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Simulation of The Capacitive Double Layer at The I

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Simulation of the Capacitive Double Layer at the

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2 authors:

Ryan M. Field Maysam Ghovanloo

Quanergy Systems Georgia Institute of Technology


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Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

Simulation of the Capacitive Double Layer at the Interface

between Microelectrodes and Cortical Tissue Using Comsol
Multiphysics and SPICE Modeling
Ryan M. Field and Maysam Ghovanloo*
NC-Bionics Laboratory, North Carolina State University
*Corresponding author: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Box 7914, Raleigh, NC 27695,

Abstract: The interface between electrode geometries. We have previously

microelectrodes and biological tissue is of great focused on the DC characteristics of such
interest to researchers working on extracellular devices [2]. However, there are important AC
stimulation. This interface is quite complex and behaviors that must be accounted for in order to
must be modeled carefully to match develop a model that accurately represents the
experimental results. In this paper, we outline a electrode-tissue interface and the stimulus
method used to model the complex double layer current spread through the tissue volume
capacitance at the interface between the conductor. One particular phenomenon that
electrodes and the cortex. This model relies on greatly impacts the overall efficacy of the
the combined power of SPICE, MATLAB, and electrode is the double layer capacitance that
Comsol Multiphysics. According to our forms at the boundary between the electrode and
simulations, we have found that the modeled the electrolyte due to the intracellular fluids of
efficacy of a microelectrode is decreased by 60.7 the cortical tissue. This double layer and its
percent when the double layer capacitance is characteristics will be discussed further in the
appropriately taken into consideration. The goal section 2. The notable feature of this capacitance
of this model is to provide a more accurate is that it depends on the frequency at which the
representation of current distributions in addition stimulus signal applied to the electrode operates.
to the potential distribution throughout a Our procedure accounts for this dependency by
homogeneous piece of cortical tissue. considering each of the Fourier harmonics
separately and ensuring that each harmonic is
Keywords: Microelectrode Arrays, Double scaled appropriately before being recombined to
Layer Capacitance, Fourier Analysis, reconstruct the resulting signal at any point
Stimulation of Tissue inside the 3-D tissue volume conductor. We will
discuss our model in more detail in sections 3
1. Introduction and 4. We will present our simulation results in
section 5 and conclude with a discussion in
The cerebral cortex is responsible for most of the section 6.
brain’s sensory and motor functions including
auditory and visual systems [1]. Cortical 2. Theoretical Background
stimulation offers great promise for rehabilitation
of such systems that have been damaged by The double layer capacitance formed at the
disease or through injury. There have been interface of a metallic electrode and an
significant advances in the fabrication of electrolyte, like intracellular fluid of the neural
microelectrodes using silicon micromachining tissue, is quite complex. However, it has
technology (MEMS) during the last two decades, previously been studied extensively by Robinson
but little detail is known about the interface [3], Merrill [4], and several others [12], [13].
between the electrodes and the neural tissue
when considered on the microscopic level. We 2.1 Charge Transfer Mechanisms
have developed simulation tools using Comsol
Multiphysics, SPICE, and MATLAB in order to The double layer capacitance arises from the
provide insight into the characteristics of a movement of charges and ions at the interface.
microstimulating array that is implanted into the This forms layers of charge by two mechanisms,
cortical tissue. The goal of our research is to Faradic transfer and non-Faradic transfer. In
improve the efficiency and efficacy of neural Faradic transfer, electrons are transferred across
stimulation by choosing optimal waveforms and the boundary resulting in oxidation or reduction
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

reactions in the electrolyte. This process is a

non-reversible reaction and undesirable for
biological purposes since the tissue is altered
during the reduction and oxidation processes and
the evolved gasses and change of pH can damage
the tissue as well as the electrode. The other
type of transfer is non-Faradic charge transfer.
Non-Faradic transfer is a reversible process and
is characterized by the motion of charges near (a)
the interface to form a charge separation region.
This region is the origin of the double layer

2.2 Frequency Dependence of Double Layer

Capacitance Figure 1 – (a) Randles equivalent circuit model for an
electrode-electrolyte interface. (b) The equivalent
Due to the nature of this capacitive layer and the Randles circuit for a large electrode resistance.
motion of charges when voltage is applied to the
electrode, it has been found experimentally that in [3] and [4]. In this paper we use a standard
the capacitance varies with frequency [3]. model that is commonly used to represent the
Empirically, Gesteland et al. have found that the complicated electrochemical equations
frequency dependence of this capacitance for describing the interfacial interactions, the
platinum electrodes in physiological saline varies Randles Equivalent Circuit. This equivalent
as 1 / ω [5]. Further, Guld experimentally circuit model consists of an electrode
measured the value of the double layer capacitance (the double layer capacitance, Cdl),
capacitance for platinum at 1 kHz to be 20 an electrode resistance (Rp), and a bulk tissue
μC/cm2 [6]. Using this information, it is possible resistance (Rb). It has been found through
to determine the capacitance of an electrode, experimentation that the electrode resistance is
given its surface area, assuming that the often very large. Since it is in parallel with the
frequency is maintained at 1 kHz. To invoke electrode capacitance, this resistance is often
biological responses, we would like to be able to neglected because its contributions to the overall
stimulate using pulses with frequencies ranging impedance are quite small [3]. Consequently,
from about 10 Hz to 10 kHz [3]. Thus, it is the Randles equivalent becomes a simple RC
necessary to scale the capacitance according to circuit that is easily modeled using SPICE or
Gesteland’s measurements. Thus, the value for even manually. It is important to keep in mind
the double layer capacitor becomes: that Cdl is not a simple, constant capacitor and
must be adjusted with changing frequency. This

(2 × 10 )( A)
−11 (1) simple RC circuit agrees with results from
McIntyre, et al., which show that the double
layer capacitance at the interface essentially acts
as a voltage divider. They have found a reduction
in the output voltages in their models by adding
Where A is given in μm2 and ω is the angular this interface capacitor [7]. The effect of the
frequency in rad/s. impedance on our model can therefore be
computed in the frequency domain as:
2.3 The Randles Equivalent Circuit Model
⎛ iωCR ⎞
⎜ ⎟
There has been a great effort to model the
⎜ ω ⎟
capacitance at the electrode-electrolyte interface 1000 ⎟ (2)
Vtissue = VS ⎜
using an equivalent electrical circuit composed ⎜ 1 + iωCR ⎟
of passive elements. These models are discussed ⎜⎜ ω ⎟⎟
⎝ 1000 ⎠
where C is computed according to (1).
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

using Comsol Multiphysics. We use the

2.4 Microelectrode Properties boundary integration post processing feature to
evaluate the current entering and leaving the
The type of microelectrode that we use in this electrodes for our geometry in order to compute
study are the planar silicon microelectrode arrays the DC resistance between the two sites of the
fabricated at the University of Michigan using array. This DC resistance value becomes the
micromachining (MEMS) technology [8], [9]. bulk resistance (Rb) as described in section 2.3.
We chose to examine this type of electrode We then programmed a simple circuit using
because they can be lithographically defined for PSPICE with this DC resistance and a constant
a wide range of specifications, which provides value for the capacitance at 100 Hz according to
the flexibility to easily modify the electrode the empirical data presented by Guld and
arrangements based on design criteria and Gesteland [5], [6]. This model uses a square
simulation results. wave as its source, but all of the harmonics are
not properly scaled since we have used a
The shanks on which the electrodes are placed constant value for the capacitance.
are formed with deep boron diffusion such that Consequently, we will program this circuit using
the carrier concentration is p++ in that region of MATLAB and verify the results using the SPICE
the substrate. Interconnects are formed by output for a constant capacitance value. Using
sputtering aluminum, platinum, iridium, or MATLAB will give us greater control over
polysilicon, sandwiched between silicon oxide which harmonics are utilized and will also make
and silicon nitride insulating layers. To create scripting for different frequencies and input
pads on which the stimulating sites will be waveforms easier.
formed, the insulating layer over the interconnect
layer is removed. Sometimes the pads are coated In the future, for more complicated models of the
with IrO2 to improve charge injection capacity. double layer capacitance, which, for example,
Wafer thinning followed by a selective etch are take into account the diffusion of ions in the
used to remove the lightly doped substrate, electrolyte, integration of SPICE into the model
leaving behind the highly doped, thin shanks. will be instrumental in solving for the output
Because the diffusion of boron into silicon waveform. Using our SPICE model in
creates weakly defined boundaries the etching MATLAB, we will obtain the voltage at the node
stage causes the shanks to have rounded edges between the resistor and capacitor as a function
such that the cross-section of a shank closely of time. We can then use this voltage with the
resembles a semi-ellipse. Following the etching FEA model created in Comsol Multiphysics to
process, the electrodes (in our case, Pt) are compute the potential at each point in the mesh
grown on the pads defined earlier in the process. and, subsequently, the current densities through
Since the electrode shanks are made of highly the tissue. Thus, we will have a model that
doped Si, it is necessary for the bulk area of the contains both the time and spatial dependence of
shank to be grounded. Because we must always the potential distribution produced by our
keep the shanks grounded, we will use bipolar microelectrode array.
stimulation with pulses of +/- 1V to stimulate the
tissue. In order to reduce the number of mesh
elements and degrees of freedom while
maintaining a high element density, we will
consider an array consisting of only a single
shank with two electrodes.

3. Methods

The approach we have adopted for modeling the Figure 2 - Electrode Shank Geometry.
interface aspects of our system includes the use
of three different software packages – SPICE,
MATLAB, and Comsol Multiphysics. The first
step is modeling the DC behavior of our system
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

Table 1 - Physical Specifications of the Michigan Each of these Fourier components is then scaled
Electrodes used in the FEA simulations. according to the impedance divider calculated in
(2). After computing each scaled Fourier
Shank Length 300 μm Component, we take the Inverse Fast Fourier
Shank Width 30 μm Transform to reconstruct a signal in the time
Shank Thickness 12 μm domain. The results of these computations are
Shank Upper Surface 9000 μm2 then imported into Comsol Multiphysics as the
Area (flat) boundary condition for the electrodes. We used
Shank Lower Surface ~12,800 μm2 Comsol Multiphysics 3.1 for our modeling. The
Area (cylindrical) model consists of 518,497 mesh elements and we
Shank Cross-Sectional ~283 μm2 solved for 606,420 degrees of freedom. We used
Area the built-in library for all of the platinum
Electrode Area ~361 μm2 characteristics and set the conductivity of the
bulk tissue equal to 0.8 S/m, a typical value for
cortical tissue [10]. The shank is 300 μm long
with a base defined by an ellipse with a major
axis of 30 μm and a minor axis of 24 μm. The
platinum electrodes are defined by cylinders with
a radius of 10 μm and a height of 1.5 μm. The
SiO2 layer is modeled as a perfect insulator.
Figure 2 shows the shank geometry and the
dimensions for the shank are summarized in
Table 1.

5. Results

(a) 5.1 Verification of MATLAB and PSPICE

The first step in creating our model was to verify

that our Fourier Analysis would yield the same
results that PSPICE produces with a constant
value for the capacitor. We were able to
successfully use MATLAB to reproduce the
results of PSPICE (Figure 3). Consequently, we
could use the scripting power of MATLAB to
perform our calculations rather than PSPICE
with confidence.

5.2 DC Comsol Model

Figure 3 - (a) Output from PSPICE for a constant We are using the Comsol DC Electromagnetics
capacitance with an applied square wave. (b) The module to find the resistance of the tissue
corresponding output generated using MATLAB between the two electrodes in our shank
plotted with the input waveform. Both waveforms are geometry (Figure 2) so that we can simulate the
cycling at 10 kHz. potentials at the boundary using MATLAB.
With the initial DC Comsol Model, we found
4. The Numerical Model that the current between the two electrodes in our
geometry was 22.5 μA when we applied a 2V
The bulk of our numerical analysis and signal change in potential, which corresponds to a
processing is done using the FFT and IFFT resistance of 88.89 kΩ. Now we are able to use
functions of MATLAB. We take 2 cycles of the this resistance in our impedance calculation in
input signal and compute the Fast Fourier MATLAB. After using MATLAB to calculate
Transform using 2000 Fourier Components. the appropriate waveform, we can apply that
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

voltage to the Comsol model, once again, and

find distribution of currents in the tissue.

5.3 MATLAB Modeling

A crucial component of the complete model is

the script used with MATLAB to generate and
evaluate each of the Fourier Components. We
used MATLAB to scale each of the frequency
components according to the changing
capacitance that varies with frequency according
to (1). A plot of the dependency of the double
layer capacitor on frequency is shown in figure
4. Using this strategy, we were able to obtain an
output waveform for a square wave input at 100 Figure 4 - Frequency dependence of the double layer
Hz, which corresponds to the potential at the capacitance based on [4] and [5] that is used in the
boundary between the electrode and bulk tissue MATLAB Simulations.
in our Comsol model – assuming that the double
layer is thin enough to ignore. This output
waveform is shown in figure 5. You can clearly
see how the waveform differs from the constant
capacitance output in figure 6. It should be
noted that in figure 6, the input square wave
frequency is 10 kHz, which is slightly beyond
the range of our model. The aim of this figure is
to clearly demonstrate the difference in the two
computed wave forms. Since the RC time
constant is so small, the impact of the new model
is more easily seen at higher frequencies where
the time constant is a more significant portion of
the period. We will now use the output
computed with MATLAB and apply it to our
Figure 5 - Output waveform for a square wave input
Comsol model so that we can visualize the
with a frequency of 100 Hz calculated using
potentials and current densities for our geometry, MATLAB with a dependent capacitance value.
using the post processing tools.

5.4 Comsol Modeling

The final component in our microelectrode array

model is created using Comsol Multiphysics.
We will use the same simulation parameters as
described in the Numerical Methods section
above. The output of the Comsol model is
shown below in figure 7. By examining the post
processing information, we have found that
stimulating cortical tissue with a square
waveform and a frequency dependent capacitor
results in the activation of 1.886164 × 10 m3

of the tissue. The volume of activation is the Figure 6 - Plot of the input signal (square wave at 10
region of tissue that has a sufficient electric field kHz) along with the constant capacitance and
to incite an action potential within a nerve cell. frequency dependent capacitance models. The
In this paper, we use an electric field of difference between the constant and frequency
dependent models is apparent from this figure.
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

Figure 7 - Final potential and current distributions in the tissue. The blue volumes show the region of tissue that is
activated [14] and the red lines show the current distributions in the volume.

3000 V/m as the threshold for activation [14]. 7. References

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Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2006 Boston

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8. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank the University

Honors Program and Undergraduate Research
Program for partial funding of this research.

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