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Dielectric Breakdown Model For Conductor-Loaded and Insulator-Loaded Composite Materials

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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 69, 016123 共2004兲

Dielectric breakdown model for conductor-loaded and insulator-loaded composite materials

P. Bergero,1 F. Peruani,2 G. Solovey,2 I. M. Irurzun,1,2 J. L. Vicente,1 and E. E. Mola1,*
INIFTA (CONICET, CICPBA,Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Sucursal 4, Casilla de Correo 16, (1900) La Plata, Argentina
Departamento de Fisica, ‘‘Juan José Giambiagi,’’ FCEyN, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
共Received 7 July 2003; revised manuscript received 9 October 2003; published 30 January 2004兲
In the present work we generalize the dielectric breakdown model to describe dielectric breakdown patterns
in both conductor-loaded and insulator-loaded composites. The present model is an extension of a previous one
关F. Peruani et al., Phys. Rev. E 67, 066121 共2003兲兴 presented by the authors to describe dielectric breakdown
patterns in conductor-loaded composites. Particles are distributed at random in a matrix with a variable con-
centration p. The generalized model assigns different probabilities P(i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) to breakdown channel for-
mation according to particle characteristics. Dielectric breakdown patterns are characterized by their fractal
dimension D and the parameters of the Weibull distribution. Studies are carried out as a function of the fraction
of inhomogeneities, p.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.016123 PACS number共s兲: 05.70.Ln, 61.41.⫹e, 81.05.Qk, 02.50.⫺r

I. INTRODUCTION duction the DBM has been broadly studied to describe ex-
perimental results 关7–13兴, though the physical origin of such
The dielectric breakdown phenomenon in solid materials stochastic fluctuations is beyond the DBM and cannot be
has been widely studied both theoretically and experimen- explained by it 关14兴.
tally due to its importance in the electrical industry. The The present paper addresses the problem of dielectric
design of insulators bearing high electric strength is highly breakdown in composite materials. While breakdown phe-
desirable, and in the past years composite materials such as nomena in conductor-loaded dielectric have been studied in
resin matrix filled by fibers or strong particles have been recent years from the standpoint of percolation theory
widely used with such purpose in many industrial applica- 关15,16兴, insulator-loaded dielectric materials have received
tions 关1– 4兴. For example, high density polyethylene is one of much less attention. Theoretical efforts have concentrated on
the most widely used materials for the production of insula- lattice models in an attempt to see whether the basic physical
tors, and composites containing carbon black and titanium mechanism of breakdown can be identified in these materi-
dioxide have recently been tested experimentally 关5兴 to de- als. Some efforts have focused on the breakdown of fuse
termine the influence of such particles on the dielectric prop- networks, while others have concentrated on dielectric break-
erties of the material. It has been shown that dielectric break- down in networks.
down still produces branching structures, such as those in
Our interest, however, is mainly focused on the study of
homogeneous materials but with an extension of damage and
fractal dielectric trees. Considering that percolation condi-
a distribution of breakdown times dependent on the concen-
tions impose a limit to the breakdown processes we are in-
tration and electrical characteristics of the filler. We note that
while both a low failure probability and a small damage are terested in the study of the breakdown phenomenon below
desirable, our results suggest that this goal is not always that limit, i.e., how the concentration of particles in the com-
attainable. posite material modifies the characteristics of the dielectric
From the theoretical point of view, dielectric breakdown trees. In a previous paper 关17,18兴 we applied the DBM to
in homogeneous materials has been described as a stochastic describe dielectric breakdown patterns in conductor-loaded
process producing fractal structures that are called electrical composites and in this work we generalize the DBM to de-
trees. The most widely used model is the dielectric break- scribe dielectric breakdown patterns in insulator-loaded com-
down model 共DBM兲, first introduced by Niemeyer, Pietron- posites. Insulating particles are distributed at random in the
ero, and Wiesmann 关6兴, which assumes that the dielectric is resin matrix, and the dielectric breakdown propagates ac-
homogeneous, i.e., the electrical tree propagates in a dielec- cording to new rules to take into account electrical properties
tric medium without inhomogeneities. The main feature in and particle sizes. In this way we extend the DBM to take
the DBM is the dependence of the breakdown probability on into account material inhomogeneities from the point of view
the local electric field in the material, a fact that attempts to of electrical properties.
consider the basic mechanism underlying breakdown in real The extension of the DBM model presented in this paper
materials. Stochastic fluctuations produce breakdown chan- also allows us to describe dielectric breakdown patterns by
nels that damage the material increasing the local electric means of their fractal dimension and their Weibull distribu-
field and eventually producing new channels. Since its intro- tion parameters 关19兴.
In Sec. II we present a description of the DBM, and in
Sec. III the model generalization is introduced and a brief
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Mailing description of the model for conductor-loaded composites is
address: Casilla de Correo 314, 共1900兲 La Plata, Argentina. FAX: also included for comparison. Results are presented in Sec.
0054 221 4254642. Email address: IV, and our conclusions are summarized in Sec. V.

1063-651X/2004/69共1兲/016123共6兲/$22.50 69 016123-1 ©2004 The American Physical Society

BERGERO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 69, 016123 共2004兲

II. THE DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN MODEL R 共 t 兲 ⫽1⫺exp关 ⫺ 共 t/ ␣ 兲 ␤ 兴 , 共3兲

In the DBM 关6兴 the dielectric is represented by a rectan-
where ␣ is the characteristic propagation time, i.e., if we
gular lattice where each site corresponds to a point in the
denote the gamma function ⌫, the mean time to failure ␮ is
dielectric. Microscopic examination of electrical tree growth
␮ ⫽ ␣ ⌫(1⫹1/␤ ). ␣ can be considered to show the degree of
shows that branch extension occurs in increments typically
branching of the tree. ␤ is a shape parameter, for instance,
of 5 – 10 ␮ m, while the interelectrode gap is 1 – 2 mm
when ␤ ⫽1 we have the exponential distribution, when ␤
关20,21兴. This implies that a gap of 100 lattice units will rep-
⫽3.602 we have a distribution close to a normal one, and
resent the experimental situation adequately, and accordingly
when ␤ is less 共greater兲 than 3.602 the distribution has a long
100⫻100 lattices were employed in this work 共the separation
right 共left兲 tail. Also, by calling the variance of the propaga-
between nodes then represents a distance of about 10 ␮ m).
tion time to failure ␴ 2 , then ␴ / ␮ is a function of ␤ only.
The DBM assumes that the tree grows stepwise, starting in
an electrode with electric potential ␾ ⫽0 and ending in the
counterelectrode where ␾ ⫽1. The discharge structure has III. THE COMBINED MODEL
zero internal resistance, i.e., at each point of the structure the In a previous paper 关17兴 we extended the DBM to con-
electric potential is ␾ ⫽0. The tree channel growth is gov- sider dielectric breakdown in conductor-loaded composite
erned stochastically by the electric field. The probability P of materials. We represented these materials by a matrix with a
a tree channel growth at each site of the electrical tree neigh- variable concentration p of randomly distributed conducting
borhood is chosen to be proportional to a power ␩ of the inhomogeneities. Inhomogeneity characteristics were intro-
electric field E at such site ( P⬀E ␩ ). The electric field E can duced assigning different probabilities P(i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) to
be written from ␾ , and therefore breakdown channel formation. The model was then simpli-
fied and a numerical study comparing both was performed.
共 ␾ i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ␩ We refer the reader to Ref. 关17兴 for details about the model.
P 共 i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ⫽ . 共1兲
Here, we consider a variation of the simplified model to also
兺 共 ␾ i ⬘,k ⬘ 兲 ␩
take into account dielectric breakdown in insulator-loaded
composite materials. To compare it with our present results,
The sum in the denominator refers to all of the possible in Sec. III A we briefly describe our previous simplified com-
growth sites (i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) adjacent to the electrical tree. bined model with conducting particles 共SCMC兲. Then, in
The electric field distribution is obtained by solving the Sec. III B, the simplified combined model with insulating
Laplace equation considering that the tree structure has the particles 共SCMI兲 is presented.
electric potential of the electrode ( ␾ ⫽0).
Breakdown patterns generated by this model have a frac- A. Conducting particles „SCMC…
tal structure that has broadly been dealt with in the literature
In the DBM the probability P(i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) of the break-
关7–13兴. The fractal structure of the trees is highly dependent
down channel growth between two nodes is chosen to be
on the value of the exponent ␩ and can be characterized by
proportional to a power ␩ of the electric field, according to
their fractal dimension D and the probability of dielectric
Eq. 共1兲.
failure, R(t).
In our simplified model, SCMC, P(i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) is modi-
The fractal dimension is defined from the correlation
fied according to the following rules 关17,18兴
function C(r), which is the quotient of the average number
If (i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) is a site of the polymeric matrix,
of lattice sites that belong to the tree, divided by the total
number of lattice points that can be found within a circle of P 共 i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ⬀ 共 ␾ i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ␩ , 共4兲
radius r. The average is performed over the set of circles of
radius r centered on every point of the electrical tree. The as in the DBM 关see Eq. 共1兲兴 but we assume the simultaneous
scaling behavior of C(r) with r is given by the following and instantaneous incorporation of conducting particles
equation: when they are reached by the electrical tree. Then these in-
corporations are not counted in the propagation time t, mea-
C 共 r 兲 ⫽C O r D⫺2 , 共2兲 sured as the number of channels incorporated into the tree.
Thus, if in a step of the tree growth, sites (i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) exist adja-
where D is the fractal dimension. For practical purposes, D cent to the structure and occupied by conducting particles,
can be considered measuring the extension of damage pro- they are incorporated simultaneously and instantaneously
duced in the material, at high values of D the damage is into the electrical tree.
larger. The SCMC describes the dielectric breakdown phenom-
The propagation time t is measured as the number of enon in conducting-loaded materials 共such as carbon black-
channels incorporated into the tree 共the incorporation of a filled polymers兲, by considering particles with a diameter just
new channel represents a unit of time兲. slightly less than the length of the dielectric breakdown
The cumulative probability of failure, R(t), of a family of channel 共10 ␮m兲 关18兴 in reasonable agreement with the ex-
trees generated by computer simulations satisfies a two- perimental results. In such case, the assumption of simulta-
parameter Weibull distribution 关11,12,19兴, such as those ob- neous and instantaneous incorporation of conducting par-
served in experimental studies, given by ticles to the tree becomes reasonable, since the potential


gradient between either two neighboring conducting particles

or a tree node and a neighboring conducting particle is very

B. Insulating particles „SCMI…

In this case, we assume that the presence of an insulating
particle in a given site prevents the breakdown of the mate-
rial at that site, i.e., we assume that the filler permittivity ␧ f
is much greater than polymer permittivity ␧ p . Then, we
again modified the probability P(i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ), according to
the following rules
If (i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) is a site of the polymeric matrix,

P 共 i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ⬀ 共 ␾ i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ␩ , 共5a兲

as in the DBM 关see Eq. 共1兲兴, but if (i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ) is occupied by an

insulating particle, then

P 共 i,k→i ⬘ ,k ⬘ 兲 ⫽0. 共5b兲

According to Eq. 共5兲, sites (i ⬘ ,k ⬘ ), which are occupied by an

insulating particle, are not incorporated into the electrical
The SCMI attempts to describe the experimentally ob-
served effect of the inclusion of high-permittivity particles in
polymer matrices. Such particles increase the resistance of
the materials excluding the electric breakdown path from
them, a property that is well represented by the SCMI. The
SCMI also assumes a diameter particle slightly less than the
dielectric breakdown channel.


The SCMI was numerically explored simulating electrical

trees and characterizing them by the fractal dimension D and
the ␣ and ␤ parameters of the Weibull distribution 关see Eq.
共3兲兴. Their dependencies on both the concentration of par-
ticles p and the exponent ␩ were studied. Trees were simu- FIG. 1. Electrical trees grown in composite materials with an
lated on 100⫻100 lattices and sets of 100 trees were gener- increasing fraction p of insulating particles. 共a兲 p⫽0 is an electrical
tree such as those simulated in Refs. 关10兴, 共b兲 p⫽0.20 (p⬍p * ), 共c兲
ated for each value of p and ␩ .
p⫽0.42 (p⫽p * ). A tree that does not reach the counterelectrode is
Figure 1 shows three electrical trees generated with dif-
ferent values of p. When the filler fraction p is sufficiently
high, electrical trees cannot propagate across the matrix, i.e., mension D on p and ␩ for both models, the SCMI and the
they never reach the counterelectrode. Therefore, a critical SCMC.
concentration exists, p * , beyond which dielectric breakdown
does not occur. From our simulations p * ⫽0.42⫾0.03 for
100⫻100 lattices. This value of p* can also be derived from
percolation concepts. Considering a percolation problem in The DBM produces fractal electrical trees that can be well
which the clusters are defined as the set of particles being compared with those obtained in experiments. Our purpose
both first and second nearest neighbors, a critical value here was to study the effect of the concentration of filler in
⬃0.42 is obtained, instead of the value 0.59 that is obtained composite materials on the fractal characteristics of the trees.
considering only first nearest neighbors. Physically, the phe- The DBM was then modified assigning different probabili-
nomenon occurs when all possible growth sites for the tree ties to the breakdown channel formation. Two cases were
are occupied with insulating particles. considered: conducting and insulating particles in compari-
Below p * , the cumulative probability of failure follows a son with the matrix, leading to the SCMC and the SCMI,
Weibull distribution with ␣ and ␤ parameters depending on respectively. Insulating particles are distributed at random
p and ␩ . Figure 2 shows both behaviors. In Fig. 3 we quoted and have the effect of excluding the electric breakdown path
the behavior for the SCMC for comparison. from them, a behavior that can be well described by the
Finally, in Fig. 4 we show the dependence of fractal di- SCMI .

BERGERO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 69, 016123 共2004兲

FIG. 4. Dependence of the fractal dimension D on the fraction

of particles p and ␩ calculated from a set of 100 electrical trees by
employing the SCMI 共a兲 and the SCMC 共b兲.

FIG. 2. Dependence of Weibull distribution parameters 共a兲 the

characteristic time ␣ and 共b兲 the shape factor ␤ , on the fraction of
insulating particles, p and ␩ , calculated from a set of 100 electrical
trees by employing the SCMI.

FIG. 3. Dependence of Weibull distribution parameters 共a兲 the characteristic time ␣ and 共b兲 the shape factor ␤ , on the fraction of
conducting particles, p and ␩ , calculated from a set of 100 electrical trees by employing the SCMC.


A numerical study comparing both the SCMC and the ( ␤ ⬃1). In the SCMI this behavior indicates a large propor-
SCMI was performed. Electrical trees are characterized by tion of breakdowns at short times. It is important to note that
their fractal dimension D and the ␣ and ␤ parameters of the although the inclusion of insulator filler in the composite
Weibull distribution. Their dependencies on both the concen- increases the average failure time and ␣ 共which is a desirable
tration of particles p and the exponent ␩ were studied. property兲, it also produces a strong reduction of ␤ and a
In the SCMI a critical concentration exists (p * ⫽0.42 broad distribution of failure time that in practical applica-
⫾0.03) beyond which dielectric breakdown does not occur. tions means a loss in the reliability of the material.
This phenomenon happens when all possible growth sites for In the SCMC the reduction of ␤ is accompanied by a
the tree are occupied with insulator particles. Below p * the reduction of ␣ and is a consequence of the instantaneous
propagation time distribution follows a Weibull distribution incorporation of the conducting particles to the tree.
with ␣ and ␤ parameters depending on p and ␩ . Also, the For practical purposes the extension of damage also has
fractal dimension of electrical trees, D, depends on p and ␩ , an economic impact, and in this sense, the variation of D
below p * . Qualitatively, similar behaviors of ␣ , ␤ , and D as must also be considered.
a function of p are obtained for all values of ␩ , except ␩ Finally, it is interesting to note that in the SCMC and due
⫽1. to the presence of conducting particles, electrical damage
The fractal dimension D behaves monotonically with p must be distinguished from mechanical damage. For ex-
共see Fig. 4兲 when ␩ ⬎1. Whereas for ␩ ⫽1, D presents a ample, the reduction of ␣ with the increase of p indicates
minimum. Electrical trees simulated with ␩ ⫽1 are charac- that the material rapidly becomes a conductor but in fact, it
terized by a higher degree of branching compared with those also shows that the number of breakdown channels is very
simulated with greater values of ␩ . Insulating particles basi- small. Since the conducting particles are incorporated instan-
cally act as obstacles inhibiting possible paths for branching, taneously to the tree, they are not included in the calculation
and therefore D decreases in the interval 0⭐ p⬍0.35. While of the propagation time; note, however, that D measures the
the branching capacity of trees with ␩ ⫽1 is enough to find a extension of the structure including conducting particles.
path to reach the counterelectrode, D will decrease only ac- Since the direction of the electrical tree propagation is
counting for the reduction of growing paths. In the interval known, such property can be useful to detect small mechani-
0.35⭐ p⬍p * the reduction in the number of breakdown cal failures in the material.
channels is so strong that the electrical trees have to increase The model presented in this paper mimics quite well fill-
their degree of branching to reach the counterelectrode and D ers with very high permittivity and mechanical strength, a
increases. Accordingly, ␣ also exhibits a nonmonotonic be- combination that makes it extremely difficult for them to be
havior for ␩ ⫽1 diminishing even below its value for p penetrated by an electrical tree. Treeing breakdowns there-
⫽0. fore avoid the fillers whenever possible, even to the extent of
On the other hand, insulating particles in electrical trees adopting extremely low field tortuous paths. Calculations
simulated with ␩ ⬎1 have the effect of increasing the degree show that for materials whose dielectric breakdown is de-
of branching in the whole interval 0⭐p⭐ p * , because di- scribed by ␩ values greater than one, the onset of tortuosity
electric trees themselves have a low capacity for branching. defines the smallest p value (⬇0.30) for effective breakdown
Breakdown structures now must explore more alternative inhibition. This can be followed by looking either at the de-
paths as p is increased and, consequently, ␣ increases with p pendence of ␩ 共Fig. 4兲 on p or at the dependence of ␣ 共Fig.
for ␩ ⬎1. 2兲 on p.
As p approaches p * (p→p*) the values of ␣ seem to In practical insulation systems the quality of the polymer-
merge together for ␩ ⬎1. ␣ roughly represents the branching insulation interface will clearly assume a major importance.
degree of the trees, which diminishes as ␩ increases. One Poor binding or contributory mechanical stresses will cause
could speculate then about the existence of a common value the interface to fail rapidly and hence facilitate the path of
for ␣ in p⫽p* 共and for ␩ Ⰷ1) because the number of pos- the breakdown around the filler particle thereby reducing its
sible growing paths for the tree decrease strongly. effectiveness.
The main difference in the breakdown process between a
polymer matrix with conducting or insulating filler is in the
behavior of the characteristic propagation time ␣ . While in
the SCMC a reduction in ␣ is observed when the fraction of This research project was financially supported by the
conducting particles, p, is increased 关Fig. 3共a兲兴, in the SCMI Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas,
␣ increases 共for ␩ ⬎1) with the fraction of insulating par- the Comisión de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas de la Provincia
ticles, p 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. de Buenos Aires, and by the Universidades Nacionales de La
The dependence of ␤ which is the shape parameter of the Plata 共UNLP兲 and Buenos Aires 共UBA兲. E.E.M. acknowl-
Weibull distribution, on p and ␩ is qualitatively similar for edges the useful discussions held with Professor L. A. Dis-
both the SCMI and the SCMC. As p increases, the distribu- sado, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, during his
tion becomes broad approaching an exponential distribution visits at that University.

BERGERO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 69, 016123 共2004兲

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