil remains at the place of its origin after formation, then it is called in-situ.
(iii) The decomposed form of plant remains, animal manure and dead animals is called humus.

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45. Give a reason as to why 2008

(i) red soil is red in colour. (ii) large tracts in Maharashtra are covered with black soil.
(iii) man is largely responsible for soil erosion.
Ans (i) This soil is red in colour due to the presence of iron oxide.
(ii) Large tracts of Maharashtra come under the Deccan trap region which was formed by
weathering of volcanic lava origin rocks.
(iii) Deforestation for habitation, wrong method of farming and overgrazing by domesticated
animals make man responsible for soil erosion.

46. How alluvial soil is formed? Why is this soil agriculturally important? 2007
Ans Alluvial soil is formed by silt brought by rivers and it is also called transported soil. It is agriculturally
important due to the presence of high content of potash and humus which is good for the
cultivation of rice, wheat, sugarcane, cotton, oilseeds and jute.

47. Explain the need for soil conservation in India. State two methods of soil conservation. 2006
Ans Refer to ans 13 on page no. 41 and 22 (ii) on page no. 43. 2006

48. How is red soil formed? State two reasons for the low productivity of red soil. 2006
Ans Red soil is formed by weathering of old crystalline and metamorphic rocks. Reasons for its low
productivity are
(i) It is not moisture retentive. (ii) It is deficient various minerals and humus.

49. Differentiate between sheet erosion and gully erosion. 2005

Ans Differences between sheet erosion and gully erosion are as follows:

50. With reference to the red soils in India, answer the following 2000
(i) Name two states, where it is found.
(ii) State two advantages of the above named soil.
Ans (i) Refer to Ans 30 (i) on page no. 45.
(ii) Refer to Ans 30 (ii) on page no. 45.

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